Search results for ""peeters publishers""
Peeters Publishers Cultural Mediators: Artists and Writers at the Crossroads of Tradition, Innovation and Reception in the Low Countries and Italy 1450-1650
The notion of cultural mediation is a promising albeit not yet methodologically clear-cut and well-probed instrument for studying artistic and literary phenomena in the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period. This volume addresses the role of artists and writers as cultural mediators in a variety of cultural fields such as religion, politics, morality and artistic expression (art, literature and theatre). It fully acknowledges the diversity of roles that the term cultural mediator incorporates. The artist or writer may be a neutral transmitter, a dedicated instructor, a conscious advocate, an unconscious exponent or an autonomous inventor of whatever message is being transmitted by way of visual or verbal artefacts. In reality, these roles were often intertwined, but distinguishing them enables us to recognise the main variables that shaped the role of a cultural mediator: the intentionality of the artist or writer, the function of his or her work and its reception by the viewers or audience. The essays collected in this volume offer a stimulating, interdisciplinary exploration of the range, variety and impact of the artist or writer as a cultural mediator, while avoiding a deadlock between notions of art and literature as subsidiary versus self-contained fields of creative expression.
Peeters Publishers From Fast to Feast: A Ritual-liturgical Exploration of Reconciliation in South African Cultural Contexts
Today, some years after the first democratic elections in South Africa as well as the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), it is clear that reconciliation is still needed on all terrains of South African society. More and more people are becoming aware of unchanneled emotions such as guilt, fury, revenge and grief which are still alive in South Africa and which come to fore in different ways. It seems as if reconciliation is a process that will in fact take years, if not generations. The task of the TRC has been completed, but the task of reconciliation on all levels in South African society and the debate surrounding it are far from complete. Very little research has been conducted to understand both the process and the kinds of reconciliation rituals that are needed. And this is exactly the aim of the research described in this book. The research described here aims at making a contribution towards the process of reconciliation in South Africa by specifically looking at one small but important element in that process, namely ritual. To this end several ritual probes were conducted, including an ethnographic probe describing research by means of participatory observation in local South African communities, as well as a cultural-anthropological, biblical, historical and descriptive probe. From these probes ritual qualities were distilled which can be used for the liturgical inculturation of rituals of reconciliation in South Africa.
Peeters Publishers When 'Love' Strikes: Social Sciences, Ethics and Theology on Family Violence
The family many people long for is a 'safe haven', a place of love. Nevertheless, in many cases this 'love' becomes dangerous or violent. Idealistic views on the family can veil violence in the family. How should we speak about families in order to make visible both the hard realities of some families as well as the positive feelings and experiences? The existence of violence in families challenges many of our presuppositions. When 'love' strikes contains various studies on the theme of violence in families, focussing on four key relational axes. This book deals with violence between partners, between siblings and violence done to children and to elderly people or parents. Family violence is analysed from ethical, philosophical and theological perspectives. The book brings together different views on the relationship between Christianity and different forms of family violence. It offers resources for theologians, ministers, (pastoral) counsellors, chaplains, social workers, psychologists and therapists who are confronted with violence in families.
Peeters Publishers L'administration Des Cultes Dans Les Pays De L'Union Europeenne
Cet ouvrage collectif presente les pratiques administratives des divers gouvernements, au sein de l'Union Europeenne, a l'egard des religions ou communautes de convictions. En Europe, quelles sont les attentes des grandes religions et comment dialoguent-elles avec les autorites de Bruxelles afin d'apporter leur contribution specifique a la construction europeenne? Dans ce volume, de hauts responsables des religions catholique, protestante, orthodoxe, israelite, musulmane aupres de la Commission exposent les modalites de ce dialogue entre l'Europe et les religions. Tous les Etats membres de l'Union Europeenne sont confrontes aux memes evolutions des realites religieuses et tous s'accordent pour reconnaitre les memes principes fondamentaux relatifs a la liberte religieuse. Pourtant, chaque Etat reste competant pour determiner le statut juridique qu'il entend accorder aux confessions religieuses. A partir d'une selection significative d'Etats membres de l'Union Europeenne, les auteurs presentent l'organisation et les competences des Directions et Bureaux charges, aupres des gouvernements, de l'administration des Affaires religieuses.
Peeters Publishers Ceramics in Transitions: Chalcolithic Through Iron Age in the Highlands of the Southern Caucasus and Anatolia
The papers in this volume, drawn from the international Workshop on Archaeological Ceramics in the Southern Caucasus and Adjacent Areas held at Barnard College, Columbia University, consider archaeological ceramics excavated in Armenia, Azerbaijan (Nakhichevan and nearby areas), Georgia, Iran (western Azerbaijan) and eastern Turkey, areas which shared common cultures in the prehistoric past. They focus on three periods of transition: (a) the Chalcolithic to the Early Bronze Age, the end of the fourth and beginning of the third millennium BCE; (b) the period from the Early Bronze Age to the Middle Bronze Age, approximately the end of the third millennium BCE through the beginning of the second millennium BCE; (c) and the latter part of the second millennium BCE (archaeologically termed Late Bronze/Early Iron Age). Subjects comprise data from new excavations, new questions of old data, innovative technical studies and interactions among these lands and nearby areas such as the ancient Near East and beyond. The many color illustrations serve as an important reference for any scholar or field project dealing with questions of local ceramic sequences and long-distance or regional contact and exchange. In addition, the volume contains important collections of carbon-14 data and extensive bibliographies.
Peeters Publishers Dialectique, physique et métaphysique: Études sur Aristote
Ce recueil comprend une vingtaine de mes articles, pour la plupart déjà publié par ailleurs. Plusieurs d'entre eux ont paru en français, la langue que je préfère pour la communication internationale; mais il n'y a pas tout ce que j' ai écrit ou publié dans cette langue: je n'ai retenu que les études concernant la dialectique, la physique et la métaphysique d'Aristote, et parmi celles-ci seulement celles qui me paraissent les plus significatives. J'y ai ajouté cinq traductions d'articles publiés en italien ou en anglais et qui me semblaient constituer un complément utile aux thèses développées dans les autres. Le but de cette publication est avant tout de mettre à la disposition d'un public plus large les résultats de mes études sur ces différents thèmes, en lui permettant d'en avoir une vision pour ainsi dire synoptique - au risque de comporter des répétitions, dont je tiens à m'excuser ici. Comme il s'agit d'écrits s'etendant sur une trentaine d'années - le plus ancien remonte à 1979, mais il avait été présenté au Symposium Aristotelicum de 1972 -, il est inévitable que, sur plusieurs points, il y ait eu des changements d'opinion. Mais ceux-ci ne sont pas vraiment significatifs et il s'agit dans la plupart des cas de nuances, de différences d'accent ou encore de mises au point. Si j'ai choisi d'inclure ainsi des opinions que je ne soutiens plus de la même manière aujourd'hui, c'est dans une intention dialectique, au sens aristotélicien du terme, c'est-à-dire pour fournir tous les arguments en faveur d'une thèse aussi bien que tous ceux qui lui sont opposés, de manière à «développer les apories dans les deux directions» (pros amphotera diaporêsia), ce qui, pour Aristote, constitue la meilleure manière de distinguer le vrai du faux (Top. I 2, 101a 35-36).
Peeters Publishers L'erotisme Des Adolescents Dans La Litterature Francaise Du Moyen Age
La maturation sexuelle mobilise un theme important des lettres medievales. Certains conteurs proposent l'ideal d'une unite parfaite, reservee a des enfants asexues. L'age adulte ne sera qu'une tentative pour retrouver cette entente. Les recits qui mettent en scene le desir incestueux d'un pere s'inaugurent en revanche par la desintegration; le destin de la jeune fille la menera peut-etre vers l'insertion sociale, encore que celle-ci ne s'avere jamais definitive. L'integration devient tout a fait impossible dans les cas d'inceste entre mere et fils: le desordre finit par entrainer l'effacement total du sujet. En guise de contrepoids, d'autres 'uvres abordent la relation avec une femme mure: l'itineraire de l'adolescent procede d'un manque initial mais aboutit a l'epanouissement. C'est sur les mutations et les bouleversements, les jeux de l'unite et de la division, de l'equilibre et du desordre qu'Agata Sobczyk se concentre.
Peeters Publishers Cognitio Dei Experimentalis: A Theological Genealogy of Christian Religious Experience
How and why theological discourse uses religious experience? What kind of reflection was there about religious experience in the past? At what point during the history of Christianity did religious experience become an important epistemological category? What paradigm changes were at the basis of the diverse interpretations of religious experience? These are some of the questions addressed in this volume, a theological history of ideas, about the historical development of the meaning of religious experience and how it evolves from a mode of knowing to an object for knowledge. In general, during Antiquity and the Middle Ages, theology creates experience, and in certain modern and post-modern currents, experience creates theology: an end becomes a means. With regard to Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and Modernity, the author examines what is meant by religious experience and drafts the evolution of an intellectualistic concept that changes into an emotionally charged concept. Two research questions however recur: what do the different writers, during different periods, mean by religious experience, and what is the object of that experience?
Peeters Publishers Mme Riccoboni, Romanciere, Epistoliere, Traductrice: Actes Du Colloque International Leuven-Antwerpen, 18-20 Mai 2006
" Mon passage sur ce globe ne peut exciter ni satisfaire la curiosite de personne ", ecrivait Mme Riccoboni a un de ses correspondants, qui lui demandait des details sur l'histoire de sa vie. Elle n'en a pas moins laisse une ?uvre dont elle habite chaque page. Si Mme Riccoboni n'avait pas le souci de la posterite, cette ?uvre, desormais disponible pour l'essentiel en edition moderne, parait d'un interet certain, et non seulement au lecteur erudit, en ce qu'elle revele une activite courageuse et soutenue de romanciere et de traductrice, d'epistoliere et de critique litteraire parfaitement informee de la sensibilite et des questions morales et intellectuelles de son epoque.250 ans apres la parution de sa premiere ?uvre, les Lettres de Mistriss Fanny Butlerd, il paraissait opportun de faire un tour d'horizon de cette diversite. Le present volume rassemble les contributions faites a un colloque international qui s'est tenu sur les campus des universites de Leuven et d'Anvers en mai 2006 et qui accueillait bon nombre de chercheurs confirmees tout en donnant une voix a de nombreux jeunes chercheurs dont les travaux, doctoraux et autres, temoignaient a eux seuls du large interet suscite actuellement par l'?uvre de Madame Riccoboni.Les discussions dont on voit ici les retombees se sont deroulees le long de trois axes. Il convenait d'abord de relire ses romans tels qu'en eux-memes et notamment de les situer par rapport aux formules les plus courantes du romanesque ambiant. Il fallait aussi prendre la mesure de la diversite generique de la production riccobonienne. Les productions de Riccoboni traductrice, critique litteraire, dramaturge, voire epistoliere permettent-elles de preciser ou de nuancer, fut-ce de bias, son profil de romanciere ? Restaient enfin a preciser les voies concretes du succes suscite par cette activite d'auteur de romans. Mme Riccoboni a ete beaucoup traduite: les coups de pouce de ses traducteurs attestent a leur facon les attentes du public. On a pu interroger dans le meme sens les reactions qu'elle a suscitees dans les revues ou les correspondances ou encore l'?uvre des romanciers qui se sont reclames de son exemple.
Peeters Publishers Scrutinizing the Signs of the Times in the Light of the Gospel: Proceedings of the Expert Seminar Leuven-Louvain-La-Neuve, 9-11 September 2004
Gaudium et spes (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World) was promulgated on December 7, 1965. It mirrors a new spirit of openness of the Catholic Church to the world, as well as a new historical consciousness, based on a self-understanding of the Catholic Chuch as "linked with mankind and its history by the deepest bonds" (GS, 1). This historical consciousness resulted in a method of social discernment which, inspired by John XXIII, was articulated by Gaudium et spes in terms of 'scrutinizing the signs of the times' and of 'interpreting them in the light of the gospel' (GS, 4). Conscious of the need to revisit the pastoral constitution of Vatican II, the Centre for Catholic Social Thought at the Catholic University of Leuven, has organised two international expert seminars. The first expert seminar (6-7 September 2003) was rather explorative and focused on the relevance of catholic social thought in its actual context with special attention paid to the signs of the times in an era of globalisation. The discussion on the contemporary signs of the times revealed the necessity to clarify the theoretical and practical implications of the methodology of social discernment and particularly of a social hermeneutic in the light of the gospel. This became the theme of a second expert seminar (Leuven, Louvain-la-Neuve, 9-11 September 2004), the discussions of which are the background to this book.
Peeters Publishers Loving God: Krsna and Christ: A Christian Commentary on the Narada Sutras
Human love for God has taken myriad expression in different religious traditions. Millions of Hindus are, and have been, passionately devoted to Visnu whom they love with whole heart, whole soul, and whole strength. The Narada Sutras on Loving God is a tenth-century Hindu manual on how to love God. Its teachings on the importance of loving God and on the many ways of loving God have resonated eloquently down the centuries in the songs of Hindu lovers and poets. In this Christian commentary on the Narada Sutras, Daniel Sheridan approaches the text as a catalyst for Christian readers to renew their own Christian love for God. Each Sutra, discussed first within its original Hindu context, is brought to resonate with expressions of love of God within the Christian tradition, thus creating new harmonies and reawakening attention to layers of meaning and levels of passion contained within traditional devotional texts.
Peeters Publishers Scandinavian Critique of Anglo-American Feminist Theology - Skandinavische Kritik Angloamerikanischer Feministischer Theologie - Critique Scandinave De La Theologie Feministe Anglo-Americaine
Scandinavian Critique of Anglo-American Feminist Theology is a collection of articles by scholars in various theological disciplines from five Scandinavian or Nordic countries. The articles cover a wide range of topics, including feminist sexual ethics, ecofeminist theology, gender perspectives on European welfare systems, Birgitta of Sweden and a search for Mary beyond stereotypes. As the title implies, a critical dialogue with US feminist theology is a recurrent theme throughout the book, but the essays also include constructive work from different theological perspectives. The journal also includes a bibliography that shows the diversity of Scandinavian and Nordic feminist theological research.
Peeters Publishers From Rome to Constantinople: Studies in Honour of Averil Cameron
From Rome to Constantinople is a collection of articles offered as a tribute to Averil Cameron, the prominent historian of Rome and Byzantium, and Warden of Keble College, Oxford. Opening with an introduction by Peter Brown, who illustrates the sweeping developments in the field and the role of Averil Cameron in them, this volume highlights topics which reflect the breadth of Dame Averil's interests, arranged in following five sub-sections: Historiography and Rhetoric, Christianity in its Social Contexts, Art and Representation, Byzantium and the Workings of Empire, Late Antiquity in Retrospect. Asceticism and monasticism, cults of saints and icons, Mariology, Byzantine historiography, and art history are but a few of the subjects which are discussed here in the English language by some of the leading scholars in the field. The volume also includes a full bibliography of the honorand, as well as indices. It appears as the first volume of the series Late Antique History and Religion, which is dedicated to the study of Late Antiquity and its legacies.
Peeters Publishers Marriage - Divorce - Remarriage. Mariage - Divorce - Remariage: Challenges and Perspectives for Christians. Defis Et Perspectives Chretiennes
Marcel Gauchet est un des auteurs politiques les plus importants du moment. Comme personne au prealable il reussit a combiner l'erudition historique, le questionnement pertinent en philosophie politique et les observations sociologiques minutieuses dans un diagnostic penetrant de l'ordre democratique contemporain en Europe occidentale. A cet egard il se situe dans la tradition de la philosophie politique s'etendant de Montesquieu a Claude Lefort.L'objet de ce volume est de presenter une introduction critique a la philosophie politique de Marcel Gauchet sous forme d'une discussion. Marcel Gauchet lui-meme ouvre le present volume avec un synopsis de sa philosophie politique, rebondissant sur le titre du volume : " La democratie a la recherche d'un second souffle ". Puis, suivent des interventions et des questionnements critiques, qui visent surtout sa pensee politique, mais qui concernent egalement les points-cles de sa philosophie toute entiere. A la fin du volume, le lecteur trouvera les reponses de Marcel Gauchet sous forme d'une interview.
Peeters Publishers La Société des Missionnaires d'Afrique à l'épreuve du mythe berbère. Kabylie - Aurès - Mzab
Cet ouvrage rend compte de la phase de mise en place des postes missionnaires dans les régions berbérophones d'Algérie (Kabylie, Aurès et Mzab), à la fin du XIXe et dans les premières décennies du XXe siècle. Il propose, à partir de l'étude des archives romaines des Missionnaires d'Afrique ("Pères et Soeurs Blanches"), une présentation synthétique de cette période des premiers contacts. Les archives apportent une moisson de données factuelles sur l'histoire de la mission ; sur l'attitude des sociétés berbères face à son action (évangélisation, soins, scolarisation) ; sur un ensemble de pratiques anciennes, aujourd'hui disparues. Elles éclairent aussi la relation des missionnaires à leur terrain. Leurs observations relèvent d'une forme d'anthropologie spontanée qui manifeste une parfaite intelligence de la situation. Enfin, ces archives révèlent les racines lointaines des évolutions ultérieures. Elles mettent notamment en évidence les différences nettes qui existent entre les trois régions berbérophones concernées et la spécificité de la Kabylie.
Peeters Publishers L'epitaphe Ottomane Musulmane (XVIe-XXe Siecles): Contribution a une Histoire de la Culture Ottomane
La stele funeraire ottomane musulmane classique prit forme dans le courant du XVIe siecle. Alors que les Turcs d'Anatolie medievale, y compris les Ottomans, avaient a l'origine adapte a leur usage le modele des inscriptions funeraires arabes, les Ottomans adopterent finalement le turc et, de ce fait, un formulaire nouveau qui leur est propre. Ils developperent aussi une sculpture funeraire originale, en particulier marquee par les couvre-chefs qui donnent a certaines de leurs steles une apparence anthromorphique sans doute trompeuse. C'est a cette culture funeraire ottomane, qui se developpa jusqu'aux lendemains de la Premiere Guerre mondiale sur l'ensemble du territoire non arabophone de l'Empire, qu'est consacre ce livre. Les auteurs ont tente de degager l'essence du formulaire de base de l'epitaphe ottomane - dont le but premier est d'appeler les vivants a prier pour le defunt - et a en suivre les evolutions en analysant le developpement de formules stereotypees, puis l'apparition de textes plus personnalises. Fondee sur un vaste corpus d'inscriptions de zones geographiques, periodes et milieux sociaux divers, l'etude repere - a travers l'analyse du vocabulaire, des principaux themes et de leur mises en forme - des oppositions entre regions, entre milieux urbains et ruraux, entre niveaux sociaux. Mais elle met aussi en relief l'existence d'une culture funeraire ottomane homogene, dont elle degage les constantes et les evolutions dans le temps : sentimentalite grandissante, voire meme sentiment d'injustice devant la mort, apparition de considerations mondaines et profanes, desir croissant de situer et de glorifier l'individu, etc. A partir d'une histoire des epitaphes ottomanes, le livre fournit les elements d'une histoire de la mort chez les Ottomans, mais il aborde aussi de nombreux aspects de leur societe : role de l'oral et de l'ecrit, constitution d'une forme de litterature populaire, definition et designation de l'individu au sein de la societe, etc.
Peeters Publishers Invisible Hands?: The Role and Status of the Painter's Journeyman in the Low Countries C.1450 - C.1650
The topic of the workshop entitled 'Role and status of journeyman in artists' and craftmen's workshops in the Low Countries c. 1450 - c. 1650', held in Groningen, 23-24 May 2003, grew out of archival and material-technical research on workshop practices. As a result of this research it gradually became clear that more knowledge about the social and economic mechanisms of art production was required in order to study the painters' workshop. Such research frequently moves in two or more directions, and in this case the workshop proceeded on the basis of two questions: how can socially and economically oriented historical research help art historians, and what can art historical, and material and technical research add to corporate history of the painter's guild? Geographically, the case studies in this volume deal with southern Netherlandish towns, in particular Antwerp, Brussels, Mechelen, Ghent and Bruges. One essay focuses on the Dutch Republic. Chronologically, the contributions treat the late Middle Ages and early Modern Period (c. 1450 and c. 1650). From an artistic point of view, this era can be characterized as the long 'Golden Age' of Flemish painting. The epoch witnessed the apogee of the art of the Flemish Primitives and the rise of the successful genre of Antwerp Mannerism. It also witnessed the start of the influence of the Italian Renaissance on Flemish art, the rise of Antwerp over the course of the sixteenth century as the vanguard of new genres which were exported all over the world, and the international triumph of the Flemish Baroque after 1610.
Peeters Publishers As a Consuming Fire, Wisdom: Translated from the French by Adelard Faubert
In a lovely book As a Consuming Fire, Wisdom, Claire Dumont shares with us her very profound, personal experience of the Wisdom Spirituality proposed by Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort in his masterpiece The Love Eternal Wisdom. Claire Dumont vividly describes the passionate loving relationship with God in which de Montfort invites us to enter. Those who will accept his guidance will be profoundly transformed, freed from their anxiety, pacified and encouraged to find their own happiness in the love and service of others. Thus the consuming fire of divine love will spread throughout a world which needs it so much.
Peeters Publishers Pour Une Cartographie De La Polysemie Verbale
Chercher a cartographier la polysemie lexicale suppose une visee de linguistique " experimentale ", comme le souligne R. Martin dans la Preface. Dans sa conception, cet ouvrage s'inspire directement de Semantique et automate (PUF, 2001), ou R. Martin vise a degager les potentialites cachees du Tresor de la Langue Francaise Informatise. Dans le meme esprit, l'auteur se propose ici de defendre et d'illustrer le potentiel descriptif remarquable du Dictionnaire Electronique des Synonymes du CRISCO (CNRS - Universite de Caen, et des outils de developpement qui y ont ete progressivement associes sous la conduite de J.L. Manguin.Apres avoir passe en revue les quatre options principales actuellement representees dans l'analyse de la polysemie verbale, l'auteur selectionne dans le premier chapitre, par elimination progressive, les onze verbes dont la polysemie fait l'objet d'une analyse detaillee dans les chapitres suivants. Le chapitre II est consacre a la presentation de la methode de flechage synonymique de la polysemie verbale, qui permet de reperer les synonymes les plus peripheriques de la vedette etudiee et d'identifier par triangulation les synonymes centraux, ou 'foyers de polysemie'. La methode est appliquee aux verbes affecter, appeler, changer, charger, manquer, , rapporter, relever et voler.Enfin le chapitre IV montre qu'a partir du reperage des dominances syntaxiques des 'cliques de synonymes', la cartographie, loin de se limiter au reperage des dimensions principales de l'espace semantique de la vedette, est egalement en mesure de pointer sur des aires caracterisees par des proprietes aussi bien syntaxiques que semantiques.Par son souci de modelisation du lexique interne d'un locuteur ideal, cet ouvrage s'adresse aux chercheurs et etudiants, non seulement en linguistique francaise, mais aussi en psychologie cognitive du langage et en traitement automatique des operations semantiques.
Peeters Publishers Religion Under Siege I: The Roman Catholic Church in Occupied Europe (1939-1950)
The stance taken by the Catholic Church in occupied Europe during World War II remains a significant focal point of historical research. In the last ten years we have been confronted with a resurgence of the so-called 'Pius-war', the frequently emotional polemic surrounding the justification or absence thereof of the role of Pope Pius XII, the head of the Catholic Church at the time. The work presented here, however, focuses on the role of the local churches rather than that of the Pope and the Vatican. Its goal is to shed light more specifically on the position maintained by the Catholic bishops, clergy and faithful in a variety of European countries under occupation throughout the war. The local churches are approached from a political-social, institutional and ideological perspective. This collection of essays represents the results of a research project established under the auspices of the European Science Foundation entitled 'The Impact of National Socialist and Fascist Occupation in Europe' (1999-2005). Within the broader framework of the project, research into the aspect of Church and Religion was scribed more specifically to Team 2 'The Continuity of the Churches'. The team strove to reach as broad a spectrum possible, both with respect to the churches and religions in Europe (Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodoxy, and to a limited degree, Islam) as the various regions of the European continent (North, West, Central and (South) East). The present volume contains the research results presented in relation to the Catholic Church. Developments in Central and Eastern Europe are given priority, in particular in Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Poland and Lithuania. In addition, a number of articles endeavour to shed light on developments in Western Europe as in Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Austria. The goal of the present volume is to stimulate an ongoing comparative study of the attitude of the Catholic Church during the Second World War from a European perspective. Together with a parallel volume that deals with the Protestant and Orthodox churches, this approach can be extended to include other ecclesial denominations and religions in Europe. While significant differences exist between the various countries and denominations, several similar patterns of approach are also strikingly evident.
Peeters Publishers Les Sources Judaiques Du Nouveau Testament: Recueil D'essais
Ce livre presente un recueil des principaux articles de l'auteur, qui est Dominicain depuis 1959 et Professeur a la Faculte de Theologie de Louvain-la-Neuve depuis 1976. Les articles sont regroupes selon 4 themes qui representent les domaines de recherches de l'auteur: 1. Les miracles evangeliques compares aux miracles grecs et rabbiniques; 2. L'eucharistie avec un essai de reconstitution du texte primitif de la Cene; 3. L'origine du monotheisme biblique; 4. L'arriere-fond judaique du Nouveau Testament.
Peeters Publishers Omnia in Eo: Studies on Jewish Books and Libraries in Honour of Adri Offenberg Celebrating the 125th Anniversary of the Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana in Amsterdam
In 2005 the Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana celebrated its 125th year as part of the University Library of the University of Amsterdam. Several events were held to mark this anniversary, including lectures and an exhibition. In this volume the history of the library is examined further with new and incisive articles on the life and work of many of its leading figures and an analysis of part of Leeser Rosenthal's original collection. In addition, new material is presented regarding the fate of the library during the Second World War. A year earlier, in 2004, Adri Offenberg retired as curator of the Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana. Alongside a review of his work at the library, this volume provides a complete bibliography of all his published work until 2006 and what has become known in English as a festschrift: a collection of studies in his honour by Dutch and international colleagues and fellow bibliophiles about items in the library collection, as well as topics relating to Jewish booklore unconnected with the library. This volume is a tribute to Adri Offenberg the curator, but above all to Adri Offenberg the groundbreaking researcher.
Peeters Publishers Histoire, doxographie, vérité: Études sur Aristote, Théophraste et la philosophie présocratique
Les douze chapitres de ce livre tournent autour de deux pôles, Aristote d'une part, la doxographie de l'autre. La doxographie, genre philosophiquement et historiographiquement sous-évalué, se situe au croisement de questions essentielles tant pour la reconstruction technique des systèmes perdus (notamment présocratiques), que pour la question générale de la lecture des textes philosophiques. Elle constitue un fascinant dépôt laissé par un double questionnement fondamental, en direction de l'histoire d'une part (que fut-il dit ?), et de la vérité d'autre part (que doit-on dire ?). Les deux points de vue sont irréductibles l'un à l'autre ; tôt ou tard, ils entrent en conflit, plus ou moins vivement, mais sans qu'une ultime résorption soit possible. Cette tension, fructueuse intellectuellement, pose aussi des problèmes techniques, quand il s'agit d'exploiter le matériel transmis. Le livre explore cette configuration à différents niveaux, à propos des Présocratiques (avec plusieurs études sur la lecture qu'Aristote, Théophraste, et les Placita faisaient de Thalès, de Parménides, ou d'Anaxagore), à propos d'Aristote lui-même, lu par Théophraste, à propos enfin des orientations de l'historiographie moderne de la philosophie ancienne. Deux chapitres d'inspiration distincte sont spécifiquement consacrés à la théorie aristotélicienne de la métaphore et au chapitre 7 du livre Lambda de la Métaphysique.
Peeters Publishers Moving Across Borders: Foreign Relations, Religion and Cultural Interactions in the Ancient Mediterranean
The broader Mediterranean area, which includes twenty five nations today, was the witness of the development of some of the most important and magnificent civilisations of the past. The Mediterranean Sea facilitated to a great extent this development through cross-cultural exchanges, which were mobilized by various modes of thought and action. This multi-authored volume of 20 essays comprises an up-to-date authorization account of many aspects of international politics, foreign relations, religious and cultural interactions in the Southeastern Mediterranean region during the second and first millennium BC. Subjects discussed include Egyptian foreign policy and diplomatic relations, wars and treaties, Greco-Egyptian contacts and their semantic connotations, international trade, artistic imports and exports, linguistic and cultural interactions, mobilization of religious ideas and ideologies, geopolitics and diplomacy. Contributors include Peter Brand, Panagiotis Frantzis, Susanne Gorke, Brett Heagren, Yvan Koenig, Kenneth Kitchen, Panagiotis Kousoulis, Yvan Ladynin, Alan Lloyd, Christofilis Maggidis, Konstantinos Magliveras, Samuel Meier, Ludwig Morenz, Alexandre Nemirovky, Robert Ritner, Alessandro Roccati, Anthony Spalinger, Elizabeth Walters, Sabine Weber, Penelope Wilson and Renate Muller-Wollermann.
Peeters Publishers Les Pachas Du Sultan: Essai Sur Les Agents Superieurs De L'Etat Ottoman (1839-1909)
Au-dela de la figure savoureuse d'une sorte de Turc ventripotent et avachi au milieu de son harem, ou d'un janissaire sanguinaire croque dans les recits de voyageurs europeens et dans certaines sources litteraires en langue turque, les pachas sont des agents de l'Etat honores par le sultan du plus prestigieux des titres de la fin de l'Empire ottoman. En leur qualite de hauts dignitaires, ils sont repertories dans les registres de personnel (sicill-i ahval) constitues sous le regne d'Abdulhamid II (1876-1909). L'exploitation serielle d'un echantillon de pres de trois cents notices biographiques tirees de ces registres permet la mise en 'uvre d'une prosopographie selon trois directions : une etude des caracteristiques principales des pachas qui delimitent plus ou moins un groupe de statut; une analyse de la socialisation ottomane dans laquelle les agents de l'Etat sont envisages comme les produits d'une fabrique sociale, scolaire et linguistique; une reconstitution des ages de la vie, au travers des pratiques administratives et des modalites de la carriere. Au terme de l'enquete, il apparait que les pachas participent autant au maintien de l'esprit des institutions ottomanes comme serviteurs du sultan, qu'a la promotion et a l'application des reformes comme administrateurs de l'Empire.
Peeters Publishers Augustine, Other Latin Writers
Papers presented at the Fourteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2003 (see also Studia Patristica 39, 40, 41 and 42). The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford; they are held under the aegis of the Theology Faculty of the University. Members of these conferences come from all over the world and most offer papers. These range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The smaller number of longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Le Conte du Portefaix et des Trois Jeunes Femmes dans le Manuscrit de Galland (XIVe-XVe Siecles): Edition, Traduction et Etude du Moyen Arabe d'un Conte des Mille et une Nuits
Se limiter, comme l'a fait B. Halflants, en presence d'une edition critique deja realisee avec beaucoup de soin, a l'etude approfondie du moyen arabe d'un seul manuscrit arabe essentiel des Mille et Une Nuits, comme celui dit A" de Galland A", permet non seulement de mettre en evidence un grand nombre de traits communs au moyen arabe des juifs, des chretiens et des musulmans, mais aussi de traits propres au moyen arabe des Mille et Une Nuits. Nul doute que cette approche fructueuse sera appliquee a l'avenir a d'autres textes de moyen arabe et qu'elle permettra d'offrir aux arabisants un corpus de textes aussi etendu pour le moyen arabe des musulmans que pour celui des juifs et des chretiens.
Peeters Publishers Encyclopédie des Pygmées Aka II. Dictionnaire ethnographique Aka-Français. Fasc. 8, K
Cet ouvrage s'inscrit dans une suite de travaux consacrés aux populations forestières d'Afrique Centrale et, parmi elles, plus particulièrement aux Pygmées Aka. Il constitue pour cette ethnie la première partie d'une étude pluridisciplinaire centrée sur l'approche linguistique des différents aspects de la réalité sociale. Dans cette perspective, la langue se situe à la fois comme un aspect de cette réalité sociale et comme le thesaurus et le véhicule de celle-ci. L'ouvrage résulte de la coopération d'un groupe de travail officiellement constitué depuis 1977, mais dont les activités coordonnées de plus ou moins près remontent à 1971. Il rassemble les connaissances acquises sur cette population pygmée et sur son milieu naturel et humain par des chercheurs de différentes disciplines: linguistique, ethnologie, ethnolinguistique, ethnosciences (ethnobotanique, ethnozoologie, ethnomédecine et ethnopharmacologie), écologie, ethnomusicologie.
Peeters Publishers The Gospel Preached by the Deaf: Proceedings of a Conference on Deaf Liberation Theology Held at the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), May 19, 2003
This book contains the proceedings of a conference on Deaf Liberation Theology that took place at the Catholic University of Leuven. Four Deaf persons, rooted in the Deaf community and professionally involved in Deaf pastoral ministry, Thomas Coughlin (USA), Cyril Axelrod (South Africa), Peter McDonough (UK), and Beth Lockard (USA), relate their views on and experiences with shepherding Deaf communities as social-cultural minority groups within the hearing Church, and their efforts to enculturate the Christian message, which often looks so typically hearing in Deaf eyes, in Deaf cultures. Marcel Broesterhuizen, hearing, puts their reports against the background of the paradigm shifts that have taken place in the field of deafness and Catholic views on the relationship between Church and culture. Jacques Haers, hearing, discusses the presentations in the light of liberation theologies. The book contains a verbatim transcript of the forum discussion led by Helga Stevens, Deaf, who is actually a member of the Flemish Parliament.
Peeters Publishers The Visio Pauli and the Gnostic Apocalypse of Paul
The "Visio Pauli" and the Gnostic "Apocalypse of Paul" is the first modern collection of studies on the most important aspects of the "Visio Pauli", the most popular early Christian apocalypse in the Middle Ages. The volume starts with a short study of the textual traditions of the "Visio Pauli", its Jewish and early Christian traditions as well as its influence on later literature, such as Dante. This is followed by studies of the Prologue, the four rivers of Eden, the place of the Ocean, the relation between body and soul, the image of hell and its punishments, and the connection with fantastic literature. Finally, a codicological, comparative, and textual re-evaluation of the Coptic translation attempts to correct earlier errors and to rehabilitate the value and interest of this long neglected version of the "Visio Pauli". The book is concluded with a study of the earthly tribunal in the fourth heaven of the Gnostic "Apocalypse of Paul". As has become customary, the volume is rounded off by an extensive bibliography of the "Visio Pauli" and the Gnostic "Apocalypse of Paul" and a detailed index.
Peeters Publishers Danser Le Mythe: La Pantomime Et Sa Reception Dans La Culture Antique
Sous le regne de l'empereur Auguste, vers 22 av. J.-C., apparut a Rome un genre dramatique nouveau dont le succes, fulgurant et durable, resiste aujourd'hui encore a l'analyse historique. Ses acteurs, des danseurs solistes accompagnes d'un choeur et d'un orchestre qui mimaient les grandes 'scenes' de la mythologie, fascinerent, six siecles durant, le public de tout l'Empire romain. Pantomimi a Rome, orchestai en Grece, ces acteurs d'un nouveau genre furent recompenses, adules, detestes, condamnes, bannis. La pantomime antique, genre dramatique a la fois raffine et populaire, concurrent de la tragedie qu'il supplanta, meritait une synthese qui lui rendit sa vraie place dans l'histoire du theatre antique. Comprendre un phenomene aussi surprenant que l'engouement de tout un Empire, de Syrie jusqu'en Gaule et de Germanie jusqu'en Afrique, pour des spectacles sans texte veritable, qui faisaient appel a l'image et au son, supposait un depassement des problematiques habituelles. Abandonnant tous les a priori et jugements de valeur, le present ouvrage ne souhaitait pas evaluer le genre mais l'analyser comme un fait de civilisation unique dans notre culture occidentale. Notre documentation est pauvre (nous n'avons aucun texte, aucune partition), parfois anachronique, presque toujours marquee par des parti pris sociaux ou politiques. L'iconographie est rare. Elle permet difficilement d'imaginer l'apparence du danseur. Aucune image ne permet de reconstituer le spectacle. L'etude des inscriptions permet de construire quelques parcours artistiques, mais avec tant d'incertitudes qu'il eut ete impossible de pretendre proposer au lecteur une Vie quotidienne des danseurs a Rome. Il etait passionnant en revanche de parcourir des textes souvent contradictoires, ceux des historiens latins et grecs, ceux des poetes, des auteurs d'epigrammes de l'Anthologie Grecque, ceux des auteurs chretiens aussi, et de se pencher sur les textes emouvants d'epitaphes en vers. Cette synthese a d'abord pour objet la mise en lumiere de la mutation culturelle importante dont temoigne la naissance de ce 'drame moderne', la pantomime. Tragedie, poesie lyrique, epopee, mythologie en general se trouvaient convoques par une langue gestuelle comprehensible par tous, qui rappelait aux Grecs et aux Latins leur patrimoine commun. L'ouvrage s'addresse a un public averti, qu'il soit specialiste des textes antiques ou de l'histoire du theatre occidental.
Peeters Publishers Reconsidering Evil: Confronting Reflections with Confessions
The notion of evil is not undisputed in contemporary philosophy and theology. The reasons for this vary from aversion to the use of a vague, comprehensive term like evil to hesitation at the suggestion of an uncontrollable, non-human power of force that seems to cling to the idea of evil. On the other hand, in popular discourse speaking of evil prevails - one almost keeps stumbling over allusions to it. However, such language often seems to be incidental and not a natural part of a whole way of thinking. Thus the present situation demands a regauging of the notion of evil. "Reconsidering Evil" attempts this regauging by comparing the nature and status of the theme of evil in four different approaches. Paul Ricoeur's approach via symbols and myths of evil provides a focus that enables an analysis and comparison of the highly reflective views of Immanuel Kant, Karl Jaspers and Karl Barth - who represent an ethical, tragic and a non-theodician theological view respectively. This book sets out to determine whether one can claim that speaking of evil is most at home in a specific way of thinking. In the final chapter the notion of "the end of evil" turns out to be very important for understanding the specific character of a religious view of evil. In comparison with Kant's ethical view and Jaspers' tragic one, the broadest or richest understanding of evil is to be found in a religious context. However, the comparison of the different approaches also shows the possible dangers of this religious view. Thus, by means of an in-depth analysis and comparison of these thinkers, the relevance of the theme of evil for present day philosophy of religion is critically examined.
Peeters Publishers Leuven Ongekuist: Beeld Van Een Stad in Dertieneneenhalf Portretten
Hoe begin je eraan: de diversiteit ontdekken van mensen die allemaal in Leuven wonen bij het begin van het derde millennium? Bij wijze van experiment probeerde ik te beginnen zoals op mijn buitenlandse reizen: met een reisgids. Alleen kon de "Lonely Planet Belgium and Luxembourg" me weinig meer vertellen dan wat ik al wist: dat Leuven zware schade heeft geleden in beide wereldoorlogen en dat de stad een 'lively, up-to-the-minute air' heeft.Dus besloot ik mijn verhaal te gaan halen waar het wel zit: bij de vrouwen en mannen in Leuven, in al hun verschijningsvormen.Diversiteit gaat verder dan allochtoon-autochtoon - al zit ook dat erin. In Leuven gaat het ook om de verscheidenheid van 'oude' Leuvenaars en hangenblijvers van de universiteit, om oud en jong - de oudste geinterviewde in dit boek is achtentachtig, de jongste zes - en om mensen met werkplekken die reiken van de Egyptische snackbar tot de lokale seksshop. Dit is het verhaal van Leuven met zijn vluchtelingen, zijn fuifzaaluitbater, zijn schrijfster en zijn zanger, zijn kraker en zijn cheerleaders. Elke stad begint met zijn eigen verhalen...
Peeters Publishers Coptic in 20 Lessons: Introduction to Sahidic Coptic with Exercises & Vocabularies
Coptic in 20 Lessons is written by the author of the most authoritative reference grammar of the Coptic language, and is based on decades of pedagogical experience. In easy steps and simple explanations, it teaches the patterns and syntax of Sahidic Coptic, along with the most useful vocabulary. Drills, compositions, and translation exercises enable the student to gain fluency. All words that occur more than fifty times in the Sahidic New Testament are introduced lesson by lesson in vocabulary lists, which are arranged by semantic field and accompanied by both Greek equivalents and English glosses. The book concludes with three chapters of the Gospel of Mark, in which all new vocabulary is glossed in footnotes. Coptic in 20 Lessons is the ideal resource for use in the classroom or for teaching oneself Coptic. Critical acclaim for this book: "Coptic in 20 Lessons is the up-to-date teaching grammar that Coptic studies has long needed...There is no better way to learn Coptic." David Brakke, Indiana University "Layton brings to this book a life-long experience of teaching, combined with the authority of his masterly Coptic Grammar, arguably the best grammar of Sahidic Coptic ever written, from which the present work is distilled...A state-of-the-art account." Ariel Shisha-Halevy, Hebrew University
Peeters Publishers Within the Four Seas...: Introduction to Comparative Philosophy
Our world has evolved in such a way that we can no longer reduce it to just a market - it has also become an "agora", where philosophers exchange world-views in order to understand one another. Europe has lost its position at the centre of the world and should stop pretending it holds the one true religion, philosophy, economy and science. Instead, we should turn our attention to fulfilling the dream of Erasmus reflected in his statement: "I wish to be a citizen of the world".First and foremost, we should learn to play fair when comparing different cultures and not rely on exlusively western criteria. This book explains how a comparative model, based on the paradigm-free axes of energy and information, accommodates the current world-views of Taoism, Buddhism and Rationalism - representing Chinese, Indian and Western heritages respectively - and shows how science and religion interrelate within such a global framework.
Peeters Publishers Gilgamesh and the World of Assyria: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the Mandelbaum House, the University of Sydney, 21-23 July 2004
In July 2004, a number of scholars gathered for a conference on "Gilgamesh and the World of Assyria", at The University of Sydney. This volume of conference papers features contributions by Andrew George, the key note speaker, and established scholars such as J. D. Forest, V. A. Hurowitz, G. A. Rendsburg, N. Weeks and I. M. Young, together with those of other local scholars. The chief theme is the Gilgamesh epic, but interesting suggestions are made concerning the importance of that epic for biblical studies and Assyriology in general.
Peeters Publishers Le Bwatoo Et Les Dialectes De La Region De Kone (Nouvelle-Caledonie)
Le bwatoo et les dialectes de la region de Kone (haveke, haeke) sont parles sur la cote ouest de la Grande Terre en Nouvelle-Caledonie. L'aire dialectale dont ils font partie est situee au voisinage immediat des principaux groupes linguistiques de la Grande Terre: langues du Nord, langues tonales du centre et langues du Sud (ajie). Le bwatoo et les dialectes de Kone ne sont parles que par un peu plus d'un millier de personnes. L'existence meme de ces dialectes risque d'etre fragilisee par l'essor de l'aglomeration de Kone-Pouembout et par les projets industriels qui, dans un proche avenir, pourraient voir le jour dans cette region. La description de ces dialectes s'inscrit donc dans une action de preservation du patrimoine linguistique qui concerne au premier chef la cote ouest de la Grande Terre. Cette monographie, axee principalement sur le bwatoo, comprend une introduction grammaticale, un dictionnaire, des nomenclatures du monde naturel, quelques textes relatifs aux pratiques coutumieres et a l'histoire de la communaute de langue bwatoo rediges par R. Diela. Un lexique francais-bwatoo clot l'ouvrage.
Peeters Publishers Lay Bibles in Europe 1450-1800
This volume contains the proceedings of an international conference entitled "Lay Bibles in Europe 1450-1800". The conference took place in Amsterdam in April 2004 and was organized by "Biblia sacra", a joint Dutch-Flemish research group. The clamor for Bibles in the vernacular flourished within lay renewal movements of the late 14th century, including groups like the Brethren and Sisters of the Common Life. In the early 16th century, humanists like Erasmus and Lefevre d'Etaples stimulated vernacular Bible reading. As the Protestant Reformation became established, lay Bibles were produced on a large scale. In reaction to this development, Catholic theologians issued 'orthodox' Bible translations in various vernaculars based on the Vulgate. In sum, from the 15th to the 18th century, editions from various confessional or ideological backgrounds appeared throughout Western Europe. Of course, the invention and spread of the printing press greatly enhanced the distribution of these editions. The essays collected in this volume approach "Lay Bibles in Europe 1450-1800" from various perspectives, including the history of books, art history and church history.
Peeters Publishers De Palmezelprocessie: Een (on)bekend West-Europees Fenomeen?
Dit boek bevat een aantal bijdragen en een tentoonstellingscatalogus over het fenomeen van de Palmezelprocessie in West-Europa, die werden geschreven naar aanleiding van de Palmezelprocessie in het Brabantse Hoegaarden en de tentoonstelling die bij die gelegenheid werd opgezet. Verschillende auteurs uit binnen- en buitenland verleenden hun medewerking aan deze publicatie. J. Mettepenningen schetst een overzicht van de godsdienstige en politieke situatie in Hoegaarden in de zestiende eeuw. W. Francois behandelt vooral het religieuze leven in deze eeuw. G. Van Belle richt zijn aandacht naar het verhaal van de Intocht van Jezus in Jeruzalem in het evangelie van Matteus. M. Broekaert en P. Valvekens nemen het fenomeen van de palmezel als sculptuur onder de loep. V. Vandekerchove en K. Smeyers belichten een Passietafereel, bewaard te Leuven, waarin grote aandacht wordt besteed aan de Intocht in Jeruzalem. L. Kusters belicht de iconografische traditie van de Intrede in zestiende-eeuwse liturgische drukken en H. Geybels bestudeert het fenomeen van de palmprocessie in de religieuze volkscultuur. A. Heinz besteedt aandacht aan de Palmprocessie in Trier en J.-Cl. Muller levert een bijdrage over de ezel van Diekirch. Ingrid van Hecke bespreekt een schilderij over de Intrede van de hand van Jan Vanriet uit 1994. Een uitgebreide "Palmezelbibliografie" wordt bezorgd door M. Broekaert en P. Valvekens en een inventaris van verdwenen en nog bestaande Palmezels is samengesteld door M. Broekaert en L. Knapen. Het geheel wordt afgesloten met de uitvoerige catalogus van de tentoonstelling onder redactie van P. Valvekens. Dit boek brengt een verhelderende en nieuwe kijk op een eeuwenoude traditie die tot op heden in Hoegaarden en de ons omliggende landen nog steeds in ere wordt gehouden.
Peeters Publishers Tussen Markt En Agora Over Het Statuut Van Universitaire Kennis
Peeters Publishers Duitstalige Literatuur Na 1945. Deel 2: Duitsland Na 1989, Oostenrijk En Zwitserland
"Duitstalige literatuur na 1945" is een tweedelig Nederlandstalig overzichtswerk waarin de belangrijkste tendensen en auteurs uit de naoorlogse Duitstalige literatuur in korte essays worden voorgesteld. Zonder encyclopedische volledigheid na te streven, schetsen de verschillende bijdragen telkens een globaal, maar ook genuanceerd beeld van het oeuvre van een auteur, van een literaire generatie of een opvallend literair fenomeen. Elke bijdrage wordt afgesloten met een selectieve bibliografie. Er werd gekozen voor overzichtelijke chronologische en geografische criteria.In dit tweede deel wordt de focus gericht op de Duitse literatuur na de "Wende". Daarnaast staan de Oostenrijkse en Duits-Zwitserse literatuur centraal die ondanks hun verwantschap met de Bondsduitse litertuur toch telkens een verhaal op zich zijn. Auteurs als de Zwitsers Max Frisch en Friedrich Durrenmatt of de Oostenrijkers Ingeborg Bachmann, Thomas Bernhard, Peter Handke of de recente Nobelprijswinnares Elfriede Jelinek behoren in elk geval tot de absolute top van de naoorlogse en hedendaagse Duitstalige literatuur. Ook op recentere ontwikkelingen wordt in dit deel ingegaan. De val van de Berlijnse muur in 1989 betekende zowel continuiteit als vernieuwing: naast de verwerking van het einde van de DDR was er een vernieuwde belangstelling (met eigen accenten) voor het nationaal-socialistische verleden. Bovendien sluit de Duitstalige literatuur ook met succes aan bij internationale thematieken van de postmoderne 'global village'.
Peeters Publishers "Happy the One Who Meditates on Wisdom" (Sir. 14,20): Collected Essays on the Book of Ben Sira
The last four decades have seen a substantial progress in the study of the Book of Ben Sira (Ecclesiasticus) on the literary, historical, theological, and sociological level. The discovery of the Hebrew Ben Sira Scroll at Masada in 1964 and the find of Hebrew Ben Sira fragments among the Dead Sea Scrolls were crucial landmarks to encourage serious investigation into this deuterocanonical document. Nowadays the Book of Ben Sira, which originates from the early second Century B.C.E., is recognized more and more as being an outstanding document of Jewish wisdom literature and an important link between the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. Following a general introduction into the major topics of recent Ben Sira research, this volume offers a detailed study of several passages that are crucial to the book's history, its content and structure. Important theological issues, such as 'canon and scripture', 'prophets and prophecy', 'theodicee', and 'God's mercy', are discussed as well. This study concludes with some essays relating to the Hebrew text(s) of the Book of Ben Sira.
Peeters Publishers The Book of Nature in Early Modern and Modern History
From 22-25 May, 2002, the University of Groningen hosted an international conference on 'The Book of Nature. Continuity and change in European and American attitudes towards the natural world'. From Antiquity down to our own time, theologians, philosophers and scientists have often compared nature to a book, which might, under the right circumstances, be read and interpreted in order to come closer to the 'Author' of nature, God. The 'reading' of this book was not regarded as mere idle curiosity, but it was seen as leading to a deeper understanding of God's wisdom and power, and it culturally legitimated and promoted a positive attitude towards nature and its study. A selection of the papers which were delivered at the conference has been edited in two volumes. The first book was published as "The Book of Nature in Antiquity and the Middle Ages"; this second volume is devoted to the history of that concept after the Middle Ages.
Peeters Publishers Dreams and Scripture in Luke-acts: Collected Essays
The studies (seven articles in English and two in German) presented in this volume will give some insight into Luke's way of dealing with certain literary traditions available to him and to his audience. They try to determine something of the relation between the Luke-Acts in general or a special passage in particular and the biblical associations in his Hellenistic environment. Such is the limited goal of this collection of essays; nothing more, nothing less. If one theme should prevail in this volume, it might be the connection between interpretation of Scripture and the phenomenon of dreams. In some of the articles, the author deals quite explicitly with the combination of dream and Scripture, in others only with the interpretation of Scripture. When dealing with the interpretation of Scripture in other articles, the connection with other types of divine communication is sometimes mentioned in passing. The essays collected here help readers find their way through the endless fabric of Luke's interpretation of the events concerning Jesus and his disciples in the light of biblical and classical wisdom traditions.
Peeters Publishers L'autre et L'amitie Chez Aristote et Paul Ricoeur: Analyses Ethiques et Ontologiques
Paul Ric?ur, dans "Soi-meme comme un autre", porte une attention particuliere a l'ethique de l'amitie chez Aristote. Gaelle Fiasse expose dans son livre quels sont les enjeux ethiques et metaphysiques d'une telle lecture du philosophie grec. Elle montre comment Ric?ur s'approprie et se separe des differents sens de l'etre, puisque il rejette la substance au benefice de l'etre selon la puissance et l'acte. Elle revient ensuite aux textes d'Aristote pour repondre aux objections de Paul Ric?ur tout en dialoguant avec lui. Ce livre offre donc a la fois une nouvelle lecture d'Aristote et de Paul Ric?ur et une analyse du statut ethique et ontologique de l'autre a la lumiere de l'amitie.
Peeters Publishers Grammars of Faith: A Critical Evaluation of D.Z. Phillips's Philosophy of Religion
D. Z. Phillips is a leading figure in advocating a Wittgensteinian approach to the philosophical study of religion. His writings exert an important influence on contemporary philosophy of religion, giving a new direction to the philosophical discussion of religious belief and practice. Although his work has prompted much - often critical - comment, a thorough investigation has not been forthcoming. A"Grammars of FaithA" fills that gap. The book pays close attention to Wittgenstein's own remarks on religious belief, arranging them against the background of his broader philosophical methodology, as well as to the efforts of the early Wittgensteinians at providing a more comprehensive Wittgensteinian philosophy of religion. Central to this study are Phillips's understanding of philosophical enquiry as a form of contemplation, and his descriptive accounts of religious belief. By means of a careful and methodical examination of Phillips's oeuvre, the study seeks to present a fair assessment of Phillips's position, showing not only its weaknesses, but also its strength.
Peeters Publishers Word Classes and Related Topics in Ancient Greek: Proceedings of the Conference on Greek Syntax and Word Classes Held in Madrid on 18-21 June 2003
The book presents an up-to-dated and thorough treatment of an important part of the syntax of Ancient Greek, the Word Classes. It collects most of the papers read at the international conference held in Madrid on 18-21, June 2003 by linguists and classicists coming from a large number of European countries. Since some of the 31 published papers deal with or touch on other syntactic subjects than Word Classes, this volume can be considered as reflecting a large part of the research on Ancient Greek Syntax nowadays. It intends to be useful for classicists, historical linguists and Hellenists. The book provides three indexes (general, Greek words, Greek texts studied).