Search results for ""McGraw-Hill Education - Europe""
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Medical Insurance for Pharmacy Technicians
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Consolidation. Preparing and Understanding Consolidated Financial Statements under IFRS
In the contemporary globalized and complex economic environment, Consolidated Financial Statements have assumed a primary role for investors, lenders and other creditors to assess the underlying economic and financial situation of any business concern. Trying to capture and represent the increasing complexity of the contemporary business models, the preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements started to grow in complexity as well, to the point that in certain instances its abuse led to some of the most severe corporate scandals of the history of financial reporting, calling for further research in this area.This book aims at providing a guide through the complex mechanisms of consolidation by showing how to understand and prepare Consolidated Financial Statements under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), the most widespread set of accounting principles nowadays. On a step by step approach, the book introduces students and professionals to the meaning of consolidated accounts and it guides them into the consolidation process after a brief overview of IFRS, their environment and relevance.The book has been written based on many years of teaching and research in the area coupled with professional experience and it has been updated according to the new requirements and relevant changes introduced by IFRS 10 and 11. Students and professionals are guided through the topic of consolidation with an easy and direct style which aims to explain them both the economic significance of consolidated accounts and their accounting representation. Written and designed to make consolidation more approachable and accurate yet rigorous at the same time, it also contains many illustrative examples well integrated into the text and several exercises, with solutions, for self-study practice.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Killer Germs
Discover the unseen assassins that plague humanity. Until recently, most of us went about our daily lives with a false sense of public health security. Epidemics were a thing of the past, the AIDS crisis had diminished, and an annual vaccination kept the flu at bay. Then, in late 2001, all of those illusions of public health safety were suddenly shattered. A litany of terrifying images and events became all to familiar, from federal agents surreally swathed in biohazard suits to the daily evacuation of major government buildings for anthrax decontamination. The lethal power of microscopic organisms - no longer confined to the lab - permeated our collective psyches, forcing us to confront the serious threat posed by killer germs.This updated edition of Barry and David Zimmerman's classic on the subject offers a riveting retrospective of the havoc-wreaking microbes of the past as well as an engrossing exploration of emerging threats, including a new chapter on bioterrorism. In these pages, you'll discover: what makes smallpox the most potentially devastating of all bioweapons, and how prepared we are to fight it; why tuberculosis - already responsible for 2 billion deaths - is on the rise in the United States, Canada, and Europe; how antibiotic overload might one day turn a simple paper cut or skinned knee into a source of fatal infection; and why virologists fear that an easily transmissible, highly virulent superflu - strong enough to rival the strain that killed millions in 1918 - is imminent. From the bygone bubonic plague to the modern nightmare of Ebola, "Killer Germs" offers a fascinating examination of the horrors humanity has faced and the actions required to provide hope for the future.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Everyday Mathematics, Grade 1, Student Materials Set (Journal 1 & 2)
These consumable books provide daily support for classroom instruction. They provide a long-term record of each student's mathematical development.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Harrisons Manual of Medicine
Essential Clinical Information Drawn From Harrison’s Harrison’s Manual of Medicine is a concise, bedside resource derived from content found in Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, Nineteenth Edition. Perfect for use at the point of care, the Manual presents clinical information covering key aspects of the diagnosis, clinical manifestations, and treatment of the major diseases that are likely to be encountered in medical practice.Presented in full color and incorporating an efficient blend of succinct text, bullet points, algorithms, and tables Harrison’s Manual of Medicine, Nineteenth Edition covers every area of clinical medicine, including:· Etiology and Epidemiology· Clinically Relevant Pathophysiology· Signs and Symptoms· Differential Diagnosis· Physical and Laboratory Findings· Therapeutics· Practice Guidelines
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Let's Sing and Learn in Spanish (Book + Audio CD)
Make learning Spanish fun for kids through music. All little kids adore music, so why not tap into this natural affinity to get young kids hooked on foreign language learning? That's precisely what the unique "Let's Sing and Learn in Spanish" does. With a songbook of twenty original melodies, "Let's Sing and Learn in Spanish" (CD edition) teaches basic Spanish vocabulary and expressions in a fresh, exciting way. Instead of trying to memorize greetings, numbers, colors, and days and months, your child will enjoy the fun of putting them to music. While singing "Los meses del ano (The months of the year)," not only will your child be actively engaged, but the lessons learned will stay with her much longer as she associates the new words with easy-to-remember rhythms and beats. Pop in the twenty-five-minute CD and listen as your child sings along in Spanish with other kids on the recording, belting out these delightful tunes and learning about everyday subjects at the same time.Songbook of twenty original tunes will have your child, aged three to six, singing in Spanish in no time. It features English translation of lyrics to build your child's Spanish vocabulary. Simple chords and musical notation allow you accompany your child on guitar or piano. It includes kid singers on the CD model proper Spanish pronunciation and intonation. CD format allows for easy song location and quick replay. Whether you're an educator, parent, babysitter, or caregiver, you'll be amazed at how quickly kids, even the shiest in the bunch, catch on to Spanish when music is the medium!
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Principles of Mathematical Analysis
The third edition of this well known text continues to provide a solid foundation in mathematical analysis for undergraduate and first-year graduate students. The text begins with a discussion of the real number system as a complete ordered field. (Dedekind's construction is now treated in an appendix to Chapter I.) The topological background needed for the development of convergence, continuity, differentiation and integration is provided in Chapter 2. There is a new section on the gamma function, and many new and interesting exercises are included.This text is part of the Walter Rudin Student Series in Advanced Mathematics.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Art of Asset Allocation: Principles and Investment Strategies for Any Market, Second Edition
The fully revised classic on employing asset allocation techniques to grow real wealthA global leader and preeminent expert in asset allocation, David Darst delivers his masterwork on the topic. In a fully updated and expanded second edition of The Art of Asset Allocation, Morgan Stanley's Chief Investment Strategist covers the historic market events, instruments, asset classes, and economic forces that investors need to be aware of as they create asset-building portfolios. He then explains how to use modern asset allocation concepts and tools to augment returns and control risks in a wide range of financial market environments. This completely revised edition shows how to achieve asset balance with the author's proven methods, decades of expertise, relevant charts, practical tools, and astute analyses.Known as the king of asset allocation, Darst brings his expertise to bear to provide complete asset class descriptions, identifying historical risk, return, and correlation characteristics for all major asset classes. Using actual data, he explains the differences between tactical and strategic asset allocation, outlines clear rebalancing guidelines, and includes an annotated guide to both traditional and Internet-based information sources.Praise for the first edition:“You want to be a better investor, a better client, or a better advisor? DEVOUR THIS BOOK NOW!”-James J. Cramer“David Darst is the expert on Asset Allocation. He has chosen to share his decades of practical experience in The Art of Asset Allocation, to the benefit of professional and individual investors alike.”-Seth A. Klarman
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Lead Like it Matters...Because it Does: Practical Leadership Tools to Inspire and Engage Your People and Create Great Results
MASTER THE 4 KEY TENETS OF LEADERSHIP--AND CREATE A "RIPPLE EFFECT" OF POSITIVE CHANGE.A CRASH COURSE IN LEADERSHIP THAT REALLY MAKES A DIFFERENCEWhether you're a manager, executive, or CEO, leadership matters. Whether you're running a large global firm or a small project team, it's the way you communicate and connect to other people that can make or break your success. The secret, according to Roxi Bahar Hewertson, is to make those connections count--to leverage your skills and play on your strengths--to lead like it matters…because it does.A virtual crash course in leadership, Lead Like ItMatters…Because It Does combines three decades of experience and research with Hewertson's revolutionarywork at Cornell to create the definitive workbook. Learn how to: Assess your leadership style and skill set--and make adjustments Create constructive dialogues including "managing up" and delegation Cut wasteful meetings out of your life and lead productive ones Address common interpersonal conflicts, quickly and gracefully Increase productivity, team effectiveness, and accountability Lead change initiatives that aren't dead on arrival, but ready for takeoff As an executive coach, Hewertson knows how to pinpoint the problems, pressures, and pain points that plague managers at every level--and shows you how to fix them. You'll discover the "ripple effect" that negative leadership choices can have throughout an organization--and how to make positive ripples with clear intent and powerful impact. You'll find a wealth of practical, user-ready tips for handling conflicts, reducing turnover,making confident decisions, and instituting changes in the workplace. This book is packed with handy charts, helpful questionnaires, step-by-step checklists, and other must-haves--it's your own personal toolbox of field-tested techniques, right at your fingertips.Take charge of your future. Build the best team you can. Make changes that count. Lead Like It Matters…Because It Does.PRAISE FOR LEAD LIKE IT MATTERS...BECAUSE IT DOES:“Just when you think there is little new to say about leadership, Roxi Hewertson has created this ground breaking work. I’ve never seen anything like it. The conceptual framework is powerful, practical and personal. It introduces an innovative, step-by-step, developmental approach providing the reader not just insightful understanding about how to lead, but a sequence of exercises applying each new concept. It reflects a lifetime of learning by doing. For those who follow its counsel, Lead Like It Matters . . . Because it Does is transformative.”Richard McDaniel, Chairman, Collegiate Retail Alliance, Inc., and coauthor of Measure What Matters"Roxi gets it! If you want a compendium of current thought about leadership, Lead Like It Matters . . . Because it Does is it. Roxi has a keen grasp of where modern leadership is, and she has created a readable roadmap for those who want to take the trip.”Rodney Napier, Ph.D., Principle, The Napier Group, and coauthor of Groups: Theory and Experience"Lead Like It Matters . . . Because it Does is full of 'a-ha' moments and jam packed with practical and deeply researched leadership insights that will positively and immediately transform your work environment."Louise Phipps Senft, Phipps Senft Institute for Relational Leadership “Roxi has given us the valuable and practical must do’s, nice to do’s, and really don’t do’s of being an effective leader and creating an enthusiastic and high performance team based on sound theory and solid experience.”Tom DeCotiis, Ph.D., cofounder of Corvirtus, LLC, and author of Make It Glow
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Tradings Systems That Work: Building and Evaluating Effective Trading Systems
This book provides guidelines for designing and building a unique, powerful, and profitable trading system. Successful trading is more than just a series of single, isolated activities, each fighting its own battles in a dog-eat-dog marketplace. It is instead a system, in which all components work together to ensure that each trade is well protected, easy to implement, and capable of generating a steady stream of low-risk trading returns. "Trading Systems That Work" shows you how to combine today's best available information and techniques into a simple system that works for you - across all markets and market conditions. Look to this clear, step-by-step book for: guidelines for implementing a consistent money management program; portfolio composition techniques to ensure maximum profit potential - while minimizing exposure to unnecessary risk; and, strategies to exercise proper risk management through stop losses, profit objectives, and more.Whether you are a multimillion-dollar institutional investor or an independent trader with a $10,000 account, your trading system - and your comfort with that system - will spell the difference between long-term success and failure. Let "Trading Systems That Work" help you design a strategic, well-thought-out trading system, one that puts you in complete charge of your trading fortunes. When it comes to designing a trading system, serious traders don't have time to reinvent the wheel. Instead, they generally incorporate the proven, time-tested systems and techniques of others into their own - a personalized system that takes into account their trading budget, risk tolerance, action requirements, time horizon, and abilities to accept market- and system-specific anomalies."Trading Systems That Work" is the first book to evaluate many of today's most influential techniques and, emphasizing trading software programs TradeStation and Excel, cover all aspects of researching, building, understanding, and evaluating your own trading system. After covering the logic and reasoning that underpin a successful system, international trading consultant and writer Thomas Stridsman uses a set of proven system-building tools, plus his own highly innovative analysis techniques and findings, to provide: step-by-step techniques for researching and building a mechanical (100 percent rule-based) trading strategy; clear step-by-step techniques to evaluate the true performance of any system; methods to measure drawdown, both within individual trades and for entire strategies; all computer coding, along with spreadsheet formulas and equations; and, optimal exit techniques regardless of the market or current market conditions."Trading Systems That Work" is the book for traders who have taken a few gut-punches, realize the game is not as easy as it seems, and want to pinpoint exactly what it is they need to solve the puzzle. More than just another cookie-cutter book extolling ready-made technical analysis indicators or a foolproof trading system, it instead examines the entire trading process, the importance of fully understanding that process, and the necessity of employing sound, sensible, fixed-fractional money management strategies to consistently profit from that process. Manageable system building protocols, money management and portfolio composition guidelines, basic entry and exit techniques - "Trading Systems That Work" shows you how to tie the many different stages and strategic decisions of trading into a unified, profitable system. Whether you are looking to design and use a fast, intraday, market-specific trading system or one that is steady, long-term, and universal, its many valuable insights and innovations will - once and for all - put you on the right track to an understandable, profitable methodology.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Oracle Database 12c SQL
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Write Powerful SQL Statements and PL/SQL ProgramsLearn how to access Oracle databases through SQL statements and construct PL/SQL programs. Oracle Database 12c SQL offers complete coverage of the latest database features and techniques. Find out how to write SQL statements to retrieve and modify database information, use SQL*Plus and SQL Developer, work with database objects, write PL/SQL programs, use performance optimization techniques, incorporate XML, and more. This Oracle Press guide contains everything you need to know to master SQL. Use SQL statements to access an Oracle database Work with SQL*Plus and SQL Developer Write PL/SQL programs Create tables, sequences, indexes, views, and triggers Design advanced queries containing complex calculations Create database objects to handle abstract data Use date, time stamp, and time interval data types Establish user roles and privileges Handle multimedia files using large objects Tune SQL statements to make them execute faster Generate, process, and store XML data Master the very latest Oracle Database 12c features Code examples in the book are available for download.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe You Can Retire Sooner Than You Think
From Wes Moss--named by Barron's as one of America's top financial advisors"The keys that Wes Moss identifies to having a happyretirement are simple but brilliant. Read this book." -- Clark Howard, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Living Large in Lean Times“Financial planner Wes Moss offers you something different — not just a plan to retire, but a way to do it sooner and to be happy when you do." – Atlanta Journal Constitution If you think you need to win the lottery or work until you’re 75 to retire with financial stability, Money Matters host Wes Moss has very good news for you. You Can Retire Sooner Than You Think reveals the secrets for ensuring a successful retirement—sooner rather than later.After conducting an intensive study of happy retirees to learn the financial practices they hold in common, Moss discovered that it doesn't take financial genius, millions of dollars, or sophisticated investment skills to ensure a safe, solid retirement. All it takes is five best practices: Determine what you want and need your retirement money for Figure out how much you need to save Create a plan to pay off your mortgage in as little as five years Develop an income stream from multiple sources Become an income investor Getting on the fast track to a great retirement is a lot simpler than the retirement professionals would have you believe. You Can Retire Sooner Than You Think provides the proven-effective, five-step formula for creating the retirement of your dreams.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe OCA Oracle Database 12c SQL Fundamentals I Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-061)
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.A Complete Study System for OCA Exam 1Z0-061Prepare for the Oracle Certified Associate Oracle Database 12c SQL Fundamentals I exam with this Oracle Press guide. Each chapter features challenging exercises, a certification summary, a two-minute drill, and a self-test to reinforce the topics presented. This authoritative resource helps you pass the exam and also serves as an essential, on-the-job reference. Get complete coverage of all OCA objectives for exam 1Z0-061, including: Data retrieval using the SQL SELECT statement Restricting and sorting data Single-row functions Using conversion functions and conditional expressions Reporting aggregated data with the group functions Displaying data from multiple tables with joins Using subqueries to solve problems Using the set operators Manipulating data with DML statements Using DDL statements to create and manage tables Electronic content includes: 150+ practice exam questions with detailed answers and explanations Score report performance assessment tool PDF copy of the book
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Perfect Phrases for Office Professionals: Hundreds of ready-to-use phrases for getting respect, recognition, and results in today’s workplace
THE RIGHT PHRASE FOR EVERY SITUATION . . . EVERY TIMEAs an office professional, you are the point person for critical day-to-day activities. That means effective communication with your manager and internal and external stakeholders is key to the success of your office and organization.Perfect Phrases for Office Professionals has hundreds of ready-to-use phrases for any situation you’re likely to face. From defining your role in the office to promoting interdepartmental communication to getting the credit you deserve, this handy, quick-reference guide provides the most effective language to: Establish a quality relationship with your manager Clarify and manage assignments Get results without formal authority Handle customer complaints like a pro
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Schaums Outline of Digital Signal Processing
The ideal review for your digital signal processing courseMore than 40 million students have trusted Schaum’s Outlines for their expert knowledge and helpful solved problems. Written by renowned experts in their respective fields, Schaum’s Outlines cover everything from math to science, nursing to language. The main feature for all these books is the solved problems. Step-by-step, authors walk readers through coming up with solutions to exercises in their topic of choice. Outline format facilitates quick and easy review of course fundamentals Hundreds of examples illustrate applications and complex calculations More than 300 solved problems Exercises to help you test your mastery of digital signal processing Appropriate for the following courses: Signals and Systems; Digital Signal Processing; Digital Filters and Signal Processing; Discrete-Time and Continuous-Time Linear Systems Supports and supplements the bestselling textbooks in digital signal processing Easy-to-follow review of digital signal processing Solved problems demonstrate calculation techniques and applications Supports all the major textbooks for digital signal processing courses
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe What Type of Leader Are You?
Every leader has a number!Millions of people around the world use the nine-point Enneagram system to analyze their personality strengths. Now for the first time, renowned Enneagram expert Ginger Lapid-Bogda shows how to use this personality typing system to reach your full potential as a leader and to pinpoint your core leadership style.“A unique combination of business savvy, organization development, and in-depth self-development perspectives.”-Colleen Gentry, senior vice president for Executive Development, Wachovia Corporation“Chock-full of excellent suggestions and astute examples that . . . provide readers with a multitude of teachable moments.”-Beverly Kaye, Ph.D., founder/CEO of Career Systems International and coauthor of Love 'Em or Lose 'Em: Getting Good People to Stay“Dr. Lapid-Bogda adroitly describes how different types of people fulfill the core competencies of leadership in their own ways.”-Helen Palmer, author of The Enneagram and The Enneagram in Love and Work“We recommend this book for anyone in leadership wishing to use the superbly insightful tool of the Enneagram to access their innate gifts, identify their biases, and become truly great leaders.”-Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson, The Enneagram Institute, authors of Personality Types and The Wisdom of the Enneagram
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Schaum's Outline of Electrical Power Systems
If you want top grades and excellent understanding of electric power systems, this powerful study tool is the best tutor you can have! It takes you step-by-step through the subject and gives you accompanying related problems with fully worked solutions. You also get hundreds of additional problems to solve on your own, working at your own speed. This superb Outline clearly presents every aspect of real-world power system calculation and implementation. Famous for their clarity, wealth of illustrations and examples, and lack of dreary minutia, SchaumÕs Outlines have sold more than 30 million copies worldwide. Compatible with any textbook, this Outline is also perfect for standardized test or professional exam review.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Schaum's Outline of Operations Research
Confusing Textbooks? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time?Fortunately for you, there's Schaum's Outlines. More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them succeed in the classroom and on exams. Schaum's is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. You also get hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills. This Schaum's Outline gives you Practice problems with full explanations that reinforce knowledge Coverage of the most up-to-date developments in your course field In-depth review of practices and applications Fully compatible with your classroom text, Schaum's highlights all the important facts you need to know. Use Schaum's to shorten your study time-and get your best test scores!Schaum's Outlines-Problem Solved.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Glencoe Algebra 2 Student Edition
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe College Algebra with Trigonometry
Barnett, Ziegler, Byleen, and Sobecki’s College Algebra with Trigonometry text is designed to be user friendly and to maximize student comprehension by emphasizing computational skills, ideas, and problem solving as opposed to mathematical theory. The large number of pedagogical devices employed in this text will guide a student through the course. Integrated throughout the text, students and instructors will find Explore-Discuss boxes which encourage students to think critically about mathematical concepts. In each section, the worked examples are followed by matched problems that reinforce the concept being taught. In addition, the text contains an abundance of exercises and applications that will convince students that math is useful. A MathZone site featuring algorithmic exercises, videos, and other resources accompanies the text.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Principles of Mathematical Analysis (Int'l Ed)
The third edition of this well known text continues to provide a solid foundation in mathematical analysis for undergraduate and first-year graduate students. The text begins with a discussion of the real number system as a complete ordered field. (Dedekind's construction is now treated in an appendix to Chapter I.) The topological background needed for the development of convergence, continuity, differentiation and integration is provided in Chapter 2. There is a new section on the gamma function, and many new and interesting exercises are included.This text is part of the Walter Rudin Student Series in Advanced Mathematics.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Practice Makes Perfect: Intermediate German Grammar
When you're ready to go further with your German skills, Practice Makes Perfect will take you to the next levelUsing extensive explanations, examples, reading passages, and practice exercises, Practice Makes Perfect: Intermediate German Grammar helps you grow your understanding and usage of such grammar topics as verbs tenses and moods. It also increases your ability to communicate in German using idiomatic expressions with the appropriate structures: verbs, prepositions, nouns, pronouns, and adjectives in a variety of contexts. Offering a winning formula for continuing to build language skills, Practice Makes Perfect: Intermediate German Grammar is your indispensable resource for communicating effectively in German. Example sentences illustrate and clarify each grammar point Reading passages improve your reading comprehension and vocabulary development Answer key provides reference and quick feedback Practical and high-frequency vocabulary used throughout
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Minitab Demystified
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Need to learn Minitab? Problem Solved!Get started using Minitab right way with help from this hands-on guide. Minitab Demystified walks you through essential Minitab features and shows you how to apply them to solve statistical analysis problems.Featuring coverage of Minitab 16, this practical guide explores the Minitab interface and the full range of Minitab graphics, Distribution models, statistical intervals, hypothesis testing, and sample size calculations are clearly explained. The book covers modeling tools of regression and the design of experiments (DOE) as well as the industrial quality tools of measurement systems analysis, control charts, capability analysis, acceptance sampling, and reliability analysis. Detailed examples and concise explanations make it easy to understand the material, and end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam help reinforce key concepts.It's a no-brainer! You'll learn about: Accessing powerful Minitab functions with the Minitab assistant Confidence, prediction, and tolerance intervals Designing and analyzing experiments with hard-to-change variables Statistical process control (SPC), Six Sigma applications, and quality control Predicting the economic impact of sampling Analyzing life data with additional variables Simple enough for a beginner, challenging enough for an advanced student, and thorough enough for a Six Sigma professional, Minitab Demystified is your shortcut to statistical analysis success!
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Perfect Phrases for Dealing with Difficult Situations at Work: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Coming Out on Top Even in the Toughest Office Conditions
This book provides the right phrase for every situation...every time. No matter how much you love your job, you will inevitably run into difficult situations on the job that test your ability to keep your cool. Written by the author of "Perfect Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People", this handy reference of ready-to-use phrases will help you avoid disasters, steer clear of sticky circumstances with coworkers, and leave you in control. If you're asked to give an impromptu presentation or you accidentally send a personal e-mail to your boss, you'll have the best words for every situation, including: handling criticism and being heard criticizing; picking up the ball when someone else has dropped it; getting credit for your project when an associate takes the praise; and deflecting a flirtatious client or coworker. Filled with phrases for every mistake, mix-up, and mishap, this guide will be become your best friend in the workplace. There are no difficult situations...when you have "Perfect Phrases."
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe McGrawHill My Math Grade 2 Student Edition Volume 1
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe How to Triple Your Money Every Year with Stock Index Futures
Our highest recommendation goes to this comprehensive guide. Best description of trader and floor trader psychology; options strategies; trading syles and tips. Most intriguing is the section discussing the proprietary LSS System. This book is must-reading!
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe OCA Oracle Database 12c Installation and Administration Exam Guide (Exam 1Z0-062)
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.A Complete Study System for OCA Exam 1Z0-062Prepare for the Oracle Certified Associate Oracle Database 12c Installation and Administration exam with this exclusive Oracle Press guide. Each chapter features challenging exercises, a certification summary, a two-minute drill, and a self-test to reinforce the topicspresented. This authoritative resource helps you pass the exam and also serves as an essential, on-the-job reference. Get complete coverage of all OCA objectives for exam 1Z0-062, including: Installing and upgrading Oracle Database software Managing the database instance Configuring the Oracle network environment Managing database storage structures Administering user security Managing undo data and data concurrency Implementing Oracle Database auditing Performing database maintenance Managing performance and tuning SQL Managing resources using Oracle Database Resource Manager Automating tasks Moving data Performing backup and recovery Installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server Electronic content includes: 185+ practice exam questions with detailed answers and explanations Test engine that provides custom exams by chapter or by domain PDF copy of the book
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Neuromuscular Disorders
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.A full-color text on neuromuscular disorders that bridges the gap between translational science and practical application Neuromuscular Disorders is comprehensive in scope, yet concise enough to serve as a valuable point-of-care guide for your daily practice. Grounded by numerous reference sources and enhanced by the experience of two seasoned clinicians, this text provides a pragmatic approach in the evaluation and management of neuromuscular diseases. Here, in a single-source, you will get an insightful look at both nerve and muscle conditions, ranging from motor neuron disease to neuropathies, neuromuscular junction disorders, and myopathies.Every chapter in this edition has been rewritten, in many cases extensively, with the addition of contemporary citations. The content reflects the latest advances in the imaging, genetic, and immunological tools now at our disposal to understand and diagnose many neuromuscular disorders. Highlights include: Three new chapters covering the principles of immunomodulating treatment and the rehabilitation of neuromuscular diseases and other disorders that may be mistaken as neuromuscular mimics A unique blend of evidence-based medicine with the personal experiences of veteran clinicians Convenient coverage of nerve, and muscle and neuromuscular transmission disorders—both primary and secondary neuromuscular diseases Specific disease sections encompass the range of conditions likely to be encountered in clinical practice, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, radiculopathies and plexopathies, mononeuropathies, various polyneuropathies, toxic myopathies, and dozens more The very latest diagnosis and treatment recommendations and protocols based on the most recent clinical literature and research Hundreds of figures including original art, EMGs, histopathology images, and clinical photos
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Rath & Strong's Six Sigma Advanced Tools Pocket Guide
This book provides hands-on instructions for understanding and implementing key Six Sigma tools. Six Sigma is today's most disciplined, rigorous process for consistently developing and delivering near-perfect products and services. But you can't achieve breakthrough Six Sigma success without truly understanding the tools involved. "Rath and Strong's Pocket Guide to Advanced Six Sigma Tools" explores over two dozen tools that drive Six Sigma excellence, explaining how to use each without getting bogged down in unnecessary theory and detail. This useful fingertip guide shows your project team leaders and members how to: understand each tool and its Six Sigma application; select the best tools for controlling costly process variation; and apply each tool to consistently maximize customer value, while minimizing costs."Rath and Strong's Pocket Guide to Advanced Six Sigma Tools" provides you with every vital detail you need to implement the most powerful, proven tools in Six Sigma. A companion reference to the bestselling "Rath and Strong's Six Sigma Team Pocket Guide", this "lean and mean" book explains each tool in easy-to-understand language, showing how to apply the tool to solve real-world problems in every area of business. Look to "Rath and Strong's Pocket Guide to Advanced Six Sigma Tools" for valuable, results-based information and details on important Six Sigma tools in areas, including: Design of Experiments (DOE); Analysis of Variance (ANOVA); Regression Analysis; Correlation Analysis; Probability Distributions; Sampling Confidence Intervals; and Hypothesis Testing Control Charts.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Technical Analysis Explained, Fifth Edition: The Successful Investor's Guide to Spotting Investment Trends and Turning Points
The guide technicians turn to for answers--tuned upto provide an advantage in today's global economyThe face of investing has significantly changed in the 30 years since this book's first publication, but one essential component of the markets has not--human behavior. Whether you're trading cornerstone commodities or innovative investment products, observing how investors responded to past events through technical analysis is your key to forecasting when to buy and sell in the future. This fully updated fifth edition shows you how to maximize your profits in today's complex markets by tailoring your application of this powerful tool.Tens of thousands of individual and professionalinvestors have used the guidance in this book to grow their wealth by understanding, interpreting, and forecasting significant moves in both individual stocks and entire markets. This new edition streamlines itstime-honored, profit-driven approach, while updating every chapter with new examples, tables, charts, and comments that reflect the real-world situations you encounter in everyday trading. Required reading among manyprofessionals, this authoritative resource now features: Brand-new chapters that analyze and explain secular trends with unique technical indicators that measure investor confidence, as well as an introduction to Pring's new Special K indicator Expanded coverage on the profit-making opportunities ETFs create in international markets, sectors, and commodities Practical advice for avoiding false, contratrendsignals that may arise in short-term time spans Additional material on price patterns, candlestick charts, relative strength, momentum, sentiment indicators, and global stock markets Properly reading and balancing the variety of indicators used in technical analysis is an art, and no other book better illustrates the repeatable steps you need to take to master it.When used with patience and discipline, Technical Analysis Explained, Fifth Edition, will make you a better decision maker and increase your chances of greater profits.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Economics DeMYSTiFieD
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Now you'll know what to say atthe right time in any situationESL specialist Natalie Gast knows from her experiencethat the workplace presents some unique situations. Inthis book she presents scenarios, business slang, andother linguistic issues that typical language texts don’tgo into--for example, how to break the ice with smalltalk or ask for clarification. These hundreds of phrases will help younot only survive but thrive in your chosen field.