Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Courageous Companions: Followership in Doctor Who
Followership as a separate concept within leadership studies gained prominence in the 1990s and has evolved over the past few decades into an indispensable component of the discipline. Nevertheless, misunderstandings about followers and their relationship to leaders prevail. Exploring what it takes to be a follower is increasingly important in the current organizational, social, and political landscapes rife with narcissism, a seemingly acceptable leadership characteristic in the twenty-first century. Being a follower to a mercurial leader isn’t easy – especially if they are an alien Time Lord who has lived for centuries in various body incarnations. Followers must not be passive, but full partners in the leader/follower relationship to enable them to reach goals and provide the skills and perspectives leaders need for organizational success. Requiring courage, the numerous and varied companions in the TV series Doctor Who provide a compelling and interesting example of followership from which we can learn to become better, more courageous, followers. By leveraging the intersection of popular culture, leadership theory, and followership theory, Courageous Companions offers an accessible new perspective for those who desire to gain a greater understanding of leaders and followers to transform their relationships and organizations. Exploring Effective Leadership Practices through Popular Culture aims to bring examples, theory and methodology of leadership to life by analysing academic concepts through popular culture examples that will appeal to a broad range of readers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Video
Video is everywhere. But what is video art and how does it differ from cinema? What connections has it made with healthcare and medicine? And what implications might these connections have for how we approach our physical and mental health? Breaking new ground, Video acts as an accessible introduction to the potential value of this medium within medical practice, patient care and everyday creative expression. Pairing examples with specific health conditions and themes, author John Quin presents a series of video artworks and their potential benefit for patients, clinicians and carers. Heeding the rise of ‘amateur’ forms of video-making, shared through platforms such as YouTube, TikTok and Instagram, Quin also considers how the wide reach and convenience of social media is impacting health and wellbeing as popular interest in the medium continues to evolve. Featuring suggestions for both further reading and further viewing, Video navigates uncharted territory on behalf of artists, medical professionals and anyone interested in how video deals with health.
Emerald Publishing Limited Essays in Honor of Joon Y. Park: Econometric Theory
Volumes 45a and 45b of Advances in Econometrics honor Joon Y. Park, Wisnewsky Professor of Human Studies and Professor of Economics at Indiana University. Professor Park has made numerous and substantive contributions to the field of econometrics since beginning his academic career in the mid-1980s and has held positions at Cornell University, University of Toronto, Seoul National University, Rice University, Texas A&M University, and Sungkyunkwan University. This first volume, Essays in Honor of Joon Y. Park: Econometric Theory, features contributions to econometric theory related to Professor Park’s analysis of time series and particularly related to the research of the first two or so decades of his career.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reduce, Reuse and Repurpose: Civil Engineering Special Issue
The diverse range of papers in this issue gives a global perspective of the often extraordinary challenges that temporary works can and do involve.
Emerald Publishing Limited Events Management for the Infant and Youth Market
Infants and young adults represent the future of the events industry. Yet, until now, there has been little research in this important and growing sector. Events Management for the Infant and Youth Market takes a comprehensive look at the unique challenges posed for planning and delivering events for young people. Bringing together practitioners and academics in unparalleled partnership, ground-breaking research is presented on event design and type in Europe, America, Asia, and Australia. The focus is on real-world application of ideas formed from empirical data. Topics include: the ‘greening’ of events, factors affecting attendance, satisfaction, and the loyalty of customers, plus a detailed cross-section and analysis of stakeholders. Four types of events are covered, business, family, sports, and cultural. The scale of events encompass local community gatherings, business events, and private functions. Practical guidelines are given for the planning and delivering of these events successfully for infants and young adults. This is the future of events, as seen by leading experts and professionals.
Emerald Publishing Limited Womens Work in Public Relations
Reconceptualising human experience through a holistic feminist approach, this book takes us behind the scenes to connect with women navigating the problems and contradictions of everyday working life.
Emerald Publishing Limited Teacher Education in the Wake of Covid-19: ISATT 40th Anniversary Yearbook
Research on teacher education and classroom teaching has evolved significantly in recent decades, with more scholarship taking an international and/or other intersectional lenses. The International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) has changed with the field. Beginning as a predominantly white European and North American organization in 1983, it now has active membership from more than 60 countries across the globe. The ISATT 40th Anniversary Yearbook, comprised of four volumes, reflects this growth through celebrating the contributions of ISATT members over time and offering current scholarly research to inform current and future teacher education and teaching. This volume, Teacher Education in the Wake of Covid-19, pays particular attention to ways in which teaching and teacher education have been impacted by, and responded to, advances in technology and to the coronavirus pandemic. The editors present chapters dedicated to examining the tools of technology and their impact within teaching and teacher education as we look toward the future possibilities. The chapters analyze the lived reality of pivoting to embrace pandemic pedagogogies; the pandemic and social relationships; assessment during the pandemic; and the consequences for equity and agency. They also examine the tools of technology and future possibilities as well as how technology unavoidably became a part of the global teaching and teacher education pandemic response. All four volumes making up the 40th Anniversary Yearbook offer invaluable insights for teacher educators and educational researchers the world over, offering international perspectives from North America, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, and Australasia.
Emerald Publishing Limited Painting
Painting is one of humanity’s oldest creative practices. In recent decades, there has been an increasing amount of scientific evidence on the use of such practices in the promotion of physical and psychological health. In the field of public health, painting has proven an effective and efficient resource for maintaining or improving human wellbeing. The first publication of its kind, this latest instalment in the Arts for Health series presents painting as a healing tool for all ages. Offering practical tips for how the health benefits of painting can be accessed through individual and home practice as well as through community events such as workshops, Saavedra, Arias-Sánchez and Rodríguez-Gómez delve into the myriad of benefits that painting can provide. Easily digestible for interested general readers, as well as for busy health and social care practitioners looking to enhance care environments, Painting serves as a succinct, engaging, and informative guide on how this creative practice can help improve or maintain health and wellbeing, both within and outside of professional settings.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Group Processes
Advances in Group Processes publishes theoretical analyses, reviews, and theory based empirical chapters on group phenomena. The series adopts a broad conception of “group processes.” This includes work on groups ranging from the very small to the very large, and on classic and contemporary topics such as status, power, trust, justice, social influence, identity, decision-making, intergroup relations, and social networks. Previous contributors have included scholars from diverse fields including sociology, psychology, political science, economics, business, philosophy, computer science, mathematics, and organizational behavior. Volume 39 brings together papers related to a variety of topics in small groups and organizational research. The volume includes papers that address theoretical and empirical issues related to gendered group processes as well as to the role of networks and exchange in creating fairness perceptions, legitimacy, and reactions to identity non-verification. In addition, several papers advance research on social inequalities by offering theoretical and methodological contributions concerning status processes, discussion group methods, and the use of neuroimaging to study reactions to racism and systemic exclusion. Overall, the volume includes papers that reflect a wide range of theoretical approaches from leading scholars who work in the general area of group processes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Fandom Culture and The Archers: An Everyday Story of Academic Folk
The first academic study of the phenomenon of The Archers fandom from the fans themselves. The fourth instalment in the Academic Archers collection, Fandom Culture and The Archers looks beyond the popular success of the Archers to explore how the program, and the themes it discusses, are used in teaching, learning, research and professional settings, and how the Academic Archers fandom helps shape these real life impacts. The chapters explore first the nature of Archers fandom, looking at how academic fans of the show have translated the storylines and issues discussed into theoretical tools, exploring topics from therapy, to the evolution of listening to the show in the digital age. The authors then turn their attention to the use of The Archers in educational and professional settings, exploring its use in both formal educational settings, and in community-led art projects, as well as the show’s engagement with and potential impact on feminism. Providing the reader with increased insight on the impact of the Archers beyond popular culture, Fandom Culture and The Archers is essential reading for fans of the show and fandom and cultural studies scholars alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Worldviews and Values in Higher Education
Launching the Global Perspectives on Higher Education Development series, editors Madasu Bhaskara Rao, Abhilasha Singh and Pulaparthi Mallika Rao introduce the concept of values and the role they play in the emerging university of the twenty-first century. How do universities'' missions, visions, policies, and strategies shape their responses to a world that is swiftly changing due to increased globalisation, demand, competition, and innovation?Understanding that educational stakeholders must comprehend the nature of societal culture and communal values and the role they play in shaping, often implicitly, a university's ethos and traditions, contributors explore how values operate at an institutional level. How do they impact micro-level practises, such as pedagogical strategies, academic achievement, curriculum development, and evaluation?Providing a much-needed global perspective-based analysis of the issue of educational values, this first volume on Wor
Emerald Publishing Limited Radical Business: How to Transform Your Organization in the Age of Global Crisis
We live in an age of global crises, from spiralling income inequality to the climate emergency. Businesses have been major contributors to the problems we face, but they are also uniquely well-placed to effect positive change. So what can businesses do to shift from being a makers of goods to a force for good? In Radical Business, John Davis argues the changes needed are surprisingly simple. The difficulty lies in the effort to change human behavior and to dismantle decades of investment that reinforces obsolete practices. He offers examples of companies that are already taking action and presents a simple framework to help C-suite leaders and executive teams develop their own blueprint for putting societal value at the heart of their business.; We can no longer ignore that established ways of doing business pose real existential threats to humankind. We cannot change what has occurred, but we can change how we do things from now on.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Historical Sociology of Race and Racism
In this volume of Political Power and Social Theory, a special collection of papers reconsiders race and racism from global and historical perspectives. Together, these articles serve as an entry point for sharpening our sociological understandings of how racism operates in current times. They address questions such as: What can a new agenda for the global historical sociology of race and racism lend to the existing scholarship? What would it mean to recover the globally constituted forces that have shaped the production of racial categories and dynamics of racial oppression? How can we understand domestic racial policies, not only through their effects on local populations, but also as products of wider global and transnational forces, knowledges, and transformations? In short, what would re-historicizing the history of racism mean for sociological theorizing on the subject in the 21st century? Drawing on empirical analyses of the relations, mechanisms, machinations, and structures of racial supremacies, this volume generates productive avenues for future thinking on race and racism. It sets the agenda for a new generation of scholars interested in sociological questions of race, imperial forms, and the construction of modernity.
Emerald Publishing Limited Making Sense of Ultra-Realism: Contemporary Criminological Theory Through the Lens of Popular Culture
Making Sense of Ultra-Realism offers readers a unique insight into one of the most significant theoretical advances in 21st century criminology. Drawing upon popular films and television series, including Game of Thrones, Avengers, Pirates of the Caribbean, Fight Club and more, each chapter tackles a particular aspect of ultra-realism. By connecting visual texts to theoretical ideas, the authors help to contextualise and clarify core elements of the ultra-realist school of thought, providing a theoretically rich yet accessible introduction to the topic. Often wrongly viewed as opaque and impenetrable, this concise text demonstrates that ultra-realism is anything but that. Written in a clear and accessible manner, and supported by valuable student insights, this book is ideal for those coming to the subject for the first time. This timely addition to a cutting-edge field is undoubtedly a ‘must read’ on the reading lists of a number of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, as well as a helpful resource for experienced academics in the fields of criminology, social policy, politics, psychology, philosophy, and sociology.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leadership in Middle-Earth: Theories and Applications for Organizations
Part of the series Exploring Effective Leadership Practices through Popular Culture, Urick examines mentorship and learning, transformational and servant leadership, culture, bases of power, leader emergence, teams, motivation, and more. Leadership in Middle-Earth explores J.R.R. Tolkien's exemplary leadership and management examples evident in his tales such as 'The Hobbit' and 'The Lord of the Rings', examining mentorship, team dynamics, mindfulness, servant leadership, influence and ethical leadership through solid academic theories and management practices. Readers will become familiar and comfortable with academically supported leadership concepts to adjust their own behaviors, becoming more successful in the process. By examining leadership theories through the context of popular culture, the book encourages readers to think creatively about how they might adjust their own management approach. The series aims to bring examples, theory and methodology of leadership to life by analysing academic concepts through popular culture examples that will appeal to a broad range of readers.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Extinction Curve: Growth and Globalisation in the Climate Endgame
Global communities have arrived at a critical crossroads. The planet is heating up at a historically unprecedented rate and the ecological conditions sustaining vast species, including our own, are poised at irreversible tipping points. Time is up to avoid climate and ecological catastrophe. In such dire circumstances, 'business as usual' - and by extension 'politics as usual' - can no longer be accommodated. The Extinction Curve charts the dynamics of the economic and social relations driving this perilous climate endgame. Recent economic crises have fractured consent over the consequences of growth and globalisation, and political fracturing is now at a defining moment. Ultra-right nationalism, shaped by the vested interests of a tiny minority at the expense of the global majority, threatens descent into a darker and more fortressed world. In contrast, enhanced progressive and environmental activism presents hope of an alternative course. The 50-year attempt by the mainstream environmental movement to create a greener capitalism has failed to reach the required objectives. This book argues that reversing the extinction curve requires ending the growth pandemic embedded within the core of capitalism as a mode of production and consumption. It maps fresh directions for a democratic social, economic and sustainable ecological transformation in the interests of the global majority and, crucially, demonstrates how this can be achieved.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reimagining Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Survival Beyond 2021
The Nation's Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are more relevant today than ever before. As the national student loan debt grows, as the racial wealth gap continues to widen and as unemployment in the African American community continues to exceed that of other racial demographic groups, the HBCUs represent a collective means to combating socioeconomic ills. The HBCUs stand in the gap; supporting the African American community at-large. Through the use of best practices and HBCU administrative experiences, the authors offer a path forward for avoiding political and cultural missteps. They tout the rich tradition, legacy, as well as outcomes of HBCUs. New contributions to the field are made through a collective of higher education professionals and change agents whom are tied to HBCU scholarship. A relevant and practical book for HBCU leadership and administrators, HBCU faculty leaders and researchers that want to uncover the ways and means for cultivating success within the HBCUs longitudinally. New contributions to the field are made through a collective of higher education professionals and change agents who are tied to HBCU scholarship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Educating Tomorrow: Learning for the Post-Pandemic World
The post-pandemic world provides all of us with the opportunity to think differently about what we want for society. In Educating Tomorrow, Chris Brown and Ruth Luzmore explore what a post-Covid ‘blank slate’ education system could look like. Taking you on a journey which considers the past and present to inform their prediction of the obstacles and opportunities posed by a post-pandemic future, the authors present a new vision for the future of education which might not have been possible without the eruption of Covid-19. Offering up a range of proposals for how education can begin to emerge anew, and ultimately reach an improved destination, Brown and Luzmore showcase how even in the midst of unprecedented global challenges, it might be possible for us to revolutionise education systems for the better.
Emerald Publishing Limited International perspectives in social justice programs at the institutional and community levels
Universities and faculty members play a vital role in providing education that helps build a strong foundation for a society where people are respected, treated equally, and get equal opportunities for upward social mobility. This book addresses the role of education in uplifting people out of poverty and oppression by imparting social justice education at the institution and community level. Including chapters dedicated to human rights education, the authors consider how educators can help to foster a sense of awareness among learners about the dignity of human life through various interventional programmes. Discussing human rights with respect to migrant workers, foster youth and prisoners in different countries, the chapters demonstrate how students from all levels can benefit from social justice education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Group Processes
Advances in Group Processes publishes theoretical analyses, reviews, and theory based empirical chapters on group phenomena. The series adopts a broad conception of 'group processes.' This includes work on groups ranging from the very small to the very large, and on classic and contemporary topics such as status, power, trust, justice, social influence, identity, decision-making, intergroup relations and social networks. Previous contributors have included scholars from diverse fields including sociology, psychology, political science, economics, business, philosophy, computer science, mathematics and organizational behavior. Volume 37 brings together papers related to a variety of topics in small groups and organizational research. The volume includes papers that address theoretical and empirical issues related to consumer social privilege, group processes and disrupted environments, the use of time as a construct and the affective bases of self. Other contributions examine solving problems of cooperation, the effects of identity non-verification, and a series of papers addressing Stryker’s identity theory. Overall, the volume includes papers that reflect a wide range of theoretical approaches from leading scholars who work in the general area of group processes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inquiring into Academic Timescapes
Proliferating literature claims that academia is in a critical condition, generating armies of anxious, neurotic and time-hungry individuals which are governed by the speed imperatives integral to a modernist and capitalist rationality. This book puts the temporal ordering of academic life under the microscope, and showcases the means of yielding a better understanding of how time and temporality act both as instruments of power and vulnerability within the academic space. This book brings together more than three dozen scholars who collectively craft a much-needed nuanced sociologically-driven perspective of temporalities in academia. Delving into contemporary processes which are quintessentially temporal in their character, such as the increasing precariousness of jobs among junior scholars, the prevalence of grant funding, the role of evaluation systems, and the political economy of higher education, the authors offer a forensic analysis of the complex nature of academic temporalities as experienced, understood, controlled, managed and contested in various academic and research contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Dignity and Human Rights
The concept of dignity is essential to discourses of human rights, and to understand what dignity means and requires, we must address a number of difficult questions with input from a wide range of disciplines. How is human dignity protected, maintained, or ensured in a rapidly changing world? What are the rights and responsibilities that go hand in hand with the concept of dignity? Which beliefs, discourses, individuals, and institutions threaten its global application or block its reach across all categories of difference? How is a consciousness of the importance of dignity developing across the globe? This timely collection brings together a diverse array of field-leading contributors in order to give urgent and sustained attention to such questions and to offer interdisciplinary explorations into this most fundamental of concepts. Contributors from a diversity of academic and cultural backgrounds identify the challenges and opportunities in the realms of research, policy, education, religion, international law, social discourse, and media to define, broaden, and protect human dignity within both public and private spheres. They also address the need for reconstituting the current discourses on dignity to align them more effectively with the intellectual, moral, emotional, and spiritual capacities and concerns that animate the lives of human beings, ultimately gesturing towards a framework for ensuring that each member of the human race will be able to enjoy the conditions that are required if each person is to have the opportunity to realize their full human potential. For its rigorous interdisciplinary inquiry into this deceptively simple concept and for its practical implications for those pursuing real-world solutions, Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Dignity and Human Rights is essential reading for researchers and students working within international relations, legal and global studies, philosophy, peace and conflict studies, and human rights and humanitarian law.
Emerald Publishing Limited Central Bank Policy: Theory and Practice
Central Bank Policy: Theory and Practice analyses policies and practices adopted by central banks globally, as well as the institutional arrangements underlying the principles of good governance in policymaking. Discussion focuses on philosophical and conceptual theories that have key implications for central bank policy making and findings are supported by relevant quantitative analyses and case studies reflecting recent issues with respect to centralized financial policy making, including the adoption of the Inflation Targeting Framework in Indonesia. The book bridges the gap between theory and practice within the central bank policy framework by going beyond the rapidity of theoretical developments to address lesser known and understood policy practices, such as the Flexible Inflation Targeting Framework and macroprudential policy. With wide ranging scope and in-depth materials presented, alongside the authors' extensive experiences and involvement in the policymaking process at Bank Indonesia, Central Bank Policy is a vital practical tool and reference aid for policymakers, practitioners and academic researchers in the area of financial, banking, and monetary policies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Harold Cecil Edey: A Collection of Unpublished Material from a 20th Century Accounting Reformer
Harold Cecil Edey (1913–2007) and his colleagues David Solomons (1912–1995) and William T. Baxter (1907–2006) at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) were instrumental in the development of British accounting thought in the mid-1900s. These three influential scholars influenced a generation of students who came to populate the British accounting profession and academia to the point where, in the early 1970s, half of all full-time accounting professors in the United Kingdom were LSE alumni. Edey’s role in these developments, however, remains relatively underappreciated. This edited volume contains 13 of Edey’s unpublished manuscripts written during the heyday of the LSE Triumvirate. These manuscripts address issues of accounting education, measurements, and theory, and they are accompanied by editorial comments that put the material in its historical context. The volume also contains an aide-mémoire of Edey’s professional activities and a complete bibliography of his published work. The material offers new insight into Edey’s contribution to the British accounting profession, and developments at the LSE, during a critical period of academic expansion and struggle to address the problem of accounting for rising inflation. The material is of value to anyone interested in the development of accounting thought.
Emerald Publishing Limited Crafting Your Edge for Today's Job Market: Using the BE-EDGE Method for Consulting Cases and Capstone Projects
Are you looking to cut through the crowd of graduate job-seekers? To craft your edge in the saturated job market? Then you need the BE-EDGE Method. The BE-EDGE Method provides a step-by-step guide that connects job seekers to target employers through a process of case consulting. It creates an opportunity for the new or established professional to carve out their own space in an industry of choice, by establishing a relationship of trust with and proving their value to an industry insider. The method shows readers how to: Elucidate their professional CORE, strategically identifying a space in the market that will best fit their multidimensional profile and selecting a case to work on; Develop TRUST with an industry insider on the basis of deep understanding and storytelling--as an industry researcher, company biographer, and case writer; Generate VALUE for a company by making a concrete contribution and offering action-based solutions in the form of a consulting case report; and Excite insiders with the candidate's fit for a company and their potential to add value in the industry. These steps allow the BE-EDGE Method to help young graduates to enhance their employability, as well as helping life-long learners to redefine and craft their own space in the market when looking to change careers. Including testimonials from students of this method, this book is unmissable for anyone looking to create their own space in industry.
Emerald Publishing Limited Soldiers on International Missions: There and Back Again
This book contributes important new insights into how deployment on international military missions affects soldiers and their lives. Using both quantitative data and in-depth interviews, the authors provide a longitudinal perspective covering the participants in these missions before, during, and after deployment on a large range of life outcomes. The research centres around four key themes; who are the men and women who choose to be deployed; why do they choose to be deployed; what challenges do these soldiers face before, during, and after returning home from a mission; and what are the consequences of deployment for the soldiers’ individual lives? Danish soldiers provide an illustrative study and data is drawn from administrative registries and is supplemented with broader surveys of present and former soldiers, in-depth interviews of parents and other relatives, and support group professionals. Using specifically constructed datasets and comparing these soldiers with relevant control groups, this book offers a unique analysis of the impact of deployment on important issues such as personal finances, the labour market, criminal activity, smoking and drinking, and overall health. Mapping a full portrait of the men and women who choose to be deployed, and explaining both their initial motivations, this book highlights the challenges they face before and during deployment and upon returning home.
Emerald Publishing Limited Professional Identity Crisis: Balancing the Internal and External Perception of Professional Image
In a professional world that is quickly transforming and becoming increasingly volatile and uncertain, the nature of professional identity is complex and dynamic. The current literature has overlooked many issues concerning how professionals react and behave in the face of threats to their identity and image and there is a lack of a systemic analysis of the phenomenon of professional identity crisis.This book contends that a full comprehension of the dynamics taking place is now paramount from the individual perspective and provides a new theoretical and practical approach to the analysis and interpretation of these issues. Providing a novel understanding, the book delivers an empirical case to explore professionals' reactions in a context characterised by a sharp de-professionalisation pattern and ever-expanding regulation, uncertainty, and external pressures, which constrain and mould accountants' professional boundaries and activities. This book will prove a useful read to researchers across organisation studies, as well as interested professionals.
Emerald Publishing Limited The "M" in CITAMS@30: Media Sociology
Sponsored by the Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology section of the American Sociological Association (CITAMS), this volume is the second of a two-part series that celebrates the section’s 30th anniversary. Casey Brienza leads the second of the two volumes - The M in CITAMS@30: Media Sociology - with former CITAMS chairs Laura Robinson, Barry Wellman, Shelia R. Cotten, and Wenhong Chen. Volume 18 continues the discussion begun in Volume 17: Networks, Hacking, and Media--CITAMS@30: Now and Then and Tomorrow. Both volumes highlight some of the best of the vibrant, interdisciplinary scholarship in communication, information technologies and media sociology. Volume 18 develops the field of media sociology vis-à-vis the roles and impacts of the digital and traditional media via rich international case studies that include a broad swath of contexts and cultures. The volume’s authors probe the relationships between inequalities and media, as well as offering a scintillating array of scholarship on cultural production and consumption. Assembled together, the work in this volume showcases the value of interdisciplinary scholarship in the sociological study of media, communication, and information technologies. In keeping with the celebration of the thirty-year anniversary, both volumes open with a foreword by past chair Wenhong Chen and close with an afterword by past chair Shelia Cotten.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Technology Takers: Leading Change in the Digital Era
This book was awarded the 2019 Axiom Business Book Award - Business Technology, Bronze Medal. Users of twenty-first century, digital-era technologies are "technology takers," accepting of and adjusting to whatever the market offers them. Similar to small firms that lack the market power to set prices and are economic "price takers," managers today are increasingly unable to customize the digital-era technologies their organizations use. Technology takers have little influence over the capabilities of the technologies they adopt; they cannot expect to improve on or customize for themselves the features of Facebook, Google, the iPhone, the blockchain, cloud-based enterprise resource planning systems, or other game-changing and often disintermediating technologies. The inability to modify available information technologies is a shock to leaders and managers alike. Cloud-based technologies arrive with set processes developed by others, and users must learn new ways of working each time the technologies themselves evolve. But refusing to adopt and adapt to digital-era technologies is, increasingly, not an option. Change in the digital era is constant and behavior-transforming. Managers must respond to these changes, or they will get left behind by those who do. The constancy of change also means that organizations have to do more than launch typical, one-off change management or transformation projects to succeed. To adopt efficiently and adapt effectively to behavior-changing technologies, astute leaders should employ change leadership techniques as a strategy for the digital era. This book offers technology takers a playbook to manage change, create value, and exploit the digital era's strategic opportunities. The book draws on research and recent case studies to explain what it means to be a technology taker. Organizations and their managers are offered change leadership plays, which emphasize the iterative nature of change management in the digital era. The book also describes how technology taking can create value through data stream analytics and be used strategically to respond proactively to the challenges of the digital era.
Emerald Publishing Limited Popular Music, Popular Myth and Cultural Heritage in Cleveland: The Moondog, the Buzzard and the Battle for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Drawing from research conducted at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame archives, and the author's experience as a local musician, this book offers a micro-historical case study of Cleveland's popular music heritage. Among just a handful of books dedicated to the popular music heritage of Cleveland, it traces myths of "where rock began to roll" in the self-proclaimed "birthplace of rock and roll". Numerous cities have sought to capitalize on their popular music cultural heritage (e.g., Liverpool, Memphis, Detroit, Nashville) as an engine for cultural regeneration. Unusually, rather than a focus on famous musicians and groups, or well-known recording studios and legendary venues, Cleveland's popular music "origin story" is spun from events of the early 1950s, centered on local radio stations, maverick disc jockeys, second-hand record stores, a riotous concert and youthful, racialized audiences at a moment on the cusp of sweeping social changes. This book untangles the construction of popular myths about "first" rock 'n' roll concert--the Moondog Coronation Ball on 21 March 1952, hosted by legendary DJ Alan Freed--the "invention" of the phrase "rock 'n' roll", and the subsequent rebranding of Cleveland as the "birthplace of rock 'n' roll" by local radio station WMMS "The Buzzard" during the 1970s. These myths re-emerged and re-circulated in the 1980s during the successful campaign to attract the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The author explores the fascinating and unusual story of Cleveland, uncovering how and why it became the site of a major popular music museum.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Battle To Do Good: Inside McDonald’s Sustainability Journey
In The Battle to Do Good, former McDonald's executive Bob Langert takes readers on a behind-the-scenes eye witness account of the mega brand's battle to address numerous societal hot-button issues, such as packaging, waste, recycling, obesity, deforestation, and animal welfare. From the late 80s, McDonald's landed smack in the middle of one contentious issue after another, often locking horns with powerful NGOs such as Greenpeace, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and Corporate Accountability. This sudden shift from being the beloved Golden Arches since opening its doors in 1955, to the demon of many societal ills, caught McDonald's off guard. Langert chronicles the highs and lows that McDonald's experienced in turbulent times and how its sustainability journey evolved from playing defense to strategically solving issues with unlikely partners, including a whirling dervish, autistic animal scientist, and avid environmentalists from the World Wildlife Fund and Conservation International. Packed with first-hand anecdotes, interviews with key McDonald's executives and NGO leaders, and scores of lessons learned, The Battle to Do Good is a sustainability page turner that provides unique insights and guidance on how to successfully navigate and manage today's societal issues to make the business stronger, more relevant, and more profitable.
Emerald Publishing Limited Specifics of Decision Making in Modern Business Systems: Regularities and Tendencies
Under the increasing influence of globalization, integration and technological progress, modern business systems have become highly complex in terms of their organization, strategies and management. Specifics of Decision Making in Modern Business Systems: Regularities and Tendencies concentrates on how this changing context of the modern business system affects the process of decision making within organizations and corporations. With a focus on the regularities and tendencies of decision making within modern Russian business systems, the numerous contributors provide alternative and innovative ways to optimize and develop the process of decision making within businesses globally. This includes the use of forecasting within the consumer market, a consideration of public-private partnerships, and the development of a cluster platform to unify large, medium and small businesses. Specifics of Decision Making in Modern Business Systems provides a useful insight into the optimization of decision making within businesses for researchers and practitioners working within information economy creation and development and management strategy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Writing for the Media
This is a media writing guide for PR people. The media use one per cent of the material PR people send them. What can we do to increase the hit-rate of the stories we write on behalf of our clients or employers? We need to know exactly what the media want and what they don't want. We should be able to write material according to the rules and conventions which the media themselves observe. We ought to know how to compose, present and lay out stories in a manner which saves the media time and earns their approval. We can enhance our pick-up if we know how to produce good media photography, video and infographics. We must know how to pitch a story professionally. This Guide is an A to Z of media writing for anyone working in PR who wants to get better results.
Emerald Publishing Limited Death, Memorialization and Deviant Spaces
This book offers an ethnographic exploration of three sites of infamous atrocity and their differing memorialization. ‘Dark tourism’ research has studied the consumerization of spaces associated with death and barbarity, whilst ‘difficult heritage’ has looked at politicized, national debates that surround the preservation of death. This book contributes to these debates by applying spatial theory on a scalar level, particularly through the work of Henri Lefebvre. It uses escalating case studies to situate memorialization, and the multifarious demands of politics, consumption and community, within a framework that rearticulates ‘lived’, ‘perceived’ and ‘conceived’ aspects of deviant spaces ranging from the small (a bench) to the very large (a city). The first case study, the Tyburn gallows site in York, uses Lefebvre’s notion of ‘theatrical space’ to contextualize the role of performativity in memorialization. The second, Number 25 Cromwell Street in Gloucester, builds on this by exploring the absence of memorialization through Lefebvre’s concept of ‘contradictory space’ and the impact this has on consumption. The third expands to consider the city as a problematic memorial, here focusing on the political subjectivities of Dresden – rebuilt following the devastation of the Second World War – and its contemporary associations with neo-Nazi and anti-fascist protests. Ultimately, by examining the issue of scale in heritage, the book seeks to develop a new way of unpacking and understanding the heteroglossic nature of deviant space and memorialization.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations
Advances in Accounting Education is a refereed, academic research publication whose purpose is to help meet the needs of faculty members interested in ways to improve accounting classroom instruction at the college and university level. We publish thoughtful, well-developed articles that are readable, relevant, and reliable. Articles may be either empirical or non-empirical, and should emphasize pedagogy, i.e., explaining how faculty members can improve their teaching methods or how accounting units can improve their curricula and programs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Media Use In Crisis and Risk Communication: Emergencies, Concerns and Awareness
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and is freely available to read online. Crises pose an immediate risk to life, health, and the environment and require urgent action. The public’s use of social media has important implications for contingency policies and practices. Social media have the potential for risk reduction and preventive interaction with the public. This book is about how different communicators - whether crisis managers, first responders, journalists, or private citizens and disaster victims - have used social media to communicate about risks and crises. It is also about how these very different actors can play a crucial role in mitigating or preventing crises. How can they use social media to strengthen their own and the public’s awareness and understanding of crises when they unfold? How can they use social media to promote resilience during crises and the ability to deal with the after-effects? Chapters address such questions by presenting new research-based knowledge on social media use during different crises: the terrorist attacks in Norway on 22 July 2011; the central European floods in Austria in 2013; and the West African Ebola-outbreak in 2014. The collection also presents research on the development of a tool for gathering social media information, based on a user-centered design. Social Media use in Crisis and Risk Communication presents cutting-edge research on the use of social media in crisis communication and reporting. It gives recommendations about how different crisis communicators (information officers, crisis managers, journalists) can improve their ability to gather information, communicate and raise people’s crisis awareness by using social media.
Emerald Publishing Limited Business Plasticity Through Disorganization
Disorganization occurs in all areas of modern business; and yet, disorganization has traditionally been viewed as a negative factor in business and organization performance. However, in a dynamic 21st century environment our conventional structured, rigid responses in dealing with such messiness are not working. Business Plasticity Through Disorganization presents a novel approach to both academics and practitioners on how to break the shackles of rigidity and eliminate our fear of disorganization. Through a chronological discussion of the birth of the concept of 'disorganization' and its gradual evolution into 'business plasticity', the book explores ways in which embracing and leveraging messiness can help improve the way we create, innovate and run our businesses. Challenging existing theories and approaches to disorganization, as well as presenting new evidence from both research and practice, Herath promotes new conceptual thinking aimed at promoting flexible 'plasticity' in the modern organization to build greater functional capability globally.
Emerald Publishing Limited Perspectives on Diverse Student Identities in Higher Education: International Perspectives on Equity and Inclusion
Higher education institutions continue to address an increasingly complex set of issues regarding equity, diversity and inclusion. Many institutions face increasing pressure to find innovative solutions to eliminate access, participation, and achievement barriers as well as practices that impede retention and graduation rates in higher education. This book provides educators with a global understanding of the challenges associated with the growing diversity of student identities in higher education and provides evidence-based strategies for addressing the challenges associated with implementing equity and inclusion at different higher education institutions around the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Education for Young Learners with Disabilities
Special Education for Young Learners with Disabilities brings together leaders in the field of young children with disabilities, to present their ideas and research on different disability topics. Beginning with an introduction to the topic, the remaining chapters include discussions on learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, and intellectual disabilities; those who are deaf/hard of hearing; those who have visual impairments; those who have autism, severe and multiple disabilities, and traumatic brain injury; those who are culturally and linguistically diverse; those who have physical disabilities, and other health impairments. While this book focuses largely on the current climate of special education for young learners with disabilities, it also looks forward, concluding with a chapter on the future for the topic, both on a research and a practical basis. This volume of Advances in Special Education is a fundamental resource for special education researchers, scholars, practitioners, and professionals who teach and serve young learners with disabilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited 21 for 21: Leading the 21st Century Global Enterprise
Based on over fifty years of experience from the author’s hands-on work in the field, Michael Stankosky provides 21 guiding principles on how to lead and manage today’s global organization. 21 for 21 is packed with case studies, aiding visuals, and mantras to help facilitate a deeper understanding of the dynamics and complexity of leading and managing a global enterprise, and it is both multi- and inter- disciplinary in its treatment. Each chapter focuses on a different principle: from successful knowledge management, to the secrets of successful negotiations, and managing systems engineering alongside project management. This applicable guide is an ideal companion for MBA students of management, leadership, and innovation, and it is also of keen interest to senior managers and leaders in a global organization, and researchers in these areas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Higher Education Funding and Access in International Perspective
This book explores the way in which the pressures of globalisation are shaping higher education funding and access across the world. Higher education is seen as a way of developing human capital and building knowledge economies, but major debates continue about who should attend university; how the costs of higher education should be distributed between the individual student and the state; how students from non-traditional backgrounds can be helped to succeed in higher education; and the intended and unintended consequences of widening access initiatives. Globalisation is not a uni-directional force, but is accompanied by movements to reinforce the local and the regional, often driven by fears of loss of identity. Universities across the world have become more powerful and autonomous from the state, but at the same time students as consumers of education have an increasingly powerful voice. They frequently find themselves in opposition to the business model which infuses higher education systems and student protests have had a strong influence on policy development. This book explores the way in which the twin pressures of globalisation and localisation play out in higher education across the developed world, often reflected in more specific debates on fees regimes, access and culture.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corbynism: A Critical Approach
From the moment Jeremy Corbyn was elected Labour leader, Corbynism has been dismissed, derided or romanticised, but rarely taken seriously as a set of ideas on its own terms. This book critically outlines the shared understanding of capitalism and its alternatives that unites the component parts of the Corbyn movement. It decodes the central tenets of the Corbynist worldview, showing their coherence with contemporary political-economic shifts and conspiratorial understandings of global capitalism as a 'rigged system' common to populist nativism in an age of Trump and Brexit.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mobile Technologies in Children’s Language and Literacy: Innovative Pedagogy in Preschool and Primary Education
Mobile technologies can facilitate different kinds of learning, in a range of contexts. They can also enable innovative and powerful ways of participating in collaborative learning. This book examines the ways in which mobile technologies may contribute to, change, or disrupt literacy learning in children up to the age of twelve. Also explored is the impact mobile technologies may have on literacy definitions and practices; learning environments; student, parent and teacher roles and interactions; power relations in education; and social and material interactions. Contributing authors include eminent researchers and innovative practitioners from around the world, who share their insights on the possible roles of mobile technologies in literacy practices and education. This book explores how educators might harness mobile technologies to equip literacy learners for the 21st century, as well as considering how mobile technologies may help to enhance access to quality literacy education for children in developing countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Baby Boomers, Age, and Beauty
This book is a rich exploration of the baby boomers - those coming of age in the sixties and now entering old age - the influences that have shaped how they perceive ageing appearance, how they define ageing and beauty, and the meaning of appearance, beauty, and identity. The book draws from a variety of sources from ageing research, history and gender studies and a diverse group of interviewees. The longevity revolution and shifting notions of identity coalesce as older women and men seek to find new modes of self-presentation as they age. Ageing is a profoundly embodied process, yet older people's concerns about appearance and beauty is perceived, by many, as trivial or a function of consumer society. Investigating notions of appearance and beauty as a core human concern, the author explores Western cultural notions of beauty. What then is beauty in old age? Is it even a possibility given the history of youth and aesthetic preference? The book seeks to bring forward ideas of age and beauty as defined by baby boomers, how they see themselves and how they are seen.
Emerald Publishing Limited Exceptional Leadership by Design: How Design in Great Organizations Produces Great Leadership
Imagine a world with great leadership. What would that world be like? Would it be a better world or a worse one? Now ratchet great leadership up to exceptional leadership and suddenly we have cause for optimism. But how do we design exceptional leadership, and would we even know it if we saw it? Traditional paradigms of leadership have celebrated decisive top-down control and analytical decision-making. But times are changing. The world is more connected, complex, fluid and interdependent. This book debunks the myth that leaders need to be creative like designers to apply Design Thinking. Applying design approaches and practices to organizational leadership is not just about its leaders becoming more creative. It is definitely not about the person at the top coming up with the grand answer. Design thinking starts with the 'pain point' related to the problem you are trying to solve. You get to the heart of the issue. It is a collaborative effort that neatly leads stakeholders and representatives affected by the problem to design novel leadership solutions that actually work. This collection of stories, examples and narratives about exceptional leadership by design provides readers of all levels of experience with tangible, real, and heartfelt examples of how the design process can be applied to leadership. It will show how we: Inform great leadership with design Strengthen our own leadership by design Redesign hero leadership for more inclusivity Redesign organizations for Fe+Male leadership synergy Design leadership for a VUCA world Design flow-based leadership Design organizations that build resilient leadership Design leadership for innovation Design culturally intelligent leadership Build leadership into our spaces and places
Emerald Publishing Limited Disarmament, Peace and Development
Excessive military spending reduces the available financial reserves for health, education, and other human needs. For poor countries, it increases poverty, unemployment, and destitution. It also strengthens dictatorial tendencies in politics and acts against democratic values. If we want to achieve peace, eliminate poverty, decrease inequality, and achieve social justice, we should devote all our energies to reducing military spending and using the released resources for economic development. For that, we need a concerted effort to encourage disarmament. This new volume provides reflections and insights from leading public figures and activists who oppose military expenditure in any form. Many of the contributions to this volume were presented as speeches at the 'Disarm! For a Climate of Peace' meeting held in Berlin in 2016, organized by the International Peace Bureau. The volume also includes additional research-oriented chapters to complement the transcripts from the International Peace Bureau meeting.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mastering Business for Strategic Communicators: Insights and Advice from the C-suite of Leading Brands
The most successful communication professionals are no longer just communication experts—they are masters of business. To serve as trusted advisors to the C-suite and to collaborate across the enterprise means it is necessary to have a strong grounding in business acumen. Mastering Business provides strategic communications and public relations students and professionals with expert insights and advice into the various major business functions and departments. From an assemblage of top strategic communication leaders comes this collection of more than 20 essays from current and former Chief Communications Officers (CCOs). The authors show the business areas that communicators help convene, integrate, and translate across their enterprises and to external stakeholders. Each chapter features a Career Spotlight by the CCO and a C-suite View response from a business leader, including CEOs, presidents, and CFOs from household names like GE, GM, Southwest Airlines, Starbucks, Walgreens Boots Alliance, and SAP. This collection provides readers with a rare view of the leadership roles played by top strategic communicators inside some of today’s most well-known brands and organizations.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
This book provides an in depth survey of the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (I/O), a specialized field within the larger discipline of psychology also called Work and Organizational Psychology, Occupational Psychology, and Organizational Psychology. I/O is the scientific study of how individuals and groups behave in the performance of work activities and in the context of organizations. It is also the application of this research to improving the effectiveness and the well-being of people and the organizations in which they work. It is part science, contributing to the general knowledge base of psychology, and part application, using that knowledge to solve real-world problems.