Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Constructing Forest Learning: A Pedagogy for Practice
Forest School is a popular approach to young children playing and learning outside, which has become particularly important in the current climate of the Covid-19 pandemic, growing childhood obesity, and concerns over mental well-being. Constructing Forest Learning explores the origins of Forest School in Denmark and compares the two different approaches taken in Denmark and England. The result is an up-to-date analysis of the current situation combined with a contemporary context and cutting-edge approach. Mackinder sets out a ‘model’ pedagogy for practice from a theoretical perspective using a constructivist lens. By comparing the two different approaches and looking specifically at children’s experiences in Forest School and practitioners’ and pedagogues’ practice side by side, it draws out the key elements that constitute Forest School pedagogy. The unique approach and findings in Constructing Forest Learning appeal to a range of audiences, from students and academics to practitioners and educators.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Backpacker Tourist: A contemporary perspective
Previously viewed as a relatively small group of errant travellers rooted in counter-cultural ideas, backpackers have now become a powerful tourist sector of predominantly young travellers, planning and preparing their own trips, and looking for direct cultural contact, novelty and spontaneity all around the globe. The Backpacker Tourist: A contemporary perspective explores the increasing number of people traveling around the world as backpackers and analyses the great diversification of this demographic and their varied experiences while traveling. Martins and Costa highlight the conflicting interpretations in the literature on backpackers and the comparative reflexion between Western and the growing number of Eastern backpackers, particularly relating to their travel motivations and the way they experience destinations. The Backpacker Tourist presents new perspectives to researchers of Tourism Studies and the Sociology of Travel, but also to those who looking for a synthetical, contemporary and critical analysis of contemporary backpacker tourists.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inside Major East Asian Library Collections in North America, Volume 1
As a branch of International and Area Studies Librarianship (IASL), East Asian Librarianship has become increasingly important in an age of globalization as scholars engage in interdisciplinary research and study. Volume 1 of Inside Major East Asian Library Collections in North America presents an extensive collection of interviews that give key insights into Japanese and Korean librarianship. East Asian Studies librarianship requires a variety of technical skills, combining deep subject background with knowledge of library processes/workflows, an awareness of research trends, and digital developments in their respective fields. Professionalism, tradition, standards, respected bodies of knowledge and individual practicing professionals’ personality traits are closely examined over both volumes. Inside Major East Asian Library Collections in North America promotes shared understanding of librarians’ work and contribution to society and will enable further collaborations and new services, utilizing the unique and distributed nature of their expertise.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald International Handbook of Activist Criminology
Although intervention and campaigning have long been integral to critical criminology, in recent years, criminal justice activism has taken new directions and gathered momentum, especially with the advent of digital technologies and social media. These have made it easier than ever for ordinary citizens and professional journalists alike to comment on perceived injustices and potentially intervene in formal criminal justice processes. The Emerald International Handbook of Activist Criminology examines the history of both recent and more established justice campaigns and interventions. Spanning contributions from activists, activist academics, and practitioners from five continents, chapters address a range of criminological perspectives that engage in questions of effecting change through activism. Contributors also consider prominent international issues including feminist criminology, juvenile justice, migrant rights, corporate and state crime, indigenous rights, green/environmental criminology, sentencing and wrongful conviction, the harms of prisons, corrections and abolitionism, and justice for victim/survivors of harm and crime. Collectively, The Emerald International Handbook of Activist Criminology explores the contemporary terrain around new and emergent issues and forms of activism, and offers cutting edge conceptualizations of the methodological and practical applications of activist engagement, solidarity, and resistance.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Business in Times of Crisis
This sixteenth volume in the PIBR series, International Business in Times of Crisis, is dedicated to Professor Geoffrey Jones from the Harvard Business School, and to the importance of historical scholarship in International Business (IB) studies. The global Covid-19 crisis triggered a profound economic crisis, with a decline in global economic activity on a scale not seen since the Great Depression. This pandemic revealed systems failures and fragilities closely related to the organization of global economic, financial, political, and social systems. It has confronted the world with fundamental questions regarding how the global community, as well as companies in general and multinational enterprises (MNEs) in particular, should design global responses to crises. A multi-level and longitudinal approach to studying crises in IB is clearly necessary. This book classifies studies of crises relevant to IB research and will hopefully be helpful to IB scholars, as they reflect on the type of crises they want to study as part of their future research agenda. “The main point coming out of this brief description of my own intellectual journey is to emphasize that crises have been the norm rather than the exception in the history of international business. They have taken many forms and building a typology of crises would be a helpful next step in new research.” Geoffrey Jones (in this volume)
Emerald Publishing Limited Kindness in Management and Organizational Studies
Kindness in Management and Organizational Studies is the first book in a ground-breaking series exploring Kindness at Work. This edited collection offers multiple perspectives in the understanding, interpretation, enactment, and resistance to the concept of kindness in a business context. Through the diverse offerings of each author we gain and reflect on new knowledge, formulate new questions, and find direction for our next steps. The collection of texts range in topics that include Indigenous storytelling about sanctified kindness to an examination of key management theories using ANTi-History to intergenerational stories on kindness and bouncing back. Compassion and kindness, care ethics, and the framing of kindness are also a part of the text. Unbiased compassion and work on the continuing and chronic occupational hazards of sexual harassment and discrimination is presented as well as benevolent sexism and performative kindness. Kindness and communication, Kindness and leadership and a case study of Kindness in the public service are also offerings in this first book on Kindness at Work. Kindness in Management and Organizational Studies is ideal for undergraduate and graduate students in business, leadership, and human resources. It offers illuminating new perspectives and insights to scholars that enables the analyses of leadership and management styles, organizational psychology, and HR practice and theory.
Emerald Publishing Limited Current Problems of the World Economy and International Trade
Volume 42 of Research in Economic Anthropology focuses on systemic coverage, critical rethinking, and scientific analysis of the current problems facing the world economy and international trade aiming to provide a scientific basis for learning from the COVID-19 pandemic for the global economy and international trade. Current Problems of the World Economy and International Trade begins by reflecting the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing crisis for the global economy and international trade. The volume then reveals the prospects for the post-pandemic recovery of the world economy and the crisis management of international trade. Throughout, there are case studies from various countries, in particular the experience of China, Pakistan, Russia, Spain, Germany, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, India, and the OECD. Current Problems of the World Economy and International Trade reveals the determinants of competitiveness and drivers of economic growth of individual countries provides useful applied advice on post-crisis recovery and the development of the world economy and international trade in the post-pandemic period.
Emerald Publishing Limited Artisan Entrepreneurship
Increased interest in handicrafts has led to more people becoming artisans both as a hobby and a business activity, making Artisan Entrepreneurship a growing phenomenon. This has been particularly relevant during the COVID-19 crisis in which individuals and communities began engaging with more bespoke crafting at home. This book focuses on these practices from different perspectives including the art, cultural and social sectors, thereby highlighting the emerging new types of artisan activity that preserve cultural elements while incorporating emerging technologies like social media. This volume analyses artisan entrepreneurship using different approaches including at an individual, group and societal point of view providing a better understanding about how these handicraft workers contribute to societal wellbeing and aid cultural heritage preservation for future generations. Each chapter of this book looks at these practices in a different way, enabling the practical and theoretical significance of artisan entrepreneurship to emerge and presenting a holistic understanding of artisan entrepreneurship in different contextual settings. Artisan Entrepreneurship provides a unique way in which to understand an important type of enterprise that has been neglected but recently had a resurgence. This book provides a fundamental contribution to the field of artisan entrepreneurship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Black Youth Aspirations: Imagined Futures and Transitions into Adulthood
This book is about how to trigger the capacity to aspire among black youth. Examining the transition out of adulthood and imagined futures of black youth, Maja helps us understand how black youth aspirations might be raised, and how a better future for young people can be achieved. Black Youth Aspirations tracks the journeys of nine black teenagers in South Africa, and how they navigate their way through the final two years of schooling. Maja explores and discovers the maps of the future that youths envision, and investigates how their immediate environments in and out of school serve as instruments that help them interpret, navigate, and manifest those aspirations. Presenting a new conceptual tool, OATS (Objects, Agency, Tools, and Spaces), seeks to provide practical meaning on how to best develop young people’s capacity to aspire. Filling it gap in the scholarly literature, and digging deeper than the statistics ever could, this book is a dynamic interaction between research among youth and the application of concepts to make sense of their stories. As the first book that discusses the aspirational pathways of working class black youth in the context of the global south, the theoretical and research approaches on which the book is based make it an exciting and novel addition to the global literature in the area of youth studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Trans Studies: Moving Toward Gender Expansion and Trans Hope
This volume of Advances in Gender Research gives space and voice to trans peoples’ experiences and interactions with various social institutions, including but not limited to, social media, healthcare and medicalization, the criminal justice system, and the family. The chapters in this volume utilize intersectional approaches, qualitative and quantitative methodologies, and many have clear implications for policy and advocacy for trans and gender diverse people. The first part of the book covers a wide array of issues relating to health and healthcare for trans people, with authors examining health and aging for older trans people, the continued cisnormativity and transphobia that plagues the healthcare field, questions of body modification and how this relates to fertility, as well as access to mental health care. Part two explores trans inclusion in institutions and societies around the world, with authors exploring non-binary gender options on state sanctioned identification, prison experiences and policy recommendations in the U.S. and England, and positive changes to support trans students on college campuses. Part three covers trans resources, healing, and resilience. The aim of this volume is greater than merely updating the research in trans studies, it stems from a desire to support the trans community in the continued fight for recognition and rights. The volume urges scholars to better understand gender expansion and to turn more attention towards trans hope. To encourage this, the volume ends with a section on resources, healing, and resilience, paving the way for the future of trans studies in sociology.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Law and Economics of Privacy, Personal Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Incomplete Monitoring
The Law and Economics of Privacy, Personal Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Incomplete Monitoring presents new findings and perspectives from leading international scholars on several emerging areas issues in legal and economic research. The collection contains new theoretical papers on privacy, the protection of personal data, the use of regulatory monitoring under legal standards versus rules, a study of the properties of market efficiency in securities fraud litigation, as well as an analysis of non-exclusionary price floors. It also contains an empirical paper on the relationship between uncertainty of patent approval of artificial intelligence applications and the Supreme Court’s decision in Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International. Finally, the volume features a law-and-economics assessment of the Chinese financial system within the context of the trade-off between centralized control and rapid growth. This 30th volume of Research in Law and Economics showcases the cutting edge theoretical and empirical findings for researchers and professionals considering these complex issues intersecting law, technology, and economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Integrated Care: Reflections on Change in Health Services
Over the last twenty years integrated care has been touted as a solution to many issues in health services, such as insufficient coordination between services, cumbersome organizational boundaries, interrupted patient journeys, as well as spiraling health care costs. However, despite volumes of research, the field has seen few innovative advances in recent years. In particular, prevailing integrated care implementation practice and research appear to be very health science centred, spurning approaches from other disciplines. Axel Kaehne argues that it is time to re-evaluate how we investigate care integration. He asks us to radically question our assumptions about integrated care as a managerial, organisational and behavioural endeavor. This is a profound departure from conventional thinking about integration in health and social care. Kaehne reveals the tacit assumptions we make when we manage and change health services and offers a fresh perspective on care integration whilst inviting readers to examine long established research orthodoxies. This eclectic conceptual and theoretical approach produces surprising insights for everyone who is ready to see things anew.
Emerald Publishing Limited Health and Health Care Inequities, Infectious Diseases and Social Factors
This next volume in Research in the Sociology of Health Care covers a variety of important social factors and their relationship to health and health care inequities both in the United States and the rest of the world. The authors of this volume explore issues related to infectious diseases and various chronic health problems. One section focuses on Covid 19 and issues of kidney disease, face masks and social values, pandemic experiences in rural parts of the United States, and in urban India. Other topics that are discussed focus on issues outside the United States such as in Nepal, Ecuador, and broader cross-national comparisons. Several papers focus on health care system issues within the United States including micro hospitals in Texas, evidence-based medicine, and trends in health disparities in the Latina population in the United States. Written from a sociological and broader social science approach, the papers provide important information both about broad trends in the US and other countries and some specific considerations of issues from a social perspective as linked to Covid 19.
Emerald Publishing Limited Towards Social Justice in the Neoliberal Bologna Process
The Bologna Process created the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), establishing comparable higher education structures within the EHEA member states, but the process has also been influential in countries outside of the EHEA. The map of the EHEA on the cover page of this book presents current active members of the EHEA, following EHEA membership changes in April 2022. Towards Social Justice in the Neoliberal Bologna Process combines research from leading international scholars. The eclecticism of the perspectives shed light on the interaction between neoliberal and social justice discourses in the Bologna Process by exploring neoliberal aspects of Bologna and the growing voice of social justice. The editors present these discourses as complementary rather than opposing, contrary to popular perspectives in the wider literature. Applying this lens to the analysis of a range of Bologna’s action lines in the context of the EHEA and beyond is very important, particularly now. Identifying pitfalls in the social justice agenda in the Bologna Process calls for the attention of Bologna policymakers on the international level to address these issues in the run-up to the new 2030 EHEA deadline. This timely collection is essential reading for higher education scholars, policymakers, and postgraduate students across the EHEA, as well as countries beyond the EHEA that have been aligning their systems of education to the Bologna Process.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transformative Research and Higher Education
Providing a critical look at how it is possible for institutions of higher education to go beyond the institutional constraints that plague the neo-liberal university, the authors of this volume explore the powerful role of transformative university-based research and education. An emerging global network of concerned teachers and researchers who are currently engaged in dialogue with civil society and social movements, seek to construct another possible post-pandemic world built on premises of democracy, justice and peace. The emphasis on transformation points to alternative ways of doing research and education, associated with critical pedagogics and participatory action-research. This approach entails an intentionality to intervene in the debate and actual modus operandi of university research and education. It seeks to replace the existing vertical division of labour between administrators, teachers and students with an alternative collaborative organization of the production and transmission of knowledge, conducted by co-researchers and co-learners.
Emerald Publishing Limited Workplace Productivity and Management Practices
How firms are structured, the management practices they develop, as well as the way in which workers and managers interact can have wider implications for both the performance of the firm and the well-being of its workers. This volume contains ten original and innovative articles that investigate aspects related to workplace practices and productivity. Topics include the role of employee voice in the workplace, the link between unions, innovation and firms’ investment, the relationship between job autonomy and hierarchy, the impact of personnel policies on firm performance, the consequences of incentives through discrete bonus compensation schemes for learning on the job, the repercussions of firm downsizing on worker’s performance, the individual returns to entrepreneurship, the impact of private tutoring on college attendance, and the measurement of labor market transitions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary Approaches Studying Customer Experience in Tourism Research
Contemporary Approaches Studying Customer Experience in Tourism Research develops approaches and related methods to understand, analyze, and evaluate the tourist consumption experience under its different forms and stages (before, during and after the experience), offering a broader view by integrating the tourist/customer experience in its development while also considering the role of tourism stakeholders. Embracing the extremities of Customer Experience (CX) and studying its multiple sides through innovative methodological and conceptual frameworks, the volume also provides an in-depth literature review of CX and discusses vital related concepts as the case of consumer value. Contemporary Approaches Studying Customer Experience in Tourism Research also explores the adoption and the implementation of approaches to managing and marketing customer experiences across varied tourism contexts, with an emphasis on revisited interpretive, behavioral, and organizational approaches, highlighting the power of combining qualitative techniques to draw the complexity of the consumption experience. Also laid out are new analytical frameworks related to studying memorable tourist experiences in both digital and offline tourism journeys have attributed a broader consideration of the consumption experience in tourism research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Environmental, Social, and Governance Perspectives on Economic Development in Asia
This volume of the International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics explores the latest economic and financial developments in Asia. Chapters cover a range of topics such as the impact machine learning models have on forecasting, the levels and effects of financial literacy of farmers in Thailand, as well as the need to prioritise increasing employee engagement for sustainability. These peer-reviewed papers touch on a variety of timely, interdisciplinary subjects such as corporate social responsibility and the effects of public policy. Environmental, Social, and Governance Perspectives on Economic Development in Asia also includes empirical studies in financial economics and public governance. For example, one chapter considers the influence of green supply chain integration and environmental uncertainty on performance in Indonesia, while another empirically studies Banking Development and Household Welfare in Thailand. Together, ISETE 29 volume A, is a crucial resource of current, cutting-edge research for any scholar of international finance and economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Financial Reporting Standards Implementation: A Global Experience
The vast majority of national authorities have made a public commitment supporting a single set of high-quality global accounting standards as of January 13, 2021 requiring or permitting the use of IFRS Standards for domestic, publicly accountable companies and institutions. This includes all member states of the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA), in which IFRS Standards are mandatory for all companies whose securities trade in a regulated market. Despite this, there still remains a lack of research on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) implementation and this inaugural volume of Contributions to International Accounting (CIA) aims to address this vital gap, focusing on providing relevant and timely information for local and international policymakers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Infrastructure, Morality, Food and Clothing, and New Developments in Latin America
Volume 41 of Research in Economic Anthropology explores a wide range of topics of interest to economic anthropology. The opening paper presents a novel approach to anthropological-economic infrastructural research in England, specifically London’s Thames Tideway Tunnel. The volume’s first section consists of four papers that are tied together by two common threads: the roles of money in social ties between people, and moral concerns regarding these and other roles and uses of money in society. The section covers commercial surrogate mothers in Russia, social welfare provision in Pakistan, the management of a communal fund within a school alumni association in South Korea, and a credit scheme’s impact on women in Nigeria. Part two focuses on two basic necessities of human life—food and clothing - examining a New Zealand food security initiative that rescues “waste” food, modern transformations of a pre-owned clothing market in Hamburg, Germany, and Muslim fashion retail business in the same country’s capital city, Berlin. Finally, the volume closes with a third section that fixes an anthropological lens on contemporary developments in Latin America, analyzing the larger fair trade movement and its particular manifestations and implications in Oaxaca, Mexico, the cost-effectiveness of the reintegration of ex-combatants in Colombia, and patron-client relations in Brazil and how these have been politically perceived and presented by domestic and foreign intellectuals and academics, respectively.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
Volume 39 of Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management contains eight original scholarly monographs written by thought leaders in the field of human resources management. This volume focuses on generational issues that have been created by a global pandemic, gig economy in relation to human resources management, immigrant and refugee issues in human resources management, pay dispersion issues, network structures and human resources management, human resources issues in family organizations and managing human resources during economic downturns.
Emerald Publishing Limited Victims' Experiences of The Criminal Justice Response to Domestic Abuse: Beyond GlassWalls
Victims' Experiences of The Criminal Justice Response to Domestic Abuse: Beyond GlassWalls provides a unique perspective on how victims of domestic abuse experience the justice process. It tells two stories: first, a socio-legal narrative of the public policy, legislative, academic and social responses across Scotland, England and Wales; and second, the experience of female victim-survivors who report domestic abuse to the police. The apparent sweep of progress on the public stage is juxtaposed with the private struggle of individuals who continue to face barriers to justice. In-depth interviews with women who have experienced domestic abuse and those who support them identify a number of challenges. Moving beyond the arrest, procedural hearings and trial Forbes considers the emotional implications of waiting at home, travelling to court, and the unmet support needs and unanswered questions beyond the so-called conclusions of their case. Beautifully illustrated, this accessible overview uses victim narrative to provide explicit, practical advice for busy practitioners and students alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Historical Female Management Theorists: Frances Perkins, Hallie Flanagan, Madeleine Parent, Viola Desmond
Persuasively arguing for the inclusion of overlooked female figures whilst simultaneously bridging feminist theory and critical historiography, Historical Female Management Theorists features four literary non-fiction, fictitious conversations with historic female proto-management theorists from Canada and the United States: Frances Perkins (1880-1965), Hallie Flanagan (1890-1969), Madeleine Parent (1918-2012), and Viola Desmond (1914-1965). These women have been noted for their contributions in various fields, however their accomplishments and lessons have largely been overlooked by management and organizational history. A variety of archival, biographical and media sources are combined with Williams’s own sense-making and learnings to stitch together a believable, but fictional encounter, introducing a method for feminist historical inquiry – ficto-feminism. A blend of auto-ethnography, collective biography and fictocriticism, this new method explores mechanisms to enact personal agency in subject and writer, featuring a novel narrative, storytelling style inspired by fictional writing. Historical Female Management Theorists is essential reading for both feminist scholars and management historians.
Emerald Publishing Limited Empowerment, Transparency, Technological Readiness and their Influence on Financial Performance, from a Latin American Perspective: A Sector Study
In a global economic crisis, many companies go out of business and millions of people are unemployed leaving businesses requiring new models that allow them to redefine themselves. Empowerment, Transparency, Technological Readiness and their Influence on Financial Performance, from a Latin American Perspective like Mexico, presents three key approaches that impact on company financial performance: Empowerment as a necessary approach for human capital to participate in company future. For this, significance, competency, self-determination, impact, and fluidity in the exchange of information, variables are considered Recovering values that have been tarnished by corruption at all levels, and improving transparency in companies through mechanisms as prevention, communication channels, and strategic alliances. The critical use of information and communication technologies as a means to offer products and services, avoiding bankruptcy. Analyzing the use of basic network services and the integration of ICT to improve business management and development, through sector analysis, studying the behavior of companies located in the state of Guanajuato for being one of the main states with the greatest economic dynamism in Mexico, but also one hardest hit by insecurity and corruption. Empowerment, Transparency, Technological Readiness and their Influence on Financial Performance, from a Latin American Perspective showcases in-depth analysis by size, sector of economic activity and type of ownership, allowing companies to obtain information for a broader vision to help make decisions about intervention, market performance and strategy development possibilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Impact of Foreign Interventions on Democracy and Human Rights
The Impact of Foreign Interventions on Democracy and Human Rights is a provocative study exploring the relationship between military and economic interventions around the world. The book establishes what determines the success or failure of foreign interventions with respect to their initial goals of helping improve the quality of the democratic institutions in locations such as Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. Using different methodologies ranging from quantitative methods to mixed methods as well as in-depth historical case studies, this volume profoundly analyses how military and economic interventions have affected the democratic institutions in those intervened countries. While some chapters are focused on cross-country analyses, other chapters provide a more in-depth case analysis of interventions and its effects on the target country including Libya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Brazil. With authors coming together from political science, international relations, and international political economy, The Impact of Foreign Interventions on Democracy and Human Rights provides a holistic view establishing the differences between the policies, methods, intentions, and consequences of the various American, French, and Chinese interventions in the case studies they present.
Emerald Publishing Limited Diversity in Action: Managing Diverse Talent in a Global Economy
Diversity in Action: Managing Diverse Talent in a Global Economy examines one of the most important and topical issue related to diversity management, namely implementing effective strategies for managing diverse talent groups. Highlighting both theoretical issues regarding diversity management and their practical implications, Marina Latukha’s wide ranging collection investigates how different management practices focusing on diverse talent groups are realised in order to provide systematic assessments on existing diversity challenges. Diversity in Action uniquely features diversity within diversity as the main topic within its analysis. Content covers different types of employees in its focus of diversity management practices in global economies. Groups explored in relation to human resource and talent management practices include but not limited to management of different generations and migrants and diaspora’ representatives employed in modern organizations. There is also discussion of gender-focused initiatives to present the dialog about female talent management and the way it influences organizational results. Diversity in Action highlights the latest development in relation to strategies and practices on diversity management, providing specific examples of how different talent diverse groups should be involved in organizational business processes and effectively managed.
Emerald Publishing Limited Doping in Sport and Fitness
Doping, as both practice and phenomenon, has largely been approached as a question of socio-cultural context and structures. Doping in Sport and Fitness argues that rigid differentiations between doping contexts – such as sport/fitness or elite/recreational – are less clear than it might seem. Breaking down these boundaries allows for a more complete understanding of substance use patterns, behaviours, and policy responses related to sport, fitness, and society. Contextual separations have greatly impacted how scholars have addressed the phenomena of doping in contemporary society, which in turn has impacted current anti-doping policies, preventative work, and harm reduction strategies globally. Bringing together research on doping and image and performance enhancement drug use (IPED) that highlights links between areas of doping research that have been previously separated, this collection includes contributions focusing on emerging and under-researched topics related to IPED use. Providing studies on new demographic groups of users, especially in terms of gender and age, Doping in Sport and Fitness suggests alternative ways of approaching the issue and supports providers such as coaches and drug service professionals.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Strategic Management in the Service Industry: A Perspective of the New Era
Global Strategic Management in the Service Industry: A Perspective of the New Era covers recent changes within the service industry during the COVID-19 Pandemic and new and emerging consumer trends, providing a holistic view of this new era within the service industry. Across a range of thematic chapters, issues in digital marketing, online retailing and experiential marketing are examined, as well as the challenges faced by small and large businesses in the service sector. Tabari and Chen provide a fresh view of changes in the strategic management and marketing strategies within the service industry, exchanging new ideas for both the mid and post-pandemic crisis. Global Strategic Management in the Service Industry illustrates how strategic managers in service industry appraise the sectors in which their organisations are involved; appraise their competitors; and reassess their strategy and fix goals to meet all the challenges presented. This is important particularly due to rapid growth and technological advancements developed in service sectors being applied to other industries.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Latin America: Unleashing a Millennial Potential
With contributions from nearly 50 researchers across Latin America, The Emerald Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Latin America: Unleashing a millennial potential contains the most important debates on creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship in Latin America. Covering the most recent topics that influence Latin America’s entrepreneurial dynamics, chapters are written by specialists from Mexico, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, England, Venezuela, Spain & Peru. The Emerald Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Latin America presents a detailed and extensive review of the most relevant literature published in Latin America, critically analysing and exposing historical processes along with emerging debates, suggesting future paths for its entrepreneurship ecosystems, agents, sectors and regions. The Emerald Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Latin America offers new perspectives and will change the way the global arena sees Latin America. A first must-have reference for present and future researchers, corporate executives, and business schools with the aim to understand the challenges and opportunities this region has in the global, national, and regional arenas, a timely text most relevant than ever given the post pandemic context that present and future generations will confront with.
Emerald Publishing Limited Not Your Usual Suspect: Older Offenders of Violence and Abuse
As the average life expectancy continues to rise, the long-held assumption that age is a protective factor against criminal offending and victimisation is being challenged. Recognising that people who commit offences later in life are an overlooked group in criminology, Not Your Usual Suspect is the first collection to assemble research on different forms of violence and abuse perpetrated by individuals predominantly over 60. Examining intersections of gender, crime and age, this collection highlights how the increase in older people entering the criminal justice system has emphasised the unpreparedness of policies and practices for dealing with this cohort. Moving beyond existing research and policy which has focused primarily on those who are sentenced in later life for crimes they committed as younger adults – so called historic crimes – the chapters pay crucial attention to those who commit offences as long-term, repeat or first-time offenders in later life. Offering an important contribution for researchers across the criminological, gerontological, feminist and elder abuse fields, Not Your Usual Suspect expands existing research to consider the behaviour and drivers of older offenders, addressing the increasingly important issue of how the needs of this group can be addressed by policy and practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Adventure Tourist: Being, Knowing, Becoming
The Adventure Tourist: Being, Knowing, Becoming brings together two broad areas of academic inquiry – adventure tourism and hospitality studies. In situating the adventure tourist within social, cultural, political, and geographic contexts, The Adventure Tourist considers the adventure experience and offers new ways in which this can be more deeply analysed and interpreted. Focused on the personal tourist experience and what it means to seek adventure through tourism in an uncertain and troubled world, Farkić and Gebbels question the dynamic interactions in modern commodified adventure tourism practice. By questioning hospitality services through philosophical and sociological concepts, focus is maintained on the agency of the individual, bringing into discussion the senses, emotions, and desires of those who consume outdoor spaces globally. The Adventure Tourist responds to the requirements of the outdoor adventure industry today and considers how engagement with theory can inform, challenge and support real-world scenarios in this sector.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technologies of Reproduction Across the Lifecourse: Expanding Reproductive Studies
>Human reproduction is mediated through many technologies, both high- and low-tech. These technologies of reproduction are not experienced in isolation by most of the people who use them. However clinical, public health and social scientific research often reflects a parcelling out of reproduction into specialist areas of biomedical intervention. Studies tend to be bound to specific physiological events, technologies (particularly those that are more obviously technical or ‘modern’) and people – namely cis, heterosexual, white, middle-class women. Yet, with the ever-expanding horizon of reproductive technologies and the rapid development of the fertility industry, the reality is that many individuals will engage with more than one such technology at some point in their life. >Technologies of Reproduction Across the Lifecourse presents dialogue between scholars on different reproductive technologies not only from a comparative empirical perspective, arguing that operating in disciplinary silos and working from narrow ideas about RTs and their meanings can put reproductive studies in danger of missing, and thereby reproducing, the kinds of power structures that shape reproductive life.
Emerald Publishing Limited Geo Spaces of Communication Research
The volume brings together scholars from across the Americas to address the complex evolution of political and policy media spaces as they are studied from a range of perspectives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Nomads Living on the Margins: Remote-Working Laptop Entrepreneurs in the Gig Economy
In this increasingly neoliberal gig economy, exponentially expanding with technological advances, the ability to work online remotely has led some western millennials to travel the world to work and play, while making a subsistence living as digital platform workers. Digging beneath the superficial newspaper articles that highlight beach-bound, bikinied workers, adorned with laptops, this book asks, what are the social implications of adopting the subcultural lifestyle known as ‘Digital Nomadism’? This book explores the inherent social problems with this lifestyle. Examining how Digital Nomadism provides an individualistic fix for an otherwise downwardly-mobile millennial generation, Thompson demonstrates how this generation increasingly postpone markers of adulthood—purchasing a house, getting married, or having children—because of their financial insecurities. Thompson highlights that while being a Digital Nomad can provide a high quality of life while living on the beaches of Thailand, such avenues obscures their inabilities to afford a comfortable lifestyle in their home countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Integrative Curricula: A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Pedagogy
Creativity, critical thinking and community-oriented learning have taken on new dimension and relevance in education. As a result, many academicians feel that current curricula need to be re-designed with the challenges of today’s global landscape in mind. Integrated curricula rely heavily on interdisciplinary approaches that encourage student engagement, self-awareness and experiential learning. Providing practical advice based on empirical examples, Integrative Curricula: A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Pedagogy explores the phenomenon of integrative curricula and its relevant issues. Emphasizing a need for flexibility and, above all, a student-centered focus, chapters discuss different theoretical frameworks and models utilized, benefits gained and challenges encountered in the process of curricula integration. They include case studies, policies and other methods that have been implemented and adopted in universities to enhance their teaching practices. Contributors also address issues such as integrating interdisciplinary curricula and building relationships across traditional subjects and learning experiences. As integrative curricula provide a framework through which a standard, meaningful benchmark can be applied to student learning, so will Integrative Curricula: A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Pedagogy act as a fundamental resource to facilitate, advise and support higher education institutions in putting forward practices that are most effective for teaching and, ultimately, the benefit of student development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Developing Digital Marketing: Relationship Perspectives
Digital marketing has gained ascendancy as the modern communication method used by most organizations through its ability to transcend geographic restrictions. Developing Digital Marketing: Relationship Perspectives provides a holistic perspective about the role of digital marketing in the global economy. Each chapter offers a different perspective about the importance of digital marketing in the knowledge economy, helping readers to understand the shift from traditional marketing to more novel and innovative forms that are derived from digital marketing functions. Themes explored throughout the book include: • Service Encounters via Social Media and Customer Relationships • Digital and Organizational Storytelling • Artificial Intelligence and Customer Experience • Sustainability Project Partnerships As the nature of these digital practices is evolving Developing Digital Marketing: Relationship Perspectives views the concept of digital marketing as now in constant flux, with the edited chapters paving the way to a better appreciation of how digital marketing is changing particularly through issues such as environmental sustainability in the current business environment.
Emerald Publishing Limited Generation A: Research on Autism in the Workplace
Generation A is the half-million individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who will reach adulthood in the next decade and be ready to enter the workforce. Generation A: Research on Autism in the Workplace is the first volume in the Emerald Studies in Workplace Neurodiversity Series. The book brings together scholars, practitioners, and educators to share their research on Autism in the workplace with a particular emphasis on Generation A. This book explores ways that researchers can help facilitate finding and maintaining employment for individuals with ASD by focusing on the transition, work, and career experiences of Generation A. This volume offers researchers, educators, and practitioners several avenues for smoothing the transition from educational settings into the workplace for a generational cohort who are poised to enter the labor market, eager to work, and wish to achieve positive work and life outcomes. This book provides several contributions to both the disability literature and research on neurodiversity in the workplace, has the potential to reduce the stigma associated with ASD, change image norms surrounding ASD, and facilitate integrating individuals with ASD into the workforce. This book will be a valuable resource for individuals with ASD, organizations interested in obtaining the benefits of hiring people with ASD, and advocacy groups supporting the transition and employment needs of individuals with ASD.
Emerald Publishing Limited High Impact Practices in Higher Education: International Perspectives
Universities are grappling with the issue of broadening the knowledgebases of their students to achieve excellence in education through the development and enhancement of intellectual power and capacities, preparing students to shoulder their civil and ethical responsibilities through a sense of personal growth and self-direction that can have real impact. Yet the demand for high impact practices in education is in a constant state of flux due to the ever-evolving reality of today’s interconnected world. How can universities develop realistic opportunities through high impact learning and what can be the expected outcome of such learning? Collating various case studies, policies and other empirical research, High Impact Practices in Higher Education: International Perspectives examines effective high impact learning practices and demonstrates approaches that promote learning communities and common intellectual experiences. Contributors consider theoretical frameworks as well as applied models in terms of benefits gained and challenges encountered for the sake of educators, faculty members and students. With relevance for every area and discipline within higher education, High Impact Practices in Higher Education: International Perspectives facilitates the advice and support a university may need in its journey towards becoming a progressive, high impact institution.
Emerald Publishing Limited Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Greece
In the aftermath of the devastating economic depression suffered for almost a decade, Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Greece assesses the conditions shaping the Greek economy's restart, discussing the effect of institutions on the business environment and highlighting the factors which are critical for achieving sustainable economic growth. The intrinsic properties of the Greek economic and business environment imply that there are country-specific factors responsible for the performance of the Greek economy, which is differentiated from its European counterparts. Despite being a member of the European Union since 1981 and one of the twelve first countries who adopted the euro, Greece has not been able to converge in crucial macroeconomic indicators with the early euro area Member States. The European stimulus package to support post COVID-19 recovery appears as a unique opportunity for Greece to develop a long-term vision and materialize reforms that will unlock the economy's true potential. This latest book in the Entrepreneurship and Global Economic Growth series is centred around the determinants of and obstacles to Greece’s sustainable economic growth, presenting the macroeconomic and external environment and the dynamics of Greek economy and focuses onto internal conditions shaped by country-specific characteristics affecting labor and product markets’ efficiency and the performance of institutions and production factors.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism in the Mediterranean Sea: An Italian Perspective
Tourism in the Mediterranean Sea: An Italian Perspective is the product of a collaborative group of experts in the field of tourism. Academics, whose research focuses on regional tourism system governance, alongside several experts from the tourism sector, contributed to the volume with distinct issues related to the tourism industry. The growth of the Mediterranean Seas tourism system relates to the issue of tourist destination, brand protection, and public communication. The purpose of this book is to define a method of governance to improve regional and territorial tourism policies and to redesign tourist supply of the tourist destination with the goal of social and economic growth of the Mediterranean area. Tourism is rebuilding a vision associated with paths, visits to villages, heritage, tradition, and typical food and wine. Moreover, travellers will also tend to choose the tourist destinations that offer health guarantees. This book, with an innovative and cross-disciplinary approach, is well suited to public decision-makers, university students, and sector experts to build a model of tourism that is able to understand the new opportunities that come from national and international markets in the Mediterranean area.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Transformations of Illicit Drug Markets: Reconfiguration and Continuity
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. Transnational illicit markets have been transformed by the digital revolution. They take advantage of encryption technologies, smartphones, social media applications and cryptocurrencies that protect the digital traces of buyers and sellers, posing new challenges to drug control policies and public health alike. Digital Transformations of Illicit Drug Markets: Reconfiguration and Continuity considers how the digital revolution has changed the selling and buying of illicit substances through increased convenience and anonymisation. Providing a uniquely interdisciplinary perspective, chapters show how the digital transformation of illicit drug markets combines a reconfiguration of how sellers and buyers interact in new markets. Emphasising that illicit digital markets are embedded in societal structures and power relations in general, contributors also recognise the importance of critical perspectives on inequalities between the Global North and South as well as issues of gender. Digital Transformations of Illicit Drug Markets: Reconfiguration and Continuity challenges the field of criminology to recognise the limits of its traditional knowledge and move beyond the preoccupations that restrict crime to certain fixed spaces in order to develop new explanations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Exploring the Roles and Practices of Libraries in Prisons: International Perspectives
Over the past fifty years, only a small body of knowledge has been published regarding libraries in prisons. Exploring the Roles and Practices of Libraries in Prisons: International Perspectives aims to strengthen and expand this body of knowledge, with each chapter addressing different aspects of the roles and practices of library services to prisons and prisoners. Writing from Croatia, Sri Lanka, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Australia, Norway, Germany and the United States of America, this edited collection focuses on prison library programming, the role of prison libraries as supporters of prisoner literacy development, censorship, future visions for prison libraries, and descriptions of prison libraries across the world. Libraries in both adult and juvenile prisons are studied, as are prison libraries from diverse carceral contexts such as the rapidly expanding American carceral system, through to the 'normalisation' prisons of Norway. This book will be of interest to prison managers, education and custodial staff, prison librarians, library and information studies academics and students, education researchers and practitioners, readers interested in social justice, education, censorship, prison life, and prison reform.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Ecology in Holistic Leadership: A Guide for Collaborative Organizational Development and Transformation
Many managers and consultants have academic backgrounds in business administration and are trained in contemporary management methods that focus on decision making and economic efficiency. The question is: Are these academic methods the best to further the development of society as well as organizations? Contemporary managers are looking for alternatives to traditional decision management tools, methods based on dialog which involve employees in the development process, methods which are more creative in their approach to decision making, methods which are more co-creative and collaborative, which in addition provide practical and holistic methods which can even be spiritually based. It is in this context that Social Ecology - the roots of which go back to the mid 1950's, developing further over the next 60 years - can be applied to leadership studies and their application. Social Ecology can be described as a holistic way of working which strives to create balance in organizations and human beings. The basic intent of social ecological thinking is to develop individuals who take free initiative in securing sustainable/healthy development in their communities, based on socially responsible actions within the inner life of organizations and within their local communities. This practical guide, with its sample exercises and seminars based on an understanding of social ecology, is a must for business students, managers and consultants.
Emerald Publishing Limited Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Malaysia
In the current global market, which is turbulent, volatile, and continuously changing, companies must consistently sustain and survive during turbulent times. Although Malaysia is paving a way to adapt to the advancement of technology, one of its biggest challenges is sourcing the knowledge, skills, and competencies that will supply solutions to transform Malaysia into high value competitor for industrial countries. The newest book in the Entrepreneurship and Global Economic Growth series, Modelling Economic Growth in Contemporary Malaysia considers the crucial changes to Malaysian economic areas and social well-being. Exploring issues from various perspectives including entrepreneurship, economic, financial, banking, marketing, and human resource, the chapters cover diverse industries such as IT, green technology, retailing, banking, tourism and hospitality, education, logistics, finance, banking, and many others. Acknowledging that Malaysian companies must embrace the notion that human capital is a crucial contributor to competitive advantage, this book brings forward consumers' behavioral issues from the marketing lens, offering a critical exploration of how money spending interacts with choices relating to desired products or services.
Emerald Publishing Limited Economically Sustainable Development: Practical Models for Long-Term NGO Viability
Development projects, nearly always all hope and optimism at their inception, have often failed to maintain their impetus and impact in the long run. This is usually because they have failed from the outset to account for how imbalances of power, legacies of colonialism and global wealth inequalities can hamper their staying power. These hurdles have only become greater in the wake of Covid-19. Drawing on over twenty-seven years of experience on both the front lines and the corporate and business sides of international development, Raif Shwayri offers practical models for navigating the major structural and strategic problems currently facing the workers and organizations who strive to make significant, long-lasting changes in developing countries. Shwayri’s new models emerge from his unique insights into the limitations of common approaches to structuring and monitoring initiatives, and they emphasize the crucial importance of vocational education, collaboration with business, and higher education and research for keeping an organization fresh and focussed. For its combination of industry-level analysis with insights gained from a wealth of personal professional experience, Economically Sustainable Development is a must-read not only for researchers in international development, but also for policymakers and practitioners struggling to come to terms with the state of an industry in a time of global economic crisis.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mass Mediated Representations of Crime and Criminality
Sponsored by the Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology section of the American Sociological Association (CITAMS), this volume of Studies in Media and Communications features social science research that examines the practices, patterns, and messages related to representations of crime in mass media around the world. Chapters focus on a wide range of fact-based and fictional accounts of criminality as depicted in print and broadcast news, documentary and video-on-demand films, and television programs. Stories about crime and criminality have long been the mainstay of news and entertainment media content, and the intersection of crime and media is a common topic in scholarly research. Moreover, substantial evidence indicates that these media depictions are highly influential as people in economically advanced societies - who tend to have little personal experience with crime-form perceptions about criminality, crime rates, characteristics of criminals, and even their own likelihood of victimization. Thus, ongoing examination of crime images within various types of mass media aids in understanding the associated messages and meanings that are disseminated to consumers. This volume will enhance the knowledge of junior and senior scholars in criminology, sociology, journalism, and communication/media studies, particularly because of its inclusion of crime stories in a variety of formats and that represent media content from nations spanning five continents.
Emerald Publishing Limited Politics and Development in the North American Arctic: Examining the Regional Consequences of Climate Change
The monograph analyzes international relations in the Arctic from two perspectives: cooperation and competition. The following question was asked: does rivalry outweigh cooperation in the Arctic or is it the other way round; do the entities manage to gain the benefits of cooperation? The authors pose the hypothesis that States and the Arctic actors should cooperate with each other in the light of the prisoner’s dilemma of obtaining tangible benefits, but the more probable, and definitely more possible variant of absence of such a cooperation or breaking the cooperation is rivalry, which in the short-term gives an advantage over other players, but in the long-term causes losses.
Emerald Publishing Limited Examining the Impact of Industry 4.0 on Academic Libraries
Due to the rapid acceleration of industry 4.0, it is more important than ever to understand the impact of technological revolutions on the academic library. This edited collection showcases the effects on how libraries function, manage processes and continue to deliver products and services on a day to day basis.