Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotional self-management in academia
Emotional Self-Management in Academia draws on new empirical research from academics' own personal accounts of emotional experiences from their everyday practice to illustrate how their emotional work is adapting in response to a constantly changing workplace. Marilena Antoniadou and Mark Crowder re-examine Hochschild's notion of emotional labour and combine it with emotion regulation strategies and emotional boundaries as utilised into the everyday practices of modern academics. Using illuminating accounts from academics working in the UK, US, Australia, Denmark, Greece and Cyprus, Emotional Self-Management in Academia emphasises that it is emotion – complex, messy and opaque – that drives academics' self-management, as shaped by contextual factors, such as organisational climate.Aimed at academic researchers and professionals, the chapters establish the context of contemporary emotion work and examine it specifically in higher education settings. This is a timely and engaging exploration of the emotional labour of academics today, set against a backdrop of managerial challenges and economic pressures of working in this sector.
Emerald Publishing Limited Disruptive Activity in a Regulated Industry: The Case of Telecommunications
Theoretical and empirical work examining disruptive activity within industry has previously been restricted to the free market, even if an element of ad hoc government interference has occurred. In contrast, this book makes a unique evaluation of a situation that prevails across a significant part of the industrial sector where involvement is subject to the acquisition of an operating licence. Taking telecommunications as an illustrative industry, with a particular focus on mobile telecommunications, the book focuses on the regulatory bodies that are tasked with licence issuance. New entry is usually attempted by a single company, often with existing links within the telecommunications sector, and usually within a single country. This book provides detailed accounts of both the individual countries and international operators in question, while also including a case study of CK Hutchinson which has been associated with multiple country entries. It also examines how disruptive activity is evolving from its roots in the mobile sector to encompass so-called “quad-play” which includes fixed-wire broadband and pay-TV. Disruptive Activity in a Regulated Industry: The Case of Telecommunications will appeal to postgraduate researchers and academics in the fields of economics, innovation, regulation, and governance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advocacy and Organizational Engagement: Redefining the Way Organizations Engage
In presenting a comprehensive overview on how to design and execute effective advocacy strategies for organizations, this book challenges the way organizational engagement used to be shaped. It proposes and provides tools for driving multilateral advocacy, where multiple actors and institutions cooperate together. For individuals, organizations and companies to be heard and have an impact, they need to cut through the noise by focusing on the quality and originality of their communications. This book analyzes the development of corporate communications and advocacy management within a number of contexts, including social media, marketing influencers, public relations and corporate social responsibility. To challenge the traditional perceptions of communications within companies and create a holistic approach to advocacy, Lukasz M. Bochenek blends theoretical reflection with practical implementation and provides the reader with management models, strategic advice, questionnaires and tools. This makes Advocacy and Organizational Engagement a beneficial read for both scholars and practitioners working in the field of organizational development and business strategy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corporate Fraud Exposed: A Comprehensive and Holistic Approach
After each major corporate scandal, new suggestions for combatting fraud emerge from regulators and industry professionals. Despite changes to guidelines for firms’ corporate governance, augmented protection for whistle blowers, and enhanced cybersecurity measures, evidence documents an alarming increase in the prevalence and severity of corporate fraud. The rapidly changing laws aimed at curbing corporate fraud sometimes lag behind the changing sophistication of fraud schemes. Corporate Fraud Exposed discusses the motivations and drivers of fraud including agency theory, executive compensation, and organizational culture. It examines fraud’s consequences for various firm stakeholders and its spillover effects to other corporations, the political environment, and financial market participants, including those who participate via crowdfunding platforms. This book provides a fresh look at this intriguing but often complex subject. It skillfully blends the contributions of a global array of scholars and practitioners into a single review of some of the most important topics in this area. Given its broad scope, this practical and comprehensive title should be of interest to anyone curious about corporate fraud.
Emerald Publishing Limited Rethinking Young People's Lives Through Space and Place
How do children and youth create, negotiate, change spaces and places, and assert their rights to space? Taking a socio-spatial approach, this international collection based on empirical research examines how space relates to and informs the social construction of children and youth. Examining the spaces used by children and youth in many different contexts, including neighbourhoods, community centres, schools, public streets, the natural environment, orphanages, early education classrooms, homes, borders, this collection exists at the intersection of the new sociology of childhoods and new materialism. Rethinking Young People's Lives Through Space and Place explores three main themes, how children navigate real and imaginary borders, how space constitutes belonging, meaning-making, and representation, and how space informs learning and identities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Connecting Values to Action: Non-Corporeal Actants and Choice
Why do we make the decisions we do? And how can we understand what influences our decisions? Non-Corporeal Actant Theory explores decisions and outcomes through the perspective of values, beliefs, ideas, and concepts - all integral parts of our everyday lives and the actor-networks that we take part in as decision-makers. Connecting Values to Action: Non-Corporeal Actants and Choice brings together a cast of expert contributors to delve into this theory and its ramifications for our lives. With chapters that analyze decisions made by death-defying free climbers, indigenous people facing the loss of their culture, and corporates responding to the #MeToo movement, editor Christopher M. Hartt examines how decisions are affected by the widening range of actor-networks that come with social media and technological development. For anyone struggling to understand how a decision is made, Connecting Values to Action offers a pathway to finding the causes of that decision. Exploring the role of non-corporeal actants on the very real consequences of decisions, this is an unmissable book for students and researchers of management and decision-making.
Emerald Publishing Limited Airline Economics in Europe
In recent years, the European air transport industry has seen a number of important changes, with more on the horizon. This comprehensive work presents a multi-faceted analysis of the air industry in Europe, how it has developed in recent years, and how it is set to develop further into the future. The work brings together leading experts in the field from across the continent to address the burning issues affecting this significant sector of the European transportation arena. It begins with a scene-setting contribution that outlines the detail of the regulatory context within which the European airline sector operates. We then move on to look at some of the strategic responses to this evolving regulatory context. In this respect, the specifics of some relevant business models, the competitive context (particularly with respect to pricing and profitability), changes in the productivity of European airlines relative to the global industry and the issue of joint ventures in the transatlantic market are all dealt with in some detail. The focus then shifts to the analysis of more niche sectors within the European aviation sector, specifically the business aviation and air cargo markets. The volume finishes with more specific works which address key issues in today’s European airline market, namely the adoption of new propulsion technology and the ever-present environmental impacts associated with aircraft noise.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sport Startups: New Advances in Entrepreneurship
Sport Startups: New Advances in Entrepreneurship examines the global growth of startup enterprises in the sports sector and addresses how they contribute to new developments in business innovation and entrepreneurship. Highlighting the unique challenges faced by startups in this sector, Vanessa Ratten explores approaches to business model development, branding and marketing, and the utilization of new technologies to build successful enterprises, underpinning her study with a clear theoretical framework rooted in institutional theory. Sport Startups is one of the first books to specifically focus on the role of startups in sport. Analyzing the inherent start-up aspect of the sporting sector, due to the combination of profit and non-profit ties, which means that many sport enterprises are developed as new start-up business ventures as they link in with the community. The book foregrounds how startups in sport are vital in developing a better global society that emphasizes the role of health and fitness in communities. Sport Startups will be illuminating reading for all scholars of innovation, entrepreneurship, sports management and business studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in the Technology of Managing People: Contemporary Issues in Business
Advances in the Technology of Managing People: Contemporary Issues in Business presents a wide ranging examination of emerging technological trends in the workplace. Using a combination of research study results, case studies, literature reviews, and conceptual papers, the book examines contemporary issues and emerging trends within management technology. Each chapter focuses on a different technological issue or trend within business management from a variety of perspectives, including management, HR, ethical, and organizational behavior viewpoints. Issues explored in the book include: Workplace Productivity with Balanced Scorecard Actions Managing Emerging Technology and Organization with Agility Freelance Economy E-Mentoring 2.0 Virtual Team Success with the Power of Technology Advancements Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace Ambient Intelligence Changes the Office Environment Disruptive Innovations and Blockchain Quantum Leadership. Pamela Ann Gordon and Julie A Overbey curate an excellent reference for research scholars, practitioners, and organizational leaders seeking to understand the impact of technology on contemporary organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Employer Branding for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Finding and Keeping Talent
Employer Branding (EB) aims to assist businesses in becoming the employer of choice for potential employees, and provides hands-on tools in attracting, developing and retaining people. Employer Branding for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry explores the potential of EB in changing approaches to managing people and improving opinions on careers in the hospitality sector. With a focus that goes beyond large companies, the book innovatively explores the possibilities of implementing EB methods within small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the field of hospitality and tourism. Using international case studies taken from real world research, Gehrels highlights practical ways for companies in the hospitality and tourism sector to adopt EB strategies to best suit their business, employees and customers. For an industry with a high labour turnover and negative public image in terms of its employment practices, Employer Branding is more vital than ever in its ability to attract potential employees in a targeted and efficient manner. It is a must-read for both current and future practitioners, as well as for researchers and academics in the field of tourism, hospitality, branding and employment.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emergence of Cross-innovation Systems: Audiovisual Industries Co-innovating with Education, Health Care and Tourism
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and is freely available to read online. This book combines economic studies of innovation systems with studies of mediatisation, media convergence, trans- and cross-media and with other approaches within media and culture studies. It elaborates on a new concept, cross-innovation, referring to co-innovation and convergence processes taking place between different sectors of digital service economies. The proposition is that digitisation and mediatisation processes are conditioning new inter-sector dialogues and the emergence of new cross-innovation systems at the borderlines of formerly distinct industries. The case study industries presented are, on the one hand, audiovisual media (film, television, videogames, etc.) and health care, education or tourism, on the other hand. The book builds on 2 years of empirical work across Nordic and Baltic countries, putting a special emphasis on the opportunities and challenges for small countries as they build the cross-innovation systems in the era of media globalisation and platformisation of services. The empirical research of 144 interviews with stakeholders (policy makers, entrepreneurs, managers, professionals) from all four sectors and of secondary data and documentary analysis. The findings tell of complex stories how global platformisation of tourism undermines the emergence of related cross-innovation systems in small countries; how fragmentation of local education and health care markets does not enable the scalability of innovations, but protects local innovation systems for being overtaken by global platform giants. The book has stories of successful facilitation of cross-innovation as well as failures to do so.
Emerald Publishing Limited Designing Environments for People with Dementia: A Systematic Literature Review
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and is freely available to read online. This review systematically explores and assesses the quality of the evidence base for effective and supportive design of living environments for people living with Dementia. Dementia is a major challenge for all countries, as the population with the condition is growing rapidly. Societies desperately need to identify measures which mean that they can continue to thrive with a large population of people who are cognitively impaired. Medical treatments are poor, and there is little indication of better medications appearing in the coming decades. There is urgent need for non-medical advances which can address the challenge including ensuring environments are conducive to living better with Dementia. Whilst there is a lot of activity in this area of Dementia friendly design, the evidence base remains poorly synthesized and weak. This book pulls evidence together to provide a solid reference point from which further research and further developments in the field of Dementia care and support can proceed.;
Emerald Publishing Limited Lean Six Sigma in Higher Education: A Practical Guide for Continuous Improvement Professionals in Higher Education
Although Lean Six Sigma (LSS) and its popularity in the context of larger manufacturing and service organizations has long been recognized, it is not widely recognized in the context of Higher Education (HE). This book serves as a practical and systematic roadmap for developing, implementing, sustaining and deploying LSS in any higher education institution. Including various case examples and studies carried out by leading research scholars and practitioners in the field, plus a dedicated chapter on the tools and techniques which can be utilised for problem solving in the HE sector – the contributors illustrate the power of LSS methodology and its relevant tools in the HE context. By demonstrating a clear need for LSS, and guiding the reader through practical implementation solutions, this book, edited by a globally recognised leader in LSS methodology, is a must-have resource for academics and continuous improvement professionals who are interested in applying LSS as a process improvement methodology within the university sector, as well as trainers and consultants who would like to develop LSS training material for their university clients.
Emerald Publishing Limited Debates in Marketing Orientation
This book examines the fundamental problems and the alternative solutions of marketing orientation. Through a consideration of customer orientation and the marketing concept, Debates in Marketing Orientation considers the role of the individual in the marketing process. The debates reveal sources of managerial and cultural tension that can occur while trying to implement customer-oriented business processes at a marketing organization. How can academic and professional marketing perspectives be integrated? What are the main issues about understanding and analysing customer needs? What are the deepest roots of issues for organizations that aim to remain or become customer-oriented? Some of the interesting topics discussed are about academia and professional collaborations, demand management, stakeholder marketing, methodology development, marketing interfaces, new competition perspectives, managerial alternatives, mindsets, marketing skills, healthy organizations, marketing-driven operations, mixing branding constructs, integrative frameworks, human orientation, responsibility, ecosystems, organizational comfort zones, customer-driven organizational cultures, internationalization, and social impact. This book is a call towards a creative marketing concept as the core of post industry competition: where marketing is an alternative to management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Essays on Teaching Education and the Inner Drama of Teaching: Where Troubles Meet Issues
The challenges teacher educators face under the influence of neoliberalism, coupled with select aspects of teachers' genuine experiences of teaching, is an area that has been neglected and is often under appreciated. Arguing for greater attention to and awareness of educator well-being as crucially important to quality education, Essays on Teaching Education and the Inner Drama of Teaching comprises 11 essays that address and illuminate the place where troubles and issues, biography and history meet in the lives of Educators. The book is separated into two parts. Beginning with a critical analysis of Neoliberalism, in Part 1, Bullough examines the institutional, ideational, and social context within which educators, live, work and strive to make sense of their experience. In Part II, he illuminates specific aspects of the experience, the inner drama of teaching, emphasizing troubles, whilst seeking to elevate these troubles as issues. In conjunction, the essays seek to expose assumptions and ideas that enjoy taken-for-granted status in educational thought and practice. By locating tensions between troubles and issues, biography and history, the work intends to honor the life experiences of educators and students while recognizing that within their experience reside the seeds of a potentially powerful and compelling criticism. In these tensions, there resides hope.
Emerald Publishing Limited Professional Learning Networks in Design-Based Research Interventions
Professional learning networks (PLNs) have been promoted as one way of improving practice in research methodologies and frameworks aimed at the improvement of practice. However, such networks are not yet the norm and there is a growing need for books that provide a theoretical and practical account of how to develop and utilise networks effectively. Mei Kuin Lai and Stuart McNaughton address this need by providing a theoretical and practical account of how PLNs focused on collaborative analysis of data can be integrated into design-based research interventions to improve practice and student learning outcomes. Drawing primarily on examples from a design-based research intervention, the Learning Schools Model, topics covered include theoretical approaches to understanding networks, network purposes and features, constraints and enablers and future directions in utilising networks within design-based research. This intervention is one of the few demonstrations of a consistent and replicable effect of analysing and discussing data in networks on student outcomes within a wider design-based intervention design. The authors discuss the constraints and enablers of the context that influence how PLNs might be implemented across different contexts. Examples of how PLNs can demonstrate fidelity to the general structure of effective networks while adapting to local variations are also provided, enabling readers to conceptualise and design similar networks appropriate to their context.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Banking Sector Under Financial Stability
Many economies in the world are characterised by a bank-based financial system, that is, the financial intermediation process is mostly performed by banks. It is therefore critically important to undertake a fully-fledged analysis of the banking sector with respect to financial stability risks. The Banking Sector Under Financial Stability considers the unique position of banks which by nature assume higher risks, but with a low equity to total assets ratio. It recognises that balance sheet analysis of banks becomes a key element in financial stability risk assessment and that the sources of banks’ funding also pose risks to financial stability. The book also gives due consideration to the interactive forces which prevail among banks, macroeconomic states, asset prices, the household sector, and monetary policy. The differences between the US and the European Union are also covered at length, as are the various credit risk models pertinent for banks. This book will prove valuable to central bankers, economists, and policy-makers who are involved in the field of financial stability, as well as researchers studying the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Principles and Fundamentals of Islamic Management
The traditional approach to business and public management assumes that management decisions and outcomes will remain the same, irrespective of the environment in which they are applied. However, the value systems operating within a society can also influence the principles that govern modern management within organizations. Principles and Fundamentals of Islamic Management examines the concept of business and public management from the viewpoint of Islam, with close reference to the Quran and other illuminating Islamic sources. Seyed Mohammad Moghimi provides key insights from an Islamic perspective across a comprehensive range of management topics, including planning, decision making and policy making, organizing, human resources management, directing and organizational control. The book concludes by analyzing the role of a company director within an Islamic context. Through this in-depth exploration of Islamic management principles and fundamentals, the author creates a modern and practical framework suitable for use by international business managers. Providing a much-needed insight into the practicalities of management operations in an Islamic context, this book is essential reading for researchers, managers, and for students of Islamic management at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
Emerald Publishing Limited Evidence-Based Innovation Leadership: Creating Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Organizations
Creativity in organizations is traditionally considered to be the domain of design, marketing, and research and development. In practical terms, this means that innovation and its implementation tend to become the sole responsibility of a few people rather than becoming part of the everyday pulse of life that runs throughout an organization. As we transition from an industrial society to a global knowledge and innovation economy, we need new breed of leaders and a new understanding of leadership. Jon-Arild Johannessen and Hanne Stokvik delve into the necessary conditions for this new type of leadership, which they call “innovation leadership,” and develop a holistic model that includes entrepreneurial action, innovative leadership, creative energy fields within organizations, high-tech wealth creation, and innovation as a business process. Their step-by-step explanations include 50 reader reflection tasks, case letters, and business cases. All of these are predicated upon the principles process-pedagogy, a mode of teaching and learning that encourages readers to collaborate with their peers in order to develop their innovative thinking and communication skills. What this means is that readers of this book not only come to understand innovation leadership but train to become innovation leaders, themselves. For its cutting-edge ideas, its clearly structured chapters, and its proactive approach to encouraging readers to implement their learning, Evidence-Based Innovation Leadership is essential reading for researchers, students, practitioners, and anyone else eager to become a better innovation leader in today’s knowledge economy.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Schooling and Education in the 'New Era': Emerging Issues
International Education in its International Schooling mode of operation is still an under-reported and largely under-researched area of education. However, it is undeniably no longer a peripheral player and has proven historically to be both financially successful, and commercially attractive. It subsequently continues to grow in both scale and diversity, reaching 9,000 schools in 2017. The next decade, until 2027, looks set to see unprecedented growth with the number of schools, children, staff, and fee income all doubling in size. This book explores the main driving forces behind this growth. Dr Bunnell argues that a 'New Era' of unprecedented growth still looks set to appear and explores the complex driving forces behind this expansion. He uncovers the set of inter-connected perceived 'guarantees' that are emerging, driving both the supply and demand which appears at first glance to be a very strong platform for growth. However, this work fulfils a need to get beneath the data and reveals the foundations of this enormous future growth to be rather precarious. Given its in depth insight into international schooling, this book will prove invaluable to researchers and education practitioners alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Assistive Technology to Support Inclusive Education
In this edited collection, experienced practitioners discuss how a range of existing and emerging assistive technology devices and services are used across a variety of international settings to support the inclusion of students with disabilities. This book details authentic examples of best practice, including identification and implementation of appropriate tools, the use of aided communication devices, modified seating equipment, computers and tablets, robotics, costs, outcomes, and services among others. It showcases a spectrum of promising and positive results in reducing exclusion, thereby supporting teachers to improve learning outcomes for students with disabilities. By providing an excellent and current overview of assistive technology and the use of the technology in the classroom, this book is an insightful read for those who work with technology and the inclusion of students with disabilities. The authors demonstrate how specialists, teachers, parents and students can work together using technology to ensure inclusive education is a realistic goal for all.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Canterbury Sound in Popular Music: Scene, Identity and Myth
This collection is a unique exploration of the heritage and legacy of the Canterbury Sound: a signature style emerging in the 1960s that draws upon psychedelic music, progressive rock, jazz and pop to capture the real and imagined interactions between people, place and music. The volume recounts the stories, and explores the significance, of the Canterbury Sound as heritage, ongoing legacy and scene. Originating from the experiences and ethnographic research of the three editors, all of whom have lived and worked in Canterbury, the book brings together reflections, stories, and critical insights from well-known musicians, researchers, DIY archivists and fans to explore the Canterbury Sound as an inter-generational phenomenon and a source of cultural identity. Associated with acts like Caravan, Soft Machine, Gong, Robert Wyatt and Kevin Ayers, this romanticised scene has a special place in popular music culture. Chapters examine the emergence of the Canterbury Sound and the associated scene, including the legacies of key figures in forming the Canterbury Sound aesthetic, the documentation of the scene (online and off) and contemporary scenes within the city, which continues to attract and inspire young people.
Emerald Publishing Limited Cognition and Innovation
Exploring the management of innovation is a largely interdisciplinary endeavour. It requires scholars to address problems from a variety of perspectives that include strategic, operational, technological and behavioural. The problem domain includes the management of innovation, technology strategy, research and development, information technologies, technology-based entrepreneurship, and the commercialization of scientific research. Behavioural theories of innovation have developed in multiple directions over the years, and this collection of chapters takes stock and provides examples of new developments at the intersection of innovation studies, and studies of managerial and organizational cognition. This is the third volume in the New Horizons in Managerial and Organizational Cognition series and comprises a collection of contributions that reflects the rich and encouraging developments at the intersection of cognition and innovation. The book explores the frontiers of socio-cognitive and socio-psychological research as it relates to innovation management and innovation processes. Major topics covered include attention, decision making, information processing, learning, cognitive frames, ecosystems and business model innovation, perceptual and interpretive processes, ethics and social dilemmas, power, and change.
Emerald Publishing Limited Management for Scientists
Scientific progress - from creating better medicines to building better bridges or designing improved technology networks - can lead to intriguing business opportunities, but business expertise is not always a natural companion to scientific excellence. Scientists require a nuanced understanding of the modern business environment to successfully navigate the commercial world and maximise the economic potential of their ideas. Management for Scientists explores the core theories and practices in management studies today in a context applicable to those working in the scientific industries. Essential business concepts covered include corporate strategy and business planning, organisation structure, management and operations, and labour and human resources, and these are all viewed through the prism of building, maintaining and developing a scientific business in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, engineering, maths, and computing sectors. Chapters feature a range of real-world examples from modern science-driven businesses, presented by experienced scientists with demonstrated strategic and economic business expertise.
Emerald Publishing Limited Australian Metal Music: Identities, Scenes, and Cultures
Defining 'Australian metal' is a challenge for scene members and researchers alike. Australian metal has long been situated in a complex relationship between local and global trends, where the geographic distance between Australia and metal music's seemingly traditional centres in the United States and United Kingdom have meant that metal in Australia has been isolated from international scenes. While numerous metal scenes exist throughout the country, 'Australian metal' itself, as a style, as a sound, and as a signifier, is a term which cannot be easily defined. This book considers the multiple ways in which 'Australianness' has been experienced, imagined, and contested throughout historical periods, within particular subgenres, and across localised metal scenes. In doing so, the collection not only explores what can be meant by Australian metal, but what can be meant by 'Australian' more generally. With chapters from researchers and practitioners across Australia, each chapter maps the distinct ways in which 'Australianness' has been grappled with in the identities, scenes, and cultures of heavy metal in the country. Authors address the question of whether there is anything particularly 'Australian' about Australian metal music, finding that often the 'Australianness' of Australian metal is articulated through wider, mythologised archetypes of national identity. However, this collection also reveals how Australianness can manifest in metal in ways that can challenge stereotypical imaginings of national identity, and assert new modes of being metal 'downungerground'.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Contested Moralities of Markets
Moral struggles in and around markets abound in contemporary societies where markets have become the dominant form of economic coordination. The present volume advances our current understanding of markets by highlighting the sources, processes and outcomes of moral struggles in and around markets. It traces the creation, reproduction and change of underlying moral orders and reveals the role of status and power differentials, alliances and political strategies as well as the general cultural, social and political contexts in which the struggles unfold. The contributions to this volume reflect the ‘moral turn’ that can currently be observed in organization studies and economic sociology, and connect to recent developments in the sociology of morality.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Use and Abuse of Music: Criminal Records
Music may not be an obvious area for a criminologist's attention, but there are many areas appropriate for analysis in the relationship between sound, music, rights and harm. The Use and Abuse of Music: Criminal Records explores how music is utilised to include, exclude, dominate and silence. Analysing the connection between music and crime from an expressly critical criminological perspective, the book is divided into three main parts. Firstly, focusing on the concept of 'harmful' or deviant music, genres such as UK drill music and heavy metal are examined to highlight the connections between certain genres and criminalisation. Moving away from specifics of genre, the second section considers the use of music in war and conflict. Finally, the book reflects on the censorship and silencing of subcultures and individuals through music, highlighting the inequalities surrounding who is permitted to make noise which is often exemplified by racist, sexist and prejudicial actions. This illuminating exploration of the deviant and transgressive nature of music is ideal for researchers, scholars and students working within the fields of criminology, sociology and musicology.
Emerald Publishing Limited Black Metal, Trauma, Subjectivity and Sound: Screaming the Abyss
Black Metal, Trauma, Subjectivity and Sound: Screaming the Abyss weaves together trauma, black metal performance and disability into a story of both pain and freedom. Drawing on her years as a black metal guitarist, Jasmine Hazel Shadrack uses autoethnography to explore her own experiences of gender-based violence, misogyny, and the healing power of performance. This profoundly personal book offers a detailed explanation of autoethnography, followed by a careful exposition of the relationship between metal and gender, considering - among other things - how women are engaged with by metal music culture. After examining the various waves of black metal and how this has impacted black metal theory, the book moves on to consider female performers and performance as catharsis, including a discussion of the author's work as guitarist and vocalist with the black metal band Denigrata and her alter-ego, the 'antlered priestess' Denigrata Herself. The book concludes with some thoughts on acquired disability, freedom and peace. The book includes a foreword from eminent gender researcher Rosemary Lucy Hill, a guest section from metal scholar Amanda DiGioia, an epilogue from Rebecca Lamont-Jiggens (a legal pracademic specialising in disability), suggestions of sources of help for those in abusive relationships and further reading for those wishing to learn more about black metal theory.
Emerald Publishing Limited SDG13 - Climate Action: Combatting Climate Change and its Impacts
SDG 13 aims to ‘take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact’. This book demonstrates the potential for innovation in implementing SDG13 despite its associated challenges. The book features global success stories and uses empirical and science-based analysis to explore a wide range of practical implementation mechanisms, enabling conditions, and monitoring and reporting tools. Concise Guides to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals comprises 17 short books, each examining one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The series provides an integrated assessment of the SDGs from economic, legal, social, environmental and cultural perspectives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Vulnerability in a Mobile World
Populations across the world are becoming increasingly mobile for many different reasons. Some are searching for a better and safer life, others migrate for economic or environmental purposes, education, or identity formation. While mobility may bring better life-chances, this book shows that for some it means experiencing vulnerability. Vulnerability in a Mobile World considers the notion of vulnerability from various standpoints including intercultural relationships, homelessness, urbanisation, refugee and asylum seekers, and the use of YouTube by young girls. The diversity of the circumstances and characteristics of the vulnerable enable this book to uniquely show just how broad the notion of vulnerability can be. Presenting an international perspective to social problems in various settings, the chapters are brought together in a coherent argument that shows vulnerability has many forms and is often associated with mobile populations. Vulnerability in a Mobile World is based on a collection of studies by new and emerging scholars focussing on the impacts of migration and mobility in contemporary contexts. Within this framework, each chapter presents new findings that provides poignant examples of vulnerability involving diverse populations, geographical locations and circumstances.
Emerald Publishing Limited Machine Translation and Global Research: Towards Improved Machine Translation Literacy in the Scholarly Community
In the global research community, English has become the main language of scholarly publishing in many disciplines. At the same time, online machine translation systems have become increasingly easy to access and use. Is this a researcher’s match made in heaven, or the road to publication perdition? Here Lynne Bowker and Jairo Buitrago Ciro introduce the concept of machine translation literacy, a new kind of literacy for scholars and librarians in the digital age. For scholars, they explain how machine translation works, how it is (or could be) used for scholarly communication, and how both native and non-native English-speakers can write in a translation-friendly way in order to harness its potential. Native English speakers can continue to write in English, but expand the global reach of their research by making it easier for their peers around the world to access and understand their works, while non-native English speakers can write in their mother tongues, but leverage machine translation technology to help them produce draft publications in English. For academic librarians, the authors provide a framework for supporting researchers in all disciplines as they grapple with producing translation-friendly texts and using machine translation for scholarly communication—a form of support that will only become more important as campuses become increasingly international and as universities continue to strive to excel on the global stage. Machine Translation and Global Research is a must-read for scientists, researchers, students, and librarians eager to maximize the global reach and impact of any form of scholarly work.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Econometrics of Complex Survey Data: Theory and Applications
This volume of Advances in Econometrics contains a selection of papers presented at the "Econometrics of Complex Survey Data: Theory and Applications" conference organized by the Bank of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, from October 19-20, 2017. The papers included in this volume span a range of methodological and practical topics including survey collection comparisons, imputation mechanisms, the bootstrap, nonparametric techniques, specification tests, and empirical likelihood estimation using complex survey data. For academics and students with an interest in econometrics and the ways in which complex survey data can be used and evaluated, this volume is essential.
Emerald Publishing Limited Applying Partial Least Squares in Tourism and Hospitality Research
Partial-least-squares path modeling (PLS-PM), a composite-based form of structural equation modeling (SEM), offers great practical advantages to researchers and practitioners. It has been gaining increasing attention in various disciplines, including management information systems, marketing, strategic management, accounting, family business research, operations management, and organizational research. Yet advanced PLS-SEM techniques are not broadly used in hospitality and tourism research, which spells missed opportunities in terms of detailed analyses and actionable findings. Applying Partial Least Squares in Tourism and Hospitality Research provides a forum for leading names in the field to discuss the major topical issues and to demonstrate the usefulness of PLS path modeling for academics and practitioners in hospitality and tourism. Its ten chapters discuss key aspects of advanced PLS analysis and its practical applications, covering new guidelines and improvements in the use of PLS-PM as well as individual topics such as multi-group analysis (PLS-MGA), the predictive qualities of PLS models, minimum sample size estimation methods, the reporting of mediation and moderation analysis, the assessment of the reliability of reflectively measured constructs, and the assessment of overall model fit through consistent PLS and the bootstrap-based test. This comprehensive coverage serves both as an introduction to PLS for the uninitiated and as a go-to reference work for researchers and practitioners interested in the most recent advances in PLS methodology. Applying Partial Least Squares in Tourism and Hospitality Research is a must-read for academics in hospitality and tourism research and for hospitality and tourism practitioners such as industry consultants. Insofar as it can serve as a guidebook to recent advances within PLS-SEM, it is also of interest to researchers from other disciplines including management, business, and marketing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Database Management Systems: A Business-Oriented Approach Using ORACLE, MySQL and MS Access
More and more, the advance of enterprise computing and cloud technologies means that managers are responsible for retrieving data ad-hoc and constructing business reports for decision-making and storytelling. The technical competencies necessary for such tasks can be daunting, and most database teaching methods do little to mitigate the confusion. They tend to follow traditional computer science methods that expose all computational and matrix theory complexities as well as various design theories, and in so doing, they present an excess of information that unnecessarily complicates the learning process for business-minded readers. Zygiaris simplifies his teaching method in order to provide an accessible walkthrough of all technological advances of databases in the business environment. Readers learn how to design, develop, and use databases to provide business analytical reports with the three major database management systems: Microsoft Access, Oracle Express and MariaDB (formerly MySQL). This is all delivered through clearly structured, streamlined chapters, all of which link to online videos that demonstrate visually, in step-by-step tutorials, how to implement the processes outlined in the book. All of these features help the non-IT student or manager to understand the importance of databases in the business environment and to learn how to use those databases to solve real-world problems. This book is of particular interest to students of management and to business managers, and it is of keen interest to anyone who works with major business database systems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organisational Control in University Management: A Multiparadigm Approach
Organisational Control in University Management: A Multiparadigm Approach focuses on significant reform and change in large organisations. The book takes as its primary focus the example of management reform at the University of Tartu, Estonia, foregrounding the complexity of change and reform of the management structures at a HE institution. Eneli Kindsiko presents findings that illuminate issues of organisational control in broader institutional contexts, exploring a wide-ranging set of theoretical and practical implications for many institutional sectors in the organisation studies field. The book presents a thorough overview of literature on organisational control, an in-depth methodological approach (with the study building on three core research paradigms: modernist, symbolic and postmodern), and a conceptual framework for addressing the complexities of organisational control in large institutions.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Future of Innovation and Technology in Education: Policies and Practices for Teaching and Learning Excellence
This book focuses on approaches to teaching and learning that integrate emerging technologies to enhance the quality of education. It brings together conceptual and empirical insights to elaborate on the design of effective programs, educational policies and educational administration requirements. The chapters cover topics such as social media’s use in learning, virtual learning, innovative pedagogy, data mining, massive open online courses (MOOCs) and sustainable education. Special emphasis is placed on virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), and the use of electronic devices such as tablets and smartphones in the classroom. The authors explore how advances in information and communication technology (ICT) can improve opportunities through education for all. It presents an international perspective, with authors from Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and North and South America.
Emerald Publishing Limited Black Mixed-Race Men: Transatlanticity, Hybridity and 'Post-Racial' Resilience
Winner of the 2018 British Sociological Association Philip Abrams Memorial Prize. Whilst scholarship has increasingly moved to consider mixedness and the experiences of mixed-race people, there has been a notable lack of attention to the specific experiences of mixed-race men. This is despite growing recognition of the particular ways race and gender intersect. By centring the accounts of Black mixed-race men in the United Kingdom and United States, this book offers a timely intervention that extends the theoretical terrain of race and ethnicity scholarship and of studies of gender and masculinities. As it treads new and important ground, this book draws upon theories of performativity and hybridity in order to understand how Black mixed-race men constitute and reconstitute complex and multiplicitous identities. ‘Post-racial’ conditions mean that Black mixed-race men engage in such processes in a context where the significance of race and racism is rendered invisible and denied. By introducing the theoretical concept of ‘post-racial’ resilience, this study strives to capture and celebrate the contemporary, creative and innovative ways in which Black mixed-race men refuse the fragmentation and erasure of their identities. As it does so, the author offers a corrective to popular representations that have too readily pathologized Black mixed-race men. Focusing on the everyday through a discussion of Black mixed-race men’s racial symbolism, experiences of racial microaggressions, and interactions with peers, Black Mixed-Race Men: Transatlanticity, Hybridity and Post-Racial Resilience offers an in-depth insight into a previously neglected area of scholarship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Race, Organizations, and the Organizing Process
There have been few efforts to conceive of race as a characteristic that organizations possess or at the very least a characteristic that exists at the institutional level with which organizations must contend. In the United States especially, this belies our history of marking organizations and organizational practices as "Black" or "White", essentially "racing" organizations. Despite the undoing of legally sanctioned racial segregation, we continue to use such demarcations to classify organizations as Black colleges or Black media companies. Sociology is ill equipped to explain this history and its modern day consequences in part because we lack bridges between those studying the problems of race and those studying the problems of organizing. Consequently, we cannot adequately speak to how race affects organizations, markets, or institutions. This book brings together scholarship that interrogates the relationship between race and the organizing process for the founding of organizations, the organizational pursuit of human, financial, or political resources, organizational choices regarding strategic orientation and structural configurations, and the role of institutional logics that saturate organizations, industries, and markets with racialized ideologies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Evaluating Scholarship and Research Impact: History, Practices, and Policy Development
Faculty members, scholars, and researchers often ask where they should publish their work; which outlets are most suitable to showcase their research? Which journals should they publish in to ensure their work is read and cited? How can the impact of their scholarly output be maximized? The answers to these and related questions affect not only individual scholars, but also academic and research institution stakeholders who are under constant pressure to create and implement organizational policies, evaluation measures and reward systems that encourage quality, high impact research from their members. The explosion of academic research in recent years, along with advances in information technology, has given rise to omnipresent and increasingly important scholarly metrics. These measures need to be assessed and used carefully, however, as their widespread availability often tempts users to jump to improper conclusions without considering several caveats. While various quantitative tools enable the ranking, evaluating, categorizing, and comparing of journals and articles, metrics such as author or article citation counts, journal impact factors, and related measures of institutional research output are somewhat inconsistent with traditional goals and objectives of higher education research and scholarly academic endeavors. This book provides guidance to individual researchers, research organizations, and academic institutions as they grapple with rapidly developing issues surrounding scholarly metrics and their potential value to both policy-makers, as evaluation and measurement tools, and individual scholars, as a way to identify colleagues for potential collaboration, promote their position as public intellectuals, and support intellectual community engagement.
Emerald Publishing Limited Marginalized Mothers, Mothering from the Margins
This volume focuses on the ways in which mothers are marginalized based on intersecting identities, such as immigration status, race, class, disability, sexuality, and how these women mother from the margins. Divided into three sections, this collection brings forth the voices and experiences of mothers and highlights the institutions and laws that marginalize them. In the first section, mothers face barriers such as institutional constraints that block them from needed resources and the ability to mother as they see fit. In section two, contributors examine the borders of marginalized mothering - boundaries reflected through citizenship, walls, geography, dealings with intimate partners and welfare offices, or prison bars. Readings in this section highlight mothers’ efforts to transcend, resist, or even just survive experiences with borders. The final section centers on mothers that explicitly adopt mothering strategies of resistance or explicitly use their status as mothers in their activism. Topics range from mothers who engage in milk sharing to mothers of color whom organize against police brutality. Throughout the volume, contributors demonstrate the striking resilience of these mothers, and their resistance in challenging the ideologies and institutions that marginalize them.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals
The sustainable development goals (SDGs) were launched in 2015, as a global agenda for addressing the multiplicity of social and environmental challenges that face communities around the world. But what role might entrepreneurship play in reaching these goals? In the first book of its kind, Entrepreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals will encourage you to think about the critical role that entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs might play in supporting sustainable development. More than twenty authors from across Africa, Asia, North America, and Europe explore a fascinating mix of enterprises and sustainable development initiatives to illustrate the capacity of entrepreneurship as the engine for transforming our world and overcoming the diverse nature of these global challenges. Structured into three provocative sections this book explores: • Social change and entrepreneurship through the lens of the SDGs; • Organisational practices and innovation towards the SDGs; • Entrepreneurship, gender equality and empowerment towards the SDGs Journey through the stories of tribal enterprises in India, to cacao framers in Ghana, small and medium sized businesses in Greece, social enterprises in Kenya, Zambia and the USA and many others to see the powerful force that entrepreneurship can be for promoting poverty alleviation and sustainable development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Behavioral Strategy in Perspective
Behavioral strategy has evolved as a field the last decades both intellectually and institutionally. This volume brings together scholars from several generations that have led and defined the behavioral approaches in strategy to reflect on the past, present, and future of behavioral strategy. Thus, rather than seeking empirical contributions that would fill in research gaps and expand research in specific domains, we endeavored to: a) represent the diversity of perspectives that inform behavioral research in strategic management; b) open up a space for reflection and provocation by scholars who are widely recognized as thought leaders both in their respective strands of behavioral strategy research, and in the field as a whole; and c) offer a set of perspectives and directions for the field of behavioral strategy at a pivotal moment in its evolution.
Emerald Publishing Limited Marketing in a Digital World
Marketing in a Digital World focuses on how the digital revolution has affected the science and practice of marketing. Consisting of nine essays authored by some of the world's leading marketing scholars, this volume of Review of Marketing Research is forward-looking and illuminating. The book considers the nature and consequences of a number of important new digital technologies and practices, including human-machine communication, software, mobile marketing, online reviews, big data, 3D printing and a wide range of other digital innovations. Many of these technological developments were completely unanticipated and as such the transformation is still unfolding. Therefore, whilst consumers have largely embraced and actively co-create many of these new innovations, there are also growing concerns about privacy and other adverse effects of digital technology. Each essay provides a thoughtful examination of this rapidly shifting landscape and offers a set of bold ideas regarding its future impact on the foundations of marketing and consumption. The volume is essential reading for both scholars and managers seeking fresh insights into marketing and offers a number of exciting new concepts, propositions and predictions about marketing in the digital world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organization Design
This volume of Advances in Strategic Management explores emerging trends and contemporary research in the field of organization design. It reflects a renewed focus on the universal problems of organizing—the division of labor and the integration of effort. At the same time, it incorporates new ideas on designs for cooperation in organizations. The studies published here employ a wide variety of theories and research designs to contribute to this renewal of organization design research, considering collaborative ways of working, organizational learning, and strategic innovation.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Critical State of Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe
European approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are supposed to be largely different from those in other continents like America, Asia, and Africa. Yet, European approaches to CSR are not a single and static one, but vary across and within national states and shift over time. This edited volume aims at exploring the uniqueness and complexity of European CSR approaches, perspectives, and practices through a critical lens. It contributes to existing understanding of European CSR by addressing the frontier CSR issues in the current state at the EU, national and institutional levels. Specifically, the volume critically examines the macro-level CSR frameworks, policies, and trends and their impact on CSR practices at the micro-level, including the roles of EU and national governments in shaping the CSR landscape in similar and different ways. It also analyses how various stakeholder groups and business sectors and firms across major European countries perceive, interpret and approach CSR in a dynamic way. Contributors of this book are experts mainly from Western and Eastern European countries and thus provide rich experiences, fresh insights, and deep understanding of the critical state of CSR in Europe.
Emerald Publishing Limited Managing Brands in 4D: Understanding Perceptual, Emotional, Social and Cultural Branding
Brand is not an image or an idea, brand is associations or memory, feelings or emotions, attitudes, beliefs, and values, and experiences and lifestyles. Brand belongs to all of these categories, but the existing brand models almost all work under the assumption that there is only one type of brand, preventing true successful brand creation. Here Pogorzelski dives into the four methods and levels that organize the world of brand management, showcasing the research and tools needed to not only entice purchases, but create ideologies and support a specific lifestyle and culture, leading to true successful brands.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Suffering Body in Sport: Shifting Thresholds of Pain, Risk and Injury
Public awareness of and sensitivity to questions of pain, risk and injury in sport is more acute than ever before. Whether it is questions of what sport (and fans) can realistically and responsibly expect of athletes, how revered practices almost inevitably culminate in suffering bodies, or the widespread attention being paid to injury outcomes (especially concussion), it is clear that sport in many settings currently operates in a climate that is both more scientifically and medically aware and more sensitive to risk 'outcomes'. This volume closely explores the full panorama of pain, risk and injury in the cultural, organizational and legal orbits of sport spaces. Aimed at students, researchers as well as applied professionals, the volume sets the cultural, structural and organizational context that gives rise to pain, risk and injury in the first place, provides substantive empirical examples from diverse sports arenas, looks at the key issues and dimensions of pain, risk and injury in the social consciousness today, and explores three different 'spins' on making sense of the subject matter -- from the position of the issue of consent and the courts, from the position of exploitation and corporate victimization, and from the understudied position of why athletes exit sport as an outcome of pain and injury and with what consequences. This timely and needed addition to the sport literature is an exciting 'on-the-bubble' treatment of a topic that is increasingly troubling authorities and affecting how and whether sport is undertaken.
Emerald Publishing Limited Agents, Actors, Actorhood: Institutional Perspectives on the Nature of Agency, Action, and Authority
National governments are increasingly sharing the stage with many other forms of empowered social actors and authoritative players. Worldwide, alongside governmental bureaucracies, we witness the proliferation of non-for-profit and voluntary associations, business organizations and corporations, civic action committees and political parties, as well as celebrities and cultural icons. Importantly, whether they are individual- and collective social actors, these various actors are bestowed with the legitimate authority to speak their mind, act on their agenda, and influence the course of social progress. How might we conceptualize the role of such empowered social actors? This compilation of research and commentary gathers a range of institutional perspectives investigating what the devolution of state power and the so-called democratization of social action means for the nature of authority and how the multiplicity and variety of social actors impacts societies worldwide, extending from focus on agents to actors to actorhood.