If you are a serious runner, or are thinking about starting running or run/walk program to keep fit and help you loss weight, forget about the traditional food pyramid - or today' low-carb diets. As noted dietician Madelyn Fernstrom, Ph.D C.N.S., explains, the eating plan that best meets the needs (runners at all levels is based on a 50 percent carb, 25 percent protein, 25 percent fat ratio. Here Dr. Fernstrom details realistic program, individualized for each person's activity level, that will enable runners to maximize their performance while maintaining long-term success at weight control. In "Runner's World: The Runner's Diet", the reader will discover: why the 50-25-25 ratio works best for runners-an even walkers; how to match your eating pattern to your running style; and how to make use of a daily food and activity log. With the imprimatur of Runner's World, the leading authority in the running field, this is the first book to recognize that runners cannot depend solely on physical activity to control their weight - and to outline a lifetime weight-loss plan that is best for their special needs.