Search results for ""McGraw-Hill Education - Europe""
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Street Law A Course in Practical Law Student Workbook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Teen Health Hardcover Consolidated Modules Student Edition Custom 68 Health
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Legal Issues
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Contextos
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Personal Financial Planning
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Algebra 2, Study Guide & Intervention Workbook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Writer's Choice, Grade 9, Grammar Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Algebra 1 Study Guide and Intervention Workbook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Asi Se Dice, Level 1, Workbook and Audio Activities
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Math Connects: Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving, Course 2, Study Guide and Intervention/Practice Workbook
Study Guide and Intervention/Practice Workbook provides vocabulary, key concepts, additional worked-out examples and exercises to help students who need additional instruction or who have been absent.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe United States Government: Democracy in Action, Student Edition
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Exploring Our World: People, Places, and Culture
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Glencoe World Geograpy, Reading Essentials and Study Guide
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Galer?a De Arte Y Vida Writing Activites Workbook and Audio Activities
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Latin for Americans Level 1: Writing Activities Workbook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Looseleaf Experience Criminal Justice 1e
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe iSpeak: Public Speaking for Contemporary Life
iSpeak is an integrated program that helps students practice, build confidence, and achieve success in public speaking. Connect Public Speaking provides students a wealth of resources to prepare and plan speeches, while LearnSmart — McGraw-Hill’s proven adaptive learning system — guides them toward mastery of key course concepts. Additionally, Connect’s highly flexible Speech Capture tool saves instructors valuable time in managing assignments and evaluating student speeches.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe College Algebra Essentials
When Julie Miller began writing her successful developmental math series, one of her primary goals was to bridge the gap between preparatory courses and college algebra. For thousands of students, the Miller/O’Neill/Hyde (or M/O/H) series has provided a solid foundation in developmental mathematics. With the Miller College Algebra series, Julie has carried forward her clear, concise writing style; highly effective pedagogical features; and complete author-created technological package to students in this course area. The main objectives of the college algebra series are three-fold:-Provide students with a clear and logical presentation of -the basic concepts that will prepare them for continued study in mathematics.-Help students develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills that will benefit them in all aspects of life. -Motivate students by demonstrating the significance of mathematics in their lives through practical applications.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Fundamentals of Investment Management
Presenting applied theory alongside real-world examples, Fundamentals of Investment Management provides a survey of the important areas of investments: valuation, the marketplace, fixed income instruments and markets, equity instruments and markets, derivative instruments, and a cross-section of special topics, such as international markets and mutual funds. The text is user-friendly, but makes no concessions to the importance of covering the latest and most important material for the student of investments.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Practical Skeptic: Core Concepts in Sociology
The Practical Skeptic, a concise introduction to sociology, focuses on core concepts as the central building blocks for understanding sociology. Lisa McIntyre's straightforward, lively style and her emphasis on critical thinking make this an engaging and user-friendly text for students of all levels. Through this conversational narrative, students are able to grasp key sociological concepts and learn the essential lesson that there is much that goes on in the social world that escapes the sociologically untrained eye.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Educational Administration: Theory, Research, and Practice
One of the most widely read books in educational leadership, Educational Administration uses a systems perspective to synthesize the relevant theory and research on organizational behavior and focuses on understanding and applying theory to solve problems of practice. With each new edition, the latest research and theory are incorporated into the analysis of teaching, learning, and leading. Educational Administration helps future administrators understand the content and context of schools, remember key ideas and principles, and apply and practice those principles as they lead.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Photo Atlas for General Biology
The Photo Atlas for General Biology is an excellent source of supplemental information for laboratory and lectures in biology, botany and zoology courses. The atlas provides insight into living organisms that abound all around us but we seldom have the opportunity to study on a gross or microscopic level. New and updated images have been incorporated into this latest edition.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Measurement by the Physical Educator: Why and How
The purpose of this text is to help the physical education, exercise science, or kinesiology major develop the necessary confidence and skills to conduct measurement techniques properly and effectively. However, more than just measurement techniques are presented. Emphasis is placed upon the reasons for the measurement and the responsibilities after measurement is completed. These inclusions should help the student develop an appreciation of the need for measurement in a variety of settings. In addition, every effort has been made to present all the material in an uncomplicated way, and only practical measurement techniques are included.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Java Programming: A Comprehensive Introduction
Java Programming: A Comprehensive Introduction is designed for an introductory programming course using Java. This text takes a logical approach to the presentation of core topics, moving step-by-step from the basics to more advanced material, with objects being introduced at the appropriate time. The book is divided into three parts: Part One covers the elements of the Java language and the fundamentals of programming. An introduction to object-oriented design is also included. Part Two introduces GUI (Graphical User Interface) programming using Swing. Part Three explores key aspects of Java's API (Application Programming Interface) library, including the Collections Framework and the concurrency API. Herb Schildt has written many successful programming books in Java, C++, C, and C#. His books have sold more than three million copies. Dale Skrien is a professor at Colby College with degrees from the University of Illinois-Champaign, the University of Washington, and St. Olaf College. He's also authored two books and is very active in SIGCSE.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Sport Psychology: Concepts and Applications
Sport Psychology: Concepts and Applications shows how concepts supported by current scientific research can be used to address issues and situations encountered everyday by physical activity specialists, coaches, athletic trainers, and athletes. This introduction to sport and exercise psychology addresses practical issues, such as dealing with anxiety, arousal, and stress; developing coping, relaxation, motivation, and energizing strategies; understanding the effects of an audience on human performance; building team cohesion; and preventing burnout and other negative effects.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe 101 Tips for Online Course Success
Arm your students with the strategies they need for success with 101 Tips for Online Course Success. Many students think they are prepared for online classes, in fact they often think they will be easier than on-ground courses, but are they actually ready for the challenges that come with learning online? Help your students manage their time, keep organized, stay motivated, use online resources, use learning management systems, work in groups, and much more! 101 Tips for Online Course Success is everything your students need to succeed in an online or hybrid course. It is their handbook and planner that can complement any online or hybrid course, regardless of the subject matter. It can also be used in student success courses that introduce students to the college experience. Most of the strategies and tips included in this text are also relevant to the onsite courses.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Aleks 360 (18 Weeks) for Basic College Math with P.O.W.E.R. Learning
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Looseleaf for American History: Connecting with the Past V2
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe American History: Connecting with the Past Volume 1
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Looseleaf for Dynamics of Mass Communication: Media in Transition
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Business Communication: Building Critical Skills
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe College Algebra
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Loose Leaf Version for Prealgebra
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Beginning Algebra
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Students Solutions Manual for College Algebra Essentials
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Experiments Manual to Accompany Digital Electronics Principles and Applications
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Workbook/Lab Manual V2 For Puntos De Partida: Invitation To Spanish
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Workbook/Lab Manual (Manual de actividades) Volume 1 for Sol y viento
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Audio CD Program part 2 for SOL Y VIIENTO
Sol y viento integrates the latest in second language acquisition research with the highest quality, Hollywood caliber feature film available for the Introductory Spanish classroom. The Sol y viento program creates a distinct and captivating cultural experience that motivates students to develop their communication skills. Created specifically for beginning language learners, Sol y viento tells the story of a Chilean family and their winery, and of a young U.S. Latino businessman who finds himself intricately involved with the family as his company tries to buy their land. Mystery, romance, and the unexplainable forces of nature all play a part in this spellbinding story, drawing students in and compelling them to want to communicate about the film and its themes. Sol y viento 3/e is available with CENTRO, a portal learning management system, which offers a diagnostic tool that provides students with tailored learning plans to address their specific learning needs. This integrated technology platform delivers a variety of digital components including Quia workbooks, laboratory manuals and an interactive e-book with voice board, allowing professors to deliver a seamless learning experience to students in both seated and virtual sections.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Microsoft Office Word 2010 Manual to Accompany College Keyboarding & Document Processing
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Workbook/Laboratory Manual Part 2 to Accompany Debuts: An Introduction to French
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Workbook/Laboratory Manual Dos Mundos: En breve
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Workbook/Lab Manual Part B to accompany Dos mundos
The Cuaderno de actividades is intended for use primarily outside the classroom. This combined workbook/laboratory manual features Actividades escritas, Actividades auditivas, Resumen cultural, Pronunciacion y ortografia, Videoteca, and Lecturas. The Preface in the Cuaderno de actividades provides a detailed description of all sections and types of activities. This version of the Cuaderno covers the second half the book, Capitulo 8-Capitulo 15.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Workbook/Lab Manual Part A to accompany Dos mundos
The Cuaderno de actividades is intended for use primarily outside the classroom. This combined workbook/laboratory manual features Actividades escritas, Actividades auditivas, Resumen cultural, Pronunciacion y ortografia, Videoteca, and Lecturas. The Preface in the Cuaderno de actividades provides a detailed description of all sections and types of activities. This version of the Cuaderno covers the first half the book, Paso A-Capitulo 7.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection, Volume II
For more than twenty-five years, After the Fact has guided students through American history and the methods used to study it. In dramatic episodes that move chronologically through American history, this best-selling book examines a broad variety of topics including oral evidence, photographs, ecological data, films and television programs, church and town records, census data, and novels. Whether for an introductory survey or for a historical methods course, After the Fact is the ideal text to introduce readers, step by step, to the detective work and analytical approaches historians use when they are actually doing history.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Access Chinese Workbook 1
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Student Solutions Manual for Calculus