Search results for ""McGraw-Hill Education - Europe""
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Coach Wooden's Leadership Game Plan for Success: 12 Lessons for Extraordinary Performance and Personal Excellence
“Each member of your teamhas the potential for personalgreatness; the leader’s job isto help them achieve it.”—JOHN WOODENCoach Wooden’s Leadership Game Plan for Successpresents a unique opportunity to study underthe man ESPN hails as “the greatest coach ofthe 20th century.” Practicing character-basedleadership before the term was invented, JohnWooden consistently led his legendary teamsto victory and has since taught countless businessleaders his fundamentals for achievingand sustaining success.Now, using this hands-on book based on theacclaimed John Wooden Leadership Course©,you can “interact” with Coach to learn andapply his philosophy of world-class leadership.This unique tutorial introduces you tohis core fundamentals of success as a leaderand reinforces them with examples, exercises,quizzes, and quotations. You’ll learn how to Create a relationship of respect andcamaraderie with those you lead Remain alert to opportunity, threats,trends, and changes Act with confi dence—but neverarrogance Practice moderation and balance inall that you do Be a model of poise, grace, and reason—especially under pressure Coach Wooden’s Leadership Game Plan for Successdrives home Mr. Wooden’s trademark 12 Lessonsin Leadership and his famous Pyramidof Success. When you base your leadership style and substanceon Coach’s straightforward attitudes,values, and principles, you’ll lead your teamand business to success the Wooden way.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Tune Up Your French with MP3 Disc
Turn your rusty French languageskills into polished conversation confidenceTune Up Your French offers you an entertaining and practical way to hone your French-language conversation skills. This book is structured around numerous key areasfor improvement, covering everything from tricky grammatical structures to gestures, slang, and humor. In each area, key phrases are presented in “Top Ten” lists, including everyday expressions for filling pauses, icebreakers, and more. This book is excellent for brushing up on the Frenchyou studied in high school or college.The accompanying MP3 disk contains an engaging 70-minute program for learning key expressions from the book. It includes mp3 recordings of sixty Top 10 lists, organized for each access and reference on your iPod or mp3 player. This disk may not play on older, stand-alone CD players.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Flip
FLIP, the third book in the National Bestselling Millionaire Real Estate Series (More than 500,000 copies sold!)FLIP provides a detailed, step-by-step process to analyze each investment, identify the best improvements, accurately estimate the costs and intelligently oversee the construction. It takes out all the guess work and almost all of the risk.Here's what industry experts are saying about FLIP:"Read this book before you flip that house! FLIP is an indispensable step-by-step guide to flipping houses that you will refer to again and again."-Carlos Ortiz, Executive Producer, "FLIP That House" (TLC's most popular real estate TV show)"At HomeVestors, we're in the business of buying and selling homes for profit and I can attest that there are few, if any, who can rival Rick's and Clay's expertise when it comes to fixing up houses for profit. This book is a must-read for any investor."-Dr. John Hayes, President and CEO of HomeVestors of America (the largest homebuyer in America)"FLIP is a must-read book for everyone in the real estate business. Every agent should have this book. They should read it and master its contents. Why? Because it is the best guide ever written on how to evaluate real estate and how to add value to a house."-Gary Keller, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Keller Williams Realty International and author of bestselling The Millionaire Real Estate Agent and The Millionaire Real Estate Investor"For anyone looking to build wealth in real estate, FLIP provides a step-by-step approach that really works in any market."-Loral Langemeier, bestselling author of The Millionaire MakerFLIP extends the national bestselling Millionaire Real Estate series with a step-by-step guide that is quickly becoming "the model" for successfully finding, fixing and selling investment properties for profit. Based on their involvement in over a 1,000 flips, Rick Villani and Clay Davis walk you through the proven five-stage model for successfully flipping a house: FIND: How to select ideal neighborhoods, attract sellers, and find houses with investment potential ANALYZE: Identify which improvements to make and analyze the profit potential of any house BUY: How to arrange financing, present the offer, and close on the purchase FIX: A 50-step, easy-to-follow plan for fixing up houses that keeps you on time, in budget and assures top quality SELL: How to add finishing touches to quickly sell for maximum profit Woven through the book is an entertaining narrative that follows the flipping adventures of Samantha, Ed, Bill, Nancy, Amy and Mitch as they find, buy, fix and sell their first investment houses. With all this plus the experience of over a thousand flips condensed into one book, FLIP gives new investors the tools they need to avoid common pitfalls, make a profit, and enjoy the process of house flipping.Rick Villani and Clay Davis are senior executives at HomeFixers, North America's leading real estate rehab franchise. HomeFixers has been involved in more than 1,000 flips nationwide.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook: A Quick Reference Guide to Nearly 100 Tools for Improving Quality and Speed
Vital tools for implementing Lean Six Sigma--what they are, how they work, and which to useThe Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook is today's most complete and results-based reference to the tools and concepts needed to understand, implement, and leverage Lean Six Sigma. The only guide that groups tools by purpose and use, this hands-on reference provides: Analyses of nearly 100 tools and methodologies--from DMAIC and Pull Systems to Control Charts and Pareto Charts Detailed explanations of each tool to help you know how, when, and why to use it for maximum efficacy Sections for each tool explaining how to create it, how to interpret what you find, and expert tips Lean Six Sigma is today's leading technique to maximize production efficiency and maintain control over each step in the managerial process. With The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook, you'll discover how to propel your organization to new levels of competitive success--one tool at a time.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Handbook for Leaders
"The Handbook for Leaders" contains 24 lessons for extraordinary leadership. 'What makes a great leader?' Thousands of workers in both North America and Europe were asked that one simple question. Their top responses are compiled in "The Handbook for Leaders". This precise, no-nonsense rulebook lists the 24 competencies and guidelines identified time and again as essential for becoming an effective and extraordinary leader, including: focus on results; cultivate interpersonal skills; lead organizational change; learn from mistakes; develop your people; be open to new ideas; take initiative; build strengths; fix fatal flaws; take a non-linear approach; and, be accountable.The ability to lead is far more than just a natural gift. Study after study shows that leadership is a concrete and learnable skill, one that can be acquired and honed by studying and applying specific proficiencies, attitudes, and habits. Let "The Handbook for Leaders" introduce you to the requirements for effective leadership, then provide you with a systematic program for attaining, developing, and implementing those skills. John H. (Jack) Zenger, D.B.A., is executive vice president and a director of Provant, Inc. , and the author or coauthor of a number of books on the drivers and principles of leadership, including "The Extraordinary Leader" and "Results-Based Leadership". Joe Folkman, Ph.D., is managing director of Novations Group, Inc., and the author of "Turning Feedback Into Change", "Making Feedback Work", and "Employee Surveys That Make a Difference".
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Coaching for Improved Work Performance, Revised Edition
Managing employees in today’s rapidly evolving workplace can sometimes feel like negotiating a minefield. Such recent new trends as flextime, telecommting, 360-degree feedback, the flattening of hierarchies, and the increased use of temps and contract workers present tough new challenges for supervisors in every field. This timely, completely revised and updated edition of Ferdinand Fournies’s classic management coaching "bible" shows you proven ways to get workers to perform at the highest level while eliminating the self-destructive kinds of behaviors that have become increasingly prevalent in recent years.In this book, you’ll be taught specific face-to-face interventions you can use to enhance performance in every kind of workplace situation--from sales to creative brainstorming. There are also interventions uniquely suited to resolving problems ranging from low productivity to absenteeism to conflicts between individuals. You’ll learn precisely what to say and do so that each person you supervise will want to give you his or her best work--even when that person was previously thought to be a "problem employee." Packed with brand-new case studies from Fournies’s latest research into the dynamics of the modern workplace, this classic guide takes all the guesswork out of becoming the kind of inspired, "hands-on" manager that every company today is looking for!
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Introduction to Information Systems, Loose Leaf
O’Brien’s Introduction to Information Systems 16e reflects the contemporary use of enterprise-wide business systems. New real-world case studies continue to correspond with this industry reality. The text’s focus is on teaching the future manager the potential effect on business of the most current IT technologies such as the Internet, Intranets, and Extranets for enterprise collaboration, and how IT contributes to competitive advantage, reengineering business processes, problem solving, and decision-making. The benchmark text for the syllabus organized by technology (a week on databases, a week on networks, a week on systems development, etc.) taught from a managerial perspective. O’Brien defines technology and then explains how companies use the technology to improve performance. Real world cases finalize the explanation.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management
Manufacturing Planning & Control for Supply Chain Management, 6e by Jacobs, Berry, and Whybark (formerly Vollmann, Berry, Whybark, Jacobs) is a comprehensive reference covering both basic and advanced concepts and applications for students and practicing professionals. The text provides an understanding of supply chain planning and control techniques with topics including purchasing, manufacturing, warehouse, and logistics systems. Manufacturing Planning & Control for Supply Chain Management, 6e continues to be organized in a flexible format, with the basic coverage in chapters 1-8 followed by the last four chapters that focus on the integration of manufacturing with the supply chain. Each chapter provides a managerial issues overview, a detailed technical presentation related to the topic, company examples, and concluding principles. This book is the essential desk reference for Supply Chain Planning and Control techniques.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Internal Medicine: Just the Facts (Int'l Ed)
All the essentials of internal medicine in an instant! This concise, yet all-inclusive review is the perfect tool to prepare for primary certification and recertification exams, or for use as a clinical refresher. Its streamlined format conveniently condenses and simplifies the most important content, for maximum yield and comprehension-making it indispensable for internal medicine residents, clerkship students, and busy practitioners. FEATURES: Compact review of key board-type material that spans the entire spectrum of internal medicine Coverage that reflects the weighting of the ABIM exam and adheres to its blueprint-including critical care, geriatrics, women's health, clinical procedures, and end-of-life care Insights from a team of leading academics and clinicians from one of the country's top medical schools Standardized, bulleted template emphasizing key points of epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, differential diagnosis, diagnosis, procedures and treatment, prognosis, plus references Numerous clinical algorithms Chapter organization arranged by specialty ACGME competency requirements-especially designed for residents and program directors who need to meet accreditation obligations
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Tropical Rain Forest
'Bound to excite would-be scientists and browsers alike' - "ALA Booklist". It's teeming with life - many kinds of life. Giant cats and skittish bats. Squawking parrots and upside-down sloths. Even the trees seem animated, with their long, loopy vines. From its earth floor to the top of the tree canopy, "The Tropical Rain Forest" has more things living in it than any other habitat on earth. Stunning drawings, step-by-step experiments, fun activities, and fascinating facts abound in this magical exploration on an essential ecosystem - which may now be in danger of disappearing forever.With this book, you can explore one small square of rain forest, in a zoo as a nature preserve, or at home. This is a welcome new addition to the critically acclaimed "One Small Square" and nature series for children ages 6 to 9. This book includes: stunning full-color illustrations of the habitat and its creatures; motivating experiments and activities, along with clear, diagrammed instructions and safety tips; a picture field guide to the habitat; a glossary-index and resource list. "One Small Square" puts the whole world in perspective for children, one small square at a time. Each book is a thrilling, up-close encounter with the natural world; from the stars above us to the habitats, ecosystems, and creatures around us.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Stick and Rudder: An Explanation of the Art of Flying
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.WHAT'S IN STICK AND RUDDER: The invisible secret of all heavier-than-air flight: the Angle of Attack. What it is, and why it can't be seen. How lift is made, and what the pilot has to do with it. Why airplanes stall How do you know you're about to stall? The landing approach. How the pilot's eye functions in judging the approach. The visual clues by which an experienced pilot unconsciously judges: how you can quickly learn to use them. "The Spot that does not move." This is the first statement of this phenomenon. A foolproof method of making a landing approach across pole lines and trees. The elevator and the throttle. One controls the speed, the other controls climb and descent. Which is which? The paradox of the glide. By pointing the nose down less steeply, you descend more steeply. By pointing the nose down more steeply, you can glide further. What's the rudder for? The rudder does NOT turn the airplane the way a boat's rudder turns the boat. Then what does it do? How a turn is flown. The role of ailerons, rudder, and elevator in making a turn. The landing--how it's made. The visual clues that tell you where the ground is. The "tail-dragger" landing gear and what's tricky about it. This is probably the only analysis of tail-draggers now available to those who want to fly one. The tricycle landing gear and what's so good about it. A strong advocacy of the tricycle gear written at a time when almost all civil airplanes were taildraggers. Why the airplane doesn't feel the wind. Why the airplane usually flies a little sidewise. Plus: a chapter on Air Accidents by Leighton Collins, founder and editor of AIR FACTS. His analyses of aviation's safety problems have deeply influenced pilots and aeronautical engineers and have contributed to the benign characteristics of today's airplane. Stick and Rudder is the first exact analysis of the art of flying ever attempted. It has been continously in print for thirty-three years. It shows precisely what the pilot does when he flies, just how he does it, and why.Because the basics are largely unchanging, the book therefore is applicable to large airplanes and small, old airplanes and new, and is of interest not only to the learner but also to the accomplished pilot and to the instructor himself.When Stick and Rudder first came out, some of its contents were considered highly controversial. In recent years its formulations have become widely accepted. Pilots and flight instructors have found that the book works.Today several excellent manuals offer the pilot accurate and valuable technical information. But Stick and Rudder remains the leading think-book on the art of flying. One thorough reading of it is the equivalent of many hours of practice.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Spelling Mastery Level B, Student Workbooks (Pkg. of 5)
Spelling Mastery Robert Dixon, Siegfried Engelmann, Mary Meier, Donald Steely and Tina Wells This highly successful Direct Instruction programme turns the mystery of spelling into mastery. Spelling Mastery provides pupils with reliable spelling strategies that enable them to spell accurately and with confidence. Spelling Mastery emphasises learning to spell by generalisation rather than by the weekly memorisation of word lists, integrating three fundamental approaches to spelling: Phonemic: Helps pupils to spell words that are highly regular in terms of sound-symbol correspondence. Morphemic: Teaches older children to spell a variety of prefixes, suffixes, and word bases, and provides them with a manageable set of rules for combining these elements. Whole Word: Helps pupils to tackle high-frequency words that must be learned by memory.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Decoding Level B2, Student Book
Corrective Reading: DecodingSiegfried Engelmann, et al. Written for students who have difficulty reading accurately and fluently, the Corrective Reading Decoding programmes provide a unique blend of teacher-directed instruction and high-frequency practice to accelerate decoding. This proven intervention programme progresses from teaching letter sounds and blending to reading passages typical of textbook material. Detailed data on performance allows students to monitor their own improvement and experience success.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Reading Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop Grade 5
Concise and focused, the Wonders Reading/Writing Workshop is a powerful instructional tool that provides students with systematic support for the close reading of complex text. Introduce the week’s concept with video, photograph, interactive graphic organizers, and more Teach through mini lessons that reinforce comprehension strategies and skills, genre, and vocabulary Model elements of close reading with shared, short-text reads of high interest and grade-level rigor
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe You Can’t Teach a Kid to Ride a Bike at a Seminar, 2nd Edition: Sandler Training’s 7-Step System for Successful Selling
The timeless guide to sales success has been revised to help you supercharge personal and team performance in a new economy "People make buying decisions emotionally and justify them logically."That shrewd insight from the first edition of this bestselling book has become a no-brainer among sales professionals. Now, the new edition of classic work that has helped millions of sales professionals take their career to new levels offers critical new insights, information, and tools for success in today’s economy. You Can’t Teach a Kid to Ride a Bike at a Seminar, Second Edition retains David Sandler's classic, battle-tested advice on driving personal and organizational success by breaking the rules of conventional selling. And now Sandler Training’s CEO, David Mattson, has revisited it to provide additional skills designed for today’s highly competitive and more complex sales landscape. With this powerful guide, you’ll learn how to: Take the lead in the "buyer/seller dance" Get the prospect to do most of the talking Have a process for answering questions from prospects Know when a prospect is shopping you . . . and what to do about it Move the relationship forward without becoming an unpaid consultant Master the seven steps of the "Sandler Submarine" Use LinkedIn as a prospecting and qualifying tool Establish an “up-front contract,” or call roadmap, before your face-to-face meeting Use online research to turn "cold calls" into warm calls Sales professionals and teams that follow these principles—and others outlined in the book—will transform themselves from mediocre performers into selling superstars.This new edition of You Can’t Teach a Kid to Ride a Bike at a Seminar is a potent mixture of Sandler’s timeless techniques and best practices from the most effective sales operation today.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Hadzic's Peripheral Nerve Blocks and Anatomy for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia
The complete, authoritative, and practical guide to ultrasound-guided nerve blocks – updated to reflect the most current NYSORA initiativesINCLUDES THREE ATLASESHadzic’s is the most comprehensive color guide to the procedures and equipment used in ultrasound guided nerve blocking. Color drawings and photographs are bolstered by concise, step-by-step instruction from the world-renowned St. Luke’s Hospital in New York. The Third Edition has been updated to include more international contributors, and better align the book’s content with the New York School of Regional Anesthesia’s (NYSORA) standards of practice.Featuring sections that progress from the foundations of regional anesthesia to the clinical applications of nerve blocks, Hadzic’s includes tips and insider perspective from the leadership of NYSORA and its academic affiliates. The book also includes three separate atlases, including a new atlas of musculoskeletal ultrasound, as well as surface anatomy, and ultrasound-guided anatomy. •A real-world emphasis on clinical utility serves as the underpinning of chapter content and drives the book’s in-depth explanations of techniques and procedures •Outstanding organization begins with the foundations of peripheral nerve blocks (e.g., regional anesthesia, equipment, and monitoring and documentation) and then reviews clinical applications for both traditional procedures and ultrasound-guided procedures •Three atlases: musculoskeletal ultrasound, surface anatomy, ultrasound-guided anatomy
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Lange Critical Care
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.A practical, concise, and up-to-date reference for the ICUA Doody’s Core Title for 2019! LANGE Critical Care delivers concise, evidenced-based, and highly clinical coverage of the surgical and medical aspects of critical care. The book provides basic fundamentals, applications and insights that will be of lasting value to all ICU physicians, nurses, advanced care providers, and allied personnel who care for the critically ill and injured patients in all ICUs. Noteworthy features include a well-illustrated Clinical Care Procedures section, high-yield summaries of the full spectrum of essential critical care topics, and the inclusion of “Controversies” chapters throughout each section addressing some of the ambiguous aspects of critical care.This timely book also covers the growing scope of critical care provided outside the ICU and the increasing importance of critical care services within the hospital structure. In keeping with the multi-professional nature of critical care delivery, several chapters are authored or coauthored by critical care fellows, ICU nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists. FEATURES:• Includes both the surgical and medical aspects of critical care, making it valuable to the intensivist working in the medical, surgical, or neurological ICU• Utilizes numerous visual elements such as figures, tables, and algorithms• Appendix contains valuable reference material and formulas, including a chapter on bedside statistics• Excellent primer for internal medicine and anesthesiology ICU rotations and great for board examination review
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Risk-Return Analysis Volume 3
The man who created investing as we know it provides critical insights, knowledge, and tools for generating steady profits in today’s economy.When Harry Markowitz introduced the concept of examining and purchasing a range of diverse stocks—in essence, the practice of creating a portfolio—he transformed the world of investing. The idea was novel, even radical, when he presented it in 1952 for his dissertation. Today, it’s second-nature to the majority of investors worldwide. Now, the legendary economist returns with the third volume of his groundbreaking four-volume Risk-Return Analysis series, where he corrects common misperceptions about Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and provides critical insight into the practice of MPT over the last 60 years. He guides you through process of making rational decisions in the face of uncertainty—making this a critical guide to investing in today’s economy. From the Laffer Curve to RDM Reasoning to Finite Ordinal Arithmetic to the ideas and concepts of some of history’s most influential thinkers, Markowitz provides a wealth and depth of financial knowledge, wisdom, and insights you would be hard pressed to find elsewhere. This deep dive into the theories and practices of the investing legend is what you need to master strategic portfolio management designed to generate profits in good times and bad.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Conversational Capacity: The Secret to Building Successful Teams That Perform When the Pressure Is On
OPEN, BALANCED DIALOGUE--THE KEY TO PEAK TEAM PERFORMANCEIn a world of rapid-fire change, it's more important than ever to build teams that work well when the pressure is on—and quality communication can mean the difference between success and failure.Conversational Capacity provides the communication tools you need to ensure that your team remains on track even when dealing with its most troublesome issues, that it responds to tough challenges with agility and skill, and performs brilliantly in circumstances that would incapacitate less disciplined teams.Praise for Conversational Capacity:"This book blows the lid off everything you have learned about team building and will have you asking, 'Why didn't someone show me this before?'" -- Rick Woodcock, Chief Technology Officer of the US Naval Institute, Annapolis"Easy to implement, Craig Weber's techniques will transform your organization. We put these principles into practice and saw immediate results." -- Scott Goodey, CEO, Greenpoint Technologies"A must-read for leaders and those who aspire to lead. It's one of the most influential books on the value of teaming." -- Benjamin Ola Akande, PhD, Professor of Economics and Dean of the George Herbert Walker School of Business and Technology, Webster University"Conversational Capacity is one of those rare books that will forever change how you see yourself and the people with whom you work. Read it. Recommend it to your boss, your team, and your friends." -- Jan Wilmott, Director of Leadership Development at the Royal Bank of Canada"This book provides a practical roadmap to learning the single most important skill that any leader can and should master. Conversational Capacity will change the way you lead and transform your relationships--at work and at home." -- Andy Restivo, President and CEO of Creative Channel Services, an Omnicom Group Company"Conversational Capacity shows leadership teams how to think actively and adapt quickly. Better yet, the simplicity of the book enables the reader to apply the concepts and ideas in any leadership position." -- Mark Milliner, CEO of Personal Insurance at Suncorp "Craig Weber has a gift for connecting what it means to build healthy relationships with the nuts and bolts of running an organization. In Conversational Capacity he brings a refreshing combination of practical tools, personal examples, and wisdom from having worked with hundreds of leaders over the years. If you are a leader or someone interested in getting better at what you do, Conversational Capacity is a must read." -- Rob McKenna, PhD, Executive Director of the Center for Leadership Research and Development and author of Dying to Lead "Craig Weber challenges us to think differently about the way we talk to each other. Not since the seminal work of Chris Argyris have I read a book that so well documents the promise and the peril of dialogue. Readers will learn to develop conversational competence with team members and with leaders at all levels. You will learn to become more mindful in difficult situations, appreciate the power of curiosity, and develop ways to experiment, compare, reframe, and reengage with renewed commitment. We need this book, now more than ever. Once you read it, you will want to share it as soon as possible!" -- Frank J. Barrett, PhD, Professor of Management and Organizational Behavior, Global Public Policy, at the Graduate School of Business and Public Policy, Naval Postgraduate School and author of Yes to the Mess "This book has transformed the way I lead, teach, and facilitate. Weber captures the essence of team effectiveness and provides a well-researched and tested model that supports the other building blocks of leadership." -- Dr. Tony Herrera, Direct of Partner Development at Schreiber Foods"Required reading! Improving the conversational capacity of your team and organization is invaluable. These same skills are needed to address the broader issues we face as a society. Get this book! Share it with your colleagues, friends, and family." -- Chris Soderquist, President of Pontifex Consulting and author of The Strategic Forum"Craig Weber's Conversational Capacity works. It works to build an internal culture that allows our organization to focus on the work at hand--without the drama, emotions, and egos that often get in the way of creating a high-functioning organization. It also works when building relationships with funders, stakeholders, and other clients, allowing our team to listen for commonalities and to find areas of true agreement." -- Michele Lueck, President and CEO of the Colorado Health Institute"Those who aspire to use a conversational process to facilitate and deliver high-impact team results have come to the right place. Having worked with Craig Weber to design training programs for colleagues, I can personally attest to his brilliance in using narratives to capture our attention and emotional intelligence with evidence-based methods to build our conversational skills. With clarity, practicality, and case examples, this book will help you find the sweet spot in any conversation while ensuring a productive outcome." -- Dr. Kathleen Keil, Senior Manager of Learning and Development at Pfizer Animal Health"Craig Weber's Conversational Capacity reduces organizational fear through a simple, effective technique that increases trust and maximizes creativity. It will help any organization realize new levels of confidence, creativity, and success. The tools within these pages may very well be the most important keys to both change and growth in the twenty-first century." -- Scott Eck, President of Leadership Masters"We often see the need for collaboration but do not have the tools and skills required to make it happen. Using Craig Weber's techniques to build conversational capacity is exactly what we need in both our professional and personal lives." -- Karen Minyard, PhD, Director of the Georgia Health Policy Center at the Andrew Young School of Public Policy, Georgia State University"The ideas in these pages are profound, life changing, and applicable to every area of life. My nonprofit team acquired a new set of skills that increased our capacity to tackle governance, interpersonal relationships, and the future in a dynamic and changing economy. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a master the tools required to elevate awareness, skill, and discipline to achieve desired--and amazing--results." -- Jane Soderquist, Board Chair of the Upper Valley Waldorf School
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe HR from the Outside In: Six Competencies for the Future of Human Resources
“This definitive work on HR competencies provides ideas and tools that help HR professionals develop their career and make their organization effective.”—Edward E. Lawler III, Professor, University of Southern California“This book is a crucial blueprint of what it takes to succeed. A must have for every HR professional.”—Lynda Gratton, Professor, London Business School “One single concept changed the HR world forever: ‘HR business partner’. Through consistent cycles of research and practical application, Dave and his team have produced and update the most comprehensive set of HR competencies ever.”—Horacio Quiros, President, World Federation of People Management Associations"Packed with facts, evidence, and prescriptive advice. It is about being a business leader first, and an HR professional second.”—Randy MacDonald, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, IBM Corporation"The concepts and competencies presented in this book provide HR leaders with new insights."—Gina Qiao, Senior Vice President, HR Lenovo“Powerful, relevant and timely! Defines "new HR" in a pragmatic way. This book is a must for leaders and HR folks who seek to create sustainable competitive advantage.”—Satish Pradhan, Chief, Group Human Resources, Tata Sons Limited“You can’t argue with the data! This book is a definitive and practical guide to learning the HR competencies for success.”—John Lynch, Senior Vice President, HR, General Electric“A must read for any HR executive. This research-based competency model is particularly compelling because it is informed by the perspective of non-HR executives and stakeholders.”—Sue Meisinger, Distinguished speaker and author, former CEO of SHRM"Read this book for a unique long-term perspective on where HR competencies have brought us and must take us in future."—John Boudreau, Professor, University of Southern California and Research Director, Center for Effective Organizations
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Incident Response & Computer Forensics, Third Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The definitive guide to incident response--updated for the first time in a decade!Thoroughly revised to cover the latest and most effective tools and techniques, Incident Response & Computer Forensics, Third Edition arms you with the information you need to get your organization out of trouble when data breaches occur. This practical resource covers the entire lifecycle of incident response, including preparation, data collection, data analysis, and remediation. Real-world case studies reveal the methodsbehind--and remediation strategies for--today's most insidious attacks. Architect an infrastructure that allows for methodical investigation and remediation Develop leads, identify indicators of compromise, and determine incident scope Collect and preserve live data Perform forensic duplication Analyze data from networks, enterprise services, and applications Investigate Windows and Mac OS X systems Perform malware triage Write detailed incident response reports Create and implement comprehensive remediation plans
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Candlestick Charting Explained Workbook: Step-by-Step Exercises and Tests to Help You Master Candlestick Charting
A practical, hands-on guide to building your mastery of candlestick charting and analysisCandlestick charting has become one of today’s most popular technical analysis tools for both individual and professional investors. And it’s much easier than you probably think. In fact, creating a candlestick chart demands no more information than traditional charting requires. With candle pattern analysis, the payoff is a deeper look into the minds of investors and a clearer view of supply and demand dynamics.In this companion volume to his bestselling Candlestick Charting Explained, Gregory L. Morris delivers hands-on knowledge you need to make candlestick charting and analysis a key element of your portfolio-building strategy. With this book you will be able to: Identify candle patterns and quickly see what traders and investors are thinking Use reversal patterns to enter or reverse your positions Identify continuation patterns to establish additional positions Utilize charting software to recognize patterns automatically Packed with study questions, data tables, diagnostic tools, terminology, sample charts, and market analyses, Candlestick Charting Explained Workbook helps you speed up the learning process and ramp up the profits.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe First Aid Q&A for the USMLE Step 1, Third Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.1,000 questions and answers prepare you for the USMLE Step 1!The only comprehensive Q&A review for the USMLE Step directly linked to high-yield facts from Dr. Le's First Aid for the USMLE Step 1, this essential study guide offers 1000 board-style questions and answers, easy-to-navigate, high yield explanations for correct and incorrect answers, and more than 350 accompanying images. Features: 1000 board-style questions and answers -- reviewed and approved -- by students who just aced the exam Detailed explanations for both right and wrong answers - with letter options in boldface for at-a-glance review Chapters keyed to Dr. Le's First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 so you can simultaneously review questions and high-yield facts 130+ high-yield images, diagrams, and tables One complete practice exam consisting of 7 blocks of 50 questions simulates the exam experience
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Bond Book, Third Edition: Everything Investors Need to Know About Treasuries, Municipals, GNMAs, Corporates, Zeros, Bond Funds, Money Market Funds, and More
Everything on Treasuries, munis,bond funds, and more!The bond buyer’s answer book—updated for the new economy“As in the first two editions, this third edition of The Bond Book continues to be the idealreference for the individual investor. It has all the necessary details, well explained andillustrated without excessive mathematics. In addition to providing this essential content, itis extremely well written.”—James B. Cloonan, Chairman, American Association of Individual Investors“Annette Thau makes the bond market interesting, approachable, and clear. As much asinvestors will continue to depend on fixed-income securities during their retirement years,they’ll need an insightful guide that ensures they’re appropriately educated and served.The Bond Book does just that.”—Jeff Tjornejoh, Research Director, U.S. and Canada, Lipper, Thomson Reuters“Not only a practical and easy-to-understand guide for the novice, but also a comprehensivereference for professionals. Annette Thau provides the steps to climb to the top of the bondinvestment ladder. The Bond Book should be a permanent fixture in any investment library!”—Thomas J. Herzfeld, President, Thomas Herzfeld Advisors, Inc.“If the financial crisis of recent years has taught us anything, it’s buyer beware. Fact is, bondscan be just as risky as stocks. That’s why Annette Thau’s new edition of The Bond Book isessential reading for investors who want to know exactly what’s in their portfolios. It alsoserves as an excellent guide for those of us who are getting older and need to diversify intofixed income.”—Jean Gruss, Southwest Florida Editor, Gulf Coast Business Review, andformer Managing Editor, Kiplinger’s Retirement ReportAbout the BookThe financial crisis of 2008 causedmajor disruptions to every sector ofthe bond market and left even the savviestinvestors confused about the safety oftheir investments. To serve these investors andanyone looking to explore opportunities infixed-income investing, former bond analystAnnette Thau builds on the features and authoritythat made the first two editions bestsellersin the thoroughly revised, updated, andexpanded third edition of The Bond Book.This is a one-stop resource for both seasonedbond investors looking for the latest informationon the fixed-income market and equitiesinvestors planning to diversify their holdings.Writing in plain English, Thau presentscutting-edge strategies for making the bestbond-investing decisions, while explaininghow to assess risks and opportunities. She alsoincludes up-to-date listings of online resourceswith bond prices and other information.Look to this all-in-one guide for information onsuch critical topics as: Buying individual bonds or bond funds The ins and outs of open-end funds,closed-end funds, and exchangetradedfunds (ETFs) The new landscape for municipal bonds:the changed rating scales, the neardemise of bond insurance, andBuild America Bonds (BABs) The safest bond funds Junk bonds (and emerging market bonds) Buying Treasuries without payinga commission From how bonds work to how to buy and sellthem to what to expect from them, The BondBook, third edition, is a must-read for individualinvestors and financial advisers who wantto enhance the fixed-income allocation of theirportfolios.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe What Works on Wall Street, Fourth Edition: The Classic Guide to the Best-Performing Investment Strategies of All Time
Historically tested long-term strategies that always outperform the market“O’Shaughnessy’s conclusion that some strategies do produce consistently strong results while others underperform could shake up the investment business.”—Barron’s“What Works on Wall Street is indisputably a major contribution to empirical research on the behavior of common stocks in the United States. . . . Conceivably, the influence of What Works on Wall Street will prove immense.”—The Financial Analysts’ Journal“O’Shaughnessy’s latest, What Works on Wall Street, is a serious inquiry into the investment strategies that stand up under long-term scrutiny and is refreshing research for every investor.”—Stocks and Commodities“A bible for investment strategies. . .”—Seeking AlphaAbout the Book:Recent history has witnessed one of the worst stock market beatings ever. As a result, abysmal returns are being called “the new normal,” financial “experts” are ringing the death knell of buy-and-hold, and investors’ faith in equities has hit an all-time low. You have two choices. You can abandon the stock market based on what is happening today. Or you can invest today based on what will happen in the future.Containing all new data, What Works on Wall Street, Fourth Edition, is the only investing guide that lets you see today’s market in its proper context— as part of the historical ebb and flow of the stock market. And when you see the data, you’ll see there is no argument: Stocks work.Now in its second decade of helping investors succeed with stocks, What Works on Wall Street continues to provide the most effective investing strategies, presenting incontrovertible data on what works and what doesn’t. Updated with current statistics and brand-new features, What Works on Wall Street offers data on almost 90 years of market performance, including: Stocks ranked by market capitalization Price-to-earnings ratios EBITDA to enterprise value Price-to-cash flow, -sales, and -book ratios Dividend, buyback, and shareholder yields One-year earnings-per-share percentage changes Providing you with unparalleled insights into stock performance going back to 1926, What Works on Wall Street is a refreshingly calming, objective view of a subject that is usually wrapped in drama, hyperbole, and opinions that are plain wrong.This comprehensive guide provides the objective facts and winning strategies you need; all you have to do is make the decision to ignore the so-called market experts and rely on the long-proven approach that has made What Works on Wall Street an investing classic.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Patient History: Evidence-Based Approach
The definitive evidence-based introduction to patient history-takingNOW IN FULL COLORA Doody's Core Title for 2021!For medical students and other health professions students, an accurate differential diagnosis starts with The Patient History. The ideal companion to major textbooks on the physical examination, this trusted guide is widely acclaimed for its skill-building, and evidence based approach to the medical history.Now in full color, The Patient History defines best practices for the patient interview, explaining how to effectively elicit information from the patient in order to generate an accurate differential diagnosis. The second edition features all-new chapters, case scenarios, and a wealth of diagnostic algorithms. Introductory chapters articulate the fundamental principles of medical interviewing. The book employs a rigorous evidenced-based approach, reviewing and highlighting relevant citations from the literature throughout each chapter.Features NEW! Case scenarios introduce each chapter and place history-taking principles in clinical context NEW! Self-assessment multiple choice Q&A conclude each chapter—an ideal review for students seeking to assess their retention of chapter material NEW! Full-color presentation Essential chapter on red eye, pruritus, and hair loss Symptom-based chapters covering 59 common symptoms and clinical presentations Diagnostic approach section after each chapter featuring color algorithms and several multiple-choice questions Hundreds of practical, high-yield questions to guide the history, ranging from basic queries to those appropriate for more experienced clinicians
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe SHIFT: How Top Real Estate Agents Tackle Tough Times (PAPERBACK)
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERWALL STREET JOURNAL BUSINESS BESTSELLERUSA TODAY MONEY BESTSELLER"Tough times make or break people. My friend Gary teaches you how to make the tragic into magic. Read & reap from this great book."--Mark Victor Hansen, Co-creator, #1 New York Times best selling series Chicken Soup for the SoulCo-author, Cracking the Millionaire Code, The One Minute Millionaire, and Cash in a Flash.Author, Richest Kids in America"Real estate buyers and sellers have to SHIFT their mindset to new and more creative strategies in this challenging real estate market. This book shows them excellent ways to survive and thrive."--Robert Allen, author of the New York Times bestsellers Nothing Down, Creating Wealth, Multiple Streams of Income and The One Minute Millionaire."Change happens. It's natural. It's ever present. It's reoccurring. So when markets shift you need to as well. No one explains this better in the real estate industry than my good friend Gary Keller and his team of talented co-authors. Their latest book, SHIFT, is perfect for all real estate professionals. It captures the very essence of a shifting housing market and what Realtors need to do to thrive therein. SHIFT will help you alter your focus and your actions to ensure that you get your head back in the game and increase your market share, irrespective of strong or weak market conditions. It's a great book – read it today."--Stefan Swanepoel, author of Swanepoel TRENDS Report, 2006-2009"Need help weathering the storm in today's real estate market? If so, reach for Gary Keller's new book, Shift-- it's the lifesaver you need today to thrive tomorrow. Shift is rich in easy-to-understand strategies, charts, and illustrations that show you exactly what you need to do to thrive in today's very challenging and 'shifted' real estate market."--Bernice Ross, Inman NewsThe Millionaire Real Estate SeriesMore than 1,000,000 copies sold!SHIFTS happen…Markets shift, and you can too. Sometimes you'll shift in response to a falling market, and other times you'll shift to take your business to the next level. Both can transform your business and your life. You can change your thinking, your focus, your actions, and, ultimately, your results to get back in the game and ahead of the competition. The tactics that jump-start your business in tough times will power it forward in good times. No matter the market-shift!SHIFT explores twelve proven strategies for achieving success in any real estate market, including Master the Market of the Moment: Short Sales, Foreclosures, and REOs Create Urgency: Overcoming Buyer Reluctance Re-Margin Your Business: Expense Management Find the Motivated: Lead Generation Expand the Options: Creative Financing
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Starbucks Experience: 5 Principles for Turning Ordinary Into Extraordinary
WAKE UP AND SMELL THE SUCCESS!You already know the Starbucks story. Since 1992, its stock has risen a staggering 5,000 percent! The genius of Starbucks success lies in its ability to create personalized customer experiences, stimulate business growth, generate profits, energize employees, and secure customer loyalty-all at the same time.The Starbucks Experience contains a robust blend of home-brewed ingenuity and people-driven philosophies that have made Starbucks one of the world's "most admired" companies, according to Fortune magazine. With unique access to Starbucks personnel and resources, Joseph Michelli discovered that the success of Starbucks is driven by the people who work there-the "partners"-and the special experience they create for each customer. Michelli reveals how you can follow the Starbucks way to Reach out to entire communities Listen to individual workers and consumers Seize growth opportunities in every market Custom-design a truly satisfying experience that benefits everyone involved Filled with real-life insider stories, eye-opening anecdotes, and solid step-by-step strategies, this fascinating book takes you deep inside one of the most talked-about companies in the world today.For anyone who wants to learn from the best-and be the best-The Starbucks Experience is a rich, heady brew of unforgettable user-friendly ideas.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Atlas of Minimally Invasive Surgical Operations
Introducing the most essential all-in-one MIS tutorial and atlas for 21st-century practiceA Doody’s Core Title for 2022! If you are a laparoscopic surgeon who strives to be at the vanguard of clinical practice, your atlas has arrived. Overflowing with nearly 1,000 beautifully rendered, medically accurate illustrations, The Atlas of Minimally Invasive Surgical Operations is the definitive laparoscopic surgery procedural primer and visual roadmap. This indispensable, one-stop resource delivers easy-to-follow procedural guidance that builds on the vital work of laparoscopic surgery pioneers at OHSU and other leading academic centers in the United States who have adapted common open operations to an MIS environment. Accompanying this skill-sharpening content are detailed illustrations that take you through each step to consider while performing current minimally invasive techniques. The Atlas of Minimally Invasive Surgical Operations begins with a review of general surgical considerations and principles of access, while subsequent sections survey the full scope of surgical interventions. Mirroring the latest clinical perspectives, research, and technologies that drive procedure evolution, this is the one atlas that should be part of your surgical library. Nearly 1,000 state-of-the-art illustrations—all created by esteemed professors of medical illustration at Johns Hopkins University—are designed to help surgeons visualize the procedure as they step to the operating table Comprehensive coverage encompassing 62 must-know procedures, each of which is fully explained with high- yield text and accompanying illustrations Consistent format includes Indications, Preoperative Preparation, Anesthesia, Position, Incision and Exposure, Closure, and Postoperative Care Section on minimally invasive pediatric surgery examines the latest procedural approaches to this critical surgical area
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Instant Cashflow
Discover 282 marketing and sales strategies proven to make more money for you!A self-made multimillionaire and business development expert,Brad Sugars helps you identify your company's hidden “goldmines,” dramatically boost your bottom line, and get on the fasttrack to big profits. And best of all, these crystal-clear, bite-sizedlessons can be put to work in your business immediately! Discover how to: Generate hundreds of promising new leads Increase your conversion rate of leads to sales Maximize the value of your average sale Measure your results and fine-tune your best strategies Get real results right now when you discover all that Instant Success has to offer!Instant Advertising * Instant Leads * Instant Profit * Instant Promotions * Instant Referrals * Instant Repeat Business * Instant Sales * Instant Systems * Instant Team Building * The Business Coach * The Real Estate Coach * Successful Franchising * Billionaire in Training
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe What is Lean Six Sigma
A quick introduction on how to use Lean Six Sigma to improve your workplace, meet your goals, and better serve your customers. Lean Six Sigma combines the two most important improvement trends of our time: making work better (using Six Sigma) and making work faster (using Lean principles). In this plain-English guide, you’ll discover how this remarkable quality improvement method can give you the tools to identify and eliminate waste and quality problems in your own work area. Packed with diagrams, cartoons, and real-life examples, What is Lean Six Sigma? reveals the four keys of Lean Six Sigma and how they apply to your own job: Delight your customers with speed and quality Improve your processes Work together for maximum gain Base decisions on data and facts You’ll see the big picture of what your company hopes to gain with Lean Six Sigma, how it may affect your work area, and what it can mean to you personally.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The New Solution Selling
This book presents the powerful and proven Solution Selling[registered] process, updated for today's high-speed, higher-pressure sales challenges The original "Solution Selling" rewrote the rules for the sales profession. Today, the revolutionary yet practical Solution Selling method remains the primary selling process for salespeople competing in every industry around the world, and in every size of business - from the smallest firms to the largest Fortune 500 corporations. "The New Solution Selling" comprehensively updates this proven effective approach to help you succeed with today's no-nonsense markets and buyers.A practical guide designed to provide hands-on value to frontline salespeople as well as sales managers and executives, this step-by-step book shows you how to streamline the sales process by: understanding your buyers, their situations and, most importantly, their needs; supplying mutually defined solutions to your customers' recognized problems; gaining access to key decision makers; controlling the buying process; and, defining milestones that can be measured and forecasted. Solution Selling first won its well-earned reputation among technology companies. Now "The New Solution Selling" shows how the same principles and process may be applied to any business relationship in any industry.This results-based book will show you how to improve your sales performance by first understanding your customers' challenges - and then providing intelligent, accessible, and field-proven solutions to those challenges. 'We have put the principles of Solution Selling[registered] at the core of our selling process - helping all of our 5,000-strong sales professionals, and thousands of Microsoft's business partners, consistently apply proven sales principles to make a real difference to our customers and meet expectations. "The New Solution Selling" describes how top-performing salespeople behave, and how this behavior fosters success - for both the customer and the salesperson' - Kevin Johnson, Group VP Worldwide Sales, Marketing, and Services, Microsoft (From the Foreword).The sales profession has changed tremendously in the past decade. Buyers who once made time to discuss their problems now expect sales professionals to have the business acumen that's necessary to understand and diagnose those problems before they arrive. More importantly, these buyers will only listen to - and buy from - salespeople who can provide them with solutions that are both convincing and workable. "The New Solution Selling" shows how to apply the proven Solution Selling approach in the can't-stop-to-talk pace of today's business. The result is a logical and practical process for sales success, one that improves both individual productivity and organizational return on investment.This important book features: completely updated Solution Selling sales process, principles, and management systems for today's tough sales environment; new tools designed to increase the quality and velocity of sales pipeline opportunities; improved methods for overcoming the all-too-common situation when your product is not your buyer's first choice - or even their second; new techniques for dramatically improving your prospecting accuracy and success; and, effective strategies for shifting an organization's focus from product selling to Solution Selling - at every level, throughout every operation.The original edition of "Solution Selling" changed the face of selling by transforming the rules for one-to-one selling. "The New Solution Selling" focuses on streamlining the proven Solution Selling process by showing you how to quickly understand and address your buyers' problems, use your offerings to provide insightful and workable solutions to those problems, and dramatically decrease the time spent between initial qualification and a successful, profitable close.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe A Technique for Producing Ideas
A step-by-step technique for sparking breakthrough creativity in advertising--or any fieldSince its publication in 1965, A Technique for Producing Ideas has helped thousands of advertising copywriters smash through internal barriers to unleash their creativity. Professionals from poets and painters to scientists and engineers have also used the techniques in this concise, powerful book to generate exciting ideas on demand, at any time, on any subject. Now let James Webb Young's unique insights help you look inside yourself to find that big, elusive idea--and once and for all lift the veil of mystery from the creative process."James Webb Young is in the tradition of some of our greatest thinkers when he describes the workings of the creative process. The results of many years in advertising have proved to him that the key element in communications success is the production of relevant and dramatic ideas. He not only makes this point vividly for us but shows us the road to that goal."--William Bernbach, Former Chairman and CEO, Doyle Dane Bernbach Inc.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Clinical Physiology of Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders
“The core of information that the clinician should possess” -- From the PrefaceDoody's Core Titles for 2021!Like its highly acclaimed predecessors, the Fifth Edition of this classic effectively integrates the essentials of renal and electrolyte physiology with the common clinical disorders of acid-base and electrolyte balance.FEATURES:*An easy-to-read writing style that demystifies this difficult subject*Basic science coverage of water and electrolyte physiology, renal physiology, and regulation of water and electrolyte balance*Clinical chapters that quickly guide you through key points of etiology, pathophysiology, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of common disorders*Crystal clear figures and handy tables that summarize key information*End-of-chapter problems that test mastery of the materialNEW IN THIS EDITION:*New sections on endothelin and nitric oxide*State-of-the-art information on the properties of the calcium-sensing receptor*Revised and expanded coverage of the neurologic sequelae of hyponatremia*In-depth discussion of the edematous states, including heart failure, nephrotic syndrome, and cirrhosis *Hundreds of new references
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences, Brief Version (Int'l Ed)
Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences, Brief Edition provides a sound, intuitive understanding of the basic concepts students need as they pursue careers in business, economics, and the life and social sciences. Students achieve success using this text as a result of the author's applied and real-world orientation to concepts, problem-solving approach, straight forward and concise writing style, and comprehensive exercise sets. More than 100,000 students worldwide have studied from this text!
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Crafting and Executing Strategy
Now with a brand new case book available in Connect for 2022, the 2nd edition of Crafting and Executing Strategy continues to provide a valuable resource for European readers while embracing new and updated core concepts and key theories in strategy. Throughout the text you will find a range of examples that illustrate how strategy works in the real world and encourage the practical application of learning. Complementing the chapters is a section of new cases providing in-depth analysis of the challenges of strategic management at a range of companies.This edition includes:• A new 6Ds framework, allowing readers to structure their approach to strategic management around the fundamental elements of the strategy process (Diagnosis, Direction, Decisions and Delivery) and the context within which that process is managed (Dynamism and Disorder).• Opening cases that begin each chapter and feature real-life business scenarios from companies such as Tinder, Ikea and Victorinox, introducing strategic concepts and theories.• Illustration Capsules, which have been updated to illustrate contemporary business concerns and demonstrate how companies have reacted strategically, increasing understanding of successful strategies. Companies featured include Burberry, TOMS, Aldi, Novo Nordisk and more.• Key Debates that stimulate classroom discussion and encourage critical analysis.• Emerging Themes that present contemporary strategic opportunities and issues such as ripple intelligence and technology and new organizational structures.• A Different View encouraging readers to appreciate differing viewpoints on strategic concepts and theories.• End of chapter cases that capture each chapter’s main theories through engaging cases on companies such as Adidas and Nike, Lego and Uber.• New recommended reading at the end of each chapter which help to further knowledge, including classic texts and advanced reading, and author notes providing contextNEW TO CONNECT for 2022 Connect is McGraw-Hill’s learning and teaching environment that improves student performance and outcomes while promoting engagement and comprehension of content.A new Case Book for Crafting and Executing Strategy is available as a separate eBook via McGraw Hill’s Connect platform and consists of the most popular existing cases, as well as introducing six brand new cases that discuss the latest strategic developments, including how companies have been responding to the Covid-19 pandemic and Brexit. On Connect you will also find associated questions to test students’ understanding and critical analysis of the case study as well as teaching notes available in your Instructor Resources. New Cases feature organizations and companies incuding Hornby, IG Design Group PLC, Newcastle United, Novo Nordisk, Shiseido and Spotify.Also available are brand new Video Case Studies, with interviewees including the Brand Director of Galaxy Chocolate. This new edition is available with SmartBook 2.0, McGraw-Hill’s adaptive, digital tool that tests students’ knowledge of key concepts and pinpoints the topics on which they need to focus study time. SmartBook 2.0 is the latest version of SmartBook, with key updates to: improve accessibility, provide mobile functionality, allow a more granular level of content selection, and provide the ability to assign Recharge activities.Crafting and Executing Strategy is also available with both The Business Strategy Game and GLO-BUS – the world’s leading business strategy simulations.Alex Janes is Senior Lecturer in Management at the University of Exeter Business School; Ciara Sutton is Lecturer in Strategy at Stockholm School of Economics.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Accounting: Understanding and Practice
The fourth edition of Accounting: Understanding and Practice by Danny Leiwy and Robert Perks has been fully revised throughout and updated in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards. Ample practice illustrations and examples help present the subject in relation to a business world to which readers can easily relate.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Principles of Economics
With an accessible approach, the third European edition of Principles of Economics provides students with the tools to analyze current economic issues. The book is underpinned by a focus on seven Core Principles, which help students to make the link between economic theory and practice. The 'economic naturalist' approach, supported by exercises, problems and examples, encourages students to employ economics principles to understand and explain the world around them.Developed from the well-regarded US textbook by Frank and Bernanke, it presents an intuitive approach to economics and is suitable for all students taking a Principles of Economics course.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Entrepreneurship and Small Firms
The sixth edition of Entrepreneurship and Small Firms has been fully revised and updated with contributions from leading academics in the field. Retaining the popular style of the previous editions and offering a clear and accessible introduction to the topic, this book provides a thorough coverage of entrepreneurial and small firm theory, concepts, evidence, policy and practice. Integrating academic theory with the day-to-day realities that entrepreneurs may encounter it furnishes the student with a comprehensive analysis of entrepreneurship.This well established text is justly popular for its clear and accessible approach, presenting the key topics of an entrepreneurship module in an engaging yet rigorous style. The book covers wide ranging topics from the economic influences on entrepreneurship and sources of finance, to issues of diversity, family business and social entrepreneurship.New to this edition is a chapter on Corporate Entrepreneurship offering students a unique insight into entrepreneurship activities in larger businesses and organizations. A reorganized chapter structure for the sixth edition allows students to navigate the four parts of the text from introductory concepts, the domains of entrepreneurship, through to strategy and to implementation. New part cases help to highlight the core themes and apply them to real business scenarios.The new edition retains a wealth of examples and cases throughout the chapters which illustrate entrepreneurship in action.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Happier: Can you learn to be Happy? (UK Paperback)
Can You Learn to Be Happy? "There are few self-help books more resolutley down to earth than Happier…Ben Shahar provides straightforward guidelines for integrating habits of gratitude and accepting negative emotions into daily life" Observer, January 2012YES . . . according to the teacher of Harvard University’s most popular and life-changing course. One out of every five Harvard students has lined up to hear Tal Ben-Shahar’s insightful and inspiring lectures on that ever-elusive state: HAPPINESS. HOW? Grounded in the revolutionary “positive psychology” movement, Ben-Shahar ingeniously combines scientific studies, scholarly research, self-help advice, and spiritual enlightenment. He weaves them together into a set of principles that you can apply to your daily life. Once you open your heart and mind to Happier ’s thoughts, you will feel more fulfilled, more connected . . . and, yes, HAPPIER. “This fine book shimmers with a rare brand of good sense that is imbedded in scientific knowledge about how to increase happiness. It is easy to see how this is the backbone of the most popular course at Harvard today." - Martin E. P. Seligman, author of Authentic Happiness This paperback edition contains a preview chapter of Tal Ben-Shahar’s ‘The Pursuit of Perfect’
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe McGraw-Hill Education Essential ESL Dictionary
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Learn and understand thousands of new English wordsClear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of English was developed to meet the needs of ESL students like you. Inside you will find more than 9,000 English terms, each with a simple definition so you will understand its meaning and usage. Every entry is accompanied by its phonetic translation, definition, and explanation. You'll find example sentences throughout that show English words in context. Hundreds of illustrations are also used throughout the dictionary, giving you visual reinforcement of word meanings.INCLUDES: 9,000+ American and British words, explained in easy-to-understand language Grammar and usage boxes to aid your understanding of key concepts A grammar summary that highlights parts of speech, idioms, sentence structures, and more A special section of illustrations--featuring thematic groups of words including animals, nature, electronics, music, the classroom, and more--to help you remember common terms A conversation guide that identifies important phrases for everyday situations such as meeting people, asking directions, going shopping, and more Whether you use it at work, in school, or at home, McGraw-Hill: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of English will become your trusted reference as you learn the language and build your English skills.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Improvised Medicine: Providing Care in Extreme Environments
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Deliver quality healthcare in the most challenging field conditionsComprehensive yet compact, practical, and enduring, Improvised Medicine: Providing Care in Extreme Environments, Second Edition, is the one book to toss into your bag when going to practice medicine in global, disaster, or other resource-poor settings, including theaters of war, regions of civil unrest, and economically deprived areas.Full of practical clinical pearls and field-tested strategies, this indispensable guide provides detailed instructions on how to work successfully outside of your comfort zone. It demonstrates how to devise effective treatment solutions when the traditional tools (medications, equipment, and staff) are unavailable or when providing care outside your primary area of expertise.In any crisis, from power failures and computer crashes to floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes, knowing how to deal with the unique challenges encountered saves lives and communities. This reference gives you that knowledge and inspires innovative crisis resolution.FEATURES:· Simple-to-follow directions, diagrams, and illustrations describing practical techniques and improvised equipment necessary to provide quality care during crises · Contains improvisations in anesthesia and airway management, dentistry, gynecology/obstetrics, infectious disease/laboratory diagnosis, internal medicine, otolaryngology, pediatrics and malnutrition, orthopedics, psychiatry, and surgery· Covers situational analysis and basic needs in a crisis; specific triage, diagnosis, and stabilization efforts; medical interventions for surgical and non-surgical problems; and debunks some commonly reported improvised techniques · Features public health measures, basic disaster communication techniques, post-disaster forensics, a model hospital disaster plan, and innovative patient-transport methods· New to the second edition: More concisely written, more e
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe McGraw-Hill Education Advanced Spanish Grammar
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.What you need to know to master advanced Spanish grammarMcGraw-Hill: Advanced Spanish Grammar guides you through this often-difficult subject, clearly explaining complex grammar ideas and giving you the practice you need to reach your language goals. Written in clear, accessible Spanish, each chapter introduces one grammar topic followed by skill-building exercises, allowing you to learn and study at your own pace.At the end of this workbook, you will have mastered grammar areas such as gender, articles, adjectives, possessives, and verb tenses and will have gained the ultimate confidence in your Spanish grammar skills.Features: 106 units, each presenting one topic in a bite-sized,two-page format More than 400 exercises that give you real confidence in your new language skills A comprehensive grammar glossary highlighting essential concepts A bilingual glossary featuring hundreds of terms for quick reference Numerous illustrations and usage examples showing Spanish grammar in context McGraw-Hill: Advanced Spanish Grammar is the third book in a three-part series. McGraw-Hill: Beginning Spanish Grammar and McGraw-Hill: Intermediate Spanish Grammar are also available for less experienced Spanish-language learners.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Think Big, Start Small, Move Fast: A Blueprint for Transformation from the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation
The Only Innovation Guide You Will Ever Need--from the Award-Winning Minds at Mayo ClinicA lot of businesspeople talk about innovation, but few companies have achieved the level of truly transformative innovation as brilliantly--or as famously--as the legendary Mayo Clinic.Introducing Think Big, Start Small, Move Fast, the first innovation guide based on the proven, decade-long program that’s made Mayo Clinic one of the most respected and successful organizations in the world. Thisessential must-have guide shows you how to: Inspire and ignite trailblazing innovation inyour workplace Design a new business model that’s creative,collaborative, and sustainable Apply the traditional scientific method to the latest innovations in "design thinking" Build a customized toolkit of the best practices, project portfolios, and strategies Increase your innovation capacity--and watch how quickly you succeed These field-tested techniques grew out of the health care industry but are designed to work with any complex organization. Written by three Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation insiders--Dr. Nicholas LaRusso, BarbaraSpurrier, and Dr. Gianrico Farrugia--the book offers a wealth of transformative ideas and strategies.The concise, easy-to-implement methods can help jump-start your employees' creative potential, involve them in the collaborative process, and pave the way to the future of sustainable innovation. You get step-by-step advice on building leadership teams, accelerator platforms for speeding up results, and fascinating case studies of innovation in action from the files of the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation.In today's fast-moving world, it's innovation that drives success. This book gives you the keys.ADVANCE PRAISE FOR THINK BIG, START SMALL, MOVE FAST:"Truly great organizations do not just achieve great results; they are also relentless in the pursuit of continual improvement. This book offers both methods and motivation to leaders in any industry who understand that the pursuit of excellence is never-ending." -- Donald Berwick, M.D., MPP, President Emeritus and Senior Fellow,Institute for Healthcare Improvement"Do you want your organization to deliver a shockingly better customer experience? Here is Mayo's method that transformed the patient experience by making innovation systemic, the human side of innovation." -- Scott Cook, Cofounder and Chairman of the Executive Committee, Intuit"A powerful set of actionable, yet importantly nonprescriptive, principles for transformative change that will inspire and challenge all of us to reenvision a system that delivers health, not just care, for all our patients." -- Rebecca Onie, Cofounder and CEO, Health Leads"This book should serve both as a how-to guide for medical professionals and an inspiration for other innovators all over the country." -- T. R. Reid, reporter and author of The Healing of America"Powerful insight on how to deliver meaningful innovations time and again." -- Frans van Houten, CEO, Royal Philips"Leaders who seek to accelerate new innovation competencies can benefit from this hands-on guide." -- Sarah Miller Caldicott, great grandniece of Thomas Edison,and CEO, Power Patterns of Innovation"Read this book. . . . Copy its practices. It will save you years of misery and missteps as you build your own innovation revolution." -- Larry Keeley, Cofounder, Doblin Inc., and Director, Deloitte Consulting LLP
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe How to Do Everything: Pages, Keynote & Numbers for OS X and iOS
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Maximize your productivity--the Apple way!Get the most out of the iWork suite of apps on a Mac, an iOS device, and in iCloud. How to Do Everything: Pages, Keynote & Numbers for OS X and iOS shows you how to create great-looking documents, persuasive presentations, and number-crunching spreadsheets. Filled with clear explanations and detailed examples, this practical guide covers everything you need to know to use these powerful productivity apps on your Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and web browser. Set up an iCloud account and download Pages, Keynote, and Numbers Create, edit, and format documents with Pages Add graphics, audio, video, tables, and charts to your documents Design and deliver impressive presentations with Keynote Include media, graphics, and charts in your presentation slides Set up, share, and secure powerful spreadsheets with Numbers Add tables, formulas, charts, audio, and video to your spreadsheets Access and sync iWork files using iCloud and collaborate with others
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Practice Makes Perfect French Vocabulary Building with Suffixes and Prefixes
Harness the power of suffixes and prefixes while addingmore than 4,000 words to your French vocabulary!How do you turn Scotland into a Scottish citizen? Or change your brother into a colleague?* It isn't magic, it's suffixes and prefixes. When attached to base words, they have the ability to change meanings to indicate quantity, profession, gender, size, status, relationship, style, and much more. Mastering these word parts will enable you to increase your vocabulary greatly. Practice Makes Perfect: French Vocabulary Building with Suffixes and Prefixes presents 100 suffixes and 60 prefixes accompanied by their meanings, English equivalent when applicable, part of speech, and gender. Grouped by difficulty level, each prefix or suffix is fully explained and followed by a list of terms using the added word part.Like all Practice Makes Perfect workbooks, you will get plenty of practice, practice, practice using your newly acquired skills. And for convenient study on the go, download the free companion app that features hundreds of words in a flashcard format. Whether you are learning on your own or taking an advanced beginning or intermediate French class, Practice Makes Perfect: French VocabularyBuilding with Suffixes and Prefixes will help build your confidence in using your new language.*Ecosse (Scotland) becomes Ecossais (Scot); frere (brother) becomes confrere (colleague)This workbook helps you: Learn how to use suffixes and prefixes to expand your French vocabulary Determine the meanings of unfamiliar terms by recognizing their word beginnings and endings Become more comfortable communicating in French
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Technical Analysis from A to Z
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Buehler's Backyard Boatbuilding for the 21st Century
"Build wooden boats the Buehler way, which is to say inexpensively, yet like the proverbial brick outhouse." -- Wooden Boat"A WEALTH OF VALUABLE INFORMATION." -- American Sailing AssociationThe classic and definitive guide for the home boatbuilder--now updated Everybody has the dream: Build a boat in the backyard and sail off to join the happy campers of Pogo Pogo, right? But how? Assuming you aren't independently wealthy, if you want a boat that is really you, you gotta build it yourself. With irreverent wit and an engaging style, George Buehler shows you how to turn your backyard into a boatyard. Buehler draws his inspiration from centuries of workboat construction, where semiskilled fishermen built rugged, economical boats from everyday materials in their own backyards, and went to sea in them in all kinds of weather. Buehler's boats sail on every ocean and perform every task, from long-term liveaboards in Norwegian fjords to a traveling doctor's office in Alaska. The book contains complete plans for ten cruising boats--from an 18-foot schooner to a 48-foot Diesel Duck. For more than a quarter century, backyard boatbuilders have turned to George Buehler's acclaimed DIY guide for expert advice, step-by-step instructions, and the author's irreverent, no-nonsense commentary. Whether you're experienced or unskilled, over-budget or under-financed, into sailing or powerboats, you'll find everything you need to start building--and finish that boat--in one essential guide. Now updated for the 21st century, the undisputed "bible" for boatbuilders is more comprehensive, more practical, and more fun than ever. You'll find: 10 new, practical, rugged, and ready-to-build designs--including Buehler’s popular Diesel Duck--with full plans and scantlings Up-to-date commentary on the latest materials--epoxies, sealants, metals, fastenings, and more Step-by-step guidance on choosing the size, complexity, and design that's right for your skillset, your workshop, and your wallet Stem-to-stern, inside-and-out tips on lofting, framing up, planking, decking, hatches, keels, bolt-ons, finishes, rigging, outfitting, and launching--everything you need to know! Jam-packed with photographs, helpful diagrams, and cost-effective techniques, this is a must-have reference for today’s boatbuilders or those curious "makers" tinkering around the backyard. If you want to build that boat of your dreams, you can't find a better guide than Buehler's."Immensely practical…clear and concise." -- Sailing"Everyone will revere this book." -- The EnsignGeorge Buehler was born in Oregon in 1948, and has been messing around with boats ever since his sainted mother gave him a copy of Scuppers the Sea Dog. Buehler is an accomplished yacht designer who lives on Whidbey Island, Washington.