Search results for ""McGraw-Hill Education - Europe""
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Human Factors and Ergonomics Design Handbook, Third Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Master the art of user-centric planning and design This thoroughly revised guide offers complete coverage of the latest trends and advances in ergonomics and psychology and lays out practical applications for today’s designers. Written by a team of experts, Human Factors and Ergonomics Design Handbook, Third Edition, shows how to maximize functionality while reducing injuries and minimizing the impact on physical and psychological health. The ubiquitous use of smartphones, tablets, and other high-tech equipment is discussed in full detail. New chapters explain medical systems, robotics, handheld devices, cognitive workload, and the motion environment. Inside, you’ll find human-friendly design techniques for:· Architecture, transportation, and industrial systems· Military, space, communications, agriculture, and consumer product systems
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Practice Makes Perfect German Problem Solver
Tackle head-on all the hurdles that you find hard about learning GermanPractice Makes Perfect: German Problem Solver doesn't pretend that learning German is easy. Instead of covering the entirety of the language, it hones in on those areas where you might have difficulty--areas such as der vs. die vs. das, capitalization and punctuation, subject-verb agreement, determiners and adverbs of degree, and phrasal verbs. Features: A variety of extensive exercises for practice Practical and high-frequency vocabulary Answer key provided for reference and quick feedback Don't sweat those troublesome grammar areas any more! Practice Makes Perfect: German Problem Solver is your perfect learning tool for ironing out your troubles.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century
New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century is about the process of getting a new venture started, growing the venture, successfully harvesting it, and starting again. The book presents the substantial body of knowledge about the entrepreneurial process in a pragmatic way – through text, case studies, and hands-on exercises – to help readers compress their learning curves, reduce their ultimate risk and pain, and allow them to gain more from their subsequent entrepreneurial experiences.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Complete Handbook of Sand Casting
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The No-Cry Potty Training Solution: Gentle Ways to Help Your Child Say Good-Bye to Nappies 'UK Edition'
From bestselling parenting author Elizabeth Pantley, a potty-training plan that is foolproof and easy to implement. The No-Cry Potty Training Solution is a realistic, stress-free plan to help your child become independent in the bathroom. Pantley’s potty training solutions are realistic, as they have been tested by actual families in every parenting situation: Busy households, single parents, working parents with limited time and money, twins and multiples, and children of varying age and temperament.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Consulting for Real People: A Client-Centred Approach for Change Agents and Leaders
Consulting for Real People: a client centred approach for leaders and change agents 2/e shows you how to become truly client-centred by empowering your client and supporting them right through to the point where the new behaviour replaces the old. Formerly titled '||'''Client-Centred Consulting: A practical guide for internal advisers and trainers'||''' this highly successful book has been fully updated to reflect advances in the field. The scope of the book has also been expanded to include issues, dilemmas and the operational styles of both internal and external change agents. Other new topics covered include change management issues for leaders, managing large-scale organisational changes, and ways in which change agents can empower themselves and their clients. The book begins with an exploration of all aspects of change management from the perspective of consultant, manager or team leader. It goes on to explore the range of consulting styles available and the structure of the consultant-client relationship. Finally it explains why successful change agents must have a high level of personal power and self-esteem and it explores ways in which these can be acquired.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Decoding Level A, Teacher Materials Package
Decoding A. The skills are dividedinto four principal areas: Word-Attack Skills, WorkbookExercises, support activities and Checkouts and MasteryTests.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Comprehension Level C, National Teacher Resource Book
The Teacher Resource Book provides advanced methodology and tools to help teachers ensure that students will transfer key skills to the regular curriculum. Through the use of differentiated Instruction, access points for students with significant cognitive disabilities, and leveled passages for comprehension and vocabulary practice, Teacher Resource Books provide the additional program coverage needed to help boost student performance of decoding and comprehension skills.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Comprehension Level C, Student Book
Comprehension C helps teachers bridge the gap between basic reasoningand critical thinking. With these skills, students can evaluate and utilizeinformational resources on their own.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Language for Learning, Language Activity Masters Book 1
Helps beginning and early intermediate ELL in elementary grades achieve functional spoken English. Students learn the words, concepts, and statements important to both oral and written language.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Spelling Mastery Level A, Teacher Materials
Level A Spelling Mastery Teacher Materials include: 1 Teacher Presentation Book. The Teacher Presentation book contains daily lessons with scripted presentations that provide effective instruction.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Expressive Writing Level 1, Teacher Materials
Help poor writers improve their skills with Expressive Writing, an easy-to-use approach to teaching the basics of good writing. Expressive Writing focuses on the writing and the editing of basic sentences, paragraphs, and stories. Instructional strands include Mechanics, Sentence Writing, Paragraph and Story Writing, and Editing, making the program an ideal solution for students who: Have trouble getting started Have problems knowing when to capitalize and punctuate Omit important parts of the story Write incomplete sentences Ignore paragraph structure Edit ineffectively or not at all
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Reading Lab 1b, Student Record Book (Pkg. of 5), Levels 1.4 - 4.5
Add your students' names to the list of 100 million who have used SRA Reading Labs to become fluent readers. The leveled approach of this program helps you get the most from every minute of learning time. This versatile program contains: A range of reading levels that enable all students to learn independently and at their own pace Self-directed readings that serve an entire classroom of readers at different levels Choose the edition that best fits your budget and the time you have to teach: Reading Lab Deluxe Editions feature a comprehensive range of materials. Reading Lab Economy Editions are more streamlined and affordable.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Mathematics Division, Teacher Materials
Teacher Materials include: Presentation Books include a Guide section containing information for presenting exercises, correcting mistakes, and administering the pre-skill and placement tests. There is also a Presentation section that contains detailed lessons plans. Answer Key Booklets quickly and easily compare students' work with the actual calculations and word problem results.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Mathematics Subtraction, Teacher Materials
Teacher Materials include: Presentation Books include a Guide section containing information for presenting exercises, correcting mistakes, and administering the pre-skill and placement tests. There is also a Presentation section that contains detailed lessons plans. Answer Key Booklets quickly and easily compare students' work with the actual calculations and word problem results.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Reading Lab 2c, Student Record Book (5-pack), Levels 3.0 - 9.0
A truly effective program evolves to meet changing classroom needs. With Reading Labs 2a, 2b, 2c, students build crucial skills through reading selections in a wide range of topic areas. Your students will build strong reading and comprehension skills.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Pocket Atlas of Emergency Ultrasound, Second Edition
The acclaimed quick-reference guide to performing and interpreting emergency ultrasound exams More than 400 ultrasound images!Spanning all body systems typically evaluated by ultrasound, this succinct, find-it-now pocket atlas allows you to instantly compare and contrast your real-time images with those appearing in the book. You will also find valuable how-to guidance on essentials such as probe placement, patient positioning, and proper settings – along with anatomical drawings that help you visualize affected organs. Featuring concise, bulleted text, and more than 400 ultrasound images and dozens of line drawings, Emergency Ultrasound, Second Edition is specifically designed to be used at the bedside in an emergency care setting. Coverage includes:• Clinical Considerations• Clinical Indications• Anatomic Considerations• Technique and Normal Findings• Tips to Improve Imaging Acquisition• Common and Emergency Abnormalities• Pitfalls
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Nalco Water Guide to Cooling Water Systems Failure Analysis, Second Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The Most Complete, Current Guide to Failure Analysis for Cooling Water SystemsFully updated for the latest technologies and techniques, this new edition describes proven procedures for determining the root cause of cooling system failure, correcting the problem, and preventing future occurrences.The first section covers cooling water system design and operation and features ten new chapters on the various materials most commonly found in cooling systems. The remaining four sections discuss waterside corrosion, cracking, mechanical damage, and material and design issues.This authoritative resource explains how to identify failure locations and mechanisms, recognize critical factors influencing failure, carry out inspection procedures, and implement preventive measures to reducedamage. Illustrative case histories are provided in each chapter.The Nalco Guide to Cooling Water Systems Failure Analysis, Second Edition, covers: Carbon and alloy steel Cast iron Stainless steel Copper alloys Aluminum alloys Corrosion-resistant alloys Coatings Nonmetallic materials Brazed and soldered joints Corrosion monitoring Crevice and underdeposit corrosion Oxygen corrosion Biologically influenced corrosion Acid corrosion Alkaline corrosion Galvanic corrosion Dealloying Intergranular corrosion Graphitic corrosion Localized and pitting corrosion Corrosion fatigue Stress corrosion cracking Erosion-corrosion Cavitation Manufacturing defects Weld defects Design and operating conditions
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe McGraw-Hill Nurses Drug Handbook, Seventh Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Best Value on the Market!The drug guide nurses count on to safely administer more than 4,000 drugsMcGraw-Hill Nurse’s Drug Handbook, Seventh Edition provides everything nurses must know to protect themselves and their patients when administering drugs. The Handbook delivers the evidence base needed to administer more than 3,000 brandname and 1,000 generic drugs--along with important administration and monitoring instructions. The drug monographs are designed for easy understanding and quick access to essential facts.For the safest, most effective drug administration possible, you'll find: Full monographs on 1,000+ drugs, including 29 new ones NEW FDA black box warnings and adverse drug reactions Special icons pointing out hazardous and high-alert drugs Expanded 36-page safe drug administation insert Guidance on drug interactions including foods,herbals, and behavior NEW safety insert on sanctioned guidelines for timelyadministration of scheduled drugs and new appendixon current drug shortages
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Radiology Case Review Series: MSK Imaging
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Access interactive cases on musculoskeletal imaging for the best board review possible!Part of McGraw-Hill's Radiology Case Review Series, this unique resource challenges you to lookat a group of images, determine the diagnosis, answer related questions, and gauge your knowledge by reviewing the answer. It all adds up to the best interactive review of musculoskeletal imaging available--one that's ideal for certification or recertification, or as an incomparable clinical refresher. Distinguished by a cohesive two-page design, each volume in this series is filled with cases, annotated images, questions and answers, pearls, and relevant literature references that will efficiently prepare you for virtually any exam topic. The book's cases are crosslinked to an online component that includes full-resolution images, interactive image stacks, discussions and extra teaching points that reinforce your grasp of must-know musculoskeletal imaging topics.Radiology Case Review Series Features 200 cases for each volume, which consist of: Precise, state-of-the-art images accompanied by questions and answers, descriptions of the entities, insightful clinical pearls, and reference lists Intensive coverage of fundamental radiology principles, the latest diagnostic imaging techniques, radiology equipment, new technologies, and more Unique 2-page format for each case, which features: Images with 5 questions on the right-hand page Magnifications, annotations, and detailed answers on the verso page--a benefit that you'll only find in this exceptional series! Informative, bulleted comments box that provides important additional context for each case Cases organized and coded by difficulty level allowing you to evaluate your proficiency before progressing to the next level Radiology-relevant scrolling and stacking function A dedicated interactive website--accessible via scratch-off code for each volume in the series--enables you to: Scroll the images from each case in the text as well as stack images (display multiple views of an image) Zoom in and out, or scroll up and down, to highlight specific details of a subject Access additional images for each case using the case ID number from the text
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe All About Forex Trading
Currency trading techniques you can bank on! Forex trading can be remarkably lucrative—and complex, confusing, and risky. Too many investors dive right into Forex, suffering big losses. If you want to trade currencies successfully, read this book, take your time, and plan accordingly. The $4 trillion Forex market will be waiting.All About Forex Trading walks you through everything you need to know to make currency trading a vibrant part of your diversified portfolio and generate handsome returns—regardless of what is happening to stocks and bonds. Whether your investing style is conservative or aggressive, this no-nonsense guide has what you need to build a powerful Forex trading strategy. Learn all there is to know about: What (and who) drives currency prices Investment vehicles for Forex trading Technical analysis techniques Key fundamental indicators Navigating the economic calendar All the traded currencies—from the Americas to Europe to Asia
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Flexitarian Diet: The Mostly Vegetarian Way to Lose Weight, Be Healthier, Prevent Disease, and Add Years to Your Life
The Flexitarian Diet is the first book to describe what is potentially the next big diet and nutritional movement—“flexitarianism.” The concept has grown so popular that Bon Apetit selected “flexitarian” as a hot trend for 2010. A flexitarian diet is part-time vegetarianism but, as the name suggests, flexitarianism is also about flexibility… a healthy, guided, customizable, appetizing, family-friendly flexibility. The Flexitarian Diet begins with a quiz examining three nutrition factors: 1) food preferences and aversions; 2) whether the reader’s current diet is likely to cause shortfalls or overloads in particular nutrients; and 3) which food habits they most want to change. The answers point to best starting point for that reader. This way, readers make gradual, rational changes one meal, one food group at a time. Each section includes information about how to substitute flexitarian recipes for traditional favorites, tips on how to assure that family members are engaged in the process, suggestions for foods that are easy to incorporate in the average meal, and sneaky ways to hide healthy foods under fabulous taste! There are no strict rules or program guidelines. Readers will learn how to incorporate FlexFoods into their current diet one at a time, and are given the freedom to move through the food categories at their own pace, which increases their chance for success. This is a 5-by-5 Program: 5 main FlexFood categories, 5-Ingredient Recipes, 5 types of Troubleshooter tips, 5 keys to Improve Your FlexLife, and a 5 Week Meal Plan.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Theory of Constraints Handbook
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The definitive guide to the theory of constraintsIn this authoritative volume, the world's top Theory of Constraints (TOC) experts reveal how to implement the ground-breaking management and improvement methodology developed by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt. Theory of Constraints Handbook offers an in-depth examination of this revolutionary concept of bringing about global organization performance improvement by focusing on a few leverage points of the system. Clear explanations supplemented by examples and case studies define how the theory works, why it works, what issues are resolved, and what benefits accrue, and demonstrate how TOC can be applied to different industries and situations.Theory of Constraints Handbook covers: Critical Chain Project Management for realizing major improvements in delivering projects on time, to specification, and within budget Drum-Buffer-Rope (DBR), Buffer Management, and distribution for maximizing throughput and minimizing flow time Performance measures for applying Throughput Accounting to improve organizational performance Strategy, marketing, and sales techniques designed to increase sales closing rates and Throughput Thinking Processes for simple and complex environments TOC methods to ensure that services actions support escalating demand for services while retaining financial viability Integrating the TOC Thinking Processes, the Strategy and Tactic Tree, TOC measurements, the Five Focusing Steps of TOC, and Six Sigma as a system of tools for sustainable improvement
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Gomella and Haist's Clinician's Pocket Reference
An all new edition of the original Scut Monkey Handbook—the acclaimed survival guide for the wards and the clinic4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW"This pocket reference is packed with information that is important for medical students and interns on a day-to-day basis. It is rich with practical information that might otherwise be located in different manuals.... The fundamental information is important for all clinicians to master, thus the book serves house staff quite well also.... This book continues to be a favorite among medical students and house staff for good reason."--Doody's Review Service (on a previous edition)This portable, pocket-sized “manual of manuals” provides medical students and residents with essential patient care information, including up-to-date coverage of current treatment protocols, clinical microbiology, critical care, and commonly used medications. Readers will find step-by-step guidance on the history and physical examination, differential diagnosis, key lab and diagnostic tests, and much more.The Twelfth Edition is highlighted by NEW specialty Pearls; NEW chapters on the Patient Presentation, Specialized Diagnostics, Hospice and Palliative Care, Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams, and Principles of Ambulatory Care; and “must know” board tips at the end of each chapter; and NEW laboratory tests.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Perfect Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Handling Conflict, Confrontations and Challenging Personalities
Perfect Phrases for the Right Situation, Every TimeWhether it's hiring employees or creating teams, the Perfect Phrases series has the tools for precise, effective communication in any situation. With Perfect Phrases books, you have all the phrases you need to get things done, right at your fingertips!
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Bringing Out the Best in Yourself at Work
Acclaim for "Bringing Out the Best in Yourself at Work": 'This is the first Enneagram book that I have endorsed. The Enneagram is a powerful tool for self-understanding - the gist of emotional healing and a major factor in personal evolution. Here is a good book undertaking to bring the Enneagram to the business world at a time when it has become apparent that the business world controls the world and that our fate depends on the psychospiritual condition of those in it' - Claudio Naranjo, M.D., Enneagram pioneer and author of "Character and Neurosis: An Integrative View". 'This solid, well-written book can be used by those new to the Enneagram and those who already know the system and want ways to apply it in the business world' - Don Riso and Russ Hudson, founders of the Enneagram Institute and authors of the bestselling "The Wisdom of the Enneagram". 'User-friendly...Ginger Lapid-Bogda's explanation and interpretation of the Enneagram way of learning more about one's self is unsurpassed' - W. Warner Burke, Ph.D., author of "Organization Change: Theory and Practice". 'A must-have for your 'go-to' bookshelf' - Beverly Kaye, Ph.D., co-author of the internationally bestselling "Love 'Em or Lose 'Em: Getting Good People to Stay". The Enneagram is a popular, proven psychological system for determining personality types as a path for self-improvement. Now, Enneagram teacher and organizational consultant Ginger Lapid-Bogda gives clear, easy-to-follow instruction for using this powerful tool in the workplace, including techniques for bringing out your strongest leadership skills, improving your weaker areas, and preventing and resolving conflict. You'll work better, increase the effectiveness of your teams, and build relationships with your co-workers.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Southwest Airlines Way
This book offers management lessons from the world's most profitable airline. 'As a former Southwest insider, I often wondered why other organizations couldn't duplicate the business model. Anyone who wants to understand how it works should read this book' - Libby Sartain, Senior VP of Human Resources, Yahoo. 'Professor Gittell has tackled one of the hottest and most important topics in business circles today - why some airlines continually fly high over the economic wreckage of the rest of the industry' - Thomas Winkelmann, VP - The Americas, Lufthansa German Airlines. 'Through extensive research, Jody Hoffer Gittell gets to the bottom of what has sustained Southwest Airlines' positive employee relations and high performance through good and bad times' - Thomas A. Kochan, professor, MIT Sloan School of Management, MIT Global Airline Industry Program."Fortune" magazine calls Southwest Airlines "the most successful airline in history." In an industry that regularly loses billions of dollars, Southwest has had 31 consecutive years of profitability. "The Southwest Airlines Way" reveals the secret to Southwest's remarkable success - high performance relationships - and it creates enormous competitive advantage in motivation, teamwork, and coordination among Southwest employees. Based on Professor Jody Hoffer Gittell's eight years of field research, this book explores Southwest's innovative policies, strategies, and techniques, showing how these methods can be implemented in any organization, and explains how to: lead with credibility and caring; invest in frontline leaders; hire and train for relational competence; use conflicts to build relationships; and, encourage mutual respect among employees, managers, unions, and suppliers.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Pump Handbook
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Rely on the #1 Guide to Pump Design and Application--Now Updated with the Latest Technological Breakthroughs Long-established as the leading guide to pump design and application, the Pump Handbook has been fully revised and updated with the latest developments in pump technology. Packed with 1,150 detailed illustrations and written by a team of over 100 internationally renowned pump experts, this vital tool shows you how to select, purchase, install, operate, maintain, and troubleshoot cutting-edge pumps for all types of uses. The Fourth Edition of the Pump Handbook features: State-of-the-art guidance on every aspect of pump theory, design, application, and technology Over 100 internationally renowned contributors SI units used throughout the book New sections on centrifugal pump mechanical performance, flow analysis, bearings, adjustable-speed drives, and application to cryogenic LNG services; completely revised sections on pump theory, mechanical seals, intakes and suction piping, gears, and waterhammer; application to pulp and paper mills Inside This Updated Guide to Pump Technology• Classification and Selection of Pumps • Centrifugal Pumps • Displacement Pumps • Solids Pumping • Pump Sealing • Pump Bearings • Jet Pumps • Materials of Construction • Pump Drivers and Power Transmission • Pump Noise • Pump Systems • Pump Services • Intakes and Suction Piping • Selecting and Purchasing Pumps • Installation, Operation, and Maintenance • Pump Testing • Technical Data
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Time-Saver Standards for Interior Design and Space Planning, Second Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The "Silver Bible" -- thoroughly revised, updated and redesignedInterior designers, architects, and other design professionals can still turn to the field’s beloved "Silver Bible" for a wealth of information related to the design and planning of residential and commercial interiors. But now, Time-Saver Standards for Interior Design and Space Planning, Second Edition goes even further to truly make the classic interior design reference the standard in its field.From standard furniture dimensions to architectural woodwork details, you’ll find a vast array of time-saving data and details. Editors Joseph DeChiara, Julius Panero, and Martin Zelnik have brought together contributions from well-known architectural and interior design firms to give you details derived from actual designs and working drawings, showing various solutions for typical design problems encountered in interior architecture.You get a wide range of typical layouts and residential spaces, offices, conference rooms, and reception areas, in addition to details of bars, restaurants, and public toilets. This exciting new edition includes new international examples and metrification – and provides you with full coverage of healthcare spaces, educational spaces; home offices; videoconferencing spaces; green design; project forms and schedules. Two outstanding sections cover historic styles and woodworking.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Applied Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences, Expanded Edition
Applied Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences, Expanded Edition provides a sound, intuitive understanding of the basic concepts students need as they pursue careers in business, economics, and the life and social sciences. Students achieve success using this text as a result of the author's applied and real-world orientation to concepts, problem-solving approach, straight forward and concise writing style, and comprehensive exercise sets. More than 100,000 students worldwide have studied from this text!
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Strip-Built Sea Kayak: Three Rugged, Beautiful Boats You Can Build
Although books on strip building canoes abound, this is among the first to adapt the technique to crafting attractive, functional kayaks. Using high-quality, computer-generated illustrations and photographs to explain key techniques, the book provides complete plans and measurements for three different kayaks: 1) A simple solo craft for beginners, 2) A high-performance solo kayak for intermediate paddlers, and 3) A tandem design for two paddlers. With its easy-to-follow guidance and instructions, The Strip-Built Sea Kayak makes top-notch kayaks accessible to budget-minded paddlers.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Pond
Fish and fungi, plants and protists, mammals and monera all seem to get along swimmingly in and around the peaceful-looking pond environment. But a closer look at a small square reveals an ever-changing world. . .home to a larger variety of creatures and goings-on than you'd ever imagine, even in just a drop of its water! This beautifully illustrated "you are there" science book--part of the critically acclaimed One Small Square series--is brimming over with fun-to-do experiments and activities for children ages 7 and up. Includes a pond field guide, a glossary-index, and a resource list.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Decoding Level B1, Student Workbook (pack of 5)
Corrective Reading: DecodingSiegfried Engelmann, et al. Written for students who have difficulty reading accurately and fluently, the Corrective Reading Decoding programmes provide a unique blend of teacher-directed instruction and high-frequency practice to accelerate decoding. This proven intervention programme progresses from teaching letter sounds and blending to reading passages typical of textbook material. Detailed data on performance allows students to monitor their own improvement and experience success.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Stan Weinstein's Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets
"Stan Weinstein's Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets" reveals his successful methods for timing investments to produce consistently profitable results. Topics include: Stan Weinstein's personal philosophy on investing; the ideal time to buy; refining the buying process; knowing when to sell; selling short; and using the best long-term indicators to spot Bull and Bear markets Odds, ends, and profits.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Exploring Innovation
The third edition of Exploring Innovation offers an engaging new perspective on innovation. The book provides business students with a clear understanding of the nature of innovation and how it can be managed and fostered. Written in an accessible style, Exploring Innovation encourages students to challenge their pre-conceived ideas about innovation and to see it as a continuous, on-going process, by exploring some of the biggest developments in innovation. Lively discussions of key concepts are provide through numerous case studies, on a range of original products and services, bringing business theories to life. The new edition has been fully revised and updated with a more intuitive structure to now feature: A greater emphasis on what innovation involves. A new chapter on Value Capture. Expanded coverage on Services and Process Innovations. Two new chapters covering Global and Green trends in innovation. 8 new major case studies and more than 40 new mini-cases including Twitter, Angry Birds, Netflick, Google and Toyota.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Public Finance, Global Edition
Introducing… Public Finance, 10th Global Edition, by Harvey S. Rosen and Ted GayerRosen and Gayer's Public Finance provides the economic tools necessary to analyze government expenditure and tax policies and, along the way, takes students to the frontiers of current research and policy. While the information presented is cutting edge and reflects the work of economists currently active in the field, the approach makes the text accessible to undergraduates whose only prior exposure to economics is at the introductory level. The authors' years of policy experience have convinced them that modern public finance provides a practical and invaluable framework for thinking about policy issues. The goal is simple: to emphasize the links between sound economics and the analysis of real-world policy problems. Enhancements and key features for this new Global Edition include: New Policy Perspectives introduce relevant and engaging examples of international policy so students can extend their understanding of theory to policymaking across the globe. New Empirical Evidence applications provide students with real-world examples that are relevant to them, from case studies about Sweden and China to global examples that compare experiences between countries. Updated end-of-chapter questions broaden critical thinking, encouraging students to apply their knowledge to international and comparative examples. The results of econometric models are used to help students understand how expenditure and tax policies affect individual behavior and how governments set policies. Integrated theory and analysis: Institutional, theoretical, and empirical material is interwoven to provide students with a clear and coherent view of how government spending and taxation relate to economic theory. Current research is presented alongside discussion of methodological and substantive controversies. The approach is modern, theoretical, and empirical, and shared by most active economists. Institutional and legal settings are described in detail, and the links between economic analysis and current political issues are emphasized. This Global Edition has been adapted to meet the needs of courses outside of the United States and does not align with the instructor and student resources available with the US edition.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine, Second Edition
The leading textbook of hospital medicine – completely updated to reflect today’s challenges Since its publication in 2012, Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine, Second Edition has become the field’s premier resource. Comprehensive, authoritative, and practical, this landmark text provides a solid grounding in clinical, organizational, and administrative areas central to the practice of hospital medicine. The Second Edition has been completely updated to reflect the evolving practice responsibilities of hospitalists. Examples include value-based medicine, expanded surgical content, bedside clinical reasoning, and a new segment devoted to rehabilitation and skilled nursing care. This edition also features a more accessible and streamlined full-color design enriched by more than 600 illustrations. Each clinical chapter opens with boxed Key Clinical Questions that are addressed in the text and summarized in hundreds of tables. Case studies demonstrate how to apply this information specifically to the management of hospitalized patients.Representing the expertise of more than two hundred renowned contributors, Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine, Second Edition is logically divided into six sections:• The Specialty of Hospital Medicine and Systems of Care• Medical Consultation• Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Care• The Approach to the Patient at the Bedside• Diagnostic Testing and Procedures• Clinical Conditions in the Inpatient SettingPrinciples and Practice of Hospital Medicine, Second Edition is essential reading for clinicians who strive to optimize inpatient care and sharpen their leadership skills.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Communicate to Influence: How to Inspire Your Audience to Action
"The gold standard for communication training programs."—USA Today Business communication sucks. At each meeting and presentation, we are inundated with information, leaving us thirsting for inspiration. Sure, we will check off an action item because we have to . . . but what if we were actually inspired to do something? What if we were so moved that we wanted to do it?Leaders must earn the license to lead. Not by expertise, authority, or title alone, but by influence. In Communicate to Influence, you will learn the secrets of the Decker Method—a framework that has been perfected over the past 36 years. Ben and Kelly Decker add fresh insights to these proven principles so that you can ignite change and inspire action. Discover: The Five White Lies of Communicating: learn which barriers prevent you from getting better The Communicator's Roadmap: use a tool to visually chart what type of communication experience you create The Behaviors of Trust: align what you say with how you say it to better connect with your audience The Decker Grid: shift your message from self-centered, all about me content to relevant, audience-centered content that drives action You are called to communicate well. Not only on the main stage, under bright lights, but every time you speak with your colleagues, your clients, and other stakeholders. It's time to learn how. Stop informing. Start inspiring.BEN DECKER & KELLY DECKER are the leading experts in the field of business communication. They consult on messaging, cultivate executive presence among the leadership of Fortune 500companies and startups alike, and regularly deliver keynotes to large audiences. Together, they run Decker Communications, a global firm that trains and coaches tens of thousands of executives a year. Ben and Kelly live in the San Francisco Bay Area, where they constantly test and refine communication techniques with their most demanding audience, their three boys.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Value Stream Mapping: How to Visualize Work and Align Leadership for Organizational Transformation
Winner of The Shingo Research and Professional Publication Award!Align your leadership team to deliver the highest possible value to your customersToo many organizations today suffer from silo-centric behavior and intra-organizational conflict. Yet most don't understand what's holding them back from achieving outstanding performance.Value stream mapping--an essential but underusedmethodology--is a proven approach to help you visualize and resolve disconnects, redundancies, and gaps in your value delivery system. More than merely a tool to eliminateoperational waste, value stream mapping is a highly effective means to transform leadership thinking, define strategy and priorities, and create customer-centric work flow.In this detailed guide, business performance improvement experts Karen Martin and Mike Osterling present a practical way to deeply understand how work gets done--in any environment--and how to design improvedwork systems.You'll learn how to: Prepare and engage your leadership team in the transformation process Gain a deep understanding about your current work systems and the related barriers to delivering value Design a future state that enables outstanding performance on all fronts Adopt the new design and lay the foundation for continued improvement Whether you are a novice, an experienced improvement practitioner, or a leader, Value Stream Mapping will help you design and operate your business more effectively. And if your organization already uses value stream mapping, this book will help you improve yourtransformation efforts.In today's rapid-fire business environment, there are too many problems to be solved and too many opportunities to be leveraged to operate without a highly effective means for accomplishing the important work to be done.Value stream mapping is the missing link in business management and, properly executed, has the power to address many business woes.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Clinical Manual and Review of Transesophageal Echocardiography, 3/e
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The acclaimed full-color clinical manual and review of TEE --- completely updated to reflect the field’s latest breakthroughs and developmentsClinical Manual and Review of Transesophageal Echocardiography, Third Edition is written to be the field’s go-to resource and the standard reference textbook on the topic. It offers concise yet comprehensive coverage of the key principles, concepts, and developing practice of transesophageal echocardiography. Completely updated, reorganized, and expanded, this Third Edition features a sectional format, each containing chapters that were reviewed and revised to provide a comprehensive discussion of physiology, pathophysiology, and echocardiographic approach for normal and common disease states. Where possible, important clinical information has been aligned with the principles of cardiovascular physiology and echocardiographic techniques. Narrative text, charts, videos, and graphs have been effectively integrated to provide rapid access to key clinical information for the purpose of improving clinical management.Features:•Addresses all the important clinical and technical issues and major exam topics •Valuable appendices detailing normal chamber dimensions and volumes; wall motion and coronary perfusion; diastolic function; native valve areas, velocities, and gradients; and measurements and calculations•Contributions from leading anesthesiologists, cardiologists, and cardiothoracic surgeons •A complete practice exam and chapter-ending multiple choice questions make this the perfect review for board examinations in both basic and advanced perioperative echocardiography
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Finance for Nonfinancial Managers, Second Edition (Briefcase Books Series)
AN INTRODUCTION TO FINANCIAL REPORTS--WITH NEW TACTICSFOR BUDGETING AND PINPOINTING KEY FINANCIAL AREASFinancial decisions impact virtually every area of your company. As a manager, it's up to you to understand how and why.Finance for Nonfinancial Managers helps you understand the information in essential financial reportsand then shows you how to use that understanding to make informed, intelligent decisions. It provides a solid working knowledge of: Basic Financial Reports--All about balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and more Cost Accounting--Methods to assess which products or services are most profitable to your firm Operational Planning and Budgeting--Ways to use financial knowledge to strengthen your company Briefcase Books, written specifically for today's busy manager, feature eye-catching icons, checklists, and sidebars to guide managers step-by-step through everyday workplace situations. Look for these innovative design features to help you navigate through each page:Key Terms: Clear defi nitions of key terms and conceptsSmart Managing: Tactics and strategies for managing changeTricks of the Trade: Tips for executing the tactics in the bookMistake Proofing: Practical advice for minimizing the possibility of errorCaution: Warning signs for when things are about to go wrongFor Example: Examples of successful change-management tacticsTools: Specific planning procedures, tactics, and hands-on techniques
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Option Volatility and Pricing: Advanced Trading Strategies and Techniques
WHAT EVERY OPTION TRADER NEEDS TO KNOW. THE ONE BOOK EVERY TRADER SHOULD OWN.The bestselling Option Volatility & Pricing has made Sheldon Natenberg a widely recognized authority in the option industry. At firms around the world, the text is often the first book that new professional traders aregiven to learn the trading strategies and risk management techniques required for success in option markets.Now, in this revised, updated, and expanded second edition, this thirty-year trading professional presents the most comprehensive guide to advanced trading strategies and techniques now in print. Covering a wide range of topics as diverse and exciting as the marketitself, this text enables both new and experiencedtraders to delve in detail into the many aspects of option markets, including: The foundations of option theory Dynamic hedging Volatility and directional trading strategies Risk analysis Position management Stock index futures and options Volatility contracts Clear, concise, and comprehensive, the second edition of Option Volatility & Pricing is sure to be an important addition to every option trader's library--as invaluable as Natenberg's acclaimed seminars at the world'slargest derivatives exchanges and trading firms.You'll learn how professional option traders approach the market, including the trading strategies and risk management techniques necessary for success. You'll gain afuller understanding of how theoretical pricing models work. And, best of all, you'll learn how to apply the principles of option evaluation to create strategies that, given a trader's assessment of market conditions and trends, have the greatest chance of success.Option trading is both a science and an art. This book shows how to apply both to maximum effect.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Schaum's 3,000 Solved Problems in Physics
The ideal review for your physics courseMore than 40 million students have trusted Schaum’s Outlines for their expert knowledge and helpful solved problems. Written by renowned experts in their respective fields, Schaum’s Outlines cover everything from math to science, nursing to language. The main feature for all these books is the solved problems. Step-by-step, authors walk readers through coming up with solutions to exercises in their topic of choice. 3,000 solved problems Problems from every area of physics Clear diagrams and illustrations Comprehensive index Appropriate for all high school and undergraduate physics courses Step-by-step solutions to problems Thousands of practice problems with a wealth of problems on each topic
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Practice Makes Perfect Mastering Writing
Helpful instruction and plenty of practice for your child to master the basics of writingUnderstanding writing is essential for your child to write with competence and clarity. Practice Makes Perfect: Mastering Writing gives your child bite-sized explanations of this essential skill, with engaging exercises that keep her or him motivated and excited to learn. They can practice the writing skills that are challenging, polish skills they’ve mastered, and stretch themselves to explore skills they have not yet attempted. This title features 170 activities (plus answer key) that increase in difficulty as your child proceeds through the book.This book is appropriate for a 6th grade student working above his or her grade level, or as a great review and practice for a struggling 7th or 8th grader.Your student will learn how to: Find and develop ideas for topics Create first drafts Develop sentences and use correct subject-verb agreement Revise and proofread her or his own work Topics include: Finding and Developing Ideas for Writing, Discovering Ideas, The Value of Keeping a Journal, Focusing Ideas, Developing Ideas, Organizing Ideas, Writing the Draft Sentences: The Foundation of the Draft, Building Paragraphs Using Adjectives and Adverbs, Wisely Order and Sequence, Using Strong Verbs Point of View, Revision, What Is Revision?, Plan for Revision, Revision Peer Consultants, Proofreading, Proofreading Strategies, Proofreading and Computer Screens, The Value of Proofreading Partners
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe How to Make Money in Stocks: A Winning System in Good Times and Bad, Fourth Edition
THE NATIONAL BESTSELLER!Anyone can learn to invest wisely with this bestselling investment system!Through every type of market, William J. O’Neil’s national bestseller, How to MakeMoney in Stocks, has shown over 2 million investors the secrets to building wealth.O’Neil’s powerful CAN SLIM® Investing System—a proven 7-step process for minimizingrisk and maximizing gains—has influenced generations of investors.Based on a major study of market winners from 1880 to 2009, this expandededition gives you: Proven techniques for finding winning stocks before they make big price gains Tips on picking the best stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs to maximize your gains 100 new charts to help you spot today’s most profitable trends PLUS strategies to help you avoid the 21 mostcommon investor mistakes!“I dedicated the 2004 Stock Trader’s Almanac to Bill O’Neil: ‘His foresight,innovation, and disciplined approach to stock market investing will influenceinvestors and traders for generations to come.’”—Yale Hirsch, publisher and editor, Stock Trader’s Almanac andauthor of Let’s Change the World Inc.“Investor’s Business Daily has provided a quarter-century of great financialjournalism and investing strategies.”—David Callaway, editor-in-chief, MarketWatch“How to Make Money in Stocks is a classic. Any investor serious about makingmoney in the market ought to read it.”—Larry Kudlow, host, CNBC’s "The Kudlow Report"
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The New Gold Standard: 5 Leadership Principles for Creating a Legendary Customer Experience Courtesy of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company
Discover the secrets of world-class leadership!When it comes to refined service and exquisite hospitality, one name stands high above the rest: The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. With ceaseless attention to every luxurious detail, the company has set the bar for creating memorable customer experiences in world-class settings. Now, for the first time, the leadership secrets behind the company's extraordinary success are revealed.The New Gold Standard takes you on an exclusive tour behind the scenes of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. Granted unprecedented access to the company's executives, staff, and its award-winning Leadership Center training facilities, bestselling author Joseph Michelli explored every level of leadership within the organization. He emerged with the key principles leaders at any company can use to provide a customer experience unlike any other, such as: Understanding the ever-evolving needs of customers Empowering employees by treating them with the utmost respect Anticipating customers' unexpressed needs and concerns Developing and conducting an unsurpassed training regimen Sharing engaging stories from the company's employees--from the corporate office and hotels around the globe--Michelli describes the innovative methods the company uses to create peerless guest experiences and explains how it constantly hones and improves them. The New Gold Standard weaves practical how-to advice, proven leadership tools, and the wisdom of experts to help you create and embed superior customer-service principles, processes, and practices in your own organization.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Chasing Daylight: How My Forthcoming Death Transformed My Life
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERChasing Daylight is the honest, touching, and ultimately inspirational memoir of former KPMG CEO Eugene O'Kelley, completed in the three-and-a-half months between his diagnosis with brain cancer and his death in September 2005. Its haunting yet extraordinarily hopeful voice reminds us to embrace the fragile, fleeting moments of our lives-the brief time we have with our family, our friends, and even ourselves. This paperback edition features a new foreword by his wife, Corinne O'Kelley and a readers' group guide and questions.“Voicing universal truths . . . shared . . . simply and clearly.”-Janet Malin, New York Times“Words to live by.”-Kerry Hannon, USA Today“One of the most unexpected and touching books you're likely to read this year.”-Edward Nawotka, Bloomberg News“An honest, thought-provoking memoir . . . O'Kelly has many lessons to teach us on how to live.”-Steve Powers, Houston Chronicle“[A] well-written and moving book.”
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Way of the Turtle: The Secret Methods that Turned Ordinary People into Legendary Traders
“We're going to raise traders just like they raise turtles in Singapore.” So trading guru Richard Dennis reportedly said to his long-time friend William Eckhardt nearly 25 years ago. What started as a bet about whether great traders were born or made became a legendary trading experiment that, until now, has never been told in its entirety. Way of the Turtle reveals, for the first time, the reasons for the success of the secretive trading system used by the group known as the “Turtles.” Top-earningTurtle Curtis Faith lays bare the entire experiment, explaining how it was possible for Dennis and Eckhardt to recruit 23 ordinary people from all walks of life and train them to be extraordinary traders in just two weeks. Only nineteen years old at the time-the youngest Turtle by far-Faith traded the largest account, making more than $30 million in just over four years. He takes you behind the scenes of the Turtle selection process and behind closed doors where the Turtles learned the lucrative trading strategies that enabled them to earn an average return of over 80 percent per year and profits of more than $100 million. You'll discover How the Turtles made money-the principles that guided their trading and the step-by-step methods they followed Why, even though they used the same approach, some Turtles were more successful than others How to look beyond the rules as the Turtles implemented them to find core strategies that work for any tradable market How to apply the Turtle Way to your own trades-and in your own life Ways to diversify your trading and limit your exposure to risk Offering his unique perspective on the experience, Faith explains why the Turtle Way works in modern markets, and shares hard-earned wisdom on taking risks, choosing your own path, and learning from your mistakes.