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Peeters Publishers Thomas D'Aquin Lecteur: Vers Une Nouvelle Approche De La Pratique Hermeneutique Au Moyen Age
La periode universitaire du Moyen Age se caracterise par un veritable renouveau des formes de production de la pensee : nouvelles sources, nouvelle organisation du savoir, nouvelles theories de l'exegese mais egalement nouvelles pratiques interpretatives. L'ambition de ce livre est double : mettre au jour de maniere unitaire la pratique hermeneutique de l'ensemble de l' uvre de Thomas d'Aquin, et proposer par ce biais une methodologie pour optimiser l'etude de cette pratique chez d'autres auteurs de la meme epoque. A cet effet, l'ouvrage propose une analyse systematique de la locution " intentio auctoris " a partir d'un corpus de pres de sept cent unites textuelles. La portee interpretative de ce syntagme est ici a la fois definie et mise a l'epreuve en vue d'en faire un veritable outil pour les etudes hermeneutiques. L'esquisse lexicale de cette locution, le decodage des criteres de lecture mis en place par Thomas d'Aquin et la determination du caractere juste d'un texte seront les etapes cle de ce parcours.La periode universitaire du Moyen Age se caracterise par un veritable renouveau des formes de production de la pensee: nouvelles sources, nouvelle organisation du savoir, nouvelles theories de l'exegese mais egalement nouvelles pratiques interpretatives. L'ambition de ce livre est double: mettre au jour de maniere unitaire la pratique hermeneutique de l'ensemble de l' uvre de Thomas d'Aquin, et proposer par ce biais une methodologie pour optimiser l'etude de cette pratique chez d'autres auteurs de la meme epoque. A cet effet, l'ouvrage propose une analyse systematique de la locution "intentio auctoris" a partir d'un corpus de pres de sept cent unites textuelles. La portee interpretative de ce syntagme est ici a la fois definie et mise a l'epreuve en vue d'en faire un veritable outil pour les etudes hermeneutiques. L'esquisse lexicale de cette locution, le decodage des criteres de lecture mis en place par Thomas d'Aquin et la determination du caractere juste d'un texte seront les etapes cle de ce parcours.
Peeters Publishers Elijah Looked and Behold...: Biblical Spirituality in Pictures
At the present time, as in the past, biblical texts are represented in pictures. Not only in churches, chapels and monasteries but also in the public domain one can find new paintings, sculptures and leaded glass windows that refer to biblical texts. In this research, six pictures are analysed that refer to the story of the prophet Elijah in 1 Kgs 19:1-18. The research question is: Which aspects of biblical spirituality are brought out in these pictures? This present study contributes to a theorization of this domain of research, within the scientific field of spirituality. The pictures of Elijah provide the concept of biblical spirituality with shape and colour. The six items, leaded glass windows, sculptures and paintings, in this research offer concrete and varied forms of biblical spirituality. They represent Elijah's experience of divine presence in their own, characteristic manners. The pictures appear to differ in the manner in which a divine space is opened up. To differing degrees beholders of the pictures are introduced into the space of a divine presence, and guided towards a perspective change similar to the one that Elijah undergoes. Anne-Marie Bos demonstrates the relational features of biblical spirituality; how biblical spirituality arises in the very act of looking or reading. The theoretic reflections and the case studies both contribute to a progressive comprehension of (biblical) spirituality.
Peeters Publishers To Touch or Not to Touch?: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Noli me tangere
To Touch or Not to Touch? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Noli me tangere is based on studies which were originally written for an interdisciplinary conference entitled Noli me tangere. Word – Image – Context. The book contains eight contributions by internationally recognized specialists in the areas of philosophy (Marc De Kesel), exegesis (Esther de Boer, Erika Mohri, Turid Karlsen Seim and Reimund Bieringer), art history (Lisa Marie Rafanelli and Victor Schmidt) and literature studies (Hedwig Schwall). The collection is unique in its focus on the Noli me tangere and in its interdisciplinary nature. The narrowness of its subject, namely the prohibition of touch by the risen Christ addressed to Mary Magdalene is counterbalanced by the broadness of methodologies and approaches which are used to treat the subject. The book mirrors the many ways in which interpreters have wrestled with the topics of touch and its prohibition in the interpretation of noli me tangere in John 20:17.
Peeters Publishers Mission in Dialogue: Essays in Honour of Michael L. Fitzgerald
Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald has made a lasting contribution to the Catholic Church in the field of interreligious dialogue, through his scholarship and through his work at the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue in the Vatican, as its secretary and then president. This volume, which includes contributions by several scholars and friends of Archbishop Fitzgerald, focuses on three aspects: the theology of religions, the experience of dialogue, and Muslim-Christian relations. Written by specialists, in English and in French, these seventeen contributions reflect the challenge of dialogue as it has been emphasized by the Second Vatican Council. Written from a scholarly perspective as well as from grassroots experiences, this volume also tries to show the diversity of approaches across the world.
Peeters Publishers Offerings to the Gods in Egyptian Temples
This splendidly illustrated book serves as a dictionary of the many different types of offerings to the gods depicted in Egyptian funerary reliefs, as well as their ritual context and symbolic meaning. Over 200 offerings are divided into broad categories: purification, beverages, foods, produce from the fields, fabircs, ointments, jewellery, rituals for goddesses and gods, symbolic, cosmic, funerary and defensive rituals and royal cult rituals.
Peeters Publishers La Lumiere De L'Intellect: La Pensee Scientifique Et Philosophique D'Averroes Dans Son Temps. Actes Du IVe Colloque International De La SIHSPAI (Societe Internationale D'histoire Des Sciences Et De La Philosophie Arabes Et Islamiques), Cord
Les etudes sur Averroes (1126-1198) ont porte jusqu'ici, pour l'essentiel, soit sur un aspect de sa psychologie philosophique, soit sur sa doctrine politique. Le premier type d'etudes se situe dans le prolongement de la reception medievale latine d'Averroes, caracterisee par les controverses suscitees par sa noetique. Le second reflete un courant de la recherche qui a domine l'histoire recente de la philosophie arabe et qui a mis l'accent sur l'etude des rapports entre religion et philosophie. Sans negliger ces deux orientations, ce volume, qui rassemble des contributions de specialistes mondialement reconnus d'Averroes, cherche a donner une vision plus globale de cet auteur en etudiant toutes les facettes de son oeuvre. Il vise aussi a reequilibrer l'approche de sa pensee, en insistant sur des aspects peu etudies de celle-ci et qui relevent de la logique, de la philosophie naturelle, de la medecine ou de la methodologie juridique. Les etudes ici rassemblees contribuent ainsi a jeter une lumiere neuve sur cette figure marquante de la pensee universelle. Les etudes sur Averroes (1126-1198) ont porte jusqu'ici, pour l'essentiel, soit sur un aspect de sa psychologie philosophique, soit sur sa doctrine politique. Le premier type d'etudes se situe dans le prolongement de la reception medievale latine d'Averroes, caracterisee par les controverses suscitees par sa noetique. Le second reflete un courant de la recherche qui a domine l'histoire recente de la philosophie arabe et qui a mis l'accent sur l'etude des rapports entre religion et philosophie. Sans negliger ces deux orientations, ce volume, qui rassemble des contributions de specialistes mondialement reconnus d'Averroes, cherche a donner une vision plus globale de cet auteur en etudiant toutes les facettes de son oeuvre. Il vise aussi a reequilibrer l'approche de sa pensee, en insistant sur des aspects peu etudies de celle-ci et qui relevent de la logique, de la philosophie naturelle, de la medecine ou de la methodologie juridique. Les etudes ici rassemblees contribuent ainsi a jeter une lumiere neuve sur cette figure marquante de la pensee universelle.
Peeters Publishers Standing Responsibly Between Silence and Speech: Religion and Revelation in the Thought of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Rene Girard
Recently there is increased attention to the visibility and viability of Christian churches in post-secular, pluralised societies. Theology has responsibilities in responding to this new cultural context. This study brings into contemporary conversation two Christian thinkers - Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Rene Girard - whose work has been influential in Protestant and Catholic theology and practice in recent decades.The book offers a thorough introduction to the thought of Bonhoeffer and Girard, paying attention to the historical, ecclesial and cultural contexts that informed each author's work. The insights of the two thinkers are brought into a contemporary conversation around five fundamental theological topics: the Christian understanding of the person, the distinctiveness of Christian revelation, the person and work of Jesus Christ, the nature of the church, and the relationship of church and society. This conversation highlights the significance of the intellectual and spiritual resources each author offers for Christian thought and action today.Biography and theology are deeply intertwined in the thought of Bonhoeffer and Girard. Likewise, many Christians have found in their writings a way to integrate theology and action, forming practices and communities of Christian discipleship based on friendly imitation of the One who leads us to each other.Bonhoeffer and Girard urge us to rethink Christian discipleship and the public role of the church in this era 'after religion'. According to the author, they challenge us to take the risk of a theological approach that is post-critical, revelational, relational and violence-renouncing.
Peeters Publishers The Second Vatican Council Diaries of Met. Maxim Hermaniuk, C.Ss.R. (1960-1965)
The Second Vatican Council diaries of the late Met. Maxim Hermaniuk, C.Ss.R., provide a captivating glimpse into the public and behind-the-scenes work of this Council Father. Hermaniuk was a graduate of the Catholic University of Louvain, and taught for a number of years in Belgium in the study houses of the Redemptorist order before being named the first Metropolitan of the Ukrainian (Eastern) Catholics in Canada. Hermaniuk was by far the most active of all the Ukrainian Catholic bishops at the Council. Much of his work was carried out through his membership in the Preconciliar Theological Commission and in the influential Secretariat for Christian Unity. Hermaniuk's activities centred on his proposal to establish an Apostolic College, as well as his call to nullify the anathemas of 1054 between the East and West. He was a strong advocate of ecumenical dialogue with other Christians, particularly with the Eastern Orthodox churches. His work also included the promotion of dialogue with other faiths. In reference to the Ukrainian Catholic Church, which was at the time severely persecuted in the Soviet Union, one sees his affirmations of the particularity and dignity of his Church, his promotion of religious liberty, and his condemnations of religious and political oppression. These diaries also reveal how the Ukrainian Catholic bishops responded to the pastoral needs of their faithful - in liturgy, catechesis, education, mission and ecclesial governance - and the call to renewal made by the Council. Finally, the diaries are unique since they are one of the very few accounts of the Council by an Eastern Catholic Council Father.
Peeters Publishers The Sound of Worship: Liturgical Performance by Surinamese Lutherans and Ghanaian Methodists in Amsterdam
In this book, Mirella Klomp gives an account of her research on the sound of worship among Surinamese Lutherans and Ghanaian Methodists in Amsterdam. Departing from the idea that the sonic spectrum of liturgy comprises more than 'church music' alone, she introduces 'sound' as a new and broader concept for the investigation of worship. It is a methodically transparent study that elaborates on liturgical ethnography, and thus investigates how the sound of worship takes shape in two particular churches. This first profound study on immigrant worship in the Netherlands starts with a theoretical introduction of basic notions, and continues with an empirical sounding of the field. In the final chapter, the author arranges a conversation between the cultural-anthropological outcomes of her research on the one hand, and theology on the other hand. The author thus illustrates that liturgical practices may offer important theological notions and shows how different approaches in Liturgical Studies can converge.
Peeters Publishers Bernardin De Saint-Pierre Au Tournant Des Lumieres: Melanges En L'honneur De Malcolm Cook
Bernardin de Saint-Pierre (1737-1814), homme de lettres et de science, utopiste, et revolutionnaire modere, a vecu les bouleversements politiques et esthetiques de la fin du XVIIIe siecle et des premieres annees du XIXe siecle. Les articles dans ce volume, dedies a Malcolm Cook en hommage pour son depart en retraite, situent Bernardin dans le contexte de la fin de l'ancien regime et le debut du nouveau. En mettant l'accent non seulement sur son ouvrage le plus connu, Paul et Virginie, mais aussi sur son travail d'homme de science, sur sa vie privee a travers la correspondance, sur son heritage intellectuel en France et a l'etranger, ces articles nous offrent des eclaircissements insolites sur l'auteur ainsi que plusieurs nouveaux pistes a suivre. Pris ensemble, ils illustrent la richesse des etudes sur Bernardin ainsi que les tensions et les paradoxes au cour de l'ecrivain et de son ouvre. Les etudes sur ses idees esthetiques et sur sa pensee politique se completent et illuminent la relation entre Bernardin et son siecle. Katherine Astbury est Senior Lecturer in French Studies a l'Universite de Warwick. Elle est membre de l'equipe internationale qui prepare l'edition de la correspondance complete de Bernardin de Saint-Pierre sous la direction de Malcolm Cook.
Peeters Publishers L'offrande aux dieux dans le temple égyptien
Rois et dieux ornent les parois des temples égyptiens dans un face à face qui a uni pendant deux millénaires le roi et la divinité. Le roi, fils du dieu, présente à son ancêtre un plateau, ou exécute un rituel. Les quelque deux cents offrandes se répartissent selon les thèmes suivants: purifications et boissons, nourritures et produits du sol, parures et cosmétiques, rites funéraires et défensifs, rites royaux.Toutes sont décrites, depuis leur sens en quelque sorte trivial (par exemple, la bière comme boisson quotidienne) jusqu'à leurs connotations les plus symboliques (la bière est aussi un breuvage sacré qui procure une ivresse de nature divine, voir qui annihile la force destructrice de la fille de Rê). Un dessin et des photographies illustrent chacune des rubriques. L'intitulé de l'offrande est aussi donné en hiéroglyphes pour permettre à chacun de repérer les mots sur la pierre. Les traductions des textes les plus significatifs accompagnent chacune des offrandes; à la dernière période de l'histoire égyptienne (époque gréco-romaine, de 300 av. J.-C. à 300 ap. J.-C.), le décor s'enrichit en effet d'inscriptions développées, rédigées en langue dite «ptolémaïque» que fort peu d'égyptologues sont à même de traduire aisément. Les derniers grands temples sont de véritables bibliothèques «pariétales».
Peeters Publishers Identite Et Difference Dans L'oeuvre De Nicolas De Cues (1401-1464)
Les notions d'identite et de difference recoupent celles de l'un et du multiple, du meme et de l'autre, de l'etre et du devenir. La pensee de Nicolas de Cues les a analysees avec une profondeur inegalee dans une ouvre qui demeure meconnue et qui est, cependant, d'une actualite etonnante. Dans la Docte ignorance, le Cusain enseigne que Dieu est unite, egalite de l'unite avec l'unite et connexion de l'unite et de l'egalite. Que serait, en effet, une unite differente de l'unite, une unite qui ne serait plus une ? Nicolas de Cues repond qu'il ne peut y avoir d'egalite sans unite. Dans son opuscule De aequalitate, il developpera la these qu'il n'y a pas d'unite parfaite sans egalite. Des lors, quelle place donner a la difference, s'il ne peut y avoir une autre unite que l'unite ? Si l'unite se donne a soi dans une repetition de soi, comment cette repetition peut-elle se distinguer de la differenciation ? Telle est la problematique abordee dans les Actes du colloque qui s'est tenu a Rennes sous la direction de Herve Pasqua publies dans notre collection.
Peeters Publishers Changing Minds: Religion and Cognition Through the Ages
This volume addresses the problem of change and continuity in religious traditions from the perspective of cognitive science. Relying on the rapidly growing body of scientific knowledge about the human mind, the authors examine cross-culturally recurrent religious phenomena and specific religious traditions, in an attempt to explain why religions change dynamically whilst still exhibiting high degrees of continuity. The volume contributes to our understanding of how social and cultural phenomena emerge from mental processes taking place in the brains of many individuals.The cognitive turn in the humanities entails not only a new, biologically grounded view of human phenomena, but also novel questions and methods. Some of the chapters, written by philosophers and linguists, discuss what the study of religion can learn from other disciplines that have already undertaken the cognitive turn. Anthropologists and psychologists of religion build bridges from different areas within the cognitive sciences to very specific issues of religion; they thus pave the way for Biblical scholars and theologians who are embracing the new cognitive method.This volume is the result of the International Workshop on Religion and Cognition, co-organised by the Cultural Change programme and the Centre for Religion and Cognition at the University of Groningen in 2006.
Peeters Publishers Tell Amarna (Syrie) V. La Basilique Byzantine Et Ses Mosaiques
La Mission archeologique de l'Universite de Liege en Syrie a effectue entre 1991 et 1998 huit campagnes de fouille a Tell Amarna en Syrie. Le present rapport contient l'etude d'une eglise byzantine et de ses mosaiques mises au jour en 1998, a environ 700 m au sud du tell principal. Au moment de son degagement, cette trouvaille etait la premiere du genre dans la region. L'etude et la publication de cet ensemble, en meme temps que la restauration partielle des mosaiques, ont donne lieu a une collaboration internationale. La publication contient aussi des articles qui placent cette eglise et ses mosaiques dans son contexte geographique et historique. The Archaeological Expedition of the University of Liege to Syria conducted eight seasons of excavations at Tell Amarna, Syria, between 1991 and 1998. The present excavation report contains a study of a Byzantine church and its mosaics discovered in 1998, approximately 700 m south of the main tell. At the time , this finding was the first of its kind in the region. The study and publication of this discovery, along with the partial restoration of the mosaics, gave rise to an international collaborative project. The present report also contains articles which place this church and its mosaics in their geographical and historical context.
Peeters Publishers The Lash of Ambition: Plutarch, Imperial Greek Literature and the Dynamics of Philotimia
In this volume, various aspects of Plutarch's view of 'philotimia' are analysed in detail and compared with the position of several authors of the 'Second Sophistic'. This confrontation challenges the often implicit and unquestioned consensus that Plutarch occupies as a singular figure 'his own space' apart from the 'Second Sophistic'. The broad approach and focus of this volume includes problems of textual criticism, comparative analysis, careful semantic studies of the occurrences of the term 'philotimia' in the different authors, moral-philosophical reflection on ambition, a study of philosophy as a field of honour, and the dynamics of the author's own 'philotimia' placed in the contemporary cultural context. The novel assessments of the different authors that are presented in this collection contribute to a proper understanding of their own (rhetorical/philosophical) culture and of their cultural environment. As a result, the monograph will be of interest to those studying Plutarch and the history of philosophy, rhetoric and the 'Second Sophistic'.
Peeters Publishers The Qumran Legal Texts Between the Hebrew Bible and Its Interpretation
How do the halakhic texts from Qumran as well as those Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls, which attest to legal texts of the Hebrew Bible, lead to a new interpretation and understanding of the Pentateuchal law collections and other legal texts in the Hebrew Bible and how do they help to illuminate the reception history of the Torah? These are the central questions of this book. The book consists of three parts: Part I: The Legal Texts from Qumran and the Hebrew Bible, Part II: The Legal Texts from Qumran and Second Temple Judaism and Part III: The Legal Texts from Qumran and Rabbinic Judaism. The volume contains an "Introduction" by Armin Lange and Kristin De Troyer and articles by Sidnie White Crawford ("The Qumran Pentateuch Scrolls: Their Literary Growth and Textual History"), Innocent Himbaza ("The Rite of the Blood on the Altar and the Hierarchy of Sacrifices: Qumran Texts, Septuagint and Mishnah as Witnesses to a Law in Evolution"), Michaela Bauks ("Jephtas Gelubde und die Unabwendbarkeit seiner Einlosung"), Loren T. Stuckenbruck ("The Pentateuch and Biblical Interpretation in the Enoch Literature from the Second Century BCE"), Eckhard Otto ("Temple Scroll and Pentateuch: A Priestly Debate about the Interpretation of the Torah"), Simone M. Paganini ("Die deuteronomistische Fassung des Konigsgesetzes und ihre Interpretation innerhalb der Tempelrolle: Rechtshermeneutische Beobachtungen"), Bernhard Dolna ("The Hidden and the Revealed Torah in Philo and Qumran"), Lawrence H. Schiffman ("Light from the Qumran Scrolls on Rabbinic Literature "), Gunter Stemberger ("Mishnah and Dead Sea Scrolls - a Reflection on Continuity and Change") and Hannah K. Harrington ("Examining Rabbinic Halakhah through the Lens of Qumran").
Peeters Publishers L'ecriture De L'histoire Juive: Melanges En L'honneur De Gerard Nahon
Ce volume d'Hommage a Gerard Nahon, directeur d'etudes emerite a l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes de Paris, ancien directeur de l'Equipe "Nouvelle Gallia Judaica" du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, reunit trente-huit contributions embrassant l'Histoire juive dans la longue duree. Cet ensemble d'etudes s'etend, a l'aune des preoccupations du recipiendaire, de Tsarfat a la Navarre, de Sefarad a la Catalogne ou a l'Italie, de la Provintzia (Languedoc, Provence, Comtat-Venaissin) au Sud-Ouest de la France, du Maghreb a la Terre sainte, enfin de la Belgique, et jusqu'a la Roumanie. Leurs auteurs sont des collegues et disciples de Gerard Nahon, des enseignants et des chercheurs, representants des universites et des institutions scientifiques et culturelles de neuf pays differents.
Peeters Publishers Origeniana Decima: Origen as Writer
This volume contains the proceedings of the tenth meeting of the international 'Origeniana' conference which is convened every four years. The overall theme of the 'Origeniana Decima' is 'Origen as writer'. The volume is divided into eight parts which are preceded by two introductory papers that introduce the reader into some of the secrets of Origen's writing techniques. The first part consists of two essays that deal with two intellectual traditions that had a major influence on Origen, Neo-Platonism and the rabbinic exegetical tradition. Part Two deals with the scope and complexity of Origen's oeuvre and Part Three with aspects of hermeneutics. Part Four focuses on the Apologies, with special interest in the Contra Celsum, and Part Five on the commentaries and the homilies. The sixth part includes articles on various aspects of Origen's language. Part Seven deals with the philosophical sources as these are used in exegetical and other works. Part Eight, on the disciples and followers of Origen, is the longest one with nineteen essays. Overall, this is once more an excellent specimen of the famous Origeniana conferences which for now almost forty years bring together specialists from all over the world. This volume, like previous ones in the series, will contribute significantly to our knowledge of Origen's achievements and of his influence.
Peeters Publishers Concordat Agreements between the Holy See and the Post-Communist Countries (1990-2010)
The collapse of the communist regimes in Europe at the turn of 1980’s/1990’s led to the necessary to seek new models of State and Churches relations in the post-Communist countries. However, even though two decades, 1990–2010, have not been enough to bring the process of transformation to completion, we can state that, at that time, the basic regulative principles of the relations in the politico-religious area have been specified and legally laid down. The study Concordat Agreements between the Holy See and the Post-Communist Countries (1990–2010) endeavours to describe and evaluate in a systematic manner a relatively extensive area of contractual regulation of relations between the Catholic Church and the post-Communist countries on the basis of research of concordat agreements. On the basis of comparative evaluation, it shows the prevailing models of solutions as well as their inner adequacy to the religious phenomenon and to the pluralistic democratic social order.
Peeters Publishers Catalogue of Syriac and Garshuni Manuscripts: Manuscripts Owned by the Iraqi Department of Antiquities and Heritage
Forty-three Syriac and Garshuni manuscripts owned by the Iraqi Department of Antiquities and Heritage are here catalogued and described in great detail. The manuscripts cover major literary genres known to Syriac literature, each of which is discussed in a lengthy introduction with an up-to-date bibliography. To illustrate the contents and styles of the manuscripts, short texts extracted from most of them are given in Syriac and Garshuni with translations in English. Some manuscripts are liturgical and were once the property of Melkite, Syriac Orthodox, Syriac Catholic, and Assyrian churches. Other manuscripts are spiritual and theological compendiums, biblical lectionaries and psalms, Melkite pastoral letters dealing with Roman Catholic devotional practices, charms and popular medicine, and sogyata and durikyata poems. A unique manuscript consists of a Kurdish (Kurmanji) grammar in Syriac authored by a 19th century Chaldean monk living in the Monastery of Rabban Hormizd in northern Iraq. The codices are dated between the 16th and the 19th centuries, though there is one dated to the 14th century, and they were produced in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and central and eastern Anatolia.
Peeters Publishers Isacco Di Ninive. Terza Collezione: V.
Un manoscritto unico, copiato intorno al 1900 nella regione di Urmia (attuale Iran), ci ha restituito una collezione di discorsi di Isacco di Ninive fino ad ora sconosciuta. Le fonti antiche informano circa l'esistenza di piA' collezioni di suoi discorsi, ma sino a qualche decennio fa solo la Prima collezione era nota. Negli anni ottanta del secolo scorso e stata ritrovata la Seconda collezione, in seguito parzialmente edita, ed ora con quest'opera di fornisce la Terza collezione. Il manoscritto di Teheran, che resta unico per l'insieme dei discorsi, ha consentito l'individuazione di altri testimoni parziali, in siriaco e in arabo, che sono stati cosi collazionati con il manoscritto principale. Qui si fornisce dunque l'edizione critica dell'insieme, che tiene conto di tutti i testimoni siriaci e, per alcuni passi, anche della versione araba. Il secondo volume contiene invece la traduzione dei testi, corredata di un apparato di note volto in primo luogo a mettere in luce i paralleli lessicali e concettuali con le altre due collezioni isacchiane.
Peeters Publishers Aegean and Cypro-Aegean Non-Sphragistic Decorated Gold Finger Rings of the Bronze Age
For the Aegean Bronze Age gold finger rings immediately call to mind the many gold signet rings and impressions thereof on clay sealings from both Crete and the Greek mainland; such items continue to be found in new excavations. The numerous seal impressions demonstrate that the rings were primarily used for administrative purposes. These are excluded from the present study, which focuses instead on the non-sphragistic decorated finger rings that occur less frequently. It also encompasses rings from Cyprus that are somehow related to examples from the Aegean.
Peeters Publishers Alexandria and the Moon: An Investigation into the Lunar Macedonian Calendar of Ptolemaic Egypt
This book is the first comprehensive study of the lunar Macedonian calendar in two decades. The mechanics of the calendar are examined in detail, and a new approach for reconstructing the sequence of intercalary months and years is proposed which, for the first time, permits a consistent interpretation of the papyrological data of the middle Ptolemaic period. It is shown that in c. 265 BC Ptolemy II deliberately set in motion a process to realign the calendar over an extended period, which ended early in the reign of Ptolemy IV. The results have implications for the origins of the financial year, the date of the Ptolemaieia, and the history of the Canopic reform of the Egyptian calendar, among other topics. Appendices consider the nature of Macedonian intercalation and the New Year outside Egypt. The study is of interest to students of ancient calendars, Ptolemaic chronology, and Hellenistic history.
Peeters Publishers Heretics and Heresies in the Ancient Church and in Eastern Christianity: Studies in Honour of Adelbert Davids
This volume in honour of Adelbert Davids, professor emeritus of Patristic studies at the Faculty of Theology of the Radboud University Nijmegen and former editor-in-chief of The Journal of Eastern Christian Studies, was first published in that same journal in 2008. As this issue is sold out the book is here reprinted in the companion series of Eastern Christian Studies. Heretics and Heresies in the Ancient Church and in Eastern Christianity opens with a biographical note (by P. Nissen) and contains eighteen essays by friends and colleagues of the honoree that all deal with one or another aspect of the crucial question of how the Early Church and the Eastern Church have defined heresy and orthodoxy. The contributors are B. Dehandschutter (heresy and the notion of tradition), A. Hilhorst ('heretical' martyrs), A. van den Hoek (Heracleon's hermeneutics), F. Ledegang (the Ophites), J. van Amersfoort (the Ebionites), K. Demoen (fourth-century thelogy on the notion of heresy), J. Leemans (Gregory of Nyssa on orthodoxy and heresy), J. Verheyden (Epiphanius' Panarion), D. Muller (persecution of heretics under Justinian), P. Van Deun (editio princeps of tractate CPG 7697,25 by Maximus the Confessor), A.A.R. Bastiaensen (the notion of perfidus/perfidia), M. Parmentier (editio princeps of CPL 560, a guideline against heretics), G. Bartelink (Cassianus's De incarnatione), D.W. Winkler (Nestorian controversy in the seventh century), H. Kaufhold (regulations against heresy and heretics in canon law in the Eastern Churches), H. Teule (Barhebraeus), F.B. Poljakow (traces of gnosticising thought currents in early twentieth-century Russia), B. Groen (dealing with anti-judaism in Byzantine liturgy today).
Peeters Publishers Mobile Performances: Linguistic Undecidability as Possibility and Problem in the Theology of Religions
How to judge religions other than one's own when facing a plurality of religions? The author makes a philosophical inquiry in two interconnected fields, linguistic undecidability and the necessity of making judgements. The central claim is that no stable centre for meaning can be established for linguistic entities. Even in cases where a stable centre of meaning would seem to be required, the author argues that linguistic entities in fact have to be mobile, in order to allow for newness in interpretation and understanding. Without such mobility, language would cease to function as language. A related concern is: Does truth entail justice? The author argues that it is not enough to possess true knowledge when making normative judgements. Ultimately, it is argued, judgements are made by persons, not impersonal principles. In closing, the focus of the inquiry is brought back to the concrete question of religious diversity. While this study mainly offers a fresh philosophical approach to issues of religious diversity, its line of argument relates to a number of topics well beyond its primary scope.
Peeters Publishers More Than Men, Less Than Gods: Studies on Royal Cult and Imperial Worship: Proceedings of the International Colloquium Organized by the Belgian School at Athens (November 1-2, 2007)
More Than Men, Less Than Gods is conceived as a demonstration project, with the goal of opening new perspectives in the study of Graeco-Roman ruler worship. A principal emphasis is placed on the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary approach to the subject. The present volume points to some possible forerunners to Hellenistic royal cult and emperor worship, or at least to the concept of the divine king, to supplement the well-studied roots of ruler worship in the cultic life of the Greek polis and in pharaonic Egypt. More than Men...aspires to contribute to the debate relative to divine kingship, royal cult and emperor worship by opening new perspectives or reopening old ones. The focus is in eliciting some audacious and innovative approaches to such a complex phenomenon. All questions are not raised and certainly most of them are not answered here. In abandoning the sterile opposition between 'political' and 'religious,' the volume's perspective transcends established notions conditioned by the Judeo-Christian model of western societies and scholarship, to consider the problem under different perspectives: there is no need to oppose 'Greek' vs. 'oriental,' 'rational' vs. 'emotional' to understand the birth of the phenomenon. The diversity of approaches draws attention to the variety of sources that provide evidence relating to ruler worship, or that can enhance our understanding of the broader phenomenon of the divinization of powerful men. These include myth and historical accounts preserved by ancient authors; dedicatory inscriptions; clay tablets; papyri; architectural decoration and other archaeological remains; statuary, cameos, gems and various minor arts; seal impressions; and coins.
Peeters Publishers The Incomprehensibility of God: Augustine as a Negative Theologian
Augustine's way of speaking about God has been frequently deplored. It has been dismissed as too confident regarding the content of its assertions and too narrowly confined. The reception of Augustine's work appears to indicate that there was not a little truth to this view. Augustine's affirmative statements on God's essence and activities constituted the 'initial capital' of Christian theology and spirituality.In contemporary religion, a tendency is in evidence to deny that too specific an image of God can really contain absolute truth. Fully formulated religious truths have to be placed in perspective, or must even be deconstructed, especially if the suspicion arises that they inhibit openness to authentic religious experiences of unity and harmony. Given such an outlook on religion, it seems understandable that those who take contemporary culture's renewed interest in religion seriously ignored Augustine's work as an authoritative source for 'post-christian' discourse about God.The presupposition of this book is that, throughout his life, Augustine maintained a balance between speaking about God and remaining silent about him to a much greater extent than has often been realized. On the one hand, as a priest and a bishop, he wished to prevent misunderstandings concerning the nature of God's essence and activity. On the other hand, as a young priest, he already showed his concern to drive home to the faithful the idea that God was a mystery.If Augustine positioned himself at the cutting edge of speaking and remaining silent, then his work is once more of importance for the future of the Christian faith, because it recognizes that the tension between affirmative and negative discourse about God has been characteristic of the Christian tradition from time immemorial.
Peeters Publishers Deine Seele Moge Leben Fur Immer Und Ewig: Die Demotischen Mumienschilder Im British Museum
In diesem Band werden alle demotischen und hieratischen Mumienschilder, die sich heute in der Sammlung des British Museum befinden, zum grosstenteils erstmalig publiziert. Viele dieser Mumientafelchen sind zweisprachig, demotisch-griechisch bzw. hieratisch-griechisch beschriftet. Im Tafelteil ist jedes Mumienschild mit Photo abgebildet. Im Katalog sind alle Mumientafelchen beschrieben und die Texte transliteriert, ubersetzt und kommentiert. Daran schliesst sich eine ausfuhrliche Auswertung der Mumienschilder hinsichtlich des Formulars, ihrer Herkunft und Datierung sowie unter palaographischen, onomastischen und prosopographischen Gesichtspunkten an. Dabei sind meist auch alle bislang publizierten Mumienschilder anderer Sammlungen berucksichtigt worden. Die in den Mumienschildern vorkommenden Altersangaben werden mittels verschiedener demographischer Methoden ausfuhrlich analysiert. Eingegangen wird unter anderem auf die Frage, wer ein Mumienschild erhielt. Waren Geschlecht, Alter oder andere Kriterien ausschlaggebend? Detaillierten Indizes beschliessen das Buch.
Peeters Publishers L'erreur Et La Faute Dans L'"Histoire De La Guerre De Peloponnese" De Thucydide
Si la faute a fait l'objet d'etudes en lien avec la tragedie, le theme de l'infraction (recouvrant, plus largement, erreur et faute) reste peu etudie dans l'oeuvre de Thucydide. Comment l'historien, qui affirme presenter les faits sans filtre, aborde-t-il cette question a une epoque ou les notions de responsabilite et de culpabilite font l'objet d'une reevaluation? Cette etude demontre la place que prend l'erreur dans la perspective didactique de l'oeuvre. L'etude lexicale des termes exprimant l'infraction (hamartanein et adikein) etablit ainsi leurs nuances d'emploi, en particulier dans les relations entre cites. Les jeux, flottements ou distorsions imposes a cette distinction dans les nombreux discours de l'oeuvre sont egalement mis au jour. Enfin, ces manipulations etant recurrentes, la forme elle-meme du discours, en tant que vecteur de l'erreur, se voit examinee. Ce faisant, cet ouvrage questionne l'intention de Thucydide dans la construction de l'oeuvre.
Peeters Publishers Het Mysterie Van Het "Lam Gods": Filips De Goede En De Rechtvaardige Rechters Van Van Eyck
De citaten uit de Apocalyps en de Profeten op het Lam-Godsretabel van Jan van Eyck (Gent, Sint-Baafskathedraal) evoceren de terugkeer van het Aards Paradijs, het Duizendjarige Rijk en de openbaring van het Nieuwe Jeruzalem. Het enthousiaste toekomstvisioen, met als inzet het einde van het Westerse schisma, de bevrijding van Jeruzalem en de bekering van de Joden, illustreert de hofideologie van het Bourgondische rijk in de 15de eeuw. Het werd mogelijk geinspireerd door Spaanse conversos met connecties in Brugge. Het was bestemd voor het Prinsenhof in Gent naar aanleiding van de doop op 6 mei 1432 van Josse, geboren in Gent, de verhoopte troonopvolger van Filips de Goede en Isabella van Portugal. Het retabel werd niet aanvaard omwille van zijn millenaristische ideologie. Het werd aangepast mits expliciete verwijzingen naar de zondeval van Adam en Eva en kreeg een plaats in de pas gebouwde kapel van Judocus Vijd en Elisabeth Borluut in de toenmalige Sint-Janskerk, nadien Sint-Baafskathedraal.
Peeters Publishers A Bibliography of Syriac Ascetic and Mystical Literature
This book offers a complete bibliographical presentation of Syriac authors and texts in the domain of Syriac asceticism and mysticism. It also includes Greek texts that were translated into Syriac and profoundly influenced the spiritual life of Christians in the Near and Middle East. Among the Syrian Churches ascetic and mystical literature was flourishing over the centuries and witnesses the intensity of their religious life. It also enriched the spirituality of other Christian traditions. Therefore, the bibliography also indicates Medieval translations of Syriac texts into other languages. The list of authors and texts ranges from Ps.-Clement of Rome and Antony the Great to the Chaldean Patriarch Joseph II (1696-1713/4). Editions (if available), translations and secondary literature are arranged in chronological order. Additionally, subject sections present surveys and introductions to the topic as well as literature about Syriac proto-monasticism, monastic anthologies, mystical experience and Messalianism in the Syriac tradition. The introduction of the book highlights the importance and originality of the Syriac ascetic and mystical literature.
Peeters Publishers Qumran and the Bible: Studying the Jewish and Christian Scriptures in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls
At October 28th, 2008, the University of Vienna awarded Emanuel Tov an honorary doctorate in recognition of a life dedicated to the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the textual histories of the Hebrew and Greek Bibles. To better illuminate the impact of Emanuel Tov's work on the various fields of Biblical, Jewish, and Christian studies, the University of Vienna decided to accompany the traditional awards ceremony with a small symposium on 'Qumran and the Bible.' The present volume publishes proceedings of this symposium and additional contributions. In his academic memoirs, Emanuel Tov tells his story with the Dead Sea Scrolls and their publication. Lika Tov accompanies Emanuel's article with a history of her Dead Sea Scrolls art work. Armin Lange identifies several causes for the pre-canonical textual plurality of the Jewish scriptures. Florentino Garcia Martinez shows how the Dead Sea Scrolls help to illuminate the history of the Book of Joshua. Heinz-Josef Fabry describes the spectrum of interpretative techniques and hermeneutical approaches to the Jewish Scriptures in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Loren Stuckenbruck demonstrates how the Dead Sea Scrolls illuminate the New Testament and its world linguistically, theologically, and culturally.
Peeters Publishers The Council Notes of Edward Schillebeeckx 1962-1963
Without a doubt, the late Edward Schillebeeckx (1914-2009) remains one of the most important and inspiring theological voices of the twentieth century. Apart from his influential books still widely read, the name of Schillebeeckx is constantly linked to the renewal of church life and theology that occurred during the Second Vatican Council. The present critically annotated edition by Dr. Karim Schelkens - containing both the original Dutch text and an English translation - now makes Schillebeeckx' private notes, jotted down during the first two council periods, readily available for a wider public, thereby offering its readers a unique possibility to enter into the thought world and the activities of this theological giant. The edition is prepared with the support of the Edward Schillebeeckx Foundation, and holds a preface by Prof. Mathijs Lamberigts as well as an introduction by Schillebeeckx' biographer, Prof. Erik Borgman.
Peeters Publishers Les Tombes Hypogees de Basse Epoque F7, F17, H, J1, Q, N1
Ce second volume de la publication finale des resultats de la mission archeologique du Louvre a Saqqara concerne les tombes hypogees de Basse Epoque. Illustre de pres de 1000 photographies en couleur, dessins et plans, il presente l'etude des tombes F7, F17, H, j1, Q et n1 decouvertes en 2003-2007. Celles-ci sont situees au Nord de la chaussee d'Ounas, ou les fouilles dirigees par Christiane Ziegler de 1991 a 2007 ont mis au jour plus de 3000 ans d'occupation humaine, de l'epoque des pyramides jusqu'a la conquete arabe.Ces tombes hypogees sont exceptionnelles a plus d'un titre. La plupart etaient inviolees et leur contenu a ete retrouve dans sa disposition originelle. Elles se distinguent par la qualite des objets et leur rare etat de conservation. Enfin, une inscription demotique date precisement l'une d'entre elles de l'an II du pharaon Nectanebo II, 1er mois de l'inondation (21 novembre-20 decembre 360 av. J.-C.). L'ouvrage, en deux tomes, comprend la description architecturale et archeologique des differentes tombes ainsi que le catalogue detaille des objets qui y ont ete retrouves. En fin d'ouvrage, on trouvera une serie d'etudes scientifiques concernant les momies et le materiel d'embaumeur, les inscriptions (demotique, chypro-grec et copte) ainsi que les materiaux et les techniques (recherches sur les pigments, les vegetaux, les textiles et les cartonnages).
Peeters Publishers Defensible Sites in Crete C. 1200 - 800 B.C.: (LM IIIB/IIIC Through Early Geometric)
Shortly before 1200 B.C. the Aegean, and soon afterwards much of the East Mediterranean, was shaken by disturbances and destructions which considerably changed the settlement patterns, as well as the political and social structures of those lands. This led to the decline of the Mycenaean world which eventually caused the so-called Dark Age in Greece. Crete, being an island located on the cross-roads between the Greek Mainland, Sicily and South Italy, and the Levant, may have been particularly affected by the problems referred to in ancient written sources under the name of "the Sea Peoples". The Dark Age in Crete is potentially better represented than in other areas of the Aegean and explorations in the mountainous hinterland of the island have shown site numbers and a density of habitation only vaguely suggested by the excavated samples of sites. This book is based on fifteen years of field research presenting about 120 defensible sites with comprehensive descriptions, sketches, plans and illustrations of surface pottery. Archaeological evidence (in a large part hitherto unpublished) is analysed in detail to reconstruct changes in settlement patterns alongside the political, social, ethnic and economic aspects of the Dark Age society in Crete. The problem of the function of defensible and fortified sites during the Dark Age is examined against a more general background of similar sites on the island from the Neolithic through the Bronze Age. The phenomenon of defensible settlements founded c. 1200 B.C. is discussed here in a wider Mediterranean context with reference to other Aegean islands, Cyprus and the Levant. One chapter presents the historical written sources from the Near East and Egypt which contain references to events that might have caused the dramatic changes suggested in archaeological evidence towards the end of the Bronze Age.
Peeters Publishers Wine in the Mycenaean Palace Economy
Table of Contents - Acknowledgements - Tables and appendices - List of illustrations - Bibliography - Introduction - Ch. 1. Background to Wine as an Agricultural Commodity - Ch. 2. The Development of the Wine Ideogram - Ch. 3. Mycenaean Vocabulary in Reference to Viticulture and Wine - Ch. 4. Derivatives of dateomai and the Distribution of Wine - Ch. 5. Wine in the Pylos Mixed Commodity Tablets - Ch. 6. Wine in the Knossos Fs Tablets - Ch. 7. The Impressed Nodules from the Wine Magazine at Pylos - Ch. 8. Wine in the Knossos and Mycenae Tablets - Ch. 9 The Place of Wine in the Mycenaean Palace Economy - Indexes - Plates
Peeters Publishers Site Neolithique Et Helladique Ancien De Kouphovouno (Laconie): Fouilles De O.-W. Von Vacano (1941)
Les sondages effectues par O.W. von Vacano sur le site de Kouphovouno en Laconie pendant l'ete 1941 ont livre des vestiges d'habitations, des tombes et une quantite importante de materiel lithique, osseux et ceramique, temoignant d'une occupation allant du Neolithique moyen a l'Helladique ancien II. La publication des travaux d'O.W. von Vacano constitue a ce jour la seule etude consacree a un site de Laconie date de ces periodes. Elle tient compte des hypotheses et des conclusions que le fouilleur a formulees et compare les decouvertes de Kouphovouno avec les resultats des recherches les plus recentes sur le Neolithique et le Bronze ancien, notamment dans le Peloponnese. Apres une presentation de la stratigraphie du site, des vestiges de constructions et des tombes, une partie est consacree a l'etude de l'outillage en pierre taillee, en pierre polie, en os et en terre cuite, et comprend un catalogue complet des pieces entreposees au Musee de Sparte. Puis deux chapitres abordent respectivement la ceramique neolithique et celle de l'Helladique ancien. Enfin, une derniere partie presente les figurines en terre cuite
Peeters Publishers Jesus, the Eschatological Temple: An Exegetical Study of JN 2,13-22 in the Light of the Pre 70 C.E. Eschatological Temple Hopes and the Synoptic Temple Action
The 'temple action' of Jesus, popularly known as 'temple cleansing,' has been subjected to meticulous studies. Nevertheless, studies focussing on the Johannine version of the 'temple action' are surprisingly very few. The present work concentrates on the Johannine 'temple action' (Jn 2,13-22). The unique contribution of this book is that it has ventured to situate the 'temple action' of Jesus in contexts which have hitherto not been adequately considered in this respect. These significant contexts include the Pre-70 C. E. Jewish hopes concerning the eschatological temple and the Post-70 C.E. private, apocalyptic, rabbinic and political responses to the destruction of the Jerusalem temple. By placing the 'temple action' in the aforesaid contexts, and also in the context of the synoptic versions of the 'temple action,' this study clarifies why John presents Jesus as the temple, and what it means to say that Jesus' body is the temple. These contexts, besides throwing light to the 'temple action' of Jesus, also turn to be a powerful key to unravel the subtle nuances of much of the Johannine material.
Peeters Publishers From Pots to People: A Ceramic Approach to the Archaeological Interpretation of Ploughsoil Assemblages in Late Roman Cyprus
During the last forty odd years, archaeological surveys have demonstrated that much can be said about changing patterns of regional exchange and settlement hierarchies based on surface observations. Walking the Mediterranean landscape, the most common indication of ancient human activity survey archaeologists come across are scatters of pottery and other ceramics. Enormous numbers of sherds are counted, collected, recorded, and interpreted in order to understand the ancient cultural, social, economic, and ritual landscapes. Some discrete scatters of ancient artefacts are interpreted as sites where people have lived and/or worked based on an analysis of both cultural and environmental data. These artefact scatters are modern phenomena affected by complex post-depositional processes such as cultivation which obscure potentional behavioural patterning. Artefact-based survey with its treatment of artefacts behaving as sediments in the soil enhanced with a detailed pottery analysis centred on use has the potential to greatly increase our understanding of the ancient rural world. This book offers an attempt to create a methodology for hypothesizing about the general activities taking place at sites identified by survey based on ceramics. The use typology is put forward as a tool for studying artefactual differentiation, and the method consists of establishing empirically generalized pottery indices of different human activities based on artefactual differentiation at Late Roman sites in Cyprus.
Peeters Publishers Archaeologica, Arts, Iconographica, Tools, Historica, Biblica, Theologica, Philosophica, Ethica
Papers presented at the Fifteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2007 (see also Studia Patristica 45, 46, 47, 48 and 49). The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford; they are held under the aegis of the Theology Faculty of the University. Members of these conferences come from all over the world and most offer papers. These range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The smaller number of longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers The Subtle Shapes of Invention: Poetic Imagination in Medieval French Literature
Medieval writers frequently refer to the composition of their own verse and prose works. These authorial interventions are often cryptic and partial, bringing them together, like pieces in a puzzle, reveals a coherent picture of their art of poetry and prose. However, beyond the interest of this knowledge in its own right, it is also necessary to find out how it can be used to interpret, evaluate, and appreciate the works that exemplify it. As the French art of invention emerged from the medieval Latin tradition in rhetoric and poetics, vernacular authors, from Chretien de Troyes to Christine de Pizan, adapted it to the composition of their own narratives, lyric poems, and treatises. This book brings together a number of essays that show how medieval writers in the translatio studii invented, with subtlety and imagination, diverse, original, and even compelling works that conform to their literary art. Focusing on both well known and less well known authors and works, the essays are grouped under the following topics: the art of invention, the Roman de Troie, Arthurian verse romances and the matiere de Bretagne, prose romance on the knights of the Round Table and on the Seven Sages of Rome, Occitan and Old French lyric, and late medieval allegory and the Dit.
Peeters Publishers Semantique de la Cause
Ce livre constitue une typologie semantico-syntaxique systematique des constructions causales qui operent sur des arguments phrastiques, a l'exclusion de celles qui figurent dans le cadre d'une phrase simple (renverser,tuer). Les connecteurs etudies sont donc des predicats du second ordre, quelle que soit leur categorie morphologique (verbe, nom, adjectif, preposition, locution). La classification repose sur la nature de l'operande : celle-ci permet de mettre en evidence des causes evenementielles (causer, provoquer, occasionner), des causes du faire (faire, ordonner, motiver, mobile, motif) et des causes du dire (conjecturer, alleguer, pretendre, puisque, car).Sur la base d'un corpus de grande ampleur, on decrit le spectre argumental de tous les connecteurs. Ce travail methodique revele que chaque predicat de cause selectionne un nombre d'operandes qui lui est propre et qui representent des classes semantiques specifiques. Les relateurs de cause ne sont donc pas interchangeables. A cote de causes " globales ", on distinguera des causes inchoatives (declencher, activer, instaurer), progressives (perpetuer, maintenir) ou terminatives (clore, endiguer, eradiquer). Les connecteurs ne codent pas la relation de facon uniforme. Certains sont caracterises par un surcodage : ils ajoutent a la notion de cause des valeurs supplementaires de nature metaphorique (conduire a, venir de, etre une source de, donner naissance a). D'autres correspondent a un sous-codage : leur sens premier exprime une autre relation (si, quand, lorsque, chaque fois que) et necessite une inference pour avoir une interpretation causale.
Peeters Publishers The Old Greek of Isaiah: Issues and Perspectives: Papers Read at the Conference on the Septuagint of Isaiah, Held in Leiden 10-11 April 2008
The Old Greek of Isaiah represents an intriguing and complex unity within the Septuagint. The present volume contains contributions reflecting a variety of issues pertaining to this version, and also offers perspectives for further research. The topics dealt with can be designated as follows: terminology and vocabulary, unity of the book, rhetorical figures, coherence on the level of a pericope, theology, and hermeneutics (fulfilment interpretation). The Greek version is of course compared with the supposed parent text in Hebrew, but several contributions also show a strong interest in the Greek text as it stands. As to the latter approach the following aspects play an important role: the immediate context (verse; pericope), style, the meaning and function of words and phrases, and related texts. In order to stimulate further research, the volume also offers a full bibliography on LXX Isaiah.
Peeters Publishers Linguistique Historique Et Indo-europeenne
Cette introduction place la reconstruction de la protolangue indo-europeenne et la differenciation des familles linguistiques dans la perspective des theories recentes du changement linguistique. Ce livre examine aussi les questions relatives a la parente typologique et la parente areale des langues. Chaque chapitre s'accompagne d'un resume et d'une liste de lectures conseillees.
Peeters Publishers Timotheos I., Ostsyrischer Patriarch: Disputation Mit Dem Kalifen Al-Mahdi: T.
Text edition. Der Bericht des ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos uber eine Disputation mit dem Kalifen al-Mahdi (um 782/783 geschrieben) ist einer der ersten grossen Texte der christlich-muslimischen Kontroversliteratur. Zentralthemen der scharfsinnigen und doch fairen Diskussion sind die Trinitatslehre, die Christologie, die Stellung Mohammeds und die Frage nach einer Kontinuitat der Heilsgeschichte zwischen Christentum und Islam. Dabei werden Beispiele christlicher Koranexegese und muslimischer Bibelauslegung diskutiert. Erkennbar sind Bezuge zur islamischen Theologie der fruhen 'Abbasidenzeit wie auch zur beginnenden Rezeption der aristotelischen Philosophie in der islamischen Welt. In der sogenannten Perlenparabel uber die Unerkennbarkeit der wahren Religion wird Lessings Ringparabel vorausgenommen. Der syrische Text, bereits 1928 von Alphonse Mingana als Faksimile einer Handschrift publiziert, erscheint hier erstmals in kritischer Edition, die auch die alteste erhaltene Handschrift berucksichtigt. Die deutsche Ubersetzung mit Anmerkungen reflektiert Probleme in der Textuberlieferung.
Peeters Publishers Timotheos I., Ostsyrischer Patriarch: Disputation Mit Dem Kalifen Al-Mahdi: V.
German translation. Der Bericht des ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos uber eine Disputation mit dem Kalifen al-Mahdi (um 782/783 geschrieben) ist einer der ersten grossen Texte der christlich-muslimischen Kontroversliteratur. Zentralthemen der scharfsinnigen und doch fairen Diskussion sind die Trinitatslehre, die Christologie, die Stellung Mohammeds und die Frage nach einer Kontinuitat der Heilsgeschichte zwischen Christentum und Islam. Dabei werden Beispiele christlicher Koranexegese und muslimischer Bibelauslegung diskutiert. Erkennbar sind Bezuge zur islamischen Theologie der fruhen 'Abbasidenzeit wie auch zur beginnenden Rezeption der aristotelischen Philosophie in der islamischen Welt. In der sogenannten Perlenparabel uber die Unerkennbarkeit der wahren Religion wird Lessings Ringparabel vorausgenommen. Der syrische Text, bereits 1928 von Alphonse Mingana als Faksimile einer Handschrift publiziert, erscheint hier erstmals in kritischer Edition, die auch die alteste erhaltene Handschrift berucksichtigt. Die deutsche Ubersetzung mit Anmerkungen reflektiert Probleme in der Textuberlieferung.
Peeters Publishers The Composition of the Book of Psalms
The volume contains the acts of the Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense on the Composition of the Book of Psalms that was held in Leuven on 5-7 August 2008. Together the forty-four essays, many of these by first-rank experts in the field, offer an impressive survey of current research on the Book of Psalms, which is here primarily studied as a composition in its own right. Several contributors discuss methodological issues and various theological and redactional aspects of the Book of Psalms as a whole. Others offer an analysis of larger sections of the Psalter or of a specific Psalm within the broader perspective of the Book. Among the contributors are J.-M. Auwers, W.P. Brown, B. Doyle, E.S. Gerstenberger, S.E. Gillingham, F. Hartenstein, F.-L. Hossfeld, B. Janowski, K. Seybold, H.U. Steymans, J. Trublet, H. van Grol, and Y. Zakovitch. Erich Zenger, the President of the Colloquium and editor of the book wrote the opening address entitled 'Von der Psalmenexegese zur Psalterexegese'. He was still fully engaged in correcting the proofs of the congress proceedings when he was overtaken by death. This volume is a tribute to him.