Search results for ""American Psychological Association""
American Psychological Association Methodological Issues and Strategies in Clinical Research
This fourth edition of Alan E. Kazdin’s classic text is, like its predecessors, intended to help students and professionals alike master a wide range of methodological approaches to examining clinical issues and phenomena. The goal is to help the reader design, conduct, recognize, and appreciate high quality research, and recognize the implications of crucial decisions about methodology and design. Articles cover a comprehensive array of topics, including experimental design; the principles, procedures, and practices that govern research; assessment of study constructs and their interrelationships; potential sources of artifact and bias; methods of data analysis and interpretation; ethical issues; and the nuts and bolts of writing research articles and getting published. With 26 new articles and significantly revised and expanded introductory material, this revamped edition features scholarly contributions that explicate core concepts, survey contemporary issues in research, and examine ethical responsibilities toward both research participants and science itself. New additions include articles on translational and qualitative research, advances in data collection methods such as Amazon’s Mechanical Turk service and obtaining client feedback in psychotherapy, advances in mathematical and statistical modeling including single-case interventions, and new chapters addressing questionable research practices and fraud.
American Psychological Association School-Centered Interventions: Evidence-Based Strategies for Social, Emotional, and Academic Success
This book presents a practical framework for delivering therapeutic and instructional interventions in schools. Readers will learn how to select evidence-based interventions and make appropriate adaptations for the school context. School is where therapeutic services for children and adolescents are most commonly delivered. When schools help children to develop their social, coping, and problem-solving skills, the children can readily use these skills in their daily interactions. And interventions that take place where problems occur are more likely to be successful than those applied elsewhere. As beneficial as school-based psychological interventions may be, it can be challenging for school psychologists and other school personnel to select the most appropriate ones and to adapt them to the realities of the school environment.School-Centered Interventions presents a practical framework for delivering proven interventions that target the most common psychological, social, and learning problems experienced by children and adolescents–from externalizing and internalizing disorders to the challenges posed by ADHD and autism spectrum disorder. For each symptom profile, Dennis J. Simon examines the diagnostic and developmental considerations, the empirically supported intervention strategies, the instructional supports, crisis intervention protocols, and required family and systemic supports. Throughout, the emphasis is on the school context and its implications. The result is a comprehensive, multi-tiered approach to meeting students’ needs.
American Psychological Association The Myth of Racial Color Blindness: Manifestations, Dynamics, and Impact
In this edited volume, social scientists dissect the concept of color blind racial ideology, the widely-held belief that skin color does not affect interpersonal interactions, and that interpersonal and institutional racism therefore no longer exists in America. Is the United States today a “post-racial” society? Some might point to the election and re-election of a Black president as conclusive evidence of the progress made in race relations, but others are not so sanguine. In this volume, top scholars in psychology, education, sociology, and related fields dissect the concept of color-blind racial ideology (CBRI), the widely-held belief that skin color does not affect interpersonal interactions, and that interpersonal and institutional racism therefore no longer exists in American society. Contributors survey the theoretical and empirical literature on racial color-blindness; discuss novel ways of assessing and measuring color-blind racial beliefs; examine related characteristics such as lack of empathy (among Whites) and internalized racism (among people of color); and assess the impact of CBRI in education, the workplace, and health care – as well as the racial disparities that such beliefs help foster. Finally, they recommend ways to counter color-blind racial beliefs by advocating for and implementing race-conscious policies and practices that aim to create equal access and opportunities for all.
American Psychological Association Psychotherapy Case Formulation
This concise and engaging primer helps beginning therapists systematically organize their thoughts and ideas about a client, using an evidence-based approach to case formulation. Formulating cases is an essential component of psychotherapy training and practice. Yet beginning therapists often struggle to organize their ideas about the client and apply theory to the case. This book is based on the author’s extensive experience teaching case formulation to graduate students. It describes a highly adaptable and evidence-based framework for conceptualizing clients and planning treatment. Applicable to both simple and complex cases, the model can be used regardless of one’s theoretical orientation. Readers are introduced to basic concepts that include the benefits of case formulation, sound decision-making, and the importance of cultural considerations, and then are led step-by-step through the action-oriented components of the model. This book is an indispensable aid for novice and experienced therapists seeking to develop and improve upon this core competency.
American Psychological Association Transcultural Competence: Navigating Cultural Differences in the Global Community
Functioning successfully within different cultures can be a struggle for many professionals and, as the world changes, it’s become clear that working within other cultures, both domestic and international, requires competence in both identifying and transcending cultural boundaries. In this highly approachable volume, the authors provide a robust framework for addressing cultural conflicts within organizations not just for practitioners in the field of consulting and organizational psychology, but for a broad spectrum of professionals, executives, and community leaders. Drawing on case studies that illustrate commonly encountered cultural dilemmas in a variety of practice areas, the authors present applications, assessments, and intervention approaches that are prerequisites for gaining transcultural competence, whether as a consultant, organizational leader, or professional in any number of fields dealing with diversity and globalization. Four steps for identifying and managing cultural dilemmas are described: recognizing, respecting, reconciling, and realizing cultural differences. The authors ably expand on these concepts with real-world examples from their practice – from corporate struggles with native pacific islanders to functioning within the complicated traditions of Native American reservations.The concept of ‘cultural traps’ associated with often subtle ethnocentric assumptions, and how to avoid them, makes Transcultural Competence an invaluable resource.
American Psychological Association APA Handbook of Human Systems Integration
The APA Handbook of Human Systems Integration is a practical tool for both students and professionals who need specific knowledge about human considerations in systems design. It is intended to sensitize readers to basic design issues, enhance their understanding of the influence of these issues, and guide them in appropriately combining human performance with a system's numerous interacting components. A central tenet of this book is that it is not sufficient to examine items independently — one must go beyond a focus on individual workers, tools, tasks, or environments. Thus, the handbook is a "how to" resource that reflects the state-of-the-art on work in this enterprise. The book's opening chapters define what is meant by human systems integration, provide a historical overview of the field, and describe a set of case studies to which many chapter authors apply their expertise. Succeeding chapters reflect on the physical, physiological, perceptual, cognitive, and organizational considerations that affect human systems performance and discuss how the knowledge base of the field has been applied in various domains. The remaining chapters describe the trade-offs associated with integrating individual considerations and systems performance, discussing how a decision that optimizes performance in one area (e.g., display design) may entail a reduction of performance in another area (e.g., staffing or personnel selection).
American Psychological Association Prevention Psychology: Enhancing Personal and Social Well-Being
Psychologists are increasingly engaged with and consulted by public agencies, school districts, and businesses to assist in the prevention of major problems (e.g., school violence, drug addiction, and employee stress). This book provides a broad overview of the science and practice of prevention, including practical guidance for developing, implementing, and evaluating prevention programs. The author reviews the history of prevention behavior change theories that guide prevention programs risk and protective factors to target issues of social justice and prevention; and professional issues related to ethics, education, and funding. Model programs from diverse settings are described, including those in education, health care, and community settings. This book offers a multidisciplinary perspective and an array of resources for prevention practitioners, scholars, and students from disciplines such as psychology, social work, education, the health sciences, and public policy.
American Psychological Association Longitudinal Data Analysis Using Structural Equation Models
When determining the most appropriate method for analyzing longitudinal data, you must first consider what research question you want to answer. In this book, McArdle and Nesselroade identify five basic purposes of longitudinal structural equation modeling. For each purpose, they present the most useful strategies and models. Two important but underused approaches are emphasized: multiple factorial invariance over time and latent change scores. The book covers a wealth of models in a straightforward, understandable manner. Rather than overwhelm the reader with an extensive amount of algebra, the authors use path diagrams and emphasize methods that are appropriate for many uses.
American Psychological Association Not Every Princess
A Top Ten Title, 2015 American Library Association Rainbow ListNot Every Princess takes readers on a journey that gently questions the rigid construction of gender roles.Not Every Princess inspires readers to access their imaginations and challenge societal expectations. It intends to encourage all of those princesses and pirates who did not fall into a life of castles and boats that they too are no less than what they dream to be. Also included is a Note to Parents and Caregivers filled with useful advice and strategies to help children imagine, play, and ultimately envision and inspire themselves beyond the limited roles and expectations that gender stereotypes create.
American Psychological Association Educational Evaluations of Children With Special Needs: Clinical and Forensic Considerations
This book is a step-by-step guide describing how to perform an independent educational evaluation for children with special needs. Chapters provide crucial suggestions for how to navigate conflict between parents and school officials.Educational Evaluations of Children With Special Needs describes how to perform an independent educational evaluation for children with special needs. Chapters describe the suggested format and content of initial meetings with parents and school officials, the assessment and evaluation process, how to piece together the final report, and additional issues that arise after the final settlement, including testimony in due process hearings. They also carefully outline the evaluator’s responsibilities under the law. Perhaps most importantly, they provide crucial suggestions for how evaluators can navigate conflict that often arises between parents and school officials, while remaining focused on providing the best possible education for all children.
American Psychological Association APA Dictionary of Lifespan Developmental Psychology
This well-focused abridgment of the critically acclaimed APA Dictionary of Psychology is specifically tailored for scholars and students who focus on the field of developmental psychology. The basic lexicon of development across the lifespan is illuminated in thousands of entries and hundreds of cross-references representing four basic categories: Theories (e.g., psychoanalytic, normative development, testing, learning, Piagetian stages) Biosocial (e.g., heredity/genetics, physical/sexual maturation) Cognitive (e.g., learning, memory, and neurology) Psychosocial (e.g., family, community, education, employment) Moreover, a significant number of revised and entirely new entries will offer fresh perspectives on the multidimensional and multidirectional aspects and the plasticity of change across human life and in human behavior.
American Psychological Association Healthy Eating in Schools: Evidence-Based Interventions to Help Kids Thrive
School-based interventions that target obesity in children often have little positive effect and may inadvertently contribute to unhealthy behaviors in the attempt to lose weight. This book provides a conceptual model for understanding both obesity and eating disordered behaviors. Specifically, it advocates for body acceptance and intuitive eating—a flexible, healthy eating behavior involving awareness of the body’s hunger and satiety cues. Within this context, the chapters review evidence-based school interventions in nutrition, self-regulation, exercise, body acceptance, media literacy, and mindfulness. Guidance is also provided for identifying, referring, and supporting students with emerging eating disorders.
American Psychological Association Strategic Decision Making in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This book describes strategic decision making, a flexible yet evidenced-based approach to making clinical decisions in order to move treatment forward in cognitive behavioral therapy. It dispels the myth that there is a single “right” therapeutic intervention that must be delivered in any one instance; in fact, many courses of action can facilitate change provided they are implemented strategically. Strategic decisions (a) follow logically from the case conceptualization, (b) are arrived upon collaboratively between the therapist and patient, (c) allow the patient to leave the session with something new, and (d) are seen through in their entirety before their effectiveness is evaluated.
American Psychological Association APA Handbook of Multicultural Psychology
Consistent with the goals for the APA Handbooks in Psychology™ series, the purpose of the two-volume APA Handbook of Multicultural Psychology is to present the best science and best practice within this cross-cutting perspective of psychology. Volume 1, covering theory and research, comprises chapters concerning conceptual and professional issues, ethnic minority research and methods, individual differences, social and developmental process, and community and organizational perspectives. Volume 2, focusing on applications and training, includes chapters covering historical and professional perspectives; stress, adjustment, and positive psychology; diagnosis and assessment; psychopathology; clinical interventions; applied and preventive psychology; and training and supervision. Beyond providing a solid historical context, the handbook offers an up-to-date review across the major domains of psychology from a multicultural perspective.
American Psychological Association Research for the Public Good: Applying the Methods of Translational Research to Improve Human Health and Well-Being
Translational research links scientific findings with programs and policies that improve human health and well-being. It includes research that evaluates interventions or policies for efficacy and effectiveness, as well as research that applies field experience to future development of basic theory and its applications. This book demonstrates how emerging methods of translational research can be applied to important topics of interest to social and behavioral scientists. Accessible models and real-world case studies are provided to help bridge the gaps among research, policy, and practice. The book will inform and inspire anyone interested in conducting translational research, especially those in the social and behavioral sciences.
American Psychological Association Internationalizing Multiculturalism: Expanding Professional Competencies in a Globalized World
This book broadens the concept of multiculturalism to encompass internationalism—in other words, it internationalizes multiculturalism. It argues that professionals in all fields can enhance both their multicultural and international competence to perform more effectively. The contributors review the relevant research and, drawing also from personal experience, apply these concepts to real-world professional practice in business, mental health, and education—three areas that are especially well positioned to impact the health and well-being of clients, employees, and customers. This book will appeal to scholars of multiculturalism as well as practicing professionals in a range of fields, especially business, mental health, and education.
American Psychological Association Activities for Teaching Positive Psychology: A Guide for Instructors
Positive psychology is a rapidly expanding area of study that is of great interest to students at the graduate, undergraduate, and high school levels. But the field is so broad that teachers who want to cover all the bases when designing a positive psychology course may have difficulty locating and selecting materials.Activities for Teaching Positive Psychology addresses this problem by presenting a comprehensive set of fun, interactive classroom activities devised by contributors who are experienced teachers as well as leading scholars in their areas. Chapters cover all the topics typically included in existing positive psychology textbooks, emphasizing the hands-on experience that makes positive psychology courses so powerful. Extensive reading lists point interested readers towards a fuller understanding of the topics. The book is a rich source of ideas for all teachers of psychology, from novice to experienced instructors.
American Psychological Association You've Earned Your Doctorate in Psychology... Now What?: Securing a Job as an Academic or Professional Psychologist
If you're like many psychology graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and early career psychologists, you may be amply trained to conduct research but find yourself stumbling through the process of applying and interviewing for a job. This book will help you transition from graduate education to a career in an academic or professional setting. Each chapter covers a step in the process of applying for and landing a position, with evidence-based guidance where available, practical advice, sample materials, and stories from recent applicants and employers. Preparing to enter the job market requires a multi-pronged approach of networking and developing an application portfolio and interview strategy (both the screening interview and the on-site interview) that showcases your unique qualifications for the position. This book breaks down that process with questions to ask yourself, checklists, and samples of others' work. It also addresses how to: Tailor application materials to the job description and the institution or organization Learn all you can about your potential workplace before you interview Seek out advantageous experience-building opportunities This comprehensive package of up-to-date research and practical "do's" and "don'ts" will help you put your psychology doctorate to work.
American Psychological Association Getting the Most Out of Clinical Training and Supervision: A Guide for Practicum Students and Interns
This book shows students how to establish effective working supervisory relationships and understand and make use of formative and summative evaluations. Clinical training is challenging for supervisees, many of whom are unsure how to navigate the supervisory process and effectively build clinical skills and professional competence. While research and book-length texts on effective supervision have proliferated, these are typically directed towards supervisors and clinical educators. Since it was first published in 2004, Falender and Shafranske's Clinical Supervision: A Competency-Based Approach has become the standard, go-to resource on supervisory and clinical competence. Now the authors have created an empirically-supported yet practical book for student and interns. Written in an interactive style with "real life" case examples and reflection activities, this book is empirically-supported yet highly practical, this is an essential text that normalizes the anxieties and conflicts that typically arise during supervision.
American Psychological Association Coparenting: A Conceptual and Clinical Examination of Family Systems
James McHale defines coparenting as “an enterprise undertaken by two or more adults who together take on the care and upbringing of children for whom they share responsibility.” Coparents may be members of the child’s extended family, divorced or foster parents, or other specialized caregivers. This landmark book was written to encourage good coparenting as a powerful support for at-risk children’s social, emotional, and behavioral needs. Part I examines the concepts, theories, and empirical research underlying this dynamic socialization force characteristic of all family systems. Part II explores clinical applications—the various assessments and interventions that promote coparenting. The result is essential reading for those interested in the welfare of children.
American Psychological Association Cop Watch: Spectators, Social Media, and Police Reform
In Cop Watch, renowned social psychologist Hans Toch takes stock of the vast changes in police procedures that have occurred over the last half-century by examining the evolving role of spectators to police-citizen interactions. This sympathetic and informed analysis details the concerns of both disgruntled citizens and unsettled police. Their interactions are played out on a broad stage, from 1960s riots and Kerner Commission findings, to 2011 accusations of police brutality in Seattle. In this unflinching examination of the power of the crowd and society to shape police practice, Toch provides a uniquely compelling look at the struggles and complexities of policing in a volatile world.
American Psychological Association Prosocial Motives, Emotions, and Behavior: The Better Angels of Our Nature
In recent years, psychological scientists' narrow focus on negative emotions and antisocial behavior has been broadened to include a panoply of positive emotions such as empathy, compassion, gratitude, and forgiveness and a new emphasis on prosocial, generous, altruistic behavior. At the same time, neuroscientists, primatologists, and evolutionary biologists have begun to identify the evolutionary and neurological roots of prosocial feelings and actions. Research shows that human beings have an innate capacity for prosocial behavior, but the inclinations underlying such behavior can be blocked, inhibited, or overpowered by selfish, neurotic, or culturally engrained attitudes and values. Genes, personality, past social experiences, social and cultural identities, and contextual factors can all influence the degree to which human behavior is empathic, generous, and kind—or cruel, vindictive, and destructive. Prosocial Motives, Emotions, and Behavior: The Better Angels of Our Nature, with a subtitle borrowed from an inaugural address by Abraham Lincoln, is a comprehensive examination, from a variety of perspectives, of the interplay of these influences. The book is divided into five sections: Part I considers theoretical perspectives on prosocial behavior; Part II illuminates the psychological processes that underlie prosocial behavior; Part III focuses on specific prosocial emotions such as compassionate love, gratitude, and forgiveness; Part IV examines prosocial behavior between individuals at the dyadic level; and Part V investigates prosocial behavior at the societal level, with an emphasis on solving intractable conflicts and achieving desirable social change. This simulating, wide-ranging volume is sure to be of great interest to psychologists, social scientists, and anyone with an interest in understanding and fostering prosocial behavior.
American Psychological Association Obesity in Youth: Causes, Consequences, and Cures
Rates of obesity in youth have tripled in the past 20 years. Today it is estimated that over twenty percent of American children and adolescents are overweight. This emerging epidemic has stimulated a great deal of new research into the formative influences and the interpersonal, social and psychological effects of obesity on children. In this thorough and incisive book, editors Leslie Heinberg and J. Kevin Thompson have employed an august group of researchers to describe these trends and to discuss their implications for the assessment, treatment, and prevention of obesity in youth. The book opens by acquainting readers with key genetic influences and dietary patterns, and later chapters on treatment and prevention are written from medical and public health perspectives. But contributors focus primarily on psychological aspects of obesity such as teasing, body image, and co-morbidity with mental disorders as well as the psychosocial consequences for children, families and the larger society. This wide-ranging volume will be of great use for public and mental health professionals, as well as academics and researchers who seek a fuller understanding of the fight against childhood obesity.
American Psychological Association Impulsivity: The Behavioral and Neurological Science of Discounting
Impulsivity explores the basis for the seemingly universal tendency to devalue rewards or punishments that are not immediately available. When confronted with any number of modern impulsive behaviors—such as drug use, pathological gambling, marital infidelity, and gluttony—individuals have a choice with two outcomes: an immediate benefit, such as getting high, or a delayed or probabilistic benefit, such as health, money saved, or the satisfaction of a good life. This volume is an approachable, comprehensive overview of the behavioral science and neuroscience of these impulsive choices and their relation to delay discounting—the tendency to devalue temporally distant rewards or punishments, even though they may greatly outbalance the immediate benefit of our choices. The cutting-edge researchers who contributed to this volume have documented cross-species similarities in impulsive decision making and pioneered the neuroscience of impulsive choice. In this text they provide insights into harmless impulsive acts as well as those that dominate and destroy lives. The contributors tackle key issues such as whether impulsivity and risk taking are a trait or state; the neuroscience, neuroeconomics, and computational modeling of neural systems underlying impulsivity; and the relation between impulsivity and addictions, health decision making, altruism, and attention-deficit disorder. Theoretical debates regarding the origins of impulsivity round out this text, which will be of interest to researchers and graduate students in psychology, behavioral economics, psychopharmacology, behavioral analysis and therapy, and the science of decision making.
American Psychological Association Action Learning for Developing Leaders and Organizations: Principles, Strategies, and Cases
This book demonstrates how Action Learning can quickly and effectively be introduced, implemented, and sustained in any type or size of organization. Today's rapidly changing and globally competitive business environment mandates that 21st century leaders develop new models and innovative learning processes of organizational leadership. To meet these shifting needs, Action Learning has emerged as a key training and problem-solving tool for companies as diverse as Nokia, Samsung, Boeing, GE, Motorola, Marriott, General Motors, Deutsche Bank, and British Airways. These and hundreds of other companies around the world now employ Action Learning for strategic planning to develop managers, identify competitive advantages, reduce operating costs, and create high-performing teams. What exactly is Action Learning? Simply described, it is a dynamic process that involves a small group of people solving real organizational problems, while focusing on how their learning can benefit individuals, groups, and the larger organization. The emphasis on learning is what makes this process strategic rather than tactical in equipping leaders to more effectively respond to change. This book demonstrates how Action Learning can quickly and effectively be introduced, implemented, and sustained in any type or size of organization using six key components: a diverse group of 4 to 8 members; an urgent task or problem; a question-driven communication process; implementation of action strategies; a commitment to learning; and an Action Learning team coach. The book features useful business case examples that illustrate the power of Action Learning in successfully developing leaders, solving problems, building teams, and transforming organizations. Recent developments that include skilled coaching and question-based dialogue make it an even more powerful tool in leadership and organizational development.
American Psychological Association Handbook of Cancer Control and Behavioral Science: A Resource for Researchers, Practitioners, and Policymakers
Handbook of Cancer Control and Behavioral Science is an expert synthesis of what is known, what is suspected, and what is still unknown about core behavioral and sociocultural aspects of cancer control. Editors Suzanne Miller, Deborah Bowen, Robert Croyle, and Julia Rowland present a thought-provoking overview of the key areas of research, from primary prevention, to early cancer detection, to the clinical treatment of cancer, to survivor experience and bereavement, to future directions for research. Senior researchers provide jargon-free descriptions of current approaches while identifying the most effective behavioral interventions in use for preventing and treating cancer. Yet, the focus is not limited to cancer patients; the relationship between doctor and patient, and the effects of cancer on families are also examined. In its broad scope and detailed examination of the entire continuum of cancer incidence, the Handbook is an essential, cross-disciplinary resource that will be of great use for researchers, health care providers, and mental health professionals in the fight against cancer.
American Psychological Association Everyday Creativity and New Views of Human Nature: Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Perspectives
What is everyday creativity? A capacity, a strategy, a process, all of these. It is an ability that is intimately woven into our daily lives and our personalities, one that we use from hour to hour; yet it remains, for most of us, underdeveloped and, unfortunately, underacknowledged. Writes editor and leading creativity researcher Ruth Richards, "Everyday creativity is about everyone, throughout our lives, and fundamental to our very survival. It is how we find our lost child, get enough to eat, make our way in a new place and culture…With our everyday creativity, we adapt flexibly, we improvise, we try different options, whether we are raising a child, counseling a friend, fixing our home, or planning a fundraising event." In this provocative collection of essays, an interdisciplinary group of eminent thinkers and writers offer their thoughts on how embracing creativity—tapping into the "originality of everyday life"—can lead to improved physical and mental health, to new ways of thinking, of experiencing the world and ourselves. They show how creativity can refine our views of human nature at an individual and societal level and, ultimately, change our paradigms for survival—and for flourishing—in a world fraught with urgent challenges. Neither a dry treatise nor a manual, this anthology draws upon the latest research in the area to present a lively examination of the phenomenon and process of everyday creativity and its far-reaching ramifications for self, culture, history, society, politics, and humankind's future. Part I looks at creativity and individuals—our well-being, potential for new and transformative understandings, and openings to richness, immediacy, and profundity of experience. Part II involves social creativity—including issues of complexity, collaboration, contextual relativity, inclusiveness, and creative systems evolving from the ground up (vs. more hierarchical models). Part III presents a detailed and multilayered discussion of 12 potential benefits of living more creatively.
American Psychological Association Angry Kids, Angry Parents: Understanding and Working With Anger in Your Family
Psychologists Anne Hilde Vassbø Hagen and Joanne Dolhanty explain everything you need to know about your child’s anger and how to manage it. Anger can be normal and healthy when it enables us to stand up for ourselves and defend against injustice. However, it can also lead to aggression—even violence—while also hiding other, more vulnerable emotions. For instance, an angry child may be hiding embarrassment, shame, disappointment, sadness, loneliness, or fear. As a parent, it is your job to help your child understand their anger, express it in an appropriate way, and address the underlying need. In Angry Kids, Angry Parents you will learn how to respond to your child’s anger in a sensitive and productive way that validates their feelings, addresses their needs, and teaches them to manage their own anger. It can be nerve-wracking to watch your child explode in rage. This book will teach you how to stay calm and protect your boundaries. Supported by years of psychological research and therapeutic practice, the strategies in this practical, compassionate book will help any parent who struggles with their child’s anger.
American Psychological Association Interviewing Children
Interviewing Children is an accessible guidefor forensic interviewers, clinicians, attorneys, and other professionals who rely on children’s testimony. In this second edition, Poole and Dickinson present new thematic chapters on conversation habits, conventional content, and protocols for training.Highlights include: Sample dialogues that help flesh out and illustrate research-based recommendations for practice quick guides that synthesize core ideas and skills 'Principles to Practice' sections that answer questions about child interviewing;and a comprehensive appendix of learning activities readers can use to sharpen their interviewing skills. The primary goal of all conversations with child witnesses is to help children describe events in their lives as completely, accurately, and unambiguously as they can. But common obstacles can make this task difficult, if not impossible
American Psychological Association Dissertations and Theses From Start to Finish: Psychology and Related Fields
Dissertations and Theses From Start to Finish, now updated and revised to reflect changes to the APA's Publication Manual, Seventh Edition! For over twenty-five years, Cone and Foster's useful book has guided student writers through the practical, logistical, and emotional struggles that come with writing dissertations and theses. It offers guidance to students through all the essential steps, including: Defining topics; Selecting faculty advisors; Scheduling time to work on the project, and; Conducting, analyzing, writing, presenting, and publishing research. This third edition of this bestselling work follows new guidelines from APA's Publication Manual, Seventh Edition, and includes questions to help steer research, checklists, diagrams, and sample research papers. It also reflects the most recent advances in online research and includes fully updated online resources. Each chapter begins with an Advance Organizer that offers an at-a-glance summary of chapter content and applicability for different types of readers. Chapters also include significantly expanded To Do and Supplemental Resource lists, as well as helpful suggestions for dealing with common “traps” that recur throughout the writing process. The authors also consider the variety of roles faculty advisors play, and of variations in the thesis and dissertation process and requirements across institutions of higher learning.
American Psychological Association Deliberate Practice in Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Deliberate practice exercises allow students and trainees to rehearse foundational dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) skills and strategies to respond effectively and flexibly to diverse, complex clinical presentations and situations. Each book in the Essentials of Deliberate Practice series contains customized role-playing exercises in which two trainees act as a client and a therapist, switching back and forth under a supervisor's guidance. The trainee playing the therapist improvises appropriate and authentic responses to client statements organized into three difficulty levels—beginner, intermediate, and advanced—reflecting common issues encountered by DBT practitioners. The first 12 exercises each focus on a single skill, such as validating clients, encouraging commitment to therapeutic goals, teaching problem-solving skills, and working with clients in crisis or expressing suicidal ideation. Following these are two comprehensive exercises—an annotated transcript and free-form mock therapy sessions—in which trainees integrate essential skills into a single DBT session. Step-by-step instructions guide participants through the exercises, identify criteria for mastering each skill, and explain how to monitor and adjust difficulty. Guidelines to help trainers and trainees get the most out of training are also provided.
American Psychological Association Elements of Personality: Discovering Connections
The fascinating field of personality psychology not only helps us understand human behavior and mental life, but also provides an important lens to understanding ourselves in ways we never did before. In his concise and timely textbook, Dr. Robert F. Bornstein provides a fresh and appealing approach to personality theory and research that embeds personality in the broader intellectual landscape of psychology today. Elements of Personality focuses on the four major theoretical approaches to understanding personality: psychodynamic, behavioral and cognitive-behavioral, trait/interpersonal, and humanistic/existential. The author provides detailed coverage of these four major viewpoints and ignores the extraneous “mini-theories” covered in other textbooks. The result is a textbook that offers complex material in an accessible, student-friendly way. Chapters build upon one another, showing how these four perspectives differ alongside various points of convergence. Further drawing on the theme of “connections,” Dr. Bornstein integrates feature boxes to illustrate how the study of personality intersects with work in related psychological subfields (social, cognitive, developmental, and neuropsychology), disciplines outside of psychology, and with aspects of students’ own lives. Rich and relevant examples cover contemporary topics such as social media and online self, personality and politics, friendship formation and maintenance, self-actualization and activism, and more. The book closes by integrating ideas and findings into a holistic understanding of the psychology of personality, with an eye firmly aimed toward the future of personality theory and research. To help with comprehension and retention of the material and provide flexibility for the professor, each chapter ends with a review of key concepts and principles, critical thinking and discussion questions, key terms, and additional readings and resources. For instructors: a companion website is available containing PowerPoint slides, a testbank with multiple-choice and essay questions, sample syllabi, tables and figures files, and more.
American Psychological Association APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology
With significant new and updated content across dozens of chapters, this second editionpresents the most exhaustive treatment available of the techniques psychologists and others have developed to help them pursue a shared understanding of why humans think, feel, and behave the way they do. The initial chapters in this indispensable three-volumehandbook address broad, crosscutting issues faced by researchers: the philosophical, ethical, and societal underpinnings of psychological research.Next, chapters detail the research planning process, describe the range of measurement techniques that psychologists most often use to collect data, consider how to determine the best measurement techniques for a particular purpose, and examine ways to assess the trustworthiness of measures. Additional chapters cover various aspects of quantitative, qualitative, neuropsychological, and biological research designs, presenting an array of options and their nuan
American Psychological Association What to Do When You Worry Too Much: A Kid’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety
Gold NAPPA Winner (National Parenting Publications Awards) What to Do When You Worry Too Much guides children and parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques most often used in the treatment of anxiety. Did you know that worries are like tomatoes? No, you can't eat them, but you can make them grow, simply by paying attention to them. If your worries have grown so big that they bother you almost every day, this book is for you. Lively metaphors and humorous illustrations make the concepts and strategies easy to understand, while clear how-to steps and prompts to draw and write help children to master new skills related to reducing anxiety. This interactive self-help book is the complete resource for educating, motivating, and empowering kids to overcoming their overgrown worries. Engaging, encouraging, and easy to follow, this book educates, motivates, and empowers children to work towards change. Includes a note to parents by psychologist and author Dawn Huebner, PhD. Also available in Spanish Qué Hacer Cuando te Preocupas Demasiado ISBN 978-1-4338-3866-8From the Note to Parents:If you are the parent or caregiver of an anxious child, you know what it feels like to be held hostage. So does your child. Children who worry too much are held captive by their fears. They go to great lengths to avoid frightening situations, and ask the same anxiety-based questions over and over again. Yet the answers give them virtually no relief. Parents and caregivers find themselves spending huge amounts of time reassuring, coaxing, accommodating, and doing whatever else they can think of to minimize their child’s distress. But it doesn’t work. The anxiety remains in control. As you have undoubtedly discovered, simply telling an anxious child to stop worrying doesn’t help at all. Nor does applying adult logic, or allowing your child to avoid feared situations, or offering reassurance every time the fears are expressed. This book is part of the Magination Press What-to-Do Guides for Kids® series and includes an “Introduction to Parents and Caregivers.” What-to-Guides for Kids® are interactive self-help books designed to guide 6–12 year olds and their parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques most often used in the treatment of various psychological concerns. Engaging, encouraging, and easy to follow, these books educate, motivate, and empower children to work towards change.
American Psychological Association Teleconsultation in Schools: A Guide to Collaborative Practice
This practical guide to teleconsulting for school psychology professionals demonstrates how rapid advances in the field can help them expand support for educators, administrators, students, and their families by providing online access to consulting services. As schools adapt to teaching in the era of COVID and beyond, educators and school administrators have an increased need for consultation services via videoconferencing and other technologies. This book provides the first comprehensive introduction to how school psychology professionals can provide effective and culturally-sensitive teleconsultation. The authors describe a step-by-step consulting framework for building productive and collaborative relationships with educators, students, and families, and for troubleshooting any technical or client-related difficulties that arise. This framework includes building rapport with clients, identifying the presenting problem, developing and implementing treatment plans, and performing ongoing evaluations. Case examples illustrate each chapter, and a variety of online infographics are available as learning aids. The book concludes with a consideration of barriers to service, including accessibility, and considers the future promise of teleconsultation in schools.
American Psychological Association Succeeding With Adult ADHD: Daily Strategies to Help You Achieve Your Goals and Manage Your Life
Stop feeling frustrated by what you are not accomplishing and start making practical steps toward achieving your goals. This expanded and updated new edition of psychologist Abigail Levrini's bestselling book offers realistic, proven strategies to help adults with ADHD lead more fulfilling and productive lives. With her extensive experience researching and treating adults with ADHD, Levrini provides user‑friendly strategies for setting meaningful and realistic goals, developing a plan to achieve the goals, and staying on track while following the plan. Slip‑ups are normal and expected, so Levrini invites readers to keep a positive, growth‑oriented outlook that focuses on progress, rather than perfection. Each chapter is full of examples and self‑help activities, such as quizzes and worksheets, enabling readers to apply strategies to multiple areas of life. Special attention is given to the areas of executive function that most adults with ADHD seek help for, and to typical challenges in living a healthy and productive life, including time management, relationships, organization, job performance, and recognizing common coexisting conditions such as depression and anxiety.
American Psychological Association Don't Hug the Quokka!
That quokka may be cute, but does it want a hug? The quokka says “No!” In Don't Hug That Quokka!, young readers get a lighthearted and friendly introduction to the concept of consent, learning that even the most adorable creatures might not want a hug—unless they say so!Consent is a really important topic for parents to introduce with young children, but it can be tricky to do so in a way that’s clear without being frightening. This book is funny and cute, but has a clear message that you have to ask before touching someone else—it’s a good place to start for young kids.
American Psychological Association Deliberate Practice in Systemic Family Therapy
Deliberate practice exercises allow students and trainees to rehearse systemic family therapy (SFT) skills to develop basic competence and hone their own personal therapeutic style.In these exercises, two or more trainees role-play couples or family therapy sessions with one trainee acting as the therapist and the others acting as clients, rotating through these roles under a supervisor’s guidance. The trainee playing the therapist improvises appropriate and authentic responses to client statements organized into three difficulty levels—beginner, intermediate, and advanced—that reflect common problems and concerns encountered by SFT practitioners. The first 12 exercises each focus on a single skill, such as building a therapeutic alliance, deescalating conflicts, establishing rules and boundaries, and addressing diversity issues. These are followed by two comprehensive exercises—an annotated transcript and free-form mock therapy sessions—in which trainees integrate these essential skills into a single SFT session. Step-by-step instructions guide participants through the exercises, identify criteria for mastering each skill, and explain how to monitor and adjust difficulty. Guidelines to help trainers and trainees get the most out of training are also provided.
American Psychological Association Blossom and Bud
This story will help kids love themselves all around, no matter their shape or size. Includes a Note to Parents and Caregivers about nurturing a positive body image in children. Blossom and Bud live in Mr. Baxter's flower shop, among plants of every imaginable size, color, and shape. Blossom doesn’t like how tall she is and tries to hide her height. Bud doesn’t like how he looks, so he tries to force his flower to bloom. But Mr. Baxter thinks they are just right, as they are, and has a special role for each of them. This new story is from the author of the popular books that feature Bentley the bee, Bee Still: An Invitation to Meditation, Be Heartful: Spread Loving Kindness, and Bee Calm: The Buzz on Yoga, as well as Snitchy Witch, Did You Hear? A Story about Gossip, A World of Pausabilities: An Exercise in Mindfulness, Don't Put Yourself Down in Circus Town: A Story about Self-Confidence, and Sally Sore Loser: A Story About Winning and Losing.
American Psychological Association Grow Kind
Grow Kind is a gentle narrative based on positive psychology and choice theory, essentially about cultivating kindness. Kiko grows and cultivates her garden, harvesting and sharing the fruits and veggies with her friends, neighbors, and family. This delightful tale serves as a metaphor of nurturing relationships and community, while sharing kindness with others. Grow Kind is the perfect read alongside Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller and Jen Hill, I Am Kind by Suzy Capozzi and Eren Unten, I Am Human: A Book of Empathy by Susan Verde and Peter H. Reynolds, Kind Ninja: A Children’s Book About Kindness by Mary Nhin, Tomorrow I'll Be Kind by Jessica Hische, and Channel Kindness: Stories of Kindness and Community by Born This Way Foundation Reporters and Lady Gaga. GROW READERS with the acclaimed Grow series of books Grow Kind, Grow Grateful, and Grow Happy.
American Psychological Association Trans+: Love, Sex, Romance, and Being You
A groundbreaking all-inclusive, uncensored, must-have guide for teens who are living in this world, who identify as transgender, nonbinary, gender non-conforming, gender fluid, or are questioning their gender identity or how they express themselves, and for their cis-allies and advocates. Gender is hard. Really hard, because it is made up; it's a way that humans have developed over the millennia to simplify how we see and interact with our complex and messy world and to classify and categorize all the people in it. The concept of gender has changed over time and not everyone agrees on the ways gender works or how to define it. But individuals alone are the ones who gets to determine for themselves what gender means and how to live it.Trans+ answers hard questions about gender expression and identity, covers mental health and wellness as well as developing bodies and reproduction, transitioning medically, socially and legally, healthy v. unhealthy relationships, sex and pleasure, and life as a trans or nonbinary individual. It's full of essential information teens need--and want--and includes up close and personal stories from the authors and trans youth, evocatively relating their own experiences of love, sex, romance, and just being their wonderful selves. But perhaps most importantly, Trans+ will remind readers that no matter where they may live and who they are, transgender and non-binary people have often held a revered place in their societies as shamans, healer, leaders, and esteemed rulers. And just like their ancestors, they are perfect, whole and complete beings, no less than the stars and stardust covering the entire universe.2020 ALA Rainbow Book List Selection A Bank Street College Best Book of the Year, Starred Outstanding Merit Title 2019 Foreword INDIES Awards Finalist
American Psychological Association Mindful Bea and the Worry Tree
Bea is anxiously waiting for her friends to show up for her birthday party. When the worries start to grow around her like tree branches, she uses breathing exercises and visualization techniques to calm herself down. Bea asks herself questions like, “What if my friends don’t like the games?” Her stomach flip-flops and she feels shaky. She tries to run away from the thoughts in the worry tree, but it doesn’t work! Bea uses deep-breathing exercises and visualization techniques to calm herself down. Includes a Note to Parents and Caregivers by Ara Schmitt, PhD about the ways in which kids can respond to their anxious thoughts.
American Psychological Association What to Do When You Don't Want to Be Apart: A Kid’s Guide to Overcoming Separation Anxiety
Hot air balloon pilots have wonderful adventures, where they get to see things they have never seen before and learn all about the world outside. Flying a hot air balloon sounds like a lot of fun to some kids. But for other kids, the idea of flying off on their own, away from their parents or homes, doesn't sound like fun at all. If you feel scared when you do something alone or away from your parents, this book is for you! What to Do When You Don't Want to Be Apart guides children and their parents through the emotions underlying separation anxiety using strategies and techniques based on cognitive-behavioral principles. This interactive self-help book is the complete resource for educating, motivating, and empowering children to overcome separation anxiety — so they can become the confident pilots of their very own hot air balloons!
American Psychological Association A World of Pausabilities: An Exercise in Mindfulness
Gold medal, Mom’s Choice Awards. Silver medal, 2017 Independent Publisher Book AwardsFollowing a neighborhood on a summer day, readers will learn how to apply mindfulness to simple, everyday moments, and how days are filled with endless possibilities to take a pause. In our increasingly hectic world, even children are often inundated with responsibilities and activities, and end up feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Mindfulness helps focus our attention on the present—without judgment, and without worrying about the past or future. It can help us to enjoy the moments we might normally miss, as well as cope when emotions are hard to handle. We just need to take a pause! Everyone has the capacity to be mindful, including (especially!) children. A World of Pausabilities is a gentle reminder to stop, take a break, and notice details even as we go about our busy days. Sometimes the simplest moments are the most important ones—if we don’t let them pass us by! Includes a Note to Parents and Caregivers that further discusses mindfulness and ways to introduce pauses into your child's life.
American Psychological Association Ethical Choices in Research: Managing Data, Writing Reports, and Publishing Results in the Social Sciences
This book provides a comprehensive overview of ethical concerns researchers must face after collecting the study data. It teaches readers how to avoid issues related to data management and analysis, the publication process, and the researcher’s obligations after publication. You have almost completed your research and you are certain that the treatment of human participants was ethically sound. The hefty ethical deliberations are behind you, right? Not quite. In this practical and informative books, Harris Cooper provides an insider’s guidance on the many choices yet to come. Following the course of a typical project, Cooper describes the ethics—and etiquette—behind each stage. He anticipates ethical problems that occur in the early stages of planning research, the middle stages of data management and report preparation, and the final stage of publications. At each stage, he emphasizes the value of early planning to meet one’s professional responsibilities as a scientist.
American Psychological Association Deliberate Practice in Motivational Interviewing
Deliberate practice exercises help clinicians develop competence in fundamental motivational interviewing skills to better assist clients with change goals, like quitting addictive behaviors and developing healthier habits, and to improve treatment engagement and retention.These exercises present role-playing scenarios in which two trainees act as a client and a clinician, switching back and forth under the guidance of a supervisor. The clinician improvises appropriate and authentic responses to client statements organized into three difficulty levels—beginner, intermediate, and advanced—that reflect common client questions and concerns. The first 12 exercises focus on specific skills, such as offering simple and complex reflections and affirmations, eliciting change talk, supporting client autonomy, and collaboratively mapping session agendas. These are followed by two comprehensive exercises—an annotated transcript and free-form mock therapy sessions—in which trainees integrate essential skills into one session.Step-by-step instructions guide participants through the exercises, identify criteria for skill mastery, and explain how to monitor and adjust difficulty. Guidelines and forms to help trainers and trainees get the most out of training are also provided.
American Psychological Association Complex Depression: The Role of Personality Dynamics and Social Ecology
In this empirical yet deeply humanistic work, Golan Shahar investigates the dynamic relationship between personality and social factors in complex depression, identifying avenues for research and offering hope for sufferers and treatment providers. Shahar synthesizes research and clinical wisdom to enhance our understanding of complex depression, a mental illness defined by its chronicity, heterogeneity, and serious consequences including suicide. He focuses on Melanie Klein’s object relations theory and depressive position, reconceptualizing both from a transtheoretical perspective, with an emphasis on four key factors: demeaning affect; affect regulation; maladaptive schemas and scripts; and a time axis consisting of past, current, and projected future experiences. Shahar also explores how individuals externalize self-critical feelings, in turn creating a malignant social environment and a vicious cycle of self-recrimination. To explain this toxic relationship, Shahar presents ecodynamics, a novel theory examining relationship patterns between the self and their social contexts. The book offers tools and procedures for assessing complex depression and guidelines for integrative psychotherapy. Case examples, including the author’s profound personal investigation into his stepfather’s suicide, vividly demonstrate the causes and consequences of complex depression.
American Psychological Association Chronic Pain and Opioid Management: Strategies for Integrated Treatment
This book presents an integrated approach for concurrently treating chronic pain and opioid use. Many patients who suffer from chronic pain are also managing opioid medications. Because this population often requires a higher level of care, it is critical for providers to address pain and opioid management together. This book presents an integrated healthcare team approach that helps patients manage opioid use in a structured, safe, and supportive environment while also exploring all of the factors that impact the patients’ pain experience. This whole-person approach to care allows for cross-cutting strategies to be applied and maximizes the reduction of suffering. The behavioral treatment strategies in this book can help providers assist patients who are struggling with chronic pain and have relied on opioids at one point. This includes individuals that are considering de-prescribing, are in the process of opioid tapering, have recently discontinued from opioids, or are currently using opioids effectively for pain. Combining expert clinical guidance with the latest research and practical case examples, the book helps practitioners across healthcare disciplines understand their patients, improve rapport and engagement, and implement treatment strategies to help patients live their best lives.