Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Law and Economics: A Journal of Policy
Since 1979 "Research in Law and Economics" has been presenting original research that explores the extent to which the constraints of law explain economic behavior and the role of economics in forming the law. Leading scholars, including Kenneth Arrow, Kenneth Elzinga, Victor Goldberg, Jack Hirschliefer, Paul Joskow, and Vernon Smith, have chosen "Research in Law and Economics" as the right forum for presenting their research. Now published bi-annually, each issue of "Research in Law and Economics" focuses on a timely and relevant topic. Such topics have included economics of environmental policy, urban property rights, antitrust and evolutionary models in economics and law. This volume focuses on cost-benefit analysis and the law, whereas the next special issue will concentrate on corporate finance
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
"Studies in Law, Politics and Society" continues the tradition of annually publishing interdisciplinary research on law with a critical focus that was begun in Research in Law and Sociology and carried forward in Research in Law, Deviance and Social Control. The new title describes an expanded focus and a broader audience of legal scholars who study: the intersection of legal thought and consciousness and the development of legal practices and institutions; and the development of legal thought and practices. The research spans a wide range of law related subjects including law and inequality, feminist jurisprudence, racial oppression and law, legal institutions and communities, and the ways law is used by political authorities or by ordinary citizens. Legal scholarship produced from an historical, comparative or ethnographic perspective is of special interest. This book series is available electronically online.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
This volume of "Studies in Law, Politics, and Society" presents a diverse array of articles by an interdisciplinary group of scholars. Their work covers political science, policy studies, and law. Some of the articles published in this issue focus on the sources of conflict and violence as well as law's response to both. Here, research illustrates the complex ways law can be said to be both opposed to violence and yet be violent itself. Other articles focus on the way judges and other legal actors use law as they interpret it. Taken together they exemplify the exciting and innovative work now being done in interdisciplinary legal scholarship. An interdisciplinary volume that discusses political science, policy science and law, this book is divided into two parts: conflict, violence, and legal processes; and deciding cases, charting progress. It uses case law examples to examine issues.
Emerald Publishing Limited Practical Transformations and Transformational Practices: Globalization, Postmodernism, and Early Childhood Education
Both traditional and progressive curricula are inadequate for the task of responding to the economic, political, social, and cultural changes that have occurred as a result of globalization. This book documents some of the ongoing work occurring in early childhood settings that is aimed at improving, and ultimately transforming, early childhood practice in these changed and changing times. The authors do not simply critique developmental approaches or the increasing standardization of the field. Instead, they describe how they are playing around with postmodern ideas in practice and developing unique approaches to the diverse educational circumstances that confront early childhood educators. Whether it is preparing teachers, using materials, or developing policies, each chapter provides readers with possibilities for enacting pedagogies that are responsive to the contemporary circumstances shaping the lives of young children.
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategy Process
Enduring scholarly interest in the process of strategy making stems from an abiding assumption that some ways of strategizing are more efficacious than others, and thus lead to higher firm performance in the long run; higher than luck alone would bring. Expressions of interest in and endorsements of the strategy process are abundant in the academic literature. For senior managers and leaders, the question of how to make effective strategies stands usually at the top of their agenda. Not surprisingly then, the quest to uncover stable principles of good strategy making has attracted much support and interest over the years. Researchers who responded to the strategy process challenge have known many moments of exhilaration and disillusion. Scholarly insights took long to accumulate, perhaps too long to serve as the sole basis for helping the eager practitioner in search of simpler but applicable advice. As a result, a significant and often highly visible part of the field is characterized by a controversial normative orientation. But beneath this dramatic and unstable facade lies a gradual, patient, and seemingly more stable, hard-at-work, academic enterprise. Scholarly strategy process research apparently goes on, perhaps more than ever, suggesting that there is something fundamental and deeply interesting and profound about how strategies are made, where they originate in organizations, and how the process of strategy making impacts the performance of organizations. This volume is the culmination of our three year effort to explore and uncover this relatively hidden or at least less visible side of the strategy process field. Taken together, the sixteen chapters represent current scholarly strategy process research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Focused Issue on The Marketing Process in Organizational Competence
This first volume of "Research in Competence-Based Management (RCBM)" signals the launch of a long-awaited outlet for peer-reviewed research papers contributing to advancement of competence-based management theory. Each volume in "RCBM" will be focused on a key aspect of competence theory. The focus in this volume on "The Marketing Process in Organizational Competence" reflects the fundamental market orientation in competence theory's foundational concepts and theoretical development. Papers in this volume explore key aspects of the common conceptual foundations of competence and marketing theories, and help to make clear the great relevance of marketing theory for competence-based management theory and practice, as well as the relevance of competence theory for marketing theory and practice. Papers by authors from both the marketing and competence fields elaborate the nature of the marketing process and clarify the ways in which the marketing process is integral to building and leveraging organizational competences.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multi-Level Issues in Strategy and Methods
"Multi-Level Issues in Strategy and Methods" is Volume 4 of "Research in Multi-Level Issues", an annual series that provides an outlet for the discussion of multi-level problems and solutions across a variety of fields of study. Using a scientific debate format of a key scholarly essay followed by two commentaries and a rebuttal, we present in this series theoretical work, significant empirical studies, methodological developments, analytical techniques, and philosophical treatments to advance the field of multi-level studies, regardless of disciplinary perspective. Similar to Volumes 1 (Yammarino and Dansereau, 2002), 2 (Dansereau and Yammarino, 2003), and 3 (Yammarino and Dansereau), this volume, Volume 4, contains five major essays with commentaries and rebuttals that cover a range of topics, but in the realms of strategy and research methods.In particular, the five "critical essays" offer extensive literature reviews, new model developments, methodological advancements, and some empirical data for the study of innovation, strategic performance, upper echelons, latent growth modeling, and intra-class correlations. While each of the major essays, and associated commentaries and rebuttals, is unique in orientation, they show a common bond in raising and addressing multi-level issues or discussing problems and solutions that involve multiple levels of analysis.
Emerald Publishing Limited Competence Perspectives on Managing Interfirm Interactions
The competence-based perspective on strategy and management emerged in the 1990s as a new approach to developing strategy and management theory and practice. In the past decade, the focus on organizational competences - and the resources, capabilities, and processes that create competences - has provided a highly productive "broad church" for theory development, research, and practice in both strategic and general management. Authored by a multidisciplinary group of scholars and practitioners working within the competence perspective, the papers in this volume contribute to developing a better theoretical and practical understanding of interfirm interactions that significantly affect an organization's competences.The papers present both theoretical developments and empirical research based on a variety of case studies and other research in diverse industrial and geographical contexts. The papers in this volume develop three themes. Part I includes papers that address the key issues of managing activities in an organization's competence building and leveraging processes that span the boundaries of two organizations. The papers in Part II investigate the role of networks and strategic alliances in competence building and leveraging processes. Part III presents papers that investigate competitive interactions between firms in their competence leveraging activities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research on Employment for Persons with Severe Mental Illness
Over the centuries work for persons with severe mental illness has ranged from virtual slave labor to institutional peonage to contemporary rehabilitative programs that seek to assist individuals in re-entering the workplace. How best to do this remains an open question however, and has captured the attention of researchers from a broad range of disciplines, from rehabilitation research to labor economics. This volume provides a sense of this diversity and an overview of research perspectives in this critically important area. Included are chapters discussing important new theoretical frameworks, issues in the evaluation of programmatic efforts to enhance employment opportunities, and discussions grounded in large scale social and economic perspectives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management
The accounting profession, especially in the US, has lost credibility and this has serious implications for environmental reporting. As a number of papers in this volume attest, the amount of environmental reporting has increased in the period from the 1980s-mid 1990s. However, the value of those disclosures is open to serious question. The research for most of the papers in this volume was completed prior to the Enron scandal, but the findings indicate a need to re-evaluate what is reported about the firm's relationship to the physical environment.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations
Advances in Accounting Education is a refereed, academic research annual whose purpose is to meet the needs of faculty members interested in ways to improve their classroom instruction. It publishes thoughtful, well-developed articles that are readable, relevant and reliable. Articles are peer-reviewed and may be either empirical or non-empirical. They emphasize pedagogy, i.e., explaining how faculty members can improve their teaching methods, or how accounting units can improve their curricula/programs. The series examines diverse issues such as software use, cultural differences, perceptions of the profession, and more.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
This series publishes monograph-length conceptual papers designed to promote theory and research on important substantive and methodological topics in the field of human resources management. Volume 21 contains eight papers on critical issues in the field of human resources management, thus continuing the tradition of the series to develop a more informed understanding of the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Critical Theory: Diverse Objects Diverse Subjects
The contributions in this 22nd volume of "Current Perspectives in Social Theory" explore the arguments for and against a view of the world in which multiple, distinct and conflicting societies differ both over time and contemporaneously.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research on Accounting Ethics
Elsevier's "Research on Accounting Ethics" series is devoted exclusively to the advancement of ethics research and education in the profession and practice of accounting. Its threefold mission is to: advance innovative and applied ethics research in all accounting-related disciplines on a global basis; improve ethics education in and throughout the professional accounting and management curricula at undergraduate and graduate levels; and provide a source of information for the professional accounting and auditing community for integrating ethics and good business practices in public firms, business corporations and governmental organizations. The series features articles on a broad range of important and timely topics, including professionalism, social responsibility, individual morality, accountability, good business practices in public accounting and the litigation crisis. Papers are empirical or theoretical in nature, and draw upon paradigms in related disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, theology, economics and sociology. The eighth volume of "Research on Accounting Ethics" addresses a wide range of issues including faculty perceptions on the inclusion of business ethics in the curriculum and the importance of context in investigating auditors' moral abilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Structure and Organizations Revisited
This work brings together empirical research and thematic commentaries which chart out research directions for politically-inflected studies of organizational and institutional change. The chapters give practical voice to the theoretical questions and research designs of an emerging agenda for organization theory that engages questions about broader social structure and organizations with theory in cultural analysis, stratification, and entrepreneurship. Cases include historical studies of the evolution of the fire insurance industry in the 19th century, studies of the organizational vitality of contemporary evangelical Protestantism, the emergence of gay and lesbian identity organizations, challenges in the institutional structuring of the mutual fund industry the post-Soviet Russia, stratification and status organizing processes in entrepreneurial organizations, studies of social movements and organizations, both external to and inside of organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Comparative Study of Conscription in the Armed Forces
This volume contributes to the comparative study of military conscription. Issues discussed include: a conceptual clarification of conscription as distinguished from volunteerism and militia service; the emergence of the citizen soldier model; patterns of anti-militarism before World War I; conscription in third world armies; gender-issues in relation to military service; the present phenomenon of child soldiers in Africa; the decline of conscript armies in Western Europe. A review section discusses the contribution of rational choice theory to the analysis of conscription into military forces.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting (AIMA) publishes well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting that are relevant to both practitioners and academicians. As a respected professional journal, AIMA is well poised to meet their information needs. Featured in volume 10 is an article reporting on the findings of an in-depth field study at Bell Atlantic, now Verizon. The impact of teaming on productivity, quality, and employee satisfaction was measured using research design methods not commonly found in field study research. Another article reports field research describing how two firms used accounting in new product development and proposes a conceptual framework hypothesizing how management accountants' participation can enhance the firm's performance. The remaining nine articles deal with a variety of topics such as the frequency and perceived usefulness of strategic management accounting, the relationship between a product's revenue and cost functions and much more. The eleven articles represent relevant, theoretically sound, and practical studies the discipline can greatly benefit from, providing a high level of contributions to management accounting research and practice. Accountants at all levels who work in corporations and not-for-profit organizations will be interested. Contents
Emerald Publishing Limited Learning Potential Assessment and Cognitive Training: Actual Research and Perspectives in Theory Building and Methodology
This text discusses research on learning potential assessment and cognitive training. Moreover, several contributions discuss the relationship between individual learning and social interaction during learning potential assessment. It has five themes, covering research on learning potential assessment and cognitive training. These themes are: theoretical base of LPA, reciprocity in LPA, LPA and cognitive training, cross cultural perspectives, LPA related research and cognitive education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Comparative Studies of Technological Evolution
This volume provides a collection of cross-country analysis of innovation, showing that the effects of innovation upon firms vary from one country to another. Incumbents perish in one country, while they thrive in the same industry in another country. Startups thrive in response to new technological breakthroughs in one country and struggle in another country. Drawing upon studies of semiconductors, disk drives and biotechnology, and examining institutions such as patent systems and venture capital, this volume takes issue with predictions of convergence, and convincingly demonstrates the multiple paths that technologies and innovations can follow.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Many Faces Of Multi-Level Issues
This title is part of a series that aims to present timely, scholarly work on multiple levels of analysis, multi-level theory, research, and methods. The focus is on 'critical essays', theoretical work, empirical studies, methodological developments, analytical techniques, and philosophical treatments.
Emerald Publishing Limited Minding the Time in Family Experience: Emerging Perspectives and Issues
We are directed to "mind the time" on occasions when diligence to the clock is important. However, to deliberately invoke "mind your time" is to remember how quickly time, and the clock which serves as its agent, can so quickly recede into the mundane and taken for granted parts of our lives. The experience of time in families can both permeate all activities but nevertheless be hidden. The papers in this volume, representing a range of disciplines (history, sociology, psychology, family therapy, leisure studies, family science) intentionally foreground the way that time shapes everyday family worlds. Each chapter offers different insights into the way that we conceptualize time including analyses of pace, rhythm, negotiation, politics, timetables, schedules, social interaction and support. The meaning of time is illustrated through analyses of a variety of family issues including father involvement, infertility, work and family, mothering and care work, housework, family time, single parent families, family life education and gender.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Human Performance and Cognitive Engineering Research
This volume launches a series that will focus on providing chapters that advance our understanding of human performance in organizational systems as cognitive engineering principles are applied. Topics addressed in this volume include: a historical review of a cognitive engineering research at a national laboratory; an adaptive learning system approach to designing an integrated-embedded training system; application of PRONET, a method that provides a useful representation of sequences of behaviour in a human-machine interaction; application of CTA, a method to explain the mental processes involved in performing a task; application of human performance modelling technologies in system design and evaluation; a review of training critical thinking skills that individuals and teams require in changing environments; a review of commercial simulations for team research; and research paradigms for human performance research in complex systems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Beyond Results: Accountability, Discretion and Performance Budget Reform
The reporting of performance measures and standards in budgeting is expected to strengthen the accountability of results, at the same time lessening the need for compliance with burdensome rules and regulations. Reduction in rules and red tape is anticipated to provide greater discretion, allowing administrators to better utilize their expertise in budget decisions. However, does this in fact happen? Is there is evidence that performance budget reform increases administrative discretion? This book examines that question by testing the fit between reform expectations and reform outcomes as viewed by practitioners. It argues that performance budget reform will not realize change as predicted by its advocates, because this theory of reform does not sufficiently consider the organizational realities of public administrators today; that is, an environment characterized by multiple and often conflicting accountability claims.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Financial Economics
Advances in Financial Economics publishes peer reviewed quality manuscripts on any aspects of financial economics including corporate finance, financial institutions and markets and microeconomics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Restructuring Asian Economies for the New Millennium
The Asian economic crisis and future development is a popular subject among academics and policy-makers worldwide. Several countries in Asia came to face severe economic recession in the wake of their financial and foreign exchange crisis which began in 1997. The recession was deep and the challenges for managers of respective economies for an optimum specification of monetary and fiscal policy guidelines became all too great. Many came to wonder whether the so-called 'Asian Miracle' all of a sudden became a part of history. If so, how will Asia recover from the crisis and experience high growth and continuing development as in the past quarter of the century? Can such a crisis be forewarned? Which development paths should Asia seek so that the crisis will not be repeated in the future? In other words, the challenge is to formulate rational economic policies for Asia's newly industrialized/industrializing economies so that their industrialization and development can sustainably progress as Asia enters the Twenty-First Century. The book addresses the above issues by covering many topics including financial meltdown and industrial development, money and financial markets, exchange rates, capital flows, economic reforms, human capital development, impact of the financial crisis on growth and poverty incidence, as well as other development problems in Asia-Pacific countries. The subject of this book should be of great interest to scholars, policy makers and the general public who follow economic developments in Asia. It will contribute to a broader perspective and at the same time, a deeper understanding of the subject.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Experimental Economics
Volume 8 of "Research in Experimental Economics" provides a forum for papers incorporating laboratory experimental economics. These specifically include interdisciplinary papers, papers that report experimental design innovations and papers that report detailed data. The paper by Isaac, Walker and Williams is an example. It discusses the design of instructional experiments in such areas as monopoly, asset trading double auctions, and public goods. The paper also examines practical issues of using laboratory experiments as a teaching tool. Four papers report on public goods research. Krishnamurthy, motivated by research questions in Marketing, examines the role of non-binding, face-to-face communication in public goods environments with and without provision points. Chewning, Coller, and Laury incorporate a natural modification of previous provision-point environments, namely, multiple provision points in which additional amounts of the public good will be provided at increasing threshold steps. The paper by Packard, Isaac, and Bial extends research on the marginal per capita return effect (broken down between the MPCR affecting own payoff and affecting others). This paper takes that distinction to a boundary in which the public good provides no marginal per capita return to the contributor. The paper by Croson examines, in the light of the literature on team production, the effect in a public goods environment of different levels of feedback on others' contributions. In one treatment, individuals know only the aggregate contributions of others, while in the other treatment they had information on individual decisions. The paper by Kelly extends existing research regarding single sellers by providing for multiproduct monopolists. It is not merely the addition of additional products that distinguishes this paper, but also the fact that monopolists have a bundling decision to make. This volume concludes with two papers that use controlled experiments for testing policy-relevant allocation mechanisms. Elliott, Kruse, Schulze, and Ben-David examine four mechanisms for the rationing of productive inputs that are subject to supply shocks. Electricity markets are one obvious motivation, but certainly not the only one. Ishikida, Ledyard, Olson, and Porter present experimental "testbedding" research on the California RECLAIM emissions permit market.
Emerald Publishing Limited Worker Well-Being
How do technology, public works projects, mental health, race, gender, mobility, retirement benefits, and macroeconomic policies affect worker well-being? This volume contains fourteen original chapters utilizing the latest econometric techniques to answer this question. The findings include the following: technology gains explain over half the decline in U.S. unemployment and over two-thirds the reduction in U.S. inflation; universal health coverage would reduce U.S. labor force participation by 3.3 per cent; blacks respond to regional rather than national changes in schooling rates of return, perhaps implying a more local labor market for blacks than whites; employee motivation enhances labor force participation, on-the-job training, job satisfaction and earnings; male and female promotion and quit rates are comparable once one controls for individual and job characteristics; public works programs designed to increase a worker's skills do not always increase reemployment; and, U.S. pension wealth increased about 20 per cent - 25 per cent over the last two decades.
Emerald Publishing Limited Asian Financial Crisis: Financial, Structural and International Dimensions
This edited volume is a collection of original theoretical, empirical, institutional or policy-oriented articles on all dimensions of the Asian financial crisis. A unique feature of this book is its multi-faceted, yet in-depth articles on various dimensions of the Asian financial crisis written by policy-makers and practitioners as well as scholars around the world. It includes financial, structural, cultural, and international dimensions of the Asian financial crisis regarding its causes, consequences, policies, and lessons. As such, it offers an excellent one-stop collection of in-depth research articles on the topic. The book includes nineteen articles on the overview of the crisis, international capital flows and crisis, reform in financial and industrial sectors, and cultural and post-crisis opportunities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research promotes research across all areas of accounting, incorporating theory from, and contributing knowledge to, the fields of applied psychology, sociology, management science, ethics and economics. Focusing on research that examines both individual and organizational behavior relative to accounting, the series provides a unique opportunity for the exchange of peer reviewed knowledge across all areas of accounting behavioral research and the development, discussion and expansion of theories from psychology, sociology and related disciplines. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research encourages research that tests theory, explains theory, and develops theory that can be applied to better understand accounting domains. Accordingly, reviews of established theory and how that theory has and could be used in accounting are also strongly encouraged. Coverage includes, but is not restricted to: Individual judgement/decision making Group decision making Organizational behaviour Inter-organizational relationships Technology integration Strategic management/organizational theory Theory development Theory review
Emerald Publishing Limited Getting Better at Sensemaking
This work's 16 contributions fill the mind with knowledge, skills, and insights useful for improving the executive's ability to do what needs to be done: scan environments better to find the weak signals on breakthrough technologies; shifts in customers' attitudes and behaviors; changes in behaviors of suppliers, governments, and other stakeholder groups; frame problems/opportunities better by deepening understanding on how we go about making sense of what is happening and can be made to happen; deciding better by gaining deep knowledge on how decisions are actually made and can be improved (e.g., via systems thinking and simulating system operations to uncover powerful levers previously unrecognized); and, doing better by applying new tools to learn what is really happening when planned strategies are converted into realized strategies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Economic Anthropology
This volume contains 11 papers covering: Women as Artisans from Colombia and the Phillippines; Money and Witchcraft from Niger and Tanzania; Resistance to Economic Development for Canada, Mexico and the US; Changing Rural Economies from Guatemala and Kenya; and Ethnoarchaeological Studies with the topics of ceramics in Peru and state origins on Bali.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics and Society
DESCRIPTION: This volume of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society presents a diverse array of articles by an interdisciplinary and international group of scholars. Their work spans the social sciences, humanities, and law. It examines new perspectives on the relationship of law and values and race and the law. The articles published here exemplify the exciting and innovative work now being done in interdisciplinary legal scholarship. TABLE OF CONTENTS: List of contributors; Law and Values: Interpretive freedom and divine law: early rabbinic renderings of divine justice (C. Halberstam); Rawls' law of peoples: an expansion of the prioritization of political over religious values (E. Carpenter); Post modernity and the fading of individual responsibility (J. Krapp); Race in Law; Passing phantasms/sanctioning perfomativities: (re)reading white masculinity in Rhinelander v. Rhine lander (N. Hers); Tortious race, race torts: hate speech, intentional infliction, and the problem of harm (P.L. Rivers); Before or against the law? Citizens' legal beliefs and experiences as death penalty jurors (B. Steiner).
Emerald Publishing Limited Explorations in Methodology
The series as a whole recognises that the nature of ethnography is contested, and takes this to be a sign of its strength and vitality. This second volume in the series focuses on debates and developments in methodology and the many ways in which ethnographic work interacts with education. The contributions to this volume are diverse and challenging. They indicate that ethnography is a rich field that has much to offer the study of education. Particular chapters are concerned with access to research sites, critical ethnography, text construction, dilemmas of researching different ethnic groups and or researching children, the influence of the researcher, writing ethnography, ethno-drama, and the concept of triangulation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Immigration, Citizenship and the Welfare State in Germany and the United States: Immigrant Incorporation
In this timely collection of essays, leading American and German scholars analyse immigrant incorporation into the welfare state from a comparative economic, social, and political viewpoint by applying data from the 1980s and 1990s. New insights are revealed into how ethnic stratification and socioeconomic integration is promoted by specific programs and other institutionalized policies in education, labour markets, and welfare. This volume will be an important resource not only to scholars and students in economics and the social and political sciences, but also for professionals in education, social work, journalism, politics, and community groups.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accountability: Regulation, Research, Gender and Justice
This eighth volume in the series deals with a variety of topics in the field of advances in public interest accounting.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leadership: The Multiple-Level Approach: Contemporary and Alternative
Part B includes the 'contemporary' and 'alternative' approaches to leadership. The contemporary approaches have a more explicit focus on both the leaders and the development of their followers; the three papers in this area demonstrate this subtle shift, covering the nature of charisma, transformational leadership and leader-member exchange. The alternative approaches seem to take a different tack, but demonstrate a blurring of distinctions between approaches. When levels of analysis are taken seriously, narrow approaches that previously focused solely on followers become broader by including leaders and their linkages with followers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Current topics in management
This is the third volume in a series which targets the tests of the global applicability of existing managerial theory and experience. It examines: issues in organizational behavior; strategy, culture and effectiveness; managing health care; human resource management; and managing across cultures.
Emerald Publishing Limited AIDS Research AIDS Policy: Compelling Paradigms of Science and Public Policy
This serial publication focuses more on theoretical than practical analyses. It encourages historical as well as contemporary cases of social policy development and implementation, and also stresses unconventional interpretations of social policies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Managing Change: Exploring State of the Art
This is the 22nd volume in a series of monographs whose main topic of concern is that of organizational behaviour and industrial relations. This volume deals with managing changes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mind, Brains, and Society: Toward a Neurosociology of Emotions
This series aims to illustrate how social organization and private, emotional experience are different phases of the social process. It shows the steps by which emotional experience is shaped by social structural process and how these processes are changed by individuals' emotional experience.
Emerald Publishing Limited Messy Data: Missing Observations, Outliers, and Mixed-Frequency Data
Often applied econometricians are faced with working with data that is less than ideal. The data may be observed with gaps in it, a model may suggest variables that are observed at different frequencies, and sometimes econometric results are very fragile to the inclusion or omission of just a few observations in the sample. Papers in this volume discuss new econometric techniques for addressing these problems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leaving Religion and Religious Life: Patterns and Dynamics: Patterns and Dynamics
The internationally renowned group of contributors to this volume focus on the patterns and processes connected with leaving religion. The papers range from theoretical analyses of the dynamics underlying religious exiting to case studies examining specific instances of distancing from and departing from a religious lifestyle. "Leaving Religion and Religious Life" provides a much-needed investigation of the problem and its effect on formal religious institutions as well as the individuals who elect to dramatically alter their religious way of life.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cross-Cultural Case Study
This volume is one of a series of research annuals on qualitative research designed to take up issues and debates in this area that relate to methodology, the relationship between data collection and data analysis, the relationship between theory and method, and the implications of qualitative research for social policy and evaluation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Structural Analysis
Structural Analysis offers well-explained worked solutions which complement the discussed theory, allowing students to understand the logic behind the solution. This book covers the full breadth of this core topic including detailed chapter on Finite Element Analysis.
Emerald Publishing Limited Prestressed Concrete Bridges: Design and construction
Prestressed Concrete Bridges, 2nd Edition, is the comprehensive reference for practising bridge engineers on the design and construction of prestressed concrete bridges. Offering complete coverage of the design and construction of prestressed concrete bridges in a single resource, this book is an essential aid for maximising your efficiency on projects and expanding your existing knowledge. The book covers all types of deck arrangements and construction techniques – including in-situ slabs, precast beams, segmental construction, launched bridges and cable-stayed structures – and illustrates the interaction between design and construction. Prestressed Concrete Bridges, 2nd Edition: • Outlines the fundamentals of the design of prestressed concrete bridges, presenting the latest analysis methods and design techniques. • Is fully updated for bridge design to Eurocodes. • Provides an insight into the latest construction practices and the sophisticated equipment used in bridgeworks. • Offers multiple international examples of prestressed concrete bridges – including projects completed since the first edition – illustrate specific design aspects and construction processes. • Provides detailed descriptions of prestressing components and systems provide a quick reference during the scheming of projects. Prestressed Concrete Bridges, 2nd edition, is a must-have reference for practising bridge engineers and an essential guide for graduates looking to further their knowledge and understanding.
Emerald Publishing Limited Appraisal, Risk and Uncertainty
Projects need to achieve strategic goals and to that end must work in different levels of uncertainty. Engineers must be aware of methods to operate in ambiguous situations. Project promoters, project managers and consultants should understand the formative stages of each project and the risk and value decisions that have to be made. This book offers one of the first integrated approaches to these three topics based on the views of experts in these disciplines.
Emerald Publishing Limited Manual of Numerical Methods in Concrete: Modelling and applications validated by experimental and site-monitoring data
The modelling of constitutive equations to represent the isotropic and anisotropic behaviour of concrete in structures remains one of the most difficult tasks in structural engineering. At present, analyses on concrete structures are carried out for elastic, plastic and cracking conditions under static and dynamic and blast loads. The behaviour of concrete under complex loads cannot easily be assessed by codes of practice or by simplified empirical formulae. Manual of Numerical Methods in Concrete presents a unified approach for the available mathematical models of concrete, linking them to finite element analysis and to computer programs in which special provisions are made for concrete plasticity, cracking and crushing with and without concrete aggregate interlocking. Creep, temperature, and shrinkage formulations are included and geared to various concrete constitutive models. Their influence is taken into consideration in the operational and overloading behaviour of concrete structures, using linear and non-linear methods of analysis. Static and dynamic impactive and blast loadings are simulated in the interactive formulation. The book also contains extensive appendices with supporting data and computer subroutines. Manual of Numerical Methods in Concrete is an essential reference work for engineers, technologists, designers and research students - all those involved with concrete structures.
Emerald Publishing Limited Structural Appraisal of Iron Framed Textile Mills
This guide begins with a broad overview of mill building structures and their development, illustrated with examples of mill construction details. It then moves on to discuss measures that may be needed to ensure compliance with modern Building Regulations. Historical and modern evidence is presented to show that the robustness of these old buildings must be assessed carefully and guidance is given on how robustness may be improved, where necessary.