Search results for ""American Psychological Association""
American Psychological Association Handbook of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Volume 2: Applications
Volume 2 of this two-volume handbook of contemporary cognitive behavioral scholarship evaluates the application of CBT to specific clinical conditions, modalities and settings, and diverse populations.
American Psychological Association Navigating Difficult Moments in Teaching Diversity and Social Justice
This essential resource helps educators tackle the most common and challenging dilemmas that arise in today’s classroom—such as diversity, privilege, and intersectionality. This book examines common challenges that arise for educators teaching social justice and diversity-related courses and offers best practices for addressing them. Contributors cover issues such as the many roles instructors play, inside and outside of college and university classrooms, for example, in handling personal threats, responsibly incorporating current events related to social justice into classroom discussion, navigating one's own stigmatized or privileged identities, dealing with bias in teaching evaluations, and engaging in self-care. The authors' backgrounds offer unique perspectives from which to approach such complex subject matter; several contributors are feminist or intersectional scholars with the experience and expertise to address the pedagogical dilemmas that often arise in teaching social justice. Many of the issues discussed arise from the authors' own experiences as teachers in the current social climate; however, they also are verified by research on quality teaching in general and teaching about diversity specifically.
American Psychological Association Zero to 60: A Teen’s Guide to Manage Frustration, Anger, and Everyday Irritations
Expert author Michael Tompkins offers tips and tricks to help stall anger and leave it by the side of the road. High performance cars can go from zero to sixty in just a few seconds. Anger can feel a lot like that for teens. One minute they are calm, but the next, something sets them on a course to speed out of control. Getting to anger’s edge too fast can get teens in trouble. Teens will learn how to calm their body, derail thoughts that fuel anger and learn how to communicate and de-escalate situations.
American Psychological Association The Cognitive Neuroscience of Humor
In this innovative book, cognitive psychologist Shelia M. Kennison presents a rich overview of research on how the human brain works when processing humor, drawing on the new and sophisticated brain‑imaging technologies that have enabled researchers and health professionals to expand their knowledge about how the brain works under different conditions. Kennison examines how humor is involved in cognition and memory, human development, and overall mental and physical health. Studies show that comprehending humor involves numerous regions throughout the brain and leads to physiological changes in the brain and body, which are beneficial for health. In contrast, humor deficits are observed in cases of normal aging, brain damage resulting from traumatic brain injury or disease, and developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder. Readers will gain a fundamental understanding of the biological basis of humor.
American Psychological Association Microaggressions and Traumatic Stress: Theory, Research, and Clinical Treatment
Challenging current definitions of trauma, Kevin L. Nadal distills the latest research on the effects of microaggressions, looking at how regular exposure to subtle discrimination can, over time, elicit similar symptoms to severe trauma. Previous research on trauma has suggested that it results from experiencing or witnessing actual or threatened death, or serious injury, but this view has been expanding in recent years. New research has focused on the relationship between persistent, often casual social discrimination and trauma. In a changing world where discrimination seems to take center stage on the news, more and more individuals are able to put a name to the daily microaggressions that may plague their lives. These stressors can act as trigger mechanisms that impact their ability to cope with life stressors, affecting self‑esteem and relationships. This brief but comprehensive volume includes illustrative case studies that will help practitioners understand and treat clients with trauma resulting from persistent but otherwise subtle and difficult-to-identify microaggressions.
American Psychological Association Supervision Essentials for the Practice of Competency-Based Supervision
This concise text describes a trans-theoretical approach that has been the gold standard in supervisory practice for nearly two decades. Supervision Essentials for the Practice of Competency-Based Supervision shows readers how to identify, assess, and track the knowledge, specific skills, broad attitudes, and human values that undergird a series of professional competencies spanning the breadth of clinical practice. Case examples illuminate the supervisory give-and-take as trainees develop competence in areas such as professional values, sensitivity to individual and cultural differences, ethical and legal standards, self-care, scientific knowledge and methods, applying evidence-based practice, and more. From practicum, to internship and general practice, the competency-based approach offers clear training goals that organize and focus the supervisor’s attention where it’s needed most. This book also includes dialogue from the authors’ supervision session with a real trainee as shown in the DVD Competency-Based Supervision.
American Psychological Association Performance Psychology in Action: A Casebook for Working With Athletes, Performing Artists, Business Leaders, and Professionals in High-Risk Occupations
Expert athletes understand the mind-body connection. For years, they have learned mental skills from coaches, consultants, and other practitioners in order to optimize physical performance. Now, these same mental skills are being taught to a broad range of performers, such as dancers, actors, lawyers, surgeons, business leaders, and rescue workers. The resulting new field of performance psychology allows performers from a variety of fields to "get their head out of the way so that their body can do what it's trained to do." In detail, this book shows the everyday practice of performance psychology. Case by case, the stories demonstrate how consultants have helped performers develop confidence, overcome mental blocks, manage emotions, and use preparation techniques such as imagery and positive self-talk in order to achieve the best possible mental state for performance. The chapters blend theory and practice by integrating literature reviews with real-world applications, and they cover a wide range of performers, including athletes, performing artists, business leaders, and professionals in high-risk occupations. Extensive session transcripts are provided, including the consultants' thoughts and reactions throughout the session. Engaging, nuanced, personal, and highly accessible, this book will help practitioners and students from a variety of fields explore performance psychology — in action.
American Psychological Association Spirituality and the Therapeutic Process: A Comprehensive Resource From Intake to Termination
This book is for therapists who want to enhance their effectiveness with clients whose spirituality is a salient part of their worldview. Whether or not the therapist has a spiritual background, the authors demonstrate that it is possible to honor clients' spiritual experience from the beginning to the end of the therapeutic process. Practical strategies, techniques, and examples are used to show how spirituality can influence each stage of treatment from before the clinical intake, starting with an understanding of ethical practice guidelines and therapist self-awareness, through termination. Self-reflection questions, diverse case examples, and a multiple session case study chapter are provided to build readers' understanding and ability to incorporate spirituality into counseling and psychotherapy. Practitioners in a broad variety of fields, including counseling and clinical psychology, counselor education, and marriage and family therapy will find this book to be a rich source of ideas for examining and modifying their practice. The authors discuss therapist self-awareness tools such as genogram, autobiography, journaling, and mindfulness; recommendations for overcoming biases toward spirituality; and how an agency's climate, referral sources, and intake forms can discourage or set the stage for discussing the spiritual. Chapters provide example probing questions and assessment instruments for exploring how spirituality can be a source of strength or confound problems, and present sample treatment plans that address various encounters with clients' spirituality. Authors demonstrate how meaning systems theory can inform case conceptualization and how spiritual discussions and interventions can be part of cognitive behavioral, interpersonal, psychodynamic, and humanistic therapies. The book also prepares readers for spiritual issues that frequently arise in termination, even if spirituality had not been a focus in previous sessions.
American Psychological Association What to Do When Bad Habits Take Hold: A Kid's Guide to Overcoming Nail Biting and More
Honors NAPPA (National Parenting Publications Awards) WinneriParenting Media Award WinnerWhat to Do When Bad Habits Take Hold provides the keys to escape from a variety of pesky habits. Engaging examples, lively illustrations, and step-by-step instructions teach essential habit-busting strategies, targeting everything from nail biting and thumb sucking to shirt chewing, hair twirling, and more. This interactive self-help book is the complete resource for educating, motivating, and empowering children to set themselves free. This book is part of the Magination Press What-to-Do Guides for Kids series and includes an “Introduction to Parents and Caregivers.” What-to-Do Guides for Kids are interactive self-help books designed to guide 6–12 year olds and their parents through the cognitive-behavioral techniques most often used in the treatment of various psychological concerns. Engaging, encouraging, and easy to follow, these books educate, motivate, and empower children to work towards change.
American Psychological Association Psychology in the Service of National Security
This volume highlights the diverse contributions of military psychologists toward U.S. security and toward the discipline of psychology itself. The United States Armed Forces have frequently led American culture in personnel and policy changes that the general population had difficulty accepting, such as racial integration and the integration of women. In addition, psychologists in the military have used clinical approaches to post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance abuse, and psychopharmacology that have tested research understanding before widespread use for the general public. Currently, psychologists are working with policy makers to help the public build resiliency and cope with disasters, terrorism, and possible threats to the homeland. By putting their skills to work in such areas as personnel management, ergonomics, clinical care, training, leadership and executive development, and social and behavioral research, these individuals have transformed psychology into an integrative discipline that now encompasses aspects of health care and other fields such as information technology and disaster management. Psychology in the Service of National Security includes perspectives of psychologists and social scientists representing the uniformed services, research institutions, business, and academia. Readers interested in the history of psychology will learn how our armed services came to be on the cutting edge in many areas of basic and applied science. Readers inside and outside the military will learn lessons from military psychology that they can apply to community-based homeland security efforts.
American Psychological Association Don't Squeal Unless It's a Big Deal: A Tale of Tattletales
iParenting Media Award Winner!In this highly entertaining story for young children, kids will learn when "squealing" on your fellow classmate is appropriate and when it is merely tattling!There were nineteen students in Mrs. McNeal's class. And nineteen tattletales. Set in a school classroom, the "kids" in the class—really, feisty piglets—constantly tattle on each other, creating an air of frustration and distrust. As the story unfolds, the teacher, rather than strictly policing the situation, addresses underlying feelings and encourages mutual problem solving. Although most kids' problems are kid-sized ones that they can work out themselves, tattling is a fact of life for young children. Their ability to solve problems on their own is just developing, and they often feel they can't manage a situation without help from an adult. As every teacher and parent knows, kids also tattle on their classmates and siblings because they want to look like the "good child," or be appreciated as helpful, or even just get some attention. And of course, kids sometimes tattle as a means of getting back at another child, especially a bigger brother or sister. With warmth and humor, this story for young grade-schoolers offers easy guidelines so that kids know when to talk to each other, and when to call in the grown-ups. A Note to Teachers and Parents is also included.
American Psychological Association Parenting That Works: Building Skills That Last a Lifetime
A guide to building parenting skills so that children can grow up as happy and compassionate adults. Being a parent is probably the most important job many of us will ever have. We recognize that it is not enough to simply raise a child who does what he or she is told or gets good grades. In this book, clinical psychologist Dr. Edward Christophersen and his colleague, child psychologist Dr. Susan Mortweet, show parents how to raise their child to become the adult we'd all like to be—one who is happy and compassionate, confident but not aggressive, and able to make and keep friends. They point out that from babyhood on through the school years, children learn these qualities by observing and interacting with their parents. In clearly written, easy-to-follow chapters, parents are shown how to model and reward positive behaviors and avoid the need for ineffective, punitive discipline. Two key areas are covered in the book: building one's own skills as a parent, and then building one's child's competencies. Scores of practical examples show parents how to teach their children what is important in life, how to communicate clearly, and how to effectively discipline their child. Special parenting topics such as managing a child's behavior in public, monitoring TV, toys, and games, and handling fallout from divorce are also discussed. Readers then learn how to build their child's basic skills by teaching him or her how to quickly get over upsets and how to play independently. The authors also dispense wise advice on the all-too-common problems associated with bedtime and sleeping, toilet training, aggression, and tantrums. This book is a great resource that parents will find reassuring, comprehensive, and thought-provoking.
American Psychological Association Carol Gilligan and the Search for Voice
A biography of the life and work of groundbreaking developmental psychologist Carol Gilligan, intended for high school age readers, part of the APA''sExtraordinary Women in Psychology Series. Carol Gilligan has devoted her life to discovering, uncovering, and recovering voices belonging to girls and women, as well as boys and men. Through her work, she has played an enormous role in reconceptualizing traditionally held views on moral and identity development in young people, most prominently in her landmark 1982 book detailing her ethic of care model, In a Different Voice (coined by Harvard University Press as “The little book that started a revolution”). Drawing on source material that includes interviews with Gilligan as well as her own writings in books and articles, this book offers young readers not only the opportunity to learn about a pioneering psychologist and her momentous work, but also for them to consider the potential powe
American Psychological Association Psychoanalytic Theory and Cultural Competence in Psychotherapy
While psychoanalytic scholars often address specific aspects of diversity such as gender, race, immigration, religion, sexual orientation, and social class, the literature lacks a set of core principles to inform and support culturally competent practice. This approachable volume, now available in paperback, responds to that pressing need. Drawing on the contributions of psychoanalytic scholars as well as multicultural and feminist psychologists, Pratyusha Tummala-Narra presents a theoretical framework that reflects the realities of clients’ lives and addresses the complex sociocultural issues that influence their psychological health. Psychoanalytic theory proves to be particularly valuable in exploring unconscious processes, recurrent themes, and transference and counter-transference. In examining these questions, the author provides engaging case illustrations from her own clinical practice, as well as findings from her research with youth of immigrant origin.
American Psychological Association Step by Step
The world is full of exciting new things for Sam to try...but new things can be scary! Can his mom help him figure out how to face his fears? Sam is getting older, and every day there are new things for him to try, from a trip to a farm, to going to a new friend's house, to the first day of school. But Sam can't help but worry about all these new things--what if he doesn't like them? His mom helps him figure out what small steps he can take, little by little, so that he realizes he can handle it. Includes a Note to Parents & Caregivers with more information about helping children face their fears.
American Psychological Association Speaking the Unspoken: Breaking the Silence, Myths, and Taboos That Hurt Therapists and Patients
This book shows how silence around taboo topics can undermine therapy goals, as well as the teaching, practice, and profession of psychotherapy more broadly. It gives readers the skills they need to recognize and overcome barriers to speaking up. The authors describe current and historical contexts that can make frank discussions of certain topics difficult, and present factors that play a role in self-silencing. Strategies including questions for reflection and group exercises can help readers build the courage to talk more openly, honestly, and directly in the therapy room and beyond. Chapters focus on a variety of topics that can be difficult to discuss openly including physical difference and disability, sexual orientation, sexual reactions to clients, therapist feelings of anger, oppression, white supremacy culture, religion, money and fees, and death and dying.Speaking the Unspoken seeks to create dialogue, by encouraging the reader to deepen their understanding of these underexamined topics and improve their ability to help clients and strengthen the profession.
American Psychological Association A Year of Celebraciones
Join the celebrations as a class full of kids discovers how cultures around the world observe the new year. From Laos to Mexico, China to Scotland, Iran to Nicaragua, and more, A Year of Celebraciones follows the main character’s continuing cultural education as she learns about how different kids and families she knows celebrate New Year’s. Traditions include decorations, gifts, foods, and gatherings. This exciting tour of the globe will encourage kids to learn about how their own families ring in the end of the year and the beginning of the next, while discovering that there are so many ways to celebrate!
American Psychological Association Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care: Step-By-Step Guidance for Assessment and Intervention
This timely new edition brings the reader up to speed with the changing aspects of primary care service delivery in response to the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH), the Triple-Aim health approach, and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Drawing on research evidence and years of experience, the authors provide practical information and guidance for behavioral health care practitioners who wish to work more effectively in the fast-paced setting of primary care, and provide detailed advice for addressing common health problems such as generalized anxiety disorder, depression, weight issues, sleep problems, cardiovascular disorders, pain disorders, sexual problems, and more. New to this edition are chapters on population health and the PCMH; children, adolescents, and parenting; couples; managing suicide risk; and shared medical appointments. This paperback edition was previously published in hardcover in 2017.
American Psychological Association How Are You, Verity?
A neurodivergent child interacts with their neighbors to discover the true meaning behind greetings and salutations. When people say “How are you?” are they really asking or just saying hello? Verity, who is neurodivergent, plans an experiment to figure this out. Verity is bubbling with excitement about an upcoming school field trip to the aquarium! When neighbors ask, “How are you?” Verity shares their excitement and fascinating facts about sea animals. Their older brother John kindly suggests that the question "How are you?" is actually a greeting and not an invitation to share so much. Verity plans an experiment to find out if their brother is right. But when the trip to the aquarium is cancelled, Verity is heartbroken. When people ask “How are you?” what should they say then?
American Psychological Association Becoming a Citizen Therapist: Integrating Community Problem-Solving Into Your Work as a Healer
This book shows therapists how they can impact their communities by engaging their fellow citizens in addressing broad-based health and social problems. The greatest untapped resources for improving our health and social well-being are the knowledge, energy, and first-hand wisdom of the individuals, families, and communities who have dealt with challenges in their everyday lives. Mental health professionals can learn how to leverage these relationships to enact broader, community-wide change, using practices that fall outside of traditional methods of mental health service delivery. This book presents insights from the authors' two decades of work in the citizen health care model, in which they have partnered with leaders from a wide range of communities on initiatives designed to improve health and remove social barriers. Readers will learn big-picture strategies for identifying and developing community-level initiatives, from disease prevention to broader cultural challenges, as well as common problems that arise when doing this work. Includes in-depth discussions of successful, real-world programs co-created by therapists and community members, including: diabetes education anti-smoking campaigns political depolarization police interactions
American Psychological Association Qué Hacer Cuando las Noticias te Asustan: Guía para Niños para Entender las Noticias Actuales / What to Do When the News Scares You (Spanish Edition)
Esta última entrega de la serie “Qué Hacer” más vendida abarca los sentimientos de ansiedad de los niños en torno a los acontecimientos actuales y a lo que aparece en las noticias. Las noticias aterradoras son una parte inevitable de la vida. Este libro puede apoyar y guiar los esfuerzos para que las noticias aterradoras parezcan un poco más manejables para los jóvenes. Ya sea a través de la televisión, de la radio de tu carro o las conversaciones de los adultos, los niños suelen ser bombardeados con noticias. Cuando los acontecimientos que se describen incluyen violencia, fenómenos meteorológicos extremos, un brote de una enfermedad o discusiones sobre amenazas más dispersas, como el cambio climático, los niños pueden asustarse y sentirse abrumados. Los padres y cuidadores pueden estar preparados para ayudarles a entender y procesar los mensajes que les rodean utilizando este libro. Qué Hacer Cuando las Noticias te Asustan ofrece ayudar a los niños a poner en perspectiva los sucesos que les asustan. Si los niños empiezan a preocuparse o a ponerse ansiosos por las cosas que han oído, hay formas para ayudarles a calmarse y sobrellevar la situación. Este libro también ayuda a los niños a identificar los esfuerzos de los reporteros por añadir emoción a la historia, lo que también puede hacer que las amenazas parezcan más inminentes, universales y extremas. Lea y complete las actividades que están en Qué hacer cuando las noticias te asustan con su hijo para ayudarle a entender las noticias en su contexto -quién, qué, dónde, cuándo, cómo- como medio de introducir un sentido de la perspectiva.
American Psychological Association Motivation and Morality: A Multidisciplinary Approach
This book offers an integrative examination of the role of motivation in shaping moral cognition, judgment, and behavior. How do we define good and bad? Where do our moral systems originate? These questions have long sparked inquiry across multiple disciplines, and scholars have debated the answers both within and across academic fields for centuries. Contributors to this volume cut across disciplines and modes of inquiry to answer key questions about moral motivation. They examine the sociocultural context of morality including norms and norm compliance; psychological frameworks that underlie virtuous behavior and help navigate competing moral obligations; the neurobiology of moral reasoning, and more. In bringing together leading researchers across sociology, philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience, this book illustrates the complex motivational aspects of morality, which represents a crucial step toward understanding how and why our moral choices arise, and in turn can shape and guide our behavior.
American Psychological Association Decolonial Psychology: Toward Anticolonial Theories, Research, Training, and Practice
This book offers an expert synthesis of the scholarly literature on approaches to decolonial psychology, its historical foundations, education and training, and psychological practice. From its inception, psychological science and practice in the United States has been framed predominantly by Eurocentric epistemologies. As a result, oppressed people have internalized the belief that their culture and values are inferior to those of dominant groups. Infusing a decolonial lens into psychology is one way for the field to become more inclusive and relevant to the numerical majority worldwide. Decolonial psychology creates space and methods for oppressed and impoverished communities to radically imagine their existence outside of the superimposed borders of coloniality, neoliberalism, racism, and other systems of oppression. It emphasizes how people's subjectivity and connections to diverse social groups are influenced by history, context, and oppression; how these populations actively resist and survive attacks on their humanity; and how knowledge production is shaped not only by how data is interpreted but also by the questions asked. The chapters in this book provide an opportunity for readers to deepen their understanding of how colonization and coloniality impacted knowledge creation in society and the field of psychology, including thought-provoking resources that explore the subject matter. The book also underscores how coloniality continues to reverberate in many aspects of psychology today. Collectively, the authors invite readers to resist engaging in psycolonization by generating ideas and pathways to help reclaim, honor, and celebrate Indigenous ways of knowing and being. The volume offers guidance on methods to disrupt psycolonization and its epistemic violence, helping to provide a roadmap to decolonial psychology and anticolonial futures. It is time to confront the limitations of mainstream psychology. This book will help psychologists at all levels anchor their research, teaching, and practice in decolonial methods and practices.
American Psychological Association Deliberate Practice in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Deliberate practice exercises provide trainees and students an opportunity to build competence in essential rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) skills while developing their own personal therapeutic style. These exercises present role-playing scenarios in which two trainees act as a client and a clinician, switching back and forth under the guidance of a supervisor. The clinician improvises appropriate and authentic responses to client statements organized into three difficulty levels—beginner, intermediate, and advanced—that reflect common client questions and concerns. Each of the first 12 exercises focuses on a single skill, such as psychoeducation, assessing and disputing irrational beliefs, helping clients differentiate maladaptive vs. adaptive behaviors and emotions, teaching clients the ABC model, and developing homework assignments. Two comprehensive exercises follow in which trainees integrate these essential skills into a single REBT session. Step-by-step instructions guide participants through the exercises, identify criteria for mastering each skill, and explain how to monitor and adjust difficulty. Guidelines to help trainers and trainees get the most out of training are also provided.
American Psychological Association Career Psychology: Models, Concepts, and Counseling for Meaningful Employment
Career Psychology describes the theory, science, and practice of career counseling, a field that serves as the foundation for career planning, occupational exploration, career decision-making, vocational choice, job entry, work adjustment, and retirement. This book usefully consolidates and advances knowledge about the scientific foundations and practical applications of vocational psychology and career counseling, a field that serves as the basis for career planning, occupational exploration, career decision making, vocational choice, job entry, work adjustment, and retirement. Chapters written by expert contributors cover key theories and approaches, core and emerging constructs, cultural contexts, and career interventions, showing how counselors can assist diverse groups of people across developmental age periods to construct personally meaningful and socially relevant work lives. This comprehensive work will serve as a ready reference on the evolution, current status, and future directions of vocational psychology and is useful for researchers, practitioners, and students alike.
American Psychological Association Essential Strategies for Organizational and Systems Change: An Overview for Consultants
This text provides conceptual and operational descriptions of the major theories in and strategic approaches to the field of organizational and systems change. Organizational and systems change, a primary focus for many consulting psychologists and other professional consultants, requires a subtle knowledge of human organizations, cultures, and societies. This book describes a variety of strategies and principles involved in O/SC, including general systems theory, chaos and complexity theory, organizational development and change management, organizational and personal learning, psychodynamics and covert processes, and emerging areas of interest including the integration of positive psychology, appreciative inquiry, behavioral theory, and neuropsychology into the practice of O/SC. Essential Strategies for Organizational and Systems Change offers a broad and comprehensive treatment of the research behind and challenges involved in motivating and effecting large‑scale human systems change. While the authors discuss interventions at the individual, group, and organizational/systems level, the outcome of these efforts is focused upon organization and system success, improvement, and survival. The authors provide a thorough overview of theories and strategic approaches in this area, how they developed, the evidence base for their use in practice, practical and effective mental models, examples of how the strategies and models can be applied, and references that will provide the reader with a deeper understanding of the concepts discussed. This book is an invaluable reference resource for anyone wanting to enter or progress in the field of organizational consulting.
American Psychological Association Solution-Focused Therapy
This book captures solution-focused therapy's essence, which distinguishes it from problem-focused approaches that have dominated the psychotherapy profession for over a century. What do therapists and clients talk about when therapy is effective? The development of solution-focused therapy (SFT) has been guided by the ongoing effort to answer this question. Solution-focused therapy is a collaborative approach that invites clients to describe what they want from therapy and apply the knowledge and skills they already have toward achieving it in the shortest time possible. The three main tasks of solution-focused therapy include setting a direction based on what the client wants from therapy, building on exceptions and other resources that are already happening and available in the client's life, and exploring progress toward desired outcomes. The three main techniques of SFT are asking, listening, and amplifying. When practicing purely solution-focused therapy, the therapist does little outside of these activities. Solution-focused principles and practices reflect the core values, ethical codes, and practice standards of professional associations and licensing boards in psychology, counseling, social work, and other helping professions. SFT has proven useful with persons from a variety of cultures and contexts, and on an array of concerns including trauma, substance misuse, and suicide prevention. It is well suited to the time constraints, third-party requirements, and other practical realities facing today's therapists and clients.
American Psychological Association Psychological Assessment of Surgical Candidates: Evidence-Based Procedures and Practices
Psychosocial factors, such as caregiver support and patients’ expectations for quality of life after surgery, can have a strong impact on surgery outcomes. This book presents evidence-based approaches to presurgical psychological assessment across a broad range of medical conditions. Psychologists and other mental health professionals are increasingly included within the preoperative evaluation process for patients preparing for major surgery. Presurgical psychological assessment (PPA) aims to assess both the risk factors for poor surgical outcome, as well as patient strengths and resources that can have a positive impact on surgery results. This book presents evidence-based approaches to PPA across a broad range of medical conditions. Chapters outline a flexible model and practical tips for conducting PPA. They also offer selection and administration guidelines for psychological testing and clinical interviews, and information about relevant ethical and legal issues. Chapters review specific surgical areas in which PPAs are routinely conducted, including metabolic and bariatric, gynecologic, spinal procedures, gender embodiment, breast cancer treatment and prevention, solid organ transplant, deep brain stimulation, and treatment for temporal lobe epilepsy.
American Psychological Association Treating Contemporary Families: Toward a More Inclusive Clinical Practice
Linking research with clinical practice, this text shows therapists how to do evidence-based practice when treating contemporary families. Today’s families are diverse and complex, and their problems do not always improve when treatment focuses on addressing a diagnosis. To achieve successful, lasting change, therapists must help families change their patterns of interaction. This book examines several common interactional challenges that contemporary families face, such as co-parenting, divorce, intimate partner violence, blending families, and loss and bereavement. Contributors examine research on each challenge alongside research on various diverse family types and offer targeted interventions for each family type. With its strong emphasis on inclusion, social justice, and evidence-based practice, this book will help clinicians work with today’s diverse families in effective, empathic, and culturally responsive ways.
American Psychological Association Counseling Psychology
Now in its 4th edition, Counseling Psychology remains one of the leading, trusted introductory texts orienting students to this expansive and dynamic field. This comprehensive overview of the entire field of counseling psychology surveys key professional practices and issues, interventions, science and research, and general basic concepts. It examines the history and growth of the field; its themes and foundations, including vital issues of ethics and cultural competence; its contributions to research in areas such as vocational psychology and social justice; and the ways in which counseling psychologists have helped develop effective practices in psychotherapy and counseling. Building on the four-part structure of the previous edition, Counseling Psychology provides key updates and expanded discussion of important topics like diversity and social justice. The addition of Questions for Reflection at the end of each chapter and feature boxes highlighting important topics and terms throughout the work makes this essential text more interactive and engaging.
American Psychological Association Substance Use Disorders in Underserved Ethnic and Racial Groups: Using Diversity to Help Individuals Thrive
This book examines substance use disorders among individuals and communities of color and offers assessment, treatment, and prevention strategies for supporting and empowering individuals within their cultural contexts. It explores the unique histories and substance use trends within Black/African American, Latino/Latina/Latinx/Hispanic, Asian American/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native communities. This includes the role of intergenerational trauma and the enduring impacts of colonialism, slavery, and systemic oppression, as well modern injustices and inequities in mental health and medical treatment, criminal justice, and other institutions. Expert contributors draw upon their extensive experiences working in these communities to establish evidence-based recommendations for culturally competent care. They explore common challenges with assessment and treatment, including the limitations of established models that fail to properly account for cultural factors. They offer culturally bound solutions that enable mental health professionals to better help individuals and communities while respecting their unique intersectional identities and values.
American Psychological Association Handbook of Research Ethics in Psychological Science
A rich guide for understanding the evolving research landscape in psychology, including changes to core research ethics concepts such as informed consent, privacy, and risk of harm. This handbook offers a thorough and authoritative discussion of the ethical issues in conducting research with human participants. Each chapter poses an important ethical question, considers the relevant factors for addressing the question, and presents guidance for investigators. Topics include: informed consent, deception, risk/benefit ratio, data security, authorship, conflicts of interest, fairness and equity when collaborating with researchers in resource-poor settings, and more. While psychological research with humans still takes place in the investigator’s laboratory and field, there is an increasing trend toward multiple investigators and interdisciplinary research projects owing to the complexity of modern research questions. Furthermore, technology has changed dramatically and affects all psychological researchers, whether they are working individually or in large teams. With its comprehensive scope and practical guidance, this book will serve as an invaluable aid to understanding and navigating the ethical challenges that confront new and seasoned researchers alike.
American Psychological Association Get Funded
An essential guide for those who wish to hone their skills in writing successful grant applications. Scientific research relies on funding, and everyone who conducts research must become adept at funding their research. This book explains how to attain the number one source of research funding: grants. Readers will learn how to prepare grant proposals, how and when to interact with funding institutions, how to interpret and respond to peer review feedback, and much more. Most importantly, they will learn how to identify and convey what makes their proposed research impactful, innovative, and achievable. Author Jeffrey Wayne Elias has an extensive career in grant funding, including 27 years in academia working on grant support and grant reviewing, plus 19 years in grant management and administration. This experience affords him a well-rounded perspective on why some applications succeed while others don’t. Elias helps readers develop and strengthen
American Psychological Association Gesture in Language: Development Across the Lifespan
When do human beings begin producing gestures, and how do they evolve throughout our cognitive and social development? This book investigates the rich and complex ways in which gesture precedes language development and then is used in conjunction with language across the lifespan. Some experts argue that gesture is a part of language, while others argue it is a partner to language. But all agree that gesture plays a major role in language development and practices, and therefore must be captured by scientific analyses. This volume explores gesture's many functions--communicative, restorative, cognitive--across cultures and ages, in monolingual and multilingual populations, in students and in teachers. Gestures, verbal productions, signs, gazes, facial expressions, and postures are all part of our socially learned, intersubjective communicative systems that we combine for the purpose of sharing meaning, referring to present and absent entities and events, expressing projects, desires, and feelings, and so much more. Collectively, the chapters demonstrate how gestures contribute to the cognitive and social development of humans within their lifespan, and may also indicate the efficacy of interactional practices and cognitive processes. This book is thought-provoking reading for psycholinguists, cognitive scientists, and all who study language development.
American Psychological Association Treatment for Postdisaster Distress: A Transdiagnostic Approach
Disasters are an unpredictable source of complex and often urgent mental health issues. A mass casualty disaster occurs somewhere in the world on a near daily basis, and victims can have symptoms that persist over time. Cognitive behavior therapy for postdisaster distress (CBT-PD) is a transdiagnostic approach to the treatment of a range of problematic symptoms that might not meet criteria for a specific disorder. Over 12 to 14 sessions, the CBT-PD program provides psychoeducation about posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the broad array of psychological responses to disasters. It teaches core skills that empower clients to take charge of their recovery: breathing retraining (to reduce hyperarousal and anxiety), activity scheduling of pleasant and meaningful events (to reduce depression and avoidance of valued roles), and cognitive restructuring (to reduce negative feelings and change thoughts and beliefs that underlie persistent postdisaster reactions). Refined over 20 years of clinical practice, this research-based approach is associated with significant reductions in PTSD and other distressing symptoms. This practical guide includes therapist scripts and client vignettes, and over two dozen worksheets, assessment tools, and other clinical handouts that mental health providers can use with their clients. Online appendixes including worksheets, assessment tools, and handouts are available at the Clinician and Practitioner Resources section of the book's companion website (
American Psychological Association Addressing Cultural Complexities in Counseling and Clinical Practice: An Intersectional Approach
Hays’s popular bestseller invites readers to move beyond a one-dimensional view of identity to a nuanced understanding of the overlapping cultural influences that affect us all. This fourth edition's new chapters feature culturally adapted cognitive behavioral tools and techniques, and trauma due to racism and other systemic forms of oppression. It remains richly illustrated with case material, with many new vignettes and examples demonstrating the ADDRESSING framework in both counseling and clinical practice. Other new material includes updated discussion of gender identity, with attention to clinically relevant research regarding transgender and nonbinary people, more on people with disabilities (the largest minority group in the U.S.), the latest terminology and language regarding diverse minority groups, and a special section on social justice and its relationship to therapeutic practice. In an increasingly diverse society, mental health providers must be able to work effectively with a wide variety of clients. The ADDRESSING framework shows clinicians and counselors how to take into account age and generational influences, developmental or other disability, religion and spirituality, ethnic and racial identity, Indigenous heritage, national origin, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and gender. Each chapter includes Key Ideas summaries and practice exercises, making this book ideal for personal, educational, or group use.
American Psychological Association Training and Supervision in Specialized Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Methods, Settings, and Populations
This book describes training, supervision, and consultation with specialized cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) approaches, to ensure proper implementation across a variety of clinical contexts. Although CBT is sometimes portrayed as a single treatment method, the expert contributors in this volume describe a diverse collection of cognitive behavioral theories and techniques, such as exposure therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and child behavior management. Contributors also review application guidelines for a variety of settings, including public schools, inpatient and outpatient medical settings, and diverse client populations representing different religious and spiritual beliefs, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and sexual and gender minorities. For each approach and setting, contributors describe key concepts and techniques, explain the characteristics of good and bad training cases, survey common trainee mistakes and supervision obstacles, and also address common ethical issues. This book is intended for CBT trainees and practitioners who seek training in specialized areas, and those trained in other theoretical orientations who seek to adapt CBT techniques to their practice.
American Psychological Association Personality Disorders and Pathology: Integrating Clinical Assessment and Practice in the DSM-5 and ICD-11 Era
While the DSM-5 retains a categorical model of personality disorders, and the ICD-11 has moved to a fully dimensional model, an alternative hybrid model embodies the best of both worlds. This volume presents the latest theory and research on the diagnosis and treatment of personality disorders. It describes changes in the DSM-5 and ICD-11 assessment of personality disorders, reviews empirical support for these changes, and provides clinical guidance for diagnosing and treating the most common personality disorders. A primary focus throughout the book is the Alternative Model for Personality Disorders (AMPD), found in Section III (Emerging Measures and Models) of the DSM-5. The AMPD is a hybrid of the earlier categorical model of personality disorders and the emerging dimensional model fully embraced in the ICD-11. The AMPD offers a middle-of-the-road approach that is supported by a growing body of research, and it has shown significant promise in clinical use.With its blend of research, clinical guidance, and case studies, this volume will be an essential resource for clinicians and researchers who study and treat the most complex and intractable of mental health problems.
American Psychological Association Essentials of Existential Phenomenological Research
The brief, practical texts in the Essentials of Qualitative Methods series introduce social science and psychology researchers to key approaches to qualitative methods, offering exciting opportunities to gather in-depth qualitative data and to develop rich and useful findings. In this book, Scott D. Churchill introduces readers to existential phenomenological research, an approach that seeks an in-depth, embodied understanding of subjective human existence that reflects a person's values, purposes, ideals, intentions, emotions, and relationships. This method helps researchers understand the lives and needs of others by helping identify and set aside theoretical and ideological prejudgments.About the Essentials of Qualitative Methods book series: Even for experienced researchers, selecting and correctly applying the right method can be challenging. In this groundbreaking series, leading experts in qualitative methods provide clear, crisp, and comprehensive descriptions of their approach, including its methodological integrity, and its benefits and limitations. Each book includes numerous examples to enable readers to quickly and thoroughly grasp how to leverage these valuable methods.
American Psychological Association Something Happened in Our Park: Standing Together After Gun Violence
This important follow-up to the bestselling, groundbreaking, and inspiring Something Happened in Our Town, is a much-needed story to help communities in the aftermath of gun violence. Goddard Riverside CBC Youth Book Prize for Social Justice 2021 Shortlist NCSS-CBC Notable Social Students Trade Book for Young People National Parenting Product Award Winner Finalist, Foreword Book Awards When Miles's cousin Keisha is injured in a shooting, he realizes people can work together to reduce the likelihood of violence in their community. With help from friends and family, Miles learns to use his imagination and creativity to help him cope with his fears. This book can help provide parents with helpful messages of reassurance and empowerment. Includes an extensive Note to Parents and Caregivers with guidelines for discussing community gun violence with children, and sample dialogues.
American Psychological Association They Only See the Outside
On the Notable Poetry Book List from the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) This empathetic collection by renowned Kalli Dakos is a unique reflection of what makes up some of the collective experiences of life. This collection of insightful and endearing poems explores what kids experience on the inside that cannot be seen from the outside. From topics that readers experience every day, like the agony of waiting for recess, to the monotony of homework, to things that aren’t easy to talk about, like death and bullying, the poems are incredibly relatable.
American Psychological Association Qualitative Research in Psychology: Expanding Perspectives in Methodology and Design
Qualitative methods of research contribute valuable information to our understanding and expanding knowledge of psychological phenomena. This updated edition of Qualitative Research in Psychology builds upon the groundwork laid by its acclaimed predecessor, bringing together a diverse group of scholars to illuminate the value that qualitative methods bring to studying psychological phenomena in depth and in context. A range of techniques, guiding paradigms, and rich case examples are explored, demonstrating qualitative methodologies as alternative and complementary to quantitative methods, as a means of exploration and theory building, and as a means of developing and evaluating complex behavior-change interventions. Thoroughly updated chapters reflect advances in this dynamic field. New authors and chapters describe emerging methodologies, qualitative meta-analysis, and how qualitative methods can contribute to a wider psychological approach to research. Pragmatic issues, such as how to choose a method or combination of methods to suit the research question and study design, how to determine the ideal sample size, and how to balance journal space limitations with the need for transparency in describing the study, will be valuable to all readers.
American Psychological Association Raising a Resilient Child in a World of Adversity: Effective Parenting for Every Family
Parenting doesn’t always come naturally. This book offers expert guidance for caregivers who struggle with parenting because of adversity in their own lives, or simply because they are raising kids in an increasingly stressful world. As parents and caregivers we want to help our kids through everything, including difficult or disturbing experiences. But if we or our child have experienced adversity or trauma, this can be especially challenging. How do we know whether we are providing our child or teen with too much structure or not enough? How do we provide discipline that is effective but not overly harsh? How do we teach our kids to be resilient and manage their feelings when we have trouble managing our own? Drawing on their extensive knowledge of ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) and PACEs (protective childhood experiences), psychologists Morris and Hays-Grudo describe a balanced parenting approach to help parents manage these tricky balancing acts with confidence. Each chapter describes a key stage in a child’s life, from babyhood through the teen years and highlights behaviors that are age-typical but often challenging for parents. Real-life examples and self-help activities and quizzes bring the material to life, and a rich resources section provides additional sources of help.
American Psychological Association LGBTQ Family Building: A Guide for Prospective Parents
From surrogacy and adoption, to transgender pregnancy and finding child care, parenting as an LGBTQ person is complex. This book is an authoritative, comprehensive, and easy‑to‑read guide to parenthood and family building for LGBTQ people. The path to becoming a parent is complicated for LGBTQ people. Some LGBTQ people don't consider parenthood because of stereotypes and barriers, while others are interested in parenthood but unsure about the first steps or overwhelmed by the path to take. Still others are discouraged by the attitudes of their family, community, or religion. This book provides LGBTQ parents and prospective parents with the detailed, evidence‑based knowledge they need to navigate the transition to parenthood, and help their children thrive. Dr. Abbie E. Goldberg, psychologist and researcher, uses the results of her LGBTQ Family Building Project to help challenge traditional beliefs that have often been weaponized against LGBTQ people to prevent or discourage them from becoming parents. Dr Goldberg walks readers through the various steps and decision points in becoming a parent, describes key research findings on family building, and offers key questions and reader-friendly checklists to easily enable readers to evaluate the LGBTQ friendliness and overall “fit” of adoption agencies, health care providers, day cares, and other institutions.
American Psychological Association All the Feelings Under the Sun: How to Deal With Climate Change
KIDS' BOOK CHOICE AWARDS finalist!All the Feelings Under the Sun is a timely, thoughtful book that will help kids work through your feelings of anxiety and stress relating to climate change. Kids will get an expert understanding of the science behind climate crisis, plus engage with lots of do-able self-guided activities, journaling prompts, and useful resources. Readers will also hear about other kids around the world who have made a difference that just may inspire them to practice eco-justice and combat global climate injustice themselves, by putting their own eco-values into action.All the Feelings Under the Sun is bound to help kids find just want they need to manage stress, anxiety, and all those big emotions about climate, the environment, and ecosystems, and become better equipped to take an eco-wise approach to life and make their own part of the world a little healthier and happier, too. Kids will discover all the ways that nature is beautiful, powerful, delicate, fierce, mysterious, and awesome, but also learn how rising temperatures are affecting everything—plants, animals, people, and the environment—and what they can do about it.
American Psychological Association Reporting Qualitative Research in Psychology: How to Meet APA Style Journal Article Reporting Standards
This book shows researchers how to use APA Style Journal Article Reporting Standards for Qualitative Research (JARS-Qual), Mixed Methods Article Reporting Standards (MMARS), and Qualitative Meta‑Analysis Reporting Standards (QMARS). These standards provide much‑needed criteria to guide researchers as well as journal editors, reviewers, and students. They also provide the critical elements of a qualitative study, including design choices, participant recruitment strategies, data analysis procedures, and the significance of the results. Heidi Levitt explains the purpose and function of these standards, helping researchers strengthen the impact of their work. The book is relevant for varied qualitative methods and includes examples from APA journal articles to illustrate how writers can tailor their reporting style to their methodologies and goals. Levitt also details other key aspects of reporting qualitative research, such as how to establish a study’s methodological integrity.
American Psychological Association Contextual Social Psychology: Reanalyzing Prejudice, Voting, and Intergroup Contact
Using vivid examples of both historical and current events, acclaimed scholar Thomas Pettigrew’s compelling book advocates for a robust contextual social psychology, maintaining that far more attention should be paid to the social context of various phenomena relevant in the world today. The volume traces the author's 65-year career, and offers a contextual, three-level approach for studying and theorizing about a variety of social psychological phenomena, combining cultural, situational, and personality levels of analysis. Each chapter illustrates concepts important to the field and provides insight into its advantages, applying these analyses to critical topics such as prejudice, far-right voting patterns, relative deprivation, and intergroup contact. The book describes milestones in establishing a theoretically and methodologically sound contextual approach, including major statistical advances that have made this research easier to conduct, more rigorous, and more commonplace. As the book demonstrates, in an educational capacity, contextual social psychology opens the possibility for joint undergraduate and graduate courses with other social science classes, such as sociology and political science. Pettigrew paints a broad picture of how social science truly operates at multiple levels.
American Psychological Association Political Psychology in Latin America
This book explores Latin America through a political psychology lens. This book presents a broad spectrum of theoretical and methodological perspectives illustrating how political psychology has addressed critical social issues in Latin America and provides a selective summary of the work carried out by some of the leading Latin American researchers in political psychology. This volume will allow readers to identify the most relevant topics of this discipline in Latin America, including the specific structural conditions of inequality and intergroup conflict in the region, as well as the most relevant contributions from Latin America to the global field of political psychology, including strategies of resistance and resilience and reflections on the potential transforming power of citizens to effect change through political participation and collective action.