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Peeters Publishers L'intrigue Dans Le Recit Biblique: Quatrieme Colloque International Du RRENAB, Universite Laval, Quebec, 29 Mai-1er Juin 2008
Ce livre constitue les Actes du quatrieme colloque international du Reseau de recherche en analyse narrative des textes bibliques (RRENAB). La plupart des contributions abordent la question de la mise en intrigue dans les recits bibliques a partir d'une approche critique des modeles proposes par les theoriciens de la narratologie, a commencer par celui qu'Aristote propose dans sa Poetique. En effet, si ces modeles sont utiles, la pratique de l'exegese narrative montre que, dans la Bible, l'intrigue reste le plus souvent marquee par l'incertain et l'inaccompli : les personnages n'ont pas a s'y soumettre aux desseins immuables d'un dieu, comme dans la tragedie, mais participent a l'elaboration d'un processus dynamique et ouvert en interaction avec le personnage divin le long d'une trame oA' des possibles restent ouverts, avec l'incertitude que cela suppose, mais oA' la liberte des narrateurs en appelle a la liberte des lecteurs.
Peeters Publishers Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense: Studien Zum Pharaonischen, Griechisch-romischen Und Spatantiken Agypten Zu Ehren Von Heinz-Josef Thissen
Diese Festschrift anlasslich des 70. Geburtstags von Heinz-Josef Thissen umfasst uber 50 Beitrage von Freunden, Kollegen und Schulern aus dem In- und Ausland. Das Buch enthalt Artikel aus den unterschiedlichsten Themenbereichen der Agyptologie, Papyrologie, Koptologie, Alten Geschichte und Numismatik und spiegelt so das breite Arbeits- und Interessenspektrum des Jubilars wider. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem griechisch-romischen Agypten. Neben zahlreichen hier erstmals publizierten Quellen (religiose, literarische und wissenschaftliche Texte, Briefe und Urkunden) in hieroglyphischer, hieratischer, demotischer, koptischer und griechischer Schrift werden auch Aspekte der agyptischen Geschichte, Literatur und Religion sowie der interkulturelle Austausch zwischen Agyptern und Griechen und nicht zuletzt das Nachleben agyptischer Kultur in der abend- und morgenlandischen Geisteswelt untersucht.
Peeters Publishers La Vie Dans Le Christ Dans Le Catechisme De Jean-Paul II
Le Catechisme de l'Eglise catholique de 1992, son edition typique latine de 1997 et son Compendium ou Abrege de 2005 ont, apres une premiere partie (" La profession de la foi chretienne ") et une deuxieme (" La celebration du mystere chretien "), une troisieme consacree a la morale, a " la vie dans le Christ ".La presente etude, comme les deux precedentes (BETL 153 et 196), fait voir comment se sont constituees les deux sections de cette troisieme partie : la premiere est une sorte de theologie morale fondamentale intitulee " La vocation de l'homme : la vie dans l'Esprit " ; et la seconde est une theologie morale speciale portant sur les dix commandements du Decalogue dont le Christ a atteste la perennite. En vue de percevoir l'originalite de la morale catholique, des differents themes qu'elle aborde en ses 867 paragraphes, un regard est porte sur ce qu'ont enseigne en leur temps le Catechisme tridentin, le Concile Vatican II et le Directoire catechetique dont il a demande la publication, ainsi que les quelques catechismes nationaux parus avant 1992. En outre, l'examen du troisieme schema preparatoire de 1987 et du cinquieme de 1989 fait apparaitre l'evolution du plan, des formulations doctrinales et des exigences morales proposees a ceux qui veulent suivre la voie tracee par le Christ. Les changements intervenus, les suppressions et les ajouts constates permettent d'etablir quelles etaient les options morales que le magistere de l'Eglise privilegiait en cette fin du XXe siecle.
Peeters Publishers Political Culture in the Greek City After the Classical Age
In the transformations of the Classical world from Alexander to the end of the Roman Empire, the politics of the Greek polis underwent crucial changes. Yet, the city retained a vibrant urban political culture. These essays explore that culture and seek to explain the continued importance of city politics in the changing political environments of antiquity. The contributors question long-established interpretative traditions and seek to establish new ways of understanding the politics of the Greek city after the Classical age.
Peeters Publishers Salutz E Amors. La Lettre D'amour Dans La Poesie Des Troubadours
En marge de la production litteraire des troubadours des 12eme et 13eme siecles on trouve un certain nombre de lettres d'amour en vers. Dans ces epitres amoureuses, mieux connues sous le terme de saluts, l'amant implore la grace de sa dame selon les preceptes de la litterature courtoise de l'epoque. Thematiquement proches du genre lyrique majeur de la canso, les saluts se distinguent toutefois de celle-ci par l'emploi de la forme non-lyrique des genres didactiques et narratifs, non sans conferer une nouvelle unite a ce melange remarquable en observant les regles dictees par les manuels epistolaires contemporains. En meme temps, c'est ce caractere hybride qui fait du salut un genre mal defini et peu connu. Cette etude propose une reevaluation de ce genre mineur de la lyrique troubadouresque. En partant des diverses etudes dont le salut a fait l'objet jusqu'a maintenant, elle examine d'abord l'ensemble des poesies designees par ce terme afin d'offrir une delimitation pratique du corpus. L'analyse detaillee de l'un des saluts du 'maitre' du genre, le troubadour Arnaud de Mareuil, permet ensuite de mieux cerner sa technique poetique. La specificite du discours amoureux du salut ressort d'un examen approfondi de son caractere epistolaire, qui, par le dialogue implicite avec la dame qu'il entraine, fait eclater la construction lyrique traditionnelle en ouvrant la voie vers les genres narratifs. Ce double statut generique lyrico-narratif du salut est enfin illustre par un survol de l'emploi de la designation salutz, par un examen succinct de sa tradition manuscrite et par un inventaire des traces que le genre a laissees dans les textes contemporains.Le salut apparait ainsi comme un genre original, qui, a travers ses carateristiques specifiques, jette un pont entre le lyrique et le narratif. Ce faisant, il constitue un moment particulier dans l'evolution de la litterature occitane medievale.
Peeters Publishers The Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Colour Lexemes
Colours play a vital role in the daily lives of all peoples. Truly remarkable is the human ability to see such a vast array of colours. Just as intriguing is the way languages develop lexemes to reference the colours that the eye sees. In recent years there have been many investigations into the way that languages add colour lexemes. This research has shown that languages, as a rule, follow similar definable steps in the addition of basic colour lexemes. Anthropologists have discovered that in languages of primitive cultures lexemes for colour play different roles than they do in languages of industrialised societies. Consequently studies of colour lexemes of such languages need to employ different methods of inquiry into such a language's colour vocabulary. Additional insights have been gained through the study of colour lexemes in ancient languages. This study makes a contribution to the field of the semantics of colour by investigating ancient Hebrew colour lexemes as found in the Hebrew Scriptures, ancient inscriptions, Ben Sira and Qumran. In part 1 there is a consideration of the physical phenomenon of colour and a review of recent research on languages' acquisition of colour terms. Part 2 presents the detailed analysis of each Hebrew colour lexeme according to the format of the Semantics in Ancient Hebrew Database; included is the position of each lexeme with its semantic field and the scholarly literature. This volume is produced as part of the international project, the Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Database.
Peeters Publishers Typologie Et Comparatisme: Hommages Offerts a Alain Lemarechal
Ce recueil d'etudes s'ouvre sur une presentation de la carriere et des travaux d'Alain Lemarechal, Professeur a l'Universite Paris-Sorbonne, Directeur d'etudes a l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes et auteur d'une 'uvre importante en linguistique generale, typologique et historico-comparative. C'est dans cette triple perspective que s'inscrivent les 28 contributions de ce volume d'hommages, offert par ses collegues et amis. Abordant des questions de methodologie et de theorisation, ce recueil offre un panorama riche des differentes niveaux de la description linguistique: phonetique et phonologie, morphologie et syntaxe, semantique, lexicologie, enonciation. Les donnees analysees dans les diverses contributions ont ete puisees dans une vaste gamme de langues: langues indo-europeennes anciennes et modernes, basque, langues bantoues, famille austronesienne, langues caucasiennes, groupe altaique et langues apparentees, enfin quelques langues amerindiennes.
Peeters Publishers The Book of Life: Biblical Answers to Existential Questions
The search for meaning is at once very old and extremely contemporary. Existential questions about origins, our destiny, and the purpose of our lives are no less meaningful today than they were in previous centuries. Since time immemorial, people have tried to find their way in life and to give it meaning. Do things 'have' meaning? Do we 'give' them meaning? And how can we live life to the full? In this book, the authors attempt to provide a few pointers. In the first part, the historical-cultural evolution from mystery to disenchantment is laid out, particularly with regard to our approach to the Bible. In the second, possible responses to this disenchantment are described, ranging from reactionary fundamentalism to enrichment through critical approaches. Finally, the third part offers biblical answers to fundamental existential questions, including those regarding our origin and destiny, human co-existence and social justice, and the relationship between God and human history, and the human experience of violence, suffering and love. This book highlights the way in which biblical literature is essentially and authentically associated with human existence and our quest for meaning.
Peeters Publishers Vilvoorde City, Meer Bepaald in De Far-West: Sociale Huisvesting in Vlaams-Brabant. Met Foto's Van Piet Janssens
Vilvoorde City, meer bepaald in de Far-West bundelt de resultaten van het studieproject 'Sociale huisvesting in Vlaams-Brabant' in opdracht van het provinciebestuur. Het werd door Amsab-Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis uitgevoerd in het kader van het onderzoeksprogramma 'Accenten uit de geschiedenis van Vlaams-Brabant'. Amsab-ISG koos voor een diepgaande studie van de wijk Far-West in Vilvoorde. De kern van deze buurt is de tuinwijk Maurits Duche. In 1921 gaf de sociale huisvestingsmaatschappij De Vilvoordse Haard de opdracht tot de bouw van een nieuwe wijk. Die ontwikkelde zich al snel tot een hechte gemeenschap waar cafes en sport een belangrijke plaats innamen.Tuinwijken waren zeer populair toen Belgie na de Eerste Wereldoorlog oplossingen moest zoeken voor het ernstig woningtekort. Het idee kwam uit Engeland waar Ebenezer Howard in 1902 de term 'tuinsteden' introduceerde in zijn werk Garden Cities of To-Morrow. Vanuit een utopische visie pleitte hij voor nieuwe geplande steden omgeven door landbouwgebied en groen. Toen na de Eerste Wereldoorlog meer dan 100.0 00 huizen moesten worden heropgebouwd in Belgie, zagen socialistisch en modernistisch geinspireerde architecten het heil in tuinwijken, de afgeslankte versie van tuinsteden. De opdrachtgevers waren vooral cooperatieve huurdersverenigingen en sociale huisvestingsmaatschappijen. In drie hoofdstukken krijgt de lezer een historisch overzicht van het ontstaan van de Far-West tot de uitbreiding ervan vandaag. Het archiefmateriaal bood dikwijls verrassende details die het verleden weer springlevend maakten. De wijk is echter meer dan een geografische afbakening van een stuk grond. Het is ook een verzameling van persoonlijke ervaringen en geschiedenissen. Daarom bundelt het vierde hoofdstuk niet alleen herinneringen aan het leven in de wijk van vroeger, maar ook getuigenissen van jonge bewoners nu. Hierdoor werden zij actief betrokken bij de geschiedenis van de eigen wijk, die tenslotte nog steeds verder evolueert. Fotograaf Piet Janssens gaf zijn eigen interpretatie van het verhaal van de Far-West. Dat resulteerde in een kleurrijke reeks beelden.
Peeters Publishers "Godhead Here in Hiding": Incarnation and the History of Human Suffering
The central tenet of Christian faith, namely, that God, through the incarnation, has immersed Godself in human history and undergone its terrors, does not dispel the mystery of the world's pain and may indeed make the mystery that much more profound. This volume examines both the implications of the doctrine of incarnation for the understanding of human suffering and the attempts to provide a theologically responsible account of this article of faith. It combines biblical and systematic-theological reflection with a thoroughgoing survey of the panorama of responses to human suffering developed during the course of Christian history, ranging from the early Christian martyrs, across the medieval mystical tradition and the Reformation, and into modernity. Moreover, it examines late- and postmodern attempts to come to terms with human suffering, by means of either retrievals, or thoroughgoing revisions, of traditional theological conceptuality, and considers non-Christian attempts to address the perennial problem of human pain and death.
Peeters Publishers Religious Poetry in Vernacular Syriac from Northern Iraq (17th-20th Centuries). an Anthology: V.
English translation. The present publication ideally continues the CSCO 589-590, in which 17th-century religious poems in Vernacular Syriac (i.e., Neo-Aramaic or Sureth) were published. It offers the reader a rich anthology and the most complete historical sketch of the dorektha genre, surveying published and unpublished works by Chaldean and Assyrian authors. Texts dating from 1607/08 to 1980 AD are critically edited and translated into English, with linguistic, philological and literary comments: On Repentance by Hormizd of Alqosh (17th cent.) ; the poetic diptych On the Torments of Hell and On the Delights of the Kingdom by Damynanos of Alqosh, which shows the author's indebtedness to Italian Baroque sermons; On a Famine in the Year 1898 by the poetess Anne of Telkepe, probably the first work by a woman to enter the CSCO; the fascinating and living story of the Hermit Barmalka by Joseph 'Abbaya of Alqosh; On an Attack by the Mongols at Karamlish, in which Thomas Hanna of Karamlish elaborates on classical sources such as Gewargis Warda and Barhebreus; the touching and beautiful elegy On Exile by Yohannan Cholagh, who deals with the Christian emigration from Iraq, a contemporary social problem that is even more pressing today than in 1980, when the poem first appeared in Qala Suryaya.
Peeters Publishers Studien Zu Einleitungsfragen Und Zur Theologie Und Exegese Des Neuen Testaments: Gesammelte Aufsatze Von Peter Dschulnigg
Peter Dschulnigg ' Ordinarius fur Neues Testament an der Ruhr-Universitat Bochum vom SoSe 1991 bis zum SoSe 2008 ' interpretiert das Neue Testament weitgehend als judenchristliche Schrift, die nur vor dem Hintergrund der breiten alttestamentlich-fruhjudischen Uberlieferung angemessen zu verstehen ist. Methodisch sind die Beitrage dieses Bandes von einem 'diachron geerdeten', vorrangig synchronen Ansatz gepragt. Zentrale Themen der neutestamentlichen Einleitungswissenschaft sowie eine breite Vielfalt an exegetisch-theologischen Themen der Theologie werden in diesem Band vorgestellt. Neben den grossen Theologumena vom Leiden, Sterben und Auferstehen Jesu geraten dabei insbesondere die Fragen nach Armut und Reichtum im Neuen Testament und im Leben der (fruhen) Kirche, nach den Bedingungen der Nachfolge sowie der Rolle von Frauen als Jungerinnen Jesu in den Fokus. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt ist die Behandlung des Markusevangeliums, der Gleichnis-, sowie der Johannesforschung.
Peeters Publishers Faces of Hellenism: Studies in the History of the Eastern Mediterranean (4th Century B.C. - 5th Century A.D.)
Collecting papers on historiography, papyrology, history, and material culture, this volume charts the changing faces of Hellenistic civilization from the fourth century B.C. to Late Antiquity. The Macedonian colonisation and the Roman conquest had an important impact on society, politics, and culture of the Eastern Mediterranean. The papers address issues such as bilingualism and the role of 'invented traditions' in Roman Egypt. They emphasise local differences within the Roman Empire, for example the difficult access inhabitants of Egypt had to Roman citizenship. Other contributions asses the perspective of the sources and how they reveal different facets of Hellenistic society. Drawing on approaches developed in the Section of Ancient History of the University of Leuven, the contributions pay homage to three retiring professors, L. Mooren, G. Schepens, and H. Hauben, who each in their different way have explored the changing faces of Hellenism for the past thirty years.
Peeters Publishers Luristan Excavation Documents Vol. VIII: Early Bronze Age Graveyards to the West of the Kabir Kuh (Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan)
This volume is the final report on the 1965-1979 excavations by Ghent University and the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, in sub-region I, the most western part of Pusht-i Kuh in Luristan (W-Iran), which is the closest to Mesopotamia. The volume is divided into two parts. The first part discusses tombs at nine sites from the Early Bronze Age I to III period (early and middle third millennium B.C.). Most of these were collective tombs; some of them were even re-used in later periods. Two Sasanian interments with exceptional burial goods are also documented. The second part of the book deals with tombs from the late third and the early second millennium (Early Bronze Age IV), or the so called 'Gutian'-tombs. These small individual tombs were documented at six sites. Usually they have three walls only, but occasional reuse of earlier tombs was attested as well. Burial goods include plain and painted pottery, metal weapons and utensils, seals and personal ornaments, some of it of Mesopotamian origin or at least related to it. All the finds are illustrated in line drawings, with the tombs and most objects also in photographs. Metal analyses of objects were performed and the results are included in the volume.
Peeters Publishers Le Nom Des Langues III: Le Nom Des Langues En Afrique Sub-saharienne: Pratiques, Denominations, Categorisations. Naming Languages in Sub-Saharan Africa: Practices, Names, Categorisations
Les langues sont l'objet de representations et d'enjeux multiples. Elles sont de ce fait souvent dotees de plusieurs noms, ce qui peut engendrer confusion et desaccords. Il convient donc de se demander "qui nomme, quelle langue, pour qui et quand?". Ce volume consacre a l'Afrique sub-saharienne recense et questionne un millier de denominations qui se referent a des langues africaines ("ethniques" et vehiculaires), des langues europeennes qui assument la fonction de langues officielles, et des pratiques issues du contact entre ces langues europeennes et africaines (pidgins, creoles et "parlers jeunes").
Peeters Publishers Les Cantiques Des Degres (Psaumes 119-133) Selon La Bible Grecque Des Septante
Les psaumes 119-133 de la Bible grecque des Septante (120-134 de la Bible hebraique) forment un ensemble de quinze psaumes intitules successivement "Cantiques des degres". Ce type de regroupement, sans equivalent dans le psautier, et le titre enigmatique ont suscite bon nombre de questions: ces quinze psaumes etaient-ils dits sur un ton qui montait "graduellement", etaient-ils chantes par les exiles sur le chemin qui "montait" de Babylone a Jerusalem ou par les pelerins qui "montaient" dans la cite sainte trois fois l'an, etaient-ils recites sur les quinze marches du temple, etc.? Par rapport aux recherches modernes centrees sur l'hebreu, l'etude de la version grecque de ces psaumes apporte des elements aux debats sur le sens du titre et l'homogeneite de cet ensemble.Apres un bref expose methodologique, le texte grec est traduit en francais. La confrontation des Cantiques des degres de la Septante avec le texte hebreu massoretique, les donnees de Qumran, et avec les autres versions grecques et latines, permet d'en degager les traits propres. Une typologie des differences du grec par rapport a l'hebreu est proposee, ainsi qu'une analyse des caracteristiques litteraires et poetiques de ces psaumes de la Septante. L'impact des variantes entre le grec et l'hebreu est eclaire par le recours aux traditions d'interpretation chretiennes et juives anciennes.
Peeters Publishers Feasts and Festivals
This collection of essays, papers originally given at a colloquium in Oxford 2008 involving scholars from the universities of Oxford, Leiden and Bonn, focuses on the theme of Feasts and Festivals in Biblical and extra-Biblical traditions. The topics include studies of the festal gathering in Deuteronomy and funerary rites for children in the Hebrew Bible, feasts in some extra-biblical texts (including 2 and 3 Maccabees), through to treatments of a number of New Testament themes and topics in the gospels and Paul. The focus on the theme of 'feast' brings out new aspects of some well-known texts and sheds new light on a number of themes in ancient Judaism and in early Christianity. This volume will be of interest to all those engaged in Biblical studies and its ramifications in the study of Judaism and early Christianity.
Peeters Publishers Les Agendas Conciliaires de Mgr J. Willebrands, Secretaire du Secretariat pour L'Unite des Chretiens: Traduction Francaise et Commentaire
Durant le concile Vatican II, Mgr J. Willebrands, secretaire du Secretariat pour l'Unite, a note dans ses Agendas (pour les annees 1963, 1964 et 1965) les activites, les rencontres, et les faits du jour. En depit de leur style "telegraphique" ces notes presentent une multitude de details et de dates concernant des evenements cruciaux du concile sur la voie de l"cumenisme. Elles nous font decouvrir la riche personnalite du secretaire et ses multiples taches au service du Secretariat pour l'Unite. Traduites du neerlandais en francais, les indications de Willebrands sont accompagnees d'une annotation permettant de comprendre les evenements et de situer les personnes. L'edition est precedee d'une preface du Pere Thomas Stransky, membre du Secretariat depuis le depart, qui donne un temoignage emouvant sur la personne et l"uvre de son ami.
Peeters Publishers Never Revoked: "Nostra Aetate" as Ongoing Challenge for Jewish-Christian Dialogue
The Declaration Nostra Aetate issued by the Second Vatican Council on October 28, 1965, on 'the relationship of the Church to non-Christian religions' marks a revolutionary milestone in the history of interreligious relations. With this document the Catholic Church sought to establish a new climate in which encounter and dialogue were understood as part of the Church's role in the world. As such, Nostra Aetate expresses the dialogical spirit of the Second Vatican Council. This book is inspired by the same dialogical spirit of Nostra Aetate, addressing some of the difficult theological challenges that lie ahead of us. It takes Nostra Aetate as an ongoing challenge to develop new theological reflections in the dialogical spirit of Vatican II. The contributors in this volume therefore do not only look to the past, but also critically articulate the challenges and obstacles confronting Jewish-Christian relations today, all the while looking forward to strengthening the dialogue. They not only show the courage of naming the resistances against dialogue, the remnants of substitution theology, the asymmetry in Jewish-Christian dialogue; they set out to develop new perspectives for the theology of Jewish-Christian dialogue. With contributions of Mary C. Boys, Leo Declerck, Mathijs Lamberigts, David Meyer, Marianne Moyaert, John Pawlikowski, Didier Pollefeyt and Simon Schoon.
Peeters Publishers Repertorium of Middle Dutch Sermons Preserved in Manuscripts from Before 1550 / Repertorium Van Middelnederlandse Preken in Handschriften Tot En Met 1550 (i-vii): I. Antwerpen-Brussel. II. Den Haag - Leiden. III. Appendices - Indices. IV. A
De preek is een van de belangrijke genres van de Middelnederlandse geestelijke literatuur, naast de mystieke literatuur, het heiligenleven, het gebed en de bijbelvertaling. De preek is ook een prominente historische bron, doordat zij bij uitstek een middel was om religieuze, morele en culturele normen, waarden en attitudes te verbreiden. Overgeleverde preken zijn daarom niet alleen waardevol voor kerk- en literatuurgeschiedenis, maar ook voor de cultuurgeschiedenis in het algemeen, de ideeen- en mentaliteitsgeschiedenis. De studie van de Middelnederlandse preek is sterk achtergebleven bij het historisch belang ervan. Dit komt ondermeer doordat vooralsnog een goed overzicht van de bewaarde preken ontbrak. Het Repertorium van Middelnederlandse preken, voortgekomen uit het VNC-project 'Middelnederlandse preken' (Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam en Universiteit Antwerpen - UFSIA) wil deze leemte opvullen. De delen IV, V en VI geven samen met de reeds in 2003 gepubliceerde delen I en II een nagenoeg volledig overzicht van alle Middelnederlandse preken bewaard in handschriften tot 1550 in alle Nederlandse en Belgische collecties, alsmede in alle ons bekende bewaarplaatsen in Europa en de Verenigde Staten. Deel VII bevat de indexen op deze vijf repertoriumdelen en vervangt daarmee het in 2003 gepubliceerde deel III. Het geheel vormt een compleet en onmisbaar instrument voor iedereen die zich bezighoudt met dit deel van de geestelijke volkstalige literatuur van de middeleeuwen.
Peeters Publishers The Libyan Period in Egypt: Historical and Cultural Studies into the 21st - 24th Dynasties: Proceedings of a Conference at Leiden University, 25-27 October 2007
This volume contains the Proceedings of a conference held in October 2007 at Leiden University on the Libyan Period in Egypt. The study of the Third Intermediate Period, and most notably its chronology, has become stuck in controversies ever since publications by David Aston, Anthony Leahy, John Taylor and others raised doubts as to the chronology presented in Kitchen's seminal study The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt (1972). There was clearly need to discuss the controversial aspects of the chronology and culture of the period with all the parties involved. The timely nature of the conference was confirmed by the enthusiastic response from those colleagues who were invited to participate. In the end, a total of 24 speakers presented in front of an audience of some 120 scholars and students hailing from fifteen different countries. It was thought that the chronological issues surrounding Dynasties 21-24, the Libyan Period, should be the principal focus of discussion, because it is here that the largest uncertainties still remain. In addition, several scholars were invited to present recent archaeological finds from their own field work. Only by considering new material may we hope to solve the remaining problems, and new insights into the Libyan Period are likely to emerge from the combined study of a wide variety of sources. The topics of controversy lie mainly in the realm of chronology. Apart from this, several papers deal with the cultural developments of the period. An interesting joint theme that emerges from these is the appearance of archaism in the art of the second half of the Libyan Period. Several papers include comments on a newly found interest in the proportions and iconography from the classical periods of the past, notably of the Middle Kingdom.
Peeters Publishers An Editio Minor of the Armenian Version of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs is a much-debated apocryphal work, but it is usually considered to be a Christian work of the second century CE, including many, ancient Jewish traditions. It is of considerable significance for the history of Judaism and Christianity. The Armenian version, associated with the Armenian Bible translation, has long been considered to be a very faithful rendering of an early Greek text. The present work is a critical editio minor of this version, based on 11 selected manuscripts of a total of over 70. It is provided with an English translation, a commentary and extensive indexes, of importance alike to Armenian textual studies and translation practice. This completes the series of critical editions of the apocryphal works most closely associated with the biblical corpus in Armenian (4 Ezra - Stone, UPATS and Joseph and Asenath - Burchard, HUAS). These are some of the best editions of any Armenian biblical associated texts.
Peeters Publishers Dulcissima Aequora: Wasserbewirtschaftung und Hydrotechnik der Terme Suburbane in Pompeii
Die Terme Suburbane in Pompeii, integraler Bestandteil eines extraurbanen Gebaudekomplexes, bieten aufgrund ihrer exzellenten Erhaltung die besten Voraussetzungen fur eine detaillierte Untersuchung der wasserwirtschaftlichen und hydrotechnischen Einrichtungen in allen ihren Teilbereichen: Versorgung, Nutzung, Entsorgung und Betriebsmodi; daruber hinaus konnen Erkentnisse zu Umbauphasen mit ihren Konsequenzen im Hinblick auf die Wasserbewirtschaftung gewonnen werden. Neben den Standardeinrichtungen enthalt dieses wohl von einem Privatmann errichtete kleindimensionierte Bad eines der seltenen Beispiele der sog. 'Samowar'-Piscina, die den Luxus dieser Thermen in aller Deutlichkeit demonstriert. Es lasst sich nachweisen, wieviel Aufwand der Auftraggeber bezuglich der Architektur, der dekorativen Ausstattung und nicht zuletzt der Heiz- und Hydrotechnik betrieben hat, um den Badegasten eine exklusive Anlage zur Verfugung zu stellen, zu der sicherlich nicht jedermann Zugang hatte. Nicht nur auf die Bewohner von Pompeii, sondern auch auf Auswartige wird sie eine grosse Anziehungskraft ausgeubt haben.
Peeters Publishers Autobiographie und Hagiographie in der Christlichen Antike
Autobiographie und Hagiographie' - mit dieser Themenwahl hat die Patristische Arbeitsgemeinschaft erneut ihre Sensibilitat fur innovative Forschungsimpulse und aktuelle Forschungsdiskussionen unter Beweis gestellt. Aus dem Inhalt: Rudolf Brandle (Basel) Anfange christlicher Autobiographie von Paulus bis Cyprian. Eine Skizze Dietmar Wyrwa (Bochum) Literarische und theologische Gestaltungselemente der Vita Antonii des Athanasius Ernst Dassmann (Bonn) Autobiographie und Hagiographie: Zur Selbstdarstellung des Hieronymus in seinen Monchsviten, Nekrologen und Trostbriefen Alfred Schindler (Zurich) Hagiographie und Hagiologie in Augustins Werk, vor allem in den Confessiones.
Peeters Publishers The Letter to the Romans
Der Romerbrief gehort zweifellos zu den wichtigsten Schriften des Neuen Testaments. In diesem Band werden von Exegeten/Exegetinnen aus aller Welt zentrale Texte des Romerbriefes interpretiert und mit aktuellen Fragestellungen verbunden. Wer den Stand der internationalen Forschung zum Romerbrief kennen lernen mochte, muss zu diesem Band greifen.
Peeters Publishers Performance, Drama and Spectacle in the Medieval City: Essays in Honour of Alan Hindley
The growth of urban life in the Middle Ages led to a flourishing of performance, drama and spectacle as we understand them today. Here is presented, for the first time, a collection of commissioned essays whose goal is to bring together a broad variety of interdisciplinary, innovative 'snapshots' from different geographical locations, time frames, traditions and scholarly fields. Contributors to Performance, Drama, Spectacle and the Medieval City are scholars of international prominence. Through their diverse interests, but single focus, the fundamental mobility of medieval culture is acknowledged. The collective aim in honouring Alan Hindley and his ongoing work is to produce a set of variations which offer diversity yet coherence. Performance and spectacle played a central role not only in the realm of urban entertainment, but also adopted enormously important civic and religious functions. The cities in the medieval west were both a hotbed of cultural manifestations, and elemental in the development of drama. In its refusal to accept subjective boundaries and its broad assumption that drama takes many forms, it is hoped that Performance, Drama, Spectacle and the Medieval City will find favour with its dedicatee, and imitate his wisdom and openness by enabling dialogue between traditions, critical approaches, and moments in time.
Peeters Publishers Elucidations: Medieval Poetry and Its Religious Backgrounds
The 27 reprinted essays and one so far unpublished lecture assembled in this collection deal with works by Chaucer, Langland, Dante, Petrarch, Middle-English lyrics and drama, and several broader topics, such as the Three Enemies of Man, the pilgrimage of life, and the figure of the wise fool. In them Siegfried Wenzel applies his long-standing interest and study of contemporary works of religious instruction, especially medieval sermons and penitential literature to elucidate different aspects of major works of vernacular medieval poetry as well as of smaller details that have caused critical concern. Most of the essays contain hitherto unpublished medieval Latin texts. With a foreword by Nigel Palmer.
Peeters Publishers The World of Travellers: Exploration and Imagination: Germania Latina VII
Travel has always been a favourite human concern. Throughout the centuries, fascination with the unfamiliar or even unknown has turned many people into geographers, explorers, and writers of travel fiction. In the early Middle Ages, a great variety of travel accounts were accordingly appropriated, translated, recontextualised, and ultimately found their way into the literary production of Germanic Europe. The interest in distant countries and peoples was complemented by spiritual concerns, such as one finds in the accounts of early pilgrims to the Holy Land. The key words in the title of this book, 'exploration and imagination', imply that travel meant more than visiting foreign places and peoples. As with modern fantasy and science fiction literature, travel could also stimulate the imagination, especially in cases when perilous physical journeys were enhanced by imagined travel. Such accounts were rich in descriptions of the physical world, but they lent themselves equally to the relation of spiritual journeys. As a result, modern out-of-body experience finds its medieval counterpart in the journeyings and adventures of the human soul within a metaphysical and eschatological perspective. Finally, imagery travel may also be purely intellectual. The articles in this volume address the categories of travel outlined above in the light of the interface between the Latin and Germanic traditions.
Peeters Publishers Responsabilite et Taches du Theologien: Conferences de L'Ecole Doctorale en Theologie (2004-2006)
Ce second volume de la collection " Conferences de l'ecole doctorale en theologie " reprend les interventions prononcees en son sein lors des annees academiques 2004-2005 et 2005-2006. Ces conferences sont pour les doctorant(e)s une invitation a s'ouvrir a la problematique de la recherche en theologie et a s'engager dans une reflexion sur l'exercice du metier de theologien(ne). Deux grandes parties constituent le present ouvrage. La premiere rassemble les conferences donnees sur le theme de la responsabilite du theologien, et la deuxieme reproduit trois contributions concernant le theme de la revelation et de son expression, theme central s'il en est du discours theologique. Il nous a semble important de faire preceder ces deux parties d'un texte issu d'une reflexion commune menee par l'ensemble des professeurs a temps plein de la faculte de theologie de l'Universite catholique de Louvain : " Une recherche et un enseignement en theologie : pourquoi ? ". Ce texte expose une maniere de " faire de la theologie " au sein d'une Universite complete et dans une societe secularisee. A l'origine de cette reflexion se trouve le constat que les changements recents et profonds qui affectent le contexte social et culturel, intellectuel et universitaire, ne peuvent pas laisser indifferents les theologiens : s'ils veulent que la parole theologique puisse etre entendue, ils sont provoques a une reflexion en profondeur sur la fonction et le role des facultes de theologie dans l'espace public, universitaire et ecclesial actuel. Ce texte dessine ce qui parait essentiel aux theologiens de l'UCL pour garantir un exercice de la theologie qui soit libre et rigoureux, fidele et createur.
Peeters Publishers Nature and Science in Hellenistic Poetry
This volume contains the papers of the 'Groningen Workshop on Hellenistic Poetry 8: Nature and Science' (Groningen 2006). During the workshop a first draft of the papers was commented on by an international group of specialists in the field of Hellenistic poetry. This volume deals with the interaction between 'nature and science' and Hellenistic poetry, particularly the ways in which poets were inspired and stimulated by the results of science and incorporated them into their work. In the Hellenistic period the fields of nature and science on the one hand and scholarship and poetry on the other hand touch and overlap to a large extent and the boundaries between science and poetry were not as straight and clear as they are today. The articles in this volume refine the general picture somewhat further. They focus on various authors and topics, e.g. Aratus, Nicander and Callimachus, medicine, astronomy, and geography. The volume is part of a series. Every two years a 'Workshop on Hellenistic Poetry' takes place at the University of Groningen, the papers of which are published in the series 'Hellenistica Groningana'.
Peeters Publishers Paul Ricoeur. Bibliographie Primaire Et Secondaire. Primary and Secondary Bibliography 1935-2008
The philosophical activity and publications of Paul Ricoeur cover a period of seventy years. As a student at the Sorbonne in 1935, he published the first product of his pen, "L'appel de l'action. Reflexions d'un etudiant protestant". His last article, "Devenir capable, etre reconnu", was written a few months before his death on 20th May 2005, and appeared later in Esprit. Between those two titles - in which "action and reflection" and "the capable man and recognition" represent key notions of his philosophical itinerary - Ricoeur published some thirthy books. Encouraged by friends and colleagues I present here a revised version of my bibliography, updated and as complete as possible.
Peeters Publishers Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras VI: Proceedings of the 14th and 15th International Colloquium Organized at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in May 2005 and May 2006: VI
The sixth volume of proceedings of the International Colloquia on the History of Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras covers the 14th and 15th gathering, organized at Leuven University in 2005 and 2006. True to tradition, the 24 articles deal with a wide variety of scholarly subjects, all revolving around the central theme of Syro-Egypt's high and late medieval history. Topics dealt with include archaeology, architecture, codicology, economic, political, and religious history, as well as belles-lettres. With contributions by F. Bauden, M. Brett, P.-V. Claverie, N. Coureas, J. den Heijer, K. D'hulster, J. Drory, M. Frenkel, Y. Frenkel, H. Hanisch, S. Laor-Sirak, A. Petersen, M. Piana, L. Richter-Bernburg, G. Schallenbergh, U. Vermeulen, J.J. Yeshaya and Th. M. Wijntjes.
Peeters Publishers Le Droit Ecclesiastique En Europe Et a Ses Marges (XVIIIe-XXe Siecles): Actes Du Colloque Du Centre Droit Et Societes Religieuses, Universite De Paris-Sud Sceaux, 12-13 Octobre 2007
Cet ouvrage collectif a ete realise a partir des actes du colloque organise par le centre Droit et Societes religieuses de l'Universite de Paris Sud, les 12 et 13 octobre 2007, a la Faculte Jean Monnet, a Sceaux. Dans une perspective historique mais tout en menant leurs investigations jusqu'a nos jours, les auteurs abordent les questions fondamentales relatives a la place des religions dans la societe ou a leurs relations avec les pouvoirs publics et autorites politiques, en France, dans divers pays europeens (Italie, Espagne, Suisse, Belgique, Roumanie) ou aux marges de l'Europe (Russie, Turquie). Partout, les societes se sont secularisees; quels sont les courants ideologiques qui ont accompagne ces mutations? Ces evolutions ont-elles modifie le fonctionnement d'institutions sociales comme le systeme d'education ou de sante? Partout la liberte religieuse est proclamee; doit-on en deduire que les pouvoirs publics traitent toutes les religions sur un meme mode? Certains Etats signent des concordats avec le Saint-Siege, ou promulguent des lois de liberte religieuse; d'autres se disent laiques; quels furent les processus selon lesquels les laicites italienne, turque, francaise ou autres se sont construites? Telles sont quelques-unes des interrogations auxquelles ce livre repond.
Peeters Publishers Categories Et Categorisation. Une Perspective Interdisciplinaire
Les categories et la categorisation se trouvent autant au c'ur de l'activite scientifique que du rapport au monde tel que construit par les individus et les societes humaines. Sur quels principes reposent les phenomenes de categorisation ? Quels modeles explicatifs convient-il de convoquer pour en rendre compte ? Traitant de systemes linguistiques ou d'actes langagiers, de rituels et de ritualisations, de patrimoines et de performances litteraires, musicaux ou danses, de stratification et de dynamiques sociales, ou encore de codes juridiques, les auteurs des textes reunis ici s'efforcent de mettre progressivement en lumiere les principes et les types d'operation qui definissent en propre les mises en categorie et les processus de categorisation : tant du cote des societes etudiees qu'en ce qui concerne le travail des scientifiques.
Peeters Publishers The Guernsey Norman French Translations of Thomas Martin: A Linguistic Study of an Unpublished Archive
This major linguistic study of Guernsey Norman French offers an extensive presentation and analysis of one of the most important sources of data available in the dialect, namely Thomas Martin's translations of the Bible and of 100 plays from the work of Shakespeare, Longfellow, Pierre and Thomas Corneille, Moliere and Voltaire. The book describes the socio-political development of Guernsey Norman French, its salient features and linguistic context, and presents the translations against the backdrop of late nineteenth-century Guernsey society. The linguistic analysis focuses on Martin's orthographic system, the way in which the translations reflect nineteenth-century Guernsey Norman french and how the corpus can provide new grammatical and lexical information about the dialect. Transcribed extracts from the translations are also included, supplemented by linguistic notes. The book will be of interest to linguists studying dialectology, translation and language contact and change.
Peeters Publishers Neo-Muslim Intellectuals in the West and Their Contributions to Islamic Thought and the Formation of Western Islam: An Exploratory Investigation of the Religious and Literary Activities of Western Neo-Muslim Intellectuals
This study is an exploration of the contributions made by neo-Muslim intellectuals to Islamic thought and the development of Islam in the West. It focuses on the works of contemporary neo-Muslim intellectuals that enjoy a wide circulation, especially among Muslim migrants in the West and throughout the Muslim world. Through their intellectual vision, they impart a certain understanding of Islam, which is acceptable in the Western context and culture. They produce a new Islamic literature which can be classified as a Western Islamic literature. The core questions of this study are: - What are the main contributions made by neo-Muslim intellectuals to Islamic thought and the formation of Western Islam? - What is the main focus of their contributions: political, cultural, social, religious? The author presents an overview of the estimated numbers of converts in different European countries and presents detailed profiles of the main protagonists of the study. He reviews the contributions of neo-Muslim intellectuals to Western Islamic literature. He discusses their contributions to Islamic political thought and to Islamic politics. He studies the attitudes of these converts towards Western civilization. In conclusion, he analyses their views on non-Islamic religions, particularly their polemical views on Christianity.
Peeters Publishers Moyen Arabe Et Varietes Mixtes De L'arabe a Travers L'histoire: Actes Du Premier Colloque International (Louvain-la-Neuve, 10-14 Mai 2004)
Beaucoup d'arabisants sont aujourd'hui d'accord pour considerer que le moyen arabe, au-dela de la multiplicite de ses manifestations, constitue une variete autonome, dont la description peut etre faite, dont les regles peuvent etre degagees, et qu'il obeit a des normes qui determinent des standards. Cette variete, qui puise a la fois dans les ressources que lui fournissent l'arabe dialectal et l'arabe standard a developpe, depuis des siecles, de nombreux traits linguistiques qui lui sont propres. Elle a tres longtemps ete un instrument d'expression particulierement souple, librement choisi dans le monde arabophone, y compris par les elites lettrees, pour de multiples genres de texte, des plus savants jusqu'a la litterature 'populaire' et a la poesie. Les standards du moyen arabe commencent a etre identifies et la necessite de constituer des bases de donnees repertoriant les phenomenes ou traits linguistiques inventories jusqu'ici par les arabisants dans leur travail sur les textes particuliers, sur des types de textes ou sur ceux de telle ou telle epoque, apparait clairement a la lecture des communications presentees dans le cadre de ce premier colloque international. L'etude des normes orthographiques, qui sont d'une importance determinante pour editer les textes, quels qu'ils soient, sur des bases saines et, au-dela, pour une plus claire comprehension de l'histoire de l'arabe dans l'ensemble de ses varietes. Par ailleurs, l'accent a ete mis sur la necessite de mener de front l'etude du moyen arabe et celle de l'arabe melange ou mixte contemporain (qui se manifeste essentiellement a l'oral). La confrontation des methodes d'analyse developpees pour chacun de ces deux domaines evidemment lies ne peut etre que feconde.
Peeters Publishers Islam in Nederland En Belgie Religieuze Institutionalisering in Twee Landen Met Een Gemeenschappelijke Voorgeschiedenis
Peeters Publishers Dendara. Le Temple D'Isis. Vol. I: Traduction
Les inscriptions des temples d'Hathor et d'Isis a Dendara sont desormais publiees dans leur integralite (IFAO et Dans les deux presents volumes, le temple d'Isis est traduit et commente. Font suite a la traduction l'index francais des scenes d'offrandes et des dieux representes dans le temple, ainsi que la reconstitution photographique des parois. Le temple d'Isis reproduisant en reduction celui d'Hathor, l'analyse de la decoration est eclairee et facilitee par la comparaison avec le grand temple. Hymnes, phraseologie, statues, le temple d'Hathor fut une magnifique bibliotheque d'emprunt pour les pretres d'Isis. Pour celle-ci, les derniers inities d'Egypte ont adapte le grand rituel de naissance et de couronnement qui fit la renommee d'Hatchepsout; selon un processus classique de theomorphisme, le rituel passe de l'humain au divin. Dendara celebre une reine de lumiere, Hathor fille de Re, et une reine de l'ombre, Isis fille de Geb: toutes deux incarnent la royaute feminine.
Peeters Publishers Where is the Truth?: Narrative Exegesis and the Question of True and False Prophecy in Jer 26-29 (MT)
This book takes a point of departure from what the author considers to constitute the important elements in any exegetical exercise; an interaction of three elements which are the text, the reader and the interpretive key. The text studied is Jer. 26-29(MT), the interpretive key is the narrative method. The interaction of the text with the reader, using the narrative method as the hermeneutical key is aimed at discovering what the text says from a theological point of view. So far in the history of research in the book of Jeremiah, except of course in the very recent times, historical questions have dominated, and many authors would doubt the applicability of the approaches with synchronic presumptions to the book. And so, the book of Jeremiah has remained for the most part, described either as a conglomeration of disparate unconnected elements, or a product of ideological juxtapositions that do not exhibit any literary or theological intention, or even pieces of texts chanced together by redactional happenstance. Consequently, works and commentaries on the book though with different accents, are still united in the goal of discovering the diverse origins of the different disparate units, or detecting the ipsissima verba of the prophet (if any). However, armed with tools for narrative exegesis, we could still, in a derived sense, notice a flow of story, a narrative logic in this block which begins with the prophet's preaching in chapter 26, through the tensions raised in 27 and dramatized in the direct duel of 28 between Jeremiah and Hananiah and finally Jeremiah's own vision of peace and the conditions on which the latter is possible in 29. The narrative reading of the four chapters therefore provides the scriptural basis for asking relevant questions concerning the theological problem of true and false prophecy which we identify to be the major theological theme in the block under study.
Peeters Publishers Une Historiographie Engagee: L'Histoire De La Langue Et De La Litterature Francaise Par Luis Petit De Julleville Et Ses Collaborateurs (1896-1900)
Le fruit d'une aventure editoriale magistralement dirigee par Louis Petit de Julleville et efficacement executee grace a la collaboration d'une equipe de specialistes, parmi lesquels l'historien de la langue Ferdinand Brunot, l'Histoire de la langue et de la litterature francaise (1896-1900, huit volumes) marque une etape cruciale dans l'historiographie linguistique et litteraire. L"uvre, publiee par la maison d'edition Armand Colin, vit le jour a une epoque d'agitation politique et sociale, ce qui explique les tiraillements caracterisant l'entreprise, a la fois synthetisante et innovatrice. Les contributions dans ce volume prennent comme objet diverses facettes de la richesse et de la complexite de l'HLLF; elles sont consacrees au contexte politique, socio-economique et culturel dans lequel l"uvre dirigee par Petit de Julleville a ete concue et recue, ainsi qu'aux differentes periodes de l'histoire de la langue et de la litterature francaises qui sont traitees dans l'HLLF. Ce recueil d'etudes se termine par une conclusion et une section de documentation bio-bibliographique.
Peeters Publishers Companion to Marital Spirituality
The twentieth century has witnessed the emergence of a new discourse in Christianity's approach to marriage and family life which is not simply one of official doctrine or institutional teaching. The term "marital spirituality" describes a field of Christian faith and practice that emanates from and has its distinctive contours in the lives of married people and their families. This Companion to Marital Spirituality, multi-disciplinary and international in scope, is dedicated entirely to the exploration of this recent and still relatively young discourse: how the ground was prepared and how it finally emerged in the history of Christianity, the specific field of faith experience and practice it points to, and the perspectives it opens for the Christian understanding of marriage and spirituality alike. By providing an overview of key developments, thematic issues and debates, this volume is conceived as an academically grounded introduction to the growing subject of marital spirituality.
Peeters Publishers A Minor Edition of the Armenian Version of "Joseph and Aseneth": With an Index of Words by Joseph J. S. Weitenberg
The Jewish-Hellenistic story about Joseph and Aseneth tells first how Aseneth, the daughter of Pentephres the priest of Heliopolis, became the wife of the patriarch Joseph following her conversion to the God of the Hebrews, and secondly how she was saved from an attempt to abduct her perpetrated by Pharao's first-born son. The tale was adopted by the Christian Church and circulated widely from Middle Byzantine times on in its original Greek and a number of vernacular renderings (cf. Chr. Burchard et al., Joseph und Aseneth kritisch herausgegeben, Leiden - Boston 2003). The Armenian version (10/11th cent.?) is preserved in about 50 mss., many of them Bibles. Moreover, it is an excellent witness to the Greek text. Oddly enough we do not have a complete edition, let alone a critical one. The only printed form is based on a few late mss. with a defective text (S. Yovsep'eanc', T'angaran hin ew nor naxneac' vol. I, Venice 1896). For an editio maior a lot of preliminary studies remain to be done. This book presents a minor edition as a substitute pro tempore. It is based on the best Armenian ms., viz. Erevan, Matenadaran 1500 penned by Mxit'ar of Ayrivank' in 1282/83. It represents a line of tradition by itself while all other mss. hark back to a hyparchetype which is notably inferior. M. 1500 is printed in full and supplemented and corrected by a choice of 12 other mss. from 1269 to 1626. The introduction includes a list of well known mss., a sketch of the textual history, and a bibliography. J.J.S. Weitenberg provided a full Index of Words at the end.
Peeters Publishers Plural Voices: Intradisciplinary Perspectives on Interreligious Issues
Our times are characterised by globalism and pluralism. Both characteristics are strongly intertwined. The aim of this book is to contribute to the reflection on everyday practical issues as well as on conceptual frameworks regarding a multicultural and a multireligious Europe. The reader will find texts about philosophical problems, theoretical presuppositions and the ethical problems involved in taking political decisions on multiculturalism. Other articles deal with theological challenges and methodological issues that are useful for people trying to understand the multireligious nature of our times. The authors have various cultural, academic and methodological backgrounds, but share one thing: they all have been engaged in religious meetings and dialogues. The broad spectrum of writers and themes reflects the guiding principle of Plural Voices: many issues have to be discussed from different perspectives in order to try to understand interreligious relations.
Peeters Publishers (In)site Sagalassos
(In)site Sagalassos is het eerste fotoboek dat verschijnt over de archeologische site van Sagalassos. Al 18 jaar onderzoekt een interdisciplinair-archeologisch team van de KULeuven onder leiding van Prof. Marc Waelkens de antieke stad in zuidwest Turkije. Sinds 2003 fotgraferen Bruno Vandermeulen en Danny Veys de vondsten en structuren van de stad. Als fotografen bekijken zij de site met andere ogen dan de archeoloog. Dit boek is een fotografische impressie van de opgraving met haar monumenten en wijken. Zij toont de stad op een andere, verrassende manier. Door de combinatie van grote en kleine foto's, details en overzichten, architectuur en landschap wordt dit boek tot een boeiend geheel verweven. Het fotoboek wordt ingeleid door Marc Waelkens en bevat een historisch overzicht van de opgraving en de site. Meer informatie is beschikbaar op de website
Peeters Publishers Epistulae Antiquae V: Actes du ve Colloque International "L'epistolaire Antique et Ses Prolongements Europeens" (Universite Francois-Rabelais, Tours, 6-7-8 Septembre 2006)
Le present volume, Epistulae antiquae V, contient les communications presentees a l'occasion du Ve Colloque tourangeau sur " L'epistolaire antique et ses prolongements europeens ", qui s'est tenu a l'Universite Francois-Rabelais de Tours les 6, 7 et 8 novembre 2006. Il s'inscrit dans la ligne des quatre precedents ouvrages de la serie, qui donnent une suite ecrite a des rencontres bi-annuelles entre universitaires francais et etrangers reunis par ce sujet d'etude commun. Fidele a ses perspectives pluridisciplinaire, diachronique et synchronique a la fois, il regroupe des interventions portant sur la lettre, ses formes et ses contenus. Le contexte historique, ancre dans l'Antiquite classique, nous met en contact avec les differentes facettes du genre epistolaire au sein des cultures grecque et romaine, mais egalement a des epoques plus recentes dont notre Europe est l'heritiere. Les sujets abordes, divers et complementaires, portent aussi bien sur le discours et ses modalites que sur la specificite de certains epistoliers et de leur temps.
Peeters Publishers Classical Mythology in the Netherlands in the Age of Renaissance and Baroque - La Mythologie Classique Aux Temps De La Renaissance Et Du Baroque Dans Les Pays-bas: Proceedings of the International Conference Antwerp, 19-21 May 2005 - Actes
Mythology has played an important role in the age of Renaissance and Baroque. The classical myths have provided themes and subjects for the arts in their different expressions: painting, sculpture, literature, music, theatre, ...Mythological figures and stories have often served as moralistic examples, in bono or in malo, and as allegorical points of reference, e.g. in education. The pluridisciplinary study of these phenomena throws light upon the intellectual climate of the period. La mythologie a joue un role important aux temps de la Renaissance et du Baroque. Les mythes classiques ont procure des themes et des sujets pour les arts dans leurs expressions differentes : peinture, sculpture, litterature, musique, theatre, ...Les figures et les histoires mythologiques ont servi souvent d'exemples moralisateurs, en bon ou en mal, et comme points de reference allegoriques, entre autres dans l'education. L'etude pluridisciplinaire de ces phenomenes eclaire le climat intellectuel de l'epoque.