Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited The Big Four and the Development of the Accounting Profession in China
Drawing upon established academic theory, the study argues that the Big Four, as part of a globalizing transnational capital class, has dominated indigenous firms by bringing to China an ideology that came to be accepted as normative. By winning this battle of ideology, the Big Four gained access to the coercive power of the State, and to the power of transnational institutions that have subsumed part of the power of the State. Indigenous firms have pursued a counter-hegemonic strategy of undermining the ideological superiority of the Big Four through the infiltration and modification of institutional arrangements following what the academic literature calls "the long march through the institutions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Economic History
Volume 30 contains articles on the economic history of Europe and the U.S. including "Democratization and Central Government Spending, 1870-1938: Emergence of the Leviathan?" by Jari Eloranta, Svetlozar Andreev and Pavel Osinsky; "Swedish Regional GDP 1855-2000," by Kerstin Enflo, Martin Henning and Lennart Schon; "Did the Fed Help to Form a More Perfect Monetary Union?" by John A. James and David F. Weiman; "The Anthropometric History of Native Americans, 1820-1890" by John Komlos and Leonard Carlson; and "The dispersion of customs tariffs in France between 1850 and 1913: discrimination in trade policy," by Becuwe Stephane and Blancheton Bertrand.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mergers and Alliances: The Operational View and Cases
Volume 37 of Advances in Librarianship presents detailed examples of local and regional mergers and collaborations and serves as a companion to Volume 36 which presented a comprehensive broad review of the factors that lead to mergers and other alliances, and the methods used to ensure effective and successful collaborations. While corporate mergers make headlines, library and information science examples, especially at regional an local levels, have less visibility. This volume demonstrates that such efforts are occurring in libraries, among LIS degree programs, and enterprises including networks and consortia. They are occurring as economic conditions around the world mandate consolidation and/or collaboration among agencies and enterprises to reduce or curtail expenditures.
Emerald Publishing Limited Getting Things Done
This book explores the possibility of a progressive and transformative management which, while grounded in the analytic tradition and values of CMS, also confronts practical demands of meeting social needs. The format of the book is a discussion between and among CMS scholars with diverse viewpoints on CMS and critical engagement, and with different subject positions and domains of engagement. In the critical tradition, the book also gives voice to those who question a simple translation of theory into practice, as well as raising questions around the potential and limits to a progressively transformative management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Media in Human Resources Management
Social media have radically shifted the way people relate with each other and with organizations in technology-mediated ways; few areas are being impacted more strongly than Human Resources or Personnel Management. Attraction of candidates, internal communication with employees, communication with and among people; creation, design, testing and promotion of new services, new ways of organizing are appearing and changing the landscape at record speeds. This volume in the Advanced Series in Management utilizes empirical and theoretical approaches to shed light on this exciting set of emerging, stimulating new uses of technology that stretch creativity beyond conventional limits.
Emerald Publishing Limited Institutional Logics in Action
The Institutional Logics Perspective is one of the fastest growing new theoretical areas in organization studies (Thornton, Ocasio & Lounsbury, 2012). Building on early efforts by Friedland & Alford (1991) to "bring society back in" to the study of organizational dynamics, this new scholarly domain has revived institutional analysis by embracing a focus on the dynamic and heterogeneous nature of institutions. In doing so, it has embraced a more practice-centered approach to agency that emphasizes situated interactions, the importance of history, the role of both symbolic and material elements, and the study of cross-level processes and mechanisms. This two volume set, seeded by an ABC Network conference held in Banff, Alberta, CANADA in June 2012, provides a fresh set of papers by scholars at the cutting edge of research on institutional logics. As a whole, the papers provide many novel theoretical insights about institutional logics in action - focusing on their dynamics, complexity, and evolving relationship to actors as actors actively navigate their social worlds.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting
Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting is devoted to publishing high-quality research and cases that focus on the professional responsibilities of accountants and how they deal with the ethical issues they face. The series features articles on a broad range of important and timely topics, including professionalism, social responsibility, corporate responsibility, ethical judgments, and accountability. The professional responsibilities of accountants are broad-based; they must serve clients and user groups whose needs, incentives, and goals may be in conflict. Further, accountants must interpret and apply codes of conduct, accounting and auditing principles, and securities regulations. Compliance with professional guidelines is judgment-based, and characteristics of the individual, the culture, and situation affect how these guidelines are interpreted and applied, as well as when they might be violated. Interactions between accountants, regulators, standard setters, and industries also have ethical components. Research into the nature of these interactions, resulting dilemmas, and how and why accountants resolve them is the focus of this journal.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Featured in Volume 22 of Advances in Management Accounting are articles on: The Effect of Personality Traits and Fairness on Honesty in Managerial Reporting; The Impact of Firm Size on the Productivity of Resources; Transfer of Performance Measurement System Innovations Across Economic Sectors; Target Costing and Product and Production Interdependencies; Cost Accounting, Simulation, and Post-Structuralist Understanding; Input-Based Performance Evaluation, Incentive Intensity, and Proactive Work Behavior; Normative and Instrumental commitments on Budgetary Slack Creation; The Adoption of Lean Operations and Lean Accounting; and Governance in the Hospital Sector. Researchers in both practice and academe, as well as libraries, would be interested in the articles featured in the AIMA.
Emerald Publishing Limited Risk and Conflicts: Local Responses to Natural Disasters
Communities affected by natural disasters are often stigmatized as being passive with regard to disaster prevention, mitigation and adaptation, waiting only for government assistance in the aftermath of such events. However, many innovative community initiatives have been developed to address natural disasters, which are often characterized as "local responses". While scrutinizing the potential strength and comparative advantage of community-based disaster response, this book analyzes and illustrates how individuals, families and social groups in rural and urban communities perceive natural disasters, their underlying reasons and their effects on their livelihoods, and documents and analyzes the role of local responses to natural disasters and conflict. Key factors determining the degree of vulnerability and resilience of affected communities are also elicited. Several pivotal issues related to community-based disaster responses are addressed, such as the relationship between local and external knowledge in addressing disasters, the relevance of institutional and policy frameworks for community-based disaster response and the role of social capital and collective action.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurial Marketing: Global Perspectives
This title presents important theoretical developments with regard to research at the entrepreneurship and marketing interface. The editors have invited acknowledged authors working in this exciting discipline, from around the world, to divulge and present in a comprehensive format, a book which addresses critical issues for businesses, both small and large, from a global perspective.
Emerald Publishing Limited Review of Marketing Research
Edited by Naresh K. Malhotra, this volume of Review of Marketing Research delivers a high powered range of articles from leading researchers and universities. The issue provides insights of interest to marketers throughout the discipline. Topics covered include a critical review on consumer experience and experimental marketing, designing and pricing digital content products/ services and nation equity. Authors include senior Chaired professors from such prestigious institutions as Wharton and Columbia. This volume adds to the already formidable body of knowledge built up by this highly respected book series.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Finance
The theme of Research in Finance vol. 29 is "Dealing with Crisis and Regulation." The first chapter looks for solutions to the European financial crisis, and the second provides a study of audit qualifications for accounting firms in Spain using advanced empirical methods. The next chapters are more international in focus, with topics including: business strategies for competition in Mexico; anomalies in the real return on corporate equity compared to real assets; the stabilizing influence of commodity futures trading in oil and gold. The following chapters explore the unintended consequences and burdens of regulations, for example the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and other more deeply underlying factors in the financial markets. The regulatory examination then shifts to the electric power grid, and some unintended consequences of the new regulations requiring retail utilities to buy all the power produced by wind and solar generators linked to their grid.
Emerald Publishing Limited Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2013
This inaugural volume is a forum for stakeholders and scholars to examine current trends and identify future directions in comparative and international education, using several essays as a context for discussion and analysis. It provides an analytic overview of published work in the field, with discussions of education theory, policy and practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Humanities
The field of Digital Humanities is becoming more exciting as the number of low-cost or free mobile and desktop applications flood the market allowing users to accomplish tasks that only a few years ago were either not possible or required complicated coding or high-end computing power. The range of these applications provides access to digital communications, advanced visualization, data storage and retrieval at unprecedented levels. Digital Humanists are incorporating these tools as part of our teaching, research, and creative expression. This research volume approaches the topic from a perspective that will be attractive to those just beginning, through the step by step guides to set up and use of a variety of tools with accompanying objectives, and to those who are more advanced, through more challenging applications and their use for teaching and research. Furthermore this text will be of interest to administrators or those sceptical about the Digital Humanities, as the essays will highlight studies and research by experts in the field while maintaining the particular perspective on literary studies and Digital Africana Studies. This volume includes an introduction to the Digital Humanities and chapters on The Social Web, Communications, Visualization and Collaboration.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Business, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility
This is the first in a two volume study of Corporate Social Responsibility and corporate behaviour from around the world, taking in viewpoints from five continents and over ten countries. These case studies present a detailed analysis of best practice in the corporate world in the areas of social ethics and community engagement.
Emerald Publishing Limited Education and Corporate Social Responsibility: International Perspectives
Corporate social responsibility is becoming rapidly embedded into the strategic planning and operational processes of all organizations, while at the same time our understanding of what is meant by this phenomenon continues to develop and to be extended beyond the domain of the corporate into that of all other organizations. Academics have responded to this by embedding CSR into the curricula of their respective institutions. Practice, however, differs throughout the world and this book is designed to explore these different practices in order to develop suggestions about what might be best practice and to consider the respective benefits of develop the curriculum in this manner.
Emerald Publishing Limited Increasing Student Engagement and Retention Using Mobile Applications: Smartphones, Skype and Texting Technologies
Increasing Student Engagement and Retention Using Mobile Applications: Smartphones, Skype and Texting Technologies examines new research on how mobile technologies are being used in higher education to increase learner engagement in an epoch of increasing globalization and diversity. These enabling technologies are reshaping and reframing the practice of teaching and learning in higher education. Through case studies, surveys, and literature reviews, this volume will examine how mobile technologies are being used to improve teamwork and leadership skills in students, to create engaging communities of practice, and how these technologies are being used to create inter-cultural and global experiences. This volume will also discuss frameworks for adopting and deploying these technologies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions
What makes the Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions series stand out is its focus on all three characteristics that make up this research field - studies from scholars in different countries, with different research questions, relying on different theoretical perspectives. Such a broad, and inclusive, approach to mergers and acquisitions is not easily replicated in academic journals, with much narrower mandates and metrics. The collections published each year provide cutting edge ideas by leading scholars on a global scale, broadening the questions being studied and helping researchers consider the inter-relationships among different perspectives. The best way to build understanding around a topic as diffuse as mergers and acquisitions is to be both integrative, and expansive, in choice of research questions and theoretical underpinnings. Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions offers this unique perspective, not easily found elsewhere.
Emerald Publishing Limited Learning Disabilities: Identification, Assessment, and Instruction of Students with LD
This volume addresses the most current perspectives and issues related to learning disabilities and is written by leaders in the field of learning disabilities. The layout of the book and ordering of chapters will allow readers to follow learning disabilities in a very logical and thoughtful process from legal issues, identification, and assessment, to effective practices and response to intervention finally ending with practical issues of inclusion, working with families, and teacher preparation. Chapters can be read in order or independently which will allow readers considerable versatility. Chapters in the book include: Legal Issues and Learning Disabilities; Themes and Dimensions of Learning Disabilities; Identification and Assessment of Students with LD; Placement of Students with Learning Disabilities; Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students who have Learning Disabilities; Prevention Strategies for At-Risk Students with Learning Disabilities; ELL Students and Learning Disabilities; Differentiating Instruction and Students with Learning Disabilities; Interventions for CLD Learners with Learning Disabilities; Positive Behavior Supports and Students with Learning Disabilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Issue: The Legacy of Stuart Scheingold
This special issue of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society is dedicated to the life and work of beloved legal scholar Stuart Scheingold. The articles brought together in this volume articulate the inspiring contribution Scheingold made to political science and law and society. The final chapter "Rights, Community, and Democracy: A Socio-Legal Critique of the Neoconservative Case against Rights" is a work authored by Stuart Scheingold which has been completed by his co-author and is published here for the first time. This volume shows how Scheingold helped to bridge the differences between how rights are expressed within the law, and how they are actually put into practice. Centering on the theme of "the myth of rights" the chapters discuss diverse aspects of society, crime, politics, and law; most specifically street crime, immigration and crime control policies, political criminology and urban social control, race and "displaced anxiety" within communities in the US, and animal rights.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Technology-based Firms in the New Millennium
This volume is the latest edition of an international edited book series based on the formation and growth problems of High Technology Small Firms (HTSFs) begun in 1993. This body of work is unique, and maps the evolution of research in this area through almost two decades of academic research and government policy towards a sector that is the key to future prosperity of developed and developing notational economies throughout the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Freight Transport Modelling
The on-going globalisation and the increasing demand for flexibility in modern businesses have made transport, together with business logistics, a major functional domain. Transport growth is essentially for economic growth but is not without negative impacts. External effects such as pollution, congestion, accidents and damage to infrastructure generate considerable social costs that impose a heavy burden on society. This title addresses the need to develop new freight transport models and scientific tools to provide sound solutions that consider the wide range of internal and external impacts. The international contributions push forward frontiers in freight transport modelling and analysis.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Education Worldwide
This volume of the "International Perspectives on Education and Society" series examines the relationship between HIV/AIDS and education worldwide. Much of the mystery surrounding HIV/AIDS and education lies in the fact that many factors contextualize their intersection. Many of the children who are at risk of not finishing school or have never had the chance to attend school live day-to-day in communities with high HIV/AIDS infection rates. To exacerbate the problem, in some countries the highest HIV/AIDS infection rates are in marginalized and extremely poor communities while in others it is within the most affluent communities. This volume examines how education supports, combats or reacts to HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention and impact worldwide as well as its impact on education systems and teaching forces. Given the context and prevalence of HIV/AIDS worldwide, this volume presents information, policy case studies, and empirical research for use by educators, policymakers, and organizations about the relationship between HIV/AIDS and education, including how HIV/AIDS has impacted education systems and the potential impact education has on HIV/AIDS.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms
With the financial crisis and Great Recession, some economists have begun to question the orthodox approach to production and capital/labor relations over the last two to three decades. This orthodoxy has been thrown into question due to concerns of poor corporate decision-making, corporate capture of regulators, perceived rewards for failure, and uneven productivity growth. But a new spirit of introspection and doubt about orthodox approaches has created some impetus leading to greater interest in themes, such as worker ownership, sharing rewards, co-operatives, and employee involvement practices which feature heavily in the "Advances" series. This "new spirit" is apparent for all to see in the 12 contributions to this volume of "Advances" which cover co-operatives; effects of worker participation on firm performance; the diffusion of high involvement management practices; and outcomes for workers (i.e., job satisfaction and wages).
Emerald Publishing Limited Annual Review of Health Care Management: Strategy and Policy Perspectives on Reforming Health Systems
System wide health reform has become the norm across the globe, forcing health care delivery organizations to critically examine the ways in which they are structured and operate on a day to day basis. Resource scarcity has become common while at the same time, quality and clinical outcomes become the basis upon which these organizations are measured and compared with one another. This volume of "Advances in Health Care Management" includes contributions from key academic thought leaders from around the world who critically examine how health reform impacts the macro, meso and micro level strategy and policy decisions of healthcare organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Past, Present and Future of International Business and Management
This volume concentrates on the substantive gaps in the IB/IM field and addresses whether these gaps are resolvable with our current theoretical and methodological toolkit. This entails three specific queries about the past and present: Have our theories advanced some combination of explanation and prediction? Have our methods proven to be effective in providing rigorous, robust and consistent evidence with respect to the explanatory and predictive validity of our theories? Have we studied the right phenomena in the right way?
Emerald Publishing Limited Building Blocks for Sustainable Transport: Obstacles, Trends, Solutions
This book argues that the issues surrounding sustainable transport constitute a new - post-modern - phase in transport policy and management
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Psychological Perspectives
In 1984, the "Advances in Motivation and Achievement" series was launched with Martin Maehr serving as one of the series editors. Professor Maehr has remained a constant in the series that has evolved through this, the 15th volume, and the last on which he will serve as an editor. Over its 25 year history, the series has consistently highlighted the work of top scholars in the field of motivation research, and this volume continues that tradition. The theme of Volume 15 is social-psychological approaches to the study of motivation and achievement, and the chapters herein cover a broad range of topics, from the influence of peers to the influence of color, on motivation and achievement. The contributors include a range as well, from some of the most well-respected veterans in motivation research to influential new voices. The emphasis on excellent and groundbreaking research that Professor Maehr has cultivated in this series is well represented in the current volume, a must-have for motivation researchers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Issues in Health and Health Care Related to Race/Ethnicity, Immigration, SES and Gender
The 30th Anniversary volume of Research in the Sociology of Health Care looks at the important links between major social factors and health and health care. The four main factors examined in the book are race/ethnicity, immigration, Socioeconomic Status (SES) and gender. Starting with an introductory chapter which reviews some of the important sociological literature on these social factors as linked to health, the book goes on to cover various key issues, including obesity, ageing, immigration and racial segregation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Volume 21 features articles on: the impact of framed information and project importance on capital budgeting decisions; the measurement of participation in budgeting practice and research; the impact of adverse selection and risk propensity on managers' project evaluation decisions; relative hedonic utility and budgetary conflict resolution; management control systems, environmental uncertainty, and organizational slack; industrial relations, budgetary participation and budget use; corporate strategy, employees' attitudes towards the balanced scorecard, and corporate performance using a contingency approach; the role of cost control systems and the effects of information technology integration on manufacturing financial performance; and the characteristics of no-budget firms.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Part I, "Theoretical Openings," of Volume 39 of Studies in Symbolic Interaction contains outstanding contributions by leading interactionists on welfare reform, history, biography and memory. The three chapters in Part II, "Studies in Social Construction," interrogate the complexities of social interaction, interpersonal and professional identity, and the cinematic representation of alcoholism. Part III takes up important interpretive interventions on the topics of imagination and intimate deception in everyday life.
Emerald Publishing Limited School Shootings: Mediatized Violence in a Global Age
School shootings have raised considerable interest among scholars as a global (media) cultural phenomenon and have increased specifically in the 1990s developing into a seeming cultural epidemic. This book contributes to the current academic discussion on school shootings by analysing this phenomenon in a broader context of mediatization in contemporary social and cultural life. Mediatized logic has the power to influence us as individuals communicating about the shootings and experiencing the shootings as victimizers, victims, witnesses or bystanders. In three sections, this book explores shootings from different, yet interconnected, perspectives: (1) a theoretical focus on media and school shootings within various sociological and cultural dimensions, specifically how contemporary media transform school shootings into mediatized violence; (2) a focus on the practices of mediatization, with emphasis on mediated coverage of school shootings and its political, cultural, social and ethical implications; and (3) an examination of the audiences, victims and witnesses of school shootings as well as organizations which try to manage these public crimes of significant media interest.
Emerald Publishing Limited Biopolicy: The Life Sciences and Public Policy
"Biology can inform public policy in a number of ways. This volume explores the linkage of the life sciences with policy (what the book refers to as biopolicy). It features two points of departure: the implications of the neurosciences for public policy; and the implications of evolutionary theory for policy-making. The first part of the book provides an introduction to the subject of biopolicy as well as the relevance of the brain sciences and evolutionary theory for this subject. The second part considers several case studies of how these points of departure inform our knowledge of policy. Among case studies provided here are the implications for distribution of wealth, the roots of foreign policy, violent behavior, policy decision-making, and the like. In the final analysis, this book provides examples of how the life sciences can inform public policy choices. Research in Biopolitics is the only book series that focuses specifically on the relationship between biology and politics, and provides contemporary research for practitioners, including anthropologists, sociologists, economists, biopolitical researchers, as well as students of law and political science.
Emerald Publishing Limited Culturally Responsive Methodologies
Culturally Responsive Methodologies puts forward a new position from which to navigate our research in the hope that we can contribute to a more respectful and humble way of working with all peoples. These new methodologies require the researcher to develop relationships that may enable them to intimately come to respect and know the "Other" with whom they seek to study. Such a process of reciprocity challenges traditional research notions of distance and neutrality, opening up instead streams of research that call for engagement through the establishment of relational discourses. Each chapter shows how researchers find, discover, and invent methodology that benefits both the researcher and subject, from their insider knowledge and from the epistemology of others. This book is ideally suited for all those involved in qualitative research work including researchers, students, teacher educators and educators throughout the world who share an interest in culturally responsive research and practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reinventing Hierarchy and Bureaucracy: From the Bureau to Network Organizations
This special volume brings together leading scholars in the field of organisation studies to reflect on the universal phenomena of hierarchy (vertical organisation of tasks) and bureaucracy (rule-bound execution of tasks). The result is a colourful kaleidoscope of thought-provoking, critical and refreshingly non-mainstream analysis of hierarchy and bureaucracy. The chapters range from minute accounts of a single case to broader historical analysis, from the 'classical' journal paper to essay-style elaborations. The first section provides fundamentals and historical accounts of bureaucracy, highlighting negative and positive effects of bureaucracy and a differentiated picture with some future outlook. The second section focuses on the analysis of organisational, cultural and socio-psychological aspects of hierarchy and bureaucracy by interrogating hierarchy in contemporary work via a new framework, exploring the cultural fantasy of hierarchy and sovereignty, and examining subordinates' challenges to organisational hierarchy. The final section comprises two chapters which provide some alternative views on, and alternatives to hierarchy. One is alarming, the other is puzzling.
Emerald Publishing Limited Accounting and Control for Sustainability
Sustainability performance measurement and communication play a central role in supporting the implementation of the sustainability strategy, embedding sustainability into day-to-day operations and decision making, and developing relationships with stakeholders based on trust, transparency, and legitimacy. The purpose of this book is to explore new challenges and new prospects for sustainability accounting research and to discuss future directions of research. It considers a large spectrum of different theoretical lenses and research methods, and explores various types of organizational settings and practices in different countries. This book brings together articles that consider the main areas of accounting: financial accounting, auditing and managerial accounting, in order to critically review and advance theorizations and methodological applications to the study of all main accounting fields in a sustainability context. It aims to interest a quite large number of active researchers, professors and practitioners (CPAs and CMAs, managers and executives, but also consultants), both from the accounting field, and from the sustainability and CSR domains.
Emerald Publishing Limited Rethinking Misbehavior and Resistance in Organizations
This volume challenges understandings of organizational misbehavior by looking beyond traditional conceptions of the nexus between misbehavior and resistance in the workplace. Reconsidering misbehavior from a range of different perspectives and disciplinary traditions, including history, employment relations, sociology, management, entrepreneurship, marketing, legal studies and film studies, chapters examine behaviors not only of workers but also of managers, entrepreneurs and consumers. The book begins with an overview by one of the leading scholars of misbehavior, Stephen Ackroyd, who reviews the study of the phenomenon, followed by conceptual reconsideration of the relationship between misbehavior and resistance in a changing industrial landscape. The remainder of the book traverses dimensions of misbehavior and resistance across time and geographical space through a number of case studies that examine behaviors in a range of different places, industries and sectors. In this way it extends analysis to actors outside of the workers who have largely been the focus of existing studies. The volume will add to the emerging body of evidence that disturbs assumptions of consensus and conformity in organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Rethinking Power in Organizations, Institutions, and Markets
Organizations are central actors of modern society. No understanding of our world is complete without a theory of how they work. This insight is grounded in the foundational texts of classical social theory, and it remains as true as ever today. Be they multinational corporations or start-up firms, established political parties or insurgent social movements, successful organizations must engage in power-projects. Such is the overarching argument of this volume, a collection of papers by many of the world's leading social scientists and organizational scholars. Many contributions analyze empirical data to generate cutting-edge arguments about the actual working of organizations, institutions, and markets. Other papers represent original theoretical arguments that propose new ways to see and study power. Topics addressed include the nature of post-bureaucratic (polyarchic) organizations, strategic action within fields, identity and contentious politics, and emergent forms of resistance. Collectively, the papers that comprise this volume set a fresh agenda for the study of power in and across organizations and institutions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Hard Labour? Academic Work and the Changing Landscape of Higher Education
Higher education institutions (HEIs) have experienced massive changes in the past three decades. Across England, the US, Australia and New Zealand, new public management has introduced corporate governance structures, strategic plans, performance management, quality assurance processes, a client-focused approach to students and curriculum, and a commodification of higher education that has seen an unprecedented growth in international student numbers. Increased numbers of HEIs has stimulated a variety of challenges for administrators, academics, students and the broader community. Drawing on data from England, Australia and New Zealand, this book addresses how policies of successive labour governments have decreased autonomy of academics and increased regimes of surveillance, radically altering how academics think about and engage in their intellectual work. It provokes the reader to think critically about the emergence of corporate styles of governance, management and leadership in HEIs and ways in which the demands of new public management and the knowledge economy has shaped and re-shaped scholarly work and identity.
Emerald Publishing Limited Librarianship in Times of Crisis
The field of librarianship has undergone traumatic shifts (mostly downward) due to the global financial meltdown that began in the fall of 2008. Libraries have been deeply affected by the worst recession since the Great Depression. While "Advances in Librarianship" endeavors to identify trends and innovations, the trend addressed in this volume is admittedly not a happy one. The current climate does however, present opportunities for analysis, and far reaching searches for solutions and innovations that can alleviate the challenges created by the clash of fiscal retrenchment with steadily increasing use of libraries. Therefore this volume addresses the ripple effects of the economic recession from the point of view of librarianship, the need for advocacy, and the necessity to tout the value that libraries bring to their communities. Chapters focus on identifying means to change library and library related organizations so that they focus on distinctive assets and strengths, use free or low cost resources and technologies, and position themselves to take advantage of collaborative initiatives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Globalisation and Contextual Factors in Accounting: The Case of Germany
This research monograph critically examines convergence of financial reporting in Germany by taking into account the influence of political, social and economic factors on accounting. This study makes an original and significant contribution by examining issues and biases in the convergence process that may challenge the assumption of superiority, global comparability and universal applicability of International Financial Reporting Standards. Specifically, this monograph critically evaluates convergence by taking into account German accounting development and examines issues concerning the application of professional judgment, which has increasingly been recognized as an important and controversial topic in international accounting. By applying a holistic approach with an emphasis on multiple perspectives, this study shows that accounting research will be enhanced by a critical examination of contextual environments of countries rather than a focus on measurement, quantification, simplification and categorisation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Women of Color in Higher Education: Turbulent Past, Promising Future
Historically, women of color have experienced discrimination based on the double jeopardy of race and/or ethnicity, and gender in their quest for access and advancement in higher education. Today's women of color in higher education however are the beneficiaries of courageous and committed women predecessors who confronted and disrupted institutions to attain a higher level of education (Jean-Marie, 2005). Together with Volume 10, this two-edited volume focuses on African American, Hispanic American, Native American, and Asian-Pacific American women whose increased presence in senior level administrative and academic positions in higher education is transforming the political climate to be more inclusive of women of color. Topics include trends and issues, leadership styles/characteristics, tenure and promotion, mentoring/social networks, and challenges and opportunities. As a conceptual framework, the collection of chapters in the two volumes acquaints readers with a broad overview of the characteristics and experiences of women of color in higher education. The two volumes include: "Women of Color in Higher Education: Turbulent Past, Promising Future" and "Women of Color in Higher Education: Contemporary Perspectives and Changing Directions".
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Consumer Behavior
"Research in Consumer Behavior" presents cutting-edge consumer research, whether empirical or conceptual, qualitative or quantitative. The majority of papers in this volume have been selected from the best papers at the 2011 Consumer Culture Theory Conference held in Chicago Illinois in July, 2011. The Conference is the premier event for consumer culture research which tends to be qualitative, ethnographic, and cultural in orientation and draws a variety of scholars from around the world. Many of these scholars are housed in academic marketing department, but they also come from fields of anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, and communications as well as from industry. The papers selected for this volume are those judged to be the best among those selected for the conference from submissions to the conference peer review. This marks the third volume of "Research in Consumer Behavior" that has been able to publish the top "Consumer Culture Theory" papers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: A Research Annual
This collection includes both refereed articles and review essays of recent books in the history of economic thought and methodology. The articles highlight research the historiography and methodology of the English Poor Laws, behavioural economics, and the socialist calculation debate; as well as A.D. Roy and portfolio theory and correspondence regarding John Maurice Clark's "Economics of Planning".
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Positive Organization
This volume attempts to build a bridge between POB and Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS). Similar to POB, but different from positive psychology, the primary emphasis of POS is on the workplace and on the accomplishment of work-related outcomes. The volume includes contributions from both fields, and theories and studies in which a positive individual perspective (POB) is combined with a positive organization perspective (POS).
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
This second volume in the series discusses such topics as management accounting's role in improving corporate performance, strategic cost management perspectives and accountability and knowledge workers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Urban Policy: An International Perspective : European Consortium for Political Research Workshop on Local and Regional Bureaucracies in Western Europe : Selected Papers
This annual publication focuses on four interrelated urban processes: population and employment location; political leadership and policy outputs; bureaucratic processes and service delivery; and citizen preferences and participatory activities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Policy Studies in Developing Nations
A study of budgeting and financial administration in developing countries, which probes reasons for failure and solutions for improvement. The contributors are all involved in relating prescription to practice, and theory to reality in this area. Their essays all seek to provide practical advice to administrators caught up in the ever-changing, unpredictable contemporary environment.