Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Finance
Eleven papers in this volume present some current interesting and important research in finance. Based upon the CAPM, Chen and Kane show that double taxation and differential tax rates on a personal and capital-gains income, affect corporate stock values and financial policies in nonneutral ways. Sengupta shows tax evasion decisions of a monopolist in a price-ceiling regulatory environment. In their paper, Osterberg and Thomson empirically examine the impact of state-level deposit preference laws on resolution type and costs for all operating FDIC-BIF insured commercial banks that were closed, or required FDIC financial assistance, from January 1986 through December 1992. Peek and Wilcox show that during periods of international financial crises, or of domestic economic stress, the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) are well suited to stabilize mortgage markets. In their paper, Chen, Robinson and Siems empirically show the association between banks' subordinated debt and their loan sales activities and its implications in the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. Also in this volume, Lin et al. use the Granger causality test to examine the linkage between the euro exchange rate and the money supply and GDP in the euro community, as well as its impact on the UK exchange rate and the London stock exchange market index. In their paper, Kane and Muzere extend the Diamond-Dybvig model of bank runs to an open market economy and show that adding the central banks and the IMF, guarantees will reduce, but not eliminate the banking as well as currency crises. The paper by Chung et al. empirically shows the presence of a long memory, property in currency, future markets, and discusses its hedging implications. In their paper, Lee, Lee and Yu develop a valuation model for the pension benefit guarantees that incorporates the plan termination conditions as well as a stochastic interest rate. In a case study, Hung et al. empirically show that the specially designed dividends (SDD) have positive signals in the Taiwan Stock Exchange. Finally, in their paper, Guerard and Mark show that the use of an R&D quadratic term enhances the mean-variance efficient portfolios and stockholder returns.
Emerald Publishing Limited Spiritual Intelligence at Work: Meaning, Metaphor, and Morals
This volume contains articles and essays from internationally renowned authors and thinkers about the relationship among business, business ethics, religion, and spirituality. The authors included in this book represent multiple perspectives including Christian, Jewish, Hindu, philosophical, and others. This volume will be of interest to both academics and business practitioners who promote a contemporary re-integration of business and religious values and for those concerned about the dangers inherent in this project. In the end, this volume suggests that in a pluralistic and democratic society the only justification for going back home again to traditional religious texts is to help us all move forward together. If the real reason we're invoking religion in the public sphere is to strengthen our own religious communities and our own identities as members of particular religious communities, we are making a fundamental error in judgement. The goal of a legitimate religiously grounded business ethics can and must be the desire to critique, enhance, and strengthen the democratic values and institutions of society including business. These values include noncoercion, transparency, equal rights, pluralism, compromise, individual and communal responsibility, and many others.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research Methodology in Strategy and Management
Research methods present the strategic management field with great opportunities and challenges. This first volume includes three types of chapters aimed at exploiting the opportunities and meeting the challenges. One group of chapters addresses broad issues of science, including the state of strategy research, issues surrounding the age of data, and how to build cumulative knowledge within the strategic management field. A second group of chapters highlight ways to improve specific practices, including the measurement of knowledge, the assessment of limited dependent variables, and designing studies. A final group of chapters describe how strategy researchers can better use particular methods. These methods include social network analysis, longitudinal analysis, qualitative methods, survey research, and structural equation modeling. Collectively, the chapters offer state of the art thinking about research methodology provided by intellectual leaders within the strategic management field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corporate Governance and Finance
Papers in this volume focus upon corporate governance, broadly defined as the system of controls that helps the corporation effectively manage, administer and direct economic resources. Questions of what and how to produce become equally important as organizations strive to better serve demanding customers. As a result, the design and control of effective organizations structure has been described by the vertical and horizontal relationships among the firm, its customers and suppliers. More recently, researchers have come to understand that the efficiency of firms depends upon the ability of participants to find effective means to minimize the transaction costs of coordinating productive activity. As financial economists have learned, resource allocation will be efficient so long as transaction costs remain low and property rights can be freely assigned and exchanged. An important problem that must be addressed is the so-called agency problem resulting from the natural conflict between owners and managers. Agency costs are the explicit and implicit transaction costs necessary to overcome the natural divergence of interest between agent managers and principal stockholders. The value-maximizing organization design minimizes unproductive conflict within the firm. Papers in this volume show how corporate control mechanisms inside and outside the firm have evolved to allocate decision authority to that person or organization best able to perform a given task.
Emerald Publishing Limited Access and Exclusion
International Perspectives on Higher Education Research is a series which aims to feature something of the variety of research being undertaken into higher education systems and issues outside of North America. The theme of this volume covers what is and isn't permitted, included or allowed within our higher education institutions. As with the first volume, this one deliberately sets out to convey a diversity of ideas and approaches. Thus, it includes contributions from researchers working in Australia, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, relating to higher education experiences and systems in Australia, Europe and South Africa. They offer examples of quantitative, survey based approaches and more qualitative, interview based strategies for data collection and analysis, with methodological strategies ranging from multinational comparisons to analyses of newspaper reportage. The consideration of what it is that is being accessed or excluded from is also deliberately broad. Thus, the ten chapters in this volume do not solely concern themselves with students, and the differential access or exclusion they experience in relation to their social class, wealth, ethnicity, sex, age, religion, location, etc. They also examine access and exclusion as they impact upon academics and their managers, are experienced in terms of teaching and learning approaches, effect the content of the curriculum, relate to disciplines and what counts as academic knowledge, and are perceived externally in the media.
Emerald Publishing Limited Identity Issues in Groups
This fifth volume of "Research on Managing Groups and Teams" focuses on the relationship between identity issues and individual and group functioning. Identity issues encompass a wide range of phenomena involving the individual identities people bring to the groups they join, individuals' level of identification with particular groups they join, and the collective identities of specific groups or organizations. The authors in this volume take full advantage of the broad scope of identity-related phenomena, pushing our thinking about the interplay between identity and groups in new and exciting directions. In doing so, they make inroads into seemingly intractable practical problems with groups by understanding how these difficulties are rooted in the identities people strivve to create and maintian. This book should be of interest to social scientists from all domains who are interested in how identity issues influence the performance of individuals, groups and organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Theoretical Directions in Political Sociology for the 21st Century
The theoretical frameworks political sociologists use to understand, describe and predict political behaviour have evolved since the 1980s in response to empirical challenges and interdisciplinary influences. The diverse collection of work contained in this volume also suggests that present and projected theoretical trends will continue to be shaped by previous questions and past debates. Contributions to the volume reflect the influence of globalization and the rising interest in nationalism, whilst also including examinations of class, elite and world systems theory in response to questions posed in the age of post-modernity. The authors also consider the continued need for an integration of class, race and gender in theoretical approaches. The questions raised in this volume are not only relevant to political sociology, but also to the discipline of sociology as a whole. The blend of classical sociological tradition with contemporary thought should prompt readers to critically evaluate theoretical assumptions and expand their current thinking.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Environmental State Under Pressure
For a long time in industrialized countries the state occupied a comfortable and unquestioned position in dealing with environmental problems. Since the 1960s we have witnessed the rather smooth institutionalization of environmental tasks in state policies and politics, leading to the emergence of the "environmental state". In the 1980s, the ideologies of deregulation and privatization formed the start of the debate on the environmental state and the 1990s left the debate facing new challenges. First, the debate became broader and more sophisticated, moving away from simple deregulation and privatization arguments and toward the issue of political modernization and reinventing government. Second, in addition to the ongoing debate on the environmental state within national boundaries, the processes of and political debates on globalization led to new challenges in the viability of the (nationally ordered) environmental-regulatory state. Third, the debate widened geographically, from Europe and the North American continent to the central and East-European countries undergoing transition away from centrally planned economies with all-dominating states, and to states in the so-called South. Various analytical frameworks and social theories are now being applied to understanding and evaluating the nature of these social processes, transformations and continuities related to the environmental state. This text provides a thorough examination of these issues with particular emphasis on the treadmill-of-production and the ecological modernization perspectives. The volume draws upon case studies and evidence from environmental states in the North American continent, Western Europe, Africa, Southeast and East Asia and Central and Eastern Europe.
Emerald Publishing Limited Virtual teams
Effective knowledge work depends on bringing people together to form a team with the right mix of expertise for the project or problem on hand. Increasingly, that mix can only be created by finding people who are geographically dispersed across sites of the company or across several companies. These virtual teams typically work by linking through electronic tools, such as the telephone, fax, email, NetMeeting, Lotus Notes, and other web-based communication systems. Recent research suggests that these teams have all of the challenges of face-to-face teams in addition to others, such as the limitations of technology, cultural differences, and multiple supervisors. The papers included in this volume identify some of the problems and some of the solutions to these kinds of problems, but most importantly, in a dynamic field such as virtual teams, the papers provide a framework for thinking about such problems and a collection of ideas that can form a foundation for advancing both research and practice in the field. Much of the literature on virtual teams focuses on the technology. The technology is an enabler, but it does not seem to have advanced far enough to make electronic communications as effective as face-to-face meetings. Like other teams, virtual teams consist of human beings and they have interpersonal and identity needs that must be met to optimize their ability to work and to collaborate. So, issues such as member solidarity, cooperation and unity of actions and values become special concerns. Such issues are addressed in this volume with the hope that this work will provide a foundation for moving ahead in this field toward more effective virtual teams.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Transformation of Work
Analysts are generally agreed - dramatic changes are unfolding in the character of work, managerial authority, and the employment relationship. However, there is little agreement as to precisely how such changes are reshaping people's working lives, the nature of their careers, and the distribution of opportunity among members of different classes, genders, and ethnic groups. Confronting these issues head on, this text focuses on a series of critical questions concerned with the restructuring of work under capitalism at the beginning of the 21st century. The papers collected here address a wide array of workplace settings, from traditional manufacturing settings to "knowledge work" in high tech and university contexts. The volume devotes attention to the impact of production concepts in various national settings, ranging from Germany to Mexico and Australia. Among other themes, the volume also examines the linkage between gender inequality and efforts to establish innovative, "flexible" forms of work organization.
Emerald Publishing Limited Bringing Capitalism Back for Critique by Social Theory
Reflecting the cultural diversity in critical theory, Current perspectives in social theory presents work from a variety of theoretical traditions demonstrating the problems of sociological theorizing. Volume 21 echoes a current trend by publishing articles that reconsider Marx, Althusser and Gramsci.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Ethics of Organ Transplantation
Since the 1970s, we have witnessed astonishing scientific and technical progress in the field of organ transplantation. Patients who suffer organ failure can now often have their lives greatly improved both in terms of quality and quantity of years. The success of transplantation techniques has created an enormous demand for donor organs. Unfortunately, donor organs are in short supply, relative to the number of patients who could greatly benefit from them. Therefore, donor organs are a scarce and valuable resource that must be thoughtfully and fairly allocated among waiting patients. Not surprisingly, this situation raises many pressing ethical questions, each requiring careful consideration. This volume presents a systematic and balanced treatment of some of the most pressing ethical questions including: what is our ethical obligation to become organ donors and who should be allowed to donate?; to what extent can markets facilitate the fair allocation of organs and how should we most fairly determine who should be recipients?; how do we determine death when the donor is not brain dead?; should non-human donor organs be used to save human lives and should we use organs from anencephalic infants and tissue from embryos? ; and what is the role of the news media in covering stories about organ transplantation? Many of the leading authorities in medical ethics come together in this volume to develop extensive analyses and arguments. The reader is provided with a sound understanding of the ethical, as well as many of the broader issues in organ donation and transplantation.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Research on Labor Relations and the Performance of University HR/IR Programs
This volume presents five studies on key dimensions of union-management relations. Topics examined include union representation, financial consequences of unionism, wage determination, workplace innovation and conflict resolution in unionized enterprises in North America. In addition, the volume features four papers that examine university degree programmes in human resource management and industrial relations and, in particular, the extent to which the programmes provide students with the skills and competencies currently in demand by employers.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Empirical Turn in the Philosophy of Technology
The philosophy of technology has been dominated by metaphysical analyses of the "essence" of technology and by moral/critical reflections on the consequences of technology for individual and social forms of life. To develop a more internally oriented philosophy of technology, the authors in this volume believe that an empirical turn is necessary, similar to the turn witnessed in the philosophy of science. In this volume, authors explore the various ways in which empirical data can be used in ontological, epistemological, ethical or more general discussions in the philosophy of technology. All the chapters in the volume therefore contribute to an empirical turn in the philosophy of technology.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Library Administration and Organization
This monograph offers writing that is both professional and academic. Volume 18 continues to be characterized by a focused eclecticism, informed by theory and reflection, and stretching the boundaries of practice. Among the 11 contributions here are forward-thinking pieces on professional stress resulting from the impact of virtual libraries, an integrated approach to the development of an information resources strategic plan, an international perspective on quality assurance in library support of distance learning, and a research study that offers a methodology to determine and measure gender-based salary disparities in academic libraries. Additionally, this volume includes papers presented at a symposium at the University of Michigan in honour of the career of Richard Dougherty, one of America's most well-regarded library administrators. These papers note some of the obstacles and challenges that those working in today's academic libraries face in their attempts to clear the way for fresh visions of library leadership suited for the years ahead.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Urban Planning Settings: Lessons of Success
A group of academics and practitioners in urban planning and development present an array of essays, primarily focused on Pacific Rim cities, that analyze successful policies and programmes in urban development and explain why they have worked. These essays identify a number of key themes of change that are leading to innovation in strategic planning and management of urban regions/cities in the context of globalization, economic restructuring, social change, and the changing interface between government, the private sector, and the community sectors. These themes include, among others: electronic commerce and its impact on urban development, community involvement in planning, historical preservation, strategies for central city growth and revival, private sector versus government leadership in planning, creation of new cities from scratch contrasted with reinventing existing cities, and tools for urban planning and management. This should be a useful tool to all those actively involved and interested in the process of urban development worldwide.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance
Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance" is an annual series of volumes that publishes scholarly work in criminology and criminal justice studies, sociology of law, and the sociology of deviance and social control. These are very broad topics, and the series reflects this breadth. The series includes theoretical contributions, critical reviews of literature, empirical research, and methodological innovations. The series especially showcases "big picture" pieces that review and critically reconceptualize what is known and what remains to be understood about broad directions of research and theorizing about crime, justice, law, deviance, and social control. In addition, the series showcases a diversity of methodological approaches. "Volume 2" demonstrates such methodological diversity by presenting quantitative studies, ethnographies and discourse analyses. Through an application of these methodologies, the authors examine sanctions, crime and fear and legal and social control organizations and processes. The volume concludes with four chapters contributing to theory development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Matter of Ethics: Facing the Fear of Doing the Right Thing
In the face of contemporary strife, the American marketplace is reeling from repeated examples of ethics violations. These violations cross all industries, from securities and investment firms, to public school districts, to local municipal government, as well as the US federal government. Why the abdication of right or good conduct, especially at this point in time? Is there a commonality within the US culture, or perhaps the world, that serves to underscore why we are collectively struggling with such a serious desertion of conformity to previously accepted principles of right and wrong. With the assistance of colleagues, professionals, friends and family, I have had the opportunity to explore this issue domestically, as well as to travel in search of answers as to how we define our ethical world. The results of these efforts are included for the purpose of engaging the reader's curiosity around this topic.This book explores a wide variety of parameters regarding ethical inquiry, including, looking at the ethical parameters used by city and town managers and how, in turn, these parameters serve to define and delineate the ethical parameters adopted and maintained by the public sector culture. This book also provides insight into the application of the tenets of Systems Theory, symbolic interactionism and societal "rule breaking" known for the purpose of this context as unethical conduct. This book also examines how the perspectives of city and town managers are related to the assumptions of ethical parameters by other public sector employees, as well as the effect(s) of societal labelling once these parameters have been assumed. Overall, it contributes to the content of curricula for the field of public administration and therefore, will provide needed information for individuals whose role it is to practice ethics in the public sector.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technology
This third volume in the series presents research on technology as either a tool or context for groups and teams. The volume is more broad than some other treatments of technology and groups. Thirteen chapters by leaders from both organizational behavior and information technology present management issues from two critical perspectives: groups and teams in evolving high-tech contexts (e.g., high precision manufacturing, computer virus assessment, space shuttle mission control, minimally invasive cardiac surgery); and leading edge research on technology for communication and knowledge management within groups and teams. The latter including research on virtual teams, adaptive structuration theory, conflict management, and the management of status and deception in electronic mail. Each chapter presents a unique view of groups and teams in modern organizational environments. Readers in the fields of management, organizational behavior, management information systems, information technology, social psychology, technology management and engineering will find useful results and interpretations for both research and practice. The summary chapter by Professor Linda Argote provides an integration and starting point for future assessments of technology, groups, and teams.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Pacific Basin Financial Markets
Thomas A. Fetherston explores the financial markets in the 6th volume of Advances in Pacific Basin Financial Markets.
Emerald Publishing Limited Living Through 50 Years of Economic Progress: the Most Productive Generation in History, 1946-1996
This book traces various developments in business breakthroughs during the most productive period in world history. The half century from 1946 to 1996 brought space trips to the moon, artificial intelligence, cloning of animals, and much more.
Emerald Publishing Limited With This Ring: Divorce, Intimacy and Cohabitation from a Multicultural Perspective
With This Ring is the 19th volume of the series Contemporary Studies in Sociology from their Sociology collection, edited by R.Robin Miller.
Emerald Publishing Limited Critical Perspectives on Urban Redevelopment
This is the fifth volume in a series which studies research in urban sociology, this work is an analysis of race and ethnicity in urban areas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Change for Women and Children
The contributors to this volume consider policy implications of gender research with an emphasis on its relevance for children-particularly girls; and gender inequality within a range of contexts from that of Cameroon society where basic education is an issue, to that of feminist family settings in the United States.
Emerald Publishing Limited Some Buildings Just Can't Dance: Politics, Life Safety, and Disaster
This book places Oakland's public policy response (nine major ordinances) to building damage suffered in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in a full historical and intergovernmental context. Using a combined non-decision making and advocacy coalition approach, the book demonstrates how and why hazardous-structure abatement was kept off the local political agenda prior to the Loma Prieta disaster. The book then demonstrates how and why city government in Oakland became proactive on the problem of earthquake-damaged and, more importantly, earthquake-vulnerable buildings in general after the disaster.
Emerald Publishing Limited Immigration, Citizenship and the Welfare State in Germany and the United States: Welfare Policies and Immigrants' Citizenship
Industrial Development and the Social Fabric
Emerald Publishing Limited Fathers, Sons, and Daughters: Industrial Entrepreneurs During India's Liberalization
This study in economic and financial analysis looks at industrial entrepreneurs during India's liberalization. Topics addressed include: the founding entrepreneurs - origins, education and capital; and social mobility, human capital, liberalization and entrepreneurship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Long-term Economics of Climate Change: Beyond a Doubling of Greenhouse Gas Concentrations
This volume will include scenarios of geophysical and economic impacts from global warming beyond a doubling of greenhouse gases. Analyses will examine geophysical, ecological, and economic impacts, physical and institutional lags, alternative scenarios with and without policy intervention, institutional change, political-economic barriers to effective policy, and prescriptions for change. Perspectives will include those from physical and biological sciences, as well as economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Black Intellectuals
This volume attempts to construct a theory of black intellectualism drawing on the areas of culture, politics, class and myth. Both mainstream and radical black intellectual thought are charted and defined with reference to the life and writings of Oliver Cox, C.L.R. James, W.E.B. Du Bois, Cornel West and James Baldwin. The dialectics of nationalism and internationalism are examined, along with the place of the black intellectual in the social, political and cultural structure of society.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting
This seventh volume in the series covers a variety of topics in financial planning and forecasting.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Library Administration and Organization
Intended for librarians and library managers in academic institutions, this series aims to cover advances in library administration and organization. The collected articles draw upon practical situations to illustrate administrative principles.
Emerald Publishing Limited Religion and the social order
The study of the basis of "authenticity" of any religious tradition is one which has been seemingly neglected by secular, western scholars. Those beliefs and practices deemed "sacred" are assumed to have authenticity, at least by the adherents of the tradition. Also, to many who are not adherents of the tradition, some of the beliefs and practices may appear irrational, foolish or even wicked. This volume addresses this issue, examining the "criteria in use" by both secular and religious groups for deciding on the authenticity of religious beliefs, experiences and practices. Part I of this volume consists of three papers that examine how the insitution of the state has been, and is, active in resolving conflicting claims of authenticity. Parallels are drawn between contemporary reactions to Salman Rushdie and Taslima Nasrim and the early Medinans who were executed for making jokes about Mohammed. Part II consists of four papers dealing with "authentication" as the process by which three religious groups have sought to define and enforce the legitimate boundaries of an established tradition. Chapters examine the stresses between a Mormon intellectual community and the hierarchical tradition of the church; the contrast between the authentication practice of Old Order Mennonite and Unitarian-Universalist congregations; and the emergence of an evangelical coalition growing out of American fundamentalism. Part III is a set of four case studies each focusing on a "revitalization" movement, whilst Part IV deals with two non-Western traditions - Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism. The final section of the book consists of an analysis by Anson Shupe of the processes by which faith in traditional religious institutions is undermined when trust of adherents is betrayed - either through sexual or monetary exploitation. This book explains how governments become involved in mediating religious disputes, how established traditions deal with deviation from orthodoxy and how followers of repressed traditions go about rediscovery of these traditions. It is hoped that this volume will stimulate further examination of how individuals judge authenticity in their religious attachments and how religious traditions develop ways of thinking about and managing claims about other traditions.
This second volume in the series is divided into four distinct sections, entitled: institutional fragmentation and policy conference; re-thinking the challenge in teaching; institutions as allies and constraints; and, toward institutional redesign in school governance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cross-cultural Analysis of Organizations
This series considers theoretical, methodological and research issues relevant to organizational sociology. It is specifically concerned with trying to specify the unique contributions of broad sociological theories and research techniques to the analysis of organizations. Both micro and macro sociological approaches are emphasized. From a micro perspective an effort is made to bring to the forefront such perspectives as phenomenology, ethnomethodology and symbolic interaction. The macro analysis also places an emphasis on the institutional, historical and cultural examination of organizations. An effort is made to use this series as a forum for the presentation of theories and research which challenge conventional views of organizational sociology. This volume presents an examination of organizations which is cross-cultural, covering all areas of cultural diversity and spanning countries, generations and identities.
Emerald Publishing Limited FIDIC Users' Guide: A practical guide to the Red, Yellow, MDB Harmonised and Subcontract Books
FIDIC Users' Guide: A practical guide to the Red, Yellow, MDB Harmonised and Subcontract Books focuses on the practical administration of the Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs-Conseils (FIDIC) Conditions of Contract for Construction and the Conditions of Contract for Plant & Design-Build, a revised family of Conditions of Contract published in 1999 to address the increasing size and complexity of construction projects. Brian Barr and Leo Grutters have comprehensively updated Brian Totterdill’s previous edition, taking into account newly published forms of contract, case studies, and FIDIC’s expansion into a more international arena. The book recognises the growing tendency for projects to be administered by local employers, consultants and contractors as well as by experienced international organisations. Thus, the new edition of the FIDIC Users' Guide aims improve working relationships between all contract parties. FIDIC Users' Guide: A practical guide to the Red, Yellow, MDB Harmonised and Subcontract Books includes Evaluation of the MDB Harmonised Edition, incorporating the latest 2010 update Evaluation of the newly published Subcontract 1st Edition 2011 in view of its objective to be a back-to-back contract for use in conjunction with the Red Book Reviews of the selection, preparation and use of the Contracts, including project management, preparation and response to claims and dispute resolution Flow charts, full text and clause-by-clause commentaries on the Red, Yellow, MDB and Subcontract Books An independent review of the benefits, procedures and problems that may arise in the use of the FIDIC Conditions of Contract. This book is an essential guide to FIDIC for all those involved in contract and construction, including practising contract administrators, Practitioners of FIDIC Construction Contracts, Engineers, Architects, Quantity Surveyors, Planners, and Lawyers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Joint Ventures in Construction 2
A collection of carefully selected papers from the International Conference on Multi-National Joint Ventures for Construction Works held in varying locations within the Asia Pacific region. The book endeavours to report ongoing debates on the theory and practice of contract and contract formation, governance, performance and risk in joint ventures, with special emphasis on countries within the Asia and Pacific region.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cost-Benefit Analysis: A practical guide
Cost-benefit analysis: A practical guide is a complete guide to the principles and practice of using cost-benefit analysis (CBA) effectively for making better decisions and allocating resources. This comprehensive and accessible text can be used without prior knowledge of economics, and provides the necessary skills to understand the rationale of CBA, interpret and use existing analyses, and undertake basic CBA unaided. The second edition of this popular guide: Takes a practical approach to CBA, providing examples for readers Deals explicitly with probabilities and risk Shows how social, environmental and political aspects can be taken into account Gives guidance on using computer software and avoiding its pitfalls Describes the application of CBA to many sectors, including health, education, transport, and water Includes guidance on the presentation and reporting of analyses to multiple audiences Guides readers to sources of more specialised advice Describes multi-criterion decision analyses Written by a practitioner, rather than an economist, and based on many years' experience of using CBA, Cost-benefit analysis: A practical guide is a detailed learning aide for students and practitioners. It will also serve as a useful reference book for all, with an extensive glossary and index.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Short Course in Soil-Structure Engineering of Deep Foundations, Excavations and Tunnels
The fourth in the highly respected Short Course Series, A Short Course in Soil-structure Engineering of Deep Foundations, Excavations and Tunnels, focuses on the three major geotechnical challenges of static soil-structure interaction problems. Deep foundations – piles, barrettes, Multi-propped deep excavations and Bored and open face tunnels beneath cities This book gives both students and practising civil engineers an authoritative review of the state-of-the-art of designing deep foundations, excavations and tunnels. In addition, the case studies and numerical modelling presented will give valuable insights into the challenges of soil-structure engineering.
Emerald Publishing Limited Concrete Industrial Ground Floors
The quality of floor surfaces in industrial and commercial premises can be vitally important to effective business operations. Smooth floors are particularly important for storage operations, but strength, durability and economy are demands imposed by all industrial applications. Increasingly rigorous specifications for industrial floors have resulted in considerable changes in the methods used for their construction. New materials (steel fibres, steel permanent forms, etc), alternative design packages and the demands of brownfield and difficult sites have created a new generation of floors. This guide describes the requirements of industry for high-quality floors and relates these to the engineering solutions adopted as current working practice. The design theory, construction techniques and management of floor-slab construction projects are presented to provide engineers with a broad understanding of the central principles of modern concrete ground floor construction. Following the success of the 1996 publication, this second edition has been extensively reviewed to address the influence of the many subsequent developments in materials, specification, components and site applications. Many of these developments raise issues of mutual compatibility. The revised guide sets out to describe these and identify principles by which many common problems can be avoided.
Emerald Publishing Limited Design of Water Resources Systems
Water resources engineering entails the assessment, development and management of water resources - such as rivers, lakes, reservoirs, groundwater, estuaries and coastal waters - for the benefit of mankind. Design of water resources systems presents a comprehensive coverage of the the design fundamentals of key elements of water resources engineering infrastructure.
Emerald Publishing Limited Dynamics of Estuarine Muds
The ability to predict the movement of cohesive sediment within coastal, estuarine or inland waters has a significant economic and ecological importance in the development of new engineering works and the maintenance of existing installations. Dynamics of estuarine muds clearly describes the most up-to-date developments in this field and contains information about improved procedures and how they can be applied to a variety of engineering projects. Drawing on a wide range of new data and new concepts in mud research, this concise volume presents the main processes of cohesive sediment behaviour, namely, erosion, transport, deposition and consolidation. It includes subsections on Knowledge, intended to show the practising engineer which parameters are important in each of the processes and Procedure, which will enable broad estimates of erosion, transport, deposition and consolidation to be made based on knowledge of the site conditions. Dynamics of estuarine muds is essential reading for the practising engineer who is involved in coastal, estuarine or inland water construction. A companion volume to Dynamics of marine sands, this excellent book provides invaluable information about this complex topic in a readily accessible manner.
Emerald Publishing Limited Principles of Estimating
Current practice on most contracts dictates that the engineer deals with engineering matters and the quantity surveyor covers the commercial aspects. As a result, engineers have become increasingly uneasy at setting rates, evaluating claims and of pricing work generally. This book provides engineers with a sound all round ability and commercial adeptness in price estimating. Author Trevor Holroyd draws on his experience of consulting and professional training in his latest book which will appeal to civil and structural engineers, surveyors, contractors, consulting practices and more.
Emerald Publishing Limited Track Geotechnology and Substructure Management
This book is a comprehensive study which provides practical advice and guidance on the important role played by ground engineering in the construction of railway track, the use of which will result in optimum quality with the minimum maintenance effort and the most economical use of resources.
Emerald Publishing Limited Globalism and Localism in Telecommunications
The telecommunications industry is being transformed by contradictory forces: on the one hand, the trend toward global expansion by carriers, and on the other hand, fragmentation and entry in local communications. These transformations represent two sides of the same issue: a blurring of market boundaries created through technical innovation, policy liberalization, user initiatives and entrepreneurialism. The result is a complex web of overlapping network definitions, product and service markets, carrier types, technical standards, government policies, financial arrangements, and cooperative ventures. This volume discusses the complexities of these bi-polar forces and maps out the policy issues which need to be addressed today and in the future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of Business Cycles
The business cycle has long been the focus of empirical economic research. Until recently statistical analysis of macroeconomic fluctuations was dominated by linear time series methods. Over the past 15 years, however, economists have increasingly applied tractable parametric nonlinear time series models to business cycle data; most prominent in this set of models are the classes of Threshold AutoRegressive (TAR) models, Markov-Switching AutoRegressive (MSAR) models, and Smooth Transition AutoRegressive (STAR) models. In doing so, several important questions have been addressed in the literature, including: Do out-of-sample (point, interval, density, and turning point) forecasts obtained with nonlinear time series models dominate those generated with linear models? How should business cycles be dated and measured? What is the response of output and employment to oil-price and monetary shocks? How does monetary policy respond to asymmetries over the business cycle? Are business cycles due more to permanent or to transitory negative shocks? And, is the business cycle asymmetric, and does it matter? "Contributions to Economic Analysis" was established in 1952. The series purpose is to stimulate the international exchange of scientific information. The series includes books from all areas of macroeconomics and microeconomics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism, Trade and National Welfare
Volume 265 of the Contributions to Economic Analysis book series covers, among others, subject areas such as Tourism and Trade; A Two-Sector General Equilibrium Model of a Small Open Economy; Non-Traded Goods and Tourism in the Pure Theory of Trade; Tourism, Taxes and Immiserization in a Two-Country Trade Model; Price Discrimination, Tourism and Welfare; Guest Workers and Resident Immiserization; Terms of Trade and Resident Welfare; Tourism in the Generalized Harris-Todaro Model and Regional Immiserization; and Growth in a Dynamic Model of Trade.
Emerald Publishing Limited Elsevier's Dictionary of Art History Terms: French/English-English/French
The dictionary contains terms covering the following fields and subfields of arts and antiques: painting, drawing, engraving, sculpture, architecture, dressmaking, armament, heraldry, ceramics, styles and art criticism, music, furniture, religious monuments and objects, textile, gilding, numismatics, jewels, cabinet-making etc.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Conceptual Foundations of Descriptive Cataloging
Computer technology together with political and economic pressures for interlibrary cooperation are having far-reaching effects on online systems for bibliographic control. This work is a compendium of the current thought on how catalogs of the future can best take advantage of machine capabilities in a networking environment. "The Conceptual Foundations of Descriptive Cataloging" comprises the proceedings of a conference of the same name held at the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1987. The conference stimulated visionary thinking about the future direction of systems for the bibliographic control of information, particularly the future of those systems applying the Anglo-American codes for descriptive cataloging. It presents the general principles underlying the design of bibliographic databases and includes the shape of bibliographic databases in the forseeable future. It covers topics such as the impact of technology on catalogs and catalog codes, design objectives for online catalogs, standardization and integration in bibliographic control, and access to bibliographic information in the online age.