This revision of Manning's popular The Quick Python Book offers a clear, crisp introduction to the elegant Python programming language and its famously easy-to-read syntax.
After exploring Python's syntax, control flow, and basic data structures, the book shows how to create, test, and deploy full applications and larger code libraries. It addresses established Python features as well as the advanced object-oriented options available in Python 3. This edition covers 5 years’ worth of minor updates to the language, and the last 5 chapters have been reworked to be data based project work.
Key features:
· Clear introduction
· Completely up-to-date
· Hands-on experience
The book is aimed at readers who know programming but for whom the Python language is new.
About the Technology:
Python is a true cross-platform language. It can be used to develop small applications and rapid prototypes, but scales well to permit development of large programs. It comes with a powerful and easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) toolkit, web programming libraries and more. And it’s free!