Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Beyond Results: Accountability, Discretion and Performance Budget Reform
The reporting of performance measures and standards in budgeting is expected to strengthen the accountability of results, at the same time lessening the need for compliance with burdensome rules and regulations. Reduction in rules and red tape is anticipated to provide greater discretion, allowing administrators to better utilize their expertise in budget decisions. However, does this in fact happen? Is there is evidence that performance budget reform increases administrative discretion? This book examines that question by testing the fit between reform expectations and reform outcomes as viewed by practitioners. It argues that performance budget reform will not realize change as predicted by its advocates, because this theory of reform does not sufficiently consider the organizational realities of public administrators today; that is, an environment characterized by multiple and often conflicting accountability claims.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Financial Economics
Advances in Financial Economics publishes peer reviewed quality manuscripts on any aspects of financial economics including corporate finance, financial institutions and markets and microeconomics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Restructuring Asian Economies for the New Millennium
The Asian economic crisis and future development is a popular subject among academics and policy-makers worldwide. Several countries in Asia came to face severe economic recession in the wake of their financial and foreign exchange crisis which began in 1997. The recession was deep and the challenges for managers of respective economies for an optimum specification of monetary and fiscal policy guidelines became all too great. Many came to wonder whether the so-called 'Asian Miracle' all of a sudden became a part of history. If so, how will Asia recover from the crisis and experience high growth and continuing development as in the past quarter of the century? Can such a crisis be forewarned? Which development paths should Asia seek so that the crisis will not be repeated in the future? In other words, the challenge is to formulate rational economic policies for Asia's newly industrialized/industrializing economies so that their industrialization and development can sustainably progress as Asia enters the Twenty-First Century. The book addresses the above issues by covering many topics including financial meltdown and industrial development, money and financial markets, exchange rates, capital flows, economic reforms, human capital development, impact of the financial crisis on growth and poverty incidence, as well as other development problems in Asia-Pacific countries. The subject of this book should be of great interest to scholars, policy makers and the general public who follow economic developments in Asia. It will contribute to a broader perspective and at the same time, a deeper understanding of the subject.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Experimental Economics
Volume 8 of "Research in Experimental Economics" provides a forum for papers incorporating laboratory experimental economics. These specifically include interdisciplinary papers, papers that report experimental design innovations and papers that report detailed data. The paper by Isaac, Walker and Williams is an example. It discusses the design of instructional experiments in such areas as monopoly, asset trading double auctions, and public goods. The paper also examines practical issues of using laboratory experiments as a teaching tool. Four papers report on public goods research. Krishnamurthy, motivated by research questions in Marketing, examines the role of non-binding, face-to-face communication in public goods environments with and without provision points. Chewning, Coller, and Laury incorporate a natural modification of previous provision-point environments, namely, multiple provision points in which additional amounts of the public good will be provided at increasing threshold steps. The paper by Packard, Isaac, and Bial extends research on the marginal per capita return effect (broken down between the MPCR affecting own payoff and affecting others). This paper takes that distinction to a boundary in which the public good provides no marginal per capita return to the contributor. The paper by Croson examines, in the light of the literature on team production, the effect in a public goods environment of different levels of feedback on others' contributions. In one treatment, individuals know only the aggregate contributions of others, while in the other treatment they had information on individual decisions. The paper by Kelly extends existing research regarding single sellers by providing for multiproduct monopolists. It is not merely the addition of additional products that distinguishes this paper, but also the fact that monopolists have a bundling decision to make. This volume concludes with two papers that use controlled experiments for testing policy-relevant allocation mechanisms. Elliott, Kruse, Schulze, and Ben-David examine four mechanisms for the rationing of productive inputs that are subject to supply shocks. Electricity markets are one obvious motivation, but certainly not the only one. Ishikida, Ledyard, Olson, and Porter present experimental "testbedding" research on the California RECLAIM emissions permit market.
Emerald Publishing Limited Worker Well-Being
How do technology, public works projects, mental health, race, gender, mobility, retirement benefits, and macroeconomic policies affect worker well-being? This volume contains fourteen original chapters utilizing the latest econometric techniques to answer this question. The findings include the following: technology gains explain over half the decline in U.S. unemployment and over two-thirds the reduction in U.S. inflation; universal health coverage would reduce U.S. labor force participation by 3.3 per cent; blacks respond to regional rather than national changes in schooling rates of return, perhaps implying a more local labor market for blacks than whites; employee motivation enhances labor force participation, on-the-job training, job satisfaction and earnings; male and female promotion and quit rates are comparable once one controls for individual and job characteristics; public works programs designed to increase a worker's skills do not always increase reemployment; and, U.S. pension wealth increased about 20 per cent - 25 per cent over the last two decades.
Emerald Publishing Limited Asian Financial Crisis: Financial, Structural and International Dimensions
This edited volume is a collection of original theoretical, empirical, institutional or policy-oriented articles on all dimensions of the Asian financial crisis. A unique feature of this book is its multi-faceted, yet in-depth articles on various dimensions of the Asian financial crisis written by policy-makers and practitioners as well as scholars around the world. It includes financial, structural, cultural, and international dimensions of the Asian financial crisis regarding its causes, consequences, policies, and lessons. As such, it offers an excellent one-stop collection of in-depth research articles on the topic. The book includes nineteen articles on the overview of the crisis, international capital flows and crisis, reform in financial and industrial sectors, and cultural and post-crisis opportunities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research promotes research across all areas of accounting, incorporating theory from, and contributing knowledge to, the fields of applied psychology, sociology, management science, ethics and economics. Focusing on research that examines both individual and organizational behavior relative to accounting, the series provides a unique opportunity for the exchange of peer reviewed knowledge across all areas of accounting behavioral research and the development, discussion and expansion of theories from psychology, sociology and related disciplines. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research encourages research that tests theory, explains theory, and develops theory that can be applied to better understand accounting domains. Accordingly, reviews of established theory and how that theory has and could be used in accounting are also strongly encouraged. Coverage includes, but is not restricted to: Individual judgement/decision making Group decision making Organizational behaviour Inter-organizational relationships Technology integration Strategic management/organizational theory Theory development Theory review
Emerald Publishing Limited Getting Better at Sensemaking
This work's 16 contributions fill the mind with knowledge, skills, and insights useful for improving the executive's ability to do what needs to be done: scan environments better to find the weak signals on breakthrough technologies; shifts in customers' attitudes and behaviors; changes in behaviors of suppliers, governments, and other stakeholder groups; frame problems/opportunities better by deepening understanding on how we go about making sense of what is happening and can be made to happen; deciding better by gaining deep knowledge on how decisions are actually made and can be improved (e.g., via systems thinking and simulating system operations to uncover powerful levers previously unrecognized); and, doing better by applying new tools to learn what is really happening when planned strategies are converted into realized strategies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Economic Anthropology
This volume contains 11 papers covering: Women as Artisans from Colombia and the Phillippines; Money and Witchcraft from Niger and Tanzania; Resistance to Economic Development for Canada, Mexico and the US; Changing Rural Economies from Guatemala and Kenya; and Ethnoarchaeological Studies with the topics of ceramics in Peru and state origins on Bali.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics and Society
DESCRIPTION: This volume of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society presents a diverse array of articles by an interdisciplinary and international group of scholars. Their work spans the social sciences, humanities, and law. It examines new perspectives on the relationship of law and values and race and the law. The articles published here exemplify the exciting and innovative work now being done in interdisciplinary legal scholarship. TABLE OF CONTENTS: List of contributors; Law and Values: Interpretive freedom and divine law: early rabbinic renderings of divine justice (C. Halberstam); Rawls' law of peoples: an expansion of the prioritization of political over religious values (E. Carpenter); Post modernity and the fading of individual responsibility (J. Krapp); Race in Law; Passing phantasms/sanctioning perfomativities: (re)reading white masculinity in Rhinelander v. Rhine lander (N. Hers); Tortious race, race torts: hate speech, intentional infliction, and the problem of harm (P.L. Rivers); Before or against the law? Citizens' legal beliefs and experiences as death penalty jurors (B. Steiner).
Emerald Publishing Limited Explorations in Methodology
The series as a whole recognises that the nature of ethnography is contested, and takes this to be a sign of its strength and vitality. This second volume in the series focuses on debates and developments in methodology and the many ways in which ethnographic work interacts with education. The contributions to this volume are diverse and challenging. They indicate that ethnography is a rich field that has much to offer the study of education. Particular chapters are concerned with access to research sites, critical ethnography, text construction, dilemmas of researching different ethnic groups and or researching children, the influence of the researcher, writing ethnography, ethno-drama, and the concept of triangulation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Immigration, Citizenship and the Welfare State in Germany and the United States: Immigrant Incorporation
In this timely collection of essays, leading American and German scholars analyse immigrant incorporation into the welfare state from a comparative economic, social, and political viewpoint by applying data from the 1980s and 1990s. New insights are revealed into how ethnic stratification and socioeconomic integration is promoted by specific programs and other institutionalized policies in education, labour markets, and welfare. This volume will be an important resource not only to scholars and students in economics and the social and political sciences, but also for professionals in education, social work, journalism, politics, and community groups.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accountability: Regulation, Research, Gender and Justice
This eighth volume in the series deals with a variety of topics in the field of advances in public interest accounting.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leadership: The Multiple-Level Approach: Contemporary and Alternative
Part B includes the 'contemporary' and 'alternative' approaches to leadership. The contemporary approaches have a more explicit focus on both the leaders and the development of their followers; the three papers in this area demonstrate this subtle shift, covering the nature of charisma, transformational leadership and leader-member exchange. The alternative approaches seem to take a different tack, but demonstrate a blurring of distinctions between approaches. When levels of analysis are taken seriously, narrow approaches that previously focused solely on followers become broader by including leaders and their linkages with followers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Current topics in management
This is the third volume in a series which targets the tests of the global applicability of existing managerial theory and experience. It examines: issues in organizational behavior; strategy, culture and effectiveness; managing health care; human resource management; and managing across cultures.
Emerald Publishing Limited AIDS Research AIDS Policy: Compelling Paradigms of Science and Public Policy
This serial publication focuses more on theoretical than practical analyses. It encourages historical as well as contemporary cases of social policy development and implementation, and also stresses unconventional interpretations of social policies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Managing Change: Exploring State of the Art
This is the 22nd volume in a series of monographs whose main topic of concern is that of organizational behaviour and industrial relations. This volume deals with managing changes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mind, Brains, and Society: Toward a Neurosociology of Emotions
This series aims to illustrate how social organization and private, emotional experience are different phases of the social process. It shows the steps by which emotional experience is shaped by social structural process and how these processes are changed by individuals' emotional experience.
Emerald Publishing Limited Messy Data: Missing Observations, Outliers, and Mixed-Frequency Data
Often applied econometricians are faced with working with data that is less than ideal. The data may be observed with gaps in it, a model may suggest variables that are observed at different frequencies, and sometimes econometric results are very fragile to the inclusion or omission of just a few observations in the sample. Papers in this volume discuss new econometric techniques for addressing these problems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leaving Religion and Religious Life: Patterns and Dynamics: Patterns and Dynamics
The internationally renowned group of contributors to this volume focus on the patterns and processes connected with leaving religion. The papers range from theoretical analyses of the dynamics underlying religious exiting to case studies examining specific instances of distancing from and departing from a religious lifestyle. "Leaving Religion and Religious Life" provides a much-needed investigation of the problem and its effect on formal religious institutions as well as the individuals who elect to dramatically alter their religious way of life.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cross-Cultural Case Study
This volume is one of a series of research annuals on qualitative research designed to take up issues and debates in this area that relate to methodology, the relationship between data collection and data analysis, the relationship between theory and method, and the implications of qualitative research for social policy and evaluation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Structural Analysis
Structural Analysis offers well-explained worked solutions which complement the discussed theory, allowing students to understand the logic behind the solution. This book covers the full breadth of this core topic including detailed chapter on Finite Element Analysis.
Emerald Publishing Limited Prestressed Concrete Bridges: Design and construction
Prestressed Concrete Bridges, 2nd Edition, is the comprehensive reference for practising bridge engineers on the design and construction of prestressed concrete bridges. Offering complete coverage of the design and construction of prestressed concrete bridges in a single resource, this book is an essential aid for maximising your efficiency on projects and expanding your existing knowledge. The book covers all types of deck arrangements and construction techniques – including in-situ slabs, precast beams, segmental construction, launched bridges and cable-stayed structures – and illustrates the interaction between design and construction. Prestressed Concrete Bridges, 2nd Edition: • Outlines the fundamentals of the design of prestressed concrete bridges, presenting the latest analysis methods and design techniques. • Is fully updated for bridge design to Eurocodes. • Provides an insight into the latest construction practices and the sophisticated equipment used in bridgeworks. • Offers multiple international examples of prestressed concrete bridges – including projects completed since the first edition – illustrate specific design aspects and construction processes. • Provides detailed descriptions of prestressing components and systems provide a quick reference during the scheming of projects. Prestressed Concrete Bridges, 2nd edition, is a must-have reference for practising bridge engineers and an essential guide for graduates looking to further their knowledge and understanding.
Emerald Publishing Limited Appraisal, Risk and Uncertainty
Projects need to achieve strategic goals and to that end must work in different levels of uncertainty. Engineers must be aware of methods to operate in ambiguous situations. Project promoters, project managers and consultants should understand the formative stages of each project and the risk and value decisions that have to be made. This book offers one of the first integrated approaches to these three topics based on the views of experts in these disciplines.
Emerald Publishing Limited Manual of Numerical Methods in Concrete: Modelling and applications validated by experimental and site-monitoring data
The modelling of constitutive equations to represent the isotropic and anisotropic behaviour of concrete in structures remains one of the most difficult tasks in structural engineering. At present, analyses on concrete structures are carried out for elastic, plastic and cracking conditions under static and dynamic and blast loads. The behaviour of concrete under complex loads cannot easily be assessed by codes of practice or by simplified empirical formulae. Manual of Numerical Methods in Concrete presents a unified approach for the available mathematical models of concrete, linking them to finite element analysis and to computer programs in which special provisions are made for concrete plasticity, cracking and crushing with and without concrete aggregate interlocking. Creep, temperature, and shrinkage formulations are included and geared to various concrete constitutive models. Their influence is taken into consideration in the operational and overloading behaviour of concrete structures, using linear and non-linear methods of analysis. Static and dynamic impactive and blast loadings are simulated in the interactive formulation. The book also contains extensive appendices with supporting data and computer subroutines. Manual of Numerical Methods in Concrete is an essential reference work for engineers, technologists, designers and research students - all those involved with concrete structures.
Emerald Publishing Limited Structural Appraisal of Iron Framed Textile Mills
This guide begins with a broad overview of mill building structures and their development, illustrated with examples of mill construction details. It then moves on to discuss measures that may be needed to ensure compliance with modern Building Regulations. Historical and modern evidence is presented to show that the robustness of these old buildings must be assessed carefully and guidance is given on how robustness may be improved, where necessary.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technology Management and Corporate Strategies: A Tricontinental Perspective
State-of-the-art statements in technology-related issues of business policy are presented in this volume. All aspects of technology policy which managers have to cope with are covered, including: R&D management, technological developments as related to corporate strategy, procedures conducive to innovation, matching technological development trends and so on. In order to provide a global world perspective, contributions have been made by authors from Europe, the US and Japan. Each author presents an articulated framework of his/her topic, based on personal research, with due consideration of the analytical tools presently available to managers and strategists. The authors of each single chapter contribute comments to the others. The book should provide useful indications for scholars and professionals, students, R&D managers, stategists and planners, and all general managers who have to deal with technological decisions and issues.
Emerald Publishing Limited Intellectual Property, Growth and Trade
In recent years intellectual property rights (IPR) took on major significance as an element of global trade regulation. The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) at the World Trade Organization (WTO) obliges member countries to protect patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. This mandate has great impact in developing nations, which had generally weaker IPR standards prior to TRIPS and subsequent agreements. This emerging international regime for protecting IPR raises thorny questions about how the new rules of the game might affect fundamental economic processes, including innovation, trade and economic development. The governments of many developing countries see the new regime as excessively protectionist and an impediment to their development prospects. They perceive potential problems with abusive monopoly practices, high costs for new medicines, and limited access to scientific and educational materials. Indeed, it is ironic that during a time of significant global liberalization of trade and investment barriers, the IPR system may be raising restrictions on access to the very technology flows that could substantiate the gains from greater trading opportunities. However, expansion of the global IPR regime also bears potential for economic gains. It is possible that the new system will encourage additional investments in R&D and innovation. The ongoing internationalization of commercial R&D could be accelerated. Such investments might increasingly meet the medical, agricultural, and educational needs of people in poor countries. The regime could also improve the mechanisms under which new information goods are transferred across borders, expanding the possibilities for fruitful diffusion of technologies. The implications of these reforms will be far-reaching, complex and hard to predict. It is possible, for example, that stronger patents will simply redistribute incomes across nations, generating significant winners and losers without much overall innovation gains. It is also possible that R&D investments could become more concentrated among the developed and newly industrialized economies but bypass the poorer locations. Ultimately, all such questions need close theoretical and empirical scrutiny. In this volume several economists who are closely involved in such analysis offer comprehensive and analytical literature surveys of the central questions regarding the linkages between intellectual property protection, international trade and investment, and economic growth. The authors range widely over their particular areas of inquiry. At the international level the contributions cover such questions as policy coordination in IPR, dispute resolution, markets for technology and technology transfer, international innovation, parallel trade, and economic development. On the regulatory side there are thoughtful reviews of the legal foundations of IPR, knowledge creation and the public domain, networks and standards, competition policy, access to essential medicines, and agricultural research. The contributions are aimed primarily at economists, who will find ambitious and up-to-date treatments of the most central areas of IPR and globalization. The chapters analyze recent literature, discuss shortcomings and key findings, and indicate where additional research is urgently needed. However, scholars of other disciplines, particularly in law, political science, and international relations, will find much of interest as well. The literature reviews also constitute a valuable resource for students in all these fields who wish to learn more about the economics of international IPR. This book brings together fresh insights from top economists. It considers various aspects of IPRs in the global economy from analytical and empirical perspectives. Areas covered include information technology, trade, investment, agriculture, medicine, firm behavior, and development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Role of Institutions in Rural Policies and Agricultural Markets
The agri-food sector is continuously confronted with major challenges. It is a complex sector in the economy because of its important societal implications and embeddedness within a broader rural system. Furthermore, the agricultural sector is a multi-agent sector with a complex chain of inputs, intermediates, outputs and markets that are highly regulated. Multi-agency and strong government regulation result in a complex institutional system. The aim of this book is to bring a selected state-of-the-art of the conceptual and empirical New Institutional Economics - inspired research by European agricultural economists. Besides the social environment, the two main components of the institutional environment are policies and markets. The title of this book tries to capture the main subjects. For a farmer, as an economic producing actor and social agent, his environment comprises of politics, markets and rurality, of which the first is seeking to get more ordering in the two others. Furthermore, the term rural in the title tries to capture, both in policies and markets, the usual agricultural activities as well as the new ones, which are more oriented to the rural social system. This book focuses on the three main areas of interest in institutions: policy implementation, market and supply chain organisation and management of rural resources and rural systems. The chapters are covering insights on the significance of institutions on transaction costs, policy analysis, policy reform, market and chain dynamics, input markets, agri-environmental policies, social capital and bottom-up approaches.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Venture Investment: Choices and Consequences
New venture founders and their sponsors seek to create economic value by finding and commercializing new and better ways of doing things. Their common goal, which also defines the purpose of the entrepreneurial process itself, requires a better grasp of the key elements that influence the choices involved in attempting to create economic value under highly uncertain conditions. It also requires a deeper understanding of the consequences of new venture investment as well as the various contextual factors that influence investment decisions and venture outcomes. When confronted with a particular decision making problem faced by entrepreneurs and new venture investors, academic scholars analyze how and why the problem in question is a special case of some theory or model which they know. In seeking to detect generalities and to make abstracted sense of observed realities, academics generally classify the problem in a way that is a natural consequence of the specific discipline- or field-based knowledge they possess (Davidsson, 2002). The explanations that academic researchers provide and the predictions they make are therefore likely to be framed in terms of the types of variables, theoretical perspectives, levels of analysis, and research methodologies with which they are familiar. In seeking to explore the intellectual underpinnings of new venture investment, we have gathered and organized a set of papers that provide scholarly analysis of the choices involved in new venture investment as well as the various contextual factors that influence investment outcomes. To insure a more robust and hopefully interesting scholarly treatment of such problems, we sought to include a variety of interdisciplinary and international perspectives that reflect a broad range of theoretical and empirical approaches.
Emerald Publishing Limited Macroeconomic Theory
"Macroeconomic Theory", in its first edition, was widely adopted for use as a graduate text; this updated and expanded version should find even greater popularity as a text and as a research reference. It has been substantially revised to include three entirely new chapters: The Consumption Function, Government Debt and Taxes, and Dynamic Optimal Taxation. Significant additions have been made to three of the original chapters dealing with difference equations, stochastic difference equations, and investment under uncertainty.
Emerald Publishing Limited Security Markets: Stochastic Models
This is a graduate level work covering the economic principles of security markets. Interested readers include students and researchers in economics and finance, as well as financial analysts following the latest theoretical developments in capital asset pricing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Grounding Grounded Theory: Guidelines for Qualitative Inquiry
Professor Dey's persuasive, instructive, critical, engaging, and often humorous investigation places many elements of grounded theory under close scrutiny. In searching out the methodological principles on which grounded theory is built, he reveals its main features as a qualitative research methodology for social research and the issues fundamental to understanding it. He also highlights the disagreements between the originators of grounded theory, their reasons, and their effects. His enlightened perspective thereby makes sense of the ways in which grounded theory approaches some of the key issues in qualitative analysis, such as coding and categorization, analysis of process, and generation of theory. It critically considers what grounded theory has to offer qualitative inquiry; and explores the principles and methodologies raised during the course of grounded theory's evolution.
Emerald Publishing Limited Modern Information Systems for Managers
For the first time in one comprehensive presentation, "Modern Information Systems for Managers" integrates some of the most recent and promising applications and technologies of information systems not found in current texts. Dr. Bidgoli's presentation offers several unique features to prepare future executives for effective utilization of information systems. The text presents coverage of the popular information systems technology within the context of information systems. Using this approach, Bidgoli has investigated all the important issues surrounding design and implementation of information systems including microcomputers, security issues, telecommunications and group support systems. The key features are: carefully examines new and future issues related to successful information systems design; gives the reader an understanding of upcoming technologies; contains a complete discussion of information systems analysis, design, and implementation; presents a comprehensive discussion or organizational, social, and legal impacts of information systems early in the text; each chapter contains learning objectives which leave the reader with a measurable goal; introduces various software products and their application to both micro and mainframe computers; and, each chapter concludes with 20 to 25 review questions. 'Practical Applications' presents numerous information systems applications in functional areas of business including: information systems in manufacturing, marketing, finance, human resource management, and strategic planning; internet and global information systems; decision support and executive information systems; group support systems; geographic information systems; multimedia and virtual reality; and, artificial intelligence and expert systems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Dynamic Analysis in the Social Sciences
The study of social dynamics using quantitative methodology is complex and calls for cutting-edge technical and methodological approaches in social science research. This book presents the existing statistical models and methods available for understanding social change over time. It provides step-by-step instructions for designing and conducting longitudinal research, with special focus on the longitudinal analysis of both quantitative outcomes (for the modeling of change in continuous variables) and qualitative outcomes (for the modeling of events occurring over time). Readers will learn how to study change in variables over time and how to formulate and estimate multivariate longitudinal models to predict such change, mainly using cross-sectional, cross-time and event history analyzes. This text also teaches how to design and implement a study using longitudinal data from the selection and collection of appropriate variables to the most effective ways to analyze and present data for publication in top social science journals.
Emerald Publishing Limited Brownfields Redevelopment and the Quest for Sustainability
Concerns over urban blight, environmental degradation, climate change, inner-city unemployment, and a host of other socio-economic and environmental problems have forced policy makers, planners, and others interested in the future of our planet to take a closer look at ways to foster more sustainable urban development. Drawing on the author's extensive research, this book examines the role that brownfields redevelopment is playing and can play in our quest for sustainability, focusing primarily on efforts in the US and Canada to build better places for urban dwellers to live, work, and play. It commences by reviewing the nature and scope of the brownfields problem and puts it into a sustainability context, both theoretically and in terms of real costs and benefits. The book then looks at how brownfields are being used as spaces for developing an array of residential, recreational, and employment-oriented projects that have breathed new life into the urban environment. For a more sustainable future, however, the author argues that more still needs to be done to connect sustainability objectives and processes to redevelopment efforts. This is a study of the nature of urban brownfields redevelopment in North America over the last two decades. It outlines the reasons behind the emerging success of recent brownfields redevelopment. It critically examines how affected stakeholders have overcome the numerous challenges facing brownfields redevelopment.
Emerald Publishing Limited Handbook of Transport Modelling
Since 2000, there has been an exponential amount of research completed in the field of transport modelling thereby creating a need for an expanded and revised edition of this book. National transport models have taken on the new modelling methods and there have been theoretical and empirical advances in performance measurement. Coverage will include current demand methods, data issues, valuation, cost and performance, and updated traffic models. Supplementary case studies will illustrate how modelling can be applied to the study of the different transport modes and the infrastructures that support them.The second edition of this handbook will continue to be an essential reference for researchers and practitioners in the field. All contributions are by leading experts in their fields and there is extensive cross-referencing of subject matter. This book features expanded coverage on emerging trends and updated case studies. It addresses models for specific applications (i.e. parking, national traffic forecasting, public transport, urban freight movements, and logistics management).
Emerald Publishing Limited Computer Games and Team and Individual Learning
Documents research on the impact of computer games on the learning of adults. Computer games and learning are characterized from a series of different theoretical and empirical viewpoints. Both civilian sector and military applications are presented. While effectiveness of game environments to support learning can be documented in terms of intensity and longevity of engagement (participants voting with their time), as well as the commercial success of the games, there is much less solid empirical information about what instructional outcomes are systematically achieved by the playing of individual and multiplayer games. This book will address these issues. Designed for professionals in the gaming, simulation, assessment and evaluation, educational technology, and educational psychology communities, this book explores the state of the art in the use of computer game technology for teaching and measurement of learning in adults. Its unique focus is on the empirical impact, both qualitative and quantitative, of computer games on the learning of adults.
Emerald Publishing Limited Bilbao: Basque Pathways to Globalization
The gleaming Guggenheim Museum Bilbao has put the Basque capital on the map of world cities and has exacerbated optimism among public officials worldwide about the role of spectacular architecture in urban renewal. This book - a theoretically-informed case study and a major synthesis of Bilbaos developments through the lens of globalization analyzes the Guggenheim project as the latest of Bilbaos globalization efforts, puts the project in the context of Bilbaos decades-long transformation and contends that Bilbaos positive economic performance since 1994 is not fundamentally due to the success of Frank Gehry's building, but rather to a complex array of causal processes that must be understood in the context of Bilbaos connections with the world economy and a changing world-system. The author argues that globalization processes in Bilbao are as old as the city itself and that the role of the State must be taken into account in order to explain the city's changing fortunes throughout the years. Globalization itself ought to be understood as a complex and variable network-like process with multiscalar nodes, an approach which is carefully theorized and empirically developed in this book. This is a volume in the "Current Research in Urban and Regional Studies Series". It takes into consideration Bilbao's social history and the complex relationships between local and global entities (regionalism v. state). It provides a socioeconomic analysis of the "Bilbao Effect".
Emerald Publishing Limited Trust: Reason, Routine, Reflexivity
What makes trust such a powerful concept? Is it merely that in trust the whole range of social forces that we know play together? Or is it that trust involves a peculiar element beyond those we can account for? While trust is an attractive and evocative concept that has gained increasing popularity across the social sciences, it remains elusive, its many facets and applications obscuring a clear overall vision of its essence. In this book, Guido Mollering reviews a broad range of trust research and extracts three main perspectives adopted in the literature for understanding trust. Accordingly, trust is presented as a matter of reason, routine or reflexivity. While all these perspectives contribute something to our understanding of trust, Mollering shows that they imply, but cannot explain, suspension the leap of faith that is typical of trust. He, therefore, proposes a new direction in trust research that builds on existing perspectives but places the suspension of uncertainty and vulnerability at the heart of the concept of trust. Beyond a purely theoretical line of argument, the author discusses implications for empirical studies of trust and presents original case material that captures the experience of trust in terms of reason, routine, reflexivity and suspension. Mollering concludes by suggesting how the new approach can enhance the relevance of trust research and its contributions to broader research agendas concerning the constitution of positive expectations in the face of prevalent uncertainty and change at various levels in our economies and societies. The book is essential reading for anyone who wants to gain a thorough understanding of trust. It can serve as a general introduction for advanced students and scholars in the social sciences, especially in economics, sociology, psychology and management. For more experienced researchers, it is a challenging and provocative critique of the field and a new approach to understanding trust. It provides a detailed examination of trust as a social concept; argues that trust can be a matter of reason, routine, or reflexivity; and discusses theoretical aspects of trust but addresses practical applications as well.
Emerald Publishing Limited Between School and Work: New Perspectives on Transfer and Boundary Crossing
This book opens up new theoretical perspectives and practical possibilities to analyze the learning opportunities emerging in the transitional zones between educational institutions and workplaces. International contributors draw on a range of ideas developed within constructivistic, socio-cultural and activity theory and focus in different ways on the processes of transition, transfer and boundary crossing as central to learning, especially in vocational and professional education contexts. The book begins with four chapters which locate the renewed interest in transfer and the emerging interest in boundary crossing in the context of knowledge society in terms of the following: the historical development of learning theories, the theoretical advances made in socio-cultural approaches as regards learning, transfer and boundary crossing, and sociological approaches to links between school and workplace learning. Part II contains seven chapters that present studies on learning and transfer in different domains of vocational and professional education. Part III presents three studies that describe and analyze learning in workplaces. The chapters of these three parts report on a range of empirical and developmental studies which have developed new 'tools for learning and transfer' in vocational education. The book ends with an epilogue consisting of a critical reflection on the earlier chapters in relation to how they approach two key transfer issues - the relationship between school knowledge and the knowledge acquired in working life, and the relationship between transfer and boundary crossing at the individual and collective levels. The chapters of this book are based on original research undertaken by members and invited experts of a European COST Action A 11 Working Group 2 which includes researchers from twelve different countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Future of Election Studies
Election studies have reached a critical point in their development. In 1999, directors of election studies in Great Britain, Canada, the Netherlands and the USA, together with the directors of the European Elections Studies program and the Comparative Study of Election Systems group, met to discuss the conduct of election studies. After the conference, attendees responded to issues raised at the meeting by writing the chapters contained in this volume. There is unanimity among the investigators that studies based upon the Michigan model have reached the limit of what they can achieve. "The Future of Election Studies" considers the nature of new research questions facing electoral scholars, why conventional pre- and/or post-election studies are ill-equipped to address these questions, and how such studies are adapting to meet the challenges faced by scholars today and in the future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Negotiating Moves: Problem Presentation and Resolution in Japanese Business Discourse
This study of Japanese business discourse adopts Bakhtin's notion of speech genres as an heuristic in order to analyze groups of spoken texts which display similar constellations of compositional, thematic, and stylistic features. Drawing upon a corpus of over 540 naturally-occurring telephone conversations collected in the Kanto and Kansai areas of Japan, Lindsay Amthor Yotsukura demonstrates how Japanese business professionals present, negotiate and clarify their identities and intentions and enlist and offer assistance with respect to a variety of transactions such as toiawase inquiries, merchandise orders, shipping confirmations, and reports of delivery problems. In the process, she highlights the critical deictic function of linguistic devices such as the no desu (extended predicate) construction in producing formulations, and politeness expressions that index the dynamic uti/soto ('inside'/ 'outside') continuum. She also illustrates some of the ways in which these "negotiating moves" are consonant with a number of Japanese "folk" metalinguistic concepts and expressions in order to underscore the importance of shared assumptions and expectations developed through experience in performing these genres of "talk at work" on a regular, collaborative, basis. Yotsukura's findings represent a unique and significant contribution to the discourse - and conversation-analytic literature on business negotiation because the field has until now focused almost exclusively on English and other Indo-European languages. The study should therefore provide an entirely different but equally important ethnographic perspective on the culturally nuanced, rhetorical strategies used by a non-Western community of speakers for the presentation and resolution of problems in business transactions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Handbook of Transport Systems and Traffic Control
This book discusses transport systems and the implementation of related public policy - a relevant topic with contemporary traffic congestion, environmental intrusion, transport safety, and budget issues. It is a resource for both experienced researchers and those new to the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Universities' Responsibilities to Society: International Perspectives
The Fourth Mid Term Conference of Heads of Universities was hosted by Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand and took place between November 12th and 14th 1997. The occasion brought together heads and representatives of universities and of major national, regional and international bodies whose concern lies with higher education world-wide and in all its manifestations. The purpose of their meeting was to debate the general theme 'The Universities' Responsibilities to Society'. It is a theme which over the past decade has been gathering weight and momentum. Higher education is taking on more students, employing more teachers and researchers and is advancing the frontiers of knowledge at an ever-increasing pace. Included in this publication are all the keynote and plenary addresses which dealt with the three broad sub-themes of the Conference. These are: university and development: anticipating change; universities and the international knowledge enterprise; academic freedom and university autonomy: pre-requisites for the university meeting its responsibilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Managing without Leadership: Towards a Theory of Organizational Functioning
A critical examination of leadership theories past and present, "Managing without Leadership" argues that leadership as traditionally understood does not explain organizational functioning. Bounded by empiricist assumptions and methodology, and including a narrow theory of mind as symbol processor, leadership theories are unable to support their claims about leaders and their actions. Drawing on coherentist epistemology, connectionism, and the theory of self-organizing dynamic systems, a naturalistic account of organizational functioning and organization design is explored that includes leaders as non-privileged agents in the cognitive fabric of organizational life.
Emerald Publishing Limited Fundamentals of Transportation and Traffic Operations
The basic concepts in the transportation and traffic operations field that should be understood by every transportation professional are presented here in a thorough, coherent, and self-contained way. Introductory chapters on "tools" cover topics such as graphical methods, optimization, probability, stochastic processes, statistics and simulation; these are complemented by application chapters on traffic dynamics, control, observation, and scheduled modes, where the fundamental ideas are presented in depth. A key element of the author's approach is that only that material is presented which is definitely known and correct. At the same time, an effort has been made to point out various pitfalls and common errors so that they can be avoided. The result is an invaluable source of reliable, well grounded and clearly explained ideas, tools and techniques for the transportation professional.
Emerald Publishing Limited Computer Assisted Learning: Selected Contributions from the Cal 95 Symposium, 10-13 April 1995, University of Cambridge
This volume contains a selection of the best papers from the Computer Assisted Learning 1995 Symposium. The theme of the proceedings, Learning to Succeed, draws upon the experience of the widespread use of the microcomputer in education over the past decade in order to assess the use in the new millennium. It attempts to answer such questions as what will the future look like and what lessons can we draw upon from the past to guide us?