Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Compliance in Multinational Corporations: Business Risks in Bribery, Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing and Sanctions
Over the past two decades, the enforcement of anti-bribery, anti-money-laundering and anti-terrorism-financing regulations has become increasingly challenging for multinational corporations. Bribery and money laundering scandals have the potential to take down entire multinational corporations. Frequently, managers in charge of those firms end up facing criminal prosecution and civil lawsuits, and are not equipped with the formal legal training to prevent these phenomena. Compliance in Multinational Corporations explores the historical background of such phenomena as bribery, money laundering, and terrorism financing. Analysing the legal environment based upon international conventions, and including an empirical analysis of 100 expert interviews, it takes an innovative look at the perspectives of both criminals and compliance experts to provide a long-lasting guide for compliance experts. While traditional compliance and financial crime literature focuses on rules, regulations and prevention mechanisms, this book shows how intelligent criminals act. It offers practical advice and concrete guidelines that will address the most pre-eminent compliance challenges. The book will prove an essential resource for compliance managers, academics and professional educators who wish to equip themselves against the significant risks they face.
Emerald Publishing Limited Microcelebrity Around the Globe: Approaches to Cultures of Internet Fame
This absorbing anthology uses in-depth interdisciplinary case studies from across the globe to examine the practice and concept of microcelebrity. Expanding on the existing theoretical framing of the online celebrity experience, the editors re-theorize microcelebrity to accommodate developments in global internet governance, the evolution of platform politics, the emergence of hybrid forms of celebrity, and the collapsing networks between old and new media. Chapters analyse experiences across Asia, Europe, Latin America and Australia, and consider microcelebrities at all stages of their careers, from everyday users and beginners to veteran influencers. Arguing for new perspectives and theories of microcelebrity that take into account colonial geographies, cross-media networks between influencers and legacy media, and gendered aggression and political discourses in a social media-saturated age, this volume will be of huge value to students and scholars of microcelebrity, social media, digital labour, creative industries and internet culture.
Emerald Publishing Limited Database Management Systems: A Business-Oriented Approach Using ORACLE, MySQL and MS Access
More and more, the advance of enterprise computing and cloud technologies means that managers are responsible for retrieving data ad-hoc and constructing business reports for decision-making and storytelling. The technical competencies necessary for such tasks can be daunting, and most database teaching methods do little to mitigate the confusion. They tend to follow traditional computer science methods that expose all computational and matrix theory complexities as well as various design theories, and in so doing, they present an excess of information that unnecessarily complicates the learning process for business-minded readers. Zygiaris simplifies his teaching method in order to provide an accessible walkthrough of all technological advances of databases in the business environment. Readers learn how to design, develop, and use databases to provide business analytical reports with the three major database management systems: Microsoft Access, Oracle Express and MariaDB (formerly MySQL). This is all delivered through clearly structured, streamlined chapters, all of which link to online videos that demonstrate visually, in step-by-step tutorials, how to implement the processes outlined in the book. All of these features help the non-IT student or manager to understand the importance of databases in the business environment and to learn how to use those databases to solve real-world problems. This book is of particular interest to students of management and to business managers, and it is of keen interest to anyone who works with major business database systems.
Emerald Publishing Limited African American Management History: Insights on Gaining a Cooperative Advantage
The most successful business leaders always have their own compelling philosophies, but all too often the thoughts and ideologies of high-profile African American leaders are forgotten or passed over. The ideas and practices of these visionary leaders, sometimes heralded within their own communities, are often ignored by mainstream media and, over time, many of their contributions are forgotten. Leadership experts Leon C. Prieto and Simone T.A. Phipps re-light these extinguished torches reflecting on some of the leading black business pioneers of the late 19th and early 20th century. Exploring views that embrace the traditional African philosophies of cooperation, this study of such influential figures brings to light how heavily the "golden age of black business" was impacted by the "cooperative advantage" possessed by leaders such as Charles Clinton Spaulding, John Merrick, Alonzo Herndon, Annie Turnbo-Malone, Madam C.J Walker, and Maggie Walker. Ultimately, what Prieto and Phipps bring to light is the common thread that pulls these leaders together--namely, the love they had for their communities--and what they show is that contemporary entrepreneurs of African descent would do well to regain a cooperative advantage in order to achieve the levels of success that existed in the past. For its recovery of important strands within African American history, and for the practical advice it gleans from those strands, this refreshing study is a must-read for business students, managers, entrepreneurs and leaders of all backgrounds. The history here brought to light demonstrates to students that they too can succeed at managing any enterprise, no matter the challenges they may face.
Emerald Publishing Limited Improving Flood Management, Prediction and Monitoring: Case Studies in Asia
Flood risk management requires a multi-disciplinary approach with experts from the fields of health, town planning, civil engineering, computer science and mathematical statistics. This volume presents chapters highlighting the methodologies and tools developed to improve flood management and flood risk reduction. Chapters in this important volume consider research on Emerging economies and developing countries and the case studies are focused in Malaysia, China and South-East Asia. The book presents key research from areas of the globe where flood management has not traditionally been studied but where the effects of climate change and natural disasters present huge challenges for societies in the region. This volume, edited by leaders in the field of disaster management, would of be particular interest to students, researchers and policy specialists involved with examining flood related risk reduction methods and systems for key decision makers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Beyond the Digital Divide: Contextualizing the Information Society
This book critically reviews existing digital divide research and challenges its core thesis, which posits unequal Internet access as a newly formed source of social disadvantage. The author begins by introducing the building blocks of the information society theory. The book goes on to present a systematic overview of digital divide research - its development, arguments attesting to the social gravity of the digital divide, and current findings on the uneven diffusion and use of the Internet. It evaluates the validity of the theories and concepts associated with digital divide research. The author offers an overview and re-examination of six presumptions and biases found in the prevailing approach to the digital divide. Given that Internet use has, in certain contexts, become an absolute necessity, an alternative approach is proposed, recognizing the indispensability of Internet use as context dependent. The book concludes with a consideration of the implications that this new perspective has for the information society theory and policies as well as for the role of social science in the informatization process.
Emerald Publishing Limited LGBTQ+ Librarianship in the 21st Century: Emerging Directions of Advocacy and Community Engagement in Diverse Information Environments
Libraries are at the heart of many of the communities they serve. Increasingly, it is important for them to adjust to serve minority groups, including LGBTQ+ communities. This collection presents original scholarship on the emerging directions of advocacy and community engagement in LGBTQ+ librarianship. With contributions from library and information professionals, this volume explores how librarians and library professionals can embrace a more proactive role as social justice advocates, and help promote fairness, justice, equality, equity, and activism on behalf of LGBTQ+ people. Starting within the library space, the volume offers an introduction to terminology and resources around LGBTQ+ information, before moving on to explore examples of how LGBTQ+ librarianship can adopt innovative approaches to better serve their patrons in select settings around the world. Including case studies on health services, historical archives, and LGBTQ+ homelessness, this collection dispels misperceptions and myths surrounding social justice research and is vital for any researcher or practitioner interested in supporting evolving communities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Performance Measurement and Management Control: The Relevance of Performance Measurement and Management Control Research
This volume contains exemplary papers that were presented at the 2017 Conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control in Nice, France, by researchers in the field from North America, South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia. This book represents a collection of innovative research in management control and performance measurement, and provides a significant contribution to the growing literature in the area. The collection also covers a representative set of topics, research settings, and research methods. The editors hope that this book will stimulate researchers to continue the search for additional understanding of performance measurement and management control, and provide guidance for both academic researchers and managers as they work toward improving organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inequality, Taxation, and Intergenerational Transmission
Research on Economic Inequality, volume 26, primarily contains papers presented at the 8th Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ) meeting. The papers cover such topics as the effect of inheritance taxation on the "pre-distribution" of income, and tax progressivity under alternative inequality definitions. Other papers address the evolution of wealth inequality (Piketty's "r-g"), the decomposition of the determinants of wage bi-polarization, a multidimensional analysis of food insecurity in Israel, and the "paradox of progress" (educational) in Latin America. Three papers address the intergenerational transmission of inequality, two of which focus on Europe and one which considers a wide variety of countries. The final two papers explore inequality (mis) perceptions and the influence of the political structure on stated inequality preferences.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary Issues in Business and Financial Management in Eastern Europe
This special 100th edition of the Emerald book series Contemporary Issues in Economic and Financial Analysis dedicates 14 chapters to contemporary issues in business and financial management in Eastern Europe by authors invited mainly from the Rostov State University of Economics. As the title suggests, the chapters are a mix of studies on economic and financial aspects in Eastern Europe. Two chapters are dedicated to the green economy and finance and others to information technology in banks and the treasury, problems of fund raising for accumulated damage repair, company business and individual entrepreneurship activity strategy, competency-based management, the economic coenosis theory, the fiscal mechanism, global interaction in the world economy, bank economic capital model, corporate reporting and the concept of alienation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Creating Entrepreneurial Space: Talking Through Multi-Voices, Reflections on Emerging Debates
Interest in the field of entrepreneurship and the small firm has developed exponentially in recent decades. However, concerns have been expressed regarding the need to effectively engage more critically with the lived experiences of practicing entrepreneurs through alternative approaches and methods seeking to account for and highlight the social, political and moral aspect of entrepreneurial practice. By drawing recognition to the lived practice of the entrepreneur, one can begin to position the notion of action as a process of socially constructed emergent practice. Such discussion would seek to give an alternative perspective as a method of re-shaping and understanding what it means to practice as an entrepreneur. This volume seeks to critically explore alternative dimensions to entrepreneurial and small firm research and practice. In addition, the authors seek to promote ideas from other research traditions and perspectives which are culturally enriched and challenge what we term entrepreneurial and small firm practice. Including topics drawn from discussions with leading scholars, researchers and practitioners alike, this collection of papers aims to generate new and exciting opportunities for a holistic view of entrepreneurial research agendas, and advance the manner in which academics and researchers think about and engage with various aspects of entrepreneurial practice and development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Models of Modern Information Economy: Conceptual Contradictions and Practical Examples
The concept of an information economy is considered by some to be a new branch of economic theory, and by others as the next stage of development for an economy post-industrialization. Leading and developing economies are seeking to quickly develop a functional information economy in order to help overcome the consequences of the global financial crisis and ensure high global economic competitiveness. This book analyzes modern conceptual models of information economies, highlighting and examining their systemic contradictions and failings. It explores the disconnection between the readiness of the technical infrastructure for forming and developing the information economy, and an unprepared institutional and societal structure that is therefore unable to implement these processes and models. The editors present different approaches to solving these methodological and practical contradictions and lay out future models across different international contexts. They also provide recommendations for optimizing their theoretical model and improving its implementation in modern economic systems.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Game Plan of Successful Career Sponsorship: Harnessing the Talent of Aspiring Managers and Senior Leaders
The career sponsorship relationship is a reciprocal and mutually beneficial relationship from which both the sponsor and sponsee can benefit. Jovina Ang presents new and comprehensive insights into career sponsorship, combining both the perspectives of the sponsee and sponsor to develop a model of career sponsorship and a framework for career success. She also explores how career sponsorship is different from mentorship and coaching, how the sponsorship relationship initiates and evolves over time, and the positive and negative outcomes that can arise from career sponsorship. This book provides theoretical and practical insights from across the world on the construct of career sponsorship. It lays out strategic game plans for how the aspiring manager, the senior leader and the wider organisation can leverage sponsorship, enabling individuals to achieve career success while contributing to organisational objectives. It also illustrates the broader implications of sponsorship as an investment in social relations and a form of modern social capital.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
Studies in Law, Politics, and Society provides a vehicle for the publication of scholarly articles within the broad parameters of interdisciplinary legal scholarship. In this latest edition of this highly successful research series, chapters examine a diverse range of legal issues and their impact on and intersections with society. This volume features a special section with papers dedicated to law and disability. The chapters examine issues of HIV, obesity, disability rights, assisted suicide and prenatal testing. Other papers included in this important volume address the right to education for migrant children in the United States and the rights to citizenship of British children. This volume brings together leading scholars and will be vital reading for all those researching in this subject area.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mediation and Thinking Development in Schools: Theories and Practices for Educators
The benefits of mediation upon the development of children is an area that is yet to be fully explored. Mediation promotes learning through learner interactions with the environment and puts emphasis on the idea that society is responsible for all children's development.This book offers a unique practical model of effective mediation that integrates mediation theories from different periods and draws upon the work of five theoreticians; Dewey, Piaget, Vygotsky, Feuerstein, and Gardner. Key results from more recent neuropedagogical research are also presented. Mediation and Thinking Development in Schools supports the idea that academic achievements are not enough to measure a child's development; forward-thinking educators know that they not only have to teach specific disciplinary content, but also knowledge and skills that will be useful in their students' future. Hence, there is a need to understand how to mediate knowledge acquisition rather than be the source of knowledge. By fully illuminating the theory and the practice of mediation, this important text will prove invaluable for leaders, researchers and teachers in primary and secondary education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Active Learning Strategies in Higher Education: Teaching for Leadership, Innovation, and Creativity
In the era of the 21st century knowledge society, higher education can play an important role as a driver for innovation, leadership and creativity, as it helps develop not only well informed and knowledgeable citizens but also responsible and creative individuals. The challenges of globalization, tightly linked with rapid developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the need to address issues of quality and inclusiveness for a better quality of life and a sustainable future, have become drivers of change in higher education institutions. We are experiencing a shift towards more interdisciplinary curricula and a more integrated and student-centred approach to teaching. Instructors increasingly use active learning and other pedagogies of engagement as a means to increase learning and improve student attitudes. This book explores best practices for effective active learning in higher education. Experienced instructors from different disciplines and countries share their experiences and reflect on best practices, as well as on the theoretical underpinnings of active learning. Contributors share their thinking on strategies based on different active learning methods such as the use of ICTs, collaborative learning and experiential learning, as well as their implications for teaching, assessment, curriculum design and higher education administration. Active learning provides skills for real life problem solving and prepares students to become responsible and active citizens. This book will be a very significant resource for educators who are interested in making a difference in students' lives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Re-envisioning the MLS: Perspectives on the Future of Library and Information Science Education
At the heart of any discussion about the future of libraries is the future of librarians—and how well our instructional programs, especially the Master of Library Science (MLS) degree, prepare them for their careers. Building on the Re-envisioning the MLS initiative from the University of Maryland’s iSchool and the Information Policy & Access Center (iPAC), this book continues the critical conversations around preparing future librarians. Library and information science (LIS) programs are the foundation of librarianship, and their design requires input from everyone in the field—from academics designing programs and courses, to practitioners reflecting on how prepared (or unprepared) they are to serve their communities, to hiring authorities considering qualifications of candidates. The second installment of this two-part volume explores many of the challenges and opportunities inherent in the future of the MLS degree, including the changing nature of the communities that libraries serve and how LIS education should address these changes, how archival training must accommodate big data, the specialized skill sets librarians need on the job, and how best to prepare librarians for their role as educators. These conversations will never be fully resolved, as LIS education must continue to evolve to ensure the efficacy of libraries and the librarians at the heart of the work.
Emerald Publishing Limited Boosting Impact and Innovation in Higher Education: The Knowledge Entrepreneur and High Diversity Groups in Universities
This book provides a practical guide to mastering The Knowledge Entrepreneur Toolkit and to establishing High Diversity Groups in universities. Both are key to universities boosting their capacity for innovation and their impact both internally and on major world issues. This is not a traditional academic book. Rather, it represents a practical and pragmatic guide for academics, professional staff and university leaders to develop the skills and cultures needed to work intelligently and creatively with high levels of diversity. High levels of diversity, intentionally assembled, is the key to high performing leadership groups and research groups within universities. The author challenges academics and professionals within universities to pay as much attention to the development of their intra- and inter-personal skills and knowledge as they do to academic and professional skills and knowledge. He suggests that development of these skills has often been neglected, resulting in the inability of universities to realise the full potential of diversity and to create new knowledge and innovations that add value. Long standing university cultures and practices are challenged by this book. Yet universities are being required to adapt rapidly to technological and social changes as well as societal expectations. The Knowledge Entrepreneur and High Diversity Groups are two very timely frameworks to enable universities in meeting these challenges.
Emerald Publishing Limited Innovation and Strategy
Innovation is the process of value creation through use of relevant knowledge, capabilities and resources for conversion of ideas into new products, processes and practices, and improvements in existing products, processes and practices. Innovations of various types and forms are crucial to achieving and sustaining a competitive advantage in the marketplace, the principal focus of competitive strategy.Product innovations play a central role in various strategic marketing contexts such as meeting consumers’ needs and wants, responding to changes in consumers’ preferences, shaping consumers’ preferences, entering new markets, enhancing a firm’s market position in presently served product-markets, differentiating the firm’s product offerings from competitors’ offerings, neutralizing the effects of competitors’ actions, and preemption and deterrence of competitors. Against this backdrop, articles published in this volume focus on substantive issues in innovation, marketing strategy, and the nexus of innovation and marketing strategy. The substantive issues addressed in these articles include sources of innovation, customer involvement in innovation, innovations in a digital environment, innovations in an information rich environment, the role of market foresight and design orientation as organizational capabilities in new product development and new product performance, and the effects of market orientation, organizational culture, trust and commitment on business performance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Dynamics of Financial Stress and Economic Performance: Insights and Analysis from the World Economy
The financial stress of 2008 propelled the world into the most severe recession since the great depression. Despite the significant risk that it poses to the real economy, the complex interaction between financial stress and economic performance is not well understood due to the crucial gaps that remain in our understanding of this critical and dynamic relationship. Dynamics of Financial Stress and Economic Performance: Insights and Analysis from the World Economy attempts to understand the complex non-linear dynamics between financial system stress and economic performance on a global level. An analytical approach is taken to examine twelve major countries, and provide a detailed understanding of the crucial financial and economic issues faced in light of financial stress; including interest rate bottoms, inflation asymmetries, financial health of households, money supply bubbles, fiscal issues, trade dynamics, over leveraging of the financial markets, behaviour of housing prices, debt problems, potential for economic growth, or a complex combination of any of the above. This book will appeal to practitioners, students and researchers in fields such as financial economics, risk management and quantitative finance who wish to expand their knowledge of these crucial and complex dynamics. It is also an appealing read for those who are generally curious about business, banking, financial markets and macro-economic issues occurring on both an individual country and global level.
Emerald Publishing Limited Public Procurement Fundamentals: Lessons from and for the Field
During the last two decades, public procurement evolved in most of the world but is often carried out by government officials with little or no experience with procurement policies and procedures. As a result, substantial amounts of public funds are lost due to wrong selection of suppliers and contractors. While a large amount of literature exists on public procurement, it deals with different aspects such as commercial, environmental, legal, and technical aspects. In this new work, Khan provides an introduction to procurement and efficiency, bringing together these difficult and complex aspects of public procurement in a clear and succinct manner. From his experience with the World Bank throughout Central and Eastern Europe, Balkans, Caucuses, and Central and South Asia, Khan has created a step-by-step manual for government officials, researchers, and students.
Emerald Publishing Limited Delivering Victory: The History of U.S. Military Transportation
While there are many books on logistics which understand the concept of service and supply, none understand the important role of transportation in synchronizing logistics. Delivering Victory: The History of U.S. Military Transportation covers the evolution of military transportation in the U.S. Armed Forces from the Spanish American War until the recent humanitarian missions to Haiti and West Africa to show how military transportation both synchronizes and creates logistics operations and therefore shapes the conduct of contingency and combat operations. Based on a rich selection of both primary and secondary sources, this book explores how the role of military transportation in the U.S has evolved, from disparate organizations to a synchronized logistics approach which connects dots from end to end, from fort and factory, and to the foxhole. Chronicling the birth of a separate branch of the Army during the Second World War and the creation of a strategic logistics technique headed by a single organization, the author demonstrates how transportation created logistics operations due to its inherent moving nature which allowed military operations to change in scale and magnitude. To this end, this book demonstrates how the ability to deploy and sustain mass around the globe became the hallmark of American military transportation capability, and an essential part of delivering victory.
Emerald Publishing Limited Nirbhaya, New Media and Digital Gender Activism
This title centres around digital gender activism focusing on the implications that the phenomenon of online gender activism has for politics, society, culture and gender relations/dynamics. On December 16th, 2012, Jyoti Singh, a female psychotherapy student from New Delhi was raped by six men in a moving bus while making her way home with a male friend. After 13 days spent fighting for her life, Jyoti Singh passed away. Abiding by Indian laws, Joyti’s actual name was never mentioned by the media and pseudonyms like ‘Nirbhaya’ (Hindi for fearless) were most commonly used. The brutal attack instantly triggered domestic and global criticism and widespread protests across India over the high levels of violence against Indian women and children, making it one of the biggest gender movements that the country has witnessed. The Nirbhaya case thus became a turning point in the politics of gender justice in India. The Nationwide protests that followed the case also witnessed one of the first and most extensive uses of digital technologies for activism in India having far reaching changes in how gender activism is conducted. Keeping the Nibhaya case at its core, this book explores and attempts to understand experiences and social constructs and investigate the use of digital technologies and social media by civil society actors, activists and organisations specifically for gender activism in India.
Emerald Publishing Limited Generational Career Shifts: How Matures, Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials View Work
Organizations and employers are currently managing an inter-generational workforce, and the most prudent of these are seeking to enhance the careers of new entrants. HRM, careers, and work researchers have begun to explore career-related differences among the four generations of workers currently in employment, but to date there has been very little in the way of full-length comparative studies. In Generational Career Shifts: How Veterans, Boomers, Xers, and Millennials View Work, Eddy S. Ng, Sean T. Lyons, and Linda Schweitzer develop a timely, wide-ranging examination of inter-generational differences in work priorities, career attitudes, career experiences, and career outcomes. Offering a comprehensive overview of existing research, and drawing upon the authors’ own largescale study of students and knowledge workers, this book documents how careers have fundamentally shifted over the past five decades. Along the way, it offers crucial insights into what these shifts mean for employers and their management strategies. Generational Career Shifts is essential reading for career researchers, generational researchers, practitioners within executive education, as well as for career counsellors, human resource departments, corporate libraries, and people managers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Platform Economics: Rhetoric and Reality in the "Sharing Economy"
Platform Economics tackles head on the rhetoric surrounding the so-called “sharing economy”, which has muddied public debate and has contributed to a lack of policy and regulatory intervention. The book sheds light on the sharing economy debate by offering an in-depth analysis both of rhetoric employed by sharing economy actors, and by mapping key aspects of digital labour markets. The platform is discussed both as a source of innovation and growth and as a matter of policy concern over competition, tax collection, consumers’ protection, privacy, and algorithms transparency, and the future of work. The authors show that actors in the sharing economy have not only used the narratives describing the initial phase of the sharing movement to their advantage, but have also succeeded in enlisting diffuse interests as their allies. The authors’ research draws particular attention to the predicted advent of technological unemployment in conjunction with widespread concern over the robotisation of jobs. Advocating an inter-disciplinary approach in which economics, sociology, anthropology, legal studies, and rhetorical analysis converge, this text will prove invaluable to students, researchers and economists alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Harnessing the Power of Failure: Using Storytelling and Systems Engineering to Enhance Organizational Learning
Failure informs more generously and reliably than success. Failure is the best indicator of what’s working and what’s not in any complex system or enterprise. All failures will inevitably reveal latent defects and/or failure modes that are invariably buried within the people, processes, materials, design, manufacturing, and management that comprise the complex system. In this new framework from former NASA aerospace professionals, Newman and Wander employ a unique system failure case study (SFCS) paradigm, originally developed to stimulate systems thinking and lessons learning at NASA, that combines storytelling and systems engineering designed to enhance organizational learning. The authors employ the SFCS approach to explore a vast array of failure events in multiple sectors of transportation, industry, aerospace, construction, and critical infrastructure. They provide an Integrated Analysis seeking trends, patterns, and universally applicable insights that readers can use to recognize areas of potential vulnerability within their own activities. The authors then identify specific actions within the span of control of enterprise leaders, project managers, process owners and operators which can be implemented to manage risk in high consequence, high risk activities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inclusive Education in South Africa and the Developing World: The Search for an Inclusive Pedagogy
This book offers policy makers, teachers and teacher trainers a framework for understanding inclusive education in the developing world. With a major focus on South Africa, it argues that planning for inclusive education must rupture old theories, assumptions, models and tools - including a recognition of how the history of special education has psychologized failure - with the mainstream taking ownership of the transformation to a fairer system. The author contends that for inclusive education to take hold, policy makers need to contextualize the curriculum to the needs of the developing country, and to place the vulnerable and working class demographic at the heart of the planning process - recognizing that the performative culture of developed countries will marginalize and alienate this majority group. Providing practical guidelines on developing full-service schools that can cater for learners who experience a range of barriers to learning, Inclusive Education in South Africa and the Developing World will be of great value to all those with an interest in education, inclusion and social justice both within South Africa and beyond.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Sustainable Marketing Concept in European SMEs: Insights from the Food & Drink Industry
The food and drink sector represents Europe’s largest manufacturing industry, its largest employer and is a major player in the global economy. It also has one of the greatest environmental impacts. In order to maintain competitive advantage, SMEs need to address their environmental impact and integrate sustainability into their marketing strategies and operations. The Sustainable Marketing Concept in European SMEs: Insights from the Food & Drink Industry brings together contributions from leading scholars to provide new knowledge and applications for the implementation of sustainable marketing orientation and sustainable marketing mix tools in SMEs operating in the industry. It will be the first publication focussing on the scope of sustainable marketing applications by SMEs providing comparison, data analysis and insights from Western Europe and Central - Eastern Europe. The book is a result of an international cooperation undertaken by leading researchers from Poland, Croatia, the UK, Russia, Germany and Spain, all with many years of experience in issues related to marketing and sustainability.
Emerald Publishing Limited Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2017
This year’s Annual Review of Comparative and International Education surveys the field from several globally representative perspectives. Contributors include scholars, policymakers and development consultants and cover comparative and international education trends and issues unique to Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, and South America. This volume is representative of a wide range of recent trends and important concerns in the CIE community worldwide and within particular regions or specific communities. Additionally, the Annual Review celebrates its fifth year of continuous publication this year, which highlights the ongoing interest in and importance of reflective practice and the professionalization of comparative and international education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Distance in International Business: Concept, Cost and Value
This research and teaching volume has been composed in honour of Rosalie Tung, a distinguished institution builder, thought leader and educator in the field of international business (IB). The volume addresses Rosalie Tung’s main research focus in a career that has already spanned several decades, namely the analysis of distance facing multinational enterprises (MNEs), with a focus on state-of-the-art conceptual and fact-based empirical developments in the realm of cultural and institutional distance elements. The impact of distance on international business transactions and operations remains ill-understood. How should distance be conceptualized? Which dimensions of distance should be considered? Is distance always a cost, or can it sometimes confer value? This twelfth volume in the Progress in International Business Research series presents extensive accounts of the contemporary scientific debate on how to assess the impacts of distance, both negative and positive ones, on the conduct of international business. This volume covers five dimensions related to the concept, cost and value of distance, in International business: • The concept of distance • The cost of cultural and psychic distance • The cost of institutional distance • The value of distance • Alternative lenses for IB research
Emerald Publishing Limited Popular Music in Contemporary Bulgaria: At the Crossroads
Bulgarian popular music, the meanings it articulates, and the infrastructures of its creation, operates within a web of inter-dependencies with changing social and political contexts. Positioned on the edge of Europe, between the cultural constructs of the 'East' and 'West', Bulgarian popular music negotiates the complexities of perceived 'global' values and specificities of the 'local'. This book takes an ethnographic approach to qualitative methodologies to create a mosaic of perspectives through the participation of music artists, critics, business figures, copyright specialists, and young audiences. It employs the metaphor of the 'crossroads' to describe the realities of the contemporary Bulgarian popular music field, developed amidst the prolonged transitions that followed the communist era. In the context of struggles for social change, popular music has participated in the creation of rituals and symbols of protest and resistance. At the same time, the new market environment created opportunities for popular music to formulate a business approach to producing standardised content. The Balkans, are a melting pot of music traditions, but are also framed as pathologically different from the rest of Europe. This book suggests that an internalised negative stereotype adds tacit complexities to Bulgarian popular music, while at the same time, expressive markers of identity, such as folklore and language, are celebrated.
Emerald Publishing Limited Methodological Challenges and Advances in Managerial and Organizational Cognition
This book explores the methodological frontiers of managerial and organizational cognition (MOC), an exciting and diverse interdisciplinary body of work that began with the publication in 1958 of James G. March and Herbert A. Simon’s classic work Organizations. Entering its fourth decade, the field gained significant momentum following the appearance of Anne S. Huff’s (1990) book Mapping Strategic Thought, which explored the (then) methodological frontiers of MOC. The world has changed since then and so, too, have the methods available to MOC researchers; it is timely, therefore, to examine the extent to which the methods that were foundational to the development of MOC are still fit for purpose. Taking stock of MOC’s many methodological accomplishments, the thought-provoking chapters comprising this second volume of the New Horizons in Managerial and Organizational Cognition book series set the agenda for the next phase of the field’s development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Making Critical Sense of Immigrant Experience: A Case Study of Hong Kong Chinese in Canada
This book showcases a critical sensemaking (CSM) study of how professional immigrants from Hong Kong to Canada make sense of their workplace experiences, and what this can tell us about why a substantial number leave in their first year in Canada. An analysis of the interviews demonstrates that immigrants’ identities are grounded by contextual sensemaking elements. Data show that informants have accepted unchallenged assumptions: (1) that the government is providing help for them to “get in” the workplace; and (2) that the ethnic service organizations are offering positive guidance to their workplace opportunities. At the organizational level, a master discourse emphasizing integration has mediated immigrants’ struggles. Within these frustrations, many have internalized a hidden discourse of inadequate or deficient selves and adopted a sacrificial position to maintain a positive sense of identity. The study concludes that a critical sensemaking approach allows greater insights into immigration processes than realist surveys, which tend to impose a pre-packaged sense of the immigrant experience. Through critical sensemaking, readers are encouraged to rethink the current role of ethnic service organizations in the immigration system.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sport Business in Leading Economies
From a renowned group of international scholars, this new work examines how leading economic countries use sport business, particularly individual sports events (such as the Olympics or FIFA Men’s or Women’s World Cup) as well as participant sport, in comprehensive plans toward driving and furthering economic development, raising brand awareness (country as a brand), transforming lagging communities, and enhancing travel and tourism in the country. Comparative sport studies are fundamentally designed for cross-country and cross-cultural understanding, learning, and improvement. By recognizing the achievements, administrative procedures, and management practices of peer countries and using them as a mirror or referencing parameter, government agencies and sport organizations of a country may be able to identify areas that need improvements in their own administration and cultivate development and growth in the country’s sport industry. Exploring how China, Japan, South Korea, Russia, the UK, Germany, the US, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, and Australia have all used sport as a catalytic agent, each chapter delves into the country’s sports industry by looking at: recent history and stages of the industry; current state including scope, magnitude, structure, governance, policies, facilities, and programs; developmental characteristics, strength, and highlights; contemporary challenges and issues; and trends of development and advancement.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corruption, Accountability and Discretion
The corruption of public officials in the United States and its corrosive impact on public policy, political stability and democratic institutions, earns it a spot among the most critical public crises of the last decade. There have been scandals involving elected officials across the political spectrum from local elected officials up to the White House, involving conflicts of interest, campaign fundraising and political elections. At the heart of many scandals is the discretionary power of public officials to make decisions based on personal interest, often leading to corruption. Understanding the nature and etiology of corruption is important to drafting controls on discretion and rules for accountability. While strict regulation and oversight mechanisms have previously been designed to encourage ethical decision-making and punish violators, it is the media and citizens that have increasingly become modern mechanisms of accountability. Corruption of public governance not only undermines the effectiveness of the political system; it also results in corrupt public policymaking on the most pressing issues facing Americans today. This timely and insightful book provides the key elements needed to understand the nature and prevalence of corruption in public governance, as well as the devastating public policy consequences. The chapters explore the implications of public governance corruption on political stability, public trust, and policymaking, as well as recommendations for how to establish controls on discretion and strict regulation to increase accountability and corruption control in public governance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance
The 2017 APBBEF volume includes studies on financial regulations on financial institutions, research on financial markets, and issues on employment and income inequality. Regulations on insurance contracts and derivatives, bank capital standards and subordinated debt prices, and bank’s credit allocation during the financial crises are of great concern to policy makers. On the financial markets, this volume covers stock market activities and their relationship with industrial production growth and housing prices, a further equity premium puzzle, and accounting fraud and audit fees in China. This volume also includes the employment assimilation of marriage and human capital investment inequality and the rural-urban income gap in the Asia-Pacific region. Contributors to this volume include Edward J. Kane (Boston College), J. Huston McCulloch (Ohio State University), Cheng-Few Lee (Rutgers University), Thomas C. Chiang (Drexel University), Chiung-Min Tsai (Central Bank of the Republic of China), Wei-Chiao Huang (Western Michigan University), Hwei-Lin Chuang (National Tsing Hua University), Jingjing Yang (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies), Sayyed Mahdi Ziaei (Xiamen University Malaysia), Ghulam Ali Bhatti (University of Gujrat), and Min-Teh Yu (China University of Technology).
Emerald Publishing Limited Modern Energy Market Manipulation
As long as commodity and securities markets have been in operation, market manipulation has been a serious concern. Now that many electricity and natural gas markets have been opened to competition, manipulation threatens to destroy the value of these markets as well. Yet market manipulation itself remains ill-defined, with uncertain legal and economic principles operating on both sides of regulatory proceedings. Andrew N. Kleit’s Modern Energy Market Manipulation offers an in-depth exploration of this crucial gray area. It presents a coherent definition of market manipulation, and drawing upon the substantial available legal evidence, it examines two categories of manipulation cases: those in which the allegations clearly fit the definition of manipulation but in which the facts of the case are unclear, and conversely, those in which the facts of the case are clear but in which it is uncertain whether they actually constitute manipulation. Throughout his discussions, Professor Kleit casts a critical eye not only on energy companies but also on the legal decisions and processes at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which acts as both prosecutor and judge in manipulation matters, and which has consistently sided with its own staff and against defendants. As this book deftly shows, both defendants and prosecutors alike have benefitted from the ambiguities at the heart of existing definitions of market manipulation. Modern Energy Market Manipulation is essential reading for regulators, jurists, litigants, and business managers, and it is of interest to anyone who wants to learn about the enforcement mechanisms of federal regulators.
Emerald Publishing Limited Environmental Criminology: Spatial Analysis and Regional Issues
Environmental Criminology: Spatial Analysis and Regional Issues combines various academic perspectives to provide a multi-disciplinary approach to examining environmental criminology. Using sociological, criminological, anthropological, historical and media analysis, this volume examines local and regional issues in crime. The interdisciplinary nature of the collection makes the book ideal for students or researchers who wish to expand their approach to environmental criminology.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Perspective of Historical Sociology: The Individual as Homo-Sociologicus Through Society and History
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the range of themes which make up the field of Historical Sociology. Jiří Šubrt systematically discusses the main problems of societal development, long term process and changes in the key areas of social life. These include not only temporalized sociology, evolutionary theory, civilizational analysis, societal systems, structures and functions, but also modernization and revolution, risk, crisis, catastrophe and collapse, wars, conflicts and violence, nations, nationalism and collective memory. This study does not ignore the fundamental dichotomy underlying the discipline, which is between individualism and holism. At the heart of this book lies the human individual as related to social and historical development. The key question is who or what is responsible for the process of human history: society or the individual? The author concludes by offering an approach which may help in resolving this dilemma.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multimodality, Meaning, and Institutions
The insight that institutions, and the communicative practices that create, sustain, and challenge them, are multimodal accomplishments has garnered increasing attention from scholars in organization and management research over the last decade. Traditional understanding of social knowledge and meaning as being constituted primarily through verbal discourse has been challenged and extended by work that has promoted the centrality of visual, material, and other sign systems (e.g., audio, gestures, layout) for constructing social reality. While some discursive approaches to organizations and institutions have acknowledged the existence and relevance of modes other than the verbal for some time, systematic research on multimodality has remained rather sparse. In particular, the interaction and orchestration of multiple modes remains terra incognita with considerable empirical, methodological, and theoretical stakes. Together, 54A and 54B of Research in the Sociology of Organizations investigate these issues with innovative research that focuses on the relationship between different modes in the emergence, diffusion, maintenance, and challenge of social meanings and institutions. Individual contributions demonstrate the potential of multimodal approaches to rejuvenate and extend the study of institutions, they revisit research on classic phenomena in organization theory through a multimodal lens, and advance the design of relevant and rigorous methods of analysis for the study of multimodal communicative practices.
Emerald Publishing Limited Bureaucracy and Society in Transition: Comparative Perspectives
New Public Management has held a central position within public administration over the past few decades, complemented by various models promoting post-bureaucratic organization. But ‘traditional’ bureaucracy has not disappeared, and bureaucracy is in transition in the West and the rest of the world. Bureaucracies still fill crucial positions in modern societies, despite growing criticism of assumed inefficiencies and unlimited growth. This volume examines a range of issues related to bureaucracies in transition across Europe, with a particular focus on the Nordic region. Chapters examine a range of topics including a reinterpretation of Weber’s conception of bureaucracy; the historical development of institutions and organizational structures in Sweden and Greece; the myth of bureaucratic neutrality and the concept of ‘competent neutrality’; performance management systems; the anti-bureaucratic identities of senior civil servants; the role of experts and expertise in bureaucratic organizations; the impact of reform on public sector executives; the curbing of corruption in Scandinavian states; an interrogation of the Nordic administrative model; Supreme Audit Institutions; ‘street-level’ bureaucracy; and the establishment of an ‘ethics of office’ amongst Danish civil servants.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contested Belonging: Spaces, Practices, Biographies
In Contested Belonging: Spaces, Practices, Biographies contributions by well-known international scholars from different disciplines address the sites, practices, and narratives in which belonging is imagined, enacted and constrained, negotiated and contested. Belonging is viewed from the perspectives of both migrants and refugees in their host countries as well as from people who are ostensibly ‘at home’ and yet may experience various degrees of alienation in their countries of origin. The book focuses on three particular dimensions of belonging: belonging as space (neighbourhood, workplace, home), as practice (virtual, physical, cultural), and as biography (life stories, group narratives). What role do physical, digital, transnational and in-between spaces play and how are they used in order to create/contest belonging? Which practices do people engage in in order to gain/foster/invent a certain/new sense of belonging? What can the biographies and narratives of people reveal about their complicated and contested experiences of belonging? Contested Belonging: Spaces, Practices, Biographies convincingly shows how individual and collective struggles for belonging are not only associated with exclusion and ‘othering’, but also lead to surprising and inspiring forms of social action and transformation, suggesting that there may be more reason for hope than for despair.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethics in the Global South
The influence of the global South is increasing in the conduct and governance of multinationals, in the growing interest in the 'bottom of the pyramid', in the debates over the environment, trade and international law. There are questions aplenty. Complexities and tensions, differing ethical interpretations. The volume includes works by authors from the global South and contributions about ethical issues in the global South, including the responses to famine in East Africa, India and Indonesia, and the applicability of international guidelines and ethical frameworks in South Africa. Other contributions examine the roles of beliefs and philosophies in the establishment of ethical traditions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leadership Now: Reflections on the Legacy of Boas Shamir
The late Boas Shamir made a significant contribution to the development of novel theories and frameworks in the leadership field. He became one of the most influential figures in leadership research, and left behind him an outstanding body of work. Leadership Now: Reflections on the Legacy of Boas Shamir incorporates some of Boas Shamir's most classic and significant works, and includes contributions from a group that represent the most influential leaders in the field, up and coming scholars, as well as students of Boas Shamir. The first part of the book focuses on Shamir’s most influential work on the motivational effects of charismatic leaders. The second part follows with work on the charismatic relationship; reflecting the shift of Boas Shamir's work in the later parts of his career from a leader-centric focus to a closer examination of the relational aspects of leadership and the major effects followers have on the leadership process. The third part includes samples of this work on the role of the contextual factors in leadership. This volume aims to preserve Boas Shamir's legacy and inspire further generations of leadership scholars.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multinational Enterprises and Sustainable Development
Multinational enterprises (MNEs) are believed to contribute towards economic development of host countries through foreign direct investment (FDI), which results in poverty alleviation and human empowerment through linkages and spillovers with local stakeholders. However, earlier research demonstrates that the positive impact of FDI is often inconclusive. There is thus a gap in understanding the link between the activities of MNEs in developing countries and their impact on socio-economic development. This volume reports the results of a large international ‘MNEmerge’ research project, financed by the European Commission, and provides an understanding of the impact of MNEs on United Nations Millennium Development Goals and successive Sustainable Development Goals in developing countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Internet+ and Electronic Business in China: Innovation and Applications
Internet + and Electronic Business in China is a comprehensive resource that provides insight and analysis into E-commerce in China and how it has revolutionized and continues to revolutionize business and society. Split into four distinct sections, the book first lays out the theoretical foundations and fundamental concepts of E-Business before moving on to look at internet+ innovation models and their applications in different industries such as agriculture, finance and commerce. The book then provides a comprehensive analysis of E-business platforms and their applications in China before finishing with four comprehensive case studies of major E-business projects, providing readers with successful examples of implementing E-Business entrepreneurship projects.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Great Debates in Entrepreneurship
This volume presents some of the most important 'debates' that exist in the field of Entrepreneurship today. It brings together leading scholars, deriving contributions from special sessions designed by the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers (GCEC) to discuss both sides of these 'great debates'. Topics include: “Is the Business Plan Really Dead and Should It Be,” “Does the Lean Start up Deserve all the Hype?” “Entrepreneurial Ecosystem - Weak Metaphor or Genuine Concept?” “Teaching vs. Doing – Is there a Role for Lecture and Content in Entrepreneurship Education?” “Should Centers Be Controlled Centrally?” and “Is a Bachelor’s Degree in Entrepreneurship Worth It?”.
Emerald Publishing Limited Breaking up the Global Value Chain: Opportunities and Consequences
With intensified global competition, institutional changes and reduced communication costs the propensity of firms to reconfigure their global value chain and separate their activities across national boundaries has increased markedly. It enables firms to combine the benefits arising from specialization and increased flexibility with location advantages. Consequently, large parts of manufacturing and other more standardized activities have been offshored to emerging countries. However, recent developments are challenging this traditional separation between advanced and emerging economies as host of knowledge- and production-intensive activities, respectively. Recent research has emphasized the role of intra-organizational relationships and links among the different parts of the value chain. Innovative and productive activities are affected by strong interdependencies and complementarities, and for some companies the co-location of R&D and manufacturing is critical for development and innovation. This volume will interest scholars in International Business, Economic Geography, Operations and Supply Chain Management, International Economics, and Political Science.