Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategies for Facilitating Inclusive Campuses in Higher Education: International Perspectives on Equity and Inclusion
Higher education institutions continue to encounter an increasingly complex set of issues regarding equity, diversity and inclusion on university campuses. Many institutions are striving to find creative solutions to eliminate access, participation, and achievement barriers as well as practices that impede retention and graduation rates. This volume provides educators with a global understanding of the successes and challenges associated with facilitating inclusive campuses in higher education amidst the growing diversity of students by providing evidence-based strategies and ideas for implementing equity and inclusion at higher education institutions around the world. By addressing challenges experienced at a cross-cultural level, this book is an invaluable resource for educators and higher education practitioners alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Redefining Corporate Social Responsibility
It can be argued that Corporate Social Responsibility has been universally accepted and is gradually being incorporated into the planning and activities of all organisations around the world. The subject of CSR has been debated and theorized over the last 25 years, to such an extent that we can claim to have arrived at a theoretical understanding as well as an understanding of what constitutes best practice.The aspects which merit attention have also been generally agreed – at least according to the majority of researchers. Present attention is directed towards such things as sustainability. This book, however, takes a different approach and argues that there has been a divergence between what academics understand by corporate social responsibility and what is practiced in the world – both in business and elsewhere within society. Through a series of studies of aspects of CSR from around the world, it re-examines the topic though the lenses of various disciplines and cultures. It shows that the subject is much wider than is generally perceived and that CSR is evolving in a way which has not been generally recognized within the academic community. Invaluable to researchers and students in the field, this book contributes towards a much-needed redefinition of CSR.
Emerald Publishing Limited Underserved Populations at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: The Pathway to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
This book focuses on the lived experiences of underserved student and faculty populations at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and the implications these experiences have for higher education policy. Contributors discuss the contexts and experiences of students and faculty who navigate the political and social spaces of HBCUs while supporting healthy personal and robust professional goals. The stigmas and social nuances that plague students and faculty of color do not dissolve with their arrival at an HBCU, but rather they transform into a new set of challenges that demand the attention of researchers. Taking into account institutional supports, identity development, and socialization patterns, this book sheds light on what the experiences of higher education’s “outsiders” mean for future research and practice, while emphasizing issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Emerald Publishing Limited Re-envisioning the MLS: Perspectives on the Future of Library and Information Science Education
At the heart of any discussion about the future of libraries is the future of librarians—and how well our instructional programs, especially the Master of Library Science (MLS) degree, prepare them for their careers. Building on the Re-envisioning the MLS initiative from the University of Maryland’s iSchool and the Information Policy & Access Center (iPAC), this book continues the critical conversations around preparing future librarians. Library and information science (LIS) programs are the foundation of librarianship, and their design requires input from everyone in the field—from academics designing programs and courses, to practitioners reflecting on how prepared (or unprepared) they are to serve their communities, to hiring authorities considering qualifications of candidates. The second installment of this two-part volume explores many of the challenges and opportunities inherent in the future of the MLS degree, including the changing nature of the communities that libraries serve and how LIS education should address these changes, how archival training must accommodate big data, the specialized skill sets librarians need on the job, and how best to prepare librarians for their role as educators. These conversations will never be fully resolved, as LIS education must continue to evolve to ensure the efficacy of libraries and the librarians at the heart of the work.
Emerald Publishing Limited Turbulence, Empowerment and Marginalisation in International Education Governance Systems
This book investigates how governance at different levels can improve access to education for excluded communities. It conceptualises turbulence, empowerment, and marginalisation in international educational governance systems, and presents a comparative analysis of five nation states (England, Arabs in Israel, Northern Ireland, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States). From these carefully-selected case studies, readers are shown how Senior Level Leaders describe turbulence in their systems - and how they articulate both the kind of support they want, and the support they actually get at the infrastructural, resources and agency level. It shows how the Senior Leaders hope to put their track records in school improvement into action in order to mobilise school communities for Empowering Young Societal Innovators for Equity and Renewal. Based on research that is world leading in terms of originality, significance, and rigour, Turbulence, Empowerment and Marginalisation in International Education Governance Systems is both a comprehensive investigation of the question of how systems empower key agents of change in school communities, and a practical guide to how these communities can become societal innovators for equity, peace and renewal.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Movements, Stakeholders and Non-Market Strategy
This volume brings together new research that bridges the domains of stakeholder theory, non-market strategy and social movement theory. Although these three research domains have developed via relatively distinct academic communities, they speak to a common set of phenomena at the intersection of business, markets, civil society, and the state. This collection sets an agenda for a more holistic theory of business and society – a theory that takes seriously the various kinds of stakeholders that make up society and have claims over business, that incorporates the goals and objectives of businesses to survive and thrive, and that places an important role on the process of mobilization and contentious interaction between actors whose goals inherently conflict. Using a range of quantitative and qualitative methods, contributors focus on a phenomenon at the intersection of business, civil society, and government. Examining markets shaped by heavy stakeholder involvement and contention, chapters explore topics such as markets for electric vehicles, medical marijuana, municipal drinking water, and cigarettes along with controversial business practice, including employment practices for LGBT workers and racial/ethnic minorities, and working conditions in global supply chains.
Emerald Publishing Limited Continuing to Broaden the Marketing Concept
Review of Marketing Research pushes the boundaries of marketing—broadening the marketing concept to make the world a better place. This volume brings together leading scholars to explore how marketing can push boundaries to fix some of the most important problems which face society today. Topics covered include; politics, retirement, modelling social marketing data (for alcohol consumption and illegal drug use), feeding the world, data privacy (informing readers as to the varieties of protective options), and environmental sustainability. Each chapter provides thought provoking discussions which will be relevant to researchers, professionals and students.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Inclusive Management Strategy: Engineering Culture Change for Employees with DisAbilities
Every person has the potential to contribute to an organization as long as they have access to the right opportunities and connections, yet it sometimes is all too obvious that the stigma associated with a person’s disability can have a negative impact on their ability to develop healthy work relationships with peers and supervisors. This situation can only be remedied through effective change management, a systematic approach to designing, implementing, and measuring progress on unique culture-change goals. Here Camelia Fawzy and Brenda Shore draw upon more than 40 years of research and practical business experience to support leaders and managers’ efforts in transforming organizations and providing inclusive work opportunities for people with disAbilities (PwDs). What Fawzy and Shore offer is The Inclusive Management™ Strategy (IMS), an innovative approach to evaluating culture-change needs and to designing and implementing change solutions that address unique needs in order to create authentically inclusive social work-environments for PwDs. They address stigmatized differences associated with disabilities that lead to reducing fear, resentment, and anxiety in the organizational climate, ultimately arguing that culture change can only be achieved when most of our employees are engaged in a mind-change process, a conscious effort to change stigmatizing views associated with differences that need to be accommodated. For the practical, implementable plans of action it offers, The Inclusive Management Strategy is a must-read for managers and supervisors involved with policy, decision-making, strategy, and daily accommodations for PwDs.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Social Life of Busyness
Clare Holdsworth develops an account of everyday busyness by identifying busyness with a relational interpretation of time. She analyses a variety of secondary data sources – one-day diaries, self-help books on busyness and time management, accounts of a writing day and interviews about family work and time – and combines these analyses with personal observations. By revealing busyness as the point at which we negotiate our own responsibilities and those of other people, and by showcasing how experiences of busyness are very varied, Holdsworth concludes that the tactics we use to deal with excessive busyness and the habits we develop in relation to it need to recognise the relational status of busyness. Rather than assuming that busyness is an issue that should be resolved by helping individuals manage their time better, she argues that busyness should be thought of as a collective challenge. This book encourages us to understand that time-management solutions need to focus on the spatial and temporal distributions of responsibilities and how people manage these responsibilities. It represents a timely call for collective responses to busyness in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has intensified the unequal distribution of responsibilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Teacher Preparation in South Africa: History, Policy and Future Directions
South Africa's transition to democracy has seen massive changes in the field of teacher education aimed at integrating its previously raced and gendered character. This book provides a comprehensive historical overview and relational understanding of the patterns of teacher preparation supporting South Africa's unequal formal education system. It shows how emerging patterns, policies and pedagogies were deeply entangled with the country's position within a broader international and colonial order as well as with dominant national political and economic social frameworks. Using rich archival and oral evidence, this book illuminates how successive policies restricted and enabled access to different institutions, while differentiated curricula prepared teachers to teach students intended to play different roles in a society marked by class, race and gender division. It explores the location and control of teacher provision for black and white teachers provided by mission societies and the state in colleges and universities. Post-apartheid governments sought to reverse entrenched racial legacies in education through closure of the colleges and incorporation of teacher preparation into universities, altered admission criteria and new curricula. These have resulted in new tensions which have arisen in relation to a world of competing pressures on universities and teachers. By shedding new light on these tensions from a historical perspective, this book will prove an invaluable resource for education leaders and researchers in the field of global and comparative education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Group Processes
Advances in Group Processes publishes theoretical analyses, reviews and theory-based empirical chapters on group phenomena. The series adopts a broad conception of “group processes.” This includes work on groups ranging from the very small to the very large, and on classic and contemporary topics such as status, power, trust, justice, social influence, identity, decision-making, intergroup relations and social networks. Previous contributors have included scholars from diverse fields including sociology, psychology, political science, economics, business, philosophy, mathematics and organizational behavior. Volume 34 brings together papers that address theoretical and empirical issues related to the spread of status value, reward expectations theory, age and gender effects, and measuring the impact of status manipulations. Other contributions examine cognitive orientation, perspective taking and empathy, the stability of values, and group perceptions during computer-mediated communication. Overall, the volume includes papers that reflect a wide range of theoretical approaches from leading scholars who work in group processes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Employee Ownership and Employee Involvement at Work: Case Studies
With a growing prominence of sophisticated econometric research in a much-expanded field of New Economics of Participation (NEP), it is of particular value to learn about real-world examples of participatory and labor-managed firms in the advanced market economies through extensive case studies. In this volume of Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms, the authors present such case studies. The real-world examples of participatory organizations described vividly in this volume will help researchers in NEP to design empirical strategies better, and to interpret their econometric results more sensibly. Furthermore, they will help policymakers and practitioners in their efforts to construct better public policy and design management practices.
Emerald Publishing Limited You're Hired!: Putting Your Sociology Major to Work
Featuring conversations with more than thirty sociology majors on their career trajectories, responses from employers on why they hire sociology majors, and practical career advice, You’re Hired! Putting Your Sociology Major to Work offers readers a comprehensive account of the opportunities a sociology major provides. The book begins with the conversations, which convey real world examples of sociologists’ motivations for pursuing the discipline, their career paths, the joys and challenges of their choices, and their advice to current and future students of sociology. Their careers range from politics and technology to medical research and community activism; business and the arts to sports and the environment, all which demonstrate the breadth of career options available to sociology majors. Later chapters present feedback from employers on the skills sociologists offer to the workplace along with guidance on career entry and professional development. Those interviewed cover a broad spectrum of society and career progression; some are on the starting block of their careers while others look back from retirement on fulfilling and meaningful professional lives. They represent regional, gender, racial, and the social class reality of today’s world. Written in an accessible and upbeat style, You’re Hired! is an informative and inspiring read for current undergraduates, aspiring students, and parents alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited From Categories to Categorization: Studies in Sociology, Organizations and Strategy at the Crossroads
Categorization pervades economic life; products, services, firms and industries are continuously being classified by rivals, clients, experts and critics. A stream of research highlighting the importance of market and product categories for organizations and individuals has grown in importance during the past 40 years. This volume contains ten essays on categorization authored by some of the world’s leading scholars within sociology of markets, organization theory, and strategy research. It opens with revisiting the influential theory of “the categorical imperative”, and moves on to present various accounts of the social processes that form part of categorization and elaboration of their consequences. Together, the different chapters effectively show that categorization is a process, tightly connected to actors involved and their specific acts, the characteristics of the entity being categorized, and the context and timing informing these activities. As such, it complements the earlier cognitive perspectives by discussing the evaluative, social, and political manifestations of categorization.
Emerald Publishing Limited Developing Africa’s Financial Services: The Importance of High-Impact Entrepreneurship
Africa is at a critical moment in its economic development. With the recent decline of commodity prices, it has become apparent that many African economies, which are resource-based, have suffered greatly. The economies of Africa cannot be lifted up only through programs of aid. Indigenous high-impact entrepreneurs are needed, as they know how to best inspire, act as role models for other Africans and serve their fellow entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial ventures in the financial services sector hold special importance because of the role that they play in the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Financial services are an essential element in powering entrepreneurial activity beyond resource extraction, yet in most sub-Saharan African countries, the financial services sector is relatively nascent compared to developed markets. This book highlights how this is beginning to change. With contributions from leading scholars, it provides inspiring success stories of entrepreneurial financial sector ventures that are making a lasting contribution to the economic development of various sub-Saharan African countries as well as helping the reader understand larger macro-trends.
Emerald Publishing Limited How Institutions Matter!
This double volume presents a collection of 23 papers on how institutions matter to socio-economic life. The effort was seeded by the 2015 Alberta Institutions Conference, which brought together 108 participants from 14 countries and 51 different institutions. The resulting papers delve deeply into the practical impact an institutional approach enables, as well as how such research has the potential to influence policies relevant to critical institutional changes unfolding in the world today. In Volume 48A, the focus is on the micro foundations of institutional impacts. In Volume 48B, the focus is on the macro consequences of institutional arrangements. Looking across the two volumes, there are multiple theoretical, conceptual, methodological and practical points of convergence and divergence. Overall, the volumes highlight the many ways in which institutional processes and institutional researchers can contribute to our understanding of the micro foundations and macro consequences of institutions and their impacts on a wide variety of globally pressing issues, while also identifying a variety of fruitful directions for knowledge accumulation and development.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Gedenkschrift to Randy Hodson: Working with Dignity
Randy Hodson was one of contemporary sociology's central figures in the study of work, occupations, and inequality. This volume pays tribute to his important scholarly contributions. Chapters by other important scholars in these fields reflect and build on his research in work conditions, worker resistance, and social stratification.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contingency, Behavioural and Evolutionary Perspectives on Public and Non-Profit Governance
This volume accesses governance in public and non-profit organizations. Building on and challenging recent research in this area, this volume critically examines the contextual, behavioural and historical factors of governance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Library Staffing for the Future
The latest volume of Advances in Library Administration and Organization, contains approaches from researchers around the world. Sourced in management theory and hands-on practice, the chapters explore such issues as skills-building and other professional development activities, changing demographic profiles of staff, changing modes of resource provision, succession planning, remote work, and planning for Linked Data. New approaches to student staffing are examined, along with the relationship of library work to topics such as emotional intelligence and positive organizational behavior. Several chapters put forth research and case study information regarding methods for dealing with large-scale changes in library staffing with regard to budget, space, and mode of information delivery. The work as a whole addresses sustainability issues in library staffing both regarding the day-to day work of libraries and in planning for the future. Library Staffing for the Future provides the reader with a thorough look at relevant staffing issues for libraries today and going forward, and provides advice and information grounded in the theoretical as well as the practical.
Emerald Publishing Limited Warrior Women: Remaking Post-Secondary Places Through Relational Narrative Inquiry
"Warrior Women" makes visible the ongoing intergenerational narrative reverberations (Young, 2003; 2005) shaped through Canada's residential school era which denied the communal and cultural, economic, educational, human, familial, linguistic, and spiritual rights of Aboriginal people. Attending to these narrative reverberations foregrounded the continuing colonial barriers faced by six Aboriginal post secondary students as they composed their lives in a current era of increasing standardization in Canadian universities and schools. Yet, what also became visible were ways in which the Aboriginal teachers increasingly reclaimed or drew upon their ancestral ways of knowing and being.
Emerald Publishing Limited Consumer Culture Theory
The chapters in this volume are selected from the best papers presented at the 10th Annual Consumer Culture Theory Conference held at the University of Arkansas, USA in June 2015. The diverse interpretive research and theory represented in this volume provides the reader with intellectually stimulating opportunities to examine the intersections between a variety of topics that represent the cutting edge in consumer research. These studies draw on an array of qualitative methodologies and the substantive topics represent crucial issues for our times.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Library Administration and Organization
Volume 33 of Advances in Library Administration and Organization will look at different challenges library administrators encounter, review emerging trends and bring critical analysis to this area. The last volume edited by Delmus E. Williams, Janine Golden and Jennifer Sweeney brings together a range of diverse and reflective essays to provide strategies that will be of value in addressing challenges faced by current and future library managers. The first article of this volume looks at incorporating human resources development (HRD) into the strategic planning of libraries. Continuing on from this, Jon E. Cawthorne examines the ways research libraries can use new organizational models to support library services. A case study by Denise Kwan and Libi Shen recognizes skills identified in libraries as contributing to successful leadership. Next is a different kind of piece about efforts to link a library information course to a learning community with a focus on teaching English as a Second Language (ESL). Finally, architect Peter Gisolfi argues that library buildings will need to adapt as they transition to community information centers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Accountability and Social Accounting for Social and Non-profit Organizations
Traditional economic and accounting theories focus on investor - owned enterprise which deal with the production of goods and services to maximise its economic value for shareholders. This book offers an alternative perspective. It focusses on non-profit organisations that produce goods and services with the intention of maximising social value for the broader community. Traditional accounting theories face limitations when dealing with these organisations as their bottom line is not based on the traditional model. Nonetheless, such entities have to consider economic and financial equilibrium as a requirement for long-term survival. Accordingly, this book presents research addressing three main subjects: the limitations of conventional accounting for nonprofit organisations, the meaning of accountability in relation to their broad scope remit; and the potential of social and environmental accounting for contributing to the accountability of social and non-profit organizations. After a description of different types of NPO organization, the authors analyse the performance measurement adopted by NPOs and propose the development of broader and multidirectional accountability models.
Emerald Publishing Limited Tourism Research Frontiers: Beyond the Boundaries of Knowledge
This book recognizes that while tourism research has undoubtedly penetrated and gone beyond a number of knowledge frontiers, frontiers are never static, but are constantly shifting and changing form in the context of a dynamic environment. This book therefore is a much needed contribution which acknowledges the imperative for continuous innovation and renewal in tourism research if it is to remain relevant. In this regard the book contains original papers which span a number of creative topics and debates and which transcend existing frontiers of tourism knowledge, including popculture tourism, gospel festivals as heterotopia, tourism and elections, articulations of the concept of tourismization and tourism of spiritual growth and critical explorations of the tourism image of Switzerland as represented in right wing visual rhetoric. Importantly this original text also includes novel discussions of sustainability and destination evolution and network dynamics. The book concludes with reflections from the editors on additional frontiers of tourism research and knowledge still to be traversed.
Emerald Publishing Limited Comparative Science: Interdisciplinary Approaches
It is natural to compare. Comparison is fundamental to understanding - not only understanding what makes one phenomenon like another but also what makes many phenomena different from the others. This volume focuses on the distinctions, overlap and integration of comparative studies across disciplinary boundaries, broadly speaking.
Emerald Publishing Limited Motivational Interventions
Advances in Motivation and Achievement, as the premier series in its field, explores current issues at the cutting edge of motivational science and reflects the richness and variety that exists across achievement and motivation research today. It brings together researchers in motivation from around the world to address new directions in measures and methods for motivational research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Banking, Financial Markets and Crises
One of the most salient features of the 2007-9 global financial crisis was the role played by global banking and multinational banks in transmitting international financial shocks and maintaining credit stability in domestic and international financial markets. This edited volume on "Global Banking, Financial Markets and Crises" contains original papers that examine various issues concerning the changing role of global banks during crisis periods. The papers in this volume also address the impact of global financial crises on multinational banking, domestic and international financial markets, and emerging economies. Particular emphasis is given on the regional experiences of cross-border banking, domestic and global financial market integration, portfolio investment, cross asset market spillovers, cross country crisis contagion, monetary policy transmission mechanism, and the role of foreign banks during crisis periods compared to non-crisis periods in various advanced countries as well as emerging economies. This volume also presents various important policy implications and lessons from recent global financial crises.
Emerald Publishing Limited Evidence-Based Practices
This volume focuses on evidence-based practices (EBPs) , supported, sound research studies documenting their effectiveness with a target population. As such, EBPs have significant potential to improve the outcomes of learners with learning and behavioral disorders. However, a number of obstacles exist in identifying, conceptualizing, adopting, and maintaining EBPs that have prevented educators from realizing their potential benefits. The chapters in this volume address many of these issues, with the goal of improving stakeholders? Ability to identify and implement EBPs. Chapters discuss the following topics: appraising systematic evidence-based reviews, using single-subject research to identify EBPs, legal issues, implementation fidelity and EBPs, guidelines for implementing EBPs, obstacles to implementing EBPs, teacher preparation and EBPs, EBPs for learners with learning disabilities, EBPs for learners with behavioral disabilities, EBPs for learners with autism spectrum disorders, EBPs in early childhood special education, EBPs in special education in Australia.
Emerald Publishing Limited Warrior Women: Remaking Post-Secondary Places Through Relational Narrative Inquiry
"Warrior Women" makes visible the ongoing intergenerational narrative reverberations (Young, 2003; 2005) shaped through Canada's residential school era which denied the communal and cultural, economic, educational, human, familial, linguistic, and spiritual rights of Aboriginal people. Attending to these narrative reverberations foregrounded the continuing colonial barriers faced by six Aboriginal post secondary students as they composed their lives in a current era of increasing standardization in Canadian universities and schools. Yet, what also became visible were ways in which the Aboriginal teachers increasingly reclaimed or drew upon their ancestral ways of knowing and being.
Emerald Publishing Limited Applications of Management Science
Applications of Management Science is a blind refereed series, published annually. It presents state-of-the-art studies in the application of management science to solve significant managerial decision-making problems. Volume 15 examines management science application to data envelopment analysis and efficiency, supply chain and quality applications, and multi-criteria and financial applications. Section A focuses on DEA to team performance, public higher education systems, US airlines and Indian commercial banks. Section B focuses on cooperative public service advertising, supply chain strategies, optimal management of reverse supply chain and optimal response to multi-response models. Section C explores multi-criteria measures of public and private enterprises, two-dimensional warranty policy decision making, and creating teams. Section D focuses on financial applications, direct foreign investments, conditional values of risk in portfolio models, and asset allocations of mutual funds. This volume will be most valuable to practitioners and researchers interested in productivity analysis, supply chain systems, multi-criteria applications and financial applications.
Emerald Publishing Limited Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction
Communities are at the core of disaster risk reduction (DRR), and community based approaches are getting increasing focus in national DRR plans. In the case of past disasters, communities were always the first responders, and took leading roles in the post disaster recovery. The roles of communities in pre-disaster preparedness are also very important. This is the first comprehensive book available on CBDRR (community based disaster risk reduction) which outlines both research and practice, citing field examples and research results. It provides an overview of the subject and looks at the role of governments, NGOs, academics and corporate sectors in community based disaster risk reduction. It proceeds to examine experiences from Asian and African countries, and concludes by looking ahead to the future perspective of CBDRR.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Post Financial Crisis Challenges for Asian Industrialization
This volume features an in-depth analysis of the Asian financial crisis and its impacts on the economies of the region by thirty-five scholars and professionals working in the area. The volume contains a detailed analysis of the root causes of the crisis. Some of the authors pursue their analysis with a quantitative approach while others utilize a more qualitative approach. Attention is also directed to the impact of the crisis on international trade and finance. Much of the discussion of this topic focuses on the impact of the crisis on the structure and volume of trade, and on the rise in the number of trade disputes. The impact of these developments on intra- and inter-regional capital flows is also treated. The contribution of APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) is assessed. Likewise, the emergence of new trends in the shape of regional monetary policies is also given attention. A special feature of the volume is the assessment of the impact of these developments on China's economy, the inflation rate and its international financial posture. Finally, the effect of recent events on industrial organization particularly with regard to the chaebols in Korea and the keiretsu in Japan is discussed, along with an assessment of the prospects for successful reform of the East Asian system of conglomerates.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Organizational Change and Development
Part of a series presenting scholarly thinking about research and concepts related to the transformation of organizations. As in previous volumes in the series, contributors provide comprehensive literature reviews, methodological breakthroughs, and cutting edge theories. The papers presented in Volume 14 address practical, conceptual and methodological issues in the field of organizational change. They offer a categorization scheme for interventions; an analysis of the importance of different change drivers in complex interventions; a call for greater attention to structure-process dualities; suggestions for making change more lasting; a new approach to measuring organizational culture based on shared schema; a field study of organizational learning; and an alternative approach to measuring experienced change.
Emerald Publishing Limited Design, Engineering and Architecture, Volume 1
The main construction of HS2, Britain’s high-speed rail network, began in September 2020 when Main Works Civils Contractors moved from enabling works, scheme design and preparatory work to full construction of the railway. The low-carbon network will link London and the West Midlands and extend services to the North and Scotland, serving more than 25 stations. High-speed trains will reach speeds of 225mph and transform journey times. This volume of High Speed Two: Infrastructure Design and Construction from the HS2 Project, contains a collection of papers submitted to HS2 Ltd’s Technical Papers Competition. Contributions have come from consultants, contractors, suppliers and third-party stakeholders involved in developing the planned infrastructure of the HS2 project. As part of HS2’s Learning Legacy commitment, the organisation seeks to share its learnings and best practices with the rest of the industry throughout the project lifecycle. This volume offers high-quality papers on the best practice in planning, design, construction and management for large-scale railway infrastructure projects. For more papers from HS2 Ltd’s Technical Papers Competition, please see High Speed Two (HS2): Infrastructure Design and Construction (Volume 2), the companion to this volume.
Emerald Publishing Limited Additive Manufacturing for Construction
Additive Manufacturing for Construction reveals additive manufacturing technologies for building and construction applications. It introduces digital and multiuse technologies for civil applications and informs the reader of their design properties and uses. The book explores on-site and off-site construction techniques, and features design strategies in additive manufacturing which will eliminate production difficulties and minimise assembly costs, from both the academic and the industrial perspectives. The unique capabilities of additive manufacturing technologies for large-scale applications combined with 'design for manufacturing' strategies are shown, allowing the reader to understand efficient structural shapes and forms which can provide appropriate level of structural performance with reduced use of materials and resources. This book gathers knowledge of multidisciplinary investigations into one book to answer challenges and difficulties faced by the construction industry and includes: extrusion-based concrete additive manufacturing particle bed additive manufacturing shotcrete additive manufacturing wire-and-arc metal additive manufacturing simulation modelling of concrete 3D printing Additive Manufacturing for Construction is of interest to those in academia and industry including architects, civil engineers, material engineers, manufacturing and industrial engineers, mechatronic engineers and construction experts with an interest/professional requirement to know about large-scale additive manufacturing technologies.
Emerald Publishing Limited ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering Volume 1: Geotechnical engineering principles, problematic soils and site investigation
ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering, Second edition brings together an exceptional breadth of material to provide a definitive reference on geotechnical engineering solutions. Written and edited by leading specialists, revised and updated with the latest guidelines and references, each chapter provides best practice knowledge for civil and structural engineers in the field. It considers the higher importance attached to the effects of construction on the environment and society. Key features in this wide-ranging update include a comprehensive reference for the core geotechnical engineering principles, theoretical principles and practical techniques in geotechnical engineering, and uncertainties that may arise during the process of ground investigation. Topic-focused chapters cover problematic soils, foundations, earthworks and retaining structures, fundamental principles of site investigation, as well as design and construction processes. Volume I covers fundamental geotechnical principles and concepts, problematic soils and their issues and site investigation. This knowledge is extended to inform design, construction processes and verification in Volume II. Part of the ICE Manuals series, ICE Manual of Geotechnical Engineering, Second edition is an essential guide and invaluable reference for practising civil and structural engineers, engineering geologists, architects, designers, consultants and contractors.
Emerald Publishing Limited Appraisal and Repair of Existing Concrete Structures
Appraisal and Repair of Existing Concrete Structures is a practical guide for civil and structural engineers involved in the preservation, renovation and repair of concrete buildings and structures. Comprehensive in scope, the book contains detailed guidance on all stages of appraisal, including common issues that arise, and how to address gaps within current codes of practice. Coverage includes: a brief review of relevant codes of practice and safety factors for the design and construction of concrete structures changes in construction practice and technology stages of appraisal visual inspection how to develop testing plans for assessment of structural adequacy and durability assessment testing for in situ compressive strength full structural investigation for repair, strengthening and replacement durability assessment load testing assessment of fire-damaged concrete structures repair methods for different types of concrete damage and defects Written by an author with over 45 years’ experience in research and practice, Appraisal and Repair of Existing Concrete Structures contains essential knowledge required by practising civil and structural engineers as well as students studying structural appraisal.
Emerald Publishing Limited Empirical Design in Structural Engineering
Empirical Design in Structural Engineering explores the history, applicability and uses of empirical design. This book aims to show that empirical design is practised much more widely than is generally understood, that it can make a particularly valuable contribution to your structural engineering design, and that it can be found embedded within the procedures of rational engineering design. Through examples of practices from North America, Europe and Asia, the author investigates the capabilities of the key materials for structural engineering – steel, concrete, wood and masonry – and how they connect to engineering, especially the engineering of building structures. This book also considers the value of prior experience in determining the configuration and size of designed structures including bridges, buildings and other structures. With case studies that focus on historic structures, forensic engineering and reinforced concrete, this book explores: philosophical empiricism and rationalism; engineering empiricism and rationalism; empirical builders and their products; contemporary building codes; ethical issues in the application of empirical design; and contemporary uses of empirical design. This book will be of interest to any student or practising engineer interested in the role that empirical design can play in their project. It will have additional appeal to those interested in or engaged with architecture, construction management and buildings management..
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Engineering, Environment and Heritage, Volume 2
The main construction of HS2, Britain’s high-speed rail network, began in September 2020 when Main Works Civils Contractors moved from enabling works, scheme design and preparatory work to full construction of the railway. The low-carbon network will link London and the West Midlands and extend services to the North and Scotland, serving more than 25 stations. High-speed trains will reach speeds of 225mph and transform journey times. This volume of High Speed Two: Infrastructure Design and Construction from the HS2 Project, contains a collection of papers submitted to HS2 Ltd’s Technical Papers Competition. Contributions have come from consultants, contractors, suppliers and third-party stakeholders involved in developing the planned infrastructure of the HS2 project. As part of HS2’s Learning Legacy commitment, the organisation seeks to share its learnings and best practices with the rest of the industry throughout the project lifecycle. This volume offers high-quality papers on the best practice in planning, design, construction and management for large-scale railway infrastructure projects. For more papers from HS2 Ltd’s Technical Papers Competition, please see High Speed Two (HS2): Infrastructure Design and Construction (Volume 1), the companion to this volume.
Emerald Publishing Limited Fire Safety in Buildings: Questions and Answers
Fire Safety in Buildings: Questions and Answers is a concise practical handbook on fire safety legislation, duties and requirements, providing answers to common questions relating to a range of fire prevention, protection and management issues. For each topic area the book explains a range of key terms, gives answers frequently asked questions, and presents key legislative requirements and practical guidance for ensuring compliance. Chapters also include references to further sources of information, including relevant standards and guidance documents. Coverage in the book includes: a summary of fire safety legislation and enforcement, including changes introduced in the Fire Safety Act and Building Safety Act concise practical guidance on fire safety duties, including roles of CDM dutyholders key steps in fire risk assessment fire safety protection and management for a range of different types of building a practical approach to compliance with checklists, template forms, case studies and top tips. Fire Safety in Buildings: Questions and Answers is an essential practical reference suitable for a broad range of professionals who require a concise guide to fire safety legislation, including engineers, architects, project managers, site managers, company directors, and health and safety professionals.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Establishing a Procurement and Contract Strategy
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2017
Emerald Publishing Limited Thermal Insulation Materials for Building Applications
Modern day buildings are now expected to be low energy or near zero energy to reduce carbon emissions. A key step in making building low energy is to minimise heat transfer through the building fabric with insulation fabrics. However, how can a practitioner choose the most effective fabric for the job in hand? With so many thermal insulation materials on the market and each making claims associated with their performance, it is difficult for a specifier, contractor or an end user to select the insulation material most appropriate for a specific building project. Thermal Insulation Materials for Building Applications aims to address that problem. This book presents the variations, technical details and capabilities of state-of-the-art of thermal insulation materials for building applications. As a single source of information on all aspects of insulation materials, the reader can make an informed choice and select the necessary insulation accordingly. Thermal Insulation Materials for Building Applications includes discussions on various properties of thermal insulation materials such as thermal conductivity heat capacity moisture resistance moisture adsorption and absorption capacity role of thermal and hygric mass in dynamic hydrothermal boundary conditions sustainability with regards to insulation materials embodied and operational energy with regards to insulation materials bio-based and synthetic insulation materials durability of insulation materials acoustics and insulation materials and economics of insulation materials. It is an essential purchase for any practitioner looking to understand and select the right modern thermal insulation materials for their building project.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Engineering and Construction Contract Option C: target contract with activity schedule
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2017
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Term Service Subcontract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2046
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Professional Services Contract Guidance Notes and Flow Charts
These guide notes explain the structure of the Professional Services Contract and the reasons for its provisions. They explain the "shell" of the contact and the need to provide important additional information such as the scope. The main options, dispute resolution options and the secondary options are all explained together with basis of appointing a consultant. Explanatory notes are then provided on individual clauses and worked examples are provided of contract data. The second part of the book contains flow charts which set out the procedural logic of the 28 clauses that can be presented with benefit by flow charting. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited Bridge Deck Erection Equipment: A best practice guide
The bridge construction industry has moved with great speed towards mechanised construction solutions using specialised bridge deck erection equipment to shorten construction programmes and reduce costs. An increased level of knowledge related to these modern construction processes will ensure more efficient use of these methods, facilitate better decision-making processes and improve safety on site. In Bridge Deck Erection Equipment: A best practice guide, international experts provide the industry with best practice advice and guidance to building bridge decks economically, practically and, above all, safely. Written by members of the IABSE Working Group 6, this book includes material on all aspects of bridge deck design and construction including: detailed advice on matters affecting safety economic factors for producing best value for all parties involved sustainability and efficient use of equipment. technical aspects and the transfer of best practice knowledge interfaces between engineering of the permanent work and the equipment management and efficient control of the bridge-building process. This highly practical best practice guide will be of interest to all those involved in bridge construction, from bridge owners and contractors to designers, consultants and construction equipment suppliers. It will particularly appeal to those with management responsibility within their companies, while junior bridge engineers will find essential guidance for design and checking procedures.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Engineering and Construction Short Subcontract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2017
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Professional Services Contract Bundle: 6 book set
The Professional Services Contract is intended for use in the appointment of a supplier to provide professional services. It can be used for appointing project managers, supervisors, designers, consultants or other suppliers under NEC contracts and can also be used for appointing suppliers on non-NEC construction projects or for non-construction projects. This document contains the core clauses, the relevant main option clauses, the secondary option clauses and the contract data. The Guidance Notes explain the structure of the Professional Services Contract and the reasons for its provisions. They explain the "shell" of the contract and the need to provide important additional information such as the scope. The main options, dispute resolution options and the secondary options are all explained together with the basis of appointing a consultant. Explanatory notes on individual clauses and worked examples of contract data are also provided. The Flow Charts clearly set out the procedural logic of the 28 clauses. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.