Radiological imaging is now accessible to a wide range of healthcare workers, many of whom are increasingly taking on extended roles. This book will equip all healthcare professionals, including medical students, chest physicians, radiographers and radiologists, with the techniques and knowledge required to interpret plain chest radiographs.
It is not an exhaustive text, but concentrates on interpretive skills and pattern recognition – these help the reader to understand the pitfalls and spot the clues that will allow them to correctly interpret the chest X-rays they will encounter in their daily practice.
The book features
over 300 high quality images, along with a range of case story images designed to enable readers to test and develop their interpretation skills.
Interpreting Chest X-Rays is a handy ready reference that will help you to avoid making errors interpreting chest X-rays and decide, for example:
- if a temporary pacing wire has been inserted correctly
- whether the shadows you can see are real abnormalities
- if all chest tubes and lines are located appropriately in an ITU patient
- what further imaging may assist interpretation of an apparent abnormality
- whether a post-surgical chest is significantly abnormal
- what organism might be causing an infection
- why a patient is short of breath
- whether patient positioning accounts for an abnormal appearance on a chest X-ray
- what impact radiographic technique has had on the appearance of pathology
From reviews:
'Interpreting Chest X-Rays is highly recommended for anyone wishing to acquire a basic yet relatively comprehensive approach to the chest radiograph. The book is affordable, and is particularly suited for trainees, including pulmonary medicine fellows, medical students on a radiology rotation, physicians' assistant students or nursing students on a critical care or pulmonary rotation, and first-year radiology residents on a thoracic radiology rotation. Dr. Stephen Ellis makes the difficult seem easy, with his instructive teaching style and helpful approach to the surprisingly difficult topic of chest radiography interpretation.'
Clinical Pulmonary Medicine, November 2010
'Interpreting Chest X-Rays is an excellent, simple book...[it] is reasonably priced and would be recommended to all healthcare professionals who are involved with the interpretation of plain chest radiographs.'
RAD Magazine, December 2010
'Interpreting Chest X-Rays was a delight to read and review. It is a concise text that covers the basics of chest radiography. This book would be perfect for the medical student, allied health care worker, or general physician.'
American Journal of Roentgenology, May 2011