Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Street Economy and Micro Entrepreneurship
Throughout the history of capitalism, street economy has found a space in the failures and externalities of the open market economy, but it has been derided or ignored in the mainstream media and academy. However, street economies are a solution, not a problem: popping up as a spontaneous solution to the failures of capitalism, these economies are an opportunity to learn, explore and grow away from the mainstream. Even though discussion of street economy and vendors is on the rise in recent years, the subject is still dealt with on the basis of sectors, cities and countries, not on a global scale. With the increase in the volume, types and functions of street activities, is has become more appealing for the wider population by including a wide variety of sectors. The studies in this volume of Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis investigate the causes and effects of new street-focused formations, such as NASVI in India, and SWG in ILO, established in response to the new legal regulation and organizational needs that have emerged with increasing employment volume in the street economy. For researchers and students of contemporary economics, interested in a global view on a rising industry, this is a key exploration of how micro businesses play on the global level.
Emerald Publishing Limited Harm Production and the Moral Dislocation of Finance in the City of London: An Ethnography
This book is about disconnection. Disconnection gives vision to the City of London as an insulated social arena that, despite creating vast wealth and being the vanguard of the UK’s aspirational future, has made objects out of you and me. Building on Foucault’s teachings on finance and the ideological force of market competition, this ground-breaking book gives shape and form to how financial markets are sustained, managed and performed, and how they emerge and solidify within the shared cultural imagination and system of knowledge as a single, smooth, frictionless and coherent idea. Tracing the impacts of financialisation on those who enact its harmful logic, the author delves into the spatial disconnection that separates the City from the rest of London and the UK; the ontological disconnection that erects a demarcated boundary of expected outcomes, aspirations and practices; and the social disconnection experienced by finance workers who elevate themselves through a marker of perceived difference and ability. Through emerging narratives and ethnographic encounters, Simpson explores the practical and cognitive relations that underpin the performance of finance as a moral endeavour and analyses what it means to live and work within this extractive industry.
Emerald Publishing Limited Roles and Responsibilities of Libraries in Increasing Consumer Health Literacy and Reducing Health Disparities
The rampant health injustices that occur daily throughout the world are exacerbated by health information injustice – something which libraries and librarians play an instrumental role in addressing. This volume brings together librarians, LIS students, educators, and researchers, to discuss the many ways that information professionals and libraries serve as agents of securing health information justice. Kicking off with an introductory chapter which covers the central concepts of health information injustice, the following chapters focus on the roles of libraries and librarians in improving consumer health literacy and reducing health disparities in their communities. In the final chapter, the editors draw on the authors’ work to highlight the ways in which libraries and librarians are moving us closer to health justice, and they also discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic is both illuminating and intensifying health disparities, reinforcing the need for libraries and librarians to continue their important roles as agents of health information justice to ensure the physical and intellectual accessibility of information for all.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Economics and Sustainability for Future Growth
Focusing on sustainable innovation in emerging economies, this book is amongst the first to identify how these perspectives can be used by entrepreneurs within the process of recognising opportunities. As identifying opportunities is fundamental to successful entrepreneurship, it is crucial for aspirant entrepreneurs to identify appropriate openings that help them gain a competitive advantage in the international marketplace. Whilst there are an abundance of opportunities available, assessing them in terms of their timeliness and relevance is vital. Each chapter introduces a new way of looking at entrepreneurial opportunities in a range of different contexts including emerging markets, franchise relationships, pricing and revenue management, and the tourism sector. This global, cross-disciplinary perspective of entrepreneurial opportunities offers a unique blending of multiple theoretical viewpoints which are useful for researchers of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs themselves. Enabling the development of both a social and financial view of entrepreneurship, Vanessa Ratten curates a collection which characterises and responds to the contemporary market pressures felt by business leaders worldwide.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Talent Retention: Understanding Employee Turnover Around the World
Retaining top talent is a universal concern that is increasingly global. However, the context, meaning, and mechanisms for changing jobs varies around the world. Global Talent Retention: Understanding Employee Turnover Around the World provides the first context-specific global perspective on retaining talent. Although extensive research informs understanding of why employees decide to leave or remain with organizations, the bulk of theory and research adopts a U.S.-centric perspective, problematic because most employees do not work for firms that are U.S.-owned or based. Global Talent Retention addresses the need for turnover theory and research to give more careful consideration to global and cross-cultural perspectives on employee retention, and includes contributions from a global range of scholars in differing cultural contexts in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. The chapters represent many of the largest and most dynamic economies in the world, including Bulgaria, China, Denmark, Germany, India, Mexico, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Turkey, and the UK. Each chapter provides a description of the institutional, legal, and cultural context as it relates to employee mobility, a review of context-specific research leading to a description of how the mechanisms of prominent turnover theories may operate differently in particular contexts, and the implications for research and practice related to employee turnover and retention.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotions and Service in the Digital Age
This volume of Research on Emotions in Organizations adds to the ongoing research stream on emotions in the workplace, focusing on service and the digital economy. Advances in digital technology have ushered us into what is referred to as industry 4.0 or the digital age. With it come opportunities to improve the methodologies we use to research and analyse emotions, to help people manage their emotions, as well as develop their socio-emotional skills. Industry 4.0 also poses challenges, such as assisting leaders and employees to acquire a digital mind set and maintaining positive human connections and relationships in the workplace. Emotional management skills and a service orientation have become an even higher priority. The chapters in this book offer a variety of research evidence and perspectives which explore how emotions will continue to be of central importance in the digital workplace. Emotions and Service in the Digital Age is divided into three parts: The Digital Age Adapting to the Digital Age Emotions and Care in the Digital Age
Emerald Publishing Limited Interdisciplinary Qualitative Research in Global Development: A Concise Guide
There is no shortage of books on qualitative research methods, but none effectively equips researchers and practitioners for the interdisciplinary and increasingly complex, interconnected, and contested field of global development research. How can we choose the best method to answer our research question? How can we align disciplinary expectations of what good qualitative research is? How do we avoid pitfalls of extractive research practices amidst calls to decolonise global development? Interdisciplinary Qualitative Research in Global Development provides this sorely needed practical introduction, and it does so in a concise format that can easily be taken into the field. Drawing on over a decade of experience in interdisciplinary education, research, and policy-relevant work, Marco J. Haenssgen fills these chapters with examples and exercises that feature real-life material from current interdisciplinary global development research projects. In the process, he addresses the common concerns of practitioners and students and primes readers for the discussions that are likely to arise when the social and natural sciences meet. For its practical approach, its wealth of real-world examples, and its unique focus on interdisciplinary work, this book is a must-have for anyone who is engaging in interdisciplinary qualitative research, and especially for those doing so for the first time.
Emerald Publishing Limited Slow Ethics and the Art of Care
The path to good caregiving can be challenging. How can we respond ethically when there is pressure to meet targets, work faster and implement quick fixes? This book offers a solution in the form of slow ethics. Slow ethics counters the craving for short-term answers, restores balance and affirms the value of the art of care. The book features real-life stories from different care contexts, enticing readers to adopt an approach that enables humans, other species and the environment to flourish.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Taxation
In the latest volume of Advances in Taxation, series editor John Hasseldine presents studies from expert contributors exploring topics such as: corporate tax planning, tax-related accounting misstatements and uncertain tax positions, financial statement readability, the tax effects of a major pension scheme change, and non-professional investor and taxpayer judgments and perceptions. Reporting peer-reviewed research contributions from North America and the U.K., this volume is essential reading for those looking to keep abreast of the most recent research, including empirical studies using a variety of research methods from different institutional settings and contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Lived Realities of Solo Motherhood, Donor Conception and Medically Assisted Reproduction
This book explores the empirical manifestations of the paradoxical features of reproductive technologies and provides in-depth understandings of solo motherhood through assisted reproduction and by recognising the complex experiences and the lived realities of forming donor-conceived families. The author offers insights into how single women 'do' family, identity and kinship and how the choice to create life as a solo mother is continuously rationalised. She uncovers how established, societal cultural narratives are adopted, negotiated and transformed in the processes of decision-making and fertility treatment. The book draws on science and technology studies, feminist theory, kinship- and family studies and identity theory, and reveals how aspects of bio-genetic and social connections (nature-culture) take on varying meanings when kinship and familial relations - are created through assisted reproduction. Through the lens of solo mother families, the book covers broader sociological questions including; how donor conception challenges existing and endemic kinship ideas and practices and what kinds of individual, social and legal responses have been prompted by advances within medically assisted reproduction.
Emerald Publishing Limited Families in Economically Hard Times: Experiences and Coping Strategies in Europe
The purpose of the edited collection Families in Economically Hard Times: Experiences and Coping Strategies in Europe is to provide readers with unique sociological knowledge on European families' experiences and behavioural strategies a decade after economic crisis of the 21st century. The particular importance of the topic is conditioned by the reality the last economic crisis created. This new reality has diverted from the previous; and as new phenomena emerge new coping strategies must also be created, as the old may not necessarily work. Hardships, functional solidarity, and issues of vital human needs - including practices of co-residence, sharing of money, food acquisition - have been explored in Families in Economically Hard Times: Experiences and Coping Strategies in Europe. Prominent scholars from Europe have joined efforts and, based on their latest researches, seek to answer the question: how challenges emerged during recent economically hard times influenced way of life of European families? The scholars of this book have used quantitative and qualitative research methodologies to create a varied and all rounded approach to answering this very question.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Systemic Approach in Sociology and Niklas Luhmann: Expectations, Discussions, Doubts
This book is a comprehensive overview of the theoretical discussion of one of most important conceptions in sociology at the end of 20th century - the theory of social systems. The spotlight of this book falls on the work of Niklas Luhmann and his holistic approach. Current modern society is, for Luhmann, a functionally differentiated society, which means that a number of specialized societal sub-systems (politics, economics, religion, law, science, art etc) have formed. Each system is based on its own type of communication led by its own generalized communicative media. Luhmann controversially depicts modern society as a plurality of many societal subsystems operating without a top and without a coordinating and managing centre. This book weighs the strong and weak features of the systemic approach in sociology and discusses ways to rethink it.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organizational Imaginaries: Tempering Capitalism and Tending to Communities through Cooperatives and Collectivist Democracy
Winner of the inaugural 2022 Joyce Rothschild Book Prize from the Institute for the Study of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing at the Rutgers University School of Management and Labor Relations. Our everyday lives are structured by the rhythms, values, and practices of various organizations, including schools, workplaces, and government agencies. These experiences shape common-sense understandings of how 'best' to organize and connect with others. Today, for-profit managerial firms dominate society, even though their practices often curtail information-sharing and experimentation, engender exploitation, and exclude the interests of stakeholders, particularly workers and the general public. This Research in the Sociology of Organizations volume explores an expansive array of organizational imaginaries, or conceptions of organizational possibilities, with a focus on collectivist-democratic organizations that operate in capitalist markets but place more authority and ownership in the hands of stakeholders other than shareholders. These include worker and consumer cooperatives and other enterprises that, to varying degrees: Emphasize social values over profit Are owned not by shareholders but by workers, consumers, or other stakeholders Employ democratic forms of managing their operations Have social ties to the organization based on moral and emotional commitments Organizational Imaginaries explores how these enterprises generate solidarity among members, network with other organizations and communities, contend with market pressures, and enhance their larger organizational ecosystems. By ensuring that organizations ultimately support and serve broader communities, collectivist-democratic organizing can move societies closer to hopeful 'what if' and 'if only' futures. This volume is essential for researchers and students seeking innovative and egalitarian approaches to business and management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2019
Since 2013, the Annual Review of Comparative and International Education has covered the significant developments in the field of comparative and international education. The Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2019 begins with a collection of reflection essays about comparative education trends and directions written by both professional and scholarly leaders in the field. Topics covered in the 2019 volume include major theoretical and methodological developments, reports on research-to-practice, area studies and regional developments, and the diversification of comparative and international education. A special introductory chapter builds on the assumption that scholarship and professional practice in comparative and international education often supports and encourages inclusiveness, interdisciplinarity, and contextualization in research and in the field. However, the introductory chapter interrogates the assumption that comparative and international education scholars and professionals promote these same concepts of gender equality, empowerment, and inclusiveness in the field itself.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including a Symposium on Public Finance in the History of Economic Thought
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology Volume 38A features a symposium on public finance in the history of economic thought co-edited by guest editors Claire Silvant and Javier San Julián Arrupe, as well as general-research essays from Cosma Orsi and John Henry, and a heartfelt obituary by Mattheus Assaf of his friend, Gabriel Oliva, winner of RHETM's first Warren Samuels Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology. Including chapters on British public debt in the 19th century, French financial controversies in the mid-1800s, and a thoughtful reflection on the USA's New Deal, this volume is a global exploration of public finance history. For any researcher or student interested in the history of economics, this is an essential read containing the most up-to-date research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting
This edition of Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting includes articles from a distinguished group of authors. The topics cover many aspects of professional responsibility and ethics in accounting, including whistleblowing, professional skepticism, earnings management, cognitive style and ethics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary Issues in Audit Management and Forensic Accounting
Recently, financial crimes have increased exponentially in many regions of the world. Considering that these crimes are usually due to accounting fraud, more sensitive and effective approaches to accounting fraud and corruption have started developing. In this context, regulations have been put into practice in many countries for measures to be taken against fraud and corruption. It is not possible to take measures against and fight financial crimes by using old traditional methods. Instead, the field of Forensic Accounting has arisen to directly tackle these issues. In the 18 chapters in this volume of Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, expert contributors gather together to examine the extent and characteristics of forensic accounting, a field which has been practiced for many years, but is still not internationally regulated yet.
Emerald Publishing Limited Assessment Strategies for Knowledge Organizations
Assessment models and methods are taught in business schools, routinely published, conducted at all organizational levels and widely understood. Yet as organizations transform from an industrial to knowledge-based economy, assessments are rarely adapted to the new environment. Simply applying existing assessment models and methods to knowledge does not address the challenge. Knowledge assets, knowledge transactions and knowledge capabilities have unique properties and behaviors that may render traditional methods as unreliable or invalid. Expert authors Dean Testa, Johel Brown-Grant and Denise Bedford draw from their practical and theoretical experience in designing assessments for knowledge organizations, from observing successes and failures in a variety of organizations. Synthesizing their experience, their discussions here help knowledge management professionals gain a deeper understanding of maturity models and determine how best to create an assessment strategy for their organization. Offering an enhanced understanding of how to engage organisations in assessments, describing maturity factors and offering tools to communicate the results of these maturity assessments, this is an unmissable book for knowledge management professionals and researchers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multinational Enterprises and Terrorism
Direct and indirect impacts of terrorism pose serious operational and management challenges to Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) especially in Emerging Markets (EM). Emerging markets are popular destinations for MNEs because the developed markets are saturated. Using real scenarios from seasoned managers and security managers of large MNEs, this volume explores the impacts of terrorism on them and offers strategies and solutions that can provide greater security to MNEs operating in areas afflicted with terrorism. This volume would be beneficial for managers, security managers, scholars and students.
Emerald Publishing Limited Video Games, Crime and Next-Gen Deviance: Reorienting the Debate
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access, thanks to Knowledge Unlatched funding, and freely available to read online. In recent decades the video games industry has grown astronomically, quickly becoming a substantial part of our everyday lives. Alongside the rise of this technology, the media, academia and, in some cases, governments, have drawn correlations between video games and serious instances of violence, focusing most notably on mass shootings. This narrow debate has distracted from our understanding of many of the harms which video games can, in some cases, cause, perpetuate or hide.Drawing upon the emerging deviant leisure perspective, this book seeks to re-orientate the debate on video games and their associated potential harms. Through the examination of culturally embedded harms such as gambling, sexual violence and addiction, together with the rise in swatting and other activities, the authors explore the notion that video games are inexplicably intertwined with aspects of deviancy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research promotes research across all areas of accounting, incorporating theory from, and contributing knowledge to, the fields of applied psychology, sociology, management science, ethics and economics. Focusing on research that examines both individual and organizational behavior relative to accounting, the series provides a unique opportunity for the exchange of peer reviewed knowledge across all areas of accounting behavioral research and the development, discussion and expansion of theories from psychology, sociology and related disciplines. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research encourages research that tests theory, explains theory, and develops theory that can be applied to better understand accounting domains. Accordingly, reviews of established theory and how that theory has and could be used in accounting are also strongly encouraged.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender and Practice: Knowledge, Policy, Organizations
This book contains an Open Access Chapter In 1995, the Fourth World Conference on Women: Action for Equality, Development and Peace affirmed the need to address gender inequalities and foster gender integration. Ever since, the field of gender professionals has been growing, yet the experiences, insights and data gathered have not been systematically examined and incorporated into an accessible body of knowledge. Working to address this, expert contributors demonstrate the depth and breadth of gender and practice. Including examples from Brazil, Cameroon, Ecuador, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, the USA, and Vietnam, as well as chapters that take a global perspective, the research here looks at issues and activities relating to infusing gender in knowledge management, training, and practice. Including subjects such as education, agricultural production, and tourism, this volume offers a variety of perspectives that will appeal to any researcher in gender. Throughout the volume, expert practitioners situate their real-world experiences in the broader intersectional framework employed by their academic colleagues, offering policy makers, students, scholars, practitioners, and activists concrete examples of how and why gender is central to development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Job Crafting: The Art of Redesigning a Job
Although most jobs are initially designed by managers, employees also play an important role in this phase through a proactive behavior called ‘job crafting’. It describes a bottom-up approach that consists of customizing and modifying structural, relational, and cognitive aspects of one’s job to match personal skills, attitudes, and inclinations. The literature on this subject has been developing for over 20 years but requires a recapitulation to bring together different and often disconnected contributions and provide a concise research agenda for scholars wishing to approach the study of these issues. This book provides a conceptual framework on job crafting by demonstrating how its practice results in a more meaningful and satisfying work experience. This book is the first to investigate this area of study in such a complete and exhaustive way: it takes a managerial perspective to identify the antecedent and outcome variables of job crafting and suggests behaviors which managers should steer clear from to avoid facing negative and unexpected consequences.
Emerald Publishing Limited Managing Meetings in Organizations
Groups and teams are the backbone of modern organizations and the driving force behind innovation. Employees come together to pool their efforts, join forces, develop creative ideas, and make decisions in one key social context: the workplace meeting. This volume presents novel perspectives and state-of-the art research insights into the management of meetings in the workplace. Managing Meetings in Organizations sheds light on key trends with regards to the changing nature of work and highlights how these trends map on to new challenges for managing effective meetings. The twelve chapters that compose this volume cover four overarching topics: conceptual foundations, the intersection of individual and team processes, diversity and gender, and leadership and strategy in and through meetings. The international team of contributors includes authors from industrial and organizational psychology, management, organizational behaviour, and evolutionary psychology. By establishing that meetings form a core interactional context for groups and teams in organizations, this book shows that finding ways to run effective meetings is more important than ever. Managing Meetings in Organizations appeals to researchers and academic scholars in industrial and organizational psychology, management, and organizational behaviour, as well as practitioners looking for evidence-based recommendations for managing workplace meetings.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Future of HR: Understanding Knowledge Management for Motivation, Negotiation, and Influence
HR departments are in transition. From 1980 to today, HR management has shifted into a strategic function of the company. The globalisation, digitalisation and techno-focus of the modern workplace is at the centre of a new organizational design, and with change comes resistance, particularly for employees who see this new design as a threat to their positions. For people to keep up with technology, HR management must evolve to embrace these changes. Through a student-led perspective, leadership experts Jon-Arild Johannessen and Helene Sætersdal discuss how the HR department can develop to face the challenges of the 21st Century, including new roles and functions to create an ambidextrous organisation. With 51 reflection tasks throughout, Johannessen and Sætersdal help students explore how to reduce resistance to organisational change and create a healthy work environment, through techniques such as mindfulness, negotiation, and enthusiasm. This is an ideal read for any student of management and leadership looking to understand the challenges HR departments are facing, and how they can help change the way the game is played for the future of work.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Tourism Part A
Bringing together diverse perspectives, including those of destination managers, policymakers, tour operators, local communities, and travellers Sustainable Tourism fosters a collective understanding of sustainability in tourism and inspires a shared commitment towards responsible tourism practices.
Emerald Publishing Limited Naturalâ Disasters and Everyday Lives
Emerald Publishing Limited Research and Theory to Foster Change in the Face of Grand Health Care Challenges
This book contains an Open Access chapter. Healthcare organizations today face widespread change as they confront varied grand challenges in uncertain environments. Leaders in healthcare require a comprehensive understanding of effective approaches to organizational change, yet the theoretical and practical landscape is evolving rapidly. Volume 22 of Advances in Health Care Management focuses on environmental uncertainty and the responsiveness of health care organizations, the mechanisms of change and how leaders within organizations frame and execute change, and investigates organizational preparedness and response in the face of acute crisis. The authors highlight the key ways in which organizations must orient toward, and build adaptive resilience to weather, an environment of persistent uncertainty and change.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Neoliberal Framework for Urban Housing Development in the Global South
A Neoliberal Framework for Urban Housing Development in the Global South highlights the factors which predict urban housing development from developing countries' perspective, providing a guide for countries in the sub-Sahara.
Emerald Publishing Limited Law, Politics and Family in ‘The Americans’
This special issue offers an academic analysis of the television series The Americans as a reflection of current social and political trends across the United States. Uncovering the inseparability of the political and the personal through the lives of the central characters, authors consider how their performance challenges our ability to differentiate between the authentic family, the legitimate source of social reproduction and the counterfeit one that disrupts the social order. Focusing on how television’s shift away from the traditional nuclear family is crucial to understanding the relatively rapid acceptance of same-sex marriage in mainstream politics, authors invite consideration and acceptance of alternative family forms that are often represented within LGBTQ communities. Pairing the series with scholarship on criminal law, contributors also delve into how The Americans provides an opportunity to reconsider the significance of the “pro-family” label to New Right organizing, the importance of mothering to this narrative and the relationship between this account of mothering and democratic citizenship more broadly. Drawing on the concept of legal consciousness to examine the relationship between identity and hegemony, chapters also consider how the enactment of legal beliefs and values help individuals to form identities, as well as how these are constrained by popular ideology. Interpreting this television series through a socially charged lens, Law, Politics and Family in ‘The Americans’ offers a compelling insight into the legal and cultural undertones of family dynamics, as well as those at the heart of conservative American politics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Internationalization and Imprints of the Pandemic on Higher Education Worldwide
The pandemic forced significant changes to institutional and individual academic activities and norms, while highlighting inequities, opportunities, and challenges already present in the realm of internationalization in its plurality around the globe. Internationalization and Imprints of the Pandemic on Higher Education Worldwide chronicles such changes and issues, but also empirically forecasts their impacts on the ways in which internationalization at the post-secondary level has responded in practice to new realities, exigencies, and possibilities. The chapter authors address three key areas: higher education leadership and policy in times of crisis, international mobility and student experiences modified by Covid-19, and the mobilization and acceleration of learning technologies in response to Covid-19. This timely collection addresses contemporary issues and the future trajectories in International Education, essential reading for policymakers and educational researchers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sport and Tourism: Strategies to Develop Tourist Destinations
The links between high profile sports events and tourism are increasingly apparent, yet comparatively little attention has been paid to lower profile sports-related travel. Developing this type of travel provides clear economic and social impacts - employment opportunities, investment, development, the foundation of new infrastructure and the improvement and reinforcement of local communities. Sport and Tourism offers a comprehensive analysis of how and why interorganizational cooperation between sports and tourism occurs to develop tourist destinations. Considering new strategies and crisis management programs, the chapter authors cover a range of sports from football and cycling to winter sports and hiking in countries around the world, such as China, Croatia, Greece, India, Italy, Malaysia, Portugal, UK and Slovakia. In confronting growing concerns around environmental, social and economic issues facing sports and tourism, this collection presents different perspectives to develop new plans for future needs and problems. Sport and Tourism provides an opportunity to stimulate academic research on the relationship between sport and tourism with multidisciplinary approaches. Furthermore, this work encourages discussion among international scholars on how to stimulate cooperation strategies on sport and tourism to develop tourist destinations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reshaping the Future: Phenomenon of Gig Workers and Knowledge-Economy
The labour economy is being transformed by new technology, as employers embrace new practices that utilise flexible work contracts and a whole new generation of tech-savvy employees. Leaders and decision-makers, managers and aspiring professionals, and a whole generation of students soon to join the workforce, will find Reshaping the Future: Phenomenon of Gig Workers and Knowledge-Economy invaluable. Unique insight is given into the changing business environment and the laws that are being created to regulate it. Those that adopt successful strategies, as set out by Moghavvemi, Teng, and Mahmoud will have the competitive edge needed to survive these changes, and thrive, well into the mid-twenty-first century.
Emerald Publishing Limited Two Faces of Digital Transformation: Technological Opportunities versus Social Threats
The rapid advancement of digital technology in all spheres of modern life necessarily entails changes to the existing models of economic and social structures in our societies. Institutions of power and society, industrial and social culture, individual worldviews and values are all affected by the spread of digitalization. These lasting changes make it vital to understand both the opportunities and threats that digitalization poses to our future. Focusing on so-far unresolved questions about this new horizon of modernity, Two Faces of Digital Transformation provides insights into technological advancements with business administrative applications and examines forthcoming implementation strategies from a range of perspectives - community engagement, industry 4.0 opportunities and threats, human resource management, digital threats and agility, and organizational behaviours. The future of business management necessitates context-awareness and malleability, supported by the research presented in this volume. For policymakers and business leaders alike, technology cannot remain a mystery. Digitalization is an essential discipline that is here to stay. The examination of technological opportunities contrasted with social threats renders the research presented here indispensable for practitioners and researchers at any stage of their career.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurial Learning Evolutions in Startup Hubs: A Post-Pandemic Perspective for Lean Organizations
Younger, leaner, and more innovative organizations have thrived in recent years despite the disruptions caused by Covid-19. For startups, the current scenario depicts an encouraging framework: they have demonstrated a strong and innate ability to adapt, finding new solutions to cope with changing economic conditions. To better understand the post-pandemic world, author Nicola Capolupo examines the shifts in training programs for startups in business incubators (hubs) from an entrepreneurial and organizational learning perspective. To intercept current shifts in training processes, Entrepreneurial Learning Evolutions in Startup Hubs comprise those levers that have led lean structures to adopt a holistic view in delivering organizational empowerment processes to new startups and entrepreneurs. Capolupo provides an in-depth case study, conducted through interviews with an inland area incubator that runs certified and recognized incubation paths for different startups The analysis of entrepreneurial learning evolutions in startup hubs provides practical input to startup and incubator managers on the strategic drivers of change in training processes, investigating new trends of Entrepreneurial Learning in lean organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Economy, Gender and Academy: A Pending Conversation
Gender inequality is a global problem. The responsibility of the business sector, as one of the main agents of the global market, is to advocate for the economic empowerment of women by recognizing them as agents of growth and development in their various roles. This speaks directly to the advancement of Goal 5, Gender Equality, of the Sustainable Development Goals. Economy, Gender and Academy: A Pending Conversation provides the quality information needed to analyze economic growth and the modernization of business management as well as design effective public policies that counteract the gender gap and allow for greater participation of women in society. Chapters explore a number of issues related to gender equality in Latin America and the Caribbean including the status of gender equity following the Covid-19 pandemic, gender equity within organizations, and gender policies and the teaching of gender equity. A unique geographical assessment, Economy, Gender and Academy: A Pending Conversation offers to generate commitment around professional development to contribute to the construction of a more egalitarian society.
Emerald Publishing Limited Socially Responsible Plastic: Is This Possible?
Plastics have long been considered useful, providing such economic advantages as reduced cost and social benefits like increased hygiene and the preservation of food. However, plastic products have greatly contributed to climate change. Half of all plastic produced is single use. The discarded plastics are dumped into landfills and find their way into bodies of water, causing serious environmental pollution and health hazards. Addressing this paradoxical situation, Socially Responsible Plastic answers the question: can using plastic ever be socially responsible? While humanity is threatened by the environmental pollution caused by plastic, some countries are implementing and accepting environmentally friendly behaviour, while others are still falling behind. More specifically, adopting environmentally friendly behaviour is still in its infancy in developing nations. The authors look at socially responsible plastic in countries ranging from China, Malaysia, Pakistan, Spain, Australia and India to Sri Lanka, Nigeria and Bangladesh, with research covering tourism, waste management, the food and drink industry, and the possible advantages of responsible plastic use. Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility offers the latest research on topical issues by international experts and has practical relevance to business managers.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Sustainability of Financial Innovation in E-Payment Systems
The financial system is the heart of an economy and payment systems are the nerves. As we shift towards a cashless economy, it is essential to understand the perception of customers towards digital transactions to design effective and viable E-Payment Systems (EPSs). Drawing on ten years of research in India and around the world, ‘The Sustainability of Financial Innovation in E-Payment Systems’ presents a timely and important model for the long-term viability of EPSs and gives real-world strategies for creating a positive, tangible economic impact. Academics, policy makers, commercial decision-makers, and researchers will find this volume indispensable as they seek to maximise the positive impacts of today’s rapid, ongoing changes.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Future of India’s Rural Markets: A Transformational Opportunity
A billion aspirational people, connected by technology, confident of their cultural and consumption power. If there is any group that has the potential to radically redefine a nation, it is rural Indians. By 2036, India is projected to be home to 1.52 billion people - having overtaken China around 2031 - with 931 million people still living in villages. Rural India is simply too large and too fast growing an agglomeration to ignore. This book maps their transformation, and shows how to realize their social and economic promise. It is a timely and important new work, ideal for students, scholars, marketing practitioners, and policy makers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Feudalism: Creators, Credit, Consumption, and Capitalism
Over the past two decades, corporations and venture capitalists have adjusted business models to change the digital world. As a result, the global economy has undergone a massive shift, changing the way we work, consume and pay for things. Under this new ‘digital feudalism’, we find precarious employment via digital platforms, we buy goods and services in perpetuity through subscriptions, and we pay for it all with debt. Digital Feudalism explores this new moment in capitalism, and how reliant global economies have become on these processes of consumption, work, and debt.
Emerald Publishing Limited Racializing Media Policy
Scholars in the Sociology of Race have extensively researched public policy sectors such as housing, taxation, and immigration. However, media policy research has often failed to effectively engage with the critical concept of racialization, driven instead by political and economic perspectives. Racializing Media Policy fills this gap in the sociological, communications, and media studies literatures with its focus on the racialized processes that construct media policy work in the United States. With research that merges subfields of racialization and media policy, explores the US broadcasting policy, and examines racialization without integration and mediating structural challenges, the authors delve into multiple scenarios of racialization in policy. The chapters offer theoretical frameworks and case studies to consider the ways that media policy spaces are embedded with ideologies and praxes surrounding race. Racializing Media Policy contributes to a wider understanding of the role of policy work in the media systems, particularly by examining the ways that race is embedded within those structures. This unique perspective makes the volume an important read for scholars across the Sociology and Media Studies fields, in addition to providing critical context for policymakers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Start-Ups and the Mobilization of Social Interactions
With this book comes a message that the authors have for management and entrepreneurship experts around the world. Beyond the myth of the ‘start-up nation’, ‘hypergrowth’, and speculation on future business value, there exists an alternative form of entrepreneurship that young entrepreneurs are embracing. They call it “entrepreneurial activism” and its philosophy is “community first, start-up second”. Guiding entrepreneurs to reap the benefits of brand and market development, the authors present a five-step approach on how to develop a community and launch a start-up within it. This guide explores how best to define a cause and create a movement, to recruit volunteers and create opportunities within a community. The collaboration between the three authors creates an enticing mix of entrepreneurship and marketing perspectives that bridges the academic and professional worlds and shares a wealth of business expertise and experience from three continents.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technology, Management and Business: Evolving Perspectives
Advanced Series in Management: Volume 31 offers cutting-edge research from an international range of academics, who engage with the potential opportunities and challenges of digitization in the workplace. Contributors introduce fresh evidence and innovative ideas on the changing work environment to help business leaders shift to the digital mind-set. The book will throw light on what manufacturers, retailers, marketer brands, and consumers can do to secure value; digitally transform and/or innovate themselves in terms of design, production, and distribution as they move towards “next normal” business practices. Technology, Management and Business: Evolving Perspectives provides researchers, academicians, policymakers and professionals working in manufacturing, retail and consumer markets with a platform to uncover their experiences as they meet these challenges in various verticals of industry around the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Transformation, Strategic Resilience, Cyber Security and Risk Management
Digitization of economic and management processes allows for the delivery of new value and higher efficiency in the implementation of strategic goals. This is due to the inclusion of digital technologies in the existing rules of functioning among partners involved in the flow of resources, and from their readiness for digital transformation. A significant challenge, in practical, organizational, and scientific terms is to understand the opportunities and threats resulting from digital transformation, to identify optimal strategies for the development of business entities in new economic and management conditions, taking care to adopt collateral and proper management of new risks. Addressing this challenge to the readers - contributors indicate the latest theoretical advances, and practical examples in Latvia, Romania, and Sri Lanka, among others. This results in a synthetic look at the complex digital transformation processes of the modern world, both in terms of the underlying causes and the vast effects of the transformations and digitization of social and economic life. Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis publishes a series of current and relevant themed volumes within the fields of economics and finance. Both disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies are welcome.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook on Cryptoassets: Investment Opportunities and Challenges
Bitcoin’s introduction as the first cryptoasset in 2009 ushered in a new era, generating much interest, excitement, and growth. A cryptoasset is a digital asset using blockchain technology to regulate the generation of new units and verify and secure transactions. Besides cryptocurrencies, other major cryptoassets are security tokens and utility tokens. Cryptoassets are attractive to investors because of potentially high returns and diversification benefits. However, investors entering this market face substantial challenges like the low quality of information, high price volatility, a lack of academically defensible valuation models, and regulatory uncertainty. This book spans the gamut from theoretical to practical while offering the right balance of detailed and user-friendly coverage. It consists of five parts: (1) the cryptoasset landscape, (2) types of cryptoassets, (3) cryptoassets as investment opportunities, (4) trading, reporting, and technical aspects, and (5) other cryptoasset issues. The book skillfully blends scholars' and practitioners' contributions into a single review of critical topics and issues about cryptoassets. The contributors' varied backgrounds ensure different perspectives and a rich interplay of ideas. The book reflects the latest research and offers a guide to understanding cryptoassets and their role in investment portfolios.
Emerald Publishing Limited Operational Risk Management in Banks and Idiosyncratic Loss Theory: A Leadership Perspective
A systemic risk event that leads to significant losses in banks that are significant financial institutions can expose them to insolvency, significant volatility and impose serious negative impact on a country’s economy, as witnessed during the 2008 financial crash. The viral spread of operational losses through global markets by interconnected multinational banks can be referred to as idiosyncratic viral loss theory. Operational Risk Management in Banks and Idiosyncratic Loss Theory: A Leadership Perspective identifies important considerations that can bolster effective risk management practices in comprehensive enterprise-wide risk, fraud control, going beyond minimum risk assessment required by banking regulators as well as independent risk identification and management. These considerations towards improving risk management practices may help reduce systemic operational losses spread virally in banks. Operational Risk Management in Banks and Idiosyncratic Loss Theory is a useful tool for scholars, bank practitioners, regulators, and accountants to understand the behaviour of idiosyncratic viral losses in banks and in the use of effective risk management practices. Bank practitioners and regulators can leverage the suggestions made by the panel of sector experts and bank leaders to construct action plans and training programs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Public Participation in Transport in Times of Change
The role and agency of the public is often a minor consideration for researchers, authorities, and other experts evaluating policy goals, strategies, and instruments within the transport sector. Public Participation in Transport in Times of Change analyses and discusses different forms of participation, challenges, and lessons to be learned across the field. Chapters discuss various forms of public participation in connection to sustainable mobility, transport planning, policy packaging, health, infrastructure, and active travel, creating a comprehensive analysis relevant for both practitioners and researchers who operate within the transport field. The Transport and Sustainability series addresses the important nexus between transport and sustainability containing volumes dealing with a wide range of issues relating to transport, its impact in economic, social, and environmental spheres, and its interaction with other policy sectors.
Emerald Publishing Limited From Microverse to Metaverse: Modelling the Future through Today’s Virtual Worlds
While the metaverse is often marketed as a future utopia, the vision of the metaverse represents an attempt for private corporations to control the code of the real. In the hands of companies that established and maintain the surveillance capitalism model, the ability to build a persistent, all-compassing environment means all activity in that world can be metricized and commodified, making the metaverse worthy of critical examination. Significant parts of life are already conducted in a digital place that combines various aspects of digital culture. Likewise, digital worlds for socializing already exist, and in a form akin to the VR metaverse, just as VR worlds based on play now coexist with online worlds of user generated content. These discreet private “microverses”, as we refer to them, are spaces which can model the tensions that would be inherent in the metaverse. From Microverse to Metaverse: Modelling the Future through Today's Virtual Worlds examines the place attachments, world-feeling and dwelling of several “microverses” to assess the possibilities of the metaverse as a realistic proposition. Critically analyzing the phenomenological feeling of place, the political economy of emerging tech, the mechanisms of identity and self along with the behavioral constraints involved, the authors map what a metaverse might be like, whether it can happen, and just why some companies seem so determined to make it happen.