Search results for ""author andreas""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Law of Treaties
The Research Handbook on the Law of Treaties provides an authoritative treatment of fundamental issues in international treaty law. Identifying key challenges facing the modern law of treaties, the Handbook addresses the current regime and comments on potential directions of the law.Rather than an article-by-article commentary on provisions applicable to treaties, the Handbook offers an innovative study of their spatial, personal and temporal dimensions and of the tensions that arise due to the need for both flexibility and certainty in treaty relations. It analyses the interaction between treaty regimes and potential ruptures, as well as the expansion of treaty law to international organisations, corporations and individuals. Each chapter includes an 'agenda for research', highlighting areas where future work could yield significant results.This pioneering Handbook will prove an invaluable resource for researchers and advanced students, as well as providing unique insights for practitioners of international law.Contributors: E. Cannizzaro, J. d'Aspremont, K. del Mar, J. Devaney, J. Finke, M. Fitzmaurice, M. Karavias, M. Kotzur, S-I. Lekkas, V. Lowe QC, P.Merkouris, M. Milanovic, A. Nollkaemper, M. Paparinskis, I. Plakokefalos, A. Proelss, S. Ranganathan, A. Rasulov, Y. Ronen, C. J. Tams, A. Tzanakopoulos, M. Waibel, P. Webb, A. Zimmermann
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Societies in Transition: Sub-Saharan Africa between Conflict and Reconciliation
The second volume of the trans-disciplinary series Research in Peace and Reconciliation looks at ways of dealing with the past in Sub-Saharan Africa in recent decades and highlights the variety of peaceful strategies and processes. It asks to what extent this variety fosters the development of alternative methods for the transformation of violent conflict.The contributions focus on different African countries and regions as Chad, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. They take into account the influence of particular cultural contexts on processes of reconciliation. In doing so, they emphasize the importance of religions, rites, and tribal customs as well as the complex legacy of colonialism. They also look at the presentation of the topic in Western media.Many thanks go to the Ernst-Abbe-Foundation (Jena) for its generous support of the publication.
Springer International Publishing AG Body of Knowledge for Modeling and Simulation: A Handbook by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International
Commissioned by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS), this needed, useful new ‘Body of Knowledge’ (BoK) collects and organizes the common understanding of a wide collection of professionals and professional associations.Modeling and simulation (M&S) is a ubiquitous discipline that lays the computational foundation for real and virtual experimentation, clearly stating boundaries—and interactions—of systems, data, and representations. The field is well known, too, for its training support via simulations and simulators. Indeed, with computers increasingly influencing the activities of today’s world, M&S is the third pillar of scientific understanding, taking its place along with theory building and empirical observation.This valuable new handbook provides intellectual support for all disciplines in analysis, design and optimization. It contributes increasingly to the growing number of computational disciplines, addressing the broad variety of contributing as well as supported disciplines and application domains. Further, each of its sections provide numerous references for further information. Highly comprehensive, the BoK represents many viewpoints and facets, captured under such topics as: Mathematical and Systems Theory Foundations Simulation Formalisms and Paradigms Synergies with Systems Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Multidisciplinary Challenges Ethics and Philosophy Historical Perspectives Examining theoretical as well as practical challenges, this unique volume addresses the many facets of M&S for scholars, students, and practitioners. As such, it affords readers from all science, engineering, and arts disciplines a comprehensive and concise representation of concepts, terms, and activities needed to explain the M&S discipline.Tuncer Ören is Professor Emeritus at the University of Ottawa. Bernard Zeigler is Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona. Andreas Tolk is Chief Scientist at The MITRE Corporation. All three editors are long-time members and Fellows of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International. Under the leadership of three SCS Fellows, Dr. Ören, University of Ottawa, Dr. Zeigler, The University of Arizona, and Dr. Tolk, The MITRE Corporation, more than 50 international scholars from 15 countries provided insights and experience to compile this initial M&S Body of Knowledge.
Sage Publications Ltd Understanding Mental Health and Counselling
Understanding Mental Health and Counselling provides a critical introduction to key debates about how problems of mental health are understood, and to the core approaches taken to working with counselling and psychotherapy clients. In drawing out the differences and intersections between professional and social understandings of mental health and counselling theory and practice, the book fosters critical thinking about effective and ethical work with mental health service users and therapy clients. With chapters by noted academic writers and service-user researchers, and content enlivened by activities, first-person accounts and case material, the book provides a key resource for both counselling and psychotherapy trainees and those interested in the broader field of mental health.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Airy Curtains in the European Ether: Broadcasting and the Cold War
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Ungarn Und Die Internationale Politik 1848-1849
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Fasse Dich kurz!: Der grenzuberschreitende Telefonverkehr der Opposition in den 1980er Jahren und das Ministerium fur Staatssicherheit
Tapping into phone calls is part of the history of telephone communication. The Ministry for State Security (MfS), despite an underdeveloped telephone network in the GDR, eagerly listened to and recorded telephone calls and used the information obtained for secret police and secret service activities. For this purpose, the State Security maintained its own departments which, on behalf of other MfS service units, specifically monitored telephone calls in the GDR, in the Federal Republic and also in cross-border telephone traffic. A historical study of the results of this wiretapping practice is very narrow for reasons of data protection. This book is the first to publish sources based on telephone surveillance measures. In addition to the scientific edition of around 150 sources, the historical context is examined, the value of the source is discussed and the listening practice and the consequences are presented in an essay from the perspective of contemporary witnesses. In addition, the technical working methods of the Stasi eavesdropping specialists are examined. The book thus introduces a group of sources that have not been known so far, provides new perspectives on the history of the SED dictatorship, the MfS and the opposition, and contains a variety of research suggestions.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Lutheran Dualities: Guidance for Preaching the Gospel
Theologischer Verlag Wenn Jugendliche Bibel Lesen: Jugendtheologie Und Bibeldidaktik
Fondation Hardt Les Origines de la Republique Romaine
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Glucksspielrecht: Handkommentar
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG 110 Keywords Wirtschaftsethik
Von Aktivist über Nachhaltigkeit bis zu Zensur: Im Kontext der Wirtschaftsethik gibt es unzählige Fachtermini und Abkürzungen. Das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk eignet sich für den ersten schnellen Überblick. In 110 übersichtlichen Schlüsselbegriffen werden die Grundlagen erläutert. Die Erklärungen sind kompakt und verständlich formuliert und bieten Basiswissen für alle, die einen schnellen Einstieg in das Thema Wirtschaftsethik suchen, einzelne Begriffe nachschlagen oder ihr vorhandenes Wissen auffrischen möchten.
De Gruyter Schraffuren: Die Zeichnungen von Hans Funk (1928–2002)
Hans Funk (1928–2002) hatte sich in vielen Ausstellungen seit den 1960er- und 1970er-Jahren einen Namen als Zeichner gemacht. Aus Anfängen im Informel entwickelte er in seinen großformartigen Tuschzeichnungen ein umfangreiches und eigenständiges Œuvre, das zwischen Formverzicht und Formerhalt, zwischen Spontaneität und Reflexion oszilliert. Der Künstler lebte und arbeitete abseits der Metropolen mit ihren Akteuren des Kunstmarkts als Kunstlehrer im niedersächsischen Lüneburg. Mit der nun von seinem Sohn Tobias Funk herausgegebenen Publikation wird die Entwicklung seiner fulminanten Zeichenkunst in 80 Abbildungen vor Augen gestellt. In drei kunsthistorischen Essays wird das zeichnerische Œuvre eingehend beschrieben.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Erkenntnis Des Gottlichen Im Bild?: Perspektiven Hermeneutischer Theologie Und Antiker Philosophie
Bristol University Press Young people and contradictions of inclusion: Towards Integrated Transition Policies in Europe
Young people and contradictions of inclusion critically assesses policies addressing young people's transitions from school to employment. It presents and discusses the findings of seven EU-funded projects involving 13 countries: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of the International Political Economy of Energy and Natural Resources
This Handbook offers a comprehensive overview of the latest research from leading scholars on the international political economy of energy and resources. Highlighting the important conceptual and empirical themes, the chapters study all levels of governance, from global to local, and explore the wide range of issues emerging in a changing political and economic environment. The original contributions analyse energy as a highly complex, interconnected policy area, including how energy markets and regimes are constituted and the governance institutions that are being designed to challenge existing establishments. A number of contributors focus on intersections between energy and other policy fields or sectors, or nexes. These include the climate change, energy and low carbon transitions nexus; the food, water and forestry nexus; the energy, resources and development nexus, and the global?national?local nexus in energy. Significantly, this Handbook ties the contributions together by exploring opportunities for sustainable transitions and avoiding resource scarcity whilst taking other social needs, such as development, into account.This Handbook will be an essential resource for scholars and students of international political economy, governance and development studies as it covers: the environment, development, human rights, global production, energy transitions and energy security.Contributors include: L. Baker, T. Boersma, J. Britton, E. Brutschin, J. Burton, A.A. Camba, R. Falkner, T. Foxon, C. Fraune, A. Goldthau, D. Gritsenko, A. Hira, R. Hiteva, L. Hughes, J. Jewell, M.F. Keating, C. Kuzemko, A. Lawrence, F. Lira, A. Losz, K. Lovell, H.E.S. Nesadurai, M. Nilsson, S. Onder, R. Quitzow, S. Raszewski, W.B. Renfro, J. Sharples, N. Sitter, M. Skalamera, B.K. Sovacool, C. Strambo, J. Wilson
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Companion to the Works of Grimmelshausen
Fresh essays on the works of the most significant -- and readable -- German Baroque author. Hans Jacob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen (ca. 1621-1676) is the most significant (and still readable) author of seventeenth-century German novels. His Abenteuerlicher Simplicius Simplicissimus remains the one German novelof its time that has attained the stature of "world literature": its unique mix of violent action and solitary reflection, its superlative humor, its realistic portrayal of a peasant turned soldier turned hermit has made it the longest-running bestseller in German literature. Read by students and scholars in comparative literature, history, and German, and by those interested in the development of the picaresque novel in Europe, the work and its "Continuations" have increasingly occupied scholars around the world, who have in recent years shown it to be a work of subtle structure and characterization, bearing the imprint of the most advanced political thinking of the time, and showing the influences of some of the most significant works of world literature, including Cervantes' Don Quixote and Barclay's Argenis. This volume of essays by leading Grimmelshausen scholars from Germany, the UnitedStates, and England provides analyses of significant topics in his life and works, including questions of genre, structure, satire, allegory, narratology, political thought, religion, morality, humor, realism, and mortality. Contributors: Christoph E. Schweitzer, Italo Michele Battafarano, Klaus Haberkamm, Rosmarie Zeller, Andreas Solbach, Dieter Breuer, Lynne Tatlock, Peter Hess, Shannon Keenan Greene, and Alan Menhennet. Karl F. Otto is Professor of German at the University of Pennsylvania and has written extensively on German Baroque literature.
Bristol University Press The Environment in Global Sustainability Governance: Perceptions, Actors, Innovations
Available Open Access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. With Agenda 2030, the UN adopted wide-ranging Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that integrate development and environmental agendas. This book focuses on the political tensions between the environmental objectives and socio-economic aspects of sustainable development. The collection provides an introduction to interlinkages, synergies and trade-offs between the ‘green’ and other goals, such as gender equality and economic growth. It also considers related goals on cities and partnerships as crucial for implementing environmentally sound sustainability. Identifying governance failures and responsibilities, it advocates for a shift towards cooperative economics and politics for the common good.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Late Modernity in Crisis: Why We Need a Theory of Society
In times of entrenched social upheaval and multiple crises, we need the kind of social theory that is prepared to look at the big picture, analyze the broad developmental features of modern societies, their structural conditions and dynamics, and point to possible ways out of the crises we face. Over the last couple of decades, two German sociologists, Andreas Reckwitz and Hartmut Rosa, have sought to provide wide-ranging social theories of this kind. While their theories are very different, they share in common the view that the analysis of modernity as a social formation must be kept at the heart of sociology, and that the theory of society should ultimately serve to diagnose the crises of the present. In this book, Andreas Reckwitz and Hartmut Rosa join forces to examine the value and the limits of a theory of society today. They provide clear and concise accounts of their own theories of society, explicate their key concepts – including "singularization" in the case of Reckwitz, "acceleration" and “resonance” in the case of Rosa – and draw out the implications of their theories for understanding the multiple crises we face today. The result is a book that provides both an excellent introduction to the work of two of the most important sociologists writing today and a vivid demonstration of the value of the kind of bold social theory of modern societies that they espouse.
Crossway Books The Final Days of Jesus: The Most Important Week of the Most Important Person Who Ever Lived
Combining a chronological arrangement of the biblical text with insightful commentary, this book serves as a day-by-day guide to Jesus’s final week on earth, complete with a quick-reference glossary and color maps.
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection Asinou across Time: Studies in the Architecture and Murals of the Panagia Phorbiotissa, Cyprus
Lockwood Press Ancient Egyptian Biographies: Contexts, Forms, Functions
(Auto-)biography is a genre of ancient Egyptian written discourse that was central to high culture from its earliest periods. Belonging to the nonroyal elites, these texts present aspects of individual lives and experience, sometimes as narratives of key events, sometimes as characterizations of personal qualities. Egyptian (auto-) biographies offer a unique opportunity to examine the ways in which individuals fashioned distinctive selves for display and the significance of the physical, religious, and social contexts they selected. The present volume brings together specialists from a range of relevant periods, approaches, and interests. The studies collected here examine Egyptian (auto-)biographies from a variety of complementary perspectives: anthropological and contrastive perspectives; the original Old Kingdom settings; text format and language; social dimensions; and religious experience.
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Healing Lyme Disease Naturally: History, Analysis, and Treatments
Cambridge University Press Retooling Politics: How Digital Media Are Shaping Democracy
Donald Trump, the Arab Spring, Brexit: digital media have provided political actors and citizens with new tools to engage in politics. These tools are now routinely used by activists, candidates, non-governmental organizations, and parties to inform, mobilize, and persuade people. But what are the effects of this retooling of politics? Do digital media empower the powerless or are they breaking democracy? Have these new tools and practices fundamentally changed politics or is their impact just a matter of degree? This clear-eyed guide steps back from hyperbolic hopes and fears to offer a balanced account of what aspects of politics are being shaped by digital media and what remains unchanged. The authors discuss data-driven politics, the flow and reach of political information, the effects of communication interventions through digital tools, their use by citizens in coordinating political action, and what their impact is on political organizations and on democracy at large.
De Gruyter The Cold War: Historiography, Memory, Representation
The traces of the Cold War are still visible in many places all around the world. It is the topic of exhibits and new museums, of memorial days and historic sites, of documentaries and movies, of arts and culture. There are historical and political controversies, both nationally and internationally, about how the history of the Cold War should be told and taught, how it should be represented and remembered. While much has been written about the political history of the Cold War, the analysis of its memory and representation is just beginning. Bringing together a wide range of scholars, this volume describes and analyzes the cultural history and representation of the Cold War from an international perspective. That innovative approach focuses on master narratives of the Cold War, places of memory, public and private memorialization, popular culture, and schoolbooks. Due to its unique status as a center of Cold War confrontation and competition, Cold War memory in Berlin receives a special emphasis. With the friendly support of the Wilson Center.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG European Handbook of Dermatological Treatments
This guide to dermatological treatments provides concise yet comprehensive, up-to-date overviews of treatment guidelines and pearls for a plethora of skin diseases. It is divided into three main sections that address the many different skin diseases, the drugs available for dermatological treatments, and the various methods applied in dermatology, including fillers, botulinum toxin, lasers, dermoscopy, cryosurgery, and electrosurgery. Each skin disease-focused chapter describes current treatments while also providing a brief synopsis of etiology and clinical presentation. Treatment indications and contraindications, modes of action, and dosages are clearly identified. This third edition of the European Handbook of Dermatological Treatments has been extensively revised to reflect the advances of the past decade, including biologic agents for psoriasis, also used as promising off-label treatments in other skin diseases, targeted agents for malignant melanoma and basal cell carcinoma, and new treatment modalities for rosacea, acne, atopic dermatitis, and urticaria, to name but a few. The successful easy-to-use format is retained in this new edition, which is enriched with clinical photos that will make reading a pleasurable as well as a learning experience.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wireless Networks
Wireless is a term used to describe telecommunications in which electromagnetic waves (rather than some form of wire) carry the signal over part or all of the communication path and the network is the totality of switches, transmission links and terminals used for the generation, handling and receiving of telecoms traffic. Wireless networks are rapidly evolving, and are playing an increasing role in the lives of people throughout the world and ever-larger numbers of people are relying on the technology directly or indirectly. The area of wireless communications is an extremely rich field for research, due to the difficulties posed by the wireless medium and the increasing demand for better and cheaper services. As the wireless market evolves, it is likely to increase in size and possibly integrate with other wireless technologies, in order to offer support for mobile computing applications, of perceived performance equal to those of wired communication networks. Wireless Networks aims to provide an excellent introductory text covering the wireless technological alternatives offered today. It will include old analog cellular systems, current second generation (2G) systems architectures supporting voice and data transfer and also the upcoming world of third generation mobile networks. Moreover, the book features modern wireless technology topics, such as Wireless Local Loops (WLL), Wireless LANs, Wireless ATM and Personal Area Networks (such as Bluetooth). * Provides an easy to use reference which presents a clear set of technologies per chapter * Features modern wireless technology topics, such as Wireless Local Loops (WLL), Wireless LANs, Wireless ATM, Personal Area Networks (such as Bluetooth) and Ad-hoc wireless networks * Progresses through the developments of first, second, third, fourth generation cellular systems and beyond * Includes helpful simulation examples and examples of algorithms and systems Essential reading for Senior undergraduate and graduate students studying computer science, telecommunications and engineering, engineers and researchers in the field of wireless communications and technical managers and consultants.
21st Elementary School Stavrou A Narrative of the Chronicle of Cyprus 1456-1489
Spector Books Infanten
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH An Introduction to Redox Polymers for Energy-Storage Applications
An Introduction to Redox Polymers for Energy-Storage Applications Presents a well-founded introduction to the field or Redox Polymers, with didactical features like summary boxes and a Q&A sections An Introduction to Redox Polymers for Energy-Storage Applications discusses fundamental aspects related to polymer-based batteries, such as types of batteries, their historic development, design and synthesis criteria of the active material, and summarizes the various types of redox polymers and their applications. Each chapter contains learning objectives, summary boxes, and questions to allow for efficient exam preparation. In An Introduction to Redox Polymers for Energy-Storage Applications, readers will find detailed information on: Fundamental aspects of redox-active polymers, along with their historical classification, taking the key applications of the materials into account Energy-storage devices, containing polymers as the electrode active materials, and specific material requirements for the desired applications Classification of redox-active polymers, e.g., according to the nature of the actual redox-active moieties, their backbone structure, or topology Electrical conductivity of conjugated polymers, covering their most prominent representatives (polyaniline, polypyrrole, polythiophene, and polyacetylene) An Introduction to Redox Polymers for Energy-Storage Applications also covers the synthesis and applications of these materials, making it an excellent book for graduates, PhD students, and professionals who are starting in this field.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Paulus - Werk und Wirkung: Festschrift für Andreas Lindemann zum 70. Geburtstag
Die Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag des emeritierten Betheler Neutestamentlers Andreas Lindemann vereint 32 Aufsätze international renommierter Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler zu Werk und Wirkungsgeschichte des Apostels Paulus. Sie konzentriert sich damit auf einen Themenschwerpunkt, der in der Wissenschaftsbiographie des Jubilars von herausragender Bedeutung ist. Entstanden ist auf diese Weise ein Handbuch gegenwärtiger Paulusforschung, das Fragestellungen und Ergebnisse der historischen und theologischen Arbeit an den paulinischen Briefen sowie das Weiterwirken der durch Paulus gesetzten Impulse in der Geschichte des Christentums breit dokumentiert.Der erste Hauptteil unter dem Titel "Studien zu den Paulusbriefen" bietet thematische Beiträge zu einzelnen Briefen und Textstellen des Corpus Paulinum. Teil zwei entfaltet "Aspekte paulinischer Theologie", die in ihrer Gesamtheit wahrgenommen bereits den Rahmen einer Theologie des Paulus abstecken. Der dritte und vierte Teil präsentieren die Wirkungs- bzw. Rezeptionsgeschichte des paulinischen Werkes. Der zeitliche Rahmen erstreckt sich in Teil drei auf das Weiterwirken und die Aufnahme des Paulus und seiner Theologie im zweiten bis vierten Jahrhundert. Im Schlussteil vier folgen pointierte Ausblicke auf die Aneignung des paulinischen Erbes in Reformation und Gegenwart.Abgerundet wird der Band durch Register, die einen schnellen Zugang und differenzierten Einblick in die Vielfalt der behandelten Themen ermöglichen, sowie durch ein chronologisch und thematisch gegliedertes Verzeichnis der Publikationen von Andreas Lindemann.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Leonhard Euler: Ein Mann, mit dem man rechnen kann
In seinem Kopf stellte er die mathematische Welt auf den Kopf. Er berechnete Flüssigkeitsströmungen, das Trägheitsmoment, entwickelte die Variationsrechnung und die moderne Zahlentheorie. Als Wissenschaftler steht er auf einer Stufe mit Newton und Einstein. Konstrukteure in aller Welt arbeiten tagtäglich mit seinen Formeln – egal ob es um den Schiffsrumpf der "Alinghi" geht oder um die Schwingungen des "Viaduc de Millau", der Welt höchster Autobahnbrücke. Dabei war er ein Mensch, der bürgerliche Behaglichkeit und Ruhe liebte. Nicht ganz einfach zur Gründungszeit von St. Petersburg inmitten russischer Kaisermorde oder im Berlin zur Zeit der schlesischen Kriege. Und erst recht nicht inmitten einer grossen Kinderschar. Der Comic von Elena Pini (Graphik) und Alice und Andreas K. Heyne (Text) zeichnet das Leben des genialen Baslers nach, der vor 300 Jahren geboren wurde, mit zwanzig Jahren seine Heimatstadt verliess – und nie wieder zurückkehrte.
Duncker & Humblot German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch Fur Internationales Recht: Vol. 61 (218)
V&R unipress GmbH Studien zur Rechts- und Zeitgeschichte: Liber discipulorum Professor Dr. Wulf Eckart Voà zum 60. Geburtstag
Schnell & Steiner Brujas: La Iglesia de Nuestra Senora
Books on Demand Telotopia VS: Ein kulturarchitektonisches Modell einer wünschenswerten Kultur der Zukunft (gekürzte Fassung Smart-Druck)
De Gruyter Herzogliche Orangerie Gotha: Garten der Goldenen Früchte
Wiederkehr des Goldenen Zeitalters – nicht weniger als diesen paradiesischen Zustand symbolisierten die fürstlichen Orangeriegärten des Barock. Die Herzogliche Orangerie Gotha gilt als eine der größten und schönsten Anlagen dieser Art im deutschsprachigen Raum. Herzog Friedrich III. von Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg ließ den meisterhaften Komplex ab 1747 nach Plänen des renommierten Baumeisters Gottfried Heinrich Krohne errichten. Den einstmals berühmten Pflanzenbestand von rund 3 000 Orangeriegewächsen verringerte man im 19. Jahrhundert zugunsten einer opulenten Ausstattung mit Schmuckbeeten. Seit 2004 arbeiten die Stiftung Thüringer Schlösser und Gärten und ihre Partner erfolgreich daran, dem einmaligen Denkmalensemble seinen ursprünglichen Charakter und seine Faszination zurückzugeben, die es im Lauf des 20. Jahrhunderts eingebüßt hatte. Der Führer präsentiert die bedeutende architektonische Anlage, schildert die wechselvolle Geschichte und veranschaulicht nicht zuletzt die Wiederbelebung der Gothaer Orangeriekultur.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Waste Management and the Green Economy: Law and Policy
Can waste become a profitable business rather than a costly problem, creating green business opportunities and green jobs while protecting the environment? Might this reduce illegal trade and improper recycling of hazardous wastes by making the legitimate alternatives more attractive? Addressing these questions, this book examines environmentally sound waste management as a driver in the transition to a Green Economy, and discusses how this transition is challenged by technical limitations, weak regulatory environments and lack of financial incentives.This in-depth analysis of the link between waste management and a Green Economy identifies key elements of a solid overarching legal and policy framework that could address these challenges, noting that consistent implementation and enforcement is crucial. It complements its examination of the legal and policy issues with contributions on technical and economic aspects, taking into account the interdisciplinary nature of the problem, and offers a perspective from Asia, where the challenges of waste management as well as the possible opportunities are particularly significant.With interdisciplinary authorship and contributions drawn from academia and practice, this book will be a timely resource for academics and practitioners in the areas of law, policy and economics. It will also provide insights for civil servants engaged in waste policy and related areas, private sector operators engaged in waste management and sustainable development, and non-governmental organizations engaged in environmental protection and poverty reduction efforts.Contributors include: J. Baumgartner, M. Grosz, T. Hardman Reis, K. Kummer Peiry, J. Li, J. North, P. Portas, R. Rayfuse, M. Schluep, X. Sun, J. Voïnov Kohler, V. Weick, B. Zhu, A. Ziegler
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Persistent Legacy: The Holocaust and German Studies
New essays by prominent scholars in German and Holocaust Studies exploring the boundaries and confluences between the fields and examining new transnational approaches to the Holocaust. In studies of Holocaust representation and memory, scholars of literature and culture traditionally have focused on particular national contexts. At the same time, recent work has brought the Holocaust into the arena of the transnational, leading to a crossroads between localized and global understandings of Holocaust memory. Further complicating the issue are generational shifts that occur with the passage of time, and which render memory and representations of the Holocaust ever more mediated, commodified, and departicularized. Nowhere is the inquiry into Holocaust memory more fraught or potentially more productive than in German Studies, where scholars have struggled to addressGerman guilt and responsibility while doing justice to the global impact of the Holocaust, and are increasingly facing the challenge of engaging with the broader, interdisciplinary, transnational field. Persistent Legacy connects the present, critical scholarly moment with this long disciplinary tradition, probing the relationship between German Studies and Holocaust Studies today. Fifteen prominent scholars explore how German Studies engages with Holocaust memory and representation, pursuing critical questions concerning the borders between the two fields and how they are impacted by emerging scholarly methods, new areas of inquiry, and the changing place of Holocaust memory in contemporary Germany. Contributors: David Bathrick, Stephan Braese, William Collins Donahue, Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann, Katja Garloff, Andreas Huyssen, Irene Kacandes, Jennifer M. Kapczynski, Sven Kramer,Erin McGlothlin, Leslie Morris, Brad Prager, Karen Remmler, Michael D. Richardson, Liliane Weissberg. Erin McGlothlin and Jennifer M. Kapczynski are both Associate Professors in the Department of Germanic Languages andLiteratures at Washington University in St. Louis.
University of British Columbia Press The Political Economy of Resource Regulation: An International and Comparative History, 1850-2015
Industrialist John Paul Getty famously quipped, “The meek shall inherit the earth, but not its mineral rights.” Throughout history, natural resources have been sources of wealth and power and catalysts for war and peace. The cases studies gathered in this innovative volume examine how the intersection of ideas, interest groups, international institutions, and political systems gave birth to distinctive regulatory regimes at various times and places in the modern world. Spanning seven continents and focusing on both advanced and developing economies, the case studies explore how the goals and modes of regulation have changed in response to new economic realities, demands from power brokers and the broader public, and rules and norms for what is considered legitimate government action.Together, the contributors show that regulatory regimes in resource-dependent nations have played a decisive role in the international political economy. They also offer unique insights into why some resource-rich countries have flourished while others have been mired in poverty and corruption.
Lockwood Press Coping with Obscurity: The Brown Workshop on Earlier Egyptian Grammar
Coping with Obscurity publishes the papers discussed at the Brown University Workshop on Earlier Egyptian grammar in March, 2013. The workshop united ten scholars of differing viewpoints dealing with the central question of how to judge and interpret the grammatical value of the written evidence preserved in texts of the Old and Middle Kingdoms (ca. 2350-1650 BC). The nine papers in the volume present orthographic, lexical, morphological and syntactic approaches to the data and represent a significant step toward a new, pluralistic understanding of Earlier Egyptian grammar.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Reflections on Reflections: Near Eastern Writers Reading Literature
Logos Verlag Berlin Friedrich Herneck: Ein Leben in Suche Nach Wahrheit
Duncker & Humblot 100 Years of Peace Through Law: Past and Future
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Glaubensbekenntnisse (1779-1792): Bibliothek der Neologie. Kritische Ausgabe in zehn Bänden. Band I
Das "Glaubensbekenntniß" des streitbaren Aufklärungstheologen Carl Friedrich Bahrdt (1740-1792) löste eine der heftigsten theologischen Kontroversen des 18. Jahrhunderts aus. Die in diesem Band versammelten, ausführlich erläuterten Schriften dokumentieren den Streit zwischen Bahrdt und seinem wichtigsten Kontrahenten Johann Salomo Semler (1725-1791). Verhandelt werden die etwaigen Grenzen von Religions- und Lehrfreiheit, die Verbindlichkeit klassischer Theologumena sowie das Verhältnis von öffentlicher und privater Religionsausübung. Der Band vermittelt auch einen Eindruck vom Ablauf zeitgenössischer theologischer Auseinandersetzungen, die nicht etwa auf den binnentheologischen Raum beschränkt blieben, sondern breite kulturelle Aufmerksamkeit erfuhren. Die ausführliche Einleitung der Bandherausgeber macht mit dem historischen Kontext dieser markanten Auseinandersetzung vertraut.