Mathematics & Science
BenBella Books The Molecule of More: How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex, and Creativity--and Will Determine the Fate of the Human Race
2020 Next Generation Indie Book Awards Winner - Science Category2018 Forward Indies Finalist - Psychology CategoryWhy are we obsessed with the things we want only to be bored when we get them? Why is addiction perfectly logical to an addict? Why does love change so quickly from passion to indifference? Why are some people die-hard liberals and others hardcore conservatives? Why are we always hopeful for solutions even in the darkest times—and so good at figuring them out? The answer is found in a single chemical in your brain: dopamine. Dopamine ensured the survival of early man. Thousands of years later, it is the source of our most basic behaviors and cultural ideas—and progress itself. Dopamine is the chemical of desire that always asks for more—more stuff, more stimulation, and more surprises. In pursuit of these things, it is undeterred by emotion, fear, or morality. Dopamine is the source of our every urge, that little bit of biology that makes an ambitious business professional sacrifice everything in pursuit of success, or that drives a satisfied spouse to risk it all for the thrill of someone new. Simply put, it is why we seek and succeed; it is why we discover and prosper. Yet, at the same time, it's why we gamble and squander. From dopamine's point of view, it's not the having that matters. It's getting something—anything—that's new. From this understanding—the difference between possessing something versus anticipating it—we can understand in a revolutionary new way why we behave as we do in love, business, addiction, politics, religion—and we can even predict those behaviors in ourselves and others. In The Molecule of More: How a Single Chemical in Your Brain Drives Love, Sex, and Creativity—and will Determine the Fate of the Human Race, George Washington University professor and psychiatrist Daniel Z. Lieberman, MD, and Georgetown University lecturer Michael E. Long present a potentially life-changing proposal: Much of human life has an unconsidered component that explains an array of behaviors previously thought to be unrelated, including why winners cheat, why geniuses often suffer with mental illness, why nearly all diets fail, and why the brains of liberals and conservatives really are different.
Clinical Press Ltd The Death of Science: The retreat from reason in the post-modern world
SCIENCE IS ON ITS DEATH BEDLies, specious argument and fraud abound in a variety of scientific endeavours including the treatment and vaccines for Covid-19. Managers and politicians have taken over where previously the scientists were in charge. They have been able to utilise the bizarre language and contradictory processes of political correctness, making themselves into the high priests of a new religion, one which spawns more politically correct managers and despises experts, but there is hope and possible answers are proposed.Recent tragedies have pinpointed how managerial and political control do not advance the pursuit of knowledge. This book analyses the ways in which science has been undermined in areas as diverse as medicine, archaeology, climatology, cosmology and physics.
Pearson Education Pearson Edexcel International AS Level Biology Student Book
Pearson Education (US) Calculus: A Complete Course
Learn everything you need to know about Calculus and practice your reasoning and practical skills with a high-end textbook suitable for a wide range of course levels. Calculus: A Complete Course, 10th Edition by Robert Adams and Christopher Essex is the ultimate guide written by two leading authors in the field that continues to build its solid core following the successful pattern of its previous editions. With its reader-friendly language, the textbook holds a reputation for excellent accuracy and mathematical rigour, offering you study material suitable to cover a standard semester course, as well as high-end content that will help you further explore some of the unique topics and approaches in the landscape of Mathematics. Adding important, but overlooked topics while clarifying old ones, this edition will help you develop and practice your reasoning skills and apply techniques you have learned to concrete situations. Some of the topics this edition explores include: Sufficient conditions for maxima and minima in higher dimensions: this is the only mainstream textbook that covers the topic sufficiently. The fuzzy topic of metrics: the text explores and addresses any issues and questions, leading to new gateway topics, including spherical geometry (as in navigation) and special relativity, which emerge rather effortlessly once the metric concept is in place properly. Computers and mathematics through Maple and now Python: there is no other Calculus book that deals better with the topic while treating unique but important applications from information theory to Lévy distributions. With a wide variety of exercises and useful features to support your learning, this unique edition continues to aspire to the definition of its subtitle of “A Complete Course.” Also available with MyLab® Math MyLab is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLabMath personalises the learning experience and improves results for each student. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab® Math, search for: 9780135732595 Calculus: A Complete Course, 10th Edition plus MyLab Math with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 9780135732588 Calculus: A Complete Course, 10th Edition 9780135732526 Calculus: A Complete Course, 10th Edition MyLab® Math -- Standalone Access Card MyLab® Math is not included. Students, if MyLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. MyLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
Royal Society of Chemistry Molymod MMS-072: Molecular Set for Inorganic & Organic Chemistry, 72 atoms
These popular molecular modelling sets can be used to make many different molecules. This makes them ideal for student use and also for educators and researchers. The set contains 72 colour-coded atoms, 105 links and 5 lone pair electron clouds. The shorter links can be used for single bonds, while the longer, flexible links can be used for double or triple bonds. Using molecular models can help students to visualise concepts such as isomerism through hands-on learning. The models can also be used to learn about balancing equations and molecular geometry. Molymod is a registered trade mark of the EU ( and other places) and is owned by Spiring Enterprises Limited who are the inventors and exclusive manufacturers of the molymod system. Made In England. NOT AVAILABLE IN NORTH AMERICA AND CANADA
Cengage Learning, Inc Chemistry
Learning chemistry is more than just memorizing facts and formulas. To be successful, you need to understand fundamental chemistry concepts and how to apply them to solve problems. CHEMISTRY, Eleventh Edition, will help you gain the tools you need to succeed in your chemistry course--and beyond. This trusted text has helped generations of students learn to ���think like chemists,��� developing critical-thinking and creative problem-solving skills to master even the most challenging problems. An engaging writing style, clear explanations and interactive examples help you build both skill and confidence, so you can study to understand rather than simply memorize. In addition, useful online resources and instant feedback in OWLv2 help bring the material to life and make learning even more effective.
HarperCollins Publishers The Lost Rainforests of Britain
WINNER OF THE WAINWRIGHT PRIZE FOR CONSERVATION 2023 The Sunday Times Science Book of the Year As seen on Countryfile ‘If anyone was born to save Britain’s rainforests, it was Guy Shrubsole’ Sunday Times Shortlisted for the Richard Jefferies Society Literary Prize Temperate rainforest may once have covered up to one-fifth of Britain, inspiring Celtic druids, Welsh wizards, Romantic poets, and Arthur Conan Doyle’s most loved creations. Though only fragments now remain, they are home to a dazzling variety of luminous life-forms. In this awe-inspiring investigation, Guy Shrubsole travels through the Western Highlands and the Lake District, down to the rainforests of Wales, Devon, and Cornwall to map these spectacular lost worlds for the first time. This is the extraordinary tale of one person’s quest to find Britain’s lost rainforests – and bring them back.
HarperCollins Publishers Black Holes: The Key to Understanding the Universe
A Brief History of Time for the 21st Century At the heart of our galaxy lies a monster so deadly, not even light can escape its grasp. Its secrets lie waiting to be discovered. It’s time to explore our universe’s most mysterious inhabitants Black Holes At the heart of the Milky Way lies a supermassive black hole 4 million times more massive than our Sun. A place where space and time are so warped that light is trapped if it ventures within 12 million km. According to Einstein, inside lies the end of time. According to 21st-century physics, the reality may be far more bizarre. Black holes lie where the most massive stars used to shine and at the edge of our current understanding. They are naturally occurring objects, the inevitable creations of gravity when too much matter collapses into not enough space. And yet, although the laws of nature predict them, they fail fully to describe them. Black holes are places in space and time where the laws of gravity, quantum physics and thermodynamics collide. Originally thought to be so intellectually troubling that they simply could not exist, it is only in the past few years that we have begun to glimpse a new synthesis; a deep connection between gravity and quantum information theory that describes a holographic universe in which space and time emerge from a network of quantum bits, and wormholes span the void. In this groundbreaking book, Professor Brian Cox and Professor Jeff Forshaw take you to the edge of our understanding of black holes; a scientific journey to the research frontier spanning a century of physics, from Einstein to Hawking and beyond, that ends with the startling conclusion that our world may operate like a giant quantum computer.
Pearson Education Pearson Edexcel International AS Level Chemistry Student Book
HarperCollins Publishers The Ultimate Mathematical Challenge: Over 365 puzzles to test your wits and excite your mind
’Be warned: cracking puzzles releases a very addictive drug.’ – Marcus du Sautoy Have you ever wanted to be a puzzle pro or logical luminary? Well, look no further! The perfect way to liven up your day, The Ultimate Mathematical Challenge has over 365 puzzles to test your wits and excite your mind. From starter puzzles to perplexing Olympiad problems designed to stretch even the strongest mathematicians, this book is the ideal forum to get your brain into gear and feed it with the challenges it craves. Specially curated from the UK Mathematics Trust’s catalogue of puzzles, most of these problems can be tackled using no more than a little numerical knowledge, logical thinking and native wit. Including interludes of crossnumber conundrums and shuttle challenges, space for your working out and a handy glossary for those obscure mathematical terms, this book has everything you need to solve captivating problems all year round. Do you have what it takes to conquer The Ultimate Mathematical Challenge?
Macmillan Learning The Analysis of Biological Data
Pearson Education Limited Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Mathematics: Higher Student Book
Exam Board: EdexcelLevel: GCSESubject: MathsFirst teaching: September 2015First exams: June 2017 Help students reach a higher level in each topic before they move onto the next topic with content broken down into larger chunks. Check and consolidate understanding with formative assessment followed by an opportunity to strengthen learning at the end of each topic Challenge the higher abilities to broaden learning further with extend sections. Build confidence with fluency, reasoning and problem solving integrated in every unit to give students the tools to answer new question types. Support lower ability students with strategies proven to help them access concepts, such as concrete- pictorial-abstract. Encourage students to reflect on their learning, something that has been proven to nurture confidence and raise achievement in all abilities.
Macmillan Learning The Practice of Statistics for Business and Economics
HarperCollins Publishers The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate
Sunday Times Bestseller ‘A paradigm-smashing chronicle of joyous entanglement’ Charles Foster Waterstones Non-Fiction Book of the Month (September) Are trees social beings? How do trees live? Do they feel pain or have awareness of their surroundings? In The Hidden Life of Trees Peter Wohlleben makes the case that the forest is a social network. He draws on groundbreaking scientific discoveries to describe how trees are like human families: tree parents live together with their children, communicate with them, support them as they grow, share nutrients with those who are sick or struggling, and even warn each other of impending dangers. Wohlleben also shares his deep love of woods and forests, explaining the amazing processes of life, death and regeneration he has observed in his woodland. A walk in the woods will never be the same again.
Yale University Press Mathematics for Human Flourishing
Winner of the Mathematics Association of America's 2021 Euler Book Prize, this is an inclusive vision of mathematics—its beauty, its humanity, and its power to build virtues that help us all flourish “This is perhaps the most important mathematics book of our time. Francis Su shows mathematics is an experience of the mind and, most important, of the heart.”—James Tanton, Global Math Project “A good book is an entertaining read. A great book holds up a mirror that allows us to more clearly see ourselves and the world we live in. Francis Su’s Mathematics for Human Flourishing is both a good book and a great book.”—MAA Reviews For mathematician Francis Su, a society without mathematical affection is like a city without concerts, parks, or museums. To miss out on mathematics is to live without experiencing some of humanity’s most beautiful ideas. In this profound book, written for a wide audience but especially for those disenchanted by their past experiences, an award‑winning mathematician and educator weaves parables, puzzles, and personal reflections to show how mathematics meets basic human desires—such as for play, beauty, freedom, justice, and love—and cultivates virtues essential for human flourishing. These desires and virtues, and the stories told here, reveal how mathematics is intimately tied to being human. Some lessons emerge from those who have struggled, including philosopher Simone Weil, whose own mathematical contributions were overshadowed by her brother’s, and Christopher Jackson, who discovered mathematics as an inmate in a federal prison. Christopher’s letters to the author appear throughout the book and show how this intellectual pursuit can—and must—be open to all.
Simon & Schuster Process and Reality
One of the major philosophical texts of the 20th century, Process and Reality is based on Alfred North Whitehead’s influential lectures that he delivered at the University of Edinburgh in the 1920s on process philosophy.Whitehead’s master work in philsophy, Process and Reality propounds a system of speculative philosophy, known as process philosophy, in which the various elements of reality into a consistent relation to each other. It is also an exploration of some of the preeminent thinkers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, such as Descartes, Newton, Locke, and Kant. The ultimate edition of Whitehead’s magnum opus, Process and Reality is a standard reference for scholars of all backgrounds.
Cengage Learning, Inc An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis
Ott and Longnecker's AN INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICAL METHODS AND DATA ANALYSIS, Seventh Edition, provides a broad overview of statistical methods for advanced undergraduate and graduate students from a variety of disciplines who have little or no prior course work in statistics. The authors teach students to solve problems encountered in research projects, to make decisions based on data in general settings both within and beyond the university setting, and to become critical readers of statistical analyses in research papers and news reports. The first eleven chapters present material typically covered in an introductory statistics course, as well as case studies and examples that are often encountered in undergraduate capstone courses. The remaining chapters cover regression modeling and design of experiments.
HarperCollins Publishers Light Eaters
teeming with fascinating and enlightening insights ObserverA narrative investigation into the new science of plant intelligence and sentience, from National Association of Science Writers Award winner and Livingston Award finalist Zoe Schlanger.Look at the green organism across the room or through the window: the potted plant, or the grass or a tree. Think how a life spent constantly growing yet rooted in a single spot comes with tremendous challenges. To meet them, plants have come up with some of the most creative methods for surviving of any living thing us included. Many are so ingenious that they seem nearly impossible.Did you know plants can communicate when they are being eaten, allowing nearby plants to bolster their defences? They move and that movement stops when they are anaesthetised. They also use electricity for internal communication. They can hear the sounds of caterpillars eating. Plants can remember the last time they have been visited by a bee and how many times the
Wooden Books Quadrivium: The Four Classical Liberal Arts of Number, Geometry, Music and Cosmology
The Quadrivium consists of the four Liberal Arts of Number, Geometry, Music, and Cosmology, studied from antiquity to the Renaissance as a way of glimpsing the nature of reality. They synthesize number, space, and time. Geometry is number in space, music is number in time, and the cosmos expresses number in space and time. Number, music, and geometry are metaphysical truths, good and beautiful everywhere at all times. Life across the universe investigates them. They foreshadow the physical sciences. This is the first volume to bring together the Quadrivium for many hundreds of years.
Jaico Publishing House The Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of the Universe
HarperCollins Publishers A Brief History of Intelligence: Why the Evolution of the Brain Holds the Key to the Future of AI
A Brief History of Intelligence bridges the gap between AI and neuroscience by telling the evolutionary story of how the brain came to be. The entirety of the human brain’s 4-billion-year story can be summarised as the culmination of five evolutionary breakthroughs, starting from the very first brains, all the way to the modern human brains. Each breakthrough emerged from new sets of brain modifications, and equipped animals with a new suite of intellectual faculties. These five breakthroughs are the organising map to this book, and they make up our itinerary for our adventure back in time. Each breakthrough also has fascinating corollaries to breakthroughs in AI. Indeed, there will be plenty of such surprises along the way. For instance: the innovation that enabled AI to beat humans in the game of Go – temporal difference reinforcement learning – was an innovation discovered by our fish ancestors over 500 million years ago. The solutions to many of the current mysteries in AI – such as ‘common sense’ – can be found in the tiny brain of a mouse. Where do emotions come from? Research suggests that they may have arisen simply as a solution to navigation in ancient worm brains. Unravelling this evolutionary story will reveal the hidden features of human intelligence and with them, just how your mind came to be.
Pearson Education Limited Calculations in AS/A Level Chemistry
"Calculations in AS and A Level Chemistry fills a gap in the market and provides excellent coverage of the calculations needed at A Level. Chapters are clearly laid out, with plenty of worked examples, and there are helpful notes throughout."The Times Educational Supplement, April 2001. Suitable for use with all AS and A Level specifications, it helps students to understand mathematical concepts specific to AS and A Level Chemistry. Assumes only a basic knowledge of GCSE Chemistry to help bridge the gap between GCSE and AS/A Level. Ideal as a self-study text to build students' knowledge and competence in completing calculations. Uses simple language to clearly explain the basic principles. Guides students through each exercise with help and hint boxes as they gradually progress through the text. Covers variants of each type of calculation.
HarperCollins Publishers The Universe: The book of the BBC TV series presented by Professor Brian Cox
Every night, above our heads, a drama of epic proportions is playing out. Diamond planets, zombie stars, black holes heavier than a billion Suns. The cast of characters is extraordinary, and each one has its own incredible story to tell. We once thought of our Earth as unique, but we have now discovered thousands of alien planets, and that’s barely a fraction of the worlds that are out there. And there are more stars in the Universe than grains of sand on every planet in the Solar System. But amid all this vastness, the Milky Way Galaxy, our Sun and the Earth are home to the only known life in the Universe – at least for now. With a foreword from Professor Brian Cox, and access to all the latest stunning NASA photography, Andrew Cohen takes readers on a voyage of discovery, via the probes and telescopes exploring the outer reaches of our galaxy, revealing how it was formed and how it will inevitably be destroyed by the enigmatic black hole at its heart. And beyond our galaxy, the expanding Universe, which holds clues to the biggest mystery of all – how did it all begin? We now know more about those first moments of existence than we ever thought possible, and hidden in this story of how it all began are the clues to the fate of the Universe itself and everything in it.
Cengage Learning, Inc Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Metric Edition
CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, Metric, 9th Edition provides you with the strongest foundation for a STEM future. James Stewart���s Calculus, Metric series is the top-seller in the world because of its problem-solving focus, mathematical precision and accuracy, and outstanding examples and problem sets. Selected and mentored by Stewart, coauthors Daniel Clegg and Saleem Watson continue his legacy, and their careful refinements retain Stewart���s clarity of exposition and make the 9th Edition an even more usable learning tool. The accompanying WebAssign includes helpful learning support and new resources like Explore It interactive learning modules. Showing that Calculus is both practical and beautiful, the Stewart approach and WebAssign resources enhance understanding and build confidence for millions of students worldwide.
Pearson Education Limited Pearson Edexcel International AS Level Physics Student Book
Developed for the new International A Level specification, these new resources are specifically designed for international students, with a strong focus on progression, recognition and transferable skills, allowing learning in a local context to a global standard. Recognised by universities worldwide and fully comparable to UK reformed GCE A levels. Supports a modular approach, in line with the specification. Appropriate international content puts learning in a real-world context, to a global standard, making it engaging and relevant for all learners. Reviewed by a language specialist to ensure materials are written in a clear and accessible style. The embedded transferable skills, needed for progression to higher education and employment, are signposted so students understand what skills they are developing and therefore go on to use these skills more
McGraw-Hill Education ISE Business Statistics and Analytics in Practice
Bowerman 9e covers both standard business statistics and business analytics topics and provides them in a clear presentation that is organized so that business analytics topics may be used or not used. Bowerman provides a continuous case throughout chapters and business analytics topics that allow students to use data for a more applied and practical approach. Featuring Connect, Smartbook, Guided examples, Algorithmic Problems and a Business Statistics, Math and Excel prep component, Bowerman is a perfect fit for the instructor who wants a Business Stats with Business Analytics focus.
HarperCollins Publishers Fermat’s Last Theorem
‘I have a truly marvellous demonstration of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain.’ It was with these words, written in the 1630s, that Pierre de Fermat intrigued and infuriated the mathematics community. For over 350 years, proving Fermat’s Last Theorem was the most notorious unsolved mathematical problem, a puzzle whose basics most children could grasp but whose solution eluded the greatest minds in the world. In 1993, after years of secret toil, Englishman Andrew Wiles announced to an astounded audience that he had cracked Fermat’s Last Theorem. He had no idea of the nightmare that lay ahead. In ‘Fermat’s Last Theorem’ Simon Singh has crafted a remarkable tale of intellectual endeavour spanning three centuries, and a moving testament to the obsession, sacrifice and extraordinary determination of Andrew Wiles: one man against all the odds.
Princeton University Press Gravitation
First published in 1973, Gravitation is a landmark graduate-level textbook that presents Einstein's general theory of relativity and offers a rigorous, full-year course on the physics of gravitation. Upon publication, Science called it "a pedagogic masterpiece," and it has since become a classic, considered essential reading for every serious student and researcher in the field of relativity. This authoritative text has shaped the research of generations of physicists and astronomers, and the book continues to influence the way experts think about the subject. With an emphasis on geometric interpretation, this masterful and comprehensive book introduces the theory of relativity; describes physical applications, from stars to black holes and gravitational waves; and portrays the field's frontiers. The book also offers a unique, alternating, two-track pathway through the subject. Material focusing on basic physical ideas is designated as Track 1 and formulates an appropriate one-semester graduate-level course. The remaining Track 2 material provides a wealth of advanced topics instructors can draw on for a two-semester course, with Track 1 sections serving as prerequisites. This must-have reference for students and scholars of relativity includes a new preface by David Kaiser, reflecting on the history of the book's publication and reception, and a new introduction by Charles Misner and Kip Thorne, discussing exciting developments in the field since the book's original publication. * The book teaches students to:* Grasp the laws of physics in flat and curved spacetime* Predict orders of magnitude* Calculate using the principal tools of modern geometry* Understand Einstein's geometric framework for physics* Explore applications, including neutron stars, Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes, gravitational collapse, gravitational waves, cosmology, and so much more
Oxford University Press The Chemistry Maths Book
The Chemistry Maths Book provides a complete course companion suitable for students at all levels. All the most useful and important topics are covered, with numerous examples of applications in chemistry and the physical sciences. Taking a clear, straightforward approach, the book develops ideas in a logical, coherent way, allowing students progressively to build a thorough working understanding of the subject. Topics are organized into three parts: algebra, calculus, differential equations, and expansions in series; vectors, determinants and matrices; and numerical analysis and statistics. The extensive use of examples illustrates every important concept and method in the text, and are used to demonstrate applications of the mathematics in chemistry and several basic concepts in physics. The exercises at the end of each chapter, are an essential element of the development of the subject, and have been designed to give students a working understanding of the material in the text. Online Resource Centre: The Online Resource Centre features the following resources: - Figures from the book in electronic format, ready to download - Full worked solutions to all end of chapter exercises
Headline Publishing Group Kew - The Magic of Mushrooms: Fungi in folklore, superstition and traditional medicine
Explore the wonderful world of some of the most incredible natural forms on our planet – fungi.At the centre of countless superstitions, folkloric tales and magical beliefs, as well as appearing in recipes and medicines both traditional and modern, mushrooms have incredible powers.Featuring images of over 100 fascinating species, sourced from the archives at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, The Magic of Mushrooms shows that from saving lives to expanding the mind, the potential of these fascinating organisms should not be underestimated.
Kaplan Publishing AP Chemistry Premium, 2024: 6 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice
Power up your study sessions with Barron's AP Chemistry on Kahoot!‑‑additional, free practice to help you ace your exam!Be prepared for exam day with Barron’s. Trusted content from AP experts!Barron’s AP Chemistry Premium, 2024 includes in‑depth content review and practice. It’s the only book you’ll need to be prepared for exam day. Written by Experienced Educators Learn from Barron's‑‑all content is written and reviewed by AP experts Build your understanding with comprehensive review tailored to the most recent exam Get a leg up with tips, strategies, and study advice for exam day‑‑it’s like having a trusted tutor by your side Be Confident on Exam Day Sharpen your test‑taking skills with 6 full‑length practice tests‑‑3 in the book and 3 more online–plus 3 short diagnostic tests for assessing strengths and areas for improvement and detailed answer explanations for all questions Strengthen your knowledge with in‑depth review covering all units on the AP Chemistry exam Reinforce your learning with more than 300 practice questions throughout the book that cover all frequently tested topics Learn what to expect on test day with essential details about the exam format, scoring, calculator policy, strategies for all question types, and advice for developing a study plan Robust Online Practice Continue your practice with 3 full‑length practice tests on Barron’s Online Learning Hub Simulate the exam experience with a timed test option Deepen your understanding with detailed answer explanations and expert advice Gain confidence with scoring to check your learning progress
Profile Books Ltd Think Like A Maths Genius: The Art of Calculating in Your Head
Did you know that it's easier to add and subtract from left to right, rather than the other way round? And that you can be taught to square a three-digit number in seconds? In Think Like A Maths Genius, two mathematicians offer tips and tricks for doing tricky maths the easy way. With their help, you can learn how to perform lightning calculations in your head, discover methods of incredible memorisation and other feats of mental agility. Learn maths secrets for the real world, from adding up your shopping and calculating a restaurant tip, to figuring out gambling odds (or how much you've won) and how to solve sudoku faster.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Microsoft Power BI For Dummies
Reveal the insights behind your company’s data with Microsoft Power BI Microsoft Power BI allows intuitive access to data that can power intelligent business decisions and insightful strategies. The question is, do you have the Power BI skills to make your organization’s numbers spill their secrets? In Microsoft Power BI For Dummies, expert lecturer, consultant, and author Jack Hyman delivers a start-to-finish guide to applying the Power BI platform to your own firm’s data. You’ll discover how to start exploring your data sources, build data models, visualize your results, and create compelling reports that motivate decisive action. Tackle the basics of Microsoft Power BI and, when you’re done with that, move on to advanced functions like accessing data with DAX and app integrations Guide your organization’s direction and decisions with rock-solid conclusions based on real-world data Impress your bosses and confidently lead your direct reports with exciting insights drawn from Power BI’s useful visualization tools It’s one thing for your company to have data at its disposal. It’s another thing entirely to know what to do with it. Microsoft Power BI For Dummies is the straightforward blueprint you need to apply one of the most powerful business intelligence tools on the market to your firm’s existing data.
Random House USA Inc Projections: The New Science of Human Emotion
Pearson Education Pearson Edexcel International A Level Mathematics Pure Mathematics 3 Student Book
Developed for the new International A Level specification, these new resources are specifically designed for international students, with a strong focus on progression, recognition and transferable skills, allowing learning in a local context to a global standard. Recognised by universities worldwide and fully comparable to UK reformed GCE A levels. Supports a modular approach, in line with the specification. Appropriate international content puts learning in a real-world context, to a global standard, making it engaging and relevant for all learners. Reviewed by a language specialist to ensure materials are written in a clear and accessible style. The embedded transferable skills, needed for progression to higher education and employment, are signposted so students understand what skills they are developing and therefore go on to use these skills more effec
Macmillan Learning Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry: International Edition
Cengage Learning, Inc Organic Chemistry
Master organic chemistry with the help of this proven best-seller! John McMurry's ORGANIC CHEMISTRY is consistently praised as the most clearly written book available for the course. In John McMurry's words: "I wrote this book because I love writing. I get great pleasure and satisfaction from taking a complicated subject, turning it around until I see it clearly from a new angle, and then explaining it in simple words." Through his lucid writing and ability to show the beauty and logic of organic chemistry, McMurry makes learning enjoyable. The highest compliment that can be given to a chemistry book applies to McMurry: It works!
Random House USA Inc The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
Pearson Education Limited Pearson Edexcel International A Level Chemistry Lab Book
Developed for the new International A Level specification, these new resources are specifically designed for international students, with a strong focus on progression, recognition and transferable skills, allowing learning in a local context to a global standard. Recognised by universities worldwide and fully comparable to UK reformed GCE A levels. Supports a modular approach, in line with the specification. Appropriate international content puts learning in a real-world context, to a global standard, making it engaging and relevant for all learners. Reviewed by a language specialist to ensure materials are written in a clear and accessible style. The embedded transferable skills, needed for progression to higher education and employment, are signposted so students understand what skills they are developing and therefore go on to use these skills more effectively in the future. Exam practice provides opportunities to assess understanding and progress, so students can make the best progress they can.
Princeton University Press Fungi of Temperate Europe
An unprecedented two-volume exploration of the fungi of temperate Europe Fungi of Temperate Europe is one of the most comprehensive mycological guides ever published. Featuring more than 7,000 photographs, this lavish two-volume set treats more than 2,800 species of fungi across the region.Including agarics, boletes, chanterelles and morels but also more obscure groups such as cyphelloids, cup fungi, pyrenomycetous fungi and hysterioids, this guide takes an unprecedentedly broad approach to communicating fungal diversity. All species are illustrated with one or more photographs and information is given on morphology, ecology and distribution within temperate Europe. Furthermore, 1,500+ species are discussed as potential look-alikes. The books are divided into eighty “form groups,” each starting with an innovative comparison wheel with guiding photos, distinguishing characteristics and drawings of essential microscopic features. Poisonous and edible species are colour coded within the text.Revealing the world of fungi in all its splendour, Fungi of Temperate Europe is a must-have resource for any amateur or professional mycologist.· 7,000+ photographs across 1,700 pages· Colourful, up-close photos unrivaled by other mycological guides· Coverage for 2,800+ fungal species· Innovative and accessible system of identification
Oxford University Press An Introduction to Thermal Physics
Thermal physics deals with collections of large numbers of particles - typically 10 to the 23rd power or so. Examples include the air in a balloon, the water in a lake, the electrons in a chunk of metal, and the photons given off by the sun. We can't possibly follow every detail of the motions of so many particles. So in thermal physics we assume that these motions are random, and we use the laws of probability to predict how the material as a whole ought to behave. Alternatively, we can measure the bulk properties of a material, and from these infer something about the particles it is made of. This book will give you a working understanding of thermal physics, assuming that you have already studied introductory physics and calculus. You will learn to apply the general laws of energy and entropy to engines, refrigerators, chemical reactions, phase transformations, and mixtures. You will also learn to use basic quantum physics and powerful statistical methods to predict in detail how temperature affects molecular speeds, vibrations of solids, electrical and magnetic behaviors, emission of light, and exotic low-temperature phenomena. The problems and worked examples explore applications not just within physics but also to engineering, chemistry, biology, geology, atmospheric science, astrophysics, cosmology, and everyday life.
Princeton University Press The Evolution of Power: A New Understanding of the History of Life
A sweeping new account of the role of power in the evolution of all life on EarthPower has many dimensions, from individual attributes such as strength and speed to the collective advantages of groups. The Evolution of Power takes readers on a breathtaking journey across history and the natural world, revealing how the concept of power unifies a vast range of phenomena in the evolution of life—and how natural selection has placed humanity and the planet itself on a trajectory of ever-increasing power.Drawing on evidence from fossils, living organisms, and contemporary society, Geerat Vermeij documents increases in power at all scales, from body size, locomotor performance, and the use of force in competition to efficiency in production and consumption within ecosystems. He shows how power—which he defines as the rate at which organisms acquire and apply energy—is tied to the emergence of cooperation, and how the modern economy, which for the first time has established a monopoly over the biosphere by a single species, is a continuation of evolutionary trends stretching back to the dawn of life. Vermeij persuasively argues that we can find solutions to the many problems arising from this extreme concentration of power by broadening our exclusively human-centered perspective.A masterful work by one of today’s most innovative and forward-thinking naturalists, The Evolution of Power offers a new understanding of our place in the grand sweep of evolutionary history.
McGraw-Hill Education General Organic and Biochemistry ISE
The eleventh edition of General, Organic, and Biochemistry offers a problem-solving approach and is designed to help undergraduate majors in health-related fields understand key concepts and appreciate significant connections among chemistry, health, and the treatment of disease. This new edition is available in ALEKS, featuring: • ALEKS Topics to assign as pre-requisite assignments to boost student confidence and help those lacking math skills. • End-of-Chapter Questions aligned to the text for homework, test, and quiz assignments. • Virtual Labs to be used as pre-lab prep assignments, or lab replacement. • Video Assignments that break down key concepts and show step-by-step solutions. • The ALEKS Drawing Tool, an easy-to-learn tool that mirrors the drawing action of pencil & paper and supports Fischer and Haworth Projections.