Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Challenge Based Learning
Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) is a cutting-edge educational approach that integrates traditional learning modules (theory and practice) with real-life challenges that require innovative solutions and that can be applied to a variety of subjects. As the first landmark work on this innovative methodology, The Emerald Handbook of Challenge Based Learning offers an in-depth exploration on how to conceive, design, implement, monitor, and develop CBL initiatives in Higher Education Institutions. International experts explore the use of CBL in different disciplines at university level, and present findings from its implementation based on students’ first-hand experiences. They provide real examples on how to implement CBL in different disciplines and formats, from face to face to blended deliveries. Crucially, they offer ways to implement CBL effectively in disciplines less connected to CBL practice, such accounting, finance, marketing and sustainability, food technology, biomedicine, and ICT to name a few. Results, from the implementations reported, suggest that CBL increases students’ understandings of real-life settings and is conducive to students’ development of 21st century skills. Given the shift in education towards finding solutions to real life challenges, particularly in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, this novel handbook will be crucial reading for researchers, course designers, and teachers across a range of subject areas, and those interested in improving teaching methods, and adopting new teaching styles, across higher education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Machine Translation and Global Research: Towards Improved Machine Translation Literacy in the Scholarly Community
In the global research community, English has become the main language of scholarly publishing in many disciplines. At the same time, online machine translation systems have become increasingly easy to access and use. Is this a researcher’s match made in heaven, or the road to publication perdition? Here Lynne Bowker and Jairo Buitrago Ciro introduce the concept of machine translation literacy, a new kind of literacy for scholars and librarians in the digital age. For scholars, they explain how machine translation works, how it is (or could be) used for scholarly communication, and how both native and non-native English-speakers can write in a translation-friendly way in order to harness its potential. Native English speakers can continue to write in English, but expand the global reach of their research by making it easier for their peers around the world to access and understand their works, while non-native English speakers can write in their mother tongues, but leverage machine translation technology to help them produce draft publications in English. For academic librarians, the authors provide a framework for supporting researchers in all disciplines as they grapple with producing translation-friendly texts and using machine translation for scholarly communication—a form of support that will only become more important as campuses become increasingly international and as universities continue to strive to excel on the global stage. Machine Translation and Global Research is a must-read for scientists, researchers, students, and librarians eager to maximize the global reach and impact of any form of scholarly work.
Emerald Publishing Limited SMASH: Using Market Shaping to Design New Strategies for Innovation, Value Creation, and Growth
Stunningly, strategy has never adequately defined one of its central institutions, the market. Old playbooks got away with a hodgepodge of assertions, assumptions and approximations. But the undeniable complexity of modern markets confronts us with the truth. Markets are elaborate, evolving ecosystems – think biology, not machinery. Today, strategy must embrace complexity or die. Recognizing markets as complex adaptive systems spells strategic implications. Notably, as markets are partly socially constructed, they can be reconstructed. And while they cannot be predicted or controlled, they can be influenced. Rooted in the richness of market systems, SMASH traces the three main resulting shifts in strategic thinking: (1) from firm focus to context focus, where the relevant context is our definition of the market; (2) from competing and winning to value creation and cooperation; and (3) from analysis, prediction and planning to non-predictive strategizing and experimentation. Nenonen and Storbacka weave these three strands together into a cohesive strategic framework – Strategies for Market Shaping. Market shaping strategies acknowledge that much of firm performance is explained by the markets where a firm operates. Crucially, strategic choices go beyond market selection, entry and exit; firms should actively seek to adapt the market to the firm instead of the firm to the market, and open up untapped value in the process. Market shaping is not new. What is new is systematizing an actionable framework for understanding and shaping markets. And the good news: It does not take market power and resources, or intuitive genius, to shape markets to your own benefit. SMASH offers tangible strategies that savvy market shapers of any size can implement, making it a must-read.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tribal Wisdom for Business Ethics
Long before Columbus, American Indians had trading routes all across the Americas. How did they maintain this extensive network of trading relationships through the centuries? In this ground-breaking book, leading native and non-native scholars present a fascinating view of American Indian tribal values and indigenous cultures. This 'Tribal Wisdom' offers an ethic of business practice that is relationship-based and community-oriented, fostering a harmonious web of life which includes the natural environment. Many of these traditions have shaped daily conduct in business and personal life among Native Americans for centuries and today the wider business world could find use from relating these tribal values to both ethics and sustainability. Indigenous values incorporate a world-view which recognizes that the natural environment is alive and living a life as important as, and also essential to, human well-being. This indigenous sense of "relationship" begins with the relationship between humans and the natural environment, and then extends to the relationships between and among people. For this reason, indigenous American Indian values embody the very essence of sustainability.
Emerald Publishing Limited Handbook of Transport Geography and Spatial Systems
Transport systems, the vital arteries of modern societies and economies, shape our world and are shaped by it. The subject of this volume is the dynamic interactions between transport and the physical, economic, and human geographies it weaves through. Transport plays a central role in economic development and growth. It profoundly affects the socio-economic characteristics and spatial form of urban centres and rural areas alike. A new transport link can bring increases in population, in employment, in industrial activity, in wealth. In turn, these changes can lead to demands for further transport improvements. All these factors are explored in the section on Transport and Spatial Form. Sections on Land-use/Transportation Modelling and Data then discuss how to obtain appropriate data and model these transport-geographic phenomena. The past decade has seen substantial research efforts devoted to improving transport modelling techniques, and the state of the art is described here. GIS and GPS are powerful technologies with a wide range of potential applications in this field, in which great advances have been made in recent years. Each therefore has a whole section devoted to it, both to established applications and to those yet to be fully exploited. While all these and the section on Network Analysis may be regarded as core areas, topics on the frontiers are also covered in this comprehensive volume, with sections on Spatial Cognition, GeoSimulation, and Time Use. Each chapter was specially commissioned from an acknowledged world expert on its topic. Each offers an overview and useful insights to those familiar with the area as well as those new to it. Systematic and thorough in its creation, current and accessible in its content, and authoritative and international in its authorship, the "Handbook of Transport Geography and Spatial Systems" will be the definitive reference work on this important subject.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transgenerational Technology and Interactions for the 21st Century: Perspectives and Narratives
Transgenerational Technology and Interactions for the 21st Century explores how we as humans navigate the 21st Century, interacting with technologies, including those that are intended to support and enhance our experiences across the lifespan. This manifesto, composed with humanity at the front and centre, pinpoints succinctly the critical considerations of people, technology and inequalities intersecting across our 21st century ecosystems. With a special focus on bridging interdisciplinary research, creative and co-production approaches, the authors explore and present cutting edge discourse, building on previous research to form contemporary and inform future awareness and strategies to societal experiences. The authors argue that it is time to re-evaluate how we move forward in a multi-faceted society, with the ever growing reliance of technology but yet many voices are not heard, left behind or not even considered. This creative and collaborative response is suited to researchers, academics, designers, industry and stakeholder professionals who have an interest the fields of technology, design, sociology and innovation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Non-Financial Disclosure and Integrated Reporting: Practices and Critical Issues
The financial crisis of 2008 and its economic and social aftermath have highlighted the limits and risks of an increasingly global and embedded economy. Weakening society's trust in organizations and institutions, this has led to calls for new strategic paradigms that focus more on the ethical conduct of organizations. Performance measurement for sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) plays a central role in these new contexts. The landscape of performance measurement and reporting is changing quickly, with calls for more integrated reporting and compulsory non-financial disclosures. Keeping up with those changes is a significant concern of managers in many organizations. Including research on the effectiveness and quality of non-financial disclosure, CSR/sustainability disclosure and Integrated Reporting, this exciting new volume looks to bridge the gaps in environmental, social and financial performance so managers can understand and successfully implement a broader, integrated view of performance measurement and reporting. Aimed at researchers and managers interested in performance measurement, this volume includes innovative research that sheds light on topics such as the determinants of disclosure quality, the identification of appropriate metrics, the relationship among the different disclosure mechanisms and between voluntary and mandatory disclosure, and many more.
Emerald Publishing Limited Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Belarus
Since 1991, the eyes of the world have been on the economic growth and development of the states that formerly made up the Soviet Union. Looking at Belarus’s industrial structure, economic growth, and economic prospects, this edited collection analyses why Belarus is considered ahead of many of its neighbour states in terms of human development. Looking across both medium- and long-term economic growth, editor Bruno S. Sergi brings together a cast of expert contributors to analyse the foreign and domestic policies that affect Belarus’s economy. Across the 20 chapters included in the book, the contributors explore the largest industries in Belarus, including the financial, technology, tourism, and energy industries. With chapters on foreign investments, exports and imports, and regional policy, this is a text that looks across the whole breadth of the economy. Finally, the contributors suggest factors to increase the growth of Belarus’s economy, such as launching smart cities, expanding logistic services and the tourism and hospitality industry, and the modernization of the agrarian sector. For students and researchers in political economy, or international economics, this is a vital text exploring an important, but underrepresented, economy.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives of Management: Challenges and Opportunities
Whilst existing studies on research management focus on single disciplinary perspectives in isolation, this new collection integrates a range of theories and business models from multiple fields to offer insights and examples of cross-disciplinary management perspectives. As the workplace environment encounters increased disruption and discontinuity, both researchers and practitioners are facing new and unique managerial challenges. Using alternative research methods from two or more scientific and practitioner disciplines, including Sociology, Politics, Psychology and Technology, the chapters suggest numerous solutions to a wide range of challenges. Some of the challenges explored include: Mind-Genomics and data-driven personalized health plans; the high failure rate of mergers and acquisitions; business ecosystems and start-ups; and, international businesses confronting globalization. Generating innovative research findings, as well as practical managerial solutions, The Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives of Management: Challenges and Opportunities aids both scholars and managers to find solutions to existing managerial challenges across a range of industries and disciplines.
Emerald Publishing Limited Models of Risk Preferences: Descriptive and Normative Challenges
Behavioural economists have developed alternatives to Expected Utility Theory as descriptive and normative models of risk preferences. One popular view is that these alternative descriptive models are generally better descriptively, but that they tend to be inferior normative models for guiding risky decisions. Models of Risk Preferences collects studies that critically review these two claims from the perspective of experimental economics. The Research in Experimental Economics series focuses on laboratory experimental economics, but includes theoretical, empirical, or field economic research to encompass the broader experimental economics community.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gen Z Around the World: Understanding the Global Cohort Culture of Generation Z
As Generation Z transitions into adulthood, communication, technology, commerce, education, politics, health, travel, and work have become increasingly globalized. But, most studies about Generation Z have been conducted independently by researchers in various countries regarding their specific populations. While this is useful from a national perspective, these studies typically employ different methodologies, survey questions, and even timing, making it challenging to compare data across geographic and cultural boundaries. More so, it becomes challenging to gain an understanding of the global Generation Z cohort. Gen Z Around the World, however, incorporates research from eighty-one countries to provide a holistic view of Generation Z. The researchers present chapters on everything ranging from communication, happiness, and learning styles to emotional wellbeing, career values, and social change. Learning about Generation Z from a worldwide perspective can expand our understanding to better work with, engage with, supervise, and educate young people in every corner of the globe.
Emerald Publishing Limited Microfinance and Development in Emerging Economies: An Alternative Financial Model for Advancing the SDGs
Globally, 1.7 billion people live in poverty and are unable to access financial services. They do not have physical collateral and creditors are reluctant to invest in them. Yet in India, microfinance is being used to reduce poverty, empower women, and boost development. In Microfinance and Development in Emerging Economies, Nishi Malhotra argues that the financial services provided to low-income groups or individuals through microfinance and group lending outside the traditional financial system are the best way to combat these problems and address the economic exclusion that blights so many. Using India as a case study, Malhotra examines the Indian government’s use of various social welfare programmes to increase both financial literacy and social equality and ultimately achieve sustainable development. Suitable for bankers, teachers, policymakers, and students, this book clearly identifies the practical and theoretical implications of this alternative microfinance model.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cross-Cultural Undergraduate Internships: A Toolkit for Empowering the Next Generation
Life-defining experiential learning opportunities, especially international ones, do not “just happen”: they are carefully and purposefully designed. Responding to the needs of institutions, businesses, and non-profits, Cross-Cultural Undergraduate Internships provides the critical know-how for designing, measuring, and assessing roles that can kickstart student growth and empowerment. Featuring the Sant’Anna Institute, an Italian educational organization that offers study abroad programs in partnership with American universities, as a core case study, chapters showcase lived experiences to identify the characteristics that make an undergraduate cross-cultural internship useful for the development of both the individual and the organization. Advising on logistical considerations such as renumeration, evaluation, and duration, as well as exploring the broader impact and effectiveness of such programs, the authors propose a toolkit for institutions and organizations to design and evaluate undergraduate internships with a global reach that is in line with new needs in the world of work. A breakthrough text for designing a complete and formative internship experience and for coaching students to consciously engage in intercultural environments, Cross-Cultural Undergraduate Internships provides a roadmap for crafting effective learning experiences that will shape the next generation of scholars, activists, and professionals.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary Approaches in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Strategic and Technological Perspectives
Despite the increased push for equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in recent years, such initiatives still remain a secondary part of many businesses’ organisational focus. However, an effective EDI strategy has the potential to create tangible long-term benefits that go beyond social media solidarity and statistical appearances, enhancing employee productivity and satisfaction, improving organisational performance and fostering the dynamism needed to think critically and creatively in today’s competitive global market. Highlighting concepts and practices across a variety of global contexts, Contemporary Approaches in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion features topics such as mindfulness, employee perceptions, Industry 4.0, bottom-up strategy, global entrepreneurship and flexible working. Rooted in strategic and technological perspectives, chapters share specific examples, proving how inclusive, digitally oriented discourses can be nurtured to create powerful change. Encouraging individuals to adapt and businesses to reshape their resources, capabilities and everyday practices, this book grounds the contemporary workplace in an EDI mindset that looks beyond temporary pressures and trends to a strong, inclusive future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Looking for Information: Examining Research on How People Engage with Information
This fifth edition of Looking for Information is redesigned to reflect the breadth of research across information behaviour studies, with a new streamlined, six-chapter structure, presenting a refreshed look at people’s information needs and seeking practices, while also embracing contemporary concepts such as information use, creation, and embodiment. This edition retains its core purpose by highlighting essential aspects of research on people’s information behaviours, including detailed examples from more than 1200 research publications. The authors present historic works (including those focused on people’s occupations) alongside contemporary research addressing the situations and contexts that shape people’s experiences. Studies using innovative methodological or theoretical approaches, and those reflecting ongoing shifts towards interdisciplinarity are also featured. The authors carefully balance quick access to summaries and highlights, alongside long-form narratives, while retaining the content and focus that readers of Looking for Information have come to expect. Each chapter serves as a stand-alone piece of writing, with its own reference list and Must-Read recommendations, facilitating e-reading and inclusion on course syllabi. All these features will enhance readers’ experiences of this new edition.
Emerald Publishing Limited Understanding and Responding to Economic Abuse
Despite being recognised by victim-survivors as a tactic used by abusers, economic abuse has received little attention in research, policy, or practice. Written by an internationally recognised expert on economic abuse, this powerful book provides a crucial validation of the lived experience of victim-survivors, and highlights the urgent need to develop effective responses to the issue. Breaking fresh ground, Understanding and Responding to Economic Abuse exposes the many ways in which abusers seek to control their intimate partners through economic resources and reinforces the importance of holding abusers accountable for their behaviour. Whilst the focus of this book is on Westminster policy in the UK, the author highlights how the case for ‘naming’ and defining economic abuse in statute has wider resonance. Making a trailblazing case for recognising this form of abuse, Sharp-Jeffs argues the case to expand the coordinated community response model to domestic abuse to address economic control through involving ‘non-traditional’ stakeholders such as money/debt advice organisations and the financial services sector, alongside specialist domestic abuse services and statutory agencies. Coming in the wake of the Domestic Abuse Act (2021), which broadened discourse from financial to economic abuse, Sharp-Jeffs turns our attention to this critical momentum for change and makes an important step towards shining a light on a form of coercive and controlling behaviour which has been invisible for too long.
Emerald Publishing Limited Improving Outcomes for Looked After Children
Providing support for practitioners and leaders at all levels in education, this book discusses why there is a need to rethink how we provide support for looked after children and young people in a positive way that will encourage a path into education, training, or employment when they leave school. Horsburgh presents case studies based on interviews with looked after children of primary school age, their carers, teachers, and support staff. Each study illustrates aspects of the social context within which looked after children were supported and presents examples of each child’s experience of learning, drawn from discussions with staff and children. This is merged with evidence from observation to compile each profile. These provide the reader with a vicarious account of the looked after children’s experience of school and the different ways in which they are supported to engage in learning. Reflective questions and audit tasks accompany the case studies to support practitioners in reviewing and improving the support that they provide for looked after children and their carers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance
Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics, and Finance is an annual publication designed to focus on interdisciplinary research in finance, economics, and management among Pacific Rim countries. All articles published are reviewed and recommended by at least two members of editorial board. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:1. Policy and management on financial markets and financial institutions 2. Options, futures and other derivatives markets 3. Corporate finance and investment decisions 4. Insurance and risk management 5. Accounting, auditing and taxation 6. Marketing, management, and business policies of the Pacific Rim countries 7. Interdisciplinary issues on supply chain, finance, and marketing 8. Monetary and foreign exchange policy 9. Income, employment and other economic policies among the Pacific Rim countries
Emerald Publishing Limited The Disruptive Power of Online Education: Challenges, Opportunities, Responses
The higher education sector is being disrupted through the effect that technological innovations have on the educational market. As digital and mobile technologies are developing further, higher education institutions must embrace these developments to meet the needs of their learners and to not become irrelevant. In higher education, disruptive effects are mainly visible on a program/product level, with an increasing number of programs including some element of online education. Disruptive effects also become evident on a pedagogical level, where student engagement, collaboration and social learning, gamification and serious games, competency-based learning, teacher training, and overcoming geosocial divides are high on the agenda. This book considers the effect of online elements and their design on university business models and internationalization, course design, massive open online courses (MOOCs), and the scalability of online programs. It also explores how higher education institutions across the globe respond and react to the challenges and opportunities evolving in online education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sexual Violence on Campus: Power-Conscious Approaches to Awareness, Prevention, and Response
Activists have been working to call attention to the problem of campus sexual violence for decades, and in recent years, policymakers, campus administrators, and researchers have begun to make serious efforts to address this issue. Despite this increase in attention, many campus leaders still struggle to effectively address campus sexual violence, often over-relying on policy to address sexual violence after it happens, rather than working to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Moreover, rates of sexual victimization on college campuses have not changed in 60 years, highlighting the need for a change in action, training and behaviour. The root of sexual violence is power oppression, yet most policies and practices are based on identity- and power-neutral perspectives. Well-intended prevention efforts frequently focus on teaching potential victims how not to get raped, rather than teaching potential perpetrators not to rape. Further, most policies, practices, and research focus on only one type of victim of sexual violence: a white cisgender heterosexual college woman. Strategies that fail to account for the ways sexual violence and power intersect cannot deliver effective solutions. Based on a wide-ranging review of research, combined with her 10 years’ of experience as an educator and co-ordinator of services for survivors of campus sexual violence, Chris Linder advances a power-conscious lens to challenge student activists, administrators, educators, and policy makers to develop more nuanced approaches to sexual violence awareness, response, and prevention on college campuses.
Emerald Publishing Limited From Austerity to Abundance?: Creative Approaches to Coordinating the Common Good
This volume explores the ways in which civil society and governments employ transformative tactics of direct engagement in coordinating efforts toward the common good. The chapters highlight alternatives that are philosophically and pragmatically different from neoliberal austerity measures, which reduce coproduction to a cost-saving tactic. Instead of simplistic load-shedding and unfunded partnerships, collaborative governance and coproduction increasingly take on characteristics of social movements, wherein direct citizen engagement in public policy making and administrative implementation are seen as the collective pursuit of human flourishing and abundance. These approaches counter the status quo - both in terms of power dynamics and standard operating procedures. Civil society is increasingly reclaiming its roots in the more informal mechanisms of social movements. As governments reach out to engage these groups, they must develop a new stance toward collaboration - one that sees power as a generative force when shared rather than held through hierarchical or competitive dominance. This book shows how, through this transformation, genuine public value can be produced.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethics, Equity, and Inclusive Education
This volume focuses on professional ethics and the moral dimensions of inclusive education. The significance of ethics in inclusive education has been noted by numerous scholars, however, to date, a comprehensive review does not exist in the field. Grounded in an examination of international conceptualizations of ethics and inclusion, this book provides a comprehensive analysis of current understandings of professional ethics in the context of inclusive education and the many issues associated with its practice. The first chapters provide an overview of ethics and inclusive education, including; discussions on inclusion as ethical in nature based on an argument of inclusion as a human right; an examination of ethics and epistemology as it relates to inclusion; and the role of administrators in ethical practice. The second section focuses on practical issues related to ethical challenges, issues, and dilemmas in inclusive classrooms and teaching practice. The roles of the teacher, the co-teacher, and colleagues, which include administrators, specialists, and staff, are examined. Moreover, practice related problems are discussed including assessment, emergent curriculum, and meeting the needs of gifted learners in inclusive settings.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inquiry-Based Learning for the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators
Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a learner-centered and active learning environment where deep learning is cultivated by a process of inquiry owned by the learner. IBL has its roots in a constructivist educational philosophy and it is oriented around at least three components: 1) exploration and discovery (e.g. problem-based learning, open meaning-making), 2) authentic investigations using contextualized learning (e.g. field studies, case studies), and 3) research-based approach (e.g. research-based learning, project-based learning). IBL encourages more self-regulated learning because the primary responsibility is on the learners to determine the issues and research questions and the resources they need to address the questions. In this way, learning occurs across all learning domains (affective, cognitive, and social) because different types of knowledge are acquired though experience with complex, real-life problems. This volume serves as a conceptual and practical resource and guide for educators and offers practical examples of IBL in action and diverse strategies for how to implement IBL in different contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Democracies: Challenges to Societal Health
Volume 19 in the "Research in Political Sociology" series is devoted to health problems, challenges and accomplishments in democratic societies. It includes papers addressing health systems, health policies, obstacles to societal healthy behaviors, and/or health conditions that are experienced in democratic societies in the world. The democratic society is understood in a broadly defined term. It includes developed Western democracies, as well as less developed or underdeveloped countries that have democratic system. According to such definition, the category "democracies" includes democratic countries that have well established democratic system and respect broad network of people rights, as well as democracies that are formally consider democratic states but de facto respect only a few rights or their governments are guided by limited democratic principles. Therefore, the collection of the 19th volume of "Research in Political Sociology" includes papers addressing these issues in a broad spectrum of countries from India, Sri Lanka and Tanzania, to Sweden, Canada and the United States.
Emerald Publishing Limited FIDIC 2017: The Contract Manager’s Handbook
FIDIC 2017: The Contracts Manager’s Handbook is a practical guide to the effective use of the management procedures within the 2017 FIDIC suite of contracts. The book gives step-by-step guidance through the use of flowcharts, timelines and case studies drawn from the author’s experience, showing how to manage the contract effectively, and explaining exactly what is expected of each of the parties and when. Key features of the book suitable for all levels – for experienced users the book highlights and explains the developments introduced in the latest editions; and for new users the book presents a complete overview and step-by-step guide on using the contracts effectively clear explanations of contractual provisions behind the procedures and potentially important legal requirements coverage across the project life cycle, emphasising the importance of the provisions during the pre-contract phase, and procedures for efficient contract management post-contract award a guide to the second editions of FIDIC Red, Yellow and Silver Books, as well as special provisions imposed by the World Bank and other Multilateral Development Banks, and modifications introduced by the 2022 Reprints. FIDIC 2017: The Contracts Manager’s Handbook is an essential companion for all users of the FIDIC 2017 suite of contracts, and in particular for users from any level or position in the management chain, whether Employer, Engineer or Contractor.
Emerald Publishing Limited Interactions and Intersections of Gendered Bodies at Work, at Home, and at Play
The articles in the volume examine the intersection of gender with other characteristics in a variety of settings including factory floors and corporate offices, welfare offices, state legislatures, the armed forces, universities, social clubs and playing fields. Central themes running through several of the articles include how men and women conceive their identities and their futures and talk about and manage their work, family and leisure lives, how women view their bodies and images, and the progress women have - or have not - made in over-coming poverty and advancing in the corporate, legislative and military worlds. The research sites include Canada, Cuba, England, Greece, Israel, Mexico and the United States. As in previous volumes in the series, the authors employ a range of qualitative and quantitative methodologies and build on the current literature. Most of the articles have policy implications and are designed to stimulate further research. The volume is introduced with an essay by the editor and framed by an article about feminist intersectional research.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Frontiers in Ethnography
This volume seeks to address continuities and innovations within the ethnographic canon. It uses Hammersley's (1991) book "What's Wrong with Ethnography" to open and situate the debate, but then moves to engage with contemporary debates and arguments on both sides of the Atlantic. Today, ethnography has matured to become the dominant research paradigm in some sub-disciplines, but it has also been forced to adapt in response to the theoretical challenge of post-structuralism. The book examines in detail the way some more innovative and problematic ways ethnographers have reacted. Throughout, the book seeks to present a critical, realised evaluation of the strength and limitations of ethnography for the future, by celebrating recent innovations, unusual applications or instances of ethnographic practice. Like Hammersley's book in 1991, it faces and challenges fundamental questions regarding ethnography's very contribution to knowledge. The chapters in this volume are designed to appeal to the novice and the experienced ethnographer; for those embarking on ethnographic work for the first time as well as those looking to move into new methodological directions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Jobs, Training, and Worker Well-Being
This volume contains twelve cutting edge papers contributing new research to important issues concerning worker welfare. The research deals with earnings inequality, discrimination, the effects of migration, and economic policy. Answers to a number of policy related questions are given including: Why are jobs designed the way they are? Does seniority-based pay provide a sufficient motivation for workers? Do sex-segregated firms grow more quickly than firms more equally divided by gender? What policies are effective in combating discrimination? Why is relative rural-urban income inequality so much greater in China than the US? How does migrating from one region to another affect one's child's schooling decisions? Do higher migration levels affect native worker wages?
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism Branding: Communities in Action
Academic studies have predominantly treated destination branding as a marketing phenomenon that happens to involve tourists as customers in a marketplace. "Tourism Branding: Communities in Action", the first volume in a new and exciting book series, considers a traditional marketing subject from multidisciplinary perspectives. Refreshingly this book attempts to free branding research and practice in tourism fields from the shackles of marketing that are dominated by the conventional approach of product, price, place, and promotion. Considering tourism branding as a community affair, this collection is distinguished from other publications by adopting a global and more multidisciplinary approach, and brings the subject of tourism branding outside of the conventional domains of marketing and destination. Special attention is given to the role and expectations of main tourism stakeholders, particularly residents, business, and government in the hosting community. Built on theoretical foundations with both empirical findings and practical cases, this book brings together different perspectives and offers an intellectual and open dialogue among academics and practitioners of the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Civil Society in Comparative Perspective
This book presents a collection of comparative studies of civil society around two main issues: the comparison and analysis of civil society regimes in relation to different constructions of citizenship and welfare states and the role of civil society in governance and active participation of citizens. The first part of the book is concerned with comparisons of civil society institutional frameworks and regimes. In this section the contributions address the ways institutional cross-countries comparisons may be undertaken and discuss the extent to which common trends or divergent tendencies characterize national civil societies. The second part focuses on the role of civil society as a vector of citizens' participation and as an avenue for democracy. Democratic citizenship is often considered as requiring, in addition to a set of formal rights and obligations, a public sphere within which citizens can actively participate within and beyond the state. Building on international comparisons the articles in this section discuss the extent to and the modalities by which civil society is crucial to the functioning of democracy and the plain exercise of citizenship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sociological Reflections on the Neurosciences
This volume addresses the need for sociological insight through empirically rich, theoretically innovative chapters that range across methods, traditions and foci in order to cast new light on the place, role and impact of neuroscience.
Emerald Publishing Limited Enhancing Competences for Competitive Advantage
This volume explores ways in which an organization's existing competences can be enhanced as sources of competitive advantage - either enduring or intendedly transitional. Competence enhancing activities considered include political lobbying to extend the lifetime and value of a firm's competences, expanding services to enhance the value of manufacturing capabilities, initiating knowledge management projects, strategically adapting a firm's governance structures to take advantage of government policy initiatives, staging development of competences in internationalization processes, improving capabilities in managing alliances, understanding the factors conducive to entrepreneurial action-taking, and using individual competency development in self-managing processes for organizational competence building.
Emerald Publishing Limited Pedestrian Behavior: Models, Data Collection and Applications
Studies of pedestrian behaviour have recently gained a lot of attention in a variety of disciplines, including urban planning, transportation, civil engineering, computer science/artificial intelligence and applied physics. Various kinds of models for simulating pedestrian behaviour have been suggested. Moreover, new technologies have been used to collect data about pedestrian movement patterns. The aim of this book is to document these new developments in research and modelling approaches. In this book, leading scholars representing different modelling approaches and fields of application have written chapters about the analysis and modelling of pedestrian movement patterns. Modelling approaches include cellular automata models, fluid dynamics, discrete choice models, rule-based models, multi-agent models and models of bounded rationality. The chapters illustrate that these model can be successfully used to simulate phenomena such as lane formation, crowding, activity-patterns, path decisions, micro-behaviour, impulse buying and store choice behaviour. Finally, the book contains some interesting application of this body of research. These chapters and paragraphs demonstrate the applied potential of models of pedestrian behaviour.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multi-Level Issues In Organizational Behavior And Leadership
"Multi-Level Issues in Organizational Behavior and Leadership" is Volume 8 of "Research in Multi-Level Issues", an annual series that provides an outlet for the discussion of multi-level problems and solutions across a variety of fields of study. Similar to Volumes 1 through 7, this volume contains five major essays with commentaries and rebuttals that cover a range of topics, but in the realms of organizational behavior and leadership. In particular, the five 'critical essays' offer extensive literature reviews, new model developments, methodological advancements, and some data for the study of organizational behavior, outstanding leadership, leadership and social relations, leadership simulation, and enviroscapes. While each of the major essays, and its associated commentaries and rebuttals, is unique in orientation, all of the essays share a common bond in raising and addressing multi-level issues or discussing problems and solutions that involve multiple levels of analysis in organizational behavior and leadership.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Global Leadership
The urgency of a deeper understanding of the nature and development of leaders who can be effective across multiple contexts and national boundaries has never been more apparent. "The Advances in Global Leadership Series" seeks to contribute to this understanding by presenting original papers by academics, practitioners and consultants actively engaged in global leadership from multiple perspectives. Volume 5 of this series includes chapters on: personality, leadership and globalization; the roles of international experience, experiential learning, and cultural intelligence in developing global leaders; an integrative framework for assessing, coaching and developing global leaders; developing balanced global leadership teams; leadership in strategic alliances; leadership in the Mid-East, Korea and Europe; leadership and environmental scanning; and, ethical leadership. Authors of this title come from China, Ireland, Korea, Singapore, U.K. and USA.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sociology of Tourism: European Origins and Developments
Currently there is abundant evidence of the quasi-total domination of the sociology and anthropology of tourism by academics from the English-speaking world, a situation that appears to be aided and abetted by the publishers of books and articles in that language. This volume is the first attempt of its kind to familiarise readers in the US, UK, Australia and the English speaking regions of Africa and Asia with such evolutionary thinking. In such a manner, also, it will be possible to discern, contextualize and better appreciate the European roots of subsequent theorising in the Anglophone world, thereby enabling a more accurate assessment of its hitherto unchallenged claims to originality.
Emerald Publishing Limited Kink and Everyday Life: Interdisciplinary Reflections on Practice and Portrayal
The term 'kink' evokes a variety of cultural responses ranging from curiosity and arousal to disgust and fear. Many of these responses are based on assumptions about its practices and participants, due to often inaccurate and ever-more-frequent representations in popular culture. These selected authors challenge those assumptions and emphasize how a number of non-normative sexual activities and ways of being can be empowering and liberating rather than deleterious or 'deviant', helping to bring the world of kink out of the shadows. They illuminate past and present kinky phenomena by exploring BDSM, experimentation, fetishism, gender bending, performativity, and sexual role-playing, as experienced in a variety of domains and represented in literature, film, and television. Contributing to revised notions of inclusivity and acceptance, this interdisciplinary work deftly identifies both historical and current approaches to understanding and analyzing kink, and pinpoints avenues for future research. It is an important addition to the emergent areas of BDSM and kink studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Luxury Management for Hospitality and Tourism
Luxury is an ever-evolving concept with various interpretations in the domain of hospitality and tourism. The understanding of luxury hospitality and travel has revolved around exclusive and authentic experiences, nuanced by finer things with a focus on value rather than price. The marketing of luxury products and services has become increasingly complex as these products and services are associated not only with an image of quality, performance, and authenticity but also with how extreme experiences and products fulfil the lifestyle constructs of consumers. The Emerald Handbook of Luxury Management for Hospitality and Tourism brings together global philosophies, principles and practices in luxury tourism management from both supply and demand perspectives. Several global case studies are presented, further illustrating the changing paradigms of luxury travel market and consumers enabling insight into the upcoming global luxury travel market. Encompassing the vibrant case studies and contemporary discussions on luxury hospitality and tourism developments during the post-pandemic era, this volume will serve as an essential resource for students, researchers, and industry practitioners of hospitality, tourism, management, and marketing consumer behavior, and consumer studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Spectacle of Criminal Justice: Mass Media and the Criminal Trial
In a world defined by and lived through media spectacle, nearly every part of human existence can now be documented, watched, and scrutinised. When mass media has the power to make the mundane not only visible but also entertaining, how have issues surrounding criminal justice, crime, and death taken centre stage in this media-saturated social world? Presenting for the first time in a published work the concept of Spectacular Justice, which was developed during the author’s doctoral research, Smith delves into how institutions of justice, such as criminal trials, as well as public expressions of justice, such as rage and grief, are played out in the media. Using media archival data, this book examines four murder case studies to develop a conceptual toolkit, designed to help the reader make sense of the complex position of justice in the spotlight. Taking the cases of Charles Lindbergh Jr, James Bulger, Jodi Arias, and Anders Breivik, Smith examines each through the lens of three key characters (Victim, Perpetrator, and Expert), and explores how human stories contribute both to the visibility of the case, and the thriving of justice spectacle. Highlighting the value of bridging the disciplinary divide between criminology and death studies, this book also demonstrates how spectacular justice is often most conspicuous at the intersection between crime and death. It is appealing reading for scholars interested in Criminology, Sociology, Death studies, and Media.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Creative PhD: Challenges, Opportunities, Reflection
Doctorates awarded based on artefact and exegeses, and enabled through creative-led research, are a minority enrolment which suffer from wildly diverse examination expectations and assumptions about quality. Widening the disciplinary parameters and currency of this kind of doctorate, The Creative PhD is the first book that challenges the standards, structure and value of this research. The authors, themselves leading authorities on doctoral education, break fresh ground by demonstrating that rather than being intrinsically wedded to the creative arts or media studies, arts-based research practice doctorates can transcend traditional humanities subjects, becoming instead a model of organizing knowledge, developing methodologies and presenting research. Offering a critical reflection on the contemporary state of the PhD, the authors probe and reshape creative-led research to increase transparency for doctoral students, supervisors and examiners, inviting readers to access a new pathway to how original research is created, supervised and assessed.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Lived Experience of Work and City Rhythms: A Rhythmanalysis of London’s Square Mile
The Lived Experience of Work and City Rhythms looks at the working environment, with a focus on the geographical workplace and how this affects the experience of our working lives. It raises key questions such as: Does where we work affect our experience of work? What is the relationship between place and work? What is it like to work in a place dominated by a particular industry or sector? The book draws on empirical research carried out in the City of London - the heart of the UK's financial services sector. The 'Square Mile', as it is also known, is widely perceived to be a distinctive place because of its architecture, history, traditions, and culture. Exploring how the City is experienced as a workplace, this book also presents a method of researching such places through an attention to, and analysis of, their spatial and temporal rhythms. By illuminating how we experience the places where we work, this book explores what makes us feel that we fit in - or don’t fit in - to certain places, how a sense of place endures, and how the relationship between people, place, and work can be researched.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transgenerational Technology and Interactions for the 21st Century: Perspectives and Narratives
Transgenerational Technology and Interactions for the 21st Century explores how we as humans navigate the 21st Century, interacting with technologies, including those that are intended to support and enhance our experiences across the lifespan. This manifesto, composed with humanity at the front and centre, pinpoints succinctly the critical considerations of people, technology and inequalities intersecting across our 21st century ecosystems. With a special focus on bridging interdisciplinary research, creative and co-production approaches, the authors explore and present cutting edge discourse, building on previous research to form contemporary and inform future awareness and strategies to societal experiences. The authors argue that it is time to re-evaluate how we move forward in a multi-faceted society, with the ever growing reliance of technology but yet many voices are not heard, left behind or not even considered. This creative and collaborative response is suited to researchers, academics, designers, industry and stakeholder professionals who have an interest the fields of technology, design, sociology and innovation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Libraries and the Global Retreat of Democracy: Confronting Polarization, Misinformation, and Suppression
This latest volume of the Advances in Librarianship series presents original research exploring the modern state of democracies and social institutions, the contributions of libraries to the health and progress of democracies, and the political problems currently facing libraries as institutions. It details the best practices of library programs that provide political literacy education and promote civic engagement within communities. These practices include ways in which libraries can help diffuse political polarization, address significant policy issues of our day, promote political information literacy, support civic engagement, and facilitate participation in democratic processes. Libraries and the Global Retreat of Democracy: Confronting Polarization, Misinformation, and Suppression is structured in three sections - questions of personal and state democracy, investigations of how the information infrastructure shapes these democracies, and explorations of the ways that libraries can and do contribute to democracy. Situating libraries within political conversations, highlighting their centrality to these discussions, Libraries and the Global Retreat of Democracy focuses on how libraries coordinate their work in political and information literacy and how these efforts can be improved, he recommendations and examples within which will serve as inspiration and motivation to its readers.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Fully Functioning University
Increasingly, the purpose and function of Western universities is being challenged and put under pressure to demonstrate value for students, policy, and society at large. Concurrently, the management and leadership of universities differs by institution and often prioritises one need other others. The three main goals that have persisted across the development of Higher Education in the Western world are; the higher education of students, the advancement of knowledge and service to those outside the university. In the history of the Western university one of these goals has always dominated. A university cannot function fully if it must interpret two of its goals in ways that serve a third. The Fully Functioning University introduces the concept of a 'post-Humboldtian university' which values each of these goals in its own right, and the 'fully functioning university' as one which expresses the three goals entirely. The authors outline the sort of higher education that a fully-functioning university would offer, the implications of the concept of a ‘fully-functioning university’ for its contribution to the advancement of knowledge, and the contribution of the fully-functioning university to the service part of the tripartite mission. This timely book will be relevant for senior managers and leaders in higher education in the UK and internationally, as well as for higher education researchers and postgratudate students.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
This volume of Studies in Law, Politics and Society brings together an international and interdisciplinary array of scholars to explore issues on the cutting edge of socio-legal research. They consider the complex connections of liberal democracy, human rights, governance in and through courts, the challenges terrorism poses to criminal law, and the problematics of global governance. Taken together, the chapters in this volume point to exciting new directions for legal scholars.
Emerald Publishing Limited Re-Conceptualizing Safe Spaces: Supporting Inclusive Education
A 'safe space' is both a precondition, and one of the effects, of efforts of inclusiveness and egalitarian access to education. By creating safe spaces for learning and unlearning, researchers and practitioners have been working to strengthen the purpose of schools and universities, where education and learning are intended for everyone, with the goal of increasing critical thinking and valuing difference. Re-Conceptualizing Safe Spaces broadens the idea of a safe space that is traditionally discussed in feminist studies, to include gendered identities intersecting with class, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, and ability within multiple aspects of education. This edited collection showcases work supporting access to education of persistently marginalized individuals, as well as efforts that help privileged groups understand their role in perpetuating the marginalization of others in educational spaces, by bringing into the popular discourse examples of the diverse and valuable work taking place. Combining foundational concepts with practical cases of creating safe spaces in venues of education, this book is essential reading for educators across the USA, Europe, and beyond.
Emerald Publishing Limited Propping up the Performative School: A Critical Examination of the English Educational Paraprofessional
Much has been written about ‘performativity’ and the ‘audit culture’ in relation to the teaching profession, but this literature has been neglectful of how these might impact educational paraprofessionals. Informed by Institutional Ethnography, this book provides a critical examination of the role, practices and everyday work experiences of educational paraprofessionals. Taking the learning mentor in English state secondary education as its starting point, the study then draws on international, historical literature to trace the genealogy of this role and examines the legacy of the paraprofessional movement in 1960s USA. Ultimately, the question of the adequacy of short-term policy initiatives in the face of intractable social inequalities is explored.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Brief History of Credit in UK Higher Education: Laying Siege to the Ivory Tower
Although credit is a well-established feature of the higher education sector in the USA, it is a relatively recent and radical phenomenon in the UK. Credit is a vehicle for widening access and student choice, for curricular flexibility and mobility of learning. Credit provides a transparent, enabling framework within which students can be supported and sustained through their learning journey. Yet much of the conservative 'university establishment' in the UK university sector has been hostile to the credit project, hence credit in the UK is both championed and condemned, celebrated and feared, embedded and rejected in different settings. This book provides an introductory overview of credit, chronological chapters which trace the narrative of the history of credit in the UK higher education (decade by decade) from the ground-breaking Robbins Report of 1963 to the present day and a commentary on the developments of the past half-century. Everyone involved, or with an interest, in Higher Education should read this book, including educators (curriculum developers, tutors, assessors) and administrators, institutional leaders and student advisors. Debates about the focus, funding and future of the UK university sector is at the forefront of political and educational discourse; this book could not be more timely. Furthermore, there are no comparable books in the market. This is the first history of credit in the UK HE sector.