Search results for ""McGraw-Hill Education - Europe""
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Strategic Human Resource Management: A Balanced Approach
Now in its second edition, Strategic HRM: A Balanced Approach has been updated and revised throughout to examine the latest in theory and practice. Central to its theme is putting HRM in its organizational context and creating a more balanced approach to managing people – ‘HR sensitivity’.To illustrate how understanding context is key to successful strategic HRM, this text doesn’t offer best-practice solutions but takes a critical perspective HRM builds on economics, psychology, sociology and industrial relations. It’s a multilevel approach that includes the individual employee, teams, business units, organizations, sectors/populations, and countries.Key additions:•New chapter on talent management•New chapter on strategy implementation•New cases studies, including CERN IKEA and Efteling•Major revisions to chapters on achieving the right balance and HR roles.Key Features:•Cases and Discussion Questions provide real-world scenarios and issues to illustrate contemporary HR issues in practice•Stop and Reflect Boxes throughout each chapter designed to encourage students to critically evaluate topics and issues raised and how they can be applied to real-life situations•Personal Development Boxes help students think about how to link theoretical concepts with the development of personal skills appropriate to effective HRM•Experiential Exercises present ‘Individual’ and ‘Team’ tasks at the end of each chapter that can be used as in-class exercises encouraging students to learn from direct experiences•Chapter Summaries provide links to learning objectives to help students remember key facts, concepts and issues. They also serve as an excellent study or revision guide•References and Further Reading list the literature referred to and highlight sources to help students to research and read around the topic in more depth.Strategic HRM: A Balanced Approach offers an engaging and comprehensive discussion of the factors that shape Human Resource Management (HRM) in organizations.Paul Boselie is a Professor in Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) in the Utrecht University School of Governance at Utrecht University (the Netherlands). His research traverses human resource management (HRM), institutionalism, strategic management and industrial relations.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Complete Rigger's Apprentice: Tools and Techniques for Modern and Traditional Rigging, Second Edition
Revised and updated—the only book you need on sailboat rigging and marlinspike artsFrom its initial publication, The Complete Rigger’s Apprentice has been the definitive go-to resource for weekend sailors and maritime professionals who want to master the fine art of rigging. In this revised second edition, master rigger Brion Toss expands upon the traditional basics of ropeworking to give you the most comprehensive, up-to-date information on the latest tools, techniques, and tricks of the trade. Features include: A complete rigging primer of essential gear, principles, and procedures Classic ropeworking techniques you can adapt for today’s modern rigs Money-saving tips on the newest equipment, materials, upgrades and designsI llustrated instructions for tying knots, splicing rope, and making repairs Professional guidelines for inspecting and maintaining rigs for longer voyages Emergency procedures, troubleshooters and fixes to ensure smooth sailing New technologies for multihull rigs, soft-shackles, Sta-Lok terminals, and more Need-to-know resources including a portfolio of rigs and glossary of terms PLUS rope tricks and puzzles that will delight your passengers
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The No-Cry Discipline Solution. Gentle Ways to Encourage Good Behaviour without Whining, Tantrums and Tears (UK Ed)
"The No-Cry Discipline Solution is a definite must-have for all parents and caregivers of young children. If you are looking for understandable, effective, and nurturing tools to raise good human beings, let this book be your guide." - from the foreword by Tim Seldin, president of the Montessori Foundation and chair of the International Montessori Council. "The No-Cry Discipline Solution" is based on one important fact: parents know their children best. This book turns discipline into a positive, affirming experience by offering a collection of proven techniques that you can custom-tailor to your child's unique personality. This groundbreaking approach allows you to: achieve the big Cs of parental discipline - cooperation, communication, and consistency; defuse or prevent tantrums; eliminate whining; manage your own anger; build a foundation of love, trust, and respect; and, uncover and solve the real problem fuelling your child's misbehaviour.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Management Lessons from Taiichi Ohno: What Every Leader Can Learn from the Man who Invented the Toyota Production System
The 15 most powerful practices for guiding breakthrough productivity improvements in any companyManagement Lessons From Taiichi Ohno provides firsthand knowledge of the tools, techniques, and challenges to implementing the Lean values of the Toyota Production System (TPS) in an organization. Takehiko Harada spent four decades applying Lean principles at Toyota with Taiichi Ohno, and the motivating insights he shares on maintaining a Lean culture are peerless.More than a set of rules for managers and executives to implement, this personal guidebook is from the heart in an attempt to see other companies enjoy the rewards of the TPS values Toyota leaders dedicated their lives to serving. It puts you in touch with the actual people who learned the key to success is creating a workforce of smiling employees who find purpose to their work. Real-world examples from Toyota as well as other companies striving to practice TPS/Lean fully demonstrate: The 15 sayings of Taiichi Ohno—what his words mean and how his philosophies are practiced throughout Toyota The 4 Stages of Things—a very useful method for visiting the gemba, which is where the action takes place The managerial role—what management at the frontline should be, how it is different from a supervisor’s duties, and the critical motivational elements to creating a vibrant, happy workplace Bridging the cultural gap—indispensable wisdom for deploying the Toyota method in non-Japanese cultures
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Network Always Wins: How to Influence Customers, Stay Relevant, and Transform Your Organization to Move Faster than the Market
The Definitive Business Guide to Surviving and Innovating in the Digital AgeThe world is changing faster than ever. With the rise of new digital markets and the consequent network-ization of our environment, the phrase “The customer is always right” takes on a whole new meaning. This powerful guide from serial entrepreneur and radical innovation consultant Peter Hinssen shows you how to keep your company up to speed with your market, engage with customers at a time when loyalty keeps fading into the background, and transform your organization into a network in order to thrive in this era of digital disruption.The Network Always Wins provides step-by-step strategies to help you: Reinvent your company—even after the market has flipped Tap into the force of the network—and survive in a market characterized by speed, uncertainty, and complexity Maintain relevance—and stay on top of emerging trends Connect with your customers—and encourage them to interact This business guide is as illuminating as it is pleasant and fun to read. It provides everything you need to adapt your organization for this exciting new age of networks and digital disruption. You’ll learn how to evolve faster, connect deeper, and make better decisions than ever before. You’ll find proven methods to speed up your reaction time, beat the clock of your competitors, and anticipate consumer trends before they even happen. In today’s fast-moving marketplace, networks are power. This book shows you how to harness that power. For your company. For your customers. For your continued success in the digital age.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe How to Deliver a TED Talk: Secrets of the World's Most Inspiring Presentations, revised and expanded new edition, with a foreword by Richard St. John and an afterword by Simon Sinek
DELIVER THE PRESENTATION OF YOUR LIFE--AND LAUNCH YOUR CAREERA nonprofit dedicated to ideas worth spreading, TED challenges the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers to give "the speech of their lives" in 18 minutes or less. The more than 14,000 talks on have been viewedover 1 billion times and include those by such luminaries as Tony Robbins, Dan Pink, and Sheryl Sandberg.Now you can learn how to give a TED-style talk to achieve your personal and business goals.How to Deliver a TED Talk provides more than 100 invaluable tips--everything from opening with an explicit statement of audience benefits to framing your idea as an action-outcome response to a question worth asking. Whetheryou're presenting to an audience of 1 or 1,000, this book is an indispensable resource for any public speaker."Not just for TED talks, it's a great book for any presentation you have to make. If you want to deeply engage and impress your audience, this is a quick, informative, and brilliant guide." -- PETER BREGMAN, TEDx talker and author of 18 Minutes"Jeremey's advice was key to my successful TED talk at TEDMED." -- AMANDA BENNETT, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and Executive Editor/Projects and Investigations for Bloomberg News
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Truck and Trailer Systems Lab Manual
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.A practical medium- and heavy-duty truck systemsFeaturing more than 100 in-depth lab exercises, this hands-on guide provides the practice you need to succeed as a medium- and heavy-duty truck service technician. The labs meet and exceed NATEF standards. Every system is thoroughly covered--from electrical and lighting to brakesand transmissions.Each lab includes: Objective of the lab Safety precautions Tools needed to complete the lab Challenging review questions help to reinforce the topics covered and are patterned after the typical questions found on the ASE Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Certification tests (T3 through T8). Written by an expert with decades of experience as an automotive and diesel technician and instructor, this lab manual is the perfectcompanion to the comprehensive text, Truckand Trailer Systems.Truck and Trailer Systems Lab Manual covers: Vehicle identification numbers Engine, transmission, and drive axle ID tag numbers Safety Tools and measuring equipment Basic electrical Magnetism Batteries Starting system Charging system Lighting and wiring Computer systems Mobile heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems Tires, wheels, and wheel end systems Frames and suspensions Steering systems Trailers and fifth wheels Hydraulic brake systems Air brake foundation brakes Air brake air system Anti-lock brake systems Drive lines Clutches Drive axles Single and twin countershaft manual transmissions Automated manual transmissions Automatic transmissions Allison automatic transmissions PMI Auxiliary power units
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Practice Makes Perfect French Vocabulary Games
Challenge yourself while learning French with this engaging workbook of fun activities from the bestselling and trusted Practice Makes Perfect seriesFrench-language learning doesn't have to just be grammar-based drills and exercises! In Practice Makes Perfect: French Vocabulary Games, units are organized around themes, then supported by different kinds of games. These can all easily be adapted for a classroom setting, but are designed for the independent self-study. Answer keys are provided as well as brief glossaries. Organized thematically (for easier vocabulary retention) and in increasing difficulty A variety of games and puzzles: crosswords, word searches, word jumbles, etc. A break from traditional French language instruction that's fun but effective
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Sailing into Retirement: 7 Ways to Retire on a Boat at 50 with 10 Steps that Will Keep You There Until 80
How-to guidance for retiring on a boat—for aging captains and landlubbersHave you ever thought you might want to retire on a boat? Of course you have or you wouldn’t have picked up this book! Whatever form your yearning for aquatic retirement takes, Jim Trefethen can help you realize the dream.After sailing together for over 40 years, the Jim and his wife have learned the secrets of living a content and productive life. Here Jim shares those secrets, including:● Making sure you really want to do it: then make sure you are sure.● How to upsize your ambitions while downsizing your life, in ways that will enhance your retirement● How to get all your shore-side affairs in order, then to make some important adjustments in your attitude, confidence, and self esteem● Easy-to-understand pointers and suggestions for deciding which type of retired cruising is best for you● A ten-step plan to buying a boat with as little drama as possible● How to modify your new/old floating retirement home to make it safer, more comfortable, and more elderly friendly
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe McGraw-Hill Education 400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.We want to help you score high on the TOEFLWe've put all of our proven expertise into McGraw-Hill: 400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL, 2nd Edition, to make sure you're fully prepared for this difficult exam. With this updated and expanded guide,you'll get essential skill-building techniques and strategies created by leading ESL educators. You'll also get 410 commonly tested words, more than 150 activities and exercises, and a free Language Lab app to help you study. With McGraw-Hill: 400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL, we'll guide you step by step through the essential vocabulary--and give you the tools you need to improve your score on the TOEFL.This edition includes: More than 400 important words for the TOEFL, with the addition of a new chapter Example sentences, usage tips, and commonly used parts of speech related to the word A TOEFL-style reading with exercises for each chapter A free Language Lab app with flashcards to aid vocabulary memorization
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Practice Makes Perfect English Vocabulary Games
Challenge yourself while learning English with this engaging workbook of fun activities from the bestselling and trusted Practice Makes Perfect seriesEnglish-language learning doesn't have to just be grammar-based drills and exercises—as many ELLs and instructors have discovered at Lanternfish ESL—a website dedicated to ESL games.In Practice Makes Perfect: English Vocabulary Games, units are organized around themes, then supported by different kinds of games. These can all easily be adapted for a classroom setting, but are designed for the independent self-study. Answer keys are provided as well as brief glossaries. Organized thematically (for easier vocabulary retention) and in increasing difficulty A variety of games and puzzles: crosswords, word searches, word jumbles, etc. A break from traditional English language instruction that's fun but effective
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Warren Buffett Philosophy of Investment: How a Combination of Value Investing and Smart Acquisitions Drives Extraordinary Success
See the world’s #1 investor like never before—and learn how you can replicate his successMany books have been written about Warren Buffett’s value-investing strategy, and volumes more have been written about becoming a top-tier value investor. Even so, no one can touch the success Warren Buffett has achieved. Why? In this revealing examination of Buffett’s success, practitioner, professor, and bestselling author Еlena Chirkova proposes the key to replicating his achievements is found in his acquisition practices as well as his investment strategy.In The Warren Buffett Philosophy of Investment, she looks at the man in full to piece together the framework leading to his unmatched wealth-generating prowess. The cornerstone of her study goes beyond investment theory to show Buffett’s core wealth drivers are his philosophies behind Berkshire Hathaway. From his decision to create a joint stock company (instead of a mutual fund) to his hands-off policy with acquired companies to making himself a brand-name of mergers and acquisitions—she illustrates an intimate portrayal of Buffett operating behind the scenes by piecing together his career with scholarly diligence and scrutiny. Even well-read Buffett followers gain fresh insight into the man by discovering: Where his divergence from the principals of Ben Graham and Philip Fisher make him a superior investor Why his unorthodox perspective on the financial markets keep him ahead of the curve How his vision of risk, interpretation of volatility, and scepticism about investing in technology companies are interconnected What he sees as the critical problems of corporate finance Additionally, readers are treated to extraordinary coverage of how Buffett strategically set up Berkshire Hathaway to suit his personal long-term investment strategy and provide almost cost-free leverage. See how Buffett’s singular acquisition tactics and portfolio investments earned Berkshire Hathaway the distinction as “the right home for the right people,” which gives him access to deals unobtainable by other companies and investors.You’re only investing with half a strategy until you take your value investing to the next level with The Warren Buffett Philosophy of Investment.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe ETF Investment Strategies: Best Practices from Leading Experts on Constructing a Winning ETF Portfolio
ETF experts share their insights for growing wealth from this booming marketWhether you manage your own assets or help others reach their fi nancial goals, ETF Investment Strategies will help you securely grow wealth in the new economy.In this groundbreaking book, ETF authority Aniket Ullal lets you look over the shoulders of 10 top ETF investors to learn their processes and strategies. Through illustrative case studies, you learn the basics of ETFs: how they work, why they're growing in popularity, and how you can use them effectively in your portfolio. These innovative, early adopters prepare you with everything you need to improve your investments, including never-before-published insights. Whether you're new to ETFs or new to trading, this book will make you an informed investor who can:Construct ETF-based investment portfolios to achieve your financial goalsLeverage the range of ETF products available to get improved outcomesAvoid costly fees and taxes that cut into your returnsETFs have revolutionized the investment industry, and with the reliable, objective guidance in ETF Investment Strategies, they can alter your expectations for what a portfolio can do.Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have been around for two decades, but, in the last five years, the market has grown rapidly. This growth has been driven by savvy investorswho want diversified, tradable access to asset classes such as emerging market bonds, commodities, and volatility that were previously difficult and expensive to access.ETF Investment Strategies is a how-to gem that offers an insider's look at the investment practices of leading ETF portfolio managers. ETF expert Aniket Ullal goes in-depth with 10 global ETF leaders--the pros who have traded many of these products since their launch--and presents the most comprehensive, accessible guide available for constructing and maintaining ETF portfolios. These early adopters sharetheir investment approaches and their practical insights on ETF-based portfolio construction, and they explain how you can use this knowledge to be a more successful investor. ETF Investment Strategies strips away the complexity of ETFs and enables you to: Develop your ETF investment strategy by applying expert best practices and understanding key concepts Navigate the top three megatrends in the industry, including the emergence of a "tradable beta" mindset, the proliferation of targeted ETFs, and the shift from commissions to fee-based advice Develop confidence in the techniques and knowledge you acquire because they are unbiased and do not promoteany investment product or firm This hands-on guide balances the right amount of theory with actionable advice, and it gives you an advantage by providing a unique view into tricky ETF nuances, including product structure, taxation, and index methodology, that can have unexpected and signifi cant implicationsfor your portfolio returns. Keep this book at your side while you analyze and trade ETFs. Its conveniently organized final chapters consolidate best practices and product insights for quick reference.ETFs are the fastest-growing investment innovation in the world, and now you can use them to manage your wealth just like the pros do, with ETF Investment Strategies.PRAISE FOR ETF INVESTMENT STRATEGIES"This is a useful and practical book on a topic of growing importance. Aniket Ullal has marshaled a group of authors, including himself, who are practicing experts in the field. This is a must-read and also a sourcebook of useful information related to the ETF market." -- H. Gifford Fong, Editor, Journal of Investment Management (JOIM)"ETF Investment Strategies highlights funds and investment strategies fueling the ETF revolution. The book delivers a fascinating look inside the way ETFs are being used by leading wealth managers today. If you are interested in a rewarding blend of practical ETF applications and education, this book is for you." -- Christian Magoon, Founder and CEO, YieldShares"I believe ETF Investment Strategies is essential reading for investors and financial advisors who want to take advantage of all the benefits ETFs offer. This book delivers on a few different levels. It provides important technical details--like the differences between ETFs, ETNs, and other fund structures--but then illuminates this information with easy-to-follow case studies that show you how to use this knowledge. This is the perfect book for someone who has never used ETFs but wants to, or who now invests with ETFs but wants to do it better." -- Reid Steadman, Global Head of ETF Licensing, S&P Dow Jones Indices"As a true master of the subject, Aniket simplifies the seemingly complex world of ETF investing to both Main Street investor and financial professional alike. He dispels the ‘old ways’ of investing and logically lays before the reader the reasons investors should be using ETFs versus traditional investment vehicles such as mutual funds or individual stocks and bonds. Every investor would be well served to follow the advice offered in ETF Investment Strategies." -- Damon M. Deru, CEO, TradeWarrior, Inc."A terrific read. Talk about a thorough introduction to investing in ETFs. Aniket is a tour guide for the essentials of the subject…The book treats all its subjects in plain English, illustrating them with examples of real-life practitioners and, unlike many other primers on this subject, keeping the jargon to a minimum… The book will help financial professionals get a better grasp of ETFs, and it will help self-directed independent investors ensure they get the most of the surging number of investing tools at their disposal." -- Brendan Conway,ETF editor, columnist, and blogger, Barron's
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Schaum's Outline of Human Anatomy and Physiology
Tough Test Questions? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time?Fortunately for you, there's Schaum's. This all-in-one-package includes more than 1,400 fully solved problems, examples, and practice exercises to sharpen your problem-solving skills. Plus, you will have access to 20 detailed videos featuring Science instructors who explain the most commonly tested concepts--it's just like having your own virtual tutor! You'll find everything you need to build confidence, skills, and knowledge for the highest score possible.More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum'sto help them succeed in the classroom and on exams.Schaum's is the key to faster learning and higher gradesin every subject. Each Outline presents all the essentialcourse information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topicformat. You also get hundreds of examples, solvedproblems, and practice exercises to test your skills.This Schaum's Outline gives you 1,470 fully solved problems Clear, concise explanations of all human anatomyand physiology concepts A complete review of the human body’s cellularchemistry and structure, tissues, systems, immunity,and reproduction process Fully compatible with your classroom text, Schaum's highlights all the important facts you need to know. Use Schaum's to shorten your study time–and get your best test scores!
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Aviation Maintenance Management, Second Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.THE COMPLETE, UP-TO-DATE GUIDE TO MANAGING AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE PROGRAMSThoroughly revised for the latest aviation industry changes and FAA regulations, this comprehensive reference explains how to establish and run an effi cient, reliable, and cost-effective aircraft maintenance program. Co-written by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University instructors, Aviation Maintenance Management, Second Edition offers broad, integrated coverage of airline management, aircraft maintenance fundamentals, aviation safety, and the systematic planning and development of successful maintenance programs.LEARN HOW TO: Minimize service interruptions while lowering maintenance and repair costs Adhere to aviation industry certification requirements and FAA regulations Define and document maintenance activities Work with engineering and production, planning, and control departments Understand the training requirements for mechanics, technicians, quality control inspectors, and quality assurance auditors Identify and monitor maintenance program problems and trends Manage line and hangar maintenance Provide materiel support for maintenance and engineering Stay on top of quality assurance, quality control, reliability standards, and safety issues
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe How to Make Money in Stocks Success Stories: New and Advanced Investors Share Their Winning Secrets
Proven Methods for Stock Market SUCCESS!"Amy's book is a treasure trove of success stories you should read carefully - each of these investors share what could help you find the top 2% of great stocks."—William J. O'Neil, Chairman & Founder of Investor's Business Daily and author of How to Make Money in Stocks"All you need are one or two great stock in a year and you can achieve some outstanding results."—David Ryan, three-time U.S. Investing ChampionMillions of investors around the world have used William O'Neil's bestseller How to Make Money in Stocks as their guide to profiting in the stock market.Now, the most successful investors explain exactly how they have used O'Neil's CAN SLIM method to generate outsized returns. Packed with tips, strategies, lessons, and do's and don'ts, How to Make Money in Stocks Success Stories gives first-hand accounts explaining the ins and outs of applying CAN SLIM in real situations, in the real market.Learn how one woman, with no financial background at all, used the CAN SLIM method to get back on her feet after losing her husband and then shortly after, losing her job; she now invests full time and travels the world. She and many other regular people who have made huge gains with O’Neil’s investing method give their first-hand insights that can help anyone who reads this book."Anyone can become a successful investor," writes Amy Smith. "The success stories in this book will inspire you and show you how to find the market's biggest winners."Whether you're just starting out or have been in the market for years, this hands-on companion to the classic stock investing guide gives you the keys to beating the market on a consistent basis.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Practice Makes Perfect German Verb Tenses
Go Beyond Conjugation and Learn the Correct Verb Tenses for Speaking and Writing in GermanIf you're looking for help memorizing German verbconjugations, any German verb book will do. But if you are interested in becoming fl uent, you'll need to learn how these building blocks are used in everyday, natural language. That's where Practice Makes Perfect: German Verb Tenses comes in.You will, of course, get plenty of practice, practice,practice using your new verb selection and conjugation skills. Whether you are learning on your own or taking a beginning German class, Practice Makes Perfect: German Verb Tenses will help you master German in no time at all.Practice Makes Perfect: German Verb Tenses will help you: Learn when and why to use different verb tenses Reinforce your knowledge with everyday examples covering a wide range of topics Build your verb skills using more than 200 engaging exercises
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Spanish Vocabulary Drills
Practice your way to a bigger vocabulary Learners!and better Spanish skillsIf you want to expand your language skills, Spanish Vocabulary Drills is filled with the information and practice you need to reach optimum results. Written by bestselling language-teaching experts Ronni L. Gordon andDavid M. Stillman, this book features essential Spanish words grouped together into similar themes such as dailylife, food, house and home, travel, holidays, technology, arts, and the economy, helping you to grasp meaningsand remember terms more easily.The unique presentation of vocabulary in context bridges the gap between words and conversation. Youcan practice your new vocabulary with more than 100 written exercises, including fill-in-the-blank, matching,translation, and composition. And Spanish Vocabulary Drills gives you access to an exclusive flashcard app foruse on your smartphone, giving you a convenient, on-the-go tool for further language-learning reinforcement. Learn more than 2,500 essential terms Practice your vocabulary skills with more than 100 exercises Check your progress with a helpful answer key Study on-the-go with a free companion flashcard app Best of all, gain the confidence to communicate in Spanish!
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Practice Makes Perfect French Reading and Comprehension
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Immerse yourself in French readings and build your comprehension skillsUsing authentic texts from French-speaking cultures, Practice Makes Perfect: French Reading and Comprehension enables you to enhance your vocabulary with new terms and expressions. Each unit features authentic French-language material--newspaper and magazine articles, websites, and more--giving you a real taste of how the language is used, as well as insights into the Francophone culture. Word lists and grammar sections specific to the readings support your learning along the way.Like all Practice Makes Perfect workbooks, you will get plenty of practice, practice, practice using your new skills and vocabulary. Whether you are learning on your own or taking an advanced beginning or intermediate French class, Practice Makes Perfect: French Reading and Comprehension will help you build your confidence in using your new language.Practice Makes Perfect: French Reading and Comprehension helps you: Polish your reading and comprehension abilities with numerous exercises Enrich your French vocabulary with hundreds of new words Learn about the intriguing and influential French-speaking cultures
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe How to Read a Nautical Chart, 2nd Edition (Includes ALL of Chart #1)
Authoritative, practical, and hands-on information on reading and relying on electronic and paper nautical chartsThe classic How to Read a Nautical Chart explains every aspect of electronic and paper nautical charts: how a chart is assembled, how to gauge the accuracy of chart data, how to read charts created by other governments, how to use information such as scale, projection technique and datum that every chart contains; how not to get fooled or run aground by overzooming. Nigel Calder teaches you how to squeeze every ounce of information out of a nautical chart (on your GPS, chartplotter, or nav station) and understand the limits of accuracy for all charts, paper and electronic, raster and vector.This much-awaited second edition addresses the changes in the world of electronic charting, integrated onboard navigation systems, as well as radar overlays and AIS and their interfacing with charts. A new chapter onthe Wiki Revolution explores the mechanisms allowing you to incorporate user-generated content into navigational products and share this content with others—harnessing a user-base never before possible. Calder also explores how 3D-technology and real-time depth and weather information is creating interactive charting capacities that are fundamentally changing how we navigate. Calder's unique, practical insights will help you to navigate safely for years to come.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Vox Super-Mini Spanish and English Dictionary
The bestselling Spanish-English dictionary perfect for home, school, and workThe Vox Super-Mini Spanish and English Dictionary has helped Spanish-language learners read, write, and understand this popular language more successfully than any other portable dictionary on the market. This new edition of this bestselling Vox title has been expanded with 32 additional pages and has been revised and updated from front to back. Reset to provide maximum legibility and redesigned for a clearer and more contemporary layout, this handy A-to-Z reference contains all the essential Spanish words required for quick communication and comprehension.Inside you'll find: 15,000 headwords and more than 24,500 translations Clearer typography for improved readability Updated coverage of contemporary Spanish language and life
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Hacking Exposed 7
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The latest tactics for thwarting digital attacks“Our new reality is zero-day, APT, and state-sponsored attacks. Today, more than ever, security professionals need to get into the hacker’s mind, methods, and toolbox to successfully deter such relentless assaults. This edition brings readers abreast with the latest attack vectors and arms them for these continually evolving threats.” --Brett Wahlin, CSO, Sony Network Entertainment“Stop taking punches--let’s change the game; it’s time for a paradigm shift in the way we secure our networks, and Hacking Exposed 7 is the playbook for bringing pain to our adversaries.” --Shawn Henry, former Executive Assistant Director, FBIBolster your system’s security and defeat the tools and tactics of cyber-criminals with expert advice and defense strategies from the world-renowned Hacking Exposed team. Case studies expose the hacker’s latest devious methods and illustrate field-tested remedies. Find out how to block infrastructure hacks, minimize advanced persistent threats, neutralize malicious code, secure web and database applications, and fortify UNIX networks. Hacking Exposed 7: Network Security Secrets & Solutions contains all-new visual maps and a comprehensive “countermeasures cookbook.” Obstruct APTs and web-based meta-exploits Defend against UNIX-based root access and buffer overflow hacks Block SQL injection, spear phishing, and embedded-code attacks Detect and terminate rootkits, Trojans, bots, worms, and malware Lock down remote access using smartcards and hardware tokens Protect 802.11 WLANs with multilayered encryption and gateways Plug holes in VoIP, social networking, cloud, and Web 2.0 services Learn about the latest iPhone and Android attacks and how to protect yourself
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Schaums Easy Outline of Basic Electricity Revised
If you are looking for a quick nuts-and-bolts overview, turn to Schaum's Easy Outlines!Schaum's Easy Outline of Basic Electricity is a pared-down, simplified, and tightly focused review of the topic. With an emphasis on clarity and brevity, it features a streamlined and updated format and the absolute essence of the subject, presented in a concise and readily understandable form. Graphic elements such as sidebars, reader-alert icons, and boxed highlights stress selected points from the text, illuminate keys to learning, and give you quick pointers to the essentials. All the key concepts Expert tips for mastering basic electricity Last-minute essentials to pass the course Appropriate for the following courses: Basic Electricity, Electric Circuits, Operation of Electric Circuits
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Pre-calculus Demystified, Second Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Your step-by-step solution to mastering precalculusUnderstanding precalculus often opens the door to learning more advanced and practical math subjects, and can also help satisfy college requisites. Precalculus Demystified, Second Edition, is your key to mastering this sometimes tricky subject.This self-teaching guide presents general precalculus concepts first, so you'll ease into the basics. You'll gradually master functions, graphs of functions, logarithms, exponents, and more. As you progress, you'll also conquer topics such as absolute value, nonlinear inequalities, inverses, trigonometric functions, and conic sections. Clear, detailed examples make it easy to understand the material, and end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam help reinforce key ideas.It's a no-brainer! You'll learn about: Linear questions Functions Polynomial division The rational zero theorem Logarithms Matrix arithmetic Basic trigonometry Simple enough for a beginner but challenging enough for an advanced student, Precalculus Demystified, Second Edition, Second Edition, helps you master this essential subject.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The IKEA Edge: Building Global Growth and Social Good at the World's Most Iconic Home Store
Praise for The IKEA Edge“A very good book from a talented business leader [that links] values, culture, and the achievement of business and social objectives together. I have read it now three times and learned something from every passage.”—Michael Spence, recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, 2001“With Anders Dahlvig’s recommendations, we could solve many of the world’s problems by persuading the big multinationals to change their Memorandum and Articles of Association. Big business working in the interests of humanity would be a powerful tool.”—Gordon Roddick, cofounder of The Body Shop“The IKEA Edge is a fascinating case study of an entrepreneurial company’s growth to maturity. Anders Dahlvig is incisive and surprisingly straightforward in sharing the IKEA story. As a fourth-generation family business owner, I recognize the inherent paradox of building a ‘good,’ value-driven company and managing for profit. Anders Dahlvig proves it can be done.”—Antonia Axson Johnson, Chairperson, Axel Johnson ABAbout the Book:With Anders Dahlvig at the helm from 1999 to 2009, the furniture giant IKEA averaged 11 percent yearly sales growth and annual operating profits in excess of 10 percent. The company hired more than 70,000 new employees and opened new stores around the world—all while maintaining its reputation as one of the world’s best corporate citizens.In The IKEA Edge, Dahlvig tells the story of how IKEA matured from an entrepreneurial startup to a leader in the furniture industry. He recounts his 26-year career at the company and what he learned along the way. In his rise from store manager to president, Dahlvig developed the unique vision he relied upon to lead IKEA through good times and bad—by combining traditional business goals like profit and growth with the progressive interests of social responsibility and environmental stewardship. Dahlvig proves that these objectives, which are usually viewed as polar opposites, can actually work wonders together.The IKEA Edge serves as an expansive case study for “doing good business while being a good business.” Dahlvig clearly lays out the cornerstones that support IKEA: a vision of social responsibility; market leadership with a balanced global portfolio; differentiation through control of the value chain; and building for the long term—four principles that can be applied in any business, in any industry. social and business agenda—and it continues to grow, even during the worst global recession in history. In a time when the public’s trust of business has hit bottom, such an approach to business is more critical than ever.A combination of personal memoir, call to action, and strategic vision, The IKEA Edge provides the inspiration and information you need to develop a social-good/good-business agenda for your own company. Public trust, brand recognition, customer loyalty, and a world-class reputation will soon follow.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts
A useful guide to everyday American English to help you understand meanings and avoid difficulty in translationIn this new edition of Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts, noted lexicographer Richard A. Spears shares with you 1,900 of the most common phrases and colloquial expressions used in contemporary American English. Here you will discover the greetings, good-byes, and everyday small talk that Americans use daily. All entries have been selected with the special needs of you, the nonnative speaker of English, in mind!Inside you'll find: Examples or short dialogues with each entry that illustrate how the phrase is used in everyday speaking Usage restrictions or warnings for those situations when a phrase may be inappropriate Shortened or abbreviated expressions cross-referenced to their complete forms A Phrase-Finder Index to help quick and easy reference
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Value-Based Pricing: Drive Sales and Boost Your Bottom Line by Creating, Communicating and Capturing Customer Value
A Groundbreaking Pricing Model for the New Business LandscapeWhy would any customer choose Brand X over Brand Y, regardless of price? In a word: Value.When customers feel they are getting good value from your product or service, they are more than happy to pay more—which is good news for you and your business. Even in today’s global market—with its aggressive competitors, low-cost commodities, savvy consumers, and intangible digital offerings—you can outsell and outperform the rest using Value-Based Pricing. Done correctly, this method of pricing and selling helps you: Understand your customers’ wants and needs Focus on what makes your company different Quantify your differences and build a value-based strategy Communicate your value directly to your customers Now more than ever, it is essential for you to reexamine the reality of the value you offer customers—and this step-by-step program shows you how.Developed by global consultants Harry Macdivitt and Mike Wilkinson, Value-Based Pricing identifies three basic elements of the Value Triad: revenue gain, cost reduction, and emotional contribution. By delivering these core values to your customers—through marketing, selling, negotiation, and pricing—you can expect an increase in profits, productivity, and consumer goodwill. These are the same value-based strategies used by major companies such as Philips, Alstom, Siemens, and Virgin Mobile. And when it comes to today’s more intangible markets—such as consulting services or digital properties like e-books and music files—these value-based strategies are more important than ever. So forget about your old pricing methods based on costs and competition. Once you know your own value—and how to communicate it to others—everybody profits.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Practice Makes Perfect Arabic Pronouns and Prepositions
Master Arabic pronouns and prepositions quickly and easilyThe only way to build your skills in a second language is to practice, practice, practice. Following the successful Practice Makes Perfect approach, this book gives you clear explanations and all the tools you need to learn Arabic pronouns and prepositions. A valuable resource for advanced beginning– to intermediate-level Arabic learners, Practice Makes Perfect: ArabicPronouns and Prepositions enables you to: Successfully grasp Arabic pronoun and preposition usage Review and compare different types of pronouns and prepositions Build your language skills with hundreds of exercises With the help of many everyday examples, this book takes the mystery out of pronouns and prepositions and gets you on your way to communicating in Arabic with confidence!Master these key topics and boost your Arabic language skills:Possessive pronouns * Subject pronouns * Demonstrative pronouns * Separate and inseparable pronouns * Prepositional phrases
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Schaum's Outline of English Grammar, Third Edition
The ideal review for your English grammar courseMore than 40 million students have trusted Schaum’s Outlines for their expert knowledge and helpful solved problems. Written by renowned experts in their respective fields, Schaum’s Outlines cover everything from math to science, nursing to language. The main feature for all these books is the solved problems. Step-by-step, authors walk readers through coming up with solutions to exercises in their topic of choice. 100 practice exercises with 1,295 practice items Outline format facilitates quick and easy review Covers all important topics in English grammar Appropriate for the following courses: Practical Writing, Expository Writing, Essay Writing, First-Year English, Logic and Rhetoric, ESL Classes Many exercises demonstrating every grammatical topic reinforce students' skills Updated and clarified explanations of parts of speech and usage Complete answer key for all problems and exercises
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Schaum's Outline of Logic, Second Edition
The ideal review for your logic courseMore than 40 million students have trusted Schaum’s Outlines for their expert knowledge and helpful solved problems. Written by renowned experts in their respective fields, Schaum’s Outlines cover everything from math to science, nursing to language. The main feature for all these books is the solved problems. Step-by-step, authors walk readers through coming up with solutions to exercises in their topic of choice. 500 solved problems Includes non-classical logics Covers the probability calculus Complements or supplements the major Logic textbooks Appropriate for the following courses: Introduction to Formal Logic, Informal Logic, Logic Programming, Algebra Complete course content in easy-to-follow outline form Hundreds of solved problems for effective test preparation
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe McGraw-Hill's Conversational American English
Learnmore than 3,000 English expressions and speak and understand the language easilyAs a new speaker of English, you may hear some expressions in your daily conversations that you do not understand--yet. McGraw-Hill's Conversational American English will help you learn these expressions, so not only do you know what a person is saying to you, but that you can use the expression yourself! More than 3,000 expressions are organized by theme, so you can find what you are looking for quickly. And each topic is illustrated to further help you understand context.The book features: Common expressions are batched into 350 themes, ranging from general greetings and asking how someone is, to the more specific needs, like showing disbelief, asking someone’s intentions, and expressions for a forgotten word or name A comprehensive thematic glossary provides an additional means for the learner to locate expressions by key words and concepts Topics include: Basic Social Encounters, Greetings, Small Talk, Introductions, Ending a Conversation, Good-Byes, Agreeing, Disagreeing Conversational Encounters, Focusing Attention, Launching the Conversation, Making Friends, Complex Matters, Disputes, Discussion and Resolution, Polite Encounters, Prefaces, Communication Barriers
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe French for Children with Three Audio CDs, Third Edition
Yes, learning French can be fun for your child!Developed by language-learning expert Catherine Bruzzone, the French for Children program is a fun and effective way for your child to learn the French language and culture. This introduction gets your son or daughter speaking French right from the very beginning and keeps him or her engaged with a wide range of activities and games that keep language-learning fun.A complete program, this package features: A full-color illustrated guidebook that features cartoons, characters, and fun facts Three audio CDs that guide your child through the course and teach language through a combination of French-language songs, games, and activities An activity book filled with interactive puzzles and games that reinforce new language skills Advice for you on helping your kid get the most out of thelanguage-learning experience Free print and audio downloads Topics include: Saying hello, Saying "yes" and "no", Saying where places are, Talking about family, Around the house, Saying what you like to do, Describing things, At the zoo, At a picnic, Happy Birthday!
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Making Things Move DIY Mechanisms for Inventors, Hobbyists, and Artists
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Get Your Move On!In Making Things Move: DIY Mechanisms for Inventors, Hobbyists, and Artists, you'll learn how to successfully build moving mechanisms through non-technical explanations, examples, and do-it-yourself projects--from kinetic art installations to creative toys to energy-harvesting devices. Photographs, illustrations, screen shots, and images of 3D models are included for each project. This unique resource emphasizes using off-the-shelf components, readily available materials, and accessible fabrication techniques. Simple projects give you hands-on practice applying the skills covered in each chapter, and more complex projects at the end of the book incorporate topics from multiple chapters. Turn your imaginative ideas into reality with help from this practical, inventive guide. Discover how to: Find and select materials Fasten and join parts Measure force, friction, and torque Understand mechanical and electrical power, work, and energy Create and control motion Work with bearings, couplers, gears, screws, and springs Combine simple machines for work and fun Projects include: Rube Goldberg breakfast machine Mousetrap powered car DIY motor with magnet wire Motor direction and speed control Designing and fabricating spur gears Animated creations in paper An interactive rotating platform Small vertical axis wind turbine SADbot: the seasonally affected drawing robot Make Great Stuff!TAB, an imprint of McGraw-Hill Professional, is a leading publisher of DIY technology books for makers, hackers, and electronics hobbyists.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Big Book of Team-Motivating Games: Spirit-Building, Problem-Solving and Communication Games for Every Group
Teamwork can be fun!Games that improve team cooperation, communication, and spiritDid you know that games can: Raise sagging morale Liven up boring staff meetings Increase interaction among staff members Promote a culture of harmony and cooperation Create an atmosphere of fun for your team Keeping your team motivated and challenged, especially during tough economic times, can be difficult. But this collection of high-energy, play-anywhere games, from bestselling authors and trainers Ed and Mary Scannell, provides you with all the fun, inspiring material you need to build team spirit, communication, and trust among coworkers-day in and day out.Games Can Be Played In or Out of the OfficeRequiring few or no props, The Big Book of Team-Motivating Games is the latest installment in the successful Big Book series, which has been changing the way teams think for decades-providing hours of fun that fight boredom and burnout, boost performance, soothe tensions, and create a sense of community and trust.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Permanent Pain Cure: The Breakthrough Way to Heal Your Muscle and Joint Pain for Good (PB)
FEATURED ON ESPN—the pain relief program used by professional athletes. No drugs. No surgery. No pain!“The Ming Method” for pain relief has worked wonders for New Jersey Nets star Jason Kidd, New York Yankees’ Jason Giambi, movie star Matt Dillon, and other celebrities. Now, licensed physical therapist Ming Chew shares his world-famous program in this illustrated home guide, filled with innovative stretching techniques, hydration and supplementation tips, and prevention strategies.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Schaum's Outline of Advanced Calculus, Third Edition
Tough Test Questions? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time?Fortunately for you, there's Schaum's.More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them succeed in the classroom and on exams. Schaum's is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. You also get hundreds of examples, solvedproblems, and practice exercises to test your skills.This Schaum's Outline gives you 1,370 fully solved problems Complete review of all course fundamentals Clear, concise explanations of all Advanced Calculus concepts Fully compatible with your classroom text, Schaum's highlights all the important facts you need to know. Use Schaum's to shorten your study time--and get your best test scores!Topics include: Numbers; Sequences; Functions, Limits, and Continuity; Derivatives; Integrals; Partial Derivatives; Vectors; Applications of Partial Derivatives; Multiple Integrals; Line Integrals, Surface Integrals, and Integral Theorems; Infinite Series; Improper Integrals; Fourier Series; Fourier Integrals; Gamma and Beta Functions; and Functions of a Complex Variable Schaum's Outlines--Problem Solved.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe 101 Games and Activities for Children With Autism, Asperger’s and Sensory Processing Disorders
LEARNING THROUGH PLAYOne of the best ways for children with autism, Asperger's, and sensory processing disorders to learn is through play. Children improve their motor skills, language skills, and social skills by moving their bodies and interacting with their environment. Yet the biggest challenges parents, teachers, and loved ones face with children on the autism spectrum or with sensory processing disorders is how to successfully engage them in play. Pediatric occupational therapist Tara Delaney provides the answer. In 101 Games and Activities for Children with Autism, Asperger's, and Sensory Processing Disorders, she shows you how to teach your children by moving their bodies through play. These interactive games are quick to learn but will provide hours of fun and learning for your child. And many of the games can be played indoors or outdoors, so your child can enjoy them at home, outside, or on field trips.More than one hundred games that help your child: make eye-contact, stay focused, and strengthen his or her motor skills associate words with objects and improve language and numerical skills learn how to interact with others, how to take turns, and other social skills needed for attending preschool and school
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Make Every Man Want You
Unleash Your Irresistibility!"Make Every Man Want You gives every woman the tools she needs to unlock her inner magnet."--Kelly RipaLet's make one thing clear: this book is like no other dating book you've read. There are no rules, no list of things to do to land a husband in thirty days, and no reason to blame yourself if “he's just not that into you.” Please. Throw those books away.Instead, let's focus on you--and how you can make yourself more appealing to others in almost every situation--whether you have a man or not. Think of it as a crash course in desirability, a life-changing lesson in loving yourself inside and out. Once you embrace your unique qualities and dissolve your bad relationship habits, you'll be amazed to find how irresistible you are to others! This girl-friendly guide reveals: Five Truths Every Irresistible Woman Needs to Know: Live in the moment, Men do not want to be changed or improved Seven Habits of Highly Unattractive Women:Boring in bed, Being needy Eight Secrets of Attracting the Right Man for You: Get rid of your "perfect man" checklist, Have your own life
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Polish Verbs & Essentials of Grammar, Second Edition
Your one-stop guide to mastering the basics of PolishCan one book have all you need to communicate confidently in a new language? Yes, and that book is Polish Verbs & Essentials of Grammar. It offers a solid foundation of major verbal and grammatical concepts of the language, from pronouns to idioms and expressions and from irregular verbs to expressions of time.Each unit is devoted to one topic, so you can find what you need and get focused instruction immediately. Concise yet thorough, the explanations are supported by numerous examples to help you master the different concepts. And for those tricky verbs, Polish Verbs & Essentials of Grammar includes a Verb Index of the most common verbs. This book will give you: An excellent introduction to the basics of Polish if you are a beginner or a quick, thorough reference if you already have experience in the language Contemporary usage of verbs, adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and other grammar essentials Essential information on the Polish alphabet and their sounds
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The No-Cry Nap Solution: Guaranteed Gentle Ways to Solve All Your Naptime Problems
Winner of Disney’s iParenting Media Award for Best Product“Easy naptime solutions that really work--without any tears.”Kathy Lynn, President,Parenting Today“Naps: Children need them. Parents want them. Here are the tools to make them happen.”Maureen A. Doolan Boyle, Executive Director,MOST (Mothers of Supertwins), Inc.Does your child: nap only in your arms, a sling, a swing, or the car? require elaborate rituals before sleeping? get fussy, act cranky, or have tantrums due to lack of sleep? take very short naps--or none at all? Naps are important to a child's mood, well-being, and development. The No-Cry Nap Solution offers you a proven formula to allow your baby, toddler, or preschooler to get daily restorative rest. You'll learn gentle, loving, tear-free techniques, developed by world-renowned parenting expert Elizabeth Pantley and tested by hundreds of families around the world, guaranteed to help you: Convince any child to nap every day Effortlessly settle your child for naptime in his or her own bed Turn short, fitful naps into long, peaceful ones Establish a nap schedule that works for you and your child Easily adapt nap routines to your child's developing needs Confidently deal with sudden changes, nap strikes, and travel
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Innovator's Prescription: A Disruptive Solution for Health Care
A groundbreaking prescription for health care reform--from a legendaryleader in innovation . . .Our health care system is in critical condition. Each year, fewer Americans can afford it, fewer businesses can provide it, and fewer government programs can promise it for future generations.We need a cure, and we need it now.Harvard Business School’s Clayton M. Christensen—whose bestselling The Innovator’s Dilemma revolutionized the business world—presents The Innovator’s Prescription, a comprehensive analysis of the strategies that will improvehealth care and make it affordable.Christensen applies the principles of disruptive innovation to the broken health care system with two pioneers in the field—Dr. Jerome Grossman and Dr. Jason Hwang. Together, they examine arange of symptoms and offer proven solutions.YOU’LL DISCOVER HOW “Precision medicine” reduces costs and makes good on the promise of personalized care Disruptive business models improve quality, accessibility, and affordability by changing the way hospitals and doctors work Patient networks enable better treatment of chronic diseases Employers can change the roles they play in health care to compete effectively in the era of globalization Insurance and regulatory reforms stimulate disruption in health care
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Fibonacci Trading: How to Master the Time and Price Advantage
Made famous by the Italian mathematician Leonardo De Pisa, the Fibonacci number series holds a Golden Ratio that is universally found in nature and used by architects, plastic surgeons, and many others to achieve “perfect” aesthetic proportions. Now, in this groundbreaking guide, noted technical trading advisor Carolyn Boroden shows you how Fibonacci pattern studies can be used as an extremely effective method for achieving greater profitability in stocks, futures, and Forex markets.Fibonacci Trading provides a one-stop resource of reliable tools and clear explanations for both identifying and taking advantage of the trade setups naturally occurring in the markets that will enable you to reach the highest rate of profitable trades. Inside, you'll find a unique trading methodology based on Fibonacci ratios, and the author's personal experience analyzing and setting up the markets in real time, which makes this practical volume invaluable to the self-directed investor. Complete with detailed charts and insightful graphics in each chapter, Fibonacci Trading features: Dependable guidance for determining important support and resistance levels, along with expert advice for using them to maximize profits and limit losses Step-by-step processes for using Fibonacci analysis to predict turning points in the market far enough in advance to generate substantial profit Valuable tips for using Fibonacci analysis to establish optimal stop-loss placement Revealing coverage on how Fibonacci relationships can create a roadmap for the trader based on high percentage patterns Fibonacci Trading also provides a four-step formula for applying the covered techniques in a highly effective approach. Flexible enough for all markets and trading styles, the formula helps you focus your newly developed knowledge and skill sets into a solid trading methodology, defined trading plan, successful trading mindset, and disciplined trading approach that stacks the odds for profit in your favor. This hands-on guide is packed with a wealth of actual trading situations, setups, and scenarios that bring the four-step formula to life so you can immediately use it in the real world.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Secret Laws of Attraction
Use these laws of attraction to effortlessly attain your heart's desire.“If you don't need it, you are more likely to attract it.” If our emotional needs are unmet, we repel what we most desire. When we've fulfilled our needs--such as the need to be cherished, the need to be heard, and the need for harmony--we are naturally attractive to potential love interests.“Like attracts like.”When we are fully living our core values, we effortlessly attract others with similar values.It sounds simple. The trick is learning how to apply these laws in your everyday life--and international bestselling author and noted life coach Talane Miedaner shows you how. This easy-to-follow guide provides a comprehensive quiz to help you identify your top four emotional needs and includes step-by-step instructions on how to meet those needs. Once you start embracing your passion and living your dreams, you instantly become more attractive to others. It's truly the “effortless” way to find and keep the love of your life."Talane is a masterful life coach--she is the living embodiment of the laws of attraction."--Sandy Vilas, MCC, CEO of Coach U, Inc.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Perfect Phrases for Meetings
Everyone wants to shine in business meetings-whether they are leading them or just participating. Perfect Phrases for Meetings provides hundreds of winning, ready-to-use phrases, arming you with the right words to say in eight crucial types of meetings. This book is a valuable tool for anyone who needs to get a message across and stand out as a leader.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe How to Hug a Porcupine: Negotiating the Prickly Points of the Tween Years
“You never listen to anything I say!”Yesterday, your child was a sweet, well-adjusted eight-year-old. Today, a moody, disrespectful twelve-year-old. What happened? And more important, how do you handle it? How you respond to these whirlwind changes will not only affect your child's behavior now but will determine how he or she turns out later. Julie A. Ross, executive director of Parenting Horizons, shows you exactly what's going on with your child and provides all the tools you need to correctly handle even the prickliest tween porcupine. Find out how other parents survived nightmarish tween behavior--and still raised great kids Break the “nagging cycle,” give your kids responsibilities, and get results Talk about sex, drugs, and alcohol so your kid will listen Discover the secret that will help your child to disregard peer pressure and make smart choices--for life "This excellent book lets parents peek into the underlying, confusing thoughts and perplexing decisions that young tweens are constantly facing."--Ralph I. López, M.D., Clinical Professor or Pediatrics, Cornell University, and author of The Teen Health Book
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe How Legendary Traders Made Millions
Learn how to generate profit, from history's most celebrated traders including William J. O'Neil, Jesse Livermore, and othersIn How Legendary Traders Made Millions, award-winning investment author and historian John Boik has created the first book to put the strategies of history's top traders in one placeRevealing how each trader took advantage of distinct market situations, it details the hands-on specifics of each trade as well as the economic, political, and stock market environments in which the strategy flourished.Key featuresProfiles 10 of the greatest traders of all time and the trades and strategies that made them successful and legendaryJohn Boik's previous book was chosen by Barron's as one of the best 25 books of 2004This book contains exclusive Investor's Business Daily charts and data that appear here for the first time in book formDetailed trade analyses show how money was made in virtually every market cycle, from boom to bust
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Women's Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine
Use the power of nature to heal your body and enjoy a lifetime of good health In Women's Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, naturopathic physician Tori Hudson shows you how to safely and effectively combine conventional and natural medicine to maintain health and address specific medical conditions. Her groundbreaking work offers sound information on complementary therapies such as bio-identical hormones, vitamin supplementation, herbs, diet, and exercise and helps you make informed choices about your health. Learn how to: Treat a whole range of female health issues, from contraception to menopause, heart conditions to infections Safely integrate alternative therapies with traditional medicine Determine when you should seek a practitioner's help And much more Compassionate and authoritative, Women's Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine demonstrates that an informed, integrative approach to staying well is often the best medicine.“This is a book that should be in every woman's health library and every alternative practitioner's library. It is a resource for the new breed of conventional practitioners who are open to a more integrative health-care system.”--Christiane Northrup, M.D., author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe McGraw-Hill's Proofreading Handbook
Expert advice to perfect your proofreading skillsMcGraw-Hill’s Proofreading Handbook helps ensure that your documents are letter-perfect, every time. Veteran editor and proofreader Laura Anderson arms you with all the tools of the proofreader’s trade and walks you step-by-step through the entire proofreading process.