Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Focus on Community
With an annual output, Research in Rural Sociology and Development, publishes scholarly content at the cutting edge of rural sociology. Addressing issues such as rural development and growth, globalization, labour relations, agrarian dynamics, and social and personal implications of rural and agricultural change, this series provides in-depth and up to date research on the local and global systems affecting rural dynamics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Fund Raising for Nonprofit Institutions
Foundations in Library and Information Sciences
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations
This volume contains distinctive papers that explore important aspects of contemporary employment relationships, some on micro level in orientation, whereas others are more macro oriented. Some papers contain extensive quantitative analysis, while others feature deep qualitative analysis, all shedding new light on their chosen topics. Contributors provide evidence and examples from the USA, the UK, Canada, and the Netherlands, dealing with topics such as: the dual alignment of industrial relations activity in terms of strategic choice and mutual gains; evidence from Canada about first contract arbitration and its implications for the proposed USA Employee Free Choice Act; the search for an integrated model of worker participation and organizational performance at the level of the firm; the impact of employee well-being policies and sickness absence on workplace performance; the role of participation in decision making in reducing work-life conflict; an institutional analysis of union engagement in Western New York State economic development; and, the International Labor Organization's enforcement of labor standards in the global maritime industry.
Emerald Publishing Limited Governance, Development and Conflict
Over the last three decades, a considerable amount of work has been conducted in the field of peace studies, conflict management, peace science in economics, sociology, anthropology and management. This volume presents up-to-date, cutting-edge research by respected scholars with an emphasis on theoretical and mathematical constructs in the area of peace economics & peace science.
Emerald Publishing Limited Curbing Corruption in Asian Countries: An Impossible Dream?
As corruption is a serious problem in many Asian countries their governments have introduced many anti-corruption measures since the 1950s. This book analyzes and evaluates the anti-corruption strategies employed in Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mongolia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand. These countries are selected because they represent the three major patterns of corruption control with Japan adopting Pattern 1 (anti-corruption laws without any anti-corruption agency [ACA]); India, the Philippines and Taiwan employing Pattern 2 (anti-corruption laws with multiple ACAs); and, Singapore, Hong Kong SAR, Thailand, South Korea, Indonesia, and Mongolia belonging to Pattern 3 (anti-corruption laws with a single ACA). Among the ten countries only Singapore and Hong Kong SAR have succeeded in minimizing corruption because of the commitment of their political leaders in curbing corruption, their favorable policy contexts, and the impartial implementation of effective anti-corruption measures. On the other hand, the other eight Asian countries have failed to curb corruption because of the lack of political will, their unfavorable policy contexts, and their reliance on ineffective anti-corruption measures.
Emerald Publishing Limited Disability and Community
This volume of "Research in Social Science and Disability" brings together interdisciplinary scholarship to examine a wide array of issues related to disability and community, a topic of critical importance academically and politically. The evolving and politically contested notions of community sit at the centre of much of the recent research on disability and, as researchers both create and reflect various ideas of membership when defining "disability" and aggregating individuals, their methodological decisions have significant implications for how we come to understand disability and community. This volume also examines a wide range of social institutions and practices such as education, employment, and cultural venues and the extent to which and how they include people with disabilities in the workings of these institutions. It includes research framed by a variety of theoretical perspectives and research methodologies and offers innovative ways to envision inclusive communities and, therefore, enables us to consider how to move forward to create them.
Emerald Publishing Limited Blue Ribbon Papers: Interactionism: The Emerging Landscape
Volume 36 of "Studies in Symbolic Interaction" is solely devoted to the "Blue-Ribbon Papers". Nine papers are published in which hotly-contested issues are raised that, even if only resolved partially, could permanently change the future direction of interactional thought. Among the questions addressed are: whether there ever existed a genuine sociological school of thought based on "interactionsim" at the University Chicago, whether Herbert Blumer misinterpreted the major thrust of George Herbert Mead's thought, whether conventional or radical interactionism is the most insightful perspective from which to examine crucial life decisions that are conflict-ridden, whether George Herbert Mead's and George Santayana's perspectives converged with or diverged from one another's and with radical interactionism, whether language develops primarily from the inside out or from the outside in, whether personal economics is mainly responsible for self esteem and the over-all functioning of the self in everyday life, and whether filming constitutes a method of recording data that traditional ethnographers should include in their tool box?
Emerald Publishing Limited Biennial Review of Health Care Management
This is the second biennial volume reviewing the state-of-the-art on a wide variety of micro and macro health care management topics in the popular "Advances in Health Care Management" series. It proudly showcases reviews of both empirical and conceptual research in specific areas of health care management, including topics in three basic areas: reviews of empirical and conceptual research on health care industry-specific topics, e.g., role of physicians; reviews of empirical and conceptual research on different types of health care organizations focusing on issues specific to such organizations or their segments of the health care industry, e.g., hospitals, managed care organizations; and, reviews of empirical and conceptual research on health care organizations focusing on topics or variables which cover various sub-disciplines of management, e.g., organizational change or entrepreneurial opportunity recognition. New and established scholars discuss such topics within their expert area of research, as well as emerging themes and divergent views, giving their unique perspective on the directions that will help build theory and improve the practice of health care management.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Future of Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Enterprise
Foreign direct investment (FDI) has soared and multinational enterprises (MNEs) have grown in numbers and complexity as globalization has intensified. This volume takes stock of important new issues relating to FDI and MNEs in a changing world. Contributors are distinguished international business scholars who have written specifically for the book in their areas of expertise. The volume focuses on four key areas: How do managers and firms make internationalization decisions? How does the national origin of MNEs affect their competitive advantages and strategies, particularly those spawned by emerging markets? How is the scope of MNEs changing, in terms of what gets done inside and outside the firm, product vs. geographic diversification, manufacturing vs. services, and the pace of internationalization? And finally, what can or should governments do to harness MNEs for the greater good? In each area, authors propose interesting and important questions for further research. The volume is a Festschrift to Yair Aharoni of Tel Aviv University, whose pioneering research, including the seminal book, The Foreign Investment Decision Process (1966), helped launch the systematic study of FDI and MNEs almost fifty years ago.
Emerald Publishing Limited Positive Design and Appreciative Construction: From Sustainable Development to Sustainable Value
This volume is focused on sustainable value which has become a widespread aspiration in all walks of life. By taking a generative approach and by building on positive design principles inherent in the appreciative inquiry methodology, it proposes moving from sustainable development to sustainable value. Chapters focus on three thematic areas for sustainable value: positive design, appreciative intelligence and social innovation, and social entrepreneurship. Contributions respond to questions such as: How can the design approach help enhance the sustainable value over profit value? And what needs to happen to create a vibrant community of practice among design practitioners, scientists, business and political leaders? Case studies show that by reframing global problems with an appreciative lens, organizations of all sorts can indeed create social innovation and even establish a business case for sustainable value. It provides lessons learned from high impact social entrepreneurship and conceptualizes how this nascent movement with unbridled potential may contribute to the radical shift necessary for moving from sustainable development to sustainable value.
Emerald Publishing Limited Climate and Disaster Resilience in Cities
One of the emerging reasons for the current trend of increasing impacts of disasters is the unpredictability of natural hazard events coupled with the tendency of human settlements to move to vulnerable locations including coastal areas in search of economic gains. Urban areas are most affected due to concentration of habitat and resources. Whilst it is impossible to make resistant urban growth, resilience is becoming more widely accepted and urban systems must be resilient enough to cope with the climate related hazards. This book highlights the issues of resilience through regional, national, city and community-based studies. Contributions come from academia, city government networks, city managers, non-government organizations and international agencies like the World Bank and United Nations. Thus, the book reflects a unique aspect of multi-stakeholder perspective. It also highlights how to enhance actions at local levels, and how the plans can be implemented through multi-stakeholder collaboration. This is the first book to combine academic research and field practice on the urban risk reduction, especially focusing on the climate-related disasters in the Asian region.
Emerald Publishing Limited From Community to Consumption: New and Classical Themes in Rural Sociological Research
This edited book contains salient papers presented at the XII World Congress of Rural Sociology held in South Korea in 2008. These papers have been selected for their quality and have undergone a peer review process. The rationale behind this book rests on the desire to share the wealth of research presented at the World Congress with interested individuals who could not attend the event and it reflects the empirical work and thinking characterizing contemporary rural sociology. As this sociological sub-discipline evolves along with society and the rural world, it appears of paramount importance to make available ground-breaking research to the international scientific community. Rural sociology is changing and this volume testifies of this change by documenting the introduction of new themes of research as well as the evolution of established ones. In this regard, it provides a unique and uniquely international view of the most recent advanced production in rural sociology. The volume consists of eighteen chapters representing original pieces of research and an introduction that frames them in the context of the evolution of the discipline.
Emerald Publishing Limited Institutions and Entrepreneurship
In this volume, we examine how the institutional environment affects entrepreneurial organizations, and vice-versa. This includes not only how the institutional environment constrains both founding processes and the type of organizations founded, but also how institutional dynamics construct new entrepreneurial opportunities, empower and facilitate action, and how entrepreneurs manipulate the institutional environment to serve their own ends. This institutional approach to entrepreneurship shifts attention away from the personal traits and backgrounds of individual entrepreneurs, and towards how institutions shape entrepreneurial opportunities and actions; how entrepreneurs navigate their cognitive, normative, and regulatory environments; and, how actors modify and build institutions to support new types of organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Spanning Boundaries and Disciplines: University Technology Commercialization in the Idea Age
Successful technology commercialization requires the integration of multiple perspectives and collaboration of experts from very different backgrounds. More often than not, key individuals in the process reside in different organizational units--each with their own mission, agendas, and cultures. This volume addresses the challenges that can arise when individuals from technical, business, and legal environments must converge on the goal of commercialization. Specifically, it brings together studies from organizational behavior, marketing, economic, and sociological perspectives on commercialization of university technologies. Chapter foci range from theoretical research on academic entrepreneurship, multidisciplinary student team management conflicts such as background, purpose, communication, and learning style, to a patent data examination of sociological factors in technology paths in nanotechnology innovation. New results are presented on career goals of PhD scientists and engineers highlighting their desire for education providing skills from these other domains. Educational responses such as cross disciplinary team models, as well as multidisciplinary entrepreneurship centers and specialized masters programs for scientists are presented.
Emerald Publishing Limited Maximum Simulated Likelihood Methods and Applications
This volume is a collection of methodological developments and applications of simulation-based methods that were presented at a workshop at Louisiana State University in November, 2009. The first two papers are extensions of the GHK simulator: one reconsiders the computation of the probabilities in a discrete choice model while another example uses an adaptive version of sparse-grids integration (SGI) instead of simulation. Two studies are focused specifically on the methodology: the first compares the performance of the maximum-simulated likelihood (MSL) approach with a proposed composite marginal likelihood (CML) approach in multivariate ordered-response situations, while the second examines methods of testing for the presence of heterogeneity in the heterogeneity model. Further topics examined include: education savings accounts, parent contributions and education attainment; estimating the effect of exchange rate flexibility on financial account openness; estimating a fractional response model with a count endogenous regressor; and modelling and forecasting volatility in a bayesian approach.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Developments in Computable General Equilibrium Analysis for Trade Policy
The aim of the proposed volume will be to present new developments in the methodology and practice of CGE techniques as they apply to recent issues in international trade policy. The volume will be of interest to academic researchers working in trade policy analysis and applied general equilibrium, advanced graduate students in international economics, applied researchers in multilateral organizations, and policymakers who need to work with and interpret the results of CGE analysis.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
This series publishes monograph length conceptual papers designed to promote theory and research on important substantive and methodological topics in the field of human resources management. Volume 29 of "Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management (RPHRM)" contains seven papers on important issues in the field of human resources management, thus continuing the tradition of the series to develop a more informed understanding of the field. This collection of papers represents excellent scholarship and illustrates the truly interdisciplinary character of the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reshaping the Boundaries of the Firm in an Era of Global Interdependence
Globalisation is forcing companies to reshape their boundaries and causing business leaders to rethink corporate strategies within the firm. It is creating the basis for new ways of doing international business. The effects of this global interdependence are also being felt at the more aggregate levels of industries, financial markets and countries economies. The evolution of these trends has rendered obsolete some of the basic understandings of IB theory and practice, including traditional notions regarding the nature of the boundaries of the firm and even the definition of the multinational enterprise itself. This volume of Progress in International Business Research includes a selection of 13 papers from the 35th European International Business Academy Annual Conference, which was held in Valencia (Spain) from the 13th to the 15th of December 2009. This volume organizes in three parts a number of contributions to shed further light on these issues. Part I focuses on the boundaries of the firm and points at issues such as offshoring, cooperation and internationalization. Part II examines the phenomenon of networks within the context of MNCs. Finally, Part III deals with the role of knowledge and innovation in international high-tech environments.
Emerald Publishing Limited Law and Society Reconsidered: Special Issue
This volume of "Studies in Law, Politics, and Society" presents a diverse array of interdisciplinary research. It contains articles by scholars from political science, sociology, and law. These articles examine the legal treatment of 'suspect' populations, the work of legal actors, and the works of various legal devices. Taken together the work published in this volume exemplifies the kind exciting and innovative work now being done by legal scholars from different disciplines. This book contains contributions from law and society scholars from political science, anthropology, sociology, and law and a comprehensive assessment of the state-of-the-field, its past, and its trajectory for the future.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Perspectives
This volume is intended for researchers and graduate students of psychology, education, and special education. Because social, cultural, and economic conditions are varied from country to country, there is a need to explore how learning disabilities are identified, perceived, and addressed around the world. Up-to-date research from North and South America, Europe, and the United Kingdom is included to provide a global overview of a wide variety of learning and behavioral disorders. Internationally prominent authors discuss their research pertaining to the following areas: working memory, reading disabilities, ADHD, hearing impairments, motivational orientations, measurement of socio-cultural level, ecological perspectives on social behavior, and students with disabilities in international schools. International contributions ensure global coverage of subject matter. It includes unprecedented coverage of learning and behavioral disabilities in one volume.
Emerald Publishing Limited Asia-Pacific Financial Markets: Integration, Innovation and Challenges
This volume of "International Finance Review" focuses on the Asia-Pacific financial markets. A total of 22 original papers, not published elsewhere, have been selected from a competitive field. These papers utilize a variety of methods, including theoretical, empirical and qualitative to highlight a range of issues across the region. Several papers offer combinations of these different categories and among the empirical papers, there are a wide variety of datasets analyzed. While China does play a significant part in the analysis of five of the papers in this volume (this is to be expected given its importance in the region), a host of other countries are also considered. This ensures the volume is truly international in its scope. These papers each serve to contribute to the knowledge on a particular issue related to the financial markets within this region and for this volume, three main issues have been identified: integration, innovation and challenges. Articles are contributed by experts in their fields. It is truly international in scope.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurial Strategic Processes
Entrepreneurial value creation requires that organizations understand both the actions they need to take and how to effectively take them. The dynamic nature of entrepreneurial behavior involves not only the strength or uniqueness of a firm's resources and competencies but also the capabilities and processes needed to create value and appropriate wealth. This distinction has served the fields of strategy and entrepreneurship well because it provides scholars with a framework for investigating the relationship between the elements of competitive superiority (content) and the decision making styles and practices (processes) involved in taking action and implementing change. On the path from opportunity recognition to new value creation to wealth appropriation, entrepreneurial strategic processes are among the most important steps. The purpose of this volume is to focus on the entrepreneurial processes that have the greatest impact on strategic outcomes such as organizing, learning, and contributing to outstanding financial performance. The chapters draw on both scholars new to the field as well as some of those who have previously made significant contributions to entrepreneurial process research. Several chapters address entrepreneurial processes in a corporate setting including both large and medium-sized corporations. Other chapters explore the issues faced by entrepreneurial owners and managers in directing both themselves and their organizations. Another topic of this volume is the distinctive entrepreneurial process challenges of young and small firms.
Emerald Publishing Limited Non-Financial Performance Measurement and Management Practices in Manufacturing Firms: A Comparative International Analysis
In order to be successful in today's world wide competitive environment, companies must be capable of manufacturing products of high quality at low cost and providing a first-class customer service. Many companies have responded to these competitive demands by implementing Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMTs) and Innovative Managerial Practices (IMPs) as well as emphasizing quality, delivery, innovation and flexibility to meet customer needs in their corporate objectives. The adoption of such practices and technologies and the redesign of work processes has altered the stakes of corporate well being over the past two decades. This study provides a framework for exploring the relationships between the measurement of non-financial performance at the shop-floor of manufacturing firms across four different countries (UK, Italy, Japan, and Canada) and a range of twenty-eight contingent factors incorporating technological, managerial, organisational and environmental factors. In particular, the book examines whether these twenty-eight contingent factors are associated with the existence and importance of 19 non-financial performance measures used at shop-floor level for each country. The book also aims to develop models for each of the four countries which will determine the amount of change in the use and existence of each shop-floor non-financial performance measure that is associated with levels of the contingent factors. A better understanding of non-financial performance measures at shop-floor level in manufacturing firms will contribute to a more effective management of manufacturing enterprises in the four countries. It also will enhance organisations knowledge about the use of non-financial measures in performance measurement systems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Regional Aspects of Multinationality and Performance
This volume contains recent chapters dealing with empirical tests of the relationship between multinationality (M) and performance (P). This is a traditional topic in the area of international business, but recently there has been renewed interest, partly due to theoretical advances such as the regionalization thesis of Rugman and Verbeke (in contrast to the previous assumption of uniform internationalization) and partly due to better and more detailed data on the geographic dispersion of activities now available from the annual reports of large firms, most of which are multinational enterprises (MNEs). In this literature, P, as a dependent variable, is broadly determined by the degree of multinationality, M, where M is usually proxied by the ratio of foreign (F) to total (T) sales or assets, i.e. (F/T). There is either a linear, quadratic, or cubic (S curve) fit, allowing for controls such as size of the firm; industry grouping, organizational learning effect over time, etc. Recently, this M and P literature has included regional aspects of (F/T) and performance, for example performance has looked at return on foreign assets (ROFA). In short, new accounting standards affecting most of the worlds MNEs now make it possible to adopt both a new dependent variable (for performance) and a new independent variable (for multinationality). Performance can now capture the return on foreign assets (ROFA), and just the return on total assets (ROTA). Multinationality is now available on a regional basis, i.e. the ratio of regional (R) to total (T) sales R/T. This offers better information on the strategic performance of an MNE, in comparison to the traditional metric of the return of foreign - to total sales or assets F/T. This volume will publish 10 chapters at the forefront of research on this reinvigorated topic of the regional aspects of multinationality and performance. It provides research at the forefront of the regional aspects of multinationality and performance. It deals with empirical tests of the relationship between multinationality and performance. It considers the effect that new accounting standards for the worlds MNEs have on multinationality and performance. This book series is available electronically at website.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions
Mergers and acquisitions continue to be a primary vehicle of growth for companies around the world. Not only in the United States and Europe, but also in Japan, China, India, Brazil and elsewhere senior executives are making huge bets on the future of their firms. With such intense scrutiny in the world of business, it is not surprising that academic research on mergers and acquisitions has been similarly robust. The topics range from strategy, to organizational integration, culture, leadership, human resource planning, and financial analysis. Similarly, the theories brought to bear to help understand mergers and acquisitions range from upper echelons theory to the resource based view of the firm, competitive analysis, organizational trust, networks, knowledge management, and others. What makes the "Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions" series stand out is its focus on all three characteristics that make up this research field - studies from scholars in different countries, with different research questions, and relying on different theoretical perspectives. Such a broad, and inclusive, approach to mergers and acquisitions is not easily replicated in academic journals, with much narrower mandates and metrics. The collections published each year provide cutting edge ideas by leading scholars on a global scale. Doing so not only broadens the questions being studied, but also helps researchers consider the inter-relationships among different perspectives. In the final analysis, the best way to build understanding around a topic as diffuse as mergers and acquisitions is to be both integrative, and expansive, in choice of research questions and theoretical underpinnings. "Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions" offers this unique perspective, not easily found elsewhere, that will help scholars think about mergers and acquisitions in new ways, building our knowledge base on this critical topic. In light of the enormous sums being invested in growth-via-acquisition strategies around the world, academic research on mergers and acquisitions has never been more important.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cultures of Contamination: Legacies of Pollution in Russia and the US
This volume ponders the cultures that generated the bulk of our global contamination legacy. Insight is sought into its creation and an understanding of differences in how it is being addressed. Hopefully the illumination of the problem will contribute to a better understanding of the constraining conditions and will help guide us in meeting the twin challenges created by the legacy of contamination: how to stop it and how to address what we already have done. Section one focuses on the psycho-social dynamics of chemical contamination. Section two deals with nuclear events, both accidents, but also the closed cities and closed society needed to produce a nuclear context. Section 3 addresses mitigations, dominated by 4 out of 5 chapters addressing Russia. And section four provides perspectives, comparative pieces addressing secrecy in nuclear programs, distorted risk communication in the aftermath of the World Trade Center Disaster, environmental altruism and in core social response to environmental challenges. It examines the cultures most responsible for global contamination. It adopts a global and practical perspective, with case examples from the United States and Russia. It seeks to stop contaminations from taking place in the future and positively address those from the past. This book series is available electronically at website.
Emerald Publishing Limited National Culture and Groups
This volume is based on the premise that in an era of rapid globalization, while there is a great deal of convergence on many aspects of group processes and interactions across national cultures, it is the understanding and appreciation of the divergence among people of different national cultural backgrounds that make all the difference. Contributors to this volume address two broad important questions: Do our theories of groups and teams functioning apply universally? And how do our theories apply, if at all, in multicultural settings? In addition, this volume highlights new exciting topics in the cross-cultural area: power, time, creativity, emotions, networks, and multi-cultural diversity. Together, the chapters attest to the fact that study of national culture is flourishing and important. It not only informs but also modifies and enriches theories and research of group processes and social behavior. The collective effort in this book should stimulate further inquiry regarding the role of national culture in the increasingly globalized human experience. This book features an international representation. It addresses a variety of group processes. It investigates group processes in a multi-cultural environment (i.e., a global company).
Emerald Publishing Limited Cyclic Nature of Innovation: Connecting Hard Sciences with Soft Values
This series aims to present the latest research on entrepreneurship and innovation and the impact on economic performance. Research topics covered include all aspects of entrepreneurial behavior - the determinants of research and development, intellectual property concerns, innovation within and across firms, the effect of government regulation and tax policies, patenting and other property rights issues, organizational factors, market structure effects, marketing strategies, entrepreneurship programs and other educational activities, and the relative performance of entrepreneurial firms. The disciplines covered include economics, marketing, management, finance, and history. The target audience includes both academics and practicing entrepreneurs. The overall objective is to disseminate research in a clear and effective manner to promote communication between the business and academic communities and to foster entrepreneurship within the society. A volume is published annually. It presents the latest research on entrepreneurship/innovation and the impact on economic performance. This book series is available electronically at website.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tribal Play: Subcultural Journeys Through Sport
Traceable as far back as the work of the path-breaking Chicago School of Sociology in the 1920s and 1930s, subculture and counterculture have long been conceptual staples of the discipline. Implemented originally to designate and describe smaller, often deviant or delinquent, groups within larger social communities, the terms gained pace in their use in mid-twentieth century criminological research, and especially with the development of Cultural Studies in the United Kingdom in the 1970s, where they became widely used to describe processes of social class-based opposition, resistance and protest. More recently, sociologists have moved beyond a strict conformity-resistance model in accounting for the behaviour of sub-communities that coalesce around particular values, behaviours, or preferences.Indeed, contemporary sociological research has raised the possibility that the term subculture in particular may have entirely outgrown its usefulness. While the term counterculture has also languished, there is no doubt that the sorts of social groups to which these terms have historically referred are more extensive and colourful than ever. Certainly this is the case in sport. Put simply, all societies are replete with their own versions of Tribal Play which encompass and represent wider social patterns, processes, and struggles.This volume is a collection of 16 readings on aspects of sub-community life in sport that showcases the breadth and depth of sport subcultural research by a group of international scholars representing varied theoretical and methodological orientations. Some of the sport communities examined include soccer hooligans, endurance athletes, disabled athletes, environmentally conscious surfers, and X-Games participants.This fourth volume in the "Research in the Sociology of Sport" series is edited by two sociologists whose academic training, research and teaching span three of the subdisciplines in which the concepts of subculture and counterculture have been most avidly used and critically tested (Criminology/Youth/Sport), and whose subcultural ventures both in sport and as sociologists are extensive. Michael Atkinson is Senior Lecturer in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences at Loughborough University in the UK, and Kevin Young is Professor of Sociology at the University of Calgary, Canada.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
This volume of "Studies in Law, Politics, and Society" presents a diverse array of articles by an interdisciplinary group of scholars. Their work covers several social science disciplines as well as law. Some of the articles published in this issue examine the interactions of law and "vulnerable" populations. Here research illustrates the complex ways law can be used by those groups, as well as the impact of law on their lives. Other articles focus on indigenous groups and particular legal controversies in which they are involved. Taken together they exemplify the exciting and innovative work now being done in interdisciplinary legal scholarship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
"Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research" publishes quality articles encompassing all areas of accounting that incorporate theory from and contribute knowledge and understanding to the fields of applied psychology, sociology, management science, and economics. The series promotes research that integrates accounting issues with organizational behavior, human judgment/decision making, and cognitive psychology. Volume 8 contains papers on a variety of behavioral accounting topics. The lead article is a literature review of research associated with the belief adjustment model (Hogarth and Einhorn 1992), which has been used as the theoretical support for a significant body of research in accounting. This article synthesizes prior accounting research and identifies future research opportunities. The remaining eight articles are empirical in nature and examine behavioral issues in auditing, ethics, and management accounting. One study investigates the efficiency and effectiveness of a recent change to the audit workpaper review process, which delegates more review tasks to senior and staff auditors. Two studies investigate communications in the audit review process with one focusing on linguistic delivery style of the client and the other focusing on electronic communication medium for client inquiry. Another study investigates the concept of role morality and whether accountants have different ethical propensities when making business decisions rather the personal decisions. The remaining four articles investigate various aspects of managerial accounting systems, including budgetary participation, the role of culture and acculturation in information sharing, activity based costing, and manager's moral equity. Overall, these papers provide interesting insight into various aspects of behavioral accounting.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Volume 28 of "Studies in Symbolic Interaction" emphasizes new developments in interactional theory and practice, as well as examples of post-modern ethnography and performance texts focused on border crossings and border performances. The volume also presents essays honoring Carolyn Ellis' contributions to 'Symbolic Interaction and Communications', as well as the annual address in the "Peter M Hall Lecture" series.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions
"Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions" brings together a series of articles on this topic from academics around the world with the expressed purpose of enhancing our knowledge of the entire M&A process, from strategic analysis to integration. It is the diversity of perspectives in particular that creates an opportunity to learn from others, each article representing an important piece of the overall puzzle, with the ultimate goal being to boost our understanding of the determinants, process, and consequences, of mergers and acquisitions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Contexts of Early Education, and Reconceptualizing Play
This volume revisits a number of themes that have appeared in earlier "Advances" publications, including "Social Contexts of Early Development" and "Education and Reconceptualizing Play". New social contexts for early education and care often require that we aim our inquiry at social conditions that have not existed in the past, as well as elaborating long-standing concerns. Studies of some of the social contexts of early education point to how many of the needs of the field are unique, depending on where and when we do our work, and with whom we work. "Reconceptualizing Play" points to the multiple perspectives that teachers, researchers, parents, and children bring to our understanding of play. Culture, policy, belief, and values prove to be worthy lenses for enhancing our developmental views of childhood play and practice. Our hope is that others will build on some of these reconceptualizations, to assist teachers and families to improve the lives of children in their programs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Complex Collaboration: Building the Capabilities for Working Across Boundaries
Complex collaboration refers to situations where working together effectively across boundaries is critical for complex projects and problems. Complex collaboration refers to knowledge-intensive business processes that require highly interactive communication, coordination, negotiation, research and/or development. This work often involves projects of large scope and long duration. Such projects may cross disciplinary, organizational, national, and/or cultural boundaries. The challenges of managing such situations include ambitious schedules, conflict of cultures and practices, massive amounts of information, multiple languages, and ambiguity of roles and responsibilities. Complex collaboration represents a capability that is essential to effective execution in such situations as new product development, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and supply chain management, as well as large government projects. A number of issues emerge in examining complex collaboration, including: unit of analysis, critical relationships, resource development, virtual teaming, key skills, and improvement processes. The chapters in this volume address these issues and share examples, including: the Joint Strike Fighter program at Lockheed-Martin, Solectrons integrated supply chain, and IMDs partnership with MIT. Models of collaborative capability and capacity provide the facets of a framework for understanding these complex alliances and partnerships.
Emerald Publishing Limited Theories of the Multinational Enterprise: Diversity, Complexity and Relevance
The early research on multinational enterprises usually relied on traditional economic theory or relatively simple but powerful theories developed in the field of international business. They were developed to help us understand why firms entered international markets. However, as the field of international management has developed further, with more scholars from adjacent disciplines conducting research on issues of importance to international markets and multinational firms, newer, more diverse and complex theoretical perspectives have been developed. The present volume involves a series of invited papers focused partly on Professor Dozs recent work and on other newer and important theoretical perspectives on the multinational enterprise. These works are authored by a number of top scholars in the field from North America and Europe. The intent of this volume is to highlight and emphasize the new and diverse theoretical foci in this field (e.g., management of large groups in emerging markets, international entrepreneurship and the liabilities of foreignness) and serve as a catalyst to the increasingly important research, designed to help us understand and build a theory of the multinational firm. The book is divided into three parts, with the first focused on the new and visible theory of the metanational firm by Yves Doz and comments on this work and Yves Dozs broader contributions to the field by three top scholars in the international management field. The second part contains two works that examine the evolving nature of theory on the multinational firm in international management research. The third part contains five papers that present diverse yet highly important theoretical perspectives on the multinational enterprise. This work provides a base upon which future excellent research in the field of international management will be advanced.
Emerald Publishing Limited Market Discipline in Banking: Theory and Evidence
It has become increasingly evident in recent years that the safe and the efficient operation of the banking system cannot be guaranteed by Government regulation and supervisory review alone, regardless of how conscientious the regulator, or well-intended the regulations. Government regulation needs to be supplemented by market discipline. Market discipline requires the existence of at least some "de-facto at-risk" bank stakeholders, who have an incentive both to monitor the financial performance of the banks and to take action to influence bank management if they find performance unsatisfactory. But the concept of market discipline in banking was dormant for many years in the post-World War II era in almost all countries, as the fear of major economic spillover damage from bank failures led governments and regulators to either not failing insolvent banks officially or protecting most or all stakeholders, if they did place these banks in receivership. Only recently has the concept of market discipline been resurrected in banking. The 12 papers in this volume and eight commentaries on the papers discuss whether the resurrection is worthwhile. They consider the basic role of market discipline, how it may be applied to banking and more broadly to large financial institutions of any type, and the evidence of how well it has worked to date and the promise it may have for the future. The authors and discussants represent a wide array of both countries and affiliations - academic and regulatory. Thus, the papers reflect a wide spectrum of experience and thought.
Emerald Publishing Limited Evaluating Marketing Actions and Outcomes
What's really happening? For an organization this question contains at least four sub issues: What actions are being done now help to increase the organization's performance? What actions are wasted motions - what are we doing that does not contribute and wastes our time? What actions harm the organization's performance - what actions are counterproductive in helping the organization achieve what really needs to be accomplished? What actions are we not doing now but really should be doing to increase the organization's performance? A fifth, related, sub issue is how to go about finding out what is really happening-what research methods should executives use, as well as avoid using, to go about finding this out. Executive thinking differs fundamentally from scientific thinking in fundamental ways. Scientists and academic researchers are able to choose the problem, whereas in organizations, the problems (and symptoms of problems) are often thrust upon the executive. Scientists focus on a limited number of problems at a time, whereas executives are confronted with a vast number of potential problems and a myriad of possible presentation problem frames. Scientists have the relative luxury of time to explore the problem at hand, whereas executives, particularly CEOs, do not. The intention is for this volume to be read by executives wanting to learn how to reduce overconfidence, and to become more mindful, in making decisions and in learning how to scientifically evaluate the quality of outcomes that follow from implementing decisions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism: Criminological Perspectives
Conferences, lectures, funding opportunities, and publications now all fully embrace terrorism and counter-terrorism as topics worthy of serious reflection and investigation among criminologists. The papers in this volume bring out the distinct contribution criminologists and criminological sociologists have to offer in the study of counter-terrorism from theoretical, methodological, and substantive viewpoints. The discussions of this title include a usefully broad variety of themes, including conceptual and theoretical perspectives in the criminology of terrorism; hate crimes and terrorism; civil liberties and the control of terrorism; terrorism, war and crime; state crime and terrorism; terrorism and transnational crime; the police dimensions of counter-terrorism; terrorism and the (international) court; terrorism and punishment; and, other issues. The specific criminological orientation of the book makes this volume stand out among others. Bringing together distinguished scholars to present these various themes, the volume hopes to bring a comprehensive and insightful state-of-the-art overview of terrorism and counter-terrorism as themes of criminological reflection.
Emerald Publishing Limited Legitimacy Processes in Organizations
The purpose of this volume is to produce a collection of articles by leading social psychologists and organizational scholars that focus on legitimacy processes in organizations. Over the last two decades in social psychology within sociology, scholars have developed legitimacy theories that strive to show how legitimacy processes merge into structures. Also, in organizational research, issues of legitimacy processes are of central concern - for example, in neoinstitutional theory. Therefore, it is worthwhile to devote a volume that will address specifically how these legitimacy processes operate in organizations. This collection of papers will accomplish two goals. First, the contributors will have an opportunity to discuss how legitimacy processes contribute to our understanding of how organizations are structured and how they work. In addition, by examining legitimacy processes, the contributors will be able to explore the micro/macro implications of these processes. Second, this volume should stimulate more discussion between social psychologists and organizational researchers on issues of legitimacy and future directions for understanding legitimacy processes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions
Bringing together academics from various disciplines, these papers integrate the disparate but growing body of literature on mergers and acquisitions. The series is published to explain and discuss the unsatisfactory outcomes that result from many poorly conceived mergers.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Economics of the Internet and E-commerce
The Internet has revolutionized the way consumers and firms interact in the marketplace, and it has dramatically changed the information enjoyed by market participants at various points in the value chain. This volume on the Internet and e-commerce provides academics and practitioners with useful research on the 'glue' that holds the new economy together. The first six chapters of the text examine four broad issues: the role of the Internet in fostering competition, its impact on price dispersion and on business-to-business transactions, and the importance of reputation and trust in the new economy. The last four chapters examine the impact of the Internet on the organization of firms, the efficiency of auctions in the Internet age, how consumers choose websites and acquire product information, and the growing problem of congestion on the Internet. This volume is part of Emerald's "Advances in Applied Microeconomics" series - an annual research volume that seeks to disseminate frontier research well in advance of journals and other outlets.
Emerald Publishing Limited Retracing Public Administration
What is public administration? How can we identify it and characterize it? The meaning of public administration seems more problematic than ever after the late 20th century cry for privatization. Some argue there is no need to elucidate the meaning of public administration, others stick to more limited notions like "public management" or introduce new vocabulary such as "governance". "Retracing Public Administration" deals with our understanding of public administration. Before discarding "public administration", a more profound analysis of its meaning is preeminent. Where did the concept originate, why and how was it grounded, and can we perhaps (re)establish its meaning as a core concept for understanding and changing social reality? This volume presents the reader with a number of conceptual studies that can be regarded as a prerequisite for thinking about public administration. The studies are reflections upon the administrative discourse of relevance to students of both theory and practice that seek insight into the intellectual roots of their enterprise. The topics deal with concern core issues in the discourse on public administration such as the relation between politics and administration, the differentiation of public and private, and the links between state and administrative practice. The volume presents a mixture of argumentation, playful debate, careful analysis and speculative interpretation by authors making their first contribution to the field as well as some of the field's distinguished scholars. All aim at enlightening about what lies beneath our idea of public administration and to reflect upon ways to improve our understanding of this important part of social reality.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Sociology of Job Training
How workers learn how to do their jobs is central to an understanding of the changing nature of work in post-industrial society. The role of job or worker training has, however, been underdeveloped in sociological theories of work and the labor market. By most accounts, the ongoing penetration of information technology into the workplace, a transformed socioeconomic lifecourse, managerial preferences for high performance organizations, and the globalization of labour markets have collectively rendered traditional models of skill acquisition badly outmoded. This volume offers sophisticated sociological analyses of job training that go well beyond standard accounts of general versus specific skills and overly simple assumptions about employer and worker behaviour. The chapters examine such topics as the incentives available to employers to provide training, socially structured inequalities in access to training, and cross-societal differences in training institutions. They break new ground in investigating the content of job training as well as its incidence and duration. The contributors to the volume bring to bear both qualitative case study and quantitative research to explore the emerging role of training in post-industrial labor markets.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sporting Bodies, Damaged Selves: Sociological Studies of Sports-Related Injury
In contrast to other disciplines in the sport sciences, the sociological study of risk, pain and injury is quite new. Over the last decade, however, sociologists have begun to show that pain and injury are not solely experienced in physical and medical terms, and an impressive corpus of knowledge is beginning to emerge. To date the breadth and depth of this knowledge has not been brought together in any systematic way. As the second volume in the "Research in the Sociology of Sport" series, "Sporting Bodies, Damaged Selves: Sociological Studies of Sports-Related Injury" attempts to reflect the cutting-edge research in the area from several countries in terms of causes, experiences, and outcomes of sport-related pain and injury.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sport Technology: History, Philosophy and Policy
With innovations in sports equipment, doping methods and human engineering on the horizon, the ethical issues raised by such technology have become noticeably acute. The problematization of technology in sport has gone largely unnoticed in historical, philosophical and policy studies of sport, but this study traces the origins, present contexts and future of sport technology. This volume speaks to a multi-disciplinary audience, developing theory of technology and sport. It provides a foundation for theorising technological issues in sport, building upon themes in cultural studies of the cyborg, otherness and gender. The book begins with an initial contextualising of sport technology, tracing the historical roots of key moments of technological development. Subsequently, chapters work towards theorising technology in sport, providing a socio-philosophical context to ways of understanding technology. From here, applied philosophical and ethical issues focus on the themes of fearing the other, virtual reality in sport, and the use of genetic technology to augment athletic performances. Perspectives draw upon a range of theory, including the works of Alasdair MacIntyre, Jacques Ellul, Don Ihde, Donna Haraway, Andrew Feenberg, Charles Taylor, Langdon Winner, Hilary Putnam, Richard Rorty, John Rawls and Michel Foucault. This book should be relevant to scholars of sport or technology from a diverse range of perspectives. Framed by the broad disciplines of history, philosophy and policy, the issues discussed can have importance for subjects as diverse as theoretical medicine, philosophy of sport and policy studies in technology. For the latter, the aim is to provide a theoretical and ethical grounding for a coherent theory of sport performance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advertising and Differentiated Products
Volume 10 is entitled "Advertising and Differentiated Products", and is part of the annual series "Advances in Applied Microeconomics". The series provides a forum in which researchers disseminate frontier research in applied microeconomics. The volume contains 11 chapters, which cover theoretical and empirical contributions. Four chapters examine theoretical models of incomplete information, product innovations in services, generic advertising, and brand loyalty and price competition. The seven empirical chapters examine both advertising and product differentiation, including generic advertising, advertising bans and the First Amendment, alcoholic beverage advertising, magazines advertising and news stand circulation, product variety in radio broadcasting, mandated exclusive territories, and pricing dynamics in the retail sector.
Emerald Publishing Limited Teachers Unions and Education Policy: Retrenchment or Reform?
The American public has increasingly heard that teacher unions and quality education are contradictory terms and that unions are responsible for the failure of public schools. Many critics of the unions would cheerfully channel public funds to largely nonunion private and parochial schools as free market alternatives. The present volume, edited by friends of the teacher unions and featuring contributions by prominent education scholars as well as union activists, has a far more positive perspective on the achievements and value of teacher unions and our public education system. The collection does not avoid critical examination of the teacher unions, however. Moreover, taken as a whole, it speaks to the need for continuing reform and renovation within the unions themselves, and it affirms a need for innovation and competition within public education as a way of enhancing its quality. Toward those ends, the volume first reviews the substantial contributions that teachers and their unions have made to the well being of their members and the education of students over more than a hundred years. It then explores collective bargaining as it affects reform and educational quality. It continues by examining the real-world outcomes of education in unionized environments; taking an inside look at a turn toward bipartisanship in the NEAs political and lobbying activities; and analyzing the unions recent record in shaping education legislation and policy. The book also examines teacher union activities in higher education; the innovative work of local reform unions; union support for education research and development; and the shape of a teacher unionism specifically organized to promote educational quality. The volume concludes by tracing the development and current activities of international education associations as defendersin both the developed and developing countriesof the teaching profession and of the rights of all children to a quality education. This book is no mere reverie on a heroic union past. It is instead an exploration of past and present as prologues to the manifold possibilities for enhancing the unions contributions to quality public education.