Search results for ""McGraw-Hill Education - Europe""
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Algebra 2
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Abnormal Psychology 7E Bound
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Annual Editions: United States History, Volume 1: Colonial Through Reconstruction
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Secret of Selecting Stocks for Immediate and Substantial Gains
You are shown William's personal technique for picking stocks based on identifying what stocks are under professional buying or selling. In addition, you'll learn how to successfully forecast the market's short, intermediate and long term trend; and be shown how to combine stock selection with market timing to improve your results.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Dictionary Of Word Roots
One of the outstanding problems of the biologist, whether he be beginning student or specialists, is that of understanding technical terms. The best way to understand and remember technical terms is to understand first their component parts, or roots. This dictionary has been designed primarily to meet the needs of the beginning student, the medical student, and the taxonomist, but it should be of value to all biologists.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Myth & Knowing
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Reading Comprehension, Grades 7 - 8: Volume 22
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The World around Us Grade Two the Story of the Statue of Liberty
An outstanding picture book on the Status of Liberty. The exceptional drawings are visually delightful. A striking book. (School Library Journal starred review)Here is a fascinating and comprehensive history of this beloved American landmark, from the first sketch to the final unveiling celebration.Since she was erected in New York Harbor in 1886, the Statue of Liberty has welcomed millions of immigrants to the New World, a beautiful symbol of hope and freedom. But the story really begins 15 years earlier, when the French sculptor Frédéric Bartholdi visited New York to plan the statue he would later present to the American people as a gift from France.This beautiful nonfiction picture book from the Maestros is perfect for sharing at home and in the elementary school classroom. Fitting for units on immigration, national parks, and American history. And perfect for sharing with any kids planning a visit to Ellis Island and/or th
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe McConnell, Economics, 2018, 21e (AP Ed), AP Focus Review Guide
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Algebra 1, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Glencoe Integrated Iscience, Course 1, Grade 6, Iscience Notebook, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Glencoe Literature, Course 5
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Asi Se Dice!
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Health and Wellness, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination
Grounded firmly in real-world practice, Forensic Accounting provides the most comprehensive view of fraud investigation on the market. Where other books focus almost entirely on auditing and financial reporting, Hopwood, Young, and Leiner include a vast range of civil and criminal accounting fraud and related activities, from false business valuations and employer fraud to information security and counter-terrorism. The author team provide experience in fraud investigation that lends the book real-world perspective unmatched by any other.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Applying Cultural Anthropology: An Introductory Reader
The ninth edition of Applying Anthropology: An Introductory Reader is a collection of articles that provide compelling examples of applied research in cultural anthropology. In this age of globalization and increased cultural intolerance, the basic messages of public anthropology are more important than ever. This new edition offers ten new readings that refer to contemporary social issues such as religious belief, work and family, social class, food production, relationships, consumerism, the effects of climate change on culture, and globalization.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Culture Sketches: Case Studies in Anthropology
Ideal for any cultural anthropology course, this brief collection of ethnographic case studies exposes students to 15 different cultures. The groups selected are peoples whose traditional cultures are uniquely their own. Each has distinctive patterns and practices; each has faced the challenge of an encroaching world, with differing results. Moreover, they often provide the prime illustrations of important concepts in introductory anthropology course including Azande witchcraft, Ju/’hoansi egalitarianism, Trobriand kula exchange, and Minangkabau matriliny. As such, this volume can stand alone as an introduction to central ethnographic concepts through these 15 societies, or serve as a valuable companion to anthropology texts. Many of the peoples presented are involved in the diaspora; some struggle to preserve old ways in new places. All sketches follow a logical, consistent organization that makes it easy for students to understand major themes such as history, subsistence, sociopolitical organization, belief systems, marriage, kinship, and contemporary issues.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Remediating Reading Difficulties
Brief and accessible, the sixth edition of Remediating Reading Difficulties defines specific reading skills and problems and then presents practical, easy-to-implement activities and strategies for correcting these problems. Although especially helpful for children with diagnosed difficulties, this quick-reference guide effectively reinforces skills that are useful to all children, including those who are limited English proficient or are speakers of other languages.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe American Ethnicity: The Dynamics and Consequences of Discrimination
American Ethnicity is a brief text that provides an accessible introduction to the dynamics of racial and ethnic relations. Key concepts and theories are summarized, and the authors develop a simple theoretical framework that guides the presentation of data on each of the prominent ethnic groups in America. As a result, this book examines each ethnic group from the same perspective, allowing students to compare the dynamics of discrimination against African Americans, Native Americans, Asian and Pacific Island Americans, white ethnic Americans, and Latinos.Instructors and students can now access their course content through the Connect digital learning platform by purchasing either standalone Connect access or a bundle of print and Connect access. McGraw-Hill Connect® is a subscription-based learning service accessible online through your personal computer or tablet. Choose this option if your instructor will require Connect to be used in the course. Your subscription to Connect includes the following:• SmartBook® - an adaptive digital version of the course textbook that personalizes your reading experience based on how well you are learning the content.• Access to your instructor’s homework assignments, quizzes, syllabus, notes, reminders, and other important files for the course.• Progress dashboards that quickly show how you are performing on your assignments and tips for improvement.• The option to purchase (for a small fee) a print version of the book. This binder-ready, loose-leaf version includes free shipping.Complete system requirements to use Connect can be found here:
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Classroom Reading Inventory
The Classroom Reading Inventory has served pre-service and in-service teachers for over 40 years in their diagnosis of students' reading capacity and specific reading problems. Unlike other lengthy reading inventories, the CRI can be fully administered in 12-15 minutes. It is the leadin reading inventory in the field and comes in and easy-to-use, spiral-bound format.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Public Administration and Policy
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Biological Anthropology
Biological Anthropology is a concise introduction to the basic themes, theories, methods and facts of bioanthropology. The scientific method provides a framework that brings accessibility and context to the material. This seventh edition presents the most recent findings and interpretations of topics in anthropology including Australopithecus sediba, the Denisovians, and epigenetics.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Bank Management & Financial Services
Bank Management and Financial Services, now in its ninth edition, is designed primarily for students interested in pursuing careers in or learning more about the financial services industry. It explores the services that banks and their principal competitors (including savings and loans, credit unions, security and investment firms) offer in an increasingly competitive financial-services marketplace. The ninth edition discusses the major changes and events that are remaking banking and financial services today. Among the key events and unfolding trends covered inthe text are:Newest Reforms in the Financial System, including the new Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Law and the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009. Global Financial Sector coverage of the causes and impact of the latest “great recession.” Systemic Risk and the presentation of the challenges posed in the financial system. Exploration of changing views on the “too big to fail” (TBTF) doctrine and how regulators may be forced to deal with TBTF in the future.Controlling Risk Exposure presentation of methods in an increasingly volatile economy
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Analog Circuit Design: Discrete & Integrated
Analog Circuit Design: Discrete and Integrated is written by enthusiastic circuit practitioner, Sergio Franco. This text places great emphasis on developing intuition and physical insight. The numerous examples and problems have been carefully thought out to promote problem solving methodologies of the type engineers apply daily on the job. Each chapter provides a fairly comprehensive coverage of its title subject. SPICE has been integrated throughout the text both as a pedagogical aid to confer more immediately to a new concept, and as a validation tool for hand calculations. PSPICE is used to bring out nuances that would be too complex for hand calculations.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Practical Skeptic: Readings in Sociology
The Practical Skeptic: Readings in Sociology includes classic sociological research writings as well as recent pieces on fascinating topics of interest to students. It is the ideal companion to McIntyre's text, The Practical Skeptic: Core Concepts in Sociology, or other sociology texts. Readings in this edition challenge students to re-evaluate familiar social arenas: the college classroom, televised sports shows, restaurants, doctors' offices and even public restrooms. The readings focus around the essential message that there is much that goes on in the social world that escapes the sociologically untrained eye.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Process of Parenting
The Process of Parenting describes the many ways parents and caregivers can translate their love for children into effective parenting behavior. The book has strong emphasis on the development process in terms of children’s and parents’ growth as complex individuals, and in the changing nature of their relationships over time. Because parents and children are distinct individuals, the book includes a problem-solving approach that can help parents arrive at solutions that fit them, their children, and their life circumstances. The ninth edition includes new first person narrative boxes and more emphasis on social context, new evidence-based parenting programs, and international parenting.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Aleks 360 Access Card (18 Weeks) for College Algebra Essentials
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Aleks 360 Access Card (52 Weeks) for Basic Mathematical Skills
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Aleks 360 Access Card (18 Weeks) for Prealgebra
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Aleks 360 Access Card (18 Weeks) for Basic Mathematical Skills
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Aleks 360 (52 Weeks) Access Card for Basic College Math with P.O.W.E.R. Learning
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Research Methods in Psychology
Psychologists use a variety of research methods and tools to learn about behavior and mental processes. The goal of this book is to introduce students to the “multimethod approach” to research in psychology, including observational, survey, and experimental methods. Students learn the strengths and weaknesses of each method, as well as ethical dilemmas when using them, so that they can become competent practitioners and thoughtful consumers of psychological research. Our approach is to engage students in the research process by describing contemporary research in psychology. Students learn about recent topics such as online dating and Facebook, cross-cultural observations of helping behavior, PTSD in orphaned chimpanzees, Medicaid and Medicare health outcomes, decision-making during Hurricane Katrina, clinical research and DSM-5, and much more. Each chapter’s “stretching exercises,” “stat tips,” review questions, and challenge questions develop students’ critical thinking about the psychological research that appears in scientific journals and in popular media. Together with the companion Online Learning Center for students, the 10th edition of Research Methods in Psychology provides a clearly written, compelling introduction to research methods in psychology.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Loose Leaf for Organizational Behavior: Real Solutions to Real Challenges
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Looseleaf for Así Lo Veo
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Student Solutions Manual for Elementary & Intermediate Algebra
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Prego! an Invitation to Italian
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Kinesiology: Scientific Basis of Human Motion
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Connect Math Hosted by Aleks Access Card 52 Weeks for College Algebra: Graphs & Models
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Loose Leaf Version for Basic College Mathematics
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Aleks Bus Stat Access Card - 1 Sem Bundle
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Precalculus: Graphs and Models
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Connect Access Card for Lifesmart
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Music First! with Keyboard Foldout
Based on tested methods used by the author during many years of teaching, Music First! takes a step-by-step approach to the fundamentals of music theory and basic composition, engaging students through a combination of explanation and interaction. Students learn cumulatively as they progress through the book. This popular "learn-by-doing" approach reinforces theoretical principles through practice and enlivens any Fundamentals course.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Loose-Leaf Sol Y Viento 3e
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Western Civilization: Sources Images and Interpretations Volume 1 To 1700
This collection of primary, secondary, and visual sources for the Western Civilization survey course provides a broad introduction to the materials historians use, the interpretations historians make, and 6,000 years of Western civilization. Its broad selection of documents, photographs, maps, and charts, and its full array of accompanying commentaries--drawn from a balanced spectrum of perspectives and approaches--offer valuable insight into the work of historians and provide the context that helps students understand the texts' full historical significance.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing (GDP); Lessons 1-60 text
Gregg College Keyboarding and Document Processing (GDP), 11e by Ober, Johnson, and Zimmerly: Your complete learning/teaching system. Your guide to success. GDP/11 is an integrated keyboarding system designed to process and score documents created in Microsoft Word. Together, the book and software systematically lead students through each lesson to provide an easy path to success. As a solid product for over 50 years, this version of the GDP software has grown into an online functionality. The same program is now web-based with seamless updates to provide greater accessibility for use at home, in class, and in labs - perfect for distance learning! Strong enhancements to the book while maintaining key elements including integrated language arts (starting at lesson 21) support the cohesive program's strong content. Skillbuilding is reinforced with MAP+ (Misstroke Analysis and Prescription). MAP+ is an individualized, diagnostic tool that is built into the software to help identify student's strengths and weaknesses while providing prescriptive drills to help them practice where they need it most. Also, MAP+ now has new, unlimited drill lines that begin at Lesson 1. Additionally, GDP/11 automatically scores for keyboarding errors and now formatting errors too! As a result, instructors will appreciate the customization of course management tools in GDP/11, including the new GPS (Grade Posting System) which allows complete flexibility in setting up grades. GDP/11 your complete learning/teaching system. Your guide to success.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Audio CD Part B t/a Dos mundos
The Audio Program, coordinated with the Actividades auditivas from the Cuaderno de actividades, is available in audio CD format and also on the Online Learning Center. Additionally, an audio recording of the Enlace a la literatura passages and selected Lecturas from the textbook are included in special audio CDs as part of Audio Program. Part B is used in conjunction with the Workbook/Lab Manual Part B or the Combined Workbook/Lab Manual.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection, Volume I