Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism Through Troubled Times: Challenges and Opportunities of the Tourism Industry in 21st Century
Tourism Through Troubled Times explores the unparalleled crisis within the current global tourism industry, which includes not only a wide range of risks that threaten economic activity but also a wider and deeper epistemological crisis. Divided into four sections covering risk perception, tourism in crisis, new forms of tourism and the future of tourism in a fractured world, this edited collection examines issues including the impacts of the climate crisis on tourism, post-disaster marketing and management, use of robotics tourism, dark tourism, virtual tourism, over-tourism and tourism-phobia. The editors present perspectives from a range of scholarly voices throughout a diverse array of chapters, offering a multidisciplinary view on tourism’s recovery and possible future. Tourism Through Troubled Times is an illuminating read for all scholars of Tourism Studies, Hospitality Management, and the Sociology of Tourism, as well as practitioners and managers within the hospitality sector, and gives clear insights into the industry’s next steps forward.
Emerald Publishing Limited Management and Information Technology in the Digital Era: Challenges and Perspectives
Management of information technology will continue to be an essential endeavour for organisations as we experience the accelerating advancement of digital technology. Managers will need to understand how technology is changing their business operations and the emergence of digital consumers who demand more innovative, technologically driven experiences. This 29th volume in the Advanced Series in Management is built to provide theoretical insight for managers and researchers to co-create their technology values and better understand its prospects and challenges. Management and Information Technology in the Digital Era: Challenges and Perspectives explores the management and practical implications of digital information management across a broad range of technologies, sectors, and countries. Chapters from a spectrum of international authors provide a significant contribution to the growing body of work on information technology, artificial intelligence, and technology management, reflecting the diversity of current research and delving into the varying perspectives of management and information technology in the digital era. Significantly recognised are the growing prospects of Artificial intelligence and how it is revolutionising different sectors, further presenting critical challenges for managers on how to harness the prospects of this technology for their business prospects.
Emerald Publishing Limited Architects, Sustainability and the Climate Emergency: A Political Ecology
The promises, dreams and hopes of architects for future cities are now inextricably linked to climate change. Architects, Sustainability and the Climate Emergency: A Political Ecology chronicles how architects have shaped their ideas of the city—and sustainability—as knowledge of the climate emergency has unfolded. Have architects responded to the climate crisis too slowly? Describing a political ecology of architecture, Peter Raisbeck draws on architectural history, theory and practice, and the climate imaginaries of architects themselves. This exploration indicates how architects have viewed the climate emergency and positions architecture alongside the politics of climate and development studies. Raisbeck questions to what degree the traditional agency of architects leads to a political authority isolated from nature, human-environment systems and the nonhuman ecological subjects rapidly approaching tipping points. The fluidity of the climate emergency itself and its unfolding relationship to architectural knowledge suggests that new approaches, agencies and subjectivities are urgently required. As architects struggle to respond to the climate emergency, this book is an important and timely contribution to sustainability, climate and development debates. Architects, Sustainability and the Climate Emergency: A Political Ecology is a necessary provocation of a critical topic.
Emerald Publishing Limited The First British Crime Survey: An Ethnography of Criminology within Government
The First British Crime Survey: An Ethnography of Criminology within Government explores the early history of the British Crime Survey, now the Crime Survey for England & Wales, a research enterprise widely perceived to be an international gold standard for the measurement of crime. Over the past forty years, the survey has reshaped public debate with new insights into patterns of crime and perceptions of the criminal justice system. Currently, the administrative origins of the survey can be traced to the growing influence of an international network of criminologists and public officials focused on crime prevention and measurement, the organisation of Home Office research programmes, and public officials’ concerns about urban uprisings, efficiency reforms, media coverage, and the politics of crime. The First British Crime Survey: An Ethnography of Criminology within Government examines the history of this survey through the work practices of the ‘crime survey circus’ which developed new methods for counting and reporting crime. Julian Molina provides a novel contribution to the understanding of how government officials, academics, and ‘administrative criminologists’ address the practical challenges associated with new, large-scale data projects. This ethnography draws on archival sources, interviews with government officials and criminologists, and the author’s experience using survey data within government. A crucial resource for understanding the history of the British Crime Survey, The First British Crime Survey: An Ethnography of Criminology within Government appeals to those interested in the relations between ‘law and order’ politics, crime statistics, administrative criminology, and the criminal justice system.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald International Handbook of Feminist Perspectives on Women’s Acts of Violence
Violence by women is frequently sensationalised, abetting misogynistic tropes that characterise violent women as ‘evil’, ‘unnatural’ and masculine. Favouring more complex analyses of this behaviour, The Emerald International Handbook of Feminist Perspectives on Women’s Acts of Violence highlights and challenges normative accounts of women’s violence and offers new multidimensional conceptualisations of these acts, furthering understanding of this topic from a feminist perspective. Responding to a growing research interest, contributors present a comprehensive introduction to a wide range of international and interdisciplinary scholarship on different aspects of women’s violence. Drawing on both empirical and secondary data, chapters incorporate familiar themes of intimate violence, homicide, terrorism and combat as well as wider content such as women’s involvement in violent nationalist movements and their role in perpetrating obstetric harms. The only publication of its kind in terms of its scope, interdisciplinarity and feminist perspective, The Emerald International Handbook of Feminist Perspectives on Women’s Acts of Violence breaks fresh ground by unveiling how violence is understood and enabling new links and connections to be made across previously disparate areas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Facing Death: Familial Responses to Illness and Death
While rituals surrounding death may vary by geography, culture, and time, experiencing the loss of a loved one is a universal experience. Death has become a focal point during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, forcing many to unexpectedly confront the profound and enduring reality of loss. Understanding death from a multidisciplinary approach, Facing Death compiles contributions from across fields, methodologies, locations, cultures, and circumstances. Facing Death explores beyond loss solely on an individual level, considering instead helpful or harmful emotional reactions from others. Delving into how older adults who experience loss may find themselves without a support system, while those at a young age might find that their peers do not understand or know how to support them in their bereavement, the authors also consider how causes of death can also affect grieving loved ones on a personal and societal level. For example, how might death by suicide complicate the grieving process as family and friends not only have to contend with the loss itself, but also the associated stigmas and judgements surrounding suicide? How might individuals experience fear and anxiety about death during a prolonged illness? Exploring responses to familial illness and death, this edited collection is a detailed investigation of the subject for any scholar interested in discussions and decisions surrounding end of life care and the grief trajectory after loss.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Sociological Perspective on Hierarchies in Educational Institutions
Hierarchy within the educational setting is a topic underrepresented in the existing literature, yet an area rich with unique social characteristics and particular challenges. A Sociological Perspective on Hierarchies in Educational Institutions traces hierarchical origins, differentiating between their types and discussing related terms such as positioning, social stratification, and central root vs. rhizomatic structure to offer a comprehensive complex exploration. By presenting the circumstances under which hierarchies flourish or diminish, Einav Argaman provides illustrative examples for the ways in which inter- and intra-institutional hierarchies are constructed and displayed, and points to existing and future directions that hierarchies in educational institutions may take. Offering a step-by-step guide to identifying and changing hierarchical relationships in schools, colleges and universities, A Sociological Perspective on Hierarchies in Educational Institutions bridges the gap between theory and practice. Drawing together research from different perspectives without losing comprehensiveness, accuracy, and in-depth coverage of hierarchy and educational institutions, this work is a novel contribution to Organizational Studies. The interdisciplinary scope of Argaman’s study spans across multiple academic fields, including education, sociology, organization studies, management, curriculum studies, linguistics, and architecture. It is an accessibly written resource for researchers, academics, and teaching.
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategic Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Business Model Innovation
Entrepreneurial ecosystems require business model innovation as part of their evolution. This means when discussing any form of entrepreneurship that involves change, we should consider the role of business models. Strategic Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Business Model Innovation is the first collection to focus both on entrepreneurial ecosystems and business model innovation, thereby taking a novel and new approach to entrepreneurship and strategic management. Whilst the research on entrepreneurial ecosystems is new the practice has been around for a long time. This means it is important to consider historical developments of entrepreneurial ecosystems with new trends in the form of digitalization. Recognising the need to stress the way business models have altered because of the increase in the knowledge economy, business model innovation is a useful way to consider how entrepreneurial ecosystems develop based on knowledge exchanged in the global business environment. Each chapter of this edited collection focuses on a different area of interest regarding entrepreneurial ecosystems and business model innovation, fusing the literature of both streams of thought in terms of how entrepreneurship evolves based on contextual change.
Emerald Publishing Limited Resilient and Sustainable Destinations After Disaster: Challenges and Strategies
Global tourism has faced unprecedented challenges in previous years: the COVID-19 pandemic, environmental change and disaster, and financial difficulties have all contributed to rapid industry wide changes. Resilient and Sustainable Destinations After Disaster presents a multitude of perspectives into the predicaments faced by global destinations during and various crises, examining emerging trends and proposing renewed management solutions and strategies for destinations to rebuild their businesses. Structured around thematic sections, chapter authors focus on areas that include Destination Rebuilding Policy, Planning and Management, Tourism Recovery Management and The Role of Technology. The collection features an extensive range of complex issues including managing the recovery and regeneration of destinations in crisis, such as resilient destinations, crisis management and emergency response planning, post-disaster tourism, and rebuilding tourism. Resilient and Sustainable Destinations After Disaster paves the way for practitioners and academics in the hospitality and tourism sectors to find flexible and durable practises for immediate and future improvement across the industry.
Emerald Publishing Limited Green House Gas Emissions Reporting and Management in Global Top Emitting Countries and Companies
Human-induced climate change is one of the imminent threats to humankind in recent times. Climate change, exacerbated by the greenhouse gas (GHG) in the atmosphere has consequential effects on the social and environmental outcome of human health, clean air, sufficient food, safe drinking water and secure shelter. In extreme circumstances it has resulted in the loss of human life, damage to property and displacement. As record numbers of hurricanes, wildfires and floods have occurred and millions of people have been forcibly displaced by weather-related events and extreme temperatures since 2008, this volume addresses vital issues pertinent to environmental accounting and management. Green House Gas Emissions Reporting and Management in Global Top Emitting Countries and Companies increases our understanding of GHG emissions and documents evidence for policy formulation aimed at reducing the accumulation of such emissions. The contributors consider a range of issues from across the globe: the nature and quantum of GHG emissions research published in top journals; the extent of GHG disclosures in China; impact of corporate governance mechanisms on GHG disclosures in US; board interlocks effect on GHG performance in India; the Paris Climate Agreement affect on climate disclosures in South Africa; and social factors influence in determining GHG emissions in the top 100 emitting countries. The Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management series aims to advance knowledge of the governance and management of corporate environmental impacts and the accounting involved.
Emerald Publishing Limited Interrupting the Legal Person
This special issue is part two of a two-part edited collection on interrupting the legal person, and what this means. Should we think of the legal person as a technical and grammatical question that varies across different legal traditions and jurisdictions? Does this cut across different ways of living and speaking law? The chapters in this volume interrogate the role of the person and personhood in different contexts, jurisdictions, and legal traditions. This volume is an appealing read for anyone interested in rich contemporary conversations around legal personhood, and in interrupting and interrogating assumptions which we may take for granted.
Emerald Publishing Limited Game Strategies for Business Integration in the Digital Economy
Through the comprehensive consideration of alternative strategies and their highly accurate comparison from the perspective of quantitative characteristics, the game approach refines logic and increases the efficiency and expediency of making decisions on business integration. Game Strategies for Business Integration in the Digital Economy reveals the essence, features and benefits of various strategies for business integration in the digital economy. Presenting a general scientific idea of business integration from the perspective of the Game Theory, Game Strategies for Business Integration in the Digital Economy considers these game strategies for business integration in the digital economy: cluster strategy; public-private partnership; cooperation of universities and business entities; parks and innovation networks; the M&A strategy; foreign direct investment; the strategy for export development of international business integration. Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing (ABM&P), offers leading edge theory, empirical research and practice on sensemaking, planning, implementing and evaluating of strategies in business-to-business marketing and purchasing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Disaster Management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policies, Institutions and Processes
The global escalation of natural and human-induced disasters, and their future predicted occurrence is extremely worrying, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In addition to summarizing global disaster management frameworks, this book discusses the African Union’s strategy for disaster risk reduction (AU-DRR), including country-specific cases, and explores the extent to which national policies resonate with AU-DRR. By combining reviews with empirical evidence, the chapters provide an in-depth analysis of disaster policy processes, institutions and arrangements in SSA, situating the sub-continent within overarching global and African instruments such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, and the African Union’s Disaster Risk Reduction strategy. The book further provides novel insights which can enhance understanding of disaster risk reduction in Africa from a policy perspective. A combined analysis of all the chapters provides an interesting summary and information for creating disaster management policies for improved results in SSA. With an extensive glossary of terms and index, the book lends itself to specialized academics and students, but also to disaster management policy makers and practitioners and the occasional user.
Emerald Publishing Limited Delivering Intensive, Individualized Interventions to Children and Youth with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities
Intensive, individualized interventions are certainly the hallmark promise of special education. In a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS), tier 3 interventions are the most intensive and require individualized delivery to address the learning and behavioral needs of students who are most often identified for special education services. MTSS, such as Responsiveness to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), are comprised of universal assessment, progress monitoring, and databased decision-making as intervention is implemented with increasing intensity and individualization based on the needs of the learner. The chapters in this volume cover a broad range of topics that address issues surrounding the identification of students who need the most intensive intervention, intensive intervention features and delivery considerations, behavioral interventions, academic interventions, and preservice teacher preparation. The authors of the chapters are recognized as international experts on these topics and provide specific recommendations that are based on research evidence as well as discuss considerations for future enhancement of multi-tiered systems of supports and intensive interventions. This is a contemporary resource for teachers, administrators, and teacher-educators who are charged with delivering special education and/or supporting those who do.
Emerald Publishing Limited Responsible Management of Shifts in Work Modes – Values for Post Pandemic Sustainability, Volume 2
The Covid 19 pandemic transformed the slow morphing of work modes into rapid shifts that heightened VUCA characteristics globally. The management of these shifts in work dynamics is the focus of the chapters in this volume. The variation of post-pandemic outcomes for businesses, from complete collapses to profit booms, easily motivates an interest in the values that influence truly positive outcomes. Also, the health sector, globally, has borne much of the brunt of the pandemic and needs to draw practical lessons to promote its adaptability and sustainability through future crises. Responsible Management of Shifts in Work Modes – Values for Post Pandemic Sustainability, Volume 2 looks at specific issues relating to ethical leadership, people management, resilience, and the management of consequences for business and healthcare systems. In the process, contributors identify challenges to and engage in in-depth discussions of work values that enrich people management. The necessary qualities needed to develop these work values both now and in the future are thus highlighted in the different chapters: both individual and organisational characteristics are explored while developing ways to promote responsible management through fairness to stakeholders and ethical leadership. As a post-pandemic future incorporates new realities distinct from the old normal and yet does not change the purpose of all responsible management, this book deliberates on the necessity of values, virtues, and skills to make the necessary work mode shifts in small, medium, and large organisations positively impactful for the future of humanity.
Emerald Publishing Limited Understanding Safeguarding for Children and their Educational Experiences: A Guide for Students, ECTs and School Support Staff
Many of the problem’s children face in relation to their personal lives, educational experiences and attainment are caused by factors that exist outside schools. Yet despite this, all educational establishments and all school staff now have a clear ‘duty’ and ‘responsibility’ to respond to safeguarding and vulnerability concerns. All school staff are expected to be particularly alert to specific risks and the needs of children in particular groups or sets of circumstances children face in their daily living experiences. In policy documents and academic texts on safeguarding and vulnerability it is relatively easy to identify and define individuals, groups and sub-groups who are deemed to be more at risk. A key gap in the existing literature is that no consideration is given to explain and understand why children and young people find themselves in these positions of risk or vulnerability in the first place. This book fills this gap in the literature, building on current government publications, and collectively supports and compliments the endeavours of schools, universities, trainee teachers/ECTs and school support staff in relation to understanding and meeting the needs of pupils who may be at risk. This is achieved by bringing together subject area experts and academics (teaching and non-teaching) from a range of subject areas to explore three main areas: understanding the concepts of vulnerability, enhancing pupil engagement and teaching practices, and social problems, risk and resilience. This timely and accessible work will be vital reading for academic and professional teaching staff, trainee teachers and ECTs
Emerald Publishing Limited Using Technology to Enhance Special Education
Using Technology to Enhance Special Education, Volume 37 of Advances in Special Education, is a logically, thoughtfully organized, and well-sequenced text. It focuses on how general and special educators can use technology to work with children and youth with disabilities. This cutting-edge book involves researchers, scholars, educators, and leaders who are knowledge producers in the field. It is written to respond to today’s changing world where technology has become a very powerful force. As it stands, the world is getting smaller and smaller; and what is happening in a location quickly becomes known everywhere. For example, during the tense periods of the global COVID pandemic, technology became the livewire of our world. This book begins with an introduction to technology and students with disabilities; and the remaining chapters focus on the role of technology in the education of students with learning disabilities, emotional and/or behavioral disorders, and intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, physical and health impairments, hearing impairments/deafness, visual impairments, and traumatic brain injuries. In addition, some chapters focus on the role of technology in achieving equitable and inclusive education, building culturally and linguistically responsive general and special education, and creatively using digital comics to improve written narratives. In the end, this book concludes with a chapter that forward looking ways to infuse technology in special education. We feel that this volume is an excellent resource for special education researchers, scholars, practitioners, and professionals who teach and serve students with disabilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Recognizing Promise: The Role of Community Colleges in a Post Pandemic World
COVID-19 has exposed and exacerbated entrenched inequities spawned by the historical and structural reality of bigotry, prejudice, discrimination, and inequity in all forms, and at institutional and individual levels. It is perceived that higher education institutions also perpetuates these inequities, which is fuelled by prevailing misconceptions, such as “college should be limited to the privileged few”; or that “community colleges are in some way ‘inferior’.” Recognizing Promise re-establishes the role community colleges can play in reversing centuries of racial and gender disparities in economic wealth, health, education, and life expectancy stemming from current and historical policies and practices that sustain structural racism. The result is a more civic-minded, educated citizenry and a stronger workforce of tomorrow. Educators in the community college space, in partnership with business, industry and philanthropic leaders, can lead the way in reasserting commitment toward eradicating racism and sustaining reform that advocates inclusive excellence, educational access and programmatic diversity, and the alignment of learning with opportunities in the workplace.
Emerald Publishing Limited Quality Assurance in Higher Education in the Middle East: Practices and Perspectives
As Middle Eastern countries strive to develop and achieve excellence across their higher education systems, meeting and exceeding international standards, such as quality assurance and accreditation, have become vital targets for higher education institutions in the region. Featuring case studies from Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates, chapters highlight institutional arrangements designed to prioritise quality assurance and the challenges faced in these countries’ quality-seeking experience. Offering critical perspectives and recommendations to guide future academic leaders, chapters also provide ways to ensure better practices and assist in the development of the quality assurance process. An essential resource for institutional leaders across the Middle East, as well as those invested in the development of higher education in the region, Quality Assurance in Higher Education in the Middle East acts as a unique contribution for propelling the progress of higher education in the Middle East.
Emerald Publishing Limited Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2021
Since 2013, the Annual Review of Comparative and International Education has covered significant developments in the intersecting fields of comparative education, international education, and comparative and international education. The Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2021, Part A, begins with a collection of discussion essays about comparative and international education trends and directions, followed by studies that focus on new developments in comparative and international education by regional area. Topics covered in this volume include diversity in research trends in comparative and international education; refugee education programs; the syndemic of race, gender, and Covid-19; the impact of Covid-19 in schools; the right to education in South American countries; the effects and challenges of online learning during the pandemic in China; and a comparison of racial and ethnic inequalities in South Africa. With contributions from leading scholars and professionals across the field of comparative and international education, this edition will be of use to education researchers and professionals alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Youth Exclusion and Empowerment in the Contemporary Global Order: Contexts of Economy, Education and Governance
The existential exclusion of youths from the mainframe of the current global order is an increasingly pressing issue. Research to date has proven youths struggle to survive and be relevant within current systemic and institutional arrangements, resulting in a major existential and generational problem. One of two volumes filling a gap in the literature in understanding and responding to this grand challenge, this edited collection focuses particularly on contexts of economic, educational and governance concerns that confront youths, the complex consequences of these issues, their experience of exclusion, and sustainable pathways forward. Addressing youth issues from around the world, Youth Exclusion and Empowerment in the Contemporary Global Order engages with practical, pragmatic, intellectual and policy perspectives. Delving into the lived experiences of young people in many countries, the chapters bring together a rich collection of research from diverse methodologies. Revealing how young people appear trapped, strategically excluded, and helplessly frustrated by the supposedly supportive institutional frameworks of society, the authors tackle this question: how can young people become empowered and socially active in this context? The original materials, literature and data collated across both volumes of Youth Exclusion and Empowerment in the Contemporary Global Order, addressing policy and practice issues for youth, present a cutting edge and innovative major contribution to the field of global youth studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Addressing Xenophobia in South Africa: Drivers, Responses and Lessons from the Durban Untold Stories
Xenophobia is a salient issue in South Africa. Prominent episodes of violence targeting migrants and refugees have received enormous attention from scholars, researchers, policymakers, government officials, and media agencies. Focusing on a prominent episode of anti-immigrant violence in the Durban area of the KwaZulu-Natal province, Addressing Xenophobia in South Africa identifies the hidden, less addressed dimensions and catalysts of this violence. Bethuel Sibongiseni Ngcamu and Evangelos Mantzaris have carried out a cutting-edge investigation of the multiple set of factors that generate public violence. By examining particular social dynamics and circumstances in marginal locations, and drawing on interviews with key informants, this book also provides a critique of the response of the South African government. Covering the role of economic competition, the media, and the nuances of micro-politics and localised processes that fuel violent xenophobia in townships and other settlements, this book provides a uniquely detailed study of an episode of large-scale violence involving migrants and refugees. Showcasing information not captured by other research methods, the in-depth local-level research with multiple actors and stakeholders, this book yields new and interesting information, left previously undiscovered, about important social and political processes at a local level.
Emerald Publishing Limited Designing XR: A Rhetorical Design Perspective for the Ecology of Human+Computer Systems
The long-standing cultural imperative of augmenting human intellect continues to move ever closer to its full manifestation, described by Marshall McLuhan as an extension of the human nervous system. The escalating blending of immersive technologies with advanced computation has created an emerging domain which increasingly allows socio-technical system makers to produce not only human-computer interactions, but advanced, multi-minded human+computer (H+C) systems. The critical shift toward user immersion within systems of digital information and simulation makes the scale of immersive media's potential impact on human life, culture and well-being unlike that of any previous medium. In Designing XR, Peter (Zak) Zakrzewski presents H+C immersion as a multi-dimensional design problem - a Research Through Design (RTD) zone which addresses the question of: How can transformative design-thinking-based knowledge system complement the existing human-computer interaction (HCI) invention model to contribute to the creation of more participatory, socially viable, and humane immersive media environments? The book lays out a proposal for ushering the creation of ecologically sound augmented mind based on two essential tasks. The first involves a framework for the design, implementation, and iteration of purposeful, multi-minded, participatory immersive H+C systems. The second focuses on the extended reality experience (XRX) design practice that rhetorically invites users to actively engage with immersive systems while fully exercising their autonomy and agency based on informed choice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Self-Knowledge and Knowledge Management Applications
Self-Knowledge plays an important role in making decisions and is instrumental in deciphering fact from false information: it is an inward tool, unique and changeable. Inward tools are essential in interpreting and processing information to create understanding and helping to determine illogical knowledge, whilst also fluctuating with the multifaceted and ever-changing awareness of the self that means the results of Self-Knowledge vary between individuals. Self-Knowledge and Knowledge Management Applications highlights and emphasizes the vital role of the human element in Knowledge Management, from which Self-Knowledge forms and functions. Self-Knowledge and Knowledge Management Applications covers the role and complexities of Self-Knowledge in the knowledge management process and Weed-Schertzer explains the separate and intertwined branches of Explicit Knowledge (tangible and transferrable), Tacit Knowledge (not easily transferrable) and Self-Knowledge (inward knowledge) and their applications in a business environment. Defining and explaining how Self-Knowledge enhances the application of each of these knowledge types when used both independently and collectively, Self-Knowledge and Knowledge Management Applications is essential reading for professionals and students across multiple disciplines, from business and management to strategy and technology.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transformation for Sustainable Business and Management Practices: Exploring the Spectrum of Industry 5.0
Since the introduction of Industry 5.0, there has been a greater emphasis on the human-centric view in human-machine collaboration. As society has benefitted from technological advancements in all aspects of industrial sectors, there has been a rethinking of the role human beings should play in future evolutions. This includes the skills or knowledge the workforce should adopt in training, and how the positive outcomes of such advancements can be maximized in the economy whilst mitigating the negative ethical and social consequences. Transformation for Sustainable Business and Management Practices: Exploring the Spectrum of Industry 5.0 provides an understanding of the foundations of these predicted changes; how the transformation started, evolved, and accelerated over time.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organizational Intelligence and Knowledge Analytics
Over the past century, intelligence has evolved as a practice in several distinct domains. In each domain, it is a unique set of tactics grown out of day to day practices. Its practice has been limited to functional units in large, well-funded enterprises. However, in the knowledge economy, every organization must behave intelligently. The relationship between knowledge and intelligence is a logical one, but it is not one that has been highlighted in either knowledge management or intelligence analysis. Organizational Intelligence and Knowledge Analytics expands the traditional intelligence life cycle to a new framework - Design-Analyze-Automate-Accelerate - and clearly lays out the alignments between knowledge capital and intelligence strategies. Explaining what it means to build intelligence capacity across the organization, this book also includes a toolkit of references to analytical methods. This book is intended for business managers, intelligence professionals, data scientists, competitive and strategic intelligence professionals, and researchers in change management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Disability in the Time of Pandemic
COVID-19 has once again illuminated the ways in which health risks and negative health outcomes are tied to economic and social inequalities. Disabled people rank among those most disadvantaged in terms of education, income, and social inclusion and this exacerbated their risk of negative pandemic-related outcomes. From the start, it was clear that disabled people would be disproportionately affected by the pandemic and this solidified as the pandemic unfolded. Disability in the Time of Pandemic is a timely exploration of emerging research into the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for people with disabilities in their varied communities and across their complex identities. Using the insights, perspectives, and methods of a variety of disciplines including Anthropology, Disability Studies, Education, Physical and Rehabilitation Therapies, Public Health, Psychology, Sociology, and Women’s and Gender Studies, authors explore the initial and ongoing effects of the global pandemic on people with disabilities in Canada, India, Poland, and the United States. The Research in Social Science and Disability series is essential reading for researchers and students across the social sciences interested in disability, social movements, activism, and identity.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technologies of Trauma: Cultural Formations Over Time
Media technologies do not simply record or represent trauma but transform trauma into a cultural form that is multifariously commodified in different contexts. In this crucial new text, Ibrahim introduces us to the notion of ‘technologies of trauma’, in deconstructing the idea of trauma as a cultural form in society. Ibrahim examines the trajectory of witnessing and testimony through modernity, utilizing the technologies of trauma as a conceptual lens. Such a notion acknowledges humanity’s reliance on technologies to transmute history, trauma, or memory, transforming technologies from medium and machine into artefacts for circulation and exchange. The transcendence of medium into artefacts as sites of trauma equally highlights the socio-political frames within which testimony is extracted and witnessing is enacted, unleashing trauma as a cultural form and a resonant genre of popular consumption. The development of print, photography, television, and digital platforms as technologies of trauma reiterates the popularization of trauma as a cultural genre, witnessing and testimony as cultural forms reiterating how these are intimately implicated in our emergence as active consuming communities of trauma and in tandem how these remake us as vulnerable subjects through the circulation of trauma within a popular consumption economy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Communicating Knowledge
The communication of knowledge is a core concept in the field of knowledge management and an essential new role and responsibility of business managers. Knowledge capital is the primary source of wealth and the key source of productivity in the knowledge economy. Stockpiling and storing knowledge diminishes its value. It is only through circulation that our knowledge capital realizes its business value. Communicating Knowledge addresses essential management practices in the 21st-century knowledge economy. It speaks to the change that every organization is experiencing as they transition from an industrial to a knowledge organization. The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened an awareness of communications practices in the past year, with communication norms and behaviors being challenged at every level. How we communicate, when we communicate, with whom we communicate, and what we communicate is currently undergoing a global reform. Communication competencies are no longer desirable qualities in managers - they are essential. This book is intended for business managers working at all levels, knowledge management practitioners and scholars, communications professionals, practitioners, and consultants.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Destination Recovery in Tourism and Hospitality
The Emerald Handbook of Destination Recovery in Tourism and Hospitality deals with three major objectives: exploration of the various ways to put the tourism industry on the path of recovery following global COVID-19 pandemic; to envisage strategies to make tourism more resilient; and to explore sustainability and its vital importance post-crisis. Core themes examined across the collected chapters include tourism and hospitality start-ups in times of crisis, innovative marketing strategies driving tourism recovery, building trust among tourists in the post COVID-19 period, and re-engineering tourism education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Essays in Honor of M. Hashem Pesaran: Panel Modeling, Micro Applications, and Econometric Methodology
The collection of chapters in Volume 43 Part B of Advances in Econometrics serves as a tribute to Professor M. Hashem Pesaran. Hashem is one of the most innovative, influential, and productive econometricians of his generation, with over 200 papers published in leading scientific journals to his credit along with highly influential books on both theoretical and applied topics, significantly pushing forward the frontiers of knowledge in econometrics and economics. Thanks to his profound and pioneering work on theoretical and empirical questions, the economics profession has gained a much better understanding of both the power and limitations of econometric analysis. Reflecting the diversity of Hashem’s many contributions, this volume includes chapters on a wide variety of topics, including panel modelling, micro applications, and econometric methodology. The long list of topics includes studies analysing multiple treatment effects in panels, heterogeneity and aggregation, an exploration of the Orthogonal to Backwards Means (OBM) estimator, and an examination of potential reasons for anaemic productivity growth in Italy using recent dynamic heterogeneous panel data methods developed by Hashem Pesaran and his co-authors.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transforming Africa: How Savings Groups Foster Financial Inclusion, Resilience and Economic Development
Formal financial systems are emerging rapidly in Africa, driven by rising financial literacy and technological innovation, and accelerated by informal savings groups that foster inclusive growth across the continent. While prevalent among the poor, the savings groups phenomenon extends to Africa’s growing, yet still fragile, middle class, underpinning economic resilience and providing a tool for community participation as well as cooperative entrepreneurial development. These groups are also becoming important agents for social and economic empowerment, independent of age and gender. Transforming Africa: How Savings Groups Foster Financial Inclusion, Resilience and Economic Development gives voice to the local and international agents of grassroots economic empowerment initiatives that thrive in Africa. Presenting a unique through in-depth empirical research into savings group activities in over a dozen African countries, this book explores savings groups through the lens of financial inclusion, reflecting on formal finance, economic and social outcomes. SG4Africa was launched in April 2018 to explore these dimensions of savings groups and provide novel, empirically-grounded research across different geographies in Africa. Led jointly by the Policy Experimentation; Evaluation Platform and the University of Johannesburg, the SG4Africa consortium includes members from more than a dozen African countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Public Sector Leadership in Assessing and Addressing Risk
Public Sector Leadership in Assessing and Addressing Risk explores risk management in practice, taking a specific focus on the identification of risks in the European public sector while contextualising its Eurocentric analysis within a global setting. The volume lays important groundwork for understanding the main philosophical premises of risk management. Navigating the text's philosophical underpinnings such as 'Risk Management is a misnomer', the editors provide deep insight into global, strategic, and operational risk management that will prove invaluable for any practitioner. Providing high quality academic research, ESFIRM provides a platform for authors to explore, analyse and discuss current and new financial models and theories, and engage with innovative research on an international scale.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Soft Side of Knowledge Management in Health Institutions
Why are hospitals so difficult to manage? It is agreed that cost-effectiveness is important, but knowledge-effectiveness is as equally essential as knowledge, skills and attitudes are the most critical competence factors in hospitals. Managing, controlling, and communicating knowledge within social systems, from the management perspective, as well as integrating information processes, vision, goals and altering the course which the system is leading can help ease the task of hospital management. The innovative contribution of The Soft Side of Knowledge Management in Health Institutions lies in its exploration of how a knowledge perspective and knowledge-effectiveness can contribute to improving hospital leadership and organisation from a continuous-change perspective. Focused on knowledge management, information, communication, organizational learning, tacit knowledge, and negotiations within hospitals, the lessons and insights in this volume will appeal to both researchers and hospital managers alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Contributions of Health Care Management to Grand Health Care Challenges
The 20th volume of Advances in Health Care Management showcases how health care management research helps to further understand grand challenges in health care: what they are, why they exist, the consequences that they have, and what can be done to address them. Grand challenges are large, unresolved problems. “Grand health care challenges” include current events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and ongoing challenges related to the quadruple aim of health care: improving the health of populations, reducing the cost of healthcare, improving patient care experiences, and improving the experience of working in health care. The book demonstrates that these challenges are amenable to organizational and managerial solutions, and therefore health care management research has many important lessons to contribute. For this volume, The Contributions of Health Care Management to Grand Health Care Challenges, we define health care management as the planning, direction, and coordination of health services and the management of health care professionals. Included chapters consider five grand challenges facing the health care sector: (1) caring for vulnerable populations; (2) maintaining the health care workforce; (3) translating innovation into practice; (4) sustaining organizations; and (5) navigating pandemics. Each challenge is discussed in its own section and addressed by two chapters that offer different perspectives and approaches to the challenge. Across chapters a variety of methodologies are used including ethnographic case studies, survey data analysis, interviews, literature review, and informed commentary. Together, the chapters in this volume synthesize current information in the field, direct future research efforts, and generate actionable insights for managers and policymakers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Platforms Everywhere: Transforming Organizations by Integrating Ecosystems in Business Design
In the 21st century, business innovation faces multifaceted and interdependent challenges that require new concepts, models and tools to drive social and economic transformation. Platforms Everywhere: Transforming Organizations by Integrating Ecosystems in Business Design presents a new comprehensive paradigm for platform businesses and a practical methodology for platforming organizations across sectors and industries. This methodology includes Guiding Principles for Platforming, Platforming Design Steps (with practical tools and methods), and Platforming Navigator. The book explores the Meta platform business model, with four core elements that apply to all platforms regardless of their purpose and focus, and the variety of emerging types of platforms, including hybrid platforms. Featuring strategic guidance for leveraging platform policy, platform governance, and systemic design as key drivers of innovation success, Platforms Everywhere is an essential guide for anyone seeking to understand the challenges and opportunities of cutting-edge business design and organizational transformation. It is particularly beneficial for individuals and organizations interested in business innovation that taps into sources of value in ecosystems to empower stakeholders for learning and collective impact.
Emerald Publishing Limited Embodying the Music and Death Nexus: Consolations, Salvations and Transformations
Embodied encounters with death affect humans deeply, with the power to crush, transform and strengthen individuals and relationships. Understanding that these encounters often have a musical accompaniment, this edited collection offers a range of critical, analytic, discursive and personal reflections on how music provides both a container and a medium for experiencing, processing and integrating embodied encounters with death. The collection showcases new and original interdisciplinary case studies written by authors from several different countries across Australia, France, The Netherlands, Poland and the UK. Taking an international, interdisciplinary and inclusive approach, this carefully curated collection elaborates embodied encounters with death through music across a variety of praxes and disciplines such as death & grief, queer studies, disability, philosophy, and more. Providing a mix of personal perspectives and insights on the impact of music and death alongside more conventional academic studies, the chapters reveal how music and human nature are intimately, and bodily, entwined. Framed by opening and closing chapters written by the team of three editors, this core text in the field provides a unique overview of the implications and ramifications of the embodiment of death through music and the musicalisation of death through the body, and signposts possibilities for further research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Young, Gifted and Missing: The Underrepresentation of African American Males in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Disciplines
Acting as a bridge between the academic and policymaking communities, Young, Gifted and Missing sets the stage for addressing critical issues around why African American men are absent in the STEM disciplines. The authors track the experiences of African American male students in STEM at every level of the educational system in order to produce successful models of achievement. The number of African American males who enroll in STEM degree programs as opposed to the lower numbers that ultimately graduate portends poorly for U.S. communities and democracy. The road to economic success and global participation requires a rich, educated community that must include African American males. There is a state of urgency to address this critical challenge. Action must happen now. An educated public, not just for some, but one for all is a must. Graduate students in STEM, education, and business disciplines, as well as executive leadership in education, corporate and non-profit entities stand to benefit from reading this volume. Lastly, those looking to research the successes of African American males in STEM disciplines would find this book purposeful.
Emerald Publishing Limited Children, Youth and Time
The concept of time in childhood and youth is discussed in two contradictory ways; first romanticized, as a time of play, innocence, and exploration - of learning through trial and error, and second, as a time restricted by tight societal and generational structures, such as chains of care, institutional and family timetables. Children, Youth and Time reflects on the complex concept of time as perceived and experienced by children and young people in relevant societal and generational contexts. Including empirical and theoretical contributions from around the globe which shed light on time and temporality as it is negotiated by children and young people in distinction to adults, both within the family and in institutional contexts, the chapters in this collection delve into the impact of current global challenges upon children, young people, and families’ time. How do critical global concerns such as climate change or the COVID-19 pandemic affect the temporal experience of children and youth? Providing fresh insight at a crucial moment of global disruption, the authors equip us with a stronger awareness of young people’s perceptions of the world during periods of crisis. As a vital tool for safeguarding and implementing strategies to support children and young people in an everchanging world, this is a timely resource for researchers interested in the welfare of children and youth.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Mindful Tourist: The Power of Presence in Tourism
The Mindful Tourist presents the first comprehensive theoretical perspective on mindfulness in contemporary tourist experiences. This innovative new study is based on the detailed exploration of mindful consumer behaviour and draws on insights from new cases of mindful tourism experiences, examining the potential for broader uptake across the industry. Examining the foundations of meditative mindfulness practices, mindfulness and tourism, the mindful tourism experience, and transformational power of mindful tourism experiences, The Mindful Tourist: The Power of Presence in Tourism explores key themes and issues, including the drivers of mindfulness in the tourism domain, the commodification of mindfulness, mindfulness and sustainability, and mindful tourist experiences being assisted through technology.
Emerald Publishing Limited Malleable, Digital, and Posthuman: A Permanently Beta Life
The world we live in is increasingly malleable and fluid, especially in regards to being human - rendering the self into a permanent beta version, co-constituted within agglomerations of platforms, devices, physical infrastructures, entities pertaining to physical and biological nature. This book proposes a posthumanist research methodology for future research in this area, providing a novel explanatory and methodological framework for studying today's world. Malleable, Digital, and Posthuman studies four areas: the economy, the human self, politics, and research ethics and methodology. In the economic domain, Kalpokas focuses on the emergence of the attention economy and the ensuing shift towards personalisation and experience, shaping the (digital) environment for optimised user interaction. Consequently, the datafication and algorithmisation of the social world necessitates an art and craft of the self, establishing a co-constitutive interaction between the self and digital infrastructures. These changes also strongly affect politics, primarily through datafied management of the political and employment of predictive analytics in preparing ground for political action, thereby rendering collective identities and political leadership malleable and open to relentless beta testing. With unique insights and an innovative framework, this book is essential reading for researchers in the areas of media and communication studies, politics and social theory.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advanced Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism
Rapid growth in the tourism and hospitality industry highlights the importance of applied and pure research to address the theoretical and practical problems and gaps facing the industry daily, from a multitude of perspectives – the economic, social, cultural, environmental, political, and technological. Advanced Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism reviews traditional research methods, revising them to suit the contemporary problems and research agendas. Developing recent research strategies under the umbrella of quantitative and qualitative research methods – such as the mixed-methods designs, analysing archival materials, online databases, text mining, and scientific qualitative analysis of social media historical data– can offer promising solutions. In the era of technology and big data, advanced and innovative research methods and conducting effective research to solve emerging problems in tourism and hospitality is critical, making Advanced Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism a necessity for academics and practitioners.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leading under Pressure: Educational Leadership in Neoliberal Times
The best leaders lead by example, not by mandate. However, so much leadership has become conscripted by neoliberal values. Educators and politicians, who are increasingly making policy for educators, have come to believe that standardized test scores are the same as knowledge acquired, as if test scores actually measure knowledge as opposed to information. Simply put, educational policy is no longer being developed for educational purposes but education is increasingly being manipulated as an experiment in social engineering. Educational leaders are caught on the horns of a dilemma – to follow and inscribe policies they do not agree with or to “go rogue” and do what they know is needed. Leading under Pressure is aptly titled, as there is significant pressure being placed on school leaders at any stage in their careers. However, in an otherwise increasingly hostile political, commercial and natural environment, there are some rays of hope. For example, teachers still know what it is that their students need and strive to provide that, despite mandates that try to create consumers of us all. This volume is divided into three sections, the first of which seeks to explore social contexts of educational leadership. The second section explores the experiences of a variety of educational leaders in various contexts, while the third section of this volume looks at some of the consequences, unintended and otherwise, of the neoliberal commodification of education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transport and Pandemic Experiences
The COVID-19 pandemic showed how transport plays a role in societal responses to global events at all levels, from governments to transport operators and individuals. Transport and Pandemic Experiences consolidates these lessons from a range of geographies and practices. Attard and Mulley bring together leading experts in the field, examining various entities in their response to the coronavirus pandemic, using the experience of COVID-19 to inform issues of resilience and policy. Chapters provide an in-depth analysis of how the impact of the pandemic varied between demographic groups and global location, between passenger and freight modes, highlighting how transport and travel behaviour changed. Along with providing an overview of policy responses to the pandemic from the freight and air transport sector, to analysing the development of working-from-home policies with their inherent effects on public transport, Transport and Pandemic Experiences discusses how the accumulated knowledge of the pandemic needs to be capitalised in our fight against climate change and helps to identify future research imperatives for better understanding and greater policy transferability. The Transport and Sustainability series addresses the important nexus between transport and sustainability containing volumes dealing with a wide range of issues relating to transport, its impact in economic, social, and environmental spheres, and its interaction with other policy sectors.
Emerald Publishing Limited Industry 4.0 and Global Businesses: A Multidisciplinary Investigation
Industry 4.0 has transformed how businesses work. It has revolutionized conventional production processes in an innovative way, enabling greater levels of efficiency across business functions as well as facilitating a more accurate and precise decision-making process. It has changed how businesses approach, understand, and use Internet and Big Data. Previously seen as a means of communication, internet today is the very heart of Industry 4.0 as it has become the ultimate conduit to businesses creating value and leveraging competitive advantage. Industry 4.0 is already hitting the headlines on a global scale by introducing new possibilities and prospects across a variety of disciplines. However, it is not a unidimensional phenomenon. Quite the contrary, a holistic approach is essential to fully comprehend its individual, societal, and environmental repercussions which the previous three industrial revolutions failed to neither pay attention to nor to resolve. Industry 4.0 and Global Businesses: A Multidisciplinary Investigation provides a multidisciplinary perspective on the transformative effects of Industry 4.0 by aggregating original theoretical, conceptual, and empirical research. This book highlights topics ranging from international trade, b2b marketing, supply chain management, blockchain systems, big data analytics, sustainability, individuals with disabilities to smart factories, and it aims to guide researchers, practitioners as well as students.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender and Tourism: Challenges and Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Gender and Tourism: Challenges and Entrepreneurial Opportunities adopts a multi-disciplinary approach, building on a historically informed, future-focused research agenda that accounts for the needs and concerns of contemporary policy makers and practitioners in the tourism field. The collection is structured in two parts, with the first part collecting chapters that analyze the key factors of female entrepreneurship in the tourism sector, the participation of women at leading, decision making positions worldwide, the potential of female business development in both global and local terms and the main inhibitors for their under representation in top managerial key positions. The second part includes chapters that investigate, through significant case studies, which is the most appropriate governance and management model to be implemented in the context of gender and tourism. Gender and Tourism is the result of reflections on researches of different nationalities and provides a comprehensive collection of new insights for traditional paradigms, approaches and methods, as well as exploring more recent developments in research methodology in the context of gender and tourism studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited European Venture Toolbox: The path for SMEs to grasp and defend opportunities
Not all markets are alike: the European entrepreneur requires knowledge on how to avoid pitfalls before believing and focusing on opportunity. European Venture Toolbox features the leadership toolkit future decision makers, innovators, and entrepreneurs need to build a venture in Europe. Many European entrepreneurs are prone to the rhetoric of company building based on fast-growing start-up survivors, abundance of circulating capital, and sub-optimal business models monetizing late. They fall into the trap of thinking a mildly successful company can survive in the European ecosystem even if it does not thrive. This toolbox provides a framework to assess risk and return of choices, iteratively implement business, and avoid being blinded by incorrect principles not grounded in financial reality. European Venture Toolbox: The path for SMEs to grasp and defend opportunities is a compelling book for all small-to-medium enterprises. Written by a theoretician and a practitioner, it captures Europe-specific perspectives, examples, and case studies to provide an alternative insight. The Entrepreneurial Behaviour series is focused on expanding the scope of Entrepreneurial Behaviour theory and analysis and enriching practice by encouraging multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary approaches.
Emerald Publishing Limited Institutional Interconnections and Cross-Boundary Cooperation in Inclusive Business: Case Studies from India and Africa
The success or failure of inclusive business often depends on institutional interconnections. By examining case studies of inclusive business projects in India and several African nations, Institutional Interconnections and Cross-Boundary Cooperation in Inclusive Business asks how these connections can be developed to help alleviate poverty through business activities in developing countries. Conceptual orientations of what inclusion means can act to restrict the value orientation of an inclusive business project and its management practices. A significant approach of this book is an understanding that the economically disadvantaged have their own institutions to which they credibly commit, and that they are important, valuable, and dignified stakeholders or partners in an inclusive business project. By giving more weight to these institutions, it is possible to understand that some local companies may engage in inclusive practices by involving these actors as part of their regular business activities. Using concepts of mainstream, marginalized, and hybrid inclusion, this book explores the nature and characteristics of institutional interconnections in inclusive business in a study that will appeal to researchers and practitioners of strategy, international business, and corporate social responsibility.