Technology, Engineering & Agriculture

920 products

  • Special Effect Glazes

    Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Special Effect Glazes

    3 in stock

    A complete guide to fantastic special effects glazes for studio potters. From drippy and crackle to ash and lichen glazes, experienced ceramicist Linda Bloomfield guides you through the world of special effect glazes. Beautifully illustrated with pieces from both emerging and established potters that showcase stunning copper oxide-blues, metallic bronzes and manganese-pink crystal glazes, Special Effect Glazes is packed full of recipes to try out: from functional oilspot glazes using iron oxide, to explosive lava glazes. In this informative handbook discover how you can create these fantastic effects and learn the basic chemistry behind glazes in order to adjust and experiment with your unique pieces. Discussed are materials and stains, how to find them and how they affect the colour and texture of the glaze, alongside practical fixes to familiar glaze-making problems. Special Effect Glazes is essential if you are interested in creating eye-catching glazes and wanting to develop your knowledge of glaze-making, or experiment with your own formulas to achieve the perfect finish.

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  • Callister's Materials Science and Engineering, Global Edition

    John Wiley & Sons Inc Callister's Materials Science and Engineering, Global Edition

    3 in stock

    Callister's Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 10th Edition promotes student understanding of the three primary types of materials (metals, ceramics, and polymers) and composites, as well as the relationships that exist between the structural elements of materials and their properties.

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  • Moran's Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics

    John Wiley & Sons Inc Moran's Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics

    3 in stock

    Moran’s Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics, SI Version, continues to offer a comprehensive and rigorous treatment of classical thermodynamics, while retaining an engineering perspective. With concise, applications-oriented discussion of topics and self-test problems, this book encourages students to monitor their own learning. This classic text provides a solid foundation for subsequent studies in fields such as fluid mechanics, heat transfer and statistical thermodynamics, and prepares students to effectively apply thermodynamics in the practice of engineering. This edition is revised with additional examples and end-of-chapter problems to increase student comprehension.

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  • The Market Gardener: A Successful Grower's Handbook for Small-Scale Organic Farming

    New Society Publishers The Market Gardener: A Successful Grower's Handbook for Small-Scale Organic Farming

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    Les Jardins de la Grelinette is a micro-farm located in eastern Quebec, just north of the American border. Growing on just 1.5 acres, owners Jean-Martin and Maude-Helene feed more than two hundred families through their thriving CSA and seasonal market stands and supply their signature mesclun salad mix to dozens of local establishments. The secret of their success is the low-tech, high-yield production methods they've developed by focusing on growing better rather than growing bigger, making their operation more lucrative and viable in the process. The Market Gardener is a compendium of la Grelinette's proven horticultural techniques and innovative growing methods. This complete guide is packed with practical information on: * Setting-up a micro-farm by designing biologically intensive cropping systems, all with negligible capital outlay * Farming without a tractor and minimizing fossil fuel inputs through the use of the best hand tools, appropriate machinery, and minimum tillage practices * Growing mixed vegetables systematically with attention to weed and pest management, crop yields, harvest periods, and pricing approaches Inspired by the French intensive tradition of maraichage and by iconic American vegetable grower Eliot Coleman, author and farmer Jean-Martin shows by example how to start a market garden and make it both very productive and profitable. Making a living wage farming without big capital outlay or acreages may be closer than you think. Jean-Martin Fortier is a passionate advocate of strong local food systems and founder of Les Jardins de la Grelinette, an internationally recognized model for successful biointensive micro-farming.

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  • Electrical Engineering: Principles & Applications, Global Edition

    Pearson Education Limited Electrical Engineering: Principles & Applications, Global Edition

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    For courses in Electrical Engineering. Accessible and applicable learning in electrical engineering for introductory and non-major courses The #1 title in its market, Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications helps students learn electrical-engineering fundamentals with minimal frustration. Its goals are to present basic concepts in a general setting, to show students how the principles of electrical engineering apply to specific problems in their own fields, and to enhance the overall learning process. This book covers circuit analysis, digital systems, electronics, and electromechanics at a level appropriate for either electrical-engineering students in an introductory course or non-majors in a survey course. A wide variety of pedagogical features stimulate student interest and engender awareness of the material’s relevance to their chosen profession. The only essential prerequisites are basic physics and single-variable calculus. The 7th Edition features technology and content updates throughout the text. Also available with Mastering Engineering MasteringTM Engineering is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Interactive, self-paced tutorials provide individualized coaching to help students stay on track. With a wide range of activities available, students can actively learn, understand, and retain even the most difficult concepts. The text and Mastering Engineering work together to guide students through engineering concepts with a multi-step approach to problems. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLabTM & MasteringTM does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab & Mastering, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

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  • The Complete Yachtmaster: Sailing, Seamanship and Navigation for the Modern Yacht Skipper 10th edition

    Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Complete Yachtmaster: Sailing, Seamanship and Navigation for the Modern Yacht Skipper 10th edition

    3 in stock

    The Complete Yachtmaster has been a bestseller since first publication and has established itself as the standard reference for Yachtmaster students as well as skippers of all levels of experience. In this fully revised and up-to-date 10th edition, Tom Cunliffe brings together all the essentials of modern cruising in one volume. He presents an analysis of a good skipper, the theory and practice of sailing and sail trim, the art of seamanship, accurate navigation including chart plotters and PCs, understanding meteorology, heavy weather preparation, understanding yacht stability and coping with emergencies. The Complete Yachtmaster builds knowledge as it builds sailing confidence, guiding examination candidates as authoritatively and reassuringly through the RYA syllabus as a sea pilot bringing a ship safely to harbour. Required reading for all skippers and budding skippers, both on board or in the classroom. ‘A gem, distilled from decades of experience' Yachting Monthly ‘Cunliffe's competence and authority radiate from the pages... thoroughly recommended' Little Ship Club 'There are all too few authors who not only know their subject but can write well about it. Tom Cunliffe is one' Cruising

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  • Electronics: A Systems Approach

    Pearson Education Limited Electronics: A Systems Approach

    3 in stock

    Electronics plays a central role in our everyday lives. It is at the heart of almost all of today’s essential technology, from mobile phones to computers and from cars to power stations. As such, all engineers, scientists and technologists need to have a fundamental understanding of this exciting subject, and for many this will just be the beginning. Now in its sixth edition, Electronics: A Systems Approach provides an outstanding introduction to this fast-moving and important field. Comprehensively revised and updated to cover the latest developments in the world of electronics, the text continues to use Neil Storey’s established and well-respected systems approach. It introduces the basic concepts first before progressing to a more advanced analysis, enabling you to contextualise what a system is designed to achieve before tackling the intricacies of designing or analysing its various components with confidence. This book is accompanied by a website which contains over 100 video tutorials to help explain key concepts from the book and interactive quizzes to test your knowledge. Log in to to access these valuable resources, or use the QR codes to view the videos.

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  • Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update

    Chelsea Green Publishing Co Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update

    3 in stock

    Groundbreaking call to action by Donella Meadows, the bestselling author of Thinking in Systems! Limits to Growth was right. New research shows we're nearing collapse the Guardian The updated edition of the groundbreaking classic that kickstarted the movement for environmental and ecological reform! Perfect for fans of The Uninhabitable Earth and There is No Planet B It is no unknown fact that at the present rate of climate change, population growth and capitalistic expansion, we are over-exceeding our planet’s resources. We’re stretched pretty thin and if we continue at the present rate we’ll soon be headed towards irreversible consequences as a result of unchecked growth on a finite planet. Donella Meadows, Jorgen Randers and Dennis Meadows, three imminent environmental leaders, foresaw the early signs of wear and tear on our planet. They come together in Limits to Growth to offer an analysis of present and future trends in resource use and assess a variety of possible outcomes. Citing climate change as the most tangible example of our current overshoot, the scientists now provide us with a plan to reduce our needs to meet the carrying capacity of the planet. In many ways, the message contained in Limits to Growth is a warning. Rampant resource exhaustion cannot be sustained without collapse. But as the authors are careful to point out, there is reason to believe that humanity can still reverse some of the damage to Earth if we reduce inefficiency and waste. Limits to Growth is a work of stunning intelligence that has exposed the critical line between human growth and human development.

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  • Meathead: The Science of Great Barbecue and Grilling

    HarperCollins Publishers Inc Meathead: The Science of Great Barbecue and Grilling

    2 in stock

    The founder and editor of the world's most popular BBQ and grilling website,, "Meathead" Goldwyn applies the latest research to backyard cooking and 118 thoroughly tested recipes. He explains why dry brining is better than wet brining; how marinades really work; why rubs shouldn't have salt in them; how heat and temperature differ; the importance of digital thermometers; why searing doesn't seal in juices; how salt penetrates but spices don't; when charcoal beats gas and when gas beats charcoal; how to calibrate and tune a grill or smoker; how to keep fish from sticking; cooking with logs; the strengths and weaknesses of the new pellet cookers; tricks for rotisserie cooking; why cooking whole animals is a bad idea, which grill grates are best;and why beer-can chicken is a waste of good beerand nowhere close to the bestway to cook a bird. Lavishly designed with hundreds of illustrations and full-colour photos by the author, this book contains all the sure-fire recipes for traditional American favourites and many more outside-the-box creations.

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  • Watch Repair for Beginners: An Illustrated How-To Guide for the Beginner Watch Repairer

    Skyhorse Publishing Watch Repair for Beginners: An Illustrated How-To Guide for the Beginner Watch Repairer

    3 in stock

    First written by the definitive expert in 1957, Watch Repair for Beginners is the ideal book for anyone who wants to know how to fix their own watch, or take up watch repair as a hobby.Learn what horology is; the basics of watch and clock repairing; the mechanics of a clock; how the wheels work; the difference between an automatic watch, a stop watch, and a chronograph; and so much more. The table of contents includes: Wheel work of pendulum clocks Gearing Escapements for Balance Wheel Timepieces Striking Mechanisms Stop Watches and Chronographs Calendar Mechanisms And more! With detailed black-and-white illustrations, this timeless classic is a must-have addition to any horology lover’s collection.

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  • Ford SRS 2000 30004000  1975

    Haynes Publishing Ford SRS 2000 30004000 1975

    3 in stock

    Specific Models Covered:Series 2000 (3-CYL.), 3000 (3-CYL.), 4000 (3-CYL.) Covers the following models manufactured prior to 1975: 2100 All Purpose, 2110 L.C.G. (Low Center Gravity), 3100 All Purpose (3100), 4100 All Purpose, 4110 L.C.G. (Low Center Gravity), 4140 S.U., 4200 Row

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  • Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design

    Elsevier Science & Technology Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design

    3 in stock

    Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design is the essential materials engineering text and resource for students developing skills and understanding of materials properties and selection for engineering applications. Taking a unique design-led approach that is broader in scope than other texts, Materials meets the curriculum needs of a wide variety of courses in the materials and design field, including introduction to materials science and engineering, engineering materials, materials selection and processing, and behavior of materials. This new edition retains its design-led focus and strong emphasis on visual communication while expanding its coverage of the physical basis of material properties, and process selection.

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  • Dirt to Soil: One Family’s Journey into Regenerative Agriculture

    Chelsea Green Publishing Co Dirt to Soil: One Family’s Journey into Regenerative Agriculture

    3 in stock

    'Dirt to Soil is the [regenerative farming] movements’s holy text' The Observer Author and farmer Gabe Brown, featured in the Netflix documentary Kiss the Ground ‘A regenerative no-till pioneer’ NBC News ‘Dirt to Soil confirms my belief that animals are part of the natural land. We need to reintegrate livestock and crops on our farms and ranches, and Gabe Brown shows us how to do it well.’ Temple Grandin, author of Animals in Translation Soil health pioneer Gabe Brown did not set out to write a book on no-till, regenerative agriculture but that was the end product of his research into a new method of farming that would bring back life to his farm, rather than taking away from it. As a series of weather-related crop disasters put the Brown family farm on the brink of financial ruin, Brown took the bold decision to cut costs by omitting the use of most pesticides, insecticides and synthetic fertilizers. This was the catalyst that led to Brown experimenting with regenerative agriculture, a method of farming that undid the damage of conventional agricultural practices. He switched to no-till planting, started planting diverse cover crops mixes and changed his grazing practices. In doing so, Brown transformed a degraded farm ecosystem into one full of life starting with the soil and working his way up, one plant and one animal at a time. The Brown’s Ranch model, developed over twenty years of experimentation and refinement, focuses on regenerating resources by continuously enhancing the living biology in the soil. Using these principles, Brown’s Ranch has grown several inches of new topsoil in only twenty years! The 5,000-acre ranch profitably produces a wide variety of cash crops and cover crops as well as grass-finished beef and lamb, pastured laying hens and pastured pork, all marketed directly to consumers. The future is regenerative, no-till, organic farming and Dirt to Soil is the perennial bestseller to start you on that journey, for the betterment of the food we consume and the state of our shared planet.

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  • CTS Certified Technology Specialist Exam Guide, Third Edition

    McGraw-Hill Education CTS Certified Technology Specialist Exam Guide, Third Edition

    3 in stock

    The most up-to-date CTS exam study system—available exclusively from McGraw-Hill Education and AVIXA PressPublished with AVIXA, the Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association, this fully updated exam guide offers comprehensive coverage of all objectives for the 2018 release of the CTS exam. The book thoroughly explains new IT security, networking, and business topics. CTS Certified Technical Specialist Exam Guide, Third Edition features learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, best practices, checklists, diagrams, photos, chapter review questions with in-depth answer explanations, and a full-color insert. Designed to help you pass the CTS exam with ease, this authoritative resource also serves as an essential on-the-job reference for AV professionals. •Offers 100% coverage of every topic on the Certified Technical Specialist exam•Electronic content includes an online official practice exam from AVIXA•200+ photos and illustrations reinforce key AV technology concepts throughout

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  • From Genes to Genomes: Concepts and Applications of DNA Technology

    John Wiley & Sons Inc From Genes to Genomes: Concepts and Applications of DNA Technology

    3 in stock

    The latest edition of this highly successful textbook introduces the key techniques and concepts involved in cloning genes and in studying their expression and variation. The new edition features: Increased coverage of whole-genome sequencing technologies and enhanced treatment of bioinformatics. Clear, two-colour diagrams throughout. A dedicated website including all figures. Noted for its outstanding balance between clarity of coverage and level of detail, this book provides an excellent introduction to the fast moving world of molecular genetics.

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  • ISE Fluid Mechanics

    McGraw-Hill Education ISE Fluid Mechanics

    3 in stock

    Fluid Mechanics is the study of fluids as an important branch of engineering mechanics. Almost everything on this planet either is a fluid or moves within or near a fluid. The essence of the subject of fluid flow is a judicious compromise between theory and experiment. This textbook not only makes a great deal of theoretical treatment available, but also provides experimental results as a natural and easy complement to the theory. The principles considered in the book are fundamental, and have been well established. However, in presenting this important subject, we have drawn on our own ideas and experience. Throughout the revisions, the informal and student-oriented writing style has been retained and further enhanced, and if it succeeds, has the flavor of an interactive lecture by the authors.

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  • The Living Soil Handbook: The No-Till Grower's Guide to Ecological Market Gardening

    Chelsea Green Publishing Co The Living Soil Handbook: The No-Till Grower's Guide to Ecological Market Gardening

    3 in stock

    Principles and farm-tested practices for no-dig market gardening–for healthier, more productive soil! From the host of the popular The No-Till Market Garden Podcast – heard around the world with nearly one million downloads! Discovering how to meet the soil’s needs is the key task for every market gardener. In this comprehensive guide, Farmer Jesse Frost shares all he has learned through experience and experimentation with no-till practices on his home farm and from interviews and visits with highly successful market gardeners in his role as host of The No-Till Market Garden Podcast. The Living Soil Handbook is centred around the three basic principles of no-dig market gardening: Disturb the soil as little as possible Keep it covered as much as possible Keep it planted as much as possible. Farmer Jesse then guides readers in applying those principles to their own garden environment, with their own materials, to meet their own goals. Beginning with an exploration of the importance of photosynthesis to living soil, Jesse provides in-depth information on: Turning over beds Using compost and mulch Path management Incorporating biology, maintaining fertility Cover cropping Diversifying plantings through intercropping Production methods for seven major crops Throughout, the book emphasises practical information on all the best tools and practices for growers who want to build their livelihood around maximising soil health. Farmer Jesse does not believe that growers should anguish over what does and does not qualify as “no-dig.” If you are using a tool to promote soil life and biology, that’s the goal. The Living Soil Handbook blends the idea of meeting the soil’s needs with the realities of making a living as a professional grower, no matter where you live.

    3 in stock


  • Make: Electronics, 3e: Learning by Discovery: A hands-on primer for the new electronics enthusiast

    O'Reilly Media Make: Electronics, 3e: Learning by Discovery: A hands-on primer for the new electronics enthusiast

    3 in stock

    Make: Electronics explores the properties and applications of discrete components that are the fundamental building blocks of circuit design. Understanding resistors, capacitors, transistors, inductors, diodes, and integrated circuit chips is essential even when using microcontrollers. Make: Electronics teaches the fundamentals and also provides advice on the tools and supplies that are necessary. Component kits are available, specifically developed for the third edition.

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  • Illustrated Guide to the National Electrical Code

    Cengage Learning, Inc Illustrated Guide to the National Electrical Code

    2 in stock

    This uniquely effective guide will help you master the 2023 National Electrical Code��. The author uses highly detailed, technically accurate illustrations to make even the most complex aspects of the code easier to understand and apply, translating the often complicated language of the 2023 NEC�� into clear, simple instructions and helpful visuals. Organized logically to make learning easier, the text introduces you to fundamental concepts before progressing to requirements for various dwellings, including one-family homes, multi-family housing, commercial locations and special occupancies. In addition, a convenient, modular format makes it easy to reference relevant information whenever you need it. The Ninth Edition of this trusted resource provides detailed information on key updates and additions to the 2023 NEC, so you can confidently master the industry standards and best practices you���ll need to know for career success. With comprehensive coverage, an innovative learning approach and accurate, up-to-date information, this indispensable guide is an ideal resource for students and professionals alike.

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  • Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future: The Case For an Ecological Food System and Against Manufactured Foods

    Chelsea Green Publishing UK Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future: The Case For an Ecological Food System and Against Manufactured Foods

    3 in stock

    ‘If you want real food, food security and a truly biodiverse countryside, please, please read this book.’ John Lewis-Stempel, author of Meadowland ‘[A] timely response to those who are constructing a dystopia of farms without farmers, food without farms, while promoting more industrialisation of the food system.’ Vandana Shiva, activist and author of Terra Viva ‘Brilliant and compelling … at once hopeful and persuasive about the future of food.’ Dan Barber, chef at Blue Hill Named the Inc. Non-Obvious Book Awards 'Best Books of 2023' Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future is a powerful and timely response to the ongoing search for our sustainable food future. In the face of ongoing food, energy and environmental crises, Chris Smaje, farmer and social scientist, has become one of the most prescient voices on the future of farming. In his new book, he explores the false promises and unconsidered consequences of food techno-solutions advocated by ecomodernists like George Monbiot, arguing that we should not divorce ourselves from rural living and must embrace a future that includes farming. Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future passionately argues for scaling up the pro-nature principles of low-energy, biodiverse and agroecological farming, and for putting the power back into the hands of small-scale farmers and producers, and the local communities that support them. ‘A case for a rural agricultural landscape that delivers food without wrecking the planet’. Jake Fiennes, author of Land Healer ‘Everyone in the food business needs to read this … lively and superbly written polemic.’ Joel Salatin, co-founder of Polyface Farm

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  • Real and Fake Watches

    Watchprint com Sarl Real and Fake Watches

    3 in stock

    How can you tell a fake watch from a real one? Where are fakes made? What grades of quality can one find among so-called "replicas"? How can one buy a watch on the internet? How can one avoid fraudulent copies? These are just some of the questions to which any wristwatch enthusiast needs to find answers in an era when counterfeiting luxury products has become an industry in its own right. This book, of which the greater part is devoted to the most prestigious watch brands, provides readers with vital information on identifying fakes. It aims to ensure that buying a watch from a private individual, from a professional or on the internet (the global hub for the sale of fake watches) does not turn out to be a nightmare! Illustrated with over 500 photos, the differences between original and counterfeit models are exposed in detail (mechanisms, dials, bracelets, etc.). To our knowledge, no other work of this type has been published to date, doubtless due to the explosive nature of this fascinating topic.

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  • 507 Mechanical Movements: Mechanisms and Devices

    Dover Publications Inc. 507 Mechanical Movements: Mechanisms and Devices

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  • The Hempcrete Book: Designing and building with hemp-lime

    Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Hempcrete Book: Designing and building with hemp-lime

    3 in stock

    A comprehensive practical manual for professionals and self-builders, this innovative book explains the many benefits of building with hempcrete. Hempcrete is a building material with excellent, environmentally friendly properties. It’s made from lime and hemp shivs (a waste product from hemp fibre growing) and can be used for walks, floor and roof insulation. Hempcrete is breathable, absorbing and emitting moisture; this helps regulate internal humidity, avoiding trapped moisture and mould growth, and creating healthier buildings. It provides excellent acoustic and thermal insulation, and it is lightweight, which reduces construction costs. Whether you’re working on a new build or are planning a renovation, The Hempcrete Book tells you everything you need to know to get started with hempcrete. It describes how to source and mix it, and provides a detailed account of construction techniques, highlighting potential pitfalls and how to avoid them. With fully illustrated design notes and examples of completed builds, this book is a powerful tool for any eco-builder.

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  • Exactly: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World

    HarperCollins Publishers Exactly: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World

    3 in stock

    SHORTLISTED FOR THE ROYAL SOCIETY SCIENCE BOOK PRIZE 2018 Bestselling author Simon Winchester writes a magnificent history of the pioneering engineers who developed precision machinery to allow us to see as far as the moon and as close as the Higgs boson. Precision is the key to everything. It is an integral, unchallenged and essential component of our modern social, mercantile, scientific, mechanical and intellectual landscapes. The items we value in our daily lives – a camera, phone, computer, bicycle, car, a dishwasher perhaps – all sport components that fit together with precision and operate with near perfection. We also assume that the more precise a device the better it is. And yet whilst we live lives peppered and larded with precision, we are not, when we come to think about it, entirely sure what precision is, or what it means. How and when did it begin to build the modern world? Simon Winchester seeks to answer these questions through stories of precision’s pioneers. Exactly takes us back to the origins of the Industrial Age, to Britain where he introduces the scientific minds that helped usher in modern production: John ‘Iron-Mad’ Wilkinson, Henry Maudslay, Joseph Bramah, Jesse Ramsden, and Joseph Whitworth. Thomas Jefferson exported their discoveries to the United States as manufacturing developed in the early twentieth century, with Britain’s Henry Royce developing the Rolls Royce and Henry Ford mass producing cars, Hattori’s Seiko and Leica lenses, to today’s cutting-edge developments from Europe, Asia and North America. As he introduces the minds and methods that have changed the modern world, Winchester explores fundamental questions. Why is precision important? What are the different tools we use to measure it? Who has invented and perfected it? Has the pursuit of the ultra-precise in so many facets of human life blinded us to other things of equal value, such as an appreciation for the age-old traditions of craftsmanship, art, and high culture? Are we missing something that reflects the world as it is, rather than the world as we think we would wish it to be? And can the precise and the natural co-exist in society?

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  • Blueprint Reading for Welders, Spiral bound Version

    Cengage Learning, Inc Blueprint Reading for Welders, Spiral bound Version

    3 in stock

    This hands-on, reader-friendly guide provides comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of welding symbols and their application to welding prints and practices. BLUEPRINT READING FOR WELDERS, Ninth Edition, uses step-by-step instructions and detailed illustrations to help you gain the knowledge and skills you need to interpret a wide range of working documents, from simple sketches to the most complex blueprints. The text covers auxiliary views, detail views, projections, sections, and detail and assembly drawings. Now updated and expanded, the new Ninth Edition features the latest AWS symbols and terms along with the ISO welding symbols,, current specifications and dimensioning practices, relevant industry developments, and cutting-edge information to support your professional success in this dynamic field.

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  • The Inventions, Researches, and Writings of Nikola Tesla

    Union Square & Co. The Inventions, Researches, and Writings of Nikola Tesla

    2 in stock

    Dive into the mind of Nikola Tesla! Written in his own words, this Nikola Tesla book features the lectures, illustrations, and other works that established Tesla as one of history’s great geniuses. During the early twentieth century, the eccentric and brilliant inventor Nikola Tesla blazed the path that electrical development followed for many years to come. This fascinating illustrated record of Tesla’s pioneering work gathers many of his most famous findings and theories, allowing contemporary readers to experience the amazing range of his thinking. It includes lectures, articles, and discussions—particularly those bearing on polyphase motors and the effects obtained with currents of high potential and high frequency—and gives us a rare glimpse of a genius at work.A fascinating look at Tesla’s contributions to the history of electricity, including the electric motor that inspired Elon Musk’s Tesla Motors. Filled with Tesla facts and diagrams of his groundbreaking work, this is the perfect book for anyone searching for a Tesla biography focused on his scientific discoveries.

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  • Introduction to Flight ISE

    McGraw-Hill Education Introduction to Flight ISE

    3 in stock

    Anderson's Introduction to Flight is designed for first or second-year engineering students and any reader looking for an introduction to aerospace engineering. It is written in an intentionally easy-to-understand style. Readers are introduced to the basic areas of aerodynamics, flight dynamics, propulsion, and space flight (astronautics). In this edition, space flight content covers the expanding role of space vehicles within the field of aerospace engineering. Continuing the tradition of the previous edition, the 9th edition is intended not only to educate but also to motivate the reader to pursue the subject of aerospace engineering. In addition, new sections continue the unique tradition of including historical content discussing the origins of the technology.If you want to understand the engineering behind how airplanes fly, how spacecrafts are launched into space, and how they are able to follow the right path to their destination, this book is for you.

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  • Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition

    Princeton University Press Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition

    3 in stock

    The essential introduction to the principles and applications of feedback systems—now fully revised and expandedThis textbook covers the mathematics needed to model, analyze, and design feedback systems. Now more user-friendly than ever, this revised and expanded edition of Feedback Systems is a one-volume resource for students and researchers in mathematics and engineering. It has applications across a range of disciplines that utilize feedback in physical, biological, information, and economic systems.Karl Åström and Richard Murray use techniques from physics, computer science, and operations research to introduce control-oriented modeling. They begin with state space tools for analysis and design, including stability of solutions, Lyapunov functions, reachability, state feedback observability, and estimators. The matrix exponential plays a central role in the analysis of linear control systems, allowing a concise development of many of the key concepts for this class of models. Åström and Murray then develop and explain tools in the frequency domain, including transfer functions, Nyquist analysis, PID control, frequency domain design, and robustness. Features a new chapter on design principles and tools, illustrating the types of problems that can be solved using feedback Includes a new chapter on fundamental limits and new material on the Routh-Hurwitz criterion and root locus plots Provides exercises at the end of every chapter Comes with an electronic solutions manual An ideal textbook for undergraduate and graduate students Indispensable for researchers seeking a self-contained resource on control theory

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  • Yamaha FJR1300 (01-13)

    Haynes Publishing Group Yamaha FJR1300 (01-13)

    3 in stock

    Yamaha FJR1300 (01 - 13) The original Haynes Repair Manual - Based on a complete stripdown and rebuild of a vehicle Models Covered FJR1300A 1298cc 03 - 13 FJR1300AS 1298cc 06 - 12

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  • Flight Physics: Essentials of Aeronautical Disciplines and Technology, with Historical Notes

    Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Flight Physics: Essentials of Aeronautical Disciplines and Technology, with Historical Notes

    3 in stock

    Knowledge is not merely everything we have come to know, but also ideas we have pondered long enough to know in which way they are related, and 1 how these ideas can be put to practical use. Modern aviation has been made possible as a result of much scienti c - search. However, the very rst useful results of this research became ava- able a considerable length of time after the aviation pioneers had made their rst ights. Apparently, researchers were not able to nd an adequate exp- nation for the occurrence of lift until the beginning of the 21st century. Also, for the fundamentals of stability and control, there was no theory available that the pioneers could rely on. Only after the rst motorized ights had been successfully made did researchers become more interested in the science of aviation, which from then on began to take shape. In modern day life, many millions of passengers are transported every year by air. People in the western societies take to the skies, on average, several times a year. Especially in areas surrounding busy airports, travel by plane has been on the rise since the end of the Second World War. Despite becoming familiar with the sight of a jumbo jet commencing its ight once or twice a day, many nd it astonishing that such a colossus with a mass of several hundred thousands of kilograms can actually lift off from the ground.

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  • Roundwood Timber Framing: Building Naturally Using Local Resources

    Permanent Publications Roundwood Timber Framing: Building Naturally Using Local Resources

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    Since building his famous Woodland House from his own woodland, author Ben Law has evolved his own style of natural building, now tried and tested on many other builds across England. Ben has built houses, workshops, a classroom, lean-tos, a shop and a store to industrial specifications. Whilst this style’s origins can be found in traditional forms of building, Ben has developed an entirely new vernacular using many innovative ideas and techniques. Filled with detailed colour photographs and drawings, this unique and practical `how to’ book, is unquestionably a benchmark for sustainable building. Roundwood Timber Framing encourages communication between woodsmen, planners, architects and builders, and helps to close the loop between environmental conservation, use of renewable local resources and the regeneration and evolution of traditional skills, to create durable, ecological and beautiful buildings. Ben is a now a much admired figure. His previous books have sold extremely well and this book, with its highly original and fascinating contribution to design and build, is set to capture the public’s imagination and desire to increasingly learn traditional crafts.

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  • Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface

    Elsevier Science & Technology Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface

    3 in stock

    Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface, Second Edition, the award-winning textbook from Patterson and Hennessy that is used by more than 40,000 students per year, continues to present the most comprehensive and readable introduction to this core computer science topic. This version of the book features the RISC-V open source instruction set architecture, the first open source architecture designed for use in modern computing environments such as cloud computing, mobile devices, and other embedded systems. Readers will enjoy an online companion website that provides advanced content for further study, appendices, glossary, references, links to software tools, and more.

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  • Carpentry

    Cengage Learning, Inc Carpentry

    2 in stock

    Refine the skills needed to become an accomplished professional carpenter with the in-depth coverage and practical applications found in CARPENTRY, Seventh Edition. This bestseller by well-known expert Floyd Vogt presents the intricate system of contemporary light frame building construction using reader-friendly, step-by-step procedures. Content follows the logical path of a residential project, using thorough explanations, easy-to-follow diagrams, and dynamic real-world visuals to explore building plans, sitework and layout, footings and foundations, framing, interior and exterior surfaces, cabinetry, and more. The new edition features essential information on traditional construction, as well as today's latest practices, including contemporary safety tools and techniques, use of alternative construction such as concrete forms, and "green" building techniques. This edition also includes additional emphasis on how techniques apply to commercial drawings and construction. From building layout through finishing with trim carpentry, each section features step-by-step procedures and photo-realistic drawings for key carpentry jobs, along with tips of the trade and insights into today's industry. In addition, a new online MindTap provides interactive learning tools ideal for today's learners, making it even easier for you to prepare for success as a professional carpenter.

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  • Honda CB600 Hornet, CBF600 & CBR600F (07 - 12)

    Haynes Publishing Group Honda CB600 Hornet, CBF600 & CBR600F (07 - 12)

    3 in stock

    The original Haynes Repair Manual - Based on a complete stripdown and rebuild of a vehicle What's covered: CB600F Hornet 599cc 07 - 12 CB600FA Hornet 599cc 07 - 12 CBF600N 599cc 08 - 12 CBF600NA 599cc 08 - 12 CBF600S 599cc 08 - 12 CBF600SA 599cc 08 - 12 CBR600F 599cc 11 - 12 CBR600FA 599cc 11 - 12 Contents Introduction Pre-ride checks Chapter 1 : Routine maintenance and servicing Chapter 2 : Engine, clutch and transmission Chapter 3 : Cooling system Chapter 4 : Engine management system Chapter 5 : Frame and suspension Chapter 6 : Brakes, wheels and final drive Chapter 7 : Bodywork Chapter 8 : Electrical system Wiring diagrams Reference

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  • Moonwatch Only: The Ultimate OMEGA Speedmaster Guide

    Watchprint com Sarl Moonwatch Only: The Ultimate OMEGA Speedmaster Guide

    Out of stock

    "Moonwatch Only is certainly one of the best books ever written about a single watch model." - William Massena - "It is an indescribable reference work and a true must-have for every Speedmaster collector." - Forbes "This book sets a new standard. Not only for books on the Omega Speedmaster, but for watch books in general. I've never seen anything like it, and believe me when I tell you that I could fill an impressive sized wall with books on watches. Authors of other books or publishers should take a look at Moonwatch Only as well to see how it should be done." - Robert Jan Broer - FratelloWatches "The OMEGA Speedmaster Professional - the Moonwatch - has done things that no other timepiece has done and it's been worn in places that only a few human beings have been." - Captain Eugene Cernan, 'Last man on the moon' There are very few timepieces in the world that deserve a definitive and comprehensive book such as this one. The OMEGA Speedmaster Professional Moonwatch is one of them. Initially designed for automobile racing teams and engineers, the Omega Speedmaster embarked on a very different trajectory when NASA chose it to accompany astronauts heading for the Moon in 1965. Its involvement in the space adventure has propelled the Moonwatch to the top of the list of celebrated timepieces. After years of research and observation, the authors present a complete panorama of the Moonwatch in a systematic work that is both technical and attractive, making it the inescapable reference book for this legendary watch. This third edition has been enriched with numerous new features including a 16-page gallery of astronauts and their Speedmaster, QR codes to extend your exploration and a detailed story of a vintage Speedmaster.

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  • Filtering and System Identification A Least Squares Approach

    Cambridge University Press Filtering and System Identification A Least Squares Approach

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    This 2007 book discusses the design of reliable numerical methods to retrieve missing information in models of complex systems.

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  • MRI at a Glance

    John Wiley and Sons Ltd MRI at a Glance

    3 in stock

    Highly Commended at the British Medical Association Book Awards 2016MRI at a Glance encapsulates essential MRI physics knowledge. Illustrated in full colour throughout, its concise text explains complex information, to provide the perfect revision aid. It includes topics ranging from magnetism to safety, K space to pulse sequences, and image contrast to artefacts.This third edition has been fully updated, with revised diagrams and new pedagogy, including 55 key points, tables, scan tips, equations, and learning points. There is also an expanded glossary and new appendices on optimizing image quality, parameters and trade-offs.A companion website is also available at featuring animations, interactive multiple choice questions, and scan tips to improve your own MRI technique. MRI at a Glance is ideal for student radiographers and MRI technologists, especially those undertaking the American Registry of Radiation Technologist (ARRT) MRI examination, as well as other health professionals involved in MRI.

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  • A Heat Transfer Textbook: Fifth Edition

    Dover Publications Inc. A Heat Transfer Textbook: Fifth Edition

    1 in stock

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  • John Deere SRS 655 755 756 855 856&955

    Haynes Publishing Group John Deere SRS 655 755 756 855 856&955

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  • Building with Straw Bales: A practical manual for self-builders and architects

    Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Building with Straw Bales: A practical manual for self-builders and architects

    3 in stock

    An updated, fully revised, full-colour edition of the definitive manual on building with straw bales, described by Grand Designs as an 'essential guide'. Straw-bale buildings are cost-effective, easy to build and highly energy efficient, enabling you to design and build beautiful, environmentally friendly buildings. Written with non-experts in mind, Barbara Jones uses her years of experience in natural building methods to guide self-builders and architects building with straw as a sustainable material for a diverse range of comfortable and environmentally friendly buildings. Building with Straw Bales takes you through everything you need to know in an easy, accessible way. This includes design principles, the different types of foundations, how to raise and stabilise walls and protect them from the weather, including a detailed analysis of how straw performs with humidity and how straw bale buildings can easily meet building regulation requirements, as well as detailed information on lime and clay plaster finishes. Now in full colour for the first time, the beautiful photographs throughout this practical guide illustrate the design and build techniques described and showcase the diverse possibilities of straw bale building. The fully revised text includes step-by-step illustrations of key techniques, and also looks at the full international context of building with straw bales. This book is ideal for anyone looking to build more sustainably and integrate straw bales into their design.

    3 in stock


  • Encyclopedia of Electronic Components: Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, Semiconductors, Electromagnetism

    O'Reilly Media Encyclopedia of Electronic Components: Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, Semiconductors, Electromagnetism

    2 in stock

    Electronics is once again a popular topic. Today, students, hobbyists, DIY enthusiasts, artists, and engineers are pushing the limits by making all sorts of cool devices. But when you want to learn about a particular electronic component, where do you go? To the Encyclopedia of Electronic Components, Volume 1. This handy full-color reference guide provides everything you need to know: how a component works, its typical uses, and how you can use it in your project. Forget the manufacturer's datasheets and turn to a source that offers accessible information and straightforward advice you can use. Learn about hundreds of popular components, including power sources, switches, transceivers, and sensors Get detailed photos that go beyond the sketches found in typical datasheets Know what to avoid so you don't trash the component or your project

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  • Call of the Reed Warbler: A New Agriculture, A New Earth

    Chelsea Green Publishing Co Call of the Reed Warbler: A New Agriculture, A New Earth

    3 in stock

    Part lyrical nature writing, part storytelling, part solid scientific evidence, part scholarly research, part memoir, the book is an elegant manifesto, an urgent call to stop trashing the Earth and start healing it. the Guardian Perfect for readers of Wilding, Dirt to Soil and English Pastoral! Call of the Reed Warbler is a clarion call for the global transformation of agriculture, and an in-depth look at the visionary farmers who are revolutionising the way we grow, eat, and think about food. Using his personal experience as a touchstone, starting as a chemical-dependent farmer with dead soils, he recounts his journey carefully regenerating a 2000-hectare property to a state of natural health. Massy lays out the facts behind industrial agriculture and the global profit-obsessed corporations driving it. With evocative stories, he shows how other innovative and courageous farmers are finding a new way. It’s not too late to regenerate the earth. Call of the Reed Warbler offers a path forward for the future of our food, our planet and our health. Charles Massy has written a definitive masterpiece that takes its place along with the writings of Aldo Leopold, Wendell Berry, Masanobu Fukuoka, Humberto Maturana, and Michael Pollan. No work has more brilliantly defined regenerative agriculture... Paul Hawken

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  • Ford MDLS 5640 6640 7740 7840+

    Haynes Publishing Group Ford MDLS 5640 6640 7740 7840+

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  • Diddly Squat: ‘Til The Cows Come Home: The No 1 Sunday Times Bestseller 2022

    Penguin Books Ltd Diddly Squat: ‘Til The Cows Come Home: The No 1 Sunday Times Bestseller 2022

    3 in stock

    THE NO. 1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERHead back down to Clarkson Farm with the bestseller from our favourite welly-wearing wannabe farmer, Jeremy Clarkson___________Enthusiastic trainee farmer Jeremy Clarkson made just £144 in his first year at Diddly Squat Farm. This year he's determined to do better. Not because he now knows what he's doing. But because he's fed up of getting stick from Kaleb.Yet farming continues to be a challenge.For instance . . .· Loading a grain trailer was more demanding than flying an Apache gunship?· Cows were more dangerous than motor-racing?· It's easier to get planning permission to build a nuclear plant than to turn a barn into a restaurant?Jeremy's always got a plan. Loads of them. Often cunning.Not always greeted with wild enthusiasm by Kaleb and Cheerful Charlie, however . . .___________PRAISE FOR DIDDLY SQUAT'Clarkson has done more for farmers in one series than Countryfile achieved in 30 years' James Rebanks, author of A Shepherd's Life'Clarkson has showcased the passion, humour and personalities of the people who work throughout the year to grow the nation's food . . . and brought an understanding of many of the issues faced by farmers to the British public' National Farmers Union'A deserving Farming Champion of the Year' Farmers Weekly'I don't know anything about farming. It's like David Attenborough doing jet-skiing, or Nicholas Witchell saying, "I'm going to be a cage fighter'" Jeremy ClarksonNumber 1 Sunday Times bestseller, October 2022

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  • Construction Materials, Methods, and Techniques: Building for a Sustainable Future

    Cengage Learning, Inc Construction Materials, Methods, and Techniques: Building for a Sustainable Future

    1 in stock

    Get a thorough overview of sustainable methods for site, residential and commercial building construction with this comprehensive text, which covers both traditional and contemporary materials, current industry standards and new and emerging technologies. The only text organized according to the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) MasterFormat�� standards, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, METHODS AND TECHNIQUES: BUILDING FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE, Fifth Edition, features a reader-friendly style and logical structure, which follows the construction process step-by-step from project inception to completion. The new edition provides up-to-date coverage of dramatic changes underway in the construction industry, including advances in pre-fabricated construction; increased use of drones, robotics and artificial intelligence; net-zero buildings and lean construction. You'll learn about key current industry developments and standards, as well as latest relevant building codes, all presented within a dynamic, richly illustrated new design. Beyond the text itself, you can access a wealth of helpful learning resources to help you gain a clear understanding of today's construction materials, methods and techniques, providing a critical foundation for your career success.

    1 in stock


  • Multivariable Feedback Control: Analysis and Design

    John Wiley & Sons Inc Multivariable Feedback Control: Analysis and Design

    3 in stock

    Multivariable Feedback Control: Analysis and Design, Second Edition presents a rigorous, yet easily readable, introduction to the analysis and design of robust multivariable control systems. Focusing on practical feedback control and not on system theory in general, this book provides the reader with insights into the opportunities and limitations of feedback control. Taking into account the latest developments in the field, this fully revised and updated second edition: * features a new chapter devoted to the use of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs); * presents current results on fundamental performance limitations introduced by RHP-poles and RHP-zeros; * introduces updated material on the selection of controlled variables and self-optimizing control; * provides simple IMC tuning rules for PID control; * covers additional material including unstable plants, the feedback amplifier, the lower gain margin and a clear strategy for incorporating integral action into LQG control; * includes numerous worked examples, exercises and case studies, which make frequent use of Matlab and the new Robust Control toolbox. Multivariable Feedback Control: Analysis and Design, Second Edition is an excellent resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses studying multivariable control. It is also an invaluable tool for engineers who want to understand multivariable control, its limitations, and how it can be applied in practice. The analysis techniques and the material on control structure design should prove very useful in the new emerging area of systems biology. Reviews of the first edition: "Being rich in insights and practical tips on controller design, the book should also prove to be very beneficial to industrial control engineers, both as a reference book and as an educational tool." Applied Mechanics Reviews "In summary, this book can be strongly recommended not only as a basic text in multivariable control techniques for graduate and undergraduate students, but also as a valuable source of information for control engineers." International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing

    3 in stock


  • Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest

    2 in stock


  • The Design of Everyday Things

    Basic Books The Design of Everyday Things

    2 in stock

    2 in stock


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