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Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Systemische Beratung und Familientherapie - kurz, bündig, alltagstauglich
Systemische Beratung und Therapie wirkt und ist weltweit verbreitet. Umso erstaunlicher, dass es in Deutschland bisher keine zusammenfassende Darstellung für die interessierte Öffentlichkeit gibt. Dieses Buch schließt die Lücke. Rainer Schwing und Andreas Fryszer plaudern aus dem Nähkästchen ihrer jahrzehntelangen Erfahrung mit systemischen Ansätzen. Sie beschreiben anschaulich die systemische Arbeit in der Beratung Einzelner und Familien oder Teams, in der Supervision von Fachkräften oder dem Coaching von Führungskräften.Nach einer kurzen Einführung werden die grundlegenden Prinzipien der systemischen Beratung erklärt. Störungen und Krankheiten werden als Lösungsversuche gesehen, die irgendwie danebengeraten sind. Die zahlreichen konkreten Tipps aus dem systemischen Handwerkskoffer haben sich im Alltag bewährt und können direkt umgesetzt werden, um Probleme zu lösen oder überraschende neue Antworten auf lebenspraktische Fragen zu erhalten. Sie taugen ganz nebenbei als Ratschläge für ein erfülltes und glückliches Dasein. Und wer über die zahlreichen Anregungen des Buches hinaus Hilfe benötigt, dem verrät das Abschlusskapitel, wo sie zu erhalten ist.
Brill Schoningh Leben Am Hof Zu Neuhaus: Biografische Skizzen Zur Hofkultur Einer Furstbischoflichen Residenz
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Tagebücher: Band I,2 Kommentar (1775–1787)
Eine „tägliche […] Buchführung mit sich selbst“ war für Goethe von großer Bedeutung, wie er 1827 gegenüber Kanzler Friedrich von Müller formulierte. Seine überlieferten Tagebücher machen rund zehn Prozent seines literarischen Nachlasses aus und erstrecken sich über einen Zeitraum von 57 Jahren. In der neuen historisch-kritischen Edition werden die Texte – im Unterschied zur Weimarer Ausgabe von Goethes Werken – ohne Eingriffe durch die Herausgeber nach den Handschriften wiedergegeben. Ein Apparat verzeichnet sämtliche zeitgenössischen Korrekturen und Ergänzungen sowie die Wechsel der Schreiber. Ein umfangreiches Register der direkt und indirekt im Tagebuch genannten Personen, Werke und Orte sowie ein Register zu Goethes Werken erschließen den Text. Ein ausführlicher Kommentar im zweiten Teilband erläutert und kontextualisiert die Notate und macht sie dadurch mit Gewinn lesbar.
Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart Der Verdacht - Buch + Online-Angebot (A1-A2)
Klett (Ernst) Verlag,Stuttgart Rico, Oskar und die Tieferschatten
Birkhauser Treppen/Stiegen
Know-how on vertical building access Vertical accessibility and circulation are essential aspects of architectural design and planning. This book, entitled Treppen/Stiegen (Stairs/Steps), covers the fundamentals and thus an essential aspect of vertical access. In addition to structural and physical requirements, design- and safety-related factors must also be considered, with particular emphasis on barrier-free construction. Various types of structure are presented in detailed subsections—varying according to the building materials—and supplemented by an exposition of the planning criteria for installing elevators and escalators. As with all volumes in the Baukonstruktionen series, key basic information is first presented, then themes are explored in ever greater depth as each chapter progresses. Basics, design, and construction in all common materials Revised examples, updated standards, accessibility Textbook and reference work in one
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Engineering Design Applications IV: Structures, Materials and Processes
This book presents the developments in engineering design application. The chapters on mechanical, materials, computer and process engineering provide the foundation for the design and development of improved structures, materials and processes. They present alternatives with cost reduction and environmental demands. The book content links the interaction of classical engineering with the health, medical and environmental sector.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The First World War as a Clash of Cultures
Essays examining the rift between British and German intellectual and cultural traditions before 1914 and its effect on events. This volume of essays examines the perceived rift between the British and German intellectual and cultural traditions before 1914 and how the resultant war of words both reflects and helped determine historical, political, and, ultimately, military events. This vexed symbiosis is traced first through a survey of popular fiction, from alarmist British and German "invasion novels" to the visions of Erskine Childers and Saki and even P.G. Wodehouse; contrastingly, the "mixed-marriage novels" of von Arnim, Spottiswoode, and Wylie are considered. Further topics include D. H. Lawrence's ambivalent relationship with Germany, Carl Sternheim's coded anti-militarism, H. G. Wells's and Kurd Lasswitz's visions of their countries under Martian invasion, Nietzsche as the embodiment of Prussian warmongering, and the rise in Germany of anglophobic, anti-Spencerian evolutionism. Case histories of the positions of German andEnglish academics in regard to the conflict round out the volume. Contributors: Iain Boyd White, Helena Ragg-kirkby, Rhys Williams, Ingo Cornils, Nicholas Martin, Gregory Moore, Stefan Manz, Andreas Huther, Holger Klein Fred Bridgham is Senior Lecturer in the Department of German at the University of Leeds.
Policy Press Education Systems and Inequalities: International comparisons
How do education systems shape educational inequalities and differences in educational outcomes? Education systems and inequalities compares different education systems and their impact on creating and sustaining social inequalities. It considers what social mechanisms are behind the links between education systems and educational inequalities and provides vital evidence to inform debates in policy and reform.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A European Television History
European Television History brings together television historians and media scholars to chart the development of television in Europe since its inception. The volume interrogates the history of the medium in divergent political, economic, cultural and ideological national contexts Taking a comparative approach to the topic, the volume is organized around a set of common questions, themes, and methodological reflections Deals with European television in the context of television historiography and transnational traditions Case study chapters written by scholars from different European countries to reflect their specific areas of expertise
John Wiley & Sons Inc A Workout in Computational Finance, with Website
A comprehensive introduction to various numerical methods used in computational finance today Quantitative skills are a prerequisite for anyone working in finance or beginning a career in the field, as well as risk managers. A thorough grounding in numerical methods is necessary, as is the ability to assess their quality, advantages, and limitations. This book offers a thorough introduction to each method, revealing the numerical traps that practitioners frequently fall into. Each method is referenced with practical, real-world examples in the areas of valuation, risk analysis, and calibration of specific financial instruments and models. It features a strong emphasis on robust schemes for the numerical treatment of problems within computational finance. Methods covered include PDE/PIDE using finite differences or finite elements, fast and stable solvers for sparse grid systems, stabilization and regularization techniques for inverse problems resulting from the calibration of financial models to market data, Monte Carlo and Quasi Monte Carlo techniques for simulating high dimensional systems, and local and global optimization tools to solve the minimization problem.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Gendered Marketing
Performing an in-depth exploration of the gendered nature of marketing theory and practice, this timely book unpacks the many ideological assumptions embedded in marketing thought and action.Drawing on past and present scholarship at the intersection between marketing and feminism, Pauline Maclaran and Andreas Chatzidakis highlight the gendered silences in the history of marketing. By referencing core bodies of feminist theory and engaging with interdisciplinary perspectives on feminism and marketing, they illustrate a comprehensive understanding of the subtleties at work in the gendering of marketing. Structured around five key areas, the book examines the history of marketing thought, communications, product design and branding, marketing’s free externalities, and the marketing organisation. Identifying the biases, misconceptions and prejudices perpetuated by gendered marketing, it concludes by questioning if and how marketing can be de-gendered, in order to empower and transform consumers.Tracking the evolution of feminist thought and its critique of market-related structures and activities, this book will prove invaluable to students and scholars of marketing, media studies, sociology and gender studies. With insights into industry practices, it will also prove a vital reference guide to practitioners and policymakers working in advertising, marketing and the media who are concerned with gender and feminism.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Mediated Construction of Reality
Social theory needs to be completely rethought in a world of digital media and social media platforms driven by data processes. Fifty years after Berger and Luckmann published their classic text The Social Construction of Reality, two leading sociologists of media, Nick Couldry and Andreas Hepp, revisit the question of how social theory can understand the processes through which an everyday world is constructed in and through media. Drawing on Schütz, Elias and many other social and media theorists, they ask: what are the implications of digital media�s profound involvement in those processes? Is the result a social world that is stable and liveable, or one that is increasingly unstable and unliveable?
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Ukraine and Its Western Allies: Germanys Failure and the Necessary Lessons for the Future
The war in Ukraine is putting Germany's political and economic actions to the test. For decades, Ukraine, the second-largest state in Europe, was overlooked and Russia was courted. With fatal consequences. Germany has failed, as Sabine Adler states, an expert on Eastern Europe. Her analysis focuses not only on Ukraine and the current war, but above all on Germanyʼs role-in economic, political, and media terms-in relation to the country invaded by Russia. As a long-standing and clear-sighted observer, she gives a critical assessment: Political omissions, lobbyism, double standards, and a mendacious pacifism were dominant for long periods. Time for the West to learn from the bad example of Germany and to follow a sensible policy!
Springer International Publishing AG Breast Cancer Management for Surgeons: An Examination Guide
This book is a revision companion for the UEMS breast exam. The contents extract and distil the key messages and facts of the exam-linked textbook, published in 2017, giving self-test opportunities in the last chapter. Each chapter starts by listing the key facts. The chapters have been edited by the exam board in collaboration with most of the authors of the original chapters of key relevance.The book is specifically designed to complement the UEMS breast surgery exam which is held once a year. In addition there are two feeder courses for the exam, the EBSQ exam Preparatory Course by the Division of Breast Surgery and the Advanced Course on Breast Cancer by the ESSO, each of which run yearly. There are several other postgraduate courses that could support by the book. The book is also of interest to candidates sitting the FRCS exam with a special interest in breast surgery. The last Chapter describes the format of the exams, the scoring system and presents examples of both, the written (MCQ) and the oral examination. The MCQ part contains a questions section with 25 MCQs, including the correct answers at the end. A Clinical Case scenario is also presented with indicative questions similar to those discussed during the oral exam and a list of Academic papers included for discussion in recent oral exams, along with indicative questions is also included.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Stochastic Discounted Cash Flow: A Theory of the Valuation of Firms
This open access book discusses firm valuation, which is of interest to economists, particularly those working in finance. Firm valuation comes down to the calculation of the discounted cash flow, often only referred to by its abbreviation, DCF. There are, however, different coexistent versions, which seem to compete against each other, such as entity approaches and equity approaches. Acronyms are often used, such as APV (adjusted present value) or WACC (weighted average cost of capital), two concepts classified as entity approaches.This book explains why there are several procedures and whether they lead to the same result. It also examines the economic differences between the methods and indicates the various purposes they serve. Further it describes the limits of the procedures and the situations they are best applied to. The problems this book addresses are relevant to theoreticians and practitioners alike.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon The Instrumentalisation of Mass Media in Electoral Authoritarian Regimes: Evidence from Russias Presidential Election Campaigns of 2000 and 2008
Focusing on the case of Russia during Putins first two presidential terms, this book examines media manipulation strategies in electoral authoritarian regimes. Which instruments and approaches do incumbent elites employ to skew media coverage in favour of their preferred candidate in a presidential election? What effects do these strategies have on news content? Based on two case studies of the presidential election campaigns in Russia in 2000 and in 2008, this investigation identifies the critical internal mechanisms according to which these regimes work. Looking at the same country, while it transformed from a competitive into a hegemonic authoritarian regime, allows one to make a diachronic comparison of these two regime types based on the Most-Similar Systems Design. The book explicates the subtle differences between competitive and hegemonic regimes, different types of media manipulation strategies, the diverging extent of media instrumentalisation, various interactions among state actors, large business owners, the media, and journalists, the respective effects that all these factors and interactions have on media content, and the peculiar types of bias prevalent in each type of regime. This deep exploration of post-Soviet politics is based on extensive review of documents, interviews with media professionals, and quantitative as well as qualitative content analyses of news media during two Russian presidential election campaigns.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon A History of the Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping Company, 1948-1989: How a Small, Landlocked Country Ran Maritime Business During the Cold War
This book offers a comprehensive history of the Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping Company (C. O. S.) from its beginning in the late 1940s until the fall of communism. Owned by the Czechoslovak state, C. O. S.'s activities were shaped by Soviet standards. This unique study is structured according to the different phases of the Cold War and highlights the political aspects that determined C. O. S.'s fate.Lenka Kratka focuses on two contradictory economic dimensions that C. O. S. had to engage with. Being part of the planned economy of a socialist state, it also dealt with companies in the capitalist West. Another paradoxical aspect of C. O. S. emerges from the memories of former Czechoslovak seamen, who experienced relative freedom when being aboard and strict communist regime control while at home with their families. Kratka's book offers fascinating insights into a neglected topic, using thus far untapped sources and building on primary research in oral history and personal memory.
Royal Society of Chemistry Cold Chemistry: Molecular Scattering and Reactivity Near Absolute Zero
Recent years have seen tremendous progress in research on cold and controlled molecular collisions, both in theory and in experiment. The advent of techniques to prepare cold and ultracold molecules and ions, to store them in optical lattices or in charged quasicristalline structures, and to use them in crossed or merged beam experiments have opened many new possibilities to study the most fundamental aspects of molecular interactions. At the same time, theoretical work has made progress in tackling these problems and accurately describing quantum effects in complex systems, and in proposing viable options to control chemical reactions at ultralow energies. Through tutorials on both the theoretical and experimental aspects of research in cold and ultracold molecular collisions, this book provides advanced undergraduate students, graduate students and researchers with the foundations needed to understand this exciting field.
Manning Publications Amazon Web Services in Action: An in-depth guide to AWS
Master essential best practices for deploying and managing applications on Amazon Web Services. The ideal guide for mid-level developers, DevOps or platform engineers, architects, and system administrators. Amazon Web Services in Action: An in-depth guide to AWS is a comprehensive, practical introduction to deploying and managing applications on the AWS cloud platform. This revised bestseller is packed with techniques for building highly available and scalable architectures and automating deployment with Infrastructure as Code. This book will show you how to: Leverage globally distributed data centres to launch virtual machines with EC2 Store and archive large volumes of data with EBS, S3, and EFS Persist and query data with highly available and scalable database systems with RDS and DynamoDB Enhance performance with caching data in-memory with ElastiCache and MemoryDB Use Infrastructure as Code to automate your cloud infrastructure Secure workloads running in the cloud with VPC and IAM Build fault-tolerant web applications with ALB and SQS Automate common sysadmin tasks with Lambda, CLI, and SDK Build cloud-native applications based on containers with AppRunner, ECS, Fargate About the technology Thousands of developers have chosen Amazon Web Services in Action: An in-depth guide to AWS to help them succeed with the AWS cloud. Readers love this all-practical handbook for its complete introduction to computing, storage, and networking, along with best practices for all core AWS services. Amazon Web Services, the leading cloud computing platform, offers customers APIs for on-demand access to computing services. Rich in examples and best practices of how to use AWS, this Manning bestseller is now released in its third, revised, and improved edition.
Manning Publications Amazon Web Services in Action, 2E
Description Fully updated to include the latest revisions and updates to AWS; this new edition also offers three new chapters covering the latest additions to the AWS platform: serverless infrastructure automation with AWS Lambda, sharing data volumes between machines with EFS, and caching data in memory with ElastiCache! Amazon Web Services in Action, Second Edition is a comprehensive introduction to computing, storing, and networking in the AWS cloud. Readers will find clear, relevant coverage of all the essential AWS services they need to know, emphasizing best practices for security, high availability and scalability. Key features · Hands-on guide · Practical examples · Step-by-step instructions Audience Written for developers and DevOps engineers moving distributed applications to the AWS platform. About the technology AWS is known as a cloud computing platform. Cloud computing, or the cloud, is a metaphor for supply and consumption of IT resources. The IT resources in the cloud aren’t directly visible to the user; there are layers of abstraction in between.
Workman Publishing Kitchen of Light: The New Scandinavian Cooking
This charming and personal exploration of Scandinavian food and culture from one of public television's most charismatic cooks engages readers with personal anecdotes and flavorful recipes. Andreas shows the best way to cure gravlaks, make butter, prepare a poached salmon feast, and flambé a pork tenderloin with Scandinavia's favorite spirit aquavit. He shares his passion for traditional recipes such as Pork Rib Roast with Cloves, Mashed Rutabaga, and Norwegian Pancakes filled with berries.In Kitchen of Light readers are transported to Viestad's Norway—fishing for cod, halibut, and salmon; gathering chanterelles, porcini, and wild berries. More than 100 recipes emphasize fresh, simple ingredients in delicious and elegant dishes such as Pepper-Grilled Oysters and Scallops and Roast Dill-Scented Chicken with Leeks and Potatoes. This inspired cookbook, a companion to the public television series New Scandinavian Cooking, is perfect for home cooks, armchair travelers, cultural food enthusiasts, and anyone who yearns for the simple life.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Bats of Britain and Europe
The definitive guide to the bats of Britain and Europe. This concise and definitive guide presents all 45 bat species that regularly occur in Europe (of which 17 are known to breed in the British Isles). The extensive introduction details the remarkable biology of bats and explores the latest findings in bat evolution, behaviour and echolocation. This is followed by in-depth species accounts covering life history, conservation status and identification, including echolocation characteristics, and complemented by accurate distribution maps, with the book illustrated throughout with superb colour photography. - Allows identification of families, genera and where possible species of all European bats - Illustrated throughout with almost 700 colour photographs - Packed with information on bat behaviour, ecology and conservation Suitable for beginners, students, professionals or conservationists alike, Bats of Britain and Europe is the authoritative field guide for bat watchers – an essential reference for every bat enthusiast.
Plough Publishing House The Last Christians: Stories of Persecution, Flight, and Resilience in the Middle East
A Westerner’s travels among the persecuted and displaced Christian remnant in Iraq and Syria teach him much about faith under fire. Gold Medal Winner, 2018 IPPY Book of the Year Award Silver Medal Winner, 2018 Benjamin Franklin Award Finalist, 2018 ECPA Christian Book Award Inside Syria and Iraq, and even along the refugee trail, they’re a religious minority persecuted for their Christian faith. Outside the Middle East, they’re suspect because of their nationality. A small remnant of Christians is on the run from the Islamic State. If they are wiped out, or scattered to the corners of the earth, the language that Jesus spoke may be lost forever – along with the witness of a church that has modeled Jesus’ way of nonviolence and enemy-love for two millennia. The kidnapping, enslavement, torture, and murder of Christians by the Islamic State, or ISIS, have been detailed by journalists, as have the jihadists' deliberate efforts to destroy the cultural heritage of a region that is the cradle of Christianity. But some stories run deep, and without a better understanding of the religious and historical roots of the present conflict, history will keep repeating itself century after century. Andreas Knapp, a priest who works with refugees in Germany, travelled to camps for displaced people in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq to collect stories of survivors – and to seek answers to troubling questions about the link between religion and violence. He found Christians who today still speak Syriac, a dialect of Aramaic, the language of Jesus. The uprooted remnant of ancient churches, they doggedly continue to practice their faith despite the odds. Their devastating eyewitness reports make it clear why millions are fleeing the Middle East. Yet, remarkably, though these last Christians hold little hope of ever returning to their homes, they also harbor no thirst for revenge. Could it be that they – along with the Christians of the West, whose interest will determine their fate – hold the key to breaking the cycle of violence in the region? Includes sixteen pages of color photographs.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Power! Light!
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Airline Revenue Management: Current Practices and Future Directions
The book provides a comprehensive overview of current practices and future directions in airline revenue management. It explains state-of-the-art revenue management approaches and outlines how these will be augmented and enhanced through modern data science and machine learning methods in the future. Several practical examples and applications will make the reader familiar with the relevance of the corresponding ideas and concepts for an airline commercial organization. The book is ideal for both students in the field of airline and tourism management as well as for practitioners and industry experts seeking to refresh their knowledge about current and future revenue management approaches, as well as to get an introductory understanding of data science and machine learning methods. Each chapter closes with a checkpoint, allowing the reader to deepen the understanding of the contents covered.This textbook has been recommended and developed for university courses in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Aarhus University Press Imagining Nature: Practices of Cosmology & Identity
Tuttle Publishing Japanese Woodblock Prints: Artists, Publishers and Masterworks: 1680 - 1900
Japanese woodblock prints, or ukiyo-e, are the most recognizable Japanese art form. Their massive popularity has spread from Japan to be embraced by a worldwide audience. Covering the period from the beginning of the Japanese woodblock print in the 1680s until the year 1900, Japanese Woodblock Prints provides a detailed survey of all the famous ukiyo-e artists, along with over 500 full-color prints.Unlike previous examinations of this art form, Japanese Woodblock Prints includes detailed histories of the publishers of woodblock prints—who were often the driving force determining which prints, and therefore which artists, would make it into mass circulation for a chance at critical and popular success. Invaluable as a guide for ukiyo-e enthusiasts looking for detailed information about their favorite Japanese woodblock print artists and prints, it is also an ideal introduction for newcomers to the world of the woodblock print. This lavishly illustrated book will be a valued addition to the libraries of scholars, as well as the general art enthusiast.
Spector Books Florian Ebner & Andreas Langfeld: Postures: People of the Centre Pompidou--After August Sander
Edition Cantz Barbara Armbruster - Meins Mine
Dr Ludwig Reichert Das Pontifikale Gundekarianum: Faksimile-Ausgabe Des Codex B 4 Im Diozesanarchiv Eichstatt
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Changes in Childhood and Adolescence: Current Challenges for Physical Education: Proceedings of the 12th Fiep European Congress
Tectum Verlag Das Grune Jahrzehnt
Universitatsverlag Winter Schriftenreihe Des Deutschen Rechtsworterbuchs / Das Tier in Der Rechtsgeschichte
Universitatsverlag Winter John F. Kennedy and the 'thousand Days': New Perspectives on the Foreign and Domestic Policies of the Kennedy Administration
Universitatsverlag Winter Julius Wilhelm Zincgref ALS Politischer Publizist: Studien Zu Literarischen Kleinformen Und Zu Problemen Der Autorschaft Anonymer Literatur Im Heidelberger Spathumanismus
Schnell & Steiner Musik Im Michel: Die Orgeln Der Hauptkirche St. Michaelis Zu Hamburg
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Biblisch-Theologische Studien: Ein Gespräch Ã"ber Psalm 55 und seine Parallelen
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Romische Historische Mitteilungen 58 Band 2016
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Das Eigene Und Das Fremde: Akten Der 4. Tagung Des Zentrums Archaologie Und Altertumswissenschaften an Der Osterreichischen Akademie Der Wissenschaften, 26.-27. Marz 2012
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Die Kulturhistorische Bedeutung Byzantinischer Epigramme: Akten Des Internationalen Workshop (Wien, 1.-2. Dezember 2006)
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Reise-Sprachführer Japanisch für Dummies
Mit diesem Büchlein sind Sie für die nächste Reise nach Japan gerüstet. Ob Sie in Tokio in einer Shopping Mall einkaufen, in Kyoto in einer Bar Sushi bestellen oder in Osaka über das Wetter plaudern: Hier finden Sie die passenden Sätze für die jeweilige Situation. Ganz nebenbei erfahren Sie das Wichtigste über die japanische Grammatik und bekommen viele Tipps für die richtige Aussprache.
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Vive Hodie!: Martials Epigramme. Kopiervorlagen Fur Die Binnendifferenzierte Lekture
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Mannerspezifische Bibelauslegung: Impulse Fur Forschung Und Praxis
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Struktur Und Ereignis