Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Third World Contexts
With an annual output, Research in Rural Sociology and Development, publishes scholarly content at the cutting edge of rural sociology. Addressing issues such as rural development and growth, globalization, labour relations, agrarian dynamics, and social and personal implications of rural and agricultural change, this series provides in-depth and up to date research on the local and global systems affecting rural dynamics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in marketing
This is the first volume, in a long-running series, on the subject of research in marketing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emerging and Potential Trends in Public Management: An Age of Austerity
Challenging some of the established practices of public policy and administration, which have been called into question in recent years by the financial and banking crises of 2008, the authors specifically seek to investigate current public sector management and the public managers acting in the interests of civil society to get to the heart of best practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Rethinking Obama
This volume of "Political Power and Social Theory" includes a selection of papers exploring Obama and the Politics of Race & Religion. Chapters examine the complex dynamics of race relations and racial meaning in America under the Obama administration. The "Scholarly Controversies" section features a debate on Obama and religion in the United States. This volume will be among the first to critically assess the meanings of race and religion in America under the Obama administration, featuring controversial chapters by Phil Gorksi of Yale University and Eduardo Bonilla-Silva of Duke University, among others.
Emerald Publishing Limited Review of Marketing Research: Special Issue - Marketing Legends
This special issue of Review of Marketing Research is unique in that it contains articles by marketing legends in their own words. Presented in alphabetical order; Richard Bagozzi, Shelby Hunt, Philip Kotler, V Kumar, Naresh K. Malhotra, Kent Monroe, Jagdish M Sheth, Yoram (Jerry) Wind and Gerald Zaltman summarize in their own words not only their research but also the salient aspects of their academic life journeys. In this outstanding collection: VK views his research from a decision-making point of view in terms of decisions marketers make either at the market, brand, firm, store, or the customer level; Kotler describes how he entered the marketing field and shows his contributions in four sections: articles written, books published, students nurtured, and executives consulted and trained; Sheth, described as an accidental marketerA", traces the interesting path he followed as the social scientist interested in buyer behavior who ventured into organizational buyer behaviour; Wind shows how his research has been influenced by the real world challenges facing corporations and organizations, and talks of his search for and use of the latest methodological developments to assure the rigor and validity of the solutions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global History of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Americas
This is the second in a four volume set which addresses Global Accounting History developments, focusing upon financial reporting, and related institutional aspects of disclosures for accountability and decision making purposes. This volume addresses five countries of the Americas, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico and the United States of America. Chapters are authored by specialists knowledgeable about each of the subject countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Nordic Varieties of Capitalism
This is the only comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the political economy of the five Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden). Five studies have been written within a project, and are based on thorough discussions on a common framework within which the distinct features of the economic policies of each separate country are analysed in a comparative perspective. The studies are accompanied by an extensive comparative discussion - written collectively by the members of the project team - that locates the Nordic model(s) within the wider map of capitalist varieties in the contemporary Western world. This book emphasizes the variety of experiences within the Nordic realm, from the dramatic collapse of Iceland's economy as the financial bubble burst in 2008 to the full-employment oil-economy of Norway that proved virtually unaffected by the financial instabilities of 2008. It also identifies certain common transformations (particularly linked to the politics of immigration and integration, the persistent role of the unions, and new opportunities created by national systems of innovation).
Emerald Publishing Limited The Evolving Role of Asia In Global Finance
The process of Asia's rise to a position of eminence in global finance has accelerated in the wake of the international financial crisis, posing new opportunities and challenges to both the Asian economies and the global financial and trade systems. This volume represents a significant new endeavour to explore and understand the dynamics created by this process of transition. Specifically, it addresses the following four contemporary themes of the evolving role of Asia in global finance: real and financial interactions among economies and across markets, both within Asia and beyond; regional monetary cooperation in Asia; the decoupling debate over Asia's evolving economic and financial ties with major industrial economies; and, the changing roles of domestic finance and capital flows in the developing Asian economies. It sheds light on various dimensions of Asia's economy and finance, ranging from business cycles, exchange rate movements, regional policy coordination, domestic financial development, capital flows, and financial market behaviour. These analyses are pooled in a book that is a must read for market participants, policymakers and academics alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Analyzing Gender, Intersectionality, and Multiple Inequalities: Global-transnational and Local Contexts
The papers in this volume were selected and revised from among those presented at the conference "Gender and Social Transformation: Global, Transnational, and Local Realities and Perspectives", Beijing, China in 2009. Through case studies and interview data from across the globe we see how intersectionality and inequality are contextualized shaping women's agencies, gender relations, identity, the politics of belonging, power structures, institutional arrangements, and empowerment (self and/or collective) in local communities and cultures influenced by transnational and global networks and processes. Those who experience inequality, the politics of exclusion and social injustice by virtue of gender, ethnicity and/or class and other differences are the most vulnerable in the face of new adversities, including those that occur in response to globalization. Broader theoretical and methodological contexts for these nation- and region-specific studies are provided in essays by leading gender theorists. Divisions of labor, migration, war and peace-building are among the specific topics addressed in papers from China, India, Israel, Korea, Germany, Australia, Turkey and the United States.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Collected Scientific Work of David Cass
The three volumes of the "The Collected Scientific Works of David Cass" are ordered chronologically, which happens to coincide with the development of the three major advances in Cass' research agenda, the development of the neoclassical growth model, the discovery of sunspot equilibria, and the analysis of models of market incompleteness. This volume consists of the work Cass completed after leaving Carnegie Mellon for the University of Pennsylvania's Economics Department (where he remained for the rest of his career). The work during this period encompasses his well-known collaboration with Karl Shell and Yves Balasko on overlapping generations models, and his development with Karl of the notion of 'sunspot equilibria' - rational expectations equilibria which are essentially self-fulfilling prophecies. This period also saw the beginnings of Cass' pioneering research into the theory of incomplete markets, which grew naturally form his early interest in models of asset pricing, and includes the paper which developed what is now known as the Cass trick for analyzing incomplete markets models.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sociology of Diagnosis
Diagnosis is central to medical practice, medical knowledge and research, medicalization dynamics, and health and illness experience. Embedded in social relations, diagnoses reflect and shape social dynamics and cultural concerns. Diagnoses are integral to resource allocation, form the basis for identities, and may become a focal point of turf battles and contested authority. Some diagnoses are willingly embraced, whereas others are strenuously resisted. Some diagnoses come and go as fashions; others persist. A sociological approach to diagnosis therefore occupies a complex intersection of diverse subfields including medical sociology, sociology of knowledge, mental health, deviance, social control, sociology of science, social movements, the body, sexualities, gender, and health and illness. This volume explores the breadth of diagnosis and diagnoses through empirical reports, conceptual work, and theoretical statements from diverse perspectives. Reflecting the multi-faceted nature of the emerging field, the book is arranged in five sections: Frameworks, Context, Contestation, Identity, and Social Control. Sociology of Diagnosis thus provides both a starting point for discussion and means with which to organize the nascent conceptual landscape.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
This series publishes monograph length conceptual papers designed to promote theory and research on important substantive and methodological topics in the field of human resources management. Volume 30 of "Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management (RPHRM)" contains a collection of papers on important issues in the field of human resources management, including insights on employment branding, family owned firms, virtual global teams and intrinsic motivation, thus continuing the tradition of the series to develop a more informed understanding of the field. This collection of papers represents excellent scholarship and illustrates the truly interdisciplinary character of the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction: Issues and Challenges
The importance of Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is increasing due, in part, to recent major disasters throughout the world. CCA and DRR are closely associated and there has been significant awareness at global and national levels to make collective focus on CCA and DRR. Although there are several books on CCA, this is the first systematic academic publication to highlight the linkages between CCA and DRR, CCA-DRR synergy and interactions. The book is divided into four parts: Part 1 focuses on the theory of CCA and DRR and its enabling environment; Part 2 focuses on governance, education and technology as the framework of CCA-DRR linkage; Part 3 focuses on different entry points with chapters on urban, coast, mountain, river and housing; and Part 4 focuses on regional perspective of CCA and DRR looking at developing nations, south Asia, ASEAN and Small Island Developing States. Key issues and challenges related to the CCA and DRR are highlighted throughout, mostly drawing lessons and experiences from the field practices. This book gives researchers and practitioners greater awareness on the current trend of research in the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction: An Asian Perspective
Following on from Volume 4 in this series, which looked at issues and challenges with regard to Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Volume 5 has a specific focus on Asia. Arguably among the regions of the world most vulnerable to climate change, Asia has different mechanisms for CCA and DRR activities. Synergies between DRR and CCA in this region are necessary not only to avoid duplicities and derive optimal benefits from scarce resources but also to add value to projects through lessons learnt from a variety of perspectives. This volume provides 19 case studies from 13 countries and regions in Asia. The case studies highlight different aspects of CCA-DRR entry points, such as policy interventions, drought risk management, coastal management, agro-forestry, lagoon management, livelihood issues and risk communication. A valuable aid to students and researchers in the field of disaster risk reduction, climate change, environmental studies and related risks, it provides a greater awareness on the current trend of research in the field also for practitioners and policy makers applying the collective knowledge into policy and decision making.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leading in Turbulent Times: Lessons Learnt and Implications for the Future
For much of his business life, Peter Lorange has had three careers running in parallel - as a business academic leading some of the world's most important business schools, as the head of a shipping company and as a board member for several multinational companies. As a result, he has seen leadership from all angles, inside and out. In this book, Peter shares what he has learnt about leadership during turbulent times and, in particular, the key insights that emerged from some of the most challenging moments in his career. Drawing on his own experiences and those of other CEOs interviewed especially for this book, Peter identifies the four leadership characteristics essential in turbulent times, and the three leadership tasks that are critical to an organization under stress. He identifies the type of organization that leaders must create in order to meet the challenges they face today, and explores what it means to be the person sitting where the buck stops. Peter describes how he is bucking the trend and reinventing the business school model at a time when many organizations are keeping their heads down and hoping for the global situation to improve.
Emerald Publishing Limited Political Power and Social Theory
"Political Power and Social Theory" is an annual review, committed to advancing our interdisciplinary, critical understanding of the linkages between social relations, political power, and historical development. Alongside peer-reviewed chapters dealing with a diversity of topics, this volume contains a special section on the politics of the 'new middle class' in the global south and post-socialist societies. Over the past few decades, globalization and urbanization have contributed to the development of a newly educated urban middle class around the world, but this new class has been rarely studied. Filling this void, the chapters in this section examine the middle classes in the developing world in areas as diverse as the Middle East, India, South Africa, the former Soviet Union, and Latin America. This is one of the only volumes examining the new urban middle classes in emerging economies. Exploring identity-formation, social change, urbanization and politics among the new middle class, the chapters together offer new insights on this understudied social group and raise provocative questions about politics and social change in the early 21st century around the globe.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Early Childhood Educator Professional Development Grant: Research and Practice
This 15th volume of "Advances in Early Education and Day Care" focuses on the implementation of professional development for early childhood educators, describing a number of models for improving early childhood care. These models differ by setting, urban, rural, public, private, center and home based child care. These programs also differ by implementation model. Mentoring, workshops, online information and college courses are examples of how professional development was implemented. The systematic assessment of both the providers and the children described in these chapters will be of assistance for future research designers who are conducting large scale data collection and analysis. These chapters should serve as a way for policy makers to become informed about how best to expend scarce resources in the implementation of professional development. Increasing our knowledge of effective practices in professional development is an important factor in improving the outcomes for future generations of children. The collection of these chapters in one volume should provide future developers of professional development with a road map for what works and what might not be as effective.
Emerald Publishing Limited What is so Austrian about Austrian Economics?
Leading scholars consider Austrian economics from several perspectives such as characteristic themes of entrepreneurship and uncertainty, scientific methods such as mathematical complexity theory and experimental economics, and historical contexts such as pre-war Vienna and post-war France. Placing "Austrian economics" in these multiple contexts helps to reveal the rich texture of the Austrian tradition in social thought and its multiple connections to current research in diverse fields. Applications to the theory of the trade cycle and to foreign intervention suggest that the Austrian tradition contains possibilities not yet full explored and exploited. The volume gathers together papers presented at the second biennial Wirth conference on Austrian economics, held in October 2008 when the crisis of Fall 2008 was still new and shocking. This coincidence of timing makes policy issues and crisis management a kind of leitmotif of the volume. If, as keynote speaker David Colander argues, Austrians have a comparative advantage in political economy, then its stock should rise in times of crisis and political uncertainty. The volume provides evidence in favor of this view. Contributors include David Colander, Richard Wagner, Jeffery McMullen, J. Barkley Rosser, Jr., Steve Horwitz, Richard Ebeling, Chris Coyne, and Peter Boettke.
Emerald Publishing Limited Troubled Regions and Failing States: The Clustering and Contagion of Armed Conflict
Is the phenomenon of state failure better understood through a focus on the regional context? To what extent may studies of regional security benefit from a focus on the capacities and vulnerabilities of the states involved? These are the questions addressed in this volume of "Comparative Social Research". Substantially, this special issue operates at the intersection of the larger debates on state failure and on regional (in-) security, relating to various perspectives within each of these. State failure, manifesting itself in the inability of a state to maintain its monopoly of violence, has become a widespread phenomenon in several regions of the world. While the weakness of the institutions of the state in question is an obvious dimension of state failure, there is also an important international dimension. In many of these cases, conflicts are interwoven and violence spills across borders.
Emerald Publishing Limited Democratic Paths and Trends
In this text, "Research in Political Sociology", the imperative and current issues of democratic trends are presented by scholars from Asia, Europe, Latin America and the United States. The volume addresses worldwide changes and developments of democratization from historical and contemporary perspectives. It presents discourses on the diffusion of democracy, paths of democratic transitions, worldwide trends towards democratization, as well as discussion about democracy in retreat. Cross-cultural, comparative studies sit alongside case studies of individual countries including democratic development in the United States, post-colonial and post-Soviet democratization trends, and most recent experiences of countries that have undergone democratization growth or democracy in retreat in the first decade of this century. This volume can be used by political sociologists to strengthen and develop the unique skills and interests they bring to sociology. It is pertinent to researchers from political science, sociology, anthropology, economics, and to policy makers from across the globe working on democratic transition and democratization/re-democratization issues.
Emerald Publishing Limited Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives
"Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal, and Political Perspectives" brings together recent, cutting-edge research on economic factors affecting peace and war. This important area of continuing research was the focus of an international conference held at the University of Sydney in June 2009 and these chapters are partly drawn from among the best contributions to that meeting. The book weaves together threads from a number of themes in current research including new theoretical perspectives on the economic foundations of peace, violence and war within countries, connections between international trade and inter-state conflict, and the role of legal/institutional factors in international and internal conflict. Through a focused exploration of these related topics emerge areas of scholarly consensus as well as areas of continued debate. International in scope, it is the only book to explicitly bring together economic, legal and political scholarship to focus on the problem of conflict. It employs a range of modern social science analytical methods, including qualitative cases, econometrics, and game-theoretic models, to rigorously advance understanding of conflict within and between countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social and Cultural Diversity in a Sporting World
This book brings together some of the leading authors in sport and sociocultural diversity. Social and cultural diversity becomes a key conceptual framework and lens through which to examine and understand a wide range of cultural issues related to: nationalism, gender, race, ethnicity, indigenous culture, sexuality, (dis)ability and even religiosity. This volume explores the dimensions of cultural diversity that relate to many of the aforementioned dimensions as they are located within the broad context of sport. The chapters are grounded in a variety of concepts and theories, and deal with policy, inclusion, affirmative action legislations, identity, and equity in all aspects of sports organisations as well as related issues that have emerged within the context of social and cultural diversity.Topics covered include: Politics of Identity and Representation, Theorising Sport and Inclusion Practices, Accommodation and Resistance to Diversity/Equality, Symbolic Construction of Sports Communities, Ethnocentrism and Whiteness, Ethnic Identities and Corporate Managerialism, Exploration of Alternative Leadership Paradigms, and Affirmative Action. Themes considered include: Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Indigeneity, Sexuality, (Dis)Ability, and Religiosity. The volume provides accounts from authors throughout the world in examining current ideas about social and cultural diversity in sporting worlds.
Emerald Publishing Limited Privatization in Transition Economies: The Ongoing Story
This volume brings together contributions from a diverse group of authors each of whom have worked extensively on privatization and related reforms, such as restructuring and bankruptcy, in the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), sometimes referred to as the Former Soviet Union, and South East Europe (SEE). A chapter on Chinese state enterprise reforms and privatization has been included in this volume due to Chinas importance economically and politically, its successful reform program to-date and its unique approach to reforms. The volume is largely a retrospective of the ten or so years of reform from 1990 to 2000, focused on privatization in the transition countries since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the peaceful revolutions in Poland and in then Czechoslovakia (now the Czech and Slovak Republics), the break-up of the Soviet Union and the formation of the Russian Federation. Most of the contributors to this volume worked closely with the leading reformers in Government during this period to assist them in designing and implementing their privatization programs. One of the contributors was directly involved in the process as a leading reformer in his country, as a Deputy Minister of Economy and as Director of its Privatization Agency. For the most part, sufficient time has passed to allow the authors to now treat their subject objectively. Serbia and China are unique in comparison to the other countries discussed in this volume, as their state enterprise reform and privatization programs are still on going. China started earlier than the other transition economies, but continue to the present time, due to what some analysts have described as a more gradualist approach to reforms that the other transition economies. Serbia was a late reformer due to the break-up of Yugoslavia, the conflict in the region and its years of isolation. Also, Serbia had to deal with the legacy of socially owned enterprises, not state-owned enterprises as in the other transition economies. Serbia is now in the process of trying to determine how to wind-up its program. While the volume is primarily a retrospective, the overview chapter provides lessons learned on banking and infrastructure reforms and the concluding chapter on lessons learned is forward looking. There is still much to do in many of these countries, especially in the CIS and SEE, the Asian transition economies such as Viet Nam and eventually in North Korea and Cuba. The concluding chapter draws concrete lessons from the earlier experience that could be of value to these countries. As such, this volume is a unique contribution to the current academic literature on the transition economies and on privatization. It includes original articles by experts on their subjects. One of the contributors was directly involved in the process as a leading reformer in his country.
Emerald Publishing Limited Bioethical Issues: Sociological Perspectives
This volume deals with the topic of health inequalities and health disparities. The volume is divided into five sections. The first section includes an introductory look at the issue of health care inequalities and disparities and also an introduction to the volume. One of the backdrops to this topic in the United States was The National Healthcare Disparities Report and its focus on the ability of Americans to access health care and variation in the quality of care. Disparities related to socioeconomic status were included, as were disparities linked to race and ethnicity and the report also tried to explore the relationship between race/ethnicity and socioeconomic position, as explained in more detail in the first article in the book.The second article discusses a newer overall approach to issues related to health inequalities and health disparities. The remaining four sections of the book address more specific topics relating to inequalities and disparities. The second section examines racial and ethnic inequalities and disparities. The third section includes articles that address the issue from the perspective of research about health care providers and health care facilities. The last two sections of the book focus on consumers and topics of health care disparities, with Section 4 focused on issues related to substance abuse, mental health and related concerns.Section 5 includes articles looking at issues of vulnerable women, women with breast cancer and people with colorectal cancer. "Inequalities and Disparities in Health Care and Health" is important reading for medical sociologists and people working in other social science disciplines studying health-related issues. The volume also provides vital information for health services researchers, policy analysts and public health researchers. It is a great resource for health services researchers, policy analysts and public health researchers. It offers an in-depth look at bioethics, focusing on health inequalities and disparities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Economics of Health and Wellness: Anthropological Perspectives
This 26th volume in the "Research in Economic Anthropology" series differs in two main ways from all those that have come before. For one, it is the first "REA" volume to focus exclusively on the issue of health. In addition, it is not as concerned overall with economic or social theory, or with economic reasoning and action, as other volumes have been. Rather, it concentrates on the identification and analysis of important economic factors in the production of health and wellness. This volume consists of ten original anthropological papers that explore the general theme of the economics of health and wellness in a variety of ways. Some of these papers are more strongly ethnographic in nature, relying wholly on qualitative data derived from participant-observer methods at which ethnographers excel. Other papers successfully blend such information with quantitative data drawn from surveys, questionnaires, and even from biological samples.All papers, however, are grounded in empirical methods and based on data drawn from the personal investigations of the authors. Subjects and geographic areas represented in the volume are: Lakota residents of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, USA; rural people of Bangladesh; mental health care facilities and systems in Texas, USA; unsuccessful rural-urban migrants in Botswana, Southern Africa; loggers in British Columbia, Canada; municipal bus drivers in San Francisco, California; poor residents of Puebla, Mexico; slum dwellers of Lima, Peru; female victims of domestic abuse in Northern Vietnam; and, followers of Tibetan Buddhism in France. It features original articles written by experts in their fields. It is international in its scope.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting
Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting" is devoted to publishing high-quality research and cases that focus on the professional responsibilities of accountants and how they deal with the ethical issues they face. The series features articles on a broad range of important and timely topics, including professionalism, social responsibility, ethical judgment, and accountability. The professional responsibilities of accountants are broad-based; they must serve clients and user groups whose needs, incentives, and goals may be in conflict. Further, accountants must interpret and apply codes of conduct, accounting and auditing principles, and securities regulations. Compliance with professional guidelines is judgment-based, and characteristics of the individual, the culture, and situations affect how these guidelines are interpreted and applied, as well as when they might be violated. Interactions between accountants, regulators, standard setters, and industries also have ethical components. Research into the nature of these interactions, resulting dilemmas, and how and why accountants resolve them, is the focus of this series. This title publishes annually.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Law and Economics: A Journal of Policy
Since 1979 "Research in Law and Economics" has been presenting original research that explores the extent to which the constraints of law explain economic behavior and the role of economics in forming the law. Leading scholars, including Kenneth Arrow, Kenneth Elzinga, Victor Goldberg, Jack Hirschliefer, Paul Joskow, and Vernon Smith, have chosen "Research in Law and Economics" as the right forum for presenting their research. Now published bi-annually, each issue of "Research in Law and Economics" focuses on a timely and relevant topic. Such topics have included economics of environmental policy, urban property rights, antitrust and evolutionary models in economics and law. This volume focuses on cost-benefit analysis and the law, whereas the next special issue will concentrate on corporate finance
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
"Studies in Law, Politics and Society" continues the tradition of annually publishing interdisciplinary research on law with a critical focus that was begun in Research in Law and Sociology and carried forward in Research in Law, Deviance and Social Control. The new title describes an expanded focus and a broader audience of legal scholars who study: the intersection of legal thought and consciousness and the development of legal practices and institutions; and the development of legal thought and practices. The research spans a wide range of law related subjects including law and inequality, feminist jurisprudence, racial oppression and law, legal institutions and communities, and the ways law is used by political authorities or by ordinary citizens. Legal scholarship produced from an historical, comparative or ethnographic perspective is of special interest. This book series is available electronically online.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
This volume of "Studies in Law, Politics, and Society" presents a diverse array of articles by an interdisciplinary group of scholars. Their work covers political science, policy studies, and law. Some of the articles published in this issue focus on the sources of conflict and violence as well as law's response to both. Here, research illustrates the complex ways law can be said to be both opposed to violence and yet be violent itself. Other articles focus on the way judges and other legal actors use law as they interpret it. Taken together they exemplify the exciting and innovative work now being done in interdisciplinary legal scholarship. An interdisciplinary volume that discusses political science, policy science and law, this book is divided into two parts: conflict, violence, and legal processes; and deciding cases, charting progress. It uses case law examples to examine issues.
Emerald Publishing Limited Practical Transformations and Transformational Practices: Globalization, Postmodernism, and Early Childhood Education
Both traditional and progressive curricula are inadequate for the task of responding to the economic, political, social, and cultural changes that have occurred as a result of globalization. This book documents some of the ongoing work occurring in early childhood settings that is aimed at improving, and ultimately transforming, early childhood practice in these changed and changing times. The authors do not simply critique developmental approaches or the increasing standardization of the field. Instead, they describe how they are playing around with postmodern ideas in practice and developing unique approaches to the diverse educational circumstances that confront early childhood educators. Whether it is preparing teachers, using materials, or developing policies, each chapter provides readers with possibilities for enacting pedagogies that are responsive to the contemporary circumstances shaping the lives of young children.
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategy Process
Enduring scholarly interest in the process of strategy making stems from an abiding assumption that some ways of strategizing are more efficacious than others, and thus lead to higher firm performance in the long run; higher than luck alone would bring. Expressions of interest in and endorsements of the strategy process are abundant in the academic literature. For senior managers and leaders, the question of how to make effective strategies stands usually at the top of their agenda. Not surprisingly then, the quest to uncover stable principles of good strategy making has attracted much support and interest over the years. Researchers who responded to the strategy process challenge have known many moments of exhilaration and disillusion. Scholarly insights took long to accumulate, perhaps too long to serve as the sole basis for helping the eager practitioner in search of simpler but applicable advice. As a result, a significant and often highly visible part of the field is characterized by a controversial normative orientation. But beneath this dramatic and unstable facade lies a gradual, patient, and seemingly more stable, hard-at-work, academic enterprise. Scholarly strategy process research apparently goes on, perhaps more than ever, suggesting that there is something fundamental and deeply interesting and profound about how strategies are made, where they originate in organizations, and how the process of strategy making impacts the performance of organizations. This volume is the culmination of our three year effort to explore and uncover this relatively hidden or at least less visible side of the strategy process field. Taken together, the sixteen chapters represent current scholarly strategy process research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Focused Issue on The Marketing Process in Organizational Competence
This first volume of "Research in Competence-Based Management (RCBM)" signals the launch of a long-awaited outlet for peer-reviewed research papers contributing to advancement of competence-based management theory. Each volume in "RCBM" will be focused on a key aspect of competence theory. The focus in this volume on "The Marketing Process in Organizational Competence" reflects the fundamental market orientation in competence theory's foundational concepts and theoretical development. Papers in this volume explore key aspects of the common conceptual foundations of competence and marketing theories, and help to make clear the great relevance of marketing theory for competence-based management theory and practice, as well as the relevance of competence theory for marketing theory and practice. Papers by authors from both the marketing and competence fields elaborate the nature of the marketing process and clarify the ways in which the marketing process is integral to building and leveraging organizational competences.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multi-Level Issues in Strategy and Methods
"Multi-Level Issues in Strategy and Methods" is Volume 4 of "Research in Multi-Level Issues", an annual series that provides an outlet for the discussion of multi-level problems and solutions across a variety of fields of study. Using a scientific debate format of a key scholarly essay followed by two commentaries and a rebuttal, we present in this series theoretical work, significant empirical studies, methodological developments, analytical techniques, and philosophical treatments to advance the field of multi-level studies, regardless of disciplinary perspective. Similar to Volumes 1 (Yammarino and Dansereau, 2002), 2 (Dansereau and Yammarino, 2003), and 3 (Yammarino and Dansereau), this volume, Volume 4, contains five major essays with commentaries and rebuttals that cover a range of topics, but in the realms of strategy and research methods.In particular, the five "critical essays" offer extensive literature reviews, new model developments, methodological advancements, and some empirical data for the study of innovation, strategic performance, upper echelons, latent growth modeling, and intra-class correlations. While each of the major essays, and associated commentaries and rebuttals, is unique in orientation, they show a common bond in raising and addressing multi-level issues or discussing problems and solutions that involve multiple levels of analysis.
Emerald Publishing Limited Competence Perspectives on Managing Interfirm Interactions
The competence-based perspective on strategy and management emerged in the 1990s as a new approach to developing strategy and management theory and practice. In the past decade, the focus on organizational competences - and the resources, capabilities, and processes that create competences - has provided a highly productive "broad church" for theory development, research, and practice in both strategic and general management. Authored by a multidisciplinary group of scholars and practitioners working within the competence perspective, the papers in this volume contribute to developing a better theoretical and practical understanding of interfirm interactions that significantly affect an organization's competences.The papers present both theoretical developments and empirical research based on a variety of case studies and other research in diverse industrial and geographical contexts. The papers in this volume develop three themes. Part I includes papers that address the key issues of managing activities in an organization's competence building and leveraging processes that span the boundaries of two organizations. The papers in Part II investigate the role of networks and strategic alliances in competence building and leveraging processes. Part III presents papers that investigate competitive interactions between firms in their competence leveraging activities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research on Employment for Persons with Severe Mental Illness
Over the centuries work for persons with severe mental illness has ranged from virtual slave labor to institutional peonage to contemporary rehabilitative programs that seek to assist individuals in re-entering the workplace. How best to do this remains an open question however, and has captured the attention of researchers from a broad range of disciplines, from rehabilitation research to labor economics. This volume provides a sense of this diversity and an overview of research perspectives in this critically important area. Included are chapters discussing important new theoretical frameworks, issues in the evaluation of programmatic efforts to enhance employment opportunities, and discussions grounded in large scale social and economic perspectives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management
The accounting profession, especially in the US, has lost credibility and this has serious implications for environmental reporting. As a number of papers in this volume attest, the amount of environmental reporting has increased in the period from the 1980s-mid 1990s. However, the value of those disclosures is open to serious question. The research for most of the papers in this volume was completed prior to the Enron scandal, but the findings indicate a need to re-evaluate what is reported about the firm's relationship to the physical environment.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations
Advances in Accounting Education is a refereed, academic research annual whose purpose is to meet the needs of faculty members interested in ways to improve their classroom instruction. It publishes thoughtful, well-developed articles that are readable, relevant and reliable. Articles are peer-reviewed and may be either empirical or non-empirical. They emphasize pedagogy, i.e., explaining how faculty members can improve their teaching methods, or how accounting units can improve their curricula/programs. The series examines diverse issues such as software use, cultural differences, perceptions of the profession, and more.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
This series publishes monograph-length conceptual papers designed to promote theory and research on important substantive and methodological topics in the field of human resources management. Volume 21 contains eight papers on critical issues in the field of human resources management, thus continuing the tradition of the series to develop a more informed understanding of the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Critical Theory: Diverse Objects Diverse Subjects
The contributions in this 22nd volume of "Current Perspectives in Social Theory" explore the arguments for and against a view of the world in which multiple, distinct and conflicting societies differ both over time and contemporaneously.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research on Accounting Ethics
Elsevier's "Research on Accounting Ethics" series is devoted exclusively to the advancement of ethics research and education in the profession and practice of accounting. Its threefold mission is to: advance innovative and applied ethics research in all accounting-related disciplines on a global basis; improve ethics education in and throughout the professional accounting and management curricula at undergraduate and graduate levels; and provide a source of information for the professional accounting and auditing community for integrating ethics and good business practices in public firms, business corporations and governmental organizations. The series features articles on a broad range of important and timely topics, including professionalism, social responsibility, individual morality, accountability, good business practices in public accounting and the litigation crisis. Papers are empirical or theoretical in nature, and draw upon paradigms in related disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, theology, economics and sociology. The eighth volume of "Research on Accounting Ethics" addresses a wide range of issues including faculty perceptions on the inclusion of business ethics in the curriculum and the importance of context in investigating auditors' moral abilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Structure and Organizations Revisited
This work brings together empirical research and thematic commentaries which chart out research directions for politically-inflected studies of organizational and institutional change. The chapters give practical voice to the theoretical questions and research designs of an emerging agenda for organization theory that engages questions about broader social structure and organizations with theory in cultural analysis, stratification, and entrepreneurship. Cases include historical studies of the evolution of the fire insurance industry in the 19th century, studies of the organizational vitality of contemporary evangelical Protestantism, the emergence of gay and lesbian identity organizations, challenges in the institutional structuring of the mutual fund industry the post-Soviet Russia, stratification and status organizing processes in entrepreneurial organizations, studies of social movements and organizations, both external to and inside of organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Comparative Study of Conscription in the Armed Forces
This volume contributes to the comparative study of military conscription. Issues discussed include: a conceptual clarification of conscription as distinguished from volunteerism and militia service; the emergence of the citizen soldier model; patterns of anti-militarism before World War I; conscription in third world armies; gender-issues in relation to military service; the present phenomenon of child soldiers in Africa; the decline of conscript armies in Western Europe. A review section discusses the contribution of rational choice theory to the analysis of conscription into military forces.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting (AIMA) publishes well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting that are relevant to both practitioners and academicians. As a respected professional journal, AIMA is well poised to meet their information needs. Featured in volume 10 is an article reporting on the findings of an in-depth field study at Bell Atlantic, now Verizon. The impact of teaming on productivity, quality, and employee satisfaction was measured using research design methods not commonly found in field study research. Another article reports field research describing how two firms used accounting in new product development and proposes a conceptual framework hypothesizing how management accountants' participation can enhance the firm's performance. The remaining nine articles deal with a variety of topics such as the frequency and perceived usefulness of strategic management accounting, the relationship between a product's revenue and cost functions and much more. The eleven articles represent relevant, theoretically sound, and practical studies the discipline can greatly benefit from, providing a high level of contributions to management accounting research and practice. Accountants at all levels who work in corporations and not-for-profit organizations will be interested. Contents
Emerald Publishing Limited Learning Potential Assessment and Cognitive Training: Actual Research and Perspectives in Theory Building and Methodology
This text discusses research on learning potential assessment and cognitive training. Moreover, several contributions discuss the relationship between individual learning and social interaction during learning potential assessment. It has five themes, covering research on learning potential assessment and cognitive training. These themes are: theoretical base of LPA, reciprocity in LPA, LPA and cognitive training, cross cultural perspectives, LPA related research and cognitive education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Comparative Studies of Technological Evolution
This volume provides a collection of cross-country analysis of innovation, showing that the effects of innovation upon firms vary from one country to another. Incumbents perish in one country, while they thrive in the same industry in another country. Startups thrive in response to new technological breakthroughs in one country and struggle in another country. Drawing upon studies of semiconductors, disk drives and biotechnology, and examining institutions such as patent systems and venture capital, this volume takes issue with predictions of convergence, and convincingly demonstrates the multiple paths that technologies and innovations can follow.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Many Faces Of Multi-Level Issues
This title is part of a series that aims to present timely, scholarly work on multiple levels of analysis, multi-level theory, research, and methods. The focus is on 'critical essays', theoretical work, empirical studies, methodological developments, analytical techniques, and philosophical treatments.
Emerald Publishing Limited Minding the Time in Family Experience: Emerging Perspectives and Issues
We are directed to "mind the time" on occasions when diligence to the clock is important. However, to deliberately invoke "mind your time" is to remember how quickly time, and the clock which serves as its agent, can so quickly recede into the mundane and taken for granted parts of our lives. The experience of time in families can both permeate all activities but nevertheless be hidden. The papers in this volume, representing a range of disciplines (history, sociology, psychology, family therapy, leisure studies, family science) intentionally foreground the way that time shapes everyday family worlds. Each chapter offers different insights into the way that we conceptualize time including analyses of pace, rhythm, negotiation, politics, timetables, schedules, social interaction and support. The meaning of time is illustrated through analyses of a variety of family issues including father involvement, infertility, work and family, mothering and care work, housework, family time, single parent families, family life education and gender.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Human Performance and Cognitive Engineering Research
This volume launches a series that will focus on providing chapters that advance our understanding of human performance in organizational systems as cognitive engineering principles are applied. Topics addressed in this volume include: a historical review of a cognitive engineering research at a national laboratory; an adaptive learning system approach to designing an integrated-embedded training system; application of PRONET, a method that provides a useful representation of sequences of behaviour in a human-machine interaction; application of CTA, a method to explain the mental processes involved in performing a task; application of human performance modelling technologies in system design and evaluation; a review of training critical thinking skills that individuals and teams require in changing environments; a review of commercial simulations for team research; and research paradigms for human performance research in complex systems.