Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Narrative Conceptions of Knowledge: Towards Understanding Teacher Attrition
"The book volume shares six narrative accounts, which offer glimpses into the teachers' lives, which are composed with attention to place, temporality, and personal and social dimensions. By inquiring narratively into the experiences of these teachers, the book identifies the complex ways in which the teachers' personal practical knowledge is shaped by their personal knowledge landscapes as well as professional knowledge landscapes. Questions are raised about the implications of seeing teacher attrition as a process rather than singular event, that is, as a process of coming to tell a story to leave by, for our understandings of teacher knowledge and identity. As we shift from seeing "beginning teachers" to seeing "teachers as beginning", that is, as seeing teachers as people with experiences of personal and professional becoming, we shift from seeing them as more than content knowledge and pedagogic skills, but as people in the midst of living lives. This narrative and more holistic understanding of teacher knowledge and identity will help preservice teacher education programs, schools and school districts to better sustain people as they begin to teach and become teachers"
Emerald Publishing Limited Accounting in Latin America
Latin America consists of a diverse set of countries that nonetheless face common political, economic and social problems; in particular, high inequality and volatile growth which have contributed to high levels of poverty. However, since the 2000s, most countries in Latin America have reduced inflation, brought external debts under control and improved on most of the key economic and social performance indexes. These structural changes have attracted the attention of external investors, as well as large international audiences. With countries such as Mexico and Brazil becoming political and economic power houses, the Latin American region is set to play an important role in the global economy. Yet, international research communities currently lack a systematic understanding of Latin American accounting issues, in spite of a vibrant and growing accounting literature emanating from Latin American researchers. We aim with this volume to offer to the external audiences a sample of the research conducted in Latin American countries ranging from issues of financial and management Accounting, which can further theirs understanding of accounting issues in Latin America.
Emerald Publishing Limited Soul of Society: A Focus on the Lives of Children & Youth
As social scientists, we are called to investigate society. A powerful component of understanding society can be found when researching the lives of children and youth. "There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children" stated Nelson Mandela. This volume provides a glimpse into the lives of children and youth; thus, The Soul of Society: A Focus on the Lives of Children & Youth.
Emerald Publishing Limited Local Disaster Risk Management in a Changing Climate: Perspective from Central America
"Disasters cause economic as well as human losses. Indeed, economic losses associated directly with disasters have continued at increasing proportions worldwide since the 1970s, as the 2011 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction conducted by the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) illustrates. Disaster losses due to single geological events sometimes appear much greater in magnitude than those attributed to climate-related disasters. Nonetheless, the overall trend for increasing loss can largely be attributed to the increase in climate-related disasters, which in turn is triggered in part by global climate change. Furthermore, as such disasters increase in frequency, it intensifies vulnerability in the poorest regions of developing countries. In this book, the authors discuss effective approaches to enhancing the local disaster risk management (DRM) capacity of developing countries to combat increasing climate-related disaster impacts. Also provided are ideas and lessons on local disaster risk management, in terms of planning and practice in developing countries, with particular focus on a case study in Costa Rica."
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism Research Paradigms: Critical and Emergent Knowledges
The theme of this book is the phenomenon of tourism and knowledge construction in tourism. Adopting a broad understanding of the paradigmatic field of tourism as the evolution and relationship between established and emergent schools of thought, this book explores the dynamics between tourism knowledge and the phenomenal world of tourism. It addresses contemporary epistemological debates and examines what constitutes tourism knowledge and how tourism knowledge is acquired. Issues examined in the chapters of this volume include: the nature and conceptualization of paradigms; the historical evolution of tourism knowledge production; embodiment, positionality and situated knowledges; paradigmatic proposals such as critical theory, feminism, humanism, cosmopolitanism, post-political theory and constructivism; a critical exploration of the power relations, contradictions and fragmentation in tourism research; ontologies and conceptualization of tourism and the tourist. This volume invites a critical evaluation and discussion of the anchorage of tourism as a knowledge domain and of tourism as science.
Emerald Publishing Limited Securing the Future of Management Education: Competitive Destruction or Constructive Innovation?
This is the second of two volumes written to celebrate the 40th anniversary of EFMD. Drawing on interviews conducted with leaders in the world of management education, the first volume took a retrospective view, focusing on the evolution of management education and providing the context that led management education to where it stands today. It also synthesized respondents' views on the strengths and weaknesses of the field, the challenges it faces, as well as lessons learned and not learned from the past. This second volume similarly draws on the very rich data provided by the same respondents, but is future-oriented and takes on the theme of change. It provides the reader with a sense of the challenges on the horizon, potential blind spots, and new realities of an increasingly competitive environment. It discusses a range of alternative future scenarios for management education, and urges the field to resist the lures of the dominant paradigm and to develop new models instead. The authors contend that, given the challenges ahead, it is only through transformations and innovations that the future of the field can be secured.
Emerald Publishing Limited Adoption of Anglo-American models of corporate governance and financial reporting in China
This monograph critically examines the adoption of Anglo-American models of corporate governance and financial reporting in China. More specifically, it examines whether measures taken by the Chinese government, including the adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards, the introduction of independent directors and audit committees, and the strengthening of auditor independence, are likely to improve the quality of financial reporting. A comprehensive theoretical framework based on institutional theory, which incorporates international influences, domestic influences, and intraorganizational dynamics, was developed. The findings suggest that the current institutional environment in China does not yet fully support Anglo-American practices. The implementation of internationally acceptable principles and standards is largely symbolic rather than instrumental. This monograph shows how contradictory institutional pressures shape the process and outcome of loose coupling between regulations and actual operations, which are intertwined with organizations' conflicts of interest and power dependence within China's institutional setting.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
This series publishes monograph length conceptual papers designed to promote theory and research on important substantive and methodological topics in the field of human resources management. Volume 32 of Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management (RPHRM) contains seven papers on important issues in the field of human resources management, thus continuing the tradition of the series to develop a more informed understanding of the field. The subject matter in this volume covers myriad areas: compensation, performance evaluation, reputation, employee furloughs, and research methodology. This collection of papers represents excellent scholarship and illustrates the truly interdisciplinary character of the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited African American Male Students in PreK-12 Schools: Informing Research, Policy, and Practice
African American Males in PreK-12 Schools: Informing Research, Practice, and Policy presents a comprehensive viewpoint on preK-12 schooling for African American males. Including theoretical, conceptual, and research based chapters, this edited volume offers readers compelling evidence of the education challenges and successes for this student population. Each chapter provides a richer perspective of the experiences of African American males throughout their elementary and secondary education. Additionally, each chapter includes strong implications for education research, practice, and policy, as well as concrete recommendations to important stakeholders, such as educators, school counselors, parents, etc. Collectively, the contributors communicate throughout the edited volume that educational change is needed and that educational success is attainable for African American males. It is intended that the edited volume will help inform education research, practice, and policy as they relate to African American males. Equally important, it is envisioned that the readers will develop a greater interest in the education of African American males.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organisational Transformation and Scientific Change: The Impact of Institutional Restructuring on Universities and Intellectual Innovation
Recent changes to the funding and governance of higher education and scientific research systems are affecting both the organisation of the sciences and the nature of universities as strategic actors in many countries. Transforming the organisational contexts in which research is carried out has altered the dynamics of scientific change through shifts in the authority relations that influence the development and implementation of organisational strategies. The first part of this book deals with the transformation of universities as strategic organisational actors - in some cases creating them as such - while the second shows how governance and authority shifts are affecting the kinds of research goals being pursued by academics in different public science systems. By bringing together the analysis of organisational change in universities with that of how institutional changes are affecting intellectual innovation in different fields, this volume integrates work in the sociology of organisations, science policy, higher education studies, innovation research and the sociology of science. It is therefore of interest to a wide academic and policy development audience in many countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Fields of Knowledge: Science, Politics and Publics in the Neoliberal Age
This issue of Political Power and Social Theory explores the changes in science associated with the rise of neoliberalism since the 1970s. The neoliberalization of science has complicated interactions among states, markets, and civil society, often in ways that challenge major assumptions underlying decades of research. The articles collected here break with older Mertonian sociologies of science and constructivist microsociologies of scientific knowledge to examine the mesolevel problem of the changing institutional contexts of "the scientific field" as originally identified by Pierre Bourdieu. Papers presented in Part I extend Bourdieu's relational approach to the broader set of interactions among scientific, regulatory, industry, and social movement fields. Part II extends Bourdieu's concern with order and the scientific habitus to the changing patterns of scientific practices under neoliberalism. By reconceptualizing the central problem for the social studies of science as the political sociological problem of field and interfield dynamics, the collected papers chart an important theoretical agenda for future research in the study of sciencesociety relations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Communication and Information Technologies Annual: Doing and Being Digital: Mediated Childhoods
This volume assembles cutting edge research focusing on media and youth. The volume looks broadly at what is understood by the definitions of 'youth' and 'media', when studied together and separately, and how these continue to develop. The volume features papers about institutions that shape this part of the lifecourse, such as the family, school, community organizations. Papers address this theme from a theoretical and methodological framework.
Emerald Publishing Limited Intellectual Capital and Public Sector Performance
This study investigated the management of intellectual capital (observed as internal capital, external capital, and human capital) as a tool for non-financial organizational performance (observed as effectiveness, efficiency, and reputation). The study used self-administered survey questionnaires to collect data on both the intellectual capital and non-financial organizational performance aspects of the Malaysian public sector which has undergone a radical transformation through New Public Management Reforms. The total number of participants was 1,092 covering the three levels (federal, state, and the local governments) of the government. The results of the survey questionnaire were analyzed using a multivariate Structural Equation Model, and revealed that there is a significant and positive relationship between intellectual capital and performance. Findings provide useful input to policymakers into the review of the relevant intellectual capital resources, and on improving the public sector performance. From a practical perspective, one way of increasing the level of public sector performance is to tie performance to intellectual capital.
Emerald Publishing Limited Workplace Morality: Behavioral Ethics in Organizations
Why do honest and decent employees sometimes overstep the mark? What makes managers with integrity go off the rails? What causes well-meaning organizations to deceive their clients, employees and shareholders? Social psychology offers surprising answers to these intriguing and timely questions. Drawing on scientific experiments and examples from business practice, Muel Kaptein discusses why good people sometimes do bad things and how they rise above this behavior. He explains why cheats wear sunglasses, why overstepping the mark could be a good thing, how a surplus of rules creates offenders and why we should be suspicious of colleagues who wash their hands after meetings.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Financial Economics
This volume contains a set of empirical papers by a set of global scholars who examine corporate governance and market regulation from a variety of perspectives. Jiang, Kim and Zhang argue that in certain cases an ex post increase in CEO pay can prevent the ex ante problem of managerial underinvestment and thereby help to reduce the agency problems characteristic of modern firms. Akyol and Cohen focus on firms' use of executive search firms versus allowing internal members to nominate new directors to serve on the board of directors. Choi, Ferris, Jayaraman and Sabherwal examine 361 CEO terminations occurring among the Fortune Global 500 firms during the years 2000 to 2006. Cashman, Gillan and Whitby investigate the labor market for corporate directors to better understand which director attributes are relevant for board selection. Baulkaran, Amoako-Adu and Smith analyze the link between the valuation discount of dual class companies and the channels through which private benefits can be extracted. Aggarwal examines ETFs and notes that the additional risks, complexity, and reduced transparency of these funds have attracted heightened attention by regulators.
Emerald Publishing Limited Visions of the 21st Century Family: Transforming Structures and Identities
One undeniable fact about families is that they keep changing, both in terms of structure and behavior. Many factors have served to bring about such changes, including social, cultural, political, and institutional change, resulting in family forms which perhaps may represent the new 'traditional' in the not-so-distant future. Through research studies from around the world, this volume examines these changing structures and behaviors, and attempts to better illustrate the ever-changing nature of families. Topics covered include: transracial adoption, lesbian parenting, intergenerational relationships, procreative identities, ex-spouse relationships, military couples, the meaning of remarriage, and gender roles within contemporary families, among other topics. This volume, along with future volumes of CPFR, utilizes a wide variety of methodological and theoretical approaches, and attempts to provide a comprehensive examination of change in family structures and behaviors.
Emerald Publishing Limited Institutional Logics in Action
The Institutional Logics Perspective is one of the fastest growing new theoretical areas in organization studies (Thornton, Ocasio & Lounsbury, 2012). Building on early efforts by Friedland & Alford (1991) to "bring society back in" to the study of organizational dynamics, this new scholarly domain has revived institutional analysis by embracing a focus on the dynamic and heterogeneous nature of institutions. In doing so, it has embraced a more practice-centered approach to agency that emphasizes situated interactions, the importance of history, the role of both symbolic and material elements, and the study of cross-level processes and mechanisms. This two volume set, seeded by an ABC Network conference held in Banff, Alberta, CANADA in June 2012, provides a fresh set of papers by scholars at the cutting edge of research on institutional logics. As a whole, the papers provide many novel theoretical insights about institutional logics in action - focusing on their dynamics, complexity, and evolving relationship to actors as actors actively navigate their social worlds.
Emerald Publishing Limited Water Insecurity: A Social Dilemma
It has been estimated that globally, 1.2 billion people live with acute shortage of water. Water scarcity, particularly in south and south-east Asian countries, is well known. However, the social dilemmas and insecurities related to water issues are often less discussed. In the case of south and south-east Asia, the distribution of available water amongst various casts and creeds has been determined through several social hierarchies. Hence, water forms a critical socio-political issue, with a multi-faced dimension. This book critically analyses the associated social issues of increasing water scarcity in countries such as India. It documents the social impacts and predicament of water scarcity. The book will be of prime interest to researchers, policy makers and practitioners in the fields of development and environment, as well as water planners, and it will be a useful reference guide for future research in the field of water scarcity and risk management. Topics analysed include arsenic contamination, the impact of salinity on livelihood and mitigation, and drought resilience, adaptation and policy. The book concludes by providing lessons, challenges and future perspectives of water insecurity.
Emerald Publishing Limited Consumer Culture Theory
The chapters in this volume have been selected from the best papers presented at the 8th Annual Consumer Culture Theory Conference held at the home of University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ in June 2013. The theme of the conference was Building Community Across Borders. The diverse interpretive research and theory represented in this volume provides the reader with intellectually stimulating opportunities to examine the intersections between a variety of theories and methods that represent the cutting edge in consumer research. These studies draw on an array of qualitative methodologies including ethnography, netnography, narrative and visual analysis, phenomenology, and semiotics. The substantive topics represent crucial issues for our times including understanding and navigating cultural diversity and cultural perspectives on co-creating market value.
Emerald Publishing Limited Var Models in Macroeconomics - New Developments and Applications: Essays in Honor of Christopher A. Sims
Vector autoregressive (VAR) models are among the most widely used econometric tools in the fields of macroeconomics and financial economics. Much of what we know about the response of the economy to macroeconomic shocks and about how various shocks have contributed to the evolution of macroeconomic and financial aggregates is based on VAR models. VAR models also have been used successfully for economic and business forecasting, for modelling risk and volatility, and for the construction of forecast scenarios. Since the introduction of VAR models by C.A. Sims in 1980, the VAR methodology has continuously evolved. Even today important extensions and reinterpretations of the VAR framework are being developed. Examples include VAR models for mixed-frequency data, VAR models as approximations to DSGE models, factor-augmented VAR models, new tools for the identification of structural shocks in VAR models, panel VAR approaches, and time-varying parameter VAR models. This volume collects contributions from some of the leading VAR experts in the world on VAR methods and applications. Each chapter highlights and synthesizes a new development in this literature in a way that is accessible to practitioners, to graduate students, and to readers in other fields.
Emerald Publishing Limited Promises Fulfilled and Unfulfilled in Management Education
This is the first of two volumes written to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of EFMD. Through an open-ended interview research process, it seeks to explore the perspectives and views of a wide range of experts drawn not only from the European environment but also from the United States and other global players in the management education field. Understanding the relations and interactions between the various actors in management education is fundamental to any rich analysis of the roles, value and purposes of management education as well as the unfulfilled promises in its evolution. The focus in this first volume is on the challenges, issues, themes and lessons learned in the 40 years of EFMD's evolution. The second volume will concentrate on the future of management education.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Educational Innovation and Public Sector Entrepreneurship
The internationally comparative perspective of the volume will frame educational innovation and social entrepreneurship using both the globalization and contextualization of educational quality and opportunity in disadvantaged communities worldwide as a foundation. Through the use of both empirical research reports and case study examples, this volume will examine the contributions of social entrepreneurs through educational programs, projects and systems worldwide, and how the social, cultural and political communities in each nation contextualize educational innovations. Chapters will examine evidence to assess the impact of social entrepreneurship in education and to make recommendations for innovative educational change. This volume will also highlight the importance of theory in both understanding and guiding innovative ideas in every stage of entrepreneurial development from research-to-practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Theory and Method in Higher Education Research
Theory and Method in Higher Education Research contains contemporary contributions to international debates regarding the application and development of theory and methodology in researching higher education. Higher education research is a developing field internationally, which is attracting more and more researchers from a great variety of disciplinary backgrounds within and beyond higher education institutions. As such, it is an arena within which a wide range of theories, methods and methodologies is being applied. As an expanding multidisciplinary area of interest, we may also expect increased development of theory and method. This volume aims to offer a channel for discussion, critique and innovation. It should become essential reading for the growing numbers of researchers engaging with higher education across the globe
Emerald Publishing Limited Cooperation for a Peaceful and Sustainable World: Part 2
Part 2 of 'Cooperation for a Peaceful and Sustainable World' brings together some of the leading researchers on peace science. Chapters discuss issues including, but not restricted to, military expenditure and economics in China, India and Pakistan, peace science in South East Asia, and approaches to anti-terrorism.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotion and School: Understanding How the Hidden Curriculum Influences Relationships, Leadership, Teaching, and Learning
Emotion and School: Understanding How the Hidden Curriculum Influences Relationships, Leadership, Teaching, and Learning reports the history, developments, applications and possible future directions of relational and emotion-focused school research from North America, Asia-Pacific and Europe. It begins by scoping the field from both a psychological and sociological perspective. The chapters frame the key debates in the research literature while adding the unique perspective of experts from the field, before honing in on the school: the administration context, teacher context and student context. The book explores the contests within the field, including psychological and socio-cultural knowledges, individual and collectives, emotions as inputs/outcomes, and the false binary of emotions and rational thought. The middle sections of the book take these perspectives into the field to see how they operate in schools. First, methods for identifying and responding to emotion and relationships in schools are presented. Second, the positive and negative products of emotions and emotion work are outlined and their effects on relationships and school functioning are discussed. The book provides readers with new insights into the hidden curriculum. It offers new ways of working with emotion in a variety of relationships for positive outcomes: the selection and induction of teachers; the role of emotions in leading; emotional and emotion learning; and, the inter-relationship between emotions, school culture, classroom and staffroom dynamics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Aviation Futures
This volume brings together some of the leading names in global aviation policy research to provide a unique and ground breaking synthesis of current debates on sustainable aviation. Unlike previous edited works, this volume is inter-disciplinary and international in nature, drawing on the work of social scientists, transport specialists, and policy experts working in the domains of academia, direct action, and regulation to inform understandings of the prospects for sustainable aviation. Uniquely, the title explores the context of the challenge and examines both scenarios and coalitions for change.
Emerald Publishing Limited Game Theory
Game Theory has served as a standard text for game theory courses since the publication of the First Edition in 1968. The Fourth Edition updates several recently developed subfields. It adds fresh chapters on subjects such as games with incomplete information and spatial games. Owen has expanded "Two-Person General-Sum Games" into two chapters, the second becoming "Two-Person Cooperative Games." There are new sections in the chapters "Two-Person Cooperative Games" and "Indices of Power," and there is new information throughout the book on non-cooperative games. "Game Theory" remains the only book to cover all salient aspects of this field that, having displaced Keynesian economics, is making inroads throughout the social sciences. The key features are: it explains work of 1994 Nobel Prize Winners; it provides full expansion of cooperative game theory sections; it covers games with incomplete information; it includes a spatial games section that features many illustrations; and, it includes an updated bibliography.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Justice Issues and Racism in the College Classroom: Perspectives from Different Voices
The focus of Social Justice Issues and Racism in the College Classroom is faculty and students of color at postsecondary institutions and the racial challenges they encounter in college classrooms. To achieve this aim, the book highlights the voices of various racial/ethnic groups of faculty and students, including international scholars. Additionally, the book will inform and bring attention to non-minority faculty and students of social justice issues related to race in the classroom and offer suggestions on how to be supportive of people of color. Several frameworks will be utilized in this book to assist readers in better understanding ideas, concepts, and practices. Specifically, a social justice framework, critical race theory, and White privilege are used to better explore the featured topics. Both quantitative and qualitative (e.g., auto-ethnographic, interviews, etc.) data are utilized throughout the book to give voice to the authors. Questions posed for this edited book are as follows: How do faculty members include social justice issues related to race/ethnicity in their curricula? How are issues associated with race or ethnicity discussed in the classroom by students, as well as minority and nonminority faculty? What are the experiences of students of color in the classroom working with faculty of different races and ethnicities? Overall the book provides information to assist students and faculty of color with survival skills in complex environments.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ecological Health: Society, Ecology and Health
Drawing on ecosystem thinking, complexity and postnormal science, Ecological Health offers a radical new way of thinking about the health issues of the 21st Century. This volume reflects on recent social scientific engagement with Ecosystem Health research and practice and sets out a vision for the future. While significant links between human health and the environment are increasingly evident, how to make sense of the interdependence of human health on natural systems is posing significant challenges. Ecological health is a new approach used by medics, public health practitioners, veterinarians, as well as social and natural scientists who study health at the nexus between human, animal and ecological systems. This volume is a reference tool offering a sociological analysis of the interrelationship between society, earth systems and health as conceptual frameworks. The authors provide methodological tools for conducting social science research that integrates social, natural and medical systems. It will appeal to a broad audience of researchers and practitioners who currently work in the arena of ecology and health and as well as those interested in expanding their research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Finance and Development in Africa
The objective of "Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies" is to raise the level of interest in the specific problems of accounting in emerging economies; and increase awareness of real issues, so that accounting in these countries will not just be seen as a matter of copying what is done in the industrialized countries. "RAEE" is intended to provide an authoritative overview of accounting research and progress in emerging economies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Experts and Epistemic Monopolies
In almost every corner of our private and public lives we rely on experts to advise us. This important species of labor is getting increasing attention from economists, who are beginning to learn how to apply their tools and assumptions to the problem of expertise. Under what conditions of supply and demand are experts likely to give us good advice? When is expert failure more likely? Do entrepreneurs challenge existing expertise? Are they experts themselves? And if economists are themselves experts, what happens when we turn the skeptical gaze of economic theory on the economist themselves? This volume publishes papers given at the third biennial Wirth Institute Conference on Austrian Economics. It brings together a heterogeneous collection of thinkers, some "Austrian" and others not, to critically engage the problem of experts. While mostly agreeing that there is a problem of experts, the papers collected here approach the issue from a variety of often-complementary perspectives.
Emerald Publishing Limited 35th Anniversary Retrospective
Since its inception Research in Labor Economics has published over 350 articles encompassing a wide range of themes and spanning an array of labor economics topics. Authors have ranged from young scholars with much potential to mature leaders in the field, including Nobel Prize and John Bates Clark award winners. Over the years Research in Labor Economics has continued to present important new research in labor economics. It covers themes such as labor supply, work effort, schooling, on-the-job training, earnings distribution, discrimination, migration, and the effects of government policies on worker well-being. It aims to apply economic theory and econometrics to analyze important policy-related questions, often with an international focus. To commemorate Research in Labor Economics's 35th anniversary, this retrospective edition contains 20 of the most influential Research in Labor Economics articles along with new introductory prefatory updates written by the original authors. These new prefaces emphasize recent developments that each article might have inspired and also discuss remaining unanswered questions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism Social Media: Transformations in Identity, Community and Culture
This volume addresses the transformative power of tourism social media and offers novel theoretical and methodological approaches to its academic investigation. Acknowledging the collective value creation mechanisms of new media, the authors explore how technology nurtures, augments and modifies social or commercial interactions in tourism. The book emphasizes the role of fantasy and imagination in fluid tourism experiences and critically scrutinizes contested concepts pertaining to human interaction in cyberspace, such as equality, anonymity, transparency, democratization, and publicity culture. The chapters summon insights from Media Studies, Actor-Network Theory, Communicative Action and Symbolic Convergence among others, and offer a palette of emerging methods suitable for academic enquiries of virtual worlds. The theoretical grounding, empirical evidences, and interdisciplinary analysis of the anthology expand the actual research agenda and shed light on conceptual tensions and ambiguities in the present literature. As such, Tourism Social Media: Transformations in Identity, Community and Culture contributes to increasing research reflexivity in tourism studies at large.
Emerald Publishing Limited Beyond the Rural-Urban Divide: Cross-Continental Perspectives on the Differentiated Countryside and Its Regulation
The rural-urban dichotomy is one of the most influential figures of thought in history, laying the foundation for academic disciplines such as rural and urban sociology. The dichotomy rests on the assumption that rural and urban areas differ fundamentally. By the mid-twentieth century, scholars had observed that many rural areas displayed a blend of rural and urban features. Since then, counter urbanisation, urban sprawl and ever-increasing flows of people, goods and ideas between rural and urban areas have blurred the distinctions even further. Attempts to create new rural-urban classification systems, whether based on factors such as population size, density or distances, have largely failed. Clearly, new classification systems must use the meaning of observed changes in rural-urban systems as their point of departure rather than simple measurements of these changes. These meanings can, despite the interdependencies of our global world, be explored only in their political, cultural and economic settings.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Handbook of Psychology in Education
"The International Handbook of Psychology in Education" provides researchers, practitioners and advisers working in the fields of psychology and education with an overview of cutting-edge research across a broad spectrum of work within the domain of psychology of education. The chapters in the handbook are authored by internationally recognised researchers, from across Europe, North America and the Pacific Rim. As well as covering the latest thinking within established areas of enquiry, the handbook includes chapters on recently emerging, yet important, topics within the field and explicitly considers the inter-relationship between theory and practice. A strong unifying theme is the volume's emphasis on processes of teaching and learning. The work discussed in the handbook focuses on typically developing school-age children, although issues relating to specific learning difficulties are also addressed.
Emerald Publishing Limited Looking Back, Moving Forward: A Review of Group and Team-Based Research
This fifteenth volume reviews the current status of many of the major themes that this series has explored. In each chapter, we challenged the authors to provide a succinct review of a particular area while maintaining the culture of this series by suggesting new directions and interesting questions to pursue. The authors, many of whom were thematic editors as young assistant professors, responded with explorations in the areas of Dynamics within Groups, Leadership, Micropolitics, Power, Ethics, Conflict, Political Correctness, Diversity, Group Learning, Technology, Engagement, Time Pressure, Culture, and Intergroup Processes - all reflecting the unique take on these topics within the context of groups and teams.
Emerald Publishing Limited Visionary Pricing: Reflections and Advances in Honor of Dan Nimer
"Visionary Pricing" is dedicated to Dan Nimer, pioneer of pricing and price management. The volume features leading edge thinking from today's preeminent pricing thought leaders from North America, Europe, and Asia who originally came together 30 years ago to encourage the development of pricing. They now assess the present and future destiny of pricing, pricing innovation, and pricing paradigms that are influencing the evolution of pricing throughout the world. The volume contains four sections: section 1 interviews Nimer and presents his views on the emergence of value-based pricing as an influential pricing paradigm of the 21st century; section 2 focuses on pricing strategy and competitive advantage; section 3 focuses on the difining role of value in pricing; and section 4 focuses on pricing capability and innovation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Institutional Theory in International Business
Institutional theory has been used increasingly by international business and management researchers to explain the behavior and strategies of multinational enterprises. If early international business research was dominated by the application of transaction cost and neoclassical economics, reviews of recent publications and conference programs suggest that the past decade has been dominated by the application of institutional theory. The 2012 volume of the "Advances in International Management" series represents the collection of an eclectic mix of contemporary research by leading and emerging scholars working on institutional theory. The contributions present new theoretical frameworks of institutions and propose interesting ideas that will provide the foundation for doctoral dissertations and research projects.
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Issue: The Discourse of Judging
This special issue of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society focuses on the discourse of judging and the "language of judging" within many diverse legal scenarios. The volume features chapters specifically on: the "language of rights" within the context of abortion and same-sex marriage cases; discourses within the European Court of Justice; the modern-day place of politics in the US Supreme Court; and discussions on the two-court crisis which lead to the US Constitutional Convention of 1849. The chapters question the complex and conflicting relationship between politics and the law, understanding judicial independence, and offer an analysis of how the literary narrative of law plays a significant part in the delivery of legal judgement.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: A Research Annual
The collection includes both refereed articles and review essays of recently published books in the history of economic thought and methodology. The articles highlight the work of Warren J. Samuels (founding editor of the research annual), American economists' role in the creation of federal trade acts, and Islamic economic methodology. A review symposium on Malcolm Rutherford's The Institutionalist Movement in America is followed by reviews of books on Adam Smith, George Warde Norman, William Whewell and Richard Jones, J. S. Mill and F. A. Hayek, Catholic economic thought, and morality and economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transforming Troubled Lives: Strategies and Interventions for Children with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
As inclusive practice becomes more embedded in the policy and practice of schools around the globe, there remains groups of children and young people for whom education is a problem because of the behaviours, poor emotional development and lack of social skills. These pupils often display disaffection towards education and are to be found on the margins of mainstream schools - too often they dropout of schooling altogether. Drawing on papers and discussions at the third International Conference of SEBDA in 2010 at Keble College, Oxford, UK, the papers in this volume both describe and critically examine strategies and interventions in meeting the educational and well being needs of these children and young people. The contributions provide insights into the ways in which these pupils can remain engaged, or even be persuaded to re-engage, in education provided in both mainstream and specialist schools.
Emerald Publishing Limited Business Strategy and Sustainability
This volume examines the word that's on everybody's lips in business, in government and in society - sustainability. There are of course many aspects of sustainability which might be considered to reflect Brundtland's three pillars of economic, environmental and social sustainability. Others of course have different definitions which include such things as governance or supply chain management. Nevertheless business has recognised the significance of the concept and is responding by developing strategies to cope, although some would say that this is little more than window dressing. The debate continues however as to just what is meant by the term sustainability as far as business is concerned and how can this be achieved. This book is designed to address this debate and set it within the context of the global business and societal environment.
Emerald Publishing Limited Firms, Boards and Gender Quotas: Comparative Perspectives
During the last decade gender equality in business life has become a hot topic. One impetus is the recent reform in Norway, prescribing gender quotas to the boards of directors of public companies. Shortly after the Norwegian reform was enacted, several other European countries have adopted similar reforms. This is the only volume where this gender quota reform is thoroughly discussed from an economic, political and philosophical point of view. It looks at whether the economic performance of companies is influenced, positively or negatively. The reasons why it has been embraced in some countries and rejected in others are analyzed. Moreover, viability of the gender quota reform is assessed by comparisons to other political interventions in business life in Scandinavia, of which some have been a failure whereas others have shown themselves as successful. This specific reform also serves as a backdrop to other themes related to gender and business. This volume provides a broad comparative study of the access of women to top positions in business in Europe. It also gives detailed discussions of gender relations in family businesses both in East Asia and in Europe.
Emerald Publishing Limited Using Informative Assessments towards Effective Literacy Instruction
Using Informative Assessments towards Effective Literacy Practices offers research driven solutions to improving student literacy success through the exploration of advancements in literacy assessment and instruction. As the first volume in the series, Literacy Research, Practice, and Evaluation, distinguished authors share a comprehensive portrayal of why assessments are necessary, how to select appropriate assessments, and how to effectively use data for curricular planning and instruction. By addressing concerns before, during, and after literacy instruction with research-based instructional techniques embedded within the chapters, readers garner rich perspectives on literacy assessment that can immediately impact their effective teacher practices. This text is founded on the principle that praxis, or the combination of research with practice, should be the ultimate goal of educational missions and visions alike. It provides a fresh examination of current issues and trends in literacy assessment salient to novice and experienced educators alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Missing Data Methods: Time-Series Methods and Applications
Volume 27 of "Advances in Econometrics", entitled "Missing Data Methods", contains 16 chapters authored by specialists in the field, covering topics such as: Missing-Data Imputation in Nonstationary Panel Data Models; Markov Switching Models in Empirical Finance; Bayesian Analysis of Multivariate Sample Selection Models Using Gaussian Copulas; Consistent Estimation and Orthogonality; and Likelihood-Based Estimators for Endogenous or Truncated Samples in Standard Stratified Sampling.
Emerald Publishing Limited Writing in the Disciplines: Building Supportive Cultures for Student Writing in UK Higher Education
Writing in the Disciplines: Building Supportive Cultures for Student Writing in UK Higher Education examines and develops the praxis of writing at university from a sociocultural perspective. Chapters focus on key issues in writing environments from school through various disciplines at university, offering insights into the impact of such environments on student-writers and on the ways in which they construct writing differently. The book draws on empirical research, practice and the existing body of knowledge to offer practical activities developed by scholars in specific disciplinary contexts that can be used effectively with student-writers in other disciplines. The purpose is to improve the student experience and engagement with their studies; to influence debates about academic writing within the academy, both globally and locally, and to assist academics to articulate writing requirements for students in ways that address issues of inclusion, retention, and widening participation. From the first chapter to the last, this perceptive compilation details and informs us about writing in the disciplines from both a student and a disciplinary perspective.
Emerald Publishing Limited Economic Growth and Development
Since the very beginnings of economics as a science, which might be dated from Ibn Khaldun's "Introduction to History" (1377), the challenge of making societies escape from poverty and attain some degree of prosperity has always been, and will remain, a fundamental issue. It was and it is still recognized today that this central venture is multi-faceted. Inasmuch as investment and technical progress are central in the growth and development process, many other dimensions must be taken into consideration, such as institutions, the openness of the economy, the protection of the environment. This book will presents cutting edge research on each of these issues and features a preface from Ken Arrow.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Labor Economics
This volume contains nine original innovative chapters on worker well-being. Three chapters are on time allocated to work and human capital acquisition, three on aspects of risk in the earnings process, two on migration, and finally one on how tax policies affect poverty. Questions answered include: Are more educated women now opting out of work with a higher probability than in the past? Under what circumstances do young adults allocate non-school time to educational pursuits? How do macroeconomic shocks affect labor force participation rates? Can tax policies alleviate poverty? Are workers compensated adequately for taking risks? Do differences in private and public sector earnings affect mobility between the two sectors? And, do migrant parents affect educational decisions of their offspring?