Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Tech, Smart Cities, and Regional Development in Contemporary Russia
Russia is one of the world's largest emerging economies. With economic development come technological revolution, growth, and change at every level of society. In Tech, Smart Cities, and Regional Development in Contemporary Russia, editor Bruno S. Sergi brings together expert contributors to explore, and explain, these changes. With chapters on FinTech, the cost of technological growth, and innovation risk management, the contributors grapple with ideas about technology and the intertwined issues that Russia faces in the 21st Century. It includes a wealth of information on today's Russian technological revolution, the overall roles of regional capitals and smart cities, and the role of Russian growth at the regional and international level. Looking across modern Russian development and growth strategies, constraints, and challenges, these chapters follow on from two volumes by the same editor: Exploring the Future of Russia's Economy and Markets: Towards Sustainable Economic Development (2018), and Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Russia (2019). Together, the trilogy is essential reading for students and researchers of contemporary international economics, Russian economic affairs, and emerging economies' development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organic Growth Disciplines: A Strategic Framework for Imagining Business Growth Opportunities
If your firm doesn't grow sustainably, can you grow professionally? Growth should be an integral part of every company, and organic internal growth must be carefully managed in order to foster successful and sustainable growth. In Organic Growth Disciplines, business expert Devanathan Sudharshan introduces a new framework for exploring the fuzzy front end of the search for growth opportunities. Bringing together six organic growth disciplines, this new approach arms readers with a language to use in professional discussions on the growth-based future of their firms. The disciplines detailed are rooted in explorations of opportunities involving knowledge, technology, needs, customers, pricing, leveraging, and acceleration. Looking at examples from businesses and industries at the forefront of today's society, including Google, Apple and Amazon, and Zappos, this book not only looks at what organic growth disciplines are, but also how to implement them in your company. Written for both practitioners and students, this fresh look at growing organically provokes its readers to imagine new horizons. It is an invaluable addition to existing books on new product, technology, and strategic management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Intelligent Agriculture: Developing a System for Monitoring and Controlling Production
Intelligent Agriculture: Developing a System for Monitoring and Controlling Production examines the development of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology designed to monitor and control agriculture production. The book is divided into four sections which illustrate the innovative technology of this product. Section One explores the consumer's discovery of the product and includes a benchmark analysis of the WSN against other similar technologies alongside a technological roadmap, intellectual property analysis and value proposal. Sections Two and Three demonstrate the development of WSN technology in relation to system architecture and software application. Finally, Section Four outlines concept activities used to test the WSN technology and its solutions. An illuminating resource for academics and professionals within the fields of agriculture and agribusiness, this volume will also serve as a helpful guide for other technological sectors as a reference for the development of new technologies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Knowledge Economies and Knowledge Work
Our global economy is going through a major transformation, from an industrial economy, to a knowledge economy, rendering knowledge a primary factor in production. In this practical, real-world focused book, expert authors Bill LaFayette, Wayne Curtis, Denise Bedford and Seema Iyer come together to define and discuss knowledge work. A common misconception claims that knowledge work is limited to high-skill and technology occupations. The truth is that this growing field applies across all aspects of the economy, which has critical implications on not only macro-, but also micro-levels. As the nature of work is changing, the functions of managing work must also change, as well as our approaches to education and educational organizations. Through a thorough exploration of the functions and structures required to adapt to this change, as well as a close examination of the geography of knowledge, this first book in the Working Methods for Knowledge Management series helps leaders leverage knowledge to better serve their communities, workplaces, and organizations. This practical book serves as a guide for corporate leaders and managers, knowledge managers, workforce professionals, policy makers, labor economists, human capital researchers, and educators. It helps diverse audiences understand the implications of this transformation and helps them navigate this new economy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Innovation and Entrepreneurship: A New Mindset for Emerging Markets
In the 21st Century, innovation is the key to entrepreneurial success. And in the fast-paced economy of Latin America, you have to innovate to compete. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: A New Mindset for Emerging Markets presents a combination of conceptual foundations, methodologies and tools to be applied in mini-cases and business challenges. Along with a cast of expert contributors including academics, global consultants and senior executives, editor Martha Corrales-Estrada explores how to transform the mindset of potential entrepreneurs and innovators in emerging markets. Looking across social and technological megatrends, Innovation and Entrepreneurship explores how to fill the unmet needs of new business opportunities with innovative and sustainable business models, including feasibility, desirability and viability perspectives and from personal, economic, pragmatic and social value creation domains. Including mini-cases and business challenges with actual examples of companies in emerging markets, this is an unmissable text for any business student, and particularly those in Latin America looking to analyse and deliver innovative solutions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Business Ethics
The Business and Society (BAS) 360 book series is an annual publication targeting cutting-edge developments in the broad business and society field, such as stakeholder management, corporate social responsibility and citizenship, business ethics, sustainability, corporate governance and others. Each volume will feature a comprehensive discussion and review of the current ‘state’ of the research and theoretical developments in a specific business and society area. As business and society is an inherently multi-disciplinary scholarly area, the book series will draw from work in areas outside of business and management, such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, religious studies, economics and other related fields, as well as the natural sciences, education and other professional areas of study. This volume focuses on research drawn from work grounded in ‘Business Ethics.’ Scholars known in this discipline contribute to a 360-degree evaluation of the theory, including cross-discipline research, empirical explorations, cross-cultural studies, literature critiques and meta-analysis projects. The book should appeal to a wide range of readers; from emerging and senior business school educators researching and teaching in the business and society field, to doctoral and masters level students across the business, social sciences and natural sciences seeking to learn about this multi-discipline and sustained field of management study. Business executives and managers could benefit from reading how the business and society field began, the path it has taken and the new, emerging directions that scholars envision for the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited University Partnerships for Sustainable Development
The role of universities is not restricted to merely the exchange of knowledge, they are also responsible for playing a leading role in society. Universities have often come out of isolation to accommodate and facilitate social change, actively engaging in their communities. In order to be socially engaged and effective universities must work closely with industry, non-governmental, and non-profit bodies to identify societal needs and address them productively, working towards achieving common goals and objectives. This volume explores various facets of the Sustainable Development Goals and how well universities have been able to integrate those goals into their curriculum, and institutionalize those goals into their strategic plans and institutional culture. Authors from Nigeria, sub Saharan Africa, Italy and the Middle East have elaborated how to achieve this in the face of shifting expectations, student debt, and graduate mobility.
Emerald Publishing Limited Living History in the Classroom: Performance and Pedagogy
Whether it’s creating their own teachable moments in costume or coaching students, many educators want to use historic characters in the classroom but lack strategies and resources. The types of questions they ask are answered in Living History in the Classroom: Performance and Pedagogy by outstanding content experts with practical insights into performance, public history, and education. The conceptual framework is based on an instructional model of performance pedagogy, developed by observing outstanding historical character portrayals and analyzing them based on intent, content and action. Written by master teachers and professionals who collaborate nationwide with teachers and students, this work is designed to help educators use the powerful tools of storytelling and interpretation to make history and social studies “come alive” for K-12 students. The professionals who have contributed to this book understand the challenges of a classroom environment, either as teachers, guest artists, or administrators. All have real-world experience with teacher development programs in the disciplines of history and social studies along with recognized content knowledge..
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions
Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions stands out from the competition due to its focus on three key characteristics: studies from scholars in different countries, with different research questions, relying on different theoretical perspectives. Such a broad and inclusive approach to mergers and acquisitions is not easily replicated in academic journals, with much narrower mandates and metrics. The chapters published in this volume provide cutting edge ideas by leading scholars, and help to inform mergers and acquisitions research around the world. Volume 18 of this annual series explores a range of issues that include: why the success rate of M&As is still limited; how Boards influence M&A activity; what the role of M&A advisors is; the role of diversity in the context of M&As; stakeholder relationships in the context of M&As; why research has not focussed on family businesses in the M&A field as much as it should; making M&As less risky as a strategic investment; merging cities; pre-merger and acquisition strategies and finally, how ‘value’ has been used or not used in M&As.
Emerald Publishing Limited Class History and Class Practices in the Periphery of Capitalism
Only after World War II did scholars move to theorize the distinction between the core countries at the center of capitalism and peripheral countries, often with an added distinction to include the semi-peripheral. Immanuel Wallerstein's World Systems approach has been particularly important and led the term periphery into common scholarly parlance. Not surprisingly, much work remains to be done to untangle the extreme diversity and complexity of the political economies and resistances against the multidimensional cruelties perpetrated in the world’s many, very different peripheral contexts. Class History and Class Practices in the Periphery of Capitalism addresses this need head-on. A first chapter lays a theoretical groundwork by showing that Marx, in his later life, became aware that historical developments are much more complicated than he originally conceived them to be, and he was not as far away from calling for site-specific analyses. Contributions here carry out just such analyses: they describe specificities for Russia, Portugal, Argentina, and Mexico, offer broader perspectives on post-hegemonic Latin America and Asia, provide detailed analyses of resistances across Africa, and reflect on the deeper meaning of neozapatismo for promoting a shift in the entire terrain of discussion. Rich in theoretical depth and empirical rigor, and supplemented by an out-of-the-archive translation of Karl Katusky's theory of crises, this book is essential reading for students and scholars of political economy and international political economy, and it is of keen interest to anyone working to resist specific capitalist exploitations in their own place and time.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advanced Issues in the Economics of Emerging Markets
Volume 27 of the International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics series collects a range of unique and diverse chapters, each investigating different spheres of development in emerging markets with a specific focus on significant engines of growth and advancement in the Asia-Pacific economies. Looking at the most sensitive issues behind economic growth in emerging markets, and particularly their long-term prospects, the chapters included in this volume explore the newest fields of research to understand the potential of these markets better. Including chapters from leading scholars worldwide, the volume provides comprehensive coverage of the key topics in fields spanning SMEs, terrorism, manufacturing waste reduction, financial literacy, female empowerment, leadership and corporate management, and the relationship between environmental, social, governance, and firm value. For students, researchers and practitioners, this volume offers a dynamic reference resource on emerging markets across a diverse range of topics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Work and Labor in the Digital Age
This volume presents the most recent studies of work and labor in the digital age as it unfolds in both Europe and the United States. One of the critical questions facing modernity concerns the reconfiguration of paid employment, which has been subject to wholesale changes that have widespread consequences for workers, their families, and the institutional structure that characterizes capitalist societies. A key driver of these changes has been the digital revolution and the rapid proliferation of the gig economy. Together with social network sites for hiring, the spread of robotics, and the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning, they leave virtually no occupation untouched.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Organizational Change and Development
Volume 27 of Research in Organizational Change and Development introduces thought-provoking insights on inclusivity within organizations. These include: the philosophical foundation of organization development and change; positive organizational scholarship as a scientific base for sustainable change; the practice of humility and humble behaviors; a socio-economic approach to organization development enhancing the compatibility between the human system, stakeholders, and stockholders; the importance of collaborative effort across hierarchies and vertical boundaries, despite tensions that undermine middle managers' role as change agent; the use of top-down and bottom-up processes to link attitudes and enhance levels of engagement; how leaders in social enterprise development continuously respond to common paradoxes of engagement; and, finally, enhancing a culture of inclusive, agile and thriving teams in environments of continuous change. The diverse collaborative contributions by leading scholars and scholar-practitioners from across the globe provide an enriching body of knowledge on contemporary challenges in organizational change and development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cost Engineering and Pricing in Autonomous Manufacturing Systems
This book provides extensive insights and analysis into pricing models for autonomous manufacturing. Taking a cost engineering approach, it shows how businesses facing technological change can provide visibility to pricing sensitivity and maximize price, and profit in every transaction. The book pulls together the many elements of cost engineering; cost estimation, cost control, business planning and management, profitability analysis, cost risk analysis and project management, planning, and scheduling, and considers the many different approaches and methods for estimating or assessing costs. It aims to help companies with decision making, cost management, and budgeting with respect to product development, and highlights the importance of cost estimation during the early stages of product development. A discussion of appropriate pricing models is also included to determine the most effective course for handling operational costs in autonomous manufacturing systems in order to create a more productive and profitable system. Cost Engineering and Pricing in Autonomous Manufacturing Systems will provide new insights for researchers and students, as well as industrial practitioners interested in applied models which can be employed and implemented in real cases.
Emerald Publishing Limited Philosophy of Management and Sustainability: Rethinking Business Ethics and Social Responsibility in Sustainable Development
Using an interdisciplinary focus, this book combines the research disciplines of philosophy, business management and sustainability to aid and advance both scholarly and practitioner understanding of sustainability management and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As businesses and society continue to transition towards further sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, the key challenge faced is in rethinking the philosophy of management and business ethics to achieve this change in deep and lasting ways. Jacob Dahl Rendtorff explores the philosophical foundations of business ethics, economics and sustainability through four key themes: From CSR and business ethics to sustainable development goals (SDGs) Philosophy of management and ethical economy of sustainability Foundations of philosophy of management, ethics and sustainability Responsible management of sustainability. In reflecting on the works of philosophers and scholars such as Hannah Arendt, Paul Ricœur, Thomas Piketty and Peter Koslowski within the context of sustainability, globalization, anthropocene ethics and corporate social responsibility, the book presents a key understanding of the vital philosophical foundations for creating progressive business models in a more sustainable society.
Emerald Publishing Limited Maturing Leadership: How Adult Development Impacts Leadership
We've known for years now that demands on leaders are only increasing. Yet we have lacked widely understood, empirically grounded and rigorous ways to support the development of adequate maturity of heart, complexity of mind and skilful practice for leaders to meet these demands. Over the past three decades, a growing number of scholars and practitioners have explored the value of a developmental approach to these issues. In Maturing Leadership, Jonathan Reams brings together a cast of expert contributors to introduce this work to a wider audience. While this approach has previously been on the margins of mainstream leadership development research, Reams brings it to the centre, moving beyond the clichéd characterizations of 'inner work' to bring a finer granularity, precision and rigor to the subjective workings of leaders. The chapters explore how applying insights from the field of constructivist cognitive development can be a key driver for supporting improvements in how we approach leadership development. For researchers and students of leadership, this is an essential addition to the leading theories of developmental approaches to leadership. Increasing complexity in the world is not a passing fad, and the need for leaders to grow in the maturity and sophistication of their responses is a long-term need. If you are interested in hearing a series of conversations with the editor and chapter authors of this book, look up the podcast Phronesis: Practical Wisdom for Leaders. There, episodes 154- 163 are all about the topics in this book.
Emerald Publishing Limited Libraries and Reading: Intellectual Disability and the Extent of Library Diversity
Libraries are supposed to serve all people in the community, but some still struggle to provide support for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). In an age of increasing social consciousness and awareness of diversity, individuals with IDD deserve the greatest attention and support to achieve equality, yet how to do so remains a legitimate question as most library services are not yet prepared to offer the help needed. In Libraries and Reading, expert authors Matthew Conner and Leah Plocharczyk examine the modern history of libraries and diversity, the recent legislative history of those with IDD such as No Child Left Behind and mainstreaming policies; learning theories such as social constructivism, cognitivism, preliteracy, and Universal Design for Learning; and case studies of library outreach around the globe. Including real-world examples, they show how we can make big changes through small steps. In a climate of tightened budgets and severe demands on public literacy resources, the moral imperative of helping those with IDD runs up against practical barriers. Conner and Plocharczyk go to the foundations of social justice in Cultural Studies to show how the means of integrating those with disabilities into libraries and communities can be found in our everyday practices.
Emerald Publishing Limited What Drives Inequality?
There is a great deal of coverage on inequality, and the key determinants of recent trends are increasingly well-documented. However, much less is known about the driving forces behind international differences in inequality. The nine contributions collected in this book set out to examine the fundamental question of What Drives Inequality? These drivers may be so diverse and deep-rooted in the cultural, historical, or geographical characteristics of countries that one can hardly expect comprehensive models or clear-cut causal inference. Nevertheless, the research presented in this book unpacks the reasons behind the wide variations in inequality. Looking across country boundaries, chapters featured include in-depth insights into inequality in Europe, India, and the United States. It provides new results on the impact of public goods and services and on the role of demographic, labor market and, most importantly, fiscal policy determinants. It also brings fresh evidence and perspectives on the measurement of inequality, by examining wealth or broader measures of well-being, and provides some insights about potential "deeper drivers" such as individual perceptions, preferences, and beliefs about inequality and redistribution.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting
Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting is devoted to publishing high-quality research and cases that focus on the professional responsibilities of accountants and how they deal with the ethical issues they face. The series features articles on a broad range of important and timely topics, including professionalism, social responsibility, corporate responsibility, ethical judgments, and accountability. The professional responsibilities of accountants are broad-based; they must serve clients and user groups whose needs, incentives, and goals may be in conflict. Further, accountants must interpret and apply codes of conduct, accounting and auditing principles, and securities regulations. Compliance with professional guidelines is judgment-based, and characteristics of the individual, the culture, and situation affect how these guidelines are interpreted and applied, as well as when they might be violated. Interactions between accountants, regulators, standard setters, and industries also have ethical components. Research into the nature of these interactions, resulting dilemmas, and how and why accountants resolve them is the focus of this journal.
Emerald Publishing Limited Victim, Perpetrator, or What Else?: Generational and Gender Perspectives on Children, Youth, and Violence
Children, while being the most victimised group in society, rarely become a topic of sociological research, neither as victims nor as perpetrators. The sociological discussion on power and violence happens beyond generation as an important dimension of social structure, and in many respects also beyond gender aspects that are inseparably linked to generational violence. This is a severe omission when the extent of violence in a society needs to be understood, as well as the structures and processes perpetuating violence or opposing its abolition. It is also a serious obstacle when understanding the position of children and exploring the social meaning of childhood. This volume addresses this blind spot in sociology. It does so by mapping the ways that children and young people are considered victims or perpetrators by their societies and consequently the ways that their societies react. The chapters analyse a variety of phenomena in different countries of the Global North and South. All of these phenomena may be considered to include acts of violence toward children and adolescents, or those committed by them. Thus, violence is addressed as one of the major building blocks of the scope and qualities of children’s agency, limiting the social recognition of their rights as members of their respective societies. With a global reach and cutting-edge research, this book will prove an invaluable text for researchers and leaders in the fields of comparative childhood research and sociology of violence alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Delivering ITSM for Business Maturity: A Practical Framework
IT Service Management (ITSM) is an imperative part of achieving business maturity. Excellence in ITSM has previously been thought of only in terms of quality, customer satisfaction, and reduced costs – or, in other words, casting ITSM as only for technical units and not as part of the larger picture of business maturity. In this exciting new take on ITSM, leading expert Beverly Weed-Schertzer positions ITSM at the heart of company strategy to build a layered operating model. Delivering ITSM for Business Maturity: A Practical Framework helps business leaders and corporate thinkers navigate their way to a successful and high performing ITSM model. Using an original combination of yoga science and service management principles, Weed-Schertzer offers business professionals a way of taking back control of their ITSM program, and helps with innovation for those starting a new one. For anyone in the information technologies profession, or for managers of IT professionals, this book is an unmissable guide to creating a strong, forward-thinking foundation for ITSM processes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Personalised Learning for the Learning Person
Traditional educational approaches are increasingly ineffective for the needs of today’s learners and society more generally. A new personalised learning solution is required which incorporates an expanded view of education incorporating human rights and capabilities, alongside the traditional human capital educational model. This book considers the policies, pedagogy and practice required to achieve this critical transformation. It extends traditional functional learning approaches, based on behavioural, experiential, dialogic and participatory learning, to place the learner at the centre of their learning. By defining the principles of personalised learning and mapping out future opportunities, Ward makes a captivating argument for a new way of learning, based on improved teacher and learner agency, self-regulated learning, personalised learning and metalearning. This book considers a broad range of educational concepts involving the learning person. By combining our learning environment, performance, capabilities and expertise with discussions of personalised learning design, technology and policy, it equips readers to reflect on how they learn currently, and how we might all learn in the future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in the Technology of Managing People: Contemporary Issues in Business
Advances in the Technology of Managing People: Contemporary Issues in Business presents a wide ranging examination of emerging technological trends in the workplace. Using a combination of research study results, case studies, literature reviews, and conceptual papers, the book examines contemporary issues and emerging trends within management technology. Each chapter focuses on a different technological issue or trend within business management from a variety of perspectives, including management, HR, ethical, and organizational behavior viewpoints. Issues explored in the book include: Workplace Productivity with Balanced Scorecard Actions Managing Emerging Technology and Organization with Agility Freelance Economy E-Mentoring 2.0 Virtual Team Success with the Power of Technology Advancements Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace Ambient Intelligence Changes the Office Environment Disruptive Innovations and Blockchain Quantum Leadership. Pamela Ann Gordon and Julie A Overbey curate an excellent reference for research scholars, practitioners, and organizational leaders seeking to understand the impact of technology on contemporary organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Red Taylorist: The Life and Times of Walter Nicholas Polakov
The Red Taylorist traces the adult life and works of Walter Polakov, focusing on his socialist scientific management ideals and the ways these were constrained by conventionality in the USA in the first half of twentieth century. Tracing Polakov's activities and achievements, this book explores the contradictions of a prolific writer, socialist engineer and scientific management ideologue in the decades until his death in 1948. Written from a management history scholarly perspective, it presents a unique and detailed viewpoint. There have been no prior biographies on Polakov, and very few on his fellow scientific managers, consulting engineers, or like-minded public intellectuals. Moreover, perceptions of scientific management or Taylorism have tended to emphasise the negative impacts on workers, whereas Polakov's socialist commitment suggests a much more nuanced approach. Aimed at scholars of management and history of management, Diana Kelly offers a detailed narrative of this important individual, while greatly enriching understanding of the broader historical and industrial context.
Emerald Publishing Limited Integrating Sustainable Development into the Curriculum
Creating a sustainable future is one of the biggest challenges that we face as a human race. This is often made even harder by the apathy of many towards the need for sustainability. Education will play a crucial role in finding a solution to the global climate crisis, by shaping future generations who are informed, enlightened and ready to take action. This book explores the value of institutions of higher education in leading the way on the topic of sustainability education by ensuring that it is well entrenched in the curriculum, as well as in everyday practice and lifestyles. This unique volume features authors from different parts of the world who narrate their own experience of integrating sustainability into their curriculum, and teaching sustainability to students. By exploring the idea that education and sustainability should be seen as intrinsically linked if we are to see global change, this important text will prove invaluable for leaders, scholars and policy specialists in higher education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Professional Learning Networks: Facilitating Transformation in Diverse Contexts with Equity-seeking Communities
In a time of rapid policy and curriculum change, educators must be knowledge workers who continue to develop professionally. This book offers a critical exploration of how Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) equip educators to work collaboratively to develop their professional practice and be agents of innovation in their field. Providing access to six real-life examples of equity-oriented Professional Learning Networks, this book illustrates key attributes that build educators’ practice, expertise, and investment in innovation. Crucially, the authors shine a light on the ability of PLNs to address questions of equity, both for educators working in remote and rural communities who have limited access to professional development and other resources, and diverse learners from equity-seeking communities. This book is of interest to readers from scholarly, practitioner, and policy backgrounds who want to gain an innovative look at real-life cases to inform current and future equity-oriented PLNs. Readers will discover the importance and potential of centering teachers, students, inquiry, collaboration, and context within educational transformation efforts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary Issues in Behavioral Finance
This special edition of Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis offers seventeen chapters from invited participants in the International Applied Social Science Congress, held in Turkey between the 19th and 21st April 2018. The chapters included tackle a range of issues, including risk and control in consumer behavior; augmented reality applications in brand trust; foreign exchange rates; and brand reputation influence, among many more. Covering concepts such as retirement planning, the stock market, and herd behavior, Contemporary Issues in Behavioral Finance is a fundamental text for any researcher or student of behavioral finance, with a cast of expert contributors and editors.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Socio-Legal History of the Laws of War: Constraining Carnage
Since the Second World War, international laws governing the conduct of war and the behaviour of soldiers on the field of battle have been of strong academic and legal interest. Yet while they have seen their strongest articulation and enforcement in the contemporary era, rules governing such conduct are deeply rooted in human history. Beginning with the origins of organized warfare in the ancient world, A Socio-Legal History of the Laws of War: Constraining Carnage traces key structural and cultural changes through multiple historical contexts, highlighting various approaches to the nature and purpose of war, as well as the roles of both bystanders and participants. Where other scholarship has focused on the legality of war itself, Christopher W. Mullins concentrates on rules surrounding the behaviour of soldiers and commanders in the field while also demonstrating how these issues have transformed over time. Rooted in critical historical documents from the Tudors to the American Revolution, this rich history, the first of two volumes, provides a cogent understanding of how the current historical moment has developed, as well as of the potential paths that lie ahead.
Emerald Publishing Limited A History of the World Tourism Organization
Tourism and travel have been with us since time immemorial. However, with the onset of the industrial age and the use of railways, ships, motorcars, and aeroplanes, travelling possibilities—for both business and pleasure, domestic and international—were transformed. The annals of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) provide us with unmatched insights into this fascinating story, yet these archives have never been exhaustively exploited. The History of the World Tourism Organization takes us on a unique journey to explain how tourism has burgeoned between the early twentieth century and now. Drawing on the UNWTO’s regularly published tourism statistics, this book provides comprehensive discussions of the consequences of an unhindered flow of tourists; the consequent protection of natural assets; the safeguarding of tourism resources; how frontier formalities affect this sector; how tourism impacts on world trade; and the promotion of tourism to countries in economic decline. Collectively, these investigations offer an impartial understanding of modern tourism and its effects. This definitive overview of this major intergovernmental organization is a must-read for students and scholars of tourism and hospitality, and it is of interest to anyone concerned with the past, present, and future of this ever-evolving and fundamentally human practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leadership: The Current State of Play
Leadership: The Current State of Play defines contemporary thinking in leadership from both academic and practitioner perspectives. It presents an easy-to-read overview of historical and contemporary thought on the roles and functions of leaders and applies these perspectives to problems in the present day. This book offers insights for professionals in organisational leadership positions in a variety of sectors in the UK and beyond. It is also of great interest to researchers and students in the fields of business and management. Across the study’s four chapters, there are nine vignettes written by leading practitioners of organisational leadership in various fields, including clinical dentistry, the Ministry of Defence, charities and football management. These vignettes offer a unique opportunity to hear the voices of individuals who are rarely considered in such leadership literature. Their reflections illustrate the benefit of approaching leadership through the eyes of those practicing it.
Emerald Publishing Limited Trump Studies: An Intellectual Guide to Why Citizens Vote Against Their Interests
Why do citizens vote against their own best interest? Trump Studies addresses this key question; probing the value of thinking, reading, writing and interpretation during times of economic, social and political uncertainty. With a compelling voice and academic rigour, the authors explore how and why xenophobia and sexism are the grammar of contemporary popular culture and politics. The Brexit result and the Trump victory cannot be studied in a laboratory; the silent majority will not sit in a petri dish, waiting to be researched. The theories and methodologies developed into this book not only explain these two mega and meta events, they create space for ideas that challenge and dissent, and make the case for the role and value of universities in a time when evidence, expertise and facts often dissolve into opinion, emotion and fake news. Donald Trump does not matter. Trump Studies does matter - and this is a siren call to all intellectuals to intervene and transform the currency of theory in empiricist times.
Emerald Publishing Limited Pedagogies of Possibility for Negotiating Sexuality Education with Young People
Pedagogies of Possibility for Negotiating Sexuality Education with Young People offers a sustained and critical consideration of the possibilities and politics of engaging with young people in the redevelopment and delivery of contemporary approaches to Sexuality Education. Drawing on research undertaken as part of an Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage grant, this book explores the affordances, tensions and challenges of participatory methodologies and pedagogies that authorize young people's perspectives and visions for Sexuality Education. Foregrounded are the contradictions between what young people want to learn more about and the risky forms of praxis that are necessary to engage with various understandings of Sexuality Education and the important role of adult allies in supporting young people to navigate these contradictions. Each chapter chronicles and captures both adult allies and young people’s experiences of the project by drawing on data produced through visual-arts based methods and various ethnographic techniques, such as participant observation, focus group interviews, and guided conversations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Schooling Multicultural Teachers: A Guide for Program Assessment and Professional Development
The cultural identities of teachers inevitably influence the interactions they have with their students. These relationships, in turn, impact teaching and learning processes. Many low-income, racial, ethnic, and linguistic minority students are failing to receive the same quality of education as their more privileged counterparts.Supported by over 20 years of research, this book offers guidance for enhancing teachers' inclusive instructional practices by using the Dispositions for Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Scale (DCRPS). Developed by the authors, this is the only validated scale that measures the diversity-related beliefs, values, and attitudes that underpin multicultural teaching practices. The DCRPS measures three domains: Dispositions for Community, Dispositions for Social Justice, and Dispositions for Praxis. Schooling Multicultural Teachers offers a historical overview of the multicultural education context, followed by practical examples of how the DCRPS can support program evaluation, as well as guide pre-service and in-service teacher development across diverse programs and demographic contexts. Educators are provided with examples of how to interpret DCRPS responses, how to combine the DCRPS with other resources, and how to customize professional development that builds on teachers' dispositional strengths while also addressing community-specific needs. By offering a resource for program assessment and teacher development, this book is an invaluable text for education administrators, professional development coordinators, and teacher educators.
Emerald Publishing Limited Parental Engagement and Out-of-School Mathematics Learning: Breaking Out of the Boundaries
An often-misunderstood aspect of learning, parental engagement is key to children’s learning across all subjects. However, mathematics especially is perceived as an area in which out-of-school and home learning is absent. Tim Jay and Jo Rose, the authors of Parental Engagement and Out-of-School Mathematics Learning, confront this misconception. The authors conclusions are drawn from two large research projects that investigate both children’s and their parents mathematical thinking and learning outside of school, ‘discovering’ the mathematics involved in everyday activities. The practical and theoretical findings demonstrate a new approach to educational research that subverts and disrupts traditional models and approaches to help harmonise school and home learning. Challenging preconceived ideas and supporting children to acquire mathematical understandings, Parental Engagement and Out-of-School Mathematics Learning informs innovative and vital educational policy and practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited SDG1 - No Poverty: Making the Dream a Reality
For many decades the international community has endeavoured to eliminate extreme poverty; however, it is estimated that around 800 million people still live below the international poverty line of $1.90 a day. This book looks this global problem and presents applicable solutions to show that we can eliminate poverty today and meet the challenge of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 1. The first part of the book discusses what poverty and development are and asks whether the right to development is an international commitment to eradicate poverty. The second part looks at the strategy of the Sustainable Development Goals, and the concept of happiness for all people in the world. It examines the proposition of SDG1, evaluates the first actions taken in this area, and presents the best practice of recent SDG implementation. The final part considers several proposals and presents suggestions on how to make global action more effective. Concise Guides to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals comprises 17 short books, each examining one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The series provides an integrated assessment of the SDGs from economic, legal, social, environmental and cultural perspectives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mixed-Race in the US and UK: Comparing the Past, Present, and Future
Winner of the 2020 Mid-South Sociological Association Stanford M. Lyman Distinguished Book Award. Contributing to an emerging literature on mixed-race people in the United States and United Kingdom, this book draws on racial formation theory and the performativity (i.e. "doing") of race to explore the social construction of mixedness on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. In addition to macro- and micro-level theoretical frameworks, the authors use comparative and relational analytical approaches to reveal similarities and differences between the two nations, explaining them in terms of both common historical roots as well as ongoing contemporary interrelationships. Focusing on the census, racial identity, civil society, and everyday experiences at the intersection of race, gender, class, and sexuality, Mixed-Race in the US and UK: Comparing the Past, Present, and Future offers academics and students an intriguing look into how mixed-race is constructed and experienced within these two nations. A final in-depth discussion on the authors’ research methodologies makes the book a useful resource on the processes, challenges, and benefits of conducting qualitative research in two nations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Action Learning and Action Research: Genres and Approaches
Action Research (AR) is an ideal methodology to enable practical and emancipatory outcomes, as well as to generate relevant and authentic theory. Consequently, it has gained popularity worldwide. However, this emerging paradigm of AR in the Social Sciences has been widely misunderstood and misused by researchers, educators and practitioners.The integration of Action Learning with Action Research deepens understanding and contributes to new knowledge about the theory, practice and processes of Action Learning (AL) and Action Research (AR). It clarifies what constitutes AL/AR in its many forms and what it is not. AL and AR enable participants to effectively approach increasingly complex global challenges confronting humankind in this twenty-first century, collectively achieve practical, emancipatory and sustainable outcomes and generate relevant, authentic theory. This book, written by internationally renowned experts, is the first to provide a comprehensive overview of the main genres and approaches of AL/AR. They explain the genre of their expertise, reflect on their rich experiences with it, and consider both the common features shared across the AL/AR paradigm and what is distinctive about the particular genre they overview. This book discusses the what, why and how of their particular approach and will prove invaluable for researchers and practitioners alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Language of Illness and Death on Social Media: An Affective Approach
This book investigates the language created and used on social media to express and respond to personal experiences of illness, dying and mourning. The authors begin by setting out the established and recent research on social and existential media, affect and language, before focusing on Facebook groups dealing with the illness and death of two Danish children. Through these in-depth case studies, they produce insights into different ways of engaging in affective processes related to illness and death on social media, and into both the ritualized and innovative vernacular vocabulary created through these encounters. Developing an analytical framework for understanding the social role and logics of "affective language" (such as emojis, interjections and other forms of expressive interactive writing), The Language of Illness and Death on Social Media will be of great interest to all those striving to understand the affective importance and roles of language for sharing experiences of illness, death and commemoration in these spheres.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Gradual Release of Responsibility in Literacy Research and Practice
Educators are always in search of approaches that promote student development and academic achievement. Engaging learners in purposeful instruction in skills and strategies is a cornerstone in every classroom. The gradual release of responsibility (GRR) model requires the responsibility of learning to shift from being teacher-centric towards students gradually assuming responsibility as independent learners. In the last 35 years, the gradual release of responsibility model of instruction has become synonymous with some of the most effective approaches to teach both skills and content to students of all ages. Evidence-based practices have been documented across the globe not only in literacy but also in most disciplines across the curriculum. While the GRR model is a well-established theory, its implementations have not been researched. This edited volume discusses how the GRR model evolved and has been applied, how it benefits learners and teachers, and how it can be utilised for years to come. By looking not only at the gradual release of responsibility model from a theoretical standpoint but also the research and practice of this approach, this book will prove invaluable for educational leaders and researchers alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited A History of the Assessment of Sex Offenders: 1830-2020
Most forensic psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers involved in the assessment of sex offenders today have a good grasp of where the field stands. Many of their colleagues do not have an appreciation of why we are where we are. This book is an attempt to bridge that gap, to provide some historical background of sex offender assessment from 1830 to the present. Topics covered in this book include early efforts to identify and describe criminal populations statistically; the introduction of phrenology as a description of brain function; the efforts of criminal anthropologists to develop criminal taxonomies; the technology of anthropometry to identify individuals by measurement of bodily structure; and the introduction of fingerprinting which replaced anthropometry and remains largely unchanged to the present day. The guiding principle of the book is to help the reader understand that all of this represents a continuous thread of development and, disparate as they might seem, all of them are connected. This book is essential reading for undergraduates in psychology and sociology, as well as professionals in training and early stages of practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Bringing Down Divides: Special Issue Commemorating the Work of Gregory Maney (1967 - 2017)
The 43rd Volume of Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change continues the series' tradition of publishing peer reviewed chapters, which advance our understanding of peace, political contention, and social change, by offering new ways to research and theorize attempts to challenge divides. Dedicated to the memory of Gregory M. Maney, Bringing Down Divides engages with and continues Maney's work on international conflicts, peace and justice movements, and community-based research. The volume is organized around three types of divides: Attributional divides, meaning the quality or feature of people around which resources, rights, and powers are distributed unequally, such as race, gender, and ethno-nationality. Ideological divides which encompass the systems of meaning, ideas, and beliefs that split and polarize people, such as conservative vs. progressive and antiwar vs. pro-war. Epistemological divides, namely the types, productions, and usages of knowledge over which conflicts occur, such as the academic-activist divide. The contributions to each of these sections focus on a variety of global issues, including the changing nature of political murals in Northern Ireland; armed actors' responses to civilian demands in Colombian peace territories; boundary-blurring in Turkey's leftwing-Islamist movement; and community-based action research. This makes Bringing Down Divides essential reading for those working and researching within the social movement field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Teacher Preparation in Singapore: A Concise Critical History
Over the last two decades, the range of curricular offerings in Singapore has diversified almost beyond the ability of teacher preparation systems to cope. Teacher training has evolved from informal to formal, and from multiple 'providers' to a single institution responsible for pre-service teacher education. Teacher Preparation in Singapore is a non-celebratory and non-institution-based account of teacher preparation written with a critical academic lens. Contributing to the historiography of Singapore, as well as to the general history of teacher education, this book discusses the history of teacher preparation in Singapore from the colonial era, when Singapore was the centre of British Malaya, to the present day. It includes the pre-professional era of an informal approach to teacher education before the establishment of formal teacher training, the role of the colonial state and post-colonial state in the provision of teacher education, and issues such as policy borrowing, diffusion of educational philosophies, and developments paralleling those in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. This is a relevant and important book for researchers of education history, comparative and international education, and teacher education in Singapore.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Branding of Tourist Destinations: Theoretical and Empirical Insights
The marketing of tourist destinations requires continuous strategic planning and decision making. The Branding of Tourist Destinations: Theoretical and Empirical Insights provides researchers and practitioners with an in-depth understanding of different tourism products, marketing strategies and destination branding tactics, as well as useful insights into sustainable and responsible tourism practices.The authors present contemporary conceptual discussions and empirical studies on several aspects of destination branding that help contextualise the attractiveness of a range of tourist destinations. In particular, they explore how tourism marketers, including destination management organisations (DMOs), formulate strategies and tactics to attract prospective visitors. This book also sheds light on the latest industry developments in travel, tourism, hospitality and events in different contexts around the world, including destinations in Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Ecuador.
Emerald Publishing Limited Revolutionary Nostalgia: Retromania, Neo-Burlesque, and Consumer Culture
Nostalgia, they say, is not what it used to be. Once a witticism, this statement about the past has come to pass. Nostalgia really isn’t what it used to be. Less than a generation ago, it was regarded as reactionary, as regressive, as reprehensible. Now, it is considered conducive to health, wealth, and human wellbeing. It is something that helps sell products and move merchandise, an underexploited critical resource with emancipatory potential. Nowhere is this transformation better illustrated than in the neo-burlesque community, whose members not only embrace the art-form’s golden age, and happily acquire heritage goods and vintage services, but turn their nostalgic leanings to emancipatory effect. They are retro revolutionaries, feather boa-wearing insurgents who find women’s liberation in sequins and stilettos. This book shines a spotlight on weapons-grade nostalgia, indicating how it is integral to insurrections throughout history, be they political, technological, or cultural. It reveals, through a combination of empirical ethnographic research and revolutionary literary criticism, the part nostalgia plays in a subversive consumer collective that uses fans, fishnets, and frivolity to fight for the right to party against patriarchy and find a fourth-wave form of female emancipation that foregoes old-school feminist fault-finding for good old-fashioned fun, fun, fun.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reentry, Desistance, and the Responsibility of the State: Let Them Back In
This work asks readers to reconsider punishment contracts in the United States. It illustrates the importance of state accountability and responsibility to those who are punished, while also focusing on the dual importance of desistance and re-entry. Looking across current criminological desistance literature, Stephen C. McGuinn shows the value of empowerment, meaning and, most of all, assimilation. Woven throughout the text, the work also captures the actual experiences of a man returning to society after eleven years in prison. He details his experiences in a daily journal, providing an honest and forthright account of the confusion and struggle of those who come home after lengthy prison stays. Through this account, readers are reminded of the importance of human connection and compassion. As researchers, as scientists, we must provide a map, or a language and narrative, on how to consider punishment in the US. In developing a new way to consider the process of desistance, this book champions the humanity in forgiveness and the compassion of justice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Hospitality and Leisure
Advances in Hospitality and Leisure (AHL), a peer-reviewed research journal, has been published annually since 2004. AHL is indexed in Scopus and included in the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) journal quality list. Its editors, editorial board members and ad-hoc reviewers include scholars from North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. AHL utilizes this international focus to participate in innovative methods of inquiry and inspire new research topics that are vital and have been in large neglected in the context of hospitality, tourism, and leisure. It strives to address the needs of the populace willing to disseminate seminal ideas, concepts, and theories derived from scholarly inquiries. This volume includes full papers and research notes which discuss conceptual models and empirical investigations using inductive and deductive methods. Potential readers may retrieve useful articles to outline new research agendas, suggest viable topics for a dissertation work, and augment the knowledge of the new subjects of learning.
Emerald Publishing Limited Individual and Social Adaptions to Human Vulnerability
This volume of Research in Economic Anthropology, which presents ten peer-reviewed anthropological papers, celebrates the 40th anniversary of the series by taking a close look at human vulnerability: the ways in which people attempt to cope with it and barriers to successfully overcoming it. The two leading articles both take up the issue of microfinance; Daniel Murphy examines the influences of this in the lives of pastoralists in Mongolia, and Megan Hinrichsen explores related processes among vendors in Quito, Ecuador. Next, Elena Sischarenco looks at ways of dealing with vulnerability in the northern Italian construction industry. Sarah Lyon investigates smallholders’ experiences with, and adaptations to, the coffee rust disaster in Oaxaca, Mexico, as well as the functions of fair trade organizations. Rounding out the first half of the volume is Raja Swamy’s analysis of post-tsunami reconstruction in Tamil Nadu, India. The second half starts with Janneke Verheijen’s investigation of women’s survival strategies in rural Malawi, southeast Africa, and Lai Wo’s study of intimate relationships and transactions between Western men and Southeast Asian women in Hong Kong. Courtney Lewis explores political and economic sovereignty among the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in North Carolina, USA. Finally, the volume turns to the past with Kari Henquinet’s examination of the evolution of American faith-based overseas development aid projects in the 20th century, and with Serge Svizzero’s and Clement Tisdell’s analysis of Early Bronze Age desert kite use for trapping gazelles in parts of Southwest Asia. Ultimately, it is hoped that this and other scholarly investigations into human vulnerability will lead to better preventive and curative measures, for an imperfect world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Microfoundations of Institutions
The notion of microfoundations has received growing interest in neo-institutional theory (NIT) along with an increasing interest in microfoundational research in disciplines such as strategic management and organizational economics. However, despite reference to the same term, there are decisive differences in how microfoundations have been addressed across different disciplines. The aim of this double volume is to explore in more depth what the microfoundations of institutions are and what it takes to actually develop sound microfoundations. To this end, this double volume sets off by exploring the recent well-spring of micro-level research in NIT (i.e., research on the individual, practice and group level). While intimately related, micro-level research and microfoundations are not necessarily the same thing. Hence, the double volume seeks to bring to the fore different perspectives in micro-level research in order to tease out what these perspectives imply for building microfoundations, where they converge and where they diverge.