Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Supply Networks in Developing Countries: Sustainable and Humanitarian Logistics in Growing Consumer Markets
Contributing to research, knowledge, and discourse on humanitarian logistics and supply chains in Africa, Supply Networks in Developing Countries introduces a unique perspective on the developing world, and how their supply networks can be enhanced and optimized. The authors highlight the 4th Industrial Revolution, information technology, reverse logistics, supply chain modelling and block-chains, and how these can be the key to strengthening humanitarian logistics in developing countries. It discusses humanitarian supply chain management issues in relation to the increasing numbers of disasters and the complexity and magnitude of global emergency relief operations. By exploring the roles and responsibilities of major stakeholders including donors, relief agencies, NGOs, governments, academia and cooperate business, this book provides the skills and knowledge needed to manage supply chains in both unpredictable and dire environments.
Emerald Publishing Limited Unravelling Travelling: Uncovering Tourist Emotions through Autoethnography
The Tourist Experience is complex, intrinsically personal, and highly emotional. Consequently, it is not easy to understand what it is that drives us to continue to travel, and to return to places visited. It is important for all sides of the travel, tourism, and hospitality industries to understand what tourists are searching for as well as what they experience, with emotions playing a central role. The research outlined in Unravelling Travelling: Uncovering Tourist Emotions through Autoethnography delves into the deep, personal, and very subjective emotions experienced while travelling to foreign places. Taking an autoethnographic approach, this evocative, reflexive, critical and analytical study uncovers a range of personal emotional drivers that resonate across disciplinary boundaries. Examining the development of autoethnography in the social sciences, where the researchers often expose deeply personal experiences that cannot be directly interpreted from an outsider’s perspective, Unravelling Travelling offers an in-depth commentary on the role of autoethnography in the tourism field. This personal account from author Sue Beeton goes beyond simple memoir, exposing the practices of researcher, as well as the methodology employed. Personal travel narratives and poems not only uncover emotions that may not be evident through other research approaches, but also by being highly critical of her own work, Beeton argues the case for and against autoethnography itself.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transition Programs for Children and Youth with Diverse Needs
Volume 18 of International Perspectives on Inclusive Education offers multiple international perspectives on transitions for children and youth with diverse backgrounds and special needs. Transition approaches are viewed from early childhood through to post-secondary and into workplace settings using a unique convergence of integrating research and practice in schools, workplaces, organizations, and communities. Effective evidence-based programs, interventions, and strategies are also incorporated throughout, with a strong emphasis on collaborative partnerships underpinning all aspects of transition. This research is predicated on the assumption that inclusion in academic, social, vocational, and other contexts incorporates all stakeholders. Providing a focus on meaningful involvement and participation in communities and activities of choice, that secure benefits for all, the chapter authors examine both innovative evidence-based practices that facilitate transition, and potential barriers, supplemented by informative case studies. In addition to providing knowledge and skill training for establishing effective transitions, this volume views programs, attitudes, expectations, and perceptions, in relation to what it means to be accorded welcome into a particular setting.
Emerald Publishing Limited Diversity in Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies
Volume 27 of Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance discusses a variety of issues of significance to equity, inclusion, and diversity in criminology and criminal justice studies. The research area of crime, criminal justice, and social control has typically devoted attention to diversity in its subject matter much more than in the profession and scholarship itself. By and large, the disparities in the criminal justice system are much better known than the inequities that exist in criminology and among scholars of criminal justice. The authors in this volume demonstrate the theoretical and methodological maturity and diversity in reflexive accounts of criminology and criminal justice in a number of areas, such as and teaching and research in criminology, queer criminology, the intersections of race and gender, indigeneity and decolonization, domestic violence, human rights, mass incarceration, LBGTQI+ rights, and ableism. Presenting a state-of-the-art overview of diversity in criminological and criminal justice methodologies, this volume should be of interest to a wide range of scholars and students in the fields of criminology, sociology, law, justice policy, and criminal justice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategy and Geopolitics: Understanding Global Complexity in a Turbulent World
Large western companies are accelerating their expansion into emerging economies, while relying on oversimplified frameworks to make decisions and complex matrix organizations to make things happen. When critical events do happen (such as terrorist attacks or civil wars), senior executives and the companies they lead are often taken by surprise. As the world shifts to a less stable geopolitical structure, only firms that can acquire a better capability to foresee and prepare for change will prevail over the long term. Strategy and Geopolitics provides a strategic framework that can help senior business executives address the challenges of globalization in this evolving geopolitical landscape. This book underlines the need to go beyond a simplistic understanding of different countries and territories: it discusses the geopolitical issues that can be the cause of success or failure in different markets; and it explores strategies for dealing with global and local complexity, as well as introducing innovative ideas on recruitment and organization.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Multi-Stakeholder Communication: Emerging Issues for Corporate Identity, Branding and Reputation
Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, scholars and marketers alike were paying increased attention to the complex array of stakeholders that corporations need to address to maintain a strong brand, identity, and reputation. To date, however, little empirical research into these issues has been published, and no single work has taken stock of the major changes in the field of stakeholder communication as they apply to corporate branding. The Emerald Handbook of Multi-Stakeholder Communication gathers an international, multidisciplinary team of experts to present just such sorely needed insight into effective brand messaging for multiple stakeholders, all while utilizing a diverse array of theoretical and methodological approaches that cumulatively present an up-to-date overview of the whole field. Starting with an introductory section on corporate messaging in a post-COVID era, chapters cover branding, identity, and reputation, respectively before covering differing marketing approaches and building a concluding reflection on future challenges and opportunities. These chapters offer comparative analyses of many different types of stakeholders from all over the globe. B2C, B2B, C2C and P2P contexts are all considered, as are recent developments in the field related to social media relations, sustainability and inclusivity, and virtual, mixed, and augmented reality. This comprehensive handbook is a must-have resource not only for students and researchers in business, management, brand management, communication, consumer behaviour, and marketing, but also for marketing practitioners, advertising and PR practitioners, and business consultants.
Emerald Publishing Limited Building Teacher Quality in India: Examining Policy Frameworks and Implementation Outcomes
In an era of educational globalization, teacher quality is heralded as a key factor to improve education quality worldwide. Since the 1980s, global, national, and local education policies and reforms have consistently focused on improving teacher quality in order to improve student learning outcomes. In India, which has one of the largest student populations and fastest growing economies in the world, the quality of teaching is blamed for the poor performance by Indian students on internationally-comparative assessments. As a result, Indian national policy documents and curriculum frameworks have repeatedly called for drastic improvements in teacher preparation and performance, but with few widespread results. By identifying and analyzing various measures of teacher quality, and how teacher quality varies in India, this book provides an evidence-based framework for policymakers to further improve teacher quality in India. Building Teacher Quality in India provides suggestions for further research in order to augment educational practices in India, secure better student achievement, and improve the country's global standing. This book is essential reading for education researchers and policymakers looking at teacher quality as a measure to improve student performance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Theory of Change: Debates and Applications to Access and Participation in Higher Education
Theory of Change speaks to those looking for an academically rigorous discussion of the origins and debates around this approach in Higher Education. Melding together robust academic research with examples of practice, the book provides specific applications of using a Theory of Change across key stages of the student life cycle. The Theory of Change underpinning this book is that national and international practitioners, policy makers, higher education professionals, students and academic faculty will increase awareness and ability to use a Theory of Change in their own work. This, in turn, will mainstream the use which will lead to better interventions and practices. In the field of access and participation in higher education, it will ultimately lead to more disadvantaged students entering and successfully progressing from higher education. This book helps to establish a common lexicon around a Theory of Change approach and enable discussion of demonstrable, meaningful reflections on the ‘change’ work has on inequalities in higher education access and participation.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Economics of COVID-19
The global health crisis, exacerbated by the COVID-19 outbreak, has challenged all sectors of society, including health, economics, finance, and social inequality. The threats and complexities from the COVID-19 pandemic shock are the core subject of this latest volume in the Contributions to Economic Analysis series. The Economics of COVID-19 contains selected contributions analysing the effects of this pandemic, covering macroeconomics, computable general equilibrium models, financial markets, the reduction in seismic noise due to the slowdown in traffic and economic activities caused by the spread of the virus, the rapid surge in the digital transformation of production and consumption. Also included are health studies proposing to improve the traditional epidemic models, the effects of the pandemic on mental health, Minority Ethnic Groups in the UK, as well as the Lombardy region in Italy. The aim of this collection is to spur much needed research into the effects of COVID on the global economy, the health, and financial sectors, as well as its effects on development and growth and economic inequality.
Emerald Publishing Limited Work from Home: Multi-level Perspectives on the New Normal
Covid 19 was a black swan event which led to working from home emerging as the new normal at a global level. As HRM scholars we aim to understand this phenomenon from both an employee and employer perspective, while drawing on the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs) which aspire for a fairer and more inclusive world for people and the planet. At the individual level of analysis there are chapters on conflicts between work and home life, differing levels of motivation, workplace loneliness and the work preferences of introverts and extraverts. At the organizational level questions are raised about the effects on profitability, organizational resilience, and the ability of organizations to remain innovative. How can employees be managed in terms of mentoring, role modelling and how can they be monitored for purposes of appraisal reviews? Chapters include the romanticization of WFH, a case study of shared leadership in Vienna and WFH amongst start-ups in India. In this edited book, researchers from the Global North and the Global south answer these questions, while making a seminal contribution to the field of HRM from a work from home perspective. This is an essential read not just for scholars and students of management, but also for those from the domains of psychology and sociology, and also for policy makers. This book has long-term relevance given that recent polls indicate that as a fallout of Covid-19, many employees the world over are showing a preference for a hybrid model of work – partially at the brick-and-mortar office and partially from home.
Emerald Publishing Limited Towards a Post-Covid Global Financial System: Lessons in Social Responsibility from Islamic Finance
The impact of COVID-19 has exposed major cracks in the global financial system and has severely undermined global financial stability. Never have the shortcomings of universal financialization - the dominant principle of the global financial system for the past thirty-odd years - been more obvious or more painful. Islamic finance provides ways forward: based on commercial and social modes of risk-sharing and financing, it offers radical structural solutions to the health, human and financial crises faced in this unprecedented time. In Towards a Post-Covid Global Financial System: Lessons in Social Responsibility from Islamic Finance, an international team of experts explore how COVID-19 has affected the most vulnerable parts of the global economy; how it has been met by Islamic banking and finance specifically; and how the principles of Islamic social finance could be used to have a fairer, more resilient Islamic finance system for all.
Emerald Publishing Limited Applications of Management Science
Applications of Management Science showcases current studies in the application of management science, contributing to the solution of significant managerial decision-making problems. To those involved in the applications of multi-criteria decision making, data envelopment analysis, and decision making, in a realistic managerial problem-solving environment through the use of state-of-the-art management science modeling, this is a must read. The research presented by academics in Volume 13 significantly aids in the deconstruction of managerial decision-making problems with management science methodologies. Specifically focusing on the applications of management science methodologies data envelopment analysis and multi-criteria decision making, this collection is split into three sections: Data Envelopment Analysis, Optimization Modeling, Business Analytical Modeling. Applications of Management Science is core for those academics, researchers, and practitioners of management science in mitigating significant managerial decision-making problems, for both the public and the private sectors.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism Destination Management in a Post-Pandemic Context: Global Issues and Destination Management Solutions
2020 has left an indelible mark on the history of travel and tourism worldwide leaving tourist destinations with long-term lessons to learn from the impacts of COVID-19. Tourism destinations are looking for new guidelines and original research that offer management solutions to deal with the damage wrought by the pandemic. Tourism Destination Management in a Post-Pandemic Context gives an enriching insight into the issues and challenges faced by tourism destinations during and after the pandemic, exposing emerging trends and proposing novel management solutions in order to develop coping capacities of destinations and build resilience against the effects of potential future pandemics Drawing on lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic, this expansive collection presents cases and competency frameworks to advance theoretical and empirical knowledge in the management of destinations post-pandemic.
Emerald Publishing Limited Videogames, Libraries, and the Feedback Loop: Learning Beyond the Stacks
Videogames, Libraries, and the Feedback Loop: Learning Beyond the Stacks offers fresh perspectives of youth videogaming in public libraries. Abrams and Gerber delve into research-based accounts to explore feedback mechanisms that support important reflective and iterative practices. Highlighting how videogame library programs can evolve to meet contemporary needs of youth patrons, the authors equip readers to re-envision library programming that specifically features youth videogame play.
Emerald Publishing Limited Higher Education at the Crossroads of Disruption: The University of the 21st Century
The digital transformation of higher education has the same reputation as the higher education sector itself: rigid and reluctant to change. Covid-19 has radically changed this rigidity, with thousands of Universities compelled to go 100 percent online in just a few days. Threatened by edtech start-ups, big tech corporations increasingly interested in academia, as well as venture capitalists attracted by the sector's high profit margins, Universities need to change their way of doing business to stay in business. Higher Education at the Crossroads of Disruption: The University of the 21st Century looks at the various areas of higher education that will likely undergo radical changes. Learning and teaching approaches will increasingly move into the digital sphere; advances in artificial intelligence as well as (big) data availability, will change the way academia works. This books examines how teaching formats will vary, and how curricula and course content will evolve. Higher education will most likely focus on skills development, with a stronger emphasis on inter- and multidisciplinary study content, and a steady turn toward society's well-being and sustainability. This is essential reading for those holding a leadership position in higher education, researchers with a focus on higher education, and to anyone interested in the evolution and future of higher education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reading Inclusion Divergently: Articulations from Around the World
This volume offers a critical orientation to inclusive education by centering the learnings that emerge from regional struggles in the world to actualize global ideals and commitments. Grounded in assumptions that challenge medicalized notions of disability and difference, the inquiries within this book register a range of theoretical frameworks. Such frames compel us to both interrogate the foundational premises within global discourses of inclusion and to inquire into the complexities wrought by entrenched systems of schooling. Collectively, they articulate the inseparability of inclusive education from historical processes that include conditions in post-colonial/post-war contexts as well as “developed” regions. The book therefore acknowledges and values the fluidity of inclusive processes that cannot be neatly pre-defined. This conscious awareness of the contingent nature of inclusive practice suggests new modes of coming to know inclusion for the authors in this book. Their chapters explore methodological practices that can re-direct inquiries to hold such complexity while retaining commitments to inclusion.
Emerald Publishing Limited Virus Outbreaks and Tourism Mobility: Strategies to Counter Global Health Hazards
The rapid growth and development of global transportation and communication technology systems are some key 21st century drivers, which provide faster, more accessible inter-continental connectivity, continuity, convergence and collaboration to create billions of opportunities for global citizens. Through this tourism has become one of the world’s most vital, vibrant, volatile and value-oriented service industries. However, sometimes this mobility may be a great cause of unprecedented pandemics. Recent extensive viral outbreaks such as Zika, Ebola, Swine Flu and the global spanning COVID-19 pandemic have had a momentary disruptive impact of the mobility of tourists and devastated the tourism industry to continue operating. Virus Outbreaks and Tourism Mobility: Strategies to Counter Global Health Hazards uses innovative and cutting-edge research to map out the background and impacts of national, regional and international viral outbreaks. With case studies exploring the strategic responses and management of these crises, with perspectives offered on local economies, tourist destinations or the transport and aviation services, this study focuses on illuminating new viewpoints to help build effective strategic responses to global health hazards.
Emerald Publishing Limited Enterprise and Economic Development in Africa
Enterprise can revolutionise economic development in Africa. This edited collection provides readers with a new perspective on a continental phenomenon which is still under researched in contemporary academic discussions. An international range of contributions present real-world examples of the impact of entrepreneurial practice on economic development in Africa, drawing on original research, as well as analysis of current enterprise policies and approaches. Enterprise and Economic Development in Africa highlights the forces that lie behind the recent economic progress on the continent, together with in-depth discussion of African entrepreneurship and the role of institutions in economic development. Chapters explore enterprise and economic development issues including rural entrepreneurship, female entrepreneurship, SME networks, youth employment challenges, university-based entrepreneurial promotion, export-led industrialisation and more. This expansive collection extends the critical examinations of entrepreneurship and economic development in Africa to date, highlighting both challenges and opportunities in developing economies in this unique context.
Emerald Publishing Limited Protecting the Future of Work: New Institutional Arrangements for Safeguarding Labour Standards
Institutions such as trade unions that were once relied upon to protect workers’ wages, conditions and job security are eroding. In response, new forms of worker protections are emerging. Protecting the Future of Work examines new forms of regulation that have emerged in response to increasing social concern about poor labour practices, growing inequality, and detrimental working conditions. It looks at how trade unions, community organisations and other actors have mobilised to raise public awareness and pressure businesses and governments to improve working conditions. Featuring a balance of texts on the changing nature of and the history of trade union change and transformation, the series Trade Unionism gives space for in-depth, detailed analysis and captures key themes on the nature of internationalism and trade unionism.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Hospitality and Leisure
Advances in Hospitality and Leisure (AHL), a peer-reviewed research journal, has been published annually since 2004. AHL is indexed in Scopus and included in the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) journal quality list. Its editors, editorial board members, ad-hoc reviewers entail scholars from North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. AHL with international in focus attempts to divulge the innovative methods of inquiry to inspire new research topics that are vital and have been largely neglected in the context of hospitality, tourism, and leisure. It strives to address the needs of the populace willing to disseminate seminal ideas, concepts, and theories derived from scholarly inquiries. AHL covers full papers and research notes in the matter of conceptual models and empirical investigations using inductive and deductive methods. The authors of this publication come from America, Europe, Asia, Pacific, and Africa. Potential readers may retrieve useful articles to outline new research agendas, suggest viable topics for a dissertation work, and augment the knowledge of the new subjects of learning.
Emerald Publishing Limited Rape Myths: Understanding, Assessing, and Preventing
Myths and misconceptions surrounding sexual violence are thought to be implicated in the prevalence of rape and in the lack of justice for women who have been subjected to rape. Rape Myths comprehensively examines the theoretical background, prevalence, assessment, and functions of these beliefs. Outlining the meaning and feminist foundations of rape myths, this book also considers their conceptualisation as the measurable construct of Rape Myth Acceptance (RMA). Drawing on the authors’ research, the book details the prevalence of RMA among different public and professional groups, as well as the societal consequences of these pervasive beliefs, particularly in terms of treatment within the criminal justice system. RMA is considered in the crucial context of its scaffolding within wider sexism in society and its perpetuation in the media. Looking ahead, Persson and Dhingra question how well rape myth prevention works. Can society reduce the prevalence of these beliefs? If so, how? Including a detailed overview of the psychometric properties of tools used to measure RMA, and a methodological manual for designing and executing research in this area, Rape Myths is a practical guide for those seeking to research rape myths and other attributions in rape cases.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including A Symposium on Carl Menger at the Centenary of His Death
Volume 39B of Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, includes a symposium marking the centenary of Carl Menger’s death in 1921. The symposium, edited by Reinhard Schumacher and Scott Scheall, features contributions from Sandra J. Peart, Günther Chaloupek, Erwin Dekker, and Sandye Gloria. The Volume also features general-research essays from Marina Uzunova and Alexander Linsbichler.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leading Lean Six Sigma: Research on Leadership for Operational Excellence Deployment
There is significant research available on critical success and failure factors of Lean Six Sigma implementation in organizations, predominantly focusing on the technical side of this performance method. But many organisations have overlooked soft skill aspects and the responsibilities of the Executive Leadership of the organization to make deployment a success. Leading Lean Six Sigma: Research on Leadership for Operational Excellence Deployment assesses the impact of organizational leadership on the deployment of Lean Six Sigma in organisations. By identifying leadership as a critical success factor for Lean Six Sigma deployment in organizations, this book details what leadership traits are needed for a successful deployment, differentiating by industry sector, and presents a ground-breaking leadership dependency model. Alessandro Laureani and Jiju Antony's new research extends and refines the current understanding of Lean Six Sigma and leadership, identifying the traits a leader needs to display to increase the chances of successful deployment. This book offers new perspectives for researchers examining Leadership, Management and Operational Excellence, as well as presenting useful guidance for practitioners launching, managing or sustaining continuous improvement initiatives in their organisations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurship in Policing and Criminal Contexts
Entrepreneurship in Policing and Criminal Contexts explores the contemporary and under researched themes of ‘entrepreneurial policing’ and ‘entrepreneurialism in criminal justice contexts’ which are emerging topics of both theoretical and practical interest in the current rapidly changing criminal justice environment. This volume of Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research critically opens up a new area of policing research, innovatively using theories of entrepreneurship, management and leadership, to illuminate a novel aspect of policing. Moreover, it presents a scholarly discussion about concepts and theories underpinning the topic. It is evident from readings that there are numerous crossovers in the literatures of entrepreneurship and policing because innovation, transformation and change are integral facets of both phenomena. This timely contribution spans theories of criminology, entrepreneurship and policing and as such is a seminal work which will engage practitioners, scholars and students of entrepreneurship and policing in thinking differently about how entrepreneurship can help change traditional thinking in relation to policing and criminal contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender and Generations: Continuity and Change
This volume focuses on the ways in which gender interacts with generation. Developed as the contributors and editors lived through the Covid-19 pandemic, the chapters offer a timely examination of gender-related changes that have occurred against the backdrop of changing socio-dynamics such as increasing and decreasing fertility and the aging of populations, and now, potentially, a global pandemic. The authors demonstrate how gendered and generational interactions intersect with class, immigration status, sexualities, and race and ethnicity. They discuss the various ways generation is defined and measured and they identify areas of intergenerational conflict. Chapters explore how ageism differentially affects the retirement of women and men, the intersectional quality of care-giving, and generational differences in gender attitudes. While chapters primarily cover the US, intergenerational mobility aspirations and female exploitation in Eastern India is also covered. This edited collection offers a wide-reaching look at the dynamics between gender and generations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Application of Big Data and Business Analytics
Application of Big Data and Business Analytics uses advanced analytic tools to explore the solutions to problems in society, environment and industry. The chapters within bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners, encompassing a wide and diverse set of topics in almost every field. With the increase in the availability of data, analytics has now become a major element in both the top line and the bottom line of any organization. With this in mind, Application of Big Data and Business Analytics brings together researchers, engineers and practitioners, encompassing a wide and diverse set of topics in almost every field. The primary target audience of this book includes researchers, academicians and data scientists from a variety of disciplines interested in analyzing and application of big data analytics. However, this work will also be of general interest to postgraduates and undergraduates pursuing advanced study in big data.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance
Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics, and Finance is an annual publication designed to focus on interdisciplinary research in finance, economics, accounting and management among Pacific Rim countries. All articles published have been reviewed and recommended by at least two members of the editorial board. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Policies and Regulations on financial markets and financial institutions; 2. Options, futures and other derivatives markets; 3. Corporate finance and investment decisions; 4. Fixed-Income securities and portfolio management; 5. Insurance and risk management; 6. Accounting, auditing and taxation; 7. Marketing, management, and business strategies; 8. Artificial intelligence and financial technology; 9. Monetary and foreign exchange policy; 10. Income, employment, and economic policies among the Pacific Rim countries
Emerald Publishing Limited Transformation of Strategic Alliances in Emerging Markets: Volume II
There is much research into strategic business alliances in emerging markets, but none focuses on this form of collaboration within Europe’s emerging economies. This is a critical absence, as the European transition region is not only different from other European and Western regions but also from other regions with developing economies. Partners in the European transition region have unique cultural and social backgrounds, and consequently, unique ways of doing business. Transformations of Strategic Alliances in Emerging Markets focuses on this important gap. This book, the second of a two-volume set, makes a unique contribution to emerging market research by investigating the transformation of alliances in Eastern and central Europe over the past forty years. It provides a conceptual framework to describe and analyse the formation, development and functional mechanisms of strategic alliances in the European transition region, ultimately offering an in-depth overview of the challenges and opportunities around strategic alliance formation in emerging European markets. Transformations of Strategic Alliances in Emerging Markets, Volume II, is a must-read for academics and postgraduate students of development economics and business administration
Emerald Publishing Limited Radical Proceduralism: Democracy from Philosophical Principles to Political Institutions
Democratic politics depend on citizen participation, trust and support. While this support in democratic institutions and political elites is declining, public and scholarly discourse frequently suggests counteracting the challenge by strengthening the role of experts in political decision-making, yet such reform proposals convey a paternalistic threat that contravenes fundamental democratic principles. Proposing an alternative, ‘radical proceduralist’ understanding of democratic legitimacy and institutional reform, Radical Proceduralism argues that there is no such thing as ‘political truth’ or ‘correctness’ that could justify experts wielding political power. Rather, the only criterion for democratic legitimacy is the fair and equal inclusion of all affected citizens. Radical Proceduralism bridges the gap between political philosophy and practical institutional experimentation asking us to bring citizens back in and to engage them in a dialogue about ‘the rules of the democratic game’ and proposing institutional devices that figure as ‘conversation starters’ and facilitate such dialogues.
Emerald Publishing Limited Public Governance in Denmark: Meeting the Global Mega-Challenges of the 21st Century?
Societies all over the world are facing a host of daunting problems, including poverty, persistent unemployment, income inequality, unequal distribution of political power and participation, ageing populations, uncontrolled migration, and climate change. Public Governance in Denmark: Meeting the Global Mega-Challenges of the 21st Century? provides a nuanced account of how Denmark handles these urgent societal problems. Offering up-to-date academic analysis of Danish public governance, this edited volume encourages an informed and balanced debate about formulating and adopting political reform with reference to ‘the Danish model’. The authors explore how recent public governance changes have turned the Danish welfare state into a mix of a neo-Weberian state and an enabling state, deploying its considerable resources to create economic growth for the benefit of most Danes, satisfying the needs of citizens and businesses, and developing collaborative solutions to complex problems. Still, not all Danish policy changes have been successful and evolving problems require further reforms in the years to come. Public Governance in Denmark will be of great interest to students and scholars within the fields of public administration, governance, policy and politics as well as policy professionals engaged in analyzing, designing, and evaluating public policies and governance strategies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Addressing Urban Shrinkage in Small and Medium Sized Towns: Shrink Smart and Re-grow Smaller
In Europe and other developed countries, much of the population live in small and medium sized towns. For many such places the pursuit of growth is no longer a viable strategic option. As the ability of small towns to compete with larger cities for private investment and government support diminishes, the number trapped in a spiral of long-term decline grows. Beginning with a brief overview of the global context, highlighting that urban shrinkage and decline is a widespread problem, Schlappa and Nishino illustrate how small towns can generate sustainable forward strategies in contrasting institutional contexts by fostering co-production, adjusting public facilities and right sizing the urban area. The analytical tools and practical examples provided by Schlappa and Nishino are relevant for political and administrative decisionmakers, leaders of civil society and business organisations in developing locally appropriate, creative and robust strategies to shrink smart and re-grow smaller.
Emerald Publishing Limited SDG14 - Life Below Water: Towards Sustainable Management of our Oceans
SDG14 - Life Below Water: Towards Sustainable Management of Our Oceans describes the dependence of human beings on shore and marine resources and highlights how oceanic life sustains the livelihoods of people living in coastal areas, affects global economy and plays a significant role for making earth habitable. Chapters give accounts of human interventions on oceanic life and demonstrate the various ways in which the sustainability of the oceanic system is threatened. Looking to sustainable management and protection of marine and coastal ecosystems, chapters investigate best practices initiated in different countries, address issues such as overfishing and the legal framework for conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources. Concise Guides to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals comprises 17 short books, each examining one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The series provides an integrated assessment of the SDGs from economic, legal, social, environmental and cultural perspectives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Crossroads of Rural Crime: Representations and Realities of Transgression in the Australian Countryside
Rural-oriented scholarship in criminology is growing, in part motivated by governmental, community and academic recognition that, despite stereotypes of the 'rural idyll', crime and justice are significant issues in the rural landscape. Using the notion of 'crossroads' to provide a unique lens through which to examine realities of rural crime, Crossroads of Rural Crime: Representations and Realities of Transgression in the Australian Countryside provides a dynamic understanding of the nature of rural life and ways in which transgression manifests itself in the context of a presumed rural-urban divide. Common myths regarding rural crime are challenged by exploring its diverse dimensions from a central conceptual focal point; the many 'roads' that lead into and out of rural spaces, whether literal, virtual or figurative. With a focus on the Australian countryside, the authors examine issues such as drug abuse, persecution of wildlife, rural penal practices, and health in Indigenous communities. The first substantive edited collection to focus on notions of the mobility of crime within, to and from rural spaces, this interdisciplinary collection draws together contributions from criminology, politics, sociology, Indigenous studies, literature and anthropology to significantly contribute to our understanding of rural crime.
Emerald Publishing Limited Science & Theatre: Communicating Science and Technology with Performing Arts
There has been a significant growth in initiatives involving theatre, drama and performance within a science communication context. Yet there is little scholarship exploring this phenomenon from a science communication perspective. Weitkamp and Almeida draw on their distinct experiences with theatre in the context of science communication to delve into initiatives created through dialogue between the arts and the sciences for the purpose of public engagement. Entering into the space where museums, universities and research centres operate, as well as the space of theatre practitioners, they explore the richness and plurality of this universe, combining theory and practice, as well as presenting context, knowledge gaps and new data. Acknowledging that the place of drama, theatre and performance within science communication is one which is uniquely influenced by local cultural practices, discourses and expectations, the authors take a global perspective. Firstly by analysing data from an international survey of practitioners and secondly by curating a collection of case studies on science-theatre projects undertaken around the world. The chapters illustrate the diversity of forms and content that comprises contemporary science-theatre in this context and characterise theatre produced within the scope of science communication, placing it more precisely in the broader context of science-theatre.
Emerald Publishing Limited Planetary Sociology: Beyond the Entanglement of Identity and Social Structure
In Planetary Sociology: Beyond the Entanglement of Identity and Social Structure, Harry F. Dahms gathers a team of interdisciplinary junior social scientists who examine their individual identity as being shaped by specific social contexts such as nationality, class, and race, to scrutinize how their interests as social scientists are responses to such contexts and culturally specific circumstances (Part II). Acknowledging the limits of economic, organizational, and technological modernization at the national level, planetary sociology delineates the type of critical social, political, cultural, and environmental reflexivity required for "progress," "health," and "development" to be meaningful categories. Including contributions from senior scholars in the field who do not rely on the paradigm of planetary Sociology (Part III), this volume of Current Perspectives in Social Theory illustrates the importance of scrutinizing links between individual identity and social structure, without employing the paradigm of planetary sociology. Taken together, the chapters in this volume are essential reading for both undergraduate and graduate students eager to understand a rigorous social-research mindset, along with professionalization, methodology, and theoretical orientation, and related applications. Presenting an opportunity for social theorists and social scientists to learn about the challenges faced by younger sociologists, the examples of "applied theory" included here emphasize the importance of critical self-reflexivity in and for the 21st century, and the challenges it represents to social scientists, theorists, researchers, and teachers.
Emerald Publishing Limited On Practice and Institution: Theorizing the Interface
The concepts of practice and institution are of longstanding importance across the social sciences. This double-volume builds directly on the scholarship of Theodore Schatzki and Roger Friedland, to map out new theoretical and empirical directions at the interface between the practice and institutional “logics” literatures in organizational sociology, bridging the two perspectives. Volume 70 of Research in the Sociology of Organizations focuses on theoretical development including two major, and complementary, theoretical statements by Schatzki and Friedland that engage key ontological issues which lay the groundwork for how their approaches to practice and institutions can be generatively connected.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethics and Integrity in Research with Children and Young People
The rapid expansion of research with children and young people has compelled researchers to engage carefully and critically with the ethical aspects of their research, including considering the best ways to ensure children’s meaningful participation in research in ethically sensitive ways. This international and multi-disciplinary edited collection unpacks some of the ethical complexities of conducting research with children and young people. The chapters in the volume offer an applied perspective to navigating contemporary and complicated ethical issues that can arise in the field of childhood and youth-centred research. The volume moves beyond a focus on standard, procedural research ethics processes and principles to expose some of the situated ethical moments that researchers grapple with in everyday research practice. Offering a guide for researchers around the importance of developing ethical reflexivity, and the obstacles to achieving it, this volume raises new debates around research ethics while sustaining pragmatic guidance for future research developments that can support children and young people’s participation in research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reshaping Youth Participation: Manchester in a European Gaze
Reshaping Youth Participation reframes discussions around youth political, social, civic, and cultural participation. Drawing upon insights on democracy and citizenship, self-organising and protest movements, and arts activism as engaged social activism, the chapters consider the youth participation spaces in which young people find voice and action–spaces that are part of existing forms of participation, and newly emergent spaces that challenge existing systems. Set in Manchester, Reshaping Youth Participation contextualises youth participation in a major UK city known for its activism and regional devolution, alongside studies from partner European cities. Exploring the participation of young people in ‘adult spaces’, of young people who are pursuing a new politics and ideological change, of marginalised young people, and of young people utilising the creative arts as a ‘lived politics’, the authors argue that youth participation provides a vital addition to sustaining and developing political, social, and democratic life in cities. Celebrating youth participation and its myriad forms, triumphs, and challenges, this edited collection provides much needed innovative thinking to the study of youth participation. It is an important contribution for young people themselves, academics, policymakers, local policy experts and makers, local activists, and community advocates.
Emerald Publishing Limited CSR in an age of Isolationism
Isolationism is an approach that many governments are increasingly beginning to take, which has consequences for both ordinary citizens and businesses. The research in this sixteenth volume of Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility examines isolationism at global, regional and local levels around the world to analyse this impact. In CSR in an age of Isolationism, David Crowther and Farzana Quoquab gather contributions from academics around the world who discuss the implications of isolationism on corporate social responsibility and society itself. This is achieved by looking at a mixture of regional changes together with case studies within several industries in order to develop a theoretical understanding and analysis. For its contributions towards an understanding of changes which do not yet seem to be widely recognized, this book is an essential read for researchers and postgraduate students of corporate governance and responsibility.
Emerald Publishing Limited Lived Experiences of Exclusion in the Workplace: Psychological & Behavioural Effects
Exclusion is the process by which some people are out-grouped, or the state experienced by those alienated and/or marginalised. Lived Experiences of Exclusion in the Workplace shares the emotional expressions of those who have faced alienation and marginalisation — from subtle to traumatic. Their stories reveal an abundance of factors which lead to exclusion and offer insights for the reader into instances of systemic-, organisational- and personal exclusion, as well as providing guidance on how to trigger belonging and inclusion through various, often simple measures. The presence of greater diversity in our organisations, as well as growing demands for equity, inclusion and social justice, compel us to address stumbling blocks. These findings collectively place remedial responsibilities in the hands of institutions, organisations, leaders, managers and employees who form the powerful/privileged in-group, as well as those who are excluded.
Emerald Publishing Limited Changing the Conventional University Classroom
Changing the Conventional University Classroom highlights the interesting interventions practiced around the world by higher education instructors who were forced to make necessary changes in the conversion from face-to-face educational instruction to the use of online and virtual platforms owing to the COVID pandemic. Chronicling how academic staff and instructors were pushed to utilize modern technology and virtual exchange platforms to create meaningful classroom discussions and facilitate lively interactions between learners and faculty members, the chapters showcase the importance of quality assurance and reveal how educators prioritized regular monitoring of students’ interaction, performance, and involvement in class. Collated in this collection of contemporary research, each chapter provides insight into the rapid evolution of educational approaches during the pandemic. Scholars demonstrate how these changes to the conventional way of teaching have shaped the field of education, and how technology is expected to bring further radical improvements in the near future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Joy: Using strategic communication to improve well-being and organizational success
This volume explores current research in public relations and communication management, and in particular examines how public relations can have a positive impact on the well being of its publics. One of the biggest competitive advantages in today's business world are positive and engaged publics, because satisfied participants are at the core of any successful relationship. The success of relationships with publics is mostly based on how people are valued and treated, which in turn affects their self-perceptions and level of performance. Both of these elements are correlated with life happiness. Thus, strategic communication should be used for cultivating a positive environment and for fostering happiness and joy among their publics. This can help improve both organizational success and the well-being of people. This book will be essential reading for researchers in marketing and communications, as well as practitioners who wish to understand how PR and Communication Management can positively impact the well-being of organizations and the wider community.
Emerald Publishing Limited The New Generation Z in Asia: Dynamics, Differences, Digitalization
This book is the first to compare the Asiatic Generation Z (born 1990–1995) in terms of country and culture specific drivers and characteristics based on interdisciplinary and international scientific research. Although Asia has been the focus of many articles and books on demographics, politics and economics, few authors understand in depth the behaviour of the young people in their roles as consumers and as new members of the working world. The New Generation Z in Asia: Dynamics, Differences, Digitalization explores how specific Asiatic cultures translate into a creative and innovative society in order to conduct business to adjust their recruitment and retention strategies, also examining how they attract and retain the best young talent in Asia. Written for academics and professionals in the fields of Management, Organizational Behaviour, Marketing, and Human Resource Management, this work examines a set of topics that describe societal and managerial feelings, goals, concerns and behaviours of a vast continent that stretches from East Asia through South Asia, Southeast Asia to Western Asia.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Evidence-Informed Practice in Education: Learning from International Contexts
Across many countries, national, federal and district level governments are increasingly pursuing approaches to school improvement that seek to achieve so-called ‘bottom-up’ change. That is, improvements to teaching and learning that are generated by teachers, and subsequently shared horizontally and vertically within educational systems. Often such change relies on educators engaging in ‘evidence-informed practice’: improvements to teaching in learning that are grounded in data and research. Within this context, this handbook examines how to bring about more consistent, evidence-informed practice in education globally. To do so, chapter authors have employed Hood’s (1998) social regulation/cohesion matrix, combined with an institutional theory analytic lens, to provide detail on their specific contexts, including perspectives from every continent. Insights are subsequently analysed comparatively to provide generalisable insights that can be applied to any country, across the globe. Generating understanding into how to more routinely foster evidence-informed teaching practice globally, this ground-breaking handbook is vital reading for educational researchers, and especially those working close to practice, in all settings. It is hoped that there are also lessons from education that can be applied to other areas such as social care, justice or health.
Emerald Publishing Limited Uncertainty and Challenges in Contemporary Economic Behaviour
Every day presents new challenges as the face of global economics changes. But in a world of uncertainty, how is the world of finance and economics adjusting to address these new issues? In this first book in the Emerald Studies in Finance, Insurance, and Risk Management, expert contributors from around the world come together to discuss and address the emerging issues in global economics. Including chapters on international migration in Europe, theories on finance and accounting, labour studies, international economic policy and its effect, affecting factors on financial and capital markets, and the relationship between internal stock markets, Uncertainty and Challenges in Contemporary Economic Behaviour tackles the questions, concerns, and fears of the modern face of global economics. A fundamental text for any researcher or student of business and economics, this exciting new series investigates and examines some of the most prevalent questions in contemporary economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inequality, Redistribution and Mobility
Research on Economic Inequality is a well-established publication of quality research. This 28th volume features insightful and original papers from the 8th Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ) meeting. The first paper of this volume illustrates the trajectory of income inequality in wealthy countries over the course of recent decades, while the second carries out a comprehensive assessment of income redistribution through taxes and transfers across OECD countries over the last two decades. The next two papers cover the topic of income mobility, one interpreting the Bartholomew index of mobility in terms of a directional mobility index, and the second providing a framework for the measurement of income mobility over a range of time periods. A fifth paper studies the potential equalization of rising educational attainment. The next paper investigates the effect the number of children within different age groups has on poverty. In the seventh, it is shown that a social planner who seeks to efficiently reduce the aggregate relative deprivation of the population, coincides with the Rawlsian social planner. Finally, the last paper generalizes the Oaxaca-Blinder approach to measure wage discrimination under imperfect information.
Emerald Publishing Limited How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of a School-Based Intervention: Evaluating the Impact of the Philosophy for Children Programme on Students’ Skills
Evaluations of school-based interventions are and should be conducted in order to examine the programme effectiveness and whether and how these programmes should be implemented in schools. Over the last century Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) have been seen as the 'gold standard' for evaluation, however How to Evaluate the Effectiveness of a School-Based Intervention presents a multi-dimensional evaluation framework, which is not only based on measurable outcomes. According to this framework, the evaluation of a programme should combine different methods and perspectives, and should examine the impact of the programme on many student's skills prior to reaching a conclusion of whether and how a programme should be implemented. Suggesting a cost-effective method of conducting a multi-dimensional evaluation research study, in order to include the examination of the impact of the programme on students' thinking skills, this book investigates how these skills can be defined and assessed effectively and presents a step-by-step guide by demonstrating how the multi-dimensional evaluation of the Philosophy for Children programme was conducted. Evaluating the programme from an independent standpoint, this book is essential reading for researchers conducting evaluations in education; researchers who are interested in Philosophy for Children research; and teachers and trainers who internationally implement P4C in their classrooms.
Emerald Publishing Limited An Introduction to Algorithmic Finance, Algorithmic Trading and Blockchain
The purpose of An Introduction to Algorithmic Finance is to provide a broad-based accessible introduction to three of the presently most important areas of computational finance, namely, option pricing, algorithmic trading and blockchain. This will provide a basic understanding required for a career in the finance industry and for doing more specialized courses in finance.An Introduction to Algorithmic Finance breaks down into three parts. The first part provides the necessary theoretical background to Derivatives, Options and Stochastic Dominance. The second part covers various algorithmic issues of finance, discussing specific algorithms, their applications and consequences. The third part of the book is devoted to blockchain and cryptocurrency which complements the first two parts.An Introduction to Algorithmic Finance is an interesting, important read for anyone interested in or invested in the finance industry & it highlights and explains current phenomena in algorithmic finance in an articulate manner.