Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Community Participation and Civic Engagement in the Digital Era: Localizing Sustainable Development
Understanding the challenges in research and practice of participation in the digital era, and the important role of local governance in achieving the sustainable development goals, Community Participation and Civic Engagement in the Digital Era unfolds the complex relationship of community participation, social capital and social networks. Singh presents an in-depth literature review alongside case studies from developing countries, showcasing the role of participation in sustainable development, and explaining how digital development creates technological tools and a virtual space for community engagement – increasing the complexity of community participation and civic engagement, and the potential for implementing the sustainable development goals at a local level. From the historic concept and forms of participation to describing and analysing the environmental and individual factors shaping practice of participation, community development interventions and local governance, the book culminates in a discussion of future work and challenges in the digital world. Delivering a careful review of the theoretical and practical problems of community participation in the digital age and featuring applied theories and cases which appeal to public policy makers and researchers, Community Participation and Civic Engagement in the Digital Era offers a rich theoretical perspective and detailed critical review of social capital and social networks that has profound application in the fields of political science, sociology and development economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Generation A: Perspectives on Special Populations and International Research on Autism in the Workplace
Providing several new contributions to both the disabilities literature and research on special populations and international perspectives on Generation A, this book explores ways that researchers can help facilitate finding and maintaining employment for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The chapters included in this volume are organized and presented along two themes. The first theme, Special Populations Affected by Generation A, explores the experiences of special populations within the generational cohort of Generation A. Chapters in this section of the book explore the growth of STEM occupations and how this growth may create opportunities for the women of Generation A. Other chapters in this section examine the career and life effects of being a parent of a young adult with ASD, the role of allies in supporting the efforts of young adults with ASD to find and maintain successful employment, and the unique career experiences of individuals with ASD in the legal profession. The second theme, International Research on Generation A, explores the experiences of Generation A from an international perspective. The countries represented are India, Great Britain, Ireland, and Trinidad and Tobago. These chapters explore various ways that individuals with ASD and members of Generation A are being included in organizations in these countries. The legal issues associated with hiring individuals with ASD, as well as efforts by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to facilitate their employment, are also presented.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Growth Paths of State-Society Relations: Power Dynamics, Industrial Policy, and the Pursuit of Inclusive and Sustainable Growth
Institutions shape states, society, businesses, and the interactions between them. Understanding how these interactions shape the growth paths of different countries is crucial to monitoring policy outcomes and gauging creditable impact. The Growth Paths of State-Society Relations highlights how different state-society relations have developed, the power relationships that characterize their different forms or modes, and the wider growth paths that are likely to emerge as a result. Combining case studies with empirical and theoretical game analysis, Mohamed Ismail Sabry presents four State-Business-Labor Relations (SBLR) modes for considering the power relationships at play in these interactions. Analyzing four significant case studies featuring Germany, the USA, China, and Russia, Sabry investigates the emergence of these various modes, particularly whether they arise out of institutional settings or special socioeconomic or historical circumstances. Considering variables such as levels of productivity, long-run economic growth, inequality, and sustainability, chapters also discuss how the SBLR modes affect the growth paths of each example country, particularly through policies related to Technology and Industry 4.0, Green transformation, and social welfare. Providing a rationale for institutional change as well as suggestions for power restructuring within a state-society relationship, The Growth Paths of State-Society Relations offers a unique and nuanced analysis of the perpetual interplay between government, business, and society.
Emerald Publishing Limited Biopolitics at 50 Years: Founding and Evolution
Biopolitics at 50 Years: Founding and Evolution explores the study of biology and politics through the prism of fifty years of experience presenting current research that illustrates the nature and evolution of biopolitics. Containing substantive chapters that address many issues using different methodologies, Biopolitics at 50 Years draws on different theoretical perspectives to advance the field. Beginning with a reflection on the origin and scholarly emphasises of biopolitics and concludes with future prospects in the field, this 13th volume of Research in Biopolitics explores the broad scale theoretical consideration of politics based on evolutionary factors affecting the political realm physiological factors affecting political behavior, public policy issues affected by biology and how human nature affects outcomes of policy making.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reimagining Public Sector Management: A New Age of Renewal and Renaissance?
In this latest volume of the Critical Perspectives on International Public Sector Management series, Professors John Diamond and Joyce Liddle have gathered leading scholars and new research to help discern some immediate areas of public policy making that have been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. With this new profoundly different context, “business as normal” is seen as no longer viable. Reimagining Public Sector Management delves into the crisis and emergency management of the pandemic, exploring the ways in which different agencies responded to the pandemic and the lessons learnt in terms of disaster planning and co-ordination. Chapters analyse the ways in which health services and the associated work linked to vaccine development provided significant lessons for those involved in public policy making and analysis before highlighting the emergence of a new consensus on the role of public agencies and institutions could play in the post pandemic environment as captured in the slogan “Build Back Better”.
Emerald Publishing Limited Collective Entrepreneurship in the Contemporary European Services Industries: A Long Term Approach
Collective entrepreneurship plays an important role in European service activities such as tourism, health care, leisure, trade, logistics and transportation. Collective Entrepreneurship in the Contemporary European Services Industries provides a historical account and a managerial approach on how companies in the service industry have grown, innovated, and internationalised along the last centuries in Western Europe. Using collective entrepreneurship and collaborative networks within firms and between firms and external associations and institutions such as governments, the authors contribute to a better interdisciplinary understanding of the long-term dynamics of European companies. Collective Entrepreneurship in the Contemporary European Services Industries borrows and applies existing concepts and theories from business history and from entrepreneurship. A multidisciplinary and inter-territorial approach, this collection combines business history and entrepreneurship theory to respond to recent calls for a historic turn in entrepreneurship studies, offering the opportunity to relaunch the dialogue between history and theory.
Emerald Publishing Limited Quantitative Analysis of Social and Financial Market Development
This 30th volume of the International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics explores the latest social and financial developments across Asian markets. Chapters cover a range of topics such as the impact of COVID-19 related events in Southeast Asia along the determinants of capital structure before and during the pandemic; the influence of new distribution concepts on macro and micro economic levels; as well as the effects of long-term cross-currency basis swaps on government bonds. These peer-reviewed papers touch on a variety of timely, interdisciplinary subjects such as real earnings impact and the effects of public policy. Together, Quantitative Analysis of Social and Financial Market Development is a crucial resource of current, cutting-edge research for any scholar of international finance and economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Multidimensional Strategic Outlook on Global Competitive Energy Economics and Finance
Economical energy supply is vital for a country's financial success, and factors such as price, continuity, environmental pollution and the country's own energy resources are important contributors. Multidimensional Strategic Outlook on Global Competitive Energy Economics and Finance analyses current trends in energy production and use, with a focus on technological developments that contribute to the reduction of price in energy production and renewable energy sources that provide continuity in energy production and do not emit carbon into the atmosphere. Expanding on the current literature, this book focuses purely on current issues that can increase energy efficiency, while proposing strategies to use energy more effectively and efficiently. The strategies presented in this book will be a significant guide to both academics and industry professionals.
Emerald Publishing Limited Globalization, Income Distribution and Sustainable Development: A theoretical and empirical investigation
Most countries in the world today have entered an advanced phase of globalization with the objective of increasing growth of output and employment. With the evidence suggesting that this has been the case at a general level incorporated with a good sign of reducing income gap at the global level and an acceptable trend towards a global village, some inequalities across different groups of economies have been increasing in hand with the resultant increase in the aggregate pollution levels. The combined effects of these two negative impacts gives rise to the problem of maintaining sustainable development. Globalization, Income Distribution and Sustainable Development: A theoretical and empirical investigation addresses these feasibility issues of globalization, focusing on the impact of globalization on income distribution in a wider perspective and exploring the impact of globalization on sustainable development in a range of countries across the globe. With the help of new theories and the latest data, Globalization, Income Distribution and Sustainable Development asks the question: Are we eyeing for a better future?
Emerald Publishing Limited The Promises and Properties of Rapidly Growing Companies: Gazelles
The Promises and Properties of Rapidly Growing Companies contributes to contemporary thought on so-called gazelles – high performing market players that create many jobs and promise strong welfare effects. Moving away from the well-established idea of firm growth as a continuous process, the contributions of this edited volume add to the growing body of innovative gazelle related research in three ways: Firstly, systematically taking stock of the international gazelle growth literature and proposing a theoretical growth model, which supports the rare and temporal nature of gazelle growth. Secondly, empirically investigating German gazelles and the German gazelle policy stance, counterbalancing the current Anglo-American research bias. Thirdly, addressing lesser studied or omitted gazelle-related themes such as gazelles’ internationalization, the dark sides of gazelles’ growth, and gazelles’ corporate citizenship. The Promises and Properties of Rapidly Growing Companies is a valuable resource for academics, managers, policy makers and civil society actors concerned with firm growth, economic development and the corporate social responsibility of rapidly growing firms.
Emerald Publishing Limited Historical Developments in the Accountancy Profession, Financial Reporting, and Accounting Theory
This latest volume of Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought, edited by Martin E. Persson, contains ten manuscripts, seven being previously unpublished, authored by C. Richard Baker during an academic career that spans four decades. Historical Developments in the Accountancy Profession, Financial Reporting, and Accounting Theory is divided into two thematic sections. The first covers developments in accounting thought on financial reporting and the accountancy profession, whereas the second section covers developments related to accounting measurements and theory. The historical examination of the development of accounting thought serves as a unifying theme throughout this edited volume, which attempts to pick up on various understudied threads of academic and professional initiatives over the past several hundred years. The material is of value to anyone interested in the intellectual history of the accounting discipline.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Corruption of Play: Mapping the Ideological Play-Space of AAA Videogames
AAA videogames often offer expansive experiences to the millions who engage with the medium, but they are vulnerable to disruption from neoliberal structures. The Corruption of Play explores how neoliberal ideology corrupts play in AAA videogames by creating conditions in which play becomes unbound from leisure, allowing play to be understood, undertaken, and assessed in economic terms, and fundamentally undermining the nature of play. Providing a cutting-edge and innovative approach to this problem, McMahon uses cognitive mapping to make neoliberalism visible in play-space, showcasing a new way of seeing and understanding how play is enabled and how the player forms an understanding of themselves by it. How does the player form their sense of self in the videogame? What level of agency does the player have? How are AAA videogames consumed and what is the extent of the corruption of play? Offering a timely level-up to the existing critical work on videogames, McMahon’s revelations that play in AAA videogames does not often occur under ideal conditions due to the influence of neoliberal ideology are a captivating read for communication and media scholars interested in videogames. Understanding that play should be a core activity, and a natural barrier to market and economic logics, McMahon sets the scene for equipping us to understand how the process of neo liberalisation can be resisted.
Emerald Publishing Limited Race and Space: Contesting Boundaries and Inequities
The 2020 Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests highlighted with sharp clarity the role of race in social conflict and social movements. Building on more than a century of political and sociological scholarship, Race and Space considers the connections between race as a descriptor of physical differences between humans and space as a geographic location, and their subsequent impact on the human experience. The chapters address racialized issues spanning from how the characteristics of our community shape whether we experience police or immigrant violence, whether first-hand experience (or lack thereof) of this violence is likely to shape one’s choice to engage in ethno-racial justice activism, to analysing how the space of the prison shapes one’s sense of self and political possibility post-incarceration. Drawing together key drivers of activism such as flaws within the criminal justice system, race, ethnicity, and citizenship, this collection demonstrates how these elements interact to shape immigration policy and the experience of being accepted as a full member of one’s society. Emphasising location-specific human experience and incorporating insights from geography, Race and Space’s careful study of the differences of physical spaces gives rise to more complete explanations for social issues and variances in social movements.
Emerald Publishing Limited COVID-19 in the African Continent: Sustainable Development and Socioeconomic Shocks
COVID-19 in the African Continent examines the development, achievements, and challenges that have resulted owing to COVID-19 pandemic and how these precarious socioeconomic situations are being managed in African countries. This book explores the range of interventions aimed at mitigating the effects of COVID-19 by offering an in-depth understanding of the disruptive impacts of COVID-19 on the African continent. This edited collection underscores the nature and effects of non-health-related challenges such as environmental complexities and possible solutions to socioeconomic shocks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic along with other social, political, and economic distortions. Providing readers with a profound insight of the critical societal consequences of these challenges in African economies, this book covers the macroeconomic policy approaches adopted by government and non-governmental organisations to boost post-COVID-19 recovery and enhance a systemic process to facilitate the prospects for addressing socioeconomic shocks across the continent.
Emerald Publishing Limited Rethinking Community Sanctions: Social Justice and Penal Control
Rethinking Community Sanctions: Social Justice and Penal Control redresses the invisibility of community sanctions in a popular imaginary dominated by the prison, resulting in their being seen as ‘not prison’, ‘not punishment’, a ‘let off’, or expression of mercy. Based on insights from interviews with key participants in 3 Australian jurisdictions, case studies of selected programmes and policies, and the international literature, the authors focus on the effects of community sanctions among groups vulnerable to penal control: First Nations peoples, women, and those with disabilities, along with those at the intersections of these groups. Arguing that developing a better, more democratic politics around community sanctions requires coming to terms with the wider carceral web in which vulnerable groups are ensnared, they demonstrate the importance of connecting criminal legal system struggles with broader movements for community control, self-determination, and sovereignty.
Emerald Publishing Limited Counterfeiting and Fraud in Supply Chains
The manufacture and sale of counterfeit products is a widespread problem that affects a wide range of industries – from the pharmaceutical industry, electronics, and electrical equipment industry, clothing, footwear, to food, cosmetics, and luxury products industries. Counterfeiting and Fraud in Supply Chains explains the reasons behind the popularity of counterfeiting and fraud among both consumers and companies, a systematic and holistic overview and critical examination of the situations that have caused an increasing trend of those criminal activities. For all businesses, counterfeiting causes serious economic and social impact and can even be dangerous, posing health, privacy, and safety risks ranging from mild to life-threatening. Covering topics from the harmful effects of counterfeiting related to the environment, trade, foreign investment, employment, innovation, and criminality, Counterfeiting and Fraud in Supply Chains documents the unregulated production and the use of dangerous machinery and materials to attain a high profit margin. Counterfeiting and Fraud in Supply Chains boosts the existing knowledge about the profoundly multi-faceted dimension of the counterfeiting market, comprising the work of a team of theorists and practitioners who characterize a multidisciplinary approach to counterfeiting and fraud.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender and Action Films: Road Warriors, Bombshells and Atomic Blondes
The noughties witnessed rapid change in Action Cinema, carrying with it the new action stars of the previous decade, and the boundary blurring experimentation of films such as The Matrix, that incorporated not only action but science fiction. The now dominant Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) debuted, and the Young Adult fictional worlds of Harry Potter and The Hunger Games further developed the scope of the action sequences. Despite this context, the action genre had still not engaged fully with contemporary social issues. Focusing on a less acknowledged period in Action Cinema history, Gender and Action Films: Road Warriors, Bombshells and Atomic Blondes examines specific action stars such as Michelle Rodriguez, Zhang Ziyi, and Pam Grier to analyse how female stars encounter the male gaze. Split into four parts – ‘Star Bodies’, ‘Transmedia Action’, ‘Intergenerational Action’ and ‘Politics and Race’, chapter authors prioritise female led action movies and champion a more meaningful interaction and representation between the action genre and contemporary issues of race, sexuality, and gender. Offering novel interpretations of depictions of gender within action movies, this edited collection demonstrates gender portrayal can be developed to incorporate meaningful representation in the wake of the movements such as #Oscarssowhite or #MeToo that have confronted Hollywood. The collection is a must-have for academics, students and lovers of film and media and those interested in gender studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Revitalizing Special Education: Revolution, Devolution, and Evolution
Special education’s future is threatened by anti-scientific sentiment and poor thinking about school reform. The devolution of special education has been caused by decades of illogical, destructive criticism and a focus on issues other than ensuring a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) for individuals with educational disabilities. Special education now needs a second revolution to reinstate its nature and purpose so that it can evolve as it should. Revitalizing Special Education presents neither a pessimistic nor a Pollyannish view of past or future, but rather is a careful assessment of some of the greatest threats to robust special education posed by distorted and misguided thinking about what special education is and does. Chapter authors propose logical and scientific analyses of problems and steps required to realize special education’s promise, relying on empirical data and logical, linear thinking to confront educational issues, both philosophical and practical. A full range of alternative futures for special education must be considered. However, revolutionary thinking about possible futures is necessary for revitalization and meaningful evolution. The contributors to this book take up the details of thought and practice that are necessary for such revolution and evolution.
Emerald Publishing Limited Examining and Exploring the Shifting Nature of Occupational Stress and Well-Being
Volume 19 of Research in Occupational Stress and Well-Being explores and enhances our understanding of how stress and well-being at work can change over time. Much of the prior literature in occupational stress and well-being is designed to look at antecedents of stress and well-being, treating them as dependent variables. Although these models implicitly acknowledge the dynamic nature of stress and well-being, they are often assessed at a single time point and treated as a static end-state. This volume moves beyond this approach by explicitly examining stress and well-being as a dynamic phenomenon by examining changes in stress and well-being that happen developmentally, because of intentional interventions on the part of organizations, in response to job role or job status transitions, or which examine the ways in which changes in stress and well-being is conceptualized and assessed.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender Violence, the Law, and Society: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from India, Japan and South Africa
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access, thanks to Knowledge Unlatched funding, and freely available to read online. Gender Violence, the Law, and Society analyses and explores the historical and cultural roots of issues of gender-based and sexual violence in Japan, India and South Africa. Using a variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary methods, this edited collection highlights the intersection of marginalized gender and sexual identities – such as raped women, gay men and women who are victims of commodified violence – and marginalized geographic areas. Taking a structured and holistic approach, the chapters authors break down issues across three levels: violence, state, and society. By exploring case studies from the three selected geographical areas, both the roots and effects and related organization and belief systems are explored in their relations to the issues of sexual and gendered violence. The chapters expose and consider the complexities and nuances in each country in terms of their varying cultural practices, their religious and caste systems, and racial disparities, whilst exploring and expanding the understanding of the concept of violence itself. Gender Violence, the Law, and Society takes an important step towards synthesizing area-specific issues and knowledge into a more comprehensive and global body of knowledge on the apparently universal appearances of forms of sexual and gendered violence.
Emerald Publishing Limited SDG9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
As one of the few of the 17 SDGs applicable in industrial settings, SDG9 seeks to find new steps towards achieving sustainable industrialization. This book explores the fascinating and cross-cutting aspects that jeopardize achieving SDG9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. Understanding that the UN's insistence on fostering sustainable industrialization has not rendered the expected results, and that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated conditions in almost all sectors, Luis Velazquez explores the factors that have complicated the road towards achieving SDG9. Investigating the good practices around implementing SDG9, the author addresses fundamental concepts such as sustainability reporting, resilient infrastructure, sustainable connectivity, sustainable innovation, and more. Presenting information in a simple, clear and logical style, this book is must-have reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students, professors, and any supporter of SDG9 and Agenda 2030. Concise Guides to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals comprises 17 short books, each examining one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The series provides an integrated assessment of the SDGs from economic, legal, social, environmental and cultural perspectives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Scandal and Corruption in Congress
Regardless of which political party Americans identify with, the sentiment that those who work in Washington are corrupt transcends partisanship. Since the breaking of the Watergate scandal, trust in the government has decreased significantly. While Congress did not engage in the Watergate break-in, the institution has still suffered the consequences, seeing citizens' distrust of politicians grow. However, Congress is not blameless, as it has had its share of scandal and corruption over the years. Scandal and Corruption in Congress guides readers through the history of corruption in Congress. Specifically, readers explore policies outlawing corruption, how Congress has attempted to hide unethical behaviour, getting caught, the repercussions of getting caught, and how corruption in the U.S. compares to corruption in other nations. Finally, to enlighten readers about the recent actions by Congress, several chapters address the impact of Citizens United and the #MeToo movement.
Emerald Publishing Limited African Leadership: Powerful Paradigms for the 21st Century
African Leadership is an edited collection enriched by the people who have lived and experienced indigenous leadership first-hand, demonstrating how African leadership is distinctive from usual Western hegemonic paradigms. Providing an indepth discussion of the components, context, followers, and skills that contribute to the success of African leaders, African Leadership concludes with meaningful applications for 21st-century leaders globally.
Emerald Publishing Limited Interdisciplinary Essays on Monsters and the Monstrous: Imagining Monsters to Understand our Socio-Political and Psycho-Emotional Realities
Monsters show us our deepest fears and anxieties, our discomfort with difference, and our simultaneous repulsion with and fascination for the other. Understanding that the concept of the monster can be a political tool used to dehumanize opponents and a psychological tool that can help us reconsider our beliefs, Interdisciplinary Essays on Monsters and the Monstrous analyses and explores the enduring influence and imagery of monsters and the monstrous on human societies. Introducing the innovative practice of “imagining monsters” as a way to rethink the key organizing principles in our society that we have traditionally taken for granted, the authors explore not only what monsters are but, most importantly, what monsters reveal about us. This cutting-edge collection of chapters challenges us to contradict worldviews, such as the binary of gender, that have organized our thinking for millennia. Showcasing discussions loaded with ontological, ideological, socio-political, and aesthetic implications, the monstrous is rendered uncannily familiar as our own public and domestic socio-political and psycho-emotional realities are subjected to scrutiny. Launching a critical question: when faced with an existential threat, what can we do? The authors show us how the study of monsters and monstrosity is perfectly positioned to answer. Tackling this question from a unique interdisciplinary scope, the research presented in the chapters are interesting reading for a variety of researchers interested in monsters and the monstrous from across sub-disciplines.
Emerald Publishing Limited Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2020
Since 2013, the Annual Review of Comparative and International Education has covered significant developments in the field of comparative and international education. The Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2020 begins with a collection of discussion essays about comparative education trends and directions written by both professional and scholarly leaders in the field. Topics covered in this volume include major theoretical and methodological developments, reports on research-to-practice, area studies and regional developments, and the diversification of comparative and international education. A special introductory chapter examines the diversity in research trends in online versus traditional publications in the field and investigates the differences in content and representation among Global North and Global South research contributions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainability and Social Marketing Issues in Asia
The complex issues of sustainability and social marketing are gaining increasing global attention. This increased concern for environmental welfare has started to affect the way marketers, managers and policy makers think and organize their businesses. In Western culture, there has been widespread discussion on green related issues; however, different cultures are at different stages in embracing this global change, and local conditions can greatly affect how strategies are enacted. Sustainability and Social Marketing Issues in Asia applies this discussion to Asian culture, using case studies that reflect the problems and success of nine countries – Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines, Indonesia, Iran, Syria, Sri Lanka, India, and Pakistan – in adopting green and social marketing concepts. These concepts include: triple bottom line; social entrepreneurialism; sustainability marketing; green marketing; sustainable energy, sustainable agriculture, sustainable ecosystems, social development, waste management problem, refugee crisis, care for animals and corporate social responsibility. The cases outlined in this book illustrate how companies and organizations operating in Asian countries incorporate sustainability and environmental concepts into their social marketing strategy. It will appeal to researchers and practitioners, working in the fields of social marketing, consumer behavior, corporate social responsibility, organizational behavior and sustainability.
Emerald Publishing Limited Teacher Preparation in the United States: History, Current Conditions, and Policy
Starting in New England with informal training, academies, seminaries, institutes, and the birth of the state normal schools, Kelly Kolodny and Mary-Lou Breitborde explore the origins of teacher preparation in the United States as these models expanded geographically, in substance and form, throughout the South and West. The authors chart how specific historical periods have influenced teacher preparation in the U.S., including Western expansion, industrialization, the Civil War, Reconstruction and retrenchment, the Progressive Era and the mid-to-late twentieth century, which was marked by the space race, the growth of STEM education, racial unrest, the peace movement, immigration and tensions around social inequities. The discussion of teacher preparation in history links contextual issues and themes in each period (e.g., race, the place of women in society, the nation’s place in the world) to purposes, policies and practices in the formal preparation of teachers. The authors discuss contemporary issues shaping teacher preparation in the United States and propose recommendations for policy changes. Among their recommendations are the need to diversify the teacher workforce, the commitment to develop strong connections with families and communities, curricula that emphasize teaching for deep understanding, antiracist teacher education and culturally sustaining pedagogy, increased attention to social-emotional learning, the innovative use of new technologies, and the preparation of teachers with a global consciousness.
Emerald Publishing Limited Media and Law: Between Free Speech and Censorship
In Media and Law: Between Free Speech and Censorship, Mathieu Deflem and Derek M.D Silva have gathered an interdisciplinary team of leading experts to make a valuable contribution to the existing literature. This volume explores free speech and the control thereof from both a political as well as cultural lens. These topics have once again moved center stage in scholarly as well as popular discussions on what must, should, and should not be said in the public sphere of ideas, opinions, and tastes. In a world of alternative facts, fake news, gender politics, company self-censorship, edited art, hate speech, and career-ending tweets, the chapters in this volume make a timely contribution.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sport, Social Media, and Digital Technology: Sociological Approaches
Social media and digital technologies have become significant forces in the sport industry. From athletes and fans interacting via social media and video games, sport organizations integrating these technologies into marketing and public relations functions, to coaches and athletic trainers using digital technology to monitor athletes’ biometric information, these technologies are pervasive in sport. However, the literature at the intersection of sport and social and digital media lies almost exclusively in the domain of marketing and management. While these technologies are often championed for the benefits they offer in these functional areas, the effects and outcomes of these technologies have impacts on athletes, fans, and other society that warrant further attention. This volume brings together a collection of essays from leading global scholars working in diverse areas as sport sociology, sport management, sport media, and sport communication to illustrate how sociological approaches are imperative to enhancing our understanding of sport and social media and digital technology. Within this volume, scholars address topics such as gender, sexuality, racism, identity, politics, mental health, and surveillance and outline how sociological approaches to these topics offer important analyses that further our understanding of the comprehensive effects of social media and digital technology on sport stakeholders.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Computer-Mediated Communication and Social Media
Joining a thriving field of new media, this collective volume authored by global academics features important research by thought leaders within computer-mediated communication (CMC) and social media. Featuring 40 comprehensive chapters of new research that focuses on what is new, relevant, and cutting edge in the areas of CMC and social media, authors critically explore topics ranging from social media theories to civil rights. Divided into three parts, the handbook begins with theory and methods, which sets the foundation for the text and then moves into the applicability of strategy, tactics, and measurement. The final focus is toward the future of CMC and social media and its impact on the study and practice of communication. Uniquely relating social media communication research to its computer-mediated communication foundation, as well as digital and emerging media trends, this handbook is an indispensable resource whether you're a graduate student or a seasoned practitioner.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Value of Design in Retail and Branding
Scholarly studies of value creation for consumer experience constitute a very fragmented field, spanning the disciplines of design, branding and marketing. The Value of Design in Retail and Branding creates a much-needed bridge between different disciplines involved in retail design, bringing together a range of research and insights for practice in these disciplines, improving the impact of design. Here Katelijn Quartier, Ann Petermans, TC Melewar and Charles Dennis bring together a team of field-leading, practice-based experts in order to offer an interdisciplinary, practice-oriented inquiry into how design plays a key role in defining a successful retail environment and experience. In four sections organised around the concepts of design, experience, context, and interdisciplinarity, contributors highlight how to achieve impactful branding and retail-experience design through a focus on such issues as local relevance and storytelling. As each chapter concludes by explaining how its findings can feed into practice, this book begins filling the gap between academic journals and visual case studies, ultimately providing fertile ground for further debate around best practice. For its interdisciplinary approach, its scholarly rigour, and its clearly articulated implications for practice, The Value of Design in Retail and Branding is of interest to scholars of design, branding and marketing as well as to practitioners within these fields.
Emerald Publishing Limited Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: Addressing Gender-Based Violence in the Classroom
Gender-based violence is an issue often met with silence, unempathetic discourse, and troublesome visual representation. As educators, mentors, and public facilitators, how can we address this subject in our teaching spaces, curricula, texts, and conversations with greater care and understanding? And, what do we need as resources to cultivate these deeper insights and new roads to increased awareness and dynamic healing? Building decentered and empowering spaces is vital to addressing gender-based violence. In an educational setting, this must take into consideration instructors’, students’, and other professionals’ own histories of and relationships to traumatic experience. The authors provide a cross-disciplinary dialogue involving spaces ranging from first-year writing programs to international classrooms to public art installation. What holds the conversation together is a collective emphasis on transnational feminist pedagogy and pedagogy of the oppressed while also prioritizing affective discourse. This combination of approaches is used to not only open the conversation itself, but to also pointedly deconstruct standard patriarchal practices found in academia and other institutional settings. With contributions from scholars and practitioners from a variety of disciplines, cultures and educational backgrounds, Trauma-Informed Pedagogy brings visibility to perpetuated violence and silence through a range of genres, including poetry, syllabi, and critical reflections, offering an invaluable resource for instructors and workshop facilitators interested in approaches that decentralize learning spaces and empowers all participants.
Emerald Publishing Limited Intoxicating Followership: in the Jonestown Massacre
Toxic behavior is on the rise in public safety organizations, businesses, politics, and churches, to name a few. Faced with unprecedented circumstances, there is a need to better understand leader/follower interdependence when destructive leaders are at the helm making harmful decisions. Toxic followership begins with the pioneering spirit of a trusted individual who, through creative manipulation, transforms our mindset whereby we can so easily become an extension of a toxic leader’s moral decay. There is a myth that the Jonestown tragedy is a distant episode in history that can only happen in certain environments with people unlike oneself. The survivor’s stories are reminders that without understanding the framework of toxic followership, the unsuspecting targets are prey, available for consumption by a leader with liquidated morals. This book is for those who desire to gain insight into the leader/follower dynamic in order to serve others by unmasking the dangers of toxic followership, provide prevention suggestions, and reveal followers' power, even in desperate situations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Disadvantaged Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Entrepreneurial ecosystems constructed by disadvantaged entrepreneurs often exist beside, within, and in opposition to 'mainstream' ecosystems focused on high growth high technology entrepreneurial ventures. Disadvantaged Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem addresses the lack of current research concerning disadvantage using an entrepreneurial ecosystem lens, and the failure of entrepreneurship policy to widen engagement in entrepreneurship for disadvantaged people and places. Drawing together issues affecting disadvantaged entrepreneurs as they struggle to access, interact with, and benefit from, the traditional entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE), these findings highlight the importance of their motives for entrepreneurial activity, their resources, and how access to these are affected by issues such as gender and migrant status. The research in this book also suggests policymakers need targeted, supportive, business-support programs taking into consideration the multiple challenges disadvantaged entrepreneurs typically face.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reproductive Governance and Bodily Materiality: Flesh, Technologies, and Knowledge
Reproductive Governance and Bodily Materiality explores the growing centrality and power of the medical professional and lay practices within the field of human reproduction as they entangle with political economic processes, providing examples from multiple countries. Throughout the collection the authors address the issues of abortion, sterilization, 'natural' childbirth, breastfeeding, surrogacy, pregnancy loss, IVF, disability and parenting, whilst focusing both on the mechanisms through which reproductive behaviours are shaped and controlled, and on the socially and culturally constructed bodies' materiality. The chapters analyse how reproductive governances are inherently attached to different social life aspects, such as gender, industry, and religion, residing within complex political domains and how these features are embodied through practices, care, rituals, and gestures. Rather than assuming corporeal materiality - the 'flesh' - as something stable and pre-given, this collection shows how different bodies are defined and shaped by local biologies, institutional practices and reproductive subjects inside and outside the Euro-American space. This is essential reading for researchers of social, cultural and medical anthropology, sociology, and education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Creativity and Marketing: The Fuel for Success
Creativity and Marketing: The Fuel for Success presents a diverse collection of theoretical analysis, real world evidence, and case study applications to synthesize emerging studies on how creativity is important for marketing success. Exploring themes in strategic marketing , creativity in management and communication as well as creativity in new product development, Creativity and Marketing examines a wide range of cutting-edge developments at the intersection of marketing and creative practice, including brand management, social media management, consumer behaviour, and value creation. This collection will bridge theory and practice in a fast moving and exciting field and will provide scholars of marketing, branding and consumer behaviour with lessons and strategies to implement in their own fields.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Women and Entrepreneurship in Developing Economies
The Emerald Handbook of Women and Entrepreneurship in Developing Economies examines women's role in entrepreneurial practices in a range of developing countries and applies unique strategic contextual frameworks to analyse, interpret and understand individual processes, themes and issues. This book brings together a truly global range of scholarly voices to examine women and entrepreneurship in developing nations, exploring their practices and motivations in relation to individual, societal and institutional factors, with gender roles, role models and entrepreneurial ecosystems among the many issues interrogated. This ambitious collection presents an illuminating and ground breaking analysis of opportunities, innovations, issues and structural limits across countries which are underrepresented in the available literature to date and will be enlightening reading for all those interested in new entrepreneurial theory and practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism Safety and Security for the Caribbean
Tourism Safety and Security for the Caribbean examines the security risks posed to the region and the wider economic impacts on the success of this vital industry. Spencer and Tarlow identify a range of challenges effecting this area and trace the social and economic fallout for contemporary tourism business practices, while also reflecting on how the Caribbean can work to overcome these issues. The authors establish a contextual framework through a history of tourism security and discussion of the theories of in this area from Marxism to Capitalism and Functionalism to Symbolic interaction. Chapters examine a wide range of other issues, including the renaissance of tourism security, Jamaica's national tourism security audit, and the role of the resilience center in worldwide tourism, as well the development of tourism police and the rise of cyber security for tourism. The study presents an illuminating new perspective for Tourism and Security Studies scholars interested in the Caribbean context and beyond.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Directions in the Future of Work
Mónica Santana and Ramón Valle-Cabrera’s wide-ranging study explores vital research and industrial issues that are central to understanding the concepts of the Future of Work and address key challenges in this evolving area of debate.A global cast of leading research specialists provide chapters examining a broad spectrum of areas relating to the Future of Work including leadership, talent management, AI and digitalisation, digital skills, new forms of work, industrial relations, vulnerable workers as well as well-being, happiness, satisfaction and burnout. Each chapter offers insights on how individuals and leaders can make choices to shape the future of work and effectively respond to changing contextual conditions, demystifying the future of work from a set of interesting insights into specific actions and choices that will help imagine, invent, and implement a work setting that works. New Directions in the Future of Work is illuminating reading for scholars of HRM, Talent Management, Leadership, Industrial Relations, and all those seeking to understand directions of travel for the workplaces of the future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategic Corporate Communication in the Digital Age
Strategic Corporate Communication in the Digital Age explores how contemporary communication approaches are crossing boundaries as innovative media formats and digital transformations offer new challenges and opportunities to academia and practitioners. New technologies have empowered various organisations and their stakeholders. The digital and social media are central to the process of building trust, reputation and support, as online users can use them to scrutinise and influence corporate decisions and actions. This authoritative book features a broad spectrum of theoretical and empirical chapters on topics relating to organisations' interactive engagement with stakeholders during COVID-19. It sheds light on dialogic communications through different digital media, the utilisation of mobile learning technologies for corporate training and development, corporate disclosures of CSR practices, communications of small and medium sized businesses, and provides a taxonomy of online marketing methods, among other topics. This title is a premier reference source and a valuable teaching resource for courses in marketing, communications, strategy and organisational behaviour.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
This volume of Studies in Law, Politics and Society explores issues around hatred and the law. Built on contributions from an interdisciplinary and expert collection of scholars, topics covered in this volume include the patterns of death penalty bill introductions across all active death penalty states in the USA from 1999 to 2018 (the so-called 'era of abolition'); the myriad factors contributing to America's limited police and persecutorial response to bias-motivated hate crimes; the complex ways in which the Batman and Joker graphic novels legitimize and challenge the countersubversive politics of American law and order through their portrayal of vigilante justice; the role of social media companies in the regulation of online hate speech; and a socio-legal analysis of gender-based victimization, misogyny and the 'hate crime paradigm' in England and Wales. Through its valuable contribution to our understanding of the nexus between hatred and the law, this volume is essential reading for legal scholars worldwide.
Emerald Publishing Limited Moving Spaces and Places: Interdisciplinary Essays on Transformative Movements through Space, Place, and Time
Moving Spaces and Places is about movement as a transformative experience, showing how movement changes affect and percept of spaces and place and solidifies space into meaningful places. The cross-disciplinary contributions in this collection – brought together by aesthetics and artistic practices and embodied and participatory research approaches – illustrate how the physical act of moving and the psychological experience of movement are inextricably interwoven. Traversing the knowledge domains and practices of culture, art, pedagogy, geography, architecture, and city planning, the chapters reveal the diversity of the study of movement in relation to space and place; as a way of setting things in motion, as a psychological act of agency, and as a way to reflect, instantiate, and eventually reconcile—and even heal—relationships between people, spaces, and places. This multi-layered investigation of movement takes temporal, physical, and psychological transformation as its conceptual core, and appeals to a myriad of readers ranging from architectural practitioners and urban planners to activists, artists and geographers.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Case Studies in Service Learning
International Case Studies in Service Learning contributes a deeper insight into the multifaceted nature of the subject and its associated perplexities. Featuring authors that have adopted a holistic approach, capturing various interventions and approaches and moving to discover the most accurate path towards gaining a complete picture of how service-learning impacts students, the chapters investigate the issue specifically through an emphasis on problem solving, experiential learning and community engagement. Shedding light on how successfully service learning has been adopted to the existing curriculum and the emergence of a new breed of students, who are aligned with the needs of the community and undertake collaborative work to solve real world issues, International Case Studies in Service Learning is invaluable to both researchers, teachers and scholars.
Emerald Publishing Limited Chinese Families: Tradition, Modernization, and Change
Over the past half of a century, Chinese societies have undergone a tremendous amount of social, political, and economic change, which have also been a catalyst for substantial shifts in fundamental structures and processes within Chinese families. This edited collection focuses on the continuities and changes in gender and intergenerational relations of Chinese families in Greater China. Paying close attention to families in Greater China, including the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, the authors address a wide array of topics, including marriage patterns, cohabitation, rural-urban variations in family structures, fertility aspirations, spousal relationships and marital quality, and more. Collectively, the chapters point to the dynamic, diverse, and evolving nature of Chinese families, and also provide considerable insight into their future trajectories.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leading Education Systems
Vibrant, quality, inclusive, and performing education systems remain a constant aspiration for all countries and educational stakeholders, and are more important than ever given the uncertain and disrupted times in which we live. Ground-breaking and timely, Leading Education Systems explores the nature, dispositions and context of the leadership of schooling systems. Acknowledging the once-in-a-lifetime stimulus of a pandemic, this timely edited collection highlights the opportunity we have for comprehensive and complex new discussions around education systems. Drawing on the perspectives of a diverse range of global thought leaders, academics and scholar-practitioners, this text is a springboard for the re-imagination of education system leadership. Supporting and fortifying leaders to question traditional models of system leadership, Brown and Duignan envision how system leaders might act in collaboration with others to lead differently. Their book is a must-have call to action for education stakeholders to lead us into a new and different age, and a sustainable future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Comparative Advantage in the Knowledge Economy: A National and Organizational Resource
Globalization and information and communications technology (ICT) have played a pivotal role in revolutionizing value creation through the development of human capital formation. The constantly changing needs and structure of the labour market are primarily responsible for the conversion of a traditional economy relying fundamentally on the application of physical abilities to a knowledge-based economy relying on ideas, technologies and innovations. In this economy, knowledge has to be created, acquired, developed, transmitted, preserved and utilized for the improvement of individual and social welfare. Comparative Advantage in the Knowledge Economy: A National and Organizational Resource provides a comprehensive and insightful understanding of all the dimensions of a transition from a traditional to a knowledge economy. It attempts to explain how educational achievement, skilled manpower, investment in knowledge capital and analytics will be the key to success of a nation’s comparative advantage in the globalized era. The volume should be of interest to students, researchers and teachers of economics, policy makers and advanced graduate students with an interest in economic analyses and development policy.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Law and Economics of Patent Damages, Antitrust, and Legal Process
Law and economics research has had an enormous impact on the laws of contracts, torts, property, crimes, corporations, and antitrust, as well as public regulation and fundamental rights. The Law and Economics of Patent Damages, Antitrust, and Legal Process examines several areas of important research by a variety of international scholars. It contains technical papers on the appropriate way to estimate damages in patent disputes, as well as methods for evaluating relevant markets and vertically integrated firms when determining the competitive effects of mergers and other actions. There are also papers on the implication of different legal processes, regulations, and liability rules on consumer welfare, which range from the impact of delays in legal decisions in labour cases in France to issues of criminal liability related to the use of artificial intelligence. This volume of Research in Law and Economics is a must-read for researchers and professionals of patent damages, antitrust, labour, and legal process.
Emerald Publishing Limited Carnegie goes to California: Advancing and Celebrating the Work of James G. March
With work spanning management, political science, sociology, public administration and education, James G. March was a founder of organization theory. Honouring his exceptional ability to go beyond the models of rationality so prevalent in much of organizational scholarship, this edited collection builds on March’s imaginative, evocative ideas and encourages others to appreciate and explore them. Jim March left his co-authors Herbert Simon and Richard Cyert at the Carnegie Institute of Technology, where they had founded what is known as the Carnegie School and moved to California in the mid 1960s. This volume highlights and builds on many of the complements and alternatives to rationality that March articulated once settled at Stanford: a technology of foolishness, garbage can models of decision making, a logic of appropriateness, organizational learning, and a variety of models of chance and luck. Employing a variety of methodological tools including models, laboratory experiments and quantitative and qualitative analysis, the chapters seek to extend our understandings of how decisions happen, how actors behave, how organizations navigate the traps of exploration and exploitation, and how we might contemplate human action in terms of truth, beauty and justice. The volume is a celebration of Jim by his students and colleagues that gives readers a sense of this extraordinary person, poet, sage and scholar.