Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Networks in Healthcare: Managing Complex Relationships
The growing number of networks delivering healthcare, and professionals learning together to improve care, has created a need for new kinds of management and leadership. This timely book highlights key lessons for network leaders in a world where care must increasingly be managed through partnerships and networks as a response to complex health needs requiring better solutions across health economies. Using their own research and case studies, the authors set out the context: why networks are here to stay; the benefits: why networks work well and for what; the difference between networks and hierarchies and when to use each form to improve care and learn; the different types of network; and how to lead a network effectively. Written for health and social care professionals wanting to set up or currently leading a network, this book by two leading experts is practical, informative, but theoretically grounded. Also useful for academics teaching health care leadership, it includes practical diagnostic materials and up to date examples from care sectors world-wide.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technological Innovation: Generating Economic Results
We are pleased to present this 2nd edition of Technological Innovation, originally published in 2008. Profiting from technological innovation is a key strategic challenge in technology-intensive industries because it requires not only scientific and engineering expertise, but also an understanding of how business and legal factors facilitate commercialization. This volume presents a multidisciplinary view of issues in technology commercialization and entrepreneurship. Chapters cover commercializing inventions in the context of the legal system and the complementary assets needed; the benefits and liabilities associated with multidisciplinary commercialization teams, including a basic guide to patents and designs; elements of strategy, including industry analysis and strategy, marketing strategy, and alliances; and finally, the financial issues in commercialization.
Emerald Publishing Limited Safe Mobility: Challenges, Methodology and Solutions
Safe mobility is clearly linked to transport sustainability, as fatalities and injuries resulting from people engaged with transport networks increasingly becomes a public health concern, relative to other health threats. This volume presents the current state of the knowledge across a multitude of analytical and context specific transport safety areas. It includes a comprehensive set of chapters authored by many of the world’s leading experts in both behavioural and engineering aspects of safety mobility. The book increases the level of knowledge on road safety contexts, issues and challenges; shares what can currently be done to address the variety of issues; and points to what needs to be done to make further gains in road safety.
Emerald Publishing Limited Public and Third Sector Leadership: Experience Speaks
For those bold enough to lead in this age of austerity, the challenges are immense. Seismic shifts have taken place in the public and third sectors. Political, economic, technological, and social change are driving profound transformation of organizational models, making predictability and stability elusive. The combined effects of the economic downturn and cutbacks in spending are hitting leaders in the public and third sectors hard. Written by leaders in these sectors, this book provides an opportunity for the voices of those rarely considered in the literature on leadership to be heard. Each leader has contributed their personal reflections of what leadership means to them and their experience of it. They also consider the complex challenges they face as they grapple with changes in the economy, polity and society. Public and Third Sector Leadership: Experience Speaks provides an analysis of the research in the public and third sectors and the reflections written by each leader, highlighting the key themes from each sector. This is a unique opportunity to hear from the men and women who have demanding leadership positions in the public and third sectors in the UK today.
Emerald Publishing Limited Improving the Marriage of Modeling and Theory for Accurate Forecasts of Outcomes
This volume in the series has big objectives: describe the bad science practices now in use in most studies in business-to-business marketing strategy and describe a true paradigm shift to good science practices by replacing the variable-based linear-symmetric null hypothesis testing (NHST) approach in theory construction and testing—with case-based asymmetric models with somewhat precise outcome testing (SPOT). Whether the question refers to success or failure, wise executives ask, how did we get here? What’s in store for the next decade? Unfortunately, the majority of scholarly articles examining the causes of success and failure offers scant useful information that is accurate in forecasting success or failure strategy outcomes. The majority of studies on strategy performance outcomes focus on variable relationships and testing for the directionality (positive or negative relationships) and effect size of relationships—using multiple regression analysis and structural equation modeling (MRA/SEM) using null hypothesis statistical testing (NHST). Research on the value of NHST indicates that such studies are worse than useless: such research does not focus on case-based outcomes and achieving a statistically significant relationship greatly depends on the sample size of firms in the studies. Researchers using NHST are answering the wrong questions in examining the net effects of independent variables on dependent variable of interest (e.g., net earnings per revenue). Here are the right questions to ask. What configurations of antecedent conditions combine to generate positive outcomes for our firm and similar firms? What configurations of antecedent conditions combine to generate negative outcomes for firms in our industry? Sound reasoning and empirical evidence supports the wisdom of business executives ignoring the scholarly empirical literature on forecasting successful and unsuccessful management strategies using the NHST of the size and directionality of relationships. Good science practice relies on the complexity theory tenets covered in the chapters in this volume. Good science practice includes matching case-focused theory with case-focused data analytic tools and using somewhat precise outcome tests (SPOT) of asymmetric models. Good science practice achieves requisite variety necessary for deep explanation, description, and accurate prediction. The fear of submission rejection is another reason for rejecting case-based asymmetric modeling and SPOT. Overcome such fear by learning to apply complexity theory tenets, constructing separate case-based, mid-range, models of successful versus unsuccessful outcomes, and testing for accuracy via SPOT. This volume provides tools necessary for you to accomplish this task.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism in Russia: A Management Handbook (Russian Translation)
Russia, the largest country in the world, has untapped tourism potential. Historic and cultural resources, natural attractions, and business opportunities attract a growing number of visitors to this fast-growing country. The book will appeal to a broad base of students, professors, and practitioners. It addresses tourism as a system, provides essentials of management and marketing, discusses tourism planning and impact management, and proposes strategies and recommendations to improve Russia as an international destination. It is also unique in its approach: it has been written by a group of collaborating authors as part of an EU-funded project that created links between tourism academics from Russia and the European Union. Each chapter was co-written by an international mix of contributors who have worked together on tourism and Russia for two years. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. It reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
Studies in Law, Politics, and Society (SLPS) provides a vehicle for the publication of scholarly articles within the broad parameters of interdisciplinary legal scholarship; the articles in this volume cover a diverse range of topics relating to law's relationship with and impact on society. Topics covered include: coverage of capital punishment in the mainstream and radical press; the landmark Roe vs. Wade case and the Republican Party's relationship with abortion law; an exploration of the legal politics of temporality in emergencies; gendered racialization and White supremacy in the US, specifically related to Muslim women; conflict resolution and legal theory; and self-determination for indigenous peoples in the Pacific.
Emerald Publishing Limited Perverse Politics?: Feminism, Anti-Imperialism, Multiplicity
In this special issue, we address what we refer to as 'perversity of the political' or 'perverse politics': namely, the assumptions political theory and movements, and in our specific case feminism, often make on behalf of their subjects, and how their subjects, in return, perform individual and collective contrariness, unruliness and resistance to what is expected or desired from their 'subjectivity'. Specifically focusing on the themes of 'false consciousness', multiplicity, and uneasy alliances, the papers collected here seek to empirically lay out a number of such 'perverse' moments, and offer anti-imperialist feminist alternatives to second wave feminism's often reductive understandings of freedom; emancipation; oppression; empowerment and democracy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Governing for the Future: Designing Democratic Institutions for a Better Tomorrow
This book is about governing well for the future. It investigates the nature of, and the conditions for, prudent long-term democratic governance in a dynamic, complex, and uncertain world, the reasons why such governance is politically challenging, and how such challenges can best be tackled. In particular, it addresses the problem of ‘short-termism’ – or a ‘presentist bias’ – in policy-making; that is, the risk of governments placing undue weight on near-term considerations at the expense of a society’s overall long-term welfare. As such, the book traverses both normative and empirical issues. The approach is primarily qualitative rather than quantitative.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary Issues in Bank Financial Management
Contemporary Issues in Financial Services special edition includes studies by the University of Malta, MSc Banking and Finance graduates and the respective lecturers, on financial services within particular countries or regions and studies of particular themes such as credit risk management, fund management and evaluation, forex hedging using derivatives and sovereign fixed income portfolios.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotions and Organizational Governance
The focus of this volume is on the role of emotions in organizational governance, which involves the complete gamut of organizational processes and procedures, including the means whereby organizations are controlled and directed. Traditionally organizational governance has been viewed as a largely procedural phenomenon, and therefore immune from the vagaries of human emotion. Nothing could be further from the truth. Organizations are structures built on human capital. As such, their governance is subject to all the vicissitudes and frailties that humans are capable of, including employee mistreatment and harm.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations
Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations 19 publishes both non-empirical and empirical articles dealing with accounting pedagogy. All articles explain how teaching methods or curricula/programs can be improved. Non-empirical papers are academically rigorous, and specifically discuss the institutional context of a course or program, as well as any relevant tradeoffs or policy issues. Empirical reports exhibit sound research design and execution, and develop a thorough motivation and literature review, including references from outside the accounting field, where appropriate.
Emerald Publishing Limited Including a Symposium on Austrian Economics in the Postwar Era
The Research in the History of Economic Methodology (RHETM) 34A, includes original research from preeminent scholars in the field. RHETM is one of the oldest and most respected publications in the field, and the Vol 34A is crucial for economists, methodologists, and historians of the social sciences.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Focus on SLM and SLS Methods in 3D Printing
A Focus on SLM and SLS Methods in 3D Printing is an indispensable collection of articles for anyone involved in additive manufacturing - from academics and researchers through to engineers and managers within the manufacturing industry. The collection features examples of innovative research involving selective laser melting and selective laser sintering techniques applied across a range of contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inequality: Causes and Consequences
Inequality has been rising in many countries over the last decades and the process seems to have accelerated with the Great Recession. Not only is income distribution more unequal today than 40 years ago, but also its transmission through generations has increased. In other words, many countries no longer experience upward economic mobility as was prevalent in the past. Research in Labor Economics volume 43 contains new and innovative research on the causes and consequences of inequality. Topics include the way inequality is measured, the level of equal opportunities across countries, the impact of education, the effect of changing occupational structure, the consequences of changing productivity within the firm, the roles of stagnating average real wages, the decline of union membership, the effect of maternal labor supply on labor market outcomes of their children, and the link between income inequality and health.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organizational Neuroscience
The goal of this book is to introduce organizational researchers and practitioners to the role of neuroscience in building theory, research methodologies and practical applications. On one hand, we aim to be a useful resource for researchers who look to become more familiar with organizational neuroscience or incorporate its concepts and methods into their own research. On the other hand, we provide insight for practitioners, who can envision neuroscience applications as a means of expanding their own professional toolboxes. The book is in two sections. First, we introduce general issues that cover the domain of organizational neuroscience, including the nature of the overall field and theoretical and methodological considerations. This section also addresses practical implications, especially for development processes. Second, we explore neuroscience influences on certain topics, such as leadership, emotion/affect, teams, ethics and moral reasoning and organizational justice. We conclude by pondering the future of organizational neuroscience; including ethical, social and legal issues, as well as the potential limitations of this emerging field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change
A long-standing characteristic of the Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change series is publishing new theoretical and empirical work that connects previously disparate sub-fields. This volume continues that tradition by opening with five papers that join social movements research with organizational theory, new institutionalism, strategic action fields, and nonviolent action. One study does this by examining how the Fenian Brotherhood organized a transnational revolutionary movement for Ireland's independence. Another paper analyzes the strategic relations between conservative, moderate and radical organizations in different movements, while a further study zeroes in on nonviolent action campaigns. One chapter examines how the North American SlutWalk campaign responded to the organizational field by strategically adapted their framing to make it more resonant transnationally. Other chapters examine how LGBT organizational presence influences the passage of hate crime legislation, and how the women's movement in Franco's Spain persevered through repression and abeyance partly due to cultural practices.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender Segregation in Vocational Education
The gender segregated nature of vocational education (VET) has received little attention in the stratification literature, despite the well-known consequences of VET for differences in labour market outcomes, such as job placement, income and access to full-time employment. This book investigates the institutional contexts of gender segregation in VET from a comparative perspective, through a number of cross-national comparisons as well as more in-depth studies of Canada, Norway, Germany, Australia and Bulgaria.The various chapters tackle questions about occupational expectations, gendered pathways to applied fields of study, educational transitions, feminization of occupations and the relationship between educational choice and opportunity structures. We discuss the relationship between institutional contexts and gender-typing of educational programs, and whether VET system characteristics make a difference to occupational outcomes across countries. The book concludes with a chapter on education-to-employment transitions (based on a large scale comparative project on labour market entry) assessing the impact of vocational education on gendered labour market inequalities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2015
The goal of the ARCIE volume is to examine current perspectives and future directions for the field using several essays as a context for discussion and analysis. The format of ARCIE pieces entails an analytic overview of published work in the field, noting key issues and future directions. It provides an important and well-cited international forum for the discussion of matters of comparative and international education theory, policy and practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Violence and Crime in the Family: Patterns, Causes, and Consequences
In virtually all societies, crime is an ever-present problem. Although families are often envisioned as a 'safe haven,' criminologists and family researchers have found the familial context to be at the core of many forms of crime and violence. Family members often find themselves as victims of crime and violence, often perpetrated by yet another family member. The unique nature of family relationships, such as those between children and parents, sometimes lead to intergenerational patterns of violence within families. Understandably, societies often struggle to address crime and violence within families; as such behaviors are often unreported and even concealed. Even beyond the family, crime and criminal behavior can often directly impact familial relationships, such as with the incarceration of a spouse or parent. This multidisciplinary volume of CPFR will address topics such as: child abuse and neglect, spousal violence, incarceration and parenting, community crime and family well-being, family life and delinquency, intrafamily violence, and policy-related issues pertaining to family violence.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technology and Youth: Growing Up in a Digital World
This volume focuses on the theme of Technology and Youth; advancements in communication and leisure technologies over the past decade have radically transformed the role of technology in the lives of youth. Around the globe, children and adolescents are often seen as being the first to embrace new technologies, such as new forms of social media. Having a cell phone, once regarded as an adult technology, has become a necessity within youth culture in many societies. Even video games, once limited to stand-alone computers, have become a venue for social gatherings of youth. The rapid pace of technological advancement has brought about profound changes in the very nature of childhood and adolescence.This volume of examines the role of technology in the lives of children and adolescents. Topics addressed include: cyberbullying, video games and aggressive behavior, online gaming and the development of social skills, sexuality, child pornography, virtual communities for children, social networking and peer relations, and other related issues.
Emerald Publishing Limited States and Citizens: Accommodation, Facilitation and Resistance to Globalization
Globalization has been subjected to a variety of analyses over the past thirty years, ranging from examinations of homogenizing cultural trends to the pressures of economic austerity and trade relations to the declining influence of states. This volume examines how states and citizens have been able to address globalization in different ways across the Global North and South. Authors examine the state as it forms policies in agro-production, contends with critical constituencies, and rebuilds capacity to act in the popular interest after forty years of neoliberal assault. Other contributors discuss citizen choices in the face of global markets as divergent as food, tourism, and pharmaceuticals, and examine the global reach of human rights efforts. This volume pushes forward theoretical understandings of how concrete institutions express agency even in the face of what seems like monolithic and inevitable structures of globalization. The actions taken by states and citizens further inform us about how globalization can be further shaped in the pursuit of social justice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Chartering Capitalism
This volume covers the evolution of the chartered company; contributions employ comparative methods, archival research, case studies, statistical analyses, computational models, network analyses, and new theoretical conceptualizations to map out the complex interactions that took place between state and commercial actors across the globe.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Group Processes
Advances in Group Processes publishes theoretical analyses, reviews and theory based empirical chapters on group phenomena. This includes work on groups ranging from the very small to the very large, and on classic and contemporary topics such as status, power, exchange, justice, influence, decision-making, intergroup relations and social networks.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Challenges of Ethics and Entrepreneurship in the Global Environment
This is the 25th volume in the Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth, which has led the field with insightful and forward looking perspectives on topics for 25 years. Papers in this volume focus on topics, perspectives, challenges, and visions of scholars in the area of entrepreneurship as well as in ethics in light of dramatic changes across the global environment of entrepreneurship and innovation. This volume builds a body of scholarship specific to ethics and entrepreneurship by providing the latest perspectives on how ethics is impacted by or impacting the entrepreneurship field. Scholars examine the most current topics, perspectives, challenges, and visions in the area of ethics and entrepreneurship and reflect the sense of urgency and commitment to creating a generation of ethical entrepreneurial leaders. The contributors have created a framework for the ethical challenges involved with entrepreneurship and innovation within today's global environment.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cross Cultural Competence: A Field Guide for Developing Global Leaders and Managers
'Cross Cultural Competence' serves as a comprehensive, practical, and workshop-based program that allows facilitators and organizational change agents to help organizations and people develop cross cultural skills and global competence. The book is grounded in the most rigorous and relevant theories, research, and learning methods and makes them easily accessible and fun to apply. Rich with exercises, case studies, survey instruments, and tools, it is based on the authors' extensive experience in delivering cross cultural training, coaching, and consulting in multiple languages to numerous organizations across the globe. The book may also be used by individuals who want to better understand the complexity of working and living in a cross cultural world or who want to improve their capabilities in cross cultural management. The book describes why individuals, organizations, and institutions need to develop global competence, proposes an original and holistic "Cross Cultural Competence Model," describes the business case for global competence, and provides all the concepts, knowledge, skills, and training tools needed to develop global competence in people and organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Research Annual
The Research in the History of Economic Methodology (RHETM) 33, the first under the new editorial team, includes original research from preeminent scholars in the field. Topics range from "What to tell a Graduate Course in Macroeconomics about Keynes" (by Keynes scholar Robert W. Dimand), "American Institutionalism After 1945" (by 2014 History of Economics Society Distinguished Fellow Malcolm Rutherford), an archival investigation on the nature and extent of Keynes' anti-Semitism (by co-editor Luca Fiorito), "Bounded Rationality and Bounded Individuality" (by leading methodologist John B. Davis), "The Genealogy of the Labor Hoarding Concept" (by current History of Economics Society President-elect Jeff E. Biddle), the role of "Economic Man" in the writings of Alfred Marshall and the Chicago School (by Steven G. Medema, author of The Hesitant Hand: Taming Self-Interest in the History of Economic Ideas), and "Malthus, Utopians, and Economists" (by former History of Economics Society President J. Daniel Hammond). RHETM is one of the oldest and most respected publications in the field, and the Vol 33 crucial for economists, methodologists, and historians of the social sciences.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inquiry-Based Learning for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Programs: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators
Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is a learner-centered active learning environment where deep learning is cultivated by a process of inquiry owned by the learner. It has roots in a constructivist educational philosophy and is oriented around three components: 1) exploration and discovery (e.g. problem-based learning, open meaning-making), 2) authentic investigations using contextualized learning (e.g. field studies, case studies), and 3) research-based approach (e.g. research-based learning, project-based learning). IBL begins with an authentic and contextualized problem scenario where learners identify their own issues and questions and the teacher serves as guide in the learning process. It encourages self-regulated learning because the responsibility is on learners to determine issues and research questions and the resources they need to address them. This way learning occurs across all learning domains. This volume covers many issues and concepts of how IBL can be applied to STEM programs. It serves as a conceptual and practical resource and guide for educators, offering practical examples of IBL in action and diverse strategies on how to implement IBL in different contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Economic History
Volume 31 of Research in Economic History (REHI) is forthcoming in April 2015. REHI is a peer-reviewed book series published once a year. We cover all areas of economic history, including demography and development. Research in Economic History is a well-established and well-cited journal which has presented work by leading researchers in the field of economic history, including economists, historians and demographers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reintegrating Iran with the West: Challenges and Opportunities
Iran is located at the cross-roads of world civilization and inter-continental trade, and has, throughout its long history, played an important role in the movement of goods, people and ideas. The political factors that have hobbled Iran's development have hitherto prevented scholars, business practitioners and policymakers fully appreciating Iran's potential as a key player in the economic, political and technological development of its region and beyond. This book provides its readers with a fuller understanding of the economic complexities of the present and the promise of a future rebirth in an important country, perhaps the last emerging market; a country whose potential has been dormant or held in check, but whose significance has remained unaffected. Although Iran is a large, untapped market and a great potential contributor to the world economy, after more than three decades of relative isolation, our knowledge of this country has been constrained by the dearth of exchanges and the opacity of Iranian society. The contributing scholars offer a broad overview of the challenges and opportunities presented by the gradual reintegration of Iran into the world economy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender, Careers and Inequalities in Medicine and Medical Education
The terms gender, careers and inequalities were chosen to delineate the conceptual framework of this book - the second volume of a new series focussed on equality, diversity and inclusion issues. Each of the concepts adds to a different and unique dimension to the study of medicine and medical education. Gender allows for a reading of power and exclusion of women in medicine and medical education. Careers and inequalities draw attention to the multiplicity of factors that influence women's participation in the medical profession including the interconnectedness of gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexuality, creed and disability in the workplace. Scholars bring insights from across disciplines of social sciences, including sociology, medical anthropology, psychology, and human resources management and have been encouraged to provide cross-national and multi-dimensional insights through comparative analysis.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Public Sector Accounting, Accountability and Auditing in Emerging Economies’
This volume aims to contribute to the substance of this debate by looking at how the NPM ideas have been conceptualised, implemented and affected the accounting, accountability and auditing practices in emerging economies characterised by different ideologies, economic, social and political factors. The NPM-led furore, based on the assumption of a leaner public sector, has hit the emerging economies; the outcomes of this in emerging economies have not yet been either researched or hugely publicised. In accounting, studies that relate and appreciate the history and its ideological significance are under-emphasized; henceforth this issue bridges the gap and focuses on studies that historically examine the development of accounting, accountability and auditing in the emerging economies, pre-and post NPM.
Emerald Publishing Limited Interdisciplinary Connections to Special Education: Important Aspects to Consider
This two-part volume addresses the specific area of interdisciplinary connections within special education research. Special education has transformed as a result of legislation, new trends and current research investigations. Currently, there is no comprehensive resource that effectively covers these advances. Part A sets the agenda for this two-part volume by addressing the challenge of why an interdisciplinary understanding is necessary and also outlines the benefits of adopting a multidisciplinary framework.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations
Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations publishes both non-empirical and empirical articles dealing with accounting pedagogy. All articles explain how teaching methods or curricula/programs can be improved. Non-empirical papers are academically rigorous, and specifically discuss the institutional context of a course or program, as well as any relevant tradeoffs or policy issues. Empirical reports exhibit sound research design and execution, and develop a thorough motivation and literature review, including references from outside the accounting field, where appropriate.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research publishes high-quality research encompassing all areas of accounting including financial, auditing, taxation, managerial and information systems, addressing a broad range of issues that affect the users, preparers and assurers of accounting information. Further, this research incorporates theory from, and contributes knowledge and understanding to, applied psychology, sociology, management science, and behavioral economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Management Accounting at the Hudson's Bay Company: From Quill Pen to Digitization
"Management Accounting at the Hudson's Bay Company: From Quill Pen to Digitization describes the 1670 to 2005 evolution of management accounting at the longest surviving commercial company in the world. This book was possible for the extraordinary reason that by plan, and the nature of HBC's early business, the company retained virtually all management accounting documents. Through the viewpoint of management accounting, the book also tells the story of Anglo-American evolution of double-entry bookkeeping for managing companies. A study of 335 years may seem daunting until recognizing that management accounting does not change often, and changes are exciting, dramatic and consequential. Five significant sets of management accounting changes were identified, each made for significant strategic or more precisely for survival reasons. Thus, the focus of this book is on the making and remaking of management accounting to support survival strategy. A serious lesson is that management accounting can be difficult to change and without insightful managers, existing management accounting is allowed to survive well beyond its usefulness."
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations
Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations publishes both non-empirical and empirical articles dealing with accounting pedagogy. All articles explain how teaching methods or curricula/programs can be improved. Non-empirical papers are academically rigorous, and specifically discuss the institutional context of a course or program, as well as any relevant tradeoffs or policy issues. Empirical reports exhibit sound research design and execution, and develop a thorough motivation and literature review, including references from outside the accounting field, where appropriate. Volume 16 examines the following topics: intelligent online tutoring, creating a cheat-proof testing and learning environment, information literacy in the accounting curriculum and cost accumulation in small businesses.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Urban Transport
The requirement for sustainable transport in urban areas has become more onerous in the past decade due to a number of negative externalities which have been increasingly associated with growing mobility and the advances made in the technology and available options for sustainable transport. However, whilst on one hand technology has supported the reduction of environmental impacts of increased (car) mobility, other policies and actions influencing behaviour have been identified as key contributors to reduce the impact of transport. While the intentions behind particular policies point towards sustainability goals, attitudes towards mode choice are proving more difficult to shift. Specific actions are driving best practice in reducing car dependence by providing alternative means of car sharing and public transport use, whilst others look at promoting non-motorized forms of transport. This publication brings together an international group of researchers and presents work from different countries dealing with issues related to transport policy, attitudes and mode choice, car sharing and alternative modes of transport, and discusses the future of non-motorized modes of transport.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corporate Social Responsibility in the Digital Age
Over the past half century, corporate social responsibility has become an important concept in management, marketing and communication literature. In the past twenty years a visible shift has been made into what was written about CSR: a move away from the financial benefits derived from such activities towards reputational impact, stakeholder relationships and communication with a wide range of audiences being noted. With social and digital media reshaping the way in which business is conducted, and with the number of companies embracing the new social medium for their marketing and communication programmers, this book re-examines CSR practices from a digital perspective. In doing so, it revisits some of the theoretical discussions about CSR while inquiring whether and how CSR can be applied online. This book examines key conceptual insights about corporate social responsibility and digital and social media, and explores best practices for online CSR. In this way, the volume explores the impact and influence of the new 'social' on responsibility and its feasibility, measurability and success in a boundary-less world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics and Society
"The articles in this volume of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society cover an exciting and diverse range of topics relating to law's relationship with and impact on society. Two articles cover immigration, but from very different perspectives. One examines the legal-cultural attitude of immigrants from the former Soviet Union to Israel while the other investigates US Immigration Policy and the notion of 'child saving'. Other articles cover the institutional dynamics of same-sex marriage debates in America; the anti-strip mining movement in central Appalachia; an analysis of the death penalty in Maricopa County, Arizona, one of the most active death penalty locales in the contemporary U.S; and affirmative defenses at the International Criminal Court."
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender Convergence in the Labor Market
For most countries, women's labor force participation and hours of work has risen while men's have fallen. Concomitantly, men's and women's wages and occupational structures have been converging. This volume contains new and innovative research on issues related to gender convergence in the labor market. Topics include patterns in lifetime work, earnings and human capital investment, the gender wage gap, gender complementarities, career progression, the gender composition of top management and the role of parental leave policies. Among the questions answered are: Do the levels of and returns to human capital change over the last 50 years in the US? Can the shorter fecundity horizon for females (a biological constraint) explain the division of labor in the home and the resulting wage gap? Does skill-biased technological change favor women's wages more than men's? Do care sector jobs incur a wage penalty? What impact does this have on firm and employee outcomes? Does the glass-ceiling faced by women in top management relate to fertility and parental leave policies and having children? And finally, are men and women complements or substitutes in the labor market?
Emerald Publishing Limited Sociological Studies of Children and Youth: Special International Volume
Coming from a range of methodological and theoretical orientations, this volume showcases the lives of children and the policies that shape children's lives on five continents. Across these research articles, it becomes clear that we cannot continue to assume a certain meaning of childhood, because this concept is bound by both cultural and structural factors. Cultural expectations influence how societies view children and how children view themselves. A handful of these studies show how immigrant children and youth provide particularly interesting insight as they navigate more than one cultural context. Structural factors also become salient, as children come from unequal backgrounds, different levels of economic development, and face varying political concerns. While these papers come from different doorsteps of the world, cultural and structural threads of continuity connect them as meaningful for children. This volume illustrates how international childhood researchers can use current concepts and theories into unlikely contexts exposing their limitations and helping to inform more versatile and robust lines of thinking for children and youth studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sociological Studies of Children
The volumes in this series illustrate how social organization and private, emotional experience are different phases of the social process. They show the steps by which emotional experience is shaped by social structural, macro-level processes and how these processes are changed by experience.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Best Practices in Health Care Management
Significant variations in the quality of health care management practices are present both within and across local, regional, and international health systems. With increasing globalization of health services, both quality and efficiency of care can benefit from shared learning on a regional and global basis. Although systems and quality of health care delivery differ across the world, empirical research has found that people involved in health care, whether in the role of patients or health care providers, have similar wants and needs. Identifying and documenting best practices within and across countries is more important than ever. Best practices in health care management organize clinical and administrative processes in ways that achieve leapfrog results as compared to normal standards in industry, potentially earning brand status. Advances in Health Care Management Volume 17 helps to shape emerging thinking about best practices in international health care management. The volume is divided into two sections: a set of commentaries from US and European scholars, and research articles that compare two or more health systems and focus on specific topics in health care delivery.
Emerald Publishing Limited Environmental Contexts and Disability
Physical structure, economic expectation or social relationship norms developed within various cultures can either restrict or support the participation of individuals with disabilities in society. The influence of environmental factors can vary significantly according to context, characteristics or by action difficulty. The objective of this volume is to identify and address environmental issues that support or restrict the participation of persons with functional limitations in society, either at the micro, meso or macro levels. The papers address both individual, societal, national and international levels of environment and shed new light on the processes involved with creating or modifying these environmental supports or barriers. Several papers approach the societal and intra-societal levels. The volume is separated into four parts; part one focuses on the larger disability environment from an international, national and community perspective, the second includes important theoretical and methodological approaches; section three highlights reviews of the environmental literature and the final section addresses personal experience with environmental barriers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Including Learners with Low-Incidence Disabilities
This Volume focuses on inclusive education for the less than 1 % of school-age population who have been diagnosed with Low-Incidence Disabilities and continue to be marginalized in many ways. This unique contribution provides a wide-range of perspectives on what works to facilitate inclusion in a variety of contexts. In many countries teachers are being asked to ensure that all of their students achieve, regardless of background or disability leaving many grappling with how to facilitate inclusion for learners with low-incidence disabilities. The first section of this text presents strategies and supports for inclusion. It offers the reader examples of good practices that practitioners can employ to improve teaching and learning in their school or classroom for these students and their families. The second section offers a range of international perspectives that illuminate the work being done related to inclusion for learners with low-incidence disabilities within those contexts. This important book highlights the need to include learners with low-incidence disabilities and provides information related to supports and services to achieve that goal across a variety of contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Achieving Ethical Excellence
This volume is a selection of papers from the 20th annual 'Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics' Conference. Topics covered include athletes as role models, sports ethics and sports governance, the separation of powers as an integrity mechanism, and virtues in just war theory.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting
Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting publishes high-quality research and cases which focus on the professional responsibilities of accountants and how they deal with the ethical issues they face. Covering timely issues such as social responsibility and ethical judgement, the series brings together a range of articles exploring the professional responsibilities of accountants, codes of conduct which affect them, and securities regulations. Compliance with professional guidelines is judgement-based and the characteristics of the individual, the culture in which they operate, and situations all affect how these guidelines are interpreted and applied, as well as when they might be violated. This volume researches the nature of the interactions between accountants, regulators and standard setters, the dilemmas that occur and investigate how and why accountants resolve them.