Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethics, Equity, and Inclusive Education
This volume focuses on professional ethics and the moral dimensions of inclusive education. The significance of ethics in inclusive education has been noted by numerous scholars, however, to date, a comprehensive review does not exist in the field. Grounded in an examination of international conceptualizations of ethics and inclusion, this book provides a comprehensive analysis of current understandings of professional ethics in the context of inclusive education and the many issues associated with its practice. The first chapters provide an overview of ethics and inclusive education, including; discussions on inclusion as ethical in nature based on an argument of inclusion as a human right; an examination of ethics and epistemology as it relates to inclusion; and the role of administrators in ethical practice. The second section focuses on practical issues related to ethical challenges, issues, and dilemmas in inclusive classrooms and teaching practice. The roles of the teacher, the co-teacher, and colleagues, which include administrators, specialists, and staff, are examined. Moreover, practice related problems are discussed including assessment, emergent curriculum, and meeting the needs of gifted learners in inclusive settings.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inquiry-Based Learning for the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators
Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a learner-centered and active learning environment where deep learning is cultivated by a process of inquiry owned by the learner. IBL has its roots in a constructivist educational philosophy and it is oriented around at least three components: 1) exploration and discovery (e.g. problem-based learning, open meaning-making), 2) authentic investigations using contextualized learning (e.g. field studies, case studies), and 3) research-based approach (e.g. research-based learning, project-based learning). IBL encourages more self-regulated learning because the primary responsibility is on the learners to determine the issues and research questions and the resources they need to address the questions. In this way, learning occurs across all learning domains (affective, cognitive, and social) because different types of knowledge are acquired though experience with complex, real-life problems. This volume serves as a conceptual and practical resource and guide for educators and offers practical examples of IBL in action and diverse strategies for how to implement IBL in different contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Democracies: Challenges to Societal Health
Volume 19 in the "Research in Political Sociology" series is devoted to health problems, challenges and accomplishments in democratic societies. It includes papers addressing health systems, health policies, obstacles to societal healthy behaviors, and/or health conditions that are experienced in democratic societies in the world. The democratic society is understood in a broadly defined term. It includes developed Western democracies, as well as less developed or underdeveloped countries that have democratic system. According to such definition, the category "democracies" includes democratic countries that have well established democratic system and respect broad network of people rights, as well as democracies that are formally consider democratic states but de facto respect only a few rights or their governments are guided by limited democratic principles. Therefore, the collection of the 19th volume of "Research in Political Sociology" includes papers addressing these issues in a broad spectrum of countries from India, Sri Lanka and Tanzania, to Sweden, Canada and the United States.
Emerald Publishing Limited FIDIC 2017: The Contract Manager’s Handbook
FIDIC 2017: The Contracts Manager’s Handbook is a practical guide to the effective use of the management procedures within the 2017 FIDIC suite of contracts. The book gives step-by-step guidance through the use of flowcharts, timelines and case studies drawn from the author’s experience, showing how to manage the contract effectively, and explaining exactly what is expected of each of the parties and when. Key features of the book suitable for all levels – for experienced users the book highlights and explains the developments introduced in the latest editions; and for new users the book presents a complete overview and step-by-step guide on using the contracts effectively clear explanations of contractual provisions behind the procedures and potentially important legal requirements coverage across the project life cycle, emphasising the importance of the provisions during the pre-contract phase, and procedures for efficient contract management post-contract award a guide to the second editions of FIDIC Red, Yellow and Silver Books, as well as special provisions imposed by the World Bank and other Multilateral Development Banks, and modifications introduced by the 2022 Reprints. FIDIC 2017: The Contracts Manager’s Handbook is an essential companion for all users of the FIDIC 2017 suite of contracts, and in particular for users from any level or position in the management chain, whether Employer, Engineer or Contractor.
Emerald Publishing Limited Interactions and Intersections of Gendered Bodies at Work, at Home, and at Play
The articles in the volume examine the intersection of gender with other characteristics in a variety of settings including factory floors and corporate offices, welfare offices, state legislatures, the armed forces, universities, social clubs and playing fields. Central themes running through several of the articles include how men and women conceive their identities and their futures and talk about and manage their work, family and leisure lives, how women view their bodies and images, and the progress women have - or have not - made in over-coming poverty and advancing in the corporate, legislative and military worlds. The research sites include Canada, Cuba, England, Greece, Israel, Mexico and the United States. As in previous volumes in the series, the authors employ a range of qualitative and quantitative methodologies and build on the current literature. Most of the articles have policy implications and are designed to stimulate further research. The volume is introduced with an essay by the editor and framed by an article about feminist intersectional research.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Frontiers in Ethnography
This volume seeks to address continuities and innovations within the ethnographic canon. It uses Hammersley's (1991) book "What's Wrong with Ethnography" to open and situate the debate, but then moves to engage with contemporary debates and arguments on both sides of the Atlantic. Today, ethnography has matured to become the dominant research paradigm in some sub-disciplines, but it has also been forced to adapt in response to the theoretical challenge of post-structuralism. The book examines in detail the way some more innovative and problematic ways ethnographers have reacted. Throughout, the book seeks to present a critical, realised evaluation of the strength and limitations of ethnography for the future, by celebrating recent innovations, unusual applications or instances of ethnographic practice. Like Hammersley's book in 1991, it faces and challenges fundamental questions regarding ethnography's very contribution to knowledge. The chapters in this volume are designed to appeal to the novice and the experienced ethnographer; for those embarking on ethnographic work for the first time as well as those looking to move into new methodological directions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Jobs, Training, and Worker Well-Being
This volume contains twelve cutting edge papers contributing new research to important issues concerning worker welfare. The research deals with earnings inequality, discrimination, the effects of migration, and economic policy. Answers to a number of policy related questions are given including: Why are jobs designed the way they are? Does seniority-based pay provide a sufficient motivation for workers? Do sex-segregated firms grow more quickly than firms more equally divided by gender? What policies are effective in combating discrimination? Why is relative rural-urban income inequality so much greater in China than the US? How does migrating from one region to another affect one's child's schooling decisions? Do higher migration levels affect native worker wages?
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism Branding: Communities in Action
Academic studies have predominantly treated destination branding as a marketing phenomenon that happens to involve tourists as customers in a marketplace. "Tourism Branding: Communities in Action", the first volume in a new and exciting book series, considers a traditional marketing subject from multidisciplinary perspectives. Refreshingly this book attempts to free branding research and practice in tourism fields from the shackles of marketing that are dominated by the conventional approach of product, price, place, and promotion. Considering tourism branding as a community affair, this collection is distinguished from other publications by adopting a global and more multidisciplinary approach, and brings the subject of tourism branding outside of the conventional domains of marketing and destination. Special attention is given to the role and expectations of main tourism stakeholders, particularly residents, business, and government in the hosting community. Built on theoretical foundations with both empirical findings and practical cases, this book brings together different perspectives and offers an intellectual and open dialogue among academics and practitioners of the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Civil Society in Comparative Perspective
This book presents a collection of comparative studies of civil society around two main issues: the comparison and analysis of civil society regimes in relation to different constructions of citizenship and welfare states and the role of civil society in governance and active participation of citizens. The first part of the book is concerned with comparisons of civil society institutional frameworks and regimes. In this section the contributions address the ways institutional cross-countries comparisons may be undertaken and discuss the extent to which common trends or divergent tendencies characterize national civil societies. The second part focuses on the role of civil society as a vector of citizens' participation and as an avenue for democracy. Democratic citizenship is often considered as requiring, in addition to a set of formal rights and obligations, a public sphere within which citizens can actively participate within and beyond the state. Building on international comparisons the articles in this section discuss the extent to and the modalities by which civil society is crucial to the functioning of democracy and the plain exercise of citizenship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sociological Reflections on the Neurosciences
This volume addresses the need for sociological insight through empirically rich, theoretically innovative chapters that range across methods, traditions and foci in order to cast new light on the place, role and impact of neuroscience.
Emerald Publishing Limited Enhancing Competences for Competitive Advantage
This volume explores ways in which an organization's existing competences can be enhanced as sources of competitive advantage - either enduring or intendedly transitional. Competence enhancing activities considered include political lobbying to extend the lifetime and value of a firm's competences, expanding services to enhance the value of manufacturing capabilities, initiating knowledge management projects, strategically adapting a firm's governance structures to take advantage of government policy initiatives, staging development of competences in internationalization processes, improving capabilities in managing alliances, understanding the factors conducive to entrepreneurial action-taking, and using individual competency development in self-managing processes for organizational competence building.
Emerald Publishing Limited Pedestrian Behavior: Models, Data Collection and Applications
Studies of pedestrian behaviour have recently gained a lot of attention in a variety of disciplines, including urban planning, transportation, civil engineering, computer science/artificial intelligence and applied physics. Various kinds of models for simulating pedestrian behaviour have been suggested. Moreover, new technologies have been used to collect data about pedestrian movement patterns. The aim of this book is to document these new developments in research and modelling approaches. In this book, leading scholars representing different modelling approaches and fields of application have written chapters about the analysis and modelling of pedestrian movement patterns. Modelling approaches include cellular automata models, fluid dynamics, discrete choice models, rule-based models, multi-agent models and models of bounded rationality. The chapters illustrate that these model can be successfully used to simulate phenomena such as lane formation, crowding, activity-patterns, path decisions, micro-behaviour, impulse buying and store choice behaviour. Finally, the book contains some interesting application of this body of research. These chapters and paragraphs demonstrate the applied potential of models of pedestrian behaviour.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multi-Level Issues In Organizational Behavior And Leadership
"Multi-Level Issues in Organizational Behavior and Leadership" is Volume 8 of "Research in Multi-Level Issues", an annual series that provides an outlet for the discussion of multi-level problems and solutions across a variety of fields of study. Similar to Volumes 1 through 7, this volume contains five major essays with commentaries and rebuttals that cover a range of topics, but in the realms of organizational behavior and leadership. In particular, the five 'critical essays' offer extensive literature reviews, new model developments, methodological advancements, and some data for the study of organizational behavior, outstanding leadership, leadership and social relations, leadership simulation, and enviroscapes. While each of the major essays, and its associated commentaries and rebuttals, is unique in orientation, all of the essays share a common bond in raising and addressing multi-level issues or discussing problems and solutions that involve multiple levels of analysis in organizational behavior and leadership.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Global Leadership
The urgency of a deeper understanding of the nature and development of leaders who can be effective across multiple contexts and national boundaries has never been more apparent. "The Advances in Global Leadership Series" seeks to contribute to this understanding by presenting original papers by academics, practitioners and consultants actively engaged in global leadership from multiple perspectives. Volume 5 of this series includes chapters on: personality, leadership and globalization; the roles of international experience, experiential learning, and cultural intelligence in developing global leaders; an integrative framework for assessing, coaching and developing global leaders; developing balanced global leadership teams; leadership in strategic alliances; leadership in the Mid-East, Korea and Europe; leadership and environmental scanning; and, ethical leadership. Authors of this title come from China, Ireland, Korea, Singapore, U.K. and USA.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sociology of Tourism: European Origins and Developments
Currently there is abundant evidence of the quasi-total domination of the sociology and anthropology of tourism by academics from the English-speaking world, a situation that appears to be aided and abetted by the publishers of books and articles in that language. This volume is the first attempt of its kind to familiarise readers in the US, UK, Australia and the English speaking regions of Africa and Asia with such evolutionary thinking. In such a manner, also, it will be possible to discern, contextualize and better appreciate the European roots of subsequent theorising in the Anglophone world, thereby enabling a more accurate assessment of its hitherto unchallenged claims to originality.
Emerald Publishing Limited Kink and Everyday Life: Interdisciplinary Reflections on Practice and Portrayal
The term 'kink' evokes a variety of cultural responses ranging from curiosity and arousal to disgust and fear. Many of these responses are based on assumptions about its practices and participants, due to often inaccurate and ever-more-frequent representations in popular culture. These selected authors challenge those assumptions and emphasize how a number of non-normative sexual activities and ways of being can be empowering and liberating rather than deleterious or 'deviant', helping to bring the world of kink out of the shadows. They illuminate past and present kinky phenomena by exploring BDSM, experimentation, fetishism, gender bending, performativity, and sexual role-playing, as experienced in a variety of domains and represented in literature, film, and television. Contributing to revised notions of inclusivity and acceptance, this interdisciplinary work deftly identifies both historical and current approaches to understanding and analyzing kink, and pinpoints avenues for future research. It is an important addition to the emergent areas of BDSM and kink studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Luxury Management for Hospitality and Tourism
Luxury is an ever-evolving concept with various interpretations in the domain of hospitality and tourism. The understanding of luxury hospitality and travel has revolved around exclusive and authentic experiences, nuanced by finer things with a focus on value rather than price. The marketing of luxury products and services has become increasingly complex as these products and services are associated not only with an image of quality, performance, and authenticity but also with how extreme experiences and products fulfil the lifestyle constructs of consumers. The Emerald Handbook of Luxury Management for Hospitality and Tourism brings together global philosophies, principles and practices in luxury tourism management from both supply and demand perspectives. Several global case studies are presented, further illustrating the changing paradigms of luxury travel market and consumers enabling insight into the upcoming global luxury travel market. Encompassing the vibrant case studies and contemporary discussions on luxury hospitality and tourism developments during the post-pandemic era, this volume will serve as an essential resource for students, researchers, and industry practitioners of hospitality, tourism, management, and marketing consumer behavior, and consumer studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Spectacle of Criminal Justice: Mass Media and the Criminal Trial
In a world defined by and lived through media spectacle, nearly every part of human existence can now be documented, watched, and scrutinised. When mass media has the power to make the mundane not only visible but also entertaining, how have issues surrounding criminal justice, crime, and death taken centre stage in this media-saturated social world? Presenting for the first time in a published work the concept of Spectacular Justice, which was developed during the author’s doctoral research, Smith delves into how institutions of justice, such as criminal trials, as well as public expressions of justice, such as rage and grief, are played out in the media. Using media archival data, this book examines four murder case studies to develop a conceptual toolkit, designed to help the reader make sense of the complex position of justice in the spotlight. Taking the cases of Charles Lindbergh Jr, James Bulger, Jodi Arias, and Anders Breivik, Smith examines each through the lens of three key characters (Victim, Perpetrator, and Expert), and explores how human stories contribute both to the visibility of the case, and the thriving of justice spectacle. Highlighting the value of bridging the disciplinary divide between criminology and death studies, this book also demonstrates how spectacular justice is often most conspicuous at the intersection between crime and death. It is appealing reading for scholars interested in Criminology, Sociology, Death studies, and Media.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Creative PhD: Challenges, Opportunities, Reflection
Doctorates awarded based on artefact and exegeses, and enabled through creative-led research, are a minority enrolment which suffer from wildly diverse examination expectations and assumptions about quality. Widening the disciplinary parameters and currency of this kind of doctorate, The Creative PhD is the first book that challenges the standards, structure and value of this research. The authors, themselves leading authorities on doctoral education, break fresh ground by demonstrating that rather than being intrinsically wedded to the creative arts or media studies, arts-based research practice doctorates can transcend traditional humanities subjects, becoming instead a model of organizing knowledge, developing methodologies and presenting research. Offering a critical reflection on the contemporary state of the PhD, the authors probe and reshape creative-led research to increase transparency for doctoral students, supervisors and examiners, inviting readers to access a new pathway to how original research is created, supervised and assessed.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Lived Experience of Work and City Rhythms: A Rhythmanalysis of London’s Square Mile
The Lived Experience of Work and City Rhythms looks at the working environment, with a focus on the geographical workplace and how this affects the experience of our working lives. It raises key questions such as: Does where we work affect our experience of work? What is the relationship between place and work? What is it like to work in a place dominated by a particular industry or sector? The book draws on empirical research carried out in the City of London - the heart of the UK's financial services sector. The 'Square Mile', as it is also known, is widely perceived to be a distinctive place because of its architecture, history, traditions, and culture. Exploring how the City is experienced as a workplace, this book also presents a method of researching such places through an attention to, and analysis of, their spatial and temporal rhythms. By illuminating how we experience the places where we work, this book explores what makes us feel that we fit in - or don’t fit in - to certain places, how a sense of place endures, and how the relationship between people, place, and work can be researched.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transgenerational Technology and Interactions for the 21st Century: Perspectives and Narratives
Transgenerational Technology and Interactions for the 21st Century explores how we as humans navigate the 21st Century, interacting with technologies, including those that are intended to support and enhance our experiences across the lifespan. This manifesto, composed with humanity at the front and centre, pinpoints succinctly the critical considerations of people, technology and inequalities intersecting across our 21st century ecosystems. With a special focus on bridging interdisciplinary research, creative and co-production approaches, the authors explore and present cutting edge discourse, building on previous research to form contemporary and inform future awareness and strategies to societal experiences. The authors argue that it is time to re-evaluate how we move forward in a multi-faceted society, with the ever growing reliance of technology but yet many voices are not heard, left behind or not even considered. This creative and collaborative response is suited to researchers, academics, designers, industry and stakeholder professionals who have an interest the fields of technology, design, sociology and innovation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Libraries and the Global Retreat of Democracy: Confronting Polarization, Misinformation, and Suppression
This latest volume of the Advances in Librarianship series presents original research exploring the modern state of democracies and social institutions, the contributions of libraries to the health and progress of democracies, and the political problems currently facing libraries as institutions. It details the best practices of library programs that provide political literacy education and promote civic engagement within communities. These practices include ways in which libraries can help diffuse political polarization, address significant policy issues of our day, promote political information literacy, support civic engagement, and facilitate participation in democratic processes. Libraries and the Global Retreat of Democracy: Confronting Polarization, Misinformation, and Suppression is structured in three sections - questions of personal and state democracy, investigations of how the information infrastructure shapes these democracies, and explorations of the ways that libraries can and do contribute to democracy. Situating libraries within political conversations, highlighting their centrality to these discussions, Libraries and the Global Retreat of Democracy focuses on how libraries coordinate their work in political and information literacy and how these efforts can be improved, he recommendations and examples within which will serve as inspiration and motivation to its readers.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Fully Functioning University
Increasingly, the purpose and function of Western universities is being challenged and put under pressure to demonstrate value for students, policy, and society at large. Concurrently, the management and leadership of universities differs by institution and often prioritises one need other others. The three main goals that have persisted across the development of Higher Education in the Western world are; the higher education of students, the advancement of knowledge and service to those outside the university. In the history of the Western university one of these goals has always dominated. A university cannot function fully if it must interpret two of its goals in ways that serve a third. The Fully Functioning University introduces the concept of a 'post-Humboldtian university' which values each of these goals in its own right, and the 'fully functioning university' as one which expresses the three goals entirely. The authors outline the sort of higher education that a fully-functioning university would offer, the implications of the concept of a ‘fully-functioning university’ for its contribution to the advancement of knowledge, and the contribution of the fully-functioning university to the service part of the tripartite mission. This timely book will be relevant for senior managers and leaders in higher education in the UK and internationally, as well as for higher education researchers and postgratudate students.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
This volume of Studies in Law, Politics and Society brings together an international and interdisciplinary array of scholars to explore issues on the cutting edge of socio-legal research. They consider the complex connections of liberal democracy, human rights, governance in and through courts, the challenges terrorism poses to criminal law, and the problematics of global governance. Taken together, the chapters in this volume point to exciting new directions for legal scholars.
Emerald Publishing Limited Re-Conceptualizing Safe Spaces: Supporting Inclusive Education
A 'safe space' is both a precondition, and one of the effects, of efforts of inclusiveness and egalitarian access to education. By creating safe spaces for learning and unlearning, researchers and practitioners have been working to strengthen the purpose of schools and universities, where education and learning are intended for everyone, with the goal of increasing critical thinking and valuing difference. Re-Conceptualizing Safe Spaces broadens the idea of a safe space that is traditionally discussed in feminist studies, to include gendered identities intersecting with class, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, and ability within multiple aspects of education. This edited collection showcases work supporting access to education of persistently marginalized individuals, as well as efforts that help privileged groups understand their role in perpetuating the marginalization of others in educational spaces, by bringing into the popular discourse examples of the diverse and valuable work taking place. Combining foundational concepts with practical cases of creating safe spaces in venues of education, this book is essential reading for educators across the USA, Europe, and beyond.
Emerald Publishing Limited Propping up the Performative School: A Critical Examination of the English Educational Paraprofessional
Much has been written about ‘performativity’ and the ‘audit culture’ in relation to the teaching profession, but this literature has been neglectful of how these might impact educational paraprofessionals. Informed by Institutional Ethnography, this book provides a critical examination of the role, practices and everyday work experiences of educational paraprofessionals. Taking the learning mentor in English state secondary education as its starting point, the study then draws on international, historical literature to trace the genealogy of this role and examines the legacy of the paraprofessional movement in 1960s USA. Ultimately, the question of the adequacy of short-term policy initiatives in the face of intractable social inequalities is explored.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Brief History of Credit in UK Higher Education: Laying Siege to the Ivory Tower
Although credit is a well-established feature of the higher education sector in the USA, it is a relatively recent and radical phenomenon in the UK. Credit is a vehicle for widening access and student choice, for curricular flexibility and mobility of learning. Credit provides a transparent, enabling framework within which students can be supported and sustained through their learning journey. Yet much of the conservative 'university establishment' in the UK university sector has been hostile to the credit project, hence credit in the UK is both championed and condemned, celebrated and feared, embedded and rejected in different settings. This book provides an introductory overview of credit, chronological chapters which trace the narrative of the history of credit in the UK higher education (decade by decade) from the ground-breaking Robbins Report of 1963 to the present day and a commentary on the developments of the past half-century. Everyone involved, or with an interest, in Higher Education should read this book, including educators (curriculum developers, tutors, assessors) and administrators, institutional leaders and student advisors. Debates about the focus, funding and future of the UK university sector is at the forefront of political and educational discourse; this book could not be more timely. Furthermore, there are no comparable books in the market. This is the first history of credit in the UK HE sector.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transformational University Leadership: A Case Study for 21st Century Leaders and Aspirational Research Universities
Universities are facing budget crises and growing competition, with many leaders clinging to older methods of leadership. This results in institutions with unprecedented deficits, decreased enrolments, and low graduation rates. What tools are necessary to succeed in the ever-changing and diversifying higher education market? In this book, the authors provide a model for leading universities in rapidly changing environments. Using the University of Houston as their case study, examining the institution’s explosive growth under the transformative leadership of President Renu Khator and her team. The President’s success in the realms of fundraising, organizational architecture, development, crisis management, and building campus culture are all facets of a revolutionary leadership model that can be replicated as a new style of academic governance. Transformational University Leadership presents a model of leadership for higher education institutions in the 21st century. With a special focus on gender and culture, the authors explore the leadership tactics and strategies university presidents use to uplift the University from a regional campus to a tier 1 research powerhouse. Offering strategies, anecdotes, and transferable methods for university leaders seeking to elevate their institution and thrive in the 21st century academic market.
Emerald Publishing Limited The International Handbook of Black Community Mental Health
This is the first international handbook on Black community mental health, focussing on key issues including stereotypes in Mental health, misdiagnoses, and inequalities/discrimination around access, services and provisions. Making use of a cultural competence framework throughout, the book covers many of the classic mental health/developmental areas such as schizophrenia, mental health disorders, ASD and ADHD, but it also looks at more controversial areas in mental health, like inequalities, racism and discrimination both in practice and in graduate school training and the supervisory experiences of black students in universities. Unique among traditional academic texts addressing mental health, the book presents rich personal accounts from Black therapists and students. Many Black students who are training to become therapists or academics in mental health report negative experiences with white university staff in terms of a lack of support, encouragement, resulting in poor graduation outcomes.While institutional racism is a major issue both in society and universities, the editors of this Handbook take personal-level racism, microaggression and everyday racism as better models for understanding and analysing both these students; racialised interaction/communication experiences with white staff at university, as well as the racialised communications and inequalities in misdiagnoses, access to services and provisions in healthcare settings with white managers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multilingual Metal Music: Sociocultural, Linguistic and Literary Perspectives on Heavy Metal Lyrics
This multi-disciplinary edited collection explores the textual analysis of heavy metal lyrics written in languages other than English, including Yiddish, Latin, Russian, Austrian German, Spanish and Italian. The volume features fascinating chapters on the role of ancient language in heavy metal, the significance of metal in minority-language communities, Slovenian mythology in metal, heavy metal lyrics and politics in the Soviet Union and Taiwan, processing bereavement in Danish black metal, cultural identity in Norwegian-medium metal, and the Kawaii metal scene in Japan, amongst others. Applying a range of methodological approaches - from literary and content analysis to quantitative corpus methods and critical approaches - the book conceptualises various forms of identity via lyrical text and identifies a number of global themes in heavy metal lyrics, including authenticity, parody and the desire to sound extreme, that reoccur across different countries and languages. The book is essential reading for researchers and students of metal music and culture, as well as those with broader interests in cultural studies, musicology, literary studies and popular culture studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transforming Information Security: Optimizing Five Concurrent Trends to Reduce Resource Drain
The information security industry is undergoing a major change, forced by the rise of end-to-end encryption, encryption that cannot be intercepted, transport protocol stack evolution, "zero trust networks", and distributed computing. While we understand the logical connections between these trends, there is little analysis of all of these trends in combination. Examination of all five trends uncovers opportunities that not only improve the state of information security and the general posture, but also lead to resource reductions necessary for information security to be sustainable. In this exciting new book from security expert Kathleen M. Moriarty, the examination of all five trends uncovers opportunities to change the state of information security. Providing a unique perspective from the center of the debates on end-to-end encryption, Moriarty explores emerging trends in both information security and transport protocol evolution, going beyond simply pointing out today's problems to providing solutions for the future of our product space.
Emerald Publishing Limited Designing Effective Library Learning Spaces in Higher Education
Modern academic libraries must respond not only to pedagogical changes, but to technological changes. Accommodating advances in technology into library space, design, and management is a critical challenge. How can modern libraries successfully integrate traditional learnings forms with digital ones? This book presents case studies and empirical evidence which focus on the current landscape and future potential posed by the changing face of libraries. Readers are invited to learn how the re-modelling and new architectural design of existing libraries can revitalise the library space and inculcate digital literacy development within their walls. The authors offer an engaging account of how libraries’ meet users’ needs and utilize stakeholder inputs to design truly innovative library spaces.
Emerald Publishing Limited Family, Identity and Mixedness: Exploring 'Mixed-Race' Identities in Scotland
For people born to parents from two socially distinctive racial groups, the answer to the question of racial identity can be far from straightforward. Exploring the lived experiences of the ‘mixed-race’ population group in Scotland, a country with distinctive national identity, this book examines how mixed Scots obtain an understanding of self through interacting with others within and beyond their home. Focusing on the impact of the family on the formation of mixed identities, this book breaks fresh ground, becoming one of the few sociological studies that brings together perspectives from mixed individuals and parents of mixed children. The book pays close attention to how members within ‘mixed-race’ families respond differently to everyday encounters of race and negotiate the greater shaping forces from wider society. Using illustrative cases drawn from in-depth interviews across a two-year period, the author offers a vibrant picture of ‘mixed-race’ experiences in modern Scotland, unravelling the complex interplay of race, social class, and imagined boundaries of Scottishness. Approaching the question of identity through a lens that combines interactionist and intersectional perspectives, Mengxi Pang invites readers to unravel the process of identity-making and its intricacies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Thinking Home on the Move: A conversation across disciplines
Home has been used in social sciences as a description, a metaphor and, more recently, as an emergent concept. The goal of this book is to illustrate its analytical power as a lens on the ways in which migrant and displaced people see their life circumstances and attempt to attach a sense of security, familiarity and control over them. Whether as a place or an aspiration towards it, home is a critical entry point into their life histories, experiences and prospects. Migrants’ rights and opportunities to make themselves at home are not just a private concern – rather, they are a major social and political question. This book addresses it through an original theoretical approach and an edited set of interviews with scholars from different national and disciplinary backgrounds. This reflexive conversation unveils the conceptual, methodological and empirical dimensions of researching home on the move and from the margins. Overall, Thinking Home on the Move is a powerful and in-depth look into what we as humans perceive as ‘home’ and what this truly means.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurship Education in Africa: A Contextual Model for Competencies and Pedagogies in Developing Countries
Entrepreneurship education as a potential antecedent of entrepreneurial spirit has too often been limited to Western theories. Entrepreneurship Education in Africa contributes to the body of knowledge of entrepreneurship education and youth entrepreneurship. The book uses Sierra Leone as a case study which dynamics are similar to other developing countries in Africa and around the world. Presenting a contextual approach to entrepreneurship education in resource-bounded contexts such as those currently faced by African countries, and in general, by developing countries, Mbeteh and Pellegrini offer a unique framework based on entrepreneurial competences and pedagogical approaches as a structure to build effective entrepreneurship education programmes within developing countries. Serving as a reference point for future researchers to engage with entrepreneurship education in developing countries, and occupying a gap in current research, Entrepreneurship Education in Africa is an important resource for scholars and professionals interested in business, entrepreneurship, and education. The Entrepreneurial Behaviour series is focused on expanding the scope of Entrepreneurial Behaviour theory and analysis and enriching practice by encouraging multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary approaches.
Emerald Publishing Limited American Life Writing and the Medical Humanities: Writing Contagion
American Life Writing and the Medical Humanities: Writing Contagion bridges a gap in the market by linking the medical humanities with disability studies. It examines how Americans have used life writing to record epidemic disease throughout history. Starting in the late 1800s with Yellow Fever and ending with the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreaks, the author tracks how American life writing changed literature, history, and medicine. Although the illness narrative genre became more popular in the mid-20th century, Americans have been writing illness narratives throughout American history. Writing Contagion focuses on American epidemics to see how these outbreaks spurred Americans into telling their stories. Looking at book-length narratives of illness and disability, the author traces the development and lineage of illness narratives from early American nonfiction writing, to literary modernism and to contemporary memoir. Viewing illness narratives as intensely interdisciplinary, the author argues that to understand both the importance and influence of this genre within American literature, illness narratives need to be read through literary, disability studies, and medical humanities frameworks to challenge ableist assumptions and demonstrate how illness narratives are of both historical and literary importance in America.
Emerald Publishing Limited Public-Private Partnerships, Capital Infrastructure Project Investments and Infrastructure Finance: Public Policy for the 21st Century
With the introduction of new market-oriented approaches to infrastructure finance policy decision-making in the national and subnational public sectors, there is a greater emphasis on the need for resource efficiency in the delivery of public services. There is also a critical need to evaluate and assess the effectiveness of infrastructure finance policy implementation. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) bring an agility and fresh perspective to the financing and delivery of public goods and services, and allow for a higher level of creativity, innovation, and flexibility during times of dynamic change and high demand for responsive solutions. By introducing a comprehensive new lens through which to view infrastructure finance policy as an instrument capable of achieving long-term national and subnational policy objectives, this study offers a unique insight into the potential benefits of the adoption of PPPs within the context of long-term capital investment planning. Through the examination of case studies from the United States, Albania and Mauritius, the author presents a transparent and integrated analysis of the role of PPPs as a policy option within this context. By demonstrating how PPPs can be utilized as a means of efficiently financing and delivering capital infrastructure projects within unified and comprehensive capital management and budgeting systems, this book is essential reading for researchers, policy decision-makers and students of public policy, capital budgeting and infrastructure finance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corruption in the Public Sector: An lnternational Perspective
This edited collection examines corruption in the public sector, assessing case studies from across the globe in order to provide an international perspective on this worldwide issue. Case studies include an examination of how corruption has been minimized in Singapore and Hong Kong; an assessment of corruption in India under Modi, who was elected on a promise to reduce corruption; a study of corruption in Bangladesh, and an evaluation of attempts to curb corruption in South Africa. This collection also includes a comparative study of corruption in Brazil and Chile, and a global perspective on the development of ethical privacy policies in e-government. The original case studies included in this book are brought together in an effort to identify common themes that impinge upon the fight against corruption, despite the particular nuances of individual nations. The contributions included in this edited collection also cover themes that are not often studied, including corruption in government procurement, the nascent issue of the 'right to privacy' stemming from e-governance, and the proclivity of governments to hide behind Official Secrets Acts to withhold information - ostensibly guaranteed under the 'right to information' which is vital in the fight against corruption. Providing a broad overview on public sector corruption, including local and national perspectives, this edited collection is essential reading for scholars of both public policy and corruption worldwide.
Emerald Publishing Limited Expatriate Leaders of International Development Projects: Creating Success in an Unforgiving Environment
Drawing on the experiences of six expatriate leaders who, collectively, had more than 78 years of experience managing United States Agency for International Development (USAID) international development projects in 26 countries around the world, this book provides a scholarly analysis of their stories, identifies factors expatriate leaders experienced managing projects, then integrates the factors into a theory that explains and helps define the success, or lack thereof, they achieved, and provides recommendations on how to deal with and overcome the issues. For decades, international development projects have played a crucial role in the delivery of U.S. foreign aid and yet, while considerable attention has been given to policymakers' foreign aid decisions concerning which countries receive U.S. foreign aid and how much each country receives, scant attention has been given to understanding the challenges encountered by the expatriate leaders recruited to manage the implementation of these international development projects, which unfold within a confluence of diverse multi-organizational contexts and culturally complex developing country environments. Even less is known about what factors these expatriate leaders experience that could explain, and help define, the success, or lack thereof, they achieve managing the implementation of these projects. This book is essential reading for international development leaders, practitioners, and scholars, as well as foreign aid policymakers, as they seek to improve international development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Criminal Justice Responses to Maternal Filicide
Milne provides a comprehensive analysis of conviction outcomes through court transcripts of 14 criminal cases in England and Wales during 2010 to 2019. Drawing on feminist theories of responsibilisation and 'gendered harm', she critically reflects on the gendered nature of criminal justice's responses to suspected infanticide.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Global Leadership
Advances in Global Leadership brings together insights from leading scholars and practitioners and presents fresh ideas from promising newcomers to the field. With its unique focus on addressing global leadership and collaboration in times of crisis, this volume is both timely and relevant during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond;This volume is split into two parts: Part 1 of the volume presents research papers that advance our conceptualization and understanding of the construct of global leadership and identify a wide range of future research topics. Part 2 takes an applied perspective, showcasing approaches and solutions to global leadership practice, development, and teaching. The editors' conclusion chapter aims to expand current thinking on global leadership and recommend future research directions to advance the field. Given its multidisciplinary focus, this book is a must-read for scholars from a diverse set of scholarly fields and practitioners with a diverse set of global leadership roles. The Advances in Global Leadership series, with its finger firmly on the pulse of this exciting field, is an indispensable compendium of knowledge on global leadership.
Emerald Publishing Limited Developing and Supporting Multiculturalism and Leadership Development: International Perspectives on Humanizing Higher Education
Humanizing education, which successfully instils values that support inclusivity and equality, should be built around cultural context and experiences derived from the work of researchers and academics. This book reviews work conducted by academics globally to uncover the strategies and tools designed to facilitate better learning and integration of inclusivity. The authors make the engaging argument that social justice education and inclusion should be an inherent part of the curriculum. Case studies from Africa to the USA and UK are showcased to demonstrate effective examples, from which readers benefit from a real-life model of a classroom environment supporting multi-culturalism. Ultimately, the book illustrates the importance of appropriate curriculum development involving all stakeholders and the integration of multicultural educational topics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Critical Librarianship
Librarianship has always had links with critical theory. As a public service, libraries cannot be separated from the society they exist in, and investigating the aspects of the culture they exist in is an important responsibility for all library and information professionals. In this exciting exploration of critical librarianship, expert authors from different walks of life investigate a variety of areas of librarianship in regards to critical theory. With chapters on feminist theory, sustainability and social justice, inclusivity, autism, and new motherhood, among others, this volume of Advances in Librarianship focuses on some of the most relevant issues of the 21st Century. With rigorous scholarship and diverse voices, Critical Librarianship is an unmissable volume of current research for all library and information professionals and researchers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Living Life to the Fullest: Disability, Youth and Voice
This co-authored text critically explores the key findings of the Living Life to the Fullest project – a project that has explored the lives, thoughts, hopes and aspirations of disabled young people living with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions. Written by disabled young people and academic researchers, the book articulates ethical co-production in social research. The prolific contemporary political and theoretical debates about life, death and the human in an age of global precarity and austerity are explored in this book. Chapters draw upon key themes and co-researchers’ priorities for writing about their lives: for example, the politics and potentials of co-production as a research method/ology; animal and human relationships; aging, time; sexuality and body image; politics, activism and disability arts and culture; and fragility, and death and dying.
Emerald Publishing Limited Anti-Abortion Activism in the UK: Ultra-sacrificial Motherhood, Religion and Reproductive Rights in the Public Sphere
Drawing from extensive ethnographic research on abortion debates in public spaces, this book explores the beliefs, motivations and practices of UK anti-abortion activists. Whilst they represent a tiny minority, there is recent evidence of an increase in activism outside UK abortion clinics; faith-based groups regularly organise 'vigils' seeking to deter service users from entering clinics. In response to this, pro-choice groups launched a campaign for buffer-zones around clinics. Although there is overwhelming public support for abortion, it remains an area of public contestation that touches on ideas about bodily autonomy, religious freedom and reproductive rights. Despite being active in the UK since before the 1967 Abortion Act, anti-abortion activism has received little attention. Taking a lived religion approach, Anti-Abortion Activism in the UK explores the sacred and profane commitments of anti-abortion activists and counter-demonstrations outside clinics, examining the contestations over space. The authors argue that as a moral reform social movement, the anti-abortion activists typically frame their activism in terms of risk and abortion harm, but their religiously-informed understanding of ultra-sacrificial motherhood as ‘natural’ for women undermines this framing. Their conservative gender and sexuality attitudes position them culturally as a moral minority. The displays of public religion are also anomalous in a country in which religion is usually seen as a private issue. Their presence outside abortion clinics causes a significant amount of distress, but public support for the establishment of safe zones outside of abortion-service provision is strong and is a proportionate response to safeguard the freedoms of those seeking abortion.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organizational Hybridity: Perspectives, Processes, Promises
This book contains Open Access chapters. As complex, intractable social problems continue to intensify, organizations respond with novel approaches that bridge multiple institutional spheres and combine forms, identities, and logics that would conventionally not go together, creating hybridity. Scholarly research on this phenomenon has expanded in tandem, drawing on varied theoretical lenses and exploring a widening array of empirical contexts.This edited volume takes stock of recent developments in the literature and sets a foundation for the next generation of research on organizational hybridity. It offers a multi-level, dynamic approach for capturing and explaining heterogeneity in how hybridity manifests and evolves within organizations and fields over time. The chapters included in the volume cover institutional logics, organizational identity, social categories, and paradox approaches to hybridity, and they examine settings ranging from social enterprise, microfinance, and impact investing to business sustainability, health care, and government. Taken as a whole, the volume provides both inspiration and analytical tools for developing timely and relevant insights to address pressing societal challenges. It is essential reading for organizational scholars, as well as leaders in business, non-profit, and public sector organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Disability Alliances and Allies: Opportunities and Challenges
In Disability Alliances and Allies: Opportunities and Challenges, Allison Carey, Joan Ostrove and Tara Fannon have gathered an interdisciplinary team of leading experts, to offer nuanced analyses of the meaning and practice of being an ally and of building effective alliances that account for the structural, individual, and interpersonal challenges involved in amplifying disabled voices and centering the disability lived experience. The first section of this volume addresses cooperation and conflict in advocacy and activism across social movements, organizations, and institutions. It examines the formation of new alliances, what happens when interests collide, and the social and economic challenges of forming coherent unions. The second section engages issues of agency, autonomy, and identity in interpersonal relationships, highlighting the role of power and status, focusing on alliance dynamics between disabled and non-disabled people. For its breadth and depth of research, this volume of Research in Social Science and Disability is essential reading for researchers and students across the social sciences interested in disability, social movements, activism, and identity.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Cultures of Knowledge Organizations: Knowledge, Learning, Collaboration (KLC)
Organizations are increasingly aware of the role that culture plays in implementing strategies. The adage ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast everyday’ shows how important it is to understand, monitor, and calibrate company culture. This means shaping the behaviour of leaders, managers, teams, and individuals. It means integrating assessment and behaviours into performance and communication strategies. Cultures – at all levels – are shifting in today’s society. It is important to understand which factors are having which effects. The Cultures of Knowledge Organizations presents a new perspective that treats organizational culture not as a static conceptual model but as a dynamic, complex and adaptive system. The authors consider how de facto organizational business cultures must function in a hyperdynamic knowledge economy. Today’s managers need real practical guidance on how to see ‘culture’, how to assess it, how to design a culture that supports business goals, and how to help the workforce understand their own role in shaping culture. This research acts as a map for 21st Century.