Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Globalization, Changing Demographics, and Educational Challenges in East Asia
In recent decades, globalization and regional integration have brought significant economic and demographic changes in East Asia, including rising economic inequality, growing population movements within and across borders, and the emergence or renewed geopolitical significance of cultural and linguistic minority populations. These trends have coincided with significant changes in family formation, dissolution, and structures. How have these changes played out in the diverse educational systems of East Asia? In what innovative ways are East Asian governments addressing the new demographic realities of their student populations? This volume offers a snapshot of key educational stratification issues in East Asian nations, and their evolution in conjunction with changing student populations. Scholars of Japan, China, and Korea in this volume address issues ranging from curricular adaptations to globalization, to persisting and new forms of educational stratification, to new multiculturalism in educational policy. In addition, authors consider the ways that migration is shaping education in the city-states of Hong Kong and Singapore. Collectively, the pieces in this volume represent a first attempt to investigate national responses to critical regional trends.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Banking in the New Era: Post-Crisis Challenges and Opportunities
The deregulation of developed countries' financial markets, the reshaping of the traditional boundaries of commercial and investment banking activities, and the development of banking systems in emerging markets in recent times has seen an evolution of the roles performed by banks. This volume publishes original papers that examine the issues concerning challenges and opportunities for international banks in the rapidly changing global environment. It looks at financial markets and banking, examines the role of banks and lawyers in the global financial crisis, explores post-crisis financial regulation and highlights determinants of international banking. Truly international in coverage, specific articles focus on: bank fragility and the financial crisis with evidence from the U.S. dual banking system; Asia-Pacific perspectives on the financial crisis 2007-2009; bankers and scapegoats; lawyers and the meltdown; perspectives from the developing world on reforming international standards for bank capital requirements; Australian regulators and bank risk managers; the effects of underwriting practices on loan losses; and comparisons of banking efficiency in Europe.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Globalization Of Strategy Research
"This volume brings together various emerging perspectives in strategy research for further interaction and debate. Contributions address a range of issues related to the globalization of strategy research. Some chapters present perspectives that challenge the historically dominant North American tradition in strategy research, from both outside as well as within North America. Others examine the historical development of strategy research, viewed either as a convergent normal science process, or as a divergent process destined to generate disparate perspectives. Specific chapters include: Globalization or Colonization?; Building a Business on Ethnic Ties; Rhetorical History as a Source of Competitive Advantage; and Organizational Selection in Context. The volume examines strategy theory, methods and research, and strategy as practice, discourse and reflexive design. By creating a forum for discussing issues at the interface of emerging perspectives and long-standing traditions, this volume provides a compendium that contributes to cross-fertilization among them, as well as a catalyst for future research countering the separatist logic that threatens to partition the field".
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Military Sociology
This Book Set consists of:*9781848558908 - Advances in Military Sociology: Essays in Honor of Charles C. Moskos (Part A)*9781848558922 - Advances in Military Sociology: Essays in Honor of Charles C. Moskos (Part B)There could be no better homage to recently deceased sociologist Charles C. Moskos than dedicating to him this selection of the papers presented at RC01''s international conference in Seoul (July 2008). It offers an up-to-date view of the panorama of social studies on armed forces and conflict resolution in a context of fast-moving change that renders many preceding theoretical previsions obsolete. Just to cite two aspects of this change, one can point first of all to how the presented studies move beyond the very concept of globalization, after which the conference had been named. It in fact emerged with clarity that the new dimensions of the context in which militaries and military policy must move are those of a constant, diffuse interaction of the ''local'' and the ''glob
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations
"Advances in Accounting Education" is a referenced, academic research annual whose purpose is to help meet the needs of faculty members interested in ways to improve their classroom instruction. We publish thoughtful, well-developed articles that are readable, relevant and reliable. Articles may be either empirical or non-empirical. They emphasize pedagogy i.e. explaining how faculty members can improve their teaching methods or how accounting units can improve their curricula/programs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Documents from Glenn Johnson and F. Taylor Ostrander
Volume 27C of "Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology" consists of documents from Glenn Johnson and F. Taylor Ostrander. Part I includes: notes from lectures by James E. Meade on the linking of monetary theory with the pure theory of value (Oxford University, 1932-1933); notes from the Socialist Club at the Cafe Verique in Geneva (Summer 1931); correspondence between Frank H. Knight and F. Taylor Ostrander; index to the Treasury Department papers of F. Taylor Ostrander; and notes on the long and wide-ranging career of F. Taylor Ostrander. Part II presents Glenn Johnson's notes from courses at the University of Chicago (1946); notes from Lloyd Mints' course on money and banking, economics 330 (Fall 1946); incomplete course notes from Milton Friedman's price theory, economics 300B, University of Chicago (Spring 1947); and notes from seminars by John R. Hicks and Tjalling Koopmans, University of Chicago (October 1946).
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
This volume of "Studies in Law, Politics, and Society" contains a Special Issue on crime and criminal justice. It brings together the work of scholars whose work usefully illuminates central questions in about how we define and process those who violate the criminal law and about the technologies of policing and punishment. The articles published here exemplify the exciting and innovative work now being done in interdisciplinary legal scholarship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Early Warning and Quick Response: Accounting in the Twenty-First Century
This book contends that the current accounting model, which is used worldwide, and the current accounting standard setting process are seriously deficient. The book describes the deficiencies in an historical context and proposes two complete new models to correct the deficiencies. One is an accounting model called the 'wealth measurement early warning model'. The other is a standard setting process model called the 'quick response model'. The new models are revolutionary and controversial. They are revolutionary in the sense of imposing extensive changes on the accounting establishment, but also because they have three characteristics that are totally absent in the current system: they are simple to understand and apply; they are quick to answer questions about new situations; and, they are reflective of economic events as they occur.
Emerald Publishing Limited Abraham J. (Abe) Briloff: A Biography
"Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought" works to inform readers of the historical foundations on which the profession is based, the historical antecedents of today's accounting institutions, the historical impact of accounting, as well as exploring the lives and works of pre-eminent individuals in the profession's history. Recent volumes have addressed: the founders of accounting in mid-nineteenth century and the origins of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland; the life and work of accountant Stuart Chase (1888-1985), and his concerns about waste, conservation, social action, justice, ethics and fairness; and the evolving nature of accounting regulation, looking at the overwhelming number of systems and checks that practising accountants face in the wake of modern management fraud. The series is edited by Gary J. Previts, Past President of the American Accounting Association and Professor at Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, and Robert Bricker, Professor and Ernst & Young Faculty Fellow at Weatherhead, CWRU.
Emerald Publishing Limited MSU Contributions to International Business and Innovation
Volume 19 of "Advances in International Marketing" is quite unique. It features essays in marketing and international business, written by doctoral alumni of Michigan State University. Based on the 2008 symposium held at Michigan State University (MSU), the authors offer personal reflections of the contributions their mentors, peers, and the larger academic community have made to their professional development. These deliberations serve to illustrate how individual research streams, whose foundations were established during the doctoral program, took off and became primary areas of specialization for individual alumni. The collective contribution of MSU doctoral alumni to the fields of international business and innovation/new products is truly remarkable. Such high visibility of MSU alumni in the international business literature undoubtedly is a major reason why MSU continues to receive high marks and rankings in academic circles.
Emerald Publishing Limited Influence of funding on advances in librarianship
Throughout this volume, the influence of research funding on advances in libraries and librarianship is addressed from two perspectives: funding agents and specific initiatives. A collection of chapters concentrate on a number of questions: Do the agendas of those agencies and foundations that fund research in the profession shape the topics of sponsored inquiry and methodologies used to gather evidence for research that advances libraries and librarianship? What are the trends in the questions funded, in the areas of librarianship supported, and perhaps of greatest interest, in the impact funders have made on our understanding of libraries, librarianship, and solving problems that face them? The traditions of 'Advances in Librarianship' offer an appropriate forum to explore these questions through a collection of in depth reviews of the literature and practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Asian Economy and Asian Money
This is a new volume in the successful and long-running "CEA Series". The Asian Economy with one common Asian Money is a frontier topic of study in supranational macroeconomics. If the Europeanization of Europe has become a historic reality, the Asianization of Asia cannot be far behind. The paradigm of the European Union (EU) has become a learning model for other continents, especially Asia. In Asia, the process was initiated following the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98, when several newly industrialized Asian economies suffered negative rates of growth of gross domestic product (GDP).The three (Japan, China, and Korea) plus five (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines) came together to became the core members of a new regional group. Their annual meetings became an institutional feature of Asian economic cooperation and regional economic integration. In 2003, the group expanded to become the four (Japan, China, Korea, and India) plus 10 model (the original five plus Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Brunei Darussalam, and Viet Nam). The book examines the prospects of, the justification for, and the implications of the development of a common Asian currency.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corporate Governance in Less Developed and Emerging Economies
Research on accounting in LDCs argues that a well-developed corporate governance structure, including accounting infrastructure, would promote economic prosperity. Economic development requires a modern, transparent corporate governance infrastructure based on efficient capital markets. Over the past decade corporate governance reform has become an important global policy agenda driven by events such as the 1997 Asian financial crisis, major corporate scandals (such as Enron and WorldCom) and the globalisation of capital markets. In several less developed and emerging economies corporate governance reform is also driven by the adoption of international donor led economic reforms. This in particular has made corporate governance reform an essential element of the development agenda promoted by the World Bank. The papers in the volume have provided wide ranging empirical and theoretical issues that will have policy implications and also generate future academic debates. Overall, the volume advances debate on corporate governance, accountability and transparency in less developed and emerging economies. We believe the audience will find the papers interesting and insightful in terms of theoretical development, practices and policy implications.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Competence-Based Management
This volume of "Research in Competence-Based Management" focuses on a range of fundamental issues in developing competence-base theory and in undertaking competence-based research intended to contribute to management theory development. The first papers in this volume revisit and reappraise a number of foundational competence ideas, concepts, and research themes to suggest a number of conceptual distinctions and clarifications that would be useful in further theory development. Following papers assess the areas in which restatements or extensions of current competence theory may be needed or would be useful. The final papers in the volume address the ways in which research undertaken within the competence perspective interfaces with the broad stream of theorizing and research conducted in strategy and management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Peace Science: Theory and Cases
The process of globalisation has its own dynamics and several serious flaws that have resulted in significant economic, political and social imbalances in the global political economy. "Peace Science: Theory and Cases" examines the implications of these imbalances for achieving lasting global peace. The poorer regions of the current global system are beset with serious non-mutuality of interests, rivalry and potential conflicts over scarce resources, fragile environment, alternative energy sources and due to declining agricultural productivity and food shortages, contracting markets and owing to bifurcations in and social beliefs, mores and norms while the list of flaws goes on ad infinitum. The global system will need huge collective efforts and mediation from all branches of modern knowledge in overcoming the above problems for a sizeable section of the global population. "Peace Science: Theory and Cases" offers original research to understand the problems and prospects of global peace in the context of the above dichotomy of the global system.
Emerald Publishing Limited Power, Voice and the Public Good: Schooling and Education in Global Societies
Three themes underpin the tripartite structure of "Power, Voice, and the Public Good", including attention to the definitional and theoretical underpinnings of globalization; the ubiquitous nature and topical display of globalization; and, the possibilities of understanding, redefining and rethinking aspects of globalization with the backdrop of issues that relate to education, and the pursuit of public good. A plethora of examples how education and schooling respond to and are driven by larger global networks, demands, and discourses are explored. Each chapter of the book consistently addresses ways of looking at the hope and promise of education and schooling in spite of the advent, realities, and complexities of their globalized societies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions
Mergers and acquisitions continue to be a primary vehicle of growth for companies around the world. Not only in the United States and Europe, but also in Japan, China, India, Brazil and elsewhere, senior executives are making huge bets on the future of their firms. With such intense scrutiny in the world of business, it is not surprising that academic research on mergers and acquisitions has been similarly robust. The topics range from strategy, to organizational integration, culture, leadership, human resource planning, and financial analysis. Similarly the theories brought to bear to help understand mergers and acquisitions range from upper echelons theory to the resource based view of the firm, competitive analysis, organizational trust, networks, knowledge management, and others. What makes the "Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions" series stand out is its focus on all three characteristics that make up this research field - studies from scholars in different countries, with different research questions, relying on different theoretical perspectives. Such a broad, and inclusive, approach to mergers and acquisitions is not easily replicated in academic journals, with much narrower mandates and metrics. The collections published each year provide cutting edge ideas by leading scholars on a global scale. Doing so not only broadens the questions being studied, but also helps researchers consider the inter-relationships among different perspectives.In the final analysis, the best way to build understanding around a topic as diffuse as mergers and acquisitions is to be both integrative, and expansive, in choice of research questions and theoretical underpinnings. "Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions" offers this unique perspective, not easily found elsewhere, that will help scholars think about mergers and acquisitions in new ways, building our knowledge base on this critical topic. In light of the enormous sums being invested in growth-via-acquisition strategies around the world, academic research on mergers and acquisitions has never been more important.
Emerald Publishing Limited Documents on and from the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
Volume 26C contains five sets of lectures taken by Glenn Johnson as a doctoral student in economics at the University of Chicago during 1946-7.Johnson went on to become a leading professor of agricultural economics at Michigan State University. At Chicago his professors were among the foremost in the country. They included Frank Knight, Milton Friedman, D. Gale Johnson, John U. Nef, and T. W. Schultz, several future Nobel Prize winners. Also included are notes by Mark Ladenson (also from Michigan State) at Northwestern and from a faculty seminar at MSU on comparative method.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transforming Healthcare: A focus on Consumerism and Profitability
Shedding light on current transformations in payment mechanisms and transparency of hospital performance data and prices, this volume of Advances in Health Care Management presents findings on hospital profitability, cost, and organizational structures. Divided into two sections: 'Reimbursement, Cost and Profitability' and 'The Move Towards Transparency', the chapters employ a variety of research methodologies to explore the impact of transformation in payment and debt structures, profitability, and horizontal or vertical integration on outcomes such as price, clinical outcomes, and health plan selection. The authors examine recent changes including the redesign of the U.S. health care system to achieve higher value, and the establishment of mechanisms that transform reimbursement models and promote consumerism through transparency of data. Additionally, the volume takes a look at the emerging trend of transparency between health care stakeholders such as patients, health care staff, hospitals, insurance companies, and the government, providing a valuable insight into how the future might look.
Emerald Publishing Limited Rich Crime, Poor Crime: Inequality and the Rule of Law
In 21st century Britain the rich are protected while the poor punished. Rich Crime, Poor Crime shows how contemporary British society is founded on a legacy of past plunder and dispossession by elites against the rest. Over centuries, power and property have been consolidated in the hands of a few and coded in legal systems that favoured the rich and created extreme inequality. Colin Webster puts a spotlight on Britain’s hereditary and new ruling classes, whose inherited entanglements in land ownership, war and conquest, new world slavery, finance, trade, industry and empire allow them to accumulate and grow capital and wealth at the expense of others. He reveals a system facilitated by political corruption and wealth that accommodates serious wrongdoing – such as corporate, banking and accounting fraud, money laundering and tax evasion – and does substantial harm to fellow Britons. Examining the conditions of extreme inequality that give rise to poor crime and rich crime – and to the social response to both types of crime – we find them to be deeply implicated one with the other. Rich Crime, Poor Crime is vital reading for academics and professionals interested in the fields of history, sociology, criminology, and politics.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Medieval Internet: Power, politics and participation in the digital age
This book sheds light on the world of the Internet and social media through a historical prism drawn from the Medieval Age. Memes and metaphors originating in medieval society have often been used to describe and explain contemporary society. Social shaming has been described as “a pillory”, good deeds have been deemed as knightly, persecution or censorship has been labelled as inquisitions and elitist tendencies in political life are sometimes dubbed feudalism. This book argues that terms and concepts originating in medieval society are suitable for describing and discussing a plethora of social and political phenomena, all related to the massive rise and use of new digital media technologies and adherent societal paradoxes, dilemmas and challenges. The author argues that apparently distinct social phenomena related to the spread of new media are related and a product of logics that dominated medieval society, not at least those of control, surveillance and feudalism.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sex and Social Media
Sex on and with social media is often construed as deviant, risky, or something only teenagers do because they don’t know better. Yet, academic scholarship has shown that sex on/with social media can allow people to create and playfully experiment with their identities; build meaningful relationships; accept themselves or build communities. This book brings the multiplicity and richness of sexual practices on, with, and around social media to a curious, intelligent lay reader, and highlights the discrepancy between the media headlines (people fearing it) and what popular Google searches show (people wanting it). The authors describe how social media has changed and shaped sex; address the common misconceptions about socially mediated sex; explain the spaces where social media sex happens, and the practices that count as social media sex. Chapters examine the main misconceptions and anxieties pertaining to socially mediated sex; explore how sexual social media practices are part of our identity; look at it as a communal/ group phenomenon; and analyse social media platforms as the intermediaries and infrastructures shaping and constraining sex. It offers an academically informed, critical but accessible discussion on sex and sexuality on and with social media.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Organizational Change and Development
Volume 28 of Research in Organizational Change and Development introduces thought-provoking contributions. These include: Utilizing big data and social network analysis in OD; professional identity of renowned American women in the field; the role of communities that support interpersonal learning and enhance workers ability to thrive in the emerging nature of the new world of work; technology and technological embeddedness as a change and development enabler in schools; organizational resilience as an arena for organization development work; change in tightly coupled systems and the middle management role in organization development; and strategic fitness processes and organizational dialogue. The diverse collaborative contributions by leading scholars and scholar-practitioners provide an enriching body of knowledge on contemporary challenges in organizational change and development.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Future of Recruitment: Using the New Science of Talent Analytics to Get Your Hiring Right
Recruitment is where organizations are shaped and careers are made, leaving a profound impact on organizations, individual careers, and society as a whole. The Future of Recruitment helps professionals, researchers, employers, and everybody interested in the world of work to understand the past, present, and future of recruitment. Franziska Leutner, Reece Akhtar and Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic describe the modern technologies and ideas that are changing recruitment, many driven by artificial intelligence. They explore new developments like automated video interviews and game-based assessments to select top talent and describe the science that underlies them. Evaluating ethical issues and highlighting how technology might be used to make recruitment and progression at work meritocratic, The Future of Recruitment reflects on longstanding issues in recruitment and its role in building today's unequal world of work. Explaining how we might use technology ethically to tackle past issues and future developments, the study helps define new directions and values for a future of recruitment that serves society, employers, and job seekers alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Applications of Management Science
Applications of Management Science presents current studies in the application of management science to the solution of significant managerial decision-making problems. It significantly aids in the dissemination of the solution of managerial decision-making problems with management science methodologies. With a focus on the application of management science methodologies data envelopment analysis and multi-criteria decision making, this volume is split into three sections: 1. Applications of optimization; 2. Data envelopment analysis and applications; 3. Data envelopment analysis. To those involved in the applications of multi-criteria decision making, data envelopment analysis and decision making, in a realistic managerial problem solving environment through the use of state of the art management science modelling, this is a must-read.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Art of Leadership through Public Relations: The Future of Effective Communication
The pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the increasing pace and impact of climate change have brought significant new challenges to leaders of nations, organizations, and professions. These events have changed the way we work, trade and live our lives. They have also changed the expectations on how our leaders must communicate. Stakeholders now expect leaders to have a clear and transparent position on all the key areas that matter most to them. The Art of Leadership through Public Relations: The Future of Effective Communication is designed to address those changed expectations by asking the questions that communications professionals and industry leaders will need to be able to answer in the next 20 years. Public Relations expert Patrik Schober has assembled a cadre of icons of the PR industry who act as part expert and part futurologist, to provide expert advice and enable leaders to be prepared to meet their most important communications and business challenges. The Foreword of the book is written by Francis Ingham, Director General of the PRCA, and Chief Executive of the International Communications Consultancy Organisation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inspiring Workplace Spirituality
Conventional measurements of knowledge are usually based on tangible qualitative and quantitative research, where progress is manifested incrementally with little visible impact. Though workplace challenges are rarely examined from a spiritual perspective, both experience and research efforts have shown that this vein of thinking can deepen personal intuition and provide real breakthroughs and transformations for those who might otherwise feel stuck in their work environment or wider career. Drawing on author Judi Neal’s wealth of experiences and observations, Inspiring Workplace Spirituality invites deeper reflections on the profound questions and issues that conventional forms of knowledge often fail to encompass. Providing specific practices and tools for applying internal spirituality on a day-to-day level, Neal proposes seeing work as sacred. Sharing accessible stories and examples, she explores the importance of spiritual values such as gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness within the workplace. Channelling new ways of perceiving and responding to everyday challenges, Inspiring Workplace Spirituality acts as a unique guide for professionals who are ready to elevate their internal leadership journey and assume the presence and self-awareness that will enable them to make a positive impact wherever they work.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Ideas-Informed Society: Why We Need It and How to Make It Happen
Democratic societies thrive when citizens actively and critically engage with new ideas, developments and claims to truth. Not only can such practices result in more effective choice-making, but they can also lead to widespread support for progressive beliefs, such as social justice. With Western societies in the midst of environmental, social and political crises, it seems more pertinent than ever that citizens become ‘ideas-informed’. Presenting concepts from academia, industry, and practice, The Ideas-Informed Society closes the gap between the ideal of the ideas-informed society and the current reality. By exploring what it means to be ideas-informed and the benefits for both individuals and society, the chapters conceive what an ideal ideas-informed society would look like, what are the key ingredients of an ideas-informed society, and how to make it happen.
Emerald Publishing Limited Body Art
Body art, especially tattoos and piercings, has enjoyed an explosion of interest in recent years. However, the response of many health professionals and researchers to this phenomenon is often negative, as body art continues to be associated with issues ranging from ill mental health to offending behaviors. Arguing for a reappraisal of the diverse range of practices that fall under this heading, Brian Brown and Virginia Kuulei Berndt reconsider body art as an underappreciated yet accessible source for mental and physical wellbeing. How, they ask, does body art open up new sources of community, sociality, and aesthetics? How is it used for the reclamation of one’s body, as a marker of success or accomplishment, or for building friendships? How does participation in these practices impact the health and wellbeing of body artists themselves? Providing a radical rethink that integrates tattoos and other body modifications within health, wellbeing, and positive psychology, Body Art disrupts the narrative of stigmatisation that so often surrounds these practices to welcome a broader discussion of the benefits they can offer.
Emerald Publishing Limited ResearcHER: The Power and Potential of Research Careers for Women
Not all research careers look the same. Not all academics spend their working lives in labs, or dark offices surrounded by dusty books. A research career can mean working in theatres or schools, influencing policy, working with the world’s leading brands and businesses, and much, much more. Showing the true diversity of scholarship, and the women leading the way, ResearcHER offers an A-Z of research and researchers from around the world, exploring who researchers are and what they really do, all whilst celebrating female scholarship. Each short chapter offers an insight into a real-life researcher, their background and journey into a research career, what they’re currently researching, their top tips for budding researchers, and fun facts and activities to explore yourself. ResearcHER smashes stereotypes to show you that research is not just conducted by men and women in lab coats or stuck in stuffy offices; researchers are women from all backgrounds, researchers come from diverse geographies, are disabled and able-bodied, are transgender, nonbinary, queer. Researchers look just like you, and you could be one too.
Emerald Publishing Limited Addressing Underserved Populations in Autism Spectrum Research: An Intersectional Approach
When confronted with the large amount of research about the autism spectrum one can be forgiven for believing that every conceivable aspect has been studied. However, despite the abundance of research, there still remains several autism topics that are not yet comprehensively understood. Addressing Underserved Populations in Autism Spectrum Research: An Intersectional Approach highlights five areas of autism spectrum research that currently lack a substantial body of literature. These include, autistic seniors, autistic women, fathers raising autistic children, autistics with intellectual disabilities, and autistics from ethnic minorities. Bennett and Goodall explore each area, offering explanations for why they have been overlooked in the existing literature and recommendations and strategies for further research to help us better understand these parts of the autistic community. They also explore and address systemic racism within the autism research community and explain strategies that scholars can use to conduct research that is both respectful of autistics and methodologically rigorous. Readers will gain an understanding of some of the gaps in our knowledge about the autism spectrum and will obtain the tools needed to conduct robust and appropriate research that addresses these gaps.
Emerald Publishing Limited Purpose-Driven Innovation: Lessons from Managing Change in the United Nations
Purpose-Driven Innovation takes readers inside the UN Lab for Organizational Change and Knowledge (UNLOCK) to discover a new theory of change management, developed to help managers navigate accelerating, global, societal challenges such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Using real UN cases, arranged according to the UN change framework, the authors show how this new theory works in the real world, overcoming bureaucratic obstacles and the challenges of the digital era. This is the first book to set out how change management models work in practice in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is an essential primer for all organizations, small and large, public or private, within and outside of the United Nations, working to help achieve the SDGs through organizational change in the wake of crisis.
Emerald Publishing Limited Stories and Lessons from the World’s Leading Opera, Orchestra Librarians, and Music Archivists, Volume 2: Europe and Asia
Volume 2 of the two part collection Stories and Lessons from the World’s Leading Opera, Orchestra Librarians, and Music Archivists, explores the current trends and practices in the field of music performance librarianship. Featuring interviews and conversations from over twenty orchestra, opera, and ballet librarians and archivists working for some of the world’s leading performing arts and educational institutions from Europe and Asia, this book is a helpful resource to librarians, and archivists who need to manage artifacts in a variety of situations in the world of performing arts. For music and library science professors, this serves as a useful teaching tool or reference material by allowing students to gain a glimpse into the profession of music performance librarianship. Finally, this book functions as a unique and important reference tool for all students who are considering a career in music performance librarianship or a profession in archives in the world of performing arts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary Methods and Austrian Economics
Austrian economics is known for extensive—and many economists would say excessive—ruminations on methodology. Attempting to steer a middle course between radical forms of historicism (there are no economic laws) and scientism (economic laws are as precise as physical laws), this approach often appears to diminish the importance of empirical testing and quantitative methods more generally. Since the Austrian revival of the 1970’s, social scientists have developed a number of new theoretical and empirical approaches to studying the social world. Experimental and behavioral economics have exploded in popularity. Econometrics has arguably taken a more central role in the discipline than even formal economic theory. And, most prominently, econometricians have developed quasi-experimental techniques for examining real-world data as part of the “credibility revolution.” This volume, Contemporary Methods and Austrian Economics, examines the relationship between Austrian economics and these new social scientific methods. Do Austrian critiques of the excessive ambitions of formal theory and empirical measurement still hold water (if they ever did)? Do the findings of these new approaches bolster or undermine distinctively Austrian theories? How should we update our views on the relationship between abstract economic theory and empirical investigations?
Emerald Publishing Limited The Power of Team-based Simulations in Educational Systems: Toward Mid-Leaders’ Mentoring in Periods of Routine and Crises
Times of crises, such as pandemics, teach us the importance of mid-level leaders who promote effectiveness in teaching and learning in school and act as mediators for their students, teachers and school principals. The Power of Team-based Simulations in Educational Systems focuses on mid-level educational leaders who are not only teachers, but also have a significant role of leadership in their schools. Shapira-Lishchinsky suggests a new educational policy to reduce educational gaps eliciting from the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises toward routine, enhancing the capacity of mid-level leaders to deal with equality gaps through mentoring by team-based simulation. The Power of Team-based Simulations in Educational Systems proposes strategies to train mid-level leaders toward advancing learning and providing emotional support to their teachers and students during crises and routine. Exploring the interpersonal, organizational, community, and public policy dimensions of mid-level leadership and teaching, interrogating the relationships between teachers, students, and the school leadership using a socio-ecological model, The Power of Team-based Simulations in Educational Systems is essential reading for teacher trainers, teachers, educational leaders, parents, and education researchers.
Emerald Publishing Limited COVID-19, Frontline Responders and Mental Health: A Playbook for Delivering Resilient Public Health Systems Post-Pandemic
Since the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic health care, public health, first responders, and other essential workers have been engaged in the most extensive emergency response in more than a century, whilst trust in science has been eroded and public health has been politicized. Against this context, the authors in this collection assess the potential mental health impacts, widening disparities, and needed interventions for future resilience of the public health workforce. What actions can be taken now to ensure more resilient systems post-pandemic? Focusing on the impacts of the pandemic on responder health across health care, public health, emergency management, and more, the chapters, written by experts in the field, provide an overview of the mental health impacts of disasters and emergencies on responders more broadly, and also highlight the inequitable impacts of the response among sectors of the workforce and populations who are socially or physically vulnerable. Closing with recommendations for changes that are needed to address gaps in capacity, COVID-19, Frontline Responders and Mental Health makes a crucial contribution to building the evidence base and disseminating best practices to ensure recommendations become standard practices in the future. Realizing the harsh potential realities such as a shortage of qualified workers and questions around funding and workforce development needed to ensure preparedness for the next public health emergency, this playbook for delivering resilient public health systems post-pandemic provides a timely oversight for future resilience.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Impactful Academic: Building a Research Career That Makes a Difference
Globally, researchers are being asked to plan for and demonstrate the impact that their research has on culture, society, health, and the economy. Higher education is changing, moving away from rewarding academics primarily for peer-reviewed academic publications and asking academics to report on how their work contributes to society more broadly. For many academics, impact poses a worrisome proposition. Impact has not generally been integrated into PhD training and many universities have been slow to respond to the emerging impact agenda, leaving a knowledge, training, and support gap. The Impactful Academic offers a holistic, all-of-career approach to impact aimed at active researchers and those who support research impact. It ruminates on the question of what an academic with impact looked like in the past, and what it will look like going forward as concepts around impact are solidified by government and granting agencies. The authors come from various backgrounds including engaged scholars who are generating impact, and impact professionals who have been critical to supporting academics across disciplines on their impact journeys. The reader will emerge with more than an impact plan for a single research project or grant, but rather a holistic, career-centric approach to impact.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Guide to Healthcare Facility Dress Rehearsal Simulation Planning: Simplifying the Complex
In 2009 three consultants, green to the consulting industry were tasked with a new challenge, the activation and licensing of a new, 100 bed hospital, in only 90 days. Pulling from concept of “Day in the Life” simulations used in the military, the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS), and adult learning theories the consultants developed a method that healthcare facilities could use to ensure readiness. Thus, was born the concept of Dress Rehearsal. A Guide to Healthcare Facility Dress Rehearsal Simulation Planning: Simplifying the Complex provides a step-by-step scalable framework to coordinate an Interdisciplinary Dress Rehearsal event for a project or facility of any size. Developed for use as a resource throughout your Dress Rehearsal journey, each chapter of this guide builds upon the last and should be read in succession. We hope you leverage our lessons learned and experience and apply them to your facility to support a safe Day 1 activation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Selling Our Youth: Graduate Stories of Class, Gender and Work in Challenging Times
Selling Our Youth explores how the class origins of recent graduates continue to shape their labour market careers and thus reproduce class privilege and class disadvantage. It shows how class and gender combine to influence these young adults’ opportunities and choices, in an era when this generation has been characterized as the first likely to end up worse off economically than their parents. The authors draw upon the landmark Paired Peers research project – an empirical longitudinal study of recent graduates in England – to explore their experiences of the contemporary globalized labour market. It demonstrates how many of these young, well qualified adults struggle to achieve stable and rewarding employment in the context of the overstocked graduate supply, precarious work and exploitative working conditions. Government policies of austerity, which were in place when these young people graduated in 2013, meant this generation faced the challenges of a lower wage economy and a housing crisis. The subsequent arrival of Covid-19 and its disastrous impacts on the local and global economy are making these challenges even tougher. The authors further explore the way differences of class and gender impact upon graduate trajectories.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Savvy Investor’s Guide to Building Wealth Through Alternative Investments
Do you want to see your wealth grow? If so, then this easy-to-read guide that focuses on alternative investments - hedge funds, private equity, real estate, commodities, and infrastructure - is just for you. The fourth book in The H. Kent Baker Investments Series attempts to remove some of the mystery surrounding these investments so that you can determine whether any of these are right for you. If you're willing to gain the necessary knowledge, you may be able to build long-term wealth by taking advantage of the benefits that each investment has to offer. The Savvy Investor's Guide to Building Wealth Through Alternative Investments is written for investors familiar with traditional investments but with limited knowledge of alternative assets and strategies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Great Debates in Higher Education Book Set 20172019
We know higher education is more than effective teaching and learning.This series examine the issues impacting HE providers, students, reputations and longevity of institutions across the world. Great Debates are just that - discussions designed to assess and evaluate the state of higher education systems, policies as well as social and economicimpacts looking at inclusivity, accessibility, safety and leadership. These topics resonate with students, researchers and HE administrators alike.Titles included in this set:Teaching Excellence in Higher Education:Challenges, Changes and the Teaching Excellence Framework; British Universities in the Brexit Moment:Political, Economic and Cultural Implications; Higher Education Funding and Access in International Perspective; Sexual Violence on Campus:Power-Conscious Approaches to Awareness, Prevention, and Response; Evaluating Scholarship and Research Impact
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Guide to Ann Oakley
Emerald Publishing Limited Flapjacks and Feudalism: Social Mobility and Class in The Archers
Flapjacks and Feudalism: Social Mobility and Class in The Archers is an excavation into the family and class politics found in the clans of the residents of Ambridge, in BBC Radio 4's The Archers. A whole section of the book is devoted to 'The Fall of the House of Aldridge', with Brian's ethical misdemeanours and fall from grace, looking at how Brian could have hidden his scandals and changed the impressions surrounding him as a 'feckless farmer'. Another section sees the parenting skills, or complete lack of them, of the Ambridge clans put on trial, and used to predict the future leaders of Ambridge. Chapters in the book discuss the power of family and community networks, the oppression of the Grundys by the lords of the manor, and Emma Grundy's housing woes and the importance of housing in the success and security of those in the village. This book explores how far housing, intergenerational wealth, skills and access to employment shape life chances of characters and shows that, perhaps more than anywhere else, its not what you know but who you know.
Emerald Publishing Limited Imperialism and Transitions to Socialism
This collection of essays is designed to shed light on the issues of imperialism and the transitions to socialism. Written by eighteen contributors, from twelve countries and three continents, it is organized into two main parts. The first section delves into the theoretical aspects, the analysis of which is key for understanding the subject under consideration. The second part of the volume is focused on the examination of practical experiences of socialist transition, more or less advanced and with varying degrees of success, in China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Brazil. Imperialism and Transitions to Socialism argues that countries wanting to embark on a socialist transition is not only a response to a spirit of justice, but also an answer to the call of reason: it is a question of survival for humanity, and for life. Socialism is not just a word, it is a struggle. It is not an end, but a transition process, long and difficult, that can take many paths towards the liberation of labour from the domination of capital. It is socialism, a society of solidarity, which walks with history.
Emerald Publishing Limited Voices of Teenage Transplant Survivors: Miracle-Like
While the physical and emotional trials of waiting on transplant lists are featured in popular media, the struggles recipients face years after surgery are not. Voices of Teenage Transplant Survivors introduces illness narratives from an unrecognized patient population: recipients of heart, liver, and kidney transplants. Offering unique narratives by adolescents who use poetry to explore issues surrounding the changing body, independence, identity, and mortality, the book showcases a message of healing and voices of hope amid uncertainty. Illuminating the physical, psychological, and existential challenges confronted by adolescents for which organ rejection and side effects loom in their future, Sample details the poetry workshops where these adolescents articulated experiences silenced by family, friends, and the culture of medicine. She includes close readings and analyses of their writings, along with writing prompts and references to narrative medicine theory. This powerful book offers something new for medical and health professionals, medical humanities researchers, students, and the public.
Emerald Publishing Limited Family Carers and Caring: What It's All About
Carers and caring are contemporary global issues of growing political and societal significance. Changing demographics in the UK and beyond, as well as policy drivers promoting community-based living, mean that the family is increasingly the site of care for relatives with long term support needs. Whilst there is a plethora of literature on carers it tends to be situated in separate subject areas. For the first time Family Carers and Caring brings together a range of material and evidence about carers from different sources presented in an accessible and yet academically informed way. Milne and Larkin help to make sense of the complexities of family carers and caring, carving a coherent path through the academic, policy, socio-political, and practice terrain. Family Carers and Caring is explicitly underpinned by principles of social justice and rights, focusing on how inequalities intersect with caring.
Emerald Publishing Limited Building Business Value through Talent: The CEO and CHRO Partnership Guide
Building Business Value through Talent uniquely describes how a CEO and CHRO can accelerate business growth by working together to design and operationalize value-driven talent strategies. CEOs focus on decisions that will drive the business strategy forward while HR leaders routinely try to satisfy the needs of the largest number of employees. Often, the two align superficially or in administrative ways – and to put out the occasional flash fire. This book changes that dynamic by unlocking the investment potential of HR and empowering an unprecedented, tangible and measurable partnership between CEOs and CHROs. Framed as a product guide, the "product" is visualized as the HR Operating Model necessary to succeed in our modern economy: a business-based talent planning and investment strategy to sustain talent solutions and intellectual capital growth. This product guide provides the tools and insights that business leaders are seeking in order to win the ever more challenging battles in their war for talent. Learning and adopting these winning practices will provide a visible testament to the effective leadership of any CEO and CHRO team.
Emerald Publishing Limited Health and Labor Markets
A country's economic productivity is directly related to the health of its workforce. Thus, how a nation allocates resources to the physical health of its population is of vital importance in establishing the economic well-being of its citizens. This volume contains nine original and innovative articles that investigate the relationship between a nation's health policies, employee health and resulting labor market outcomes. Topics include the direct link between employees' health and wages, the employment impact of an unfavorable health shock, the relationship between job insecurity and a worker's mental health, the effect of career disruptions on already chronically ill workers, the consequences of arbitrary health insurance disenrollments, the impact of reducing publically available sick day benefits, the repercussions of increasing employers' sick pay benefits on absenteeism, the relationship between economic conditions and opioid abuse, and the consequences of parental migration on children's health. For researchers and students of labor economics, or anyone interested in understanding how a country's health policies affect its economic productivity, this volume is a fundamental text.