Search results for ""author andreas""
Herder Verlag GmbH Entscheide dich
Arena Verlag GmbH Tilda Apfelkern. Die schönsten Abenteuer aus dem Heckenrosenweg Sonderausgabe zur TVSerie
Arena Verlag GmbH Snöfrid aus dem Wiesental. Weihnachtszauber im Nordland. 24 AdventskalenderGeschichten
Arena Verlag GmbH Missi Moppel Detektivin für alle Fälle. Das Geheimnis im Turmzimmer und andere Rätselhaftigkeiten
John Wiley & Sons Inc Following the Trend: Diversified Managed Futures Trading
An up-to-date and practical roadmap for diversified futures trading using CTA fund strategies In the newly revised second edition of Following the Trend: Diversified Managed Futures Trading, renowned hedge fund founder and asset manager Andreas F. Clenow presents a systematic asset management methodology in a way that allows readers to emulate the success of CTA industry professionals. In the book, you’ll find performance and attribution details for every year between 2002 and 2021 and detailed explanations of how the markets, industry, and strategy have evolved between the publication of the first edition and today. The author also offers: Detailed discussions of whether CTA hedge funds continue to show high internal correlation and exhibit homogeneous behaviour The impact of low and negative interest rate environments, massive inflows into equity markets, and the rise of quant trading firms Explorations of the combination of different types of trading models to enhance performance, complete with rulesets and fulsome analyses A ground-breaking and thoroughly incisive examination of the commodity trading advisor industry, Following the Trend: Diversified Managed Futures Trading is an essential volume for sophisticated retail traders, day traders, private investors, investment managers, portfolio managers, and institutional investors.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Systems Engineering with SDL: Developing Performance-Critical Communication Systems
SDL (Specification and Description Language) is a modern, high-level programming language intended for the description of complex, event-driven, real-time and communicating systems. SDL was originally designed to describe performance-critical, real-time systems with precision and accuracy, and, if used correctly, it can significantly enhance the performance of system designs. This text is unique in the integration between performance and design issues, describing the specific problems encountered when specifying, designing and implementing communication systems with SDL, and offers experience-based advice and solutions. Other topics covered include * Navigating through complex design processes * Strategies for deriving efficient implementations from SDL descriptions * The latest version of SDL, SDL-2000 Systems Engineering with SDL also includes a CD-ROM containing a demonstration version of Telelogic's SDL design suite 'Tau' - the market leading SDL design tool which further reinforces the comprehensive integration between theory and practice. Written by a former system architect at Alcatel who currently serves on the ITU standards body for SDL, responsible for the development of performance and time aspects of the standard, this valuable reference resource is principally of use to practitioners using SDL to develop communicating systems, communication protocols, distributed systems, embedded systems, especially systems architects, development engineers and tool builders making strategic design decisions. However, the comprehensive coverage and concise and practical style make this text also applicable to students on graduate level courses on protocol engineering, communication systems engineering and distributed systems.
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Nach Lourdes!: Der Franzoesische Marienwallfahrtsort Und Die Katholiken Im Deutschen Kaiserreich (1871-1914)
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Our Hopes, Our Future: Insights from the Hope Barometer
How can we overcome crises and shape our common future?Since the beginning of the Corona pandemic, we have all been put to an immense test. This shows how humanity can successfully and constructively deal with such situations and make the best of them. And we learn that the future is not something that happens to us, but that we can actively and constructively shape it. The basic prerequisite for this is an attitude of openness, mutual helpfulness and hope. This non-fiction book vividly reports on the currently prevailing images of the future and the common longings as well as on people's capacity for hope and action. It reveals the power of desirable images of the future and of a collective hope as the opposite of general helplessness or of blind and naïve optimism. The central statements of this book are based on the experiences of thousands of people in more than ten countries who participated in the scientific study of the Hope Barometer in 2019 and 2020. In a unique way, this combines lived practice with the latest findings of social science futurology, positive psychology and pragmatic philosophy. Target groups:This book is for anyone who wants to look to the future with hope. It offers concrete answers to key questions and shows how crises can be overcome while shaping a better future for individuals and society as a whole. About the author:Dr. Andreas M. Krafft teaches at the University of St. Gallen and at the Free University of Berlin. As co-president of swissfuture, the Swiss Association for Futures Research, and as a board member of the Swiss Society for Positive Psychology, he leads the international research network of the Hope Barometer.
Peter Lang AG Zwischen Burnout Und Spiritueller Erneuerung: Studien Zum Beruf Des Evangelischen Pfarrers Und Der Evangelischen Pfarrerin
teNeues Publishing UK Ltd dots on paper: Philip Glass by Andreas H. Bitesnich
The magnificent coffee table book Philip Glass - Dots on Paper by Andreas H. Bitesnich is about the life and work of the famous pianist. He is one of the most important pioneers of American minimal music and composed the film music for well-known films such as The Illusionist, The Truman Show, Fantastic Four and Cassandra's Dream. In 2010, the Austrian photographer Bitesnich met the composer Philip Glass together with the conductor and long-time friend Dennis Russel Davies and was immediately fascinated by the musician. A close friendship developed between the three. For five years he accompanied the composer on concerts and tours and recorded these journeys and performances in his photographs. During this time, he was also a guest in Glass's private New York flat and was allowed to photograph the composer in his most private surroundings. The result is an intimate portrait of Philip Glass as a musician, which is now available to all his admirers in this unique coffee table book. The entire coffee table book is a real work of art. The format and cover are reminiscent of a record cover, the photographs used are mostly in black and white and technically perfect. You can feel the reverence that Bitesnich has for Glass speaking to the viewer from these pictures.
Faithlife Corporation Signs of the Messiah
APress Practical Data Science: A Guide to Building the Technology Stack for Turning Data Lakes into Business Assets
Learn how to build a data science technology stack and perform good data science with repeatable methods. You will learn how to turn data lakes into business assets.The data science technology stack demonstrated in Practical Data Science is built from components in general use in the industry. Data scientist Andreas Vermeulen demonstrates in detail how to build and provision a technology stack to yield repeatable results. He shows you how to apply practical methods to extract actionable business knowledge from data lakes consisting of data from a polyglot of data types and dimensions.What You'll Learn Become fluent in the essential concepts and terminology of data science and data engineering Build and use a technology stack that meets industry criteria Master the methods for retrieving actionable business knowledge Coordinate the handling of polyglot data types in a data lake for repeatable results Who This Book Is ForData scientists and data engineers who are required to convert data from a data lake into actionable knowledge for their business, and students who aspire to be data scientists and data engineers
Logos Verlag Berlin Sport Im Spannungsfeld Von Recht, Wirtschaft Und Europa
Universitatsverlag Winter Drama de Divo Cassiano: Drama de Divo Cassiano / Drama Uber Den Heiligen Cassian
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Wasser & Wirtschaft Im Klimawandel: Konkrete Ergebnisse Am Beispiel Der Sensiblen Region Oststeiermark
Kohlhammer Honorar Und Vertrag Beim Bauen Im Bestand: Ein Rechtlicher Leitfaden Fur Innenarchitekten
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Vereine, Synagogen und Gemeinden im kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasien
Eines der beherrschenden Phänomene der Städte im römischen Kaiserreich des 1. bis 3. Jahrhundert n. Chr. waren freie Vereinigungen, in denen sich Gleichgesinnte, jenseits ihrer familiären und gemeindlichen Bindungen, freiwillig und auf Dauer zusammenschlossen. Dazu zählten griechisch-römische Vereinigungen (wie Berufskollegien und pagane Kultgenossenschaften) ebenso wie christliche Gemeinden und jüdische Synagogen. Am Beispiel dieser Vereinigungen im griechischen Osten des Reiches erörtern die Autoren der Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes wichtige Aspekte von Gruppenbildung im römischen Kaiserreich. Hintergrund der Überlegungen ist die Tatsache, daß die griechisch-römischen Vereinigungen, christlichen Gemeinden und jüdischen Synagogen zwar ihrer Form nach im wesentlichen übereinstimmten: Die Organisationsstrukturen waren ähnlich, auch die Bedingungen sozialer Beziehungen innerhalb und außerhalb der Gemeinschaften entsprachen einander weitgehend. Aber sie generierten, infolge unterschiedlicher religiöser Orientierungen, spezifische Verhaltensmuster und Wertvorstellungen, die auch auf die Gesellschaft ausstrahlten.
Hanser Publications Additive Manufacturing: 3D Printing for Prototyping and Manufacturing
The use of additive manufacturing for the direct production of finished products is becoming increasingly important. The method not only reduces the demands on industrial infrastructure, but also opens up new perspectives in terms of decentralized production and customer inclusive individualized production (customization, cyberproduction).Oriented towards the practitioner, in this book the basics of additive manufacturing are presented and the properties and special aspects of industrially available machines are discussed. From the generation of data to the forming method, the complete process chain is shown in a practical light. In particular, the following additive manufacturing technologies are discussed: Polymerization (e.g., stereolithography) Sintering and melting (e.g., laser sintering) Layer laminate method (e.g., laminated object manufacturing, LOM) Extrusion (e.g., fused deposition modeling, FDM) 3D printing Applications for the production of models and prototypes (rapid prototyping), tools, tool inserts, and forms (rapid tooling) as well as end products (rapid manufacturing) are covered in detailed chapters with examples. Questions of efficiency are discussed from a strategic point of view, and also from an operational perspective.With the purchase of this book, you also receive a free personal access code to download the eBook.
Spektrum Academic Publishers Die Osterinsel: Auf Tour
Rapa Nui, die Osterinsel, ist einer der abgelegensten bewohnten Orte der Erde und auch für manchen erfahrenen Weltenbummler eine noch unerfüllte Wunschdestination. Wer die weite Reise hierher auf sich nimmt, kommt wohl vor allem, um den kulturellen Schätzen und Einmaligkeiten nachzuspüren, die seit 1995 zum Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO gehören. Bekannt und berühmt sind die gigantischen Steinfiguren, die moai, die den Forschern noch immer viele Rätsel aufgeben. Doch gibt es noch weitaus mehr zu entdecken: Prähistorische Monumentalbauwerke, wundervolle Steinbilder, geheimnisvolle Höhlensysteme, steinerne Gärten und unzählige Relikte alter Wohnstätten. Manchmal wird Rapa Nui als das größte Freilichtmuseum der Erde bezeichnet, ein Attribut, das der unglaublichen Fülle an Kulturrelikten geschuldet ist. Jedoch ist die Insel keineswegs nur ein Museum, sondern Lebensraum liebenswürdiger und gastfreundlicher Menschen. Der Ökologe Andreas Mieth und der Geograph Hans-Rudolf Bork forschen seit vielen Jahren auf der Osterinsel. Aus erster Hand bieten Ihnen die Autoren verständlich aufbereitetes und hervorragend illustriertes Hintergrundwissen, sei es zu den Schätzen der Vergangenheit oder zu den Phänomenen der Gegenwart. Mit dem vorliegenden Buch sind Sie ausgezeichnet für eine Reise auf die Osterinsel gerüstet. Und auch wenn Sie noch keine konkreten Reisepläne hegen, wird Ihnen der Band zumindest eine spannende virtuelle Reise auf die östlichste Insel Polynesiens eröffnen.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Religion Und Konflikt
De Gruyter Green Banking and Green Central Banking
The books deals with the questions that really matter for green finance: Where will the money to finance the transition to a low carbon environment come from, how far do the banks’ balance sheets stretch and where will the rest of the money come from? How much can we rely on the capital markets, especially in the EU, to get money to the parts of the economy which really need it, without greenwashing? How do governments organize not just a transition, but a just transition to a low carbon environment? Is it time to revisit received ideas about the proper role for centralbanks?
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Sustainable Aviation: A Management Perspective
This book analyses from a management perspective how the aviation industry can achieve a sustainability transformation in order to reach the Paris climate targets for 2050 and provides various strategic and operational recommendations in this regard. It examines various elements of the aviation system exhaustively, including technologies, consumers, airlines, airports and policies, from both short- and long-term standpoints. Specific questions and contradictions, as well as concrete options for taking action, are presented. It also includes numerous practical case studies, which will help practitioners transfer the concepts into their everyday work. The book is aimed at a broad, professional audience consisting of managers, politicians and regulators, but also at advanced students engaged in academic and professional education.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Triumph of Profiling: The Self in Digital Culture
Until fairly recently, only serial killers and lunatics had profiles. Yet today, almost everyone is profiled through social media, mobile phones, and a multitude of other methods. But where does the idea of “profiling” come from, how has it changed over time, and what are its implications? In this book, Andreas Bernard examines contemporary profiling’s roots in late-nineteenth-century criminology, psychology, and psychiatry. Data collection techniques previously used exclusively by police or to identify groups of people are now applied to all individuals in society. GPS transmitters and measuring devices are now unconsciously embraced to have fun, communicate, make money, or even find a partner. Drawing perceptive parallels between modern technologies and their antecedents, Bernard shows how we have unwittingly internalized what were once instruments of external control and repression. This illuminating genealogy of contemporary digital culture will be of interest to students and scholars in media and communication, and to anyone concerned about the power technologies hold over our lives.
Watkins Media Limited A Breach in the Heavens: BOOK III OF THE GODSERFS SERIES
The End Times have arrived. For over a decade, the sorceress Phaedra has had a single, vital task: to keep the world of the elves separated from humanity’s. But when her world experiences its first skyquake, it’s clear that something is very wrong. Has all Phaedra’s work been for nothing? She’ll need a new plan – and her friends’ help – to keep the worlds from smashing into each other and shredding all of creation. Unfortunately, not everyone likes the new plan. To the God of the Underworld, destroying creation doesn’t seem like such a bad idea… File Under: Fantasy [ Fresh Start | The Band’s Back | Merging Worlds | All Good Things ]
Society of Exploration Geophysicists Illustrated Seismic Processing Volume 2: Preimaging
This second volume provides a foundation for understanding the vigorous, relevant, and fascinating field of seismic processing, addressing that portion which precedes migration. Written for the non-expert, this second volume of the two-volume introductory text reveals the limitations and potential pitfalls of seismic data, prepares both seismic interpreters and acquisition specialists for working with seismic processing geophysicists, explains seismic processing operations as a series of solutions to problems, and demonstrates the dependence of a final interpretable seismic volume on its many seismic processing decisions.Although seismic processing is inherently mathematical, this text uses numerous illustrations and real data examples, providing an intuitive understanding of the seismic processing procedures and resorting to an algebra-based argument only on rare occasions. The first volume starts with migration. This second volume addresses pre-migration processing. In combination, these two volumes present seismic processing topics in order reverse of a typical processing sequence. Through this reverse ordering, the reader understands an algorithm's input requirements, providing motivation for understanding the preceding algorithm in the processing sequence.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo The Ageing Societies of Central and Eastern Europe
This book entitled The Ageing Societies of Central and Eastern Europe: Some Problems - Some Solutions wants to contribute to a better understanding of how societies of Central and Eastern Europe are changing and how they are responding to the challenge of even more rapid ageing process than Western Europe.The aim of this book is to present the specific challenges ageing societies in selected Central and Eastern European countries face, with a particular focus on Polish society. Questions to be addressed in this volume include: How does demographic ageing influence societal change? How can we overcome age discrimination? Who will care for increasing numbers of older dependents at a time when the numbers of potential family carers is dwindling? How will family change impact on intergenerational solidarity? How can the specific skills of the young and the old be combined in the workplace? How are policy makers and politicians dealing with the ageing issues? How can the public pensions systems be made financially sustainable to prevent poverty and social exclusion of older people?
Schwabe Nietzsche Und Das 'fromme Basel'
Schnell & Steiner Prum / Eifel: Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Salvator
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Klage
Gebruder Mann Verlag Preussische Denkmalpflege Im Kaiserreich: Die Provinz Brandenburg Und Berlin 1860 -1918
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Samtherrschaft: Legitimationsprinzip Und Kaiserlicher Urkundentitel in Byzanz in Der Ersten Halfte Des 10. Jahrhundert
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Mission Erfullt?: Deutsche Missionswerke, Akteure Und Theologien Im Schatten Des Nationalsozialismus
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Modellhaft Denken in Der Praktischen Theologie: Festschrift Fur Klaus Raschzok
Kohlhammer Lebenslaufe Im Wandel: Entwicklung Uber Die Lebensspanne Aus Sicht Verschiedener Disziplinen
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mass Spectrometry of Non-Covalent Complexes: Supramolecular Chemistry in the Gas Phase
Details the many benefits of applying mass spectrometry to supramolecular chemistry Except as a method for the most basic measurements, mass spectrometry (MS) has long been considered incompatible with supramolecular chemistry. Yet, with today's methods, the disconnect between these two fields is not warranted. Mass Spectrometry and Gas-Phase Chemistry of Non-Covalent Complexes provides a convincing look at how modern MS techniques offer supramolecular chemists a powerful investigatory toolset. Bringing the two fields together in an interdisciplinary manner, this reference details the many different topics associated with the study of non-covalent complexes in the gas phase. The text begins with brief introductions to supramolecular chemistry and such relevant mass spectrometric methods as ionization techniques, analyzers, and tandem MS experiments. The coverage continues with: How the analyte's transition into the gas phase changes covalent bonding How limitations and pitfalls in analytical methods may produce data misinterpretations Artificial supramolecular aggregates and their examination Biomolecules, their complexes, and their examination After the general remarks making up the first section of the book, the following sections describe specific experimental procedures and are illustrated with numerous examples and short tutorials. Detailed citations end each chapter. Mass spectrometrists, supramolecular chemists, students in these fields, and interested readers from other disciplines involving the study of non-covalent bonds will all value Mass Spectrometry and Gas-Phase Chemistry of Non-Covalent Complexes as an innovative and practical resource.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Developing the "Sociology of Ageing" – To Tackle the Challenge of Ageing Societies in Central and Eastern Europe
The book collects the most contemporary issues related to the process of ageing of societies in Central and Eastern Europe. The multiplicity of topics presented with the variety of theoretical and methodological approaches means that although it is a publication by many authors, it is a consistent monographic study, showing the development of sociology of ageing as a scientific discipline in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe.The aim of the book is to call the attention of the reader and emphasize that the challenges of population ageing in this part of Europe are important aspects of sociology is particularly valuable. These challenges require not only recognition and resolution through application of appropriate research approaches, but also education of various actors (including policy makers) for being prepared for both diagnosing the phenomena and taking action in practice.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG WCLF Tax und IP Gesprächsband 2019: Immaterielle Werte als zentrale Komponente internationaler Steuerstrategien
Die Schaffung, Zuordnung und Verwertung von IP-Rechten ist eine der interessantesten Herausforderungen, wenn es um die Steuerplanung und -gestaltung geht. Einer Bandbreite attraktiver Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten stehen nicht unerhebliche Risiken und die politische Forderung nach einer verantwortungsvollen Steueroptimierung gegenüber. Vor dem Hintergrund des gesellschaftlichen, innovativen und gesellschaftlichen Wandels auf nationaler und internationaler sowie sich konkretisierender BEPS-Maßnahmen in der digitalen Wirtschaft fokussieren die Teilnehmer der 5. WCL Frankfurter Tax-Gespräche in zwei Panels und parallel laufenden Workshops in diesem Band vor allem die Auswirkungen verschiedener Strategien im digitalen Business.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Dooses Epilepsien im Kindes- und Jugendalter
„Der Doose“ steht für klare Antworten auf praxisrelevante Fragestellungen bei der Diagnostik und Therapie junger Epilepsie-Patienten. Die Autoren folgen einer eingängigen Klassifikation der Anfallssymptomatologie und stellen systematisch verschiedenen Epilepsien mit klinischen Symptomen, speziellen elektroenzephalographischen Merkmalen und besonderen Verlaufscharakteristika dar.Die aktualisierte Neuauflage trägt den rasanten Fortentwicklungen der pädiatrischen Epileptologie Rechnung: Die Abschnitte zur Therapie wurden an die neuesten Erkenntnisse angepasst und neue Medikamente aufgenommen.Die Vorteile des bewährten „Doose“ sind geblieben: Klare Handlungsanweisungen werden verständlich und an der Praxis orientiert vermittelt, Kernaussagen zu jedem Syndrom sind übersichtlich zusammengefasst. Einzigartig ist die lehrreiche Gegenüberstellung von MRT und EEG-Aufnahmen. Hilfreich zum schnellen Nachschlagen am Buchende: eine alphabetisch sortierte Übersicht der Antiepileptika mit pragmatischen Therapieempfehlungen.Ein Buch, das dem Neuropädiater, Pädiater und Neurologen dabei hilft, erfolgreich Epilepsien zu behandeln.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
The Operation Primer provides excellent photographic step-by-step guidance to the surgical procedure. It has been produced to describe the operation in the simplest manner possible without over-simplifying. At the core of the Operation Primer is the section on Nodal Points, where the key surgical steps are described in detail. This surgical guide book provides essential reference material for surgeons wishing to update their knowledge in this specific area.The Operation Primer Laparoscopic Hysterectomy is specially intended for those gynecologists who wish to familiarize themselves with minimally invasive hysterectomy techniques. This Operation Primer is an excellent teaching tool, accurately describing a standardized technique not only for novices but also for experienced laparoscopic surgeons. It provides a detailed overview of presurgical considerations and preparation, key surgical steps and highlights possible pitfalls of laparoscopic hysterectomy.This Operation Primer on total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) and laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy (LASH or LSH) follows the step-by-step concept and provides a detailed manual for gynecologists who want to apply laparoscopic techniques for hysterectomy.