Search results for ""author andreas""
Peter Lang AG Außenpolitik Und Wirtschaftsinteresse: In Den Beziehungen Zwischen Brasilien Und Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1949-1966
Melissa Publishing House Archaeology: Macedonia and Thrace
Brill Creating and Sharing Legal Knowledge in the Twelfth Century: Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, 673 and Its Context
The Decretum Gratiani is the cornerstone of medieval canon law, and the manuscript St Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, 673 an essential witness to its evolution. The studies in this volume focus on that manuscript, providing critical insights into its genesis, linguistic features, and use of Roman Law, while evaluating its attraction to medieval readers and modern scholars. Together, these studies offer a fascinating view on the evolution of the Decretum Gratiani, as well as granting new insights on the complex dynamics and processes by which legal knowledge was first created and then transferred in medieval jurisprudence. Contributors are Enrique de León, Stephan Dusil, Melodie H. Eichbauer, Atria A. Larson, Titus Lenherr, Philipp Lenz, Kenneth Pennington, Andreas Thier, José Miguel Viejo-Ximénez, John C. Wei, and Anders Winroth.
Ege Yayinlari Understanding Transformations: Exploring the Black Sea Region and Northern Central Anatolia in Antiquity
Dr Ludwig Reichert Musiktherapie Mit Opfern Von Missbrauch Und Gewalt: 27. Musiktherapie-Tagung Am Freien Musikzentrum Munchen E. V. (2.-3. Marz 2019)
Dr Ludwig Reichert Tibetan Pastoralists and Development: Negotiating the Future of Grassland Livelihoods
Dr Ludwig Reichert Der Angst Begegnen - In Der Musiktherapie: 22. Musiktherapietagung Am Freien Musikzentrum Munchen E. V. (1. Bis 2. Marz 2014)
Ergon Verlag Manuscript Notes as Documentary Sources
Dr Ludwig Reichert Poetry's Voice - Society's Norms: Forms of Interaction Between Middle Eastern Writers and Their Societies
Ugarit Verlag Geschichte Israels Und Deuteronomistisches Geschichtsdenken: Festschrift Zum 70. Geburtstag Von Winfried Thiel
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Rational Tunnelling -- 2nd Summerschool, Innsbruck, 2005
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe Corpus Monodicum. Abteilung 2: Tropen / Tropen Zu Den Antiphonen Der Messe Aus Quellen Deutscher Herkunft
Schnell & Steiner Herrschaftslandschaft Im Umbruch - 1000 Jahre Merseburger Dom
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Romische Historische Mitteilungen 62/2020
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Ostthrakien (Europe)
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Einführung in die Arithmetik: Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe
Erforderliches mathematisches Hintergrundwissen für den Arithmetikunterricht in der Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe so praxisnah wie möglich und theoretisch fundiert wie nötig aufzubereiten, ist ein wichtiges Anliegen dieses Bandes. Die gezielte Verwendung beispielgebundener Beweisstrategien, die später in ähnlicher Form auch in der eigenen Unterrichtspraxis eingesetzt werden können, ist hierbei hilfreich. Aber auch die Fülle anschaulicher Beispiele und die große Anzahl von Übungsaufgaben unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgrades tragen zur eigenaktiven Auseinandersetzung mit dem Stoff und zu einem besseren Verständnis bei. Bewusst argumentieren wir in diesem Band auf verschiedenen Niveaus, die von den schon erwähnten beispielgebundenen Beweisstrategien bis hin zu formalen Beweisen reichen. So sind beim Beweisen eine gute Abstufung im Schwierigkeitsgrad und eine wechselseitige Stützung bei der Argumentation möglich. Auch die Verzahnung mathematischer Inhalte (Arithmetik) und mathematikdidaktischer Fragestellungen (Didaktik der Arithmetik) ist für uns zentral. Diesem Ziel dient auch der Einsatz ausgewählter Abbildungen aus aktuellen Schulbuchwerken. Den Studierenden wird so der Zugang zur Arithmetik erleichtert und sie werden zugleich stärker motiviert.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Handbook of Systemic Psychotherapy
This book provides people who want to work systemically with a set of practical tools. It is above all a reference book full of specific and helpful information - which is especially important to persons learning the trade or who are in their first year of practice. The authors, experienced in training, consultation, therapy and supervising, take the reader step by step through the various phases of systemic work: observation, understanding, recording of information, clarification, forming hypothesis, defining aims, planning and application.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Heiligkeiten: Konstruktionen, Funktionen Und Transfer Von Heiligkeitskonzepten Im Europaischen Fruh- Und Hochmittelalter
Harrassowitz Bibliothek Und Wissenschaft 54 (2021): Fenster Zur Ewigkeit. Die Altesten Bibliotheken Der Welt
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Reformation: Impulsgeber Fur Die Moderne?
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Theokratie und theokratischer Diskurs: Die Rede von der Gottesherrschaft und ihre politisch-sozialen Auswirkungen im interkulturellen Vergleich
Die Autoren untersuchen das Verhältnis von Religion und Politik kultur- und epochenübergreifend anhand eines Extremfalls: der Theokratie, das heißt der Idee einer Gottesherrschaft auf Erden. Diese Idee gehört zur Tradition der drei großen monotheistischen Religionen. Ihre Überzeugungskraft unterliegt indes historischen Konjunkturen: Phasen des Auf- und Abschwungs, der Verschärfung und Entschärfung wechseln einander ab. Weil das theokratische Argument fest in der religiösen Tradition verankert ist, kann es in Identitätskrisen stets aktualisiert werden. In den einzelnen Beiträgen, die sich auf historische Konstellationen vom pharaonischen Ägypten und biblischen Israel bis in die Gegenwart beziehen, wird danach gefragt, unter welchen Bedingungen das theokratische Argument auf fruchtbaren Boden fällt, welche Akteure oder Statusgruppen sich des theokratischen Arguments bedienen, und welche politischen und gesellschaftlichen Folgewirkungen damit jeweils verknüpft sind.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Kreuzestheologie im Neuen Testament
Dieser Sammelband umfaßt Aufsätze namhafter Wissenschaftler zur Kreuzestheologie im Neuen Testament. Dabei kommt der umstrittene theologische Status des Kreuzes im Neuen Testament durch kontroverse Beiträge zum Ausdruck. Zum einen werden wichtige Teilbereiche des Markus- und des Johannesevangeliums, der Paulusbriefe und der deuteropaulinischen Literatur exegetisch auf die leitende Fragestellung der Kreuzestheologie hin untersucht. Zum anderen wird aus hermeneutischer Perspektive eine Klärung des Begriffs 'Kreuzestheologie' respektive, im Anschluß an Paulus, des 'Wortes vom Kreuz' angestrebt.Gemeinsam ist den Beiträgen die Überzeugung, daß ein klar definiertes Verständnis von Kreuzestheologie notwendig ist, um den spezifischen Akzentsetzungen der unterschiedlichen neutestamentlichen Traditionsströme gerecht zu werden.
Skyhorse Publishing Strength Training for Women: Training Programs, Food, and Motivation for a Stronger, More Beautiful Body
Sculpt and tone your body with fitness training programs and wholesome recipes worthy of the woman you are!Desk-bound nine-to-five jobs, childbirth, and household duties are tough on a woman’s body, which is why strength training is so important for the modern-day woman. As she juggles multiple tasks throughout the day, a woman must also take time out for herself to strengthen her body physically, as well as from the inside out.Easy to follow and accompanied by step-by-step photographs, the training programs in Strength Training for Women, which are suitable for women of varying skill levels, will have you perspiring, aching, and then enjoying the results. Follow a three-stage model that begins with basic strength training for each major muscle group, followed by trainings to develop your minor muscles, and finally a program to burn off the remaining excess fat, revealing a new, healthy, wonderfully toned you.A full supplementary chapter on food will also educate you on what you should eat and when, providing a weekly eating schedule and some of Olga Rönnberg’s healthiest and most delicious recipes. Watch as your muscles and skeleton become stronger, resulting in a stronger, healthier, and more beautiful body fit for the woman you are!
Academia Comenius Jahrbuch: Band 31 / 2023
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Triebkraft Evolution - Vielfalt, Wandel, Menschwerdung
Gebruder Mann Verlag Vom Suchen Und Wiederfinden / On Seeking and Rediscovering: Die Mechanik Des Architektonischen Entwerfens / The Mechanics of Architectural Design
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes astronomicae ad theoriam perturbationum pertinentes 3rd part
Der Band enthält einen Teil der Abhandlungen Eulers zur Störungstheorie. Er ist der letzte von drei diesem Thema gewidmeten Bänden. Gegenstand der Untersuchungen ist das Dreikörperproblem, das heisst die Beschreibung der Bewegung eines Himmelskörpers um ein Zentralgestirn unter Berücksichtigung der Störung durch einen weiteren Himmelskörper.Dieses Problem behandelt Euler in einigen der vorliegenden Abhandlungen nicht nur für Massenpunkte, sondern erstmals auch für ausgedehnte Himmelskörper. Die so verallgemeinerte Himmelsmechanik, die er als „mechanische Astronomie“ bezeichnete, prägte er massgebend. Dazu gehört unter anderem auch das Rotationsverhalten von Himmelskörpern unter dem Einfluss äusserer Gravitationskräfte, das er mit seinen berühmten Bewegungsgleichungen der Starrkörperrotation erfolgreich zu beschreiben vermochte.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes opticae 1
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes geometricae 4th part
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Finanzwirtschaftliches Risikomanagement
Suhrkamp Verlag Poststrukturalistische Sozialwissenschaften
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Die Politik in Der Kultur Und Den Medien Der Weimarer Republik
De Gruyter Symphonie in Schwarz: Eine Spurensuche zwischen Lebensreform, Frauenbewegung und Bohème
In 1904, Saxon artist Oskar Zwintscher painted the portrait of a lady smoking a cigarette. Today, the work has cult status at the Albertinum in Dresden. Her hair loose, a burning cigarette held casually in her hand, the sitter in a black reform dress is sitting in front of a black curtain. But who is behind the young woman who looks out of the picture so confidently? Andreas Dehmer and Susanna Partsch embark on a fascinating search for clues to the identity of the lady smoking. They find emancipated women who earned their living as artists, actors or writers, preferred reform dress to the corset, and regarded smoking as a symbol of independence. They follow them to metropolises like Berlin, Dresden or Munich, where they lived as part of the bohemian scene. A captivating picture of the way art and life intertwined around 1900 emerges in this search for the unknown.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Die Neuen Alttestamentlichen Perikopentexte: Exegetische Und Homiletisch-Liturgische Zugange
Springer International Publishing AG Inflammatory Bowel Disease Nursing Manual
This comprehensive manual discusses the many aspects of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), providing relevant information along with practical guidance. The reader is also directed to additional resources for extra and current information. This book comes at a time when the number of people suffering from the two major forms of IBD, ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD), is rising around the globe. Despite their huge impact on daily life and health economics, these diseases are not fully understood, and diagnosis and treatment remains a significant challenge. IBD nurses are increasingly recognised as key clinicians within the multidisciplinary team caring for people with IBD. Through experience and specialist knowledge IBD nurses provide timely support, advice, and treatment for people living with this unpredictable condition. IBD nurses are also well placed to liaise with the wider team, developing patient centred services which best fit their local health framework. The combined international expertise and accessible guidance here will equip nurses, or any clinician wanting to increase their competence in IBD management. Thereby this manual aims to contribute to the optimisation of IBD care throughout the world.
Springer International Publishing AG Expressions of Radicalization: Global Politics, Processes and Practices
This edited collection considers whether it is possible to discern how the level of ideology is affected by radicalization. In other words: what happens in the minds of people before they decide to use political violence as means to attain their goals? Also this book asks: what has to happen in the minds of people in order to preclude them from using political violence as a way of attaining their goals? This volume unites scholars from several disciplines and perspectives from a number of different geographical, social and cultural contexts with the overarching aim to refine our understanding of what ‘radicalization’ actually implies.
Walter de Gruyter Die "Episkopalisierung der Kirche" im europäischen Vergleich
Rocky Nook Software Testing Foundations, 5th Edition
Professional testing of software is an essential task that requires a profound knowledge of testing techniques. The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) has developed a universally accepted, international qualification scheme aimed at software and system testing professionals, and has created the Syllabi and Tests for the Certified Tester. Today, hundreds of thousands of people have taken the ISTQB certification exams. The authors of Software Testing Foundations, 5th Edition, are among the creators of the Certified Tester Syllabus and are currently active in the ISTQB. This thoroughly revised and updated fifth edition covers the Foundations Level (entry level) and teaches the most important methods of software testing. It is designed for self-study and provides the information necessary to pass the Certified Tester Foundations Level exam, as defined by the ISTQB. Also in this new edition, technical terms have been precisely stated according to the ISTQB glossary. Topics covered: Fundamentals of Testing Testing and the Software Lifecycle Static and Dynamic Testing Techniques Test Management Test Tools
O'Reilly Media Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and Dapps
Ethereum represents the gateway to a worldwide, decentralized computing paradigm. This platform enables you to run decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts that have no central points of failure or control, integrate with a payment network, and operate on an open blockchain. With this practical guide, Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Gavin Wood provide everything you need to know about building smart contracts and DApps on Ethereum and other virtual-machine blockchains. Discover why IBM, Microsoft, NASDAQ, and hundreds of other organizations are experimenting with Ethereum. This essential guide shows you how to develop the skills necessary to be an innovator in this growing and exciting new industry. Run an Ethereum client, create and transmit basic transactions, and program smart contracts Learn the essentials of public key cryptography, hashes, and digital signatures Understand how "wallets" hold digital keys that control funds and smart contracts Interact with Ethereum clients programmatically using JavaScript libraries and Remote Procedure Call interfaces Learn security best practices, design patterns, and anti-patterns with real-world examples Create tokens that represent assets, shares, votes, or access control rights Build decentralized applications using multiple peer-to-peer (P2P) components
John Wiley & Sons Inc Complexity Challenges in Cyber Physical Systems: Using Modeling and Simulation (M&S) to Support Intelligence, Adaptation and Autonomy
Offers a one-stop reference on the application of advanced modeling and simulation (M&S) in cyber physical systems (CPS) engineering This book provides the state-of-the-art in methods and technologies that aim to elaborate on the modeling and simulation support to cyber physical systems (CPS) engineering across many sectors such as healthcare, smart grid, or smart home. It presents a compilation of simulation-based methods, technologies, and approaches that encourage the reader to incorporate simulation technologies in their CPS engineering endeavors, supporting management of complexity challenges in such endeavors. Complexity Challenges in Cyber Physical Systems: Using Modeling and Simulation (M&S) to Support Intelligence, Adaptation and Autonomy is laid out in four sections. The first section provides an overview of complexities associated with the application of M&S to CPS Engineering. It discusses M&S in the context of autonomous systems involvement within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The second section provides a more detailed description of the challenges in applying modeling to the operation, risk and design of holistic CPS. The third section delves in details of simulation support to CPS engineering followed by the engineering practices to incorporate the cyber element to build resilient CPS sociotechnical systems. Finally, the fourth section presents a research agenda for handling complexity in application of M&S for CPS engineering. In addition, this text: Introduces a unifying framework for hierarchical co-simulations of cyber physical systems (CPS) Provides understanding of the cycle of macro-level behavior dynamically arising from spaciotemporal interactions between parts at the micro-level Describes a simulation platform for characterizing resilience of CPS Complexity Challenges in Cyber Physical Systems has been written for researchers, practitioners, lecturers, and graduate students in computer engineering who want to learn all about M&S support to addressing complexity in CPS and its applications in today’s and tomorrow’s world.
Duke University Press Ruins of Modernity
Images of ruins may represent the raw realities created by bombs, natural disasters, or factory closings, but the way we see and understand ruins is not raw or unmediated. Rather, looking at ruins, writing about them, and representing them are acts framed by a long tradition. This unique interdisciplinary collection traces discourses about and representations of ruins from a richly contextualized perspective. In the introduction, Julia Hell and Andreas Schönle discuss how European modernity emerged partly through a confrontation with the ruins of the premodern past.Several contributors discuss ideas about ruins developed by philosophers such as Immanuel Kant, Georg Simmel, and Walter Benjamin. One contributor examines how W. G. Sebald’s novel The Rings of Saturn betrays the ruins erased or forgotten in the Hegelian philosophy of history. Another analyzes the repressed specter of being bombed out of existence that underpins post-Second World War modernist architecture, especially Le Corbusier’s plans for Paris. Still another compares the ways that formerly dominant white populations relate to urban-industrial ruins in Detroit and to colonial ruins in Namibia. Other topics include atomic ruins at a Nevada test site, the connection between the cinema and ruins, the various narratives that have accrued around the Inca ruin of Vilcashuamán, Tolstoy’s response in War and Peace to the destruction of Moscow in the fire of 1812, the Nazis’ obsession with imperial ruins, and the emergence in Mumbai of a new “kinetic city” on what some might consider the ruins of a modernist city. By focusing on the concept of ruin, this collection sheds new light on modernity and its vast ramifications and complexities.Contributors. Kerstin Barndt, Jon Beasley-Murray, Russell A. Berman, Jonathan Bolton, Svetlana Boym, Amir Eshel, Julia Hell, Daniel Herwitz, Andreas Huyssen, Rahul Mehrotra, Johannes von Moltke, Vladimir Paperny, Helen Petrovsky, Todd Presner, Helmut Puff, Alexander Regier, Eric Rentschler, Lucia Saks, Andreas Schönle, Tatiana Smoliarova, George Steinmetz, Jonathan Veitch, Gustavo Verdesio, Anthony Vidler