Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Expand, Grow, Thrive: 5 Proven Steps to Turn Good Brands into Global Brands through the LASSO Method
Using powerful storytelling and unique access to the personal perspectives of top-flight marketers who have developed truly world-class business growth programs, Pete Canalichio shows us how successful marketers have extended and expanded their brands, and the challenges they have had to overcome along the way. The LASSO model (Lateral; Addictive; Storied; Scalable; Own-able) offers a simple, accessible and effective way for marketers to get their heads around the desired attributes of highly successful growth programs. With insightful advice, anecdotes and tips from leading brand licensing professionals, household names like Coca-Cola and Disney, senior marketers and inspiring individuals, Canalichio has created a measured and proven "Think Big, Get Big" framework to truly help your brand first expand, grow successfully, and ultimately thrive.
Emerald Publishing Limited Dewey and Education in the 21st Century: Fighting Back
This book makes a strong case for the abiding relevance of Dewey’s notion of learning through experience, with a community of others and what this implies for democratic education in the 21st century. Its first section addresses the experience of today’s generation of so-called ‘digital natives’ in terms of how we should now understand ‘knowledge’ and how their online experience creates opportunities and challenges for the curriculum, such as schools linking internationally to study classical texts; an exposition of why makerspaces, hackerspaces and Fab Labs might support Dewey’s democratic communities in our time, with on-line affordances of ‘a commons’, a space to use imagination and invent and share with others. The book’s second section is original in its focus on the central Deweyan idea of ‘embodiment’ with chapters on Dewey and the Alexander technique and on experiences of Afro-American students, in public schools, especially those situated in multi-racial, multi-ethnic countries like the U.S. with deep, racial divides and tensions. The section ends with a chapter on the somaesthetic, educational value of learning outside of buildings. A third section on experience related to democracy and education, has chapters on Dewey and the democratic curriculum, experience as a preparation for democracy, communication and the critique of individualism. Dewey’s notion of interest is analyzed and questioned as to whether it is a sympathetic notion for educational development. With contributions from Spain, Cameroon, the US and the UK the book ranges across varied curricular and policy contexts to explore what reading Dewey can contribute to contemporary education studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Juvenile Delinquency, Crime and Social Marginalization: Social and Political Implications
This book examines the psychosocial, legal, and familial factors at play in the persistence in crime and social marginalization in adults with a history of juvenile delinquency, setting out the political and social implications, and delineating new lines of research. Presenting, for the first time, a summary of the main findings and conclusions of The Portuguese Study on Delinquency and Social Marginalization (PSDSM), this study addresses the following topics: the role of youth psychosocial factors on desistance from crime during adulthood in individuals with a history of juvenile delinquency; the relationship between serious adverse childhood experiences (e.g., having lived with a person with mental illness, physical abuse, emotional neglect) and juvenile justice involvement, persistence in crime, and psychosocial problems; the mechanisms involved in the link between serious childhood adversity and delinquency; the role of the juvenile justice system on psychosocial problems and persistence in crime during young adulthood; and finally the relation between adult psychosocial problems and criminal indicators in individuals with official record of juvenile criminal offenses. Findings from PSDSM have resulted in an extensive list of political and social recommendations for child protection services, justice system, mental health services, schools and universities. This timely title explores these findings and recommendations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Broken Pie Chart: 5 Ways to Build Your Investment Portfolio to Withstand and Prosper in Risky Markets
Investment outcomes and strategies have changed considerably since 2008. Broken Pie Chart demonstrates the failures of classical diversification and asset allocation, pointing out that the backward-looking methods used by traditional financial professionals will not work moving forward. Derek Moore explains why traditional risk-spreading leads to losses during sell-off periods, and contains risks that many investors do not recognize until it is too late. He also reflects on the changes in the financial market since the global financial crisis, and how these changes may affect your asset allocation and risk management decision-making in a landscape of lower rates and higher risks. With this work, readers can take a fresh look at their portfolios by identifying the emerging asset classes that will lead to investment success, using effective financial strategies to enhance their position, and placing smart floors, hedges and buffers to minimize risk.
Emerald Publishing Limited And Now What?: A Guide to Leadership and Taking Charge in Your New Role
When you start a new managerial role, there is an inevitable contrast between what you believed you would find and what you’re actually faced with. And Now What? helps you manage this gap between expectation and reality, ensuring that you get off to the best possible start in your new job. This book is structured in two parts, and it begins by offering readers a panoramic perspective of what a ‘landing’ entails in terms of personal self-leadership and managing people and uncertainty. The first part of the book reviews the process of taking charge in your new role, from preparation through to implementation. The second part presents a range of case studies arranged in order of increasing professional responsibility, allowing the reader to take a trip from the first stages of a professional leader’s life to the highest responsibilities of a chairperson’s role – experiencing changes, promotions, exits, internationalizations and take-offs along the way. The most important thing for a leader is not to discover how to motivate, but to better understand their reasons for motivating others. In this way, you can think of the leadership journey as both a personal and a professional adventure.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender Panic, Gender Policy
Using diverse theories and methods including analysis of online data, feminist critical discourse, fieldwork, grounded theory, and queer theory, this edited volume explores gender panic and policy in the United States as well as Argentina, Australia, Belarus, Japan, Russia, Sweden, and subnational populations. Contributors consider a range of issues from the meaning of learning to play the traditional female role in order to develop a contemporary heteronormative romantic relationship to the difficulties of fairly accommodating non-binary people in traditionally gendered settings or the problem of implementing a gender-neutral rape law in a prison system that is structurally gendered. Gendered policies pertaining, particularly, to women and their fertility as a result of panics over low birthrates are explored as are issues relating to the validation of and problems with binary gender categories in elite sports. The impact of UN gender equality initiatives including LGBT equality on nation-states is also examined.
Emerald Publishing Limited Viewpoints on Interventions for Learners with Disabilities
Interventions in special education are results of advocacy, legislation, litigation, research, and trends. Since interventions come in many forms, they represent multidimensional viewpoints and perspectives and need to be handled with professional care, integrity, fidelity. This book highlights the fact there are skill-sets needed to work with divergent disability categories. The chapters begin with introducing readers to contextual bases of interventions for learners with disabilities and end with futuristic perspectives that go beyond tradition. Other chapters focus on students with learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, and intellectual disabilities. Additional chapters focus on students who are deaf and hard of hearing, and students with visual impairments, autism, severe disabilities, traumatic brain injury, speech and language impairments, and physical and other health impairments. This volume presents the voices of leaders in the field of special education and addresses critical issues related to identification, assessment, labeling, placement, and instruction. Furthermore, it responds to what makes special education “special.” Not only does this volume present historical contexts, it also authenticates the legitimacy of helping all learners to maximize their fullest potential, the real essence of special education. To a large extent, this book will be an excellent resource for undergraduate and graduate students, regular educators, special educators, educator preparation professionals, researchers, scholars, and practitioners.
Emerald Publishing Limited Hybrid Media Events: The Charlie Hebdo Attacks and the Global Circulation of Terrorist Violence
What are hybrid media events? Who creates them and what kind of purpose do they serve in contemporary societies? This book addresses these questions by re-thinking media events in the contemporary digital media environment saturated by intensified circulation of radical violence. The empirical analyses draw on the investigation of the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris, in 2015 and the global responses those attacks stirred in the media audience. This book provides a new way of thinking about the idea of the hybrid in global media events. The authors give special emphasis to the hybrid dynamics between the different actors, platforms and messages in such events, explaining how global news media, terrorists and political elites interact with ordinary media users in social media. It demonstrates how tweets such as "Je suis Charlie" circulate from one digital media platform to another and what kind of belongings are created in those circulations during the times of distraction. In addition, the book examines how emotions, speed of communication and fight for attention become hybridized in the digital media. All these aspects, the authors argue, shape the ways in which we make sense of global media events in the present digital age. The authors invite readers to critically reflect the technological, economical, political and socio-cultural challenges connected with today's global media events and the ethical encounters they may entail.
Emerald Publishing Limited Autonomous Driving: How the Driverless Revolution will Change the World
This book looks at the latest advances in autonomous driving, demonstrating that a future once considered science fiction is now close at hand. Acceptance of driverless cars relies on more than just the technology that delivers it; in this book the authors consider the shift in attitudes required for social acceptance and a move towards considering cars one aspect of a wider mobility solution. In addition, a clear demand is arising from gridlocked megacities across the globe. Autonomous driving offers a solution for the high pollution levels and management of the transport infrastructure where current methods are proving insufficient in places of high population density. Having highlighted the need for driverless cars, the book concludes with an ambitious agenda to ensure the successful delivery of autonomous driving. Political requirements, including investment in a new infrastructure and a commitment to collaboration across borders factors in the ten-point plan for governments seeking to establish international leaders in the latest advances in mobility services. From ethical considerations in the programming of automated driving procedures to changes in attitudes towards car ownership and design, this title is a comprehensive look at the latest revolution in mobility.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Media in Earthquake-Related Communication: Shake Networks
This book presents a comprehensive framework for disaster communication, with a main focus on earthquake-related communication, building on a previously fragmented, single-case study approach to analysing the role of social media during natural disasters. The authors consider both traditional communication patterns and a networked model. Following traditional command-and-control disaster management paradigms, disaster communication has historically been framed as a linear process, in which experts or authorities give instructions to a passive audience. In recent years growing attention has been devoted to bottom-up disaster communication processes, and scholars have begun to focus on activities performed by citizens through digital media. These activities include eyewitness information sharing, collective intelligence processes, and digital volunteering. Each chapter identifies and addresses four different scenarios: top-down information sharing, citizen information gathering, institutional communication gathering, and bottom-up information sharing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Negotiation: What Physics Can Teach Us About International Negotiation
This new and innovative book introduces a new approach to negotiation, where ‘Sustainable Negotiation’ replaces the old notion of winning. Instead of ‘doing a deal’ and walking away, negotiation becomes a continuous process of solving problems and creating relationships with no term limits, which better reflects the real world today. Just as we strive to create a sustainable approach to the natural world, we need to do the same with people if we want to keep working together and building a more harmonious business world. The book borrows from the field of physics to make the case that negotiators need to know what is not visible so they can explain what is visible. This alignment gives negotiators the tools to think differently about what they see, helping them to look beyond traditional negotiation techniques and to develop a forward-thinking and sustainable approach to business. Written by a leading international negotiation expert, Sustainable Negotiation introduces a completely new perspective on international negotiation, providing practical, field-tested examples, experiments and guidance to enable readers to implement sustainable negotiation in the real world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Integrated Management: How Sustainability Creates Value for Any Business
Integration has been a key theme across the general management, organizational behaviour, supply chain management, strategy, information systems and the environmental management literature for decades. Sustainability continues to be, at the “top of the agenda” in the C-suite. Despite this, specialists in academia and organizations lack the peripheral vision to understand the power of a more integrated approach that will empower functional groups to become best-in-class without forcing trade-offs that pull down other groups connected to overall operations. Integrated Management is the key driver of innovation and profitability in progressive companies. It reduces risks while pursuing new opportunities, and the checks and balances for prudent management are baked in the strategy for modern go-to-market synergy and growth. What can be done, then, by individuals, functions, organizations, value chains, and even whole cities to integrate and align sustainability? To answer this and other questions, the information in this book finds enterprises already on the path toward integrated management and strategic sustainable development. It considers the opportunity we have to enable an enterprise value proposition that includes environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. Integrated management applies a proven strategic planning approach to uncover the tools and actions available for change management and performance measured with an Integrated Bottom Line (IBL). Using evidence based examples from best-in-practice enterprises, proven management tenets, models and tools alongside emerging technologies, we can develop integrated solutions aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It’s easy to say sustainability is important, yet not so easy to understand how it is part of the decisions that are made every day and how it cuts across business functions, systems, and supply chains. The information within this book, the application of systems thinking to complex problems, development of a vision and action plan, your own research, and action learning activities are all designed to accelerate management action, value creation, and the goal of a sustainable future.
Emerald Publishing Limited Parables, Myths and Risks
Continuing the search for greater reflectivity regarding accounting’s role in society, this volume identifies the many ways accounting contributes to knowledge creation and the consequences in socio-economic realms. Accounting practice has always been concerned with fraud, legitimacy and trust. One might speculate an essential premise behind the audit of publicly held corporations is potential management deception, and thus a raison d'être for accounting and accountability. In this volume researchers, exploring themes of deception: examine financial statement manipulation in the decade after Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), consider internal control impacts on earnings management, deliberate on the usefulness of audit opinions, and contemplate tax evasion practices and their antecedents. In contextualizing the public interest these researchers contemplate cultural distinctions, conflicts of interest, regulation, and the dynamic interfaces and divides between practitioners and academics. Envisioning the facilitation of overall enhancement of the broad community, recommendations for increasing the quality of communication between scholars and professionals is deliberated. Contributing as well to the undeniable concern for broad environmental degradation, the role of the discipline in maintaining the status quo is challenged. Rather, accounting's characterization of accountability should include attributes of socio-environmental destruction: complexity, uncertainty and diffused responsibility. These emergent accounts would inform the journey of constructing more representative accounts of technological degradation. Such imaginative emancipatory accounting would enhance decision- making, develop social well-being, and unfold new forms of knowledge and possibilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Teacher Preparation in Ireland: History, Policy and Future Directions
Fifty years ago, in 1967, free education was introduced in Ireland for attendance at second-level schools and great expansion of provision of education at both this and third-level followed. Currently, great interest is developing in this landmark development in Irish history, which was probably the most significant initiative taken in regard to education in Ireland from Independence from Britain in 1922 to the present. This book contributes to the interest generated by this landmark anniversary by tracing the history of teacher preparation in Ireland. It relates to the introduction to the ‘free education’ education scheme introduced in 1967, in that it provides an exposition on the nature of teacher preparation for teaching in primary and second-level schools both before and after the initiative was taken. Thus, it traces the history of teacher preparation through a number of stages; from education for nation-building in the new post-colonial society to partaking in the recent neo-liberal agenda sweeping through education systems throughout the world. This book should be of interest not only to Irish educationists, historians and policy makers, but also to their counterparts internationally, as well as to comparative educationists. It can be seen as providing an exposition which can be used by teacher educators in many parts of the world which they can use to sharpen their perceptions of their own situations through comparison and contrast, provoke ideas for critical discussion, and stimulate them to come to an understanding of the importance of considering contemporary developments within their wider historical contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mastering Business for Strategic Communicators: Insights and Advice from the C-suite of Leading Brands
The most successful communication professionals are no longer just communication experts—they are masters of business. To serve as trusted advisors to the C-suite and to collaborate across the enterprise means it is necessary to have a strong grounding in business acumen. Mastering Business provides strategic communications and public relations students and professionals with expert insights and advice into the various major business functions and departments. From an assemblage of top strategic communication leaders comes this collection of more than 20 essays from current and former Chief Communications Officers (CCOs). The authors show the business areas that communicators help convene, integrate, and translate across their enterprises and to external stakeholders. Each chapter features a Career Spotlight by the CCO and a C-suite View response from a business leader, including CEOs, presidents, and CFOs from household names like GE, GM, Southwest Airlines, Starbucks, Walgreens Boots Alliance, and SAP. This collection provides readers with a rare view of the leadership roles played by top strategic communicators inside some of today’s most well-known brands and organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Trump Phenomenon: How the Politics of Populism Won in 2016
On November 8, 2016, American voters surprised the world by electing a rank outsider with no previous political experience, businessman and celebrity Donald J. Trump, to become the 45th President of the United States after one of the most divisive and contentious campaigns in recent history. In this short book, Peter Kivisto analyses how this happened, focusing on who Trump is and the narratives about him and his candidacy that evolved during the campaign, who his supporters are and what their worldview is, and the role of the media, right-wing Christians, and the Republican Party in making Trump’s victory possible. The Trump phenomenon must be viewed as a manifestation of right-wing populism, a movement which has serious implications for democratic values and practices, and this book examines how it took hold in America to put one of the most controversial presidents ever elected into the White House.
Emerald Publishing Limited Electronic HRM in the Smart Era
The HRM field is entering smart businesses where the human, digital and high-tech dimensions seem to increasingly converge, and HRM needs to anticipate its own smart future. Technological developments and interconnectedness with and through the Internet (often called the “Internet of Things”) set new challenges for the HRM function. Smartness enacted by HRM professionals – notions of “smart industries”, “smart things” and “smart services” – all put new pressures on strategic HRM. Since the 1990s, organisations have increasingly been introducing electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM), with the expectation of improving the quality of HRM and increasing its contribution to firm performance. These beliefs originate from ideas about the endless possibilities of information technologies (IT) in facilitating HR practices, and about the infinite capacity of HRM to adopt IT. This book focuses on the progression from e-HRM to digital (d-HRM) – towards smart HRM. It also raises several important questions that businesses and scholars are confronted with: What kind of smart solution can and will HRM offer to meet the expectations of the latest business developments? Can HRM become smart and combine digitisation, automation and a network approach? How do businesses futureproof their HRM in the smart era? What competences do employees need to ensure businesses flourish in smart industries? With rapid technological developments and ever-greater automation and information available, the HRM function needs to focus on non-routine and complex, evidence-based and science-inspired, and creative and value-added professionally demanding tasks.
Emerald Publishing Limited Trade Tales: Decoding Customers' Stories
To clarify their own thinking, gain confirmation, and plan, customers tell stories about their interactions with sales and service associates. These stories are told often via blog sites, social-media platforms (e.g. TripAdvisor) as well as informally to friends and family members. Read original first-person stories of problems, opportunities and outcomes with a multiple-choice exercise following each story, as well as a critical review by an independent researcher. This volume describes customers’ reports of their experience of interactions with sales/service associates. Chapters also offer a descriptive theory of storytelling narratives of these encounters. Gain an international view with stories by Asian, European, New Zealand/Pacific Rim, and North American customers. The volume highlights small details that have significant impact on customer satisfaction enhancing the reader’s abilities to detect nuances in multiple international contexts, understand how customers evaluate sales/service reps’ behavior well as providing opportunities to solve real problems. This is a valuable book in the field of customer relationship management that is also interactive.
Emerald Publishing Limited Investment Traps Exposed: Navigating Investor Mistakes and Behavioral Biases
Winner of the Book Excellence Awards 2017, Personal Finance category Given the complex and challenging world of investing, what chance do individuals have navigating the financial minefield and emerging unscathed? Not much, unless they become knowledgeable about investment fundamentals, recognize and correct their mistakes and behavioral biases, and avoid traps strewn along their path. Investment Traps Exposed guides investors past such potential pitfalls as pyramid and Ponzi schemes to help them become more financially successful. Investment Traps Exposed helps investors and advisors increase their awareness about the external and internal traps that they or their clients can encounter. Baker and Puttonen not only examine common mistakes, assumptions and deceptions that can ensnare investors, affect sound judgment, and reduce wealth but also delve into how to recognize and avoid these errors. The authors present practical advice and real-world examples in a user-friendly manner, and also nudge investors to stay on the right course to mitigate misbehaving.
Emerald Publishing Limited Design of Technology-Enhanced Learning: Integrating Research and Practice
Winner of the Association of Educational Computing and Technology (AECT) 2018 Design and Development Outstanding Book Award Educators and researchers worldwide are confronted by a tantalizing challenge – how should contemporary technologies be used to enhance learning? This book provides a broad academic and teaching audience with an integrated understanding of learning technology research, and how it can be used to enhance the design of learning environments. Whereas some books focus exclusively on research relating to learning technology and others propose ways to use technology effectively, this book synthesises research for the purpose of informing best practice. After laying pedagogical, technological and content foundations, it examines research relating to the educational use of Web 2.0, social networking, mobile devices and virtual worlds. Analysis across these contexts leaves readers with a nuanced understanding of how technology-enhanced learning design principles may (or may not) be abstracted across different learning technology environments. Providing an integrated portrayal of learning technology research enables educators (academics, school teachers, pre-service teachers and educational designers) to immediately adopt evidence-based approaches in their teaching. The comprehensive synthesis of the literature also helps learning technology researchers to more clearly identify the interrelationships between different areas of learning technology research, as well as position their work amongst the practical problems of the field. Rich with examples, this book is suitable for those who want to adopt a design-based and research-driven approach to enhancing learning using technology.
Emerald Publishing Limited Understanding the New Business Paradigm in Eastern Europe: Lessons on Building a Successful Small Business
It is beyond a doubt that the business landscape is constantly changing with every small business looking for the next competitive advantage. In Understanding the New Business Paradigm in Eastern Europe, Kozielski presents a universal model for building a successful business in these hectic times. His four-tiered model is based on lessons learned from both developed and emerging markets across Eastern Europe, and is neither limited to one type of organization or a market, nor has any geographical borders. Called the 'four-leaf clover'; Kozielski's model features the experiences of such companies as mBank (part of Commerzbank), Aflofarm, Atlas, Redan, Sphinx and more. This work will be of interest to academics and professional who are looking for a holistic and systematic approach to successful small business management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sociometrics and Human Relationships: Analyzing Social Networks to Manage Brands, Predict Trends, and Improve Organizational Performance
Sociometrics and Human Relationships translates the latest academic research into practical business strategies and techniques as well as actionable insights, providing a wealth of examples for social network analysis and predicting trends. Gloor illustrates how to improve organizational performance by optimizing communication and collaboration through email. Based on Collaborative Innovation Networks courses which have been taught for over a decade to students forming virtual teams across a number of universities, Gloor shows readers how to leverage virtual collaborative creativity in the Internet age, and helps them understand and apply the dynamics of online communication via a variety of tools. Gloor has also created a tool that analyses all types of social media such as: Twitter, Wikipedia, online blogs and Facebook as well as email or Skype logs to predict election outcomes, perception and strength of brands, customer and employment satisfaction, or fraudulent behavior. Gloor explains how to use his tool, Condor, to visualize, monitor and manage brands, products and topics online, as well as analyzing organizations through their email networks.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Islamic Finance, Marketing, and Management: An Asian Perspective
Demonstrating high quality theoretical and empirical findings in the areas of Islamic finance, banking, entrepreneurship, insurance, capital market, Islamic leadership, and Halal marketing, this new work includes topics on consumer perception, services orientation, new product development, risk management, industry readiness for better customer satisfaction, and policy issues coupling strategy and best practices. Of interest to both academics and practitioners who assist in making Shariah-centric strategies, this work is particularly important as Asia holds a major percentage of Islamic assets in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East, with new opportunities opening in Central Asia.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Recruitment in HRM: A Theoretical Approach and Empirical Analysis
This book was born from the desire to analyze the role of social recruitment in human resources management. The first chapter analyzes theoretical background of social media communication and focuses on the trend to make use of these instruments in SMEs and public and non-profit sectors. The second chapter explores an analysis of social sphere through three perspectives: a) how it has changed the identity of individuals; b) the relationship between social media and aspects of personality; c) the correlation between social media and cultural dimensions. The third chapter, focuses on the advantages and limitations of social recruitment and examines how employer branding can used strategically in order to attract potential candidates. The relationship between social network and recruitment has been analyzed through empirical research on public and non-profit sector and SMEs (using Cranet data) in the fourth chapter. The last chapter analyzes the competitive advantage which social recruitment can generate.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Aging Workforce Handbook: Individual, Organizational and Societal Challenges
This volume critically reviews the phenomenon of the aging workforce, adopting an interdisciplinary perspective that examines the challenges raised on an individual, organizational and societal level. Core issues framing the concept of the aging workforce and its consequences are presented by a team of leading contributors from around the world. Despite the visible trend towards a much older global population and workforce, research on the aging workforce, employment and retirement is in its infancy and faces a range of paradoxes. Taking under consideration all the challenges, ranging from the microenvironment of the individual level (individual, family, friends) to the organizational and macro-environment of the society (infrastructure, services, legislations etc.), this is an essential resource for policymakers and organizations designing strategies to address the challenge of the ageing society. Scholars, graduates and researchers in occupational and health psychology, human resources, business and management, as well as sociology, will gain a better understanding of the changing trends in the characteristics of the workforce through this multi-level review.
Emerald Publishing Limited China and Europe’s Partnership for a More Sustainable World: Challenges and Opportunities
This book gathers the main scientific outputs related to POREEN, a four-year project on partnering opportunities between Europe and China in the renewable energy and environmental industries, financed by the European Commission. It investigates the main challenges and opportunities related to Sino-European cooperation in the green sector with a focus on sustainable growth. The first part of the book outlines the characteristics of Chinese and European cooperation, from a policy, macro and microeconomic point of view. It examines the key elements of green policy developed so far, bilateral trade flows, as well as bilateral investment flows. The second part presents an overview and recommendations on what legal framework is necessary to boost integration between Europe and China. In addition, corporate social responsibility and firm related aspects are considered. The third part of the book focuses on engineering-related research activity. It highlights the state of the art of Europe-China cooperation in key areas such as low carbon buildings, mobility and transportation that may have a huge potential impact on bilateral cooperation between Europe and China in the years ahead.
Emerald Publishing Limited Including a Symposium on Albert O. Hirschman
The Research in the History of Economic Methodology (RHETM) 34B, includes original research from preeminent scholars in the field. RHETM is one of the oldest and most respected publications in the field, and the Vol 34B is crucial for economists, methodologists, and historians of the social sciences.
Emerald Publishing Limited Airline Efficiency
An efficient air transport system is critical to countries attaining and sustaining healthy economies in an increasingly interconnected world economy. Competing successfully now means quick shipping over long distances at reasonable rates. Societies also prosper when people from different countries can travel around the world using efficient transport. This volume includes literature surveys and original empirical research examining airline efficiency in the twenty first century. Topics cover airline productivity, sources of airline efficiency, the cost and scope of operations in airline transport; airline productivity for different global regions; methodologies estimating productivity growth and efficiency. Further chapters on sources of airline efficiency examine fuel efficiency differences, efficiency in different stages of production, and the contributions of technological change, mergers, and low-cost carrier competition to efficiency. Chapters on the cost and scope of operations examine all-cargo carrier efficiency, gains from airline/high speed-rail cooperation, and airport economies of scope in passenger and freight operations.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Exorbitant Burden: The Impact of the U.S. Dollar's Reserve and Global Currency Status on the U.S. Twin-Deficits
Many economists and experts interpret the U.S. twin-deficits, the twin-wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the 2008 Great Recession that escalated the US debt to vertiginous altitudes" as the signs of time that the dollar is now set to repeat the history of the British Pound. But is really the role of the dollar" as a global currency and an international reserve asset" actually rewarded the United States with an exorbitant privilege? This book focuses on the opposite end of exorbitant privilege spectrum: the exorbitant burden the cost the very dollar reserve status impacts on the U.S. economy through the twin deficits. This economic and political science work is a rigorous quantitative analysis that demonstrates that although it is a privilege and a benefit for the US to have its currency, the dollar, as the leading world reserve currency, the privilege also proves to be a very significant economic and security burden imposed on the nation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Community Management of Urban Open Spaces in Developing Economies
Dr. Bharati Mohapatra examines the social, functional, physical and emotional aspects of neighborhood Open Space and the attitude of people for community participation in managing the Open Space, as well as development of a framework for community participation by integrating the social, psychological and spatial attributes. The key interlinked parameters examined are: Place Use (Functional content), Place Quality (Spatial content), Place Attachment (Emotional content), Place Management (Environmental Behavior) and Levels of Participation. The book presents both qualitative studies and quantitative methods and techniques of analyzing the social and spatial parameters. Mohapatra shows how her work can be applied to formulate environmental management strategies, and location-specific issues and complexities in the people-park relationship can be addressed. Suggestions and recommendations based on the findings for effective planning and sustainable management of neighborhood open space are presented.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mastering Digital Transformation: Towards a Smarter Society, Economy, City and Nation
The information and communication technology revolution offers the promise of transforming economies and societies, and the risks of missing on a powerful techno-economic revolution and wasting scarce resources without much developmental impact. Some countries have mastered the process of digital transformation, and continue to realize substantial economic benefits. Others made substantial investments in the ICT infrastructure, with marginal impact. What makes for these differences among countries? Nagy Hanna presents a systematic approach to integrate ICT into development policies and programs across sectors of economy and society. This book bridges the current disconnect between the ICT specialists and their development counterparts in various sectors so as to harness the ongoing ICT revolution to maximize development impact and minimize downside risks. Posing a holistic and strategic framework that draws on lessons learned across all sectors to guide national leaders and development practitioners interested in moving from vision to action, it is an important work for researchers and students of ICT who aim to pursue innovative, inclusive and sustainable development paradigms.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainability after Rio
It is now 20 years since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, better known as the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro. An important achievement of the conference was an agreement on the Climate Change Convention which in turn led to the Kyoto Protocol. Another was agreement to 'not carry out any activities on the lands of indigenous peoples that would cause environmental degradation or that would be culturally inappropriate'. Recently we have seen an updated and revised conference in Rio where the same issues were again discussed. Since then ideas about sustainability have changed considerably and to some extent they have merged with ideas about corporate social responsibility and about governance, determined by the economic and political fortunes of the actors involved. It is now time therefore to re-examine the concept of sustainability in the aftermath of this conference and to consider what issues are now considered pertinent around the world. This book therefore takes different positions concerning different aspects of this vital topic.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Corporate Governance
Advances in Financial Economics, volume 18, will present research on corporate governance both in the US and globally. Papers will deal with the role played by boards of directors, internal organization design and governance mechanisms, franchise agreements, the effect of regulation and policy, the market for corporate control, and strategic alliances. The volume will aim at providing a deeper understanding of corporate governance practices, trends, innovations and challenges using international data.
Emerald Publishing Limited Theoretical Engagements in Geopolitical Economy
This work advances geopolitical economy as a new approach to understanding the evolution of the capitalist world order and its 21st century form of multipolarity. Neither can be explained by recently dominant approaches such as 'U.S. hegemony' or 'globalization': they treat the world economy as a seamless whole in which either no state matters or only one does. Today's 'BRICs' and 'emerging economies' are only the latest instances of state-led or combined development. Such development has a long history of repeatedly challenging the unevenness of capitalism and the international division of labour it created. It is this dialectic of uneven and combined development, not markets or imperialism, which has spread productive capacity around the world. It also ensured that the 'hegemony' of the UK would end and attempts to create that of the US would peter out into multipolarity. This two part volume paves the way, advancing Geopolitical Economy as a new approach to the study of international relations and international political economy. They expose the theoretical limitations of the latter in Part I and the analytical limitations in Part II.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Taxation
Advances in Taxation publishes relevant, high-quality manuscripts from around the world addressing problems arising from federal, state, local and international taxation. The series uses a wide variety of research methods, including archival, experimental, survey, qualitative and legal approaches to address the problems and issues associated with taxation. Volume 22 of Advances in Taxation continues this approach to taxation, looking at issues concerning challenges in tax administration, taxpayer decisions, ethical issues in taxation, and college savings plans.
Emerald Publishing Limited Food Security in a Food Abundant World: An Individual Country Perspective
Food insecurity can result from various events. When food is abundant, the entitlement to food is limited by endowments, the ability to trade, and potential transfers from family or the government. This volume utilizes a country and regional perspective to examine food insecurity. We consider the interaction between income and the share of household expenditures on food. The epidemiological risk assessment approach to food security issues is utilized as a function of agricultural and production, food distribution, and health policies. The interdependence of food security and climate change is examined. Overall trends in economic growth and poverty reduction, constraints and bottlenecks in agricultural productivity growth, regional trade agreements, and other influential policies are reviewed and discussed. We also consider food security as related to food consumption patterns and obesity. The role of income diversification as well as the impact of Farmer School Fields on food security are examined. The impact of inheritance and transfer entitlements is examined as we consider the role of remittances as well as 'ganyu' or casual labor in determining food security.
Emerald Publishing Limited The School to Prison Pipeline: The Role of Culture and Discipline in School
This edited volume focuses on the role that school climate and disciplinary practices have on the educational and social experiences of students of color. Drawing from quantitative, qualitative, and theoretical studies, it brings to bear a number of topics such as racialized school experiences; criminology, discursive deviance and punishment and carceral studies; urban studies; school administration and leadership; and, a number of critical theorist frameworks. Practical insights are offered to assist administrators, teachers, school counsellors, and other school and non-school based professionals on how to address not only disparities in school discipline, but also create and promote an inclusive, affirming positive school culture and climate. With applications in disciplinary studies and criminology, leadership studies, critical race theory and other critical frameworks, this volume is a valuable resource advancing new theoretical concepts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Patrimonial Capitalism and Empire
There is today a new interest in empires past and present. Scholars seek fresh ways of understanding a form of power far older than the modern nation state. Others see empire, not long ago assumed to be a mode of governance on the way out, as having a surprising new lease on life, and want to better understand the reasons why. This volume focuses on the interconnected formations of patrimonialism, colonialism/empire and capitalism. Leading scholars analyze patrimonial politics in empires in regions throughout the world, including the United States, Latin America, China, South Africa, North Africa, West Africa, India, Australia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia. The articles show that patrimonial practices, which often form the backbone of empire, are present throughout history, including in global capitalist modernity. This volume will appeal to students of politics, and to a multidisciplinary scholarly audience in political sociology; historical social science; history; social theory, and area studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Black Males and Intercollegiate Athletics: An Exploration of Problems and Solutions
This book is needed to help guide the conversation around ways to address the great disparities that impact African American males in intercollegiate athletics. In particular, scholars and practitioners have grappled with issues surrounding the climate and opportunities presented to African American males as student-athletes and coaches. Yet, there has not been a single text dedicated to identifying issues pertaining to the success and pitfalls of Black males not just as student-athletes, but also as coaches, administrators, and academic support staff in intercollegiate athletics. By addressing such topics as the economic realities of athletic competition, academic achievement, mental health, job opportunities, and identity, a new discourse will emerge on the role of African American males in college sports. This work will revisit old issues and explore the new complexities surrounding Black males in the realm of athletics in higher education with the purpose of improving their plight.
Emerald Publishing Limited Increasing Student Engagement and Retention
This collection is comprised of seven key books on the topic of increasing student engagement. These titles provide international coverage on the subject with a variety of practical applications and how they can be used in real settings by students and teachers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gendered Perspectives on Conflict and Violence
This Book Set consists of:*9781783501106 - Gendered Perspectives on Conflict and Violence (Part A)*9781783508938 - Gendered Perspectives on Conflict and Violence (Part B)The chapters in this two-part volume offer understandings of the relationship between violence and gender from the global to the domestic level. In Part A the contributors address the ways in which wartime rape is treated in international courts, why and how the gender language used at the United Nations matters, how asylum-seekers fleeing gendered violence are treated, how the press and the courts frame rape and other acts of violence, perceptions and responses of and to disabled and LGBTQ people who are victims of gendered violence, the ways we respond to the perpetrators of violence, and the relationship of military service to nationalism. In Part B, authors trace the history of feminist antiviolence efforts, theorize the reproduction of symbolic gender violence, and show how violence might be re-conceptualized in c
Emerald Publishing Limited Field Guide to Case Study Research in Business-to-Business Marketing and Purchasing
This accessible field guide covers practical steps and contributes to behavioral theory by reporting intricate details on the strategies implemented by business-to-business firms within an inter-firm context. The coverage is deep, broad, and unique - the authors of the 14 papers all adopt the understanding that researchers need direct viewing - 'eyes-on-the-context' - that goes beyond the use of paper-and-pencil 5-pont and 7-point survey items to achieve accurate descriptions of how decisions are made and progress achieved. Following the customary introductory chapter, the titles of the 13 remaining chapters promise the reader new insights and tools to apply when studying B2B contexts. This new volume in the Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing series is a must for B2B scholars and executives.
Emerald Publishing Limited Labor Relations in Globalized Food
In recent years labor relations have altered significantly and new and more serious forms of labor marginalization and control have emerged. This book looks at labor in agriculture and food in a global era by studying salient characteristics of the conditions and use of labor in global agri-food. Written by experienced and also emerging scholars, the chapters present a wealth of empirical data and robust theorizations that allow readers to grasp the complexity of this topic. The volume stresses the new and emerging dimensions of labor and its continuous importance under globalization. Relevant to those studying the use and position of labor in neoliberal globalization, topics addressed include: Globalization and change in labor relations, mobility of agricultural labor, social upgrading, labor relations and resistance in the value chain.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Economics of International Airline Transport
Liberalization of regulatory policy on international air transportation through the use of bilateral and multilateral open skies agreements contributes to a business environment that presents air carriers with the opportunity to take advantage of greater access to aviation markets world-wide. Chapters in this volume of Advances in Airline Economics provide in-depth analysis of open skies agreements. In addition, contributions present empirical analysis of the effect of greater availability of international air transportation services on air fares, export flows, operating efficiency, and passenger demand for international flights. The influence of international airports on local metropolitan areas' economic development is also examined. Regulation of international air transportation, however, is not limited to the erosion of entry barriers. Companies providing international air transportation services also face restrictions on pollution emissions. This volume provides a more complete analysis of the economics of international air transportation by presenting research on the costs borne by air transportation companies due to pollution regulation in Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
Emerald Publishing Limited Opera North: Historical and Dramaturgical Perspectives on Opera Studies
This illustrated study is a resource for opera scholars, opera workers and opera lovers. It explores the field of opera studies in three ways: Through history: Opera North is presented through a historical lens within the UK operatic landscape. The chapter amalgamates extensive archival resources and interview material, including many illustrations from its 35 year history. Through ethnography: the day-to-day workplace behaviour of an opera company is explored in its rehearsal and performance spaces, and the production cycle from first music rehearsal to first night is traced through detailed observation and photographic records. Through production analysis: selected productions of recent years are given a dramaturgical focus, with aspects of conceptual, textual and visual analysis. Opera North was founded as English National Opera North in 1978. It became independent from English National Opera in 1981 and holds a reputation for fostering artistic talent, for adventurous programming choices and for high production values. This study explores universal issues relating to the production of opera, based on the very specific example of our National Opera Company in the North.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations
The purpose of the series is to explore the central and unique role of organizational ethics in creating and sustaining a pluralistic, free enterprise economy. The primary goal of the research studies published here is to examine how profit seeking and not for profit organizations can be conceived and designed to satisfy legitimate human needs in an ethical and meaningful way.
Emerald Publishing Limited Structural Econometric Models
This volume of Advances in Econometrics focuses on recent developments in the use of structural econometric models in empirical economics. The papers in this volume are divided in to three broad groups. The first part looks at recent developments in the estimation of dynamic discrete choice models. This includes using new estimation methods for these models based on Euler equations, estimation using sieve approximation of high dimensional state space, the identification of Markov dynamic games with persistent unobserved state variables and developing test of monotone comparative static in models of multiple equilibria. The second part looks at recent advances in the area empirical matching models. The papers in this section look at developing estimators for matching models based on stability conditions, estimating matching surplus functions using generalized entropy functions, solving for the fixed point in the Choo-Siow matching model using a contraction mapping formulation. While the issue of incomplete, or partial identification of model parameters is touched upon in some of the foregoing chapters, two chapters focus on this issue, in the context of testing for monotone comparative statics in models with multiple equilibria, and estimation of supermodular games under the restrictions that players' strategies be rationalizable. The last group of three papers looks at empirical applications using structural econometric models. Two applications applies matching models to solve endogenous matching to the loan spread equation and to endogenize marriage in the collective model of intrahousehold allocation. Another applications looks at market power of condominium developers in the Japanese housing market in the 1990s.
Emerald Publishing Limited Religion and Organization Theory
Both history and current events attest to the continued significance of religion in society. Despite the role and importance of the institution of religion, and the profound influence that religious organizations continue to exert, it occupies a curiously marginal place in organization theory. At the same time, organization theory has been criticized for its narrow focus on corporations and there have been calls to study a much broader range of organizational forms (e.g., Bamberger and Pratt, 2010). Interestingly, the small number of studies on religious organizations to have published have had a disproportionate impact on the field. This suggests that religious organizations deserve more attention, and that attending to them will have significant benefits for our understanding of organizations. This volume brings together leading organization theorists with an interest in religion. The aim is to consolidate and make available in one place existing knowledge on religion and organizations, as well as encouraging more organization theorists to include religion as part of their research activities and agenda.