Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited The Framework for Resilient Industry
Emerald Publishing Limited Creating the Organization of the Future: Building on Drucker and Confucius Foundations
Eastern philosophy and Western management ideals offer a powerful set of wisdom on how to build and grow businesses. This can have lasting impact on employees, customers, financial performance, and society. The father of modern management – Peter F. Drucker – focused on how organizations can contribute to a functioning society. Confucius focused on how to build a functioning society, largely from a family and individual perspective. Despite these differing starting points, their collective work provides a remarkably consistent set of principles that can provide practical guidance for executives who want to both “win in the present” and create their own future. The purpose of this book is to help leaders and decision-makers successfully navigate their organizations through the stormy seas of the present, into the future. In the first section of the book, the authors demonstrate how executives can make five direction-setting ‘big choices’ for their firms. These five big choices are: defining the purpose of an organization, building a mission statement, setting an organization’s vision, crafting organizational values, and shaping the firm’s culture. In the second section, the authors tie these five choices to the foundational thinking of Drucker and Confucius. Here the concepts, principles, and real-world practice of Eastern and Western leadership are shown here to combine to compelling effect.
Emerald Publishing Limited An ANTi-History about Transgender Inclusion in the Brazilian Labor Market
Though still a journey filled with resistance, a struggle for space and the recognition of rights, the Brazilian LGTBQIA+ population has achieved some legal and social progress. Yet transphobia in Brazilian society is one of the biggest problems for trans people; this social exclusion generates a multitude of difficulties when entering the formal labor market. Even companies that are considered LGBTQ+ friendly often focus more on "LGB" than "TQ+”. An ANTi-History about Transgender Inclusion in the Brazilian Labor Market answers repeated calls to correct the neglect of voices from the global south and the scarcity of work on gender and transgender peoples in organizational history. Luna and Barros investigate socio-political relations of actors-networks, highlighting the main mobilizations and demobilizations in the trajectory of transgender people inclusion in organizations in Brazil. (Re)assembling a version of history about transgender people's labor inclusion and introducing a network rhizome, the authors rescue memories in the transgender-society-labor market relationship, revealing the silences and broader context surrounding recent employability initiatives. Speaking to management academics and reaching beyond to inform actions, policies, and initiatives for the inclusion of trans people in the job market, An ANTi-History about Transgender Inclusion in the Brazilian Labor Market is a novel and extremely important addition to the field of Organizational Studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Sector Development and Inclusive Growth in India
Many of India’s most disadvantaged citizens face severe social and economic challenges. Social Sector Development and Inclusive Growth in India poses the essential question of whether growth strategies based on the human development approach, that is, social sector development, render growth inclusive. This comprehensive study considers all components of the social sector in aggregate and also covers both the financial and physical aspects to answer this question. Author Ishu Chadda examines the various World Bank reports and scholarly literature on this subject to quantify inclusiveness in India. Her research further highlights the major dimensions of inclusive development like poverty alleviation, employment generation, and access to equal participation. Chadda’s research has been conducted to scrutinize the long-run and short-run association between the social sector and inclusive growth in India using the Autoregressive-Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach. Further, she looks at the relationship between social sector development and inclusive growth in India at a macro-level. Inclusive and sustainable economic growth is essential for a fair society and is thus a key component of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This timely study will provide vital information to academic researchers and postgraduate students within as well as outside of the Indian context. Policy makers and practitioners of development studies, sociology and developmental economics will benefit from the key insights provided.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reconceptualizing State of Exception
Emerald Publishing Limited Essentiality of Work
The Covid-19 pandemic both popularized and politicized the designation of essential work. Interrogating the dialectics of essential work, this volume of Research in the Sociology of Work presents original research that explores the essentiality of work and highlights the experiences of essential workers during the pandemic, drawing on empirical studies in Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. Demonstrating an enduring struggle for recognition and dignity, as well as for revaluing and materially rewarding essential work, contributors examine the emotional labour involved in gendered care work, the impact of COVID-19 on residential care work, the politics of essentiality and the diversity and intersectional inequality of essential workforces. The final chapters are the first of a new recurring section spotlighting ethnography by presenting both new empirical research and in-depth reviews of extant contributions. Raising pressing questions about the essence of work
Emerald Publishing Limited Smart Cities and Digital Transformation: Empowering Communities, Limitless Innovation, Sustainable Development and the Next Generation
Smart Cities and Digital Transformation offers a three-tiered approach to tomorrow’s cities in terms of limitless innovation, sustainable development and empowering communities. Discussing key issues including civic engagement, communication, ethicality, participation and motivation, Smart Cities and Digital Transformation proposes best practices, applied research and lessons learnt in the fields of digital transformation and sustainable development. Authors integrate scientific knowledge and industry services with significant social sciences research to provide an end-to-end understanding of the components of future smart city applications or services. Emphasising emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, open sources platforms and virtual reality, chapters also provide the reader with a unique analysis of a new generation of transparent technologies for the improvement of the quality of life and well-being in modern cities. Employing an active learning approach focused on building critical thinking skills, Smart Cities and Digital Transformation serves a diverse ecosystem of industry changemakers to jointly mobilize a new form of economy directly linked to the development, value and impact of smart cities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations
Volume 27 of Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations (AILR) contains five peer-reviewed papers highlighting key aspects of employment relations across a variety of disciplinary perspectives. These papers feature historical and legal analyses of work regulation, intra-organizational analysis of employee development and entry-level hiring decisions, prospects for unionization and other forms of collective association in gig economy companies, and analysis of on-line versus in-person mediation of employment disputes involving allegations of discrimination. As with prior AILR volumes, the papers in Volume 27 display a variety of quantitative and qualitative research methods. These range from primary research methods such as case studies, survey, interviews, and historiography to longitudinal and cross-sectional empirical studies and theory building.
Emerald Publishing Limited Airlines and Developing Countries
Given the potential size of some of the markets involved and the comparative advantages in serving them, it is surprising to see a relative sparsity of airline activity in developing countries. Lack of suitable data, limited interest, and the comparatively small scale of aviation markets in many of these countries provide some of the explanations for this relative neglect. Airlines and Developing Countries works to address some of the key challenges that are confronting airlines and public policy makers, helping to fill a number of voids in our knowledge. The approaches of the various expert contributors offer a range of technical, empirical, historical, and institutional analyses that consider long-term patterns of economic development and look at how airlines have influenced this going back as far as the 1930s.
Emerald Publishing Limited Comparative Analysis of Trade and Finance in Emerging Economies
This volume of the International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics explores the latest economic and financial developments in Africa and Asia. Chapters cover a range of topics such as: the relationship between good stewardship, agency costs, and performance of South African firms; stock market dynamics in Thailand, including risk & mutual fund clustering and zero-investment portfolios strategies; and a special focus on financial markets in Indonesia such as fundamental indexing with Markowitz mean variance portfolios, a financial performance analysis of highway companies before and during the Covid-19 pandemic, and a credit risk scoring model for consumer financing. Comparative Analysis of Trade and Finance in Emerging Economies also addresses the issue of whether the West African Monetary Zone can form a Currency Union, and, examines the impact of non-tariff measures of China on the export of agricultural products of Laos. These peer-reviewed papers touch on a variety of timely, interdisciplinary subjects such as stock markets and the effects of public policy. Together, ISETE 31, is a crucial resource of current, cutting-edge research for any scholar of international finance and economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Evidence Based Counselling & Psychotherapy for the 21st Century Practitioner
Years of experience, level of qualification, modality delivered, supervision, personal therapy, and continuing professional development are not predictive of client outcomes in psychotherapy. Further, the outcomes of psychotherapy have not improved in over 40 years, despite the proliferation of new therapy modalities. Evidence Based Counselling & Psychotherapy for the 21st Century Practitioner answers how counselling and psychotherapy can be operationalised in the 21st century, dispelling long-held beliefs about how psychotherapy works. Discussing evidence-based practice in its various forms, the chapters provide an analysis of research used and the debate around the effectiveness of specific therapies, commonalities across therapies and the many evidence-based relationship variables that are said to contribute to effective psychotherapy. Client factors and the use of technology, deliberate practice, supervision, and a simulated client case demonstrate the application of the methods and ideas reviewed. Whether a novice psychotherapy trainee or a seasoned practitioner or supervisor, Evidence Based Counselling & Psychotherapy for the 21st Century Practitioner illustrates what an effective 21st century practitioner needs to know, do, and reflect on to improve the effectiveness of their psychotherapeutic work and client outcomes – of interest across the allied health and social care sectors where counselling and therapy interventions are used.
Emerald Publishing Limited Remembering the Life, Work, and Influence of Stuart A. Karabenick: A Legacy of Research on Self-Regulation, Help Seeking, Teacher Motivation, and More
This volume contains an Open Access Chapter Stuart A. Karabenick was a prolific scholar and a co-editor of the Advances in Motivation and Achievement book series. At the time of his passing on August 1st, 2020, he was a Professor Emeritus at Easter Michigan University and a Research-Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan. Throughout his long career in Educational Psychology, Dr. Karabenick conducted research in several areas, and with dozens of collaborators. This volume memorializes Dr. Karabenick by asking some of his collaborators and former students to contribute chapters in the research topic that they worked on with him. The collection begins with a reprint of an article that was published just before Dr. Karabenick passed away, sharing the wisdom he had acquired during his long and distinguished career. The book contains three chapters about help- seeking – one of the topics that Dr. Karabenick examined most frequently in his research – followed by three chapters about teacher motivation and professional development. Next, there are chapters about self-regulation, another of Dr. Karabenick’s favorite research topics. The volume culminates with chapters on a variety of topics: uses of technology to help foster student self-regulation, defining, measuring, and fostering a sense of relevance among students, and improving research through high-quality cognitive pretesting procedures. Volume 22 provides insights into the many contributions that Dr. Karabenick made to the field of Educational Psychology and the important role he played in the lives of his students, collaborators, and friends.
Emerald Publishing Limited Higher Education and SDG17: Partnerships for the Goals
Co-edited by the president of Georgia Tech, one of America’s leading research universities, Higher Education and SDG17: Partnerships for the Goals demonstrates how higher education institutions are uniquely positioned to act as catalysts, conveners, and supporters of key partnerships to help advance the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Featuring authors from higher education institutions, educational networks, and governing bodies around the globe, chapters provide case studies, inspiration, reflections, and critical perspectives from a variety of geographies, disciplines, and partners on how HEI partnerships can rapidly accelerate progress on the goals. Responding to an urgent need for a mind shift towards collaboration and collective action, this is a uniquely global roadmap for higher education leaders, students, faculty, staff, and other partners, to take on the immense challenge of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Higher Education and the Sustainable Development Goals is a series of 17 books that address each of the SDGs in turn specifically through the lens of higher education. Adopting a solutions-based approach, each book focuses on how higher education is advancing delivery of sustainable development and the United Nations global goals. The series is edited by Wendy Purcell, Professor with Rutgers University and Academic Research Scholar with Harvard University; Emeritus Professor and University President Emerita.
Emerald Publishing Limited Festschrift in Honour of Kathy Charmaz
Kathy Charmaz (1939–2020) was the developer of Constructivist Grounded Theory (CGT), a key method in qualitative research internationally and across many disciplines and professions. She was Professor Emerita of Sociology at Sonoma State University, California, and former Director of its Faculty Writing Program. Her book, Constructing Grounded Theory, is the definitive guide to developing a constructivist perspective, and is the seminal title for anyone serious about doing CGT research. This Festschrift to honour Kathy Charmaz’s scholarship features fourteen chapters plus an editors’ introduction, exploring CGT extensively, examining topics including “Indigenization” of the method, its approaches to decolonizing research, uses of CGT in social justice research, and the legacies of Kathy Charmaz’s remarkable mentorship. Edited by Antony Bryant and Adele E. Clarke, both of whom co-authored and edited with Kathy, and eminent scholars of qualitative methods in their own right, this is a glowing tribute to her long and distinguished career.
Emerald Publishing Limited Methods to Improve Our Field
Research Methodology in Strategy and Management advances understanding of the methods used to study organizations – including managers, strategies, and how firms succeed. Offering innovative ideas that explore how strategy and management methodology can be developed, the chapter authors in Volume 14, Methods to Improve Our Field, consider approaches that range from the re-imagining of secondary data in the digital age and Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Methods to Improve Our Field is a necessity for both academics and researchers interested in the progression and cutting-edge studies of management, strategy, international business, entrepreneurship, and organization theory.
Emerald Publishing Limited Disabilities and the Life Course
Life course analysis recognizes that, depending on the exact life stage, different factors and contexts can become important in shaping identity and experience, as well as the ability to accomplish and respond to certain life transitions and events. Prioritizing individuals’ lived experiences, Disabilities and the Life Course broadens the application of life course perspective to explore how impairments and disabilities factor across life span and impact assorted life stages. Conceptual, methodological, and empirical, chapters consider how individuals might think about, maneuver, and encounter impairments, or ‘become disabled,’ in a variety of ways depending on time, place, and life contexts. Contributors highlight commonalities and differences in identity and experience with special attention to intersecting social locations and the diversity of impairments and disabilities. Featuring a framework rarely applied in the field of disability studies, Disabilities and the Life Course explores not only a range of disabilities and impairments but also a diverse array of life course experiences, deepening knowledge across both fields for the widest possible impact. The Research in Social Science and Disability series is essential reading for researchers and students across the social sciences interested in disability, social movements, activism, and identity.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Sociological Examination of the Gift Economy: Envisioning the Future
With the advent of colonialism and the monetarized market economy, the gift economy, once a widely embedded cultural and economic practice, has become a niche of modern diplomacy, often serving as the means for corruption rather than human connection. In presenting an overview of the history and development of the gift economy, Vjeran Katunarić defines this exchange as a form of communication, similar to language, rather than an exchange that is merely material. By examining different theoretical approaches, including neoclassical, radical feminist, and conservative Christian views, the chapters explore how nonlinear forms of development may contribute to correcting the failures of competitive markets. Katunarić advocates for the gift economy as a means for introducing balance between planning and the market, as well as between the public and private sectors of the economy. In this way, a sense of restoring, and restorative, peace may be spread around the globe, along with a more equitable distribution of financial resources. On the whole, A Sociological Examination of the Gift Economy presents gift-giving as an intuitive path toward a viable economy, society, and culture here on Earth, and even toward an amiable engagement with our cosmic surroundings in the future.
Emerald Publishing Limited The New Digital Era: Digitalisation, Emerging Risks and Opportunities
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to further acceleration of digitalisation in all areas. This caused significant changes in economic and social life. Through digitalisation, the need for people in business life has decreased and has forced the traditional employment structure to change. During the pandemic period, some segments enjoyed the advantages of owning digital technologies, while others remained strangers to the new world because they were deprived of digital technologies, revealing the inequality of opportunity on an individual or social basis. Although this rapid change produced positive results, it also brought about risks. To help mitigate such emerging risks, The New Digital Era’s two volumes vitally generate new information in order to determine the advantages and risks in which areas this digitalisation, which has increased with the COVID-19 pandemic. The chapter authors highlight the new social and economic policies that are needed to balance the effects on social and economic life and prevent possible conflicts between individuals and societies Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis publishes a series of current and relevant themed volumes within the fields of economics and finance. Both disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies are welcome.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Engaged Business School
Bridging the gap between business and business schools: fulfilling potential or thwarted ambition. The Engaged Business School is a road map to unlocking the potential between business and business schools at a time when it really matters: responding to a global, economic and social recovery. It is a call for academics and businesses to come together and realise the potential that is so often unfulfilled. On a practical level it presents the idea of an engaged business school using three tools – a model, a framework, and a process. The model shows how success factors are interconnected in order to bring engagement to life. The framework provides a structure to clarify the building blocks for effective engagement. Finally, the process identifies the steps and stages which will need to be considered to translate the model and framework into action. Aimed at a dual audience of business schools and businesses, Sturgess argues that there is a need for the academic and business communities to join together and build an engaged business school. Too much of the debate about business school relevance has taken place in academia. The Engaged Business School starts with business needs and then unites the two perspectives together.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations
Advances in Accounting Education is a high-quality publication of both empirical and non-empirical research that investigates vital matters related to teaching, learning, and curriculum development. By focusing on these topics, the series supports the improvement of accounting programs at colleges and universities, and fosters innovative discussion and significant contributions to faculty development. This 26th volume features 14 peer-reviewed papers surrounding four themes: capacity building and governance; curriculum and pedagogical innovations; educational tax cases and tax literacy; information technology and the curriculum. Authors explore empirical evidence on topics such as degree type and CPA exam performance, to the link between tax literacy and business experience of college students. A review of published pedagogical tax cases offers insights into their various characteristics. Finally, Volume 26 closes with a theme that explores specific ideas for incorporating new information technology developments into the accounting curriculum. Faculty with an interest in accounting education as well as accounting program administrators should find all four themes to be highly informative and interesting. Some practitioners and regulators in the accounting profession may also find useful policy-related nuggets in Volume 26.
Emerald Publishing Limited Essays in Honour of Fabio Canova
Both parts of Volume 44 of Advances in Econometrics pay tribute to Fabio Canova for his major contributions to economics over the last four decades. Throughout his long and distinguished career, Canova’s research has achieved both a prolific publication record and provided stellar research to the profession. His colleagues, co-authors and PhD students wish to express their deep gratitude to Fabio for his intellectual leadership and guidance, whilst showcasing the extensive advances in knowledge and theory made available by Canova for professionals in the field. Advances in Econometrics publishes original scholarly econometrics papers with the intention of expanding the use of developed and emerging econometric techniques by disseminating ideas on the theory and practice of econometrics throughout the empirical economic, business and social science literature. Annual volume themes, selected by the Series Editors, are their interpretation of important new methods and techniques emerging in economics, statistics and the social sciences.
Emerald Publishing Limited Smart Cities: A Panacea for Sustainable Development
Professionals in the construction industry must respond quickly to meet the increasing pressures of heightened urban migration, and provide sustainable alternatives to resource scarcity in established cities – Smart Cities offers solutions to the demands of rising urban populations. The smartness of a city stems from the relationship between construction stakeholders and the citizens, with the shared goal to improve all standards and support social, physical, and economic growth. Surplus and reusable are key terminologies when striving towards sustainable development. Smart Cities aims to provide necessary information on the adoption of smart cities concepts towards achieving sustainable development, with a view to ensuring socially cohesive and resilient urban districts for both the current and future generations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance
Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance (APBBEF) is an annual series designed to focus on interdisciplinary research in finance, economics, and management among Pacific Rim countries. All articles published are reviewed and recommended by at least two members of the editorial board. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Policy and management on financial markets and financial institutions; 2. Options, futures, and other derivatives markets; 3. Corporate finance and investment decisions; 4. Insurance and risk management; 5. Accounting, auditing, and taxation; 6. Real esate econimics, finance and regulations; 7. Artificial intelligence and new technology in finance; 8. Monetary and foreign exchange policy; 9. Income, employment, and education; 10. Other economic policies among the Pacific Rim countries. APBBEF is indexed in ABI/INFORM, EconLit, EBSCO, ProQuest, ResearchGate, and Google Scholar. Manuscript submission:
Emerald Publishing Limited CEOs on a Mission: Reimagining CEO Activism, Development, and Difference
Today, CEOs function increasingly as social activists, often pursuing socio-political causes which fall outside of their usual pursuit of the corporate or financial bottom line. Based on a series of long interviews and the application of alternative theoretical lenses, this book examines this phenomenon within the African context on the road to creating a CEO Activism Development Model. Addressing the gender disparity that continues to persist in this field, chapters consider alternative perspectives on corporate socio-political involvement, including motivations, tactics, safeguards and guidelines. Through a distinct postmodern lens, Eric Kwame Adae further explores how CEO activism fits into more specific African contexts and intersects with certain Afrocentric philosophies, including Caritas, Ubuntu philosophy and Africapitalism. Breaking new ground in his analysis of CEO activism within a non-Western sociocultural context, Eric Kwame Adae presents an exciting exploration of the theoretical, managerial, practical and methodological implications of CEO activism today.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Higher Education in a Post-Covid World: New Approaches and Technologies for Teaching and Learning
Teaching and learning paradigms in higher education have been called into question by the COVID-19 pandemic, requiring new approaches, technologies, and resilience. The disruption caused to higher education operations prompted many to raise questions about HEI’s adaptability and readiness to handle major disasters. Focussing particularly on developing countries in Africa and the Global South, The Emerald Handbook of Higher Education in a Post-Covid World emphasizes the urgent need to reform pedagogical models and the importance of recognizing and utilizing digital learning technologies, tools, and the power of the Internet to expand the range of teaching approaches, practices and learning interaction options in an age in which information communication technology and mobile devices have become commonplace in the daily life of students, academic leaders and HE practitioners. The contributors also address the importance of supporting the individual student in learning communities where they are separated by space, and safeguarding their social and emotional wellbeing as they engage and learn through mediated-communication-systems in an era of a fundamentally changed HE environment which will not completely return to previous models. Providing perspectives from contributors across multiple nations and settings, and written in a forthright, yet engaging manner, this volume is essential reading for higher education staff, researchers, and policy makers, to ensure higher education across the world is prepared to offer the best quality teaching and learning in the Covid and Post-Covid world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Managing Risk and Decision Making in Times of Economic Distress
Managing Risk and Decision Making in Times of Economic Distress: Part B adds much needed scholarly analysis of the fledgling decision/control approach, arguing the merits of its empirical content to shed light on the structure of capital contracts and rationale for diversity of objectives. Underpinning the book’s central arguments are questions surrounding the identification and realisation of opportunities during periods of distress or disruption. Although such questions have been the focus of corporate finance, risk management, and financial management studies and literature, within the context of COVID-19 gaps remain unresolved. Continuity should be a proactive living plan to return to the norm we know, and continuity planning forms an integral part of a risk management strategy. With the future set to be shaped by these many disruptions and humanity’s responses to it, critical insights are more important than ever, to ensure and determine progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and recovering from these economic and social challenges. Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis publishes a series of current and relevant themed volumes within the fields of economics and finance. Both disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies are welcome.
Emerald Publishing Limited Industry Clusters and Innovation in the Arab World: Challenges and Opportunities
Industry clusters promote innovation in the Arab World, through collaboration among businesses, research institutions, and governments. Benefits include the creation and sharing of knowledge, professional networking, access to spill-over knowledge, and specialized talent pools. These are the necessary elements to support the blossoming of innovation. In addition, clusters have the capacity to foster economic development in the region as a whole. They are key determinants in improving micro and small firms’ performance through company linkages and access to internationalization opportunities. Industry Clusters and Innovation in the Arab World presents research and case studies in a range of Arabic-speaking countries, and proposes a series of reforms to build and promote industry clusters in the region. Challenges facing the establishment and the competitiveness of such clusters are also explored, and real-world applicable recommendations are provided. This break-through research highlights opportunities, and also macro-environmental threats. This is essential reading for researchers, policy-makers, and practitioners.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Philosophy of Disruption: From Transition to Transformational Change
A disruption occurs when human motivation embraces new technology and allows it to enhance and expand the experience of everyday life – the disruptor is the technology, while disruption is the human being engaged in a new behaviour. The acceptance and appropriation of new technologies creates a business disruption, which changes, interrupts, transitions, and eventually transforms people’s habitual way of doing things. The Philosophy of Disruption provides a structural understanding of how disruption differs from regular change, presenting methods for conceptualizing beneficial responses into products, services, or experiences. Knowledge about disruption is not about knowing what happens, but how it happens. The core challenge of disruption is the essential questions we need to ask in every situation and why we need to ask them. Formulating testable principles of disruption, two critical phases are described in The Philosophy of Disruption, preparing rapid responses to disruptors: firstly, the transition phase – the immediate changes brought about by a radical new idea fundamentally altering our relationships. Secondly, the transformative change phase – using that radical new idea to establish and sustain an entirely new organization or system. Investigating and clarifying these transitions and transformations, The Philosophy of Disruption provides a framework for measuring, planning, and changing how organizations are run, offering processes for understanding and translating conceptualization into action.
Emerald Publishing Limited Products for Conscious Consumers: Developing, Marketing and Selling Ethical Products
Consumers are becoming more conscious of the ethical footprint of the products they buy. In the age of hyper-connectivity and globalisation, numerous consumers are aware of what companies do and how they produce. Thus, sustainability and CSR can no longer be used as "greenwashing" strategies to attract customers and improve a company image. Products for Conscious Consumers is a guide for academics, students and professionals who want to influence responsible consumer behaviour and attain genuine Green Marketing. Written by researchers and marketing professionals, each chapter explores the relationship between the consumer and the marketer, discussing their relative responsibilities towards reaching a sustainable world. Illustrated with real cases, Products for Conscious Consumers helps marketers understand how they can inspire consumers towards more ethical behaviour by educating and nudging their choices using examples from different sectors and world regions to identify factors that influence sustainable consumption, from poverty to personal values. Products for Conscious Consumers guides the reader from ethical product development and marketing plans to eco-friendly production and responsible marketing mix execution, thereby encouraging a sustainable value chain and ethical profitability.
Emerald Publishing Limited Structure and Social Action: On Constituting and Connecting Social Worlds
It is often claimed that the disjunction or opposition between ‘action’ theories and ‘structural’ theories rests on a misunderstanding of what social structure is. A clear understanding of social structure dissolves this apparent opposition. It is argued that social structure is a real social fact but has no separate and substantive existence apart from the minds and actions of the individual and collective actors who produce and reproduce it. It is argued that it is possible to distinguish between ‘figurational structures’ of interaction and the deeper ‘formational structures’. Social interaction occurs within specific social worlds to form an extensive interaction order. The pattern of interactions comprises a figurational structure that can be mapped and explored through the methods of social network analysis. A figurational structure can be partitioned into the deeper, emergent levels of a formational structure that comprises class relations, divisions of gender and ethnicity, and a range of other divisions. This book examines the use of the sociological imagination to identify and explore formational structures and suggests the formal, analytical methods that can support these explorations. The two levels of structure are seen as the spheres of microsociology and macrosociology, respectively. These levels can be theorised in terms of processes of social integration and system integration. The use of the ideas presented in the book is illustrated through a brief case study of class relations in French political history from the Revolution to the Third Republic.
Emerald Publishing Limited Resolving the African Leadership Challenge: Insight From History
Resolving the African Leadership Challenge: Insight From History examines leadership in pre-colonial, colonial and postcolonial modern Africa, exploring the origin of Africa’s leadership challenge, and providing lessons to enhance leadership effectiveness. New ground is broken here as the author examines: The breadth of leadership issues across the entire continent The evolution of issues over time; from the pre-colonial era to the modern day The practical lessons that can be identified to resolve the leadership challenge A clear roadmap to achieve better leadership in Africa This interdisciplinary study provides a deeper understanding of the history of leadership in Africa, giving us key principles for today. It is essential reading for academic researchers, postgraduate students, and practitioners, seeking to adapt leadership theories to real-world local practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Youth Transitions Out of State Care: Being Recognized as Worthy of Care, Respect, and Support
The point of leaving care has been identified as a potentially critical turning point at which services might moderate later outcomes. While there is growing evidence identifying social support and identity development as crucial elements, there remains a gap in the understanding of the care-leaving process from the perspective of young people. Youth Transitions Out of State Care: Being Recognized as Worthy of Care, Respect, and Support presents a newly developed theoretical framework for understanding this process. Supported by research from a qualitative longitudinal study of leaving state care at the age of 18, Dr. Natalie Glynn presents an intimate account of the personal circumstances and structural elements influencing the transitions of rural and urban young people in Ireland using three illustrative cases that break new ground by centering on the voices of young people and their distinct yet interconnected experiences. Pulling together agentic and structural elements in the transition to explain how young people’s choices and reactions are influenced by their personal journeys and socio-cultural contexts, Glynn creates a new theoretical framework that social workers and researchers can use to comprehend this transition period when working with care leavers. Utilizing Ireland as a case study of the increasingly prevalent model of aftercare provision, Youth Transitions Out of State Care: Being Recognized as Worthy of Care, Respect, and Support details broad policy implications and presents an opportunity to understand how this approach to supporting care leavers works in practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technology, Society, and Conflict
Technology, Society, and Conflict comprehensively studies and systematically highlights technological inequalities as a source of conflict in digital development while developing an economic and legal approach to resolving them. With a progressive approach, chapters reveal the social nature of technological inequality and digital development conflicts and model them as social institutions. The conflicts of digital development are identified and analysed in detail: global conflict of the technological inequality in the modern world economy; gender conflict; conflict in the labour market in the context of automation based on Robots, Big Data, and AI; and conflict in international trade. The manifestations of the digital divide are considered based on international practical experience at all levels of management – country, regional, business and household levels. This 30th volume of Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics, and Development gives special attention to the latest experience in technological inequality and the aggravation of digital development conflicts in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and crisis in 2019-2020 with foresight for the post-pandemic period.
Emerald Publishing Limited Theory and Method in Higher Education Research
Higher education research is a developing field internationally, which is attracting more and more researchers from a great variety of disciplinary backgrounds within and beyond higher education institutions. As such, it is an arena within which a wide range of theories, methods and methodologies is being applied. This volume explores several topics including critical race theory; the use of communities of practice theory; participant ethnography; and decolonization using indigenous principles. Including contributors from Canada, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, the UK and the USA, this volume presents international perspectives on the application and development of theory and methodology in researching higher education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Agile Management and VUCA-RR: Opportunities and Threats in Industry 4.0 towards Society 5.0
Agile Management and VUCA-RR provides cutting-edge, multidisciplinary research and expert insight into the advancing technologies and new strategies being used in businesses settings, as well as for administrative and leadership roles in organizations. In times of VUCA-RR (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity, rapidity and radicality), Agile Management facilitates the competence, capacity, and confidence to adapt and innovate by promoting effective responses to the unexpected and unplanned agility challenges facing most organizations today, quickly turning challenges into opportunities through agility management. Agile Management and VUCA-RR demonstrates the different radical mindsets of organizational leadership globally and the implementation of strategies that are essential to create agile, entrepreneurial organizations that thrive in complex, ever-changing contexts. Chapters from international authors contribute substantially to the research and practice of agile software development through sharing knowledge gained from both their academic and professional communities. The challenges and solutions expressed by each group are presented to inform and teach, as well as guide us towards future working solutions.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Affective Researcher
The wider conditions of society and our own personal circumstances do not simply disappear as we cross the threshold into the research world. The illusion of life in academic research as an abstract ‘life of the mind’ is unsustainable. Outside academia, wider social changes have come to have an increasingly profound influence on our working lives. Within the academy, changing employment conditions and funding for higher education in recent decades have led to an increasingly insecure existence for those undertaking PhDs and further research. Slow change is happening in response, with more focus being given to precarity within the academy, the mental health needs of early career researchers, and presenting a more honest and open picture of what it’s like to build an academic career. The Affective Researcher confronts this challenge of defining a new relationship between researchers and their research. It sets out, simply and accessibly, how you can become a more rounded, authentic researcher. It does this not in terms of the risk management of a methods section, or by cordoning off subjectivity as a threat to supposed objectivity. Nor is it another book on being a more ‘effective’ researcher. Instead, it sets out a path of how to become a more affective researcher. The chapters draw together a variety of threads from a number of discourses to provide a roadmap, as well as accompanying concepts and tools, for researchers to assert their agency over the research process through the integration of the affective perspective.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Administrative Sciences under COVID-19
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the entire world experienced a health, humanitarian, and economic crisis with no record in the present century, leading to the paralysis of activities by voluntary or mandatory quarantines. There is great uncertainty about how long the crisis will last and how recovery will be achieved, because of this paralysis and the contraction of demand, auguring a slow recovery. Research in Administrative Sciences under COVID-19 examines the context surrounding organizations in the face of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Detailing various aspects related to companies and their competitiveness in the face of the global health crisis, chapters cover topics on intellectual capital, burnout (professional exhaustion), stress and technostress, as well as pandemic effects on the human capital of organizations. Developing upon the issues of Corporate Social Responsibility, E-commerce in times of COVID-19 and Design Thinking as a strategy for the economic reactivation of start-ups in Mexico, this volume is the result of research efforts carried out by 23 outstanding researchers from 12 Mexican and Latin American higher education institutions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transcendent Development: The Ethics of Universal Dignity
Is it possible for Africa to rise above its present unfulfilling conditions for good? Can poverty, inequality, corruption, maladministration, and intolerance be overcome? This special volume of Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations argues that it certainly is. The epoch of Transcendent Development has arrived, and an authentic African philosophy is at hand to understand it. In this landmark scholarly anthology, seven chapters blaze a trail towards an African philosophical ethos for organisational and business ethics rooted in the complex South African experience. With almost unmatched sociocultural diversity, South Africa is an ideal melting pot for the great unity-in-diversity experiment of Universal Dignity. If the disparate people of planet earth have any fighting chance of averting the looming dystopian existential crisis inherent in unsustainable development, the hopes thereof begin in the South. Identity-based polarisation and its attendant torment of destructive strife must be exchanged for a mutually beneficial ethos of fulfilment, that truly “leaves no one behind”. This volume offers meaningful pathways to this haven of “Ubuntu”. Edited by Dr. Andani Thakhathi, this special volume of seven chapters presents insightful gems of wisdom that clarify how the self-fulfilling cycle of “Compound-Indignity” may be overcome through the systematic operationalisation of Bantu Wisdom as Transcendent Development. Collectively, the chapters in this special volume contain morally courageous, creative storytelling prose offering paradigm shifts, empirical evidence and surprising “antenarratives” that explain how a harmonious Africa may be realised, starting in the Mother Continent’s Southern-most tip.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Organizational Change and Development
Volume 29 of Research in Organizational Change and Development includes ten contributions from colleagues around the globe with powerful insights and potentially relevant impact for researching and practicing organization change and development during and post the pandemic. The emerging people analytics subfield and organization development perspectives are brought together to present an integrated framework that can guide future theoretical development and practice. Bourdieu's concept of social position in the form of "habitus oriented approach" expands our understanding of human behavior. Lewin’s original view of political labs is advanced to examine the emerging phenomenon of labs as mechanisms for organization change and development. The alignment challenges of strategy and digital technology in government organizations is examined via the use of collaborative inquiry. The essence and context of collaboration in teams is investigated in the emerging new workplace. The current state of organizational DEI practice is examined and a new framework for diagnosing and addressing small-scale diversity-related challenges is introduced. Digital transformation suggests the need for a new STS platform with new guiding design principles. The establishment of a collaborative community generated insights into the challenges faced by healthcare organizations. Action research supported new cooperation and partnership between universities and external organizations. In the new “Reflection” feature, the author compares organization development (OD) and change management (CM) across eight concepts that are relevant to both OD and CM.
Emerald Publishing Limited Now Hiring: A Manager's Guide to Employing Applicants with a Criminal History
As organizations grapple with the challenges of hiring, they must also consider how they will engage with some of the most marginalized individuals in our society, such as individuals who have a criminal history. Many individuals are interested in returning to the workplace after obtaining a conviction. However, many of these individuals will encounter substantial barriers and exclusion when attempting to access employment in various occupations and industries. For our society to function, all individuals must have an opportunity to positively contribute, and organizations can no longer sit on the side-lines. Organizations have a responsibility to engage in hiring practices that encourage entry, not exclusion. Now Hiring allows readers to consider their individual biases, as well as their organizational employment practices and processes, and assess how these factors may be altered to increase hiring for individuals with a criminal history. Young encourages readers to think more broadly about the role of organizations and the responsibility that organizations have beyond their immediate stakeholders. Most importantly, Now Hiring prompts conversation and serves as a reminder that our current system is not sustainable. As we await other long overdue changes to various systemic issues, organizations must figure out how do their part. Providing entry to the workplace after a criminal history is a place to start.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Talent Management During Times of Uncertainty
HRM practitioners and academics have been blindsided by unprecedented changes in the global war on talent. In response, Global Talent Management During Times of Uncertainty offers a multi-disciplinary perspective that identifies emerging global issues and new strategic and research approaches. This volume explores uncertain contexts related to socio-political and socio-economic change. Chapters investigate how rapidly evolving national policies and social and cultural contexts influence the attraction, management, and retention of mobile talent, and consider how such uncertainty may continue to affect post-pandemic global talent management (GTM). Manuscripts in this global volume touch on diverse cultural and geographic contexts, including Canada, the United States, Brazil, Russia, the Ukraine, Norway, Denmark, China, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Authors highlight how GTM is influenced by disinformation, cultural differences, and multiple business environments. Scholars identify the importance of cross-disciplinary talent strategies involving military leadership principles when facing uncertainty caused by macro events. GTM practices may not work effectively in a local context but political city initiatives provide avenues for shared regional talent strategies. We delve into perspectives of sustainability, including: the loss of highly skilled workers to more developed countries, the underutilization of skilled immigrants, the retention of post-pandemic healthcare workers, the cultural differences leading to misunderstanding of justice perceptions, and the lasting effects of war and the pandemic on GTM.
Emerald Publishing Limited Beyond the Pandemic?: Exploring the Impact of Covid-19 on Telecommunications and the Internet
This book contains an Open Access chapter The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted economies and society globally. In addressing the crisis, the Internet proved incredibly important in enabling many to shift physical work, education, and social activities online and facilitating the tracking of the progress of the pandemic. Beyond the Pandemic? is the first edited collection to concentrate on the dynamic and complex relationship between the Internet and the role it played in responding to the pandemic. Covid-19 accelerated the digital economy transformation, changing the way work, education, and social engagement is organized, potentially permanently. The collection of international scholars who contributed to this volume offer insightful perspectives on how the Internet ecosystem responded and was changed as a consequence of Covid-19; the sectoral consequences of shifting activity online that the Internet enabled for many, but not for all; and the implications for regulatory policies. Given how central digital technologies are to all aspects of business, society, and government, Beyond the Pandemic? is integral to the exploration of the sectoral consequences of the Internet for business managers, policymakers and researchers engaged in planning and study for the digital economy future and planning for future pandemics.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Generation, Recognition and Legitimation of Novelty
This volume brings together researchers from a diverse array of academic disciplines – including sociology, organization theory, strategy and psychology – to address the question of what organizations can do to better recognize novel ideas and support their proponents in implementing those ideas. The contributors draw from different theoretical perspectives and empirical papers use both qualitative and/or quantitative methods in their analysis. All contributions speak to a common set of phenomena at the intersection of creativity, innovation, and social evaluation in a variety of cultural fields. In the first section of the volume – searching for novelty – the papers discuss different conceptualizations of novelty and examine the conditions that foster the creation of new ideas or product offerings. In the second section of the volume – seeing novelty – the papers discuss how novelty is evaluated and recognized both within and outside organizations. Papers in the third and final section – sustaining novelty – explore how these evaluations affect the support that novelty receives in its journey to gain legitimacy. Setting an agenda for a more holistic theory on the emergence, evaluation, and legitimation of novelty, this volume showcases how novelty generation, recognition, and legitimation correspond to distinct phases of the journey of novelty, from the moment it makes its appearance in the world to the moment it takes root and propagates.
Emerald Publishing Limited Regenerative and Sustainable Futures for Latin America and the Caribbean: Collective action for a region with a better tomorrow
The third decade of the 21st century brings new and expansive global sustainability challenges. Managers, policymakers, academics, citizens, and consumers will have to make seemingly contradictory decisions to accelerate demand, and at the same time promote savings. For this reason, it is necessary to clarify that it is not a process of recovery but of regeneration, adaptation and reprioritization. Regenerative and Sustainable Futures for Latin America and the Caribbean: Collective action for a region with a better tomorrow offers a systematic review of past efforts to recover from global crises providing an analysis of the sustainable development challenges faced by Latin America and the Caribbean. Featuring contributions from researchers in seven different Latin American and Caribbean countries, this volume reflects primary data perspectives from government, business, academe and civil society leaders in each specific country. Regenerative and Sustainable Futures for Latin America and the Caribbean explores how to build sustainable futures for Latin America and the Caribbean, presents recommendations for policy and decision-makers to thrive sustainable futures for Latin America and the Caribbean and reflects on the value of collective action for a region that deserves a better tomorrow.
Emerald Publishing Limited Thinking about Cognition
The broad field of managerial and organizational cognition (MOC) has diversified over the years. Where early studies of MOC focused on theories of rational conscious thought, illustrated for example by schema theory, over the years we have seen explorations of unconscious processing, heuristics and cognitive biases, along with emotions, identity, and the 'darker' sides of cognition. Thinking About Cognition takes stock by reflecting on the frontiers of the field and addressing the future beyond our current state-of-the-art. The result is a collection of papers reflects emerging research in the field of cognition and considers developments in mindfulness, networked societies, neuropsychology, identity theory, team cognition, decision making, distant futures, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, change, and agency. This fifth anniversary volume of New Horizons in Managerial and Organizational Cognition comprises of a collection of contributions that discuss frontiers of MOC research, address the challenges we face, inspire other scholars, and provide guidance on how to proceed.
Emerald Publishing Limited Rethinking Finance in the Face of New Challenges
Rethinking Finance in the Face of New Challenges provides an overview of the new research perspectives devoted to financial activity, reconsidering the opposition between orthodox and heterodox schools of finance. The purpose is to identify new theoretical and practical issues around the concepts of values, radical uncertainty, and financial instability, but also to examine the consequences of the financialisation process on the dynamics of organisations and markets, as well as on value production mechanisms. This fifteenth volume of Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability begins by exploring the globalisation and financialisation of economies, central banks and corporate strategies before switching to focus on financial value as a historically situated social construct. The book then examines the relationship between finance, social value and sustainable development and presents several avenues for reflection with a view to a paradigmatic renewal of research and teaching in finance. At a time when an unprecedented infectious and sanitary crisis is generating disastrous financial, economic, social and societal repercussions, the work presented in this book will stimulate reflection and contribute to the renewal of a Finance that now has to face many new social, societal and environmental challenges.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism Risk: Crisis and Recovery Management
The tourism industry is made up of a wide cluster of sectors having specific requirements related to planning for and recovery from tourism destination disasters. Crises faced by tourism destinations have been examined by authors from many angles, including recovery strategies, models for analyzing and developing effective tourism disaster management strategies, economic assessment of policy responses, effects on tourism forecasting and processes for a holistic approach to crises and disaster management in public and private sector organizations. Tourism Risk: Crisis and Recovery Management is structured in two parts. The first part focuses on “disaster management strategies” and collects chapters analyzing potential obstacles to preventing destruction from (natural) disasters through advocacy, knowledge management, better coordination, capacity building strategies, and better preparedness through advanced emergency response. The second part focuses on recovery management strategies and collects chapters focusing on the tasks which managers face after the immediate consequences of a crisis have been dealt with, addressing the question of how to rebuild the market for a tourism service or destination which has experienced a significant catastrophe, and how to learn from the experience to plan for future crisis response strategies. Tourism Risk: Crisis and Recovery Management is the result of research from varied nationalities and aims to provide a comprehensive collection of new insights for traditional paradigms, as well as exploring more recent developments in research methodology in the context of crisis management in tourism.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Roles of Independent Children’s Rights Institutions in Advancing Human Rights of Children
Independent children’s rights institutions (ICRIs) have been established across the world. Endorsed by the UN, they are independent of their governments and endowed with legal powers. Yet we know little about how ICRIs function. How do they work? What impacts their success? What objectives do ICRIs seek to achieve? The contributors to this edited collection provide first-hand experiences in directing, working for, and studying ICRIs and detail their unique, in-depth accounts of factors shaping ICRIs’ efforts to monitor and advance children’s rights. Chapters examine ICRIs in Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Pakistan, and the United States, as well as an extraordinary network of ICRIs, and introduce innovative ideas of how to think about ICRIs’ independence and legal powers. Offering perspectives from across the world, this volume provides both theoretical and practical insights on a crucial element of children’s rights, independent children’s rights institutions. The Roles of Independent Children’s Rights Institutions in Advancing Human Rights of Children is essential reading for students, researchers, and scholars interested in studies of sociology of childhood, law and society, children’s rights, and human rights.