Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Public Administration Singapore-Style
Singapore was ranked first for the competence of its public officials from 1999 to 2002 by "The Global Competitiveness Report". While research has been done on various aspects of public administration in Singapore, there is to date no comprehensive study of the Singapore Civil Service and the statutory boards and their contribution to the attainment of national development goals. The aim of this book is to rectify this gap in the literature by providing a detailed study of public administration Singapore-style. Public administration Singapore-style is characterized by these features: macho-meritocracy; competing with the private sector for talent; low level of corruption; reliance on institutional and attitudinal administrative reforms; reliance on statutory boards to implement socio-economic development programs; effective policy implementation, improving service to the public; and using policy diffusion to solve problems. The book's main thesis is that the nature of public administration in Singapore results from the combined influence of Singapore's policy context and the various policies introduced by the People's Action Party government since it assumed office in June 1959, 50 years ago.
Emerald Publishing Limited Literacy and Learning
Among the most commonly reported characteristics of individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities are significant and persistent problems with literacy acquisition. Applied research has revealed a number of methods for facilitating literacy learning among individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities. Included in this volume are chapters from a group of internationally-prominent authors, addressing important issues in the conceptualizing, assessing, and treating problems in literacy. These chapters include conceptual factors in reading assessment, reading comprehension, and a critique of the 'dyslexia' concept, implementation of Response to Intervention models for treatment of literacy deficits, applications for individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, reading instruction in the content areas, strategy instruction, and reading instruction for English learners with learning disabilities. In addition, current research in writing for students with learning and behavioral disabilities is described, including chapters on contextual factors in writing disabilities, persuasive writing for students with behavioral disabilities, writing instruction for young children with disabilities, and peer-mediated writing strategies. This volume is intended to be of interest to clinicians, teachers, researchers, graduate students, and many others interested in literacy and learning of individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Accounting in Emerging Economies
Accounting research in emerging economies has grown over the last two decades. This is partly due to the increasing realisation that accounting has a central role to play in the development of these economies. Accounting can contribute to enterprise development, governance improvements and promote foreign direct investment. In addition, the increasing integration of the world economy has led to a significant interest in understanding accounting systems in emerging economies. The articles in the volume contribute immensely to our understanding of how accounting functions in emerging economies. The papers have examined various issues including the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), internet financial reporting, the impacts of ownership concentration and board characteristics on firm performance, governance practices of firms, corporate social responsibility and environmental accounting, related party transactions, budgetary practices, activity-based costing, and females and the accounting profession. The papers have provided wide ranging empirical and theoretical issues that will have policy implications and also generate future academic debates. Overall, the volume advances debate on the role of accounting in different forms of organisations in emerging economies. We believe the audience will find the papers interesting and insightful in terms of theoretical development, practices, policy implications and future research directions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Perspectives on Cross-Cultural, Ethnographic, Brand Image, Storytelling, Unconscious Needs, and Hospitality Guest Research
Volume 3 examines how research tools affect theory advances in culture and tourism research. Using visual narrative art to explicate unconscious thinking that shapes trip plans and visits, building tree diagrams of streams of antecedent conditions associating with extreme behavior (e.g., road rage, chronic casino gambling), and research methods that go beyond quantitative/qualitative taxonomies are examples of the unique themes covered in this volume. The papers focus on how to gain meaning from data to thus look at how streams of antecedent conditions result in tourism behavior.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Military Sociology: Essays in Honor of Charles C. Moskos
There could be no better homage to recently deceased sociologist Charles C. Moskos than dedicating to him this selection of the papers presented at RC01's international conference in Seoul (July 2008). It offers an up-to-date view of the panorama of social studies on armed forces and conflict resolution in a context of fast-moving change that renders many preceding theoretical previsions obsolete. Just to cite two aspects of this change, one can point first of all to how the presented studies move beyond the very concept of globalization, after which the conference had been named. It in fact emerged with clarity that the new dimensions of the context in which militaries and military policy must move are those of a constant, diffuse interaction of the 'local' and the 'global', so-called globalization. A second aspect, in the international area, is the shift towards a multipolar global order with the United States, the European Union, China, Russia, Latin America, Japan and India all manoeuvring for position, a shift that has significant consequences on military action as well.
Emerald Publishing Limited Autopoiesis in Organization Theory and Practice
"Autopoiesis in Organization Theory and Practice" considers the potential of autopoiesis theory to provide a new unifying framework for the study of organizations as systems and of organizational phenomena as emergent phenomena. The papers in this volume integrate open systems theory with the pioneering work of Maturana and Varela (1980, 1992) on autopoiesis in biological systems. Viewing organizations as living systems opens a powerful new perspective for describing, explaining, and even predicting organizational phenomena across the full spectrum of organizations and environments, from stable to highly dynamic. This collection of papers brings into focus both the great potential and the important challenges facing organizational thinkers in building new organization theory and deriving new principles for management practice based on autopoiesis theory. The topics include the fundamental features of autopoiesis theory, the key conceptual issues surrounding the use of autopoiesis concepts in representing and analyzing organizations as living systems, and the practical applications of autopoiesis theory in designing organizations and managing organizational processes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Part one of volume 33 of "Studies on Symbolic Interaction" contains seven outstanding contributions by leading symbolic interactionists in the 'Annual Blue Ribbon Papers Series' under the editorial leadership of Lonnie Athens. Part two, under the special issue editorship of Richard King, examines commodity racism: representation, racialization and resistance. Part three presents papers in the 'Annual Peter M. Hall Lecture Series' and Part four presents new interpretive works in the interactionist tradition. International in scope, the series draws upon the work of urban ethnographers, interpretive, constructionist, ethnomethodological, critical race, postcolonial, feminist, queer, and cultural studies traditions. The emphasis is on new thought and research. Essays which interrogate the intersections between biography, media, history, politics and culture are encouraged.
Emerald Publishing Limited Occupational and Residential Segregation
This volume is divided into five parts, each one including two chapters. Part I is devoted to 'Information Theory and Segregation Measurement', part II to 'The Gini Index and the Measurement of Segregation', part III to 'Measuring Segregation with Ordered Categories', part IV to 'Exploring Changes in Segregation' and part V to 'Wage Inequality and Segregation'. Let us now review into more details each of these ten chapters.
Emerald Publishing Limited Work and Organizations in China after Thirty Years of Transition
Thirty years of economic change have fundamentally altered the nature of organizations and work in China. This volume brings together current research by many of the top scholars studying these issues and provides a glimpse into the state of thinking on organizations and work at the start of the fourth decade of transition. The topics covered include the continued transition of State Owned Enterprises, the emergence of asset management companies, the adoption of innovative labor structures, connections between organizational processes and worker outcomes, the changing use of networks in job search, and role of work and work units in creating and maintaining inequality.
Emerald Publishing Limited Innovations in Health Care Financing in Low and Middle Income Countries
Low- and middle-income countries face major challenges to their health systems. These include a high burden of communicable disease and an emerging non-communicable disease burden. Coverage of effective services and interventions is inadequate and often constrained by funding availability. At the same time, the international financing environment is changing rapidly, with new funding streams becoming available in part as a response to the challenges of meeting the Millennium Development Goals. These countries have taken a diversity of approaches to health care financing policies and programs to face the old and emerging challenges. This is increasingly accompanied by conceptual and applied research which is contributing to our understanding of how different financing mechanisms can contribute to the overall objectives of a health care system. The goal of this volume is to assemble the best of this research and synthesize 'best practices' for the benefit of researchers, policy makers and high level administrators, dealing with all elements of health care financing and focusing on both middle- and low-income settings, to represent the experiences of all regions of the developing world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Business and Management Forecasting
The objective of this research annual is to present state-of-the-art studies in the application of forecasting methodologies to such areas as sales, marketing, and strategic decision making. (An accurate, robust forecast is critical to effective decision making). The focus of the research annual is applications - and practitioner-oriented. The topics will normally include sales and marketing, forecasting, new product forecasting, judgmentally based forecasting, the application of surveys to forecasting, forecasting for strategic business decisions, improvements in forecasting accuracy, and sales response models. It is the direction of the editorial board to stimulate the interest of the practitioners of forecasting to methods and techniques that are relevant.
Emerald Publishing Limited Bayesian Econometrics
"Bayesian Econometrics" illustrates the scope and diversity of modern applications, reviews some recent advances, and highlights many desirable aspects of inference and computations. It begins with an historical overview by Arnold Zellner who describes key contributions to development and makes predictions for future directions. In the second paper, Giordani and Kohn makes suggestions for improving Markov chain Monte Carlo computational strategies. The remainder of the book is categorized according to microeconometric and time-series modeling. Models considered include an endogenous selection ordered probit model, a censored treatment-response model, equilibrium job search models and various other types. These are used to study a variety of applications for example dental insurance and care, educational attainment, voter opinions and the marketing share of various brands and an aggregate cross-section production function. Models and topics considered include the potential problem of improper posterior densities in a variety of dynamic models, selection and averaging for forecasting with vector autoregressions, a consumption capital-asset pricing model and various others. Applications involve U.S. macroeconomic variables, exchange rates, an investigation of purchasing power parity, data from London Metals Exchange, international automobile production data, and data from the Asian stock market.
Emerald Publishing Limited Modern Mass Tourism
Broadly speaking, academic tourism research comes in two main shapes - why and how to. Both traditions seem unable to ever meet and their trajectory reminds of scissors agape. Tourism research, it is argued in this book, finds itself in a serious scissors crisis. Accordingly, the text reflects on how the crisis came about and looks at its effect on the real world. It explores how, within the limited realm of tourism behavior, the scissors crisis mirrors the post-romantic elan that since the 1960s has engulfed most social sciences in a blietzkrieg that was as harmful in its rejection of a modern market economy as it was shallow in theoretical views. From this point on, the book maintains a number of contrarian views that run against the grain of conventional academic wisdom. It highlights how the post-romantic worldview (mis)construes the global tourist system. In conclusion, the book favors a complete about turn in hypotheses and analytical tools to gap the yawning scissor crisis and to make tourism research more accountable to developments in the real world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Justice
Justice processes operate in small groups, organizations, institutions, as well as society as a whole. Scholars from a variety of disciplines tackle a wide range of fundamental issues about justice. This volume brings together sociologists and psychologists who address issues pertaining to distributive, procedural, and interactional justice using a range of methodologies. Substantively, authors grapple with issues relevant to the processes underlying justice evaluations, including motivations, perceptions, identities, ideologies and exclusionary practices. They also consider the consequences of these evaluations, focusing on negative emotions, moral outrage, social action, and dispute resolution choices.In doing so, this volume highlights the role of the social structure in justice processes, thereby emphasizing that justice is more than just threads of individual assessments. Instead, justice is a collective process through which groups construct meaning and maintain the fabric of society.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender and Parenting in the Worlds of Alien and Blade Runner: A Feminist Analysis
Gender and Parenting in the Worlds of Alien and Blade Runner is a comparative, gendered analysis study of Ridley Scott’s contributions to the genre of science fiction and horror cinema. Observing that while Ridley Scott’s science fiction classics Blade Runner and Alien each feature future worlds in which space travel and off-earth colonies are commonplace, the author showcases how patriarchal and gendered expectations regarding women, usually associated with the past, still run rampant. Amanda DiGioia argues in this book that Scott has shifted from focusing on the future, and what humanity may be able to obtain from it, to a focus on facing mortality: what occurs after death and the futility of human existence. The opening chapter provides the necessary theoretical framework and background for the rest of the book, defining the Blade Runner films as science fiction works with elements of horror, from the corporeal to the existential, and the Alien universe as a collection of horror texts. The following chapters go on to discuss the idea of gender, across the works, ruminating on how humanity is in some instances nothing but a social construct that reinforces patriarchal myths about gender and power.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting (AIMA) is a publication of quality applied research in management accounting. The journal’s purpose is to publish thought-provoking articles that advance knowledge in the management accounting discipline and are of interest to both academics and practitioners. As a premier management accounting research journal, AIMA is well-poised to meet the needs of management accounting scholars. Featured in Volume 32 are articles on: Public Sector Joint Ventures; Control; Trust; Perceived Risk; Cost Stickiness; Cost Behavior; Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Sustainability Performance; Information Asymmetry; Sustainability Disclosure; Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); Asymmetric Cost Behavior; Lease Cost Stickiness; Retail Firms Cost Stickiness; Mood; Sunshine; Managerial Optimism; Asymmetric Cost Behavior; Adjustment Costs; Academic Research, Research-Practice Gap; Rigor-Relevance; Impact; Engagement; Relational Performance Measurement System; Managerial Ability; Employee Productivity; Employee Efficiency; Employee Cost; Financial Distress; Environmental Uncertainty.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald International Handbook of Technology-Facilitated Violence and Abuse
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online Digital technologies have led to many important social and cultural changes worldwide, but they are also implicated in the facilitation of violence and abuse. While cybercriminality is often described as one of the greatest threats to nation states and global security, the wide range of interpersonal crimes comprising technology-facilitated violence and abuse (TFVA) - including, but not limited to, image-based sexual abuse, hate speech, online sexual harassment and cyberstalking - has received little attention. This handbook features theoretical, empirical, policy and legal analysis of TFVA from over 40 multidisciplinary scholars, practitioners, advocates, survivors and technologists from 17 countries. Addressing a spectrum of abuse perpetrated online, offline and through new technologies, the book sets TFVA in the context of intersecting underlying systemic drivers - including misogyny, racism, classism, colonialism, ableism, ageism, transphobia and homophobia - and discusses ways forward in effectively responding to TFVA. Adopting a holistic approach, it explores a host of issues relating to TFVA, including the nature and experience of harmful and criminal conduct; organisational responses; regulatory, legal and ethical concerns; corporate and social responsibility; justice for victims; bystander intervention; and cultural and social attitudes. The handbook's international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral nature affords opportunities for learning from common experiences, but it also emphasises the equality-affirming importance of avoiding one-size-fits-all analyses that fail to reflect rich and diverse experiences from around the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leadership in Multigenerational Organizations: Strategies to Successfully Manage an Age Diverse Workforce
It is assumed that workplaces today are the most age diverse that they have ever been, and as a result many managers report difficulties when leading intergenerational teams. Such problems can stem from several myths about generational divides in the workplace, and it is only in recent academic research that these misconceptions have begun to be dispelled. Despite these emerging perspectives, falsehoods are still perpetuated regarding generational groups. Leadership in Multigenerational Organizations is an attempt to dispel some of these inaccuracies, whilst simultaneously suggesting ways in which different generations can be influenced to work cohesively and positively to accomplish organizational goals. To achieve this, academically supported leadership strategies are examined and applied to the age-related issues that can potentially arise in the workplace. Shifting the focus from assumed generational differences alone, this book considers evidence that calls into question whether intergenerational differences truly are evident in the workplace. Implementing the approaches in Leadership in Multigenerational Organizations increases the possibility of achieving age inclusive companies with improved workplace satisfaction, and ultimately stronger organizational cultures and overall performances. Urick provides specific strategies to influence members of multiple age groups, and the ideas provided here are applicable to almost all industries and organizational types, despite the continuously evolving generational landscape.
Emerald Publishing Limited Faculty and Student Research in Practicing Academic Freedom
Events in recent years, including instances in which academics have been jailed for protesting against corrupt political regimes, have demonstrated that the concept of academic freedom is under threat. Presenting case studies which reveal real-life examples of enforced silence, this book examines the concept of academic freedom in the context of globalization and outlines the challenges posed to the development of higher education. Offering a balanced view, which also showcases positive improvements in transparency and accountability, the authors examine the role of racial and gender biases, paired against rights and responsibilities, to highlight the drivers of restrictions on academic freedom. Including case studies from Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan and Hungary, along with examples of interventions and programmes intended to uphold freedom values, this volume provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges and potential solutions to securing and practicing academic freedom.
Emerald Publishing Limited George Spencer Brown’s “Design with the NOR”: With Related Essays
George Spencer Brown, a polymath and author of Laws of Form, brought together mathematics, electronics, engineering and philosophy to form an unlikely bond. This book investigates Design with NOR, the title of the yet unpublished 1961 typescript by Spencer Brown. The typescript formed through the author's experiences as technical engineer and developer of a new form of switching algebra for Mullard Equipment Ltd., a British manufacturer of electronic components, and is published here for the first time. Related essays contextualise the typescript drawing on a variety backgrounds from mathematics and engineering to philosophy and sociology, and thus invite readers to a reverse-engineering of both the form and its laws.
Emerald Publishing Limited Circular Economy Supply Chains: From Chains to Systems
A circular economy perspective embraces a notion that we design everything to be reused for as long as possible, and then recaptured and repurposed when reuse is no longer possible. Designing for a circular economy ecosystem requires a more holistic, integrative viewpoint, spanning all aspects of design and development and considering many supply chain actors, far beyond that of traditional supply chains. Circular Economy Supply Chains highlights the need for cross-industry flows and the need for different actors (beyond producers and consumers) in circular value cycles. While biomimicry provides the structure for organizing the book, individual chapters build on other theoretical lenses and concepts, such as stakeholder theory. This book intends to move beyond a buyer-supplier view, embracing a holistic network or ecosystem view, to consider a cross-industry system perspective, where there is a diversity of actors needed for a working ecosystem. This edited book offers a comprehensive overview of system components and actors, including how the circular economy adds value, the role of producers and consumers, the spectrum of recovery possibilities to return products back to the consumption supply chain, and the essential role of information management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Justice, Equity and Emergency Management
The Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management series deals with a wide range of issues relating to global environmental hazards, natural and man-made disasters, and approaches to disaster risk reduction. As people and communities are the first and the most important responders to disasters and environment-related problems, this series aims to analyse critical field-based mechanisms which link community, policy, and governance systems. Justice, Equity and Emergency Management takes the principles proposed in Disaster Recovery Through the Lens of Justice and applies a justice and equity lens across all phases of emergency management, focusing on key topics such as hazard mitigation, emerging technologies, long-term recovery, and others. The authors in this volume interrogate the applicability of the principles to technological innovation, indigenous peoples, persons with access and functional needs, agricultural disasters, and several other contexts. It is our hope that this effort will lead us closer to truly operationalizing and applying these principles in a way that leads to systemic change and better outcomes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
This special issue of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society examines how law understands the past. Topics covered include the use of legal language to dehumanize slaves in the eighteenth century, the use of history by lawyers and judges to justify existing law or make changes to the law during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a study of deportation in the context of the evolution of civil rights and civil liberties in the United States, and a re-examination of the significance of the Supreme Court decision Muller v Oregon in 1908. Through its valuable contribution to our understanding of the relationship between law and history, this special issue is essential reading for legal scholars worldwide.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethics, Ethnography and Education
By its very nature ethnography is an emergent methodology. To be ethical the ethnographer needs to manage research ethics in-situ. This need to manage ethical dilemmas as they arise often comes into conflict with increased ethical regulation and procedures from ethics review boards that require the researcher to foresee ethical quandaries before data collection commences. These regulations can constrain the emerging purpose of the study, evolving means of data collection and multifaceted ways of interacting with participants that are seen as being the strengths of undertaking an ethnographic approach. The chapters in this volume problematise this tension and highlight the importance of managing ethics in-situ by reflecting on recently completed and current projects drawing out ethical dilemmas relating to data ownership, dissemination, representation, social justice and managing ethnographic studies in the midst of a global pandemic and Covid-19 lockdowns. Reflecting on these experiences of doing educational ethnography with children and young people, drawing on a diverse range of studies conducted in England, Scotland, South America, India, and the Basque Country, this volume argues that administrative and conceptual change is needed to ensure that ethics does not become a tick box exercise but that ethnographers commit fully to conscientiously managing ethics in-situ.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technology-Enhanced Learning and Linguistic Diversity: Strategies and Approaches to Teaching Students in a 2nd or 3rd Language
Educators in Europe and the Americas traditionally have little formal training in applied linguistics, and yet they are increasingly faced with a growing multilingual student base. This book responds to the need to make the university community more aware of the unique experience of linguistically diverse students. Drawing on research and hands-on experience from both linguists and non-linguists who deal with students from different language backgrounds in their classroom, this book includes contributions which include linguistic research on 2nd and 3rd language acquisition, as well as case studies of specific challenges in teaching content courses in various disciplines, to offer a roadmap of how educators might facilitate the learning of their bilingual student cohort. Combining issues that have been studied separately within the fields of theoretical linguistics, pedagogy and information and communication technologies (ICT), the author presents a comprehensive overview across the areas of applied linguistics, foreign language teaching methodologies and technological tools to address multilingualism within the university classroom, and ultimately equip educators to meet a critical demand.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emerging Market Finance: New Challenges and Opportunities
Emerging economies have faced new challenges and opportunities in banking and finance in the post-crisis era under increasing uncertainty. This edited volume of International Finance Review contains original papers that examine rising challenges facing emerging financial markets and institutions. It covers issues such as global banking, risk and contagion, stock market behaviour, global financing for firms, and financial inclusion in the major emerging economies. Particular emphasis on banking is given to the impact of foreign banks on lending by domestic banks, bank loan pricing behaviour with corporate default risk, determinants of nonperforming loans and their macrofinancial implications, foreign bank activities of emerging market entry, international financial shock transmission through the foreign bank lending channel via internal capital markets, and spillover effects of global monetary shocks from an advanced to an emerging economy. Additional emphasis on stock market behaviour and financing is given to emerging stock markets under policy uncertainty from advanced economies, extended multifactor models for emerging stock markets, asymmetric volatility and herd behaviour in geopolitical crises, trade financing as an important cause of the recent trade collapse, determinants of capital structure, and social and financial inclusion in the major emerging markets. This volume also provides significant insight and important policy implications for market participants, researchers, and policy makers in emerging market finance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Traditional and Innovative Assessment Techniques for Students with Disabilities
In order to properly understand and compare traditional and innovative assessment techniques for students with disabilities, we must be able to access examples of how they work in a logical and thoughtful sequence. This finely curated collection of thirteen chapters presents ideas and research on different disability topics from key leaders in the field of the assessment of children with disabilities. Written by well-known and respected researchers, scholars, and educators who are actively involved in teaching undergraduate and graduate special education courses on the assessment of students with disabilities, this volume opens with a thorough introduction on the current situation. The topics covered by the remaining chapters include students with learning and intellectual disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, sensory impairments, extensive support needs, traumatic brain injuries, and those who are culturally and linguistically diverse, autistic, and those who have physical disabilities. The concluding chapter muses on what the future holds for traditional and innovative assessment techniques for students with disabilities. This volume is an excellent resource for special education researchers, scholars, practitioners, and professionals who teach and serve young learners with disabilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited What’s Hot in Literacy: Exemplar Models of Effective Practice
Understanding how to address current trends and issues in literacy education is more important than ever, as local, state, national and international agendas are increasingly recognizing literacy as a foundation for success in all disciplines in education. To bridge that gap in understanding, this book showcases hot topics in literacy, providing teachers with research-based practices for literacy improvement. Acknowledging that learning the languages of mathematics, science, and history is quintessential to content knowledge acquisition and dissemination, the international scholars which comprise the author line-up for this edited collection describe the evidence-based research findings from their research in K-12 schools to demonstrate how literacy success is fostered across the globe. Featuring innovative approaches to early literacy, disciplinary literacy, and digital literacy, the authors also pay attention to emerging topics like social, emotional, and cultural learning. By offering a selection of timely and cutting edge insights into the trending topics in literacy education, this book is ideal reading for teachers across early childhood, elementary, middle, and high school years.
Emerald Publishing Limited Using Interactive Digital Narrative in Science and Health Education
Both the United Nations and the World Health Organization stress the need to address numerous increasingly urgent 'global challenges', including climate change and ineffectiveness of medication for communicable diseases. Despite climate change resulting from human activity, most humans feel their contribution is minimal; thus any effort made toward reducing individual carbon footprint is futile. Likewise, individual patients feel their health is their own problem; current increases in outbreaks of formerly controllable diseases like measles and tuberculosis show that this is not the case. There is a dire need to instil a stronger sense of personal responsibility, to act as individuals to resolve global issues, and the pilot studies presented in Using Interactive Digital Narrative in Science and Health Education offer an entertainment-as-education approach: interactive digital narrative. The researchers on these teams cross diverse disciplinary boundaries, with backgrounds in chemical engineering, microbiology, romantic studies, film studies, digital design, pedagogy, and psychology. Their approach in Using Interactive Digital Narrative in Science and Health Education to interdisciplinary research is discussed herein, as is the practice-based approach to crafting the interactive narratives for health and science communication and for specific audiences and contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Satire, Comedy and Mental Health: Coping with the Limits of Critique
Satire, Comedy and Mental Health examines how satire helps to sustain good mental health in a troubled socio-political world. Through an interdisciplinary dialogue that combines approaches from the analytic philosophy of art, medical and health humanities, media studies, and psychology, the book demonstrates how satire enables us to negotiate a healthy balance between care for others and care of self. Building on a thorough philosophical explication and close analysis of satire in various forms - including novels, music, TV, film, cartoons, memes, stand-up comedy and protest artefacts - Declercq investigates how we can harness satirical entertainment to ease the limits of critique. In so doing, the book presents a compelling case that, while satire cannot hope to cure our sick world, it can certainly help us to cope with it.
Emerald Publishing Limited Criminal Justice Responses to Maternal Filicide: Judging the Failed Mother
Analysis of criminal cases reveals that women suspected of killing their newborn children are some of the most vulnerable in our society and that infanticide is not just a historical issue but one that has modern implications. While women are less likely to commit violent crime, maternal infant homicide is an enduring form of offending that needs to be understood in a wider social context. In Criminal Justice Responses to Maternal Filicide, Milne provides a comprehensive analysis of conviction outcomes through court transcripts of 15 criminal cases in England and Wales during 2010 to 2019. Drawing on feminist theories of responsibilisation and 'gendered harm', she critically reflects on the gendered nature of criminal justice's responses to suspected infanticide. This contemporary study makes a novel contribution to the fields of law, criminology and gender studies, arguing that through its inability to recognise the vulnerable position of accused women, and respond accordingly, the application of law reflects wider social judgments of pregnant women and mothers who challenge or fail to fulfil ideals of motherhood.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism Destination Quality: Attributes and Dimensions
Tourism Destination Quality: Attributes and Dimensions presents new research on tourism destination quality. It is based on results from the first major empirical study (the TDQ study) that examined what tourists associate with tourism destination quality. It explains why respondents strongly associate attributes and dimensions identified in the TDQ study with destination quality. The book critically compares dimensions of tourism destination quality established in the TDQ study with dimensions of product quality, service quality, place quality and destination service/product quality. To illustrate the applicability and varying importance of dimensions established in the empirical study, case studies of actual tourism destinations are also presented. The empirical evidence provided in this book demonstrates that tourists view destination quality holistically and from the ‘quality of opportunity perspective’ in terms of conformance to tourists’ requirements, which are conditions suitable for pursuing tourist activities and interests. Future directions for research are provided, as well as a diagnostic tool for tourism destination managers and planners. This has been designed to help identify strategic quality improvement areas and to enable competition based on quality in various tourism destination contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Capital: A Bourdieusian Perspective on the Digital Divide
Starting from the assumption that digital capital is a capital in its own right, and can be quantified and measured as such, the authors of this book examine how digital capital can be defined, measured and impact policy. Using the Bourdieusian lens, this book makes a critical contribution to the field by examining in depth the notion of digital capital and by introducing a new theoretical toolkit in order to fully conceptualise it. Against this theoretical background, the authors propose a set of indicators that can be used to measure digital capital at an individual level. Ultimately, readers will learn how this can be used by policy makers to tackle social inequalities which are based on the digital exclusion of citizens.
Emerald Publishing Limited Improving Classroom Engagement and International Development Programs: International Perspectives on Humanizing Higher Education
Educational pedagogy refers to student-centered learning that provides meaningful engagement to directly enhance critical thinking and creativity. This edited collection equips readers to understand and implement impactful creative teaching and learning methods designed to act as a catalyst to improve the learning experiences of students. Diving into various case studies and interventions that have put innovative techniques into action, this book analyses how teaching-learning methods and student engagement can be significantly improved. The authors demonstrate that education does not only mean teaching, learning and research, but should also consider the emotional connection, commitment, and dialogical process between the faculty and students. Ultimately, the volume concludes that it is the responsibility of faculty members to create an environment that provides students with tools that are socially engaging, interactive and meaningful. Readers will come away from this book with the critical knowledge and pathway to action required to make this happen.
Emerald Publishing Limited Native American Bilingual Education: An Ethnography of Powerful Forces
For over thirty years, a political and social battle over bilingual education raged in the U.S. and in and around the Crow Indian Reservation of Montana. This book, a period piece rich in political, historical, and local western context, is the story of language, education, inequality and power clashes between the dominant society and the Indian tribe as historical events unfolded. This is a classic ethnography that documents eight years of the author’s day-to-day experience as a teacher, bilingual education coordinator, and central office administrator during the socio-political dispute. The author showcases the familial, linguistic, and ancestral place-based strengths of the Crow families that empowered children to succeed in school against the odds, providing a secure foundation for their future leadership within the tribe. In doing this, the author builds strong support for bridging Native and Euro-American philosophies within a bilingual framework. This book is important reading for teachers, administrators, and policy-makers. It provides hope, ideas, and concrete actions for those who would engage in change management to improve learning environments and better serve diverse students.
Emerald Publishing Limited Civil Society and Social Responsibility in Higher Education: International Perspectives on Curriculum and Teaching Development
As an increasing number of universities across the world focus efforts on giving back to the communities they exist in, there is now a growing appetite for information, examples, and case studies of best practice for social responsibility in Higher Education. This volume explores different angles of sustainability, university corporate social responsibility, and the role of civil society in the context of education, with a focus on curriculum development and teaching. The chapters provide international examples of new and innovative intiatives, focusing on areas including eliminating racism in nursing education, teaching writing for advocacy and active citizenship, and several examples of service learning in different contexts. The chapters also importantly provide theoretical frameworks for teaching sustainability in Higher Education. This book will prove an invaluable resource for those looking to reorienting curriculums, develop programs and modules, and implement innovative teaching methods which integrate sustainability and civil society into their institutions and educational programmes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Information Experience in Theory and Design
In this volume, author Tim Gorichanaz seeks to re-frame the discussion of information engagement through the lens of information experience, an exciting emerging area within information science. Unlike traditional information behavior research, which is limited to how people need, seek, and search for information, information experience looks at how people understand, use, and are shaped by information. In this way, information experience connects with other human-centered areas of information research and design, including information literacy and human–computer interaction. Split into three parts, Information Experience in Theory and Design presents a multifaceted investigation of information experience, centered around the themes of understanding, self, and meaning. Part One (Understanding) explores the link between information, understanding and questioning; how moral change arises from information; and how to design for understanding. Part Two (Self) explores the concept of the human self as information; the links between information, identity and society; and how to design for self-care. Finally, Part Three (Meaning) explores the connection between information and meaning; how meaning and craft contribute to the good life; and how to design for meaning. Offering a rigorous theoretical foundation for information experience and insights for design, Gorichanaz brings together research from across the information field as well as philosophy. For researchers or students in any area of the information field, from librarianship to human–computer interaction, this is an exciting new text investigating a fascinating new field of study.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Hospitality Management: Designing Meaningful Encounters with Talent and Technology
Sustainable Hospitality Management: Designing Meaningful Encounters with Talent and Technology will generate international debate in the research and practice of hospitality management. It considers how the sector can and should innovate to respond to challenges such as talent scarcity, the growing ecological footprint, and technological developments. Volume 24 of Advanced Series in Management explores topics at the very heart of hospitality, by looking at meaningful encounters: positive, welcoming, genuinely service-oriented interactions between humans, and the role of technology in creating or improving these encounters. Human talent is essential to excellent service delivery and guest experience provision. It is also essential in the design and monitoring of technology-enabled guest or customer experience. Technology may be the service facilitator or it may be an experience enhancer. In today’s globalizing platform economy, hospitality services are established most dominantly via technology-enabled platforms or networks. At the human interaction level, technology can deliver, support or intensify the hospitality experience. This volume is essential for researchers and students interested in the hospitality sector and the role of technology in creating a sustainable hospitality sector.
Emerald Publishing Limited Young Women’s Carceral Geographies: Abandonment, Trouble and Mobility
Young women are a group often neglected even in feminist scholarship. Interrogating conceptual ideas around power, punishment and abandonment with specific reference to the experience of young women, this book examines the particular challenges that young women face within the criminal justice system, and traces their journeys in, out and beyond confinement. Contributing ethnographic insights from multiple sites of incarceration to explore how secure care, prison and closed psychiatric facilities impact on young women's lives, Schliehe's study goes further than individual carceral spaces by delving into the wider context of young women's journeys through different types of institutional spaces and beyond. The exploration of these journeys challenges and re-develops our understanding of extreme mobility, and showcases how this can lead to the abandonment of a group of young people who live on the margins of social and legal norms. Merging theoretical and empirical findings to highlight how age and gender matter in discourses on crime and justice, Schliehe demonstrates how we have to look beyond institutions to understand confinement in our age of prison crisis, austerity and marginalization. Curating findings from across human geography and criminology, this book fills an important gap in the literature, offering up essential reading for practitioners and researchers interested in gender, age and confinement.
Emerald Publishing Limited Financial Issues in Emerging Economies: SPECIAL ISSUE Including selected papers from II International Conference on Economics and Finance, 2019, Bengaluru, India
In this special issue of Research in Finance, editors Rita Biswas and Michael Michaelides compile eleven papers, five of which were selected from the II International Conference on Economics and Finance (ICEF-II) in Bengaluru, India. This volume focuses on a gamut of topics ranging from monetary policy to corporate governance in emerging economies. More specifically, it presents papers on the role of board characteristics and sub-committees on firm performance, the impact of US quantitative easing on countries like India and China, public-private partnerships in infrastructure projects in India, and multinational banking evolution in Nigeria and India. In order to advance the field of international economics and finance, it is necessary to question conventional practice and research approach. Incorporating analysis of classical theories of international finance and economics, the papers in this volume present new innovative theories that seek to do just that. They are essential reading for researchers interested in development economics and emerging finance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Precarious Work
This volume presents original theory and research on precarious work in various parts of the world, identifying its social, political and economic origins, its manifestations in the USA, Europe, Asia, and the Global South, and its consequences for personal and family life. In the past quarter century, the nature of paid employment has undergone a dramatic change due to globalization, rapid technological change, the decline of the power of workers in favor of employers, and the spread of neoliberalism. Jobs have become far more insecure and uncertain, with workers bearing the risks of employment as opposed to employers or the government. This trend towards precarious work has engulfed virtually all advanced capitalist nations, but unevenly so, while countries in the Global South continue to experience precarious conditions of work. This title examines theories of precarious work; cross-national variations in its features; racial and gender differences in exposure to precarious work; and the policy alternatives that might protect workers from undue risk. The chapters utilize a variety of methods, both quantitative statistical analyses and careful qualitative case studies. This volume will be a valuable resource that constitutes required reading for scholars, activists, labor leaders, and policy makers concerned with the future of work under contemporary capitalism.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism, Terrorism and Security
The tourism industry has evolved and maturated over the recent years. Today, tourism is not only a leading industry but also a consolidated commercial activity worldwide. Unfortunately, the turn of the century has accelerated a number of global risks, placing the tourism industry in jeopardy. Scholars adopted an economics-based paradigm, which has focused on the commercial nature of tourism as a benefactor of local economies, while terrorists are depicted as the enemies of democracy. This begs the question: are tourists cultural ambassadors of their respective societies? Tourism, Terrorism and Security explores the current limitations of specialized literature to frame an all-encompassing understanding of tourism and security today. The main thesis of this book explores the idea that while tourists are workers who need to validate their political institutions through the articulation of leisure practices, terrorists are natives from the societies they hate. Terrorism has imposed a climate of mistrust, whereby tourists are targeted and killed to impose a political message. This book explores the semantics of this message. Tourism, Terrorism and Security is a must-read for students and scholars of tourism, hospitality, security, and cultural studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Problematising Young People: A Critical Ethnographic Investigation of ADHD
Rather than being evidence-based, the 'everyday' practice of ADHD health care enacted daily by a multitude of professionals is the result of the interaction of historical, social, political, economic and institutional elements. By drawing on several critical theorists, this book provides an ethnographic investigation of the nexus of elements that conditioned the possibility for the everyday social practice of ADHD to be in place within an NHS region in Scotland. The book develops a critical analytical approach, using the concepts of 'problematisation' and the 'apparatus' to capture a two-stage process - the questioning of how and why certain 'things' become a problem, but also how these 'things' are shaped as the objects that they become. The object of interest for this project was young people and the fieldwork was conducted in a small geographical region in Scotland, consisting of several periods in health and education services. Ethnographic tools utilised in the book include observation of clinical appointments, document analysis, interviews and archival research. The different layers of qualitative material examined in the study - from individual clinical appointment to national policy - have allowed for a reconnection of the discursive field in which the current practice of ADHD emerged. With a detailed theorisation of the theoretical concepts, as well as a clear account of application in empirical research, this book will act as a guide for researchers aiming to apply these concepts in applied research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Real Estate in the Developing World
Many years have elapsed since the start of sustainability revolution, yet there is still a lack of diverse collections offering in-depth analysis of sustainability principles applied to real estate in the developing world. Sustainable Real Estate in the Developing World offers a perfect and ideal synthesis of works that examine sustainability within various facets of real estate and urban development in the developing world. Harnessing multi- and inter-disciplinary perspectives, this book discusses the fundamental issues of the complex nexus between the built environment and sustainable development, thereby illuminating how they are affecting and will potentially affect each other. The book highlights rich and practical experiences, challenges, and best practices of over ten countries in four continents, with contributors proffering solutions around topics such as the following: sustainable development goals and the urban agenda; housing development in the context of environmental sustainability; demand for sustainable features in commercial real estate; urban development, land use changes, and environmental impacts in cities; urbanization, environmental externalities, and house prices; building information modelling adaptability for sustainable residential real estate development; and COVID-19 and sustainable development. This collection is useful to academics, researchers, and students in all the built environment disciplines, as well as to policy makers, practitioners, professional bodies and the international donor community.
Emerald Publishing Limited HR Initiatives in Building Inclusive and Accessible Workplaces
Drawing upon empirical research from global multinational corporations comes a two-part reference book on how to develop resilient HR initiatives for building inclusive and accessible workplaces. Including a user-friendly training manual, this book equips you with a practical resource grounded in theory. The first part systematically reviews the existing literature to identify the gaps in current practices and discusses the results of the empirical research. Building on this, the second part reveals the training manual for guiding business leaders, academicians, practitioners, and students. By positioning business practices alongside cases, you can see the benefits and drawbacks of current HR initiatives. From race and religion, to LGBTQ, gender diversity and disability, the research covers a broad spectrum of issues facing modern workplaces and provides a fresh perspective on how to improve existing HR practices. Based on research from South Asia, this work provides hypothetical cases, action-oriented role plays, and creative exercises to reflect upon how we might address the global challenges of inclusion and accessibility.
Emerald Publishing Limited Conflict and Shifting Boundaries in the Gig Economy: An Interdisciplinary Analysis
Using an interdisciplinary lens, this book innovatively explores the conflicts and shifting boundaries in organisational, professional, legal and economic structures, caused by the rise of the gig economy. The dynamic structural model of the gig economy is introduced to interrogate the inner workings of the amorphous gig economy at the Macro, Meso and Micro levels of analysis. Conflict and Shifting Boundaries in the Gig Economy examines a range of tensions and issues, including; The future of trade unions in the gig economy Employment status and contractual arrangements Talent management in the gig economy Employee voice and whistleblowing Career choices and organisational attractiveness Trajectory and impact at macro economic levels. Organisational examples and a focus on the perspective of those engaged in gig work introduce new insights and research questions on the current and future challenges posed by the gig economy, alongside using the structural dynamic model as a tool to understand actors and organisational experiences and build appropriate interventions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Computational Organizational Cognition: A study on thinking and action in organizations
In Computational Organizational Cognition, Davide Secchi presents an innovative definition of organizational cognition using a research tradition that builds on the Embodied/Distributed/Extended Cognition (EDEC) perspectives and it is developed through agent-based computational simulation modelling. After an overview of EDEC perspectives, Computational Organizational Cognition presents four simulations which allow readers to clearly assess the advantages of agent-based computational organizational cognition (AOC) for both theory and practice. The book attempts to demonstrate how AOC is a useful if not essential instrument to explore, understand and analyze the inner complexities of organizational cognition. AOC is a powerful tool and an approach for organizational research enquiry at the service of both organizational scholars and cognitive scientists.
Emerald Publishing Limited Big Ideas in Public Relations Research and Practice
Big Ideas can do many things. They are transformative and change the way we work and communicate in organizations and societies. As Big Ideas are dynamic, they can cross borders between disciplines to create new relationships between people, organizations and countries. In applying big ideas to public relations, this volume challenges how scholars and practitioners perceive and understand public relations within an organizational setting. In thinking about the 'bigger picture', the collection expands public relations research to include more theory-building, more cross-disciplinary research, and more innovation in practice. The 12 unique contributions from scholars based in Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands, France, Romania, the UK, Finland, Portugal and the USA explore the challenges surrounding communication, management and big ideas. Some of the topics discussed include: corporate identity, millennial engagement, strategic communication in the internationalization of firms, public relations in the start-up community and, social capital.