Search results for ""author andreas""
Dr Ludwig Reichert Zur Idee Des Therapeutischen Nachnahrens - Was Kann Musiktherapie Leisten?: Beitrage Der 10. Musiktherapie Tagung 2002, Marz 2002
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Governance Von Und Durch Wissen
Universitatsverlag Winter Darum Ist Die Welt So Gross: Raum, Platz Und Geographie Im Werk Goethes
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Networks of Knowledge: Epistemic Entanglement Initiated by American Protestant Missionary Presence in Nineteenth-Century Syria
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Rassismus Und Rassismuskritik
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Perfektion Und Perfektibilitat in Den Literaturen Des Alten Testaments: Ein Blick Auf Konzepte Und Gegenkonzepte in Den Alttestamentlichen Literaturen
Tvz - Theologischer Verlag Zurich Schriften / Huldrych Zwingli Schriften: Band IV: Antwort Auf Die Predigt Luthers Gegen Die Schwarmer/Die Beiden Berner Predigten/Rechenschaft Uber Den Glauben/Die Vorsehung/Erklarung Des Christlichen Glaubens/Gesamtregister Bd. 1-4
Kohlhammer Der Fremde Oder Einheit in Verschiedenheit
Skyhorse Publishing Wooden Boats: The Art of Loving and Caring for Wooden Boats
There is something beautiful and nostalgic about wooden boats. These exquisite, polished works of art give us a glimpse into the past, a time when technology wasn’t so advanced, a time when everything was crafted by hand. These magnificent vessels deserve our attention and our utmost respect.As beautiful as these boats may be, they do require a great deal of maintenance and care. This book has all the answers. Readers will follow the author on his adventures, sail along as he sails along calm waters in the summer, and watch as he restores each boat with the utmost patience. Boat owners will learn various creative and crafty preservation and boat care tips and tricks and are sure to walk away with plenty of new- found knowledge.Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Sports Publishing imprint, is proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in sportsbooks about baseball, pro football, college football, pro and college basketball, hockey, or soccer, we have a book about your sport or your team.In addition to books on popular team sports, we also publish books for a wide variety of athletes and sports enthusiasts, including books on running, cycling, horseback riding, swimming, tennis, martial arts, golf, camping, hiking, aviation, boating, and so much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to publishing books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked by other publishers and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
Tredition Gmbh textlichungedichted
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Didaktik der Analytischen Geometrie und Linearen Algebra: Algebraisch verstehen – Geometrisch veranschaulichen und anwenden
Das Buch gibt einen umfassenden Einblick in zentrale Aspekte des Stoffgebietes Analytische Geometrie/ Lineare Algebra in der S II. Es ist als Leitfaden für Studierende des gymnasialen Lehramts, aber auch für Lehrkräfte geeignet, die den Unterricht in diesem oft als trocken geltenden Stoffgebiet lebendiger und interessanter gestalten wollen. Das Buch berücksichtigt die neuen Bildungsstandards für die S II und folgt durchgängig zentralen didaktischen Prinzipien: Entwicklung eines tragfähigen Grundverständnisses zentraler Begriffe und Zusammenhänge bei Herausarbeiten fundamentaler Ideen, Anschaulichkeit bei gleichzeitiger sorgfältiger Vornahme von Abstraktionen, Anknüpfung an Unterrichtsinhalte der S I sowie Herstellung von Bezügen zu den anderen Stoffgebieten des Mathematikunterrichts der S II, Behandlung interessanter und für Schülerinnen und Schüler attraktiver Anwendungen.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen für Dummies
Dieses Buch führt Sie sachte in die Denkweisen des Fachs "Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen" ein. Es erklärt Informatik-Anfängern Terminologie, Notation und zentrale Inhalte des Fachgebiets auf anschauliche und sehr unterhaltsame Weise. Ein Fokus sind die Techniken und Tricks, die Sie brauchen, um effiziente Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen zu bauen. Sie werden auch in die Lage versetzt, Pseudocode in der typischen akademischen Darstellung zu verstehen und in unterschiedlichen Programmiersprachen zu realisieren oder umgekehrt grundlegende algorithmische Ideen als Pseudocode zu dokumentieren.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Die 5 Dysfunktionen eines Teams überwinden: Ein Wegweiser für die Praxis
In "Die 5 Dysfunktionen eines Teams" enthüllte Patrick Lencioni die wichtigsten Hindernisse, die die meisten Organisationen daran hindern, auf höchstem Niveau zu arbeiten. Er erläuterte die fünf wichtigsten Dysfunktionen, die in Teams zu finden sind - Fehlendes Vertrauen, Scheu vor Konflikten, Fehlendes Engagement, Scheu vor Verantwortung, Fehlende Ergebnis-Orientierung - und stellte ein Modell für deren Überwindung zur Verfügung. In diesem Wegweiser für die Praxis bietet Lencioni anhand von Bewertungen, Tools, Beispielen aus der Praxis und vielem mehr spezifischere, praktische Anleitungen zur Überwindung dieser Dysfunktionen. Er stellt Fragen, die sich alle Teams stellen müssen: Sind wir wirklich ein Team? Wie entwickeln wir uns aktuell? Dann bietet das Buch detaillierte Methoden, um jede der Dysfunktionen aufzuschlüsseln und behandelt häufig gestellte Fragen zu Teams. "Die fünf Dysfunktionen eines Teams überwinden" kann als Grundlage für ein Teamtrainingsprogramm verwendet werden, oder es kann gelesen und seine Ideen leicht von Teamleitern und Mitgliedern umgesetzt werden - egal ob in der Wirtschaft, in gemeinnützigen Organisationen, in der Wissenschaft, in der Regierung oder in anderen Organisationen. Kurz und knapp hilft der Wegweiser allen Teams, schnell und effektiv zu arbeiten.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Global Corporate Citizenship
The Handbook of Research on Global Corporate Citizenship identifies and fosters key interdisciplinary research on corporate citizenship and provides a framework for further academic debate on corporate responsibility in a global society. This exciting and important Handbook provides a unique forum to discuss the consequences of the social and political mandate of business firms and examines the implications of these consequences for the theory of the firm. Leading academics have been invited from various disciplines such as management studies, economics, sociology, legal studies and political science to evaluate the concept of corporate citizenship and to analyze the role of private business in global governance and the production of global public goods. The Handbook is structured in seven sections: theoretical perspectives on corporate citizenship contemporary issues and challenges of global business regulation actors and institutions of global business regulation disciplinary perspectives on corporate citizenship implications for management theory building critical perspectives on corporate citizenship conclusions. This Handbook will be a significant read for academics, postgraduate students and managers interested in the field of corporate citizenship, regulation and corporate responsibility across the social sciences.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Evaluating Academic Legal Research in Europe: The Advantage of Lagging Behind
Legal academics in Europe publish a wide variety of materials including books, articles and essays, in an assortment of languages, and for a diverse readership. As a consequence, this variety can pose a problem for the evaluation of academic legal research. This thought-provoking book offers an overview of the legal and policy norms, methods and criteria applied in the evaluation of academic legal research, from a comparative perspective. The expert contributions explore developments relating to professional vs academic publications, editorial review vs peer review, rankings of journals and law schools vs other reputation mechanisms and a range of other evaluation practices and their intended and unintended effects. Analysing research evaluation practices across more than ten jurisdictions and multiple contexts, this insightful book reveals how evaluation practices differ across Europe. Through this analysis, the book exposes a range of possibilities for further debate and study. Engaging and topical, Evaluating Academic Legal Research in Europe will be valuable reading for legal academics, university and faculty managers, higher-education policy-makers and administrators as well as editors of law journals, legal publishers and research foundation and funding bodies.Contributors include: A. Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, K. Byland, D. Costa, J. Hojnik, P. Letto-Vanamo, A. Lienhard, D. Mac Síthigh, E. Maier, G. Peruginelli, N. Petersen, K. Purnhagen, A. Ruda Gonzalez, M. Schmied, M. Snel, R. van Gestel
Eland Publishing Ltd The Purple Land: An Adventure in Uruguay - the Banda Oriental
The Purple Land is a romantic novel set in the war torn borderlands of Uruguay, the Banda Oriental. The story of Richard Lamb, an idealistic young Englishman, it begins with his abduction of Paquita and their escape from the vengeance of her Argentine father. Finding refuge in Montevideo, he is catapulted into a series of picaresque adventures: horse-stealing, duelling, escaping prison, and fighting on the losing side of a civil war, all the while falling constantly and unsuitably in love. Rooted in Hudson s evocation of the simplicity and dignity of life on the pampas as well as his masterful depiction of its wildlife and landscape, The Purple Land is the first modern `road novel . It is also a narrative of transformation, the Creolisation of an Englishman, redeemed by the heightened exuberance, energy, warmth and innate humanity of South America.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Modeling and Simulation Support for System of Systems Engineering Applications
“...a much-needed handbook with contributions from well-chosen practitioners. A primary accomplishment is to provide guidance for those involved in modeling and simulation in support of Systems of Systems development, more particularly guidance that draws on well-conceived academic research to define concepts and terms, that identifies primary challenges for developers, and that suggests fruitful approaches grounded in theory and successful examples.” Paul Davis, The RAND Corporation Modeling and Simulation Support for System of Systems Engineering Applications provides a comprehensive overview of the underlying theory, methods, and solutions in modeling and simulation support for system of systems engineering. Highlighting plentiful multidisciplinary applications of modeling and simulation, the book uniquely addresses the criteria and challenges found within the field. Beginning with a foundation of concepts, terms, and categories, a theoretical and generalized approach to system of systems engineering is introduced, and real-world applications via case studies and examples are presented. A unified approach is maintained in an effort to understand the complexity of a single system as well as the context among other proximate systems. In addition, the book features: Cutting edge coverage of modeling and simulation within the field of system of systems, including transportation, system health management, space mission analysis, systems engineering methodology, and energy State-of-the-art advances within multiple domains to instantiate theoretic insights, applicable methods, and lessons learned from real-world applications of modeling and simulation The challenges of system of systems engineering using a systematic and holistic approach Key concepts, terms, and activities to provide a comprehensive, unified, and concise representation of the field A collection of chapters written by over 40 recognized international experts from academia, government, and industry A research agenda derived from the contribution of experts that guides scholars and researchers towards open questions Modeling and Simulation Support for System of Systems Engineering Applications is an ideal reference and resource for academics and practitioners in operations research, engineering, statistics, mathematics, modeling and simulation, and computer science. The book is also an excellent course book for graduate and PhD-level courses in modeling and simulation, engineering, and computer science.
Kregel Publications,U.S. Invitation to Biblical Interpretation: Exploring the Hermeneutical Triad of History, Literature, and Theology
Merrell Publishers Ltd Dream Homes: 100 Inspirational Interiors
Everyone has an idea of their own dream home, whether it be a minimally furnished apartment overlooking a city skyline or an informal and colourful retreat in the sun. Whatever your dream, this bestselling book - now available in paperback for the first time - presents 100 inspirational interiors of all styles from around the globe, from New England to Mallorca and from Provence to South Africa. Alongside the work of many of the world's most talented interior designers are homes that have been imaginatively transformed by the vision and commitment of their owners. "Dream Homes" features 100 inspirational homes, the key characteristics of which are compellingly described by leading interiors writer Johanna Thornycroft and stunningly illustrated with over 800 photographs by world-renowned interiors photographer Andreas von Einsiedel.
Quality Chess UK LLP Opening Simulator – King's Indian Defence
Georgetown University Press The Future of Extended Deterrence: The United States, NATO, and Beyond
Are NATO's mutual security commitments strong enough today to deter all adversaries? Is the nuclear umbrella as credible as it was during the Cold War? Backed by the full range of US and allied military capabilities, NATO's mutual defense treaty has been enormously successful, but today's commitments are strained by military budget cuts and antinuclear sentiment. The United States has also shifted its focus away from European security during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and more recently with the Asia rebalance. Will a resurgent Russia change this? The Future of Extended Deterrence brings together experts and scholars from the policy and academic worlds to provide a theoretically rich and detailed analysis of post--Cold War nuclear weapons policy, nuclear deterrence, alliance commitments, nonproliferation, and missile defense in NATO but with implications far beyond. The contributors analyze not only American policy and ideas but also the ways NATO members interpret their own continued political and strategic role in the alliance. In-depth and multifaceted, The Future of Extended Deterrence is an essential resource for policy practitioners and scholars of nuclear deterrence, arms control, missile defense, and the NATO alliance.
Columbia University Press The Art of Courtly Love
After becoming popularized by the troubadours of southern France in the twelfth century, the social system of 'courtly love' soon spread. Evidence of the influence of courtly love in the culture and literature of most of western Europe spans centuries. This unabridged edition of codifies life at Queen Eleanor's court at Poitiers between 1170 and 1174 into 'one of those capital works which reflect the thought of a great epoch, which explain the secret of a civilization.' This translation of a work that may be viewed as didactic, mocking, or merely descriptive, preserves the attitudes and practices that were the foundation of a long and significant tradition in English literature.
Helion & Company Leaders of the Storm Troops: Volume 1 Oberster Sa-FüHrer, Sa-Stabschef and Sa-ObergruppenfüHrer (B – J)
Melissa Publishing House Archaeology: Macedonia and Thrace
Brill Creating and Sharing Legal Knowledge in the Twelfth Century: Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, 673 and Its Context
The Decretum Gratiani is the cornerstone of medieval canon law, and the manuscript St Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, 673 an essential witness to its evolution. The studies in this volume focus on that manuscript, providing critical insights into its genesis, linguistic features, and use of Roman Law, while evaluating its attraction to medieval readers and modern scholars. Together, these studies offer a fascinating view on the evolution of the Decretum Gratiani, as well as granting new insights on the complex dynamics and processes by which legal knowledge was first created and then transferred in medieval jurisprudence. Contributors are Enrique de León, Stephan Dusil, Melodie H. Eichbauer, Atria A. Larson, Titus Lenherr, Philipp Lenz, Kenneth Pennington, Andreas Thier, José Miguel Viejo-Ximénez, John C. Wei, and Anders Winroth.
Ege Yayinlari Understanding Transformations: Exploring the Black Sea Region and Northern Central Anatolia in Antiquity
Dr Ludwig Reichert Musiktherapie Mit Opfern Von Missbrauch Und Gewalt: 27. Musiktherapie-Tagung Am Freien Musikzentrum Munchen E. V. (2.-3. Marz 2019)
Dr Ludwig Reichert Tibetan Pastoralists and Development: Negotiating the Future of Grassland Livelihoods
Dr Ludwig Reichert Der Angst Begegnen - In Der Musiktherapie: 22. Musiktherapietagung Am Freien Musikzentrum Munchen E. V. (1. Bis 2. Marz 2014)
Ergon Verlag Manuscript Notes as Documentary Sources
Dr Ludwig Reichert Poetry's Voice - Society's Norms: Forms of Interaction Between Middle Eastern Writers and Their Societies
Ugarit Verlag Geschichte Israels Und Deuteronomistisches Geschichtsdenken: Festschrift Zum 70. Geburtstag Von Winfried Thiel
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Rational Tunnelling -- 2nd Summerschool, Innsbruck, 2005
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe Corpus Monodicum. Abteilung 2: Tropen / Tropen Zu Den Antiphonen Der Messe Aus Quellen Deutscher Herkunft
Schnell & Steiner Herrschaftslandschaft Im Umbruch - 1000 Jahre Merseburger Dom
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Romische Historische Mitteilungen 62/2020
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Ostthrakien (Europe)
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Einführung in die Arithmetik: Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe
Erforderliches mathematisches Hintergrundwissen für den Arithmetikunterricht in der Primarstufe und Sekundarstufe so praxisnah wie möglich und theoretisch fundiert wie nötig aufzubereiten, ist ein wichtiges Anliegen dieses Bandes. Die gezielte Verwendung beispielgebundener Beweisstrategien, die später in ähnlicher Form auch in der eigenen Unterrichtspraxis eingesetzt werden können, ist hierbei hilfreich. Aber auch die Fülle anschaulicher Beispiele und die große Anzahl von Übungsaufgaben unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgrades tragen zur eigenaktiven Auseinandersetzung mit dem Stoff und zu einem besseren Verständnis bei. Bewusst argumentieren wir in diesem Band auf verschiedenen Niveaus, die von den schon erwähnten beispielgebundenen Beweisstrategien bis hin zu formalen Beweisen reichen. So sind beim Beweisen eine gute Abstufung im Schwierigkeitsgrad und eine wechselseitige Stützung bei der Argumentation möglich. Auch die Verzahnung mathematischer Inhalte (Arithmetik) und mathematikdidaktischer Fragestellungen (Didaktik der Arithmetik) ist für uns zentral. Diesem Ziel dient auch der Einsatz ausgewählter Abbildungen aus aktuellen Schulbuchwerken. Den Studierenden wird so der Zugang zur Arithmetik erleichtert und sie werden zugleich stärker motiviert.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Handbook of Systemic Psychotherapy
This book provides people who want to work systemically with a set of practical tools. It is above all a reference book full of specific and helpful information - which is especially important to persons learning the trade or who are in their first year of practice. The authors, experienced in training, consultation, therapy and supervising, take the reader step by step through the various phases of systemic work: observation, understanding, recording of information, clarification, forming hypothesis, defining aims, planning and application.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Heiligkeiten: Konstruktionen, Funktionen Und Transfer Von Heiligkeitskonzepten Im Europaischen Fruh- Und Hochmittelalter
Harrassowitz Bibliothek Und Wissenschaft 54 (2021): Fenster Zur Ewigkeit. Die Altesten Bibliotheken Der Welt
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Reformation: Impulsgeber Fur Die Moderne?