
1524137 products

  • ! هؤلاء لا تهزمهم الكورونا

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  • !الغراب المشاكس يحاول تغيير سلوكه: The Cheeky Crow tries to be good!

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  • Teacher Created Materials !Ayuda! Mi nave no funciona

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  • !Brigadistas!: An American Anti-Fascist in the Spanish Civil War

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  • !Brigadistas!: An American Anti-Fascist in the Spanish Civil War

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  • Teacher Created Materials !Lista para despegar!

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  • !Pleibol!: In the Barrios and the Big Leagues / En Los Barrios y LAS Grandes Ligas

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  • !Que buena pregunta!

    Tyndale House Publishers !Que buena pregunta!

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  • "#7: The Frandidate (wt): Franny K. Stein, Mad Scientist "

    Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing "#7: The Frandidate (wt): Franny K. Stein, Mad Scientist "

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  • "A Few Acres of Snow": The Saga of the French and Indian Wars

    John Wiley & Sons Inc "A Few Acres of Snow": The Saga of the French and Indian Wars

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    "Leckie is a gifted writer with the ability to explain complicatedmilitary matters in layperson's terms, while sustaining the dramainvolved in a life-and-death struggle. His portraits of the keyplayers in that struggle . . . are seamlessly interwoven with hisexciting narrative." -Booklist"As always, [Leckie] describes themaneuvers, battles, and results in telling detail with a cinematicstyle, and his portraits . . . are first-rate."-The Dallas MorningNews"Leckie's accounts of battles, important individuals, and therole of Native Americans bring to life the distant drama of theFrench and Indian Wars."-The Daily Reflector With his celebrated sense of drama and eye for colorful detail,acclaimed military historian Robert Leckie charts the long, savageconflict between England and France in their quest for supremacy inpre-Revolutionary America. Packed with sharply etched profiles ofall the major players-including George Washington, Samuel deChamplain, William Pitt, Edward Braddock, Count Frontenac, JamesWolfe, Thomas Gage, and the nobly vanquished Marquis deMontcalm-this panoramic history chronicles the four great colonialwars: the War of the Grand Alliance (King William's War), the Warof the Spanish Succession (Queen Anne's War), the War of theAustrian Succession (King George's War), and the decisive Frenchand Indian War (the Seven Years' War). Leckie not only providesperspective on exactly how the New World came to be such a fiercelycontested prize in Western Civilization, but also shows us exactlywhy we speak English today instead of French-and reminds us howeasily things might have gone the other way.

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  • "A Free Ballot and a Fair Count": The Department of Justice and the Enforcement of Voting Rights in the South , 1877-1893

    Fordham University Press "A Free Ballot and a Fair Count": The Department of Justice and the Enforcement of Voting Rights in the South , 1877-1893

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    “A Free Ballot and a Fair Count” examines the efforts by the Department of Justice to implement the federal legislation passed by Congress in 1870–71 known as the Enforcement Acts. These laws were designed to enforce the voting rights guarantees for African-Americans under the recently ratified Fifteenth Amendment. The Enforcement Acts set forth a range of federally enforceable crimes aimed at combating white southerners’ attempts to deny or restrict black suffrage. There are several aspects of this work that distinguish it from other, earlier works in this area. Contrary to older interpretative studies, Goldman’s primary thesis is that, the federal government’s attempts to protect black voting rights in the South did not cease with the Supreme Court’s hostile rulings in U.S. v. Reese and U.S. v. Cruikshank in 1875. Nor, it is argued, did enforcement efforts cease at the end of Reconstruction and the so-called Compromise of 1877. Rather, federal enforcement efforts after 1877 reflected the continued commitment of Republican Party leaders, for both humanitarian and partisan reasons, to what came to be called “the free ballot and a fair count.” Another unique aspect of this book is its focus on the role of the federal Department of Justice and its officials in the South in the continued enforcement effort. Created as a cabinet-level executive department in 1870, the Justice Department proved ill-equipped to respond to the widespread legal and extra-legal resistance to black suffrage by white southern Democrats in the years during and after Reconstruction. The Department faced a variety of internal problems such as insufficient resources, poor communications, and local personnel often appointed more for their political acceptability than their prosecutorial or legal skills. By the early 1890s, when the election laws were finally repealed by Congress, enforcement efforts were sporadic at best and largely unsuccessful. The end of federal involvement, coupled with the wave of southern state constitution revisions, resulted in the disfranchisement of the vast majority of African-American voters in the South by the beginning of the Twentieth Century. It would not be until the 1960s and the “Second Reconstruction” that the federal government, and the Justice Department, would once again attempt to ensure the “free ballot and a fair count”.

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  • "A General Plague of Madness": The Civil Wars in Lancashire, 1640-1660

    Carnegie Publishing Ltd "A General Plague of Madness": The Civil Wars in Lancashire, 1640-1660

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    Lord Derby, Lancashire's highest-ranked nobleman and its principal royalist, once offered the opinion that the English civil wars had been a 'general plague of madness'. Complex and bedevilling, the earl defied anyone to tell the complete story of 'so foolish, so wicked, so lasting a war'. Yet attempting to chronicle and to explain the events is both fascinating and hugely important. Nationally and at the county level the impact and significance of the wars can hardly be over-stated: the conflict involved our ancestors fighting one another, on and off, for a period of nine years; almost every part of Lancashire witnessed warfare of some kind at one time or another, and several towns in particular saw bloody sieges and at least one episode characterised as a massacre.Nationally the wars resulted in the execution of the king; in 1651 the Earl of Derby himself was executed in Bolton in large measure because he had taken a leading part in the so-called massacre in that town in 1644. In the early months of the civil wars many could barely distinguish what it was that divided people in 'this war without an enemy', as the royalist William Waller famously wrote; yet by the end of it parliament had abolished monarchy itself and created the only republic in over a millennium of England's history. Over the ensuing centuries this period has been described variously as a rebellion, as a series of civil wars, even as a revolution.Lancashire's role in these momentous events was quite distinctive, and relative to the size of its population particularly important. Lancashire lay right at the centre of the wars, for the conflict did not just encompass England but Ireland and Scotland too, and Lancashire's position on the coast facing Catholic, Royalist Ireland was seen as critical from the very first months. And being on the main route south from Scotland meant that the county witnessed a good deal of marching and marauding armies from the north. In this, the first full history of the Lancashire civil wars for almost a century, Stephen Bull makes extensive use of new discoveries to narrate and explain the exciting, terrible events which our ancestors witnessed in the cause either of king or parliament. From Furness to Liverpool, and from the Wyre estuary to Manchester and Warrington...civil war actions, battles, sieges and skirmishes took place in virtually every corner of Lancashire.

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  • "A Good Man is Hard to Find": Flannery O'Connor

    Rutgers University Press "A Good Man is Hard to Find": Flannery O'Connor

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    "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" is Flannery O'Connor's most famous and most discussed story. O'Connor herself singled it out by making it the title piece of her first collection and the story she most often chose for readings or talks to students. It is an unforgettable tale, both riveting and comic, of the confrontation of a family with violence and sudden death. More than anything else O'Connor ever wrote, this story mixes the comedy, violence, and religious concerns that characterize her fiction. This casebook for the story includes an introduction by the editor, a chronology of the author's life, the authoritative text of the story itself, comments and letters by O'Connor about the story, critical essays, and a bibliography. The critical essays span more than twenty years of commentary and suggest several approaches to the story--formalistic, thematic, deconstructionist-- all within the grasp of the undergraduate, while the introduction also points interested students toward still other resources. Useful for both beginning and advanced students, this casebook provides an in-depth introduction to one of America's most gifted modern writers.

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  • "A Great Many of Us Have Good Farms": Agent Peter Ronan Reports on the Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana, 1877-1887

    Salish Kootenai College "A Great Many of Us Have Good Farms": Agent Peter Ronan Reports on the Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana, 1877-1887

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    Published by the Salish Kootenai College PressPeter Ronan (1839–93) was the government agent for the Salish and Kootenai tribes of the Flathead Indian Reservation in western Montana from 1877 until his death. It was a period of rapid cultural and economic change for the tribes as hunting and gathering resources declined and the surrounding white population exploded in western Montana. As an ex-newspaperman, Ronan provided reports to the commissioner of Indian Affairs with unusually full and detailed information about Flathead Reservation events during a critical time for the tribes. Ronan was a unique federal Indian Agent in the nineteenth century both because of both the length of his tenure and his ability to work with tribal leaders.“A Great Many of Us Have Good Farms” includes Ronan’s letters from 1877–87, when the Salish and Kootenai navigated crises that could have destroyed the tribes. In 1877 the tribes worked hard to stay out of the Nez Perce War, after which they then had to avoid conflict with white settlers who could mistake them for hostiles and a government that tried to deprive them of guns and ammunition for hunting and self-defense. The Bitterroot Valley Salish struggled to preserve their right to live in their traditional homeland.The letters, an 1884 photographic tour of the reservation, and a biographical sketch of Ronan provide a rich and exciting journey through nineteenth-century Flathead Indian Reservation history.

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  • "A Half Caste" and Other Writings

    University of Illinois Press "A Half Caste" and Other Writings

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    Born Winnifred Eaton to a British father and Chinese mother, Onoto Watanna was the first novelist of Chinese descent published in the United States. Eaton "became" Watanna to escape Americans' scorn of the Chinese and to capitalize on their fascination with all things Japanese. This volume includes nineteen of Watanna's shorter works, including thirteen short stories and six essays. "A Half Caste," the earliest essay, appeared in 1898, a year before Miss Numé: A Japanese-American Romance, the first of her bestselling novels. The last short story, “Elspeth,” appeared in 1923. Some of Watanna’s fictional characters will remind readers of the delicate but tragic Madame Butterfly, while others foreshadow types like the trickster in Maxine Hong Kingston’s Tripmaster Monkey (where Watanna makes a cameo appearance). Throughout, Watanna tells stories of people very much like herself—capable, clever, and endlessly inventive.

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  • "A Literary Fellowship" – Relationships and Rivalries in 19th–Century American Literature

    Grolier Club of New York "A Literary Fellowship" – Relationships and Rivalries in 19th–Century American Literature

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    The companion to an exhibition at the Grolier Club, this catalogue has an informative introduction, followed by eight chapters on American literary publishers and authors, each with detailed descriptions of the books, manuscripts, letters, and other items featured in the exhibition.

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  • "A Road to Peace and Freedom": The International Workers Order and the Struggle for Economic Justice and Civil Rights, 1930-1954

    Temple University Press,U.S. "A Road to Peace and Freedom": The International Workers Order and the Struggle for Economic Justice and Civil Rights, 1930-1954

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    The International Workers Order was an American consortium of ethnic mutual self-insurance societies that advocated for unemployment insurance, Social Security and vibrant industrial unions. This interracial leftist organization guaranteed the healthcare of its 180,000 white, black, Hispanic and Arabic working-class members. But what accounted for the popularity—and eventual notoriety—of this Order? Mining extensive primary sources, Robert Zecker gives voice to the workers in “A Road to Peace and Freedom.” He describes the group's economic goals, commitment to racial justice, and activism, from lobbying to end segregation and lynching in America to defeating fascism abroad. Zecker also illustrates the panoply of entertainment, sports, and educational activities designed to cultivate the minds and bodies of members. However, the IWO was led by Communists, and the Order was targeted for red-baiting during the Cold War, subject to government surveillance, and ultimately "liquidated." Zecker explains how the dismantling of the IWO and the general suppression of left-wing dissenting views on economic egalitarianism and racial equality had deleterious effects for the entire country. Moreover, Zecker shows why the sobering lesson of the IWO remains prescient today.

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  • "A Story, A Story: An African Tale Retold "

    Simon & Schuster "A Story, A Story: An African Tale Retold "

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    Synopsis coming soon.......

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  • "A Very Fine Gift" and Other Writings on Theory

    Seagull Books London Ltd "A Very Fine Gift" and Other Writings on Theory

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    A major collection of essays and interviews from an iconic 20th-century philosopher in five volumes, now all available together in paperback. Roland Barthes was a restless, protean thinker. A constant innovator—often as a daring smuggler of ideas from one discipline to another—he first gained an audience with his pithy essays on mass culture and then went on to produce some of the most suggestive and stimulating cultural criticism of the late twentieth century, including Empire of Signs, The Pleasure of the Text, and Camera Lucida. In 1976, this one-time structuralist outsider was elected to a chair at France’s preeminent Collège de France, where he chose to style himself as a professor of literary semiology until his death in 1980. The greater part of Barthes’s published writings has been available to a French audience since 2002, but now, translator Chris Turner presents a collection of essays, interviews, prefaces, book reviews, and other journalistic material for the first time in English and divided into five themed volumes. In volume one, A Very Fine Gift, Barthes attempts to frame his lifelong curiosities in theoretical form, from his early musings on the sociology of literature through his high period of structuralism to his later reflections on Derrida.

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  • "A Very Fine Gift" and Other Writings on Theory: Essays and Interviews, Volume 1

    Seagull Books London Ltd "A Very Fine Gift" and Other Writings on Theory: Essays and Interviews, Volume 1

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    Roland Barthes, whose centenary falls in 2015, was a restless, protean thinker. A constant innovator, often as a daring smuggler of ideas from one discipline to another, he first gained an audience with his pithy essays on mass culture and then went on to produce some of the most suggestive and stimulating cultural criticism of the late twentieth century, including Empire of Signs, The Pleasure of the Text, and Camera Lucida. In 1976, this one time structuralist outsider was elected to a chair at France's preeminent College de France, where he chose to style himself as professor of literary semiology until his death in 1980. The greater part of Barthes's published writings have been available to a French audience since 2002, but here, translator Chris Turner presents a collection of essays, interviews, prefaces, book reviews, and other journalistic material for the first time in English. Divided into five themed volumes, readers are presented in volume one, 'A Very Fine Gift' and Other Writings on Theory, with Barthes's attempts to frame his lifelong curiosities in theoretical form, from his early musings on the sociology of literature through his high period of structuralism to his later reflections on Derrida.

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  • "A White Afternoon: Parthian Anthology of Welsh Short Stories

    Parthian Books "A White Afternoon: Parthian Anthology of Welsh Short Stories

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    A first English translation of 30 Welsh short stories featuring work by many of the leading young writers working in the Welsh language. Contributors include Aled Islwyn, Aled Lewis Evans, John Emyr, Meleri Roberts, Meg Elis, Angharad Price, Manon Rhys and Sioned Puw Rowlands.

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  • "A"

    New Directions Publishing Corporation "A"

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    River that must turn full after I stop dying Song, my song, raise grief to music Light as my loves’ thought, the few sick So sick of wrangling: thus weeping, Sounds of light, stay in her keeping And my son’s face – this much for honor — from “ ‘A’-11” At long last, here is the whole of Louis Zukofsky’s epic masterpiece “A” back in print with misprints corrected and a new, fresh introduction by the noted scholar Barry Ahearn. No other poem in the English language is filled with as much daily love, light, intellect, and music. As William Carlos Williams once wrote of Zukofsky’s poetry, “I hear a new music of verse stretching out into the future.”

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  • "After Mecca": Women Poets and the Black Arts Movement

    Rutgers University Press "After Mecca": Women Poets and the Black Arts Movement

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    The politics and music of the sixties and early seventies have been the subject of scholarship for many years, but it is only very recently that attention has turned to the cultural production of African American poets. In "After Mecca," Cheryl Clarke explores the relationship between the Black Arts Movement and black women writers of the period. Poems by Gwendolyn Brooks, Ntozake Shange, Audre Lorde, Nikki Giovanni, Sonia Sanchez, Jayne Cortez, Alice Walker, and others chart the emergence of a new and distinct black poetry and its relationship to the black community's struggle for rights and liberation. Clarke also traces the contributions of these poets to the development of feminism and lesbian-feminism, and the legacy they left for others to build on. She argues that whether black women poets of the time were writing from within the movement or writing against it, virtually all were responding to it. Using the trope of "Mecca," she explores the ways in which these writers were turning away from white, western society to create a new literacy of blackness. Provocatively written, this book is an important contribution to the fields of African American literary studies and feminist theory.

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  • Peeters Publishers "After You!": Dialogical Ethics and the Pastoral Counselling Process

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    The subject of this book is pastoral counseling as a particular form of pastoral care in the Christian context. Central in the reflection stays the counseling process as dialogue and ethical event, inspirend by thinkers as Levinas, Buber, Honneth, Bakhtin, Vygotsky, Nagy, and others. The first part provides building blocks for an interdisciplinary reflection on different forms and fields of counseling as a qualitative event of conversation. The views on the event of dialogue are illustrated on the basis of different forms and fields of conversation that come from both the pastoral as well as the therapeutic and guidance setting. Contributors to the first part are: Sheila McNamee, Lisbeth Lipari, Marie-Cecile Bertau, Peter Rober, Vangie Bergum, Darcia Narvaez. The second part focuses on the pastoral counselling as 'event of conversation' whereby our 'dialogical human condition' takes shape in its own manner. Two seemingly contradictory characteristics are linked with each other, namely asymmetry and reciprocity, or better reciprocity in a context of ethical asymmetry, with special attention for the different aspects of responsibility, recognition, power, and visible or hidden forms of violence. The different contributors (Marina Riemslagh, Carrie Doehring, Annelies van Heijst, Axel Liegeois, Annemie Dillen, Roger Burggraeve) indicate stepstones for a pastoral relationship without tyranny. Kenneth and Mary Gergen offer a critical postscriptum on the 'missing voices' to make possible a 'fully relational ethic' in (pastoral) care-giving and counselling.

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  • "Age Doesn't Matter Unless You're a Cheese": Wisdom from Our Elders (Quote Book, Inspiration Book, Birthday Gift, Quotations)

    Workman Publishing "Age Doesn't Matter Unless You're a Cheese": Wisdom from Our Elders (Quote Book, Inspiration Book, Birthday Gift, Quotations)

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    "It's ill-becoming for an old broad to sing about how bad she wants it. But occasionally we do." -Lena Horne"I take a simple view of living. It is: Keep your eyes open and get on with it." -Laurence Olivier"The only sin is mediocrity." -Martha Graham"When I was young, I found out that the big toe always ends up making a hole in a sock. So I stopped wearing socks." -Albert Einstein"Go out on a limb. That's where the fruit is."-Jimmy CarterFull of surprise, insight, humor, perspective, celebration, inspiration, and a kind of offhand, poignant poetry, Age Doesn't Matter Unless You're a Cheese-title courtesy of Billie Burke-shares hundreds of the best things men and women over sixty have said about how to love, work, laugh, and live. Collected by authors with a perfect ear for quotes, Kathryn and Ross Petras, Age Doesn't Matter brings together Albert Einstein's equation for happiness, Colette on the virtues of astonishment, and Julia Child's secret of longevity: "Red meat and gin."

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  • "Air of Solitude" Followed by "Requiem"

    Seagull Books London Ltd "Air of Solitude" Followed by "Requiem"

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    Gustave Roud, perhaps the most beloved poet of Swiss Romandy, is widely considered the founder of modern francophone Swiss literature, along with Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz. Roud lived at his grandfather’s farm in Carrouge, Canton Vaud, for his entire life. In Air of Solitude, the first section of this two-part book, he stalks the structures and fields of his youth, composing memories out of his landscape. The narrator appears homegrown, expressing nostalgia for what is already in front of him. Yet, like an outsider, he remains distinctly elsewhere, unable to participate in the workday rituals of the men around him—a stalking shadow of unfulfilled yearning for affection and belonging. Air of Solitude explores the rural bodies and lives of the Vaudois, returning again and again to the desired male laborer Aimé. Between each section of Air of Solitude, Roud inserts short vignettes that provide fleeting and lyrical images that resemble allusions to half-forgotten memories. However, Roud leaves the relationship between the titled sections and the interludes ambiguous. As the book concludes with Requiem, the remnants of narrative shatter, leaving behind only the spectral tatters of memory as Roud confronts the enigma of loss in peerless, jewel-studded elegiac prose. With these two tales, Roud revives the pastoral tradition and injects it with distinctly modernist anxiety and disillusionment.

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  • "All Labor Has Dignity"

    Beacon Press "All Labor Has Dignity"

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  • "All the Real Indians Died Off": And 20 Other Myths About Native Americans

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  • "Allo 'Allo"

    Samuel French Ltd "Allo 'Allo"

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  • Peeters Publishers "Als Ich Can" Volume 1: Liber Amicorum in Memory of Professor Dr. Maurits Smeyers, Edited by Bert Cardon, Jan Van Der Stock, Dominique Vanwijnsberghe, with the Collaboration of Katharina Smeyers, Karen Decoene, Marjan Sterckx and Bart Stroo

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    These two volumes, "entitled "Als Ich Can", are dedicated to the memory of prof. dr. Maurits Smeyers, who was an eminent specialist in the study of miniatures and manuscript illuminations. With this book, scientists from all over the world want to honour his research. The articles collected in these volumes show a great variety, but also display a large coherence. In this way, the collection reflects the scientific interests of prof. dr. Maurits Smeyers. The largest amount of the articles deals with the art of miniatures. The different authors have chosen their specific approach and reveal how layered and rich the study of manuscripts is.

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  • "An Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times" and Other Writings

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  • "An Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times" and Other Writings

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  • "And If You Play Golf, You're My Friend: Furthur Reflections of a Grown Caddie "

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  • "And So the Tomb Remained": Exploring Archaeology and Forensic Science within Connecticut's Historical Family Mausolea

    Oxbow Books "And So the Tomb Remained": Exploring Archaeology and Forensic Science within Connecticut's Historical Family Mausolea

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    Stone and brick tombs were repositories for the physical remains of many of Connecticut’s wealthiest and influential families. The desire was to be interred within burial vaults rather than have their wooden coffins laid into the earth in direct contact with crushing soil burden led many prominent families to construct large above-ground and semi-subterranean tombs, usually burrowed into the sides of hills as places of interment for their dead."And So The Tomb Remains" tells the stories of the Connecticut State Archaeologist’s investigations into five 18th/19th century family tombs: the sepulchers of Squire Elisha Pitkin, Center Cemetery, East Hartford; Gershom Bulkeley, Ancient Burying Ground, Colchester; Samuel and Martha Huntington, Norwichtown Cemetery, Norwich; Henry Chauncey, Indian Hill Cemetery, Middletown; and Edwin D. Morgan, Cedar Hill Cemetery, Hartford. In all of these cases, the state archaeologist assisted in identifying and restoring human skeletal remains to their original burial placements when vandalized through occult rituals or contributed to the identification of unrecorded burials during restoration projects.Each investigative delves into family histories and genealogies, as well as archaeological and forensic sciences that helped identify the entombed and is told in a personal, story-telling approach. Written in essay form, each investigation highlights differing aspects of research in mortuary architecture and cemetery landscaping, public health, restoration efforts, crime scene investigations, and occult activities.These five case studies began either as “history mysteries” or as crime scene investigations. Since historic tombs were occupied by social and economic elites, forensic studies provide an opportunity to investigate the health and life stress pathologies of the wealthiest citizens in Connecticut’s historic past, while offering comparisons to the wellbeing of lower socio-economic populations.

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  • "Anekdoten aus allen fuenf Weltteilen": The Anecdote in Fontane's Fiction and Autobiography

    Herbert & Cie Lang AG, Buchhandlung Antiquariat "Anekdoten aus allen fuenf Weltteilen": The Anecdote in Fontane's Fiction and Autobiography

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  • "Arbeit ist keine Ware" – 100 Jahre Internationale Arbeitsorganisation

    Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden "Arbeit ist keine Ware" – 100 Jahre Internationale Arbeitsorganisation

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    „Wenn Du Frieden willst, sorge für Gerechtigkeit“ steht in lateinischen Worten auf dem Grundstein des ersten Gebäudes der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation (bekannt als ILO, deutsch: IAO), die vor mehr als 100 Jahren als Teil des Friedensvertrags von Versailles gegründet wurde. Ihre Geschichte und besondere Struktur sind im System der Vereinten Nationen einzigartig, ihre gesellschaftlich-dialogische Ausrichtung ist heute relevanter denn je. Das Buch beschreibt Zielsetzungen, politische Lernprozesse und Herausforderungen der IAO und stellt diese in den Kontext der Diskussionen um eine friedensförderliche, global nachhaltige Arbeits- und Wirtschaftspolitik.

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  • "Are You Strong, Lass?": "You'll Need to be Working Here...: Memoirs from a 1970s Yorkshire Classroom

    Scratching Shed Publishing Ltd "Are You Strong, Lass?": "You'll Need to be Working Here...: Memoirs from a 1970s Yorkshire Classroom

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    "My story is in no way all sweetness and light, cute and slushy. It's earthy, gritty and heartbreaking, yet also rewarding,challenging, life-changing and vital." Kath Padgett was a naive, newly qualified graduate teacher of modern languages just as Dawn were topping the charts with 'Knock Three Times,' Spangles were the sweets of choice and orange miniskirts with shoes from Freeman, Hardy & Willis all the rage. This is the tale of those teaching years ...the characters and dark humour, the rawness, deprivations and instilling of hope as much as education. Sharing a social history of the time - including original letters received from parents - Kath deals with playground tragedy, first foreign trips and staff room politics, emerging on a career path that saw her ultimately spend 46 years as a teacher. "I never taught anywhere other than Yorkshire, but those formative years were my grounding, as empowering as they are poignant."

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  • "Arms, and the Man I sing . . .": A Preface to Dryden's Æneid

    Rowman & Littlefield "Arms, and the Man I sing . . .": A Preface to Dryden's Æneid

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    This study-referred to as a "preface" is given this designation because its aim is not to offer an up-to-date overall assessment Dryden's translation of Virgil's Æneid, but rather to provide a valid basis for such an assessment. In this it seeks to provide a comprehensive analysis of relevant areas (i.e. the "conditions of expression") forming the very basis of the genesis of Dryden's translation, and thus a valid understanding of the poetry (cf. R.A.Brower, Alexander Pope: The Poetry of Allusion [London, 1968], p.98). Part One provides a firsthand picture of the background out of which Dryden's translation came into being—the tradition of Æneid translation. The evolution of Dryden's theory of translation and his use of textual sources are discussed through a systematic presentation of the various conditions of expression involved as Dryden took upon himself to render Virgil's Æneid into English poetry. Part Two presents the relevant aspects of Dryden's conception of Virgil and essential features of the Virgilian epic with reference to the assessments of modern classical scholars and Dryden's own conceptions in these matters. Various analogies—historical, political and literary—are drawn between the respective periods in which Virgil and Dryden lived to reflect the basic similarity in conditions of expression out of which Virgil's Æneid and Dryden's translation came into being.

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  • Peeters Publishers "Bedudinghe Op Cantica Canticorum". Vertaling En Bewerking Van "Glossa Tripartita Super Cantica": I. Teksthistorische Studies

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    Tot voor kort was "Bedudinghe op Cantica Canticorum" niet meer dan een omvangrijk Middelnederlands commentaar op het Hooglied, een anonieme vroeg-vijftiende-eeuwse tekst van onbekende herkomst, die verbazend rijk is overgeleverd. "Bedudinghe" werd ten onrechte gezien als een originele Middelnederlandse compilatie. "Bedudinghe" is echter een van de talrijke vruchten van volkstalige Hoogliedcommentaren aan een boom die stevig wortelt in de vruchtbare grond van een Latijnse commentaartraditie van Origenes tot Bernardus, van Gregorius tot Bonaventura. "Bedudinghe" kan opmerkelijk exact in tijd, plaats en spirituele cultuur worden verankerd. Analyse van inhoud en overlevering doet vermoeden dat de tekst in de Noordelijke Nederlanden is ontstaan en dat Latijnse bronnen de basis vormen voor het Middelnederlandse commentaar. Dit vermoeden is op uiterst gelukkige wijze bevestigd door de vondst in de Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht van de Latijnse brontekst: "Glossa tripartita super Cantica"."Glossa tripartita super Cantica - 'Drieledig commentaar op het Hooglied' - is een franciscaanse exegetische tekst uit de vroege veertiende eeuw. "Glossa tripartita" is in de loop van vele jaren ontstaan, vindt haar oorsprong aan de universiteit van Parijs en is mogelijk voltooid in het epicentrum van de franciscaanse wereld: Assisi.In de vroege vijftiende eeuw is deze scholastiek-exegetische tekst getransformeerd tot "Bedudinghe op Cantica Canticorum", waarbij de tekst van alle scholastieke elementen werd ontdaan. "Glossa tripartita" geeft een drieledig allegorisch commentaar op het Hooglied: bruid en bruidegom zijn respectievelijk God en de Kerk, Christus en Maria, God en de minnende ziel. "Bedudinghe" laat de ecclesiologische interpretatie achterwege. De "Bedudinghe"-vertaler schiep een tekst die uitsluitend bedoeld is voor meditatie en contemplatie. "Bedudinghe" levert de brandstof voor de oven 'der vuerigher begheerten', die brandt in het hart van de minnende ziel. De getransformeerde tekst verwierf een onmiddellijk en blijvend succes in de Noordelijke Nederlanden.Ook de plaats van "Bedudinghe" in de vijftiende-eeuwse culturele, tekstuele, spirituele en institutionele context kan tamelijk exact worden bepaald. Het geintendeerde publiek bestaat uit contemplatief gestemde vrouwen, in de eerste plaats in de huizen en kloosters van het Utrechts Kapittel en het Generaal Kapittel (Kapittel van Sion). In dit milieu, in het westen van de Noordelijke Nederlanden, vond de primaire receptie van "Bedudinghe" plaats; een secundaire, goeddeels gelijktijdige receptie op kleinere schaal, vond plaats in Windesheimse kloosters in het oosten.Tekstinterne en tekstexterne gegevens kunnen tenslotte in een zin worden samengevat: de "Bedudinghe"-vertaler en -bewerker schreef in de vroege vijftiende eeuw een tot meditatie en contemplatie stemmend Hoogliedcommentaar voor vrouwelijke religieuzen in het westen van de Noordelijke Nederlanden met sterke bruidsmystieke verlangens.

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  • Peeters Publishers "Behold King Solomon on the Day of his Wedding": A Symbolic-Diachronic Reading of Song 3,6-11 and 4,12-5,1

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    The Song of Songs is a theological work in its literal sense. For centuries this was recognized by the overwhelming majority of its readers. Yet, in the argument of this study the Song is neither an allegory of divine-human love, nor a mere human love song. Rather, by adopting a symbolic language, the Song is able to express the realities of divine love in and through human love, thereby giving full expression to both dimensions. In order to substantiate and advance this view, this study introduces a new hermeneutical refinement into the discussion, giving careful consideration to different orders of textual meaning (i.e. “metaphor”, “allegory”, and “symbol”) in order to better understand what precisely we mean in speaking of the sensus literalis. The success of this symbolic approach owes much to its diachronic method. In particular, it is able to assimilate a redactional analysis of the Song’s composition in which the personage of Solomon plays a remarkable and increasingly significant role (i.e. “Solomonic Redaction”). This prominence of Israel’s legendary king is plotted within an identifiable ancient Near Eastern royal ideology marked by an unmistakably religious orientation. This ideology in turn opens the door to a phenomenology of the kingship symbol by which certain aporias are resolved and the poetics of the text recover their full force.

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  • "Being Weird Is a Wonderful Thing": Inspiration for Living Your Truest Self

    Workman Publishing "Being Weird Is a Wonderful Thing": Inspiration for Living Your Truest Self

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    A gift that celebrates being yourself, in your own unique way. Do you ever feel different? A little weird, a little wacky? It’s time to own it, because, as Meryl Streep proclaimed, “what makes you different or weird, that’s your strength.” In this inspiring collection, singers, poets, actors, activists, comedians, designers, athletes, and philosophers share wise and pithy reflections on what it’s like to march to the beat of a different drummer. Every statement is a powerful, positive reminder that to live successfully is to be completely unapologetically you. “We are not what other people say we are. We are who we know ourselves to be, and we are what we love. That’s OK.” —Laverne Cox “All the colors I am inside have not been invented yet.” —Shel Silverstein “I am different, not less” —Temple Grandin “The more I feel imperfect, the more I feel alive.” —Jhumpa Lahiri “Self-censorship is insulting to the self. Timidity is a hopeless way forward.” —Ai Weiwei

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  • "Beowulf" and Other Old English Poems

    University of Pennsylvania Press "Beowulf" and Other Old English Poems

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    The best-known literary achievement of Anglo-Saxon England, Beowulf is a poem concerned with monsters and heroes, treasure and transience, feuds and fidelity. Composed sometime between 500 and 1000 C.E. and surviving in a single manuscript, it is at once immediately accessible and forever mysterious. And in Craig Williamson's splendid new version, this often translated work may well have found its most compelling modern English interpreter. Williamson's Beowulf appears alongside his translations of many of the major works written by Anglo-Saxon poets, including the elegies "The Wanderer" and "The Seafarer," the heroic "Battle of Maldon," the visionary "Dream of the Rood," the mysterious and heart-breaking "Wulf and Eadwacer," and a generous sampling of the Exeter Book riddles. Accompanied by a foreword by noted medievalist Tom Shippey on Anglo-Saxon history, culture, and archaeology, and Williamson's introductions to the individual poems as well as his essay on translating Old English, the texts transport us back to the medieval scriptorium or ancient mead hall to share an exile's lament or herdsman's recounting of the story of the world's creation. From the riddling song of a bawdy onion that moves between kitchen and bedroom, to the thrilling account of Beowulf's battle with a treasure-hoarding dragon, the world becomes a place of rare wonder in Williamson's lines. Were his idiom not so modern, we might almost think the Anglo-Saxon poets had taken up the lyre again and begun to sing after a silence of a thousand years.

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  • "Better a Scholar than a Prophet": Studies on the Creation of Jewish Studies

    JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) "Better a Scholar than a Prophet": Studies on the Creation of Jewish Studies

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    Born in the battle for equality, integration, and regeneration in nineteenth-century Germany, the Wissenschaft des Judentums is a revolution of the mind that continues unabated wherever Jews live today. The present volume is a contextual study of its perilous origins and rapid development outside the framework of the German university, which forged the tools and perspectives, and dominated the field of historical scholarship at the time. In distinct but related essays Ismar Schorsch traces the lines by which the nascent field of jüdische Wissenschaft strove to uncover new archival sources, confront the application of critical scholarship on the Hebrew Bible, and expand its horizons to the mutual interaction between Judaism and Islam. Irrespective of these seminal achievements, Wissenschaft des Judentums failed to gain admission into the German university, leaving the political emancipation of German Jewry a plant without roots.

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  • "Beyond the Law": The Politics of Ending the Death Penalty for Sodomy in Britain

    Temple University Press,U.S. "Beyond the Law": The Politics of Ending the Death Penalty for Sodomy in Britain

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    In nineteenth-century England, sodomy was punishable by death; even an accusation could damage a man’s reputation for life. The last executions for this private, consensual act were in 1835, but the effort to change the law that allowed for those executions was intense and precarious, and not successful until 1861. In this groundbreaking book, “Beyond the Law,” noted historian Charles Upchurch pieces together fragments from history and uses a queer history methodology to recount the untold story of the political process through which the law allowing for the death penalty for sodomy was almost ended in 1841.Upchurch recounts the legal and political efforts of reformers like Jeremy Bentham and Lord John Russell—the latter of whom argued that the death penalty for sodomy was “beyond the law and above the law.” He also reveals that a same-sex relationship linked the families of the two men responsible for co-sponsoring the key legislation. By recovering the various ethical, religious, and humanitarian arguments against punishing sodomy, “Beyond the Law” overturns longstanding assumptions of nineteenth-century British history. Upchurch demonstrates that social change came from an amalgam of reformist momentum, family affection, elitist politics, class privilege, enlightenment philosophy, and personal desires.

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