Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Radicalization and Counter-Radicalization
The field of radicalization studies, which intersects within the fields of sociology, law, criminology, and criminal justice, focuses particularly on the social dynamics of terrorism from different theoretical, conceptual, and methodological perspectives. It is a fast-growing field in which many areas remain to be explored. In Radicalization and Counter-Radicalization, Derek Silva and Mathieu Deflem have gathered an interdisciplinary team of leading experts to make a valuable contribution to the existing literature. This book covers themes such as the notion of risk, security, and surveillance, crime and deviance, gender, political propaganda, media, and cultural representations of radicalization. The volume is divided into theoretical and epistemological interventions aimed at understanding radicalization and counter-radicalization, the historical origins of radicalization, how scholars within the social sciences measure processes and pathways toward radicalization, the policing of, and law enforcement strategies aimed at, combatting radicalization, policy developments in the field of counter-radicalization, and discussions related to the future of radicalization studies within sociology, legal studies, and criminal justice. For its breadth and depth of research, this volume of Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance is essential reading for researchers and students of, law, criminology, and criminal justice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corporate Financial Distress: Restructuring and Turnaround
Financial distress in corporations is a frequent phenomenon, particularly during times of national and international economic crises; but this can be used as an opportunity and incentive to implement a systematic process of reorganization and revitalization of a business. These plans for recovery can lead to future successes and sustainability rather than just a fix to ensure survival of the business. Crises, if managed promptly from a strategic point of view, can lead to pragmatic changes and bring new value to the company, avoiding market foreclosure and the negative social consequences. Corporate Financial Distress, Restructuring and Turnaround identifies a recovery plan, monitoring, deployment and provides tools to direct economic crises towards financial success in the future and financial stability in the short term. An analysis scheme has been developed and is provided to help measure economic, financial and strategic performance with the why, how and what in relation to the recovery plan. A model for the detection and evaluation of the economic-financial performance implemented by an execution of a recovery plan and a set of indicators for evaluating the variables activated by the process of strategic change are identified. Tron uses alert analysis perspective to examine crises and recovery in business to outline discontinuity with the past in order to address strategic organizational changes and lead the financial process of rehabilitation towards success.
Emerald Publishing Limited Science, Faith and the Climate Crisis
The Earth's climate is changing faster than at any point in the history of modern civilisation through human-induced global warming, yet public reactions to this scientific truth remain dissonant. Inspired by a 2019 conference, Moana Water of Life, this book showcases the challenges and potential fruits of an open dialogue between stakeholders to navigate the critical challenges to planetary health caused by the climate crisis. Inviting participants to contribute 'in their own voices', this book cuts across real-life insights, ranging from researchers from the Pacific Islands Region on the front line of devastating water surpluses and shortages, to the thoughts of leading climate change and Earth scientists, social scientists, educators, faith leaders, theologians and activists who are offering practical solutions to the problem. By highlighting this collection of inspiring stories at the local and global levels, the authors offer a vision of hope for communities in the future to communicate, adapt to change and ultimately resist further deterioration of the planet's health. All royalties from this book are being donated to the Red Cross in the Pacific Island Region.
Emerald Publishing Limited Knowledge Networks
Networks are essential to mobility - mobility of people, goods, services, communications, and knowledge. The 21st century knowledge economy is dependent upon knowledge mobility and flows. Knowledge networks build upon, but are more complex than, traditional networks. While the network science literature is a starting point, it is not sufficient for modelling or managing knowledge networks. Knowledge networks pay greater attention to nodes as knowledge sources, links as relationships, and the knowledge content of messages. Knowledge Networks describes the role of networks in the knowledge economy, explains network structures and behaviors, walks the reader through the design and setup of knowledge network analyses, and offers a step by step methodology for conducting a knowledge network analysis. Bedford and Sanchez bridge the academic and business perspective of networks. This book illustrates the role of human and non-human actors in these evolving networks, and describes the emerging nature of networks of machines and things. Knowledge Networks is essential reading for business managers, knowledge managers, network analysts, consultants, and researchers in knowledge transfer and translation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Other Social Characteristics as Factors in Health and Health Care Disparities
The contributors to this latest volume of Research in the Sociology of Health Care investigate race, ethnicity and gender as factors in health and health care disparities. Looking specifically at the factors that impact race and ethnicity in a US context, gender issues, hospitals and health care spending, and research from India. Chapters focus on linkages to health disparities among races, health experiences for incarcerated women and issues of hospital and health care spending.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Perspectives on the Role of Technology in Humanizing Higher Education
The debate around how to maximize the use of technology in education is ongoing, and embedded in the argument that successful inculcation of knowledge cannot happen only by improving the curriculum. But what role does technology play in humanizing higher education? How can it facilitate the kind of all-round development, beyond the classroom, which allows students to create a positive impact on social welfare and community wellbeing? The authors of this volume address the humaneness that surrounds the world of technology in education. By highlighting the use of emerging technologies in pedagogy and drawing on real-life case studies, they address the ongoing debate that technology brings a positive effect on education and beyond. More important than ever as mankind faces unprecedented challenges to classroom-based education, and the demand for technology grows, the authors demonstrate how technology continues to fulfil the challenges of creating a more democratic educational environment.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of ICT in Tourism and Hospitality
The Emerald Handbook of ICT in Tourism and Hospitality examines the immense, widespread and ongoing changes that digital technologies are having on the tourism and hospitality industries globally. An international range of contributors present key research findings, in-depth case studies and discussion of the future implications stemming from technologies changes and developments across a number of core themes effecting these industries, including destination promotion, marketing contexts, service promotion and smart city involvement. Chapters explore new developments on a wide range of contemporary issues, including: • ICT, sustainable development and implications for the tourism industry • the role of mobile technology for tourism development • influencer marketing for tourism and hospitality • online tracking • factors influencing Generation Y tourism choices • cross country cases of ICT application in tourism and hospitality. The Emerald Handbook of ICT in Tourism and Hospitality is aimed primarily at global tourism academics and researchers, however graduate students of tourism and academics will also find this book to be of interest.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Handbook of Public Administration in Latin America
While most scholarship on public administration in Latin America has taken an overtly legal approach, this handbook examines the subject from a political and public management perspective. In so doing, this handbook brings the study of public administration in Latin America more in line with studies conducted in other parts of the world, providing a basis for much more fruitful comparison. The handbook is divided into two parts. The first section contains chapters that explore a range of administrative systems in existence across Latin America, including the major representative types of public administration. The second portion of the book presents comparative examinations of important issues relating to public administration across the region, including accountability, public personnel management, policy coordination and the politics of bureaucracy. In providing an in-depth examination of public administration in contemporary Latin America, this handbook is a vital resource for scholars interested in the fields of public administration in both a Latin American and comparative context, as well as practitioners in government.
Emerald Publishing Limited Recognising Students who Care for Children while Studying
Featuring a Prologue by Professor Penny Jane Burke, and Epilogue by Dr Ciaran Burke The often-changing definitions of widening participation groups in UK higher education has the potential to lead to inequitable experiences for students who do not fit into traditional typologies. This book considers the experiences of students who care for children while studying (CCS), a group often discussed only broadly in existing research, to shine a light on the unique barriers and experiences they face. Problematising ‘who’ is recognised in widening participation and equalities policy, Samuel Dent presents an Institutional Ethnographic study, involving 16 CCS students at a research-intensive UK University and collected over two academic years, to gain further insight into their institutional experiences. Unearthing the complex reality that CCS students’ experiences vary in proportion to a diverse range of individual circumstances, Dent identifies a consistent theme in which these students experience a pattern of institutionally ‘othering’, ‘individualisation’, and ‘passing’ behaviours. Dent ultimately concludes by tackling the important question of how these patterns of experiential imbalance might be challenged.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurship as Empowerment: Knowledge spillovers and entrepreneurial ecosystems
Entrepreneurship as Empowerment focuses on entrepreneurial theory and practice through the lens of knowledge spillovers and entrepreneurial ecosystems, enabling readers to gain a better understanding about emerging trends and developments. This edited collection widens the traditional field of entrepreneurship by discussing the way in which ecosystems facilitate the flow of knowledge, thereby creating new business opportunities globally. The current state of research on knowledge spillovers and entrepreneurial ecosystems is analysed with a view to highlighting research gaps that need further attention. Entrepreneurship as empowerment examines cultural and societal expectations and contextualises entrepreneurship across places and industries. Aimed at both academics and practitioners of entrepreneurship, Ratten uses expectancy theory to understand entrepreneurship and contributes to the burgeoning body of literature from a knowledge management and practice standpoint. Entrepreneurship as empowerment provides a unique approach to understand the cultural and social expectations that are tied into being an entrepreneur today.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Theology: A Computer Science Perspective
Digital Theology is a rapidly emerging field of academic research and gaining traction with scholars of Computer Science, Theology, Sociology of Religion and the wider Humanities. This book explores Digital Theology from a Computer Science perspective, providing a comprehensive definition of the subject and setting the agenda for future work in the field for both academics and practitioners. A range of Digital Theology case studies highlight the challenges, and successes, and the lessons learned which can be applied to future situations. The book also includes a timely analysis of the role that digital technology has played in the response of the global church to specific world events; clarifying a number of turning points which have driven dramatic and rapid change in church operating models.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Peripatetic Journey of Teacher Preparation in Canada
The Peripatetic Journey of Teacher Preparation in Canada situates teacher training, preparation and education in Canada within national and global histories. The authors lead the reader through an exploration of the objectives of schooling, the contextual role of teachers, and the political undercurrents sustaining various educational conceptions and policies. Taking a ‘longue durée’ approach, the authors begin by considering traditional practices in Indigenous nations encountered by the colonizers of Canada, including the role of the community as an educator. Tracing teacher preparation through colonization, the authors then move on to the formation of the educational state, the development of educational sciences and educational debate, the professionalization of teaching, its feminization at the elementary level, and its integration into the university, along with changes that emerged out of the ‘long 1960s.’ The book closes with a discussion of the process by which Indigenous people are reclaiming control over their education, and with it their spirituality, as well as gaining control over the formation of their own teachers. Placing the historical analysis of teacher preparation within prevailing political and socio-economic processes, the authors showcase a series of overlapping discourses and internationally relevant educational trends.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Case Studies in the Management of Disasters: Natural - Manmade Calamities and Pandemics
International Case Studies in the Management of Disasters presents a diverse range of case studies on how disasters, both natural and manmade, are being managed globally. This illuminating study draws on theories, models, and frameworks in the field of disaster management to explore a wide range of complex issues in specific disaster contexts. Showcasing internationally sourced case studies on disaster management, the collection comprehensively explores all aspects of the disaster management cycle. Authors are drawn from a diverse range of disciplinary and practical contexts, offering a wide variety of perspectives upon management of devastating events. A diverse compendium of issues is explored through case studies examining the management of hurricanes, droughts, floods, wildfires, terrorist activity and pandemics. Also examined in depth are governmental and non-governmental disaster management organizations, the role of the private sector in disaster management, and how innovative new technologies are being used in disaster situations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Innovation for sustainability: Small farmers facing new challenges in the evolving food systems
Small farms represent important components of food systems and rural areas, as sources of occupation and livelihood, factors of socio-economic diversity, cradles of grass-roots innovation and experimentation. Their capacity to adapt and to contribute positively to societal challenges depends on the strategies they can develop and their ability to innovate. The book provides an in-depth exploration of the determinants, dynamics and outcomes of rural and agricultural change processes, with a special focus on the role of small and family farming. Covering both the system and the farm level of analysis, the authors offer a comprehensive view of approaches and models capable to grasp different complementary aspects of the development trajectories followed by farms, food systems and territories facing multi-dimensional drivers of change and exposed to a range of vulnerability factors. The emerging characters and roles of innovation networks and social learning, as well as the decision-making processes at the farm level are explored in particular depth, with attention to the multi-dimensional societal expectations vis-à-vis agriculture, small farms and rural areas, with specific attention to food and nutrition security concerns.
Emerald Publishing Limited Prioritization of Failure Modes in Manufacturing Processes: A Fuzzy Logic-based Approach
In the contemporary automotive manufacturing industry, service providers are continuously working to improve system optimization in order to remain competitive in the market and deliver quality products to satisfy their customers. With this comes the possibility of failure, rejection and reworking of the components or services in the system, which can incur high costs and impact the reputation of an organization. This book uses Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) to assess, investigate and predict the Risk Priority Number (RPN) of potential failures for three companies within the manufacturing industry: A metal component supplier in the automotive sector Part manufacturer for the automobile and engineering industries Manufacturer of suspension components for commercial vehicles Integrating human expertise and artificial intelligence on a single platform, the authors use fuzzy logic as a tool to overcome the vagueness associated with traditional methods of assessing potential failures. The book also details the procedure and scales of how to conduct FMEA, offering guidance on how to input and rank each risk within manufacturing processes across a range of sectors's. Each of the three real-world cases offer suggested improvements for the companies themselves, alongside takeaways for researchers and professionals within the fields of manufacturing and supply chain management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Insights on Financial Services Regulation
The debates around financial services regulation are fierce and unending, and with every new development or law, rigid positions seem to grow. In this insightful new book, expert author John A. Consiglio discusses developments in this vital part of the wide world of finance. Including discussions on the public interest elements of regulation, on informational asymmetry, and on the economist/regulator duopoly, Consiglio analyses various key contentious element of regulatory practices from both the regulators' and regulatees' perspectives. Focusing on the chasm between the perceived hierarchical aloofness of regulators, and the real needs of individual users of financial services, Consiglio explores the complicated and often worrying landscape of financial services regulation. Looking across historical detail to the present, and future, of regulation, the chapters also include a keen discussion of economics and regulatory pedagogy in the modern age. For researchers and students of finance, and for all professionals involved in the financial services sector, this is an unmissable book that interrogates the current landscape defining our global economy.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Perspectives on Gender and Higher Education: Student Access and Success
Despite improved access to higher education for women, the distribution of women and men varies considerably between different fields of study. The chapters in this edited collection explore the participation status of women in higher education across the varying socio-economic and sociological backgrounds observed in different countries and regions. Diving into the differing social and state intervention policies, individual motives of participation and additional gender inequalities including regional and ethnic disparities, this book offers readers a better understanding of the drivers of gendered trends in higher education, such as the evidently low presence of women in certain scientific and technical disciplines. The analysis focuses on the social construction of gender differences, as well as the roles played by the economy, culture, religion, legal background, and the internal dynamics of society. Ultimately, this book provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments concerning the presence of women in higher education in both developed and developing countries, resulting in a clear picture of the current situation, and how the future might look.
Emerald Publishing Limited Internationalisation of Educational Administration and Leadership Curriculum: Voices and Experiences from the ‘Peripheries’
In light of a new wave of globalisation, cultural mobility, and criticism of Anglo-American domination, how must educational administrators and leaders respond to the challenges of internationalising their curricula and accommodating diversity? This edited collection offers conceptual frameworks, models, theoretical approaches, and strategies that can inform and guide the development of a genuinely international curriculum. Offering an in-depth look at cases in countries such as Sweden, the US and UK, Turkey, Oman, Cameroon, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Australia, the authors investigate how factors such as institutional culture, faculty recruitment and development, learning styles, accreditation and standards, political orientation, policy, and availability of financial resources may either facilitate or inhibit the internationalisation of the curriculum. The collection also includes broader international issues of diverse humanisms, postcolonial issues, and corruption, fraud and abuse in internationalisation that has occurred that need to be addressed in educational administration and leadership curricula to improve internationalisation. Acknowledging the need for a much broader set of cultural traditions within which educational administrators and leaders are equipped to function, this book provides a critical insight into how they might navigate the challenges of creating a truly international curriculum.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Perspectives on Policies, Practices & Pedagogies for Promoting Social Responsibility in Higher Education
Universities are no longer functioning in isolation but are preparing to be agents of social change by actively involving students in community life beyond the classroom. This book explores social responsibility and education, looking to social ethics theory and the value proposition of higher education institutions. Understanding that pedagogies that are based on the inculcation of social responsibility can lead to social and economic benefits for students and society at large, the authors present case studies of policies and practices used in institutions across the globe to give readers an insight into how social responsibility is embedded into the curriculum. While no one approach is prescribed as the benchmark, the chapters help readers to understand the practices that academics are implementing across cultural environments, in India, Nigeria, Canada, New Zealand and in the US.
Emerald Publishing Limited Crafting Customer Experience Strategy: Lessons from Asia
When analysing customer experience, there is often a disconnect in the kind of customer experience senior leadership believes their organizations deliver and what consumers say they actually receive. Crafting Customer Experience Strategy: Lessons from Asia looks at how Customer Experience Management can be vital in providing a sustained competitive advantage for businesses. In uncovering this essential strategic challenge, this book explores the need to create customer experiences by design utilizing data, as well as the importance of engaging with the voice of the customer, the employee and the process in managing the customer journey. In this book a range of real world insights are scrutinized from a variety of leading organizations; chapters explore a wide range of themes including how organizations create experiences, the customer journey, emotions, technology and the returns in designing improved experiences. This is an essential reading for marketing students, scholars and practitioners looking for understanding and insights in customer experience management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leading Local Government: The Role of Directly Elected Mayors
Leading Local Government: The Role of Directly Elected Mayors is a timely and critical book that examines the erratic rise and uncertain future of the directly elected mayor in the context of English local governance. Written principally for local government practitioners as well as for those with an academic interest in public leadership, the book asks whether elected mayors offer a new and reinvigorated form of local leadership, whether for individual towns and cities or for wider groups of combined authorities at the regional level. Built on original primary research conducted with mayors, elected representatives and a range of public sector managers, the book offers a fresh perspective that recognises mayoral achievements in some areas – including economic development – but finds that mayors do not enjoy widespread public endorsement and do not represent devolution of power in any meaningful sense. Above all, the book argues that elected mayors do not represent democratic renewal in a country which remains highly centralized. Using an historical account of early local government leaders together with international comparisons from the United States and Europe, the authors present the argument that, twenty years into the mayoral experiment, the mayoral initiative has so far failed to match the aspirations of central government for a new and effective form of local leadership.
Emerald Publishing Limited Small Business Management and Control of the Uncertain External Environment
From the vagaries of the economy, through to varying degrees of social unrest, to the impact of adverse weather, businesses of all forms and sizes across the globe must cope with ongoing change, uncertainty, and risk. In this unpredictable environment, how can SMEs react and control external factors? This edited collection investigates the potential impact of long-term planning and strategic awareness on the ability of SMEs to remain competitive in a highly competitive world. The authors and editors demonstrate that whether SMEs are able to identify and act upon externally imposed forces and factors, or not, is the defining indicator of their likelihood to struggle, survive, or even thrive. Outlining the integral development opportunities or threats to existing business activity inherent to the external environment, this book offers a multidisciplinary insight, which brings together different lenses to explore a range of cutting-edge themes from both research and practitioner perspectives. The book also looks ahead, examining the broad market reaction to external forces in order to predict future implications. Given the significance of SMEs for the global economy, the range of different views offered, including but not limited to people management, entrepreneurship and education, provide genuine insights for a diversity of audiences and readers.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Sustainability of Health Care Systems in Europe
This volume contains an Open Access Chapter The Sustainability of Health Care Systems in Europe provides a comprehensive understanding of the sustainability of health systems in Europe. Furthermore, it includes an introduction to how EU action in supporting health- care policies in the EU Member States, looking both at implemented actions and describing current priorities for the future. There has been a rapid evolution of the structure of society and the economy over the last few decades which has created new demands for healthcare services. This has placed pressure on policy makers to ensure the sustainability of the health care sector. Policy makers understand the efficiency of the healthcare delivery system needs to be improved, the shortage of health professionals must be tackled, and that there are growing health inequalities and inequity in access to healthcare. These challenges are exacerbated by recent economic shocks including the 2008 recession, the uncertainty related to Brexit, and the crisis induced by the COVID-19 pandemic, which have impacted the ability of European health systems to finance the health care sector. This book is a must read for researchers and students of health economics and health policy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reimagining Leadership on the Commons: Shifting the Paradigm for a More Ethical, Equitable, and Just World
Commons are self-organized, self-governed, autonomous networks and organizations that function outside the state and the private sector. They are emerging around the world as people recognize that the state and private sector have increasingly closed off access to basic resources and services. People want increased power to determine their political, economic, and social lives. Reimagining Leadership on the Commons includes leadership approaches derived from a complex, adaptive, open, whole systems perspective and a more relational, distributed, and collaborative paradigm that recognizes that rather than being individualist self-maximizers: people prefer to work together to share benefits and found a society based on ethical behavior, equality, and justice. This is essential reading for researchers of commons, leadership practitioners, and non-profits working towards a more ethical, equitable, and just world.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Perspectives on Improving Student Engagement: Advances in Library Practices in Higher Education
How can a library engage students and pro-actively create information literacy? What impact might that have? These vital questions are addressed, at an international level, in this timely new book. Delving into various real-life case studies of interventions in colleges and universities from Canada to India, the chapters in this edited collection showcase relevant examples of efforts to improve engagement with library resources. The authors highlight instances of specifically designed student-centered workshops, a university partnership with a writing center, the role of a library in Africa as a source of socio-economic transformation, and many more examples of innovations and collaboration between libraries and students. The experiences shared by authors in this book are a valuable resource for librarians and researchers across the world interested in how their collaborative efforts can promote the value of information literacy and help create opportunities for students to build their library practice skills.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leadership Strategies for Promoting Social Responsibility in Higher Education
In keeping with the phenomena of globalization and privatization of education institutions and the ever-growing competition in the higher education industry, many higher education institutions are adopting a corporate approach in the changing face of the industry. Institutions are discovering the importance of corporate image, identity, and reputation and the use of corporate social responsibility as a reputation and an advantage building strategy. These strategies are helping the university to move beyond the classroom and to establish deeper relationships with society and to work collaboratively on local issues.Higher education leaders are crucial to these developments, and guide the strategy for institutions adopting this more corporate approach. This book explores the theoretical underpinnings and interventions of CSR practiced by universities across the globe and the role their leadership plays in promoting this. It provides international examples from the US, Africa, Europe and Asia, with implications and insights for university leadership, staff, and students.
Emerald Publishing Limited Journalism and Austerity: Digitization and Crisis During the Greek Memoranda
Journalism and Austerity: Digitization and Crisis During the Greek Memoranda presents an overview of press coverage focused on the Greek crisis. The impacts of disaster and digitization in Greek journalism are analyzed with the help of expert testimonies in one of the most significant political cases of the decade. The author examines the increased use of digital technologies during the economic crisis, and the production of democratic debate around the memoranda in Greece, alongside the interplay between framing and political economic theories. The book enhances our understanding of journalistic production around significant political issues, such as the case of the memoranda signed between the Greek government and the European troika. In this case, the debate was presented in the dominant newspapers of the period in a polarized manner, cut off from global debates The author presents a multi-level theoretical model of power influences on the frame building process, along with his findings from a frame analysis of media articles and political announcements. The book also includes interviews with elite Greek journalists.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tensions and paradoxes in temporary organizing
Breaking new ground in research on temporary organizations, this volume of Research in the Sociology of Organizations brings together papers that examine how temporary organizations navigate the tensions and deal with the paradoxes that are the consequences of temporal limitation. This volume explores diverse forms of temporary organizations including: animation festivals, cultural celebrations, unconferences, start-up accelerators, humanitarian emergency response, strategic initiatives, projects and megaprojects, project portfolios and networks of projects. This volume uses 3 key questions to unify this empirical diversity: 1. The pace and rhythm of temporary organizing: how do conflicting temporal norms shape work and life in temporary organizations? 2. What are the tactics and practices that temporary organizations develop when dealing with the tensions and paradoxes they confront? 3. When relying for resources and working on behalf of permanent organizations, how do temporary organizations deal with the tensions between attachment to, and detachment from, permanent organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Left-Wing Populism: The Politics of the People
In the aftermath of the economic crisis, left-wing parties and leaders began to consider themselves populists or were labelled as such in media and public discourse. This trend can be witnessed in instances such as Syriza in Greece, Podemos in Spain, France Insoumise in France, DiEM25 at the European level and even Corbyinism in the UK. However, the problem still remains as to how we define left-wing populism in contemporary Europe as well as the main characteristics. This book conceptualizes left-wing populism as a combination of the populist impetus of expanding representation, through the appeal to "the people" against "the elites" and the agenda of the left to promote equality and social justice. This study undertakes an in-depth exploration into the concepts of sovereignty, class identity and "the people". Moreover, this book also discusses the institutional dimension of left-wing populism, in dialogue with republicanism and the international sphere, reflected in the debate between sovereignism and transnationalism. The result is an open conceptualization of left-wing populism in which populist parties acquire a hybrid form and incorporate different traditions and influences such as socialism, populism and republicanism in order to reach a social majority and expand democracy. This recent phenomenon of left-wing populism has showed potential to re-define the left-project, but also demonstrates its shortcomings regarding the scope of the political change and its capacity to make politics in a different manner, by and for the people. This invaluable text will prove an essential read for those in the fields of political theory and contemporary political studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Heroic Leadership Imperative: How Leaders Inspire and Mobilize Change
Leaders are expected to be heroic. That is, they are expected to serve three needs of their followers: (1) basic individual needs; (2) group and collective identity needs; and (3) transcendent needs. The Heroic Leadership Imperative illustrates how leaders who fulfill these expectations succeed attracting followers and initiating social change. Here Scott T. Allison and George R. Goethals identify leaders who have succeeded in meeting all three categories of needs—individuals such as Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Donald Trump, as well as cult leaders such as Jim Jones—and they discuss such leaders' appeal by way of a unique integration of classic and contemporary psychology relevant to understanding all facets of heroism and heroic leadership. In so doing, the authors explore how heroes and villains have used this leadership imperative to fulfill their ambitions, and provide valuable insights into how societies can avoid falling under the spell of charismatic leaders who misuse the leadership imperative.For its broad historical coverage, interdisciplinary approach, and relevance to current events, this book is a must-read for scholars and students of leadership studies, and it is of interest to anyone concerned with the political and social upheavals of the past five years.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Narratives of Disability: Constructions, Clashes, and Controversies
This volume explores questions about narrative frameworks in disability research. Narrative is a omnipresent meaning-producing communication form in social life that is both cultural and personal. Public understandings of disability tend to follow a medical storyline in which disability is a personal tragedy to be treated through professional intervention - a frame that disempowers and fails to resonate with many disabled people. Scholars in disability studies and the social sciences have proposed an alternative that portrays social structures, forces, and attitudes as the problems to be resolved - a frame that, while empowering, may neglect, or even repress, some kinds of personal disability stories. This volume seeks to answer the call for richer, more diverse understandings of disability. We explore how narrative inquiry can broaden perspectives on disability to include pain, suffering, chronic illness, and episodic disability, as well as the perspectives of family members and caregivers, while also serving as a platform for dismantling prejudice and discrimination in order to promote positive social change.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Transport and Tourism Destinations
Transport allows tourists to move from their origins to their destinations and within destinations. The increase in tourism, and in connected mobility, has raised sustainability issues in terms of ecological protection and the economic efficiency of competing destinations. This book examines the links between transport, tourism, and sustainability by means of a series of large case studies covering several countries. Themes, frameworks and proposed policies are discussed throughout the book. The concluding chapter of the book takes an explicitly comparative approach and highlights the new contributions that emerge from the case study chapters for both scholars and practitioners. The Transport and Sustainability series addresses the important nexus between transport and sustainability. It contains volumes dealing with a wide range of issues relating to transport, its impact in economic, social and environmental spheres, and its interaction with other policy sectors. Editors and authors take a wide range of approaches - some volumes are general and some specific in nature, and analyses are advanced from a host of different disciplinary backgrounds and perspectives – but the defining feature is that each contribution is grounded in a firm appreciation of how its contents relate to the broader imperatives associated with transport and sustainability.
Emerald Publishing Limited Marketisation and Forensic Science Provision in England and Wales
This unique work of evidence scholarship details the development of marketised forensic science provision in the UK. Exploring the impact that public policy developments have had upon the sector, it delves into the re-structuring of both the governance and delivery of expert scientific evidence. Using first-hand accounts drawn from empirical research, this study analyses the practices and perspectives of forensic experts and criminal justice personnel, with a particular focus on the influence of standardisation, expertise, and regulation on scientific method. Expanding our understanding of the ways in which forensic scientists have responded to policy-driven structural changes, the author highlights the effects of resulting adaptations. Challenging subsisting accounts of law’s deference to expert knowledge, this work uncovers the normative and conceptual underpinnings of law and science, to provide an innovative account of the practice of case construction. Using comparative case-study methods, the study highlights the need for a genuine theoretical engagement between the two domains and supports this endeavour with a range of empirically informed discussions, and detailed theoretical analyses. Revisiting the landmark cases, relevant legislative provisions, and government reports, the study offers a trenchant analysis of law’s mutable understandings of expertise and scientific method. Marketisation and Forensic Science Provision in England and Wales thus lays the foundations for a more rational and systematic approach to the consumption of expert evidence.
Emerald Publishing Limited The North East After Brexit: Impact and Policy
The North East is one of Britain’s most disadvantaged regions. This area, where wealth was generated from coal, steel and engineering during the Industrial Revolution, has struggled to progress at the same rate as regions in Southern England. With a reliance on public sector services, the North East is set to be one of the hardest hit areas after Britain’s exit from the European Union. The North East after Brexit arises from new research and activities at Northumbria University to shape the future of public sector management in the region. Across a range of new themes and governance, work is focused on how public sector agencies can work better together to shape the Northern economy in the future. The North East is a key partner in the Northern Powerhouse involving three northern regions and is designed to rebalance the northern economy in the UK and bridge the chasm between north and south. This important text is set within the context of the Northern Powerhouse; a highly complex and challenging concept that demands the development of new partnerships across the regions, and the need for collaborative working across city regions in the north. With a focus on Brexit and austerity as key drivers of change, this invaluable text contributes to debates in the region surrounding employment changes and policy directions in a post- Brexit world. It will prove to be an essential read for policy makers, government researchers and those working in the fields of public sector leadership and management. Joyce Liddle is a Professor of Public Leadership and Enterprise, Director of Research and Innovation and John Shutt is a Professor of Public Policy and Management. Both are located at Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, UK.
Emerald Publishing Limited Environmentalism and NGO Accountability
It is increasingly being recognised across society that the preservation of our natural environment should shape political, economic and social policies. This book delves into the partnership of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), Environmental NGOs (ENGOs), their communities, and their governmental counterparts in responding to this need. Providing extended research on environmentalism and the NGOs’ roles in promoting environmental accountability, the chapters present a comprehensive overview of the interaction between the two themes both regionally and internationally. Topics include the accountability of Environmental NGOs (ENGOs), impact of NGOs on environmental sustainability, NGOs and sustainable development goals, NGOs and social reporting quality, and the role of NGOs in urban and rural environmental governance. The authors present these insights within the context of developing economies, continental and global perspectives, as well as the transformational angle. This book provides readers with a truly comprehensive snapshot of the environmental accountability of NGOs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Persistence and Vigilance: A View of Ford Motor Company’s Accounting Over Its First Fifty Years
Persistence and Vigilance: A View of Ford Motor Company's Accounting Over Its First Fifty Years is an exploration of the financial leadership that guided the company through periods of phenomenal growth amidst the economic and political upheaval of the early 20th century. Since its inception in 1903, the Ford Motor Company has implemented traditional accounting methods, as well as innovative financial reporting and business policies, to navigate industry competition, two world wars, and labor issues such as the famous $5 day. While much has been written on the presumption of Henry Ford's indifference to the financial details of operating the company that bore his name, there remains much to be said for the talented individuals working behind the scenes to spearhead the day-to-day financial and operational policies of the company. This includes initial co-founder James Couzens, super salesman and accountant Norval Hawkins, loyal Frank Klingensmith, and turn-around specialist Ernest Breech, among others. It was through their skill, persistence, and acumen that accounting policies and procedures evolved within the Ford Motor Company alongside the welcomed support of Edsel Ford, who was widely respected in his vision for strong financial oversight and organizational structure. From archival information found in the Benson Ford Research Center, this book describes the accounting and financial reporting methods utilized by the company through its years of growth, wartime production, economic downturns, and eventual restructuring under the presidency of Henry Ford II. It is essential reading for anyone interested in the history of the Ford Motor Company, as well as those curious about the application of accounting within the fast-growing automotive industry in the early to mid-1900s.
Emerald Publishing Limited Elites and People: Challenges to Democracy
This volume contains an Open Access chapter. Relationships between elites and democracy have always been strained. The very concept of elites - of 'chosen people' - stands in contradiction to democratic ideals of political equality. Simultaneously, they are necessary parts of democratic societies. In any large-scale society, democracy is unthinkable without large organizations, be they political bodies, bureaucracies, enterprises, or voluntary organizations. When power is concentrated at the summit of such organizations the incumbents of the top positions potentially constitute groups that often are termed elite groups. The present volume of Comparative Social Research offers a broad set of comparative studies of elites, stretching from the Arab Spring in Tunisia and Egypt to women's political leadership in Brazil and Germany, via attainment of elite positions among minorities in France and the US. The quality of democratic governance seems to be in decline in many parts of contemporary world. Nevertheless, political elections are still a main source of legitimacy, even when they are far from being free and fair. Developments in the Third Wave democracies established around 1990 both in Europe and in the rest of the world, are treated in several chapters. How do they fare two or three decades later? Another group of chapters sets the focus on elite recruitment and socialization, spelled out against class and gender. The volume concludes by highlighting various entanglements of elites with populism, concerning both underlying reasons for the recent populist expansion and the various images of elites in populist movements.
Emerald Publishing Limited Retail Futures: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of the Digital Transformation
Retail Futures presents a comprehensive collection of new theory, original empirical evidence, and applied case studies synthesizing the emerging contributions in innovation and technology management for the retailing sector. Eleonora Pantano presents readers with an accessible and wide ranging collection of chapters aimed at clearly identifying the challenges retailers have to face in response to innovative new practices, while suggesting how the sector can respond to the technological developments. The book analyses theories, frameworks and guidelines for successfully managing innovation in retailing, empirical research on retailers and consumer behavior when facing innovation in retail settings, ethical considerations and privacy issues, and case studies of retailers and innovation. Retail Futures is primarily aimed at academic researchers studying retailing (including internet and e- retailing), as well as upper level students who want to understand this phenomenon. In addition, the book is useful for practitioners who are experiencing the dramatic effects of new and smart technologies on their retail strategies. This work provides a strong collection of theories, empirical evidence, and case study applications synthesizing the emerging studies on the innovation and technology management for retailing in an accessible way.
Emerald Publishing Limited Architecture as a Global System: Scavengers, Tribes, Warlords and Megafirms
Since the 1980s the architectural profession across the world has been driven by globalisation. The factors shaping this globalisation include neo-liberal economics, digital transformation and the rise of social media against the background of the profession’s entrenched labour practices. In describing architecture as a global system, this book outlines how globalisation has shaped architecture and explores the degree to which architecture remains a distinct field of knowledge. The book identifies four categories of architects in this global system: scavengers, tribes, warlords and megafirms. By employing this institutional-logics approach, the author looks beyond the surface spectacle of iconic projects, celebrity architects and cycles of urban focused media outrage. From this perspective, the book illuminates the archipelagos and outposts of disciplinary knowledge that architectural actors traverse and highlights the frontiers at which architectural knowledge is both created and eroded. The author argues that to retain their future agency, architects must understand the contours and ecologies of practice that constitute this global system of architectural production. This book provides a clear-sighted analysis to suggest the points that need reconfiguring in this global system so that architects may yet shape and order the future of cities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Hope and a Future: Perspectives on the Impact that Librarians and Libraries Have on our World
In a world that often questions the value of libraries and librarianship, this collection of reflective essays and future-focused research emphasizes the ways in which being an information professional continues to be a rewarding and vital profession. Including sixteen chapters written by library practitioners, researchers, and educators, this book covers topics, among others, such as the impact of K-12 school librarians on media literacy, the community power of public libraries, the transformative power of community-focused library collaborations, and strategies for implementing effective outreach for underserved populations. It is by sharing their thoughtful, vibrant, and at times painfully honest perspectives on the varied and essential roles that librarians and libraries play in our world that the authors display their passion for librarianship and demonstrate why continued support for libraries is essential.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Group Processes
Advances in Group Processes publishes theoretical analyses, reviews, and theory-based empirical chapters on group phenomena. The series adopts a broad conception of "group processes." This includes work on groups ranging from the very small to the very large, and on classic and contemporary topics such as status, power, trust, justice, social influence, identity, decision-making, intergroup relations and social networks. Previous contributors have included scholars from diverse fields including sociology, psychology, political science, economics, business, philosophy, computer science, mathematics and organizational behavior. Volume 36 brings together papers related to a variety of topics in small groups and organizational research. The volume includes papers that address theoretical and empirical issues related to the ubiquitous nature of status, double standards of competence, and controlling the status effects of gender. Other contributions examine reverse identity processes, self-stigma, synchrony and cooperation and the effects of authority leniency. Overall, the volume includes papers that reflect a wide range of theoretical approaches from leading scholars who work in the general area of group processes.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Leading Practice of Decision Making in Modern Business Systems: Innovative Technologies and Perspectives of Optimization
Focusing on modern business systems from within the modern Russian context, this book examines how companies can become leading competitors globally within their industries through new decision making processes. Whilst current practices support the sustainability of a business system in terms of maintaining normal functionality and the prevention of crises, there is a need to consider the goals of leading organizations with larger business systems and greater resources. These goals can be more global in their focus and envisage the creation or strengthening of competitive advantages. Contributors of this book explore large scale industries specializing in hi-tech spheres of economy and instigate innovative activity in the face of high-levels of competition. Specific industries analyzed in this content include digital medicine, energy efficiency and car manufacturers. Using models of optimization and a range of real-world case studies, the book provides tools, technological analysis and techniques for practitioners to use within their own decision-making practices. For scholars researching business management, leadership and decision-making, this book also offers a useful insight into how optimized decision-making processes can be applied to the modern business system.
Emerald Publishing Limited Metal Music and the Re-imagining of Masculinity, Place, Race and Nation
Metal is a form of popular music. Popular music is a form of leisure. In the modern age, popular music has become part of popular culture, a heavily contested collection of practices and industries that construct place, belonging and power. The arrival of Donald Trump in the White House has shown that angry white men still wield huge social and cultural power in this new century. The aim of this monograph is to explore metal music - might be seen as leisure spaces that resist the norms and values of the mainstream; but also how they might also serve to re-affirm and construct those norms and values. In particular, this book is interested in how forms of metal might work to re-imagine masculinity, race, nation and class in an intersectional way through the myth of warrior masculinity and blood and soil. This monograph explores the history of the myths, and the reaction by fans to the music. The focus is extended to bands that use the warrior-nation myth in places and countries beyond the global North, and in ways that challenge or subvert hegemony.
Emerald Publishing Limited Creative Ageing and the Arts of Care: Reframing Active Ageing
Creative Ageing and the Arts of Care makes a case for cultural participation by older adults to enhance the quality of their lives. Building on concepts of adult human development and empowerment, Elizabeth Brooke reframes 'active ageing' to include forms of creative expression and cultural participation crucial to transforming later stages of the life course. Focusing on the micro-level of the experiences of older adults in visual arts, dance, theatre and music, the book showcases multi-perspective case studies compiled from community-based initiatives and care settings carried out in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, and Australia to explain creative ageing in practice. Through the analysis of arts forms embedded in theoretical sociological frameworks and the lens of cultural gerontology, the case studies explore and develop theoretical insights about older adults' experiences of artmaking which also contest ageism. The case studies interrelate meso-level interactional processes entailed in art-making and macro-level structural contexts. Drawing out success factors, the author articulates a transferable policy framework and practical recommendations for a multi-level model of creative ageing. Breaking fresh ground by proposing a new conceptual and practical framework promoting 'creative ageing', Elizabeth Brooke ultimately argues that 'active ageing' must be reframed to include cultural participation as an integral domain at the crux of wellbeing. Ultimately, the book demonstrates how quality of life and quality of care, including self-care, coincide by enabling adults to flourish creatively as they age.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainability
The Business and Society (BAS) 360 book series is an annual publication targeting cutting-edge developments in the broad business and society field, such as stakeholder management, corporate social responsibility and citizenship, business ethics, sustainability, social entrepreneurship and others. Each volume will feature a comprehensive discussion and review of the current “state” of the research and theoretical developments in a specific business and society area. Volume Four focuses on research drawn from work grounded in “Sustainability.” Scholars known in this discipline contribute to a 360-degree evaluation of the theory, including cross-discipline research, empirical explorations, cross-cultural studies, literature critiques, and meta-analysis projects. Sustainability should appeal to wide range of readers – from emerging and senior business school educators researching and teaching in the business and society field to doctoral and masters level students across the business, social sciences and natural sciences seeking to learn about this multi-discipline and sustained field of management study.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research promotes research across all areas of accounting, incorporating theory from, and contributing knowledge to, the fields of applied psychology, sociology, management science, ethics and economics. Focusing on research that examines both individual and organizational behavior relative to accounting, the series provides a unique opportunity for the exchange of peer reviewed knowledge across all areas of accounting behavioral research and the development, discussion and expansion of theories from psychology, sociology and related disciplines. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research encourages research that tests theory, explains theory, and develops theory that can be applied to better understand accounting domains. Accordingly, reviews of established theory and how that theory has and could be used in accounting are also strongly encouraged.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Purpose-Driven University: Transforming Lives and Creating Impact through Academic Social Responsibility
What is the purpose of universities, and what is their role in our world? Many would say that it is to educate students and conduct research. This is true, but somehow, the narrow focus on these two goals led universities to be perceived as ivory towers and detached elitist institutions. In an era when many organisations shift towards purpose, responsibility, and sustainability, universities have a role to play in becoming a force for good. While many higher education institutions are focused on being the best for the world, some are changing to become the best for the world. A movement has begun. A purpose-driven university utilises its resources, knowledge, talent and people to continuously and intentionally contribute to the communities and the environment in which it operates: through research, education, programmes and service. This timely book offers the why, how and what of a purpose-driven university, utilising cases, research, concepts and a framework which can be implemented in any university interested in making a difference. This book tells the stories of purpose-driven universities and other organisations, and serves as a call for action by academic leadership to change higher education for good.
Emerald Publishing Limited Lifelong Learning and the Roma Minority in Central and Eastern Europe
Access, attainment and success of Roma people in education are at a crisis point across Europe. Recent research has revealed that Roma people are the most underrepresented group in schools and other educational institutions. Policy makers across Central and Eastern Europe face the challenge of reversing the disadvantaged situation of the Roma minority. There is a whole host of policy strategies, measures and projects across Europe which offer similar solutions on national, regional and local levels. This book discusses the current educational climate and the impact of these policy measures for Roma people in eight Central and Eastern European countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. There is a severe lack of information about the Roma people in the public domain. This book seeks to raise awareness of this forgotten minority and evaluate the policies implemented to integrate the Roma people into the education system, using many different cultural perspectives written by experts across Central and Eastern Europe. This book will prove invaluable to those in the field of comparative education, educational leaders and practitioners in Central and Eastern Europe and beyond.