Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited The New Institutionalism in Strategic Management
These papers explore the contemporary strategic management field. They examine how firms behave, why they are different, what limits their scope and what determines success and failure in international competition.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies
This series arose out of the belief that the international accounting literature should devote more attention to the study of the accounting problems and issues of emerging economies (developing and newly industrialized countries). The aim of this volume is to raise both the level of interest in the specific problems of accounting in emerging economies and the awareness of real issues, so that accounting in these countries will not just be seen as a matter of copying what is done in the industrialized countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Political Sociology for the 21st Century
Several substantive areas within political sociology are examined in this volume of the series that explores the state of political sociology at the beginning of the 21st century. The collection offers works that show significant advances in the study of the social roots of all things 'political' in society. As in prior volumes, this collection demonstrates the richness of both theoretical and methodological studies in political sociology. The authors brought together in this volume teach students of political sociology the continued significance of questions related to public policy, public opinion, civil society, voting and social movements. The readings offer important summaries of prior work in the field, and in some cases construct an important synthesis of current research. These will help us better prepare a broader research agenda in the study of social movements, public policy, racism, and the civil sphere.The volume also presents important questions about methodological issues. The collection includes examples of current discussion related to the qualitative study of protest movements, and the importance of a comparative-historical approach. The chapters also show how the tools of the field are currently expanding our understanding of important areas of political sociology, such as public policy response to business behavior and the politics of crime. In many ways, this volume offers an assessment of the many conceptual and research debates that characterize political sociology at century's beginning. The results of these collective assessments, regardless of theoretical orientation, offer proof that political sociology is alive and well.
Emerald Publishing Limited Essays by Distinguished Marketing Scholars of the Society for Marketing Advances
This volume presents a collection of papers written by senior marketing scholars based on their presentations upon receiving the "Society for Marketing Advances Distinguished Marketing Scholar Award". Each paper reviews a stream of research in marketing and reflects the wisdom of authors highly cited in the literature - with citations of their work usually spanning several decades.
Emerald Publishing Limited European Monetary Union and Capital Markets
To form a more perfect economic union and to establish a single market financially, economically and politically, 11 European countries founded a common currency and a European Central Bank, and created a new monetary unit, the euro, on 1st January, 1999. On that date, the old national currencies officially became subunits of the euro, much as the nickel and quarter are subunits of the dollar. Fifteen countries started down the road to monetary union in 1992, when they signed the Treaty on European Union, commonly known as the Maastricht Treaty, which outlined a basic structure for the alliance. However, of those 15 countries, only 11 initially joined the European Monetary Union (EMU): three countries opted out, and another did not meet the economic criteria established for membership in the union. The EMU countries decided that the benefits of having one common currency instead of 11 different ones would outweigh the costs, especially given the amount of travel, trade and financial flow that takes place between these countries. This volume considers effects on capital and goods markets of monetary union in general and European Monetary Union (EMU) in particular. The effects of monetary union addressed here broadly fall into three categories - adjustments in goods and labor markets, adjustments in money and capital markets, and institutional adjustments when a group of countries adopt a common currency (and a common monetary policy), but retain quasi-independent fiscal (and other economic) policies. The relation between monetary union and capital market integration is also highlighted.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Capital of Organizations
An influential concept in the social science literature, the theory of social capital, asserts that social actors gain resources through relationships with other actors. While social capital research has largely focused on individuals as the unit of analysis, this volume looks at social capital of organizations, or Corporate Social Capital (CSC), exploring how and to what extent social networks facilitate or impede the attainment of organizational goals. This collection of papers posits a distinction between social structure and its outcomes, noting that while positive outcomes yield social capital, the structure can also prohibit and obstruct action, resulting instead in social liability. The contributing authors pay particular attention to the sets of social conditions that lead to either capital or liability, and succeed in setting a research agenda that looks toward more effective management of organizational social capital.
Emerald Publishing Limited Exploring Theories and Expanding Methodologies: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go
This volume of "Research in Social Science and Disability" focuses attention on the dual themes of theory and methodology that must form a basis for studies of impairment and disability. It addresses issues that include: critiques of current concepts of disability; the fit between sociological role theory and the concept of disability; the operationalization of different definitions of disability; conducting surveys with people with impairments; and, the reliability and utility of several qualitative research methodologies as applied to impairment and disability. Overall, the papers in this volume represent the beginning of a resurgence of interest in social science theories and methodologies within the study of impairment and disability.
Emerald Publishing Limited Team Development
Work teams have been in use for many years, yet research-based knowledge of the keys to high performance still has questions to answer. The development or maturity of a team is assumed to be closely related to the level of performance, but few studies have examined the maturation process thoroughly. Models of that process have emerged over the past half century, but their value seems limited. The chapters in this volume provide ideas, examples, and frameworks for improving our understanding of team development and the models we follow in fostering that development. As ideas like these become incorporated in research and practice, our ability to effectively move a team toward advanced levels of maturity will improve, and with that will come more frequent successes where teams outperform expectations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Restructuring Asian Economies for the New Millennium
The Asian economic crisis and future development is a popular subject among academics and policy-makers worldwide. Several countries in Asia came to face severe economic recession in the wake of their financial and foreign exchange crisis which began in 1997. The recession was deep and the challenges for managers of respective economies for an optimum specification of monetary and fiscal policy guidelines became all too great. Many came to wonder whether the so-called "Asian Miracle" all of a sudden became a part of history. If so, how will Asia recover from the crisis and experience high growth and continuing development as in the past quarter of the century? Can such a crisis be forewarned? Which development paths should Asia seek so that the crisis will not be repeated in the future? In other words, the challenge is to formulate rational economic policies for Asia's newly industrialized/industrializing economies so that their industrialization and development can sustainably progress as Asia enters the Twenty-First Century. The book addresses the above issues by covering many topics including financial meltdown and industrial development, money and financial markets, exchange rates, capital flows, economic reforms, human capital development, impact of the financial crisis on growth and poverty incidence, as well as other development problems in Asia-Pacific countries. The subject of this book should be of great interest to scholars, policy makers and the general public who follow economic developments in Asia. It will contribute to a broader perspective and at the same time, a deeper understanding of the subject
Emerald Publishing Limited Multiunit Organization and Multimarket Strategy
A conspicuous feature of the modern economy is the multitude of multiunit systems that operate in several markets - an organizational form that arguably rivals the "M-form" as the 20th century's most successful. Research traditions studying multiunit systems include the multimarket perspective, which has used commitment and mutual forbearance theory, and the multiunit perspective, which has used learning and knowledge transfer theory. These perspectives are interdisciplinary, but to date there has been little direct interaction among them. This text aims to bring these areas together, discussing such things as: examining how variation in firm capabilities affects the co-ordination of branches and thus their forbearance or transfer of routines; bridging theories of market conduct and internal behaviour to explore how knowledge about markets and competitor behaviour is transferred among organizational units; making a theory of contingent multiunit or single-unit competitive advantage that can account for the coexistence of these organizational forms in many markets; and examining the effects of firm contacts in alliances or technological fields on their competitive behaviours.
Emerald Publishing Limited Designing winning products
Written for marketing executives, new product/service managers, and marketing research professionals, "Designing Winning Products" (DWP) focuses on design and market testing issues/solutions for new business-to-business products and services. The first three chapters synthesize the product innovation literature; the objective of these chapters is to increase marketing and product managers' technical skills for testing customer acceptance of alternative new product/service designs. Detailed examples of applying these skills are described in seven later chapters - these chapters describe how to apply conjoint analysis and choice experiments with B-to-B customers in specific European and North American markets. A chapter is devoted to describing how superior new products sometimes fail to attract known customers - the nitty-gritty nuances behind the innovator's dilemma. More than 50 diagrams, tables and figures support the text; the chapter discussions and end-of-chapter references include more than 300 complete citations to additional sources.
Emerald Publishing Limited Comparative Perspectives on Universities
Despite the growing awareness of globalization, the main bulk of empirical work in the social sciences remains within the frames of what Stein Rokkan termed "national empiricism". The yearbook Comparative Social Research aims at furthering the international orientation in the social sciences. Each volume is concentrated on a specific topic, mostly of substantive, but also of methodological character. As a rule, the articles present two or more cases for comparison, be they nations, regions, organizations, or social units at different points of time. The volumes embrace a broad set topics, such as comparative studies of universities as institutions for production and diffusion of knowledge; family policies; regional cultures; and institutional aspects of work and wage formation. Comparative Social Research seeks well-written articles that place the current or historical data in context, critically review the literature of comparative studies, or provide new theoretical or methodological insights. The series recognizes that comparative research is theoretically and methodologically interdisciplinary, and encourages and supports there trends. All papers will be subject to double-blind peer review.
Emerald Publishing Limited Twentieth-Century Economics
The archival collection has two parts. The first presents correspondence between the American economist, Alfred S. Eichner, and the English economist, Joan Robinson, and related documents. The correspondents were major contributors to Post Keynesian economics in terms of both ideas and creating self-consciousness. The second presents hitherto unpublished correspondence and documents pertaining to the nature, rise and limits of quantitative methodology in economics. The materials are from Wesley C. Mitchell, Henry Schultz, and Arthur F. Burns. They examine many issues that remain in contention today.
Emerald Publishing Limited Marginal Employment
This volume will provide students and researchers alike with a solid grounding both in traditional aspects of marginality and in the increasing important topics of part-time and contingent work. The reader will have the opportunity to learn more about the growing range and diversity of marginal employment in the contemporary economy, the hardships and unique challenges of marginal employment, and the new and creative matches between people and jobs that are currently being explored outside traditional full-time employment relationships.
Emerald Publishing Limited Long-Term Unemployment and Reemployment Policies
Research in Employment Policy
Emerald Publishing Limited Wrong Life: Studies in Lifeworld-grounded Critical Theory
This study is composed of a series of theoretical reflections inspired by empirical research into the ethical dilemmas of life in contradiction-ridden postmodern America. Adopting a phenomenological orientation toward their own situated, lifecourse experience, the authors dedicate chapters to subjects such as hospital birth, special education, Gen X, community-based anti-crime policy, public intellectuals, and mass death. Drawing primarily from the tradition of Frankfurt School critical theory, and inspired in particular by Theodore W. Arno's post-war aphorism, "wrong life cannot be lived rightly", this volume seeks to contribute to the project of an empirical critical theory (sociology) as a postmodern ethic.
Emerald Publishing Limited Solving Urban Problems in Urban Areas Characterized by Fragmentation and Divisiveness
This work studies urban problems and policy. It addresses the socio-economic context of the Metropolitan region. It also discusses: fragmentation, divisiveness and governmental organization; divisiveness and law enforcement; divisiveness and the social services; and, divisiveness and regional development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
Designed as a forum for the presentation of conceptual and methodological issues in the field of personnel and human resources management, this title covers such topics as the role of domain specific measures, and emotionality and job performance.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Policy Implementation Process in Developing Nations
This volume is part of the policy studies organization comprehensive multi-volume treatise on policy studies and developing nations. It focuses on the policy implementation process in developing nations. The major concern is to better understand how political and administrative institutions of particular countries effect their domestic policy implementation process.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Pacific Basin Financial Markets
This is the third volume in a series which examines advances in Pacific Basin financial markets. It discusses issues such as time-varying volatility estimates in option pricing, the risk behaviour of Hong Kong firms approaching bankruptcy, and the time value of futures options in Australia.
Emerald Publishing Limited Usefulness of Corporate Annual Reports to Shareholders in Australia, New Zealand and the United States: An International Comparison
This volume covers such topics as prior evidence on corporate annual reports, research methodology and the demographics of the corporate shareholder, investors' investment objectives and their information sources, and the readership and usefulness of corporate financial statements.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Collection development and resource management
The papers in this, the second volume in the series, cover organizational shifts, interlibrary lending and borrowing, preservation, and budgeting for administrators, educators and students.
Emerald Publishing Limited Human Rights and Media
Volume 6 on "Human Rights and Media" introduces and analyzes the significant relationship and discourse of human rights and media. As agenda setters, framers and integral actors in human rights movements, various forms of media are analyzed by the contributing authors. News media, the press, television, cinema, photojournalism, the internet and other documentary forms are among the media investigated by the authors. Civil society dialogue, the rhetoric and ideology of human rights, the propaganda and media responsibility around such themes as war, genocide, ethnic division, nationalism, race, gender, child labor and disability are human rights themes addressed in this volume.
Emerald Publishing Limited ICE Manual of Highway Design and Management
The ICE Manual of Highway Design and Management is a one-stop reference for all practising engineers working in the field of highway engineering. Written and edited by a wide selection of leading specialists, this manual covers each of the key aspects of highway engineering projects - from funding, procurement and transport planning to traffic engineering, materials and design - as well as the management and maintenance of existing highways assets. Key features of the manual: Over sixty highly illustrated chapters covering all areas of highway engineering Includes case studies, common problems and practical advice throughout Useful references to further reading and websites at the end of each chapter Part of the ICE manuals series, the ICE Manual of Highway Design and Management is an invaluable resource for engineers in design and engineering consultancies, government agencies, research institutes, universities and colleges. Its highly practical approach will guide and train readers towards achieving expertise in all aspects of this important field of engineering.
Emerald Publishing Limited Practical Design of Timber Structures to Eurocode 5
Written by leading experts in the field, including one of the authors of Eurocode 5, this practical book provides a comprehensive guide to the design of timber structures according to the latest European and UK standards. Practical Design of Timber Structures to Eurocode 5 begins with a description of timber, considering its strength, stiffness, moisture behaviour, rheology and durability, before going on to describe the production and relevant properties of materials used for timber structures. Readers will learn the theory behind the design of structural elements, such as beams, columns and walls, as well as how to ensure these structures conform to engineering design rules. All sections are illustrated by worked out practical examples. Key features: Contains full design requirements according to Eurocode 5 All sections are illustrated with worked examples Links material specifications and European standards to Eurocode 5 Comprehensive coverage of timber-related materials and their relevant properties Covers design of beams, columns, panels, trussed structures, frames, arches, roofs, walls, floors and joints Coverage of UK and European design standards and practices Relevant to practitioners as well as students at post and undergraduate level, Practical Design of Timber Structures to Eurocode 5 will equip readers with the necessary theory and practical skills to design any timber structure with confidence.
Emerald Publishing Limited Civil Engineering Heritage Scotland: Highlands and Islands
This book completes the Civil Engineering Heritage series for the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. It is an inventory and a guide to a selection of historical engineering works carried out in Scotland over the centuries, from the Callanish Standing Stones to the pre-stressed concrete lighthouse at Ve Skerries. It records Scotland’s achievements as a civilisation and celebrates the men of genius that could see beyond the status quo to a new paradigm – the civil engineers who laid down the foundations of the civilised world we enjoy today. The entries are arranged geographically in five chapters, starting with Dunoon pier and concluding with the Murchison Oil Production Platform. The areas covered are shown on chapter maps and each of the works covered includes details of its location, scale, the names of its Engineer and Contractor where known, and additional comments from the authors. It also includes supporting images where possible to illustrate the written word. With significant input from the PHEW Scottish Group Members past and present, the ICE Library and the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS) this book is a valuable reference and a recreational guide which conveys the invaluable contribution of civil engineering to the transport, water and power infrastructure of our civilisation. This is an essential read for civil engineers, historians, social commentators, industrial archaeologists, economists, politicians and those with a general interest in the history and development of Scotland.
Emerald Publishing Limited Future Flooding and Coastal Erosion Risks
This book presents a comprehensive insight into the flooding system, spanning multiple disciplines across different sectors of the flood and flood management professions. It forecasts the manner in which flooding and coastal erosion risks may increase during the 21st century due to climate change and socio-economic development in the UK and presents an examination of the integrated measures necessary to manage future increases in risk, through sustainable methods. It summarises the previously unpublished science and engineering behind the Foresight Project of Flood and Coastal Defence performed on behalf of the Office of Science and Technology (now the Office of Science and Innovation) and reveals the methodological basis for the study as well as its outcomes. A qualitative assessment of the drivers of flood and coastal erosion risks under various scenarios are presented, with quantitative analysis outlined to demonstrate the efficacy of national databases and the Risk Assessment for Strategic Planning (RASP) tool. The findings in this book demonstrate that to manage future flood and coastal erosion risks sustainably, a portfolio of integrated measures is required. As many of the measures require long lead-times to become effective, the concluding advice is that the time to act is now. It provides academics, professionals and decision makers with the science base for envisaging and, in due course, achieving detailed guidance on sustainable flood and coastal risk management in the UK during the 21st century.
Emerald Publishing Limited Terrain and Geohazard Challenges facing Onshore Oil and Gas Pipelines
To access global oil and gas deposits, major pipelines must traverse remote regions with extreme terrains. There are a significant number of pipeline projects, active or planned, in tropical jungles, mountains and deserts, in permafrost and in areas of wetland. Each of these natural environments is associated with a range of geohazards, which may include landslides, soil erosion, karst, river migration, and seismic or volcanic activity. At the same time, society demands increasing availability and reliability of supply, together with improved environmental standards, all making for substantial challenges. In the past, guidelines have been few and approaches variable between projects. Nevertheless, best practices are beginning to emerge in some parts of the world and it is these that are being shared. This volume consisting of over 40 papers presents the proceedings of the International Conference on Terrain and Geohazard Challenges Facing Onshore Oil and Gas Pipelines. This was the first conference of its type, where the aim was of sharing new thinking and the promoting of engagement between pipeline designers and builders, geoengineers and environmental specialists and client organisations.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Practical Guide to Waste Management Law
In 2004 the UK Government was faced with numerous challenges in the context of environmental management, and has been under pressure to perform for at least the next five years. Targets set in Brussels either by the European Commission or the European Parliament will be difficult to meet. Additionally, new environmental legislation continues to flow in from both Europe and Westminster. The new Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 with its implications for regional environmental decision-making, the new Permitting regime, the Waste Emissions Trading Act 2003, the implications of the Water Act 2003, the Household Recycling Act 2003, the introduction of controls for Agricultural Waste in 2004-5, and the ELV, the WEEE and the RoHS Regulations all have to be understood and new training undertaken. The changeover from the UK Carriage of Dangerous Goods regime to the EU ADR Regulations and the reclassification of Special into 91/689 Hazardous Waste will have technical, management and financial implications for industry, commerce and SMEs. The commercial and environmental effects of the new laws and practices are explained with reference to relevant websites to aid the reader to find further details and hopefully solutions to environmental difficulties which will be the responsibility of the Environment Agency, SEPA, Local Authorities, the Health and Safety Executive, the Vehicle Operator Services Agency, Customs and Excise and other named agencies. This book is intended primarily for engineers, surveyors, building contractors, accountants, geologists, environmental scientists, insurers and controllers of financial liability, transportation managers, local and central government regulators and enforcers – and of course, all who produce, manage, transport, reuse, reclaim and recycle waste.
Emerald Publishing Limited Wastewater Treatment and Technology
This book examines the processes available for the various stages of treatment of wastewater, beginning with the preliminary processes of screening, grit removal and storm water separation and ending with tertiary treatment and sludge disposal. Key Coverage Considerable emphasis on the biological processes that are used for the oxidation of BOD and the removal of nitrogen and phosphorous. Presents options for the treatment of industrial wastewater, including anaerobic digestion, physico-chemical processes and enhanced oxidation are also discussed. Examines what the future may bring and how this may affect the technology of wastewater treatment. This book provides authoritative and comprehensive information in an area where little is available
Emerald Publishing Limited Designers' Guide to EN 1993-2. Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Part 2: Steel bridges
EN 1993-2, also known as the Eurocode 3 for steel bridges, describes the principles and requirements for safety, serviceability and durability of concrete bridges. This Designers' Guide provides the user with guidance on the interpretation and use of EN 1993-2 and also the relevant provisions in EN 1993-1-1, EN 1993-1-5, EN 1993-1-8, EN 1993-1-9, EN 1993-1-10 and EN 1993-1-11. Worked examples are provided to illustrate the use of the rules. It also explains the relationship with other Eurocode parts to which it refers (ENs 1990, 1991). The provision of background information and references also enables the users of Eurocode 3: Part 2 to understand the origin and objectives of its provisions
Emerald Publishing Limited Designers' Guide to EN 1991-1-2, EN 1992-1-2, EN 1993-1-2 and EN 1994-1-2
The nature of the loading must first be understood before applying the structural engineering principles set out in the Eurocodes. For this reason this book is meant as a guide to four separate documents, EN1991 Part 1.2, EN1992 Part 1.2, EN1993 Part 1.2 and EN1994 Part 1.2 with reference where appropriate to the Eurocode covering the basis of design, EC06. The fire design procedures for reinforced and prestressed concrete structures are contained in the relevant parts of the code, BS81104,5. However, the structural Eurocodes consider steel, composite and concrete construction in isolation and each material therefore has its own corresponding fire part. In this case, a clause-by-clause examination of the fire parts of the material codes would not be sufficient to allow designers to use these documents. The guide takes the form of an introduction to the procedures required to achieve design solutions for a typical range of structural elements and assemblies. Worked examples are included along with appropriate text to illustrate the use of the Eurocodes for specific design scenarios. As a way of setting the scene for those unfamiliar with the basic principles of structural fire engineering design the next section provides an overview of the regulatory framework and a description of the commonly used methods for ensuring compliance with the regulations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Jubilee Line Extension: From concept to completion
This major reference work details the story of London Underground’s award winning Jubilee Line Extension (JLE), how it came to being, how it was planned, how it was designed, built and commissioned, and how the millennium deadline imposed by the Dome was met. Always in the public eye and the political spotlight, the JLE has played a significant role in the success of the Canary Wharf development, improved public transport immeasurably in the areas of southeast and east London, and set new standards for London Underground and public transport. Despite the problems and the much publicised cost and time overruns, the project can still be considered to be a major construction achievement. The Jubilee Line Extension: From Concept to Completion describes in detail the history of the project, which goes back more than 50 years. The first concepts were defined in 1943, and the book traces developments to the East London Railway study that effectively defined the JLE Extension. Also presented is a detailed insight into the development of the Olympia & York funding contribution that was a key issue in achieving Government approval. With contributions from some of the major contractors personnel involved, the book offers a detailed and factual account of the completion of this ‘stunning’ new railway line. Much has been written about the construction work of the JLE, particularly the stations, however, this is the first book that provides a rounded view of how a major new underground railway line came to be built and presents key details of the JLE project activities relating to transport planning, the legal processes, comprehensive safety planning, procurement, contracting, engineering development, environmental issues, project management and commissioning. And all achieved under immense political and media scrutiny. The Jubilee Line Extension: From Concept to Completion will appeal to everyone who is interested in major transportation projects and in discovering how the JLE was able to deliver a major urban infrastructure project with the minimum of environmental disturbance and with an exemplary safety record. Project managers will find this detailed record of all that was involved an inspiration and an invaluable source of information, which they can apply to other projects they are working on now and in the future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Water and Wastewater Project Development
The book provides instruction and guidance on the evaluation and decision-making processes involved in the conception and realisation of water and wastewater engineering projects. It describes how requirements are assessed for both water supply and sewerage systems, how solutions are specified to meet those demands and how systems are designed, installed, operated and maintained in conformance with operational and environmental standards. The author not only covers engineering design, but also explains methods for financial analysis of project proposals, environmental impact assessment and the management of water projects. By developing a hypothetical case study with numerous worked examples, the author leads the reader through the process of project development. The book concludes with valuable advice on how to write and present effective engineering reports.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Short Course in Foundation Engineering
Although there are now a large number of computer programmes for solving all sorts of foundation design problems, the need to check these outputs by 'hand-calculation' has become vitally important. This book concentrates on getting the fundamentals right and then using them in practical applications. The book is illustrated with numerous worked examples and with quick-reference tables and charts. In this new edition, the original highly acclaimed text has been extended and updated and now includes major new sections on short term and long term stability, critical state interpretation of peak strength, seismic methods for measuring ground stiffness in situ, and offshore pile design: total stress and effective stress approaches.A
Emerald Publishing Limited The Philosophy of Risk
This book gives decision-makers a logical overall philosophy of risk that will enable them to make sound and consistently defensible decisions about the acceptability of risk. The authors examine a variety of activities - as diverse as major industrial projects and medicine, finance and sport, transport and manufacturing - to identify the factors common to all determinations of risk acceptability, and develop a hypothesis about the aspects of risk that are universally acceptable.
Emerald Publishing Limited Dynamics of Marine Sands
The practical engineer looking for an urgent solution to a sediment-related project often finds that the results of the relevant academic research are published in unfamiliar language in publications that are not easily available. Dynamics of marine sands bridges the gap between academic research and practical applications by summarising the research results in a unified form, backed up with worked examples and case studies. This comprehensive new book presents methods for calculating the various hydrodynamic and sediment dynamic quantities necessary for marine sediment transport applications, and recommends the most appropriate methods to use for engineering projects.
Emerald Publishing Limited Economics of the Arts: Selected Essays
The economics of art markets is an area open to econometricians, theorists, economic (and of course art) historians, labour economists, and students interested in the economic analysis of legal problems. This volume covers a large number of issues including auction anomalies, the management of museums, the excess supply of labour in the performing arts, the economic analysis of property rights and art thefts, and investment in artworks. It also discusses what can be learnt from history on the behaviour of collectors and on prices of originals with respect to copies. The coverage of topics reflects the expansions of markets for artworks during the 1980s, as well as the increasing number of discussions on the legal foundations, and property rights of arts-related organisations. During the preceding decade, research on the economics of the arts was much more characterised by issues related to the organisation and the financing of the performing arts industry, with the seminal contributions by Baumol and Bowen and Peacock. Though some important contributions are still being made to this more policy-oriented field, research has, as in many other areas of economics, shifted to less normative work.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Corporate Finance and Asset Pricing
The contents of this book include: Introduction (L. Renneboog) - Part 1: Corporate restructuring; mergers and acquisitions in Europe (M. Martynova, L. Renneboog); the performance of acquisitive companies in the US (K. Cools, M. V. D. Laar); The announcement effects and long-run stock market performance of corporate spin-offs: The international evidence (C. veld, Y. Veld-Merkoulova); the competitive challenge in banking (A. Boot, A. Schmeits); Consolidation of the European banking sector: Impact on innovation (H. Degryse, S. Ongena, M.F. Penas) - Part II: Corporate governance; transatlantic corporate governance reform (J. McCahery, A. Khachaturyan); The role of self-regulation in corporate governance: evidence and implications from the Netherlands (A. De Jong, D. Dejong, G. Mertens, C. Wasley); and Shareholder lock-in contracts: Share price and trading volume effects at the lock-in expiry (P. P. Angenendt, M. Goergen, L. Renneboog). It also features: The grant and exercise of stock options in IPO firms: Evidence from the Netherlands (T. V. D. Groot, G. Mertens, P. Roosenboom); Institutions, corporate governance and firm performance (J. Grazell) - Part III: Capital structure and valuation; Why do companies issue convertible bonds? A review of the theory and empirical evidence (I. Loncarski, J. Ter Horst, C. Veld); The financing of Dutch firms: a historical perspective (A. De Jong, A. Roell); Corporate financing in the Netherlands (R. Kabir); Syndicated loans: Developments, characteristics and benefits (G. Van Roij); The bank's choice of financing and the correlation structure of loan returns: loans sales versus equity (V. Ioannidou, Y. Pierides); and shareholder value and growth in sales and earnings (L. Soenen) - Part IV: Asset pricing and monetary economics. This book includes: The term structure of interest rates: An overview (P. De Goeii); incorporating estimation risk in portfolio choice (F. De Roon, J. Ter Horst, B. Werker); a risk measure for retail investment products (T. Nijman, B. Werker); understanding and exploiting momentum in stock returns (J. C. Rodriguez, A. Sbuelz); and Relating risks to asset types: A new challenge for central banks (J. Sijben).
Emerald Publishing Limited National Security
This edited volume is intended to address in a comprehensive and integrated manner three major areas of national and international security research from an information systems-centric perspective: legal and policy frameworks; intelligence and security informatics; and emergency preparedness and infrastructure protection. The discussions are replete with real-world case studies and examples that present the concepts using an integrated, action-oriented and theory-based approach to validate the frameworks presented and to provide specific insights on the technical approaches and organizational issues under investigation.This book is intended to be used as both a textbook and a comprehensive research handbook. The contributors to this edited volume are renowned experts in their respective fields. Most of the chapters contained in this book provide an updated comprehensive survey of the related field and also specific findings from cutting-edging innovative research. To facilitate its adoption as a textbook, all the authors have included specific discussion questions that could be utilized to stimulate discussions and potentially further research in the area. This book addresses three major areas of national and international security research from an information systems-centric perspective. It focuses on legal and policy frameworks, intelligence and security informatics, and emergency preparedness and infrastructure protection. Real-world case studies are used as examples to provide specific insights.
Emerald Publishing Limited Structure, Regulation and Competition
The years since the early 1980s have seen exceptionally fast rates of change in every aspect of the telecommunications industry. These include major technology changes and the convergence of the broadcasting, information technology and telecommunications industries. The earlier view of telecommunications as a natural monopoly has now given way to one in which almost all parts are susceptible to some form of competition. Simultaneously, market structure has changed through the replacement of the former monopolistic, vertically integrated telephone companies by a variety of competing firms. These developments have been accompanied by major legislative and regulatory developments, including the passing in the United States of the 1996 Telecommunications Act and the introduction of a large number of new laws and regulations in Europe and elsewhere. The same changes have seen a massive expansion of independent regulatory agencies. This volume provides detailed reviews and commentaries on these contemporary changes in the landscape of a major industry from an academic perspective, yet in an analytical manner designed for a wide audience of academics and professionals with an interest in the telecommunications industry. The contents are set out in three main sections. The chapters in section one deal with the economic characteristics of the sector, which define the industry's structure. Sections two and three deal respectively with regulation and competition. Regulatory and competition issues continuously interact with each other, as each set of issues influences the other. The industry continues to evolve through the interaction of the various processes. Volume 1 of the handbook aims to provide an integrated set of concepts, evidence and facts that will enable the reader to understand this process.
Emerald Publishing Limited Convergence in Communications and Beyond
This book deals with the implications of convergence in communications. A wide-range of papers by expert scholars and inside policy analysts have been selected in order to capture the convergence issue from a number of perspectives, and to achieve a historical state-of-the-art. The book represents a holistic approach to convergence, bringing to bear a number of critical perspectives: economics, engineering, business, organization theory, psychology, policy analysis, and even analysis related to international relations. The volume succeeds in providing a multi-faceted and rich view of convergence, and also on issues beyond convergence. "Convergence in Communications and Beyond" will be a useful tool for schools of communication, centers for telecommunications studies, business schools, policy departments, telecommunication operators, suppliers and consulting companies as well as libraries and organisations interested in communications.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Four Asian Tigers: Economic Development and the Global Political Economy
This book critically examines the geopolitical and economic contexts of the region's export-oriented industrialization. The first part of the book focuses on the global and regional elements of the economic system and recent geo-politics. The second part of the book focuses on the domestic actors and institutions which played critical roles in the miracle economies of East Asia. This collection of original papers describes the economic developments and environment that underlie the East Asian NICs. Through a comparison of the Four Tigers - South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore - the contributors deliver a case-oriented study that explains the region's most successful economies. This book is the first region-wide comparative study to provide readers with country-specific information about economic environments and development. The authors examine the transferability of this region's experience to others. It charts the successful dynamic relationships between geopolitical, economic, and social resources. It is relevant to sociological and economic studies. There are in-depth case studies combined with comparative analysis within the region. There is incorporation of global security and economic contexts in the analysis of economic development and democratization.
Emerald Publishing Limited Library Technical Services: Operations and Management
This revised Second Edition addresses developments that have transformed library operations in the recent past. In the technical services administration chapter, there is a new section on leadership and management style, strategic planning, managerial accounting, and output measures. The bibliography has been expanded to include more management literature. At the same time, in the automation chapter, expanded sections on downloading bibliographic data into personal files, full text-access, and implications for libraries of the emerging high-speed electronic highways for scholarly information, that is, regional networks linked by the internet, and the emerging NREN (National Research and Education Network), have been added. The entire acquisitions chapter has been reordered to reflect new approaches to acquisitions work in an automated environment and the chapter on bibliographic control has been refocused to emphasize the online environment, and to reflect recent developments in cataloguing tools and rules. Because there has been a tremendous increase in preservation-related activities in the last ten years or so, the preservation chapter has been expanded, with a concurrent shift in emphasis from materials processing to preservation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transportation and Traffic Theory: Papers Selected for Presentation at 17th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, a Peer Reviewed Series Since 1959
"The ISTTT" series is the main gathering for the worlds transportation and traffic theorists, and the resulting volume is a field-defining milestone featuring the most promising thinking and theoretical developments. It reflects the major renewal the field is experiencing, with the entry of many new scientists from a variety of disciplines, and the mutual coexistence of a growing number of theoretical perspectives and modelling cultures. It includes peer-reviewed international contributions in the field of transportation and traffic theory. It addresses planning, design, and management of transportation systems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Diverging Mobilities: Devolution, Transport and Policy Innovation
The British state has long been regarded as one of the most stable and centralised political structures in the world, and devolution represents one of the most significant changes to its fabric in 300 years. To date research on devolution in the UK has largely focused on core public policy areas such as health, economic development and social welfare. Work on transport has been somewhat limited, despite its increased policy prominence in recent years. This book presents a thorough academic investigation into the impact of devolution on the formulation and delivery of transport policy in the UK. Using detailed interviews with key policy makers, transport providers, business organisations and user groups, the authors draw upon concepts and ideas from across the social sciences to inform their analysis. The picture that emerges is distinctly mixed: there are elements of both convergence and divergence in the strategies and policies adopted by the devolved administrations, and marked variations in the overall performance of these administrations in transport are uncovered. Ultimately, though, devolution on its own is an insufficient basis for improved policy performance what matters is the generation of enough strategic capacity to promote real change for the better. This book presents a thorough academic investigation into the impact of devolution on the formulation and delivery of transport policy in the UK. The authors draw upon concepts and ideas from across the social sciences to inform their analysis by using detailed interviews with key policy makers, transport providers, business organisations and user groups.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Communities: New Spaces for Planning, Participation and Engagement
This book brings together key debates and empirical cases from an international perspective exploring the ways in which more sustainable communities might develop. There is a growing recognition that more effective sustainable development cannot be achieved without the engagement of the local community. But, this is far from an unproblematic process, and it requires a critical examination of the nature of the potential links between what we now consider as community and sustainable development. The book critically reviews the literatures on sustainable communities before addressing through empirical case studies of Firm, State and Resource perspectives on attempts to create them. The volume is a synthesis of research work and debate conducted over recent years by members of the Economic and social Research Councils research centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society (BRASS), under its sustainable communities programme. This volume critically explores and analyzes the policies, practices and strategies related to community involvement and how this shapes local environmental contexts. It debates and shares experiences generated through the various empirical studies. It considers the effectiveness of "stakeholder's dialogue" and relationships to reach consensus in ensuring the effective implementation of sustainable development practices. It identifies innovative organization infrastructure and modes of (community) interactions which are conducive to community empowerment and regeneration. It begins to provide a new evidence base to enhance multi-institutional learning possibilities in involving "local" communities in deriving improved sustainable development possibilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Instructional Psychology: Past, Present, and Future Trends - Sixteen Essays in Honour of Erik De Corte
To celebrate Erik De Cortes scientific career in the international scientific field of instructional psychology, high profile researchers and scholars were invited by the editors to write an essay on the past, present, and future of the subdomain of instructional psychology of their personal interest and expertise. This book addresses the core topics of the learning sciences from a diversity of perspectives. The sixteen chapters are grouped into the following six sections: Learning and Development; Learning, Reasoning, and Problem Solving; Motivational and Emotional Aspects of Learning; Learning and Assessment; Learning and Technology, and Instructional and Organizational Designs for Learning. These chapters provide overviews of and commentaries on the past decades of research on learning and teaching. Furthermore, the authors look also at the future of research on learning and instruction and its changing role in our fast developing knowledge society. 16 chapters are written by high profile researchers and scholars. Content provides both a review of existing literature and a discussion of the future of the discipline