Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Transformational University Leadership: A Case Study for 21st Century Leaders and Aspirational Research Universities
Universities are facing budget crises and growing competition, with many leaders clinging to older methods of leadership. This results in institutions with unprecedented deficits, decreased enrolments, and low graduation rates. What tools are necessary to succeed in the ever-changing and diversifying higher education market? In this book, the authors provide a model for leading universities in rapidly changing environments. Using the University of Houston as their case study, examining the institution’s explosive growth under the transformative leadership of President Renu Khator and her team. The President’s success in the realms of fundraising, organizational architecture, development, crisis management, and building campus culture are all facets of a revolutionary leadership model that can be replicated as a new style of academic governance. Transformational University Leadership presents a model of leadership for higher education institutions in the 21st century. With a special focus on gender and culture, the authors explore the leadership tactics and strategies university presidents use to uplift the University from a regional campus to a tier 1 research powerhouse. Offering strategies, anecdotes, and transferable methods for university leaders seeking to elevate their institution and thrive in the 21st century academic market.
Emerald Publishing Limited The International Handbook of Black Community Mental Health
This is the first international handbook on Black community mental health, focussing on key issues including stereotypes in Mental health, misdiagnoses, and inequalities/discrimination around access, services and provisions. Making use of a cultural competence framework throughout, the book covers many of the classic mental health/developmental areas such as schizophrenia, mental health disorders, ASD and ADHD, but it also looks at more controversial areas in mental health, like inequalities, racism and discrimination both in practice and in graduate school training and the supervisory experiences of black students in universities. Unique among traditional academic texts addressing mental health, the book presents rich personal accounts from Black therapists and students. Many Black students who are training to become therapists or academics in mental health report negative experiences with white university staff in terms of a lack of support, encouragement, resulting in poor graduation outcomes.While institutional racism is a major issue both in society and universities, the editors of this Handbook take personal-level racism, microaggression and everyday racism as better models for understanding and analysing both these students; racialised interaction/communication experiences with white staff at university, as well as the racialised communications and inequalities in misdiagnoses, access to services and provisions in healthcare settings with white managers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multilingual Metal Music: Sociocultural, Linguistic and Literary Perspectives on Heavy Metal Lyrics
This multi-disciplinary edited collection explores the textual analysis of heavy metal lyrics written in languages other than English, including Yiddish, Latin, Russian, Austrian German, Spanish and Italian. The volume features fascinating chapters on the role of ancient language in heavy metal, the significance of metal in minority-language communities, Slovenian mythology in metal, heavy metal lyrics and politics in the Soviet Union and Taiwan, processing bereavement in Danish black metal, cultural identity in Norwegian-medium metal, and the Kawaii metal scene in Japan, amongst others. Applying a range of methodological approaches - from literary and content analysis to quantitative corpus methods and critical approaches - the book conceptualises various forms of identity via lyrical text and identifies a number of global themes in heavy metal lyrics, including authenticity, parody and the desire to sound extreme, that reoccur across different countries and languages. The book is essential reading for researchers and students of metal music and culture, as well as those with broader interests in cultural studies, musicology, literary studies and popular culture studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transforming Information Security: Optimizing Five Concurrent Trends to Reduce Resource Drain
The information security industry is undergoing a major change, forced by the rise of end-to-end encryption, encryption that cannot be intercepted, transport protocol stack evolution, "zero trust networks", and distributed computing. While we understand the logical connections between these trends, there is little analysis of all of these trends in combination. Examination of all five trends uncovers opportunities that not only improve the state of information security and the general posture, but also lead to resource reductions necessary for information security to be sustainable. In this exciting new book from security expert Kathleen M. Moriarty, the examination of all five trends uncovers opportunities to change the state of information security. Providing a unique perspective from the center of the debates on end-to-end encryption, Moriarty explores emerging trends in both information security and transport protocol evolution, going beyond simply pointing out today's problems to providing solutions for the future of our product space.
Emerald Publishing Limited Designing Effective Library Learning Spaces in Higher Education
Modern academic libraries must respond not only to pedagogical changes, but to technological changes. Accommodating advances in technology into library space, design, and management is a critical challenge. How can modern libraries successfully integrate traditional learnings forms with digital ones? This book presents case studies and empirical evidence which focus on the current landscape and future potential posed by the changing face of libraries. Readers are invited to learn how the re-modelling and new architectural design of existing libraries can revitalise the library space and inculcate digital literacy development within their walls. The authors offer an engaging account of how libraries’ meet users’ needs and utilize stakeholder inputs to design truly innovative library spaces.
Emerald Publishing Limited Family, Identity and Mixedness: Exploring 'Mixed-Race' Identities in Scotland
For people born to parents from two socially distinctive racial groups, the answer to the question of racial identity can be far from straightforward. Exploring the lived experiences of the ‘mixed-race’ population group in Scotland, a country with distinctive national identity, this book examines how mixed Scots obtain an understanding of self through interacting with others within and beyond their home. Focusing on the impact of the family on the formation of mixed identities, this book breaks fresh ground, becoming one of the few sociological studies that brings together perspectives from mixed individuals and parents of mixed children. The book pays close attention to how members within ‘mixed-race’ families respond differently to everyday encounters of race and negotiate the greater shaping forces from wider society. Using illustrative cases drawn from in-depth interviews across a two-year period, the author offers a vibrant picture of ‘mixed-race’ experiences in modern Scotland, unravelling the complex interplay of race, social class, and imagined boundaries of Scottishness. Approaching the question of identity through a lens that combines interactionist and intersectional perspectives, Mengxi Pang invites readers to unravel the process of identity-making and its intricacies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Thinking Home on the Move: A conversation across disciplines
Home has been used in social sciences as a description, a metaphor and, more recently, as an emergent concept. The goal of this book is to illustrate its analytical power as a lens on the ways in which migrant and displaced people see their life circumstances and attempt to attach a sense of security, familiarity and control over them. Whether as a place or an aspiration towards it, home is a critical entry point into their life histories, experiences and prospects. Migrants’ rights and opportunities to make themselves at home are not just a private concern – rather, they are a major social and political question. This book addresses it through an original theoretical approach and an edited set of interviews with scholars from different national and disciplinary backgrounds. This reflexive conversation unveils the conceptual, methodological and empirical dimensions of researching home on the move and from the margins. Overall, Thinking Home on the Move is a powerful and in-depth look into what we as humans perceive as ‘home’ and what this truly means.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurship Education in Africa: A Contextual Model for Competencies and Pedagogies in Developing Countries
Entrepreneurship education as a potential antecedent of entrepreneurial spirit has too often been limited to Western theories. Entrepreneurship Education in Africa contributes to the body of knowledge of entrepreneurship education and youth entrepreneurship. The book uses Sierra Leone as a case study which dynamics are similar to other developing countries in Africa and around the world. Presenting a contextual approach to entrepreneurship education in resource-bounded contexts such as those currently faced by African countries, and in general, by developing countries, Mbeteh and Pellegrini offer a unique framework based on entrepreneurial competences and pedagogical approaches as a structure to build effective entrepreneurship education programmes within developing countries. Serving as a reference point for future researchers to engage with entrepreneurship education in developing countries, and occupying a gap in current research, Entrepreneurship Education in Africa is an important resource for scholars and professionals interested in business, entrepreneurship, and education. The Entrepreneurial Behaviour series is focused on expanding the scope of Entrepreneurial Behaviour theory and analysis and enriching practice by encouraging multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary approaches.
Emerald Publishing Limited American Life Writing and the Medical Humanities: Writing Contagion
American Life Writing and the Medical Humanities: Writing Contagion bridges a gap in the market by linking the medical humanities with disability studies. It examines how Americans have used life writing to record epidemic disease throughout history. Starting in the late 1800s with Yellow Fever and ending with the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreaks, the author tracks how American life writing changed literature, history, and medicine. Although the illness narrative genre became more popular in the mid-20th century, Americans have been writing illness narratives throughout American history. Writing Contagion focuses on American epidemics to see how these outbreaks spurred Americans into telling their stories. Looking at book-length narratives of illness and disability, the author traces the development and lineage of illness narratives from early American nonfiction writing, to literary modernism and to contemporary memoir. Viewing illness narratives as intensely interdisciplinary, the author argues that to understand both the importance and influence of this genre within American literature, illness narratives need to be read through literary, disability studies, and medical humanities frameworks to challenge ableist assumptions and demonstrate how illness narratives are of both historical and literary importance in America.
Emerald Publishing Limited Public-Private Partnerships, Capital Infrastructure Project Investments and Infrastructure Finance: Public Policy for the 21st Century
With the introduction of new market-oriented approaches to infrastructure finance policy decision-making in the national and subnational public sectors, there is a greater emphasis on the need for resource efficiency in the delivery of public services. There is also a critical need to evaluate and assess the effectiveness of infrastructure finance policy implementation. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) bring an agility and fresh perspective to the financing and delivery of public goods and services, and allow for a higher level of creativity, innovation, and flexibility during times of dynamic change and high demand for responsive solutions. By introducing a comprehensive new lens through which to view infrastructure finance policy as an instrument capable of achieving long-term national and subnational policy objectives, this study offers a unique insight into the potential benefits of the adoption of PPPs within the context of long-term capital investment planning. Through the examination of case studies from the United States, Albania and Mauritius, the author presents a transparent and integrated analysis of the role of PPPs as a policy option within this context. By demonstrating how PPPs can be utilized as a means of efficiently financing and delivering capital infrastructure projects within unified and comprehensive capital management and budgeting systems, this book is essential reading for researchers, policy decision-makers and students of public policy, capital budgeting and infrastructure finance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corruption in the Public Sector: An lnternational Perspective
This edited collection examines corruption in the public sector, assessing case studies from across the globe in order to provide an international perspective on this worldwide issue. Case studies include an examination of how corruption has been minimized in Singapore and Hong Kong; an assessment of corruption in India under Modi, who was elected on a promise to reduce corruption; a study of corruption in Bangladesh, and an evaluation of attempts to curb corruption in South Africa. This collection also includes a comparative study of corruption in Brazil and Chile, and a global perspective on the development of ethical privacy policies in e-government. The original case studies included in this book are brought together in an effort to identify common themes that impinge upon the fight against corruption, despite the particular nuances of individual nations. The contributions included in this edited collection also cover themes that are not often studied, including corruption in government procurement, the nascent issue of the 'right to privacy' stemming from e-governance, and the proclivity of governments to hide behind Official Secrets Acts to withhold information - ostensibly guaranteed under the 'right to information' which is vital in the fight against corruption. Providing a broad overview on public sector corruption, including local and national perspectives, this edited collection is essential reading for scholars of both public policy and corruption worldwide.
Emerald Publishing Limited Expatriate Leaders of International Development Projects: Creating Success in an Unforgiving Environment
Drawing on the experiences of six expatriate leaders who, collectively, had more than 78 years of experience managing United States Agency for International Development (USAID) international development projects in 26 countries around the world, this book provides a scholarly analysis of their stories, identifies factors expatriate leaders experienced managing projects, then integrates the factors into a theory that explains and helps define the success, or lack thereof, they achieved, and provides recommendations on how to deal with and overcome the issues. For decades, international development projects have played a crucial role in the delivery of U.S. foreign aid and yet, while considerable attention has been given to policymakers' foreign aid decisions concerning which countries receive U.S. foreign aid and how much each country receives, scant attention has been given to understanding the challenges encountered by the expatriate leaders recruited to manage the implementation of these international development projects, which unfold within a confluence of diverse multi-organizational contexts and culturally complex developing country environments. Even less is known about what factors these expatriate leaders experience that could explain, and help define, the success, or lack thereof, they achieve managing the implementation of these projects. This book is essential reading for international development leaders, practitioners, and scholars, as well as foreign aid policymakers, as they seek to improve international development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Criminal Justice Responses to Maternal Filicide
Milne provides a comprehensive analysis of conviction outcomes through court transcripts of 14 criminal cases in England and Wales during 2010 to 2019. Drawing on feminist theories of responsibilisation and 'gendered harm', she critically reflects on the gendered nature of criminal justice's responses to suspected infanticide.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Global Leadership
Advances in Global Leadership brings together insights from leading scholars and practitioners and presents fresh ideas from promising newcomers to the field. With its unique focus on addressing global leadership and collaboration in times of crisis, this volume is both timely and relevant during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond;This volume is split into two parts: Part 1 of the volume presents research papers that advance our conceptualization and understanding of the construct of global leadership and identify a wide range of future research topics. Part 2 takes an applied perspective, showcasing approaches and solutions to global leadership practice, development, and teaching. The editors' conclusion chapter aims to expand current thinking on global leadership and recommend future research directions to advance the field. Given its multidisciplinary focus, this book is a must-read for scholars from a diverse set of scholarly fields and practitioners with a diverse set of global leadership roles. The Advances in Global Leadership series, with its finger firmly on the pulse of this exciting field, is an indispensable compendium of knowledge on global leadership.
Emerald Publishing Limited Developing and Supporting Multiculturalism and Leadership Development: International Perspectives on Humanizing Higher Education
Humanizing education, which successfully instils values that support inclusivity and equality, should be built around cultural context and experiences derived from the work of researchers and academics. This book reviews work conducted by academics globally to uncover the strategies and tools designed to facilitate better learning and integration of inclusivity. The authors make the engaging argument that social justice education and inclusion should be an inherent part of the curriculum. Case studies from Africa to the USA and UK are showcased to demonstrate effective examples, from which readers benefit from a real-life model of a classroom environment supporting multi-culturalism. Ultimately, the book illustrates the importance of appropriate curriculum development involving all stakeholders and the integration of multicultural educational topics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Critical Librarianship
Librarianship has always had links with critical theory. As a public service, libraries cannot be separated from the society they exist in, and investigating the aspects of the culture they exist in is an important responsibility for all library and information professionals. In this exciting exploration of critical librarianship, expert authors from different walks of life investigate a variety of areas of librarianship in regards to critical theory. With chapters on feminist theory, sustainability and social justice, inclusivity, autism, and new motherhood, among others, this volume of Advances in Librarianship focuses on some of the most relevant issues of the 21st Century. With rigorous scholarship and diverse voices, Critical Librarianship is an unmissable volume of current research for all library and information professionals and researchers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Living Life to the Fullest: Disability, Youth and Voice
This co-authored text critically explores the key findings of the Living Life to the Fullest project – a project that has explored the lives, thoughts, hopes and aspirations of disabled young people living with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions. Written by disabled young people and academic researchers, the book articulates ethical co-production in social research. The prolific contemporary political and theoretical debates about life, death and the human in an age of global precarity and austerity are explored in this book. Chapters draw upon key themes and co-researchers’ priorities for writing about their lives: for example, the politics and potentials of co-production as a research method/ology; animal and human relationships; aging, time; sexuality and body image; politics, activism and disability arts and culture; and fragility, and death and dying.
Emerald Publishing Limited Anti-Abortion Activism in the UK: Ultra-sacrificial Motherhood, Religion and Reproductive Rights in the Public Sphere
Drawing from extensive ethnographic research on abortion debates in public spaces, this book explores the beliefs, motivations and practices of UK anti-abortion activists. Whilst they represent a tiny minority, there is recent evidence of an increase in activism outside UK abortion clinics; faith-based groups regularly organise 'vigils' seeking to deter service users from entering clinics. In response to this, pro-choice groups launched a campaign for buffer-zones around clinics. Although there is overwhelming public support for abortion, it remains an area of public contestation that touches on ideas about bodily autonomy, religious freedom and reproductive rights. Despite being active in the UK since before the 1967 Abortion Act, anti-abortion activism has received little attention. Taking a lived religion approach, Anti-Abortion Activism in the UK explores the sacred and profane commitments of anti-abortion activists and counter-demonstrations outside clinics, examining the contestations over space. The authors argue that as a moral reform social movement, the anti-abortion activists typically frame their activism in terms of risk and abortion harm, but their religiously-informed understanding of ultra-sacrificial motherhood as ‘natural’ for women undermines this framing. Their conservative gender and sexuality attitudes position them culturally as a moral minority. The displays of public religion are also anomalous in a country in which religion is usually seen as a private issue. Their presence outside abortion clinics causes a significant amount of distress, but public support for the establishment of safe zones outside of abortion-service provision is strong and is a proportionate response to safeguard the freedoms of those seeking abortion.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organizational Hybridity: Perspectives, Processes, Promises
This book contains Open Access chapters. As complex, intractable social problems continue to intensify, organizations respond with novel approaches that bridge multiple institutional spheres and combine forms, identities, and logics that would conventionally not go together, creating hybridity. Scholarly research on this phenomenon has expanded in tandem, drawing on varied theoretical lenses and exploring a widening array of empirical contexts.This edited volume takes stock of recent developments in the literature and sets a foundation for the next generation of research on organizational hybridity. It offers a multi-level, dynamic approach for capturing and explaining heterogeneity in how hybridity manifests and evolves within organizations and fields over time. The chapters included in the volume cover institutional logics, organizational identity, social categories, and paradox approaches to hybridity, and they examine settings ranging from social enterprise, microfinance, and impact investing to business sustainability, health care, and government. Taken as a whole, the volume provides both inspiration and analytical tools for developing timely and relevant insights to address pressing societal challenges. It is essential reading for organizational scholars, as well as leaders in business, non-profit, and public sector organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Disability Alliances and Allies: Opportunities and Challenges
In Disability Alliances and Allies: Opportunities and Challenges, Allison Carey, Joan Ostrove and Tara Fannon have gathered an interdisciplinary team of leading experts, to offer nuanced analyses of the meaning and practice of being an ally and of building effective alliances that account for the structural, individual, and interpersonal challenges involved in amplifying disabled voices and centering the disability lived experience. The first section of this volume addresses cooperation and conflict in advocacy and activism across social movements, organizations, and institutions. It examines the formation of new alliances, what happens when interests collide, and the social and economic challenges of forming coherent unions. The second section engages issues of agency, autonomy, and identity in interpersonal relationships, highlighting the role of power and status, focusing on alliance dynamics between disabled and non-disabled people. For its breadth and depth of research, this volume of Research in Social Science and Disability is essential reading for researchers and students across the social sciences interested in disability, social movements, activism, and identity.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Cultures of Knowledge Organizations: Knowledge, Learning, Collaboration (KLC)
Organizations are increasingly aware of the role that culture plays in implementing strategies. The adage ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast everyday’ shows how important it is to understand, monitor, and calibrate company culture. This means shaping the behaviour of leaders, managers, teams, and individuals. It means integrating assessment and behaviours into performance and communication strategies. Cultures – at all levels – are shifting in today’s society. It is important to understand which factors are having which effects. The Cultures of Knowledge Organizations presents a new perspective that treats organizational culture not as a static conceptual model but as a dynamic, complex and adaptive system. The authors consider how de facto organizational business cultures must function in a hyperdynamic knowledge economy. Today’s managers need real practical guidance on how to see ‘culture’, how to assess it, how to design a culture that supports business goals, and how to help the workforce understand their own role in shaping culture. This research acts as a map for 21st Century.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transitions into Parenthood: Examining the Complexities of Childrearing
Around the globe, the very conceptualization of family is associated with the relationship between a parent and a child. The birth of a child represents both the end of one experience, and the beginning of another. Entry into parenthood represents a fundamental shift in family structure and family dynamics, wherein the child brings new responsibilities within the family and upon the larger society, particularly in regards to population issues. In order to better understand the transitions into parenthood, this multidisciplinary volume of CPFR will address such topics as: employment and fertility, childbearing desires versus childbearing outcomes, the social media construction of parenthood, gender differences in childrearing, parental discipline and child outcomes, among others. This volume will contain research on parenthood and parenting from around the world, and is intended to provide a more global perspective of these issues. Given that these topics range across various disciplines, a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches are utilized in the research herein.
Emerald Publishing Limited Movies, Music and Memory: Tools for Wellbeing in Later Life
Presenting research findings from recent studies which use innovative, creative approaches, including pilot projects led by the authors in the UK and Brazil, this book provides an accessible, timely, practical and jargon-free overview of how music and films are currently used in nursing homes, dementia wards and day-care centres for the older population. Drawing on the expertise of researchers, health care professionals and carers, the book looks at the experience of both stakeholder groups - carers and the cared-for. It provides useful, unique insights into how we might tackle the pressing real-world challenge posed by an ageing global population and attendant increase in the number of those living with dementia. Complemented by a downloadable ‘best-practice’ toolkit that contains tips and materials relating to film- and music-related activities for use by carers (both professionals and family members), this book fills a gap in the market by providing both academic responses and practical solutions to a critical global challenge.
Emerald Publishing Limited Australian Franchising Code of Conduct: A Critical Analysis with Current Case Law
The Franchising Code of Conduct (the Code) is a mandatory obligation for all systems operating in Australia, and takes a comprehensive approach to disclosure, relationship laws and dispute issues. Expert author and leading practitioner Peter Buberis takes a critical view of this regulatory framework, evaluating the threads that make up the Code that directs the franchising industry in Australia. Including chapters on the areas of disclosure, good faith, and intellectual property, Buberis takes a comprehensive approach in exploring the Code's development through its consideration and enforcement by the Regulator and the courts. Looking at recent case law, the chapters indicate continuing points of concern about the Code, and give cognisance to a recent Parliamentary review which may enhance its operation if adopted. For professionals in the franchising industry, and anyone looking to understand more about the Code that governs Australia's franchises, this is a comprehensive guide that engages and analyses this key piece of legislature.
Emerald Publishing Limited The History of Entrepreneurship in Mexico: Contextualizing Theory, Theorizing Context
Entrepreneurs develop based on their surroundings. It is easy to understand US entrepreneurs, with the wealth of information available about their development, but how does working in Mexico influence entrepreneurship, and emerging entrepreneurs? Exploring the history of Mexico's entrepreneurs, expert authors Araceli Almaraz Alvarado and Oscar Javier Montiel Méndez delve into the empirical and theoretical opportunities that emerge from this historical analysis. Current literature on Mexican entrepreneurship points out the importance of contextualising entrepreneurial lives, and asks us to look across agents, sectors and regions, to reach a better understanding of the trajectories of entrepreneurship in Mexico. Including chapters across different businesses in Mexico, the editors and contributors seek to expose the convergence between theory and practice. For students of business and international development, this is an unmissable text containing the most current research on Mexican entrepreneurship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Macrofoundations: Exploring the Situated Nature of Activity
This volume of Research in the Sociology of Organizations explores the institutional macro foundations of action, providing an array of insights into the constitutive and contextualizing powers of institutions, and an agenda for further exploration of these themes. The recent increase in attention to the micro foundations of institutions has been fruitful, but risks obscuring institutions' constitutive and contextualizing powers. This volume addresses this risk by focusing attention on how institutions shape the workings of the social and material world, our fundamental experiences, and the real-time unfolding of activity. It examines these institutional macro foundations, and provides rich accounts of the ways in which macro foundations shape and are shaped by micro-dynamics, in a co-constitutive interplay. This volume will be essential reading for management researchers, students, and all those interested in organization and organizational life.
Emerald Publishing Limited Health and Illness in the Neoliberal Era in Europe
Health and illness in the Neoliberal Era in Europe discusses the impact of neoliberalism on public health and the social construction of health and illness in Europe, analysing case studies at a European and national level. The book focusses on three main topics: health inequity, self-responsibilisation and organisational reforms. Increasing inequity is one of the main outcomes of neoliberal policy in Europe and here the authors examine the impact of neoliberal policies on health inequality, providing a European comparative data analysis of healthy life expectancy and mental health issues in Spain. The book looks at self-responsibilisation, as part of neoliberal citizenship, through topics such as crowdsourcing medicine and citizen science. Finally, it analyses organizational reform in Europe using three case studies: Italian national health care reforms, mental health policy in Italy and maternal care in Russia. The book includes contributions from the Czech Republic, Italy, Russia and Spain and fosters the development of sociological debate in such countries within a European framework. It presents quantitative data analysis as well as ethnographic research and outlines a complex scenario affecting the everyday life of European citizens, their health and illness.
Emerald Publishing Limited Changes in European Energy Markets: What the Evidence Tells Us
Following the liberalization of EU energy markets, more than three hundred gas and electricity companies entered the market to substitute state-run monopolies. A sizeable shift has taken place within the European energy sector, one that remains only partially understood at best. Focusing on the financial performance of retail energy firms between 2008 and 2017, and taking the Italian market as its exemplar—a market that has arguably undergone the most significant transformation in Europe—Changes in European Energy Markets provides a critical and up-to-date analysis of this major development. Based on a comprehensive literature review and a wealth of data, the authors provide a compelling and much-needed account of the intensity and pace of change in the sector, which has been far from uniform. Changes in European Energy Markets is a must-read for students, researchers, practitioners and policymakers concerned with the seismic changes that have occurred within EU energy markets over the past decade.
Emerald Publishing Limited Photography and Death: Framing Death throughout History
Photography represents a medium in which the moment of death can be captured and preserved, the image becoming a mechanism through which audiences are beguiled by the certainty of their own mortality. Examining a spectrum of post-mortem images, Photography and Death considers various ways in which the death image has been framed and what these styles communicate about changing social attitudes related to dying, mourning and the afterlife.Presenting a fresh perspective on how we might view death photography in the context of our contemporary cultural milieu, this book brings together a range of historical examples to create a richer narrative of how we see, understand and discuss death in both the private and public forum. Building upon existing publications which relate explicitly to the study of death, dying and cultures of mourning, the book discusses topics such as post-mortem portraiture, the Civil War, Spiritualism and lynching. These are positioned alongside contemporary representations of death, as seen in celebrity death images and forensic photography. Uncovering an important historical contrast, in which modern notions of death are a comment on ownership or an emotionless, clinical state, Harris highlights the various ways that the deceased body is a site of contestation and fascination. An engaging read for students and researchers with an interest in death studies, this book represents a unique account of the various ways that attitudes about death have been shaped through the photographic image.
Emerald Publishing Limited Death, Culture & Leisure: Playing Dead
Death consumes our lives. As such, it is unsurprising that our leisure time, recreational activities and playful exploits are also infatuated with dying, death and the dead. Death, Culture and Leisure offers a playful exploration of the way in which we play with both death and the dead. This inter- and multi-disciplinary work brings together a variety of scholars to consider the nexuses that exist between death, culture and leisure. Edited by Matt Coward-Gibbs, this collection provides an exploration of how our leisure time and playful exploits are interwoven with death. Embracing an array of tensions and contradictions, this book draws on a diverse trajectory of examples ranging from play in the post-Anthropocene to the articulate undead, and from the depictions of death in children's picture books to the playful activism of the death positivity movement. Bringing together debates from thanatology, game studies, sociology, music studies, theatre studies, contemporary literature, religious studies and media studies, this innovative collection offers up a rich assemblage of interdisciplinary voices. This text invites readers to not only consider the diverse ways in which we play dead but also invokes a call to explore the myriad of presentations of death, dying and disposal that exist in leisure environs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Education Transition Services for Students with Disabilities
While services for students with disabilities have been vastly improved in recent years, and research has created far greater awareness for the issues they face, there are still many obstacles to overcome as these students progress through the education system. This book discusses the considerable challenges these students conquer in education, varying relationships with teachers and academics, learning resources, and everyday social situations. Beginning with an introduction to transition services and students with disabilities, this invaluable text goes on to discuss a wide range of disability topics. Leaders in the field of transition services present recent research on students with learning disabilities, deaf/hard of hearing students, those who have visual impairments, autistic students, those with extensive support needs, physical disabilities, and more. This book is an excellent resource for special education researchers, scholars, practitioners, and professionals who teach and serve students with disabilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategy, Power and CSR: Practices and Challenges in Organizational Management
Organizational management, along with strategy, is the most important part of business administration. Directors must know how to manage people, make decisions and, above all, have the ability to create strategies that help organizations achieve their objectives, greater strategic competitiveness, and above-average returns. In today’s global and complex environment, traditional views towards organizational management are not enough for businesses to thrive. It’s only by bringing together different approaches can management styles develop fast enough to keep pace with the ever-changing big picture. In this innovative new look at organizational management, expert authors Santiago García-Álvarez and Connie Atristain-Suárez explore how looking through lenses of philosophy, health, communication, law, engineering, pedagogy and policy can affect a modern organization’s prospects. Built through the collective and collaborative work of the research professors at the Universidad Panamericana, this work includes interdisciplinary approaches to real-world problems. For students and researchers of business and management, this is an unmissable read.
Emerald Publishing Limited Legal Intermediation: A Processual Approach to Law and Economic Activity
This volume of Studies in Law, Politics and Society considers the crucial role played by intermediaries, such as companies and lawyers, in the legal system.In this special issue, scholars from different disciplines find that, in some instances, legal intermediation can succeed in fulfilling the initial goals of regulation. However, in re-evaluating the role of the legal devices that organizations set up to comply with regulation, this volume also illustrates their diverse impact on legality and legal consciousness in organizations and in economic life.With a broad range of case studies covering anti-discrimination law, financial rules, competition law, labour law and health and safety procedures, this European-focused volume makes an important contribution to the scholarship in this field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including a Symposium on Economists and Authoritarian Regimes in the 20th Century
Volume 38B of Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology features a symposium on economists and authoritarian regimes in the 20th century. Guest-edited by Federico D’Onofrio and Gerardo Serra, the symposium includes contributions from José Luís Cardoso, Till Düppe and Sarah Joly-Simard, Elisa Grandi, Alexandre Andrada and Mauro Boianovsky, Tinashe Nyamunda, Doriana Matraku Dervishi and Marianne Johnson, and Nicolas Brisset and Raphaël Fèvre. Volume 38B also features a new general-research essay by Reinhard Schumacher and RHETM co-editor Scott Scheall that provides new details concerning Carl Menger’s life and career.
Emerald Publishing Limited Beyond Multi-Channel Marketing: Critical Issues in Dual Marketing
The authors of this book delve into the rapidly developing field of dual marketing, investigating the strategic alliances, multi-stakeholder perspectives and branding potential it holds. They promote the adoption of the multichannel approach which is fundamental to facing the challenges of marketing 4.0. Readers will glean innovative and practical insights, providing them with the ability to comprehend the existing link between dual marketing and multichannel marketing and explore its relation to branding and integrated marketing communication. This book also rejuvenates the analysis of the digital context and offers critical advice to organisations interested in online marketing processes. With worldwide appeal, the theoretical and empirical analysis carried out in this book offers cutting edge ideas and techniques to marketing practitioners, supply chain managers and B2B2C company managers looking to understand the digital transformation permeating the whole of organisational life beyond just marketing and communication facets. The book will also be invaluable for doctoral, graduate and postgraduate students in marketing and management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Library Dementia Services: How to Meet the Needs of the Alzheimer's Community
There are 50 million people globally living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, and tens of millions further who are their caregivers. As a public service, it is important that library and information professionals learn to serve and assist those with dementia. Designed for seasoned professionals and library science students alike, this book first presents a complete overview of the spectrum disease known as Alzheimer’s dementia, as well as a basic understanding of the information needs of dementia caregivers. It then explores best practices, guidelines, and concrete ideas for serving those with dementia and their caregivers, including: Customer service and communication, with evidence-based suggestions for working with this population; Information resources to best meet the reference needs of the community, as grounded in LIS user studies and health informatics; Collection development for ongoing and appropriate mental and social stimulation of those experiencing cognitive decline; and Programming ideas for both communities, with a wide variety of focus and content. Lifelong learning, mental stimulation, and social connections are central to libraries’ core mission. Readers, both from library and information science and in related social services and social sciences disciplines, will gain a comprehensive toolkit for service both to those in cognitive decline and their caregivers, meeting the needs of both communities with thoughtful and innovative practices.
Emerald Publishing Limited Conflict and Shifting Boundaries in the Gig Economy: An Interdisciplinary Analysis
Using an interdisciplinary lens, this book innovatively explores the conflicts and shifting boundaries in organisational, professional, legal and economic structures, caused by the rise of the gig economy. The dynamic structural model of the gig economy is introduced to interrogate the inner workings of the amorphous gig economy at the Macro, Meso and Micro levels of analysis. Conflict and Shifting Boundaries in the Gig Economy examines a range of tensions and issues, including; The future of trade unions in the gig economy Employment status and contractual arrangements Talent management in the gig economy Employee voice and whistleblowing Career choices and organisational attractiveness Trajectory and impact at macro economic levels. Organisational examples and a focus on the perspective of those engaged in gig work introduce new insights and research questions on the current and future challenges posed by the gig economy, alongside using the structural dynamic model as a tool to understand actors and organisational experiences and build appropriate interventions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Public Policy and Governance Frontiers in New Zealand
New Zealand (NZ) is widely regarded as being at the frontier of public policy reforms and public governance innovations. Bringing together acclaimed scholars and practitioners from NZ, including those who have led reforms, this edited collection examines the evolution of public policy in NZ. Through focusing on four areas of NZ's strength in public policy governance and management - managing and governing the economy, governing the natural environment, the effectiveness and management of the public service, and the advancement of minority populations - the authors highlight specific challenges, contexts and responses, with an emphasis on contemporary matters such as wellbeing, sustainability and fiscal responsibility. The authors discuss practices for developing innovative public policy and governance, discuss public governance reforms in detail and examine the use of innovative public management and e-government practices. Through the analysis of specific policies and management tools, this title offers an assessment of the impact of policies and their implementation. This book will appeal to scholars, practitioners, policy advisors and consultants in national and international organizations who are interested in, or involved with, cutting-edge, innovative public policy and governance strategies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gaming and the Virtual Sublime: Rhetoric, awe, fear, and death in contemporary video games
Can you have a transformative experience as a result of falling through a programming error in the latest triple-A title? Does looking out across a vast virtual vista of undulating mountains and tumultuous seas edge you closer to the sublime? In an effort to answer these sorts of questions, Gaming and the Virtual Sublime considers the 'virtual sublime' as a conceptual toolbox for understanding our affective engagement with contemporary interactive entertainment. Through a detailed examination of the history of the sublime, from pseudo-Longinus' jigsaw puzzle of the sublime in rhetoric, through the eighteenth-century obsession with beauty and terror, past the Kantian mathematical and dynamical sublime, all the way to Lyotard's 'unpresentable event' and Deleuze's work on chaos and rhythm, this book road-tests these differing components in a far-reaching exploration of how video games - as virtual spaces of affect - might reshape our opportunities for sublime experience. Using playthroughs, developer diaries, forums discussions and contemporaneous reviews, and games ranging from the heartbreak of That Dragon: Cancer through to the abject body-horror of Outlast (with a dash of Tetris in-between) are discussed in terms the experience(s) of play, their design and their co-creation with gamers with a specific focus on rhetoric and narrative; awe; fear and terror; death and boredom. Written in an engaging and accessible style, this book is a must-read for philosophers, scholars, and those interested in games and popular culture more broadly.
Emerald Publishing Limited Philosophy, Politics, and Austrian Economics
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE), as an interdisciplinary endeavour, has surged in popularity in recent years. Work in this field usually draws on standard microeconomics to grapple with questions from political philosophy. But what might Austrian economics, which offers an alternative approach to economic theory, have to offer to this endeavour? Featuring contributions by economists, philosophers, political scientists, and political theorists both friendly to and critical of Austrian ideas, this collection explores what, if anything, Austrian assumptions about human nature and the function of social institutions have to offer the broader field of PPE. The authors explore the relationship of F.A. Hayek’s thought to contemporary analysis of democracy, the importance of entrepreneurship for institutional analysis, the possibility and perils of self-governance, and whether Austrian ideas can better explain real-world institutional developments.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender and Practice: Insights From the Field
UN Sustainable Development Goal 5: Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and Girls. In Gender and Practice: Insights from the Field, twelve chapters contribute to the creation of an accessible body of knowledge that looks to provide gender practitioners with examples of what works, and what doesn't, in the attainment of gender equality. This volume demonstrates the depth and breadth of gender and practice. Looking across countries including Cambodia, India, Kazakhstan, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, and the United States, the chapters explore global perspectives and global ramifications. Contributors examine issues and activities related to infusing gender in education, training and practice, and many chapters specifically address one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Including chapters on medical treatment, climate change, non-profit and community organizing, and agriculture, this volume is useful to all those looking to explore current gender research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Recent Developments in Asian Economics
This volume of the International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics explores the latest economic and financial developments in Asia. Chapters cover a range of topics such as the online market's impact on Indonesia's social welfare system, the influence of organizational culture on the triple bottom line performance of large manufacturing companies in the Philippines, and the impact of economic policy uncertainty on foreign direct investment inflows in India. These peer-reviewed papers touch on a variety of timely, interdisciplinary subjects such as sustainability and the effects of public policy. Recent Developments in Asian Economics also includes empirical studies in financial economics and public governance. For example, one chapter considers the consumption and satisfaction of Chinese rural residents, while another empirically studies the effects of sharia disclosure and sharia supervisory boards on Islamic banks' soundness. The papers in this volume have been compiled from four conferences in Asia and Australia, including the SIBR 2020 Sydney Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economic Research, which was held in Sydney, Australia; the 5th Indonesian Finance Association (IFA) Conference held in Manado, Indonesia in 2019; the 1st International Doctoral Colloquium on Business and Economics in Surakarta, Indonesia; and the 5th Sebelas Maret International Conference on Business, Economics and Social Sciences held in 2018 in Bali, Indonesia. Together, ISETE 28 is a crucial resource of current, cutting-edge research for any scholar of international finance and economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Purpose-Driven University: Transforming Lives and Creating Impact through Academic Social Responsibility
What is the purpose of universities, and what is their role in our world? Many would say that it is to educate students and conduct research. This is true, but somehow, the narrow focus on these two goals led universities to be perceived as ivory towers and detached elitist institutions. In an era when many organisations shift towards purpose, responsibility, and sustainability, universities have a role to play in becoming a force for good. While many higher education institutions are focused on being the best for the world, some are changing to become the best for the world. A movement has begun. A purpose-driven university utilises its resources, knowledge, talent and people to continuously and intentionally contribute to the communities and the environment in which it operates: through research, education, programmes and service. This timely book offers the why, how and what of a purpose-driven university, utilising cases, research, concepts and a framework which can be implemented in any university interested in making a difference. This book tells the stories of purpose-driven universities and other organisations, and serves as a call for action by academic leadership to change higher education for good.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotions and Leadership
This volume of Research on Emotion in Organizations contributes to the ongoing research on emotions in the workplace, focusing on organizational leadership and interpersonal relationships within organizational structures. The chapters in this book represent a range of different methodologies that reveal the pervasive role of emotions in leadership and emphasize the need for scholars to address emotions if they are to obtain a more complete understanding of organizational leadership. Emotions and Leadership is divided into three parts which explore and analyse developments in the following areas: leadership and individual team members, leadership and its effects on the team construct, and leadership in the overall context of organizations and culture. This three-level analysis provides a foundation for future research into emotion in organizations, organizational psychology and leadership.
Emerald Publishing Limited Humiliation: Mental Health and Public Shame
There is a global appetite to humiliate or publicly shame others and this has even become a source of entertainment for many. The growth and all-encompassing influence of social media has made the phenomenon of humiliation even more apparent and possible.This book examines the damaging impact of humiliation in human society. The relationship between humiliation and shame is explored in depth with a particular focus on the way this relationship affects people’s self-image, self-esteem and memory. By using case studies of observed humiliation, the book discusses the power play between individuals, groups, organizations and nations. It shows how public shame can lead to damaging psychological states and violent responses amongst vulnerable people. This topical book presents an important and timely discussion for today’s world, not least in showing the links between humiliation, terrorism and poor mental health. By offering strategies for responding to feelings of humiliation in a range of contexts, this book will prove a valuable resource for professionals concerned with mental health, public health, education and social care. Importantly, this is a book for all those affected by humiliation who want to take action and find new solutions for dealing with it.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Global Leadership
This volume continues to advance both global leadership research and practice by bridging and integrating conceptual, empirical and practitioner perspectives to provide a deeper understanding of this rapidly growing field of study. Part I brings together conceptual, qualitative, and quantitative work to present innovative foundational research on the concept and processes of global leadership and global competence development. Part II, the Practitioner's Corner, features chapters and interviews with pioneers in the field and the lessons they learned from decades of global leadership development in university, corporate and government settings. The editors conclude with an analysis of the global leadership research published in 2018 and its implications. The Advances in Global Leadership series, with its finger firmly on the pulse of this exciting field, is a must-read book for scholars and practitioners alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Atmospheric Turn in Culture and Tourism: Place, Design and Process Impacts on Customer Behaviour, Marketing and Branding
Combining ideas of sustainable development, product development and branding with notions from the fields of design, space shaping and architecture, this volume of Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research offers contemporary perspectives on the strategic development, evaluation and impact of 'atmospheric quality' in tourism and hospitality service situations. Contributors explore the way atmospheric qualities in tourism and hospitality strongly influence customer behaviour and how their emotional responses to sensory pleasures translate into authentic experiences, excitement, happiness or enjoyment. Examples discussed include: participatory shaping of destination atmospheres urban atmospheres 'silent' airports atmosphere of religious buildings residents as elements of atmosphere emotional contagion building culture and architecture eAtmospherics light and colour effects in hospitality encounters the co-created atmosphere of concerts and events. Incorporating theoretical perspectives on atmosphere in culture, inter-cultural communication and marketing and numerous practical examples to promote a deeper understanding of atmospheric qualities in sustainable tourism and hospitality, this book furthers academic knowledge and gives guidance to tourism and hospitality practitioners interested in improving the atmospheric quality of their offers for the benefit of their guests.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cryptomarkets: A Research Companion
Since the launch of the infamous Silk Road, the use of cryptomarkets - illicit markets for drugs on the dark web - has expanded rapidly around the world. Cryptomarkets: A Research Companion is an accessible, detailed guidebook which offers all the tools necessary to begin researching cryptomarket phenomena and the dark web trade in illicit drugs. Offering an in-depth historical account of the development of cryptomarkets up until the present day, the book goes on to examine key trends and findings regarding the contemporary operations of cryptomarkets. The principal methodologies used to conduct cryptomarket research, as well as questions regarding research ethics, are further explored. Finally, the authors outline underdeveloped areas of the field and pose key questions for future cryptomarket research. Whether an academic researcher, post-graduate student, law enforcement officer, or public health professional, this book is essential reading for those researching and working in the realm of cryptomarkets.