Search results for ""McGraw-Hill Education - Europe""
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Impact Social Studies, Regions of the United States, Grade 4, Inquiry Journal
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Geometry, Student Edition
- The only program that supports the Common Core State Standards throughout four-years of high school mathematics with an unmatched depth of resources and adaptive technology that helps you differentiate instruction for every student. * Connects students to math content with print, digital and interactive resources. * Prepares students to meet the rigorous Common Core Standards with aligned content and focus on Standards of Mathematical Practice. * Meets the needs of every student with resources that enable you to tailor your instruction at the classroom and individual level. * Assesses student mastery and achievement with dynamic, digital assessment and reporting. Includes Print Student Edition
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Discovering Our Past: A History of the United States-Early Years, Reading Essentials and Study Guide, Student Workbook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Words to Learn By: Building Academic Vocabulary, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Foundations Writing Revised Ed, Skills Workbook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Reading Mastery Reading/Literature Strand Grade 5, Textbook A
Reading Mastery textbooks are included in student materials focusing on helping students become fluent, accurate readers.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences, Brief Version, Media Update
Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences, Brief Edition provides a sound, intuitive understanding of the basic concepts students need as they pursue careers in business, economics, and the life and social sciences. Students achieve success using this text as a result of the author's applied and real-world orientation to concepts, problem-solving approach, straight forward and concise writing style, and comprehensive exercise sets. More than 100,000 students worldwide have studied from this text!
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe A Systems Approach to Small Group Interaction
The only book that integrates all important small group communication topics into a single comprehensive conceptual model, this text pioneered the systems approach for the group communication course. Each chapter begins with a brief preview, followed by a glossary of terms and a real life case study. The text material in each chapter is followed by several experiential exercises for skill development and two original readings.Instructors and students can now access their course content through the Connect digital learning platform by purchasing either standalone Connect access or a bundle of print and Connect access. McGraw-Hill Connect® is a subscription-based learning service accessible online through your personal computer or tablet. Choose this option if your instructor will require Connect to be used in the course. Your subscription to Connect includes the following:• SmartBook® - an adaptive digital version of the course textbook that personalizes your reading experience based on how well you are learning the content.• Access to your instructor’s homework assignments, quizzes, syllabus, notes, reminders, and other important files for the course.• Progress dashboards that quickly show how you are performing on your assignments and tips for improvement.• The option to purchase (for a small fee) a print version of the book. This binder-ready, loose-leaf version includes free shipping.Complete system requirements to use Connect can be found here:
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Applied Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences, Expanded Edition, Media Update
Applied Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences, Expanded Edition provides a sound, intuitive understanding of the basic concepts students need as they pursue careers in business, economics, and the life and social sciences. Students achieve success using this text as a result of the author's applied and real-world orientation to concepts, problem-solving approach, straight forward and concise writing style, and comprehensive exercise sets. More than 100,000 students worldwide have studied from this text!
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Semiconductor Physics And Devices
With its strong pedagogy, superior readability, and thorough examination of the physics of semiconductor material, Semiconductor Physics and Devices, 4/e provides a basis for understanding the characteristics, operation, and limitations of semiconductor devices.Neamen's Semiconductor Physics and Devices deals with the electrical properties and characteristics of semiconductor materials and devices. The goal of this book is to bring together quantum mechanics, the quantum theory of solids, semiconductor material physics, and semiconductor device physics in a clear and understandable way.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe College Algebra Essentials
Applications are the hallmark of this series, along with student-friendly pedagogy and engaging examples and exercises. The integration of Connect Hosted by ALEKS, along with new lecture and exercise videos, provides students with the support they need to understand the key concepts of college algebra.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Precalculus: Graphs & Models
Three components contribute to a theme sustained throughout the Coburn/Herdlick Graphs and Models series: that of laying a firm foundation, building a solid framework, and providing strong connections. In the Graphs and Models texts, the authors combine their depth of experience with the conversational style and the wealth of applications that the Coburn/Herdlick texts have become known for. By combining a graphical approach to problem solving with algebraic methods, students learn how to relate their mathematical knowledge to the outside world. The authors use technology to solve the more true to life equations, to engage more applications, and to explore the more substantial questions involving graphical behavior. Benefiting from the feedback of hundreds of instructors and students across the country, Precalculus: Graphs & Models emphasizes connections in order to improve the level of student engagement in mathematics and increase their chances of success in precalculus and calculus. The launch of the Coburn/Herdlick Graphs and Models series provides a significant leap forward in terms of online course management with McGraw-Hill’s new homework platform, Connect Math Hosted by ALEKS Corp. Math instructors served as digital contributors to choose the problems that will be available, authoring each algorithm and providing stepped out solutions that go into great detail and are focused on areas where students commonly make mistakes. From there, the ALEKS Corporation reviewed each algorithm to ensure accuracy. A unifying theme throughout the entire process was the involvement of the authors. Through each step, they provided feedback and guidance to the digital contributors to ensure that the content being developed digitally closely matched the textbook. The result is an online homework platform that provides superior content and feedback, allowing students to effectively learn the material being taught.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Math and Dosage Calculations for Healthcare Professionals
McGraw-Hill has a clear digital advantage in Math & Dosage Calculations, to prepare students with a strong math foundation, and Connect Plus, which includes math, terminology, dosage calculations, interactive exercises and an eBook- a complete course solution. 3D Animations covering pathophysiology and pharmacology as well as a newly filmed Medication Administration Video series are also in Connect Plus with pre-, during- and post-assessment.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Opening Doors
CONNECT READING provides a personalized learning plan for each student, continually developed and refined as students achieve mastery. Each student plan is created through an individualized diagnostic that evaluates skills from 7th-grade level through college-readiness, for second-language learners, international students, adult students, and traditional high-schoolers. Offered completely online, CONNECT READING can be used in conjunction with NEW WORLDS or OPENING DOORS, which provide a printed experience that teaches critical reading skills through close reading of anthologized chapters from best-selling undergraduate texts in Psychology, Sociology, Business, and more.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Laboratory Manual for General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
The Laboratory Manual for General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry by Applegate, Neely, and Sakuta was authored to be the most current lab manual available for the GOB market, incorporating the most modern instrumentation and techniques. Illustrations and chemical structures were developed by the authors to conform to the most recent IUPAC conventions. A problem solving methodology is also utilized throughout the laboratory exercises.The Laboratory Manual for General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry by Applegate, Neely, and Sakuta is also designed with flexibility in mind to meet the differing lengths of GOB courses and variety of instrumentation available in GOB labs.Helpful instructor materials are also available on this companion website, including answers, solution recipes, best practices with common student issues and TA advice, sample syllabi, and a calculation sheet for the Density lab.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Improving Reading Skills
Now in its 7th edition, Improving Reading Skills features a wide variety of carefully chosen readings that engage, encourage, and challenge students. Ideal for introductory and intermediate developmental reading courses, this new edition has been thoroughly revised and now includes two new parts, expanded part introductions, an even broader range of levels for the reading selections, increased emphasis on annotating, paragraphing, and summarizing, and a new section in part five.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Discovery of Society
This classic text explores the lives and ideas of the social thinkers who have shaped and continue to forge traditions in sociology. Focusing on the great names in the field, it weaves biographical and conceptual details into a tapestry of the history of social thought of the 19th and 20th centuries. Written in a narrative style that is accessible and exciting, this text serves as an excellent supplement for courses in social and sociological theory, the history of social thought, the history of sociology, and introduction to sociology.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Leadership Communication
Leadership Communication guides current and potential leaders in developing the communication capabilities needed to be transformational leaders. It brings together managerial communication and concepts of emotional intelligence to create a new model of communication skills and strategies for corporate leaders.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Simulation Modeling and Analysis
Simulation Modeling and Analysis provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art, and technically correct treatment of all important aspects of a simulation study. The book strives to make this material understandable by the use of intuition and numerous figures, examples, and problems. It is equally well suited for use in university courses, simulation practice, and self-study. The book is widely regarded as the “bible” of simulation and now has more than 172,000 copies in print and has been cited more than 18,500 times. This textbook can serve as the primary text for a variety of courses. It is used in leading industrial and systems engineering departments at Georgia Tech, University of Michigan, University of California at Berkeley, Stanford University, Purdue University, Texas A&M University, Columbia University, University of Washington, and Naval Postgraduate School.
Fortran for Scientists and Engineers teaches simutaneously both the fundamentals of the Fortran language and a programming style that results in good, maintainable programs. In addition, it serves as a reference for Professionals working in the industry. Among its strengths are its concise, clear explanations of Fortran Syntax and Programming Procedures, the inclusion of a wealth of examples and exercises to help students grasp difficult concepts, and its explanations about how to understand code written for older versions of Fortran.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection
For more than twenty-five years, After the Fact has guided students through American history and the methods used to study it. In dramatic episodes that move chronologically through American history, this best-selling book examines a broad variety of topics including oral evidence, photographs, ecological data, films and television programs, church and town records, census data, and novels. Whether for an introductory survey or for a historical methods course, After the Fact is the ideal text to introduce readers, step by step, to the detective work and analytical approaches historians use when they are actually doing history.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Sol y viento: Beginning Spanish
The Sol y viento textbook is firmly framed in communicative-oriented language teaching. Completely meaning-based and drill-free, it uses an input-to-output approach for the presentation of vocabulary and grammar.The annotated Instructor’s Edition contains detailed suggestions for carrying out activities in class as well as answers to exercises. It also offers options for expansion and follow-up.Sol y viento integrates the latest in second language acquisition research with the highest quality, Hollywood caliber feature film available for the Introductory Spanish classroom. The Sol y viento program creates a distinct and captivating cultural experience that motivates students to develop their communication skills. Created specifically for beginning language learners, Sol y viento tells the story of a Chilean family and their winery, and of a young U.S. Latino businessman who finds himself intricately involved with the family as his company tries to buy their land. Mystery, romance, and the unexplainable forces of nature all play a part in this spellbinding story, drawing students in and compelling them to want to communicate about the film and its themes.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Beginning & Intermediate Algebra
Today’s Developmental Math students enter college needing more than just the math, and this has directly impacted the instructor’s role in the classroom. Instructors have to teach to different learning styles, within multiple teaching environments, and to a student population that is mostly unfamiliar with how to be a successful college student. Authors Andrea Hendricks and Pauline Chow have noticed this growing trend in their combined 30+ years of teaching at their respective community colleges, both in their face-to-face and online courses. As a result, they set out to create course materials that help today’s students not only learn the mathematical concepts but also build life skills for future success. Understanding the time constraints for instructors, these authors have worked to integrate success strategies into both the print and digital materials, so that there is no sacrifice of time spent on the math. Furthermore, Andrea and Pauline have taken the time to write purposeful examples and exercises that are student-centered, relevant to today’s students, and guide students to practice critical thinking skills. Beginning and Intermediate Algebra and its supplemental materials, coupled with ALEKS or Connect Math Hosted by ALEKS, allow for both full-time and part-time instructors to teach more than just the math in any teaching environment without an overwhelming amount of preparation time or even classroom time.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Basic Mathematical Skills with Geometry
Basic Mathematical Skills with Geometry, 9/e, by Baratto, Bergman, and Hutchison is part of the latest offerings in the successful Hutchison Series in Mathematics. The book is designed for a one-semester course in basic math and is appropriate for lecture, learning center, laboratory, and self-paced settings. The ninth edition continues the series’ hallmark approach of encouraging mastery of mathematics through careful practice. The text provides detailed, straightforward explanations and accessible pedagogy to help students grow their math skills from the ground up. The authors use a three-pronged approach of communication, pattern recognition, and problem solving to present concepts understandably, stimulate critical-thinking skills, and stress reading and communication skills in order to help students become effective problem-solvers. Features such as Tips for Student Success, Check Yourself exercises, and Activities underscore this approach and the underlying philosophy of mastering math through practice. Exercise sets have been significantly expanded and are now better-organized, and applications are now more thoroughly integrated throughout the text. The text is fully-integrated with McGraw-Hill’s online learning system, Connect Math Hosted by ALEKS Corp, and is available with ALEKS 360.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Classroom Assessment for Teachers
Classroom Assessment for Teachers provides students with essential professional knowledge/skill sets along with contemporary issues surrounding the assessment of student learning progress and achievement. By utilizing an inquiry-oriented approach, pre-service teacher candidates can explore the essential relationship between assessment and teaching with a deliberate focus on encouraging students to construct their own assessment framework and select measures and procedures that are designed to meet their own needs along with those of their students. Individual chapters are devoted to critical assessment topics, including instruction-learning-assessment alignment, formative assessment, self-assessment, formative assessment, grading, Response to Intervention (RTI), performance assessment, affective assessment, as well as high-stakes testing, validity and reliability, and the use of applied statistics in the classroom.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Supervision: A Redefinition
The ninth edition of Supervision: A Redefinition is a research-based guide to the practice of supervision that aims to clarify the major challenges teachers and supervisors face within the policy context; focus on essential, foundational understandings that feed the integrity of teaching and supervision; and explore the complexities of the practice of supervision and teaching which supervisors must deal with. The 9th edition re-defines supervision once again in light of the complex demands being placed on principals and central office administrators, while continuing to emphasize the book’s original theme of human perspectives.Instructors and students can now access their course content through the Connect digital learning platform by purchasing either standalone Connect access or a bundle of print and Connect access. McGraw-Hill Connect® is a subscription-based learning service accessible online through your personal computer or tablet. Choose this option if your instructor will require Connect to be used in the course. Your subscription to Connect includes the following:• SmartBook® - an adaptive digital version of the course textbook that personalizes your reading experience based on how well you are learning the content.• Access to your instructor’s homework assignments, quizzes, syllabus, notes, reminders, and other important files for the course.• Progress dashboards that quickly show how you are performing on your assignments and tips for improvement.• The option to purchase (for a small fee) a print version of the book. This binder-ready, loose-leaf version includes free shipping.Complete system requirements to use Connect can be found here:
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Management Information Systems
The benchmark text for the syllabus organized by technology (a week on databases, a week on networks, a week on systems development, etc.) taught from a managerial perspective. O’Brien defines technology and then explains how companies use the technology to improve performance. Real world cases finalize the explanation.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Niebel's Methods, Standards, & Work Design
This edition addresses the increasing global competition and the fact that every industry, business, and service organization is restructuring itself to operate more effectively. Cost-effectiveness and product reliability without excess capacity are the keys to successful activity in business, industry, and government. These keys are the end results of methods engineering.The 13th edition of Methods, Standards, and Work Design will provide practical, up-to-date descriptions of engineering methods to measure, analyze, and design manual work. The text emphasizes both the manual components and the cognitive aspects of work, recognizing the gradual decline of the manufacturing sector and the growth of the service sector. The importance of ergonomics and work design as part of methods engineering emphasizes not only increased productivity, but also to improve worker health and safety, and thus, company bottom-line costs. In the twenty-first century it is essential that the industrial engineer consider both productivity issues and their efforts on the health and safety of the worker. This comprehensive text addresses this need by integrating the traditional elements of motion and time study along with the human factors and ergonomics and safety engineering.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Create Success
Research shows the best chance a student has at success and persistence in college is to get involved and engaged with the school within 30 days of orientation through relationships, whether with an instructor, staff, or other students. Create Success provides students and instructors with the tools needed to foster these relationships. With agile social learning, instructors can immediately facilitate an active and engaged classroom environment and help students create connections with each other and the school community.Agile—What you need, when you need it. The modular approach of Create Success allows for complete and easy customization from the start. Each of the modules is self-contained, can be used as a stand-alone workshop, and can be taught in any order. New modules can also be created easily and added with this approach. •Each module is 32 pages, focused on a single topic, and designed for consistency.•You can deliver the content in the classroom or online with Connect Plus. For more information about Connect Plus, simply visit the following website:—Connected students stay in school.Social Learning engages students to interact and bond with each other, their instructor, and key personnel at their institution EARLY and OFTEN. This activity-based method of instruction and learning is at the center of every class.•Get Ready activities at the beginning of every section help the class jump right into participating.•Facilitation is made easy with complete Active Classroom Guides for the classroom and online.•Transform your instructors from lecturers into facilitators, mentors, and coaches.Learning—Connect your present to your future.Learning is complete when content is in practice. Create Success harnesses what students are already doing—interacting with one another—into meaningful activities. These activities support a better student now and a better career later.•The Create Success activities build toward a tangible output with the Portfolio Activities that prove learning and reflect growth and accomplishments.•Life outside school hours have a huge impact on student success. The mini-features—Money Smarts, On the Job, and My Success Story—address a holistic vision of life’s challenges and successes.Create Connections, Create Success
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Structural Balancing: A Clinical Approach
Structural Balance: A Clinical Approach by Kyle Wright advances the reader’s clinical knowledge and hands-on skills of trigger point therapy techniques, postural and body structural conditions that cause chronic pain and discomfort, and specific therapies and exercises for resolving those conditions. Appropriate for clinical courses in massage therapy, physical therapy, and chiropractic programs, this text provides a step-by-step illustrated guide of manipulations for easy learning of muscle pains and their causes. Content is practical and treatment specific, discussing muscle attachments, pain patterns, clinical notes, range-of-motion exercises, physical distortions, and proper positioning. Structural Balance teaches employable skills for a variety of healthcare specialties.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe DVD Program to Accompany Asi Lo Veo
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits
Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits by Behzad Razavi, deals with the analysis and design of analog CMOS integrated circuits, emphasizing fundamentals, as well as new paradigms that students and practicing engineers need to master in today's industry. Because analog design requires both intuition and rigor, each concept is first introduced from an intuitive perspective and subsequently treated by careful analysis. The objective is to develop both a solid foundation and methods of analyzing circuits by inspection so that the reader learns what approximations can be made in which circuits, and how much error to expect in each approximation. This approach also enables the reader to apply the concepts to bipolar circuits with little additional effort.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Student Solutions Manual to accompany Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Gives detailed solutions to odd numbers problems not appearing in the appendix of the main text.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Yookoso!: Continuing with Contemporary Japanese (Student Edition)
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Gemba Kaizen: A Commonsense Approach to a Continuous Improvement Strategy, Second Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The definitive, fully up-to-date guide to continuous improvement in the workplace"An updated version of a classic book that shares a wealth of new healthcare examples and case studies from around the world. The methods in this book will help you improve quality and safety, reduce waiting times, and improve the long-term financial position of your organization. Highly recommended!" --Mark Graban, author of Lean Hospitals and coauthor of Healthcare Kaizen"Every business faces the iron triangle of quality, cost, and delivery. Conventional thinking claims you cannot have all three. Not only does Mr. Imai turn that thinking on its head, but he shows you exactly how to do it." -- Matthew E. May, author of The Elegant Solution and The Laws of Subtraction"Masaaki Imai has done it again. The second edition of his famous book not only describes all the tools necessary for any type of business to implement a lean strategy but also includes a large number of excellent case studies." -- Art Byrne, author of The Lean TurnaroundWritten by Masaaki Imai, pioneer of modern business operational excellence and founder of the Kaizen Institute, Gemba Kaizen, Second Edition is an in-depth revision of this renowned, bestselling work. The book reveals how to implement cost-effective, incremental improvements in your most critical business processes. Global case studies from a wide range of industries demonstrate how gemba kaizen has been successfully used to: Maximize capacity and reduce inventory at Unga Limited, one of Kenya's largest flour-milling operations Change the IT culture at Achmea, a large European insurance firm Exceed customer expectations at Walt Disney World in the United States Improve quality at Inoue Hospital in Japan Transform retail processes at Sonae MC, Portugal's largest employer Practice daily kaizen at Tork Ledervin, a weaving plant in Brazil Stamp out muda at Sunclipse, an industrial packaging distributor in the United States Manage quality improvement by total workforce involvement at Xuji Group Corporation, an electrical manufacturer in China Implement gemba kaizen at many other companies worldwide To thrive in today's competitive global economy, organizations need to operate more effectively and profitably than ever before. Developing problem solvers, increasing productivity, improving quality, and reducing waste are essential success factors. Proven strategies for achieving these goals are included in this pioneering guide.This comprehensive resource offers detailed coverage of important gemba kaizen topics, including: Quality, cost, and delivery in the gemba The five steps of workplace organization Identifying and eliminating muda--any non-value-adding activity Visual management Supervisors' roles in the lean workplace Gemba managers' roles and accountability in sustaining high performance Just-in-time and total flow management The CEO’s role in leading a kaizen culture The methods presented in Gemba Kaizen, Second Edition reveal that when management focuses on implementing kaizen (incremental, continuous improvement) in the gemba (the worksite) unique opportunities can be discovered for increasing the success and profitability of any organization.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Correct Your Spanish Blunders
A witty, fast-paced guide to eliminating those annoying and frustrating Spanish bloopers Mixing genders, inverting subjects and objects, and trusting falsos amigos (a.k.a., false cognates) are just a few of the blunders English-speaking Spanish-language learners commonly make. In Correct Your Spanish Blunders, veteran Spanish teacher Jean Yates identifies these and other common trouble spots and clearly explains the reasons behind them. You will discover how grammar patterns of Spanish differ from those of English and why trying to translate word for word, structure for structure, from English, can lead to big trouble.You will learn to break bad habits and correct your mistakes while developing a much more natural feel for Spanish language patterns with the help of: More than 1,000 highlighted examples of common blunders to avoid A free app available on iTunes for interactive practice for obliterating those blunders Numerous examples and practical exercises Quick-reference panels for checking correct tense forms A "Hall of Shame" compendium of bad errors to recognize and correct
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar
Helpful instruction and plenty of practice for your child to understand the basics of grammar and vocabularyUnderstanding grammar is essential for your child to speak and write with competence and clarity. Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar gives your child bite-sized explanations of grammar and vocabulary, with engaging exercises that keep her or him motivated and excited to learn. They can practice the grammar skills that are challenging, polish skills they’ve mastered, and stretch themselves to explore skills they have not yet attempted. This title features 170 activities (plus answer key) that increase in difficulty as your child proceeds through the book.This book is appropriate for a 4th grade student working above his or her grade level, or as a great review and practice for a struggling 5th or 6th grader.Your student will learn how to: Recognize types of sentences Understand sentence structure Identify parts of speech Use punctuation and capitalization together Find her or his own grammar mistakes Topics include: Sentences, Nouns, Verbs, Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions and Interjections, Punctuation and Capitalization,Usage and Proofreading
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Perfect Phrases for Setting Performance Goals, Second Edition
THE RIGHT PHRASE FOR EVERY SITUATION . . . EVERY TIMEReal success is about the future, not the past. As a supervisor, you'll be most effective if you concentrate on setting goals for your employees, rather than assessing past events and behaviors.This completely revised and updated second edition of Perfect Phrases for Setting Performance Goals provides hundreds of precisely worded performance goals you can put to use in virtually any situation. This handy,quick-reference guide provides effective language for: Focusing your people on the most important parts of their jobs Communicating your expectations Aligning employee goals with organizational priorities Improving productivity and morale in the workplace Reducing disagreements during performance reviews
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Winning Body Language
The Unique System of Nonverbal Skills Used by the Most Effective Leaders in Business TodayCONTROL THE CONVERSATION, COMMAND ATTENTION, ANDCONVEY THE RIGHT MESSAGE--WITHOUT SAYING A WORDWhether you're presenting an idea, delivering a speech, managing a team, or negotiating a deal, your body language plays a key role in your overall success.This ingenious step-by-step guide, written by an elite trainer of Fortune 50 CEOs and G8 world leaders, unlocks the secrets of nonverbal communication--using a proven system of universal techniques that can give you the ultimate professional advantage. Learn easily how to: Successfully master the visual TruthPlanearound you to win trust now. Gesture in a way that gains everyone’s attention—even before you speak. Appeal to others' deep psychological needsfor immediate rapport and influence. You'll discover how to sit, stand, and subtly alter your body language to move with confidence, control conversations, command attention, persuade andinfluence others, and convey positive energy—without saying a word.It's the one key to success nobody talks about!
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Algebra DeMYSTiFieD, Second Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Your SOLUTION to mastering ALGEBRA!Trying to tackle algebra but nothing's adding up? No problem! Factor in Algebra Demystified, Second Edition and multiply your chances of learning this important branch of mathematics.Written in a step-by-step format, this practical guide covers fractions, variables, decimals, negative numbers, exponents, roots, and factoring. Techniques for solving linear and quadratic equations and applications are discussed in detail. Clear examples, concise explanations, and worked problems with complete solutions make it easy to understand the material, and end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam help reinforce learning.It's a no-brainer! You'll learn how to: Translate English sentences into mathematical symbols Write the negative of numbers and variables Factor expressions Use the distributive property to expand expressions Solve applied problems Simple enough for a beginner, but challenging enough for an advanced student, Algebra Demystified, Second Edition helps you master this essential math subject. It's also the perfect resource for preparing you for higher level math classes and college placement tests.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Purpose Linked Organization: How Passionate Leaders Inspire Winning Teams and Great Results
Meet the indispensablepeople who can bringyour organizationto that crucial next level.How many can you recognize? And wheredo you fit in?The Builder: Creating a strong sense ofurgency to deliver results, they’re thedriving force of a growing businessThe Connector: Born communicators,adept at negotiation andrelationship-buildingThe Conceiver: These “intellectualacrobats” think outside the box,imagine new possibilities, andcontribute to innovationThe Altruist: On the lookout to raiseyour organization’s profile whilebenefiting the world at largeLeadership development experts AlainaLove and Marc Cugnon have identified tensuch “Passion Profile Archetypes,” and in ThePurpose Linked Organization, you’ll learn thestrengths, vulnerabilities, and proper care andfeeding of them all.Authors Love and Cugnon offer easily implementableways to channel the power of each individual’spassions in a positive, purposeful direction.You’ll understand how to link skills, values,and passions to performance—and how doingso will bring the results your organizationcan’t afford to be without.Just as important, you’ll be able to confidentlyassess your own purpose and passions so thatyour own organizational role will be as engaging,fulfilling, and productive as possible.Most employees spend more than 84,000hours of their lives at work. When that time ispersonally meaningful, great things can happen,which will enrich your organization, thecustomers it serves, and even society as a whole.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Vox Compact Spanish & English Dictionary, 3E (HC)
Get the Spanish reference book millions have come to trustFor the first time in 12 years, the most popular Spanish and English dictionary available in North America has been thoroughly revised and updated for today’s high-school and college students, businesspeople, and armchair linguists. More than 15,000 entries and 140 pages have been added to the dictionary, which is available in three formats to fit your needs. And the layout itself has gotten a polish; it has been completely reset for even better legibility!
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Blueprint Reading
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Improve Your Ability to Read and Interpret All Types of Construction Drawings Blueprint Reading is a step-by-step guide to reading and interpreting all types of construction drawings. Filled with hundreds of illustrations and study questions, this easy-to-use resource offers a complete overview of construction drawing basics for every aspect of the construction process- from site work, foundations, and structural systems to interior work and finishes. Covering all the latest technological advances, noted architect Sam Kubba offers detailed information on: Blueprint standards-ANSI, ISO, AWS, and ASME Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) Lines, views, elevations, and dimensions Layouts of all construction drawing types-architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical Specifications-MasterFormat and UniFormat Symbols-materials, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and others How to avoid costly pitfalls on construction projects You'll also find a glossary of terms for quick reference, convenient tables and charts for identifying symbols and abbreviations, and much more.Inside This Skills-Building Guide to Construction Drawing Basics• Blueprint Standards • Blueprints and Construction Drawings: A Universal Language • Understanding Lines • Types of Views • Understanding Dimensions • Layout of Construction Drawings • Understanding Industrial Blueprints • The Meaning of Symbols • Understanding Schedules • Specifications • ISO Issues, Codes, and Building Regulations • Construction Business Environment
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Locksmithing, Second Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.An Updated Guide to LocksmithingFilled with easy-to-follow instructions, illustrations, charts, and checklists, this updated locksmithing resource covers locking mechanisms used in today's residential, automotive, commercial, and electronic security devices. Whether you want to install a home security system or start a successful locksmithing business, you'll find what you need in this book. Details about licensing and certifications and a sample Registered Professional Locksmith exam are included.Locksmithing, Second Edition covers: Warded, lever tumbler, disc tumbler, side bar wafer, and pin tumbler locks Locksmithing tools Key-in-knob, deadbolt, and cylinder key mortise locks High-security cylinders Pushbutton combination locks Lock picking, impressioning, and forced entry Masterkeying Safe basics and drilling open safes Bumping keys Key coding machines Closed circuit television systems Access control, alarms, and system integration
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell
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