Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Applied Demography: Applications to Business, Government, Law and Public Policy
In contrast to a typical general text in demography, which is concerned with demographic principles, trends, problems, and theories, Applied Demography explores the practical issues with which demographers working for government agencies, private nonprofit organizations, and businesses deal. It emphasizes the applications of applied demography in a variety of related disciplines, such as geography, economics, gerontology, public policy, law, sociology, public administration, and business management. The data of these disciplines are taken into account, as are the methods of statistics and computer sciences. The book aims to inform the student of the wide range of applications of demography, including not only narrowly demographic situations but also nondemographic situations, such as manufacturing processes and the dynamics of organizations as a population.
Emerald Publishing Limited Analysis with Local Census Data: Portraits of Change
The 1990 United States Census was the most exhaustive in history. The vast majority of census users seek information about local areas, yet they lack examples or methodology texts prepared by experts in the field. This book is dedicated to the needs of these local census data users. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the data and teaches useful methods of analysis, focusing on four major themes: mastering access to the full range of census data, measuring changes over time, comparing places, and demonstrating how different aspects of change fit together. More than a reference book or how-to-manual, the emphasis throughout is on developing a sophisticated, critical understanding of the census. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the scope of local census data and carefully explains the different variables and sources of data. It emphasizes how analysis can be conducted to extract maximum use from local data. It is written to coincide with the publication of the 1990 United States Census data.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethnography and Qualitative Design in Educational Research
An exciting addition to the field of ethnography, this revised and expanded textbook addresses ethical and theoretical concerns, central to research in psychology, sociology, and anthropology - an interdisciplinary approach rarely utilized in other text. Like the First Edition, this book explains ways to collect data, methods for assuring the quality of that data, and the techniques and tools used to organize results, conclusions, and interpretations. The Second Edition diverges in that it demonstrates the delicate yet profound relationship between researchers and the material and participants under study. The authors investigate, interpret, and synthesize how each faction informs and affects the others' behavior, as well as the subsequent affect of these interactions on the results. The book discusses the historical development of ethnography and the fundamentals of how to do qualitative and ethnographic research. Other chapters address the problem of selection and of selection and research design, the issues involved in choosing relevant populations and in selecting and sampling qualitative data, and describe how populations are conceptualized. Resource and references lists are expanded to include the most recent developments. Accordingly, the use of computers as analytic tools is now addressed. This book will be of great value for both students and researchers concerned about the effects of theory and interpretation in the research process. It explores the investigative traditions and terminologies of the various interdisciplinary fields. It now includes chapters on critical, postmodern, collaborative, and feministic perspectives on the purposes and implementation of research. It contains an expanded use of concrete examples. It traces the role of research in cultural anthropology and field sociology to its current use in ethnography, educational anthropology, sociology, psychology, and other disciplines.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education
This book is a compilation of state-of-the-art chapters by established and rising stars in the field. The qualitative approach to gathering data is an exciting development in educational research, and as yet there are no comprehensive reference works available. This book offers a range of perspectives on the field, and is of considerable utility to researchers and graduate students alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Automated Information Retrieval: Theory and Methods
Automated Information Retrieval" describes a fully automated Boolean System and gives special attention to theoretical problems in automatic retrieval of textual information. The book details algorithms in each process in the system, including those that are radically new in the retrieval process and those that are adaptable to the individual. New approaches to evaluating information retrieval systems and studying their performance are included. This book reviews the general principles of constructing any system, such as an information retrieval system. It provides a detailed analysis of basic concepts such as information need, information, information crisis, and the notation of information retrieval. It examines the goal, function, structure, and language of an information retrieval system. It describes the construction of an information retrieval system (methods, algorithms, and approaches). It details different approaches to evaluating the results of information retrieval. It features new directions in the development of information retrieval systems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Improving Academic Achievement: Impact of Psychological Factors on Education
Social psychological research has revealed much about how personal and interpersonal factors impact academic achievement. The research has been reported in several different outlets but has never before been condensed in an easy to read, engaging book, targeting the hot topics of coffee table debates. This book does just that, offering review chapters by the most influential researchers of today, written for an audience of educational and cognitive psychologists as well as school administrators, teachers, policy makers, and parents. Section one focuses on what motivates students, how self-esteem affects the learning process, the consequences of achievement goals, the effects of student attributions of success and failure, self-handicapping, methods of strategic learning, and how to successfully use one's intelligence. Section two discusses how the offering of rewards may affect achievement, how teacher expectations may affect student performance, the effects of stereotypes, feedback, and social rejection. There's also a discussion of effective means of turning at-risk students into scholars, and how students can successfully traverse transitions to middle school.
Emerald Publishing Limited Do Multinationals Feed Local Development and Growth?
This further volume on the effects of multinational enterprises (MNEs) provides a contribution for the analysis of the impact of MNEs activities on host development and growth, the creation of linkages and knowledge flows in local contexts, and the relationships between foreign activities and home competitiveness. Specifically, the conceptual discussion and the fresh empirical evidence provided in the volume allow light to be shed on the following questions, which are crucial for designing the role of policy in order to trigger virtuous circles between multinationals, and local development and growth. To what extent do foreign MNEs represent a crucial source of spillovers for local domestic companies? And which are the working mechanisms of these technological transfers? How can development and growth processes take off? And are there privileged sectors and locations? Do MNEs benefit from significant technological transfer from their foreign activities? And what modalities and mechanisms do MNEs adopt to value technological transfers? Which are the main advantages stemming from them? Do MNEs performances also benefit in terms of labour productivity and employment? The answers provided highlight that recursive elements and interaction between international institutions, government policies and strategies of MNEs are main mechanisms to factors that influence development and growth, thus offering new insights to policy makers. This volume studies the relationship of the MNE with it's home and host countries. It analyzes the effect of MNEs upon local development and growth. It contributes to define the role for public industrial and economic policies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corporate Crisis and Risk Management: Modelling, Strategies and SME Application
This book presents the theoretical background to risk and corporate crisis management and offers useful methods and techniques applicable to small and medium sized enterprises in the event of disastrous situations such as fire, flood, storm, etc. Unlike the vast majority of literature available in this field, this book: concentrates on small and medium business organisations; presents a comprehensive approach to crisis management involving all aspects of business operations; adopts a systems approach at an organisational and crisis management levels; approaches disaster recovery by identifying targets, instruments and policies during various phases of the crisis management process; and employs commonly available software programs. This series: provides an international perspective to the study of business, with a special emphasis on management and marketing issues; and, deals with such topics as globalization, international business negotiations, cross-cultural communication, entry strategies, doing business in different regions, and future trends. It also focuses on the development of international business theory, methodological issues, the results of empirical studies and the findings of practitioners.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Take-off of Israeli High-Tech Entrepreneurship During the 1990s: A Strategic Management Research Perspective
During the 1990s, the state of Israel established its global high tech sector. The number of startups rose to almost 3,000, while total venture capital available reached approximately $3bn. This book emphasizes the multilevel nature of this development from a strategic management perspective. The first level focuses at the country global processes emphasizing the entry of foreign multinational corporations and the privatization of state owned enterprises. The second level focuses on the government and its role in establishing the technological incubators and venture capital industries. The third level focuses on the sources of new start ups and the role of veterans of elite technological units of Israel Defense Forces and women entrepreneurs. The fourth level focuses on the emerging organizations and the role of the board of directors and competitive intelligence capabilities and practices. Finally, the fifth level focuses at the industry level, emphasizing the role of the large number of new firms in creating new industrial sectors. The multilevel paradigm describes the sequential effects, starting at the first global level, and the interactive effects, across all five levels.
Emerald Publishing Limited Integrated Land-Use and Transportation Models: Behavioural Foundations
Tools are developing rapidly to aid public agencies and consultants with the management of land-use and transportation. Ever more powerful computers promise new generations of simulation models that allow novel investment strategies and public policies to be "tried on for size" before they are introduced. But for these models to reach their full potential, they must represent human behaviour in a realistic way. This book examines the behavioural foundations, often simplistic, that have limited land-use and transportation models in the past, and recommends alternative assumptions, frameworks and methods. At the heart of these are ways to measure and represent the processes of decision-making that lead to the organisation of human activities in time and space. All the main urban decision-makers are involved, including individuals, households, property developers, owners of shops and leisure facilities, employers, and public officials. The focus ranges from daily decisions of households concerning what to do, where and when to do it, and by what travel mode, to longer term decisions concerning residential choice, vehicle holdings or land consumption by housing and business entities. Collectively, these intentional micro-level behaviours culminate in aggregate flows of traffic and urban growth that may be unintended and contrary to public policy. The book is an essential guide to these behavioural foundations for anyone evaluating the environmental sustainability, healthiness and equitability of access to activities and services in city regions. This book was a product of the PROCESSUS international network research programme, funded principally by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Canadian Network of Centres of Excellence in geomatics (GEOIDE), and the Quebec Ministry of Transport.
Emerald Publishing Limited Public Transport in Developing Countries
Numerous books have been written which deal with transport problems in developed and developing countries, and with the planning and management of transport organisations in developed countries, but none deals specifically with the planning, regulation, management and control of public transport in developing countries. This book meets that need. It examines and explains the problems and characteristics of public transport systems in developing countries, and discusses the alternative modes, management methods, and forms of ownership, control, regulation and funding, with particular emphasis on what is appropriate at different stages of development and for different cultural backgrounds. It deals with urban, rural and long distance transport services, principally by road. This emphasis reflects the magnitude of the urban transport problem, and the predominance of road transport in most developing countries. The planning of bus services, particularly in urban areas, is covered in some detail, since this is often an area of considerable weakness. Similarly, the management of transport services and the maintenance of vehicles, including vehicle design and transport fleet planning, are also dealt with in depth. The book is aimed at all those who are involved in the provision of public transport in developing countries, including transport planners, managers of transport undertakings, aid agency and government officials responsible for the funding, provision or regulation of transport, transport consultants and advisers, and in particular students of transport or urban and rural affairs. Since there is much in common between transport operations in the developing world and in developed countries, this book should be of interest to transport operators and planners everywhere. The book is unique in that it provides a comprehensive overview of all the factors involved in planning, establishing, organizing and regulating public transport services in a developing country. It deals with the environment in which transport services are operated, in particular infrastructure requirements, road traffic management, regulatory and institutional frameworks and enforcement of regulations; it highlights the importance of an appropriate environment in order to facilitate the provision of public transport services, and shows how such an environment may be achieved. It deals in detail with all aspects of running a bus service in a developing country: the chapters on management are specific to a public transport operation and could be used as an "operator's manual", providing a valuable supplement to a more general management textbook. The book provides useful statistics and performance indicators which will be valuable as benchmarking tools. While acknowledging that the same solutions are not necessarily applicable everywhere, the book provides useful pointers to solutions to the main problems encountered in providing public transport services in developing countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited How to Manage Experience Sharing: From Organisational Surprises to Organisational Knowledge
This book has grown from a workshop that brought together researchers and practitioners from a wide range of areas, including the safety domain. The focus of the workshop was on the well-known issue of organisational learning and organisational memory. The special merit of the book is that it combines the experiences of two usually separate disciplines i.e. safety science, where the main focus is on the codification of accidents, and knowledge management in service organisations, where the main focus is on exchanging successes. The focus of some contributions is on individual and group processes, others on organisational strategy or societal and environmental issues. Some key questions addressed in this book are: How can an organisation learn from its successes and failures, from its experiences and accidents? How can we prevent the loss of knowledge caused by intensive employee turnover or retirement? How can implicit knowledge be shared with colleagues and newcomers? To what extent can Information and Communication Technology (ICT) help to solve these problems?
Emerald Publishing Limited International Business Negotiations
Today there is hardly any company that can claim that it is not involved in international business (IB). A huge body of literature is available on international business, but there are very few publications on the most important aspect of IB, namely negotiations. The purpose of this book is to enhance our understanding about the impact of culture and communication on international business negotiations. Consequently to explore the problems faced by Western managers while doing business abroad and provide some guidelines for international business negotiations. The book is divided in four parts. The first part explains the nature of international business negotiations. The second part deals with culture and its aspect on international business and negotiations. Part three discusses negotiations for different type of businesses and finally, part four provides insightful examples from different parts of the world and provides concrete guidelines to handle cross-cultural negotiations. It focuses on the most important aspect of international business: negotiations!
Emerald Publishing Limited Delivering Sustainable Transport: A Social Science Perspective
Until now, transport has been left to planners and economists, but this timely book raises issues that these disciplines exclude. This book offers examples of how transport analysis can be diversified and broadened to include important theoretical approaches and perspectives not previously used in mainstream transport studies. These provocative essays cover a wide range of issues and opens up a debate on the effects of travel and transport on various social groups, from bikers to pre-school age children, in the West and in industrialising countries. Leading authorities from transport planning, sociology, geography and environmental studies show how different frameworks - from theories of consumption to ethnography - can provide fresh insights and inspire new policies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Systems Perspectives on Resources, Capabilities, and Management Processes
Traditional notions of stand-alone, "atomistic" organizations are giving way to new concepts about organizations and new modes of organizational interaction. Systems thinking is now becoming an essential skill for managers and management researchers who want to understand new kinds of competitive and cooperative interrelationships between organizations. This volume brings together systems and strategy thinkers to develop a number of systems perspectives and approaches that are essential in managing today's organizations. A main feature of this volume is its careful integration of systems concepts with contemporary strategic management ideas about organizational resources, capabilities, and management processes. The work explains essential systems concepts and their central role in current ideas about organizational competence. Papers in the volume apply systems concepts to: modelling practical management problems; reconceptualizing the nature of organizations and their internal processes; improving managerial sensemaking capabilities in complex environments; devising "simple rules" for reducing and managing organizational complexity. Several case studies and examples are used to illustrate key systems concepts and their application to management practice. The book also provides a solid grounding in essential systems concepts for management researchers developing new management theory for today's complex environments, as well as practical insights for managers who must manage increasing complexity in their organizations today.
Emerald Publishing Limited Geographic Information Systems in Transportation Research
Computer-based transportation applications and databases have been a fact of life for several decades. Transportation information, however, has often not been accessible in a user-friendly manner, and integrating data from diverse sources has too often been a challenge in itself. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have revolutionized spatial planning and decision making by using the spatial dimension of the depicted world as a common thread according to which all information can be referenced. The application of GIS to transportation research (GIS-T) is quickly becoming a mature domain of application of the GIS technology and has gained full recognition among transportation practitioners and academics. This book fills a void by providing an overview of the state-of-the-art of GIS for transportation, from data management issues, to data manipulation and analysis, including considerations brought to the forefront by real-time and mobile computing. The twenty-two original contributions by internationally acclaimed authors will be a key reference for practitioners, students and scholars.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism and Modernity: A Sociological Analysis
In western society it is taken for granted that tourism is a necessary element of contemporary lifestyle, but while many people recognize its importance, they are usually more concerned with its contribution to the economy than with its social, cultural, and political significance. As a social action, tourism is at least partly based on the appeal of distance in time, space, and culture, which offers people the opportunity to question conditions they take for granted, and, by distancing themselves from everyday life, to re-examine the meaning of their lives. Within a traditional society, however, the action of distancing from normality is usually negatively sanctioned. By contrast, under modernity people mostly have the necessary resources to transcend the everyday world through experiences which are at a distance from their daily lives. Tourism thus has much to do with the conditions and consequences of modernity and is, in short, an indicator of the ambivalence of modernity. It is from this perspective that this book attempts to broaden the established line of enquiry into the relationship between tourism and modernity. The book is divided into three parts. Part 1 contextualizes tourism in terms of the relationship between Logos-modernity and Eros-modernity. Part 2 then deals with the relationship between modernity and the motivations and experiences of tourists. Finally, Part 3 focuses on the conditions of modernity that lure tourists towards leisure and pleasure travel.
Emerald Publishing Limited Shareholder Value: Key to Corporate Development
The tenth volume in the "Best of Long Range Planning Series" focuses on the role of shareholder value as a key tool to evaluating strategic options. Within limits, the concept has an essential part to play in strategic management. However, the authors argue that it should not be the only approach used, as customer focus and employee development are also crucial. By learning the lessons propounded in this volume, companies can avoid inappropriate predation, generate attractive returns for shareholders and provide a sound platform from which to launch and sustain successful customer-driven strategies and lasting competitive advantage.
Emerald Publishing Limited Managing Cultural Differences: Effective Strategy and Execution Across Cultures in Global Corporate Alliances
"Managing Cultural Differences" examines the cultural and organizational complexities which arise during mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and alliances. More than 50 per cent of all corporate alliances fail, and those concluded across cultural divides are even less likely to succeed. These failures can be due to the executives concentrating on the financial strategic aspects of the deal at the expense of cultural, organizational and execution aspects. As a result of a 5-year research, Piero Morosini found that national cultural differences are not necessarily detrimental to cross-border mergers and alliances, but rather if handled effectively can actually enhance corporate performance. "Managing Cultural Differences" demonstrates that superior 'execution skills' can lead to the successful implementation of overseas alliances. It is based on rigorous research methods, backed up with indepth interviews with Senior Executives and real world case studies of leading multinationals. The book explains the strategic relationship between national cultural differences, execution and the performance of global and corporate alliances. The unique findings in this book are a reflection of the author's background that has combined academia and management. Piero Morosini is a Research Fellow at the Wharton Risk Management and Decision Process Center, USA and a Managing Consultant at Andersen Consulting Strategic Services Group in Milan. He was formerly a consultant for McKinsey & Co and has had extensive international experience with JP Morgan and Flemings. Morosini has published in leading academic journals such as European Management Journal and Journal of International Business Studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Stress and WellBeing in Teams
Emerald Publishing Limited Genderwashing in Leadership
Emerald Publishing Limited Intelligence and State Surveillance in Modern Societies
Emerald Publishing Limited The Impact of Global Drug Policy on Women: Shifting the Needle
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. The international strategy of criminalising the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and use of certain psychoactive substances has failed to achieve a ‘drug free world’. Examining the impact of drug criminalisation and enforcement on a previously overlooked demographic, this edited collection argues that women are negatively and disproportionately affected by this flawed policy approach. Addressing the lack of attention on the experience of women, this collection details the challenges women face in accessing appropriate treatment and services, the stigmatisation and marginalisation resulting from engagement in illegal drug markets, the violence that women are exposed to, and the punitive sentences imposed on women for drug related offences. Bringing together an international group of academics, advocates, activists and those with lived experience, the editors offer a rounded and realistic view from women’s perspectives. In doing so, they facilitate a call for feminist and women’s organisations to embrace drug policy reform, and for international and national level drug control authorities to better engage women as stakeholders.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mastering Market Analytics: Business Metrics – Practice and Application
In Mastering Market Analytics, Robert Kozielski presents various measurement systems and marketing metrics, along with common mistakes made by organizations and managers in the process of measuring business activities, and illustrates how to avoid these mistakes. The new turbulent business environment has resulted in the decrease in effectiveness and efficiency of marketing activities, resulting in 50% of campaigns in social media remaining unnoticed by the public in 2016 alone. Response rates on emailing campaigns have dropped, one dollar invested in TV advertising generates only .32 cents of return, which all leaves the question of whether these activities are still effective in the contemporary world. What does effective marketing actually mean and which areas can be measured while assessing organizational effectiveness? Do sales and marketing benefit only the company or do they also generate value for customers? With over twenty years of experience in world markets, Kozielski takes lessons and case studies from Eastern Europe to delve into 76 indicators, divided into four groups: sales, distribution, marketing communication, and ecommerce and social media, exploring from both the strategic and operational points of view. Linking applicable descriptions of the metrics with systems of measurement for these marketing activities and results, Kozielski’s work is of interest to marketing scholars and MBA students.
Emerald Publishing Limited Diversity and Discrimination in Research Organizations
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. The era of team science has long since dawned. However, in order for the individual members of a team to work well, research organizations need to provide a productive and naturally non-discriminatory working environment. Bringing together and integrating researchers and their diverse backgrounds in effective teams does not happen on its own. To harness the positive effects of diversity, it must be understood and managed proactively. The edited collection Diversity and Discrimination in Research Organizations provides researchers with empirical studies on the question of whether and to what extent the social identity of the academic workforce affects their individual integration in research organizations. Practitioners receive guidance and suggestions on possible starting points and requirements for programmes to improve equal opportunities and work climate in their research organizations. The articles can be roughly divided into two categories according to the guiding questions of this edited collection: macro studies surveying the extent of discrimination and harassment in research organizations and micro studies exploring the influence of the specific cultural contextual conditions of the academic workplace on experiences of discrimination and harassment related to the diversity of the workforce.
Emerald Publishing Limited Nature-Based Solutions for More Sustainable Cities: A Framework Approach for Planning and Evaluation
There is growing recognition and awareness that nature can help provide viable solutions to reduce vulnerability and generate value deploying the properties of ecosystems and the services they provide. Investing in nature can lead to substantial environmental, social and economic benefits by reducing pollution, decreasing energy costs, improving health and well-being and increasing resilience to climate change and natural disasters. Nature-Based Solutions for More Sustainable Cities makes a clear case of performances, impacts, and benefits generated by NBS in cities providing a comprehensive framework approach to understand the real and full potential of NBS at the urban level taking into account several aspects, from design and planning to socio-economic evaluation and financial issues. Given the multifunctionality of NBS, the book collects contributions from several international experts ensuring the interaction between different disciplines contributing to enrich and to disseminate knowledge about NBS.
Emerald Publishing Limited Pervasive Punishment: Making Sense of Mass Supervision
Winner of the 2021 ESC Book Award. Despite its dramatic proliferation and diversification in recent decades, supervisory forms of punishment in the community (like probation, parole and unpaid work) have been largely invisible in scholarly and public discussion of criminal justice and its development in late-modern societies. The long-standing pre-occupation with the prison, and more recent concerns about 'mass incarceration' have allowed the emergence of 'mass supervision' to remain in the shadows. Pervasive Punishment insists that we remedy this neglect and exemplifies how we can do so. Drawing on thirty years of personal, practice and research experiences, it offers a compelling and rich account of the scale and social distribution of mass supervision, of the processes by which it has been legitimated, and of how it is experienced by those subject to it. Its innovative approach invites readers to look at, listen to and imagine punishment beyond the prison, through the use of innovative and creative methods including photography, song-writing and story-telling to explore and to represent 'mass supervision'. By so doing, this book offers new insights into how and why combining social science and creative practice can help develop a different kind of democratic dialogue about contentious social issues like crime and punishment. Though focused on the UK and the USA, the methods used in and analysis developed in this book will be of interest to scholars, students and practitioners elsewhere.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cultural Differences in a Globalizing World
Endorsed by Geert Hofstede, the most-quoted author in the cross-cultural field, this is the only book that explains the relationship between national culture and national differences in crucially important phenomena, such as speed of economic growth, murder rates, and educational achievement. It explains differences in suicide rates, road death tolls, female inequality, happiness, and a number of other phenomena in an unprecedented way. It provides comprehensive coverage of these important cross-cultural differences while showing how they covary across the world and presents strong empirical/statistical evidence for the explanations. Chapters focus on culture and cross-cultural studies, economic dynamism, universalism versus exclusionism, risk-taking reproductive competition, monumentalism versus flexumility (flexibility + humility), and the world's cultural clusters. Each chapter contains a subchapter in which implications for international management and organizational behavior are discussed, making the book attractive not only to readers with a special interest in the social sciences, but also to management consultants, management educators and business executives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Asymptotic Theory for Econometricians
This book provides the tools and concepts necessary to study the behavior of econometric estimators and test statistics in large samples. An econometric estimator is a solution to an optimization problem; that is, a problem that requires a body of techniques to determine a specific solution in a defined set of possible alternatives that best satisfies a selected object function or set of constraints. Thus, this highly mathematical book investigates situations concerning large numbers, in which the assumptions of the classical linear model fail. Economists, of course, face these situations often. It includes completely revised chapter seven on functional central limit theory and its applications, specifically unit root regression, spurious regression, and regression with cointegrated processes. It includes updated material on: central limit theory; asymptotically efficient instrumental variables estimation; estimation of asymptotic covariance matrices; efficient estimation with estimated error covariance matrices; and efficient IV estimation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gendered Domestic Violence and Abuse in Popular Culture
As binge-watching and streaming lead to increasing amounts of content and screen time, understanding how domestic violence and abuse is portrayed in popular culture and its impact on DVA in our society is more important than ever. Amid current international attention on sexual harassment, abuse and exploitation initiated by the #MeToo movement, this collection demonstrates how networked communication is influencing activism, both online and in the real-world. The term gendered DVA recognises the wider gender inequality underpinning DVA, and intersecting inequalities such as race, social class, sexuality, age and disability. International contributors from Europe, the USA and Australia examine how DVA is represented in different media forms comprising film, television, newspapers, digital and social media, and TED lectures. The collection examines intimate partner abuse, child abuse, grooming and sexual exploitation, elder abuse and neglect, and abuse in LGBT relationships. Authors also analyse policy changes in relation to DVA, both progressive and regressive, together with topics such as moral panic in the media and trial by media. An in-depth and wide-ranging resource, this collection will be a valuable text for health and social care professionals, researchers, academics, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and people with lived experience of DVA.
Emerald Publishing Limited Progress Toward Agenda 2030: A Mid Term Review of the Status of Inclusive Education in Global Contexts
At the midway point towards the United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030, this critical volume focuses on how a range of contextually diverse countries are progressing towards inclusive education. Contributors critically consider the current state of inclusive education in their own countries in relation to meeting the UN’s Agenda 2030 initiative and Sustainable Development Goal 4. The foundation is set in chapter one by the editors, with a historical overview of inclusion and inclusive policies globally. Key international scholars critique the history and status of inclusion in their respective contexts. In reference to local research, they explore the history of inclusion, the current policies and state of inclusion, barriers and levers for inclusion, and look towards the future of inclusive education. Chapters demonstrate how the continued call for a shift towards inclusive education in different countries is extremely complex and varies greatly within each international context. Attention is given to levers promoting inclusion through contextually appropriate international initiatives and the importance of the realignment of policies and practices if all countries are to achieve the 2030 UN’s education goal. Progress Toward Agenda 2030 serves to challenge all educational stakeholders to critically consider, analyze, and innovate policies and practices for inclusive education for all by 2030.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Politics, Digital Histories, Digital Futures: New Approaches for Historicising, Politicising and Imagining the Digital
Global politics has been completely transformed by the rise of digitalisation and the politicised use of everyday digital communication tools by ordinary people in citizen engagement and mass protest. And yet, digital politics as a field is rarely explored holistically and interdisciplinary beyond a narrow focus on digital activism, digital warfare or Internet governance. Digital Politics, Digital Histories, Digital Futures addresses this gap. Bringing together contributions from junior and experienced scholars, the book examines digital politics theoretically, methodologically, and ethically, offering interdisciplinary perspectives and innovative pedagogies. The first part of the book presents research chapters that look at misinformation and reactionary online activism, digital imperialism and capitalism, future internet governance, digital memory, digital waste, and environmental imagination. The second part showcases several creative and experimental tools for studying digital politics historically, and for analysing and creating future imaginaries of digital politics. By sharing these tools and reflecting on the process of their creation, the book aims to simultaneously push the boundaries of, and inspire new teaching and research in, the field of digital politics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Developing an Effective Model for Detecting Trade-Based Market Manipulation
Stock market manipulation is detrimental to traders and corporations, causes unnecessary price fluctuations, and only benefits financial criminals. The research presented here determines an appropriate model to help identify stocks witnessing activities that are indicative of potential manipulation through three separate but related studies. In Developing an Effective Model for Detecting Trade-Based Market Manipulation, classifiers based on three different techniques namely discriminant analysis, a composite classifier based on Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm and support Vector Machines is proposed. The proposed models help investigators, with varying degree of accuracy, to arrive at a shortlist of securities which could be subject to further detailed investigation to detect the type and nature of the manipulation, if any. Following a fluid outline, Developing an Effective Model for Detecting Trade-Based Market Manipulation, introduces the topic, explores the aims and scopes of the research, before delving into the data and modelling to explore their application to the stock market to detect price manipulation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Auditing Practices in Local Governments: An International Comparison
Public spending accounts for a significant share of national GDP and is perceived as a critically important way for overcoming periods of economic and social crisis, but is often criticised as inefficient and ineffective, giving raise to calls for new processes of reform. Because most public resources are raised through taxation from citizens and businesses, accountability and assurance are key in the democratic process, and auditing attempts to fulfil this public interest role. This in turn leaves public sector auditing under increasing public scrutiny and political pressure. Through a comparative analysis of the development of auditing practices in governments across the globe, Auditing Practices in Local Governments: An International Comparison provides a contemporary overview of public sector auditing practices at both local and state level. By focusing on countries which have experienced differing implementation processes, and which are characterised by different administrative and political cultures, the authors provide a comparative analysis of countries across the globe, including major European states, China, Australia, and New Zealand. Written by scholars and practitioners in the fields of public sector auditing, this first volume of Emerald Studies in Public Service Accounting and Accountability provides readers both researchers and practitioners with a thorough overview of international public sector auditing practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Exploring the Future of Russia's Economy and Markets: Towards Sustainable Economic Development
Rich in natural resources, straddling Europe and Asia, and home to markets of immense scale, Russia is an essential, critical player in an unprecedently complex global economy. Yet it has yet to fully exploit its unique position within this brave new world. Exploring the Future of Russia's Economy and Markets offers the first serious study of Russia's contemporary economic growth and economic aptitude. Based on the April 2017 conference "'New Reality' and Russian Markets" held at Harvard University and co-hosted by Harvard Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies and RUDN University, Moscow, it brings together world-renowned thinkers to offer the latest empirical research on recent financial risks, institutional policies, and financial stability, all while weaving sound economic analyses around countercyclical expansionary macrotrends within the global market, current fiscal and monetary policies, and business cycles. It provides definitive technical insights into fintech, industrial policies and technological parks, TNCs, the oil and natural gas industry, and the impact of international sanctions on Russia's sustainable development. Cumulatively, the chapters gathered here demand that Russia look for alternative key drivers to get its economy going. The distinguished economists gathered here offer flexible bases for economic and financial stability that would foster sustainable economic development for Russia. Exploring the Future of Russia's Economy and Markets is essential reading for economists, policy makers, and students wishing to understand how Russia might take full advantage of its pivotal position within the world economy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Communication as Gesture: Media(tion), Meaning, & Movement
While the concept of communication has long been bound to a reductive model of the exchange of information, very few scholars of communication would argue that these assumptions are realistic, without a long list of qualifying caveats. But the concept of communication, built from the integration of semiotic signification with the idea of information as the 'carrier' of transmitted meaning, is so deeply ingrained and simple that even displacing it can seem futile, if not absurd. Nevertheless, these foundational assumptions tightly constrain the ways in which any interactional phenomena can be conceived--and constraints upon our ways of understanding communication drastically limit our capacity to understand our worlds and the social processes that generate them, at any scale or level of abstraction. Communication as Gesture traces the concept of communication from its roots in classical rhetoric to its integration in structural linguistics, semiotics, information theory, and cybernetics, integrating perspectives from contemporary rhetorical theory, relational psychology, interactional sociology, philosophy, cognitive linguistics, discourse studies, multimodal semiotics, and more. Because so much of our contemporary world is lived with and through digital media technologies, the study of new media and social media provides a rich illustration of the constraints imposed by our reductive assumptions--and hints at the possibilities generated by rethinking them. The gesture theory of communication introduced presents a dimensional account of communication that is intuitively accessible and theoretically rich while overturning reductive assumptions of the linear character of interaction.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Century of Science: The Global Triumph of the Research University
Winner of the 2017 Award for Significant Research on International Higher Education (CIHE/ASHE) Winner of the 2018 American Publishers Awards for Professional & Scholarly Excellence: Education Theory In The Century of Science, a multicultural, international team of authors examine the global rise of scholarly research in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and health (STEM+) fields. This insightful text provides historical and sociological understandings of the ways that higher education has become an institution that, more than ever before, shapes science and society. Case studies, supported by the most historically and spatially extensive database on STEM+ publications available, of selected countries in Europe, North America, East Asia, and the Middle East, emphasize recurring themes: the institutionalization and differentiation of higher education systems to the proliferation of university-based scientific research fostered by research policies that support continued university expansion leading to the knowledge society. Growing worldwide, research universities appear to be the most legitimate sites for knowledge production. The chapters offer new insights into how countries develop the university-based knowledge thought fundamental to meeting social needs and economic demands. Despite repeated warnings that universities would lose in relevance to other organizational forms in the production of knowledge, these findings demonstrate incontrovertibly that universities have become more—not less—important actors in the world of knowledge. The past hundred years have seen the worldwide triumph of the research university.
Emerald Publishing Limited Extreme Teaming: Lessons in Complex, Cross-Sector Leadership
Today’s global enterprises increasingly involve collaborative work by teams of experts operating across different professions, organizations, and industries. Extreme Teaming provides new insights into the world of complex, cross industry projects and the ways they must be managed. Leading experts Amy Edmondson and Jean-François Harvey analyze contemporary cases that expose the complex demands of cross-boundary collaboration on management, and inform our understanding of teams. Containing powerful insights and practical guidelines that allow managers to bridge professional divides and organizational boundaries in order to work together effectively, this is a new exploration of the challenges involved in today’s global enterprises. The authors demonstrate that the work done in the modern organization is less and less about looking inward and creating strong teams inside the company, and more about teaming across boundaries – that often are in flux. Extreme Teaming is a must-read book for all courses related to leading open innovation; teamwork and collaboration; project management; and cross-boundary work.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Astructural Bias Charge: Myth or Reality?
The charge that symbolic interactionism (SI) is impaired by an astructural bias orbits around a number of sociology's core concerns: structure and agency, methodological individualism and methodological holism, the micro-macro link, the proper procedures to conduct research and when to state and how to test hypotheses and, whether interactionism can address structural concerns such as class, race, gender, power, and oppression. The Astructural Bias: Myth or Reality constitutes a collection of outstanding essays by scholars who address the concern of an astructural bias. Chapters explore the nature of social structure and SI's effectiveness in using the concept. This volume is beneficial for contemporary interactionists and their critics, social theorists, and all students of sociology who are interested in assessing the ability of SI to fully address the grave social circumstances and social problems of an increasingly precarious and dangerous world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Perspectives on Climate Change: Science, Economics, Politics, Ethics
This book explores the interplay between science, economics, politics, and ethics in understanding the challenge that climate change poses to the international community. A central theme is that climate change involves core issues of scientific uncertainty and intergenerational fairness that must be accounted for in the design and implementation of policy responses. Drawing together contributions from leading scholars in a variety of relevant disciplines, this volume provides a synthetic approach to this important topic that should prove valuable to a variety of readers. This series focuses on the interface between geosystems, biosystems, and the political economy. The volumes integrate physical, natural, and social sciences with economics. It encompasses the atomistic and mechanistic epistemology of modern economic analysis.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organizational Change and Development in Management Control Systems: Process Innovation for Internal Auditing and Management Accounting
This text applies sociological approaches to organizational change and development to explain process innovation and diffusion in internal auditing and management accounting systems. While management accounting reports have emphasized the measurement of quality and improved organizational performance, the extent to which process innovation strategies of total quality management (TQM) and reengineering have been integrated into behavioral accounting research has been limited. The book broadens quality and process innovation research by incorporating theories from organizational development, systems analysis, organizational learning, contingency theory, population ecology and collaborative management. In doing so, it integrates the study of TQM and reengineering into management accounting, internal auditing and control systems. TQM and process reengineering are presented as specific process innovation approaches, which can bring about either incremental or radical organizational change and development in management control systems, particularly in internal auditing and accounting control systems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Learning to Think: Thinking to Learn - The Proceedings of the 1989 OECD Conference Organized by the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation
"Learning to Think: Thinking to Learn" has grown out of a conference organized by the OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) in July 1989. Its purpose is to discuss and advance the state of knowledge about how young people think and reason. Thinking is a normal activity for every normal human being, ordinary life depends on our ability to think. Thus the prime objectives of formal education in all disciplines have always been the refining and shaping of the powers of thought. This book explores three broad ways of thinking in the context of education, looking firstly at the 'skills' approach, secondly at the 'infusion model' and thirdly at the belief that the traditional disciplines and pedagogy of education already provide for the development of thinking.
Emerald Publishing Limited Current Issues and Trends in Special Education: Research, Technology, and Teacher Preparation
"This is the second of two themed volumes addressing current issues and trends in special education. Volume 20 covers research, technology, and teacher preparation whilst volume 19 covered identification, assessment and instruction. The field of special education constantly changes as a result of legislation, new instructional formats and current research investigations. It can be difficult for general and special educators, school counselors and psychologists, administrators and practicing clinicians to keep up with these changes and be current in all areas relating to special education. The special education literature knowledge base should reflect these changes; however, there is no current resource that effectively and comprehensively does this. The purpose of "Current Issues and Trends in Special Education" is to fill this void, providing chapters written by active researchers and practitioners in their respective areas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Welfare Reform in Rural Places: Comparative Perspectives
Research on welfare has tended to focus on the national scale with relatively little attention given to the differential impacts of welfare restructuring in rural places and the difficulties faced by disadvantaged groups with limited provision of welfare services in many rural areas. This book seeks to significantly extend previous research work on the rural impacts of national welfare reform and position it in a broader context. "International Perspectives on Rural Welfare" provides a critical, comprehensive and comparative account of the rural dimensions of welfare in a number of developed countries. The book brings together recent research from Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand to provide the seminal international book on rural welfare. As well as being international in its outlook, it provides an inter-disciplinary focus on rural welfare by including contributors from sociology, human geography, social policy and social anthropology. The definition of welfare used within the book is broad, encompassing overarching welfare and workfare agendas, as well as more specific welfare policy areas such as anti-poverty, health, housing, social security, social work and education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Charity With Choice
Four years ago "Research in Experimental Economics" published experimental evidence on fundraising and charitable contributions. This volume returns to the intrigue with philanthropy. Employing a mixture of laboratory and field experiments as well as theoretical research we present this new volume, "Charity with Choice". New waves of experiments are taking advantage of well calibrated environments established by past efforts to add new features to experiments such as endogeneity and self-selection. Adventurous new research programs are popping up and some of them are captured here in this volume. Among the major themes in which the tools of choice, endogeneity, and self-selection are employed are: What increases or decreases charitable activity? and How do organizational and managerial issues affect the performance of non-profit organizations?
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainability, Environmental Performance and Disclosures
Accounting as an academic discipline has not made any real strides in addressing social and environmental concerns facing this planet. Since the first volume of the series was published in 2000, there have been no changes in the focus of accounting and it is still taught and practiced in the same way. Social/environmental/sustainability accounting is still a fringe subject despite the fact that ignoring environmental issues has serious consequences for the survival of this planet. Unless social and environmental accounting is formally recognized, firms will continue to view it as a means to convey information that enables them to manage their reputation without actually making any real efforts to improve the environment. The papers included in this volume discuss different aspects of sustainability, environmental performance, and environmental disclosures. Overall, it is fairly obvious from these papers that firms are aware of the impact of their activities on the environment. Some of the papers analyze what firms do about environmental issues and how these activities and their impact on the environment are disclosed in the financial statements. Though the papers come to different conclusions, it becomes clear from these studies that firms have problems in managing the impact of their environmental activities as well as in disclosing full and realistic information on these activities. Thus, it appears from these papers that firms manage their message to look good to outsiders.
Emerald Publishing Limited Popular Culture, Crime and Social Control
This volume contains contributions on the theme of popular culture, crime, and social control. The chapters in this volume tease out various criminologically relevant issues, pertaining to crime/deviance and/or the control thereof, on the basis of an analysis of various aspects and manifestations of popular culture, including music, movies, television, paintings, sculptures, photographs, cartoons, and the internet-based audio-visual materials that are presently available. Thematically diverse within the province of criminology, the chapters in this book are not restricted in terms of theoretical approach and methodological orientation. Using a variety of methodological and theoretical perspectives, the volume is diverse in addressing dimensions of popular culture in relation to important criminological questions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Performance Measurement and Management Control: Innovative Concepts and Practices
In 2001, we gathered a group of researchers in Nice, France to focus discussion on performance measurement and management control. Following the success of that conference, we held subsequent conferences in 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2009. This volume contains some of the exemplary papers that were presented at the most recent conference. Though the conference has been generally focused on performance measurement and management control and has included presentations on many facets of the topic, each year we have also focused on a particular theme of current interest. This year's theme was directed at innovative concepts and practices. This includes creative approaches to solving management challenges of performance and management control and improving organizational performance. It also includes the innovative use of empirical, analytical, experimental, and case based research. The contents of this book represent a collection of leading research in management control and performance measurement and provide a significant contribution to the growing literature in the area.