Search results for ""McGraw-Hill Education - Europe""
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Geometry Student Edition Ccss
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Chang Update Chemistry C 2014 11e AP Student Edition Reinforced Binding
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Unfinished Nation A Concise History of the American People
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe WBLM for Contextos
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe WorkbookLaboratory Manual to Accompany Punto Y Aparte
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Algebra 2 Homework Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Chemistry: Matter & Change, Studentworks Plus CD-ROM
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Bon Voyage! Level 3, Workbook and Audio Activities Student Edition
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Introduction to Networks and Networking
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Amer Republic to 1877 Texas SE 2003
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Experience Criminal Justice
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Probation, Parole, and Community-Based Corrections: Supervision, Treatment, and Evidence-Based Practices
More than 8 million adults and juveniles are under correctional supervision in the United States, and even those who are confined will eventually be supervised by professionals in the field of community-based corrections. The first scholars to do so, Gerald Bayens and John Smykla explain in this first edition of Probation, Parole, and Community-Based Corrections, that community-based corrections is more than just programs in the community.Utilizing the latest data, up-to-the-minute news, profiles of professionals working in the field, policy discussions, pedagogical tools, and international perspectives, the authors have created an exciting book for students learning about community-based corrections.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Gunstream's Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Textbook Essentials Version
This Essentials Version of the Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Textbook presents the fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology in a manner that is appropriate for students in allied health programs such as practical nursing, radiologic technology, medical assisting, and dental assisting. These students usually take a one-semester course in human anatomy and physiology and need a laboratory text that provides coverage of the fundamentals without the clutter of excessive details and unneeded terminology.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Logic Book
The Logic Book is a leading text for symbolic logic courses that presents all concepts and techniques with clear, comprehensive explanations. There is a wealth of carefully constructed examples throughout the text, and its flexible organization places materials within largely self-contained chapters that allow instructors the freedom to cover the topics they want, in the order they choose.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Beyond Feelings: A Guide to Critical Thinking
This succinct, interdisciplinary introduction to critical thinking successfully dares students to question their own assumptions and to enlarge their thinking through the analysis of the most common problems associated with everyday reasoning. The text offers a unique and effective organization: Part I explains the fundamental concepts; Part II describes the most common barriers to critical thinking; Part III offers strategies for overcoming those barriers.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management, 12e by Ivancevich and Konopaske takes a managerial orientation; that is it takes the position that HRM is relevant to managers in every unit, project, or team. Managers are constantly faced with HRM issues, problems, and decision-making and the text's primary goal is to show how each manager must be a human resource problem solver and diagnostician. This book pays attention to the application of HRM approaches in "real" organizational settings and situations. Realism, understanding, and critical thinking were important in the revision. Students and faculty alike have identified readability and relevance as key strengths of the text. The Twelfth Edition provides a book that stimulates ideas and keeps all users up-to-date on HRM thinking and practice.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Derivatives
Derivatives makes a special effort throughout the text to explain what lies behind the formal mathematics of pricing and hedging. Questions ranging from ‘how are forward prices determined?’ to ‘why does the Black-Scholes formula have the form it does?’ are answered throughout the text. The authors use verbal and pictorial expositions, and sometimes simple mathematical models, to explain underlying principles before proceeding to formal analysis. Extensive uses of numerical examples for illustrative purposes are used throughout to supplement the intuitive and formal presentations.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Design With Operational Amplifiers And Analog Integrated Circuits
Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits combines theory with real-life applications to deliver a straightforward look at analog design principles and techniques. An emphasis on the physical picture helps the student develop the intuition and practical insight that are the keys to making sound design decisions. This book is intended for a design-oriented course in applications with operational amplifiers and analog ICs. It also serves as a comprehensive reference for practicing engineers. This new edition includes enhanced pedagogy (additional problems, more in-depth coverage of negative feedback, more effective layout), updated technology (current-feedback and folded-cascode amplifiers, and low-voltage amplifiers), and increased topical coverage (current-feedback amplifiers, switching regulators and phase-locked loops).
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Signals and Systems: Analysis Using Transform Methods & MATLAB
Signals and Systems: Analysis Using Transform Methods and MATLAB® has been extensively updated, while retaining the emphasis on fundamental applications and theory. The text includes a wealth of exercises, including drill exercises, and more challenging conceptual problems.McGraw-Hill's Connect, is also available as an optional, add on item. Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, how they need it, so that class time is more effective. Connect allows the professor to assign homework, quizzes, and tests easily and automatically grades and records the scores of the student's work. Problems are randomized to prevent sharing of answers an may also have a "multi-step solution" which helps move the students' learning along if they experience difficulty.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Meaning of Difference: American Constructions of Race and Ethnicity, Sex and Gender, Social Class, Sexuality, and Disability
How do categories of people come to be seen as “different”? How does being “different” affect people’s lives? What does difference mean at the level of the individual, social institutions, or society? What difference does “difference” make? The Meaning of Difference offers a conceptual structure and up-to-date readings on the differences distinctive to American life—differences of race and ethnicity, sex and gender, social class, sexuality, and disability.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation
Valuation is at the heart of investing. A considerable part of the information for valuation is in the financial statements. Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, 5 e by Stephen Penman shows students how to extract information from financial statements and use that data to value firms. The 5th edition shows how to handle the accounting in financial statements and use the financial statements as a lens to view a business and assess the value it generates.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Economics of Social Issues
Register and Grimes’ Economics of Social Issues originated the social issues approach to teaching basic economic principles and has garnered a loyal user following for its timely and impartial handling of current social issues that dominate the news. The primary objectives of the book are to create student interest in the study of economics and provide a framework of basic analytical tools useful in the understanding of social issues. This edition provides fresh perspectives on current societal trends and public debates to stimulate classroom discussion and help students learn the important basic principles of economics. Each chapter presents economic concepts then places them within the context of current issues facing society.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Public Finance
Public Finance benefits from the combined efforts of Harvey Rosen’s market-leading book and co-author Ted Gayer’s research and government agency experience. This combination of experience is able to explain as clearly as possible how the tools of economics can be used to analyze government expenditure and tax policies. This new edition incorporates recent developments and along the way takes students to the frontiers of current research and policy. While the information presented is cutting edge and reflects the work of economists currently active in the field, the approach makes the text accessible to undergraduates whose only prior exposure to economics is at the introductory level. All of the changes in the Tenth edition were made to further the authors’ goal of providing students with a clear and coherent view of the role of government spending and taxation. The authors’ years of policy experience have convinced themselves that modern public finance provides a practical and invaluable framework for thinking about policy issues. The goal is simple: to emphasize the links between sound economics and the analysis of real-world policy problems.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Essentials of Business Statistics
The primary goal of Essentials of Business Statistics is to illustrate an accurate view of business statistics in a way that students can easily understand. This is achieved in the following ways: New statistical topics and tools are introduced by using continuing case studies. This approach helps to alleviate student anxiety in learning new concepts and enhances overall comprehension Streamlined and clarified coverage of graphical and numerical methods New graphically based procedures for finding confidence intervals and performing hypothesis tests Increased emphasis on Excel and MINITAB with improved and updated step-by-step instructions in the end of chapter material Connect Business Statistics homework management Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, so that your class time is more engaging and effective.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Microsoft Office 2016: In Practice
Randy Nordell Microsoft® Office 2016: In PracticeTopic, Instruction, Practice! Microsoft® Office 2016: In Practice offers a fresh approach to teaching today's students Microsoft® Office skills by clearly introducing skills in a logical sequence: 1) Topic 2) Instruction and 3) Practice. Nordell's T.I.P.s approach builds a foundation for success by helping students practice what they learn, and provides transferable skills that allow students to grasp critical thinking beyond the textbook assignment.In Practice seamlessly integrates with SIMnet Online, McGraw-Hill's learning and assessment solution, which has 1:1 content to help students practice and master computing concepts and Microsoft® Office skills. In Practice projects in SIMgrader allow students to practice their skills in a live Office application. Students receive immediate feedback upon completion of these auto-graded projects. The integration of In Practice with SIMnet helps to meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Loose Leaf Version for Essentials of World Regional Geography
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Looseleaf for American History: Connecting with the Past Volume 1
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Essentials of Business Statistics
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Managing Organizational Behavior: What Great Managers Know & Do
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Field and Laboratory Activities for Environmental Science
The major objectives of this manual are to provide students with hands-on experiences that are relevant, easy to understand, applicable to the student’s life, and presented in an interesting, informative format. Ranging from field and lab experiments to conducting social and personal assessments of the environmental impact of human activities, the manual presents something for everyone, regardless of the budget or facilities of each class. These labs are grouped by categories that can be used in conjunction with any introductory environmental textbook.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe College Algebra Essentials
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Connect Access Card for Music: The Art of Listening
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Loose Leaf Version for Applied Calculus
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe College Algebra: Graphs and Models
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Western Civilization: Sources Images and Interpretations Volume 2 Since 1660
This collection of primary, secondary, and visual sources for the Western Civilization survey course provides a broad introduction to the materials historians use, the interpretations historians make, and hundreds of years of Western civilization. Its broad selection of documents, photographs, maps, and charts, and its full array of accompanying commentaries--drawn from a balanced spectrum of perspectives and approaches--offer valuable insight into the work of historians and provide the context that helps students understand the texts' full historical significance.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe College Keyboarding & Document Processing
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe College Algebra Essentials: Student Solutions Manual
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Precalculus
Three components contribute to a theme sustained throughout the Coburn Series: that of laying a firm foundation, building a solid framework, and providing strong connections. Not only does Coburn present a sound problem-solving process to teach students to recognize a problem, organize a procedure, and formulate a solution, the text encourages students to see beyond procedures in an effort to gain a greater understanding of the big ideas behind mathematical concepts. Written in a readable, yet mathematically mature manner appropriate for college algebra level students, Coburn’s Precalculus uses narrative, extensive examples, and a range of exercises to connect seemingly disparate mathematical topics into a cohesive whole. Coburn’s hallmark applications are born out of the author’s extensive experiences in and outside the classroom, and appeal to the vast diversity of students and teaching methods in this course area. Benefiting from the feedback of hundreds of instructors and students across the country, Precalculus second edition, continues to emphasize connections in order to improve the level of student engagement in mathematics and increase their chances of success in college algebra.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Aleks Prep Access Card 6 Weeks for College Algebra
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Mader, Biology, 2019, 13e (AP Edition), AP Focus Review Guide
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Impact Social Studies, Regions of the United States, Grade 4, Impact Explorer Magazine
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Glencoe Math Accelerated, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Glencoe Math, Course 1, Assessment Masters
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Chemistry Ap Ed 11E
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Algebra 2, Study Notebook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Reading Basics Intermediate 2, Workbook
Engage students with high-interest nonfiction This four-level series supports literacy and critical thinking skills with evidence-based reading instruction that emphasizes comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, and phonics/word analysis. • Student materials that review, reinforce, and extend instruction • Comprehensive Instructor’s Guide • TABE® correlation charts
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Glencoe Earth Science: Geu, Science Notebook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Workplace Skills: Locating Information, Student Workbook