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Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Framework Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2018
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Supply Short Contract Guidance Notes and Flow Charts
This document contains guidance notes on the NEC3 Supply Contract, which explain how to complete the SSC when it is used for a simple, low risk contract. The accompanying flow charts depict the procedures followed when using the contract. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited Long-term Hazard to Drinking Water Resources from Landfills
The co-disposal of domestic waste with industrial waste can represent a serious hazard to prime sources of drinking water throughout the world. Containing the latest research on the risks to groundwater over time, this book provides a scientific case for more sustainable landfill construction - over overwhelming implications for changes in waste management legislation as well as engineering practice. Examining each of the main stages of landfill decomposition and using extensive real-scale testing, the book trades theory for pragmatism and shows just how vulnerable groundwater is to contamination from old 'dormant' landfills. It then provides a new method for measuring the extent to which the ingress and egress of water can be controlled in landfill and the associated risks of groundwater contamination. The authors also offer practical suggestions for developing more sustainable and affordable waste management projects. Coverage includes: Long-term real-scale tests of landfills Reducing risks to groundwater from old landfills Aerobic treatment of landfill Aeration and excavation Protection of drinking water Guidance on developing affordable water management projects Based on over 30 years’ research, Long-term Hazard to Drinking Water Resources from Landfills will be core reading for research institutes and advisory committees of national and international decision-makers (WHO; FAO; EU), national and international administrative bodies and consulting engineers in environmental medicine, water management, hydrogeology and water management.
Emerald Publishing Limited How to write the ECC Works Information
This guide is written to help users to produce Works Information for the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC). Good quality Works Information is vital to achieving better outcomes for engineering and construction contracts, and reducing misunderstandings and disputes. Works Information should be prepared with individual works requirements and the operation of the ECC in mind.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract Option D: Target contract with bill of quantities
Option D is a target cost contract with a bill of quantities where the out-turn financial risks are shared between the Client and the Contractor in an agreed proportion. This document contains all the core and secondary option clauses, the schedules of cost components, and contract data relevant to an option D contract. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract Option C: Target contract with activity schedule
Option C is a target cost contract with an activity schedule where the out-turn financial risks are shared between the client and the contractor in an agreed proportion. This document contains all the core and secondary option clauses, the schedules of cost components, and contract data relevant to an option C contact. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC)
NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract is the core document from which the options A-F are extracted. It contains all core clauses and secondary option clauses, together with the schedules of cost components and forms for contract data. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract Option E: Cost reimbursable contract
Option E is a cost reinbursable type contract where the financial risk is taken largely by the client. This document contains all the core clauses and secondary option clauses the schedules of cost components, and contract data, relevant to an option E contract. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract Option A: Price contract with activity schedule
Option A is a priced contract with an activity schedule where the risk of carrying out the work at the agreed prices is largely borne by the contractor. This document contains all the clauses, the shorter schedule of cost components and contract data, relevant to an option A contract. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Complete Suite of 39 documents
In this latest edition of the NEC3 box set we are proud to include the new Professional Services Short Contract which has been developed in partnership with the Association for Project Management and a series of seven new 'how to' books designed to aid the use of our contracts. Also included are the latest Construction Act ammendments, Project Bank Account provisions and clauses as well as CIC BIM protocol references
Emerald Publishing Limited Urban Drainage Practice
Urban Drainage Practice will provide detailed guidance and practical advice on the design, operation, planning, management and maintenance principles required to address all major urban drainage issues. With the recent flooding incidents in the UK and internationally, and the UK government recommendations following the recent Pitt Review, this is a very topical issue. These recent incidents of recurrent flooding are examined within the book. Each chapter features an illustrative case study that will appeal to practitioners, and text has a strong practical focus throughout.
Emerald Publishing Limited Silicon Valley North: A High-Tech Cluster of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The Silicon phenomenon was, is, and will be an extremely important phenomenon in the accelerated technological, scientific, and economic development of countries and regions. Silicon Valley North (SVN) is the high tech capital of Canada, the nations most developed and dynamic technology sector, which includes multiple clusters in telecommunications, software, photonics, and life sciences. It gave birth to many well-known companies such as Corel, JDS Uniphase, Mitel, Newbridge Networks, Nortel Networks, Digital Equipment of Canada, just to mention a few. A lot of literature describes Silicon Valley and Silicon Alley in the US, Silicon Islands in Asia, and so on. Despite the quite evident importance of Silicon Valley North for the regional, national, and international technological development (especially when Nortel Networks and JDS Uniphase became global leaders in their fields and expanded in explosive fashion), this phenomenon is far from being well understood.Because of this, a book on the Canadian Silicon Valley is an exceptionally timely endeavor. "Silicon Valley North: A High-Tech Cluster of Innovation and Entrepreneurship" is devoted to the multidimensional and multifaceted nature of SVN, its history, current state and future developments. The book offers a broad and deeply thematic analysis of one particular innovative clusterSilicon Valley North. The reader will obtain expert insight into what SVN is all about by acquiring a comprehensive and "panoramic picture" of SVN within a single book. The reader will develop an accurate sense of what spurs high tech start-up companies in SVN toward their exceptional performances, and how to apply these insights to his or her unique regional context.
Emerald Publishing Limited Properties and Use of Coal Fly Ash
This book draws together a large quantity of research that has been carried out on pulverised fuel ash (PFA) over the past 30 years. Fuel ash and fly ash are produced as waste from burining coal (or waste materials) and have many uses within the construction industry such as in concrete land reclamation, treating oil and sewage wastes, bricks and blocks and grouting voids in the ground. In addition to covering the potential uses of PFA it provides an overview of the benefits of use. Fly Ash: Properties and usage is the most up-to-date resource for the construction engineer, client, producer and the consulting engineer.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ensuring Reservoir Safety into the Future
Latest essential information on reservoir safety from the heart of the water management profession. Ensuring Reservoir Safety into the Future contains the proceedings from the 15th Conference of the British Dam Society. The book discusses key topics and correct events including the state of the UK reservoir management and legislation, and reservoir safety following sever weather in recent years. This book will provide invaluable information on best practice and will be essential for those professionals involved in the managing of reservoirs. Ensuring Reservoir Safety into the Future covers key topics including Internal erosion Dam break analysis and risk assessment Design analysis and monitoring 2007 storms and UK reservoir safety issues Construction, remedial works and discontinuance
Emerald Publishing Limited Finite Element Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering: Theory
This comprehensive new two-volume work provides the reader with a detailed insight into the use of the finite element method in geotechnical engineering. As specialist knowledge required to perform geotechnical finite element analysis is not normally part of a single engineering degree course, this lucid work will prove invaluable. It brings together essential information presented in a manner understandable to most engineers. Volume 1 presents the theory, assumptions and approximations involved in finite element analysis while Volume 2 concentrates on its practical applications to real geotechnical problems. The theory explored in the first volume is referred to in the case studies of the second volume to provide a holistic impression of finite element analysis as it is applied in geotechncial engineering. Using practical examples, the second volume illustrates the restrictions, pitfalls, advantages and disadvantages of numerical analysis. The authors examine popular constitutive models, numerical techniques and case studies. Together, both volumes aim to provide the reader with sufficient knowledge to judge the credibility of the numerical results that the reader may obtain, or review, in the future. Finite element analysis in geotechnical engineering: theory and application will be essential reading for practising geotechnical and structural engineers and researchers, particularly users of commercial finite element software, both in industry and in academia. Students performing project work at undergraduate and postgraduate level will also find this book invaluable.
Emerald Publishing Limited River and Channel Revetments: A design manual
This comprehensive manual provides extensive information on the types of revetment available and provides guidance on the choice and design of these systems. With regard to natural and artificial watercourses information is included on revetments that incorporate some form of structural protection and revetments which combine this protection with vegetation to increase the environmental quality of the systems. Extensive use of photographs, flowcharts and diagrams allow the engineer to choose the most appropriate type of revetment and the most cost-effective design.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mockers and Mocked: Comparative Perspectives on Differentation, Convergence and Diversity in Higher Education
With the emergence of mass higher education, many national governments have identified a diverse higher education system as a policy objective. Diversity is seen as good because it supposedly increases the range of choices for students, matches the education provided to the needs and abilities of individual students, enables and protects specialization within systems, and meets the demands of an increasingly complex social order. However, little is known about the internal dynamics of higher education systems working for or against particular levels of diversity. The present volume attempts to further our understanding of processes affecting diversity by addressing them from a theoretical and empirical perspective in a comparative setting. The theoretical part of the book outlines three distinct but complimentary perspectives. Burton Clark discusses the effects of continued specialization at the disciplinary level and concludes that this will stimulate diversity at the system's level. Guy Neave draws attention to the possible homogenizing forces of the nation state and of the emerging supra-national structures in Europe. Frans van Vught also emphasizes the effects of the (policy) environment on institutional and system diversity, and specifies under what conditions this influence will lead to decreasing diversity. The empirical part of the book contains eight country studies. These analyses provide detailed insights into the processes that have affected differentiation in these countries. They also provide the basis for an analysis of the theoretical arguments from a comparative perspective. The concluding chapter is an analysis of the conditions which influence change within higher education institutions and systems, and what the effects of these changes are in terms of diversity.
Emerald Publishing Limited Product Market Integration: A Multifaceted Approach
The book addresses the issue of product market integration within the European Union (EU) from a multidisciplinary approach that ranges from economics to political science and sociology. Besides the contributions from academia the book also includes the perspectives of the European Commission - Directorate Industry and Enterprise, and of the business community, thus providing a comprehensive overview of the issue under analysis. The book is organized around three main themes: plural perspectives and assessments of current market integration in the EU, empirical analysis of trade and trade barriers within the EU, and discussion of today's challenges in market integration. As such, the book starts by assessing the functioning of the EU Internal Market and by evaluating the need for differentiated integration in an enlarged and increasingly heterogeneous EU. It then proceeds with three empirical studies relating to intra-EU trade, focusing on technical barriers, on the importance of institutional factors in explaining non-tariff protection, and on the consequences of legal and administrative regulations on trade opportunities. The book ends by presenting and discussing today's challenges to market integration in a globalized world as well as the role of the EU in shaping a new mode of governance in transatlantic market integration. Regulation and governance in integrated markets are recurrent topics in the various chapters. The book presents state-of-the art academic research on product market integration and given its multidisciplinary approach it has distinguishing features that make it unique in the literature.
Emerald Publishing Limited Exploring the Digital Frontier
This volume presents international research and exhaustive reviews of literature on a range of issues related to the evolving digital environment. Topics addressed include: the educational impact of the digital environment on LIS education curricula and delivery mechanisms; information representation and learning in video games; social semantic corporate digital libraries; the use of E-texts in research projects in the humanities; and information access in e-government environments. Issues surrounding the improvement of library catalogues by emulating web-based search engines, and the extent to which collaborative information seeking is/is not enabled by existing search engines and tools are also explored. With the growing trend for digital-only access to information, this text makes an important contribution in both highlighting problems and challenges, and pointing to pathways for future solutions. Part of the Advances in Librarianship book series, it is a key resource for practitioners, researchers, students and faculty members seeking in-depth literature and solutions to current and emerging issues in library and information science and related fields.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism-Marketing Performance Metrics and Usefulness Auditing of Destination Websites
This volume provides specific answers to hard questions about how to create valid metrics to measure the effectiveness of tourism advertising and the usefulness of destination marketing websites. An extensive literature review describes 40+ years of research on the effectiveness of tourism advertising and the slow advancement to using valid impact metrics - field experiments with alternative ad treatment and placements. Several authors undertake information-usefulness audits on DMO (destination management office) websites and provide practical check lists. Tourism website comparisons include: Maine, Massachusetts and New York; Genoa, Marseilles and Valencia; France, Spain and Portugal; and China, Poland, Russia and Thailand, against each other as well as the Lonely Planet websites. Content analysis of consumer-generated advertisements that promote visits to third places, in this case Starbucks coffee shops and Chipotle restaurants, makes an intriguing study. The final paper gives a thick description of the dynamics of the government's role in shaping China's domestic, inbound, and outbound tourism industry and contributes to building a behavioral theory of government-firm relationships.
Emerald Publishing Limited Choice Modelling: The State-of-the-art and the State-of-practice - Proceedings from the Inaugural International Choice Modelling Conference
This book contains a selection of the best theoretical and applied papers from the inaugural International Choice Modelling Conference. The conference was organised by the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds and held in Harrogate, North Yorkshire on 30 March to 1 April 2009. The conference brought together leading researchers and practitioners from across the many different areas in which choice modelling is a key technique for understanding behaviour and evaluating policy. The diversity of the field was reflected in presentations by both academics and practitioners, coming from six continents and a variety of fields including transport and economics. Key contributions include papers from Professor Daniel McFadden, from the University of California, Berkeley - Nobel Prize laureate in Economics and chief architect of random utility modelling. The conference also included keynote presentations by five other leading choice modellers, namely Professor Moshe Ben-Akiva, Professor Chandra Bhat, Professor Michel Bierlaire, Professor David Hensher, and Professor Riccardo Scarpa.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Many Faces of Public Management Reform in the Asia-Pacific Region
During the past decade, globalization and democratization have been the major forces that helped transform the structures, functions, and processes of Asian public sectors. Nevertheless, these transformation efforts of Asian countries vary considerably depending on local context, and have met with different degrees of success. Some countries experienced smooth transformations. For others, the reform process has been more volatile. These issues were explored at a conference July 7-9, 2008 in Bangkok, Thailand, hosted by the Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, and co-sponsored by the International Public Management Network, the Asia-Pacific Governance Institute, and Thailand Democracy Watch. This book presents some of the works contributed by participating scholars and practitioners at the conference. The contents fall into three categories: corruption and anti-corruption initiatives, public financial management reforms, and public management reforms with emphasis on performance and results.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transport Survey Methods: Keeping Up with a Changing World
This book is a new chapter in a continuing international collaboration on transportation survey methods. It identifies new challenges to the world community of transport survey specialists as well as the larger constituency of practitioners, planners, and decision-makers that it serves and provides potential solutions and recommendations for addressing them. The book is structured around an introduction and five overlapping themes of major contemporary importance to the development of data collection on both passenger travel and freight movements which are: Sustainability and User Adaptation; Global Social Issues; Freight and Transit Planning; Technology applications; and, Emerging/Persistent Survey Issues, including Data Harmonization".
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions
What makes the "Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions" series stand out is its focus on all three characteristics that make up this research field - studies from scholars in different countries, with different research questions, relying on different theoretical perspectives. Such a broad, and inclusive, approach to mergers and acquisitions is not easily replicated in academic journals, with much narrower mandates and metrics. The collections published each year provide cutting edge ideas by leading scholars on a global scale. Doing so not only broadens the questions being studied, but also helps researchers consider the inter-relationships among different perspectives. In the final analysis, the best way to build understanding around a topic as diffuse as mergers and acquisitions is to be both integrative, and expansive, in choice of research questions and theoretical underpinnings. "Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions" offers this unique perspective, not easily found elsewhere, that will help scholars think about mergers and acquisitions in new ways, building our knowledge base on this critical topic.
Emerald Publishing Limited Perceiving Gender Locally, Globally, and Intersectionally
The introduction and 10 essays in this volume address questions about how feminist scholars conceptualize gender and view it in relationship to other attributes of individuals and of social systems. The authors strive for intersectional analyses broadening that approach beyond the gender, race and class paradigm to include sexuality, employing a variety of methodologies, and arguing that intersectionality is, or should be, not just theory, but praxis as well. The topics include the empowerment of women globally; the relationship of gender to international migration; gender differences in organizational participation; heteronormativity in organizations and in the media; the ways that the global affects the local in legislation, the workplace and the academy; the relationship between positive stereotypes of women and support for women's rights; and essentialist themes in men's movements. The discussions of globalization and empowerment and of migration are explicitly transnational in perspective. The remaining essays analyze data gathered in particular locations, but all have broader implications. Three nation-specific essays focus on organizational participation in Brazil, feminism in the Canadian academy, and sexual harassment legislation in Japan. Those on the media, social movements and voluntary organizations, and on modern prejudice are based on data from the United States. All of the authors and co-authors, whether professors emerita or graduate students, are trained in the social sciences. Nevertheless, the essays reflect the increasingly interdisciplinary approach to data and methods that characterizes contemporary feminist writing and research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology Part A B C
Features articles on classical and modern economic thought. This title includes review essays on books about historical figures in economics (Schumpeter, Keynes, Mincer) and the historical treatment of particular movements or issues in the discipline (Chicago School, comparative economic history, economic growth, postmodernism, and ethics).
Emerald Publishing Limited Use of Science and Technology in Business: Exploring the Impact of Using Activity for Systems, Organizations, and People
This book comprises a variety of examples of the use of science and technology in business, ranging from early computer use in the U.S. insurance industry to the present use of information technology in the Swedish furniture industry; from the classic UK fish and chip shop's use of white fish to Heathrow's Terminal 5-project; from new fishing net fibers to the cooling of chocolate at Cadbury's; from the development of new mobile wireless services to the creation of a genetic database on Iceland. The book shows the multifaceted and interactive character of the relationship between science and technology on the one hand, and business and innovation on the other. It explores this non-linear relationship through a selection of case studies and discusses its implications for science as well as for business. The economy of the use of sciences and technology, as well as the science and technology of economy, is given equal focus.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurial Strategic Content
The theme of this volume is Entrepreneurial Strategic Content. As such, it addresses the types of strategies that entrepreneurial companies use to effectively position themselves and gain competitive advantages. As a companion to Volume 10 ("Entrepreneurial Strategic Processes"), Volume 11 identifies several strategic dilemmas and strategic choices that organizations face in their efforts to be more entrepreneurial. Top researchers from a diverse set of perspectives - including Saras Sarasvathy, Per Davidsson, Tom Dean, and Kaye Schoonhoven - have contributed their latest research on a variety of topics such as celebrity entrepreneurship, innovation in traditionally conservative settings (banking and the military) and acquisitions as an entrepreneurial growth strategy. The strategic implications of tax policy and the importance of knowledge management and human resources management to the success of entrepreneurial strategies are also highlighted. The last two chapters constitute a spirited debate between researchers with sharply different views about the role of individual versus collective effort to entrepreneurial progress and success. Volume 11 identifies important strategic alternatives that entrepreneurial companies use to optimize performance and provides valuable insights into how organizations of all types use entrepreneurial strategies to achieve competitive advantages.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
This volume of "Studies in Law, Politics, and Society" features a symposium on law and film as well as two articles of general interest. It brings together the work of scholars from several disciplines, work which usefully illuminates central questions in the operation of law and legal systems. The articles published here exemplify the exciting and innovative work now being done in interdisciplinary legal scholarship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Policy and Practice
In the study of learning and behavioral disabilities, effective practice and public policy enacted to implement this practice are closely intertwined. In this volume, a number of internationally prominent authors discuss issues and advances both in public policy, and in state-of-the art practice in providing service for individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities. Topics include educational equity, imputations of malice in social policy, analytical discussions of Response to Intervention and No Child Left Behind legislation, policy implications of functional behavioral assessment, implications of poverty for educational policy, and public policy implications of the Higher Education Opportunity Act. In addition, chapters are included that address recent advances in practice for individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities. These topics include interventions for students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, mathematics interventions for individuals with nonverbal learning disabilities, Response-to-Intervention and other literacy practices for students with learning and behavioral disabilities, and the design of functional assessment for challenging behavior. The chapters included in this volume provide important current information on policy and practice for individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities, and will be of interest to teachers, administrators, graduate students, researchers, professionals in personnel preparation programs, and individuals interested in public policy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Patients, Consumers and Civil Society
Medical Sociology is among the largest and first subdisciplines in Sociology. It is an area of ongoing work, advancing theory, method and our substantive understanding of social life. This series brings together the newest issues and most current concerns in Medical Sociology, in an ongoing collection of edited volumes. Each volume is edited by a medical sociologist with a particular expertise, bringing together contributions from sociologists working in different settings and nations, exploring one particular advance in Medical Sociology.
Emerald Publishing Limited Crisis, Complexity and Conflict
Many economic issues that touch the life of millions of people are more complex than most people thought. From the U.S financial crisis to regional cooperation, from the oil price shock to climate change, policy conflicts abound. The book distills some of these conflicts and argues that understanding the nature and intensity of trade-offs is a key to resolving the conflicts. It can help improve the quality of policy debate, and remind us about what really matters. What caused the 2007/08 crisis, how could problems in a small segment of mortgage market bring down the world's largest economy, what effects an oil price surge had, and how the policy response to climate change can benefit the poor? With a better understanding about the complexity of interrelations, multiple goals that seemingly at odds in all those issues are not necessarily in conflict with each other. When conflicts are acute, reverting to the ultimate and more fundamental goals can help resolve the problem. What alternative systems to explore (e.g., with regulatory rules and incentive system that minimizes mismanagement and greed), and which segments of society to focus on (e.g., the poor in developing countries) are among key attributes in such fundamental goals. The book provides enlightening glimpse of complexity in many policy conflicts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Econometrics and Risk Management
The main theme of this volume is credit risk and credit derivatives. Recent developments in financial markets show that appropriate modeling and quantification of credit risk is fundamental in the context of modern complex structured financial products. The reader will find several points of view on credit risk when looked at from the perspective of Econometrics and Financial Mathematics. The volume consists of eleven contributions by both practitioners and theoreticians with expertise in financial markets, in general, and econometrics and mathematical finance in particular. The challenge of modeling defaults and their correlations is addressed, and new results on copula, reduced form and structural models, and the top-down approach are presented. After the so-called subprime crisis that hit global markets in the summer of 2007, the volume is very timely and will be useful to researchers in the area of credit risk.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Volume 32 of "Studies in Symbolic Interaction" contains five cutting-edge papers which examine the future of symbolic interaction. Adele Clarke, Kathy Charmaz, Fritz Schutze, Margaret Kearney, Karen Schumacher, and Susan Kools honor Anselm Strauss and 40 years of grounded theory. Additional essays offer new theoretical developments in the areas of social work, race, media, identity, and politics. The work of Norma Williams is also celebrated.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Symbolic Interaction
Volume 31 of "Studies in Symbolic Interaction" inaugurates the "Blue Ribbon Paper Series" under the editorship of Lonnie Athens. The papers in this series celebrate cutting-edge theory and research presented at the Couch-Stone Spring Symposium, and the Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction. New theoretical developments in the areas of everyday life, race, Native Americans, politics, performance, Spartan Superhunks, and Persian Monsters in recent Hollywood film are also included.
Emerald Publishing Limited Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution: Sociological Perspectives
The study of armed forces and conflict resolution has undergone important developments at the turn of the millennium, driven by emerging events. The fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of the Cold War, the resurgence of nationalism and religious wars, ethnic cleansing, September Eleven, the War on Terror, and asymmetric warfare, the United Nations' inability to manage and successfully conclude military operations, are so many flash points of how much things have changed since the Cold War. The action of militaries has become more important, more difficult, more controversial, and, at the same time, insufficient, without parallel methods and political actions for resolving conflicts. As scholars conceptions of conflicts have changed, so have their understanding of conflict resolution and peace. This latter scholarship now spans analyses of the role of governments, civil institutions, and organized groups. The studies of building and sustaining peace now span institutional, inter-actional, and interpersonal levels in order to conceptualize a more holistic, long-term vision of peace.This book brings together contributions from scholars of various social science disciplines on three themes that appeared significant for the study of the phenomenon of conflict and conflict resolution. The first theme is centered on the new aspects of war in the twenty-first century where asymmetric warfare has changed many rules of the game, imposing a profound transformation on the military, not only tactical, but also structural, preparatory, mental and ideological.The second theme regards the delicate relations between the armed forces and societies. The ever-greater technicality of military operations and their lower comprehensibility to the broad public as a result, together with increased sensitivity in many countries in regard to the use of violence and death, have created social situations and problems that deserve to be investigated. The third theme, building and sustaining peace, operationalizes different types and levels of violence and conflict. It assesses ongoing efforts, for instance, governments trying to contain or diffuse conflict, businesses and national service schemes building peaceful civil spheres, and the efforts of organized groups to claim, shape, and extend the spheres of life that are free of conflict.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender, Equality and Education from International and Comparative Perspectives
This volume of "International Perspectives on Education and Society" investigates the often controversial relationship between gender, equality and education from international and comparative perspectives. Much has been written recently about the global progress made toward gender parity in enrolment and curriculum in nations around the world. And there is much to tout in these areas. Although gender parity is not yet the global norm, the expectation of gender equality increasingly is. Some have gone so far as to say that the global expansion of modern mass schooling has created a world culture of gender equality in education. Yet, while there have been many positive advances regarding girls' and women's education around the world, there are still significant differences that are institutionalized in the policies and administrative structures of national education systems. For example, some of the strongest evidence of gendered inequality in schooling is the fact that in many developing countries there are large proportions of school-age children who are not in school - many if not most of whom are girls. The question this volume investigates is whether gender equality in education is really being achieved in schools around the world or not.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
This series publishes monograph length conceptual papers designed to promote theory and research on important substantive and methodological topics in the field of human resources management. Volume 28 of "Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management" ("RPHRM") contains seven papers on important issues in the field of human resources management, thus continuing the tradition of the series to develop a more informed understanding of the field. This collection of papers represents excellent scholarship and illustrates the truly interdisciplinary character of the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
"Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research" publishes high quality articles encompassing all areas of accounting that incorporate theory from and contribute knowledge and understanding to the fields of applied psychology, sociology, management science, and economics. The series promotes research that investigates behavioral accounting issues. Volume 11 begins with a review article that compares the strengths and weaknesses of using a single type of research method (archival, behavioral, and qualitative) to investigate accounting phenomenon and explains why using multiple methods provides a richer understanding of particular issues. This article should provide beneficial to a wide range of researchers, not just those interested in using behavioral methodologies. The remaining articles are empirical in nature in and examine a variety of current issues. One article examines whether sophisticated financial statement users' decisions are impacted by differential treatments of stock option compensation costs while another article provides a very interesting investigation of whether investors evaluate corporate ethical behavior as a function of their relative stock market performance. Two articles examine different aspects of auditor performance, with one contrasting the performance gains by industry specialist auditors in regulated versus unregulated industries and another contrasting the perspectives of specific auditors and their colleagues on whether they possessed the attributes of an expert. Another article examines the influence of various factors that impact public accountants' exhaustion, and the final article examines whether balance scorecard performance is differentially affected by financial and nonfinancial measures. These articles are both interesting and insightful and should prove useful in facilitating future behavioral research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotions, Ethics and Decision-Making
The rapidly growing recognition of the importance of emotion in understanding all aspects of organizational life is facilitating the development of focused areas of scholarship. The articles in this volume represent a selection of the best papers presented at the sixth International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life (held in Atlanta, in July 2006), complemented with invited chapters by leading scholars in the field. The theme of this volume, Emotions, Ethics and Decision-making, concerns the role of emotions in decision-making in general, and also more specifically the special place of emotions in decisions that have an ethical character. It begins by looking at the influence of emotions on strategic decisions, among entrepreneurs, in the case of workplace proenvironmental behaviors, as well as how emotional intelligence contributes to problem solving. Emotions are particularly present in ethical decisions, largely because of the close connection between personal identity, for which values are central, and feelings about the self. Specific chapters look at emotions experienced as a result of ethical dilemmas, the role of anger and justice perceptions, the role of attributions and emotional intelligence in ethics perceptions, and at emotions in three specific contexts: emotional labor, whistle-blowing and sexual harassment. Finally the volume comes full circle in an examination of how top executives engage in change that is truly congruent with the ethical values of internal and external constituents.
Emerald Publishing Limited Documents from F. Taylor Ostrander at Oxford, John R. Commons' Reasonable Value and Clarence E. Ayres' Last Course
Volume 26B continues, in part, the important graduate career of F. Taylor Ostrander, notable the year spent at Oxford University. Among his tutors and professors were some of the leading faculty at Oxford. The volume also contains two documents important for the history of Institutional Economics, John R. Commons' "Reasonable Value", his first effort leading to his Institutional Economics; and notes from Clarence E. Ayres' final course taught on institutional economics, at the University of Texas.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Philosophy of Transhumanism: A Critical Analysis
Transhumanism is an international cultural movement which seeks to fundamentally transform the human condition through radical technological enhancement. Transhumanists claim that we are already in transition to a new phase of humanity where the limitations of mortality, ignorance, and suffering will soon be altered or even completely erased. The Philosophy of Transhumanism: A Critical Analysis presents the central ideas of transhumanist philosophy and offers a lens through which to reflect on the meaning of being human in anticipation of radical technology. The radical technologies in question variously include greater-than-human machine intelligence, mind-computer interfaces, gene-editing, and nanotechnology. The continued funding and interest generated by those associated with these projects suggest transhumanism is continued migration from a fringe concern to a central way of conceiving the future. Though a variety of positions exist within transhumanism, the unifying theme is a belief that the techno-engineering of a new type of upgraded human is both beneficial and inevitable. These ambitions raise serious questions about the appearance of a transhuman or even posthuman being, and warrants a critical analysis from alternative philosophical and religious perspectives. This book seeks to present the philosophy of transhumanism in a way that is both timely and accessible, and to challenge what will be seen as the core argument of transhumanist philosophy: that there is nothing about human beings that cannot be reconceived as a technical problem.
Emerald Publishing Limited Beyond Confrontation: Globalists, Nationalists and Their Discontents
Reactions to the Coronavirus pandemic have escalated the pre-existing tensions between the US and China and among different Western nations. Confrontations between political globalists and mercantilist nationalists - between supporters of the rules-based international order and proponents of overt protectionism - are fueling ever-stronger international resentments. Coupling argumentative rigor with a pragmatic, plainspoken approach, Phil Mullan charts out a novel, democratic way past dangerous and self-defeating confrontations towards a future of open international collaboration based on popular participation within nation states. With its clear-eyed assessment of the opportunities and challenges of a more interconnected world - an assessment in which the economic internationalisation underpinning globalisation theories is neither romanticised nor vilified - Beyond Confrontation sets a judicious tone for the big geopolitical themes of our times.
Emerald Publishing Limited Knowledge Management and the Practice of Storytelling: The Competencies and Skills Needed for a Successful Implementation
As organizations continue to discover the power of storytelling to shape, transform and transfer knowledge, the need for complex resources to harness that power and meet business goals increases. At the forefront of this challenge are knowledge management practitioners, change management leaders, and organizational development professionals who need information to obtain a practical advantage to implement sustainable storytelling initiatives. Knowledge Management and the Practice of Storytelling: The Competencies and Skills Needed for a Successful Implementation offers practical advice and guidance on the skills and competencies needed to meet those challenges. Discussing the competencies needed to use language and performance effectively to tell stories that will elicit tacit knowledge, this volume focuses on coaching strategies to help others develop storytelling skills, and provides background knowledge useful to champion and promote storytelling practices across organizational cultures and communities. Knowledge Management and the Practice of Storytelling will prove especially useful to practitioners who are charged with the development and leadership of storytelling initiatives but may lack a robust background on the practicalities of organizational storytelling. To meet those challenges, the book offers practical applications rooted in ethnographic research to find and select stories, conduct storytelling interviews, and analyse organizational communities and cultures to the meet the needs of target audiences. Most importantly, Knowledge Management and the Practice of Storytelling offers practical advice on assessment and evaluation strategies to measure the effectiveness and organizational impact of storytelling.
Emerald Publishing Limited Financial and Managerial Aspects in Human Resource Management: A Practical Guide
Financial and Managerial Aspects in Human Resource Management: A Practical Guide explores both financial and management accounting and their links to human resource management decisions and practices.The book provides a pedagogic material that examines the financial decisions that are specific to HR practices. Each chapter is mapped to CIPD and SHRM competency models and feature organisational examples, relevant case studies, critical theoretical discussions and end of chapter questions to give readers and learners a critical understanding of the following subjects: Introduction to financial accounting Income statement and balance sheet Interpretation of financial statements Financial ethicsLearning and development cost Redundancy Disciplinary and grievance cost Relocation cost Family friendly policies Executive compensation Written for students and practitioners, this book breaks new ground by being the first to compile the everyday management and financial decisions of HR managers in a single book. Financial and Managerial Aspects in Human Resource Management is an essential resource for understanding core practical HRM issues in the modern workplace.
Emerald Publishing Limited Collaborative R&D and the National Research Joint Venture Database: A Statistical Analysis
In light of a history of legislative actions in the United States to encourage collaborative R&D, this book characterizes U.S. collaborative R&D through the eyes of the National Research Joint Venture Database. Facilitating a fresh statistical look at collaborative R&D as a purposive strategy in the light of existing public policies, this book also provides a critical evaluation of the effectiveness of those attendant policies. Through an original project-based micro database, the author reveals the patterns of competitive behavior associated with collaborative R&D. Accompanied by follow-up statistical and econometric analyses, readers are not only confronted with what might be the most complete picture of U.S. collaborative R&D to date, but they are also provided with key indications of the effectiveness of U.S. legislative actions which is set to inspire further collaborations in research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Preparing Teachers to Teach the STEM Disciplines in America’s Urban Schools
Bridging a gap in the literature by offering a comprehensive look at how STEM teacher education programs evolve over time, this book explores teachHOUSTON, a designer teacher education program created to respond to the lack of adequately prepared STEM teachers in Houston and the emerging urban school districts that surround it. Providing a systematic investigation of how prospective STEM educators are cultivated to be subject matter specialists and culturally relevant teachers, the authors of this volume delve into the academic, professional and personal perspectives of teacher experiences to emphasise the impact on prospective and unfurling teaching careers. The topics include the influence of parents, teachers and professors on educator development and how internships function as a form of professional development, in addition to the influence of National Science Foundation-funded STEM scholarships on the careers and lives of the teachHOUSTON graduates. Because STEM education is vital to human and economic prosperity, this volume is of interest to both national and international readers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Resistance and Accountability
How do public spaces generate accountability and advance social equity? Stimulating the conversation, the articles in this volume explore the creation of meaning, the increasing confrontation between regulators and the community they are purported to serve, and the prevalent conflicts in seeking a balancing of social and economic interests. How are communities served in hospitals and schools by accounting standards and administrators? Are shareholders protected from managers’ opportunistic behaviors? How is professional status supported or denied for women in Columbia and other regions of the globe? Accounting’s role in producing worldviews, creating visibilities and in impacting our quality of life stimulates our engagement in these significant issues, reinvigorating what it means to provide accountability. We follow the legacy of public interest and critical accounting research in this volume, uncovering the discipline’s relationship to power and symbolism and its impact on our security and well-being as a challenge to conventional accounting.