Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Managing a Term Service Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2024
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Managing a Term Service Short Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2025
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Preparing a Professional Service Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2028
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Term Service Short Contract Guidance Notes and Flow Charts
These guidance notes explain the provisions of the Term Service Short Contract when it is used for a simple, low risk contract. The flow charts show the procedural logic on which the TSSC is based and are published in this volume for reference. ENDORSEMENTS Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction. Facilities Management Board support for the NEC3 Term Service Contracts The Facilities Management Board of the Cabinet Office UK recognises that the NEC3 Term Services Contracts support good practice in FM Procurement in the public sector. BIFM supports the NEC3 Term Service Contracts
Emerald Publishing Limited How to use BIM with NEC3 Contracts
Where the client’s requirements include the provision of a building information model (BIM), the technical requirements will need to be set out in the contract documentation. This should clearly establish who is to provide what information, in what timescale and to what format and detail. This guide sets out some practical steps on using BIM with NEC3 Contracts, dealing with the contractual and technical matters that arise.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Adjudicator's Contract Guidance Notes and Flow Charts
These guidance notes explain the usage of the contract, procedures for appointing an Adjudicator, the nature of the form of agreement. Explanations are then provided on the individual clauses and worked example of contract data is provided. The second part of the book contains flow charts which set out the procedural logic of the 5 clauses that can be presented with benefit by flow charting
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract Option B: Price contract with bill of quantitities
Option B is a priced contract with a bill of quantities where the risk of carrying out the work at the agreed prices being is borne by the contractor. This document contains all the core and secondary option clauses, the shorter schedule of cost components, and contract data, relevant to an option B contract. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited How to write the TSC Service Information
This guide is written to help users to produce Service Information for the NEC3 Term Service Contract (TSC). Good quality Service Information is vital to achieving better outcomes for service contracts, and reducing misunderstandings and disputes. Service Information should be prepared with individual service requirements and the operation of the TSC in mind. ENDORSEMENTS Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction. Facilities Management Board support for the NEC3 Term Service Contracts The Facilities Management Board of the Cabinet Office UK recognises that the NEC3 Term Services Contracts support good practice in FM Procurement in the public sector. BIFM supports the NEC3 Term Service Contracts
Emerald Publishing Limited How to write the PSC Scope
This guide is written to help users to produce Scope for the NEC3 Professional Services Contract (PSC) and is produced in Association with Mott McDonald. Good quality Scope is vital to achieving better outcomes for professional services contracts, and reducing misunderstandings and disputes. Scope should be prepared with individual service requirements and the operation of the PSC in mind.
Emerald Publishing Limited How to use the ECC communication forms
This guide is written to show users how to complete the simple communication forms provided for the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC). Clarity of communications, in a form that can be read, copied and recorded, should assist compliance with the contract and reduce misunderstandings and disputes.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Term Service Short Contract (TSSC)
The NEC3 Term Service Short Contract should be used for the appointment of a supplier for a period of time to manage and provide a service. This contract is an alternative to the NEC3 Term Service Contract and us for use with contracts which do not require sophisticated management techniques, comprise straightforward work and impose only low risks on both the Employer and the Contractor. ENDORSEMENTS Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction. Facilities Management Board support for the NEC3 Term Service Contracts The Facilities Management Board of the Cabinet Office UK recognises that the NEC3 Term Services Contracts support good practice in FM Procurement in the public sector. BIFM supports the NEC3 Term Service Contracts
Emerald Publishing Limited CESMM4 Revised: Handbook
CESMM4 Revised: Handbook is an ICE guide to the financial control of contracts using the fourth edition of the Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement (CESMM4). The handbook has been completely revised and updated to bring it into line with the changes and new material contained within CESMM4. Updates include: an explanation of amendments that make CESMM4 contract-neutral, and explanations of how CESMM can be used with NEC, FIDIC and ICC contracts. The book also explains updates that brought CESMM4 into line with the latest technologies, and how CESMM4 can be used with various national standards. It also contains an extensive range of updated examples that clarify the use of each of the 26 classes of work. The book is an invaluable reference guide for anyone who needs to prepare bills of quantities for civil engineering works and competitive tenders using CESMM4. It is suitable for those with little background in this area and who are seeking an authoritative introduction to CESMM4, and it is also a valuable resource for anyone familiar with the provisions of CESMM3 and who is looking to make the transition to CESMM4.
Emerald Publishing Limited Technology and Organization: Essays in Honour of Joan Woodward
It is now 35 years since the death of Professor Joan Woodward, one of the founding figures of organization studies. Professor Woodward died in 1971 at the age of 54 after a relatively brief but highly distinguished career as a management researcher and teacher, and just six years after the publication of her landmark book "Industrial Organization". At the time of her death, Professor Woodward was the Chair in Industrial Sociology at Imperial College London, having been elected as only the second women professor at the College in 1970. She joined the Production Engineering and Management Section of Imperial in 1958 and the majority of her most important work was published during this period. Prior to this she had spent a number of years at the South East Essex College of Technology where she conducted much of the empirical work that informed her significant contributions to the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Stanford's Organization Theory Renaissance, 1970-2000
Between 1970 and 2000, Stanford University enabled and supported a vigorous interdisciplinary community of organizations training, research, and theory building. Important breakthroughs occurred in theory development, and a couple of generations of doctoral and post-doctoral students received enhanced training and an extraordinary opportunity to build collegial networks. The model spread to other universities and work done at that time and place continues to exercise influence up to the present time. This volume both summarizes the contributions of the main paradigms that emerged at Stanford in those three decades, and describes the sociological conditions under which this remarkable, generative, environment came about. A series of chapters by some of the key contributors to these paradigms, who studied at Stanford between 1970 and 2000, are followed by brief comments on the conditions that fostered the development of these different paradigms, and on the development of the paradigms themselves.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Economic History
Amongst other European and US focussed topics, Volume 27 addresses: the macroeconomic aggregates for England, 1209-2004; capital accumulation in Spain, 1850-2000; British Estate Acts, 1600 to 1830. Notably there is also a contribution from the late William Parker , who chapter discusses historical trends in food consumption in the United States.
Emerald Publishing Limited Educational Leadership: Global Contexts and International Comparisons
This volume of "International Perspectives on Education and Society" investigates the changing face of educational leadership from comparative and international perspectives. Various definitions of leadership have transformed the way that educators around the world think about teaching, administration, and policy in recent years. Yet, there is relatively little known about how educational leadership works in many specific systems, cultures and societies around the world. And, much of the published research and literature on educational leadership focuses on only a handful of countries and cultures even though empirical research suggests that leadership is differently contextualized by society, culture, and organizational environment. The chapters in this volume ask and answer two main questions: What is the difference between theoretical definitions of leadership and what works in different systems, cultures, and societies around the world? And, more importantly, how are both ideas about and evidence of educational leadership either the same or different across different national and cultural contexts?
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Library Administration and Organization
"The Advances in Library Administration and Organization Series" seeks to develop a body of research literature that contributes to the base of organizational theory upon which library administrators rely. Its mix of contributions to the literature of library administration and organization is intended to be both diverse and eclectic. The volume 28 provides a collection of thought-provoking articles on issues relating to problems library managers face and strategies in addressing those challenges. The topics covered in this volume include: managing change in research libraries; the agility of library consortia and its member libraries; the evaluation of reference services; developing a recruitment strategy for a diverse workforce; the evaluation of training and professional development programs; and, collective bargaining within faculty unions on college campuses. "Advances" is widely read by practitioners, library and information science graduate students, and those working in associated fields of information management, and remains the premier series in its area of coverage. This latest volume adds another significant contribution to the literature of library and information centre management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Institutions and Ideology
This volume contributes to the literature on the sociology of organizations and management, especially to sociological institutionalism, by attempting to fill an important gap in institutional research. Our starting point is the conviction that organizational institutionalims is the conceptual and empirical venue to study ideology, both in its symbolic and material dimension and this volume represents an effort to refocus and revitalize these issues. The ten chapters of this volume engage directly and critical with several North American and European institutional traditions. Apart from organizational institutionalism's own classic and current research, they draw on a wide variety of theoretical legacies to make sense of the relationship between institutions and ideology: Weber, Foucault, Heidegger, Bourdieu, Archer, Wuthnow, critical discourse analysis, or Kuhn's discussion of paradigm shifts as ideological changes. Empirical areas covered range from technology and software development, the brewing industry, custodial facilities to the organization of birthing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Library Administration and Organization
How does the disintegration of the Soviet system help us to understand the character of library and information institutions and practices within post-soviet space today? Which aspects of the traditional Soviet 'information order' have disappeared from the contemporary world of libraries and information institutions and which aspects have remained, perhaps to be refigured as critical features of newly emerging national and global projects? This volume brings together diverse reflective essays, reports and empirical analyses of the changing character of the post-soviet library world to address these questions. Individual contributions from Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, the New Republic of Kosovo, and the post-soviet successor states of Eurasia all provide different perspectives on LIS.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Research Annual
This book contains refereed articles on: contrasting relational conceptions of the individual in recent economics; the development of Adam Smith's style of lecturing; a comparison of problems encountered in the historian's work as editor, based upon editing Harrod's papers and Haberler's "Prosperity and Depression"; reminiscences on the New Deal by Jacob Viner; and Don Lavoie's lectures on comparative economic systems. It reviews essays on books about Schumpeter, Keynes, Mincer, comparative economic history, and the Chicago School; as well as reviews of books dealing with the repeal of the Corn Laws, economic systems and economic growth, the Enlightenment and post-modernism, and virtue ethics and capitalism.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth
This volume presents a series of perspectives that evaluate the merits of and potential for establishing institutionalized social valuation protocols within university settings. The volumes open with a comprehensive overview of the existing literature that addresses issues related to assessing the social value of university innovations. The first section provides sociological, organizational, and economic perspectives on issues informing the forecasting and/or demonstrating the social value of university innovations. The second section explores potential metrics and measures for either forecasting or demonstrating the social and economic value of university innovations. The third section concludes by considering issues of governance over and the organizational positioning institutionalized protocol for forecasting and demonstrating the social and economic value of university innovations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Understanding Emerging Epidemics: Social and Political Approaches
This volume focuses on the contributions that social scientists can make to understanding emerging epidemics, their impact, the threats they pose, and their social and political contexts. While many of the international articles focus on infectious disease, some discussion is given to treating psychiatric epidemics and the analysis of the political and cultural meanings that epidemics have. A sociological volume on emerging epidemics, covering psychiatric or psychological diseases as well as infectious disease is long overdue and topics included here are as wide ranging as: bipolar disorder; obesity; malaria; HIV/AIDS; SARS; West Nile Virus; pandemic influenzas; deviance; depression; ADHD; Alzheimer's; and autism. This valuable reference tool empirically examines emerging epidemics themselves and offers a theoretical analysis of the use of epidemics and epidemiology as frameworks for understanding these phenomena. It will appeal to a broad audience of readers of researchers and practitioners in this field, ranging from those involved in public health policy, human security and community health to medical sociologists and other scientists working in health and medicine.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics and Society
This forty-fifth volume of "Studies in Law, Politics, and Society" brings together the work of scholars from several disciplines, work which usefully illuminates central questions surrounding the operation of law and legal systems. Their work offers new perspectives on sentencing and punishment, lawyering for the public good, and the meaning of legal doctrine. The articles published here exemplify the exciting and innovative work now being done in interdisciplinary legal scholarship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change
Social movement strategies and coalition dynamics in movements are two of the hottest arenas for cutting-edge research. Many case studies offer useful analytical windows through which we can understand the strategic choices made by individual movement organizations. Equally if not more important questions remain about how the positions a movement organization occupies in the broader social movement field impacts strategic decision-making. Coalition politics and conflicts matter to social movements.Thus Section One of this volume of "Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change" presents a series of papers focused on the complex dynamics of coalitions and the interorganizational relations within social movements. Another section follows immediately that compliments in an integrated way the first, this one focused on strategic decision making in social movements, including with regard to strategic alliances. The Volume closes with a third section on political opportunities and political inequalities. This volume of the "Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change" does what the series has always done best: showcase sound empirical work and creative theory-building that addresses those questions currently at the forefront of the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Answer Intelligence: Raise your AQ
Shortlisted for The Business Book Awards 2022: Smart Thinking category Answer Intelligence: Raise your AQ is a book about six answers: story, metaphor, theory, concept, procedure, and action. By fully incorporating questions into those answers, Brian Glibkowski showcases how readers can not only elevate their understanding of questions and answers, but also reimagine what it means to communicate effectively. The book identifies five High AQ practices that distinguish expert communicators. Featuring chapters which each cover a different form of AQ such as Sales AQ, Interview AQ, Coaching AQ, and more, the book includes real-life examples of elevated answers. With contributions from representatives of organizations such as Salesforce, Center for Healthcare Innovation, Boston Mutual Life Insurance, as well as academics, the book provides comprehensive insight into AQ from across the professional and research spaces. Giving readers access to an app allowing them to do an AQ self-assessment, the author equips his audience to use the skills and behaviours presented to improve and hone their own AQ.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ultimate Gig: Flexibility, Freedom, Rewards
The gig economy can be viewed as the fuel that lit the fire of change in economies throughout the world. Flexible work grew out of a cultural shift in how we defined how we wished to work. The gig economy also grew out of a need, a need to earn more to keep pace with the inflation that nullified expected gains in purchasing power as wages increased. We no longer define work as related to the brick and mortar buildings that housed the traditional 9 to 5 job. Perhaps, the office-centric era is over as many companies have now made decisions relative to how and when their employees can work. Work from home is no longer a wish; it is a reality, and the gig economy has been the fuel that has helped companies realize new and better ways to engage labor and serve consumers. The future has arrived! The marketplace is favorable to new ways to purchase products and services. Gig opportunities will continue to grow as a meaningful way to earn income. The ultimate gig is ultimately the one that best matches the gig seeker's definition of what matters most. Our ultimate motivation for taking on the work of this book, this research project, is rooted in a belief that the gig economy is helping to define a new reality; flexibility and freedom in how work is done can be achieved. We believe in the free enterprise system. When we focus on contribution, we best explore the possibilities that improve the quality of any product or service and the quality of all the lives we touch.
Emerald Publishing Limited Disability and Other Human Questions
DAN GOODLEY draws on two decades of research and writing and weaves personal stories, scholarly literature, social media and other cultural narratives together with concepts from the interdisciplinary field of disability studies. His argument is simple: disability invites great insight into the wider project of understanding the human condition. Goodley argues that the study of disability is of great importance in its own right but also has much to offer us all in considering what it means to be human in the 21st Century. Chapters address questions such as 'who's allowed to be human?'; 'are human beings dependent?'; and 'what does it mean to be human in the digital age?' and respond to these questions in ways that get us thinking about how we might productively engage with, listen to and understand one another.
Emerald Publishing Limited Food in a Changing Climate
Our diets are going to change dramatically as global warming affects growing seasons and the availability of different foods around the world. Meanwhile, our foodways are among the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. To address these challenges Food in a Changing Climate demands we look beyond our plates to the roots of inequity in our food systems. It presents an unashamedly political agenda for 'deep adaptation', focused on the rejuvenation and strengthening of local and regional food systems that have been steadily eroded in the name of economic efficiency. The colonial origins of fossil-fuel based food production and trade persist in the marginalisation of farmers, food workers, and fishers in a corporatized food system that promotes the exploitation of the environment, excess production, and hyper-consumerism. These factors contribute to climate change, poverty, and health inequities on a global scale. Drawing on case studies from around the world, this book illustrates how the commodification of food has made us particularly vulnerable to climate change, extreme weather events, and pandemics such as COVID19. These shocks reveal the danger of our reliance on increasingly complex supply chains - dominated by a decreasing number of mega-companies - for our food security. The unsustainability of the way we produce and eat food is clear. It has been for a long time. Food in a Changing Climate explores how we can cultivate resilient communities through the just application of new technologies, the recovery of traditional knowledges, and by building diversity to protect the livelihoods of food producers everywhere.
Emerald Publishing Limited Women Courageous: Leading through the Labyrinth
Women Courageous: Leading Through the Labyrinth is a collection of true experiences by women from different parts of the world, leading in the political, academic, non-profit public, and private sectors. The stories illustrate their courage and also include a scholarly analysis to reshape our understanding of courage - how it shows up, develops, and facilitates transformation. Through this work, the editors offer a new definition: 'Courage is pushing forward, step by step, while everything is holding you back. Often unnoticed by others, courageous acts come with great emotional challenges, and also with a sense of purpose and determination. Courage is how we transform, not only ourselves but those we support and love and the work to which we have dedicated our lives.' This international group of authors weaves insights, research, and practices gleaned from walking the leadership labyrinth in their military, aerospace, public works, university, and school education, and nonprofit careers. The book offers stories of ambition, self-actualization, co-creation, as well as conflict, loss, betrayal, and healing, that will echo your own experience. The book will surprise you with new wisdom and releases fresh courage in all of us, to rise and meet the monumental challenges of this moment.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Business of Choice: How Human Instinct Influences Everyone's Decisions
Awarded Bronze Medal in the Advertising / Marketing / PR / Event Planning category of the 2021 Axiom Business Book Awards. In this 2nd edition of award winning The Business of Choice, expert author and consultant Matthew Willcox explores the science of influencing choice, bringing together the work of thousands of behavioral scientists and practitioners. Cutting to the heart of the science, Willcox helps you apply this to your own marketing and brand strategies, allowing you to use an understanding of how humans naturally decide to make your brand or business a natural choice. The Business of Choice takes you through the story of how instinct affects our decisions, from its roots in our evolutionary history, to technology and artificial intelligence today. You'll discover how human nature affects how people decide, whether they are making choices for grocery shopping, or their retirement investments. The first edition of The Business of Choice was awarded the 2016 Berry – American Marketing Association Book Prize for Best Book in Marketing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Change at Home, in the Labor Market, and on the Job
How do changes at home, in the labor market and on the job affect worker well-being? This volume of Research in Labor Economics contains eight original and insightful articles answering this question. Seven deal with demographic and labor market change, and one deals with wage differences essentially at a point in time. Of the seven, two articles analyze changes in family related matters and have implications regarding labor supply; two examine legislative changes, one of which has implications on teenage employment, and the other on informal business formation; one looks at potential productivity changes on farms in a developing country and has implications for remaining on the family farm or going to work; one models wage growth and shows why wages sometimes fall as one remains in a job longer; and finally, one investigates new enterprise formation over time.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Politicization of Mumsnet
This book investigates the growing politicization of Mumsnet and its use by politicians to influence middle-class women in the UK. The site's discussion topics go far beyond traditional 'mothering' subjects and encompass politics, feminism and current affairs. Understood as a safe space for gender-critical voices, the site has spawned real-life activism and continues to be both praised and attacked for its support of free speech on controversial subjects. Sarah Pedersen investigates how Mumsnet has become a central part of a resurgent women's rights movement in the UK. She argues that its openness to discussion around this subject has allowed the site to function as a subaltern counter-public - a space where gender-critical feminists have been able to share information and make plans for action and agitation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Drones: The Brilliant, the Bad and the Beautiful
Against the backdrop of an increasingly dynamic world, driven by rapid digital innovation and technological advances, drones are becoming prolific within society. In this book, Andy Miah delivers a comprehensive analysis of the wide-reaching applications of drones, as well as a critical interrogation of the social, cultural and moral issues that they provoke. Delving into philosophical discussions about the implications of drone technology, this book shines a light on their real-world applications, the challenges they pose, and what they reveal about the human condition, when faced with a future of autonomous, intelligent robots.
Emerald Publishing Limited Migration Practice as Creative Practice: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Migration
Migration Practice as Creative Practice: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Migration presents an in-depth evaluation of migrants' contributions to modern socio-economic structures. Leading with a discussion of the historical construction of migration and what it signifies in the modern globalised economies, an interdisciplinary range of contributors examine the interaction of migrants with new cultures, migrants' embeddedness into new environments and what that signifies for community relations. The book discusses the creative energies that migrants bring to the private and public spheres. Migration Practice as Creative Practice examines how migrants use their social lives, lived experiences, the process of identity formation and histories to inject positive 'newness' into host cultural and economic architectures. The book calls for more creative ways of researching migrant lived experiences and brings to life the different ways of approaching migrant research for scholars today.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Rebirth of Bourbon: Building a Tourism Economy in Small-Town, USA
Welcome to Bardstown, KY: The Bourbon Capital of the World® Bourbon’s popularity is now a global phenomenon, but you need only look at Bardstown, Kentucky, to see its remarkable and evolving impacts. This historic city of 13,500 people is booming as a result, but it’s also enduring growing pains. The economic impacts from a massive influx of tourists to what is now America’s bourbon epicenter are positive on many levels, but with those crowds comes pressure on infrastructure, services and accommodations. The demand for hotels, bars and restaurants is at an all-time high, and investors from across the globe are addressing those needs. Still, as a two-century-old Kentucky cultural and entertainment center long before it was discovered by bourbon drinkers ;– many locals want to ensure the traditional Bardstown experience doesn’t disappear amid novel entertainment options.
Emerald Publishing Limited Rethinking Ethics Through Hypertext
This book considers how social justice and authentic freedom of speech could be better tackled through hypertextual writing. Unilinear writing produces an artificial understanding of justice, freedom of speech and hermeneutics. In contrast, hypertextual writing promises an optimistic future which involves less judgment, more empathy and the embracing of difference, so vital in our post-truth culture. The author argues that hypertextual writing is set to have a marked impact on fields like jurisprudence, social sciences and education. Rethinking Ethics Through Hypertext reconciles traditional theories of ethics by re-framing them through hypertextual techniques, bringing together contrasting and contradictory ethical views. It presents compelling insights for scholars of moral philosophy, social justice, hermeneutics and education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Topics in Identification, Limited Dependent Variables, Partial Observability, Experimentation, and Flexible Modeling
Volume 40 in the Advances in Econometrics series features twenty-three chapters that are split thematically into two parts. Part A presents novel contributions to the analysis of time series and panel data with applications in macroeconomics, finance, cognitive science and psychology, neuroscience, and labor economics. Part B examines innovations in stochastic frontier analysis, nonparametric and semiparametric modeling and estimation, A/B experiments, big-data analysis, and quantile regression. Individual chapters, written by both distinguished researchers and promising young scholars, cover many important topics in statistical and econometric theory and practice. Papers primarily, though not exclusively, adopt Bayesian methods for estimation and inference, although researchers of all persuasions should find considerable interest in the chapters contained in this work. The volume was prepared to honor the career and research contributions of Professor Dale J. Poirier. For researchers in econometrics, this volume includes the most up-to-date research across a wide range of topics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Drawing
Drawings are everywhere. Daubed on ancient cave walls and projected on screens. Drawings helps us describe science, depict emotions and discover. Yet many of us laid aside drawing - or more simply, mark-making - in childhood, thereby losing a rich and varied way to tell our stories. This book gathers research evidence to demonstrate the substantial value of drawing for health, healthcare and improving wellbeing. It is for anyone interested in engaging in drawing - the low-cost, low-tech, and flexible process which is easily tailored to clients, parents, carers and professionals. The activities featured in the book are distilled from the author’s experience of two decades facilitating drawing. Drawing is easily integrated in health and wellbeing contexts and benefits both our mental and physical health. Practically, it can record observations, make visual notes, invite the telling of important stories, improve stress and anxiety, express feelings, and explain complexities. This important book encourages readers to enjoy mark-making once again and learn that thinking through drawing is a powerful life skill that enriches health and wellbeing.
Emerald Publishing Limited Music
Music is an art form but also a social activity. It is a part of every human society, contributing to community, culture, and a sense of group identity. It is also fundamental to individual identity and personal well-being. In Music, Eugene Beresin traces the possible applications of musical expression for human health and happiness. At the heart of Music are powerful examples from the lives of real individuals, families, and populations. These stories cover a myriad of ages, instruments, situations, and purposes, to convey the universal power of music to help us all get more out of life. Offering practical ideas for integrating musical practice into a wide range of settings from the medical to the personal, Beresin provides a compelling evocation of the healing power of music. It is a must-read for practitioners, teachers, counsellors, and lovers of the art form.
Emerald Publishing Limited Dividend Policy: A Business Perspective
Dividend Policy: A Business Perspective explores the critical role of the business environment in shaping corporate decisions, with a specific focus on dividend policy. A typical business environment commonly has three levels: The first level, the internal environment, encompasses all factors within the firm's control. This includes corporate operations, resources, and the interests of internal stakeholders, including shareholders, the board of directors, the CEO, and employees. The second level is the industry environment or micro-environment, involving external individuals and organizations tied to the firm's operations. The third level, the macro-environment, comprises external and general conditions affecting all firms in the economy. Each level, significantly impact dividend decisions in their own unique way. Here, the PESTEL model is employed to analyse six key factors: Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal. Author Quoc Trung Tran delves into the impact of these factors on dividend policy, focusing particularly on the role of technological factors, where theoretical mechanisms and empirical evidence are currently lacking. Written with a finance and treasury readership in mind, this work will appeal to students, educators, researchers, managers, and policymakers alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Approaches to Recruitment and Selection
Current recruitment and selection practices are essentially a cloning process which seeks to match applicants with the current corporate culture of the hiring organisation. This ignores applicants with different points of view, differing value systems and career aspirations. Authors Fons Trompenaars and Peter Woolliams explore the idea that, while all organisations should develop and promote their core values, the application of them needs to be revisited. New Approaches to Recruitment and Selection presents a new framework that compares current corporate cultures with the evolving value systems of current and potential employees. The authors believe that applicants should match the organization’s needs and explore how different categories of applicants can enrich the organisation whilst providing full engagement. The authors’ longitudinal research on traditional frameworks and practices shows that while companies strive to be objective, they are rarely free of cultural bias. They identify serious shortcomings in how organisations utilise their people. While most organisations are implementing a wide range of policies and programmes to identify and eliminate pay inequalities, and improve their attractiveness to women and minorities, great change has not materialised. Each volume in this series will explore failing established models and propose new conceptual frameworks with practical approaches. International case studies enrich the arguments and findings. Purchase of this book includes exclusive access to app-based content, enabling readers to explore the application of specific concepts in further detail.
Emerald Publishing Limited Building Communities in Academia
Emerald Publishing Limited The BERA Guide to Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools
Positioning wellbeing at the heart of a well-functioning school community, this timely guide brings the debate on the escalating child and adolescent mental health crisis to a broad audience.A research-informed yet accessible introduction to both the scholarly discourse and real-world cases of mental health in education, The BERA Guide to Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools focuses on the UK while providing messages and practical tips for an international readership. Chapters examine policy approaches and the pivotal role schools have acquired within the government's settings-based approach to mental health. The first section presents the theoretical framework and policy context, and the second is dedicated to a selection of case studies from schools in the UK, drawing attention to current issues encountered in education, showcasing exemplars of good practice and sharing innovative approaches to tackling poor mental wellbeing.Published in partnership be
Emerald Publishing Limited Creative Writing
Imagining new, introspective outlets for the support of mental and physical wellbeing, pracademic duo Mark Pearson and Helen Foster draw on their clinical and archival expertise to equip both healthcare professionals and general readers to unleash their creativity and unlock the comfort and creativity that putting pen to paper can bring.
Emerald Publishing Limited Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Slovakia
Emerald Publishing Limited Trump and the Deeper Crisis
While many analysts emphasize Trump’s uniqueness, he can also be viewed as a symptom of a deeper systemic crisis. This collection examines the roots, impacts, and future prospects of Trumpism as well as the possibilities for combatting it. Chapters analyze the role of racism and xenophobia, evangelical religion, and elite support in enabling Trump’s political ascent, demonstrating how both his demagogic style and his policies draw from the historic repertoire of the Right. The authors also trace the impacts of his presidency on inequality, health, ecological destruction, and U.S. empire. As far-right forces cement their hold on the Republican Party, and as the Democratic Party appears unable to stop them, what lies ahead? The authors argue that confronting Trumpism requires a frontal attack on the conditions that incubated the monster.
Emerald Publishing Limited History
History has been a source of cultural fascination since ancient times, however little attention has been paid to its potential as a positive force for health and wellbeing, at least until now. Presenting the benefits of historical engagement, and practical tips for making the most of it, Anna Greenwood considers the power this discipline has to spur better health outcomes. A ground-breaking work for history buffs and healthcare providers alike, this new instalment in the Arts for Health series by one of the leading scholars in modern health history advocates for history’s ability to deepen sympathies, broaden imaginations, and create community beyond the customary restrictions of time and geography.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Ultimate Guide to Compact Cases: Case Research, Writing, and Teaching
This ultimate guide focuses on case research, writing, and teaching for a revolutionary new form of teaching case—Compact Cases. Designed to be read in 15 minutes or less, Compact Cases provide a more engaging learning experience for today’s students. Compact Cases overcome students’ lack of preparation for case discussions by making cases more accessible, readable and engaging. Whether students read a Compact Case before class or in class, better learning outcomes can be achieved by actively engaging students in case analysis and discussion. Annotated cases, examples from published cases, helpful checklists, roadmaps, and writing prompts are provided to assist others in mastering the writing of short teaching cases and the accompanying teaching notes. Readers will learn to identify suitable case topics, develop effective learning objectives, use appropriate research methodologies, write lively and short prose, create more engaging exhibits, and prepare value-added teaching notes. Teaching strategies for effectively using Compact Cases online, in person, or blended teaching modes are provided. Strategies for publishing cases are provided to help case writers successfully share their work with others. Novice and experienced case writers will find tips, ideas, and strategies to improve student learning by using and writing Compact Cases.