Oxford University Press International Law
The most student-focused approach, providing ideal coverage for short, foundational courses at European law schools. International Law presents a student-focused approach to the subject; clearly written with non-native English-speaking students in mind, a range of learning features highlight the areas of debate and encourage students to engage critically with key disputes. US BLProvides comprehensive and concise coverage of the central issues in public international law, making this an ideal textbook for students taking short, introductory courses at European law schoolsBEUE US BLTakes a critical perspective on various aspects of international law, introducing the controversies and areas of debate without assuming students' prior knowledge of the topics discussedBEUE US BLSupportive learning features, including central issues boxes, chapter summaries, recommended reading, and discussion questions highlight the essential points and encourage students to engage critically with the legal disputesBEUE New to this edition: US BLDiscussion of current events related to international law, such as Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the on-going armed conflict in Ukraine, as well as issues related to the increased tensions surrounding Taiwan, the economic fall-out in Sri Lanka and the IAEA's assistance mission to the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant in UkraineBEUE US BLNew case law from the International Court of Justice, including the Courts' judgment on reparations in the Armed Activities case and its initial proceedings in Ukraine's case against Russia, as well as new cases from the European Court of Human Rights and the International Criminal CourtBEUE US BLCoverage relating to the recent developments in international climate law, including the efforts of small island states in this area and the application of human rights law to climate change litigationBEUE US BLIncludes new introduction to feminist and Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) criticisms of the current legal systemBEUE Digital formats and resources The fourth edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. US BLThe e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features and links that offer extra learning support: Includes online resources including: US BLShort author podcasts introducing the core topicsBEUE US BLAdvice on answering the Questions for Discussion at the end of each chapterBEUE US BLLinks to other international law resourcesBEUE
Cambridge University Press International Law
Written by one of the world's leading international lawyers, this is the new and updated edition of Jan Klabbers' landmark textbook. International law can be defined as 'the rules governing the legal relationship between nations and states', but in reality it is much more complex, with political, diplomatic and socio-economic factors shaping the law and its application. This refreshingly clear, concise textbook encourages students to view international law as a dynamic system of organising the world. Bringing international law back to its first principles, the book is organised around four questions: Where does it come from? To whom does it apply? How does it resolve conflict? And what does it say? Building on these questions with both academic rigour and clarity of expression, Professor Klabbers breathes life and energy into the subject. Footnotes point students to the wider academic debate while chapter introductions and final remarks reinforce learning. This third edition includes references to new case-law and literature, and features brief discussions on recent topics of general interest, including Brexit and the worldwide outbreak of the Coronavirus.
Oxford University Press International Law
International Law presents a comprehensive yet student-focused approach to the subject, providing a contemporary and stimulating account of international law. With critical coverage delivered through a wide range of learning features, students are encouraged to engage with legal debates and controversies. Digital formats and resources The second edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. · The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features and links that offer extra learning support: There is also a wide range of online resources that support the book, including: · Author tutorial videos for each chapter · Discussion questions · Critical thinking frameworks · A glossary of international law terms · A history of international law timeline
Harvard University Press A Theory of Justice: Revised Edition
Since it appeared in 1971, John Rawls's A Theory of Justice has become a classic. The author has now revised the original edition to clear up a number of difficulties he and others have found in the original book.Rawls aims to express an essential part of the common core of the democratic tradition--justice as fairness--and to provide an alternative to utilitarianism, which had dominated the Anglo-Saxon tradition of political thought since the nineteenth century. Rawls substitutes the ideal of the social contract as a more satisfactory account of the basic rights and liberties of citizens as free and equal persons. "Each person," writes Rawls, "possesses an inviolability founded on justice that even the welfare of society as a whole cannot override." Advancing the ideas of Rousseau, Kant, Emerson, and Lincoln, Rawls's theory is as powerful today as it was when first published.
Princeton University Press The Code of Capital
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Cases, Materials and Text on Judicial Review of Administrative Action
This casebook studies the law governing judicial review of administrative action. It examines the foundations and the organisation of judicial review, the types of administrative action, and corresponding kinds of review and access to court. Significant attention is also devoted to the conduct of the court proceedings, the grounds for review, and the standard of review and the remedies available in judicial review cases. The relevant rules and case law of Germany, England and Wales, France and the Netherlands are analysed and compared. The similarities and differences between the legal systems are highlighted. The impact of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights is considered, as well as the influence of EU legislative initiatives and the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, in the legal systems examined. Furthermore, the system of judicial review of administrative action before the European courts is studied and compared to that of the national legal systems. During the last decade, the growing influence of EU law on national procedural law has been increasingly recognised. However, the way in which national systems of judicial review address the requirements imposed by EU law differs substantially. The casebook compares the primary sources (legislation, case law etc) of the legal systems covered, and explores their differences and similarities: this examination reveals to what extent a ius commune of judicial review of administrative action is developing.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Regulating the Synthetic Society
Experts predict that in 5 years' time, more than 90% of all digital content will be wholly or partially AI generated. In a synthetic society, it may no longer be possible to establish what is real and what is not. Central to this open access book are 4 technologies on the frontline of this trend: humanoid robots, deepfakes, augmented reality, and virtual reality. Although they are only in their relative infancy, these technologies can already produce content that is indistinguishable from authentic material. The impact of this new reality on democracy, the judicial system, the functioning of the press, as well as on personal relationships will be unprecedented. Van der Sloot describes the technological fundaments of each of those technologies and maps their positive uses for educational purposes as well as for the treatment of patients, for the entertainment and creative industries, and the retail and financial sectors. The book also conceptualises their negative uses for frau
Harvard University Press How Judges Think
A distinguished and experienced appellate court judge, Richard A. Posner offers in this new book a unique and, to orthodox legal thinkers, a startling perspective on how judges and justices decide cases. When conventional legal materials enable judges to ascertain the true facts of a case and apply clear pre-existing legal rules to them, Posner argues, they do so straightforwardly; that is the domain of legalist reasoning. However, in non-routine cases, the conventional materials run out and judges are on their own, navigating uncharted seas with equipment consisting of experience, emotions, and often unconscious beliefs. In doing so, they take on a legislative role, though one that is confined by internal and external constraints, such as professional ethics, opinions of respected colleagues, and limitations imposed by other branches of government on freewheeling judicial discretion. Occasional legislators, judges are motivated by political considerations in a broad and sometimes a narrow sense of that term. In that open area, most American judges are legal pragmatists. Legal pragmatism is forward-looking and policy-based. It focuses on the consequences of a decision in both the short and the long term, rather than on its antecedent logic. Legal pragmatism so understood is really just a form of ordinary practical reasoning, rather than some special kind of legal reasoning. Supreme Court justices are uniquely free from the constraints on ordinary judges and uniquely tempted to engage in legislative forms of adjudication. More than any other court, the Supreme Court is best understood as a political court.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to International Intellectual Property
A lucid and accessible explanation of international intellectual property law. The authors do not shrink from the complexities and nuances of the field but manage commendably to present them as a part of a coherent system.'- Graeme B. Dinwoodie, University of Oxford, UK'Written by two of the foremost scholars in trade and intellectual property, this book offers a clear and comprehensive overview of the institutions, actors, texts, concepts, norms and issues encountered in the intellectual property arena. It is hard to imagine a better introduction to the international regime. Indeed, it is a 'must-have' for anyone entering the field from the academy, practice, government, arbitration or adjudication.'- Rochelle Dreyfuss, New York University, School of Law, US'International norms constitute an essential framework at global, regional and domestic level for any development of this increasingly important but also complex area of law which is intellectual property. This advanced introduction to international property authored by Professor Frankel and Professor Gervais, two leading scholars in this field, is therefore particularly timely, as it presents in a condensed but complete and easy accessible way all the relevant institutions and actors, the major instruments, the key concepts, the current norms and the most important challenges to be addressed by the international intellectual property system. A must have in any good IP library!'- Christophe Geiger, University of Strasbourg, France'This concise manual offers an ideal overview of international intellectual property. It will serve as a valuable Introduction for readers unfamiliar with intellectual property law, or with certain of its branches. But even readers already versed in some or all IP areas will also find illuminating insights throughout each chapter. Moreover, in addition to the principal traditional intellectual property sectors, the book addresses topics that have more recently commanded the attention of scholars and policy makers, particularly private international law and the relationship of IP and traditional knowledge.'- Jane C. Ginsburg, Columbia University, School of Law, USElgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by the world s leading scholars.This authoritative introduction provides a detailed overview of the complexities of the international intellectual property regime and the ways in which it operates. The authors cover the key international institutions and agreements that regulate and inform intellectual property at an international level such as the TRIPS Agreement, WIPO, WTO, the Paris Convention and the Berne Convention. The book serves as a platform to understand and contextualize policy discussions on topics such as public health, Internet regulation, as well as regional and bilateral trade treaties.Key features include:- Accessible and carefully summarized overview of the field- Comprehensive and up-to-date review of all major international intellectual property institutions and instruments- Introduces current issues within international IP negotiations- Provides tools to analyze the history and possible future development of international IP norms.Students, researchers, policy makers and practitioners of intellectual property will find this book to be an invaluable resource in gaining an understanding of the international rules and context in which both domestic and international IP policy issues should be understood.
Avizandum Publishing Ltd Pronounced for Doom: Early Scots Law Tales
Oxford University Press European Union Law
A comprehensive and critical textbook, Schütze's European Union Law uses a distinctive three-part structure to examine the constitutional foundations, legal powers, and substantive law of the European Union. Written in a uniquely engaging style, and full of illuminating analyses, this book provides a thorough and modern guide to the study of the European law. Visual and pedagogical support is offered by the book's numerous diagrams and tables that clarify key concepts and processes, and a practical appendix helps students to find and read primary and secondary legal sources. This third edition includes an updated dedicated chapter on the past, present, and future of Brexit. Digital formats and resources The third edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats. The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features, and links that offer extra learning support:
Penguin Books Ltd The Rule of Law
'A gem of a book ... Inspiring and timely. Everyone should read it' Independent'The Rule of Law' is a phrase much used but little examined. The idea of the rule of law as the foundation of modern states and civilisations has recently become even more talismanic than that of democracy, but what does it actually consist of? In this brilliant short book, Britain's former senior law lord, and one of the world's most acute legal minds, examines what the idea actually means. He makes clear that the rule of law is not an arid legal doctrine but is the foundation of a fair and just society, is a guarantee of responsible government, is an important contribution to economic growth and offers the best means yet devised for securing peace and co-operation. He briefly examines the historical origins of the rule, and then advances eight conditions which capture its essence as understood in western democracies today. He also discusses the strains imposed on the rule of law by the threat and experience of international terrorism. The book will be influential in many different fields and should become a key text for anyone interested in politics, society and the state of our world.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The International Law of the Sea
Praise for the previous edition: “A complete overview of the subject which does not intimidate the reader but rather spurns interest and understanding in the subject.” European Energy and Environmental Law Review “…(the book is) scholarly yet accessible and very readable; thoroughly recommended.” Law Institute Journal Description The law of the sea provides for the regulation, management and governance of the ocean spaces that cover over two-thirds of the Earth’s surface. This book provides a comprehensive assessment of the foundational principles of the law of the sea, a critical overview of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and an analysis of subsequent developments including many bilateral, regional, and global agreements that supplement the Convention. The third edition of this acclaimed text has been thoroughly revised and updated, and now incorporates a dedicated chapter on natural and artificial islands. All of the main areas of the law of the sea are addressed including the foundations and sources of the law, the nature and extent of the maritime zones, the delimitation of overlapping maritime boundaries, the place of archipelagic and other special states in the law of the sea, navigational rights and freedoms, military activities at sea, marine scientific research, and marine resource and conservation issues such as fisheries, marine environmental protection and dispute settlement. The book also takes stock of contemporary oceans governance issues not adequately addressed by the Convention. Overarching challenges facing the law of the sea are considered, including how new maritime security initiatives can be reconciled with traditional navigational rights and freedoms, the need for stronger legal and policy responses to protect the global ocean environment from climate change and ocean acidification, and work on a new agreement for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction.
Orion Publishing Co Dark Sacred Night: A Ballard and Bosch Thriller
A MURDER HE CAN'T FORGET.A CASE ONLY SHE CAN SOLVE.'OUTSTANDING' IAN RANKINAmazon Best 100 Books of The YearBarnes & Noble Best Books of The YearTop Ten Best Thrillers of the Year - Washington Post* * * * *Daisy Clayton's killer was never caught. In over ten years, there has been no breakthrough in her murder case.Detective Renée Ballard has faced everything the LAPD's notorious dusk-till-dawn graveyard shift has thrown at her. But, until tonight, she'd never met Harry Bosch - an ex-homicide detective consumed by this case.Soon, she too will become obsessed by the murder of Daisy Clayton.Because Ballard and Bosch both know: every murder tells a story. And Daisy's case file reads like the first chapter in an untold tragedy that is still being written - one that could end with Ballard herself, if she cannot bring the truth to light...* * * * *CRIME DOESN'T GET BETTER THAN CONNELLY.'One of the world's greatest crime writers' Daily Mail'Crime thriller writing of the highest order' Guardian'A terrific writer with pace, style and humanity to spare' The Times'America's greatest living crime writer' Daily Express'The pre-eminent detective novelist of his generation' Ian Rankin'A master' Stephen King'A genius' Independent on Sunday'A superb natural storyteller' Lee Child'One of the great storytellers of crime fiction' Sunday Telegraph'Justly regarded as one of the world's finest crime writers' Mail On Sunday'No one writes a better modern thriller than Connelly' Evening Standard
Yale University Press Not One Inch: America, Russia, and the Making of Post-Cold War Stalemate
A leading expert on foreign policy reveals how tensions between America, NATO, and Russia transformed geopolitics ● A Foreign Affairs Best Book of 2021 and winner of the Pushkin House Book Prize “Sarotte has the receipts, as it were: her authoritative tale draws on thousands of memos, letters, briefs, and other once secret documents—including many that have never been published before—which both fill in and complicate settled narratives on both sides.”—Joshua Yaffa, New Yorker “The most engaging and carefully documented account of this period in East-West diplomacy currently available.”—Andrew Moravcsik, Foreign Affairs Not one inch. With these words, Secretary of State James Baker proposed a hypothetical bargain to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev after the fall of the Berlin Wall: if you let your part of Germany go, we will move NATO not one inch eastward. Controversy erupted almost immediately over this 1990 exchange—but more important was the decade to come, when the words took on new meaning. Gorbachev let his Germany go, but Washington rethought the bargain, not least after the Soviet Union’s own collapse in December 1991. Washington realized it could not just win big but win bigger. Not one inch of territory needed to be off limits to NATO. On the thirtieth anniversary of the Soviet collapse, this book uses new evidence and interviews to show how, in the decade that culminated in Vladimir Putin’s rise to power, the United States and Russia undermined a potentially lasting partnership. Prize-winning historian M. E. Sarotte shows what went wrong.
Oxford University Press Blackstone's Statutes on Intellectual Property
Unsurpassed in authority, reliability and accuracy; Blackstone's Statutes, trusted by students for over 30 years. Celebrating over 30 years as the market-leading series, Blackstone's Statutes have an unrivalled tradition of trust and quality. With a rock-solid reputation for accuracy, reliability, and authority, they remain first-choice for students and lecturers, providing a carefulselection of all the up-to-date legislation needed for exams and course use. BL Clear and easy-to-use, helping you find what you need instantly BL Edited by experts and covering all the key legislation needed for family law courses, so you can use alongside your textbook to ensure you approach your assessments with confidence BL Unannotated legislation - perfect for exam use BL Also available as an e-book with functionality and navigation features
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc International Organizations: The Politics and Processes of Global Governance
The third edition of the award-winning International Organizations has been thoroughly revised and updated to take into account new developments and shifting power relations since 2009, as well as the most current scholarship.As before, the authors provide a comprehensive, in-depth examination of the full range of international organizations. New features of the book include attention to a broader range of theoretical approaches, to the increasing importance of regional organizations, and to emerging forms of governance. And new case studies highlight the governance dilemmas posed by the Libyan and Syrian civil wars, human trafficking, LGBT rights, climate change, and more.
Oxford University Press Inc The Brussels Effect: How the European Union Rules the World
For many observers, the European Union is mired in a deep crisis. Between sluggish growth; political turmoil following a decade of austerity politics; Brexit; and the rise of Asian influence, the EU is seen as a declining power on the world stage. Columbia Law professor Anu Bradford argues the opposite in her important new book The Brussels Effect: the EU remains an influential superpower that shapes the world in its image. By promulgating regulations that shape the international business environment, elevating standards worldwide, and leading to a notable Europeanization of many important aspects of global commerce, the EU has managed to shape policy in areas such as data privacy, consumer health and safety, environmental protection, antitrust, and online hate speech. And in contrast to how superpowers wield their global influence, the Brussels Effect - a phrase first coined by Bradford in 2012 - absolves the EU from playing a direct role in imposing standards, as market forces alone are often sufficient as multinational companies voluntarily extend the EU rule to govern their global operations. The Brussels Effect shows how the EU has acquired such power, why multinational companies use EU standards as global standards, and why the EU's role as the world's regulator is likely to outlive its gradual economic decline, extending the EU's influence long into the future.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Great Debates in EU Law
This book introduces students to the great debates in EU law. Rather than simply presenting traditional approaches that provide descriptions (often in historical order) of substantive and constitutional elements of Union law, this book clusters material around these debates in an engaging and lively way. By offering concise analyses of core dilemmas and tensions in EU law, the book provides a different kind of introduction, one that helps students place the discussions within a boarder context and narrative. The authors have found in their teaching that students often struggle with individual aspects and materials without understanding broader narratives, which are traditionally developed in monographs or journal articles that are beyond the reach of undergraduate readers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Contract Law: A Comparative Introduction
Reflecting the most recent changes in the law, the third edition of this popular textbook provides a fully updated, comparative introduction to the law of contract. Accessible and clear, it is perfectly pitched for international students and courses with a global outlook. Jan Smits’ unique approach treats contract law as a discipline that can be studied on the basis of common principles and methods without being tied to a particular jurisdiction or legal culture. He puts contract law in context by discussing empirical and economic insights. Notable updates include the consequences of Brexit, the implementation of new European directives 1999/770 and 2019/771 as well as coverage of the effect of COVID-19 on contracts.Key features of the third edition include: Introduces key principles by comparing solutions from different jurisdictions, illustrating for students the international nature and substance of contract law Draws from a wide variety of sources including German, English, French and Dutch law, European and international instruments, and examples from Central and Eastern Europe and Islamic contract law, making this an ideal textbook for students across Europe and beyond Focuses on legal method as well as substantive law Attractive and accessible design with text boxes, colour and graphics to help students navigate easily and identify key information. With its innovative approach and engaging design, this textbook has proved an essential companion to introductory courses on contract law across a multitude of jurisdictions.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The New EU Competition Law
This book provides the first comprehensive account of the New EU Competition Law: an emerging understanding of the discipline that breaks from the consensus of the early 2000s and that ventures into uncharted territories. Competition law has undergone fundamental transformations in the past decade, from the rise and fall of the ‘effects-based approach’ to the challenge of Big Tech and the growing interaction with intellectual property. Making sense of these changes and fully grasping their implications can be difficult. The book discusses the shift from traditional enforcement in the industrial era to the sort of intervention that a knowledge-based economy demands. It presents the changes that the field is undergoing (policy priorities, relationship with regulation and intangible assets, move away from efficiency and consumer welfare) and illustrates them by reference to the most significant developments. The analysis includes an up-to-date evaluation of the Digital Markets Act and addresses the application of EU competition law to key areas, including energy, pharma, telecommunications and online platforms. Conceived as a ‘modular’ book, practitioners and advanced students will find it useful as a map to navigate the underlying trends and as an in-depth dissection of the key case law and administrative practice of the past decade.
Edinburgh University Press Avizandum Statutes on Scots Property, Trusts & Succession Law: 2023-2024
Oxford University Press European Intellectual Property Law
European Intellectual Property Law offers a full account of the main areas of substantive European IP law and a discussion of their wider context and effect. The amount and reach of European law, and decision-making in the field of intellectual property has grown exponentially since the 1960s, making it increasingly difficult to treat European law as an adjunct to domestic intellectual property regimes. European Intellectual Property Law responds to this reality by presenting a clear and detailed account of each of the main areas of substantive EU intellectual property law, situated in the context of both the EU legal system and international IP law, including EU constitutional law, the law of the European Patent Convention 1973/2000, and private international law. It draws selectively on examples from domestic IP regimes to illustrate substantive differences between those regimes and to demonstrate the impact of European law, and decision-making on EU Member States. This unique, thoroughly modern approach goes beyond a discussion of the provisions of European legal instruments to consider their wider context and effect. European Intellectual Property Law is the ideal guide for any student wishing to gain a full and critical understanding of the substantive European law of intellectual property. Digital formats This second edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats. - The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features, and links that offer extra learning support:
London Publishing Partnership Construction Law: Third Edition
Now in its third edition Construction Law by Julian Bailey is the definitive work of reference for construction law practitioners internationally. In three volumes, it provides the most comprehensive treatment of the major issues arising out of construction and engineering projects, with extensive references to case law, statutes and regulations, standard forms of contract and legal commentary. The book in its new updated form is an indispensable work of reference for law practitioners and is now accessibly priced for the post-graduate student market.
The Law Society Execution of Documents
Incorrect execution can lead to documents being invalid or unenforceable. Ensure that you are following the correct procedures with Execution of Documents.
Oxford University Press EU Law Directions
The Directions series has been written with students in mind. The ideal guide as they approach the subject for the first time, EU Law Directions will help them: · Gain a complete understanding of the topic: just the right amount of detail conveyed clearly · Understand the law in context: with scene-setting introductions and highlighted case extracts, the practical importance of the law becomes clear · Identify when and how to critically evaluate the law: they'll be introduced to the key areas of debate and given the confidence to question the law · Deepen and test knowledge: visually engaging learning and self-testing features aid understanding and help students tackle assessments with confidence · Elevate their learning: with the ground-work in place your students can aspire to take their learning to the next level, with direction provided on how to go further Digital formats and resources The eighth edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. · The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features and links that offer extra learning support: · The online resources include self-test questions with instant feedback to consolidate your learning, suggested approaches to end of chapter questions to help you perfect your technique, as well as a timeline of key moments in EU legal history to give you a contextual overview of the subject.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd European Intellectual Property Law: Text, Cases and Materials, Second Edition
The second edition of this popular textbook has been thoroughly revised, expanded and updated in order to reflect the recent extensive changes in European IP legislation. Providing an in-depth examination of the core areas of IP law, from copyright, patents and trademarks through to the protection of plant varieties and industrial design, it is perfectly pitched to guide the reader through the complexities of the European IP system.New to this edition: Coverage of recent legislative changes since the first edition, including detail on the proposed new copyright package New expanded chapters on Plant Variety Rights, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications New chapter on IPRs and Unfair Competition, including Trade Secrets Expanded chapter on patents, including coverage of the unitary patent and the UPC, by new co-author and patent expert Stefan Luginbuehl. Key features: Concise and straightforward style, gives students and non-specialist practitioners a clear understanding of the fundamentals of European intellectual property law Highlights extracts from primary sources including decisions of the CJEU and other key case law, reports, and white papers Poses questions designed to provoke critical thinking and reflection around legal problems Covers related areas adjacent to IP law, in order to help students understand the context in which IP legislation operates Gives an overview of community and European IP rights and areas that have been harmonized at a legislative level Considers international IP protection and the interrelation between European and IP law more broadly in order to promote comparative study. With its detailed and comprehensive overview on the structure and content of European IP law, this textbook has proved an essential companion to both basic and advanced courses on European intellectual property across the globe.Acclaim for the first edition: 'This clearly-written and comprehensive text, by two leading scholars of European intellectual property law, is extremely adaptable. It is a perfect platform for classroom teaching, and is also a fine resource for those researching in what is becoming an increasingly complex field.' - Graeme B. Dinwoodie, Chicago-Kent University, US
John Wiley & Sons Inc The E-Myth Attorney: Why Most Legal Practices Don't Work and What to Do About It
The complete guide to the business of running a successful legal practice Many attorneys in small and mid-size practices are experts on the law, but may not have considered their practice as much from a business perspective. Michael Gerber’s The E-Myth Attorney fills this void, giving you powerful advice on everything you need to run your practice as a successful business, allowing you to achieve your goals and grow your practice. Featuring Gerber's signature easy-to-understand, easy-to-implement style, The E-Myth Attorney features: A complete start-up guide you can use to get your practice off the ground quickly, as well as comprehensive action steps for maximizing the performance of an existing practice Industry specific advice from two recognized legal experts that have developed a highly successful legal practice using Gerber’s principles Gerber’s universal appeal as a recognized expert on small businesses who has coached, taught, and trained over 60,000 small businesses The E-Myth Attorney is the last guide you'll ever need to make the difference in building or developing your successful legal practice.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Cases, Materials and Text on Contract Law
This is the third edition of the widely acclaimed and successful casebook on contract in the Ius Commune series, developed to be used throughout Europe and beyond by anyone who teaches, learns or practises law with a comparative or European perspective. The book contains leading cases, legislation and other materials from English, French and German law as the main representatives of the legal traditions within Europe, as well as EU legislation and case law and extracts from the Principles of European Contract Law. Comparisons are also made to other international restatements such as the Vienna Sales Convention, the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, the Draft Common Frame of Reference and so on. Materials are chosen and ordered so as to foster comparative study, complemented with annotations and comparative overviews prepared by a multinational team. The third edition includes many new developments at the EU level (including the ill-fated proposal for a Common European Sales Law and further developments linked to the digital single market) and in national laws, in particular the major reform of the French Code civil in 2016 and 2018, the UK’s Consumer Rights Act 2015 and new cases. The principal subjects covered in this book include: An overview of EU legislation and of soft law principles, and their interrelation with national law The distinctions between contract and property, tort and restitution Formation and pre-contractual liability Validity, including duties of disclosure Interpretation and contents; performance and non-performance Remedies Supervening events Third parties.
Harvard University Press Thinking Like a Lawyer: A New Introduction to Legal Reasoning
This primer on legal reasoning is aimed at law students and upper-level undergraduates. But it is also an original exposition of basic legal concepts that scholars and lawyers will find stimulating. It covers such topics as rules, precedent, authority, analogical reasoning, the common law, statutory interpretation, legal realism, judicial opinions, legal facts, and burden of proof.In addressing the question whether legal reasoning is distinctive, Frederick Schauer emphasizes the formality and rule-dependence of law. When taking the words of a statute seriously, when following a rule even when it does not produce the best result, when treating the fact of a past decision as a reason for making the same decision again, or when relying on authoritative sources, the law embodies values other than simply that of making the best decision for the particular occasion or dispute. In thus pursuing goals of stability, predictability, and constraint on the idiosyncrasies of individual decision-makers, the law employs forms of reasoning that may not be unique to it but are far more dominant in legal decision-making than elsewhere.Schauer’s analysis of what makes legal reasoning special will be a valuable guide for students while also presenting a challenge to a wide range of current academic theories.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Living Well with Hypothyroidism Rev Ed: What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You... that You Need to Know
The Most Comprehensive Resource Available on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypothyroidism For millions of Americans, hypothyroidism often goes untreated ...or is treated improperly. This book, thoroughly researched by the nation's top thyroid patient advocate-a hypothyroidism patient herself-provides you with answers to all your questions, including: * What is hypothyroidism?* What are the warning signs, symptoms, and risk factors?* Why is getting diagnosed often a challenge, and how can you overcome the obstacles?* What treatments are available (including those your doctor hasn't told you about)?* Which alternative and holistic therapies, nutritional changes, and supplements may help treat hypothyroidism?
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Comparative Contract Law: Exercises in Comparative Methodology
This significantly revised and expanded third edition of Comparative Contract Law brings together extracts from legislation and court practice in a way that enables students to experience comparative law in action. Promoting a ‘learning-by-doing’ approach to comparative contract law and comparative methodology, this unique guide to European and international contract law is marked out by the following features: A comparative perspective on highly topical, real-life issues of contract law; Materials from some 30 jurisdictions in both their original languages and in high quality translations, with information on smaller and medium-sized jurisdictions further diversified; An opportunity for students to solve scenarios according to the laws of different jurisdictions, to compare and evaluate the solutions and approaches they identify, and to better understand the diverse approaches to modern contract law; NEW! Concise introductions to the history of each country and its private law system, informing readers about the key data before they are invited to work with material from that jurisdiction; NEW! A chapter on ‘contractual penalty clauses’, a frequent occurrence in contractual practice; NEW! Full integration of the Chinese Civil Code which entered into force in 2021. Essential reading for all students of comparative contract law and methodology, thi the s third edition remains a vital teaching and learning resource, and a practical guide for those seeking to familiarise themselves with real-world materials and to better understand the diverse approaches to modern contract law.
Oxford University Press The Anatomy of Corporate Law: A Comparative and Functional Approach
This is the long-awaited third edition of this highly regarded comparative overview of corporate law. This edition has been comprehensively revised and updated to reflect the profound changes in corporate law and governance practices that have taken place since the previous edition. These include numerous regulatory changes following the financial crisis of 2007-09 and the changing landscape of governance, especially in the US, with the ever more central role of institutional investors as (active) owners of corporations. The geographic scope of the coverage has been broadened to include an important emerging economy, Brazil. In addition, the book now incorporates analysis of the burgeoning use of corporate law to protect the interests of "external constituencies" without any contractual relationship to a company, in an attempt to tackle broader social and economic problems. The authors start from the premise that corporations (or companies) in all jurisdictions share the same key legal attributes: legal personality, limited liability, delegated management, transferable shares, and investor ownership. Businesses using the corporate form give rise to three basic types of agency problems: those between managers and shareholders as a class; controlling shareholders and minority shareholders; and shareholders as a class and other corporate constituencies, such as corporate creditors and employees. After identifying the common set of legal strategies used to address these agency problems and discussing their interaction with enforcement institutions, The Anatomy of Corporate Law illustrates how a number of core jurisdictions around the world deploy such strategies. In so doing, the book highlights the many commonalities across jurisdictions and reflects on the reasons why they may differ on specific issues. The analysis covers the basic governance structure of the corporation, including the powers of the board of directors and the shareholder meeting, both when management and when a dominant shareholder is in control. It then analyses the role of corporate law in shaping labor relationships, protection of external stakeholders, relationships with creditors, related-party transactions, fundamental corporate actions such as mergers and charter amendments, takeovers, and the regulation of capital markets. The Anatomy of Corporate Law has established itself as the leading book in the field of comparative corporate law. Across the world, students and scholars at various stages in their careers, from undergraduate law students to well-established authorities in the field, routinely consult this book as a starting point for their inquiries.
Shepheard-Walwyn (Publishers) Ltd The Power in the Land
The major industrial nations enter the 1990s in the midst of land booms offering riches for a few but unemployment for many. Banks in TEXAS were bankrupted by massive speculation in real estate. Even embassies had to abandon their offices because they could not afford the rents in TOKYO. In BRITAIN, the spoils from housing - the direct result of the way the land market operates - enriched owner-occupiers but crippled the flow of workers into regions where entrepreneurs wanted to invest and lead the economy back to full-employment. Fred Harrison's thesis is that land speculation is the major cause of depressions. He shows how the land market functions as a junction box which regulates the power flowing between Labour and Capital. And how land speculation periodically throws the switches on the productive power of men and machines, causing economic stagnation. This theory was acknowledged by philosophers such as Adam Smith and Karl Marx, and social reformers ranging from Winston Churchill to Leo Tolstoy, but it has been forgotten by today's economists and policy-makers. The hypothesis is tested against the historical facts and the recent booms and slumps, and is found to offer a powerful explanation for postwar trends in unemployment and the distribution of income. The Power in the Land challenges the pessimistic belief, nurtured by the depressions of the last two decades, that unemployment is now a permanent feature of late 20th century society. The author elaborates policies, based on a radical reform of the tax system, which would banish involuntary unemployment and generate continuous economic growth. Author Details: Fred Harrison is Executive Director for the Land Research Trust. He studied economics at Oxford, first at Ruskin College and then at University College, where he read Philosophy, Politics and Economics. His MSc is from the University of London. Reviews: “This is a brilliantly-written and extremely readable book … not unduly difficult for those with no more than an elementary grasp of economic concepts.” Journal of General Management “Harrison’s book is a formidable challenge to the apologists for the status quo which raises, and goes a long way toward answering, the questions that gnaw at the intellects and consciences of all thinking men and women.” The American Journal of Economics and Sociology “In his book, The Power in the Land, first published in 1983, Harrison, correctly forecast property prices would peak in 1989 as well as the recession that followed it.” The Full Interview with Ed Magnus is available here: (Financial Website of the Year and part of the Daily Mail Group)
Oxford University Press International Human Rights Law
Written by leading experts in the field, this compelling textbook explores the essentials of international human rights law, from foundational issues to substantive rights and systems of protection. A variety of perspectives bring this multifaceted and sometimes contentious subject to life, making International Human Rights Law the ideal companion for students of human rights. Digital formats This fourth edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats. The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features and links that offer extra learning support:
Oxford University Press Legal Skills
The number one best-selling legal skills guide, covering all the practical and academic skills a student needs throughout their studies. Legal Skills is the essential text for students new to law, helping them make the transition from secondary education and equipping them with the skills they need to succeed from the beginning of their degree, through to final-year exams and dissertations. · Written in an accessible and friendly style, structured in three parts: Sources of Law, Academic Legal Skills, and Practical Legal Skills · Self-test questions and practical activities throughout allow students to take a hands-on approach to learning a wide range of legal skills · Diagrams, screenshots and examples used frequently to illustrate key concepts · New chapter on drafting skills, introducing writing skills necessary in legal practice · New 'skills beyond study' feature which helps students identify the transferability of legal skills · Updated coverage of the impact of Brexit and retained EU law · New section on taking care of yourself during the assessment period and how to find support for mental health and accessibility · Videos on presentation, mooting, and negotiation refreshed Digital formats and resources The ninth edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. - The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with embedded self-assessment activities, and multi-media content including a series of supportive videos and links that offer extra learning support: - The study tools that enhance the e-book are all also available as stand-alone online resources for use alongside the print book. They include answers to the self-test questions and practical exercises from the book, and a glossary of all the keywords and terms used. There is also an extensive range of videos with guidance on topics from what to expect from lectures and tutorials, how to research for essays and structure problem questions, to examples of good and bad practice in mooting and negotiations.
Edinburgh University Press Avizandum Statutes on Scots Family Law: 2023-2024
Avizandum Statutes are designed specifically to provide undergraduates at Scottish universities with legislation and, where appropriate, other core materials in a readily accessible format. All materials have been selected on the basis of their relevance to university courses and appear in updated form. The lack of annotation and commentary means that the volumes are ideal for use in examinations.
Edinburgh University Press Delict Essentials: 5th Edition
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Street Law: Theory and Practice
The first book of its kind published in the UK, Street Law: Theory and Practice is the ideal companion for all students engaging in credit-bearing or non-credit bearing Street Law projects. Highly-accessible and student-focussed, it teaches readers not only how to successfully design, deliver, and reflect on Street Law sessions, but also the theory behind this practice. It covers a full and diverse range of topics, beginning with initial project design and ending at post-project reflection and evaluation, with a host of topics including interactive teaching techniques, ethics and problem-solving in between. Designed to be read chronologically or as standalone chapters, it is the perfect textbook for students at each stage of their Street Law journey. Including quotes from active Street Law practitioners and coverage of contemporary Street Law topics, such as the housing crisis, the text is a fully up-to-date resource for today’s law students. Its original workbook format, including an abundance of reflective questions, activities and prompts, with space included for students to write their responses, ensures every reader develops not only a comprehensive insight of this important form of public legal education, but also their own learning and practice.
Oxford University Press Inc The Winning Brief: 100 Tips for Persuasive Briefing in Trial and Appellate Courts
It its first two editions The Winning Brief explained the art of effective writing in 100 concise, practical, and easy-to-use tips, proving that the key to writing well is to understand the judicial readership. This third edition of Bryan A. Garner's modern classic delivers the same invaluable guidelines with even more supporting evidence. Covering everything from the rules for planning and organizing a brief to openers that can capture a judge's attention from the first few words, these tips add up to the most compelling, orderly, and visually appealing brief that an advocate can present. In Garner's view, good writing is good thinking put to paper. "Never write a sentence that you couldn't easily speak," he warns - and demonstrates how to do just that. Every tip begins with a set of quotable quotes from experts, followed by Garner's masterly advice on building sound paragraphs, drafting crisp sentences, choosing the best words ("Strike pursuant to from your vocabulary."), quoting authority, citing sources, and designing a document that looks as impressive as it reads. Throughout, Garner shows how to edit for maximal impact, using vivid before-and-after examples that apply the basics of rhetoric to persuasive writing. In this much-expanded third edition, Garner has perfected the text with nine new tips, hundreds of new examples, and amplified explanations throughout-all in his trademark style. Among the new sections are tips on understanding judges' reading habits, answering opponents' arguments, writing effective reply briefs, using authorities persuasively, and organizing arguments based on statutes and contracts. Quotable quotes, which Garner carefully assembled after years of wide reading and close study, have been expanded and improved throughout the book. There is also a new appendix on a remarkable brief that some consider the best ever written ("a beautiful marriage of rhetorical skill, thorough research, and humane lawyering"). Perhaps the biggest change to this edition is that every tip now ends with a summary checklist that recaps and crystalizes the subpoints just covered, with further ideas for improvement. Garner conceived these checklists in part as a way to help readers approach his book as a set of 100 tutorials. Reviewing and practicing each tip will offer brief-writers a degree of mastery that more cavalier colleagues will find difficult to equal. An invaluable resource for attorneys, law clerks, judges, paralegals, law students and their teachers, The Winning Brief has the qualities that make all of Garner's books so popular: authority, accessibility, and page after page of techniques that work. If you're writing to win a case, this book shouldn't merely be on your shelf--it should be open on your desk.
University of California Press The Lawyer's Guide to Writing Well
In this critically acclaimed book, Tom Goldstein and Jethro K. Lieberman demystify legal writing, outline the causes and consequences of poor writing, and prescribe easy-to-apply remedies to improve it. Reflecting changes in law practice over the past decade, this revised edition includes new sections around communicating digitally, getting to the point, and writing persuasively. It also provides an editing checklist, editing exercises with a suggested revision key, usage notes that address common errors, and reference works to further aid your writing. This straightforward guide is an invaluable tool for practicing lawyers and law students.
Princeton University Press The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality
A compelling explanation of how the law shapes the distribution of wealthCapital is the defining feature of modern economies, yet most people have no idea where it actually comes from. What is it, exactly, that transforms mere wealth into an asset that automatically creates more wealth? The Code of Capital explains how capital is created behind closed doors in the offices of private attorneys, and why this little-known fact is one of the biggest reasons for the widening wealth gap between the holders of capital and everybody else.In this revealing book, Katharina Pistor argues that the law selectively “codes” certain assets, endowing them with the capacity to protect and produce private wealth. With the right legal coding, any object, claim, or idea can be turned into capital—and lawyers are the keepers of the code. Pistor describes how they pick and choose among different legal systems and legal devices for the ones that best serve their clients’ needs, and how techniques that were first perfected centuries ago to code landholdings as capital are being used today to code stocks, bonds, ideas, and even expectations—assets that exist only in law.A powerful new way of thinking about one of the most pernicious problems of our time, The Code of Capital explores the different ways that debt, complex financial products, and other assets are coded to give financial advantage to their holders. This provocative book paints a troubling portrait of the pervasive global nature of the code, the people who shape it, and the governments that enforce it.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC EU External Relations Law: Text, Cases and Materials
The first edition of this seminal textbook made a significant impact on the teaching of EU external relations law. This new edition retains the hallmarks of that success, while providing a fully revised and updated account of this burgeoning field. It offers a dual perspective, looking at questions from both the EU constitutional law perspective (the principles underpinning EU external action, the EU’s powers, and the role of the Court of Justice of the EU); and the international law perspective (the effect of international law in the EU legal order and the position of the EU in international organisations such as the WTO). A number of key substantive policy areas are explored, including trade, security and defence, police and judicial cooperation, the environment, human rights, and development cooperation. Taking a ‘text, cases and materials’ approach, it allows students to gain a thorough understanding of milestones in the evolution of EU law in this area, their judicial interpretation and scholarly appraisal. Linking these pieces together through the authors’ commentary and analysis ensures that students are given the necessary guidance to properly position and digest these materials. Lastly, each chapter concludes with a section entitled ‘The Big Picture of EU External Relations Law’, which weaves together the diverse and complex materials into a coherent whole and stimulates critical discussion of the topics covered.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to International Environmental Law
All too often, international environmental law is presented as a kind of guided tour of different treaties and environmental problems. Professor Hey succeeds beautifully in articulating the themes that connect all of these disparate areas, an effort that both students and scholars will appreciate.'- Daniel Farber, University of California, Berkeley, US'This volume presents a superb overview of international environmental law by a long-time observer. Ellen Hey shares her deep insight into the historical, environmental, technical and policy context of the law, and introduces the reader to regulatory techniques and choices, the main legal tools at actors' disposal, and the key developments in the field. The result is an accessible, yet sophisticated introduction to the evolution of the field, and its expanding modes of action and range of participants.'- Jutta Brunée, University of Toronto, Canada'This is a significant contribution from a leading figure in the field. Of particular note is the effort to embed international environmental law in its broader context, not only through the detailed analysis of its foundational principles or of its deep interactions with other fields of international law but, more generally, through the overarching theme of the Anthropocene. It is to be thoroughly recommended.'- Jorge E. Viñuales, University of Cambridge, UKElgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by the world's leading scholars.This accessible and concise introduction provides a salient overview of contemporary international environmental law as well as a critical assessment of the controversies that arise when trying to achieve environmental protection through international law.Covering the origins, content, institutional structure and accountability mechanisms of international environmental law, in their social-economic and political context, Ellen Hey discusses substantive and procedural fairness, thus exploring questions of distributive justice, accountability and legitimacy. Providing an invaluable entry point to this complex area of the law, this book enables a rapid understanding of the core principles of this multi-faceted topic.Key features include:- Concise and compact overview- Discusses contemporary developments- Examines IEL's relationship to other areas of international law- Considers the social-economic context.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to International Humanitarian Law
The Advanced Introduction by Robert Kolb to IHL is a concise and brilliantly written journey through the most challenging aspects of the contemporary laws of war: the distinction between international and non-international armed conflicts, between combatants, fighters and civilians in asymmetric warfare and the so-called 'war on terror', the complex relationship between IHL and international human rights law, the geographical scope of the battlefield in times of cyber warfare and targeted killings by armed drones.'- Manfred Nowak, Vienna University, Austria and Former UN Special Rapporteur on Torture'A fascinating and inspiring presentation and discussion of the most crucial and controversial features of international humanitarian law with respect to its application in contemporary armed conflicts'- Professor Fausto Pocar, President, International Institute of Humanitarian Law, Sanremo, Italy and Judge and Former President, ICTY, The Hague, the Netherlands'Robert Kolb considers that this is not an introduction for the beginner. Indeed, those seeking a descriptive summary of all the rules of humanitarian law should consult another book or the applicable conventions. For all others, however, this also an inductive, refreshing, committed, yet nuanced introduction, focusing in depth on a few, central issues, and written by one who does not only master this branch of international law, but also the relevant legal, political and historical contexts.'- Marco Sassòli, University of Geneva, SwitzerlandElgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by the world's leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas.This innovative book provides a thought-provoking introduction to international humanitarian law. Robert Kolb explores the field through questions - which are at times challenging and controversial - in order to get to the very essence of the subject and give a fresh perspective. The result is an exposition both of the law as it stands, through its written and unwritten rules, and also of the uncertainties, gaps, controversies and practical problems which have arisen. IHL is revealed as a living tool, an ever-adapting means to an ever-remaining need of protection during times of armed conflict.Key features include:- Focus on key questions, exploring the whole system of law and its practical working- Covers the main principles, sources of law and implementation- Leads the reader to think through the topic- Concise and accessible, whilst taking a rigorous approach.Reflecting on current questions regarding the structure of the law, this concise and readable book offers a thought-provoking view of the system as a whole and its practical working. It covers the main principles, applicability issues and implementation of humanitarian law, as well as shedding light on the challenges ahead. This thoughtful introduction will provide unique insights for academics, advanced students, government officials and practitioners interested in the legal construction of international humanitarian law.
Oxford University Press Gender and International Criminal Law
The last few decades have seen remarkable developments in international criminal justice, especially in relation to the pursuit of individuals responsible for sexual violence and other gender-based crimes. Historically ignored, justified, or minimised, this category of crimes now has a heightened profile in the international political and judicial arena. Despite this, gender is poorly understood, and blind spots, biases, and stereotypes prevail. This book brings together leading feminist international criminal and humanitarian law academics and practitioners to examine the place of gender in international criminal law (ICL). It identifies and analyses past and current narrow understandings of gender, before considering how a limited conceptualization affects accountability efforts. The authors consider how best to implement a more nuanced understanding of gender in the practice of international criminal law by identifying possible responses, including embedding a sophisticated gender strategy into the practice of ICL, the gender-sensitive application of international human rights and humanitarian law, and encouraging a gender-competent approach to judging in ICL. The authors' aim is to strengthen efforts for accountability for all atrocity crimes-war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, and aggression.
Oxford University Press Law: A Very Short Introduction
Very Short Introductions: Brilliant, Sharp, Inspiring Law is at the heart of every society, protecting rights, imposing duties, and establishing a framework for the conduct of almost all social, political, and economic activity. Despite this, the law often seems a highly technical, perplexing mystery, with its antiquated and often impenetrable jargon, obsolete procedures, and endless stream of judgements and complex legislation. In this Very Short Introduction Raymond Wacks introduces the major branches of the law, describing what lawyers do, and how courts operate, and considers the philosophy of law and its pursuit of justice, freedom, and equality. Wacks locates the discipline in our contemporary world, considering the pressures of globalization and digitalisation, and the nature of the law in our culture of threatened security and surveillance. In this new edition, the author considers a number of social and political events that have had an impact on the law, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the growth of social media and surveillance, and the increasing threats to the rule of law. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Law For Dummies
Get answers to your legal questions — in plain English! Find out how to protect your family, your money, your job, and your rights If you're like most people, you probably don't know much about your legal rights and responsibilities — until you run smack-dab into a messy legal problem. Now revised and updated, this friendly guide helps you get a handle on a wide range of everyday legal issues, decipher legal mumbo-jumbo — and come out on top. Discover how to: Protect your child support rights Arm yourself against identity theft Clean up your credit and improve your credit score Hire the right attorney for your needs Draw up wills and living wills