Search results for ""author andreas""
Birkhauser Verlag AG Leonhard Euler: Ein Mann, mit dem man rechnen kann
In seinem Kopf stellte er die mathematische Welt auf den Kopf. Er berechnete Flüssigkeitsströmungen, das Trägheitsmoment, entwickelte die Variationsrechnung und die moderne Zahlentheorie. Als Wissenschaftler steht er auf einer Stufe mit Newton und Einstein. Konstrukteure in aller Welt arbeiten tagtäglich mit seinen Formeln – egal ob es um den Schiffsrumpf der "Alinghi" geht oder um die Schwingungen des "Viaduc de Millau", der Welt höchster Autobahnbrücke. Dabei war er ein Mensch, der bürgerliche Behaglichkeit und Ruhe liebte. Nicht ganz einfach zur Gründungszeit von St. Petersburg inmitten russischer Kaisermorde oder im Berlin zur Zeit der schlesischen Kriege. Und erst recht nicht inmitten einer grossen Kinderschar. Der Comic von Elena Pini (Graphik) und Alice und Andreas K. Heyne (Text) zeichnet das Leben des genialen Baslers nach, der vor 300 Jahren geboren wurde, mit zwanzig Jahren seine Heimatstadt verliess – und nie wieder zurückkehrte.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Reflections on Reflections: Near Eastern Writers Reading Literature
Logos Verlag Berlin Friedrich Herneck: Ein Leben in Suche Nach Wahrheit
Duncker & Humblot 100 Years of Peace Through Law: Past and Future
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Glaubensbekenntnisse (1779-1792): Bibliothek der Neologie. Kritische Ausgabe in zehn Bänden. Band I
Das "Glaubensbekenntniß" des streitbaren Aufklärungstheologen Carl Friedrich Bahrdt (1740-1792) löste eine der heftigsten theologischen Kontroversen des 18. Jahrhunderts aus. Die in diesem Band versammelten, ausführlich erläuterten Schriften dokumentieren den Streit zwischen Bahrdt und seinem wichtigsten Kontrahenten Johann Salomo Semler (1725-1791). Verhandelt werden die etwaigen Grenzen von Religions- und Lehrfreiheit, die Verbindlichkeit klassischer Theologumena sowie das Verhältnis von öffentlicher und privater Religionsausübung. Der Band vermittelt auch einen Eindruck vom Ablauf zeitgenössischer theologischer Auseinandersetzungen, die nicht etwa auf den binnentheologischen Raum beschränkt blieben, sondern breite kulturelle Aufmerksamkeit erfuhren. Die ausführliche Einleitung der Bandherausgeber macht mit dem historischen Kontext dieser markanten Auseinandersetzung vertraut.
De Gruyter Nematoda
This section of the Handbook of Zoology is intended as a comprehensive and exhaustive account of the biology of the taxa Gastrotricha, Nematoda, Nematomorpha, Priapulida, Kinorhyncha, Loricifera, Gnathostomulida, Micrognathozoa, Rotifera, Seisonida and Acanthocephala, covering all relevant topics such as morphology, ecology, phylogeny and diversity. The series is intended to be a detailed and up-to-date account of these taxa. As was the case with the first edition, the Handbook is intended to serve as a reliable resource for decades. Many of the taxa of this volume are comparatively unknown to many biologists, despite their diversity and importance for example in meiofaunal communities (Gastrotricha, Rotifera, Gnathostomulida), their fascinating recent discoveries (Loricifera and Micrognathozoa), their importance as parasites (many nematodes, Nematomorpha, Acanthocephala) and their importance for evolutionary questions (e.g. Priapulida, Gastrotricha). The groups covered range from those poor in species (such as Micrognathozoa with 2 known species) to the species-rich and diverse Nematoda and their ca. 20.000 described species. While each taxon is covered by one chapter, nematodes are treated in several chapters dedicated to their structural, taxonomic and ecological diversity.
Taschen GmbH Vienna. Portrait of a City
Vienna combines drama and elegance like no other. For centuries the heart of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the stately city on the Danube, has been defined by vast palaces and imperial grandeur—but behind the Baroque opulence, Vienna is also a place of genteel coffee house culture, epicurean tradition, and a heritage of both delicate and daring music, art, and design, from Johann Strauss to Egon Schiele, from Gustav Mahler to Josef Hoffmann. This volume is a treasure trove of photography from the last 175 years, following the evolution of Vienna from imperial capital to modern metropolis. Like a visual walk through time and cityscape, hundreds of carefully curated pictures trace the developments in Vienna’s built environment and the cultural and historical trends they reflect, whether the urban Gesamtkunstwerk of the 19th-century Ringstrasse or the experiments of “Red Vienna” in the 1920s, when the city had a social democrat government for the first time. Through these remarkable photographs, we discover not only the great landmarks and lesser-known corners of Vienna, but also the ubiquity and the tumult of its history. We see the cultural blossoming of the fin de siècle, when radical innovators such as Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Adolf Loos, and Sigmund Freud turned Vienna into a “laboratory of modernity”; the clashes of 1934; the ascent of Nazi dictatorship; and the horrors writ by the Holocaust in what was once one of the most populous and multi-ethnic cities on earth. More recently, fascinating postwar photographs explore the Vienna of the Third Man, at once a city in ruins and a hub for spies. The book closes with the most recent pictures, celebrating the emergence of today’s Vienna—one of the most attractive cities in Europe, in which rich history once again coexists with international flair and vibrant contemporary culture.
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Reformierte Bekenntnisschriften: Bd. 3/2: 1605-1675 1. Teil 1605-1646
Bucknell University Press,U.S. Robinson Crusoe after 300 Years
There is no shortage of explanations for the longevity of Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, which has been interpreted as both religious allegory and frontier myth, with Crusoe seen as an example of the self-sufficient adventurer and the archetypal colonizer and capitalist. Defoe’s original has been reimagined multiple times in legions of Robinsonade or castaway stories, but the Crusoe myth is far from spent. This wideranging collection brings together eleven scholars who suggest new and unfamiliar ways of thinking about this most familiar of works, and who ask us to consider the enduring appeal of “Crusoe,” more recognizable today than ever before.
Greece & Cyprus Research Center, Incorporated English Texts: British Period to 1900
Greece & Cyprus Research Center, Incorporated English Texts: Frankish and Turkish Periods
Hatje Cantz Francisco de Goya
He was one of the last great court artists and at the same time a significant trailblazer for modern art: Francisco de Goya. The Fondation Beyeler is preparing one of the most extensive exhibitions of his work outside of Spain.In his more than sixty-year-long career, Goya was an astute observer of the drama of reason and irrationality, of dreams and nightmares. His pictures show things that go beyond social conventions: he depicts saints and criminals, witches and demons, breaking open the gates to realms where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur. The show gathers more than seventy paintings, around sixty masterful drawings, and a selection of prints that invite the viewer to an encounter with the beautiful, as well as the incomprehensible. The extensive catalogue examines Goya’s unique artistic impact in texts by renowned interpreters, and splendid photo galleries.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft States, Regions and the Global System: Europe and Northern Asia-Pacific in Globalised Governance
Verlag Herder Sexueller Missbrauch Von Kindern Und Jugendlichen Im Raum Von Kirche: Analysen - Bilanzierungen - Perspektiven
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Pèlerinage Allegories of Guillaume de Deguileville: Tradition, Authority and Influence
New essays on the unjustly neglected Pèlerinage works by de Guileville, showing in particular its huge contemporary influence. The fourteenth-century French pilgrimage allegories of Guillaume de Deguileville (or "Digulleville") shaped late medieval and early modern European culture. Portions of the Pèlerinage de Vie Humaine, Pèlerinage de l'Ame and Pèlerinage de Jhesucrist survive in more than eighty medieval manuscripts and translations into English, German, Dutch, Castilian and Latin appeared by the early sixteenth century, along with adaptations into Frenchprose and dramatic forms and numerous early printed editions. This volume furnishes a better understanding of the allegories' circulation, creation and importance from the 1330s into the 1560s, via trans-national, multilingual and interdisciplinary perspectives. The collection's first section, on "Tradition", identifies the patterns that developed as Deguileville's corpus captured the attentions of adaptors, annotators and illustrators. The second section, on "Authority", addresses the cultural context of Deguileville himself, his approach to poetic craft and the status of his French and Latin poetry. The third section, on "Influence", closely examines selected connections between the Pèlerinages and the literary productions of later authors, translators and reading communities, including the French verse of Philippe de Mézières, Castilian print adaptation, and the early modern Croatian novel.Overall, the collection provides a variety of approaches to examining literary reception, attending not only to texts but also to evidence of surviving manuscripts and early printed editions; it offers new insights into a rich and complex allegorical corpus and its impact on European literary history. Marco Nievergelt is a Maître-Assistant in Early English Literature in the English department of the University of Lausanne.Stephanie A. Viereck Gibbs Kamath studies English and French medieval literature, with a particular interest in allegory, translation studies, and the history of the material text. Contributors: Flor Maria Bango de la Campa, Robert L.A. Clark, Graham Robert Edwards, Dolores Grmaca, Andreas Kablitz, John Moreau, Ursula Peters, Fabienne Pomel, Pamela Sheingorn, Sara V. Torres, Géraldine Veysseyre
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Transatlantic German Studies: Testimonies to the Profession
The prominent scholar-contributors to this volume share their experiences developing the field of US German Studies and their thoughts on literature and interdisciplinarity, pluralism and diversity, and transatlantic dialogue. The decisive contribution of the exile generation of the 1930s and '40s to German Studies in the United States is well known. The present volume carries the story forward to the next generation(s), giving voice to scholars from the US and overseas, many of them mentored by the exile generation. The exiles knew vividly the value of the Humanities; the following generations, though spared the experience of historical catastrophe, have found formidable challenges in building and maintaining the field in a time increasingly dismissive of that value. The scholar-contributors to this volume, prominent members of the profession, share their experiences of finding their way in the field and helping to develop it to its present state as well as their thoughts on its present challenges, including the question of the role of literature and of interdisciplinarity, pluralism, and diversity. Of particular interest is therole of transatlantic dialogue. Contributors: Leslie A. Adelson, Hans Adler, Russell A. Berman, Jane K. Brown, Walter Hinderer, Robert C. Holub, Leroy Hopkins, Andreas Huyssen, Claire Kramsch, Wilhelm Krull, Paul Michael Lützeler, Mark W. Roche, Judith Ryan, Azade Seyhan, Lynne Tatlock, Liliane Weissberg. Paul Michael Lützeler is Rosa May Distinguished University Professor in the Humanities at Washington University, St. Louis. PeterHöyng is Associate Professor of German at Emory University.
Taylor & Francis Inc Semi-Field Methods for the Environmental Risk Assessment of Pesticides in Soil
Based on discussions at the 2007 SETAC Europe PERAS Workshop in Coimbra, Semi-Field Methods for the Environmental Risk Assessment of Pesticides in Soil presents a timely summary of state-of-the-art higher-tier terrestrial risk assessment of plant protection products (PPPs). Influential regulators, academics, and industry scientists provide a comprehensive, science-based view to guide regulatory authorities and manufacturers in assessing the higher-tier terrestrial risks of PPPs in the environment. The book includes a clear description of how to perform a higher-tier terrestrial risk assessment and provides a single reference on the subject. It examines various types of semi-field methods for soil assessment, including the use of terrestrial model ecosystems for pesticide risk assessment. In addition, the text also explores legislative and regulatory issues and offers technical recommendations. The book provides guidance on how to assess the soil risks of pesticides in the environment and explains how to use semi-field methods to access how pesticides may lead to spatial and temporal changes in soil biological communities and the larger agricultural landscape.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Life-Span Developmental Psychology
Developmental Psychology examines human developmental processes and transitions in infancy, childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Renowned international contributors systematically present the theoretical paradigms and current methods relating to the many subfields of developmental psychology, including: the biological bases of development perceptual and motor development cognitive development communication and language development social development personality and emotional development moral development and wisdom developmental psychopathology This book?s critical viewpoint, broad coverage and emphasis on processes and dynamic interactions, rather than plain states and stages, will be of wide appeal to undergraduate students of developmental and educational psychology. It will also be highly relevant to postgraduate students and specialists in psychology and education requiring a comprehensive, up-to-data account of the various subfields of developmental psychology.
Spector Books The Art Collection: The Cabinet of Ramon Haze
Greece & Cyprus Research Center, Incorporated German Texts: Turkish Period (after 1800)
Crossway Books The Heresy of Orthodoxy: How Contemporary Culture's Fascination with Diversity Has Reshaped Our Understanding of Early Christianity
This polemic against the "Bauer-Ehrman Thesis" examines modern New Testament criticism against orthodoxy in early Christianity. Throughout, vigilance is shown toward the modern adherence to postmodern ideals of diversity.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Ernst Lohmeyers Zeugnis im Kirchenkampf: Breslauer Universitätspredigten
Kommentiert werden die Predigten Ernst Lohmeyers, die er während seiner langjährigen Breslauer Hochschultätigkeit hielt. Diese begann 1920 mit der Nachfolge auf Rudolf Bultmanns Lehrstuhl und endete 1935 mit der Strafversetzung nach Greifswald "wegen antinationalsozialistischer Haltung und Gesinnung".Die historisch-theologischen Kommentierungen durch A. Köhn stellen Ernst Lohmeyer als theologischen Lehrer dar, der im aufkommenden Nationalsozialismus als theologisch profilierter Zeuge im Ringen der Kirche um die Wahrheit des Evangeliums auftritt.Die Predigtsammlung erscheint zum 60. Jahrestag der am 19. September 1946 erfolgten Ermordung Lohmeyers durch die russische Geheimpolizei. Die gewaltsam zum Schweigen gebrachte Stimme Lohmeyers kommt darin in einzigartig authentischer Weise zu Wort.
Duncker & Humblot German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch Fur Internationales Recht: Vol. 6 (217)
Park Books SAY 2023: Swiss Architecture Yearbook 2023/24
The new SAY Swiss Architecture Yearbook is the first of its kind in Switzerland. Jointly edited by the Basel-based Swiss Architecture Museum S AM and the renowned architecture journal werk, bauen+wohnen on behalf of the Stiftung Architektur Schweiz, it reflects the country’s remarkably diverse architectural creation and provides international visibility for the outstanding quality of Swiss architecture and building culture. Yet SAY is more than a mere selection of the best: it thoroughly examines current topics that concern many people at the time of a construction boom in the country and amid the increasingly felt effects of climate change. From a list of well over a hundred nominees from all parts of the country, 36 projects were selected by an international jury for SAY’s inaugural 2023/24 edition. The featured projects are supplemented by topical essays that look at the most pressing questions in Swiss architecture discourse, at the characteristics of Swiss architecture today, and examine what lasting contribution it makes to the quality of life in all parts of the country.
Schnell & Steiner Strassburg: Munster Unserer Lieben Frau Chinesisch