Search results for ""emerald publishing limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Negotiation in Groups
Negotiation is a process that permeates our everyday lives. From international conflicts to corporate mergers, from labor contracts to distribution agreements, and from one-time job offers to the day-to-day of relationships, negotiation is one of the most common ways to reach agreement on disputed issues and resources. Though negotiation is challenging in the simplest of circumstances, a group context can make it even more complex: groups negotiating with other groups may argue among themselves; factions and coalitions may develop, leading to side deals or the obstruction of deals in progress; and, the interests and preferences of all parties become much harder to identify, much less satisfy. In this fourteenth volume of the "Research on Managing Groups and Teams" series, nine chapters examine the particular challenges, opportunities, and dynamics that confront groups engaged in negotiation. The volume will be of particular interest to readers and scholars from management, psychology, sociology, communications, law, political science, and public policy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Educating Educators with Social Media
Social media are increasingly popular platforms for collaboration and quick information sharing. This volume is a collection of reports on how these technologies are being used to educate educators with social media in creative and effective ways. Social networking technologies enable the integration of students and alumni in co-curricular activities in exciting and still evolving ways. The use of wikis, blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, text messaging, Flickr, Delicious, YouTube, Yahoo Pipes, Diigo, Second Life, Moodle, and other Web 2.0 technologies are shown in vivid examples and insightful critiques. The processes, design, delivery and evaluation of instruction using social media are examined in detail and include such topics as: the use of social media in developing countries for new approaches to teaching as support for individual and peer-based learning; new teaching orientations premised on social media such as focused distraction; enhancing in-class participation; how instructors are increasing the technical expertise that is needed by educators to develop their own 21st century curricula projects; and, creating an ecosystem for life-long learning through social media.
Emerald Publishing Limited Current Topics in Management
This fifth volume of "Current Topics" contains seventeen chapters divided into six sections. The editors contribute Chapters 1 and 17, and the remaining sixteen were selected from seventy-five competitive papers presented at the sixth annual International Conference on Advances in Management held at Baton Rouge, Lousiana, during July 1999. The major architecture for this book is divided into six sections. They are labelled: Organization Theory, Organizational Behavior, Trust, Morality, and Ethics, Organizational Development and Innovation, International Management, and Concluding Comments.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Trends in Educational Policy
This volume of "International Perspectives on Education and Society" highlights the valuable role that educational policy plays in the development of education and society around the world. The role of policy in the development of education is crucial. Much rests on the decisions, support, and most of all resources that policymakers can either give or withhold in any given situation. The eleven chapters in this volume present persuasive arguments that the internationalization of educational policy has a wide and irreversible effect on schooling and society around the world. Indeed, educational policy is intricately woven into the development of societies. Chapters range from empirical investigations of educational policies impact on national schooling trends to narrative histories of policy-important multilateral organizations and professional societies. In addition to the editors, the contributors include Sheng Y. Cheng, Holger Daun, Diane G. Gal, Stephen P. Heyneman, W. James Jacob, Nancy O. Kendall, Veronica Martini, Mary Ann Maslak, Diane B. Napier, Jordan Naidoo, and David N. Wilson.
Emerald Publishing Limited FIDIC 2017: A definitive guide to claims and disputes
FIDIC 2017: A definitive guide to claims and disputes is a practical legal guide for managing the procedures for claims and disputes within the 2017 FIDIC suite of contracts. It is the first book to present a comprehensive treatment of the multi-tiered dispute avoidance and resolution process within the 2017 FIDIC suite of contracts. Focused primarily on the 2017 Red, Yellow and Silver Forms, the book offers a step-by-step explanation of each stage of the process, with numerous flowcharts and diagrams to aid the understanding of more complex topic areas. Coverage in the book includes the distinct functions and powers of the Dispute Adjudication/Avoidance Board (DAAB) to avoid disputes techniques to achieve amicable resolution of claims and disputes full coverage of typical court enforcement powers and FIDIC’s preferred arbitral procedure the operation of FIDIC contract provisions under a variety of civil, common law and mixed legal systems, drawing on court decisions and arbitral awards worldwide. FIDIC 2017: A definitive guide to claims and disputes is an essential companion for professional users of the FIDIC books including engineers, surveyors, architects, consultants, and contractors, and it will also be a useful reference for legal professionals including lawyers, adjudicators and chartered arbitrators in this area.
Emerald Publishing Limited Conceptual Structural Design: Bridging the gap between architects and engineers
Conceptual Structural Design, Third edition addresses a topic that lies at the intersection of architecture and structural engineering. Within a building project, conceptual structural design, and how successfully it has been dealt with, impacts building performance as well as building appearance. Whilst engineers and architects are educated in different fields, the most rewarding projects are where their shared expertise can be utilised in full. This book illustrates how these two professions can be bridged. The first half of this book details the theory and investigates sources of inspiration for developing structural form. This includes what can be learnt from natural forms by using intuition; finding inspiration from precedents; applying understanding of structural principles; utilising physical models for design; as well as using new design tools, construction methods, emerging technology and materials to develop new structural forms. The second part presents real-life case studies showing projects in context and examples of best practice. Reflective of the changing times in which we live, Conceptual Structural Design demonstrates developments in digital tools that offer sharing possibilities and digital platforms for design, analysis and fabrication energy efficiency and effective resource utilisation to meet sustainability goals the latest developments in design tools, construction methods and materials architects’ experiences from real projects and how they collaborate with engineers from the early stages of design. This fully updated third edition of Conceptual Structural Design, addresses sustainable approaches and circular design. It also features additional online-only bonus material such as case studies about load-bearing glass structures and the Eden Project. The book is essential reading for architects and engineers, and for anyone interested in conceptual structural design.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Twins in the Built Environment: Fundamentals, principles and applications
Digital Twins in the Built Environment offers a new, comprehensive, systematic and clear view of digital twin development in the architecture, engineering, construction and facilities management sectors. It will help you to uncover the implementation and development of digital twins work and understand how to operate and maintain digital twin assets, buildings and cities. Using a structured approach, the book explains how to create and use digital twins effectively including principles, system architecture, data structure and creation methods for the five layers needed (data acquisition, data transmission, digital model, data/model integration, and services). This is underpinned with real life cases studies of digital twin implementation at asset, building and city levels, revealing every angle that a digital twin can take. This book will cover the definitions and principles of digital twins overviews of typical digital twin implementations system architecture of digital twins five layers of the developed architecture: data acquisition, transmission, digital modelling, data/model integration, and services extension with other technologies practical cases at asset, building and city levels. This book is an essential read for built environment professionals including asset owners, consultants, facility managers, contractors, designers, policymakers and researchers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Building Regulations, Codes and Standards: A guide for safe, sustainable and healthy development
Building Regulations, Codes and Standards is a practical guide to the requirements of the building regulations, explaining how to achieve compliance in order to secure safe, sustainable and healthy developments. Together, the book and supplementary digital checklists provide a practical resource for ensuring compliance across all technical areas, showing how requirements of safety, environmental performance and occupant wellbeing can become hand-in-hand considerations to be achieved as a coherent whole. Features include overview of basic definitions and requirements within the building regulations in England, including functional requirements and guidance contained in approved documents for domestic and commercial development supplementary digital checklists that provide a one stop aid to compliance with all technical requirements; coverage of changes to the building regulations introduced in 2022, including changes to Approved Document B as a result of the Hackitt Review comparison of building regulations and advanced codes and standards that are applied in Europe, North America, Australasia and Japan; overview of leading voluntary building rating schemes such as BREEAM New Construction, the Well Building Standard and Home Quality Mark blueprint for an internationally applicable regulatory framework as a means of tackling global challenges such as climate change, encompassing all relevant technical areas, design process considerations, and including digital tools that will make it easier to obtain, share, analyse and store data consistently from project to project. Building Regulations, Codes and Standards is an essential practical reference that is suitable for practitioners across a range of built environment disciplines, including engineers, architects, surveyors, building inspectors, and legal professionals, as well as researchers and students in this area.
Emerald Publishing Limited BIM for Project Managers: Digital Construction Management
BIM for Project Managers is a concise practical guide which shows how cutting-edge BIM related technologies can facilitate the successful management of construction and infrastructure projects. Focused specifically on core project management topic areas, the book shows how BIM can act as a catalyst for key project management functions in construction and lead to improved collaboration, communication and co-ordination. It also describes new skills and competencies which project managers need to acquire to work effectively on BIM projects, and important legal and contractual issues including dispute avoidance, copyright, liability and insurance. Covering the full project lifecycle from briefing, inception and pre-construction through to project closure or disposal, the book enables project managers to facilitate the use of BIM across the entire lifecycle. BIM for Project Managers is a core reference that empowers project managers to play a more proactive role in BIM implementation at both project and organisational levels. Students seeking to understand how to integrate the new technology and methodologies of BIM with established principles of planning and project management will also find this an indispensable reference.
Emerald Publishing Limited Port Designer's Handbook
Now in its fourth edition, Port Designer's Handbook is the definitive guide to the layout, design and construction of harbours and port structures. Fully in line with the latest PIANC recommendations, this book covers all aspects of port planning and design from the impact of natural conditions on harbours, to health and safety, and the maintenance and repair of port structures as well as channel and harbour basins. Particular attention is given to the impact from ships, including berthing requirements, ship dimension tables and container terminals. This fully revised edition has also seen the material updated to provide coverage of: new design and construction methods of the quay structures floating berth structures for large vessels detailed evaluation of the necessary mooring system evaluation of the bollard system and layout new design and evaluation of the fender system according to the new PIANC recommendation updating the design of the erosion problem in the front of the quay due to the ship propellers concrete in port structures With an intuitive layout where the reader can easily find information on practical construction methods, Carl A. Thoresen's guide is an essential purchase for all practicing port and harbour engineers, designers and contractors, as well as students new to this continually developing area.
Emerald Publishing Limited Nec/Nec4: Revised Box Set
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Preparing a Professional Service Short Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2029
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Managing a Supply Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2022
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Supply Short Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2043
Emerald Publishing Limited ICE Handbook of Concrete Durability, Second edition: A practical guide to the design of durable concrete structures
ICE Handbook of Concrete Durability, Second edition is a comprehensive practical reference for professionals involved in design and maintenance of concrete structures of all types. With contributions from a range of international experts, the book combines a thorough but accessible exposition of the principles of durable concrete design with a hands-on approach to its application in construction projects. The handbook helps readers to understand the likely causes of deterioration in concrete structures, facilitates the selection of appropriate materials, and supports the development of designs that minimise the risks arising from deterioration mechanisms. Extensively revised and updated throughout, this edition includes four new chapters, including chapters on non-destructive testing and structural health monitoring, and lessons learnt by expert witnesses involved in construction disputes, as well as new case studies of durability problems and solutions Coverage includes: physical and chemical deterioration mechanisms; durability of concretes made with Portland and non-Portland cement-based binders and recycled demolition aggregates; alternative materials to improve concrete durability; performance based specifications; modelling the effects of deterioration mechanisms; improving construction processes for better durability; and repair methods. ICE Handbook of Concrete Durability is an invaluable guide for construction professionals, including design engineers, consultants, and contractors, as well as postgraduate students on courses in concrete technology and the design of concrete structures.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Dispute Resolution Service Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2017
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Preparing a Design Build and Operate Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2027
Emerald Publishing Limited ICE Manual of Bridge Engineering
The ICE Manual of Bridge Engineering is the industry's leading guide to the engineering of all types of bridges. This book has been written by a team of leading experts and contains all of the key topics that any bridge engineer needs to refer to. All aspects from bridge design, materials and management of bridges to loadings, construction and accessories such as expansion joints, parapets and bearings are covered in this manual. Bridge inspections and economic and sustainable maintenance are also included. Fully updated to a third edition, this book features new chapters on bridge aesthetics and temporary works. It is aligned with the guidance given in the Eurocodes and will become your go-to authority on all aspects of bridge design, construction and management. The ICE Manual of Bridge Engineering will be of interest to all practitioners involved in any aspect of the analysis, design, construction, repair, inspection, maintenance, and refurbishment of bridges. It will also appeal to students at university or college, contractors, government agencies and research centres.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Term Service Contract (TSC)
The Term Service Contract is an entirely new NEC document and is intended to be used for the appointment of a supplier for a period of time to manage and provide a service. This document contains the core clauses, the three main option clauses, secondary option clauses and contract data forms. ENDORSEMENTS Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction. Facilities Management Board support for the NEC3 Term Service Contracts The Facilities Management Board of the Cabinet Office UK recognises that the NEC3 Term Services Contracts support good practice in FM Procurement in the public sector. BIFM supports the NEC3 Term Service Contracts
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Preparing and Managing a Framework Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2037
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Engineering and Construction Subcontract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2017
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Preparing a Term Service Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2032
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Professional Service Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2038
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Supply Contract Guidance Notes
The purpose of these guidance notes is to explain the background of the NEC3 Supply Contract, the reasons for its provisions and to provide clear yet comprehensive guidance on how to use it. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Supply Contract Bundle: 5 Book Set
Save £55 when buying this bundle! • NEC3 Supply Contract • NEC3 Supply Contract Guidance Notes • NEC3 Supply Contract Flow Charts • NEC3 Supply Short Contract • NEC3 Supply Short Contract Guidance Notes and Flow Charts The Supply Contract (SC) and Supply Short Contract (SSC) are the first set of standardised terms designed for complex (SC) and low risk/simple (SSC) purchasing of goods - designed around the same model as other NEC documents yet flexible enough to apply to any industry or supply situation. The NEC3 Supply Contract should be used for local and international procurement of high-value goods and related services including design. The NEC3 Supply Short Contract should be used for local and international procurement of goods under a single order or on a batch order basis and is for use with contracts which do not require sophisticated management techniques and impose only low risks on both the Purchaser and the Supplier Accompanying each document are comprehensive Guidance Notes, which provide commentary on the contract clauses, and Flow Charts which set out the procedural logic of the contracts. The 5 new documents are available in this special bundle for a discounted price. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract Bundle: 6 Book Set
Save 20% on the cost of purchasing these documents seperately. This special bundle contains everything needed to run a civil and building construction project. The Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC) is the main construction contract within the NEC3 family, from which the options A-F are extracted. It contains all core clauses and secondary option clauses, together with the schedules of cost components and forms for contract data. The NEC3 ECC Subcontract (ECS) is intended for use in appointing a subcontractor where the contractor has been appointed under the NEC3 Engineering and construction options, the available secondary options, schedules of cost components and contract data. Accompanying both documents are the ECC Guidance Notes and ECC Flow Charts, which include commentary notes on the clauses contained within the contracts, and also set out the procedural logic of the contracts. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Supply Contract Flow Charts
These flow charts depict the procudures followed when using the NEC3 Supply Contract (SC). They are intended to help people using the SC to see how the various SC core clauses and Options come together to produce clear and precise sequences of action for the people involved. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited Graphics for Urban Design
Producing a graphical representation of an urban design, town planning or regeneration project is an essential aspect of the design process. How do practitioners use these graphics to best effect and how are created most effectively? Graphics for Urban Design provides guidance on how to use graphic techniques to stimulate and communicate ideas through the urban design process. Now fully updated in this second edition, the book will showcase methods for producing hand-rendered and computer-generated visuals as well as delivering information on drawing maps, collecting data and understanding build perspectives. The book will reveal the whole process and contains chapters that cover: an overview on the history and evolution of urban graphics characteristics of images producing drawings graphics in the urban design process showing technical expertise how to produce outputs managing all aspects of production. Packed with case studies and examples of best practice, this practical, full colour guide will be an must-have purchase for students of graphic design as well as practitioners, commissioners, graphic designers, 3D artists, cartographers and project managers.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Term Service Bundle: 7 book set
Save £90 when buying this bundle! The Term Service Contract is intended to be used for the appointment of a supplier for a period of time to manage and provide a service. This document contains the core clauses, the three main option clauses, secondary option clauses and contract data forms. The Guidance Notes place the new Term Service Contract into context with the rest of the NEC suite of documents. They then set out the background to the contract, its provisions and guidance on when and how to use it. The procedure for setting up a contract is covered and explanations are given on the meanings of individual clauses. Worked examples are provided of contract data. Finally appendices cover the clause numbering system, sample form of tender, sample form of agreement, use as a subcontract, form of performance bond and price list. To enable users to understand the operation of the Term Service Contract, this book contains Flow Charts which set out the procedural logic of the 57 clauses that can be presented with benefit by flow charting. ENDORSEMENTS Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction. Facilities Management Board support for the NEC3 Term Service Contracts The Facilities Management Board of the Cabinet Office UK recognises that the NEC3 Term Services Contracts support good practice in FM Procurement in the public sector. BIFM supports the NEC3 Term Service Contracts
Emerald Publishing Limited How to use the PSC communication forms
This guide is written to show users how to complete the simple communication forms provided for the NEC3 Professional Services Contract (PSC). Clarity of communications, in a form that can be read, copied and recorded, should assist compliance with the contract and reduce misunderstandings and disputes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Core Principles of Soil Mechanics
Core Principles of Soil Mechanics is a practical guide to the key concepts and latest developments in the field of soil mechanics. It explores the physical properties of soils and the behaviour of soil masses subjected to loads, as well as soil phases, classification and characteristics, stresses and fluid flow, consolidation, compressibility and compaction, shear strength, lateral earth pressure, slope stability and bearing capacity. These core principles can be applied to soil-like materials, such as coal ashes and mine tailings, and are explored using real-life scenarios and worked examples. Produced by the Institution of Civil Engineers, ICE Textbooks offer clear, concise and practical information on the major principles of civil and structural engineering. They are an indispensable companion to undergraduate audiences, providing students with: A comprehensive introduction to core engineering subjects Real-life case studies and worked examples Practice questions, exercises and supplementary online solutions available at: Key learning aims, revision points and chapter summaries Further reading suggestions
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Professional Services Contract (PSC)
The Professional Services Contract is intended for use in the appointment of a supplier to provide professional services. It can be used for appointing project managers, supervisors, designers, consultants or other suppliers under NEC contracts and can also be used for appointing supliers on non-NEC construction projects or for non-constructionprojects. This document contains the core clauses, the relevant main option clauses, the secondary option clauses and the contract data. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited Stadium and Arena Design (Stadium Engineering)
Stadium and Arena Design recognises the importance of the multidisciplinary approach required to design, build and run modern, international stadiums. Bringing together a broad range of knowledge from specialists in each of the key areas of stadium and arena design, this book provides up-to-date, practical guidance for professionals in the field, researchers and students. Building on the success of the award-winning Stadium Engineering, this second edition has been fully updated for the contemporary demands of the sporting facilities industry. Stadium and Arena Design begins with a tour through the evolution of stadium design from the Eighth Century BC to present-day achievements in sporting arenas, including the Olympics and the FIFA World Cup. Coverage includes in-depth analysis and explanation of all aspects of design and construction, from site appraisal and material technologies to crowd circulation and signage. New and updated chapters to this edition include topics such as sustainable design, artificial and natural turf and retractable roofs. Stadium and Arena Design: provides expanded guidance and detailed, technical information on all aspects of the planning, design, operation and maintenance of stadiums offers a range of global case studies and good practice focusing on innovation and emerging technologies delivers a truly cross-disciplinary perspective and promotes a collaborative approach through the design and construction processes includes bibliographies and links to a wealth of additional information in this exciting field. With contributions from across the industry and a wide range of case studies including Wimbledon Centre Court, UK, Beijing Olympic Stadium, China and Hazza Bin Zayed Stadium, UAE, Stadium and Arena Design is an essential reference for all construction professionals and practitioners involved in the design, construction and evaluation of stadiums internationally.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Professional Stranger: An Informal Introduction to Ethnography
This new edition of a classic introductory text opens with an extensive chapter that brings ethnography up-to-date and aims it toward the next century. At a time when numerous disciplines, organizations, and communities are discovering ethnography, Agar shows how the fundamentals endure even as they adapt to a world unimagined when the research perspective developed more than 100 years ago. Contemporary discussions of ethnography are loaded with choices, primarily "either-or" options. Just as the first edition crossed the qualitative-quantitative divide, the new edition integrates classical scientific notions with new concepts such as narrative and interpretation. Agar updates the contrast between the researcher's apprenticeship to knowledgeable informants and the hypothesis-testing mode that still dominates social science, while demonstrating the complementarity of the two. Drawing extensively from his own research experience, he illustrates the stages of the ethnographic process from inception through the emergence of a focus, and toward a subsequent formalization of methods and analysis. In the process, he illustrates several approaches designed to reconcile the contradictory demands of the scientific process and human behavior. It analyses the changes in ethnographic studies during the last fifteen years. It outlines the conflict between science and interpretation. It presents the politics of ethnography, both personal and global. It describes the 'new' participant observation. It sheds light on ethno-logic. It includes methods for the non-positive.
Emerald Publishing Limited Travel Behaviour Research: The Leading Edge
Developments in methodology and applications in travel behaviour research continue to diversify to capture the growing complexity of human travel activity and coping strategies. The random utility theory (RUM) paradigm on which many econometric and empirical studies have been based since the mid-1970's has been challenged by the bounded utility maximisation or satisficing paradigm. More recently, the rules-based paradigm from psychology has attracted considerable interest and shows signs of offering a serious 'alternative' paradigm to RUM. This book highlights the competition between these ideas and shows how the rules-based paradigm has opened up opportunities to reflect the activity-based decision-making process. In six specially commissioned resource papers - including one by Nobel laureate Daniel McFadden - it describes the state of the art in travel behaviour research, from the fundamentals of data collection to the frontiers of e-commerce. The next 14 chapters then set out a series of research directions for ongoing inquiry. Thirty-three further chapters then offer detailed leading edge contributions within seven themes: methodological developments in choice analysis; longitudinal perspectives in choice modelling; incorporating schedules, uncertainty and reliability; challenges facing micro-simulation; integrated transport planning models; driver information and route choice; and data structures. Based on research presented at the Ninth International Conference of the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), this volume captures major developments in the field since the publication of the last IATBR volume in 1998, and will therefore be of value to all researchers and practitioners needing to keep abreast of current work on travel behaviour.
Emerald Publishing Limited Globalization, Changing Demographics, and Educational Challenges in East Asia
In recent decades, globalization and regional integration have brought significant economic and demographic changes in East Asia, including rising economic inequality, growing population movements within and across borders, and the emergence or renewed geopolitical significance of cultural and linguistic minority populations. These trends have coincided with significant changes in family formation, dissolution, and structures. How have these changes played out in the diverse educational systems of East Asia? In what innovative ways are East Asian governments addressing the new demographic realities of their student populations? This volume offers a snapshot of key educational stratification issues in East Asian nations, and their evolution in conjunction with changing student populations. Scholars of Japan, China, and Korea in this volume address issues ranging from curricular adaptations to globalization, to persisting and new forms of educational stratification, to new multiculturalism in educational policy. In addition, authors consider the ways that migration is shaping education in the city-states of Hong Kong and Singapore. Collectively, the pieces in this volume represent a first attempt to investigate national responses to critical regional trends.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Banking in the New Era: Post-Crisis Challenges and Opportunities
The deregulation of developed countries' financial markets, the reshaping of the traditional boundaries of commercial and investment banking activities, and the development of banking systems in emerging markets in recent times has seen an evolution of the roles performed by banks. This volume publishes original papers that examine the issues concerning challenges and opportunities for international banks in the rapidly changing global environment. It looks at financial markets and banking, examines the role of banks and lawyers in the global financial crisis, explores post-crisis financial regulation and highlights determinants of international banking. Truly international in coverage, specific articles focus on: bank fragility and the financial crisis with evidence from the U.S. dual banking system; Asia-Pacific perspectives on the financial crisis 2007-2009; bankers and scapegoats; lawyers and the meltdown; perspectives from the developing world on reforming international standards for bank capital requirements; Australian regulators and bank risk managers; the effects of underwriting practices on loan losses; and comparisons of banking efficiency in Europe.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Globalization Of Strategy Research
"This volume brings together various emerging perspectives in strategy research for further interaction and debate. Contributions address a range of issues related to the globalization of strategy research. Some chapters present perspectives that challenge the historically dominant North American tradition in strategy research, from both outside as well as within North America. Others examine the historical development of strategy research, viewed either as a convergent normal science process, or as a divergent process destined to generate disparate perspectives. Specific chapters include: Globalization or Colonization?; Building a Business on Ethnic Ties; Rhetorical History as a Source of Competitive Advantage; and Organizational Selection in Context. The volume examines strategy theory, methods and research, and strategy as practice, discourse and reflexive design. By creating a forum for discussing issues at the interface of emerging perspectives and long-standing traditions, this volume provides a compendium that contributes to cross-fertilization among them, as well as a catalyst for future research countering the separatist logic that threatens to partition the field".
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Military Sociology
This Book Set consists of:*9781848558908 - Advances in Military Sociology: Essays in Honor of Charles C. Moskos (Part A)*9781848558922 - Advances in Military Sociology: Essays in Honor of Charles C. Moskos (Part B)There could be no better homage to recently deceased sociologist Charles C. Moskos than dedicating to him this selection of the papers presented at RC01''s international conference in Seoul (July 2008). It offers an up-to-date view of the panorama of social studies on armed forces and conflict resolution in a context of fast-moving change that renders many preceding theoretical previsions obsolete. Just to cite two aspects of this change, one can point first of all to how the presented studies move beyond the very concept of globalization, after which the conference had been named. It in fact emerged with clarity that the new dimensions of the context in which militaries and military policy must move are those of a constant, diffuse interaction of the ''local'' and the ''glob
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations
"Advances in Accounting Education" is a referenced, academic research annual whose purpose is to help meet the needs of faculty members interested in ways to improve their classroom instruction. We publish thoughtful, well-developed articles that are readable, relevant and reliable. Articles may be either empirical or non-empirical. They emphasize pedagogy i.e. explaining how faculty members can improve their teaching methods or how accounting units can improve their curricula/programs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Documents from Glenn Johnson and F. Taylor Ostrander
Volume 27C of "Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology" consists of documents from Glenn Johnson and F. Taylor Ostrander. Part I includes: notes from lectures by James E. Meade on the linking of monetary theory with the pure theory of value (Oxford University, 1932-1933); notes from the Socialist Club at the Cafe Verique in Geneva (Summer 1931); correspondence between Frank H. Knight and F. Taylor Ostrander; index to the Treasury Department papers of F. Taylor Ostrander; and notes on the long and wide-ranging career of F. Taylor Ostrander. Part II presents Glenn Johnson's notes from courses at the University of Chicago (1946); notes from Lloyd Mints' course on money and banking, economics 330 (Fall 1946); incomplete course notes from Milton Friedman's price theory, economics 300B, University of Chicago (Spring 1947); and notes from seminars by John R. Hicks and Tjalling Koopmans, University of Chicago (October 1946).
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
This volume of "Studies in Law, Politics, and Society" contains a Special Issue on crime and criminal justice. It brings together the work of scholars whose work usefully illuminates central questions in about how we define and process those who violate the criminal law and about the technologies of policing and punishment. The articles published here exemplify the exciting and innovative work now being done in interdisciplinary legal scholarship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Early Warning and Quick Response: Accounting in the Twenty-First Century
This book contends that the current accounting model, which is used worldwide, and the current accounting standard setting process are seriously deficient. The book describes the deficiencies in an historical context and proposes two complete new models to correct the deficiencies. One is an accounting model called the 'wealth measurement early warning model'. The other is a standard setting process model called the 'quick response model'. The new models are revolutionary and controversial. They are revolutionary in the sense of imposing extensive changes on the accounting establishment, but also because they have three characteristics that are totally absent in the current system: they are simple to understand and apply; they are quick to answer questions about new situations; and, they are reflective of economic events as they occur.
Emerald Publishing Limited Abraham J. (Abe) Briloff: A Biography
"Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought" works to inform readers of the historical foundations on which the profession is based, the historical antecedents of today's accounting institutions, the historical impact of accounting, as well as exploring the lives and works of pre-eminent individuals in the profession's history. Recent volumes have addressed: the founders of accounting in mid-nineteenth century and the origins of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland; the life and work of accountant Stuart Chase (1888-1985), and his concerns about waste, conservation, social action, justice, ethics and fairness; and the evolving nature of accounting regulation, looking at the overwhelming number of systems and checks that practising accountants face in the wake of modern management fraud. The series is edited by Gary J. Previts, Past President of the American Accounting Association and Professor at Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, and Robert Bricker, Professor and Ernst & Young Faculty Fellow at Weatherhead, CWRU.
Emerald Publishing Limited MSU Contributions to International Business and Innovation
Volume 19 of "Advances in International Marketing" is quite unique. It features essays in marketing and international business, written by doctoral alumni of Michigan State University. Based on the 2008 symposium held at Michigan State University (MSU), the authors offer personal reflections of the contributions their mentors, peers, and the larger academic community have made to their professional development. These deliberations serve to illustrate how individual research streams, whose foundations were established during the doctoral program, took off and became primary areas of specialization for individual alumni. The collective contribution of MSU doctoral alumni to the fields of international business and innovation/new products is truly remarkable. Such high visibility of MSU alumni in the international business literature undoubtedly is a major reason why MSU continues to receive high marks and rankings in academic circles.
Emerald Publishing Limited Influence of funding on advances in librarianship
Throughout this volume, the influence of research funding on advances in libraries and librarianship is addressed from two perspectives: funding agents and specific initiatives. A collection of chapters concentrate on a number of questions: Do the agendas of those agencies and foundations that fund research in the profession shape the topics of sponsored inquiry and methodologies used to gather evidence for research that advances libraries and librarianship? What are the trends in the questions funded, in the areas of librarianship supported, and perhaps of greatest interest, in the impact funders have made on our understanding of libraries, librarianship, and solving problems that face them? The traditions of 'Advances in Librarianship' offer an appropriate forum to explore these questions through a collection of in depth reviews of the literature and practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Asian Economy and Asian Money
This is a new volume in the successful and long-running "CEA Series". The Asian Economy with one common Asian Money is a frontier topic of study in supranational macroeconomics. If the Europeanization of Europe has become a historic reality, the Asianization of Asia cannot be far behind. The paradigm of the European Union (EU) has become a learning model for other continents, especially Asia. In Asia, the process was initiated following the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98, when several newly industrialized Asian economies suffered negative rates of growth of gross domestic product (GDP).The three (Japan, China, and Korea) plus five (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines) came together to became the core members of a new regional group. Their annual meetings became an institutional feature of Asian economic cooperation and regional economic integration. In 2003, the group expanded to become the four (Japan, China, Korea, and India) plus 10 model (the original five plus Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Brunei Darussalam, and Viet Nam). The book examines the prospects of, the justification for, and the implications of the development of a common Asian currency.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corporate Governance in Less Developed and Emerging Economies
Research on accounting in LDCs argues that a well-developed corporate governance structure, including accounting infrastructure, would promote economic prosperity. Economic development requires a modern, transparent corporate governance infrastructure based on efficient capital markets. Over the past decade corporate governance reform has become an important global policy agenda driven by events such as the 1997 Asian financial crisis, major corporate scandals (such as Enron and WorldCom) and the globalisation of capital markets. In several less developed and emerging economies corporate governance reform is also driven by the adoption of international donor led economic reforms. This in particular has made corporate governance reform an essential element of the development agenda promoted by the World Bank. The papers in the volume have provided wide ranging empirical and theoretical issues that will have policy implications and also generate future academic debates. Overall, the volume advances debate on corporate governance, accountability and transparency in less developed and emerging economies. We believe the audience will find the papers interesting and insightful in terms of theoretical development, practices and policy implications.